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Scott McClellan quotes from "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House |
"I think he should have stood by his word,"
McClellan said. "I think the president should have stood by the
word that we said, which was that if you were involved in this in any
way, then you would no longer be in this administration. And Karl was...
"I fell far short of living up to the kind of public servant I wanted to be," Mr. Mr. McClellan writes. The Bush White House made "a decision to turn away from candor and honesty when those qualities were most needed" — a time when the nation was on the brink of war, McClellan writes in the book entitled "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House... "History appears to confirm what most Americans today have decided: that the decision to invade Iraq was a serious strategic blunder," McClellan wrote. "War should only be waged when necessary and the Iraq war was not necessary." "President Bush managed the crisis in a way that almost guaranteed that the use of force would become the only feasible option," McClellan concludes, noting, "The lack of candor underlying the campaign for war would severely undermine the president's... Mr. McClellan does not exempt himself from failings - "I fell far short of living up to the kind of public servant I wanted to be" - and calls the news media "complicit enablers" in the White House's "carefully orchestrated campaign to shape and... COLMES: He also says that after Hurricane Katrina, the White House, he quote, "spent most of the first week in a state of denial," and blames you for suggesting a photo of the president comfortably observing the disaster during an Air Force One flyover... The White House says Bush was surprised, saddened and disappointed about the book, which is titled, "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception." "I think the president should have stood by his word and that meant Karl should have left," McClellan said Sunday in a broadcast interview about his new tell-all book, a scathing rebuke of the White House under Bush's leadership. Mr. Bush "convinces himself to believe what suits his needs at the moment," Mr. McClellan writes. McClellan says Bush's main reason for war always was "an ambitious and idealistic post-9/11 vision of transforming the Middle East through the spread of freedom." "The Bush administration lacked real accountability in large part because Bush himself did not embrace openness or government in the sunshine," McClellan writes in "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception." McClellan said he grew "increasingly dismayed and disillusioned" during his final year as White House press secretary, and pinpointed the unfolding of the CIA leak case — and what it revealed about Bush's role in releasing classified information... "The Iraq war was not necessary," McClellan concludes. "You're in a bubble atmosphere," McClellan told AP Television News on Thursday. "And sometimes because of your affection for the person you're working for and your belief in that person, you sometimes lose perspective on some of the larger truths out... In it, McClellan, who was press secretary from 2003 to 2006, bluntly accuses Bush of misleading the nation into war, though he says the biggest mistake the White House made was "a decision to turn away from candor and honesty when those qualities were... Mr. McClellan called the Iraq war a "serious strategic blunder," a surprisingly harsh assessment from the man who was at that time the loyal public voice of the White House who had followed Mr. Bush to Washington from Texas. The New York Times reports McClellan says in his book that Bush "'convinces himself to believe what suits his needs at the moment,' and has engaged in 'self-deception' to justify his political ends." McClellan writes "the decision to invade Iraq was a... "I blame myself for putting myself in the position of going to the podium and passing along information I didn't know was false, but later learned that it was," McClellan said. In Bush's second term, as news from Iraq grew worse, McClellan says the president was "insulated from the reality of events on the ground and consequently began falling into the trap of believing his own spin." Rice "was somehow able to keep her hands clean, even when the problems related to matters under her direct purview," McClellan says, but he predicts that "history will likely judge her harshly." McClellan calls Vice President Dick Cheney "the magic man" who "always seemed to get his way" and sometimes "simply could not contain his deep-seated certitude, even arrogance, to the detriment of the president." "And he said, 'Yeah, I did.' And I was kind of taken aback," McClellan said. "For me I came to the decision that at that point I needed to look for a way to move on, because it had undermined, I think, a lot of what we had said." But, Mr. McClellan said, Mr. Bush's unwillingness to admit mistakes and belief in his own spin contributed to turning the president into "not quite the leader I once imagined him to be." "I still like and admire George W. Bush," writes Scott McClellan, who served Bush for two years and nine months as White House press secretary. "I consider him a fundamentally decent person, and I do not believe he or his White House deliberately or... Mr. McClellan has stated that "[t]he President and Vice President directed me to go out there and exonerate Scooter Libby." He has also asserted that "the top White House officials who knew the truth - including Rove, Libby, and possibly Vice President... "My beliefs were different then. I believed the president when he talked about the grave and gathering danger from Iraq," McClellan told NBC's "Today" show. "He came to convince himself of that," McClellan, who was deputy press secretary during the lead-up to the war, said of Bush. "I very much gave the benefit of the doubt to the president and his foreign policy team," McClellan said. "I now look back on that and reflect and realize my confidence and trust in them was wrong on that particular issue." Bush's presidency "wandered and remained so far off course by excessively embracing the permanent campaign and its tactics," McClellan writes. But "war should only be waged when necessary, and the Iraq war was not necessary. Waging an unnecessary war is a grave mistake," McClellan, Bush's second of four press secretaries to date, says in the 341-page work. "I'm disappointed that things didn't turn out the way we all hoped they would turn out," McClellan said. "We all had high hopes coming in." Overall McClellan describes Bush as a president obsessed with winning a second term, which "meant operating continually in campaign mode: never explaining, never apologizing, never retreating." McClellan says if people read his book they'll understand his dramatic shift, especially his conclusion that invading Iraq knocked the administration "terribly off course". McClellan reveals how much the joke matched the reality, saying that Bush's "leadership style is based more on instinct than deep intellectual debate." But, he said in his book, "I have no idea what you and Libby discussed, but it was suspicious for these two, who I'd never noticed spending any one-on-one time together." McClellan writes that Bush and his team sold the Iraq war by means of a "political propaganda campaign" in which contradictory evidence was ignored or discarded, caveats or qualifications to arguments were downplayed or dropped and "a dubious al-Qaida... McClellan called Bush "a man of personal charm, wit, and enormous political skill," and "plenty smart enough to be president," while sprinkling criticism of him throughout the 341-page book. "Lindsey had violated the first rule of the disciplined, on-message Bush White House: don't make news unless you're authorized to do so," McClellan wrote. "Over that summer of 2002," he writes, "top Bush aides had outlined a strategy for carefully orchestrating the coming campaign to aggressively sell the war...... In the permanent campaign era, it was all about manipulating sources of public opinion to the... McClellan said he isn't accusing administration officials of "deliberate or conscious" lies to the American people, but said they were so wrapped up in trying to shape the story to their advantage that they ignored facts that didn't fit the views they... McClellan, who worked for Bush when he was Texas governor and then followed him to Washington, says the president is "plenty smart enough" but faults him for a "lack of inquisitiveness," "self deception" and an unwillingness to admit mistakes. "Ex-Press Aide Writes That Bush Misled US on Iraq" (Michael Shear, Washington Post) - Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan writes in a new memoir that the Iraq war was sold to the American people with a sophisticated "political propaganda... "Many within the administration were in denial about the administration's responsibility for Katrina," and allowed the "institutional response to go on autopilot," McClellan writes in "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of... McClellan says he and counselor to the president Dan Bartlett had opposed the idea and thought it had been scrapped, but that he later was told that "Karl was convinced we needed to do it - and the president agreed." "One of the worst disasters in our nation's history became one of the biggest disasters in Bush's presidency," McClellan wrote in the excerpts released to Politico. "The perception of this catastrophe was made worse by previous decisions President Bush... Bush "convinces himself to believe what suits his needs at the moment," McClellan writes, and the way the president managed the Iraq issue "almost guaranteed that the use of force would become the only feasible option." McClellan writes that Rice, who was national security adviser earlier in Bush's presidency, "was more interested in figuring out where the president stood and just carrying out his wishes while expending only cursory effort on helping him understand all... In his new kiss-and-tell about the administration, former White House press secretary Scott McClellan writes that Bush "was terribly ill-served by his top advisers, especially those involved directly in national security." "He isn't the kind of person to flat-out lie," McClellan said, but added, "I was witnessing Bush convincing himself to believe something that probably was not true." McClellan, who had argued strenuously from the White House podium on why the war was justified, wrote that Bush and his top aides conducted a "political propaganda campaign" that misled Americans and that Bush led the crisis in a way that "almost... But the White House effort to sell the war as necessary due to the stated threat posed by Saddam Hussein was needed because "Bush and his advisers knew that the American people would almost certainly not support a war launched primarily for the ambitions... So, Mc McClellan concludes, "I think he meant what he said in that conversation about cocaine ...... I felt I was witnessing Bush convincing himself to believe something that was not true, and that, deep down, he knew was not true. And his reason for... "No matter what went wrong, she was somehow able to keep her hands clean," Mr. McClellan writes, adding that "she knew how to adapt to potential trouble, dismiss brooding problems, and come out looking like a star." But where his account and mine really come together is this part about the culture war: "I think the concern about liberal bias helps to explain the tendency of the Bush team to build walls against the media," McClellan writes. In an e-mail to The Washington Post yesterday, he wrote: "Like many Americans, I am concerned about the poisonous atmosphere in Washington. I wanted to take readers inside the White House and provide them an open and honest look at how things went off... On September 28, 2003, McClellan told reporters, "the President has set high standards, the highest of standards, for people in his administration. If anyone in this administration was involved in it, they would no longer be in this administration." "Condi Rice," McClellan writes, "is hard to get to know. She plays her cards close to the vest, usually saving her views for private discussions with Bush. Over time, however, I was struck by how deft she is at protecting her reputation. No matter what... "His charm was on full display, but it was hard to know if it was sincere or just an attempt to make me feel better," Mr. McClellan writes. "But as he continued, something I had never seen before happened: tears were streaming down both his cheeks." But Bush's unwillingness to admit mistakes and belief in his own spin contributed to turning the president into "not quite the leader I once imagined him to be," McClellan writes. McClellan describes his preparation for briefing reporters during the Plame frenzy: "I could feel the adrenaline flowing as I gave the go-ahead for Josh Deckard, one of my hard-working, underpaid press office staff, : to give the two-minute warning so... Nevertheless, McClellan calls the leak "wrong and harmful to national security" -- ignoring questions of whether Plame really was engaged in undercover operations and whether her cover long ago had been blown. "She and the president are very like-minded in their foreign policy views," McClellan told NBC television Thursday in his first interview since the release of his book. "A more self-confident executive would be willing to acknowledge failure," McClellan writes in published excerpts from his memoir, "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception." McClellan writes that Bush never used "out-and-out deception" to sell Americans on the war, but that he "managed the crisis in a way that almost guaranteed the use of force would become the only feasible option." "Rove likes to have his hands in just about everything, relishing policy shaping as much as political strategizing...... He occupied a key seat at the center of both in Bush's White House. Karl also has a reputation as a ruthtless, perhaps unscrupulous... "No," Fleischer told me that McClellan replied, "but my editor tweaked it." The offer "was rejected almost out of hand by others present," McClellan writes. "The vice president and Libby were quietly stepping up their efforts to counter the allegations of the anonymous envoy to Niger, and Pincus's story was one opportunity for them to do just that," McClellan wrote. Recalling a campaign-trail conversation that Bush had with him early in the 2000 campaign, when reporters were questioning Bush about possible cocaine use as a young man, McClellan quoted Bush as saying: "You know, the truth is I honestly don't remember... "I could feel something fall out of me into the abyss as each reporter took a turn whacking me," he writes of the withering criticism he received as the story played out. "It was my reputation crumbling away, bit by bit." His tone, the stunned McClellan said, was "as if discussing something no more important than a baseball score." "As a Texas loyalist who followed Bush to Washington with great hope and personal affection and as a proud member of his administration, I was all too ready to give him and his highly experienced foreign policy advisers the benefit of the doubt on Iraq," ... "I know the President pretty well," Mr McClellan writes. "If he had been given a crystal ball in which he could have foreseen the cost of war, more than 4,000 American troops killed, 30,000 injured, and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis dead, he would... According to the report, McClellan says former top Bush advisor Karl Rove and Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby "had at best misled" him about their role in the scandal. "President Bush has always been an instinctive leader more than an intellectual leader," McClellan writes. "He is not one to delve into all the possible policy options -- including sitting around engaging in extended debate about them -- before making a... "I could feel something fall out of me into the abyss as each reporter took a turn whacking me," he writes. "It was my reputation crumbling away, bit by bit. And my affection for the job eventually followed it." In the book - subtitled "Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception" - McClellan writes that Bush's top advisers, including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, "played right into his thinking, doing little to question it or cause... "Dianne had gotten a lot weaker over the past several months and she just didn't have the strength to keep going," he said. On C-SPAN, after watching a tape of himself attacking Clarke, the new McClellan described his old self as "caught up in the bubble" of "the permanent campaign" where "you lose perspective" and strategy becomes more important than uncomfortable facts or... "Clearly," McClellan says, sounding like the breast-heaving heroine of a Victorian romance, "I had allowed myself to be deceived." "It's a message that is very similar to the one that Gov. Bush ran on in 2000," McClellan told CBS News. "I had all this great hope that we were going to come to Washington and change it," he said. "Then we got to Washington, and I think we got caught up in playing the Washington game the way it is being played today." But he calls the news media "complicit enablers" in the White House's "carefully orchestrated campaign to shape and manipulate sources of public approval" in the march to the Iraq war in 2002 and 2003. McClellan calls him "an operative who places political gain ahead of national interest," which is a damning indictment of anyone who serves in a high position in the White House.) "I had unknowingly passed along false information," he writes. "And five of the highest-ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, Vice President Cheney, the president's chief of staff Andrew Card, and the president... "I gave them the benefit of the doubt, like a lot of Americans," he said. "There was only one problem" with the assurances he provided, McClellan wrote. "What I'd said was not true. I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so:... THE US President, George Bush, "convinces himself to believe what suits his needs at the moment" and has engaged in "self-deception" to justify his political ends, a former White House press secretary has said in a memoir about his years in the West Wing. McClellan calls Rice "sometimes too accommodating" as national security adviser. "Questions were also raised about whether the president's action had set in motion the unauthorized disclosure of Valerie Plame's identity," McClellan wrote. McClellan calls the Iraq war a, quote, "serious strategic blunder" and says President Bush was given bad advice from the beginning. In Iraq, McClellan adds that Bush saw "his opportunity to create a legacy of greatness" -- something which Bush views as only obtainable by wartime presidents. "I have a higher loyalty than my loyalty necessary to my past work. That's a loyalty to the truth and it's a loyalty to the values I was raised on," he said on the show. McClellan says the "defining moment in my time working for the president, and one of the most painful experiences of my life," occurred in July 2005, when he discovered that what he had told the press two years earlier -- that Karl Rove and Lewis Libby ... McClellan said, "My hope is that my writing this book and sharing openly and honestly what I learned is that is some small way it might help us move beyond the partisan warfare of the past 15 years. There is a larger purpose to this book. It's about... McClellan said Americans were subjected to a "permanent campaign" which was all about "manipulating sources of public opinion the president's advantage." "When Bush was making up his mind to pursue regime change in Iraq, it is clear that his national security team did little to slow him down, to help him fully understand the tinderbox he was opening and the potential risks in doing so," writes McClellan,... "It strikes me today as an indication of his lack of inquisitiveness and his detrimental resistance to reflection," McClellan wrote, "something his advisers needed to compensate for better than they did." But like Scott said (and, yes, we have the same publisher), "The White House would prefer I not speak out openly and honestly about my experiences, but I believe there is a larger purpose." McClellan says if people read his book they'll understand his dramatic shift, especially his conclusion that invading Iraq knocked the administration "terribly off course." Former White House spokesman Scott McClellan wrote that President George W. Bush was not "open and forthright" on Iraq and relied on propaganda to sell what he called an unnecessary war. "His leadership style is based more on instinct than deep intellectual debate," McClellan writes. "A more self-confident executive would be willing to acknowledge failure, to trust people's ability to forgive those who seek redemption for mistakes and... "We were engaged in essentially a political propaganda campaign," McClellan told Rather when discussing how the war in Iraq was reported to the American people. "It's the same as marketing, in my view." "I've written it not to settle scores or enhance my own role," McClellan says, "but simply to record what I know and what I learned," and on the whole this seems to be the case. When asked if his testimony next week might prompt any invoking of executive privilege - a power which can allow the president to block testimony- McClellan said, "I don't have anything incriminating to say here if that's what you're looking for." "Well I... "He chose not to do so," McClellan writes, adding: "Instead, his own White House became embroiled in political maneuvering that was equally unsavory, if not worse" than that of the Bill Clinton White House. In a book to be published on Monday, Mr McClellan says Mr Bush "veered terribly off course". "It was very troubling to me," said McClellan. "I had to essentially come to the conclusion in my head that -- you know, I -- I think it's time for me to move on personally." "Dan Rather Reports: Scott McClellan will premiere live on HDNet on Tuesday,... "Over time, as you leave the White House and leave the bubble, you're able to take off your partisan hat and take a clear-eyed look at things," McClellan tells The Washington Post, adding: "From the beginning, the focus was what had happened to take... But he also believes that in the run-up to the Iraq war, "the campaign mentality at times led the president and his chief advisers to spin, hide, shade and exaggerate the truth, obscuring nuances and ignoring the caveats that should have accompanied their... "I trusted the president's foreign policy team and I believed the president when he talked about the grave and gathering danger from Iraq," McClellan said. "I believe he believed it was a grave danger, too. He convinced himself of that. When the... In the memoir, "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception" McClellan says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was deft at deflecting blame and calls Vice President Dick Cheney "the magic man" who steered policy... When Mr. Abramoff pleaded guilty, the White House spokesman responded that he had "checked" into Mr. Abramoff's contacts with the President and White House staff and discovered that there "only a couple of holiday receptions that he attended, and then a... "I had concerns, like a lot of people," McClellan told ABC News, "that we're rushing into this. But, uh, that wasn't my focus area, and I gave it the benefit of the doubt because I have great affection for the President, I trusted in his judgment. And in... McClellan said he hoped writing the book would "help move us beyond the destruction partisan warfare of the past 15 years". WASHINGTON - Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan writes in a new memoir that President Bush relied on an aggressive "political propaganda campaign'' instead of the truth to sell the Iraq war, and that the decision to invade pushed Bush's... McClellan wrote that the president was not "open and forthright" on Iraq and relied on propaganda to sell an unnecessary war, and also savaged the White House over its botched handling of Hurricane Katrina which swamped New Orleans. That "Sept. 10 mindset" recurs in the talking points of the White House - both in the speeches of Vice President Dick Cheney and at the podium of the West Wing, where former Press Secretary Scott McClellan said near the eve of the 2004 election, on Oct. ... "Many of the issues we deal with are not black and white issues, yet too often today both sides get caught up in trying to paint things in these pre-conceived black and white notions and the truth is oftentimes a little more gray, a little more nuanced,"... McClellan said he was surprised at some of the "vitriolic and personal" attacks he faced following the release of his book. McClellan calls the Iraq War a "serious strategic blunder. ...... The Iraq war was not necessary." McClellan said he later concluded that "things went terribly off course" in Iraq after he left what he termed "the White House bubble," where outside views often were not considered. McClellan says they "both encouraged me to repeat the lie time and again," claiming that he did not discover that it was a lie until journalists started digging for the truth after two years. McClellan, whose job it was to promote the policies of his boss, now calls the Iraq war in his soon to be released memoir a "serious strategic blunder" and "grave mistake" and chastises the president for his "decision to turn away from candor and honesty... ...Press Secretary Scott McClellan said Friday he would be willing to comply with a possible congressional subpoena to discuss the administration's handling of pre-war intelligence, telling CNN's Wolf Blitzer he'd be "happy to talk if I am asked to testify." In a chapter titled "Selling the War," McClellan says the administration repeatedly "shaded the truth." Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan writes in a memoir that President George W. Bush relied on an aggressive "political propaganda campaign" to sell the Iraq war, and that the White House made "a decision to turn away from candour and... Bush was not "open and forthright on Iraq," failed to plan for the post-invasion period, and sold the war with "propaganda" that reporters should have challenged more aggressively, Scott McClellan says in a brutal memoir. "Cheney always seemed to get his way," McClellan wrote. "Bush, similarly, has a way of falling back on the hazy memory to protect himself from potential political embarrassment," McClellan wrote, adding, "In other words, being evasive is not the same as lying in Bush's mind." "The script had been finalized with great care over the summer," McClellan wrote, for a "campaign to convince Americans that war with Iraq was inevitable and necessary." Bush, McClellan tells us, is a man who "convinces himself to believe what suits his needs at the moment" and who "to this day ...... seems unbothered by the disconnect between the chief rationale for war and the driving motivation behind it, and... Mr. McClellan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that he realized Mr. Bush had in late 2001 made up his mind to invade Iraq "when the president did interviews with Bob Woodward for his book." This was part of a campaign to "discredit" Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, who publicly accused the White House of manipulating pre-war intelligence, McClellan writes -- "In June 2003, the campaign to undermine Joe Wilson's credibility as a critic of the... In his book, "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception," McClellan writes that "the Iraq war was not necessary" and charges that the administration "made a decision to turn away from candor and honesty when those... As former White House press secretary Scott McClellan wrote in his recently released book, "What Happened," the Iraq Group "had been set up in the summer of 2002 to coordinate the marketing of the war to the public." Asked days after Hurricane Katrina about the charge that Bush was in denial about the rescue effort, McClellan said: "You all are well aware of how engaged this president is in the response efforts and making sure that we're meeting the immediate needs." "I think the president should have stood by his word and that would mean Karl would have left," McClellan said this morning. Asked by CNN's Wolf Blitzer if he is willing to testify, McClellan said, "I'm glad to share my views," although he noted, "I think I made them very clear in the book." Mr. McClellan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that he realized Mr. Bush had in late 2001 made up his mind to invade Iraq "when the president did interviews with Bob Woodward for his book." This was part of a campaign to "discredit" Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, who publicly accused the White House of manipulating pre-war intelligence, McClellan writes -- "In June 2003, the campaign to undermine Joe Wilson's credibility as a critic of the... "However," McClellan adds, "this is not the same as saying they deliberately misled and lied." "I don't think it was intentional or deliberate," he told National Public Radio. "What happened here was we got caught up in the very thing the president campaigned against when he first was running for president back in 2000 - the destructive, partisan... This reporter first heard about the inevitability of war a year before the invasion at a party given by Dick Cheney -- "the magic man," writes McClellan -- and his wife, Lynne, to celebrate the publication of Chief of Staff Scooter Libby's paperback... "I think the president should have stood by his word and that would mean Karl would have left," McClellan said this morning. Jun 1, 2008 Editor & Publisher (3 occurrences) Asked by CNN's Wolf Blitzer if he is willing to testify, McClellan said, "I'm glad to share my views," although he noted, "I think I made them very clear in the book." "Because I believe in you," McClellan said. That's the nature of Washington, he told NPR, and "that's something I think most Americans are ready for us to move beyond." ...the scales dropped from his eyes, leading him to write a book that accuses his former boss, President Bush, and his senior aides of abandoning "candor and honesty" to wage a "political propaganda campaign" that led the nation into an "unnecessary war." McClellan begins the book by recounting his 2003 statement to the White House press corps that then-White House aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby and Bush's top political advisor Karl Rove had insisted that "they were not involved" in leaking the name of the CIA... When asked about his role as a public servant, McClellan said, "You serve the public, but you also serve the president of the United States," he said. "That was my job, it was my job to be the advocate and spokesman for the President of the United States." He went on to say that the president "convinces himself to believe what suits his needs at the moment." Instead, McClellan said the Bush administration "got caught up in the permanent campaign culture" of Washington. Asked about Bush's decision-making style, McClellan called the president "largely a gut player" who "very early on, a few months after 9/11, made a decision to confront Iraq's Saddam Hussein" and who showed "no flexibility in his approach." Describing Mr Bush as "a gut player," Mr McClellan said discussions about invading Iraq began soon after the terrorist attacks of 11 September, 2001. "No one questioned my loyalty to the president when I was there," McClellan told ABC News White House Correspondent Martha Raddatz during an interview Thursday. McClellan said that culture is all about "trying to manipulate the narrative" in a "battle over power and influence." "I think it's timely for us to look at these issues and learn the lessons from these experiences so that we can make better decisions," McClellan said in an interview on NBC's "Today" show. But he calls Bush's decision to go to war a "serious strategic blunder" and describes Bush as someone who "convinces himself to believe what suits his needs at the moment." "People really haven't had a chance to look at the book, and it's got an important message that I think people need to take a look at," says McClellan, who spoke to reporters briefly in Arlington, Virginia. "I won't put up with that crap," McClellan quoted Bush as saying. Scott McClellan writes that the decision to invade Iraq was a "serious strategic blunder", sold to Americans with a sophisticated "political propaganda campaign" led by Mr Bush and aimed at "manipulating sources of public opinion" and "downplaying the... McClellan calls Vice President Dick Cheney "the magic man" mysteriously directing outcomes in "every policy area he cared about, from the invasion of Iraq to expansion of presidential power to the treatment of detainees and the use of surveillance against... In his memoirs, former White House press secretary Scott McClellan said that afterward the president "seemed puzzled and asked me what Russert was getting at with the question." "I spoke with those individuals, as I pointed out," McClellan said to the press on Oct. 10, 2003. "And those individuals assured me they were not involved in this and that's where it stands." Lindsey's "mistake," McClellan says, was in talking about an aspect of the looming war that "wasn't part of the script" for selling it to the public. In a scathing new book, former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said the Bush administration turned "away from candor and honesty" when selling the American people on the Iraq War and was further inept in its handling of Hurricane Katrina and... In a new book, Mr McClellan, Mr Bush's former press spokesman and who had been by his side since his days as Texas governor, said the President was not "open and forthright on Iraq" and he had not served the US well as a wartime leader. "I think (US Att'y) Patrick Fitzgerald had it about right when he said during the trial of (former vice presidential chief of staff) Scooter Libby that she became just another talking point in this effort to discredit Joe Wilson," McClellan said in an ... In a memoir, "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception," released earlier this month, McClellan said that he had allowed himself to be deceived by White House aides about the Plame controversy, and "unknowingly... Why didn't you [McClellan] say to him, "Mr. President, this is the fundamental issue confronting our country." In his book McClellan describes Powell as a man of "unquestioned honor and integrity" and "independent views," a "moderate voice" who offered "straight, unvarnished advice" and "looked out for the interests of the man he served, as well as the country to... The Politico reports McClellan "admitted Sunday that he got caught up in the very Beltway culture of spin and obfuscation he blasts in his new book, 'What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception.'" On "Meet the Press," ... McClellan said after it was known Bush's top adviser was involved in the leak, "the bar was moved to 'if anyone is indicted, they would no longer be here.'" McClellan told reporters there had also been "a few staff-level meetings" between officials and Abramoff and his team, but declined to provide more information. "Do you know how many people get their picture taken with the President of the United States?" "I would be," replied McClellan. "I would be. I think that you would need to take those comments very seriously and be skeptical." "I will take a look at notable personalities in the White House Briefing Room, including David Gregory and Helen Thomas. I anticipate an entire chapter about the former," he wrote in the original proposal. McClellan Says Bush Failed Troops On NBC's Meet the Press, McClellan said President Bush failed to maintain bipartisan support for the Iraq war because of a lack of forthrightness in building the case for the war: "I think that that hurts our troops the... "I was part of this propaganda campaign, absolutely," Mr. McClellan said. "We overplayed and overstated the case for war." McClellan added that "the bar was moved" once it became public that Rove was involved in the leak. McClellan tells about Bush being asked by Tim Russert of NBC in February 2004: "In light of not finding the weapons of mass destruction, do you believe the war in Iraq is a war of choice or a war of necessity?" "I walk onto Air Force One and a reporter had yelled a question to the President trying to ask him a question about this revelation that had come out during the [Libby] legal proceedings," McClellan told the Today Show's Meredith Viera on Thursday ... "I think very early on, a few months after September 11, he made a decision that we're going to confront Saddam Hussein, and if Hussein doesn't come fully clean, then we're going to go to war. There was really no flexibility in his approach," McClellan ... WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The incidents that first left then-White House press secretary Scott McClellan "dismayed and disillusioned" about Washington involved the surreptitious release of classified information, McClellan said Thursday. In his new book, "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Corruption," McClellan said Bush and his top aides engaged in "shading the truth" and other misleading tactics in order to garner public support for the invasion of... ...Scott McClellan said Friday that he would be willing to comply with a possible congressional subpoena to discuss the administration's handling of prewar intelligence, telling CNN's Wolf Blitzer he'd be "glad to share my views" if asked to testify. "Within the Bush administration, Rove's controlling personality and substantial influence over policy, strategy, political communications and message expanded unchecked," McClellan writes. "My hands were tied," McClellan said. "I said at the time, some day I look forward to talking about what I know and my involvement in defending the White House in terms of the leak episode. And so I do this in the book. That was kind of a launching-off... Cheney has held extraordinary sway in the administration that McClellan, the former press secretary, accused this week of waging a "political propaganda machine" for the promotion of the war in Iraq. Of Bush, he said, "I have a lot of personal affection for him. I think, in terms of some of his policies, he was misguided." "Well, I did, when it came to the issue of the Valerie Plame leak episode, when I unknowingly did so. I passed along false information," McClellan said last night, in response to the question from Keith Olbermann on MSNBC's Countdown. Asked if it was cowardly not to speak up at the time, McClellan said, "I think my views were different then. ...... You've got to be able to step back and look at the big picture and see what you can learn from this so you don't make the same mistakes in... Among those who won't like the book, McClellan predicted, are "friends and former colleagues" who "remain convinced that the Bush administration has been fundamentally correct in its most controversial policy judgments, and that the dis-esteem in which... But the bottom line is that we spent too much time, as McClellan says, "covering the march to war" rather than "the necessity of war." "I have a lot of respect and admiration for Sen. McCain," he said. "I'm also intrigued by Sen. Obama." In his new book, What Happened, about the "culture of deception" in Washington and the Bush White House, McClellan, press secretary for three years in a White House that has denounced his writing as the work of a onetime friend whom they simply don't... He also says that "top White House officials who knew the truth" about the leaking of former CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity "allowed me, even encouraged me, to repeat a lie." "I haven't made a decision," McClellan told Katie Couric on CBS's "Evening News," when asked if he was backing the Arizona senator. "I'm disappointed that things didn't turn out the way that we all hoped they would turn out," McClellan said. "By the last 10 months or so of my time at the White House, I grew increasingly disillusioned." ...spring to promote the book, but that these appearances and the release of the book were all hastily cancelled and as the publication deadline approached, his editor (see more on the editor below) "tweaked some things closely in the last couple months." That was one of "two defining moments" that prompted his disillusionment, McClellan said. McClellan said he still has a "great personal affection" for President Bush, even though he thinks some of Bush's policies were misguided. "The point is that what we did was instead of really approaching this in an open and forthright way, we went to war, basically trying to sell it to the American people much like you would sell any other policy issue you'd want to get passed in Congress,"... The White House was severely damaged by blunders beyond the war, McClellan says.When Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in August 2005, for example, the administration went on autopilot "rather than seizing the initiative and getting in front of what... In his book, McClellan accused President Bush of "self-deception" and of maintaining a "permanent campaign approach" to governing rather than making the choices best for the nation. "I believe it's important to look back and reflect on my experience, and talk to people about what I learned and what we can learn from it -- to hopefully change Washington for the better," McClellan said Thursday morning in an exclusive interview with... "Absolutely he has to accept responsibility for the things that went right and the things that went wrong. Unfortunately, the things that went wrong overshadowed that which went right," McClellan says. "We'd been out there talking about how seriously the president took the selective leaking of classified information, and here we were learning that the president had authorized the very same thing we had criticized," McClellan said. "I think I'm disappointed that things didn't turn out the way we thought they would turn out. We had high hopes," said McClellan. Bush and his team tried to make the dangers of Mr. Hussein's biological, chemical, and nuclear programs "appear just a little more certain, a little less questionable than they were," McClellan writes. Appearing on NBC's "Today" show, McClellan said he didn't speak up against the way the war in Iraq was characterized because his "beliefs were different then." "President Bush would not have deliberately misled me," McClellan wrote. "While I wish I could say the same about the vice president, I simply don't know for sure." "Even Brown looked embarrassed and no wonder; most Americans had already concluded that the FEMA director was in over his head," said McClellan, who adds that it helped cement an image that Bush is overly loyal even after poor performance. Self-deceptive: McClellan remembers being puzzled by Bush's assertion that he honestly couldn't remember whether he had ever done cocaine, an episode that demonstrated Bush's tendency to "convince himself to believe what suits his needs at the moment." Mr McClellan describes White House staff as spending much of the first week after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 "in a state of denial". ...speaking out for the first time since publication of his searing memoir, told NBC's "Today" show on Thursday that he erroneously believed what President Bush was saying about the war but now is answering a higher loyalty: "a loyalty to the truth." "He was standing right there and I was trying to pump up everybody's morale," McClellan quotes the president's explanation to aides. "I blew it," McClellan quotes Hadley as saying. "I think the only solution is for me to resign." We are told that the Bush administration was engaged in "manipulating sources of public opinion" over Iraq and "downplaying the major reason for going to war". McClellan says Bush later said he had "little choice but to praise" Michael Brown, the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, for his handling of the disaster. "He was standing right there, and I was trying to pump everybody's morale. What... Mr. McClellan writes in a new book, "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception," that the president relied on an aggressive "political propaganda campaign" instead of the truth to sell the Iraq war, and that the ... In the book, according to reports, McClellan says that Bush "was not open and forthright on Iraq"; that the president sold the war through a "political propaganda campaign"; that he took a permanent campaign approach to governing; and that the White House... "History appears poised to confirm what most Americans today have decided --- that the decision to invade Iraq was a serious strategic blunder," McClellan wrote in "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and What's Wrong With Washington." "He's quite an interesting guy," McClellan replied. "He has a very dark view of the world and he certainly believes that some of the means justify the ends. This president showed him way too much deference, I think." "And the same is true of George Bush.... "President Bush hass always been an instinctive leader more than an intellectual leader," he notes. "He chooses based on his gut." McClellan concludes the Iraq war "was not necessary" and admits that some of his own words on behalf of the White House turned out to be "badly misguided" but he says he was sincere at the time. McClellan adds: "Cheney always seemed to get his way." While McClellan writes that "I still like and and admire President Bush," he doesn't do his old boss many favors in the book. "I'll tell them what I know," McClellan said on MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann." "Whether or not there was any criminal activity involved, I don't know." "If they get into other questions," McClellan told MCNBC, "we'll go from there." "Colleagues thought I would be crazy not to hire an attorney," McClellan wrote, noting that a sister-in-law/lawyer "perceptively pointed out that one can never know with certainty how words spoken might be construed or, worse, twisted, particularly in the... ...high degree of correlation between reality and the talking points, but there are enough discrepancies and Scott McClellan describes the White House sales job well enough that, nah, we don't have to scrape off our "Bush lied, soldiers died" bumperstickers. McClellan wrote that WHIG was not used to "deliberately mislead the public" but that the "more fundamental problem was the way [Bush's] advisers decided to pursue a political propaganda campaign to sell the war to the American people. As the campaign... When asked if critics of the Bush regime were right all along, McClellan responded that "the American people should have listened to what they said." McClellan told reporters there had also been "a few staff-level meetings" between officials and Abramoff and his team, but declined to provide more information. "I'll tell them what I know," McClellan said Monday night on MSNBC's "Countdown" with the mild-mannered Keith Olbermann, who comes late to the publicity flurry over McClellan's book, "What Happened." "It's ...... clear to me that Scooter Libby was guilty of the perjury and obstruction crimes for which he was convicted," McClellan wrote. "When the president commuted Libby's prison sentence and thereby protected him from serving even one day behind... During that investigation, McClellan told the press both Rove and Libby had "assured me they were not involved in this." Interviewed by MSNBC's Keith Olbermann on May 29, McClellan said his former boss "promised that he was going to restore honor and integrity to the White House." Vice-President Dick Cheney, who is probably the most powerful and manipulative vice-president of the United States, has "not served the president well", says McClellan. After reading 'What happened' it appears Morgan Tsvangirai and MDC-T are imitating the George Herbert Walker Bush's 1988 campaign against Michael Dukakis: On page 68 McClellan writes "Instead, they developed a calculated strategy to go negative that had... ...a "permanent campaign" (not his original phrase), meaning carrying the conflict, controversy and negativity of political campaigning into governance per se -- and thus poisoning all of W.'s original Texas-honed ideas about being a "unifier not a divider." ("I have given it my all, sir, and I've given you my all," McLellan said on the day his resignation was announced, words that have a strange poignancy now.) McClellan responded by claiming: "It's tough when you take on the system. The system kind of fights back and engages in some personal attacks and misrepresentations of what's in the book." The bookstore isn't the place to learn about what McClellan calls "a strategic blunder." Scott McClellan, President Bush's former press secretary, calls Bush "stubborn and isolated." Thus, McClellan sees the president as "intoxicated by the influence and power of America," a power that he can tap into for his own reputation of greatness. But "history appears poised to confirm ...... that the decision to invade Iraq was a serious strategic blunder," McClellan writes. McClellan, asked if he would agree to release his grand jury testimony in the Plame case publicly: "I haven't thought about it. I don't know, I don't know if I have the authority to do that or not. I'm glad to, you know, certainly share my views, as I... On NBC's Meet the Press, when asked if he believed Rove lied to President Bush, McClellan answered, "That's my belief. But I don't know their specific conversation. I just know what the president told me, which was Karl told me he was not involved. ......... "Talking about the projected cost of a potential war wasn't part of the script, especially not when the White House was in the crucial early stages of building broad public support," McClellan writes. "He was dead set on pushing ahead aggressively, selling his big ideas, and leaving his mark on history," McClellan writes. "The election, he believed, had validated his first term policies, including the decision to invade Iraq, and it had given him a... Continuing the publicity tour for his book - to be officially released on Monday - McClellan said the nation was pulled into the Iraq war by a White House with a "permanent campaign mentality" that "wasn't as open and forthright as it could be." McClellan responded, "I intend to. I do intend to. I've already made that decision." Today, McClellan sees the downside of applying devious "modern campaign tactics" to matters of grave historical import such as the war in Iraq. In an interview three years ago, when he was waging daily warfare against the White House press corps, Scott McClellan told me: "The media's trying to get under our skin and get us off-message." "This is not something pleasant for me," McClellan quotes Bolten as telling him. "You are really liked around here. I really like you. But I believe this is a White House that is severely crippled and in need of change. One area that I have decided needs... To which McClellan said, "A portion. I don't know what I'll do, Tim, but a portion. I do intend to do that. My wife and I look for ways to always support the troops, including sending care packages regularly to them." McClellan said he was telling the "truth, as I see it," and urged others to speak out. |
Libby indictment ..... Count 1: Obstruction of Justice
(18 U.S.C. Section 1503) Counts 2-3: False Statements (18 U.S.C. Section
1001(a)(2)) Counts 4-5: Perjury (18 U.S.C. Section 1623) indictment Jul
2003 At all relevant times from January 1, 2002 through July 2003, Valerie
Wilson was employed by the CIA, and her employment status was classified.
Prior to July 14, 2003, Valerie Wilson's affiliation with the CIA was not
common knowledge outside the intelligence community. indictmentJul 6,
2003, Sunday former Ambassador Joe Wilson article "What I Didn't Find
in Iraq", (New York Times) a ppears in New York Times, suggesting
that some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program
was twisted to exaggerate Saddam Hussein threat. This ignited
Congressional Democrats. Wilson interviewed for a Washington Post
story on '16 words'. and appeared on Meet the Press. Accused Bush of
twisting the facts about Iraq weapons and leading U.S. to war on false
pretenses. NewYorkTimes Jul 6, 2003 The July 6 "Op Ed"
Article by Wilson indictment 15. On July 6, 2003, the New York
Times published an Op-Ed article by Wilson entitled "What I Didn't
Find in Africa." Also on July 6, 2003, the Washington Post published
an article about Wilson's 2002 trip to Niger, which article was based in
part upon an interview of Wilson. Also on July 6, Wilson appeared as a
guest on the television interview show "Meet the Press." In his
Op-Ed article and interviews in print and on television, Wilson asserted,
among other things, that he had taken a trip to Niger at the request of
the CIA in February 2002 to investigate allegations that Iraq had sought
or obtained uranium yellowcake from Niger, and that he doubted Iraq had
obtained uranium from Niger recently, for a number of reasons. Wilson
stated that he believed, based on his understanding of government
procedures, that the Office of the Vice President was advised of the
results of his trip. indictment Jul 6, 2003. Sunday Deputy Sec
of State Armitage called INR director Carl Ford asking about Wilson Niger
claims, wanted info forwarded to Colin Powell. Rove
doesn't remember whether he told Novak or vice versa about Plame? Also
strange meeting last few blocks on way to 'Crossfire' taping where Novak
spills all the beans to Wilson friend. Wilson and friend documented
exchange. Wilson and CNN news division head Eason Jordan exchange words
about Novak's conversation with Wilson friend. American Prospect Jul
7, 2003 16. On or about July 7, 2003, LIBBY had lunch with the then White
House Press Secretary and advised the Press Secretary that Wilson's wife
worked at the CIA and noted that such information was not widely known.
Jul 7, 2003 On or about July 7, 2003, LIBBY advised the White House Press Secretary that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA; indictment Jul 7, 2003, Monday Whitehouse retracts SOTU Niger claims. Bush trip to Africa, with Powell and INR memo. Is this how Plame's id circulated? Calls her Valerie Wilson. Memo clearly states Plame id sensitivity. Did Bush see the memo? Ari Fleischer has testified on this and Novak tried to contact him. Air Force One phone logs eventually subpoenaed for the week of the Africa tour. TOP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Jul 7, 2003 Monday June 10 INR memo found and copied for Powell and transmitted via Whitehouse operation center......could then have been passed freely around on Air Force One? Jul 7, 2003 Monday Robert Novak calls Whitehouse, asked for Ari Fleischer. In or about June or July 2003, and in no case later than on or about July 8, 2003, LIBBY was advised by the Assistant to the Vice President for Public Affairs that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA; Jul 8, 2003 On or about July 8, 2003, LIBBY advised reporter Judith Miller of his belief that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA; and indictment Miller and Rove will testify multiple times (in October 2005) because of surprise revelations of 'missing' notes and emails that would invigorate Fitzgerald's investigation. NewsWeek and New York Times Nov 2005, file Jul 8, 2003 On or about July 8, 2003, LIBBY had a discussion with the Counsel to the Office of the Vice President concerning the paperwork that would exist if a person who was sent on an overseas trip by the CIA had a spouse who worked at the CIA; indictment Jul 8, 2003 Tuesday Rove and Novak spoke about Plame on July 8, 2003. ( NY Times said a "a person who has been briefed on the matter" described the conversation) the conversation turned to Plame as a CIA agent and Wilson Africa trip details, and said to Novak: "I heard that, too". (remember there were two 'administration officials") The conversation was initiated by Novak. Novak wrote the article that outed Plame July 14th. Novak referred to Wilson's wife by her maiden name. SFGate, Time, NYTimes American Prospect Jul 8, 2003 17. On or about the morning of July 8, 2003, LIBBY met with New York Times reporter Judith Miller. When the conversation turned to the subject of Joseph Wilson, LIBBY asked that the information LIBBY provided on the topic of Wilson be attributed to a "former Hill staffer" rather than to a "senior administration official," as had been the understanding with respect to other information that LIBBY provided to Miller during this meeting. LIBBY thereafter discussed with Miller Wilson's trip and criticized the CIA reporting concerning Wilson's trip. During this discussion, LIBBY advised Miller of his belief that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA. indictment Jul 8, 2003 18. Also on or about July 8, 2003, LIBBY met with the Counsel to the Vice President in an anteroom outside the Vice President's Office. During their brief conversation, LIBBY asked the Counsel to the Vice President, in sum and substance, what paperwork there would be at the CIA if an employee's spouse undertook an overseas trip. indictment 19. Not earlier than June 2003, but on or before July 8, 2003, the Assistant to the Vice President for Public Affairs learned from another government official that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA, and advised LIBBY of this information. indictment Jul 8, 2003 Tuesday Miller has meeting with Libby. 2 What did she tell them, and why didn't she write a story. Newsday and Huffington Post (They discussed Wilson, but this won't be disclosed until Oct 8, 2005) see Franklingate.com Miller and Libby discuss Plame. Miller says she has not received a 'specific' (from Libby's lips?) enough waiver to testify. Cooper says he was given 'specific' waiver. Has Miller asked for one? Salon Libby and Miller are close friends...he visited her in jail and wrote a possibly coded message to her in the form of a poem. Salon.com Washington Post Miller and Rove will testify multiple times (in October 2005) because of surprise revelations of 'missing' notes and emails that would invigorate Fitzgerald's investigation. NewsWeek and New York Times Nov 2005, file Jul 8, 2003 Tuesday Rice receives NSC briefing book for Sunday talk shows and may have contained INR (Plame) memo. If this work is copied please TOPreference SCF, NewsFollowUp.com New York Magazine, and Arianna Huffington search on Miller ties. and Talkleft Miller spoke to Libby on July 8, 2003. Jul 8, 2003 c. LIBBY did not discuss Wilson's wife with New York Times reporter Judith Miller during a meeting with Miller on or about July 8, 2003. ci indictment Jul 8, 2003 Tuesday Novak / Rove conversation turns to Plame, identifying her by name. Novak claims he knows Wilson sent by Plame. Rove responds: "Oh, you know about it" or according to Rove: "I heard that, too." see dKosopedia for more on this, search Eason Jordan. Washington Post Rove provided confirmation to Novak of Plames id. Salon Jul 9, 2003 Wednesday two top Whitehouse officials disclosed Plame's CIA identity to at least six Washington journalists as reported in a Sept 28, 2003 Washington Post article. Bush was in Africa...and fending off questions about '16 words', citing CIA ok. dKosopedia Jul 9, 2003 Wednesday Senate Intelligence Committee (Republican leadership) report (smear). Republicans say Hussein was after uranium citing EU intelligence. Plame did "specifically recommend" Wilson for trip to Niger in a CPD memo. Claim that Wilson never saw that docs that were determined to be forged. Claim Wilson "misspoke" about forged docs. Claim that CIA did not pass on to Whitehouse its own doubts about yellow cake claims. Smearing CIA and Wilson campaign? Whitehouse / Republicans silent on effects of outing on intelligence community..dKosopedia Crisispapers In the summer of 2005, Judges looking at Fitzgerald's evidence of a crime are shown eight pages of evidence that convinces them to compel Miller and Cooper to testify or go to jail, based on national security matters. Jul 10, 2003 Thursday Novak tells Wilson that a CIA source informed him on Plame. Wilson outraged, gets apology from Novak. Wilson tells Novak Plame has nothing to do with yellowcake. Washington Post Republicans will eventually try to spin the leak as an effort by Rove to correct belief that Tenet or Cheney sent Wilson to Africa....but rather it was Wilson's wife (by outing Plame?..dumb as Clintons "is is" spin..) Jul 10, 2003 20. On or about July 10, 2003, LIBBY spoke to NBC Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert to complain about press coverage of LIBBY by an MSNBC reporter. LIBBY did not discuss Wilson's wife with Russert. indictment Jul 10, 2003 32. It was part of the corrupt endeavor that during his grand jury testimony, defendant LIBBY made the following materially false and intentionally misleading statements and representations, in substance, under oath: a. When LIBBY spoke with Tim Russert of NBC News, on or about July 10, 2003: (grand jury testimony) a. When LIBBY spoke with Tim Russert of NBC News, on or about July 10, 2003: Russert asked LIBBY if LIBBY knew that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA, and told LIBBY that all the reporters knew it; and ii. At the time of this conversation, LIBBY was surprised to hear that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA; indictment Jul 10, 2003 33. It was further part of the corrupt endeavor that at the time defendant LIBBY made each of the above-described materially false and intentionally misleading statements and representations to the grand jury, LIBBY was aware that they were false, in that: a. When LIBBY spoke with Tim Russert of NBC News on or about July 10, 2003: i. Russert did not ask LIBBY if LIBBY knew that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA, nor did he tell LIBBY that all the reporters knew it; and ii. At the time of this conversation, LIBBY was well aware that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA; in fact, LIBBY had participated in multiple prior conversations concerning this topic, including on the following occasions: indictment Jul 11, 2003. Friday Rice claims '16 words' conformed to NIE, and DCIA cleared SOTU. Rice said she learned about forged documents from a TV show, and that the Whitehouse did not know about Wilson's Niger trip. Seemed to want to push idea of Whitehouse ignorance on Wilson trip. Jul 11, 2003 21. On or about July 10 or July 11, 2003, LIBBY spoke to a senior official in the White House ("Official A") who advised LIBBY of a conversation Official A had earlier that week with columnist Robert Novak in which Wilson's wife was discussed as a CIA employee involved in Wilson's trip. LIBBY was advised by Official A that Novak would be writing a story about Wilson's wife. indictment Jul 11, 2003 a. During a conversation with Tim Russert of NBC News on July 10 or 11, 2003, Russert asked LIBBY if LIBBY was aware that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA. LIBBY responded to Russert that he did not know that, and Russert replied that all the reporters knew it. LIBBY was surprised by this statement because, while speaking with Russert, LIBBY did not recall that he previously had learned about Wilson's wife's employment from the Vice President. ci indictment Rove told Cooper about Plame Salon Jul 11, 2003. Friday Cooper email to Michael Duffy (bureau chief) "Spoke to Rove on double super secret background for about two mins before he went on vacation"...."please don't source this to rove or even WH (Whitehouse).... dKosopedia Cooper e-mail: Rove gave him (Cooper) a "big warning" that Wilson's claims might not be entirely accurate and that it wasn't the director of the CIA or Cheney who sent Wilson to Nigeria. Rove (witness account) apparently told Cooper that it was "Wilson's wife, who apparently works at the agency on WMD issues who authorized the trip," according to a story in Newsweek's July 18 issue. Washington Post Cooper said Rove ended the call by saying: 'I've already said too much'. Cooper was not sure what that meant. Fitzgerald very inquisitive about how Rove learned her name. and Cooper said they never talked about welfare reform. dKosopedia Tenet takes blame for not cutting Niger claim from SOTU speech citing pressure from NSC, within days Hadley confesses also. Hadley, Rove, Libby all members of Whitehouse Iraq Group, WHIG (cooking Iraq war intelligence) see Franklingate.com on WHIG. Jul 11, Friday 2003. Rove emails Hadley NSA, that he spoke with Cooper, said he didn't take Cooper's bait (Cooper asked if Bush hurt by Wilson) on Niger questions. Rove tried to smear Wilson's stories. Fitzgerald does not know about this email. The email to Hadley was not disclosed until October of 2005, which will further jeopardize Rove's position. Later that afternoon Tenet says decision to send Wilson was made by CIA alone. Matthew Cooper, " What I told the Grand Jury, ” Time. Washington PostJul 12, 2003 22. On or about July 12, 2003, LIBBY flew with the Vice President and others to and from Norfolk, Virginia, on Air Force Two. On his return trip, LIBBY discussed with other officials aboard the plane what LIBBY should say in response to certain pending media inquiries, including questions from Time reporter Matthew Cooper. indictment Jul 12, 2003 23. On or about July 12, 2003, in the afternoon, LIBBY spoke by telephone to Cooper, who asked whether LIBBY had heard that Wilson's wife was involved in sending Wilson on the trip to Niger. LIBBY confirmed to Cooper, without elaboration or qualification, that he had heard this information too. indictment Jul 12, 2003 24. On or about July 12, 2003, in the late afternoon, LIBBY spoke by telephone with Judith Miller of the New York Times and discussed Wilson's wife, and that she worked at the CIA. indictment Jul 12, 2003 b. LIBBY did not advise Matthew Cooper, on or about July 12, 2003, that LIBBY had heard other reporters were saying that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA, nor did LIBBY advise him that LIBBY did not know whether this assertion was true; rather, LIBBY confirmed to Cooper, without qualification, that LIBBY had heard that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA; and indictment Jul 12, 2003 c. LIBBY did not advise Judith Miller, on or about July 12, 2003, that LIBBY had heard other reporters were saying that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA, nor did LIBBY advise her that LIBBY did not know whether this assertion was true; indictment Jul 12, 2003. Pincus (Washington Post), gets 'clue' from Whitehouse that they had not paid enough attention to Wilson's trip, 'because it was setup...by his wife'. Pincus never wrote about this but testified and was deposed on it. Story source: Karl Rove Independent Media TV Jul 12, 2003 b. During a conversation with Matthew Cooper of Time magazine on or about July 12, 2003, LIBBY told Cooper that reporters were telling the administration that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA, but that LIBBY did not know if this was true; and ci indictment Jul 12, 2003 b. LIBBY advised Matthew Cooper of Time magazine on or about July 12, 2003, that he had heard that other reporters were saying that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA, and further advised him that LIBBY did not know whether this assertion was true; and (grand jury testimony) indictment Jul 12, 2003 c. LIBBY advised Judith Miller of the New York Times on or about July 12, 2003 that he had heard that other reporters were saying that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA but LIBBY did not know whether that assertion was true. indictment Pincus spoke to government officials about Plame two days before Novak's article report.” (" Probe Focuses on Month Before Leak, ” Washington PostPincus: 2005 Washington Post: "....Pincus, who spoke with Fitzgerald early in the case after his source said he could, has never revealed who told him that Wilson's wife helped arrange the trip to Niger. Pincus has said the source was not Libby, and has described the person as a "White House official" who called him. The source came forward to the prosecutor and released Pincus to discuss their conversation with Fitzgerald but not with the public."Harlow warned Novak not to write a story with Plame's name in it. and see David Corn.com Judith Miller, Scooter Libby conversation? July 8? Reported by Kurtz,Jul 12, 2003. Cooper told Libby that he'd been informed by other reporters that Wilson's wife was a CIA employee. Libby said he'd already heard that too from reporters. Washington Post 10/16. Walter Pincus, Washington Post, wrote in the summer edition of Nieman Reports that one of the Whitehouse officials talked to him two days before Novak's column appeared. Guardian Jul 12, 2003. Third meeting of Miller and Libby. Plame's identity still not disclosed in the press, but was discussed in all three meetings. Ledger-Enquirer Jul 14th, 2003. Ari Fleischer leaves WH job. Told grand jury he was not Novak's source, but played central role in retracting SOTU Received message that Novak called on July 7, but didn't return the call. He told grand jury he didn't see the INR Neither did Dan Bartlett. NYTimes Rocky Mountain News WMD Bush deception timeline Jul 14th, 2003. Novak column written see below Mission to Niger. Wilson called Novak about clarification of Novak's source: (CIA or Whitehouse?), Novak replied "I misspoke the first time we talked." Rove wants the belief out that he was the 'second source' for Novak's July 14th article and the 'first source' for Cooper's July 17th. He says he also can't remember who the reporter was that first told him of Plame's id, but learned her actual name from Novak. Cover? What did Rove tell Bush? Washington Post 7/15 Timothy Phelps....conversations with Wilson Wilson, Politics 348) . Rep. Henry Waxman, 11 Security Breaches in Plame Case hearing: "National Security Consequences of Disclosing the Identity of a Covert Intelligence Agent," was chaired by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.). Dailykos, Rove Not Guilty? Cheney stickin' it to the CIA Novak has said that the use of the word 'operative' was a journalistic miscue. but prosecutors are skeptical of this. It is also significant that Novak used the name Valerie Plame, where the INR memo used the name Valerie Wilson Jul 16th, 2003. New York Times. reported that: State Dept interested in INR (memo circulated on Bush Africa trip, with Plame info). Are readers of the memo being truthful. At least, Powell saw it. Grand jury: did the State Dept give Plame's id info to the WH even before July 6? Did it eventually get to Novak? Jul 16th, 2003. (" A White House Smear ,” The Nation, July 2003)How much did Ari Fleischer know about the INR? Fleishcer was with Bush on the Africa trip. No comment from Fleischer. Ted Olson, Bush Solicitor General, served as defense attorney for Jonathan Pollard. Pollard was convicted of spying for Israel. Remember Sen. Paul Wellstone, martyr. Investigate AMDOCS, war criminals Jul 17th, 2003. Time publishes online “ A War on Wilson? ” by Cooper, Massimo Calabresi and John Dickerson , Time names Mrs. Wilson. Cooper quotes, “government officials” as saying “that Wilson 's wife, Valerie Plame, is a CIA official who monitors the proliferation of WMD. . Times article does mention that Plame was involved in decision to send Wilson to Niger. So who told Time about Plame?David Corn of The Nation tell Wilson leak was a crime. The Nation Rove told CNN: "I didn't know her name"....carefully chosen words indeed. MSNBC Newsweek see Michael Isikoff, Mark Hosenball articles Jul 20, 2003. Andrea Mitchell (NBC) told by Whitehouse to push Wilson smear not the '16 words'. Jul 21, 2003. Wilson interview with Andrea Mitchell, distorted by NBC? Wilson was refused a copy. Mitchell saved a copy. Chris Mathews tells Wilson that Karl Rove considered Plame 'fair game'. Is this a pattern: consider Paul O'Neill, Richard Clarke, Gen Zinni, Gen. Shinseki Jul 21, 2003 "Judith Miller filed a story about (David) Kelly on July 21, 2003: 'New York Times. 'Scientist Was the 'Bane of Proliferators'. The article painted a sympathetic portrait of Kelly and hinted that he believed Saddam did indeed maintain a WMD program despite the fact that no evidence of it had yet been found". "In an email to..Miller.., sent just before he left his home for the last time, he referred to "many dark actors playing games". Jul 22, 2003. Stephen Hadley offers to resign on '16 words' buy Bush refuses. Newsday reports Plame was undercover until Novak outed her. Jul 24, 2003. CIA says crime report forthcoming. Ashcroft letter Jul 30, 2003. CIA files a "crime report" to DOJ, leak was a crime. Rice also given refusal upon her resignation offer. and crime report to John Conyers, Letter to John Conyers ). Aug 2003 The last meeting of Libby and Miller was in Aspen Colorado. (New York Times file)....Libby poem in a letter to Miller in jail: "You went into jail in the summer. It is fall now. You will have stories to cover -- Iraqi elections and suicide bombers, biological threats and the Iranian nuclear program. Out West, where you vacation, the aspens will already be turning. They turn in clusters, because their roots connect them. Come back to work -- and life. Until then, you will remain in my thoughts and prayers -- With admiration, Scooter Libby." from Salon.com coded message??? Fitzgerald will ask Miller about this poem in Miller's final grand jury appearance. "He (Cheney) went on TV in September 2003 saying he didn’t know Wilson or who had sent him to Niger" Arab News This will be later shown to be a lie, even by the mainstream press.Sept 14, 2003: Cheney "There was a relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda that stretched back through most of the decade of the '90s." New York Times says no links Village Voice Sept 14, 2003 Cheney: "With respect to 9-11, of course, we've had the story that's been public out there. The Czechs alleged that Mohammed Atta, the lead attacker, met in Prague with a senior Iraqi intelligence official five months before the attack . . . " But California congressman Henry Waxman has noted that this meeting probably didn't happen and that Cheney knew it. Waxman's report said: "Czech intelligence officials were skeptical about the report; U.S. intelligence had contradictory evidence, such as records indicating Atta was in Virginia at the time of the meeting; and the CIA and FBI had concluded the meeting probably didn't occur.'' Village Voice Sep 26, 2003 25. On or about September 26, 2003, the Department of Justice authorized the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") to commence a criminal investigation into the possible unauthorized disclosure of classified information regarding the disclosure of Valerie Wilson's affiliation with the CIA to various reporters in the spring of 2003. indictment Sept 28, 2003 not reported until Sept 28, 2003 ... Washington Post article: ..two top White House officials disclosed Plame's CIA identity to at least six Washington journalists Sept 29, 2003 New York Times Douglas Jehl, reported that a study by the Defense Intelligence Agency found that Chalabi intelligence "was of little or no value". William Bowles Sept 29 2003: At a press briefing McClellan said: "The president knows that Karl Rove wasn't involved." Reporter: "How does he know that" "McClellan: "I've made it very clear that it was a ridiculous question in the firs place.....and I've talked to Karl Rove...." Sept 29 2003: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales notified Andrew Card of DOJ Plame leak investigation at 8:00 PM, but waited 12 hours (next day) to tell anyone else in Whitehouse to preserve relevant documents. On Sept 29th he was White House counsel and Ashcroft was AG. Sept 29 2003: National Review Online Sept 29, 2003, Clifford May, FDD claiming to know of Plame's ID long before Novak's article link and at Franklingate.com "Who didn't know?" Who did Card talk to that night. All very smelly. Shredding party connections: In Sept 2005 Gonzales will name (Ted Ullyot), D. Kyle DOJ Sampson as chief of staff and Raul Yanes as counselor. ..and (Ted Ullyot), KerrySharesOurValues Franklingate.com All three are lawyers in the White House counsel's office. ... Ullyot and Yanes were the coordinators of the White House's response to the investigation into the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity. Gonzales and Ashcroft will recuse, but will these three also? DOJ Franklingate.com DOJ adds Defense and State Dept to focus list. They want phone logs, emails..etc. Ashcroft said revealing an agent's id puts them in physical jeopardy. Washington Post 10/3 Rep. Thomas M. Davis II (R-Va.) met with Wilson for 45 min. Bush joked about the leaks during a session with African news organizations. WH surrendered thousands of emails, call logs and calendars. Logs show several WH officials talked to Novak shortly before his July 14th outing of Plame. Notes include criticisms of Wilson as Kerry supporter, advisor. Prosecutors have asked WH officials to sign waivers to overcome reporter obstacles to revealing sources. Pincus wrote an October story similar to Novak's but did not mention Plame's name. Oct 1, 2003 Another Novak column written....said he called the two officials who were the source of his first column. The first source (unknown) Novak described as 'no partisan gunslinger.' The second source said, 'Oh, you know about it too." and see column. Oct 3, 2003: Cheney: "If we had had that information and ignored it, if we'd been told, as we were, by the intelligence community that he was capable of producing a nuclear weapon within a year if he could acquire fissile material and ignored it . . . we would have been derelict in our duties and responsibilities." In fact, the U.N. had reported on September 8, 2003, that Iraq was not capable of pursuing a nuclear weapons program after 1991 and that there was no sign of active weaponization activities in Iraq. Village Voice Oct 6, 2003 Bush was asked by a reporter if the leak was a retaliation. Bush: "I don't know who leaked...find out the truth." Oct 7, 2003: Scott McClellan and Bush said Rove, Libby, Abrams "Those individuals assured me they were not involved in this. And that's where it stands". Bush may have been aware also and said the source of the leak may never be found. Independent Media TVDid Rove and Libby keep Bush in the dark about their conversations with reporters about Plame. Or did Bush know about this? AP News October 8, 2005 headline: "Rove Denied to Bush He Engaged in Leak" article copy Oct 7, 2003: Rove told FBI he first spoke about Plame after Novak's column. A lie? see Cooper Bush said the same day, he doubted the DOJ would ever find out who the leaker was. Lautenberg questioned the Bush statement Oct 10, 2003. Bush only threatened to withhold docs under executive privilege, upon deadline to turn over docs, emails and phone logs to DOJ. And was now laying groundwork for defense. McClellan started conversation about difference between unauthorized disclosure and 'setting the facts straight'. Independent Media TV also see Jason Leopold.com Oct 8, 2003: WP reports on Bush doubts about finding leaker. Bush said he is eager to find leaker, 5 pm deadline to surrender docs...etc. filtered by WH, Oct 17 final surrender date with intermediate deadlines in between.Washington Post article mentions TWO top WH officials. One of these officials (only one identifed) told the Post's Mike Allen and Dana Priest: "Clearly, it was meant purely and simply for revenge," Current issue of Newsweek reported: Rove said Plame "fair game" ...in discussion with Chris Mathews, MSNBC Hardball. Some are speculating the WH officials didn't know Plame's real id. Washington Post 9/8 Oct 10, 2003: McClellan said at a briefing that Rove, Libby and Abrams "assured me they were not involved in this." Investigators are studying WH reaction to Wilson's first public attack on Bush's case about Iraq. Washington Post 2/10 Oct 17, 2003: final deadline for Whitehouse to turn over docs. Oct 2003: Wall Street Journal article on memo from Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Nov 20, 2003: John J. Kokal, an official of the State Dept's Bureau of Intelligence and Research Near East and South division (INR/NESA) was found dead at the bottom of a window well at the State Dept's headquaters. Fox News briefly mentioned it. Truthseeker Nov 26, 2003 26. As part of the criminal investigation, LIBBY was interviewed by Special Agents of the FBI on or about October 14 and November 26, 2003, each time in the presence of his counsel. During these interviews, LIBBY stated to FBI Special Agents that: indictment a. During a conversation with Tim Russert of NBC News on July 10 or 11, 2003, Russert asked LIBBY if LIBBY was aware that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA. LIBBY responded to Russert that he did not know that, and Russert replied that all the reporters knew it. LIBBY was surprised by this statement because, while speaking with Russert, LIBBY did not recall that he previously had learned about Wilson's wife's employment from the Vice President. indictment b. During a conversation with Matthew Cooper of Time magazine on or about July 12, 2003, LIBBY told Cooper that reporters were telling the administration that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA, but that LIBBY did not know if this was true; andc. LIBBY did not discuss Wilson's wife with New York Times reporter Judith Miller during a meeting with Miller on or about July 8, 2003. indictment Dec, 2003 Ashcroft Plamegate briefings stopped. Politics of Truth OSP disbanded Fall of 2003 Daily Kos Dec 2003 Fitzgerald (U.S. Attorney, Chicago) appointed. One of his (Fitzgerald) first acts was to make every White House suspect sign a document waiving their claim to confidentiality, and then he went after the press. Guardian Conservative reaction: Maariv International "The Franklingate espionage scandal is beginning to look like a surfeit of hype forced into bed with a paucity of fact" Search terms: Robert Luskin (Karl Rove's attorney), precious-metals dealer client convicted of money laundering for Colombian drug cartels paid Luskin $505,000 in gold bars later seized by feds. Luskin: "I was completely obtuse on the optics of the situation". |
Ari Fleischer Dan Bartlett ok Novak column Mission to Niger Novak misspoke the first time we talked. Rove couldn't remember Rove second source July 14th article. What did Rove tell Bush? Henry Waxman, security breaches in Plame case with Sen. Byron Dorgon (D-N.D.) Cheney's stickin it to the CIA. Novak word operative was journalistic miscue, skeptical. used Valerie Plame and Valerie Wilson Timothy Phelps New York Times INR State Department memo circulated on Bush Africa trip Time A war on Wilson by Cooper Massimo Calabresi and John Dickerson. Quote government officials Wilson's wife is a CIA official who monitors the proliferation of WMD involved in decision to send Wilson to Niger. David Corn of the Nation tells Wilson that leak is a crime. Rove said "I didn't know her name" Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball articles. Andrea Mitchel interview distorted by NBC, to push Wilson smear. Chris Mathews tells Wilson that Karl Rove considered Plame 'fair game'. Consider Paul O'Neill, Richard Clarke, Gen. Zinni, Gen Shinseki. Stephen Hadley offers to resign on '16 words' Bush refuses resignation. Newsday reports Plame was undercover until Novak outed her. CIA files crime report to DOJ. Bush refuses Rice resignation. Letter to John Conyers. Two top Whitehouse officials disclosed CIA identity. to at least six Washington journalists. New York Times Douglas Jehl, study by the Defense Intelligence Agency Chalabi intelligence was of little or no value. William Bowles. Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez notified Andrew CArd of DOJ leak investigation at 8:00 PM, but waited 12 hours (next day) preserve documents. Shredding party? Gonzalez was Whitehouse Council, Ashcroft was attorney general. National Review, Clifford May. Phone logs, emails and Rep. Thomas M. Davis II. Bush joked about leaks with African news session. Whitehouse surrendered thousands of emails, call logs, and calendars. Notes say Wilson was Kerry supporter, advisor. Oficials to sign waivers to overcome reporter obstacles to revealing sources. Pincus Novak said 'no partisan gunslinger' comment and "you know about it too". Was leak retaliation. Bush said 'find out the truth'. Scott McClellan quote "those individuals assured me they were not involved in this. And that's where it stands" Bush: leaker may never be found'. Bush threatened to withhold docs under executive privilege. McClellan spoke about difference between unauthorized disclosure and 'setting the facts straight'. Independent Media TV, Jason Leopold. Mike Allen and Dana Priest: "Clearly, it was meant purely and simply for revenge". Rove Newsweek 'far game' Chris Mathews, MSNBC. Hardball. Investigators are studying Whitehouse reaction to Wilson's first public attack on Bush's case about Iraq. Final deadline. Wall Street Journal article about Bureau of Intelligence Research. John J. Kokal, Near East and South Asia division found dead. Ashcroft briefings stopped. Fitzgerald appointed. Simone Ledeen, daughter of Michael Ledeen goes to Bahgdad, CPA, Coalition Provisional Authority, also brat pack, yellowcake. James Comey is godfather. Aides sign waivers to journalistic privilege. Staff meet informally about immunity. Mary matalin testifies. Pelosi Daschele, Lieberman, Rockefeller ask for GAO investigation of covert status. Jim Loebe knew. Cathie Martin (Cheney aid) interviewed, near combat atmosphere. Grand Jury subpoenas Air Force One phone logs. What was whitehouse PR strategy? Bush outside attorney James Sharp & Associates, Ken Starr removed attorney-client privilege for government lawyers in Clinton smear campaign. Glen Kessler discuss conversations. Bush interviewed by Fitzgerald, Sharp present. Kerry dumps Sandy Berger and Wilson from campaign. Federal Judge Thomas F. Hogan hold Time magazine report Mathew Cooper in contempt of cout and orders him jailed for refusing to reveal source of Plame leak. appeal goes to Supreme Court. politics of truth, joe wilson. Judith miller receives subpoena. powell testified. cooper testified about libby conversations. bush and dan rather flap on military service in the news. bar lowered to committed a crime. LA times doyle mcmanus "if rove is source #2, who is source #1. roy kriger CIA agent fired because he spoke of informant saying iraq' uranium enrichment program dead. Conyers and Slaughter call for investigation of Jeff Gannon, James D. Guckert, as GOP fake journalist plant at whitehouse briefings. free republic. Federal Judge rober sweet ruled miller not required to reveal. in 2001 ARAMCO Cheney CEO signed $140 million contract. Boston Globe. Brewster Jennings & Associates, BinLaden group, Khalid bin Mahfouz, BCCI connections. Vincent Cannistraro said forged niger yellowcake docs were made up in the U.S. mentioned Michael ledeen. see downing street memo. downingstreetmemo.com. Supreme court refuses miller cooper appeal. search jailhouse crock and miller as fake martyr, obstructing justice for personal gain. Did rove break same law as martha stewart? perjury. see Sen Lautenberg calendar. Miller is in Alexandria Detention Center. Sen. Pat Roberts, Chairman of Senate Intelligence Committee, will conduct hearings. What is the Federal Tort Claim Act FTCA. Who is Karen Johnson? ask Karl Rove and Business Council, Infrastructure Solutions. George Tennet, John McMclaughlin, Bill Harlow and the stranger who approached Novak. Why did whitehouse shift blame to the CIA for '16 words' in SOTU, State of the Union address speech. Bolton neglected to tell congress about niger yellowcake. Wilson's op-ed piece published. Oliver North and John Poindexter convictions overturned. Novak challenges Harlow warning. Scooter Libby and Judith Miller convesations hot. see columbia jouranlism review and vanity fair, wayne madsen report on asher karni nuclear arms smuggler and district judge ricardo urbina on nuclear triggers. ashcroft recused himself. what is hollinger international, daved radler, lord conrad a. black, richart burt boy-toy. What does miller have to do with tip-off of holy land foundation, global relief foundation and benevolence international foundation. AIPAC officials: Howard Kohr, Richard Fishman, Renee Rothstein, Raphael Danziger. New Yorker, Seymour Hersch story on Bush plans to launch nuclear attack on Iran summer of 2005. Cheney warns of Israeli preemptive strike on Iran. Rosen's lawyer: Abbe Lowell. Perle (Defense Policy Board)gives speech at AIPAC conference, calls for american military action against iran. Iran has Shihab III intermediate range missile. Franklin pleads innocent, Judje T.S. Ellis III. rove said he was discouraging a reporter from writing a false story based on a false premise. Frontpage mag interiviews Kenneth Timmerman. Naor Gilon of Israeli embassy involved. Jack Abramoff indicted and Texans for a Republican Majority. John N. Nassikas III, spy nest exposed. and A.Q. Kahn. David Kelly is confidant of Judith Miller and Pederson and Olivia Bosch at Royal Institute of international affairs. Judge Ricardo Urbina and what did Thomas Dine confirm. Patrick Dorton is AIPAC spokesperson. Harold Rhode is source of plame leak and Jerry Hauer and cofer black. lawmakers urged to support Iran Freedom and Support act and one of unnamed reporters is Glenn Kessler by David Ignatius. USGO-1 is Kenneth Pollack and Bob Dole is baffled. Iran 5 years away from nuclear weapons. Miller and Zacarias Moussaoui together? Michael Ledeen is Rove's brain. Ted Olson was Pollard's defense attorney. July 14th, 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 August September October November December 2003 2004 2001 That gathering involved some of the most powerful names in the Jewish lobby in America, starting with Edgar Bronfman, the chairman of the World Jewish Congress. Others included: Charles Bronfman, Edgar's brother and a top executive of the family's flagship Seagrams Corp.; Leslie Wexler of Limited, Inc.; Charles Schusterman, chairman of Samson Investment Co. of Tulsa, Oklahoma; Harvey "Bud" Meyerhoff, a fabulously wealthy and powerful Baltimore real estate magnate; Laurence Tisch, chairman of Loews Corp.; Max Fisher, the Detroit oil magnate and Republican Party powerhouse; bagel magnate Max Lender; and Leonard Abramson, the founder of U.S. Healthcare presents the 13 most corrupt members of Congress: Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO) -- Rep. Randy Cunningham (R-CA)-- Rep. Tom Feeney(R-FL)-- Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA)-- Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO)-- Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH)-- Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA)-- Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ)-- Rep. Charles Taylor (R-NC)-- Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)-- Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)-- Senator Bill Frist (R-TN)-- Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT) |
Aug 31, 05 Twenty Things We Know,
Independent TV USGO-1 Identified Middle East analyst: Kenneth Pollack,
National Security Council, Clinton administration. Sept 3, 05 Bob Dole
(baffled by Miller incarceration) visited Miller in jail, NYTimes copy.
Smokescreen on passing federal shield laws that would allow reporters to
protect their souces. Sept 5, 05 Rocky Mountain News, "Weapons of
Mass Delusion" Sept 6, 05 U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III set
this Sept 6 trial date for Larry Franklin, Sept 6, 05 IISS International
Institute for Strategic Studies, 'Strategic Dossier', entitled Iran's
Strategic Weapons Programmes - A Net Assessment. Iran 5 years away from
a nuclear weapon. Why go to the stake to defend a spin doctor planting
bile? Guardian Unlimited todo: Antiwar, In These Times, Is Iran Next?
Counterpunch Zvi Bar'el, Chalabi, Feith and Israel, Theater of the
Absurd Sept 8, 05 Yahoo News Plamegate will rise up in a few weeks. Is
she bargaining?....what about possible criminal contempt charges?
Huffington Post Sept 10, 05 The Alexandria facility where Miller is,
also housed Zacarias Moussaoui..(just one floor above Miller's cell) The
gas station tapes of the attack on the Pentagon on 9/11 are 'classified'
because of his trial. They would reveal the real truth about what
aircraft slammed into the Pentagon that day. see NewsFollowUp.com/flight77
missile? National Press Club, honors Judith Miller see Franklingate
links page see Pakistan Daily Times on Iran latest news...and Michael
Ledeen, Rove's brain, AEI, prominent proponent of a violent regime
change in Iran. Ledeen has close ties to all Plamegate players. and see
Ledeen's ties to the Niger forged docs that led to Iraq War. It's all
one story. Lies of Ommision Progress Sept 11, 05 Peace Page, 9/11 poem
by Kristy we should share the shame search terms: Texas Secretary of
State, Roger Williams, Bush campaign, Karl Rove, Elizabeth Reyes. Sept
12, 05 Iran Mania News One week to U.N. meetings on Iran. Cooperative
Research, neocon run-up to war, timeline see Ted Olson links to Jonathan
Pollard, Pentagon, Perle, Lehman, Feith.... Ted Olson's wife 'died' on
Flight 77, 9/11? Sept 14, 05 New 'Amdocs' page, information on Israeli
owned telephone billing co. and connections to 9/11, AIPAC, neocons,
Iraq war, Iran war mongering. Against Bombing old timeline, not updated,
but some interesting links, stories DNC Democratic National Committee,
Plamegate Rovegate, Treasongate, Leakgate page Crosswalk, conservative
publication, Democrats keep focus on Plamegate Sept 15, 05 Bush / Rice
failing in Iran war mongering efforts. India, China and Russia nix U.S.
and EU effort to get a majority of IAEA board to refer Iran to UN
Security Council for sanctions. India says the plan will backfire.
search:Ahmadinejad. NYT copy David Fiderer on the "Abort the Plame
Investigation Act" or H.R. 581. Feb 05. Bob Dole and the
Republicans smokescreen tactics are difficult to see ...will they work?
Framing the issue around source id privilege keeps the buzz off what
Miller is hiding...just what they want. also see CSM Holt wants docs,
Fitzgerald says will harm investigation see SpinWatch on indictment Sept
16, 05 Asia Times review of Bush whitewash book..by Craig Whitney. DOJ
won't turn over docs to Congress and While You Were atching Katrina
House Republicans derail probes of Plame affair Village Voice Sept 17,
05 Some Miller elite visitors: Bob Dole, John Bolton, Tom Brokaw,
Gonzalo Marroquin, Sept 18, 05 Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
old but relevant story, Israeli spies in America. Amdocs, Report of
Israeli Eavesdropping on White House Telephones Gets Varying Media
Treatment Sept 19, 05 This article climbing in the search engines:
Frontpage Mag calls Plamegate non-event, "endless spider-web of
lies by Joe Wilson", "The media has gone out of its way to
question the credibility of Karl Rove", "non-leak of Plame's
non-secret identity',....and on...and on. and NFU-Franklingate research
on Amdocs, 9/11, art students, Israeli spies Sept 20, 05 Yahoo article:
What Show Did You Watch During the War Daddy? Iraq War, lost and now a
civil war....north to south, oil. Sept 21, 05 Jurist article: David
Radler, former President and COO of Hollinger International and former
publisher of the Chicago Sun-Times, will plead guilty to fraud charges.
Robert Novak is Sun-Times columnist. Aljazeera "Is it possible that
the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is assisting Israel
in betraying American spy networks in Iran in return for the Iranians to
offer the release of captured Israeli spies?" AEI search on
Jonathan Pollard results in "Web of Conspiracies" book by
Michael Rubin. search Kwiatkowski, OSP, Mondale. Sept 23, 05 Register:
More on Amdocs corporate espionage. And The Age Police question Amdocs
exec...at least 19 arrested for infiltrating competitors computers.
World Net Daily, Stephen Hadley mentioned, prior knowledge of 911
information on Atta in Rep. Weldon (Republican) Book "Countdown to
Terror" Shaffer stopped from testifying about Able Danger data
mining. Gonzales will name D. Kyle Sampson as chief of staff (DOJ) and
in related article KerrySharesOurValues on D. Kyle Sampson, Raul Yanes
..and (Ted Ullyot) All three have been lawyers in the White House
counsel's office under Gonzales. ... Ullyot (Ullyot stepped down) and
Yanes were the coordinators of the White House's response to the
investigation into the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity.
Gonzales and Ashcroft will recuse, but will these three also? Sampson,
Ullyot and Yanes have represented tobacco companies. search Kirkland
& Ellis or (Tobacco.org), Kenneth Starr. tobacco thread articles /
timeline Iraqwar.org on Israeli spying and Lowell Sun Online The
invasion of Iraq was the “greatest strategic disaster in United States
history,” a retired Army general said yesterday, strengthening an
effort in Congress to force an American withdrawal beginning next year.
Retired Army Lt. Gen. William Odom, a Vietnam veteran, said the invasion
of Iraq alienated America's Middle East allies, making it harder to
prosecute a war against terrorists Imam Intikab Habib's....was swept out
of his FDNY appointment....Over the weekend, the message was pounded in
by the New York and other media that those who question the Official
Conspiracy Theory.... 911Truth.org Sept 25, 05 search internet: Kurzberg
Shmuel Ellner Marmari Amdocs for supporting evidence on Amdocs links to
9/11 WTC or search amdocs fema israel or amdocs foxnews and Amdocs page
Sept 26, 05 New Franklingate / DOJ selected press releases page Sept 27,
05 Shalom Center, article from 2004: "Neo-Cons, AIPAC, Israel,
& Alleged Spying " Oct 28, 05 The federal grand jury delving
into the matter expires Oct. 28. .. prosecutors could pursue a criminal
contempt of court charge against Miller. Sept 28, 05 Conk Websearch,
Encyclopedia entry on AIPAC, supporters, critics and quotations. Fatma
Nevin Vargun, is a Kurdish women's rights activist. Libby poem in a
letter to Miller in jail: "You went into jail in the summer. It is
fall now. You will have stories to cover -- Iraqi elections and suicide
bombers, biological threats and the Iranian nuclear program. Out West,
where you vacation, the aspens will already be turning. They turn in
clusters, because their roots connect them. Come back to work -- and
life. Until then, you will remain in my thoughts and prayers -- With
admiration, Scooter Libby." from Salon.com Sept 29, 05 Foxnews
"U.K.: Military Action against Iran, 'Inconceivable'. and "On
Saturday, the International Atomic Energy Agency passed a resolution
putting Iran on the verge of referral to the U.N. Security Council
unless Tehran eases suspicions about its nuclear activities"
"(Fitzgerald) was ready to extend her imprisonment for up to 18
months. ...on September 29, she walked out of prison ready to talk,
having secured a personal waiver of confidentiality from her own source,
Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the vice president's chief of
staff." Guardian Sept 30, 05 Miller testified before the grand jury
about two conversations with Libby in July 2003 Red Nova "Quality
of Iran's Nuclear Fuel Sheds Doubt on Weapons Capabilities" Daily
Star "Britain rules out military action against Iran over nuclear
program Tehran to vote on scaling back cooperation with IAEA Forward
Steven Rosen (AIPAC) seeking dismissal on the grounds that the U.S.
government has refused to disclose key evidence. Franklin will plead
guilty, Harretz ....Miller released, will testify, and Red Nova coverage
Oct 1, 05 Miller testified,...Fitzgerald agreed to limit his questioning
to Libby contacts regarding Plame. Miller was his final witness...the
interview lasted 4 hours. Libby's attorney Joseph Tate puzzled at a
second request for a release...it had been a year since they believe
they gave her a waiver. Oct 2, 05 Net search terms: Judith Miller,
Stephen Hadley, Able Danger, missing chart Oct 3, 05 Weldon's Able
Danger hearings will backfire on GOP "...both Miller and Libby
collaborated for months on manufacturing the bogus WMD hoax.."
Ahmed Amr, Palestine Chronicle (copy), and Nile Media Oct 4, 05 Miller
still trying to limit issue to her conversations with Libby? NY Times
copy Oct 5, 05 Libby Lawyer says Miller in jail on her own accord, was
given waiver a year ago Washington Post see changes to Franklingate
AIPAC page World Peace Herald: Able Danger report expected soon. Oct 6,
05 San Francisco Chronicle, Jon Carrol, "Everyone pretty much knows
that the Judith Miller story doesn't add up, except for her employers at
the New York Times" Indictments Any time? Editor & Publisher
Oct 7, 05 Live Journal "U.S. Preparing for a Strike on
Iran.....Scott Ritter, the former UN weapons inspector to Iraq
.......warned in apocalyptic terms in London"