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Trump - Clinton Timeline ... 9/11 Truth and Cover-up ...top ... Go to index ... End of Timeline

  • .....................................Timeline ....Intro ... Assuming 9/11 was executed by a cabal including US,Israel, Saudi Arabia & the UK, the Clinton adminstration was undoubtedly in the loop, given the makeup of his cabinet which included a substantial number of neocons and Israeli firsters. Hard evidence may be difficult to substantiate, but given the Clinton's long history of corruption a smoking gun does not need to be found.
  • 1600 BC Mosiask The Jewish Timeline ... and TheControversyofZion Introduction to the German translation of Douglas Reed’s book “The Controversy of Zion” By Jürgen Graf ... Bill and Hillary Clinton's lives were and are inextricably linked to Israel ... as all leaders of the U.S. have been over the last dozen decades.
  • 1227 AD RealNews247 Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe, but took his stepfather's name as a teenager. Clinton's ancestry can be traced back, on his mother's side, to King Henry III who ruled England from 1227 to 1272. He is descended from King Robert I of France. Furthermore, he is related to every Scottish monarch to the current British royal family. Clinton's royal roots include several medieval monarchs and Simon de Montfort, a statesman and soldier under King Henry III. Through de Montfort, Clinton is related to every ancient aristocratic family in Britain today. ... Bill Clinton's family goes back to William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison, making him related to Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. His kinship to Ford makes him 'near kin' to Richard Nixon and George Bush. Small world, isn't it?
Trump -Clinton Timeline Topic Index ... most topics have multiple entries, search page for remainder. ... top
  • 1780 Wikipedia Pale of Settlement The Pale of Settlement ... was a western region of Imperial Russia with varying borders that existed from 1791 to 1917, in which permanent residency by Jews was allowed and beyond which Jewish permanent residency was generally prohibited. However, Jews were excluded from residency in a number of cities within the Pale, and a limited number of categories of Jews—those ennobled, with university educations or at university, members of the most affluent of the merchant guilds and particular artisans, some military personnel and some services associated with them, as well as the families, and sometimes the servants of these—were allowed to live outside it. ... The Pale was first created by Catherine the Great in 1791, after several failed attempts by her predecessors, notably the Empress Elizabeth, to remove Jews from Russia entirely, ... for reasons of economics / nationalism ...
  • 1843 Christopher Bollyn To spread the Zionist ideology among the Jews of Eastern Europe they employed the secret Masonic organization of Jewish Zionists, the International Order of B'nai B'rith , which they had founded with fellow German Jews in New York in 1843.   Michael Chertoff, Lewis Eisenberg, Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, Rupert Murdoch, and every other Rothschild-funded criminal involved in the 9-11 terror atrocity and cover-up.  and ...  Chaim Weizmann (the Zionist leader). Dr. J. R. Hertz, (Chief Rabbi of England), Mrs. Neville Laski (President of the Jewish Board of Deputies), and Israel Moses Sietff (well known Zionist and communal worker.) ... and on Hilliary Clinton Della Murray Rosenberg, spoke Yiddish around the Rodham house when she was a girl. Texemarrs
  • 1848 Institute for Historical Review German anti-Semitism was marked by the participation of prominent intellectuals and artists, such as Richard Wagner. In Germany, Jews came to be viewed in a new light following the failure of the revolutions of 1848. The creation of the German Empire corresponded with a growing suspicion that Jews were "dual loyalists." The 1892 Tivoli Conference of the Conservative Party issued a platform that openly called for curbing "the ruinous Jewish influence."
  • 1860 Darkmoon ... By the 1860s a French visitor to Odessa wrote that Jews there were responsible for a white slavery market in Russian women to Turkey. This is feasible, especially since we know that Jewish brothel-keepers were already in place at the other end in Constantinople. The 1889 census shows that Jewish women ran 30 of 36 licensed brothels in Kherson province, where Odessa was located. In 1908 the American consul there claimed that the whole business of prostitution is almost exclusively in the hands of Jews. Jewesses were prominent in the practice of prostitution. Thus, of 5127 licensed prostitutes in 1889, 1122 or 22 per cent were Jewish. (See here; Note: 22% is significantly high, given that Jews constituted only 4% of the Ukrainian population..
  • 1865 Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Anthony Sutton History of Citi ... First National City Bank of New York ... SmokersHistory of Citi
  • 1868 AlphaHistory The push for German unification was another fertile ground for hateful anti-Semitism. During the mid-1800s there was no single German nation but a cluster of two dozen German-speaking kingdoms. Many nationalists wanted these kingdoms to unite to form a greater Germany, a nation that would rival the economic and military power of Britain, France and Russia. But the road to German unification was a difficult one, blocked by political obstacles and regional self-interest. Many who supported unification became frustrated by the lack of progress – and of course they blamed this on the region’s Jews. Anti-Semitic writers claimed the Jews feared a united Germany; they much preferred the status quo, with small, bickering kingdoms.
  • 1879 Aljazeera anti-Semites", a new label chosen by European anti-Jewish racists after its invention in 1879 by a minor Viennese journalist by the name of Wilhelm Marr, who issued a political programme titled The Victory of Judaism over Germanism. Marr was careful to decouple anti-Semitism from the history of Christian hatred of Jews on the basis of religion, emphasising, in line with Semitic philology and racial theories of the 19th century, that the distinction to be made between Jews and Aryans was strictly racial.
  • 1881 Institute for Historical Review It was the murder of Tsar Alexander II in 1881 that sparked off anti-Jewish riots in Russia. Thereafter, government authorities began to re-examine the role played by Jews and their relationship to the majority population. A memorandum prepared for the newly-crowned Tsar Alexander III by the future Interior Minister Nikolai Ignatyev (1832-1908) is excerpted by Almog: In Petersburg there exists a powerful group of Poles and Yids which holds in its hands direct control of banks, the stock exchange, the bar, a great part of the press, and other areas of public life. Through many legal and illegal ways it exerts and enormous influence over the bureaucracy and the general course of affairs. Parts of their group are implicated in the growing plunder of the exchange and in seditious activity ...
  • 1894 Marxist There are about eight million Jews scattered over the face of the earth, nearly seven-eighths of which inhabit Europe. Among these Jews figure the Bedouin Jews living on the confines of Sahara, the Daggatouns of the desert, the Fellahs of Abyssinia, the black Jews of India, the Mongoloid Jews of China, the Kalmuk and Tartar Jews of the Caucasus, the blond Jews of Bohemia and Germany, the brown Jews of Portugal, Southern France, Italy and the Orient, the dolichocephalous Jews, the brachycephalous and sub-brachycephalous Jews, all Jews, who, according to the section of their hair, the shape of their skull, the colour of their skin, could be classified, on the strength of the best principles of ethnology, into four or five different races, as we have just shown. ... Among the Jews who receive a Talmudic education, and this means the majority of the Jews in Russia, Poland, Galicia, Hungary, Bohemia and the Orient, the idea of nationality is still as alive at present as it had been during the Middle Ages. They still form a people apart, fixed, rigid, congealed by the scrupulously observed rites, by the unvarying customs and the manners; hostile to every innovation, to every change, rebelling against all attempted efforts to detalmudize him.
  • ISGP Master List of NGOs Supranational Societies global power structures history
  • 1900 ... top timeline
  • 1902 Wikipedia Rhodes Scholar (has very little to do with intelligence ... is a 1% elite finishing school for purveyors of globalist domination tactics/strategies) Known as the "world's oldest and most prestigious international graduate scholarship", 11] the Rhodes Scholarships are administered and awarded by the Rhodes Trust, which was established in 1902 under the terms and conditions of the will of Cecil John Rhodes, and funded by his estate under the administration of Nathan Rothschild.
  • 1903 AlphaHistory The Protocols of the Elders of Zion first appeared in print in 1903 and their content contributed to another wave of violent pogroms against Russian Jews. In the end, Nicholas’ poor judgement and irrational anti-Semitism cost him both the throne and his life.
  • 1910 top timeline
  • 1910 ModernHistoryProject The Round Table Society (1910- ) The Outer Circle was known as the 'Association of Helpers,' but was not implemented until 1909-1913, when Milner established it as the Round Table organization. Their goal was to eventually establish a one-world government, which would be controlled by the international banking community, under the cloak of Socialism. more
  • 1920 top timeline
  • 1924-5 Wikipedia Barmat Scandal ... The Barmat Scandal in 1924 and 1925 in Weimar Republic implicated the Social Democratic Party of Germany in Germany in charges of corruption, war profiteering, fraud, bribery, and financial misdeeds. The scandal provided right-wing political forces within Germany (including the young Nazi Party) with a basis with which to attack the Social Democrats and the republic itself. Antisemitism in connection with the scandal also featured prominently in Nazi propaganda, since the Barmat brothers were Jewish.[1] The scandal was used by the German right to foster the belief that wealthy Jewish families, in quasi-criminal operations found fertile ground in the Republic and easily exploited the Social Democrats to do their bidding..[2] The right-wing press was eager to use Barmat Scandal as a vehicle for antisemitism.
  • 1930 top timeline
  • 1930s Darkmoon.me Even after the Stalinist purges, organized Jewry remained entrenched in power in the Soviet Union. Jews continued to occupy all the most important posts in the Soviet government. And Stalin who was head honcho, though not a Jew nominally, was the ultimate Shabbat goy, a Jew in all but name or what some might wish to call a “spiritual Jew”. He married into a Jewish family, had Jewish mistresses and friends, and at every point in his career was surrounded by Jewish commissars. Lenin, who was partly Jewish, had always been his role model and chief ideological influence.
  • 1930 Occidental Observer Kevin McDonald ... A major part of the intellectual ammunition for this assault on the people and culture of the West derived originally from Erich Fromm whose association with the Frankfurt School dates from 1930. Fromm pioneered the idea of combining Marx with Freud and was responsible for the early development of the authoritarian personality concept. Fromm’s ideas are an excellent illustration of the ludicrous but deadly theories that resulted from this marriage of these two influential Jewish philosophers.
  • 1935 WMR Hillary attends Fellowship events annually ... The roots of the Fellowship go back to the 1930s and a Norwegian immigrant and Methodist minister named Abraham Vereide. According to Fellowship archives maintained at the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College in Illinois, Vereide, who immigrated from Norway in 1905, began an outreach ministry in Seattle in April 1935. But his religious outreach involved nothing more than pushing for an anti-Communist, anti-union, anti-Socialist, and pro-Nazi German political agenda. A loose organization and secrecy were paramount for Vereide. Fellowship archives state that Vereide wanted his movement to "carry out its objective through personal, trusting, informal, unpublicized contact between people." Vereide’s establishment of his Prayer Breakfast Movement for anti-Socialist and anti-International Workers of the World (IWW or "Wobblies") Seattle businessmen in 1935 coincided with the establishment of another pro-Nazi German organization in the United States, the German-American Bund. Vereide saw his prayer movement replacing labor unions.
  • 1937 Dilling, The Red Network I have movies of nude bathing in the river taken in the heart of Moscow, men and women together, with the Church of the Redeemer in the background. Beautiful St. Isaac's Cathedral in Leningrad, then an anti-religious museum, is now used as an atheist theatre as part of the new five-year plan to close all houses of worship by 1937 and to eradicate even the thought of God from the minds of the people by a militant anti-God campaign. ... products of Russian workers are dumped abroad to break the markets of capitalistic countries, to pay for some machinery which is rusted and unfit for use in a short time, and to pay for propagandizing Communist revolution throughout the world.
  • 1938 Institute for Historical Review ... Nationalism and Anti-Semitism highlights Polish attitudes toward their own Jewish "problem." Here, readers learn, quite likely for the first time, that anti-Jewish feelings perhaps ran stronger in Poland than in Nazi Germany. The author cites a 1938 British Foreign Office report on a meeting between the Director of the Central European Desk and the Polish Ambassador: Poland's Jewish problem was much more serious than Germany's. The Jewish population was proportionately much greater. The Germans were persecuting the Jews largely for reasons of doctrine; in Poland the problem was a very pressing economic one ... The [Polish Jews] would make good colonists in such a place as Northern Rhodesia, and would be anxious to emigrate at the rate of some 100,000 per year.
  • 1938 Radix Journal (denies 9/11 Truth and Holocaust Revisionism)...Carl Jung had made the claim that psychology needed rescuing from the Jewish influence and as the president of the International General Medical Society for Psychotherapy, headquartered in Zurich, quotas were put on Jewish membership and attendance to lectures. His defenders point to Jung’s assistance of some Jewish psychologists who fell into trouble during the early rise of the National Socialists. However, these instances seemed to occur well before 1938, when Jewish doctors lost the right to practice in Germany. ... That Freud set out to manipulate and use Jung from the beginning of their acquaintance is not a secret: “The fact that Jung was not Jewish was important to Freud, who placed him in what Sanford Drob calls an ‘unenviable position’ as Gentile guarantor that Freud’s work would not be dismissed as ‘a Jewish national affair.’ Jung was the son of a Protestant pastor. He represented credibility and acceptance for Freud, as he acknowledged in a letter to Karl Abraham as early as 1908:
  • 1938 Dilling, The Red Network COMMITTEES FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AGAINST NAZIISM National movement for boycotting Ger- many, supposedly because of its anti- Jewish activities, organized by Samuel Untermyer of N.Y. City. No one who treasures American freedom wants fascism or Hitlerism for America, but it is only fair to note that Germany had 6,000,000 Communists bent on Red terrorist revo- lution and that Russian Jews had made themselves prominent in the Red move- ment, and that Naziism has directed its attacks more against conspiring, revo- lutionary Communist Jews, than against nationalist German Jews who aided Ger- many during the war; if it has discrim- inated against the innocent also, it has been with no such ferocity and loss of life as the planned and imminent Communist revolution would have wreaked upon the German population, had it been successful
  • 1940 top timeline
  • 1940 WMR Another pro-Nazi Christian fundamentalist group (similar to The Fellowship) that arose in the pre-Second World War years was the Moral Rearmament Movement. Its leader was Frank Buchman, a Lutheran minister from Philadelphia. Buchman was a pacifist, but not just any pacifist. He and his colleagues in the United States, Britain, Norway, and South Africa reasoned that war could be avoided if the world would just accept the rise of Hitler and National Socialism and concentrate on stamping out Communism and Socialism. Buchman coordinated his activities with Vereide and his Prayer Breakfast Movement, which, by 1940, had spread its anti-left manifesto and agenda throughout the Pacific Northwest.
  • 1940 Wikipedia Walter Benjamin (1894-1940) Walter Bendix Schönflies Benjamin (Scribd, 'A Critical Life') was a German Jewish philosopher and cultural critic. An eclectic thinker, combining elements of German idealism, Romanticism, Western Marxism, and Jewish mysticism, ... Wikipedia Born: July 15, 1892, Berlin, Germany Died: September 26, 1940, Portbou, Spain Influenced: Jacques Derrida, Susan Buck-Morss, Hannah Arendt, More Influenced by: Theodor W. Adorno, Charles Baudelaire, Karl Marx, (Horkheimer)... An eclectic thinker, combining elements of German idealism, Romanticism, Western Marxism, and Jewish mysticism, Benjamin made enduring and influential contributions to aesthetic theory, literary criticism, and historical materialism. He was associated with the Frankfurt School, and also maintained formative friendships with thinkers such as playwright Bertolt Brecht and Kabbalah scholar Gershom Scholem. He was also related by law to German political theorist Hannah Arendt through her first marriage to his cousin, Günther Anders.
  • 1948 BushStole04 President Truman, a highest level Freemason, was forced to accept the dictates of a gang of Zionist Jewish Freemasons on crafting U.S. policy in the Middle East. What does this say about the real hierarchy of power among Freemasons? Truman, a Freemason since 1909, had established the Grandview Lodge No. 618 in Missouri and served as its first "Worshipful Master". In 1940, Brother Truman was elected the ninety-seventh Grand Master of Masons of Missouri. In 1945, President Truman was made a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, and Honorary Member at the Supreme Council of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite (A.A.S.R.) Southern Jurisdiction Headquarters in Washington D.C. The fact that Jewish Freemasons of the B'nai B'rith were able to meet secretly with the president in the Oval Office whenever they wanted and were able to direct the U.S. president, a highest level Mason, to follow their orders in shaping U.S. policy in the Middle East, shows the immense power this secret society of Zionist Jews has long had over the U.S. government and other Masonic orders. Barack Hussein Obama was cultivated as a politician in Chicago and made President of the United States by the power of the B'nai B'rith. It's high time for these secret societies to be removed from the corridors of power where U.S. policy is crafted.
  • 1950 top timeline
  • 1950sHenryMakow The Satanic Theology Behind Cultural Marxism January 30, 2016 benjamin.jpg (left, influential critic Walter Benjamin, 1892-1940) When I studied English Literature, I was mystified that it was stripped of its social and biographical context as if naked words had some occult meaning by themselves. "Critical Theory" (Jewish Satanism, Cabalism) has subverted ("deconstructed") modern Western culture and undermined language as a means of communication. Our education system quite literally inducts naive young people into a Masonic Jewish satanic cult. "In order to effect the destruction of all collective forces except ours we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism, the universities, by re-educating them in a new direction." Protocols of Zion, 16 CABALISM=JUDAISM=COMMUNISM=SATANISM Jews (and Freemasons) have a choice: Disown their organizations, or be blamed for what they are doing. The Demonic Theology behind Cultural Marxism, our education system ... in the early 1950s the Frankfurt School retured to Germany ...
  • 1950s Wikipedia Frankfurt School Theorists of the Frankfurt School Major works: Reason and Revolution,The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Eclipse of Reason, Escape from Freedom Minima Moralia Eros and Civilization One-Dimensional Man Negative Dialectics The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere The Theory of Communicative Action Notable theorists: Herbert Marcuse · Theodor Adorno Max Horkheimer · Walter Benjamin Erich Fromm · Friedrich Pollock Leo Löwenthal · Jürgen Habermas Alfred Schmidt · Axel Honneth Siegfried Kracauer Important concepts Critical theory · Dialectic · Praxis Psychoanalysis · Antipositivism Popular culture · Culture industry Advanced capitalism Privatism · Non-identity Communicative rationality Legitimation crisis ...Marxism schools of thought: Theoretical works, Concepts, Economics, Sociology, History, Practice, Schools of thought, Analytical Budapest School, Classical De Leonist, Frankfurt School, Freudian Instrumental, Left communist, Leninist, Libertarian, Feminist, Humanist, Neo-Marxism, Neue Marx-Lektüre, Open Orthodox, Post-Marxism, Praxis School Structural Western ... Socialism Portal: ... Communism Portal ... Philosophy Portal all pro-Jewish propaganda whitewashing the horrific criminal machinations against non-Jewish people ... Walter Benjamin A Critical Life Scribd
  • 1954 George Brock Chisholm, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California ... “To achieve world government, (NWO) it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” ~, 11 September 1954. ... was a Canadian First World War veteran, medical practitioner, the first Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), and the 13th Canadian Surgeon General. He was a strong advocate of religious tolerance ... was an Honorary President of the World Federalists of Canada, President of the World Federation of Mental Health (1957–58) and an Honorary Fellow of a number of prestigious medical associations. In 1959, the American Humanist Association ... expounded that children should not believe in religion or Santa Claus
  • 1960 top timeline
  • 1960 Telegraph.UK Hillary canvassed for Richard Nixon in his failed 1960 campaign against John Kennedy. Four years later, she volunteered for Barry Goldwater, the staunch conservative who won the Republican nomination, in 1964. Declaring herself a “Goldwater Girl”, Hillary wore a cowboy hat and a sash emblazoned with AuH20 (the chemical formula for gold and water).
  • 1960 Early sixties Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment ... There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the Radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. ... been active in several Patriot groups on a county and state level advocating our Nation's Constitutional founding. Armando has been studying Socialism, Communism and Globalization for a few years and is active at any given opportunity to speak on these subjects. He has recently been active in helping bring awareness on the issue of Cultural Marxism and how much of an impact it has had on American Society. ... they do not mention Jewish roots of Cultural Marxism
  • 1960s TheVillagesTeaParty .... Counter Culture ... The foundational ideology deeply embedded in Common Core, originate from the Frankfurt School. Many things going on in our culture today are not an accident, coincidence or a natural deviation. The Frankfurt School has brought to America what is called “Cultural Marxism. Armando is a current board member of the Volusia 912 Patriots, a member of the Spruce Creek Patriots and the Communications Chairman for the Volusia County Republican Executive Committee. He, along with his wife, are the producers of the Tales of WatervilleTM, wholesome animated shows for Children based on Christian values.
  • 1960 Voltairnet The neoconservative movement, which is generally perceived as a radical (rather than “conservative”) Republican right, is, in reality, an intellectual movement born in the late 1960s in the pages of the monthly magazine Commentary, a media arm of the American Jewish Committee, which had replaced the Contemporary Jewish Record in 1945. The Forward, the oldest American Jewish weekly, wrote in a January 6th, 2006 article signed Gal Beckerman: “If there is an intellectual movement in America to whose invention Jews can lay sole claim, neoconservatism is it. It’s a thought one imagines most American Jews, overwhelmingly liberal, will find horrifying. ...Just as we speak of the “Christian Right” as a political force in the United States, we could also therefore speak of the neoconservatives as representing the “Jewish Right”. ..includes the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. (Freidman: without them the Iraq war would not have happened”), and... the neoconservatives of the first generation mostly came from the left, even the extreme Trotskyist left for some such as Irving Kristol, one of the main editors of Commentary. During the late 1960s the Commentary editorial staff begins to break with the liberal, pacifist left, which they suddenly find decadent. Norman Podhoretz, editor of Commentary from 1960 until his retirement in 1995, was a militant anti-Vietnam dissenter until 1967, but then in the 70s became a fervent advocate of an increased defense budget, bringing the journal along in his wake. In the 1980s, he opposed the policy of détente in his book The Present Danger: in the 1990s, he calls for the invasion of Iraq, and then again in the early 2000s. In 2007, while his son John Podhoretz was taking over as editor of Commentary, he asserted once again the urgency of a U.S. military attack, this time against Iran. ... and they appear mostly non-religious. It is well-know that their major influence is the philosophy of Leo Stauss, so much so that they are sometimes referred to as “the straussians”; Norman Podhoretz and his son John, Irving Kristol and his son William, Donald Kagan and his son Robert, Paul Wolfowitz, Adam Shulsky, to name just a few, all expressed their debt to Strauss.
  • 1968 Telegraph.UK Hillary was still a Republican when she enrolled at Wellesley College, an elite women’s university outside Boston, and chaired the party’s campus group as well as being elected president of the student government. Yet her views were evolving as America was wracked by war in Vietnam and the struggle for civil rights at home. By 1968 Hillary had switched sides to support Eugene McCarthy, the liberal, anti-war Democrat.
  • 1969 Arkancide At Yale, Hillary helped edit the Yale Review of Law and Social Action – a left-wing journal which promoted cop-killing and featured cartoons of pig-faced police. (3) A series of hard-Left mentors introduced Hillary to the brass-knuckle realities of revolutionary activism. As a Wellesley undergraduate, she met and interviewed radical organizer Saul Alinsky, whose Machiavellian tactics she admired. Hillary's senior thesis supported Alinsky's call for class warfare. (4) At Yale, Hillary found a new Svengali in the form of left-wing law professor Thomas Emerson, known around campus as "Tommy the Commie." Emerson recruited Hillary and other students to help monitor the trial of the New Haven Nine for civil rights violations. Hillary took charge of the operation, scheduling the students in shifts, so that student monitors would always be present in the courtroom. She befriended and worked closely with Panther lawyer Charles Garry. (5)
  • 1970 top timeline
  • 1970s VHO Jewish cemetery desecration incidents (false flag anti-Semitism)-- highlighted in newspapers and magazines around the world -- served to discredit the West German Federal Republic, and to bolster the "progressive" and "anti-fascist" image of the East Berlin regime. Stasi agents continued their work into the 1970s and 1980s, Bonn government officials confirmed in 1991, infiltrating West German "neo-Nazi" groups and staging "right wing attacks." The head of the "Federal Office for Constitutional Protection," Eckert Werthebach, confirmed in April 1991 that East Berlin agents had helped organize "neo-Nazi" activities during the 1960s and 1970s. Several neo-Nazi activists, he confirmed, had actually been Stasi agents. This was a "perverse connection," he said, "but when it involved destabilizing the Federal Republic, any means were valid for the Stasi ."
  • 1972 LegalEd Hillary's work for the Panthers won her a summer internship at the Berkeley office of attorney Robert Treuhaft in 1972. A hardline Stalinist, Treuhaft had quit the Communist Party in 1958 only because it was losing members and no longer provided a good platform for his activism. (7) "Treuhaft is a man who dedicated his entire legal career to advancing the agenda of the Soviet Communist Party and the KGB," notes historian Stephen Schwartz. (8)
  • 1973 NFU/Rothschild Trilateral Commission, founded 1973 ... Clinton connections: CounterCurrents Trilaterial member James Johnson was on Obama’s vice presidential vetting team. He stepped down after questions surfaced about loans he received from Countrywide Financial Corp., a key player in the U.S. housing crisis. Other Obama North American Trilateral members in Obama’s inner circle include Brzezinski, former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright see Rothschild connection to Madeleine Albright, Michael Froman of Citigroup, and former Congressman Dick Gephardt, along with Dennis Ross, Middle East envoy for Clinton and the first President Bush, and James Steinberg (Preventive War, A Useful Tool). Additional Trilateral members of team Obama include Warren Christopher and Clinton National Security Advisor Anthony Lake. ... with the appointment of James Rodney Schlesinger,... a Trilateral approach is already underway .... SunTimes -Laura Jarrett married Tony Balkissoon wedding ... see attendees: Susan Sher, Dr. Barbara Bowman, Newton and Jo Minow, (Harvard Martha Minow), John Levi (Sidley partner that hired Obama), Martin Nesbitt (treasurer of Obama campaign); Eric and Cheryl Whitaker (Strategic Affiliations); Vernon and Ann Jordan (UofChicago trustee emeritus); John Rogers (Ariel Investments, grew up with Jarrett, see Desiree Rogers); Antoinette Cook Bush (a Jarrett cousin who is a partner at Skadden); Eric Holder & wife Sharon Malone (Jarrett friend & Michelle O.); Allison & Susan Davis (Davis's law firm); Dan and Fay Hartog Levin (Daley staffer, resigned from Ambassador to the Netherlands) LovetheTruth Peter Rupert Lord Carrington, who is the chairman of the Bilderbergers. has been the Rothschild’s director of their Rio Tinto Zinc Corp. He also is director of Barclay’s Bank and part of the Trilateral Commission member list
  • 1973 Wikipedia The US DoD's Office of Net Assessment (ONA) was created in 1973 by Richard Nixon to serve as the Pentagon's "internal think tank" that "looks 20 to 30 years into the military's future, often with the assistance of outside contractors, and produces reports on the results of its research".[1] The Director of Net Assessment is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense on net assessment. Harold Rhode worked in this office. ... Politico Much of the ONA’s work is handled by contractors, including big players such as Booz Allen Hamilton and Washington think tanks like CSBA ... Center for Strategic Budgets and Assessments... Harold Rhode was officially assigned to the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment. NFU AIPAC DoJ unclassified espionage file on Franklin murders ... an in-house Pentagon think tank headed by fellow neocon Andrew Marshall. Rhode helped Feith lay down the law about the department's new anti-Iraq, and broadly anti-Arab, orientation in 2001
  • 1974 Telegraph.UK As Bill mulled making a first run for Congress in 1974, Hillary moved to Washington as a Congressional staffer. She arrived at the height of the Watergate scandal and was soon involved in preparing impeachment proceedings against Richard Nixon
  • 1974 TruthorFiction Hillary Clinton’s former boss (Jerry Zeifman) says he fired her from an investigative position because she was a “liar” and “unethical” ... Claims that Hillary Clinton had been fired from the impeachment inquiry first went viral during her 2008 presidential bid. A column written by Dan Calabrese, the founder of Northstar Writers Group, appeared in countless forwarded emails, and the eRumor was born. The column was inspired by statements made by Jerry Zeifman, a Democrat who served as counsel and chief of staff for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation. Zeifman’s book, “Hillary’s Pursuit of Power,” and comments that he made on his website, which is no longer active, have been critical of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s actions during the Watergate investigation, and in the years that followed.
  • 1974 AIM Concerning Hillary's unethical behavior as reported by Jerry Zeifman ...Zeifman's diary entry: "After President Nixon’s resignation, a young lawyer, who shared an office with Hillary, confided in me that he was dismayed by her erroneous legal opinions and efforts to deny Nixon representation by counsel—as well as an unwillingness to investigate Nixon. In my diary of August 12, 1974 I noted the following: John Labovitz apologized to me for the fact that months ago he and Hillary had lied to me [to conceal rules changes and dilatory tactics]. Labovitz said, ‘That came from Yale.’ I said, ‘You mean Burke Marshall’ [Senator Ted Kennedy’s chief political strategist, with whom Hillary regularly consulted in violation of House rules.] Labovitz said, ‘Yes.’ His apology was significant to me, not because it was a revelation but because of his contrition. At that time Hillary Rodham was 27 years old. She had obtained a position on our committee staff through the political patronage of her former Yale law school professor Burke Marshall and Senator Ted Kennedy. Eventually, because of a number of her unethical practices I decided that I could not recommend her for any subsequent position of public or private trust."
  • 1974 WMR Rodham (Hillary) was accused of removing files on the 1970 impeachment attempt by the House Judiciary Committee of Associate U.S. Supreme Court Justice William. The files set a precedent on the ability of an impeachment subject to hire counsel to represent them in the House proceedings. Rodham (Hillary) removed the documents so they would not be available to House and Senate Watergate investigators who were being asked by the White House and congressional Republicans to allow Nixon to have counsel cross examine witnesses in the House impeachment hearings. It was agreed in 1970 that Douglas would have counsel present in the House proceedings to cross-examine witnesses but Rodham (Hillary) had no intention of affording that privilege to Nixon. Rodham's misdeeds were supported by her colleague Bernard Nussbaum, who later became her husband's White House counsel and helped cover up aspects of the alleged 1993 suicide of deputy White House counsel Vince Foster. 
  • 1974 WMR Although Mrs. Clinton once referred to Paul Fray, her husband's 1974 campaign manager for a congressional seat in Arkansas, as a "fucking Jew bastard," her loyalty to Israel and its right-wing government is rock solid. Mrs. Clinton was also known for having some choice words, some of them referring to religion, about her husband's White House aide Rahm Emanuel early on in the Clinton administration. It is well known that Mrs. Clinton wanted Emanuel, who once served in the Israel Defense Force and whose father served in an Israeli terrorist outfit fighting the British, fired from the White House staff. But Mrs. Clinton's anti-Semitic outbursts, similar to Nixon's, never shook her support for Israel.
  • 1976 Heddesheimer 1976- The influential Zionist leader Nahum Goldmann, co-founder and long-time head of the World Jewish Congress, publishes a book about Jews, The Jewish Paradox. In this book Goldmann candidly admits on pages 122 and 123 that years before the end of the second World War two influential co-conspiring Jews conceived the idea of a post-war Nuremberg show-tribunal and “German reparations” to be paid out to the Jews. Goldmann describes how he, and his fellow conniving Zionists at the World Jewish Congress, intended the reparations swindle to finance Jewish settlement in Palestine after the war.
  • 1980 top timeline
  • 1981 WMR As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, carried out a policy started in earnest during the Ronald Reagan administration and implemented by the Central Intelligence Agency and State Department Counselor Robert C. McFarlane in 1981 to overthrow Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi and bring about the fracture of the Libyan state. This plan is revealed in a November 17, 1981 memorandum written by McFarlane to a CIA official named "Chuck." The memo was discovered in the CIA's archives. McFarlane would later become National Security Adviser under Reagan and become immersed in the Iran-contra scandal. The memo discusses several policy options brought to McFarlane's attention by Henry Schuler, who is described as a "former foreign service officer now in business." In fact, Schuler, who had been assigned as a U.S. diplomat in Libya prior to the 1969 Libyan coup, served as the W. R. Grace and Company representative in Libya during the coup, had been a naval intelligence officer in North Africa in the 1950s, was the director for Energy Planning and Development for Deloitte Haskins and Sells in Washington, DC. He was also the former representative for Hunt Oil Company in Libya after Qaddafi's coup. Schuler's background appears to have been the perfect resume for a CIA officer and his easy entry into McFarlane's office at State would suggest that the Libya expert was no mere ex-diplomat and businessman.
  • 1982 NFU 9/11, JFK & Holocaust interactive spreadsheet ...Marc Rich (Clinton pardon) was charged in 1982 with the largest tax-evasion scheme in U.S. history, having evaded more than $48 million in income taxes. ... Rich also violated the Trading with the Enemy Act by conducting business with Iran, during hostage crisis. In 1983, Rich fled to Switzerland, beame an Israeli citizen, Barak and Olmert urged pardon.
  • 1982 YouTube Back to the Future predicts 9/11 and JFK assassination
  • 1988 PressTV “The type of nuclear devices used on 911 were a modified version of the W-54 nuclear artillery shells covertly provided to the Israelis between 1988 ... during the Bush/Clinton era. Chemical analysis done by DOE Sandia was able to identify the chemical/radiation footprint or fingerprint of the warheads based on samples taken after 9/11 of the fallout at ground zero.” see NFU 9/11, JFK & Holocaust interactive spreadsheet Multiple modified W-54 fission devices may have been used on WTC on 9/11 ... nanothermite does not have sufficient detonation velocity to reduce a 400,000 skyscraper into dust ... only a nuclear weapon can do this. The weapons used were smuggled out of the US to Israel during the Clinton adminstration... Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth talk abundantly about nanothermite, but never mention how it was placed in the WTC, who placed or its specific origin.
  • Wasserstein & Perella  Both Rahm Emanuel 1 Wikipedia 1 and  Vernon Jordan Wikipedia were employed by Asserting.    See Bruce Asserting (Winkled)
  • 1986 GlobalResearch A war on Libya has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for more than 20 years. Using nukes against Libya was first envisaged in 1996. On April 14th 1986, Ronald Reagan ordered a series of bombings directed against Libya under “Operation El Dorado Canyon”, in reprisal for an alleged Libya sponsored terrorist bombing of a Berlin discotheque. The pretext was fabricated. During these air raids, which were condemned by both France and Italy, Qadhafi’s residence was bombed killing his younger daughter. Barely acknowledged by the Western media, a planned attack on Libya using nuclear weapons, had been contemplated by the Clinton Administration in 1996, at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. ... Military documents distinguish between the Nuclear Earth Penetrator (NEP) and the “mini-nuke”, which are nuclear weapons with a yield of less than 10 kilotons (two-thirds of a Hiroshima bomb). The NEP can have a yield of up to a 1000 kilotons, or seventy times a Hiroshima bomb.
  • 1990 top timeline
  • 1990s WMR "For political observers who see a symbiosis between the Houses of Bush and Clinton, for example, then-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton's support for covert and illegal Reagan-Bush arms shipments through his state to Central American right-wing rebels in the 1990s, Clinton's acquiescence of George H. W. Bush's dispatch of US troops to Somalia during the 1992 and 1993 lame duck status of Bush, and George W. Bush's continued support for Clinton's 'Balkanization' of the Balkans, the impending declaration of independence of the majority Albanian province of Kosovo from Serbia could hand a future Hillary Clinton administration another U.S. quagmire in southeastern Europe."
  • 1990 WideAwakeGentile In 1990 Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Russia's most notorious anti Semite or plant?), along with Vladimir Bogachev, took initiatives which led to the founding of the Liberal Democratic Party, the second registered party in the Soviet Union and therefore the first officially sanctioned opposition party. The Liberal-Democratic Party remained an important force in Russian politics. At the height of its fortunes, the LDPR gathered 23% of the vote in the 1993 Duma elections and achieved a broad representation throughout the country – the LDPR being the top vote-getter in 64 out of 87 regions. ... Zhirovsky’s LDPR seems to have secured 3rd place in the 2016 Duma Elections deeply cutting into the Communist Party 17 % vote share His “Nationalist Party” is just another in a long list of European Nationalist Parties lead by Crypto Jews or following Jew friendly policies Zhirinovsky and his Jewish fake Nationalism have put paid to any chance of the real (Jew Lite ) Communist Party lead by “Christian Communist” Gennady Zyuganov who has said Christ was the first Communist.
  • 1990s Wikipedia Common Core the "Standards & Accountability Movement" began in the U.S. as states began writing standards (a) outlining what students were expected to know and to be able to do at each grade level, and (b) implementing assessments designed to measure whether students were meeting the standards.[2] As part of this education reform movement, the nation's governors and corporate leaders founded Achieve, Inc. in 1996 as a bipartisan organization to raise academic standards and graduation requirements, improve assessments, and strengthen accountability in all 50 states.[3] The initial motivation for the development of the Common Core State Standards was part of the American Diploma Project (ADP).
  • 1990 911Truth Amid the euphoria over Obama’s election and the end of the Bush era, it is critical to recall what 1990s U.S. foreign policy actually looked like. Bill Clinton’s boiled down to a one-two punch from the hidden hand of the free market, backed up by the iron fist of U.S. militarism. Clinton took office and almost immediately bombed Iraq (ostensibly in retaliation for an alleged plot by Saddam Hussein to assassinate former President George H.W. Bush). He presided over a ruthless regime of economic sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and under the guise of the so-called No-Fly Zones in northern and southern Iraq, authorized the longest sustained U.S. bombing campaign since Vietnam.
  • 1991 Vernon Jordanfg  ...   Since January 2000, Jordan has been Senior Managing Director with Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, an investment banking firm. He is also a member of the board of directors of multiple corporations, including American ExpressJ.C. Penney Corporation, Xerox, and  Dow Jones & Company.  He took Bill Clinton in 1991 to the Bilderberg conference in Germany...  violation of Logan act?
  • 1991 PressTV / WMR President Bill Clinton’s first CIA director was lawyer James Woolsey, a Henry “Scoop” Jackson Democrat who had no prior intelligence experience. “Scoop Jackson Democrats,” including Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby were the core of the neo-conservative cabal that emerged inside the George W. Bush administration.  Like Hugel, Woolsey also had close connections with Israeli agents and lobbyists. Woolsey was forced to resign after the exposure of Aldrich Ames, a high-level Soviet agent in the top echelon of the CIA. After he left the CIA, Woolsey became active with the neo-con Project for the New American Century (PNAC), Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, and Center for Security Policy. He became an adviser to John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign against Obama.
  • 1991 State of the Nation It appears that Dyncorp broke the original investigation on this.  Dyncorp was the accountant for roughly $2.7 trillion missing 1991-2001.  Also missing in 1996 or 1997; $60 billion missing out of HUD.  Dyncorp appears to be the accounting division of the US government these days. Formerly under Clinton, Dyncorp was involved with wars in Bosnia / Serbia; also involved with trafficking children.  Dyncorp may go back to daddy and Israelis.  If you work as a military contractor, you work with Booz Allen and Dyncorp fairly extensively.  Israeli company that manufactured the jammers recovered on 9/11 is a working partner, equity partner with Gordon’s firm; they own stock!
  • 1991 Darkmoon.me Stalin’s Jewish brother-in-law moreover, Lazar Kaganovich, remained Stalin’s constant advisor, confidante and close friend. And Kaganovich was the greatest mass murderer of them all, reportedly claiming responsibility for the death of 20 million people. Funnily enough, Kaganovich was to outlive all the other Bolshevik killers, dying only in 1991—whereas Stalin met his Maker in March 1953 after one of his closest buddies, probably Comrade Beria, slipped some rat poison into his wine.
  • 1991 Bilderberg US attendees: Paul Allaire (CEO Xerox, CFR), George Ball (Lehman Brothrs, CFR), Robert Bartley (Editor-Wall St. Journal, CFR), Robert Blackwill (Professor-Harvard, CFR), Michael J. Boskin (Presidents Economic Advisor), Nicholas Brady (Secretary of Treasury), John Chafee (Senator-Rhode Island, CFR, TC), Bill Clinton (Governor-Arkansas, CFR, TC), Charles Dalara (Assistant Sec. of International Affairs), Kenneth Dam (IBM, CFR), Diane Feinstein (Ex-Mayor-San. Francisco, TC), Catharine Graham (CEO-Washington Post, IA, CFR, TC), Maurice R. Greenberg (CEO-AIG Insurance, CFR, TC), J. Bennett Johnston (Senator-Lousianna), Vernon Jordan (Attorney, CFR, TC), Henry Kissinger (CEO-Kissinger Associates, CFR, TC, KGB), Charles Mathais (Attorney, Ex-Senator, CFR), Jack Matlock (Ambassador-USSR, CFR), Charles Muller (Murden & Co., Friends of Bilderberg Inc.), William Quand (Brookings Institute, NBC News, CFR) John S. Reed (CEO-Citicorp Bank, CFR), Rozanne Ridgeway (Pres.-Atlantic Council, CFR, TC), David Rockefeller (CEO-Chase Manhattan Bank, CFR, TC), John Shad (Philanthropist) Thomas Sions Jr. (Ambassador-Poland), Alice Victor (Rockefeller's Secretary), John Whitehead (Ex-Depty Sec. of State, CFR), Brayton Wilbur Jr. (CEO-Wilbur-Ellis Co., CFR), Douglas Wilder (Governor-Virginia), Lynn Williams (Pres-United Steelworkers Union), Grant Winthrop (Attorney), James Wolfensohn (Pres., James Wolfensohn Inc., CFR), Robert Zoellick (State Dept. Economic Advisor)  and from Britain: Gordon Brown (Opposition MP - Parliament), Lawrence Freedman (Professor), Christopher Kegg, Andrew Knight (Editor - News International), Lord Roll of Ipsden (Conservative Politician, Warburg Banker), Patrick Wright (Head of Diplomatic Service) 
  • 1992 top timeline
  • 1992 Telegraph.UK Her time in the public spotlight in Arkansas was little preparation for the intensity of Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential bid. The young candidate was waylaid by allegations of an extramarital affair and Hillary repeatedly stood in front of the cameras to defend her husband.
  • 1992 Wikipedia Third Way ... The Progressive Policy Institute was founded as a branch of the Democratic Leadership Council in 1989. When Bill Clinton, the DLC's former Chairman, made up his mind to run for the presidency in 1992, the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) spotted the right candidate to promote its neoliberal mission. ... The PPI research demands a new progressive politics for the United States while modeling its marketing strategy similar to the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute.
  • 1992 ConsortiumNews ..In 1992, just after BCCI had been shut down in a global sweep, the Afghan-Soviet war finally came to an end.... most of its major players were allowed to walk away without being held accountable, due to the fact that BCCI was deeply entwined within the upper echelons of U.S. intelligence. Elements of BCCI would then evolve into al Qaeda, as the Washington Post revealed in 2002: “William F. Wechsler, who monitored bin Laden’s finances at the National Security Council during the last two years of the Clinton administration, told Congress in September that bin Laden initially rose to prominence for building ‘a financial architecture that supported the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan against the Russians.’ “‘It’s this financial architecture that continued with him when he turned to terrorism, and it’s this financial architecture that is at the heart of how al Qaeda today gets its finances,’ he said. “Much of that architecture, ... is modeled on the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)…. In the 1980s it was used to launder drug money, harbor terrorist funds and buy illegal weapons. Its collapse in 1991 was a major global financial scandal. “The CIA used BCCI to funnel millions of dollars to the fighters battling the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Bin Laden had accounts in the bank, U.S. officials said….
  • 1992 Deep Politics of Regime Removal-Larry Chin NFU page The Bush administration's National Security Decision Directives (exposed in an LA Times investigation in 1992), as well as records detailing the Bush-Saddam relationships through the notorious BCCI and Banco Nacional del Lavoro (BNL), offer clear evidence that Saddam Hussein's government was explicitly and knowingly armed and financed by the US and personally involved with Bush. After the Gulf War, in the guise of a "Kurd safe haven", the CIA created a protectorate and base for covert activities designed to destabilize the Iraqi regime, while allowing the suppression of Kurds and Muslims to continue simultaneously. Under George H.W. Bush, the CIA reportedly spent $20 million in anti-Saddam propaganda, and at least $11 million in aid to a number of Iraqi and Kurd opposition groups. As Al-Kurdi points out : "It was clear from the beginning that the "safe haven" was an operation to provide "cover" for CIA operations against Iraq and Turkish crackdowns on Kurds---not "comfort", as its official designation implied. A state of dependence was reinforced in which the 'providers' could keep their Kurdish puppets on short strings." sd ... Clinton continued the Bush 41 policies in the Middle East.
  • 1993 top timeline
  • 1993 Wikipedia Serving as Secretary of State from January 20, 1993 until January 17, 1997, Christopher's main goals were expanding NATO, establishing peace between Israel and its neighbors, and using economic pressure to force China's hand on human rights practices. The major events transpiring during his tenure included the Oslo Accords, the Dayton Agreement, normalization of United States–Vietnam relations, the Rwandan Genocide, Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti, and the Khobar Towers bombing.
  • 1993 Wikipedia John David Podesta (born January 8, 1949) is the Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Podesta previously served as Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton and Counselor to President Barack Obama. He is the former president and now Chair and Counselor of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a liberal think tank in Washington, D.C., and is also a Visiting Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center. He was a co-chairman of the Obama-Biden Transition Project.
  • 1993 PressTV “The type of nuclear devices used on 911 were a modified version of the W-54 nuclear artillery shells covertly provided to the Israelis between 1988 ... during the Bush/Clinton era. Chemical analysis done by DOE Sandia was able to identify the chemical/radiation footprint or fingerprint of the warheads based on samples taken after 9/11 of the fallout at ground zero.”
  • 1993 WMR In 1993, Bill Clinton appointed the very anti-Clinton Louis Freeh as FBI director. Freeh and Hanssen were both members of Opus Dei and their wives and children were friends. Freeh, according to the senior FBI source, was forced to resign as FBI director in June 2001, some four months after Hanssen's arrest for espionage in February. Hanssen's arrest came just a few weeks after George W. Bush's inauguration as President. Freeh was suspected, according to the FBI source, of covering up for his friend Hanssen's espionage and other questionable activities. ... through Mossad moles within Opus Dei, Hanssen's espionage activities came to the attention of the Israelis who reportedly blackmailed him into also spying for Israel. Hanssen reportedly first came to the attention of Mossad and Emanuel after a February 23, 1993, incident involving Hanssen and an FBI counter-intelligence subordinate named Kimberly Lichtenberg. Just a little over a month after Clinton's inauguration and after a heated argument between Hanssen and Lichtenberg, Hanssen physically assaulted the female agent. WMR has learned that Hanssen made anti-Semitic remarks after the incident, remarks that eventually came to the attention of Emanuel and others at the White House.
  • 1993 History Commons US Begins Regularly Conducting Renditions ... the official purpose of which is to bring suspected foreign criminals to justice. Suspects detained abroad are “rendered” to courts in the United States or other countries. In some cases they are transferred to countries with poor human rights records and tortured. Some are convicted, even put to death, without a fair trial.
  • 1993 MotherJones Through all of her years in Washington, Hillary Clinton has been an active participant in conservative Bible study and prayer circles that are part of a secretive Capitol Hill group known as the Fellowship. Her collaborations with right-wingers such as Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) and former Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) grow in part from that connection. "A lot of evangelicals would see that as just cynical exploitation," says the Reverend Rob Schenck, a former leader of the militant anti-abortion group Operation Rescue who now ministers to decision makers in Washington. "I don't....there is a real good that is infected in people when they are around Jesus talk, and open Bibles, and prayer." and Wikipedia Hillary Clinton described meeting the leader of the Fellowship in 1993: "Doug Coe, the longtime National Prayer Breakfast organizer, is a unique presence in Washington: a genuinely loving spiritual mentor and guide to anyone, regardless of party or faith, who wants to deepen his or her relationship to God." and WMR While the Hillary Clinton campaign has reveled in the faked controversy over Barack Obama's former Marine Corps preacher, Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, it is not so happy that the meain stream media is now concentrating on Hillary Clinton's long-time ties to the shadowy "Fellowship" in Arlington, Virginia run by Adolf Hitler admirer Douglas Coe. The Fellowship or "the Family" and Hillary Clinton's ties to it were highlighted in a lengthy article written three years ago by this editor: "Christian Mafia." ... The Fellowship,a promoter of fascist causes and regimes around the world, was previously exposed by an article in Harper's but now it has gained the attention of the Huffington Post.
  • 1993 -Skolnick Report The Joseph Andreuccetti Affair involved 58.4 million dollars of federal funds parked with Household Bank and Household International. $50,000,000 of those funds vanished and turned up in Little Rock, Arkansas, as part of the Clinton family's attempts to cover up the embezzlement of $47,000,000. Congressman Dan Burton commented on this vanishing money, which Clinton hid using dope $$$ laundries. This story was covered up by the media.
  • 1993 911Research Schoenman correctly identifies the support provided by the Clinton Administration to the al Qaeda network at a time when Al Qaeda, and more specifically Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman was being accused of masterminding the 1993 WTC bombing.
  • 1994 top timeline
  • 1994 VoltaireNet NAFTA/TPP ... NAFTA-related job loss is not a question of productivity, currency manipulation, “fair trade,” environmental standards, etc. While these issues are not trivial, free trade – as Lincoln’s advisor Henry C. Carey proved – is a matter of simple accounting. Can an American family survive on $4,160/year ($2/hr)? If not, cars and their components will be built in Mexico. If we want cars built in the United States, the only solution is a general tariff (import tax) reflecting the difference between those wage standards, like the very tariffs repealed by Bill Clinton. ... Don’t expect Hillary to behave differently with the coming “Trans-Pacific Partnership,” which seeks to replace an ascendant China with less-developed Vietnam and Malaysia. Vietnam would overtake India-allied Bangladesh in the global apparel trade, and Malaysia has a high-tech manufacturing sector poised to rival China’s. With America’s manufacturing economy in shambles, the Hillary Clinton machine can now be redirected to geopolitical maneuvers. Continue reading Not the Lesser of Two Evils: Why Hillary Clinton Is Unfit for the Presidency.
  • 1994 AlanPetersonNewsBriefs  ...Research into all the aliases of the Stanley Ann Dunham name and fraudulent money laundering schemes.  ... this globalist micro-finance scheme (including the Clinton's) using the old Muslim money system of hawala with modern credit card laundering, including ATM transfers with the direct quid pro quo involving non profits and the indirect infiltration of funds via some very connected Muslim billionaires, topped off with the public airwaves as a public paid for propaganda ministry, has deep ties between the Indonesian and certain US banking systems over the course of several decades. search terms include: Standard Oil, Kelly A. Dunham, Madelyn L. Dunham, Shippleck, Sandra Dunham, Stephen, Scott, real-estate scams, Dunham Enterprises, Sutoro, Soetoro, Go to Thomas Ayers section ss  Dunham Obama Timeline
  • 1994 NFU 9/11, JFK & Holocaust interactive spreadsheet Marc Rich, (was born in 1934 to a Jewish family in Antwerp), Belgium ... has close ties to the Sharon government and Israeli intelligence … Rich had made substantial donations to Israeli charitable foundations over the years, and many senior Israeli officials, such as Shimon Peres and Ehud Olmert, and Bill and Hillary Clinton, Scooter Libby was his attorney ... see nuclear smuggling
  • 1994 Nov Wikipedia Harold Rhode was a subject of a probe conducted by the Senate Intelligence Committee for a U.S. government-authorized meeting he and Larry Franklin had in Rome in late 2001 with Manucher Ghorbanifar, who was part of the Iran-Contra scandal. ... Between 1991 and 1994 Harold Rhode served on the US Department of Defense’s Policy Planning Staff. While in this position he wrote strategy papers on Middle Eastern and Central Asian topics. From 1994 until 2010 Harold Rhode worked as an adviser on Islamic Affairs in the Office of Net Assessment, an in-house think tank for the Pentagon. Wikipedia fails to mention that he worked with Douglas Feith and Michael Rubin in the Office of Special Plans (OSP)
  • 1995 StoryLeaks World trade center destroyed by nuclear weapons. Documents in hand prove source of materials for these weapons. Able Danger investigation proved that the FBI was complicit in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Mossad Agent Monica Lewinsky was set up to get Clinton to stop investigating the Oklahoma City nuclear event. 40:01 Real Able Danger established after Oklahoma City bombing, to investigate a group that included a rogue organization within the CIA, Israeli, and Saudi Intelligence. Able Danger pre-report lists CIA [part of Able Danger investigation], The Mossad, and Saudi Intelligence, were operating in the USA as terror cells who called themselves by a code name = Al Qaeda Able Danger investigated theft of nuclear material, and the Dept of Energy, stating a high-ranking individual within US Energy Dept, perhaps the Director himself, was an Israeli agent who made available to Viktor Bout, and those working with him, could have been a brother of President George Bush, and the Prime Minister of Israel, and the Prime Minister of South Africa at that time, were all directly involved.
  • 1996 top timeline
  • 1996 TruthOut Clinton's 1996 omnibus anti-terror legislation, the pricetag for which stood at $1.097 billion. The following is a partial list of the initiatives offered by the Clinton anti-terrorism bill: Screen Checked Baggage: $91.1 million Screen Carry-On Baggage: $37.8 million Passenger Profiling: $10 million Screener Training: $5.3 million Screen Passengers (portals) and Document Scanners: $1 million Deploying Existing Technology to Inspect International Air Cargo: $31.4 million Provide Additional Air/Counterterrorism Security: $26.6 million Explosives Detection Training: $1.8 million Augment FAA Security Research: $20 million Customs Service: Explosives and Radiation Detection Equipment at Ports: $2.2 million Anti-Terrorism Assistance to Foreign Governments: $2 million Capacity to Collect and Assemble Explosives Data: $2.1 million
  • 1996 State of the Nation It appears that Dyncorp broke the original investigation on this.  Dyncorp was the accountant for roughly $2.7 trillion missing 1991-2001.  Also missing in 1996 or 1997; $60 billion missing out of HUD.  Dyncorp appears to be the accounting division of the US government these days. Formerly under Clinton, Dyncorp was involved with wars in Bosnia / Serbia; also involved with trafficking children.  Dyncorp may go back to daddy and Israelis.  If you work as a military contractor, you work with Booz Allen and Dyncorp fairly extensively.  Israeli company that manufactured the jammers recovered on 9/11 is a working partner, equity partner with Gordon’s firm; they own stock!
  • 1996 WSJ She’s (Hillary) a Clinton: There is no Bill Clinton 2.0 when it comes to caring about Israel. Sure, he was frustrated with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996 (and exclaimed in exasperation, after their first meeting that July, “Who’s the [expletive] superpower here?”) But Bill Clinton also reached two agreements with Mr. Netanyahu. The president’s bond with the idea of Israel was deep and emotive, which helped him make some allowances for Israeli behavior. Mrs. Clinton is cut from the same mold. (Hillary)She first visited Israel in 1981 and understands the country and Israelis. I saw that firsthand while accompanying her to Leah Rabin’s funeral in 2000. It was clear that she had the same affection and feelings for the Rabins that her husband had.
  • 1996 May DissidentVoice Madeleine Albright is infamous for her reply to the question posed by 60 Minutes’ Lesley Stahl about the sanctions against Iraq in May 1996. “We have heard that a half million children have died,” stated Stahl. “I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?” “I think this is a very hard choice,” replied Albright, “but the price–we think the price is worth it.”
  • 1996 JeworNotJew Is Monica Lewinsky Jewish ... yes So she shared a few cigars with Clinton. That, we can live with. But setting back feminism and Judaism 40 years at the same time? and for the real story on Monica Lewinsky see WMR ... "WMR has learned that Hanssen also spied for Mossad at the same time he was spying for the Russians and that this information was known to Emanuel. WMR has learned that the FBI established that there was a relationship between Hanssen, a Chicago native whose father was a Chicago police officer, and Emanuel, also a native of Chicago. The Mossad decided to 'trade out' Hanssen to the FBI's counter-intelligence division in order to keep the bureau pre-occupied trying to ferret out a mole within their own ranks and take the heat off Emanuel and the Clinton White House over the knowledge that Israeli intelligence had penetrated White House communications and this fact was related by Clinton to White House intern Monica Lewinsky during a phone conversation. Hanssen was convicted of espionage after he was pressured into not going ahead with a jury trial. Hanssen was warned that his wife would be denied his FBI pension if he insisted on a full jury trial. He is serving a life sentence in solitary confinement at the Federal Supermax Prison in Colorado."
  • 1996 PressTV / WMR John Deutch, a Brussels, Belgium-born Russian Jew, whose background was chemistry and physics, succeeded Woolsey as director. It was discovered that Deutch’s unclassified laptop computers contained classified information. However, in what was a worse potential security compromise, classified computers that Deutch took home with him from work were used to access pornographic websites. Security officers were concerned that “cookie” programs used by X-rated websites may have had access to and downloaded classified information from Deutch’s laptop. Amid the security flap, Deutch suddenly resigned on December 15, 1996. Clinton pardoned Deutch of any wrongdoing on January 20, 2001 and a Justice Department investigation by Attorney General Janet Reno was put on ice.
  • Jewish Media Control
  • 1996 Wikipedia The Telecommunications Act of 1996 ... signed by Clinton... this provision as "blatantly unconstitutional" and noted that the balance of the Act would "shape our future" by eliminating "barriers between the industry's segments, e.g., local and long-distance services, broadcast and cable television, etc." The now-defunct Kill Your Television website that advocated people turn off their television sets, had a criticism of the law as well. They wrote: "thanks to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the business is about to get bigger...Mergers, takeovers and acquisitions are becoming the norm in the television industry. The new law has stripped down the television ownership rules so much, that big media players will can be more aggressive in buying out smaller stations. ... "Today, seven Jewish Americans run the vast majority of US television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals: 1. Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner 2. Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company 3. Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd Edgar M. Bronfman, Sr. "Creating a Renaissance in Jewish Life" http://www.archive.org/stream/DasMedienmonopol/DasMedienmonopol_djvu.txt 4.Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios 5. Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc 6. Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric 7. Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited Those seven Jewish men (above) collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.
  • 1997IAmTheWitness An Army mechanical engineer, Ashkenazi Jew, David A. Tenenbaum, "inadvertently," gives classified military information on missile systems and armored vehicles to Israeli officials (New York Times, 20 February 1997). The Washington Post reports US intelligence has intercepted a conversation in which two Israeli officials had discussed the possibility of getting a confidential letter that then-Secretary of State Warren Christopher had written to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.  One of the Israelis, identified only as, “Dov,” had commented that they may get the letter from, “Mega,” the code name for Israel’s top agent inside the United States.   US ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk, complains privately to the Israeli government about heavy-handed surveillance by Israeli intelligence agents.  Israeli agents place a tap on Ashkenazi Jew and daughter of a Rabbi, Monica Lewinsky’s, phone at the Watergate and record phone sex sessions between her and President Bill Clinton. The Ken Starr report confirms that Clinton warned Lewinsky their conversations were being taped and ended the affair. Interestingly, at the same time, the FBI’s hunt for, "Mega," is called off. On 29 October Edmond de Rothschild dies in Geneva. Interestingly on the exact same day Anton Szandor LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan also dies, who in his book, "Satan Speaks," he states in relation to The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, "The first time I read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, my instinctive reaction was, So what's wrong with THAT? Isn't that the way any master plan should work? Doesn't the public deserve - nay, demand - such despotism?" Kofi Annan becomes Secretary General to the United Nations. He is married to Nane Lagergren, a Rothschild, who he wed in 1984. 1998: The European Central Bank is set up in Frankfurt, the city from which the Rothschilds originate.
  • 1997 DavidIcke forum hillary This photo was taken in front of the White House Christmas tree with Hillary and Clinton campaign donor Jorge Cabreras. Jorge is a convicted drug smuggler and friend of Fidel Castro. According to the New York Times, April 4, 1997, Jorge was solicited for his donation by a Democratic operative in the lobby of a hotel in Havana! The $20,000 check to the Clinton campaign came from an account linked to cocaine money. At the time the above photo was taken, Jorge had two felony convictions, but the Secret Service cleared him to enter the White House anyway.
  • 1997 Wikipedia The Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum North, Sudan, was constructed between 1992 and 1996 .... It was the largest pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum and employed over 300 workers, producing medicine both for human and veterinary use. The factory was destroyed in 1998 by a missile attack launched by the United States government (Clinton adminstration), killing one employee and wounding eleven. Critics of the attack have estimated that up to tens of thousands of Sudanese civilians died throughout Sudan as the supply of necessary drugs was cut off.[3] The U.S. government stated several reasons for its attack: ... and WMR Clinton's Al-shifa attack was trumped up ... set back for several years Sudan’s ability to make aspirins, laxatives, and veterinarian medicines. ...
  • 1997 Wikipedia Samuel "Sandy" Berger, Jewish, was the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (aka "National Security Advisor") to President Bill Clinton, from 1997 to 2001. He was also one of the prominent actors of the Camp David 2000 Summit. From 1993 to 1997, Berger served as the deputy to his predecessor, Anthony Lake. In April 2005, Berger pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material from the National Archives in Washington.(see AmericanThinker describing documents ... mostly about Millenium / LA bombing and terror threats...presumably?)... Berger served as a foreign policy adviser to Senator Hillary Clinton in her 2008 presidential campaign. Before joining the Clinton administration, Berger had worked as an international trade attorney; currently, he is chairman of Albright Stonebridge Group and chairman of the board of D.B. Zwirn Global Advisory Board ... At Cornell, Berger was a member of the Quill and Dagger society with Paul Wolfowitz and Stephen Hadley. ... While there, he met Bill Clinton, forming a friendship that would last for decades. Berger later urged Clinton to run for president ... "Sandy Berger", Nancy Pelosi said in 1997, "was the point-man at... Hogan & Hartson... for the trade office of the Chinese government. He was a lawyer-lobbyist ... Berger served as Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to Governor Clinton during the campaign, and as Assistant Transition Director for National Security of the 1992 Clinton-Gore Transition. During Clinton's first term of office (1993–1997), Berger served as deputy national security advisor, under Anthony Lake in the National Security Council staff. In Clinton's second term of office, Berger succeeded Lake as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1997 to 2001. In this position, he helped to formulate the foreign policy of the Clinton Administration. During this time he advised the President regarding the Khobar Towers bombing, Operation Desert Fox, the NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia, responses to the terrorist bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the administration's policy of engagement with the People's Republic of China.[9] ... In 1999, Berger was criticized for failing to promptly inform President Clinton of his knowledge that the People's Republic of China had managed to acquire the designs of a number of U.S. nuclear warheads. Berger was originally briefed of the espionage by the Department of Energy (DOE) in April 1996, but did not inform the president until July 1997.
  • preknowledge

     Clinton's cabinet ... preknowledge / planning of 9/11   Top

    9/11 9/11 funding Rothschild North America Obama / Romney B'nai Brith  Rahm Emanuel BCCI Bain Hitler Soros The British Chatham / Aspen
    • Wikipedia 9/11 polls  ...54% of the world's population don't believe al Queda was responsible for 9/11.

    • Begin by connecting Kroll Associates to Jerome Hauer and the  WTC security)  to Global Technology Partners to Rothschild North America.1 1 William Perry, Senior Partner Global  ... Technology Partners  and Gerald Rosenfeld, CEO... see PRNewsWire press release and William Perry was awarded the Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.  He was intimately involved the the US government in the run-up to 9/11 see Tony Blair1... sexed up evidence to invade Iraq.  Global Technology Partners is an exclusive agent or Rothschild North America PRNewsWire.1 Ashton Carter, Secretary of Defense nominee, partner - Global Technology Partners.... Rothschild ...
    •  (Wikipedia)  see Biblioteca Pleyades  Maurice Greenberg bought Kroll Associates Wikipedia.   
    • 1 Trilateral Commission Vernon Jordan Mormons were Freemasons NATO Privitization Le Cercle Safra Bank, Magnitzky 1 chart
    • 1988 IAmTheWitness From 1988 to 1995, Maurice Greenberg (Wikipedia) was a director of the New York Federal Reserve bank ­ this is the main bank through which Federal Reserve chiefs and the Bank of England (Rothschild) (Wikipedia) execute their U.S. political-economic policy. Greenberg was deputy chairman of the New York Fed in 1992 and 1993, and New York Fed chairman in 1994 and 1995. During 1996, while Greenberg was deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), he chaired the CFR task force on intelligence, which published "Making Intelligence Smarter: The future of U.S. Intelligence." Kroll Associates, a security consultant firm, which was renamed to Kroll Inc. in August 2001, started in New York City in 1972. In December 1997, Kroll merged with armored car manufacturer O'Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt to form The Kroll-O'Gara Company.  O'Gara is responsible for the security of all US-Presidents since 1945. In 1993, Maurice Greenberg's American International Group (AIG), became co-owner of the "private spy agency", Kroll Associates, as a result of rescuing Kroll from bankruptcy with a cash infusion. Kroll was notorious during the 1980s as the "CIA of Wall Street" due to the prevalence of former CIA, FBI, Scotland Yard, British secret service and British Special Air Service men Kroll employed for corporate espionage in takeover bids, as well as for destabilization of foreign nations. Greenberg has used his connections to covert intelligence, supranational institutions, private bankers and speculators, and his huge global cash inflow, to shape a unique personal empire. Since 1997, Frank G. Wisner, Jr., has been a board member of Kroll , and is currently Greenberg's Deputy Chairman for External Affairs. Wisner's father was a founder of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, who killed himself over the scandal from his being duped by British-Soviet master spy Kim Philby. Frank Wisner, Jr., is a director of the George Bush-linked energy giant Enron (a client for whom AIG negotiated payments from Peru over nationalization of Enron 1 operations).  see DemocraticUnderground 
    • Go to Rothschild / GTP info  and go to  Vernon Jordan 1 / Lazard / Gerald Rosenfeld    9/11
    • 1997 InformationUnderground Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and maintenance of the State of Israel.  In 1918, when Hadassah opened its first hospital on Jerusalem's Rehov Ha'nevi'im, the Street of the Prophets – a gift of the Rothschild family – Dr. Kagan became Head of Pediatrics.  Jerome Hauer was also the guy chosen to run Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management( OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He is the key individual that pushed for this office to be placed in Silverstein's building 7.  link Building 7 to Blackstone 1 to Rothschild.  Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was hired as head of security at the WTC by Jerome Hauer. Amazingly, O'neil was killed on his FIRST day of work -- 9/11.
    • 1997 HistoryCommons John Deutch  November 1997-August 1998: Future 9/11 Commission Staff Attend Terrorism Study Group; Predict Consequences of ‘Catastrophic Terrorism A National Policy’  Although the United States still takes conventional terrorism seriously… it is not yet prepared for the new threat of catastrophic terrorism.” They predict the consequences of such an event: “An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people and/or disrupted the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be a watershed event in America’s history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for peacetime and undermine Americans’ ... Wikipedia  Deutch was born in Brussels, Belgium, the son of Rachel Felicia (Fischer) and Michael Joseph Deutch. 3] He is of Russian Jewish heritage, Michael Deutch. 
    • 1997 Zelikow (Wikipedia) had written about how a “catastrophic terrorism” event could constitute a momentous, history-shaping milestone: “An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people… would be a watershed event in America’s history.… Like Pearl Harbor.  RealJewNews Zelikow  Zelikow & Rice are together again when Zelikow is Director of the Aspen Strategy Group, a Zionist foreign-policy strategy “think tank.” Rice, along with Dick Cheney & Paul Wolfowitz, are also members.  see William Perry (Global Technology Partners) as exclusive agent to Rothschild North America and subsequent ties to Aspen Strategy Group.  and see Redacted News Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD: Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman Sachs…Connects to 911 False Flag.   and HouroftheTime CIA's role in 9/11 Attack  ...   and see the TheFreeLibrary GTP ..Zelikow, all dual Israel US citizens.  Aspen Strategy Group Jewish think tank, David Koch is member of Board of Trustees. and Michael Eisner.  Atlantic Council 1 Wikipedia
    • 1999 Ashton Carter (Wikipedia) ... principle in Global Technology Partners an affiliate of Rothschild North America.  Ashton Carter, MIT professor Ashton Carter co authored paper Catastrophic Terrorism A National Policy with Zelikow and Deutch (GTP) senior partner at Global Technology Partners an affiliate of Rothschild North America (SourceWatch)   and Dr Carter served as a member of the Defense Science Board from 1991–1993 and 1997–2001, the Defense Policy Board from 1997–2001
    • 2001 9/11 WhoDidIt  Before 9-11 John Deutch (Wikipedia), former Undersecretary of War, director of CIA; co-authored paper, "Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy" (Harvard) with Zelikow, senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America; MIT professor; grandson of Yonah Fischer, Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium (Jewish Agency)  Aliyah, The Israel Experience, Zionist Education, Hebrew Education, Israel Advocacy, Shaping Israel, Cultural Nationalism  WhoDidIt
    • 2001 Academy of Diplomacy Mr. Helmut Sonnenfeldt is a trustee emeritus of the Johns Hopkins University and has also been a member of the Advisory Council of that institution’s School of Advanced International Studies. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (New York), and other professional associations. He is a director of the Atlantic Council of the U.S., the World Affairs Council of Washington, D.C. and the American Institute of Contemporary German Studies. He has been on the Board of Visitors of the National Defense University and was a Bates Scholar at the Naval War College. He served on the Council and Executive Committee of the International Institute of Strategic Studies (London) between 1980 and 1998. He was a member of the International Advisory Council of the Creditanstalt of Vienna, Austria, and is foreign editor of the International Economy. He is on the editorial boards of Politique Internationale (Paris) and Foreign Policy (Washington). He has also been a member of the “Executive Panel” of the Chief of Naval Operations and, since 2001, of the Defense Policy Board. History Commons ...data was given to Perle by National Security Council staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the Israelis.
    • 2006  Gerald Rosenfeld is Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America. Prior to joining Rothschild he was President of G Rosenfeld & Co LLC, an investment banking firm. Prior to founding GR Co in 1998 he was Head of Investment Banking and a member of the Management Committee of Lazard Freres & Co LLC. Mr. Rosenfeld joined Lazard in 1992 after holding significant management positions at Bankers Trust (Tariganter) Company, Salomon Inc. and its Salomon Brothers subsidiary and McKinsey & Company. Mr. Rosenfeld is a member of the Board of Directors of Case Corporation, of Continental Grain Company and of the Jewish Theological Seminary and also serves on the Board of Overseers of New York University's Stern School of Business. 1
    • 2007 Hoover Institute, Scooter Libby, Cheney, Plamegate / Leakgate Timeline
    • 2008 William J. Perry  links: Preventative Defense Project. Hambrecht & Quist, In-Q-tel, LGS Innovations, Secretary of Energy Advisor Board, Stanford Institute of Economic Policy Research, Lucent, Nuclear Threat Initiative, Anteon International Corp, Center for International Security and Arms Control,  Center for a New American Century, Defense Policy Board, Atlantic Council, Truman National Security Project, DOD, GTP, Clinton, Aspen Strategy Group (Scooter Libby), Stanford, Iraq Study Group, Technology Strategies & Alliances Corp, ESL, Nuclear Tipping Point, Hoover Institute.
    • 2008 Foreign Policy was bought by the Washington Post Company. The Washington Post is the crown jewel of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird. Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner, who ran the Office of Special Projects — later to become part of the CIA — recruited Philip Graham, the publisher of the Washington Post, to run Operation Mockingbird and subvert the free press in the United States.
    • 2009 Wikipedia Robert Blackwill is a member of the Aspen Strategy Group of the Aspen Institute.  Blackwill served as political-military officer in London, England from 1975 to 1978.  Blackwill served as political counselor in Tel Aviv, Israel from 1978 to 1979. Blackwill became Director, Western European Affairs, on the National Security Council staff at the White House in 1979.  Wikipedia 'The Vulcans' is a nickname used to refer to Republican Presidential candidate George W. Bush's foreign policy advisory team assembled to brief him prior to the 2000 U.S. presidential election. The Vulcans were led by Condoleezza Rice and included Richard Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle, Dov S. Zakheim, Robert Zoellick and Paul Wolfowitz, and Wolfowitz protegé, Scooter Libby. Other key campaign figures including Dick Cheney, George P. Shultz and Colin Powell were also closely associated with the group but were never actually members  see Eustace Mullins (Kissinger)  and Wikipedia Helmut Sonnenfeldt  During his time in the National Security Council and in the State Department, he was a close assistant and adviser of Henry Kissinger and became known as "Kissinger's Kissinger"  and  ... History Commons ...data was given to Perle by National Security Council staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the Israelis.
    • Video 9/11 Kroll, Marsh
    • Rothschild North America, 9/11 Connections    Top

      9/11 9/11 funding Rothschild North America Obama / Romney B'nai Brith  Rahm Emanuel BCCI Bain Hitler Soros The British Chatham / Aspen
      • Wikipedia 9/11 polls  ...54% of the world's population don't believe al Queda was responsible for 9/11.

      • Begin by connecting Kroll Associates to Jerome Hauer and the  WTC security)  to Global Technology Partners to Rothschild North America. William Perry, Senior Partner Global  ... Technology Partners  and Gerald Rosenfeld, CEO... see PRNewsWire press release and William Perry was awarded the Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.  He was intimately involved the the US government in the run-up to 9/11 see Tony Blair... sexed up evidence to invade Iraq.  Global Technology Partners is an exclusive agent or Rothschild North America PRNewsWire. Ashton Carter, Secretary of Defense nominee, partner - Global Technology Partners.... Rothschild ...
      •  (Wikipedia)  see Biblioteca Pleyades  Maurice Greenberg bought Kroll Associates Wikipedia.   
      • Trilateral Commission Vernon Jordan Mormons were Freemasons NATO Privitization Le Cercle Safra Bank, Magnitzky chart
      • 1988 IAmTheWitness From 1988 to 1995, Maurice Greenberg (Wikipedia) was a director of the New York Federal Reserve bank ­ this is the main bank through which Federal Reserve chiefs and the Bank of England (Rothschild) (Wikipedia) execute their U.S. political-economic policy. Greenberg was deputy chairman of the New York Fed in 1992 and 1993, and New York Fed chairman in 1994 and 1995. During 1996, while Greenberg was deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), he chaired the CFR task force on intelligence, which published "Making Intelligence Smarter: The future of U.S. Intelligence." Kroll Associates, a security consultant firm, which was renamed to Kroll Inc. in August 2001, started in New York City in 1972. In December 1997, Kroll merged with armored car manufacturer O'Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt to form The Kroll-O'Gara Company.  O'Gara is responsible for the security of all US-Presidents since 1945. In 1993, Maurice Greenberg's American International Group (AIG), became co-owner of the "private spy agency", Kroll Associates, as a result of rescuing Kroll from bankruptcy with a cash infusion. Kroll was notorious during the 1980s as the "CIA of Wall Street" due to the prevalence of former CIA, FBI, Scotland Yard, British secret service and British Special Air Service men Kroll employed for corporate espionage in takeover bids, as well as for destabilization of foreign nations. Greenberg has used his connections to covert intelligence, supranational institutions, private bankers and speculators, and his huge global cash inflow, to shape a unique personal empire. Since 1997, Frank G. Wisner, Jr., has been a board member of Kroll , and is currently Greenberg's Deputy Chairman for External Affairs. Wisner's father was a founder of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, who killed himself over the scandal from his being duped by British-Soviet master spy Kim Philby. Frank Wisner, Jr., is a director of the George Bush-linked energy giant Enron (a client for whom AIG negotiated payments from Peru over nationalization of Enron operations).  see DemocraticUnderground 
      • Go to Rothschild / GTP info  and go to  Vernon Jordan / Lazard / Gerald Rosenfeld    9/11
      • 1997 InformationUnderground Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and maintenance of the State of Israel.  In 1918, when Hadassah opened its first hospital on Jerusalem's Rehov Ha'nevi'im, the Street of the Prophets – a gift of the Rothschild family – Dr. Kagan became Head of Pediatrics.  Jerome Hauer was also the guy chosen to run Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management( OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He is the key individual that pushed for this office to be placed in Silverstein's building 7.  link Building 7 to Blackstone to Rothschild.  Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was hired as head of security at the WTC by Jerome Hauer. Amazingly, O'neil was killed on his FIRST day of work -- 9/11.
      • 1997 HistoryCommons John Deutch  November 1997-August 1998: Future 9/11 Commission Staff Attend Terrorism Study Group; Predict Consequences of ‘Catastrophic Terrorism A National Policy’  Although the United States still takes conventional terrorism seriously… it is not yet prepared for the new threat of catastrophic terrorism.” They predict the consequences of such an event: “An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people and/or disrupted the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be a watershed event in America’s history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for peacetime and undermine Americans’ ... Wikipedia  Deutch was born in Brussels, Belgium, the son of Rachel Felicia (Fischer) and Michael Joseph Deutch. 3] He is of Russian Jewish heritage, Michael Deutch. 
      • 1997 Zelikow (Wikipedia) had written about how a “catastrophic terrorism” event could constitute a momentous, history-shaping milestone: “An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people… would be a watershed event in America’s history.… Like Pearl Harbor.  RealJewNews Zelikow  Zelikow & Rice are together again when Zelikow is Director of the Aspen Strategy Group, a Zionist foreign-policy strategy “think tank.” Rice, along with Dick Cheney & Paul Wolfowitz, are also members.  see William Perry (Global Technology Partners) as exclusive agent to Rothschild North America and subsequent ties to Aspen Strategy Group.  and see Redacted News Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD: Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman Sachs…Connects to 911 False Flag.   and HouroftheTime CIA's role in 9/11 Attack  ...   and see the TheFreeLibrary GTP ..Zelikow, all dual Israel US citizens.  Aspen Strategy Group Jewish think tank, David Koch is member of Board of Trustees. and Michael Eisner.  Atlantic Council Wikipedia
      • 1999 Ashton Carter (Wikipedia) ... principle in Global Technology Partners an affiliate of Rothschild North America.  Ashton Carter, MIT professor Ashton Carter co authored paper Catastrophic Terrorism A National Policy with Zelikow and Deutch (GTP) senior partner at Global Technology Partners an affiliate of Rothschild North America (SourceWatch)   and Dr Carter served as a member of the Defense Science Board from 1991–1993 and 1997–2001, the Defense Policy Board from 1997–2001
      • 2001 9/11 WhoDidIt  Before 9-11 John Deutch (Wikipedia), former Undersecretary of War, director of CIA; co-authored paper, "Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy" (Harvard) with Zelikow, senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America; MIT professor; grandson of Yonah Fischer, Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium (Jewish Agency)  Aliyah, The Israel Experience, Zionist Education, Hebrew Education, Israel Advocacy, Shaping Israel, Cultural Nationalism  WhoDidIt
      • 2001 Academy of Diplomacy Mr. Helmut Sonnenfeldt is a trustee emeritus of the Johns Hopkins University and has also been a member of the Advisory Council of that institution’s School of Advanced International Studies. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (New York), and other professional associations. He is a director of the Atlantic Council of the U.S., the World Affairs Council of Washington, D.C. and the American Institute of Contemporary German Studies. He has been on the Board of Visitors of the National Defense University and was a Bates Scholar at the Naval War College. He served on the Council and Executive Committee of the International Institute of Strategic Studies (London) between 1980 and 1998. He was a member of the International Advisory Council of the Creditanstalt of Vienna, Austria, and is foreign editor of the International Economy. He is on the editorial boards of Politique Internationale (Paris) and Foreign Policy (Washington). He has also been a member of the “Executive Panel” of the Chief of Naval Operations and, since 2001, of the Defense Policy Board. History Commons ...data was given to Perle by National Security Council staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the Israelis.
      • 2006  Gerald Rosenfeld is Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America. Prior to joining Rothschild he was President of G Rosenfeld & Co LLC, an investment banking firm. Prior to founding GR Co in 1998 he was Head of Investment Banking and a member of the Management Committee of Lazard Freres & Co LLC. Mr. Rosenfeld joined Lazard in 1992 after holding significant management positions at Bankers Trust (Tariganter) Company, Salomon Inc. and its Salomon Brothers subsidiary and McKinsey & Company. Mr. Rosenfeld is a member of the Board of Directors of Case Corporation, of Continental Grain Company and of the Jewish Theological Seminary and also serves on the Board of Overseers of New York University's Stern School of Business.
      • 2007 Hoover Institute, Scooter Libby, Cheney, Plamegate / Leakgate Timeline
      • 2008 William J. Perry  links: Preventative Defense Project. Hambrecht & Quist, In-Q-tel, LGS Innovations, Secretary of Energy Advisor Board, Stanford Institute of Economic Policy Research, Lucent, Nuclear Threat Initiative, Anteon International Corp, Center for International Security and Arms Control,  Center for a New American Century, Defense Policy Board, Atlantic Council, Truman National Security Project, DOD, GTP, Clinton, Aspen Strategy Group (Scooter Libby), Stanford, Iraq Study Group, Technology Strategies & Alliances Corp, ESL, Nuclear Tipping Point, Hoover Institute.
      • 2008 Foreign Policy was bought by the Washington Post Company. The Washington Post is the crown jewel of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird. Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner, who ran the Office of Special Projects — later to become part of the CIA — recruited Philip Graham, the publisher of the Washington Post, to run Operation Mockingbird and subvert the free press in the United States.
      • 2009 Wikipedia Robert Blackwill is a member of the Aspen Strategy Group of the Aspen Institute.  Blackwill served as political-military officer in London, England from 1975 to 1978.  Blackwill served as political counselor in Tel Aviv, Israel from 1978 to 1979. Blackwill became Director, Western European Affairs, on the National Security Council staff at the White House in 1979.  Wikipedia 'The Vulcans' is a nickname used to refer to Republican Presidential candidate George W. Bush's foreign policy advisory team assembled to brief him prior to the 2000 U.S. presidential election. The Vulcans were led by Condoleezza Rice and included Richard Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle, Dov S. Zakheim, Robert Zoellick and Paul Wolfowitz, and Wolfowitz protegé, Scooter Libby. Other key campaign figures including Dick Cheney, George P. Shultz and Colin Powell were also closely associated with the group but were never actually members  see Eustace Mullins (Kissinger)  and Wikipedia Helmut Sonnenfeldt  During his time in the National Security Council and in the State Department, he was a close assistant and adviser of Henry Kissinger and became known as "Kissinger's Kissinger"  and  ... History Commons ...data was given to Perle by National Security Council staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the Israelis.
      • Video 9/11 Kroll, Marsh
      • Gerald Rosenfeld William Perry Ashton Carter John Deutch Robert Pirie Lord Carrington Norman Lamont
        Philip Zelikow Paul Kaminski Dov Zakheim Jim Lawrence Helmut Sonnenfeldt Frank Wisner
      • 1948  Spartacus Frank Wisner (Wikipedia) was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects (Wikipedia) (forerunner to CIA), established Mockingbird (media control) (Wikipedia) .Wisner recruited Philip Graham Wikipedia (Washington Post) to run the project within the industry. Philip Graham married Katherine Meyer (Graham) (Washington Post owner) "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles."  Exulanten Eugene Meyer... Meyer (Katherine Graham's father) was in same league as Warburgs, Rothschild, Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb, Baruch ...etc. Frank G. Wisner (son) is a board member of Kroll Assc.
    • 1948  Spartacus Frank Wisner (Wikipedia) was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects (Wikipedia) (forerunner to CIA), established Mockingbird (media control) (Wikipedia) .Wisner recruited Philip Graham Wikipedia (Washington Post) to run the project within the industry. Philip Graham married Katherine Meyer (Graham) (Washington Post owner) "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles."  Exulanten Eugene Meyer... Meyer (Katherine Graham's father) was in same league as Warburgs, Rothschild, Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb, Baruch ...etc. Frank G. Wisner (son) is a board member of Kroll Assc.
  • 1997 Wikipedia Vernon Jordan 1 ... Since January 2000, Jordan has been Senior Managing Director with Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, (Michel David-Weill owns Lazard Wikipedia regretted hiring Bruce Wasserstein) an investment banking firm. He is also a member of the board of directors of multiple corporations, including American Express, J.C. Penney Corporation, Xerox, Asbury Automotive Group and the Dow Jones & Company. He is formerly a member of the board of directors of Revlon, Sara Lee, Corning and RJR Nabisco during 1989 leveraged buy-out fight between RJR Nabisco CEO F. Ross Johnson and Henry R. Kravis and his company KKR. A close friend of Jordan was the late Xerox tycoon Charles Peter McColough, who convinced Jordan to join the Board of Trustees at Xerox. McColough served as a mentor and friend of Jordan's until McColough's death. In the 2004 presidential campaign, Jordan led debate preparation and negotiation efforts on behalf of John Kerry, the Democratic nominee for President. That year he was elected president of the Economic Club of Washington. In 2006, Jordan served as a member of the Iraq Study Group, which was formed to make recommendations on the U.S. policy in Iraq. He helpedMonica Lewinsky after the Clinton impeachment proceedings. Time Jordan's chief role in the Lewinsky scandal and eventual impeachment was that he at one point was tasked with finding Monica Lewinsky a job in New York City.    go to Jordan / FirstMark / Lauder Valerie Jarrett is link between Obama and Lynn Forester de RothschildWikipedia  Vernon Jordan 1 is on the board of her FirstMark Communications company.  Jordan joined Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, in 1982)  and Observer Jordan  ... see Ford Foundation president Franklin Thomas.
  • 1997 Wikipedia Vernon Jordan 1 ... (Close friend and associate of Bill Clinton .and is ultimate connection to the Rothschilds)... Since January 2000, Jordan has been Senior Managing Director with Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, (Michel David-Weill owns Lazard Wikipedia regretted hiring Bruce Wasserstein) an investment banking firm. He is also a member of the board of directors of multiple corporations, including American Express, J.C. Penney Corporation, Xerox, Asbury Automotive Group and the Dow Jones & Company. He is formerly a member of the board of directors of Revlon, Sara Lee, Corning and RJR Nabisco during 1989 leveraged buy-out fight between RJR Nabisco CEO F. Ross Johnson and Henry R. Kravis and his company KKR. A close friend of Jordan was the late Xerox tycoon Charles Peter McColough, who convinced Jordan to join the Board of Trustees at Xerox. McColough served as a mentor and friend of Jordan's until McColough's death. In the 2004 presidential campaign, Jordan led debate preparation and negotiation efforts on behalf of John Kerry, the Democratic nominee for President. That year he was elected president of the Economic Club of Washington. In 2006, Jordan served as a member of the Iraq Study Group, which was formed to make recommendations on the U.S. policy in Iraq. He helped Monica Lewinsky after the Clinton impeachment proceedings. Time Jordan's chief role in the Lewinsky scandal and eventual impeachment was that he at one point was tasked with finding Monica Lewinsky a job in New York City.    go to Jordan / FirstMark / Lauder NeValerie Jarrett is link between Obama and Lyn Forester Rothschild ..., Wikipedia  Vernon Jordanjordan 1 is on the board of her FirstMark Communications company.  Jordan joined Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, in 1982)  and Observer Jordan  ... see Ford Foundation president Franklin Thomas.
  • 1997 GlobalResearch A 1997 document of the US Congress reveals how the Clinton administration --under advice from the National Security Council headed by Anthony Lake-- had "helped turn Bosnia into a militant Islamic base" leading to the recruitment through the so-called "Militant Islamic Network," of thousands of Mujahedin from the Muslim world.
  • 2015 Jan TheSmokingGun Billionaire Sex Offender's Phone Book Contained E-Mail Addresses, 21 Phone Numbers For Bill Clinton ... Now that Prince Andrew has found himself ensnared in the sleazy sex slave story of wealthy degenerate Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton can’t be too far behind. Epstein, who paid teenage girls for naked massages at his Palm Beach, Florida mansion, is a convicted sex offender whose circle of powerful friends has included financiers, celebrities, politicians, and scientists. In fact, Epstein, 61, has maintained many of these relationships even after pleading guilty in 2008 to a felony charge stemming from a lengthy probe of his lewd interaction with scores of underage girls, many of whom were recruited while they were students at a Palm Beach high school.

    2015 Jan WMR As previously reported by WMR, not only has GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush seen his White House chances damaged by the Jeffrey Epstein underage sex slave scandal, but Democratic frontrunner for her party's presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton, is reportedly "furious" with her husband Bill Clinton for his involvement in the scandal. Mrs. Clinton's early political life was dominated by her commitment to the rights of children. It will all but destroy Mrs. Clinton's presidential hopes if her husband's involvement in the Epstein sex slave ring are proven in court. Bill Clinton has been named as a materiel witness in a lawsuit brought by two of the women who were trafficked by Epstein when they were underage. The women claim that Epstein, a billionaire Wall Street financier, trafficked them domestically and internationally for sexual trysts. Clinton and Harvard celebrity attorney Alan Dershowitz, a vocal defender of Israel, have been named in the lawsuit as Epstein accomplices. A number of email addresses for Mr. Clinton and 21 private phone numbers for the ex-president, his personal assistant Doug Band, and his schedulers were discovered in Epstein's personal phone directory. Mr. Clinton made a number of trips with Epstein on his private plane from 2002 to 2005. After Epstein, who is currently a registered sex offender, was charged in 2005 with soliciting a 14-year old girl for prostitution, Clinton's air jaunts with Epstein abruptly ceased. ... Jeb Bush was Governor of Florida in 2005 when Epstein was first charged with having sex with a 14-year old girl. And it was Bush's administration and his Attorney General and successor, Charlie Crist, that first entered into negotiations with Epstein's lawyers, who included Dershowitz, Miami celebrity lawyer Roy Black, and Bill Clinton special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, to guarantee Epstein a 13-month house arrest sentence.

    Observer Exactly how tight is the friendship between former President and potential future first gentleman Bill Clinton and Mr. Epstein, who owns a private island in Florida and is now accused of having sex with girls as young as 12 and procuring young girls for sex with other friends of his? What was Bill Clinton doing on the island with Mr. Epstein on multiple occasions and why did he fly overseas on Mr. Epstein’s plane at least 10 times?

  • 1998 top timeline
  • 1998 Rense Once the State of Israel had been bombed and terrorised into existence a long list of Zionists were relocated to especially the United States so their children would be born as American citizens. These children are the Rothschild Zionists that dominate the American government and its agencies today. Among them is Rahm Emanuel, Obama's White House Chief of Staff in the crucial years after his election and now Mayor of Chicago. Emanuel's father openly boasts that he was a member of the Zionist terrorist organisation Irgun before he headed to the US to produce his offspring. Rahm Emanuel's associate, David Axelrod, the Rothschild Zionist White House Senior Advisor, ran Obama's election campaigns against Hillary Clinton and John McCain and has the role as handler and minder of 'the most powerful man in the world'.
  • 1998 Wikipedia Wang Jun, (CITIC, Clinton, Ken Starr, Monica Lewinsky)  is Chairman of the Board of Poly Technologies in the People's Republic of China. The company deals in arms-trading and is associated with the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Wang is also the Chairman of China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC). He is the son of China's revolutionary elder Wang Zhen. 6]  BusinessWeek Rothschild / CITIC winery
  • 1998 WMR Third Way ... The Third Way is truly an enigma. No one is quite sure when it began as a movement. Its major inauguration was on September 21, 1998 when a gathering of like-minded politicians met in New York to officially kick off the movement. Those attending that meeting included Clinton and Blair. Along with the political leaders came a parade of New Age policy wonks and party apparatchiks. They included Professor Anthony Giddens, the director of the London School of Economics, author of a book not surprisingly titled The Third Way, and the intellectual guru of the movement; David Miliband, Blair’s Policy Chief; Peter Mandelson, one of Tony Blair’s closest advisers and current political fix it man for Northern Ireland; and the First Lady of the Global Village, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
  • 1998 Wikipedia ... The Third Way is a synthesis of the right and the left that originated from Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Lynn Forrester (later de Rothschild), Michael Steinheart and Al From. Bill Clinton was the first candidate chosen by the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) to run for US president. Tony Blair, Clinton's buddy from Oxford, was the Third Way candidate in Great Britain. When Clinton and Blair won, the New Democratic Movement transcended the right v left conflict and reinvented the world.    ...    "New Democrat policies transcend the stale left-right debate and define a Third Way for governing based on progressive ideas, mainstream values, and innovative solutions that reflect changing times. New Democrat ideas that have become law include national service, work-based welfare reform, charter schools, community policing, an expanded earned-income tax credit, and market incentives for environmental protection." see Wikipedia Third Way,  Harold Macmillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963, based his philosophy of government on what he entitled in a book, The Middle Way (1938).  Centrism, Blue Dog Democrats, DLC.....  search CESJ for Rothschild
  • 1998 VoltairNet, Beginning with Africa, Hillary defended the 1998 cruise missile strike on the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, destroying the largest producer of cheap medications for treating malaria and tuberculosis and provided over 60% of available medicine in Sudan.
  • 1998 GlobalResearch The charge of aggressively blocking investigation into certain terror subjects has not been made only against the Bush Jr. administration. A few years earlier, FBI agent Robert Wright had protested that the Clinton Justice Department was blocking him from “following the money trail” behind Saudi national Osama bin Laden, in the words of an ABC News report, after the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in Africa. Chicago federal prosecutor Mark Flessner, a Wright ally who was assigned to the case, told ABC News:
  • 1998 Aug Wikipedia The August 1998 bombings of Afghanistan and Sudan (codenamed Operation Infinite Reach by the United States) were American cruise missile strikes on terrorist bases in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan on August 20, 1998. The attack was in retaliation for the bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed 224 people (including 12 Americans) and injured 5,000 others. ... Officials later acknowledged, however, that "the evidence that prompted President Clinton to order the missile strike on the Shifa plant was not as solid as first portrayed." Indeed, officials later said that there was no proof that the plant had been manufacturing or storing nerve gas, as initially suspected by the Americans, or had been linked to Osama bin Laden, who was a resident of Khartoum in the 1990s."
  • 1998 Sep WMR “THE THIRD WAY” TO A FASCIST WORLD? The cryptic international political movement of Clinton and Blair April 9, 2000 Wayne Madsen During his recent European trip, President Clinton could not pass up the opportunity to gather together his merry band of Third Way world leaders at a summit in Florence, Italy. Putting aside the fact that no one at the conclave could actually explain the true philosophy of their so-called centrist political movement, Clinton and his sycophantic British comrade-in-arms, Tony Blair, rambled on about the generalities of the “progressive governance” intentions of the Third Way. The Third Way is truly an enigma. No one is quite sure when it began as a movement. Its major inauguration was on September 21, 1998 when a gathering of like-minded politicians met in New York to officially kick off the movement. Those attending that meeting included Clinton and Blair. Along with the political leaders came a parade of New Age policy wonks and party apparatchiks. They included Professor Anthony Giddens, the director of the London School of Economics, author of a book not surprisingly titled The Third Way, and the intellectual guru of the movement; David Miliband, Blair’s Policy Chief; Peter Mandelson, one of Tony Blair’s closest advisers and current political fix it man for Northern Ireland; and the First Lady of the Global Village, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Together, the New York grouping set out to chart a confusing tertiary political course between conservative laissez-faire capitalism and an odd form of hands-off-big business and anti-labor "socialism." Clinton reconvened his Third Way comrades during the NATO summit held in Washington, DC in April 1999.
  • 1998 ... Ken Starr turned in his report on Bill Clinton on 9/11/1998, omitting Clinton’s involvement in Iran-Contra.
  • 1998 Occidental Observer ... on Jews in Clinton's administration ... Clinton can fairly be called the most philo-Semitic president in U.S. history. His closest friends and most trusted aides were Jews, his administration was crammed with Jewish appointees, both his nominees to the Supreme Court were Jewish—even his most famous girlfriend was Jewish. And Jews liked Clinton as much as he liked them. They appreciated his intellectuality and his social tolerance, his liberated wife, and his moderate liberalism. Jewish donors contributed generously to Clinton’s election campaigns; after he left office, some of those former donors helped him to grow very rich very rapidly.
  • 1998 Bibliotecalaplayedes According to knowledgeable U.S. and European investigators, Soros is part of a circle which includes Marc Rich of Zug, Switzerland and Tel Aviv, the indicted metals and commodity speculator and fugitive; Shaul Eisenberg, (ThinkAboutIt) (Globes, Rothschild) the secretive Israeli arms and commodities dealer; and "Dirty Rafi" Eytan - both linked to the financial side of the Israeli Mossad, and to the family of Jacob Lord Rothschild.  search also Bill / Hillary Clinton, pardon.
  • 1999 NFU/Rothschild Salomon Brothers (Jewish) (Arthur, Herbert and Percy, Ben Levy) merged with Smith Barney, became Salomon Inc in the 1980s, which was acquired by Travelers, which was acquired by Citigroup,… because of Clinton deregulation of investment banks…
  • 1999 Huffington Post In a 2012 interview with CBS' "60 Minutes," former CIA official Hank Crumpton detailed an opportunity the agency (Clinton presidency) had to take down bin Laden in 1999. According to Crumpton, bin Laden's convoy was detected by a Predator drone outside Kandahar, but the White House wouldn't authorize the CIA to engage in a missile or on-ground attack.
  • 1999 Mar DissidentVoice Madeleine Albright helped produce disaster in the former Yugoslavia. As violence rose in the Serbian province of Kosovo, between the Kosovo Liberation Army and security forces, she (and Cohen) deliberately exaggerated the Kosovar Albanian death toll and demanded the U.S. right to intervene. She arranged the de facto alliance with the KLA, earlier labelled “terrorist” by U.S. officials. In March 1999 at the Rambouillet talks between Serbia and the Kosovar rebels, along with the U.S., its European allies and Russia, the U.S. demanded that the whole of Serbia (and other states within what was left of Yugoslavia) submit to virtual occupation by NATO. Yugoslavia had proudly remained outside the Warsaw Pact and had prided itself on participation in the Non-Aligned Movement. No government in Belgrade could have complied with Albright’s demands. ... This was indeed Albright’s plan (and that of Bill Clinton, egged on by Hillary, who has confessed, “I urged him to bomb”), resulting in the deployment of NATO to bomb a European capital for the first time since 1945, killing at least 500 civilians (Human Rights Watch) and maybe ten times that number.
  • 1999 Aug CNN Seth Gitell of the Jewish newspaper Forward, CNN, 8/5/99: "What we've found is that Hillary Clinton's grandmother, a woman named Della Murray, married a Russian Jewish immigrant named Max Rosenberg and had a daughter who was Hillary Clinton's half-aunt, who Hillary was in touch with until that woman died in December." and NY Post Clinton’s grandmother Della Murray Howell married Max Rosenberg, a Russian-born Jew, in 1933, The Forward weekly newspaper reported yesterday. He was her second husband.
  • 1999 Wikipedia In 1999, Berger was criticized for failing to promptly inform President Clinton of his knowledge that the People's Republic of China had managed to acquire the designs of a number of U.S. nuclear warheads. Berger was originally briefed of the espionage by the Department of Energy (DOE) in April 1996, but did not inform the president until July 1997.
  • 1999-2001 TruthOut ... Clinton, 9/11 and the Facts ... (conservative official position BS) Roger Cressy, National Security Council senior director for counterterrorism in the period 1999-2001, responded to these allegations in an article for the Washington Times in 2003. "Mr. Clinton approved every request made of him by the CIA and the U.S. military involving using force against bin Laden and al-Qaeda," wrote Cressy.
  • 1999 NFU/Rothschild S Scooter Libby (Jewish) as Marc Rich's attorney … Libby was the behind-the-scenes Svengali responsible for the disastrous Clinton Presidential pardon of Rich, working directly with "former" Mossad operatives Zvi Rafiah and Avner Azulay. Marc Rich was an international arms dealer in nuclear materials.
  • 1999 PNAC Clinton cut more than $160 billion from the Bush defense program from 1992 to 1996. Over the first seven years of the Clinton Administration, approximately $426 billion in defense investments have been deferred,
  • 1999 Wikipedia Glass-Steagull repealed by Clinton ... The Glass–Steagall legislation was enacted by the United States Congress in 1933 as part of the 1933 Banking Act, amended as part of the 1935 Banking Act, and most of it was repealed in 1999 by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act. Its protections and restrictions had also been chipped away during most of its existence by lenient regulatory interpretations and use of loopholes. ... Citigroup was able to retain ownership of the Travelers insurance underwriting business ... could increase the “too big to fail” problem. ... Commentators pointed to the EnronWorldCom, and other corporate scandals of the early 2000s as exposing the dangers of uniting commercial and investment banking. ... While accepting that under Glass–Steagall financial firms could still have “made, sold, and securitized risky mortgages, all the while fueling a massive housing bubble and building a highly leveraged, Ponzi-like pyramid of derivatives on top,” the New Rules Project concludes that commentators who deny the GLBA played a role in the financial crisis “fail to recognize the significance of 1999 as the pivotal policy-making moment leading up to the crash.
  • 1999 EIR Clarke Makes the Case: Vulcans Run Dumb Bush
  • 1999 ISGP Global Power Structures ... Marth's Vineyard members: Martha's Vineyard Bill and Hillary Clinton | Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild | Vernon Jordan | Thornton Bradshaw | Maurice Tempelsman | Walter Cronkite | Jack Valentis | Barack and Michelle Obama | Prince Andrew (Epstein underage sex scandal).
  • 2000 top timeline
  • 2000 VillageVoice (official 9/11 BS) Similarly, the security concerns during the 1995 U.N. anniversary focused on Cuba and China and didn't involve Arab terrorist threats. The millennium target, well established at subsequent trials, was the Los Angeles International Airport, not New York. While there's no doubt the Clinton administration did put the country and city on terrorist alert for Y2K and other reasons, it was an arrest on the Washington/Canadian border that busted up a West Coast plot.
  • 2000 Mar 3 Wikipedia Operation Merlin (Clinton plan to deliver flawed nuke blueprints to Iran) In his book State of War, author and intelligence correspondent for The New York Times, James Risen describes that the CIA chose a defected Russian nuclear scientist to provide deliberately flawed nuclear warhead blueprints to Iranian officials in February 2000.[2] According to CIA documents, the search for a suitable Russian emigre with an engineering background in nuclear physics and production started in September 1996. The Russian emigre selected had been first contacted by CIA in August 1994, and received an monthly salary by the CIA of US$5,000 (plus travel expenses) in 1997 and 1998, which was raised to US$6,000 starting February 1999. The weapon component selected was based on the Russian TBA-480 Fire Set (High Voltage Automatic Block), which was modified in an attempt to make it "fatally flawed". The CIA estimated that the TBA-480 Fire Set, which had been developed at Arzamas-16, was 20 years more advanced than anything required to get a first generation nuclear weapon operational. After delivery of the designs to Iranians on March 3, 2000, the CIA employment of the Russian emigre was extended to at least March 2003 with the intention to plant the flawed TBA-480 plans to another country suspected to be interested in the development of nuclear weapons.[1]
  • 2000 Wikipedia Abram Shulsky Abram Shulsky is a neoconservative scholar who has worked for U.S. government, RAND Corporation, and the Hudson Institute. Shulsky served as Director of the Office of Special Plans, a unit whose function has been compared to the 1970s Team B exercise. In the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Shulsky approved OSP memos with talking points about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction and terrorism. Shulsky is critical of the traditional intelligence analysis, which is based upon the social-scientific method, and of independent intelligence agencies. Shulsky favors a military intelligence model which can be used support policy as, in Shulsky's words, "truth is not the goal" of intelligence operations, but "victory". Shulsky signed a letter to the Clinton White House on Iraq ... see PNAC REBUILDING AMERICA’S DEFENSES Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century
  • 2000 CNN September 20, 2000 - Independent counsel Robert Ray announces that the evidence found in the Whitewater case is insufficient to prove that the Clintons knowingly participated in any criminal conduct.
  • 1989 & 2000 Nov Vulcans  dd(Wikipedia) Bush Family Project Hammer. In 1989 President George H. W. Bush began the multi-billion dollar Project Hammer program using an investment strategy to bring about the economic destruction of the Soviet Union including the theft of the Soviet treasury, the destabilization of the ruble, funding a KGB coup agaist Gorbachev in August 1991 (Wikipedia) and the seizure of major energy and munitions industries in the Soviet Union. Those resources would subsequently be turned over to international bankers and corporations (Zionist Jews). On November 1, 2001, the second operative in the Bush regime, President George W. Bush, issued Executive Order 13233 on the basis of “national security” and concealed the records of past presidents, especially his father’s spurious activities during 1990 and 1991. Consequently, those records are no longer accessible to the public.1 The Russian coup plot was discussed in June 1991 when Yeltsin visited with Bush in conjunction with his visit to the United States. On that same visit, Yeltsin met discreetly with Gerald Corrigan, the chairman of the New York Federal Reserve.
  • 2000 Bollyn Global Technology Partners, LLC is "an exclusive affiliate of Rothschild North America, formed to make acquisitions of and investments in technology, defense and aerospace-related companies," according to a biographical sketch of one of the corporation's senior partners, Paul G. Kaminski. Elsewhere it is described as "an aerospace and defense investment banking boutique affiliated with the Rothschild Group" or "a professional services firm associated with the Rothschild Group of investment banks." see Wikipedia Paul Kaminski ... he returned to government in 1994 as Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology, Clinton administration ) from 1994 to 1997, under by-then Secretary of Defense William J. Perry. In this role, he was responsible for activities with an aggregate annual budget exceeding $100 billion
  • 2000 Rahm Emanuel was named to the Board of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) by President Clinton in 2000.During Rahm's time on the board, Freddie Mac was plagued with scandals involving campaign contributions and accounting irregularities. The Obama Administration rejected a request under the Freedom of Information Act to review Freddie Mac board minutes and correspondence during Emanuel's time as a director,  The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) later accused the board of having "failed in its duty to follow up on matters brought to its attention." Emanuel resigned from the board in 2001 when he ran for Congress.   ...  January 2003, Emanuel was named to the House Financial Services Committee, and sat on the subcommittee that oversaw Freddie Mac,   Emanuel won re-election to the House, defeating Republican candidate Tom Hanson. Open Secrets reported that Emanuel "was the top House recipient in the 2008 election cycle of contributions from hedge funds, private equity firms and the larger securities/investment industry". Securities and investments business interests were the main sector contributing to Emanuel's campaigns in both 2006 and 2008, During his original 2002 campaign,  go to Emanuel / Bnai Brith
  • 2000 YouTube Wesley Clark ... General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years..."Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. ... one of the generals called me in. He said, "Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second." ... "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq. ... he was fired by Clinton's Secretary of Defense William Cohen ... see DissidentVoice
  • 2001 Jan 20 NFU 9/11, JFK & Holocaust interactive spreadsheet Scooter Libby (Jewish) as Marc Rich's attorney … Libby was the behind-the-scenes Svengali responsible for the disastrous Clinton Presidential pardon of Rich, working directly with "former" Mossad operatives Zvi Rafiah and Avner Azulay. Marc Rich was an international arms dealer in nuclear materials.(with ties to Viktor Bout and 9/11)... Marc Rich was an asset of the CIA, Mossad and the Russian Jewish Mafia. "Lewis Libby's real claim to fame is his 18-year collaboration with Russian Mafiya 'godfather' Marc Rich… who sold Iranian oil to Israel and Nigerian oil to South Africa. He sold North Korean arms to Iran ... several deals involving gold, grain, nickel and tin with the Russian Mafia and henchmen of the former Soviet Union.
  • 2001 top timeline
  • 2001 State of the Nation It appears that Dyncorp broke the original investigation on this.  Dyncorp was the accountant for roughly $2.7 trillion missing 1991-2001.  Also missing in 1996 or 1997; $60 billion missing out of HUD.  Dyncorp appears to be the accounting division of the US government these days. Formerly under Clinton, Dyncorp was involved with wars in Bosnia / Serbia; also involved with trafficking children.  Dyncorp may go back to daddy and Israelis.  If you work as a military contractor, you work with Booz Allen and Dyncorp fairly extensively.  Israeli company that manufactured the jammers recovered on 9/11 is a working partner, equity partner with Gordon’s firm; they own stock!
  • 2001 WMR In 2001, when KLA forces, allied with Macedonian Albanian nationalists, fought Macedonian forces in the town of Aračinovo, Macedonia, forces of the U.S. private military firm, Military Professional Resources, Inc. (MPRI) were involved with both sides.
  • 2001 Oct Occidental Observer Kevin McDonald from a recent article by Christopher Ketcham who convincingly argues that there was huge pressure to prevent media coverage of the Israeli Mossad agents who were caught high-fiving in the immediate aftermath of 1/11 . Before such issues had been fully explored, however, the investigation was shut down. Following what ABC News reported were “high-level negotiations between Israeli and U.S. government officials”, a settlement was reached in the case of the five Urban Moving Systems suspects. Intense political pressure apparently had been brought to bear. The reputable Israeli daily Ha’aretz reported that by the last week of October 2001, some six weeks after the men had been detained, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and two unidentified “prominent New York congressmen” were lobbying heavily for their release. According to a source at ABC News close to the 20/20 report, high-profile criminal lawyer Alan Dershowitz also stepped in as a negotiator on behalf of the men to smooth out differences with the U.S. government. And so, at the end of November 2001, for reasons that only noted they had been working in the country illegally as movers, in violation of their visas, the men were flown home to Israel.
  • 2001 Nov Wikipedia Harold Rhode ... was a subject of a probe conducted by the Senate Intelligence Committee for a U.S. government-authorized meeting he and Larry Franklin had in Rome in late 2001 with Manucher Ghorbanifar, who was part of the Iran-Contra scandal. ... Between 1991 and 1994 Harold Rhode served on the US Department of Defense’s Policy Planning Staff. While in this position he wrote strategy papers on Middle Eastern and Central Asian topics. From 1994 until 2010 Rhode worked as an adviser on Islamic Affairs in the Office of Net Assessment, an in-house think tank for the Pentagon. ... Wikipedia fails to mention that he worked with Douglas Feith and Michael Rubin in the Office of Special Plans (OSP) ... Harold Rhode was officially assigned to the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment. NFU AIPAC DoJ unclassified espionage file on Franklin murders ... an in-house Pentagon think tank headed by fellow neocon Andrew Marshall. Rhode helped Feith lay down the law about the department's new anti-Iraq, and broadly anti-Arab,
  • 2001 Dec WMR The Taliban sources report that it was Bout (Marc Rich partner) who secretly flew Osama Bin Laden and his family out of Afghanistan prior to the massive U.S. bombing of Tora Bora in late 2001. Bout, a Bukharan Jew was... involved with the Bin Laden family in logistics for their construction activities, diamond business.
  • 2002 top timeline
  • 2002 Jun EIR Larry Franklin had served several tours of duty at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, where, according to one military source, he had gotten in trouble for unauthorized contacts with Israeli intelligence officials. According to one news account, the current FBI probe into Franklin's activities was triggered by a June 2002 leak in the New York Times, which detailed American war plans against Iraq. While on the NESA Iran desk, Franklin was also reportedly the subject of a probe into his mishandling of classified documents; however, a serious probe into that incident was blocked by the intervention of Luti and Feith, according to a confidential Pentagon source. Franklin, according to an eyewitness, was part of a neo-con inner circle that met frequently, behind closed doors, in the office of Doug Feith. The group included Feith, Luti, OSP official Abram Shulsky, Office of Net Assessment Mideast specialist Harold Rhode, former Defense Policy Board Chairman Richard Perle, David Wurmser, and Michael Maloof. As a group, they worked closely with Wolfowitz and with Libby, whose own ties to the Israeli Mafiya and Israeli intelligence run deep: Libby was the former attorney for Israeli "Mafia" boss Marc Rich.
  • 2002 WMR MoveOn.org, like many anti-war organizations during the Vietnam War, receives a large degree of financial support from wealthy Jewish-Americans. In the case of MoveOn.org, huge support comes from Jewish-American financier George Soros.
  • 2002 Aug “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic. And the [Jewish] organization is strong, and has a lot of money, and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country, as you know. And they have power, which is OK. They are talented people and they have power and money, and the media and other things, and their attitude is ‘Israel, my country right or wrong,’ identification. And they are not ready to hear criticism. And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians.” – Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli minister, Democracy Now, August 14, 2002
  • 2003 SECFilings Since leaving N.M. Rothschild & Sons, Lord Rothschild has established an independent private equity and venture capital investment business. He was one of the two founder shareholders of Global Asset Management, the successful asset management company which has recently been sold to the Union Bank of Switzerland. Sir Mark Weinberg and he together founded J Rothschild Assurance which is now part of St James' Place Capital. Lord Rothschild is now chairman of RIT Capital Partners plc (the successor company to RIT) and Five Arrows Limited.  Bush Sr. Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady came from Dillon Read (UBS Warburg) and both Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and Bush Jr. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson came from Goldman Sachs. Obama Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner worked at Kissinger Associates and the New York Fed.
  •  Nndb Pilgrim Society  PilgrimSociety  ... leaders include: Allen W. Dulles, Andrew Carnegie, Andrew W. Mellon, Anne L. Armstrong, Anthony J. Drexel Biddle, Jr., C. Douglas Dillon, Charles Francis Adams IV, Charles G. Dawes, Charles M. Schwab, Chauncey Depew, Clement Attlee, Cyrus Vance, David K. E. Bruce, David Rockefeller, David Sarnoff, Dean Acheson, Dean Rusk, Edmund de Rothschild, Educator, Elihu Root, Francis Biddle, Frank B. Kellogg, George C. Marshall, George F. Baker, George Nathaniel Curzon, George Shultz, Harry Brittain, Henry Catto, Henry Kissinger, Henry L. Stimson, Henry Luce III, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Henry R. Luce, Henry S. Morgan, Historian, Horatio Herbert Kitchener, J. Pierpont Morgan, Jacob Schiff, James Baker, James Buchanan Duke, James Speyer, John C. Whitehead, John D. Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., John Foster Dulles, John Hay Whitney, John Macomber, John Tower, John W. Davis, Joseph Choate, Joseph P. Kennedy, Journalist, Leonard Bernstein, Levi P. Morton, Lewis W. Douglas, Lord Acton, Lord Inge, Lord Mountbatten, Lord Robertson, Malcolm Forbes, Margaret Thatcher, Marshall Field, Nelson Rockefeller, Nelson W. Aldrich, Neville Chamberlain, Nicholas Murray Butler, Orvil Dryfoos, Otto Kahn, Paul Mellon, Paul Volcker, Peter Carington, Peter G. Peterson, Peter Sutherland, Philanthropist, Philip Lader, Prince Andrew, Prince Charles, Prince Edward, Prince Philip, Princess Anne, Queen Elizabeth II, Raymond Seitz, Richard A. Boucher, Richard C. Holbrooke (Obama’s top consultant on Afghanistan and Pakistan, and AIG), Robert Cecil, Robert H. Tuttle, Robert Worth Bingham, Sandra Day O'Connor, Steve Forbes, Thomas J. Watson, Jr., Thomas W. Lamont, W. Averell Harriman, Walter Annenberg, Walter P. Chrysler, Warren Burger, Warren Christopher, William J. Crowe, Jr., William Rehnquist, William S. Farish, William Waldorf Astor, Winston Churchill, Winthrop W. Aldrich,   and ... Gold-Silver.us John R. Drexel III (great-great-great-grandson of Francis Martin Drexel), John R. Drexel IV (married Mary Jacqueline Astor), Raymond Seitz (Ambassador to the United Kingdom, 1991-1994, after which he joined the boards of companies including British Airways, Rio Tinto, General Electric, and silver short Lehman Brothers), Sir Edwin A.G. Manton (died 2005), Rupert Hambro, Pilgrims Society of Great Britain SilverTrust.co.uk, Eric Norman Shrubsole, Sir David Alan Walker, Pilgrims Society of Great Britain (chairman of Morgan Stanley International and chaired, 1985-1988, Johnson Matthey Bankers and held a high post at the Bank of England, 1981-1993), Richard A. Debs was with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1960-1976 and pres Morgan Stanley until 1987, James D. Robinson III, Lindsay Russel, Sir Christopher Meyer, Edmund L. de Rothschild, Paul Mellon, Peter John Charles Mosse, David Rockefeller, Detlev W. Bronk, George L.Hinman, Richard Dilworthe, George Hanar, Dean Rusk, Hillary Clinton, Earl of De La Warr, and possible members: Timothy Mellon; David Rockefeller Jr.; Timothy Geithner; Benjamin Bernanke; George Soros; Warren Buffet; Bill Gates; Ted Turner; Robert Kelly of Bank of New York Mellon; Gene McQuade of Citigroup; Lloyd Blankfein, William W. George, James A. Johnson and John H. Bryan of Goldman Sachs; Jamie Dimon, James Crown and Lee Raymond of JPMorganChase; John Stumpf of Wells Fargo; Marcus Agius, Sir Richard Broadbent and Sir John Sunderland of Barclays; Donald F. Donahue, Depository Trust New York; William Dudley, Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Thomas J. Healey of the Rockefeller Foundation; and others the reader can look up including Philip Anschutz; John D. Arnold; Louis M. Bacon; Robert Bass; Michael Bloomberg; David Bonderman; Eli Broad; Anne Cox Chambers; Barry Diller; Larry Ellison; James Goodnight; William H. Gross; Amos Hostetter Jr.; Carl Icahn; Edward Johnson III; Rupert Johnson Jr.; Paul Tudor Jones; George B. Kaiser; Peter R. Kellogg; Randal J. Kirk; Thomas H. Lee; Donald B. Marron; Forrest Mars Jr.; John Franklyn Mars; Craig McCaw; Gordon Moore; Donald Newhouse; Samuel Newhouse Jr.; Hank Paulson; John Paulson; Thomas Pritzker; Richard Rainwater; Julian Robertson; Sir Simon Robertson and Sir Brian Williamson of HSBC; Richard Mellon Scaife; Harold Simmons; Donald Trump; Mortimer B. Zuckerman.
  • 2004 top timeline
  • 2005 WMR has learned from a source close to the Fellowship that in early November 2005, Hillary Clinton, who had been a long associate of the Fellowship and its "prayer meeting" activities at The Cedars, its Arlington mansion headquarters, attended a luncheon hosted by Coe at The Cedars. Present were wealthy Republican business leaders. After the luncheon, the Republicans and Coe said that Clinton was "a delightful person" who deserved their support. Afterwards, Hillary Clinton began receiving generous donations from the Fellowship members through 2006 and 2007 federal election reporting cycles.
  • 2005 Clinton Global Initiative  Hillary Rodham Clinton (former first lady of U.S., 67th U.S. Sec. of State under Obama - Lynn Forester De Rothschild, friend, de Rothschild and other Clinton backers created the website Together4us.com Clinton supporters - Clinton Global Initiative, member - Broadcasting Board of Governors, Governor - Voted for Financial Markets Bail out Bill 10/1/08  .... Lynn Forester de Rothschild also major contributor to Bill Clinton Foundation
  • 2006 YouTube PATH TO 9-11: The scene they didn't want you to see ... Last year, ABC and Disney appeared to cave to political pressure from Bill Clinton, Sandy Berger, and Democrat leaders in the Senate. As a result, a key scene that was critical of the Clinton administration's mishandling (intentional?) of Osama bin Laden never made it to broadcast television. To this day, Disney refuses to release the movie on DVD. ... AmericanThinker search terms: blogosphere, backchannel moves, threats to ABC / Disney to quash the film, Clinton attorneys Richard Ben-Veniste, Bruce Lindsey, and Floyd Abrams; pundits Keith Olbermann (remember 'The Worst Person in the World'?), Judd Legum and Max Blumenthal; Senators Harry Reid, Dick Durbin
  • 2006 AmericanThinker Path to 9/11 ... s 'The Path to 9/11'. This film is arguably the most significant of the post-9/11 set, as it connects the dots between the first World Trade Center attack of 1993, the failure to neutralize Osama Bin Laden despite multiple opportunities, and the ultimate tragedy of September 11, 2001. ...Igor sent it to DVD ... The reason for the unprecedented censorship may be summarized in two words: The Clintons. The Clinton machine, jealous both for Bill's legacy and Hillary's 2008 White House ambitions, saw the film as a threat, and mobilized all of its heavy artillery to make Disney/ABC offers it couldn't refuse, first to edit and then to completely withdraw the film. ... (Israel, Saudi Arabia, UK gatekeeper film)
  • 2006 Huffington Post During a 2006 interview with "Fox News Sunday," Clinton defended his administration's efforts to capture and kill bin Laden, ...
  • 2007 Telegraph.UK In January 2007, Hillary delivered the news her supporters had been waiting decades for: she was running for president. She entered the Democratic primary as the overwhelming favourite but went down to a shock defeat at the hands of Barack Obama, then a youthful Illinois senator, in the Iowa caucuses. Despite winning the critical New Hampshire primary, Hillary never caught up with Obama and dropped out of the race to campaign on his behalf against John McCain.
  • 2007 Oct WMR Hillary Clinton flew on plane owned by company linked to CIA renditions and organized crime On September 24, 2007, a Gulfstream II (tail number N987SA) crashed landed in Yucatan, Mexico with 3.3 metric tons (3.7 tons) of cocaine on board. The plane had recently been sold to Donna Blue Aircraft, Inc. of Coconut Creek, Florida, a firm owned by two Brazilians, and re-sold, shortly before the crash, to two Florida businessmen. N987SA had also flown patterns to and from Guantanamo Bay similar to those flown by CIA rendition aircraft Before being sold to Donna Blue, the Gulfstream had been owned by Air Rutter International, a firm with offices in Garden City, New York; Long Beach and Irvine, California, whose owner is Arik Kislin, the son of Sam Kislin. N987SA was owned by Kislin's business partner, William Achenbaum, an owner, along with Arik Kislin, of Manhattan's Hotel Gansevoort. Air Rutter leased out the aircraft. ... ... On October 1, 2007, the New York Post reported that an ex-employee of Air Rutter, Mark Billey, subsequently arrested on federal child sex charges, said he noted a number of armed U.S. Marshals at Air Rutter's facilities in Long Beach, however, given the connection between the firm and Hillary Clinton, the federal agents may have been part of Senator Hillary Clinton's Secret Service detail. Clinton has made several fundraising visits to the Los Angeles area over the past year.
  • 2007 Nov 9/11Blogger ... members of Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth attended a Hillary Clinton event in Peterborough, NH. While Hillary escaped being asked about a new 9/11 investigation, she was asked about her alleged attendance at the 2006 Bilderberg Conference.
  • 2008 top timeline
  • 2008 YouTube The 9/11 Chronicles: Part One, Truth Rising full length ... TopDocumentaryFilms ... (never mentions Israel, Saudi Arabia, UK but useful) ... See, this is what the media does. The documentary elaborates how they never talk about the family members. They never talk about the rescue workers. The family members, rescue workers started this 9/11 truth movement and people have to understand that it's these people who are affected by 9/11 - who we are fighting for. Seven years after the attacks of September the Eleventh, a global awakening has taken place, the likes of which the world has never seen. As the corporate-controlled media dwindles into extinction, a new breed of journalists and activists has emerged. Join Alex Jones, Luke Rudkowski and others as they set out on a mission determined to expose the ruthless global elite, and alert the masses to the truth about 9/11. Strap in and get ready to ride along as criminal overlords David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Alan Greenspan, John McCain, and many others are confronted about their lies and manipulation. Including interviews with Jesse Ventura, Rosie O'Donnell, George Carlin, Willie Nelson and Martin Sheen, this film is unlike anything you have ever seen. the only question after viewing it is, will you become part of the Truth Rising.
  • 2008 Wikipedia Lynn Forester de Rothschild was a major fund raiser for Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2008 Presidential bid and has received attention for endorsing John McCain for President. On June 22, 2011, she hosted a fundraiser for Jon Huntsman, Jr.'s presidential campaign.[10] From 1993–1995, she served on President Bill Clinton's National Information Infrastructure Advisory Council. From 1998-2000, Lynn Forester de Rothschild served on the US Secretary of Energy’s Advisory Committee.
  • 2008 Digital Journal Now comes this bombshell from Jerry Zeifman, who supervised a much younger Hillary Clinton when she worked as a staffer for the Watergate committee: 'A lifelong Democrat, Mr. Zeifman supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.' Why? "Because she was a liar," Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.' Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/252624#ixzz3XNj431je
  • 2008 Oct WMR -- Obama's Rice problem The "other Rice," Barack Obama's chief foreign policy adviser Susan Rice, a former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs under President Bill Clinton, may have egg on her face as a result of the Somali pirate capture of a Belize-flagged Ukrainian freighter, the MV Faina, on September 25 off the Somali coast. The ship is carrying 33 Soviet T-72 tanks, anti-aircraft batteries, rocket and grenade launchers, and ammunition, which was reportedly destined for the government of South Sudan, a breakaway movement that is currently in a tenuous coalition with the central Sudanese government in Khartoum. Rice is a long-time supporter of the southern Sudanese Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and a virulent critic of the Khartoum government. The capture of the Faina by Somali pirates points to the existence of a secret arms supply line involving Ukraine's neocon government led by President Viktor Yushchenko, the government of Kenya, and the United States. The U.S. Navy is currently shadowing the Faina in a standoff with the Somali captors of the ship. Wikipedia  He failed to secure a runoff spot during the 2010 Ukrainian presidential election
  • 2008 Feb WMR Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton served on the board of a French chemical company that was implicated in shipping war materials to Saddam Hussein's government. Hillary Clinton served on the board of the American subsidiary of Lafarge Corporation before the first Gulf war. Attorney Marianne Gasior, whose veracity has been verified by a long-serving Department of Defense investigator, brought attention to Hillary Clinton's conflict of interest and her culpability in violating the U.S. and UN embargoes against Iraq and the U.S. Trading With the Enemy Act. Gasior was the corporate counsel for Kennametal, a Latrobe, Pennsylvania-based firm that was connected to Lafarge. Hillary Clinton was reportedly part of a covert CIA arms export network designed to ship embargoed war materials to Iraq. A Solon, Ohio warehouse owned by the British firm Matrix Churchill, Ltd. allegedly collected from manufacturing plants, including Teledyne, Kennametal, Mannesman-Demag, materials that were warehoused at Allied's Marblehead plant on Lake Erie, a one-time steel armor manufacturing plant for the US Army. Lafarge owned the property on which the Marblehead plant was located. The materials bound for Iraq were shipped up the St. Lawrence River to the UK for further transfer to Iraq. and 'landing under sniper fire' video .Let's not think about Brian Williams and the meltdown of NBCNews because of lies.. more below
  • 2008William J. Perry  links: Preventative Defense Project. Hambrecht & Quist, In-Q-tel, LGS Innovations, Secretary of Energy Advisor Board, Stanford Institute of Economic Policy Research, Lucent, Nuclear Threat Initiative, Anteon International Corp, Center for International Security and Arms Control,  Center for a New American Century, Defense Policy Board, Atlantic Council, Truman National Security Project, DOD, GTP, Clinton, Aspen Strategy Group (Scooter Libby), Stanford, Iraq Study Group, Technology Strategies & Alliances Corp, ESL, Nuclear Tipping Point, Hoover Institute.
  • Clinton Global Initiative  Wikispooks LeCercle member list, MasterJulesGnostic Liberation Front   TheRealBarackObama Findtrade
  • 2008 Obama Zionist Advisors list 2008 More Zionist Advisors: Rahm Emanuelhillary , White House Chief of Staff; Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury; Ben Bernanke, Chairman Federal Reserve; Peter Orzag, Director of the Office of Budget Management; David Axelrod, Chief political advisor; Larry Summers, Chief Financial Advisor; Ezekiel Emanuel, White House Medical Czar; Thomas Frieden, Director, Centers for Disease Control; Douglas Shulman, IRS Commissioner; Richard Haass, President of CFR and Obama’s ambassador-at-large; Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State; Lloyd Blankfein, CEO, Goldman-Sachs; Ken Feinberg, Corp. Executive Compensation Czar; Cass Sunstein, Director, Office of Regulatory Affairs; Daniel Fried, Overseer of USA’s gulag camps; Steven Rattner, Director, Obama’s Task Force of Auto Industry; Alan Bersin, Special Representative for Border Affairs; Todd Stern, Climate Change Czar; Carol Browner, environmental advisor and Energy Coordinator; Gary Gensler, Chairman of Commodities Futures Trading Commission; Elena Kagan, U.S. Solicitor General; Ron Klain, Chief of Staff to Vice President Biden; Eric Lander, Chairman, Council of Advisors on Science and Technology; Jacob Lew and James Steinberg, Deputy Secretaries of State; Ellen Moran, White House Director of Communications; Mary Schapiro, Chairperson, Securities and Exchange Commission; Sheila Bair, Chairperson, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC); Mona Sutphen, Deputy White House Chief of Staff; Donald Kohn, Vice Chairman, Federal Reserve Board; Richard Holbrooke Wikipedia, Special Envoy to Pakistan/Afghanistan; , Karen Mills, head, Small Business Administration; Jon Leibowitz, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission; Julius Genachowski, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission; , Dr. Margaret Hamburg, Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration; Susan Sher, Chief of Staff for First Lady, Michelle Obama, Henry Kissinger, Susan Rice - ambassador to the UN; Michael McFaul - head of the Russian desk at the National Security Council; Elena Kagan - solicitor general of the United States; Anne-Marie Slaughter - State Department policy planning staff; Neal S.Wolin - deputy counsel to the president for economic policy; Ezekial Emanuel - senior counselor at the White House Office of Management and Budget on health care policy; Lawrence Summers - head of the National Economic Council; Peter Orszag - director of the Office of Management and Budget; Peter Rouse - senior advisor to the president; Mona Sutphen - deputy chief of the White House staff.
  • 2008 Apr WMR  The Fellowship and its guest speakers  The secretive and cult-like Fellowship, which recently attracted the attention of NBC news because of its links to Hillary Clinton, maintains that it is spreading the word of Jesus through its prayer breakfasts. However, the Fellowship is more like a K Street super-lobbying firm with tentacles into the highest echelons of governments everywhere.    ....   WMR's Lebanese contacts have provided some additional information about Safi Kaskas, who, while originally hailing from Beirut, is a well-connected businessman in America. In addition to owning four oriental rug stores -- one of which is in Austin, Texas -- Kaskas is also chairman of Mid-America Holding Company and founder of the New Orleans Polo Club. Kaskas also co-founded a mosque. Information was included in an article published in the September/October 1986 print edition of Saudi Aramco World. on Oriental rugs, lectures, special functions by the Fellowship ...etc ... WMR  From  our Lebanese sources: "Saudis are financing much more than oil, oil lobbies, and military hardware . . . they are at the heart of PNAC [Project for the New American Century]."  other search terms: Hosts: Hon. And Mrs. Don Bonker [former Democratic Representative from State of Washington], 'shadow Billy Graham', links to Muslim Suadis, Raytheon  full article
  • 2008 RealJewNews “It’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department. We get a lot of advice from the Council so this will mean I won’t have this far to go to be told what we should be doing.”] Well, Hillary—with CFR’s OWN Jewish President, Richard Haass; and Board of Directors’ Jewish bankers Robert Rubin of CitiGroup/Stephen Friedman of Goldman Sachs and Hyatt Hotels Jewish heiress, Penny Pritzker, currently special advisor to Obama—what you’re being “told to do” is coming STRAIGHT from the Jewish horse’s mouth!
  • 2008 NewYorker The Times has reported that people involved in a series of Canadian uranium-mining deals channelled money to the Clinton Foundation while the firm had business before the State Department. And, in one case, a Russian investment bank connected to the deals paid money to Bill Clinton personally, through a half-million-dollar speaker’s fee. There were a number of transactions involved, and corporate name changes, but, basically, a Canadian company known as Uranium One initially wanted American diplomats to defend its Kazakh uranium interests when a Russian firm, Rosatom, seemed about to make a move on them; and then, after the company decided to simply let Rosatom acquire it (through Rosatom’s alarmingly named subsidiary, ARMZ), Uranium One needed State Department approval. (The approval was necessary because Uranium One controlled American uranium mines and exploration fields, a strategic asset.) search terms: half-million-dollar speaker’s fee, Putin, Russian dominance of uranium supplies, Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, Uranium One, Telfer, Canadian foreign charities, Rosatom, “the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.” , Schweizer book, ARMZ.
  • 2009 Wikipedia Susan Rice Susan Elizabeth Rice (born 17 November 1964) is an American diplomat, former Brookings Institution fellow, and the current United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Rice served on the staff of the National Security Council and as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs during President Bill Clinton's second term. Rice was confirmed as UN Ambassador by the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent on 22 January 2009.
  • CNN Money UBS admits helping tax evaders Swiss banking giant agrees to pay $780 million and hand over account information after helping U.S. clients evade the IRS. Vanguard founder blames banks. - Switzerland's largest bank, UBS, has admitted helping U.S. taxpayers hide money from the IRS, and has agreed to pay $780 million in fines and restitution, and to turn over account information. The deferred prosecution agreement was approved Wednesday by a federal court judge in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. "UBS admitted to conspiring to defraud the United States by impeding the IRS," the Justice Department announced late Wednesday. The statement says that UBS, "in an unprecedented move" based on an order by Swiss authorities, has agreed "to immediately provide the U.S. government with the identities of, and account information for, certain U.S. customers of UBS's cross-border business." UBS (UBS) also has agreed to end its business practice of providing banking services to U.S. customers with undeclared accounts. "Swiss bankers routinely traveled to the United States to market Swiss bank secrecy to United States clients interested in attempting to evade U.S. income taxes," the Justice Department said. The government document says Swiss bankers made a total of about 3,800 trips to discuss their clients' accounts. The government said that because the bank has acknowledged responsibility for its actions, has cooperated fully, and has taken remedial actions, the United States will recommend dismissal of the criminal charge "provided the bank fully carries out its obligations under the agreement." Two former UBS bankers have pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy for similar conduct. The acting head of the Justice Department Tax Division called Wednesday's agreement "but one milestone" in the effort to make sure U.S. citizens pay their fair share of taxes. "The veil of secrecy has been pulled aside, and we will continue to aggressively pursue those who shirk their federal tax obligations, or assist others in doing so," said John DiCicco, acting assistant attorney general for the Justice Department Tax Division. IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman issued a warning to the taxpayers who held the accounts, telling them to voluntarily pay up. Shulman said the taxpayers should note that Wednesday's agreement also stipulates that the U.S. government will continue to seek enforcement of its court action. "People who have hidden unreported income off shore need to get right with their government. They should come forward and take advantage of our voluntary disclosure process," Shulman said. e
  • 2009 WMR Largely the idea of then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, the Clitnon administration adopted a number of African dictators as "beacons of hope" for America's Africa policy. Obama's job in correcting America's dangerous policies in Africa will be all the more difficult since two major players in the Bill Clinton administration, Hillary Clinton and Albright's god-daughter Susan Rice, have been named as Obama's Secretary of State and ambassador to the UN, respectively.
  • 2009 Wikipedia In 2009, Huma Abedin was appointed deputy chief of staff to Clinton in the State Department, under a "special government employee" arrangement created by the department which allowed her to work for private clients as a consultant while also serving as an adviser to the Secretary of State. Under this arrangement, she did consultant work for Teneo, a strategic consulting firm whose clients included Coca-Cola and MF Global, and served as a paid consultant to the Clinton Foundation, while continuing her role as body woman to Clinton.[19] The New York Times reported that an associate of Abedin's said the arrangement also allowed her to work from her home in New York City, rather than at the State Department’s headquarters in Washington, to be able to spend more time with her child and husband. After leaving her post at the State Department in 2013, Abedin served as director of the transition team that helped Clinton return to private life, continued her work for the Clinton Foundation, and set up a private consulting firm, Zain Endeavors LLC.
  • 2009 ICIJ Another push against tax havens began when U.S. authorities took on UBS, forcing the Swiss bank to pay $780 million in 2009 to settle allegations that it had helped Americans dodge taxes. U.S. and German authorities have pressured banks and governments to share information about offshore clients and accounts and UK Prime Minister David Cameron has vowed to use his leadership of the G8, a forum of the world’s richest nations, to help crack down on tax evasion and money laundering.
  • 2009 Occidental Observer Kevin McDonald Review of Thomas Wheatland's The Frankfurt School in Exile, Part I: Authoritarianism and the Family Kevin MacDonald October 19, 2009 Thomas Wheatland’s book, The Frankfurt School in Exile, provides a useful historical account of the travels, connections, and ideas of an important Jewish intellectual movement. The Institute for Social Research began as an orthodox Marxist organization during the Weimar period. During this period, they were dedicated to studying the class struggle and were often in close contact with members of the German Communist Party. Like several other members of the Institute, Max Horkheimer, who became head of the Institute, came from a wealthy background, but like so many Jewish radicals, had a “moral and emotional” opposition to bourgeois society
  • 2009 CFR Board of Directors: Carla A. Hills(Jewish) - Co-Chairman; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hills & Company Robert E. Rubin(Jewish) - Co-Chairman; Former Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Richard E. Salomon(Jewish) - Vice Chairman; Managing Partner, East End Advisors, LLC Richard N. Haass(Jewish) - President, Council on Foreign Relations Peter Ackerman(Jewish) - Rockport Capital, Inc. Madeleine K. Albright(Jewish) - Principal, The Albright Group LLC Charlene Barshefsky(Jewish) - Senior International Partner, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP Henry S. Bienen(Jewish) - President, Northwestern University Alan S. Blinder(Jewish) - Gordon S. Rentschler Memorial Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton University Frank J. Caufield(Jewish) - Co-Founder, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Kenneth M. Duberstein(Jewish) - Chairman and CEO, The Duberstein Group, Inc. Stephen Friedman(Jewish) - Chairman, Stone Point Capital Maurice R. Greenberg(Jewish) - Chairman & CEO, C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. J. Tomilson Hill(Jewish) - Vice Chairman, The Blackstone Group Henry R. Kravis(Jewish) - Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Joseph S. Nye, Jr.(Jewish) - Distinguished Service Professor, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University David M. Rubenstein(Jewish) - Cofounder and Managing Director, The Carlyle Group Leslie H. Gelb(Jewish) - President Emeritus
  • 2010 WMR ... on Chilean earthquake 2010 ... Mrs. Clinton also met with Pinera, a protege of the former fascist dictator General Augusto Pinochet. Pinera sees the quake as having a silver lining having stated that he sees post-quake construction creating more jobs, a thought shared by the neocon-controlled International Monetary Fund, which sees potential profits in reconstruction efforts. search terms: using the military to impose emergency rule, restore order.
  • 2010 Apr Occidental Observer Political elites, especially among the liberals, are beginning to be quite worried about the White rage they see all around them. A good indication of the hysteria is that Joe Klein of TIME wants Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin indicted for inciting sedition, and John Heilemann of New York magazine adds Rush Limbaugh to the list. Bill Clinton is doing his part. In an interview with CNN pundit and former AIPAC lobbyist Wolf Blitzer, Clinton was not shy about expressing his dislike of the Tea Parties, and he hinted at his desire for tougher speech restrictions.
  • 2010 WMR video ... RT: Hillary Clinton praises Henry Kissinger; Obama has adopted his foreign policy ... Kissinger (probably the most prominent unindicted war criminal) was chosen to chair the 9/11 Commission but declined.
  • 2011 May 9/11TruthNews Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State) vows to continue wars...the (faked) killing of Osama bin Laden is not the end of the war on terrorism ... committed to tracking down the perpetrators of extremist violence....
  • 2011 HolocaustRevisionism This article is dedicated to everyone before me who has been ostracized, vilified, reticulated, set up, threatened, lost their jobs, bankrupted, beaten up, fire bombed, imprisoned and killed for standing up and telling the truth on this historical subject. This is also dedicated to a true humanitarian for the people of Palestine who was savagely beaten and hung by the cowardly agents of the Mossad. Vittorio Arrigoni (February 4, 1975 - April 15, 2011)
  • 2011 Scientists for 9/11 Truth ... Professor Lyn Margulis (1938-2011) Academy of Sciences, Univ of Massasschusetts ... statement on 9/11 "Whoever is responsible for bringing to grisly fruition this new false-flag operation, which has been used to justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as unprecedented assaults on research, education, and civil liberties, must be perversely proud of their efficient handiwork. Certainly, 19 young Arab men and a man in a cave 7,000 miles away, no matter the level of their anger, could not have masterminded and carried out 9/11: the most effective television commercial in the history of Western civilization. I suggest that those of us aware and concerned demand that the glaringly erroneous official account of 9/11 be dismissed as a fraud and a new, thorough, and impartial investigation be undertaken." ... In 1999, President William Clinton presented Dr. Margulis with the National Medal of Science
  • 2011  Libya Against Super Power Media  The Assassination of Minister of Defense, planned by Clinton! According to IRIB, “Islamic Times”, quoted by Farsnews, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew about the terrorist operation, which targeted the security complex in Damascus. On tour last week in the region, Clinton tried to coordinate the operation and the countries that are involved, namely, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Turkey. The head of diplomacy even oversaw the content of the debates that took place in the context of multiple security meetings of the above countries, before the terrorist attack. No wonder, therefore, if the Israeli authorities claimed, following their meeting with Hillary Clinton, the Assad regime’s days are numbered. ... Three days before the attack, Israel has even made the decision to deploy troops along the borders with Syria. As for Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the new head of the intelligence services, Prince Bandar bin Soltan and Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassem had assissté, while two preparatory meetings in the presence of intelligence agents. Last week, the press had reported a secret meeting between Hamad bin Jassem and a senior Israeli security. The Prime Minister had then asked the caller, to leverage all possible means, to overthrow Assad.
  • 2011 VoltaireNet 2011 NATO bombing of Libya; an attack promoted and facilitated with the eager support of Mrs. Clinton. In an infamous CBS news interview, said regarding this international crime: “We came, we saw, he died.” As Time magazine pointed out in 2011, the administration understood removing Qaddafi from power would allow the terrorist cells active in Libya to run rampant in the vacuum left behind. Just last month the New York Times reported that Libya has indeed become a terrorist safe haven and failed state— conducive for exporting radicals through “ratlines” to the conflict against Assad in Syria. (as in 9/11, the US conducts a policy of 'control by chaos' in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine...many other countries)
  • 2011 Nov CNN/YouTube Bill Clinton addresses a protester calling for a new independent investigation of 9/11 ... says "19 hijackers from Saudi Arabia" ...
  • 2011 WMR India, ... where Hillary and former President Bill Clinton have sizable investments in the nuclear energy and software sectors, ... One of the legacies of Mrs. Clinton's time at the State Department is her encirclement of China with governments that are advancing America's interests in the region at the expense of China's. Using India to confront China in the South China Sea avoids getting the United States involved militarily in the conflict while assuring South China Sea claimant countries like the Philippines and Vietnam that other non-claimant naval powers like India have a stake in the maritime dispute with China. ...The U.S. is transferring 60 percent of its naval assets to the Pacific region....
  • 2012
  • 2014 May Occidental Observer Kevin McDonald Joe Walsh and the 9/11 cover-up: Jewish power on display ... gressman Joe Walsh has a sure-fire way to end the Palestinian/Israeli conflict: Palestinians move to Jordan, and those who don’t move reconcile themselves to permanent second-class status. As Robert Wright notes, Offhand, I don’t recall a member of Congress in my lifetime saying anything so grotesquely at odds with American ideals about ethnic relations and for that matter basic human rights. Will the Anti-Defamation League denounce Walsh? Will the American Jewish Committee? Will AIPAC have anything to say about the congressman whose strongly pro-Israel views its newsletter approvingly highlighted? If not, why not? (“Congressman endorses ethnic cleansing, apartheid for Palestinians“; The Atlantic) Walsh’s proposal contravenes the entire zeitgeist of Jewish intellectual and political activism in the West. It dovetails nicely with Newt Gingrich’s statement during the Republican primaries that the Palestinians already have a state: Jordan. Except that Gingrich apparently would like the Palestinians to be expelled. search term: Jabotinskyists, ethnonationalists, utopian multiculturalists,
  • 2012 Sep Washington Post / opinion ... 75 percent of Arabs don't believe the official version of 9/11 .. see Pew Research including Egyptian president Morsi ...
  • 2012 Nov 9/11 Blogger The 9/11 truth film "September Morn" starring Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson, Daniel Sunjata and others, has been derailed and sabotaged according to Sunjata.
  • Hillary Clinton admits U.S. government created al Queda
  • 2012 Sept BeforeItsNews  Hillary Clinton admits al-Qaeda behind Benghazi attack ...  RT US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now suggests the attack in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans may have been hatched by an al-Qaeda affiliate, yet another drastic change of heart from an Obama appointee. In New York City on Wednesday, Secretary Hillary Clinton told attendees at a special United Nations meeting that the September 11, 2012 assault first thought by the White House to be a spontaneous, violent response to an Anti-Islam film made in America could have been orchestrated by extremists in North Africa, specifically those subscribed to an off-shoot of al-Qaeda. “For some time, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and other groups have launched attacks and kidnappings from northern Mali into neighboring countries,” Clinton told the crowd this (pic: al Qaeda flag) week. “Now, with a larger safe haven and increased freedom to maneuver, terrorists are seeking to extend their reach and their networks in multiple directions. And they are working with other violent extremists to undermine the democratic transitions underway in North Africa, as we tragically saw in Benghazi.”  and PragmaticWitness CIA / false flag,
  • benghazi Go to Benghazi failed coup page
  • 2012 WMR The timing of Mrs. Clinton's partying at a night club as news of the Secret Service scandal began breaking had a number of observers scratching their heads. It is significant that President George W. Bush's Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, another committed supporter of Israel (dual Israeli-American citizen), was one of the few to come to Clinton's defense, stating, "She only had a beer." WMR previously reported that the Secret Service scandal in Cartagena was part of a covert operation by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to discredit Obama and lay the groundwork for a November presidential victory by Netanyahu's former business colleague and friend Mitt Romney. The secret trip of Sherman to Colombia in January and the ill-advised night clubbing by Mrs. Clinton and her team after news of the Secret Service scandal broke has political observers wondering whether Team Clinton is in on the Netanyahu hit job on Obama.
  • 2012 Sept 13 TownHall Another key piece of the puzzle Rice is unlikely to possess is why Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, three days after the Benghazi attack, was out there flogging that same concocted story, as when Hillary tried to console the father of slain ex-SEAL Tyrone Wood by promising him the video's producer would be arrested and prosecuted.
  • NY Times in the call to clarify his comment, Mr. Wolfson said that news accounts at the time made clear that the area in which she (Hillary) was landing was “a potential combat zone and was hazardous.” He said that in her memoir, “Living History,” she wrote about sniper fire in the hills and “clearly meant to say that” when she brought it up last week. He said she had described the event many times the same way and that “in one instance she (Hillary) said it slightly differently.” A third reporter then asked about it, prompting Mr. Howard to read the relevant passage from her book, in which she wrote: “Due to reports of snipers in the hills around the airstrip, we were forced to cut short an event on the tarmac with local children.” He repeated that this was the one time in which she misspoke.
  • 2012 Sept Examiner ... on Benghazi ... death of Ambassador Stevens ...(running guns into Syria) ...Ed Klein insisted these communications written by Hillary Clinton had ordered additional security to be provided in Benghazi, and Obama blatantly refused her request. These documents could be used to further support the rampant suspicions Obama had ulterior motives for leaving the American outpost virtually unguarded from outside aggressors. Bill Clinton tried to convince Hillary to go forward with her written requests so she would be exonerated from any wrong-doing in the attack. Hillary refused to disclose the orders for additional security out of fear she would be labeled as a "betrayer" of the Democratic Party. This "betrayal" would have eliminated her chance to run for president in 2016. It is worth noting that within days of Obama’s reelection, Hillary Clinton resigned from her cabinet position as Secretary of State.
  • 2012 World Business Chicago  bod Rahm Emanuel, James S. Crown, J.B. Pritzker, James Bell, Morman Bobins, Bouton CCGA, William Brodsky CBOE, Terrance Duffy CME Group, Glerum Citigroup, Michael Moskow CCGA, Henry Paulson, Muneer A. Satter Goldman Sachs   ... Brodsky is a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s International Advisory Committee ... LeadersMag  Brodsky vice chairman WFE World Federation of Exchanges, France, ..link Rothschild to Chicago via Wieslaw Rozlucki, PhD, William Brodsky and the WFE.
  • 2012 Manny Friedman: “Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews? But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows. The time has come, though. We no longer have to change our names. We no longer have to blend in like chameleons. We own a whole freaking country.” – Manny Friedman, Times of Israel, july 1, 2012
  • 2012 WMR Wayne Madsen Report, WMR new book: L'Affaire Petraeus The Benghazi Stand-down and the Plot to "Carterize" Obama.  Stevens death was the result of an "October Surprise" political scheme cooked up by the GOP / Mossad / Netanyahu that did not go as planned and the Obama administration caught wind of it and purged around 20 military leaders including Petraeus, Ham, Gaoette and Allen.  MORE
  • benghazi Go to Benghazi failed coup page
  • 2013top timeline
  • 2013 Dec WMR It was U.S. ambassador to Kiev Geoffrey Pyatt who, working with his boss, State Department European Affairs Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland, who conspired with Ukrainian opposition leaders in late 2013 and early 2014 to organize the Euromaidan protest that eventually saw the democratically-elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, toppled from power and the subsequent outbreak of the Ukrainian civil war.
  • 2013 Reason Some of the longtime Bircher ideas and themes that have slipped into the conservative mainstream and now sound like Republican talking points include, according to [Chip] Berlet, the belief that big government leads to collectivism which leads to tyranny; that liberal elites are treacherous; that the U.S. has become a nation of producers versus parasites; that the U.S. is losing its sovereignty to global treaties; that the "New World Order" is an actual plan by secret elites promoting globalization; and that multiculturalism is a conspiracy of "cultural Marxism."
  • 2013 WMR Although her investment firm Albright Capital Management denied it to The New York Times in January, WMR has learned from a United Nations source who recently visited Kosovo that former Clinton administration Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has a more than fifty percent stake in Kosovo Telecom, also known as PTK. The arrangement was, according to Kosovars to whom the UN source spoke, a by-product of Albright's reported long-running romantic affair with Kosovo's Prime Minister Hashim Thaci. While he was leader of the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which received financial and logistical support from Balkans War U.S. ally Osama Bin Laden, Thaci was seen as Albright's "toy boy" by all parties in the Balkans conflict: Kosovars, Serbs, Croatians, Macedonians, Bosnians, and Montenegrins.
  • 2013 Wikipedia Robert Spencer ... founder of Alt Right movement ...
  • 2014top timeline
  • 2014 April Occindental Observer Bill Clinton: Pioneer in Courting Jewish Money ... Weiss includes a quote from David Frum’s book on GW Bush (The Right Man) noting the prominent role of Jews in making Bill Clinton’s wonderful career. This includes Clinton “getting very rich rapidly” right after he left the presidency. (I recall that pretty much the first thing that Clinton did after leaving office was to give a speech to a Jewish audience in LA for $100,000—just a little thank you note, with the promise of much more to come.)
  • 2014 July YouTube Bill and Hillary Clinton block a major film on 9/11 TRUTH ... good comment: My thought is that this film is a propaganda tool to fortify the official 9/11 Report. It's a lot of baloney that poses as a probe into security failures before and during the attacks. It imbeds the myths of Al Qaeda and bin Laden, who were molded from thin air. Clinton, the Shrubs, Giuliani, heads of the press and TV networks, along with Cheney and most high level military brass, and Larry Silverstein were all in on the scheme going back several years.
  • 2014 WMR At a July 30, 2014 panel held at The Washington Post building, Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein and retired Post columnist Elizabeth Drew commented on the similarities between Hillary Clinton and Nixon and the "air" of Nixon that surrounds Clinton. The major similarity with Nixon is Clinton's tendency to be loose with the truth. WMR's editor was told by the ghost writer for Clinton's 2003 "autobiography," Living History, that the book is packed with falsehoods. Many of Hillary's claims, when fact checked, turned out to be false or hugely embellished. When the ghost writer brought these to Clinton's attention, she barked back, "I'm paying you to write this fucking book, not question it.
  • 2014 Sep WMR Today, Libya is governed by a least two rival governments. One Islamist rebel faction called Libya Dawn, which sounds very much like Odyssey Dawn, the name of the U.S.-led military intervention in Libya that toppled Qaddafi, is now in control of the capital Tripoli. The group, which ransacked the abandoned U.S. embassy compound in Tripoli, receives its spiritual guidance from the Grand Mufti of Libya, Sheikh Sadik al-Ghariani, who broadcasts radio messages to Libya with the support of the Britain's MI-6 intelligence service. Meanwhile, the Libyan government, including acting Prime Minister Abdullah Al-Thinni and the Libyan Parliament, have fled to exile in the eastern Libyan city of Tobruk, near the Egyptian border. Egyptian and United Arab Emirates war planes recently bombed Islamist rebel-held areas of Tripoli, earning a stern warning from the U.S., British, French, and Italian governments. ... Hillary Clinton's puff piece article in Newsweek, under the headline "The Liberation of Timbuktu." It was Hillary's transformation of Libya from a moderate Sufi society to rule by radical Salafi Wahhabists that saw half of Mali, including Timbuktu, fall to Islamist radicals spurred on by their benefactors in Libya. Hillary "came, saw, and the Islamists conquered."
  • 2014 Nov Occidental Observer Kevin McDonald Race again loomed large in the 2014 elections. The CNN exit polls showed that Whites of all age groups, both sexes, and all social classes voted Republican. White males: 64%-33%: White women: 56%-42% (likely much higher for married White women if past trends held); Whites 18–29: 54-43%. Whites without a college education voted 61–31 for Republican House candidates. (These are underestimates because voters counted as White include groups, such as Jews and Middle Easterners, who neither identify or vote like Whites.) and ... So once again we come up against biological realities — that people are less likely to contribute to public goods that will disproportionately benefit people unlike themselves. This is a well-known cost of multiculturalism. Why should White voters want a law they know will benefit non-Whites far more than themselves? In fact, immigrants are major beneficiaries of Obamacare, accounting for 42% of the growth of Medicaid since 2011. ... Whites who are reminded about their impending minority status adopt more conservative positions on a wide range of policies — from health care to guns.
  • 2015top timeline
  • 2015 Jan WMR As previously reported by WMR, not only has GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush seen his White House chances damaged by the Jeffrey Epstein underage sex slave scandal, but Democratic frontrunner for her party's presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton, is reportedly "furious" with her husband Bill Clinton for his involvement in the scandal. Mrs. Clinton's early political life was dominated by her commitment to the rights of children. It will all but destroy Mrs. Clinton's presidential hopes if her husband's involvement in the Epstein sex slave ring are proven in court. Bill Clinton has been named as a materiel witness in a lawsuit brought by two of the women who were trafficked by Epstein when they were underage. The women claim that Epstein, a billionaire Wall Street financier, trafficked them domestically and internationally for sexual trysts. Clinton and Harvard celebrity attorney Alan Dershowitz, a vocal defender of Israel, have been named in the lawsuit as Epstein accomplices. A number of email addresses for Mr. Clinton and 21 private phone numbers for the ex-president, his personal assistant Doug Band, and his schedulers were discovered in Epstein's personal phone directory. Mr. Clinton made a number of trips with Epstein on his private plane from 2002 to 2005. After Epstein, who is currently a registered sex offender, was charged in 2005 with soliciting a 14-year old girl for prostitution, Clinton's air jaunts with Epstein abruptly ceased.
  • 2015 Jan TheSmokingGun Billionaire Sex Offender's Phone Book Contained E-Mail Addresses, 21 Phone Numbers For Bill Clinton ... Now that Prince Andrew has found himself ensnared in the sleazy sex slave story of wealthy degenerate Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton can’t be too far behind. Epstein, who paid teenage girls for naked massages at his Palm Beach, Florida mansion, is a convicted sex offender whose circle of powerful friends has included financiers, celebrities, politicians, and scientists. In fact, Epstein, 61, has maintained many of these relationships even after pleading guilty in 2008 to a felony charge stemming from a lengthy probe of his lewd interaction with scores of underage girls, many of whom were recruited while they were students at a Palm Beach high school.
  • 2015 Feb Guardian The charitable foundation run by Hillary Clinton and her family has received as much as $81m from wealthy international donors who were clients of HSBC’s controversial Swiss bank. Leaked files from HSBC’s Swiss banking division reveal the identities of seven donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation with accounts in Geneva.
  • 2015 Yahoo Obama adviser John Podesta's biggest regret: Keeping America in dark about UFOs ... Podesta’s longtime fascination with UFOs is well-documented, as his brief political hiatus following four years as President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff freed him up to pursue his otherworldly passion. At a 2002 press conference organized by the Coalition for Freedom of Information, Podesta spoke on the importance of disclosing government UFO investigations to the public.
  • 2015 Mar GlobalResearch Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation (Pinchuk is a Jewish mining oligarch in Ukraine), according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union. In 2008, Mr. Pinchuk made a five-year, $29 million commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative, a wing of the foundation that coordinates charitable projects and funding for them but doesn’t handle the money. The pledge was to fund a program to train future Ukrainian leaders and professionals “to modernize Ukraine,” according to the Clinton Foundation. Several alumni are current members of the Ukrainian Parliament. Actual donations so far amount to only $1.8 million, a Pinchuk foundation spokesman said, citing the impact of the 2008 financial crisis. and seewmr WMR report on Pinchuk below ...
  • 2015 Apr People-press Hillary Clinton approval timeline Clinton 9/11 Truth
  • 2015 APR American Thinker We will probably never know specifically what was on Hillary's email server (unless, as suggested by the Wall Street Journal, we subpoena China's military intelligence). But if the spell is finally and definitively broken, as the willingness of less-than-right-wing pundits at the New York Times, Time magazine and others to criticize Hillary without restraint suggests it might be, then we may yet learn many things about the world in which we live that we had no idea were being suppressed out of rapturous worship, or mortal terror, of the Clintons. search terms: Flight 93World Trade Center, Zero Dark 30, or American Sniper, Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko and An Inconvenient Truth, Prime time miniseries Path to 9/11, Clinton's failure to kill bin Laden,
  • 2015 Frontpage Hillary Clinton ... awards received
  • 2015 State of the Nation Then there is Emailgate, a multi-year series of transgressions to long to list here.  Any objective look at the facts of this unprecedented scandal reveals that the “Former Secretary of State Effectively and Illegally Operated A Parallel Government”.  Also, her continued stonewalling of a House Select Committee which has subpoenaed her email records certainly does not help her candidacy.
  • 2015 Apr CNN Clinton officially announces a second bid for the White House. The initial word comes in an email to supporters from John Podesta, a longtime Clinton ally, then a video launched on YouTube and a newly minted Facebook page. Shortly after declaring her candidacy for president, she resigns from the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation's board of directors, according to foundation officials.
  • 2015 Apr 23 FresnoZionism (pro Zionist)A particularly offensive position commonly attributed to Jews is that recognition of the Armenian Genocide would diminish the importance of the Jewish Holocaust.
  • 2015 Apr 23 FoxNews Clinton Foundation got $$ from investors as Russians pushed for uranium deal ... The relationship between former President Bill Clinton and a group of wealthy Canadian mining investors who made significant contributions to the Clinton family's foundation has come under scrutiny after their uranium company ended up in the hands of the Russians. That deal, which gave the Russians access to part of the U.S. uranium reserves, all started with Bill Clinton's dealings with friend Frank Giustra.
  • 2015 WMR NFU summary of article: David Plouffe, ( Senior VP of Policy and Strategy for the Uber.com driving service and political mastermind behind Obama's presidential campaigns of 2008 and 2012 is now an unofficial adviser to Hillary Clinton's campaign... specifically to circumvent the WH press corp in the similar manner (relying on social media) that he exercised in Obama's campaigns. Uber application has been discovered to not only keep track of very specific geo-location data on its customers but also other applications running on a customer's smart phone, records of past phone calls, web browsing histories, WiFi hot zone usage, and the actual device identifier (iPhone, Android, etc.). Not only is such data valuable to third party marketers but also to law enforcement and intelligence agencies
  • Arkancide, EIR Rhode, Abram Shulsky, Feith, Perle, Vulcans, 9/11 preparation...DigWithin "office of net assessment" 9/11 wtc, "stephen green" wolfowitz feith,
  • WMR John O'Neil PNAC, Bush and Clinton administration thwarting his investigations... clearing the baffle, History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
  • NFU 9/11, JFK & Holocaust interactive spreadsheet
  • ConcisePolitics Am...Trump says Zakheim linked to UBS / Clinton scandal ... Trump has reportedly exposed Dov Zakheim and his son Roger Zakheim as treasonous connection to the UBS-Clinton Foundation scandal at the State Department with Scott Bennett ROTHSCHILDS MAFIA RUN SWISS BANK... UBS ...Finances terrorist operations, People involved, Roger Zakheim, Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Lanny Breuer, Eric Holder, Covington & Burling, Booz-Allen-Hamilton, Brad Birkenfeld, UBS, Hillary Clinton.
  • 2015 Black Rose Anarchist Organization mission statement Mission Statement We are an organization of revolutionaries who share common visions of a new world – a world where people collectively control their own workplaces, communities and land and where all basic needs are met. A world where power and participation flow from the bottom upwards and society is organized for peoples’ aspirations, passions, and needs rather than profit, racial prejudice, patriarchy, or imperialism; and where we live sustainably with the planet. We believe that this vision can only be brought about through the revolutionary power of the working class organized in the workplaces, community, schools, and streets to overthrow the state and capitalism and build a new world from the bottom up. As those actively seeking to construct this vision we are inspired by the traditions of anarchist-communism, anarcho-syndicalism, especifismo, platformism, feminism, queer liberation, black liberation, abolitionism, anti-racism and their history of global struggle for liberation. We believe in the need for a political home from which to organize ourselves and put forward our vision. We believe in the need to create spaces for the development of new revolutionaries that allow the grouping together of similarly minded militants. We see the need to build a specifically anarchist organization united around a common set of ideas, strategy, and practice. We believe that political organization should speak to the needs of our time, and act as a catalyst in struggles to expand their revolutionary potential. Political organization should be a vehicle to build, contribute to, and learn from social struggles.
  • 2015 Jul WSWS A report in the Wall Street Journal Thursday details Hillary Clinton’s actions while US secretary of state,on behalf of the Swiss banking giant UBS. The bank reciprocated by means of large contributions to the Clinton Foundation and a fat paycheck for Bill Clinton to participate in a question-and-answer session with UBS executives.
  • 2015 Jul WSJ A few weeks after Hillary Clinton was sworn in as secretary of state in early 2009, she was summoned to Geneva by her Swiss counterpart to discuss an urgent matter. The Internal Revenue Service was suing UBS AG to get the identities of Americans with secret accounts. If the case proceeded, Switzerland’s largest bank would face an impossible choice: Violate Swiss secrecy laws by handing over the names, or refuse and face criminal charges in U.S. federal court. Within months, Mrs. Clinton announced a tentative legal settlement—an unusual intervention by the top U.S. diplomat. UBS ultimately turned over information on 4,450 accounts, a fraction of the 52,000 sought by the IRS, an outcome that drew criticism from some lawmakers who wanted a more extensive crackdown.
  • 2015 July HotAir Hillary Clinton’s curious relationship with major Swiss bank draws attention ... after controversial settlement .... The bank also joined the Clinton Foundation to launch entrepreneurship and inner-city loan programs, through which it lent $32 million. And it paid former president Bill Clinton $1.5 million to participate in a series of question-and-answer sessions with UBS Wealth Management Chief Executive Bob McCann, making UBS his biggest single corporate source of speech income disclosed since he left the White House.
  • 2015 Aug DailyBeast Spies: Obama’s Brass Pressured Us to Downplay ISIS Threat U.S. intelligence analysts keep saying that the American-led campaign against ISIS isn’t going so well. Their bosses keep telling them to think again about those conclusions. Senior military and intelligence officials have inappropriately pressured U.S. terrorism analysts to alter their assessments about the strength of the self-proclaimed Islamic State
  • kurdi
  • 2015 Sep RT Clinton ‘jeopardized national security’ by using private email server – Snowden ... National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden said that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state jeopardized national security secrets. He said Clinton’s claims to the contrary “is completely ridiculous.” Snowden’s remarks were taken from an interview with Al Jazeera English, excerpts of which were made available on Thursday, and were in response to a reminder that a year ago it was Clinton who accused Snowden of helping terrorists by leaking details of the NSA’s surveillance programs. search terms:
  • 2016 Feb TradCatKnight The Satanic Theology Behind Cultural Marxism ... The Satanic Theology Behind Cultural Marxism by Ayesha Elfathi Abridged by henrymakow.com ... When I studied English Literature, I was mystified that it was stripped of its social and biographical context as if naked words had some occult meaning by themselves. "Critical Theory" (Jewish Satanism, Cabalism) has subverted ("deconstructed") modern Western culture and undermined language as a means of communication. Our education system quite literally inducts naive young people into a Masonic Jewish satanic cult. ... Benjamin loaded his writings on literature and culture full of concepts and terminology from the kabbalah and the occult. In an early piece, The Task of the Translator, he claims that all modern languages are incomplete and can never give a completely accurate description of anything on the surface until society and language become "whole." This is a clear reference to the kabbalistic "shattering of the vessels." The ideas expressed in this text would become the backbone of deconstructionism, the technique used by cultural Marxists to prove that words can mean anything and all things are "social constructs." He died young by his own hands while fleeing Nazi persecution but right before doing so he wrote a short essay which combined Marxist "historical materialism" with kabbalist mysticism.
  • 2016 Feb RealClearPolitics Donald Trump on 9/11: "You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center" ... Trump takes his relitigation of the Bush administration's record on 9/11 and Iraq to the next level, seeming to imply that we don't currently know who "really" committed the 9/11 attacks. ... Trump says if he is elected: "you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center." ... "It wasn't the Iraqis," he explained. "You may find it's the Saudis." "They have papers in there that are very secret," he also said, referencing the 28 still-classified pages of the 9/11 commission report. "But you will find out." ... Is Trump trying to divert attention away from Israel... says he was good friends with Silverstein.
  • 2016 Mar ZeroHedge America's Top Rogue Mercenary - Blackwater's Erik Prince Is Under Federal Investigation ... Erik Prince, founder of the now-defunct mercenary firm Blackwater and current chairman of Frontier Services Group, is under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice and other federal agencies for attempting to broker military services to foreign governments and possible money laundering, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the case. What began as an investigation into Prince’s attempts to sell defense services in Libya and other countries in Africa has widened to a probe of allegations that Prince received assistance from Chinese intelligence to set up an account for his Libya operations through the Bank of China. Prince is the brother of Betsy DeVos who is married to Dick DeVos, and is the daughter-in-law of Richard DeVos, the founder of Amway with an estimated net worth of $5.1 billion
  • 2016 Aug 29 Frontpage When Huma was two, the Abedin family relocated from Michigan to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This move took place when Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure who served as vice president of Abdulaziz University (AU), recruited his former AU colleague, Syed Abedin, to work for the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), a Saudi-based Islamic think tank that Naseef was preparing to launch. A number of years later, Naseef would develop close ties to Osama bin Laden and the terrorist group al Qaeda. Naseef also spent time (beginning in the early 1980s) as secretary-general of the Muslim World League, which, as journalist Andrew C. McCarthy points out, "has long been the Muslim Brotherhood’s principal vehicle for the international propagation of Islamic supremacist ideology."
  • 2016 Oct Occidental Observer The Jewish Origins of the Open Borders Movement ... In a 2015 essay on ‘Whiteness studies’ I attempted to lay the groundwork and contextualization for a more developed study of the scale and devastating impact of contemporary Jewish intellectual activism in our colleges, universities, and wider culture. In that essay I noted the importance of Jewish activists including Noel Ignatiev, Ruth Frankenberg, Ricky Marcuse, and Terry Berman, who between the mid-1970s and late 1990s engaged in an effort to develop an academic discipline known as ‘Whiteness studies.’
  • 2016 Oct Breitbart Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta’s membership on the executive board of an energy company, Joule Unlimited, which received millions from a Putin-connected Russian government fund, also included “75,000 common shares,” according to an email exchange uncovered by the Wikileaks hacks. In the newly-uncovered email exchanged under the subject “Podesta Outstanding Docs for Joule,” Eryn Sepp, who was an assistant to Podesta at the Center for American Progress, forwarded a message to Podesta from Mark C. Solakian, who was Senior Vice President and General Counsel at Joule Unlimited Technologies, Inc. ... DNC trying to tie Trump to Russia has failed because there is no evidence... but links to Podesta strongly evidenced.
  • 2016 Oct 2 SmashCulturalMarxism According to 538’s analysis, which was based on identifying Jewish donors by their names, place of residence and other factors, just 5% of contributions from Jewish donors went to Trump, compared to 29% for Mitt Romney in 2012. The analysis found that of the $95 million given so far by Jewish donors to presidential candidates, 95% has gone to Hillary Clinton. In fact, at this point of the race Clinton has already gotten more campaign dollars from Jewish donors than Barack Obama received in the entire 2012 campaign. A look at the share of Jewish donors on each side delivers further proof that Republican Jewish donors have turned their back on Trump. While Jewish contributors made up 7% of Romney’s donor base, they are only 3% of Trump’s.
  • 2016 Oct 30 GatewayPundit 650,000 emails found on laptop that Weiner and Abedin share... she lied to the FBI.
  • 2016 Nov 1 HA Goodman ...Clinton scandals summary... election campaign, Wikileaks: Clinton and all close campaign staff lied to the FBI, Sheryl Mills, regarding attorney client privalege on or about March 2, 2015, should never have been granted and shielded all from questions about illegal server, emails ..et al. all proving that the first FBI investigation was a cover-up, including Comey's role... Sheryl Mills told Obama (Mar 2, 2015) has emails from Hillary Clinton and they don't say state.gov, proving that Obama lied to the American press when he said he heard about the server along with everyone else from the press. Comey's second investigation opened up on Fri Oct 29th because of internal pressure form FBI field offices. Evidence that Lynch told all offices to stand down or actions to that affect. 675,000 emails on device that Huma Amedin failed to inform the FBI about turned up on a laptop belonging to her estranged husband Anthony Weiner, who himself is under investigation for sexting an underage girl. That laptop was connected to HRC illegal server in a bathroom closet in her residence (with Bill Clinton) in Chapaqua New York. It was a private unauthorized server with 22 unencryped special access program intelligence, connected to a Blackberry that the State Dept said she couldn't use... On Wikileaks 25 36336 , concerning DoJ Assistant AG Peter Kadzik who briefs Congress about Huma Abedin's email investigation, but in email dinner arrangements are discussed between Kadzik and Podesta... collusion... Podesta is chairman of Clinton campaign... all highly illegal considering investigations...There's a"'dump the emails' email... Podesta discussed this with Sheryl Mills on Mar 2, 2015, email 41841, "better to do sooner than later" says Podesta, ... all connected to Terry McCauliffe giving $675,000 to wife of ... FBI official (McCabe?) who went on to lead the investigation into the emails. Emails also expose Clintons statements to banksters that she has a public and private face... Goldman Sachs,... and Donna Brazille caught giving CNN town hall debate questions to Hillary Clinton more than once...Clinton Foundation is the power center of all related corruption, 100's of millions in pay-to-play, Doug Band, Rober Creamer... in violence dirty tricks at Trump rallies... on and on... and HRC involved in Turkey failed coup in Turkey in attempt to depose Erdegon, Gulan close to Hillary Clinton...constitutional crisis looming.
  • 2016 Nov 2 RealClearPolitics... Clinton emails and Clinton Foundation scandal will most likely lead to indictments...pay-for-play activities between Clinton State Department and Clinton Foundation investigation by the FBI going on since the fall of 2015... an avalanche of new information coming in every day...limited immunity deals to Heather Samuelson and Sheryl Mills first led some to believe that laptops were destroyed, but they were not and are now being searched... classified emails have been found?... immunity deals null and void if anyone involved lied...National Security division combing through Anthony Weiner's laptop... found emails coming from Clinton's illegal server ... and are not duplicates ...
  • 2016 Nov 2 Steemit Hillary Clinton part of pedophile ring... There are three files that are in the folder labeled “Life Insurance” , one of which is called ‘DNC Nuclear Arsenal’. The second file is labeled ‘Intimate XXX’, which contains naked pictures of Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and a teenage girl having sex. The Third file was not mentioned? The FBI set up a sting against the Department of Justice (DOJ). The sting set up Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch in Phoenix, Arizona which they had a secret meeting on the tarmac of Mrs. Lynch’s airplane. FBI workers leaked information to Bill Clinton that Loretta Lynch was going to be at the airport in Phoenix. This is how Bill Clinton knew that AG Lynch was going to be at the airport at that specific time and date. search terms: files in folder called "life insurance", ISIS, setup by Joe Lieberman, John McCain and Lindsey Graham and the Israeli Mossad, FBI sting setup to nail Clinton on tarmac in meeting with Lynch, email server set up to circumvent FOIA, all communcated to MSM, NBC, ABC, CBS.. code name SOCIGA3301, war between FBI and NYPD brewing if FBI suppresses NYPD indictment.
  • 2016 Nov 2 Infowars Steve Pieczenik ... Alex Jones and Steve Pieczenik break down the Clinton crime family and just how disgustingly degenerate they really are. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show
  • 2016 Nov 3 ZeroHedge Pennsylvania state police have raided offices of a democrat "public advocacy" group, FieldWorks, LLC, seeking evidence of possible voter-registration fraud. The Inquirer Daily News, cited court records in a report published earlier today noting that police were seeking templates that were "utilized to construct fraudulent voter registration forms." The office being investigated is located in the city of Norwood in Delaware County, PA. search terms:
  • 2016 Nov Eric Braverman ... seeking asylum in Russia?
  • 2016 Nov 2-3, - WMR Clinton email included classified NSA information; FBI investigation looking at links to Colombian drug cartels The steady drip of "Emailgate" continues to badger the Hillary Clinton campaign. Contained in the partially-released FBI report, dated July 2016, on the bureau's findings concerning Hillary Clinton's private email servers and the classified information contained on them is a reference to the presence of National Security Agency (NSA) classified information. The FBI report states that of 81 classified email chains discovered on Mrs. Clinton's server, 36 were deemed to be Not Releasable to Foreign Governments (NOFORN) and 2 were releasable to five Allied partners (FVEY). The caveat FVEY (Five Eyes) is classified information derived from communications intelligence systems operated by NSA and its four partner agencies in the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Many of the documents revealed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden were marked as FVEY. Here is what Mrs. Clinton said about Snowden in September: "[Snowden] stole very important information that has unfortunately fallen into a lot of the wrong hands . . . So, I don’t think he should be brought home without facing the music." One could also ask whether Mrs. Clinton's cavalier handling of information at the same classification level of that released by Snowden should also warrant criminal prosecution. It is now being reported that the FBI field office in Miami is investigating the operations of the Clinton Foundation, along with other FBI offices in New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and Little Rock. The FBI investigation in New York is principally focusing on the links between the teneoClinton Foundation and Teneo Capital, a private equity and intelligence firm co-founded by Bill Clinton's former chief assistant at the Clinton Foundation, Doug Band. While collecting a government paycheck from Mrs. Clinton as her chief assistant at the State Department, Huma Abedin, now under FBI scrutiny as a result of the discovery of 650,000 of her emails on the laptop computer of her estranged and disgraced husband, former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner, was also being paid by Teneo as an employee. One of Teneo Intelligence’s many global offices is located in Bogota, Colombia. A secretive Colombian private equity fund, Fondo Acceso, founded in 2010 and which, ironically means "Access Fund," was financed by Mexican mega-billionaire Carlos Slim Helu and Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra, is run out of the Clinton Foundation’s Bogota office. Not much is known about the fund other than that it claims to invest "education entities and agricultural and fishing products commercialization." Fondo Acceso and the Clinton Foundation are co-located at Calle 93A #14-17, Suite 707, Bogota. The fund benefited financially from the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement, for which Mrs. Clinton strongly lobbied as Secretary of State. And, lo and behold -- Teneo Intelligence shares the same office building in Bogota, the Chico Business Park, with Fondo Acceso and the Clinton Foundation! One big happy family at the Chico Business Park in Bogota: Clinton Foundation, Fondo Acceso, and Teneo Intelligence. The FBI field office in Miami is likely taking a very close look at this operation. Tracking the money being fed into the Clinton Foundation may include proceeds from the illegal narcotics traffic in Colombia and other nearby countries. Therefore, the involvement of the Miami office in investigating Clinton Foundation funding, including the major donations from Slim and Giustra, makes a world of sense. There are also various reports that the Clinton Foundation diverted millions of dollars in aid money destined for earthquake- and hurricane-ravaged Haiti. The FBI field office would be the natural focal point for a multi-pronged investigation of the Clinton Foundation since it would have to coordinate its activities with FBI Legal Attachés at U.S. embassies in Bogota, Mexico City (as the investigation pertains to Slim), and Port-au-Prince, Haiti. According to Mexican press reports, Slim, the top shareholder in The New York Times, has been linked to narcotics smuggling. "Acceso Fondo" claims it finances fruit tree farms in Colombia. Perhaps it funds other "agricultural" products, as well. The fund's investments in fishing boats is also of particular interest. The one man who knows about Slim and his drug cartel connections, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, is in solitary confinement in a Mexican prison awaiting extradition to the United States. El Chapo is a prime candidate to be offered a special plea deal in return for his knowledge about the Clinton, Slim, and Giustra narcotics smuggling operations in Colombia. However, as seen with the politicization of the U.S. Justice Department by Attorney General Loretta Lynch, that is not about to happen. The NSA maintains an active counter-narcotics intelligence operation at NSA Texas in San Antonio. The fact that Mrs. Clinton's email chains contained NSA FVEY information should have the NSA and FBI scurrying to find out if America's counter-drug cartel operations were compromised by the Clinton team.
  • 2016 Nov 4 Breitbart NYPD ready to make arrests in Anthony Weiner case. Blackwater founder Erik Prince (Xe), NYPD wanted to announce warrants by received "huge pushback" from Obama's DoJ, ... multiple foreign agents hacked into HRC illegal server, NYPD found 650,000 emails on Weiner laptop, some were classified, found info on HRC money laundering, Hillary went to Epstein's island on the Lolita Express at least six times, Bill Clinton 20 times, five different parts of FBI investigating HRC, Huma Abedin's storing of emails from State Dept and HRC home-brew server could send her to jail for years ... plenty of proof of inappropriate handling of classified info, up to Special Access Programs....Preet Bharara (NYPD) is person to overcome DoJ resistance... will he pull the trigger? ... DoJ is trying to run out the clock ...
  • 2016 Nov 4 YouTube InfoWars ... screen shots of Wikileaks emails, blood covered walls in satanic rituals ... written in blood on wall: "With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand Eat the PAIN" Podesta invited to "spirit cooking dinner" ... wife also invited ... brother Tony Podesta involved. Marina Abramovic, performance artist performs Aleister Crowley satanist rituals ... In a June 28, 2015 email, Abramovic wrote: "I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking Dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina" ...more writings on the wall: "mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk drink on earthquake nights" ... and "spirit cooking" refers to a sacrament in the Thelama which was founded by Aleister Crowley.... Abramovic book "Spirit Cooking with essential aphrodisiac recipes"... "engage in intercourse with partner who went through the same process for 3 days and 3 nights drink each others nectars postpone climax unthe last hour before sunrise on the third day" ... Edition Jabob Samuel, Santa Monica1996 ...
  • research Alinski and Crowley ... satanism
  • Wikipedia Jeffrey Epstein... in mid 70s worked for and became partner in Bear Stearns, started Financial Trust Company based in St. Thomas, Wikipedia side-steps all mention of Orgy Island, Lolita Express, underage sex, pedophilia, but does mention that Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey attended,... Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew were implicated...see NoDisInfo
  • RosaryChurch.net Marxism
  • 2016 Dr.William Mount Blog Bill Clinton presided overy Weiner/Abedin wedding... Abedin's mother Saleha Mahmood Abedin is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, a member of the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief,
  • see Huma Abedin 2009 entry
  • 2016 University of Illinois Sociology Dept faculty: Akresh, Ilana Redstone Baker, Phyllis Bayat, Asef Buckley, Cynthia Dill, Brian Ghamari-Tabrizi, Behrooz Gille, Zsuzsa Leicht, Kevin Liao, Tim Marshall, Anna-Maria McDermott, Monica Mendenhall, Ruby Moussawi, Ghassan Mun, Eunmi Sandefur, Rebecca Steward, Daniel Van Heuvelen, Thomas VanHeuvelen, Jane Zerai, Assata
  • 2016 Nov 5 Abbey Martin ...YouTube video ... Podesta, HRC
  • 2016 Nov 6 YouTube Clinton Epstein sex scandal RT ... reports... Prince Andrew, 1400 children, British pedophilia world center ... entertainers... PR people ... murder during orgy rent boys... Westminister Palace ...most accusations against of those who died because of British police coverup ... Thatcher cabinet ... world wide pedophilia ring ... erotic slaves ... sado masochism ... Clinton ... weathy take advantage of poor girls ... 600k ... Virginia Roberts was 15-17 ... blaming the victim rampant ... Alan Dershowitz involved on both sides.. abuser and attorney ...
  • 2016 Wikipedia Anthony Weiner ... Anthony David Weiner was born in Brooklyn, New York, on September 4, 1964, as the middle son of his Jewish parents: Mort Weiner, a lawyer, and his wife Frances (née Finkelstein), a public high school math teacher. The family lived for a time in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn,... early life friends with John Stewart, comedian, joined the staff of then–United States Representative and current Senator Charles Schumer. He worked in Schumer's Washington, D.C. office for three years, then transferred to the district office in Brooklyn in 1988 ... used dirty tricks in 1991 campaign for NY city council ... Weiner criticized Republicans for opposing the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act,
  • 2016 Nov 7, Regated FBI mutiny ... STEVE PIECZENIK: U.S. INTELLIGENCE WAGING COUP AGAINST CORRUPT CLINTONS ... Pieczenik claims that the Clintons and their close associates have successfully pulled off a coup via corruption. He explains that total corruption and co-option were the two strategies behind this coup. Pieczenik says Bill and Hillary Clinton co-opted many central facets of our government — the White House, the judiciary, the CIA, the FBI. Attorney General Loretta Lynch seems to be in the pocket of the Clintons, intervening and obstructing FBI investigations into Hillary Clinton’s private server and e-mails at every turn. James Comey, who was on the board of directors at HSBC bank, a bank that gave $81 million to the Clinton Foundation, is also the current head of the FBI.
  • pieczenikFBI Mutiny... Steve Pieczenik
  • 2016 Nov 7 Washington Post Donna Brazile is not apologizing for leaking CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Her only regret, it seems, is that she got caught. “My conscience — as an activist, a strategist — is very clear,” the interim chair of the Democratic National Committee said Monday during a SiriusXM interview with liberal activist Joe Madison. She added that “if I had to do it all over again, I would know a hell of a lot more about cybersecurity.” In other words, Brazile would have made sure that her improper disclosures — which prompted CNN to drop her as an analyst — would not show up in hacked emails published by WikiLeaks. The lesson, apparently, is to pick up the phone or perhaps meet John Podesta in a dark alleyway.
  • 2016 Nov 7 WND Clinton scandal list grows ... starts with baggage from Clinton days as governor of Arkansas, use of the IRS and FBI to target political opponents, to stalking ... stalking and harassing subjects of Bill Clinton’s sexual advances and even attempts to loot taxpayer-funded items from the White House and State Department. Americans also witnessed capers such as Travelgate, Chinagate, Filegate and Pardongate.... Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades and subsequent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice consumed more than a year of American public life and bitterly divided the nation.... In the years since the memorable Clinton presidency, Hillary has brought America Emailgate, the Benghazi scandal, the “Clinton U” scam and scandals involving the Clinton Foundation, among others... vandalized and looted White House and State Dept upon leaving, theft of presidential seal, favors, bribes, overnight stays, ... Filegate (obtained FBI files on perceived GOP adversaries, the privacy of Linda Tripp and Kathleen Willey had been violated ... the Clinton U scam, Laureate Education, $55 million ... Hillary appointed a Clinton Foundation donor (Rajiv K. Fernando) and top bundler for Clinton campaigns to a sensitive State Department intelligence advisory board ... just the tip of the iceberg...
  • Trump's greatest 2016 election campaign ad


  • 2016 Nov 8 HA Goodman YouTube more summary of Clinton campaign corruption: Sanders (Roby Mook involved) had to sign Hillary Clinton non-aggression pact, thus statement soft-pedaling email scandal at beginning of primaries, seven people connected to DNC forced to resign positions because Wikileaks revelations uncovered DNC plot to foist Clinton on to American people including Debbie Wasserman Schultz, for DNC operatives connected to Schulz, Donna Brazille forced out at CNN. MSM including CNN, Washington Post, NYTimes, Politico colluded with Clinton campaign by sending articles to be edited to those orgs, ... Wolf Blitzer collued with DNC on question ahead of Blitzer/ Trump interview on foreign policy (Next News Network) doing same thing as Donna Brazille to Trump, Podesta host dinner inviting media, Chuck Todd hosts dinner party with John Podesta, DoJ's Kadzick has dinner with Podesta, Clinton meeting Lynch on tarmac, ... if HRC wins, it will be because she had every dirtry trick advantage on her side... and DNC raised over $60 million for her campaign, and campaign finance laws broke (see Walker Brackman), took money from prison lobby in 2015 (Bill Clinton started mass incarceration epidemic), called black youths super predators, Wikileaks: don't offer Black Lives Matter policy solutions, Wikileaks Wall St. transcripts showing HRC public and private face, ... five countries hacked into her private server, ... DNC trying to blame Russia for leaks all the while Podesta has the real connections to Russia, HRC deal with Uranium One to sell rights to 20% of US Uranium... Haiti charity scandal and the lost $10 billion where a less than 1% went to Haiti earthquake relief...
  • jewsJews / Zionists behind mass immigration that's dilluting US white population and changing election dynamics.... includes Islamization of Europe to combat anti-Semitism, divide and conquer....
  • 2016 EnglishNews The Jewish involvement in not only initiating but continually and fanatically pushing tighter and tighter one sided race and immigration legislation from the ‘British Nationalities act' of 1948 (which gave citizenship and the right to settle here in the UK to every single person of non-white descent in the entire commonwealth), the infamous Race relations acts of 1965 (pushed through by the Jewish Labour Home Secretary: F.Soskice, a ‘Russian’ Jew), 1968 and 1976 (created the Commission for Racial Equality) in addition to successive anti-Germanic immigration policies (using eastern European mass-immigration) and ultimately anti-European immigration policies as a whole (using non-white/non-European mass-immigration) are shown for what they are when the Jewish-supremacist context is shown in relation to race in their own words: "The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will obtain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and the establishment of a World Republic." -Baruch Levy writing to Karl Marx.
  • 2016 Nov DailyBeast SHE’S A WITCH! Hannity and Drudge Cite WikiLeaks to Claim Clinton Campaign Worships Satan ... campaign performed a satanic ritual called “Spirit Cooking.” The Satanic Temple, ... search terms: John Podesta and brother Tony, #spirtcooking, “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina,” Abramovic ... Notable rightwing figures like Dilbert creator Scott Adams, actor James Woods, and alt-right Trump supporters Mike Cernovich and Paul Joseph Watson helped propel the hashtag to prominence.... Wiki Wiccan ... and see WMR Hollywood occult murders
  • 911NWO
  • 2016 Nov Wikipedia Alt-right ... The alt-right is a loose group of people with far right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in the United States. The writings of the group are largely Internet-based and are found on websites such as 4chan and 8chan, where anonymous members create and use Internet memes to express themselves. It is difficult to tell how much of what people write in these venues is serious, and how much is intended to provoke outrage. Members of the alt-right use social media websites like Twitter and Breitbart News to convey their message.[8][9] Alt-right postings generally support Republican President-elect Donald Trump, and oppose immigration, multiculturalism and political correctness.
  • POV 9/11 as a Hollywood fantasy.... quotes Walter Benjamin and Marcuse ... Cultural Marxism academic speak ... deliberate obfuscation.... long before it was destroyed, the WTC was a symbol of destruction: the destruction of politics. To borrow Marcuse's concept, the WTC was a symbol of a "one-dimensional society" in which critique has disappeared and people can no longer imagine that another society, a different world, is possible. Without the image of a VIRTUAL world, a world of possibilities or potentialities, the actual world becomes the only world. ... 9/11 is a sacralized event, elevated to a level above politics, dialogue and humor in a way reminiscent of the Holocaust.
  • 2016 Nov 10 RT Soros-fronted sorosorgs among groups calling for anti-Trump protests ... Some of the anti-Trump protests in the US have been organized by groups that were sponsored by Clinton sympathizer and billionaire George Soros. Trends US Elections 2016 Among Wikileaks’ Podesta emails was a strategy document involving the Soros-supported MoveOn.org and grassroots organizing and funding. ... Soros gave Clinton step-by-step instructions on how to tackle Albania unrest – WikiLeaks email — RT ... Since Trump won on Tuesday, protests have occurred out in cities across the US, all of which are Democratic strongholds. There have been three nights of protests, with more planned for Friday night and many slated for the weekend. At a rally in Portland attended by more than 4,000 people on Thursday night, police declared it a riot and fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the crowd after claiming they were attacked by protesters. They arrested 26 people. ... Among the emails hacked from Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta and published by WikiLeaks was one from September 9, 2007 that was sent from Podesta’s think-tank Center for American Progress and shared with MoveOn.org. It included an attachment, a strategy document seeking financial support from George and Jonathan Soros, Peter and Jonathan Lewis, Herb and Marion Sandler, Steve Bing, and John Sperling for grassroots efforts. ... In an article from 2004, the Washington Post revealed that Soros and his wife, Susan Weber Soros, gave $1.46 million to Move.On.org. $2.25 million to Catalist
  • 2016 Nov 11 WMR It's begun: the neocon infiltration of Trump administration Just as the anti-Trilateral Commission Ronald Reagan promised to rid Washington, DC of its internationalist East Coast political elite, only to appoint their leaders to the most senior positions in his administration, president-elect Donald Trump, who promised to "drain the swamp" of Washington's globalists and neocon war hawks, is now considering appointing them to his Cabinet. Reagan never heard the alarms raised by his appointments of neocons and he almost paid the ultimate price of impeachment for their various conspiracies in Central America; Mena, Arkansas; Afghanistan; and the Middle East. Trump still has time to avoid making the same mistakes as Reagan. There is perhaps no more vile neocon than the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations -- unconfirmed by the Senate -- John Bolton. The former chief U.S. envoy to the UN even considered a run for the presidency last year, likely spurred on by GOP neocons who were concerned about Trump's popularity. Bolton wants a war with Russia and China, something that is anathema to Trump's rhetoric about seeking an alliance with Russia against radical Islamists and abandoning Barack Obama's military "pivot to Asia." Bolton is also in bed with the Israeli hard line and someone not in favor of two Trump promises: 1) being a neutral broker between Israel and the Palestinians; and 2) demanding Israel pay back the U.S. for all the military aid bestowed, free of charge, on the country in the past. Yet, Bolton is apparently being considered for the post of Secretary of State or National Security Adviser in the Trump administration.
  • Pizzagate more on DC PizzaGate Weinergate ... coming soon, Weiner, shadow government, NYPD exposes Podesta pedophilia ... Weiner's involvement in disappearance of Madeline McCann on May 3, 2007, wiped Wikileaks emails to destroy evidence of his links to Portugal, passports, and McCann's screenshot 2016-11-11 at 10.14.35 AM, more
  • 2016 Resurrect the Republic audio: Sam Harris and Jonathan Haidt ... academic safe zones, suppression of free speech on campus, professors fear lawsuits/job for upsetting students with 'controversial topics', fear mongering about abductions has paralyzed students and faculty. Most sacred thing in the world is the African American victim of racism ... questioning affirmitive action is blasphemy ... real laws... defined as a microagression ... Eric Posner asscociated questioning of affirmative action with Holocaust denial ... all has become the religion of social justice ... spreads into humanities and social science classes... Presidents of universities cannot tell the (highly sheltered) students to toughen up ... but are caving in to this 'victim' narrative ... by forcing 'offenders' to attend microagression and diversity training ... Harris calls it a moral panic ... classic meanings of words liberal / conservative completely untenable and getting worse... the 'illiberal left' is saying they now dictate what anybody can say on campus ... but any virtue carried to an extreme is a vice ... egalitarianism on steroids is extremism ... poor is good ... rich is bad ... Jewish roots of cultural marxism ... extreme inclusiveness ... can't marginal blacks ... can't say pre-natal testosterone partially determines infant behavior ... blacks, women, gays, hispanic/latino, native American, asian, and now Muslims protected / elevated ... politically incorrect to say anything in any form against them... is homophobia ...
  • 2016 Mondoweis The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) gives a platform to Steve Bannon and Stephen Adelson at its annual gala this Sunday night, November 20th in New York City. For anyone familiar with Zionist history and current alliances, this should not come as a surprise but a confirmation. Zionists have always leveraged reactionary, racist, colonial and anti-semitic governments, regimes and organizations – from Russian Tzars to the Nazis to Mussolini to the colonial British Empire to the Christian Right (Christian Zionists). Their embracing of Trump and renown reactionary political strategist Steve Bannon is no exception. Bannon is chair of Breitbart News, a platform widely known for its white nationalism and anti-Semitism. It is also fervently Zionist. - See more at:
  • 2016 Nov 16 Occidental Observer Anti-Semitism as Political Assassination: The Smearing of Steve Bannon ... The corporate media would have us believe that President-Elect Trump’s newly appointed Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor Stephen K Bannon is a raging anti-Semite, and “white supremacist.” Though best known now for his role in the Trump campaign, Bannon is a former US Naval officer, Goldman Sachs banker, director of Earth-science research at Biosphere 2, film producer, and chairman of Breitbart News. Over the last 24 hours he has been subjected to a well-orchestrated crescendo of op-eds and tweets attacking his character and political views.
  • Investigate AJC / 9-11 / Cultural Marxism Kevin McDonald
  • 2016 Nov GulagBound on Keith Ellison ... Marxist/Muslim Axis: ‘Enemies Within’ Documentary Exposes Proposed DNC Chair Keith Ellison ... Filmmaker Trevor Loudon’s new documentary The Enemies Within exposes the communist and radical Islamist background of the probable new leader of the Democratic Party. Rep. Keith Ellison, center Rep. Keith Ellison (D}, Minnesota), center Keith Ellison, a Marxist/Muslim Democratic Congressman from Minnesota, could soon become the Democratic National Committee chairman. With the endorsements of Senators Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders and more than 250,000 signatures on an “Ellison for chairman” petition, Representative Ellison is the early favorite for the position. Many writers have focused on Ellison’s Islamic beliefs, but few have examined his extensive Marxist connections. Trevor Loudon’s The Enemies Within poses a simple question – “Could your Congressman pass an FBI background check?” With close ties to both the Communist Party USA and several Muslim Brotherhood front groups, Trevor Loudon believes that Congressman Ellison would have no chance of passing even the most the rudimentary type of background check, applied to the most low-level federal government employees. Yet within days, Representative Ellison may lead one of this country’s two main political parties. For further information contact Trevor Loudon, 772-267-8189, or [email protected].
  • 2016 Dec Trump list of cabinet nominees: Housing and Urban Development — Ben Carson. Health and Human Services — Tom Price. Education — Betsy DeVos. United Nations — Nikki R. Haley. Attorney General — Jeff Sessions. Treasury — Steven Mnuchin. Transportation — Elaine L. Chao. Commerce — Wilbur Ross.
  • 2016 Dec Bollyn With the election of Donald Trump we stand on the brink of a critical transition in American history. After fifteen years of intrigue and deception from the government and media about 9/11 and the fraudulent War on Terror, Americans rejected the naysaying pundits and voted for Donald Trump, who promises real change and reform. Trump prevailed in a valiant and hard-fought campaign in which he was opposed by the most powerful political forces in the United States, the political Establishment and the controlled media, the very institutions behind the deception of 9/11 and the War on Terror.
  • 2016 Dec Seaman, David YouTube on fake news / real Pizzagate ... Maybe Donald Trump needs to be silent on PizzaGate to maintain national stability and prevent societal breakdown, but as a reporter and researcher, I won't remain silent as pathetic DC elites close to Obama attempt a SYMPATHY campaign for the disgusting pizza shop owner. Enough mindfucking us. Enough is enough. This is the silent majority pushing back on your nonsensical 1984 bullshit and lies, DC. You're sick lobbyist lawyer pedophile freaks. Investigate that pizza shop, immediately. Investigate the John Podesta emails in Wikileaks, immediately. And stop fucking with the rest of us: we push back. To look through that pizza shop's public Instagram and not be disturbed is to be without a soul.
  • Kevin Barrett / VT... By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor ... I just saw Sully, a feel-good 9/11/2016 release about a bird-strike-crippled passenger jet plunging into New York City but not crashing into any buildings. Unlike all of Hollywood’s films about 9/11 and the phony “war on terror,” Sully is based on a true story, not a big lie. And for what it’s worth, the Executive Producer of Sully happens to be Steven Mnuchin, the Jewish Zionist billionaire ex-Goldman Sachs executive recently tapped by Donald Trump as Treasury Secretary. ... Steven Mnuchin, has at some point been part of nearly every elitist institution that Trump’s voters railed against in the 2016 election campaign. This first Jewish member of the president-elect’s cabinet is also the business partner of a close friend and confidant of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Australian billionaire James Packer…In 2013, Mnuchin merged his company Dune Entertainment with RatPac Entertainment (the producer of Sully) co-owned by Packer…(.Menuhin) belonged to the secret society Skull and Bones, whose members include former presidents as well as current Secretary of State John Kerry…After leaving Goldman Sachs, Mnuchin worked at hedge funds including that of George Soros…
  • 2016 Dec 9 Trump nominates Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State ... Tillerson close to Putin.... Economist The making of a neo-KGB state (in context of Trump's nomination of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State) ON THE evening of August 22nd 1991—16 years ago this week—Alexei Kondaurov, a KGB general, stood by the darkened window of his Moscow office and watched a jubilant crowd moving towards the KGB headquarters in Lubyanka Square. A coup against Mikhail Gorbachev had just been defeated. The head of the KGB who had helped to orchestrate it had been arrested, and Mr Kondaurov was now one of the most senior officers left in the fast-emptying building. For a moment the thronged masses seemed to be heading straight towards him. ... Over the two terms of Mr Putin's presidency, that “group of FSB operatives” has consolidated its political power and built a new sort of corporate state in the process. Men from the FSB and its sister organisations control the Kremlin, the government, the media and large parts of the economy—as well as the military and security forces. According to research by Olga Kryshtanovskaya, a sociologist at the Russian Academy of Sciences, a quarter of the country's senior bureaucrats are siloviki—a Russian word meaning, roughly, “power guys”, which includes members of the armed forces and other security services, not just the FSB. The proportion rises to three-quarters if people simply affiliated to the security services are included. These people represent a psychologically homogeneous group, loyal to roots that go back to the Bolsheviks' first political police, the Cheka. As Mr Putin says repeatedly, “There is no such thing as a former Chekist.” ... whoever succeeds Mr Putin, real power is likely to remain in the organisation. Of all the Soviet institutions, the KGB withstood Russia's transformation to capitalism best and emerged strongest. “Communist ideology has gone ... In fact, the KGB was cut off from the post-Soviet redistribution of assets. Worse still, it was upstaged and outwitted by a tiny group of opportunists, many of them Jews (not a people beloved by the KGB), who became known as the oligarchs. Between them, they grabbed most of the country's natural resources and other privatised assets. KGB officers watched the oligarchs get super-rich while they stayed cash-strapped and sometimes even unpaid. ... The most politically active (Jewish) oligarchs, Mr Berezovsky, who had helped Mr Putin come to power, and Mr Gusinsky, were pushed out of the country, and their television channels were taken back into state hands. Mr Khodorkovsky, Russia's richest man, was more stubborn. Despite several warnings, he continued to support opposition parties and NGOs and refused to leave Russia. In 2003 the FSB arrested him and, after a show trial, helped put him in jail.
  • Donald Fox, The Crazz Files MP3 ... What's going to happen when they figure out who was behind WWI, WWII, the JFK assassination and 9/11 etc? The Jews are going to have to answer for their crimes. It's clear they are not compatible with White Christian society. IT'S TIME TO EXPEL THE PARASITE! Boot the Jews out of the US and make it 110! #deportthejews
  • 2016 HenryMakow The Frankfurt School, Satanic Judaism in Action ...The 1. The creation of racism offences. 2. Continual change to create confusion 3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children 4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority 5. Huge immigration to destroy identity. 6. The promotion of excessive drinking 7. Emptying of churches 8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime 9. Creating dependency on the state or state benefits 10. Control and dumbing down of media 11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family & attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children. • abolish differences in the education of boys and girls • abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces • declare women to be an 'oppressed class' and men as 'oppressors'
  • 2016 Dec Breitbart Greece: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Truther Minister Resigns ... Kammenos’s Twitter account, @portaporta, no longer exists, but Greek websites were quick to screencap his offensive postings. In one tweet, he published a doctored image of the gates of Auschwitz; instead of reading “Arbeit Macht Frei” (“Work Makes you Free”), the sign read, in Greek, “Menoume Europi” (“We Stay in Europe”). The comparison of a Nazi concentration camp to the European Union offended many. In another tweet, Kammenos pondered aloud whether Jewish people were responsible for the September 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York. “And let’s not forget 9/11. Of the 2,500 working in the Twin Towers, none of the Jews working there went to work that day,” Kammeno's said his staff wrote the passages and disavowed them...Tsipras has released a statement saying that Kammenos’s presence in the government “would not be compatible with the values” of his party. Tsipras appointed Kammenos at the behest of the head of ANEL, Panos Kammenos (no relation), who has previously claimed that Jews “don’t pay taxes” in Greece and has been widely accused of anti-Semitism.
  • 2016 Dec comment-Politically Correct guy:: cultural marxism: "everything is relative man".... "there is no truth".... "reality is what we make of it".... smoke dope and drop out dude!!! .... we don't need money... cops are violent pigs (especially the white ones). Women are smarter and betteer than men, all men are rapists. "get in touch with your feelings".... "if it feels good then do it"... "she so empowered!!... you go girl!!"... "there is no god"... "Let's burn the bible" "don't criticize islam!!"... "you're a bigot" "a homophobe" "you're an agist classist pig"..... "think globally act locally".... "save the whales.. the trees... the poor african kids!!".... "drop out of school and rebell against your parents".... "Dad's are scum.... mum's are cool".... "go vegetarian" "the ufo's are comming!!" .... "don't teach kids math's and reading!!!!!..... you elitist pig!!!.... they need to learn to build a veggie patch and learn to recycle and wear gender nuetral clothes!!!" "we can all eat other's cuisines and enjoy each others religions from every nation in one smelting pot of peoples and get along together and intermarry"
  • 2016 Dec 21 NY Post A Manhattan federal judge ordered the public release of the search warrant that FBI agents used to reopen their investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server just weeks before the presidential election. Redacted versions of an FBI search warrant related to emails of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin — discovered during an underage sexting investigation of her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner ... Judge P. Kevin Castel ruled. ... Emails between Abedin and Clinton, which were found on Weiner’s computer in an unrelated investigation, spurred the FBI to reopen its probe into the former presidential candidate’s email server less than two weeks before Election Day.
  • 2016 RT Israel kidnapped babies scandal coverup, continues ...
  • 2016 Dec 30 DailyMail Anti-Semitic rants of Muslim activists who won PM's praise: but ... Members of taxpayer-funded anti-extremism group post conspiracy theories blaming Israel for US massacre ... Aysha Iqbal posted conspiracy theories claiming a series of mass shootings, including the US Sandy Hook massacre, were committed by Israel. Alongside a video entitled, ‘Israel did Sandy Hook, Newtown CT School Massacres says Michael Harris’, she wrote: ‘Truth be told.’.. NoDisInfo
  • 2017 Mar 9 Jacobin (Pro Israeli) ... A scandal is brewing in academia. ... a recent Atlantic article depicts Jason Reza Jorjani, who received a PhD in philosophy from Stony Brook University, embracing Richard Spencer, the white nationalist who coined the term alt-right back in 2010. Jorjani, the article details, has become a prominent leader in the movement. He now works as cultural editor for altright.com and serves as editor-in-chief of the New Right publishing company Arktos Media. Last November, he spoke alongside notorious white nationalists Spencer, Jared Taylor, and Kevin MacDonald at the National Policy Institute (NPI) conference in Washington, DC. While Spencer leading the crowd in a “hail Trump” chant may have captured the most headlines, Jorjani’s speech most clearly revealed the alt-right’s perverse philosophical logic.
  • 2017 EIR ... The P5+1's recent talks took place at a time when Saudi Arabia, a vassal state of Britain that wields a lot of clout in London, Paris, and Washington because of its oil reserves and money power to bribe and buy, was smarting from the West's unwillingness to invade Syria to take down the al-Assad regime. The House of Saud, along with the House of al-Thani of Qatar and the House of al-Saba of Kuwait, have invested a great deal over the last two years in arming and funding the Wahhabi-Salafi jihadis, and have pushed them into Syria, with the help of the subservient Jordan and Turkey, who dream of re-establishing the Ottoman Empire. Its plan had almost succeeded, but due to effective opposition from the saner forces within the United States and Britain, and a timely intervention by Russia, Riyadh's efforts to further undermine Syria, and to give Iran a black eye, have been stalled.
  • 2017 Mar 15 NonAllignedMedia Brandon Martinez ...Geert Wilders is the only candidate in the Dutch elections that wants to halt immigration and keep Holland a country for the White Dutch people, but many who prioritize Middle East issues will dismiss him as a Zionist shill for his pro-Israel and anti-Islam stance. Unfortunately, Israel-Palestine has little play in Holland, and Dutch people have no real reason to put that issue above their own problems with immigration from predominately Muslim countries. ... Wilders is certainly pro-Israel and a cuck for Jewish power, for which he should be criticized. But despite that fault he’s opposing one of the main planks of the globalist plan: the great replacement plot that seeks to erase European identities, abolish “Whiteness” and black out the great history of the continent, all to be replaced by a cultureless Mammonite creed of consumerism, vain materialism and greed.
  • end


WMR on Emanuel's shady past with the Clinton administration

November 10, 2008 -- More on Emanuel's shady past with the Clinton administration

WMR has learned from U.S. intelligence sources additional details of prospective White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's ties with the Israeli intelligence agency, the Mossad. We have also learned that President-elect Barack Obama is fully aware of the problems with Emanuel's past security woes within the Clinton administration, but that the President-elect faced the problem of delivering on a few political IOUs he handed out during the campaign.

WMR has learned that Emanuel will be under a virtual probationary period as Chief of Staff and that if there is one whiff from the FBI or another law enforcement or intelligence agency that he is dealing with foreign intelligence agents, Obama will cut him loose as soon as practicable.

Emanuel has, according to our sources, been the subject of FBI counter-intelligence surveillance for quite some time. FBI surveillance teams have seen Emanuel enter Washington, DC and Chicago synagogues at the same time known Mossad agents assigned to the Israeli embassy in Washington and the Israeli Consulate General in Chicago entered the facilities. FBI regulations prevented the surveillance teams from pursuing the parties into the places of worship.

WMR has also learned that during Emanuel's stint at the White House under President Clinton, Mossad became increasingly concerned that the identity of their top agent, an American who served in a high position in the Reagan administration and code-named "Mega," would be exposed by the FBI's counter-intelligence division. For that reason, the Mossad leaked information on two top Russian spies in the CIA and FBI, Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen, respectively, in order to "cool the trail" leading to Mega. WMR has learned that Hanssen also spied for Mossad at the same time he was spying for the Russians and that this information was known to Emanuel. WMR has learned that the FBI established that there was a relationship between Hanssen, a Chicago native whose father was a Chicago police officer, and Emanuel, also a native of Chicago.

The Mossad decided to "trade out" Hanssen to the FBI's counter-intelligence division in order to keep the bureau pre-occupied trying to ferret out a mole within their own ranks and take the heat off Emanuel and the Clinton White House over the knowledge that Israeli intelligence had penetrated White House communications and this fact was related by Clinton to White House intern Monica Lewinsky during a phone conversation. Hanssen was convicted of espionage after he was pressured into not going ahead with a jury trial. Hanssen was warned that his wife would be denied his FBI pension if he insisted on a full jury trial. He is serving a life sentence in solitary confinement at the Federal Supermax Prison in Colorado.

Ames was convicted of espionage in 1994 and Hanssen was arrested on February 18, 2001 in Vienna, Virginia, just a few weeks after George W. Bush took over the White House from Clinton.

What ultimately led to Emanuel's dismissal in 1998 from the Clinton White House was FBI intelligence that linked him to sabotaging Clinton administration initiatives to hammer out diplomatic deals between Morocco and the Western Sahara independence front POLISARIO, as well as diplomatic initiatives to ease tensions between Washington and the Palestinian Authority and Saddam Hussein's government in Iraq. Emanuel's sabotaging of the Clinton initiatives led FBI Assistant Director John P. O'Neill to conduct an investigation of the U.S. mission to the United Nations since it was being used as a platform by Emanuel and his Mossad friends to sabotage the Clinton administration initiatives. Bill Richardson served as U.S. ambassador to the UN during this time frame and it was Richardson who was asked to find a job for Lewinsky at the mission after her name and relationship with Clinton became known to federal investigators working for Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.

On January 23, 1998, CNN reported: "Whitewater Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr has issued subpoenas for documents to U.S. Ambassador Bill Richardson and the entire U.S. mission, according to Richardson's chief of staff, Rebecca Cooper. Cooper said, 'The subpoenas are for documents only at this point, for all details pertaining to Monica' Lewinsky. Cooper said Richardson and the staff 'plan to comply fully.' Richardson's office offered Monica Lewinsky a job as junior assistant doing public outreach and cabinet agency assignments. She would have worked for the ambassador's chief of staff in the New York office. Her job would have included working with grass-roots organizations across the country, like college model U.N.s and associations and other groups with interest in the work of the United Nations."

It was the FBI that revealed Emanuel's intelligence work on behalf of the Mossad to President Clinton. Clinton then ordered Emanuel dismissed from the White House staff. Ironically, it was then-Chief of Staff John Podesta who helped to clean house. Podesta is now in charge of Obama's transition team.

There is also a belief by some observers in Washington that Emanuel is behind the pressure being exerted on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to keep Connecticut Independent Senator Joseph Lieberman within the Democratic caucus by letting him keep his chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Reid favors tossing Lieberman off as Chairman because the former Democratic Senator supported Republican presidential candidate John McCain, spoke at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, and ran against the Democratic Senate candidate in Connecticut Ned Lamont. Sources in Washington also believe that Emanuel is behind efforts to challenge the House chairmanships of Michigan Representatives John Dingell and John Conyers of the Commerce and Energy and Judiciary Committees, respectively. Conyers and Dingell represent the largest Arab-American congressional districts in the United States.

and ... John Malcolm.me On the Chick-fil-A Front of the Culture War ... 2012 by John Malcolm ... By Patrick J. Buchanan Two weeks ago, Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, an Atlanta company famous for its juicy chicken sandwiches, appeared on “The Ken Coleman Show” to air his biblical belief that those who champion same-sex marriage are risking divine retribution upon us all. “We are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,'” said Cathy. “I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.” ... Speaking of the company his father started after World War II, Cathy went on, “We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives.” ... With 1,600 restaurants and 50,000 employees in 40 states, Chick-fil-A is among our fastest-growing food chains. Obedient to the commandment, “Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day,” Cathy closes his outlets on Sundays. Mayors Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, Thomas Menino of Boston and Edwin Lee of San Francisco said they no longer want Chick-fil-A in their cities. “Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values,” says Rahm. ... D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray says there’s no place for “hate chicken” in the nation’s capital. Boycotts of Chick-fil-A, its expulsion from campuses and “Same-Sex Kiss Day” at local outlets are planned.

Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 independent Commission

Carol Ashley, mother of Janice Ashley, 25 Fred Alger Management, 93rd floor, WTC Tower One Hometown: Rockville Centre, NY Member: Skyscraper Safety Campaign, Voices of September 11th,

Kristen Breitweiser, wife of Ronald Breitweiser, 39 Fiduciary Trust International, WTC Tower Two Hometown: Middletown Township, NJ Co-Chair, September 11th Advocates

Patty Casazza, wife of John F. Casazza, 38 Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, WTC Tower One Hometown: Colts Neck, NJ Co-Chair, September 11th Advocates

Beverly Eckert, wife of Sean Rooney Aon, WTC Tower Two Hometown: Stamford, CT Member: Skyscraper Safety Campaign, Coalition of 9/11 Families, Families of September 11th, Fix the Fund, 9/11 Families for a Secure America, 9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, 9/11 Families to Bankrupt Terrorism

Mary Fetchet, mother of Bradley James Fetchet, 24 Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, 89th floor, WTC Tower Two Hometown: New Canaan, CT Chair, Voices of September 11th Member: Skyscraper Safety Campaign, Coalition of 9/11 Families, LMDC Families Advisory Council

Monica Gabrielle , wife of Richard Gabrielle Aon, WTC Tower Two Hometown: Manhattan, NY and CT Co-Chair, Skyscraper Safety Campaign

Bill Harvey, husband of Sara Manley Harvey, 31 Fred Alger Management, 93rd floor, WTC Tower One Hometown: Manhattan, NY Member: Voices of September 11th

Mindy Kleinberg, wife of Alan Kleinberg, 39 Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, WTC Tower One Hometown: East Brunswick, NJ Co-Chair, September 11th Advocates

Carie Lemack, daughter of Judy Larocque Market Perspectives; passenger, American Airlines Flight 11 Hometown: Cambridge, MA Co-Founder and Vice-President, Families of September 11th

Sally Regenhard, mother of Christian Michael Otto Regenhard, 28 Probationary Firefighter, L131, Red Hook, missing at WTC Hometown: Bronx, NY Founder and Chairperson, Skyscraper Safety Campaign Member: Coalition of 9/11 Families, 9/11 Families for a Secure America, LMDC Families Advisory Council

Lorie Van Auken, wife of Kenneth Van Auken, 47 Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, WTC Tower One Hometown: East Brunswick, NJ Co-Chair, September 11th Advocates

Robin Wiener, sister of Jeffrey Wiener, 33 Marsh Risk Technologies, 96th floor, WTC Tower One Hometown: Washington, D.C. Board Member, Families of September 11th Member: Voices of September 11, Give Your Voice, WTC United Family Group

A core group of 200 family members directly affected by loss on September 11th have joined our group, and thousands of supporters have joined our mailing list. Our family members live in 31 states and seven foreign countries. In accordance with our bylaws, our director and steering committee members are 9/11 family members. http://peacefultomorrows.org/our-steering-committee/


 of President Bill Clinton (1993–2001)
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health
and Human Services
Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs



WMR Who's responsible for 3-year old Aylan Kurdi's death? September 3-6, 2015 --

The world is in angst over an photograph of a dead Syrian Kurdish boy who washed ashore after the boat transporting the baby boy capsized while en route from Turkey's Bodrum peninsula to the Greek isle of Kos. Four other children, including Aylan's 5-year old brother and their mother, also drowned. 

Fingers of blame are being pointed at European countries that have objected to having to bear the brunt of dealing with the influx of refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. These include Hungary, Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, Austria, and others. Some neo-conservatives, always eager to avoid blame for their own failed policies, are blaming Syrian President Bashar al Assad, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iran's government, and even Chinese President Xi Jinping for the refugee crisis. 

Those responsible for Aylan's body washing ashore on a Turkish beach are not Assad's or Putin's governments but the nations that have encouraged the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and their allies to bring death and destruction to Syria's Kurds, Shias, Alawites, Christians, and Sunni tribes who oppose Salafism and Saudi Wahhabism. Aylan was from the Syrian town of Kobani, located on the Turkish border, which has been besieged by ISIL and allied forces, including the Al Nusra Front. Al Nusra and its Al Qaeda friends are the favorite jihadists of former CIA director David Petraeus, who wants to arm them, and the pro-Saudi and -Israeli lickspittle, John O. Brennan, Petraeus's replacement at the CIA. 

In addition to the CIA and Israel, ISIL and its Syrian rebel friends have been supported by the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Wahhabist governments of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. Erdogan has engaged in a duplicitous campaign by claiming his forces are on the offensive against ISIL when, in fact, they are attacking Turkish, Syrian, and Iraqi Kurdish population centers, creating a refugee nightmare that saw young Aylan and his family trying to make it to Europe.


Aylan's father, Abdullah Kurdi, who survived the capsizing of the refugee boat, had petitioned the government of Canada's hopelessly neocon and pro-Israel prime minister, Stephen Harper, to allow him and his family to join Abdullah's sister who lives in Vancouver. Kurdi's refugee asylum petition, submitted in June of this year, was rejected by Harper's immigration minister, Chris Alexander. Incidentally, Alexander has two young children of his own and he has suspended his re-election campaign in Ontario to return to Ottawa to deal with the political fallout from the Aylan photo. For Canada, Turkey, and other countries, the Aylan photograph has had the same impact that a news photo of a young Vietnamese girl, who had just been napalmed by a U.S. air strike, had on the support of the American public for the war in Vietnam.

It was Alexander's predecessor, Jason Kenney, now defense minister, who championed, along with former foreign minister John "Rusty" Baird, Canada's support for the "Arab Spring" rebellions in Syria and Libya that triggered the massive outflow of refugees after those two nations were plunged into bloody civil wars. Kenney and Baird are members of Harper's well-known and influential "lavender brigade" of Tory homosexuals, which has ensured Canada has adopted a foreign policy plank that opposes immigration while supporting Israel's campaign to destabilize the Arab Middle East and North Africa. Alexander, Kenney, and Baird, as well as Harper, are directly responsible for Aylan's death. Since Turkey refused to grant Aylan's family an exit visa, Erdogan and his prime minister, Ahmet Davitoglu, are also directly responsible for Aylan's and his brother's and mother's deaths.

Joining the Canadian neocons are those in the United States that also provided weapons and cash to the jihadist and Salafist rebels who now run rampant in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and other countries. These include Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, as well as President Obama's "Responsibility to Protect (R2P)" foreign policy team of U.S. ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, national security adviser Susan Rice, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Power apparently only cares about the security of her two young sons, Declan and Rian. As far as Power is concerned, Aylan deserved to wash up dead on that Turkish beach. After all, the Syrian refugees just didn't do enough while they lived in Syria to depose Assad, so why worry about their fate?

A tale of two photos: Samantha Power with her two young sons, Declan and Rian [left]. The body of 3-year old Aylan Kurdi washed ashore on a Turkish beach [right]. Power's support for the civil war against the Syrian government led to Aylan's parents trying to leave ISIL-infested Kobani, Syria for Canada. Aylan, his 5-year old brother, and mother didn't make it. As people at the UN now know, Power has the diplomatic tact and skills of a washer woman in a coin-op on Belfast's Falls Road.

There are many others who should be tormented by the photo of young Aylan on the Turkish beach. From Petraeus, who recently suggested the United States support Al Qaeda against ISIL in Syria and Iraq, when they are actually one and the same, to former U.S. ambassador to Syria Robert Ford; current U.S. Syria envoy Michael Ratney; and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs and current UN Political Undersecretary Jeffrey Feltman, these infernal neocons should be purged from our nation's body politic. They are a cancer in every nation where they are permitted to matastisize. And like a cancer, neocons must be cut out from every government and media organization where they fester. 

Aylan, 3, [left] and his brother Galip, 5 [right]. Drowning victims of the neo-con lust for the destabilization of the Middle East.

As for the government of Israel, it doesn't care one wit about dead children, as long as they aren't dead Jewish children. The support provided by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's government for the Syrian jihadist rebels who have created the refugee crises in the Mediterranean and Europe is also directly responsible for Aylan's death. Of course, Netanyahu has been responsible for killing hundreds of children in Gaza in repeated Israeli military strikes on highly-populated residential neighborhoods in the ghetto of Gaza.

While we all convey our collective shock over Aylan, let's not forget what Israel did to 4-year old Palestinian boy Kaukab al-Daylan (above). A rescue worker found the dead boy's head poking from the rubble after an Israeli air strike on his home.

The Saudi, Qatari, Emirati, and Kuwaiti supporters of ISIL, Al Qaeda, the Khorasan Group, Ahrar al-Sham, Al Nusra Front, Ansar al-Sharia, and other jihadist rebel groups will not be bothered by the photo of Aylan. As the people of the Middle East know about these royal sheikhs, princes, emirs, viziers, nabobs, and stooges, their philosophy is that suppressed Arab women are given to them by Allah to make babies. Young boys, on the other hand, are there to provide them with sex.

The people of the world have a right to be mad, in fact, Goddamned mad, about what happened to Aylan. But the corporate media is already busy trying to divert popular anger away from where it should be directed. It was the infernal neocons and their project to overthrow Assad, Libya's Muammar Qaddafi, and the governments of Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, and Yemen and destabilize every nation from North Africa and southeastern Europe to the Middle East and South Asia that caused one of the world's worst modern refugees crises. Protests and severe ass-kicking for Aylan's fate should be visited upon every neocon from Foggy Bottom and Turtle Bay to Parliament Hill in Ottawa and Langley, Virginia. Only then will Aylan, his brother, and mother be able to rest in peace.

University of Illinois Sociology and Philosophy Departments... Cultural Marxism, Critical Theory, Queer Theory, Feminism, Black Studies, Marxist revolution, NWO, Jewish world control

Hillmer, Philip Engineering Ethics
Korman, Daniel Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Metaontology
Livengood, Jonathan Philosophy of Science; Metaphysics; Experimental Philosophy
McCarthy, Timothy Logic, Philosophy of Language; Philosophy of Mathematics
Murphy, Colleen Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Engineering Ethics
Newton, Alexandra Metaphysics, Kant
Saenz, Noel Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mind
Sanders, Kirk Ancient Philosophy (Greek and Roman)
Sussman, David Ethics, Social & Political Philosophy, Moral Psychology, Kant
Varden, Helga Political and Legal Philosophy, Kant, Feminist Philosophy
Weaver, Christopher Philosophy of Science/Physics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion
Weinberg, Shelley Early Modern Philosophy (esp. Locke)
Affiliated and Visiting Faculty
Name Research keywords
Renear, Allen Ontologies for Data Curation and Scientific Publishing
Hummel, John Psychology, Experimental Philosophy, Cognitive Science
Hurd, Heidi Legal Philosophy; Political Philosophy
Kar, Robin Contract Law, Economics
Lasersohn, Peter Formal Semantic Theory, Pragmatics, Mathematical Linguistics, Philosophy of Language
McKim, Robert Philosophy of Religion, Modern Philosophy (esp. Berkeley), Applied Ethics
Orlie, Melissa Political Theory, Psychoanalysis, Environmental Philosophy
Rosenstock, Bruce German Philosophy, Jewish Philosophy, Political Theology
Emeritus Faculty
Name Research keywords
Chandler, Hugh Metaphysics, Ethics, Philosophy of Mind
Maher, Patrick Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Probability
Melnick, Arthur Kant, Metaphysics, Logic
Mohr, Richard Ancient Philosophy (esp. Plato), Social and Political Philosophy
Neely, Wright Philosophy of Action, Early Modern Philosophy, American Philosophy
Schacht, Richard Continental Philosophy (esp. Nietzsche, Hegel), Human Nature, Value Theory
Schroeder, William Continental Philosophy (esp. Hegel, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty), Ethics
Shwayder, David Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Practical Reason
Wagner, Steven Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Logic
Wallace, James Ethical Theory, Biomedical Ethics, Ancient Greek Philosophy, Aesthetics
Wengert, Robert Medieval Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy, Logic

Sociology Department faculty

Akresh, Ilana Redstone
Baker, Phyllis
Bayat, Asef
Buckley, Cynthia
Dill, Brian
Ghamari-Tabrizi, Behrooz
Gille, Zsuzsa
Leicht, Kevin
Liao, Tim
Marshall, Anna-Maria
McDermott, Monica
Mendenhall, Ruby
Moussawi, Ghassan
Mun, Eunmi
Sandefur, Rebecca
Steward, Daniel
Van Heuvelen, Thomas
VanHeuvelen, Jane
Zerai, Assata




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