
Pedophilia Normalization by Leftists

The Rise of Populism


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The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germanyow
Cultural Terrorism
Media Push to Normalize Pedophilia Begins Rampant Hypocrisy at UMass

The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany

source: People & Places
Berlin was a liberal hotbed of homosexuality and a mecca for cross dressers and transsexuals where the first male-to-female surgery was performed - until the Nazis came to power, new book reveals
An uninhibited urban gay sexual scene flourished in Berlin, Germany in the wake of World War One
The science of ‘transsexuality’ was founded at the Institute of Sexual Science where the first male-to-female surgery was performed
German scientists concluded that same-sex love was a natural, inborn characteristic and not merely the perversion of a ‘normal’ sexual tendency
There were 30 separate homosexual periodicals
Cross-dressers found dressmakers who tailored for large sizes and singles searching for gay love could place ads
Think Liza Minnelli and Joel Gray in Carberet. Think West Hollywood, Greenwich Village and Provincetown and the Castro, known as hotbeds of homosexuality.
But they are nothing like the uninhibited urban gay sexual scene and vast homosexual subculture that flourished in Berliin under Germany's Weimar Republic.
Sexual experimentation between the same sexes and medical advances of helping genders ‘trapped within the wrong body’ in Germany more than one hundred years ago shaped our understanding of gay identity today.
The city's liberal years - before the rise of Hitler - are detailed in a new book, Gay Berlin.
The science of ‘transsexuality’ was founded in Berlin at the Institute of Sexual Science where the first male-to-female surgery was performed. The words ‘homosexual’ or ‘transvestite’ were German innovations.
Police mugshots of Berlin prostitute Johann Scheff, arrested in July 1932. Youths dressed in women's clothing who successfully passed for women, descended on department stores en masse stealing large quantities of merchandise.
Police mugshots of Berlin prostitute Johann Scheff, arrested in July 1932. Youths dressed in women's clothing who successfully passed for women, descended on department stores en masse stealing large quantities of merchandise.

Cultural Terrorism

source: Vespa Media

The significance of the historical roots of political correctness can not be fully appreciated without considering Betty Friedan's gender theory as an extension of the revolutionary process begun by Karl Marx. A simple proof is Friedan's references to the work of Abraham Maslow on the ideology of the Frankfurt School. Another proof is the connection between the Friedan gender revolution and the destruction of "old values ​​and the creation of new ones" by Georg Lukacs with the "reassessment of values" by Herbert Marcuse. But the idea of ​​transformation of the patriarchate into a matriarchy, which is designed to address gender inversion, can be directly linked to the work of Friedrich Engels "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State." First published in 1884 this book reinforced the belief that feminists now feel that deeply entrenched discrimination against women stems from patriarchy. The belief that the matriarchy was destroyed by the patriarchy can be traced in Marx's comments to the "German Ideology", published in 1845. In this work, Marx advanced the idea that wives and children were the first property of the patriarchal man of the matriarchal theory. The theory of the matriarchy of the Frankfurt School (and partly the androgynous theory of "unisex") originated from these sources. Marx advanced the idea that wives and children were the first property of the patriarchal man of the matriarchal theory. The theory of the matriarchy of the Frankfurt School (and partly the androgynous theory of "unisex") originated from these sources. Marx advanced the idea that wives and children were the first property of the patriarchal man of the matriarchal theory. The theory of the matriarchy of the Frankfurt School (and partly the androgynous theory of "unisex") originated from these sources.

When addressing the general public, supporters of political correctness - or cultural Marxism, to be more precise, try to present their own views in an attractive light. It's just a question of being more "responsive" to other people, they say. Using words such as "tolerance" and "diversity" (diversity), they ask: "Why can not we all get along with each other?"

Reality, however, is quite different. Political correctness does not mean "being nice". Political correctness is Marxism with all that it implies: a ban on freedom of expression, control over thoughts, overturning of traditional public order and, ultimately, a totalitarian state. The cultural Marxism created by the Frankfurt School is a more terrible phenomenon than the old, economic theories of Marxism ( "traditional Marxism"), which collapsed in Russia. At the very least, economic Marxists do not extol sexual perversions and do not attempt to recreate matriarchy, as the representatives of the Frankfurt School and its followers do.

Media Push to Normalize Pedophilia Begins ...

The Media Push to Normalize Pedophilia Begins
October 16, 2015
For years people who warned that the normalization of pedophilia would be the next major "civil rights battle" were dismissed as tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. Yet the push for pedophile acceptance has begun. To the surprise of many, pedophile acceptance has some surprising allies.

Everyone from Salon to Twitter to National Review are defending pedophiles.

Salon published a lengthy article from an admitted pedophile. In this article the pedophile, who has worked around children and admitted in chat rooms to hugging children closely, shared his tale of woe.

I’ve been stuck with the most unfortunate of sexual orientations, a preference for a group of people who are legally, morally and psychologically unable to reciprocate my feelings and desires. It’s a curse of the first order, a completely unworkable sexuality, and it’s mine. Who am I? Nice to meet you. My name is Todd Nickerson, and I’m a pedophile.

Read, "I'm a pedophile, but not a monster."

Rather than treat pedophilia as a grave moral wrong, pedophilia is treated as an innate sexual identity. Pedophiles are no different from gays, the author of the Salon article wrote, and thus deserve civil rights.

National Review supports pedophiles.

Astoundingly, Charles C.W. Cooke of the "right wing" National Review wrote an article defending Salon's piece. Read, "On Salon’s Much-Maligned Pedophilia Piece."

While Cooke did not give child rapists a full throttled defense, his article gave moral authority and cover to Salon. Pedophiles, Cooke argued, should not be forced to remain in the closet.

Salon again supports pedophiles.

After receiving support from National Review, Salon next published a piece decrying pedophile-phobia, a problem existing on the right. Liberals, it seems, find pedophilia acceptable. Fortunately the right (excluding National Review writer Charles C.W. Cooke) took a stand:

With regard to angry respondents to my article, the greatest amount of flak has come from the far right, who smeared Salon for daring to allow me to speak, as if silencing pedophiles somehow equates to fighting sexual abuse.

Read, "I’m a pedophile, you’re the monsters: My week inside the vile right-wing hate machine."

Notice the use of the language. Silencing.

Anyone who speaks out against pedophiles is bigot spreading hate speech in an effort to silence those who would have sex with children - if only the laws were changed legalizing the practice.

Twitter supports pedophiles.

Sarah Nyberg (formerly known as Nicolas) is a prominent social justice warrior and Twitter user. Leaked chat logs revealed Nyberg was something else - she/he was a confessed pedophile.

LEOPirate, the user who exposed pedophile Sarah/Nicholas Nyberg, was suspended from Twitter.

Twitter allows an admitted pedophile to use its service while suspending the account of the person who exposed the pedophile.

Twitter suspended @theLEOPirate for exposing a pedophile. #IStandWithLeo

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) September 18, 2015
Social Justice Warriors support pedophiles.

After Sarah Nyberg was exposed as a pedophile, dozens of social justice warriors rallied to her cause. Jef Rouner, a writer for the Houston Press and, sent a picture of his child to Nyberg to "cheer her up."

SJW pedophiles

Yahoo! makes the move to normalize pedophilia.

Today Yahoo! has published an article from a mother who intends to dress her 9-year-old child up like a sexual object to be put on display:

It’s Halloween season again. So far, my nine-year-old daughter with heavy tween tendencies has wanted to be a broken porcelain doll, a Cheshire Cat girl, and a Galaxy Cat. I’m rooting for the Cheshire Cat girl, personally. All of these costumes will likely involve either a short skirt or dress-over leggings, or just leggings and a shirt (that’s the Galaxy Cat).

Will the National Review staff swap pictures of the little girl in her costume?

Or will the right grow some balls and take a stand against pedophilia?

Rampant Hypocrisy at UMass

Which is it? Do universities these days want to be zones where no one will ever get offended, or do they want to promote free speech and academic freedom with all their attendant risks and discomforts?

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is just one place that can’t make up its mind. For years now it has been touting its earnest commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity. Its website prominently advertises that “Hate Has No Home at UMass.” Resources are listed for combatting offenses directed at those with “protected identities,” and students are pressed to practice “active bystandership” when a “harmful” or “risky” situation, or “problematic behavior,” is observed.

Numerous “reporting options” are listed online for those experiencing or witnessing “an act of hate or bias incident,” including anonymous reporting. Concern for the feelings of safety and inclusion of protected groups seems to be a major and constantly reiterated focus of the university.

But not all protected classes are equal, it seems. While the university takes a dim view of Jew-bashing, as it does of attacks and even imaginary slights to many other identity groups, when this can be dressed up as “criticism of Israel,” somehow it slips by the usual restraints. The latest example is unfolding as I write.

[How These Nine Universities Pander to Campus Radicals]

An anti-Israel event is scheduled to be held at UMass Amherst on May 4th. Titled “Not Backing Down: Israel, Free Speech, and the Battle for Palestinian Human Rights,” the event promotes the BDS movement. When criticized for presenting such a one-sided panel with four like-minded speakers, the event’s promoters, echoing the title, present their position as that of a threatened underdog bravely taking on an overwhelmingly pro-Israel media and political establishment. Criticisms of their criticisms, they claim, are nothing but efforts to “stifle” and “silence” pro-Palestinian activists. In this topsy-turvy scenario, promoting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel requires extraordinary courage.

The fame of the anti-Israel propagandists such as Linda Sarsour, Roger Waters, and the others slated to appear at the UMass event would seem to belie such a claim. For anyone just back from Mars, a few words about the particularly notorious Linda Sarsour may help. She is a pro-Palestinian activist and an organizer of the Women’s March, who has declared: “nothing is creepier than Zionism.” She has written, in a 2011 tweet vilifying two outspoken critics of Islam, “Brigitte Gabriel = Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking for an a$$ whippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away—they don’t deserve to be women.”

Sarsour is also an apologist for sharia law and a fund-raiser for a terror-linked organization. She has no scholarly or academic credentials that lend her expertise on the Middle-East, has nothing to say about the status of women in numerous Muslim countries, nor the treatment of gays and religious minorities. Yet she is making the rounds of U.S. universities (and has spoken at Umass Amherst before).

Three students have filed a lawsuit for a preliminary injunction to stop the May 4th event, noting that the BDS movement uses typical anti-Semitic arguments. Some faculty members and scores of groups have written to the Chancellor protesting the event, and its evident sponsorship by academic departments within the university: Communication; Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies; and the Resistance Studies Initiative (yes, that really exists at UMass). Other sponsors are more predictable: Jewish Voice for Peace Western Massachusetts; The Resistance Center; Arise for Social Justice; with support also from Students for Justice in Palestine, Black Student Union, Prison Abolition Coalition, and Graduate Students of Color (see the poster:).

[Anti-Semitism Growing on America’s Campuses]

In response to this outcry, the Chancellor sent an email on April 26, 2019, weighing in with a bracing defense of academic freedom and “debate.” He asserted that the event does not reflect the views of the university (which is opposed to academic boycotts) and, furthermore, no university or taxpayer funds are being used. Rather, it is a privately sponsored event that has merely rented space at the university. Thus, he concludes, the listing of the event’s co-sponsors is not to be taken as an endorsement by academic departments or programs.



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