
Haarvara, Zionist Cooperation with Nazis in WWII, Azov Battalion in Ukraine

Zionist FAQs: Facts about Haavara (Transfer) Agreement between Ben-Gurion & Hitler (1933 - late 39)
source: PalestineRemembered

The main purpose of the Transfer [Agreement] is not to rescue the Jews from Germany but to strengthen various [Zionist] institutions in Palestine Baruch Vladek, Editor of Forward - 1936
Haavara (Transfer) Agreement was a financial instrument that was negotiated between David Ben-Gurion & Hitler few months after the Nazis rose to power early 1933, and it continued non-stop (even after Nuremberg Laws & Kristallnacht pogrom) until December 1941. This financial instrument was designed to:

Relief Nazi Germany from the crippling spontaneous worldwide boycott & rise in unemployment that hit Germany soon after Hitler became the chancellor early 1933
Stimulate German economy and to decrease unemployment by selling German goods in the Middle East & North Africa, and above all
To help Nazis implement their racists policies that aimed to "cleanse" Germany of its Jewish citizens and to dispossess them from their wealth (valued at 10-12 billion Reichsmarks as of 1932-3) as much as possible.
In return, Zionists channeled a fraction of the liquidated German Jewish wealth to build the foundation of their "Jewish state" 15 years ahead of its time. From Zionist, Israeli sources and NYTimes, we shall shortly prove how and why Zionists thought of themselves first & last; and "saving" Europe's Jews was way secondary.

Please keep the following important points in mind as you read our exhaustive research on Haavara: A) Before WWII, Zionists were a minority (with very limited resources but very well organized who had BIG influence on US Jewish Organizations) B) Zionists were considered an extreme fringe in Jewish politics which was dominated by BUND who were assimilationst Jews, socialists, liberal, and against the nation state concept (Albert Einstein was a great example). C) On the other hand, after WWII, Zionists dominated Jewish politics after the destruction of BUND, Abraham Burg, p. 37. D) Since Haavara was implemented in the 1930s; you have to judge its events as if WWII & the Holocaust didn't happen, else you will fall into judging the past from the present fallacy. E) The Palestinian and Jewish tragedies won't be understood unless you understand Haavara to the fullest PLUS knowing what happened in Europe before & after WWI & WWII. As you shall discover soon that Jewish & Palestinian tragedies were born almost at the same time, and how they are joined at the hip in very strange ways.

Haavara FAQs
Is there timeline chart for Haavara? Was it interrupted after Nuremberg Laws & Kristallnacht?
How this financial instrument (Haavara) was structured? In details, how it was designed & operated?
When Zionists negotiated & implemented Haavara with Hitler for 7 years starting from 1933, were they motivated by the urgency to "save" German Jews?
How did German Jews perceive the Zionist movement?
Did they consider Zionists allies? or the enemy from within?
How did Zionist leaders respond to MS St. Louis' (Voyage of the Damned) tragedy?
How did Zionist leaders respond to the worldwide boycott against Nazi economy when Hitler rose to power early 1933?
How German Jews' assets were divvied up between Nazis & Zionists? How much cash left?
What was the financial situation of the Jewish Agency just before Haavara was signed?
Did Zionists market Nazi goods outside of Palestine?
Did they attempt to locate other safe heavens?
Why Zionist leaders were frantic to stabilize Germany currency and economy early 1933?
What was the size of this financial instrument?
How critical Haavara was for the creation of the "Jewish state" to be?
Haavara had limited impact on German exports, therefore, what is the big deal?
How did Zionist leaders respond to Hitler's rise?
How did Zionist leaders respond to Jewish anti-Nazi boycott?
How many German Jews were actually "saved" when Haavara was honored by both Nazis & Zionists?
When Eichmann visited Palestine in 1937, did he come to meet with Mufti Haj Amin, or with Zionists' Haganah?
When Haavara was stopped? Why it was stopped? and by whom?
How did Hitler favorite Zionists over other Jewish political groups (domestic or foreign)? Why?
How did Zionists respond to Nuremberg Race Laws?
How comparable Nazis & Zionists views were on mix-marriage, Aryan (Jewish) labor & land, pretending to be Aryan (Jewish) & segregated living?
How did Zionist leaders react when other Jewish organizations attempted to replicate Haavara by resettling Jews to safe heavens other than Palestine?
How did Zionist leaders respond to Evian Conference?
How did Zionist leaders respond to Dominican Republic's offer to save 100k Jews?
How did Zionist leaders respond to Kristallnacht pogrom?
How did Zionist leaders respond when England saved 10k German Jewish children after Kristallnacht?
How did Zionists respond to Alaska Jewish refugees resettlement scheme?
How did Zionists and Jewish leaders respond to Schacht-Rublee Plan?
How did Zionists respond when the Holocaust became known to them?
What was their response to Bermuda Conference in April 1944?
Why did Hitler work non-stop with Zionists if they were a small fringe group with limited resources?
Why Zionists were fixated on Palestine as the ONLY destination for Jewish refugees?
How could Zionists execute pro-Hitler policies when it was them who sent tens of thousands to fight Nazis in Europe?
How did Zionists respond to Warsaw Ghetto uprising?
Why news of the Holocaust was played down in Zionist press?
Did Zionists foresee the Holocaust before WWII, they've felt helpless & since it was fait accompli they decided to make the best out of it?
What were the ramifications of Zionist fixation on Palestine as the ONLY destination?
Hitler used German Jews as hostages, Zionists can't be blamed for negotiating with a hostage takers?
Did Zionist leaders position themselves to profit from antisemitism?
If that was the case, did Zionists foment antisemitism?
Why did Zionist leaders work hard to starve funds that were allotted to Jewish refugees' resettlement?
Why did all major Jewish organizations failed to investigate their actions & passivity between 1933-45?
If all kinds of people (including Mufti Haj Amin) dealt with Hitler, why are Zionists being demonized?
How did Ze'ev Jabotinsky's Revisionists party react to Haavara?
What is Catastrophic Zionism?
How did the British Mandate regulate immigration before WWII?
Are you implying that Jews caused the Holocaust?
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Haavara Timeline
It should be noted that both Nazis & Zionists worked with no interruption to honor Haavara even after Nuremberg Race Laws & Kristallnacht pogrom were enacted by Nazis.

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Palestine Total Jewish Immigrants Vs German Jews 1932 1945When Zionists negotiated & implemented Haavara with Hitler for 7 years starting from 1933, were they motivated by the urgency to "save" German Jews?

Let's assume we can judge the past from the present, and "Haavara was done to save lives",
Let's use loaded words as "save" or "rescue" to describe events before the calamity actually happened, and
Let's judge Zionists' nonstop wheeling & dealing with Hitler for 7 years before WWII as if they foresaw Shoah, and they made "best out of a bad situation", then:

Right arrow free icon You would think Zionists appreciated the danger German Jews were under after Hitler became the chancellor? If Ben-Gurion was so concerned with saving Jews' lives, how come David & his cohorts allocated under 20% of the immigration quotas to German Jews, and prioritized other European Jews over them? (The Transfer Agreement, p. 373, Survey of Palestine, p. 185-6). According to Aviva Halamish (an Israeli historian) the British even made it four times easier for the German Jew to gain an immigration certificate (compared with other Jewish immigrants as Polish Jews), despite all of that Zionists reduced German Jews' quotas in favor of other Eastern Europe Jews. Is it possible that Ben-Gurion & Co. did this to reward those Jews who were more loyal to the Zionism movement and to Ben-Gurion's Mapai party! (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants By Aviva Halamish, p. 126, 129, 146) What is tragically comical that those who were allegedly "saved" would've been saved anyhow irrespective of Haavara, and five times as many left within 18 months in 1938-39, and over 90% of them left without any "saving" from Haavara. (Jews For Sale?, p. 17, 35) Don't take our words for it, here are the boring details from Zionist and Israeli sources. How such a policy wasn't much worse since it entails a prior knowledge of a genocide, then Zionists enabled & appeased the devil, and very little was done beforehand! Only in the Zionist mind you can have the cake in-front of you and eat it at the same time!

Ship St. Louis Havana Port, 1939May 1939, MS St. Louis in Havana was refused to unload its Jewish passengers in Cuba & US, and it was forced to go back to Antwerp. Jewish Agency refused to give any of its passengers immigration visas to Palestine. Over 250 of the passengers perished during the Holocaust.Right arrow free icon Do you think Zionist leaders were kind enough to GRANT even one immigration certificates to any of those DAMNED passengers on MS St. Louis Ship in June 1939? Then you are onto a big surprise!

Right arrow free icon If saving Jews was paramount to Zionist leaders as we've assumed, you would not think they objected against similar schemes (as Haavara) that saved 5 times as many within less than 2 years (not 7 years as Haavara)? It should be noted that between 1938-39, at minimum 250k German and Austrian Jews emigrated; and over 90% of them left without Haavara saving them! (Jews For Sale?, p. 17, 35), here are the boring details! We ask: who should take credit for "saving" five times as many within 18 months (not 7 years)? The Gestapo who terrorized those German Jews into leaving before murdering them? or the countries who received them penniless despite of Zionists' objections!

Right arrow free icon If saving Jews was paramount to Zionist leaders as we've assumed earlier, you would think Zionist leaders worked hand over fist with Great Britain to facilitate and to expedite the exist of German Jews after Kristallnacht pogrom! Not only Zionists attempted to scuttle such a scheme, most importantly their leader (Ben-Gurion) wished death upon the 10k Jewish kids who were saved within a month! Not only he didn't retract it; but the Jewish leadership to this date never condemned this statement. To add salt to injury; Ben-Gurion never thanked the British people for the generosity and quick response. On the other hand, Albert Einstein was quick to do so! Are these behaviors of leaders who cared about the plight of Europe's of Jews! It should be noted that this figure (ten thousand saved) is almost as much as what Haavara allegedly "saved" not in a month but in 8 consecutive years of normalization with Hitler! Well, if you care, here are the boring details.

Right arrow free icon If a genocide was a possibility and Zionists were able to foresee it, then why Zionist and Jewish organizations insisted that Jewish refugees should only be directed towards Palestine? Why Zionists lobbied against opening any other safe heavens? You would think while Zionists were busy marketing Nazi good all over the Middle East & North Africa they bothered themselves to secure safe heavens for Europe's Jews! Of course not. Is it possible that increasing Jewish suffering was used as the lever to force England to open Palestine for unfettered Jewish immigration! (NYTimes, Jan. 4th, 1983, Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants By Aviva Halamish, p. 128-9) It should be noted that Palestine was enshrined in Haavara as the ONLY destination for German Jews! (51 Documents, p. 49, The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 98) You might ask yourself: Did this fixation on Palestine as the ONLY destination continue even at the height of the calamity during WWII? Here are the boring details. Remind us please: How many Jews were killed because of Haavara? Sorry, we meant to say: How many Jews were saved because of Haavara? Only in the Zionist mind saving lives are equated with intentional reckless endangerment! How Jews slurp and market this rubbish for thought in defense of Zionism is still an enigma! It is baffling how Jews (between all people) are not anti-Zionists hundreds of time more than Palestinians and Arabs! Are Jews this ignorant? or have they been dumbed-down to this degree? Are Jews terrified of being canceled from within the community? Or are Jews willing accomplices in propagating the Big Lies? Do you understand now why German Jews consider those imposters the enemy from within? Let us know you thoughts in the comments section.

Jewish-Brigade, April-1945: Impostering Heroes, see me while I bomb Nazis in Italy. Any taken at al Alamein! Jewish-Brigade, Italy April - 1945: The Impostering Hero, see me while I bomb Nazis. We wonder: any similar selfies were taken at al-Alamein meat grinder!Right arrow free icon If saving Jews consumed Zionists during WWII, you would think they did anything meaningful to fight Nazi and Fascist forces? What is tragically comical that Zionists leaders made sure that their boys will see tiny itsy-bitsy of action(s) at war's end, and by far ten thousand times more Indians, Muslims & Arabs fought and died saving real lives compared with the impostering heroes of the so called Yishuv.(The Seventh Million, p. 83-4, 86-89, JVL) Zionist leadership were keen that their boys won't be wasted in any side meaningless battles (like the meat grinders on the Libyan, Tunisian & Italian fronts), and to save them against their real enemy: That Indigenous Arab (who doesn't exists) just couple of years after WWII ended, Zionists deployed more than twenty times as much to fight their real enemy: Those "Evil Arabs" who now replaced Nazis & Fascist. On the other hand, those antisemitic Europeans (who murdered millions of Jews whose graves were still fresh) quickly got a free pass just a few years after Shoah ended. No wonder every European nation eagerly voted for partition late 1947, and of course bygones became the bygones. Please don't take our words for it, here are the boring details from Zionist and Israeli sources. Only in the Zionist mind Zionist Jews become Warsaw Ghetto Uprising heroes who defended Jewish honors! Only in the Zionist mind the coward easily becomes the hero. OK, enough with the sarcasm, quickly quiz yourself and if you answer correctly, you will get a nice prize:
A) How many so called Yishuv were killed while fighting Nazis, vs. Yishuvs who were killed while fighting Arabs just 2-3 years after WWII ended! Now compare those with the Yishuv who got killed during the battle of Latrun!
B) How many so called Yishuv were killed while fighting Nazis, vs. Arabs (including Palestinian, Jordanian, and North African Arabs) who were killed while fight Nazis too?
C) How many so called Yishuv were deployed (not just enlisted) and saw action while fighting Nazis, vs. Arabs who were deployed and saw action while fight Nazis too?
D) How many so called Yishuv were decorated while fighting Nazis, vs. Arabs who were decorated while fight Nazis too?
Note that on purpose we didn't include south Asian Muslims and non-Zionist Jews who served honorably at most meat grinders within the Allies armies (especially in the Soviet Army), else the comparison would not be fair at all!

Right arrow free icon If Jews' lives were endangered and saving them was paramount to Zionists, you would think they worked hand over fist with Dominican Republic who accepted to receive 100k German Jews? see Evian Conference for more details. On the contrary, the evidence shows that Zionists did the exact opposite by discouraging any German Jewish emigration except to Palestine! (The Transfer Agreement, p. 377 & The Jewish Trail of Tears, p. 147-150) What is odd how Edwin Black didn't even allude to Peru & Dominican Republic offer to receive German & Austrian Jews, and portrayed Palestine as the ONLY available & viable destination! (The Transfer Agreement, p. 377) If you are interested in the boring details showing how Zionists worked hand over fist to frustrate this scheme, we urge you to read what Beit Zvi wrote in Chapter 9 (Post Uganda: Zionism On Trial, p. 211-240, pay attention to Charles J. Rosenbloom article at the end of p. 222). To dig further into Zionists' mind-set at the time, you've to contemplate Ben-Gurion's reaction when he heard that Great Britain will accept 10,000 German Jewish children refugees a month after Kristallnacht pogrom, here are the boring details from Zionist sources if you care to know how much Zionist leaders gave a damn. Just in case if you are curious here is a hint: Ben-Gurion never thanked the British people on their quick response after the pogrom! If that was not convincing enough, how do you think Zionists responded to the Alaska scheme that aimed to resettle thousands of European Jews in Alaska during the same period!

-Why risk enabling the devil FIRST (as early as 1933) and to work with him nonstop hand over fist for 7 year to "save" less than 53k lives (much of whom would've left irrespective of Haavara), and risk losing millions! How this "logic" isn't similar to Adolf Eichmann’s defense when he claimed that he actually "saved" hundreds of thousands of Jews whom he facilitated their departure (of course with Mossad's help) before the calamity was in motion in mid-1942?

NYTimes Zionists Rejected Boycott of Reich, Aug-25th 1933
NYTimes, Aug 25th 1933: Zionists Rejected Boycott of ReichRight arrow free icon Since the Holocaust wasn't in the picture until the fall of 1941, is it possible that lobbying to close all possible safe havens had pushed Hitler to explore "extreme solutions" which he avoided for 9 years? How such a policy didn't make the "final solution" inevitable! As late as August of 1940, Hitler was contemplating shipping Jews to Madagascar! You would think Jews attempted to investigate this decision and its ramifications? Well, they did but the it was nixed early on. (NYTimes, Jan. 4th, 1983) Are you surprised it was nixed! That can't be a Zionist conspiracy, can it!

Right arrow free icon If Zionist leadership's intention was all about saving Jewish lives, you would not think they argued for boycott and anti-boycott simultaneously? As Haavara was being negotiated mid-1933 they threatened Nazis by scuttling another similar deal (i.e. Haavara V1.0 with Sam Cohen who was a Revisionists sympathizer) if Nazis would not go a long with their scheme? God forbid, would Zionists hijack the same argument (of saving Jews) to argue for boycotting Nazi goods and against it depending on the situation? (The Transfer Agreement, p. 231, Jews For Sale?, p. 16) What is tragically funny that Zionist used this argument again to arm twist Nazis after German economy fully recovered in 1936, and Nazis' Reichsbank reply was: Go ahead, as we see it you need Haavara far more than we do need it! (Jews For Sale?, p. 16) By the way, if an Aryan spoke as such to Nazi officials at the time, he or she would have gotten a visit (may be a spanking and invitation to Dachau too) from either the SS or the Gestapo! Anyhow, the same gaslight of an argument was replicated with anti-Semitic Austrians (pre-Anschluss) who were threatened with boycott although the timing coincided with Zionists breaking anti-Nazi boycott! (The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 104) Only in the Zionists' mind the same argument (boycott) and its anti could be simultaneously articulated & justified; and in both cases saving Jews' lives are weaponized as THE tool! How Jews consume this garbage; that is still a mystery! Are they willing accomplices? What has been written wasn't sourced from Palestinian, anti-Zionists, or even anti-Semitic Hasbarah books or blogs; we directly sourced the data from Zionist & Israeli sources much was scanned to make it handy!

Right arrow free icon Mr. Baur made a very compelling argument: many of those who immigrated to Palestine from Germany (especially those who immigrated via the Capitalist Visa program) could've easily done it via Labor Certificate Visa program (Jews For Sale?, p. 17, 35). Even if Palestine wasn't their destination and its gate were completely shut in the 1930s-40s, German Jews who immigrated (especially who immigrated using the Capitalist Visa program) could have easily immigrated to other areas who would have welcomed them with much-less restrictions on capital requirements. Countries didn't object to Jews per se; many welcomed them as long they had the cash. This immigration policy was a common practice at the time especially after the Great Depression. Many German Jews actually voted with their feet and immigrated to other areas than Palestine, although they paid a hefty Reich Flight Tax which Haavara had limited exposures to. Another important fact which is often left out, 2/3 of the German Jews who immigrated to Palestine were able to do so because the occupying power England allowed it to be, who overruled Palestinian people's objections at a great risk to its own blood and treasure. You would think Zionists appreciated this! Therefore, the credit goes to the occupying power and not to the impostering heroes who cared the least about saving Jews' lives, and above all who did the obsolete minimum to fight Nazis! On the other hand, we admit it: Zionists were ahead of their time in taking heroic selfies at the fronts!

Right arrow free icon Since Haavara was signed in 1933, Nazi repression only increased and Zionists didn't even contemplate pausing it during its life (7-8 years); not even after Nuremberg Race Laws & Kristallnacht pogrom! You would think Zionists would've reassessed their appeasement policies? On the contrary, they doubled down on Haavara as if there is no tomorrow! It should be noted that the trading portion of Haavara was stopped by the British early 1940 (after the Nazi occupation of Poland) and if it wasn't for Great Britain Haavara would've continued unabated! How Haavara wasn't the FIRST willing passenger on the appeasement train that ended up destroying Europe? How reducing Nazi repression serves Zionists' interests? Is it possible that similar tactics were used to nudge Arab Jews to force them into immigrating to Israel after Nakba? God forbid, you would not think Zionists fomented antisemitism to use it as a political lever in the service of their goals? (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants By Aviva Halamish, p. 128-9) Here are the boring details.

Right arrow free icon If Haavara "saved” Jews; then according to this preposterous logic England exterminated Europe’s Jews since England halted the trading portion of Haavara late 1939 (after Nazi occupation of Poland)! (The Transfer Agreement, p. 378). Same ridiculous logic could be applied for the US who shutdown the money transfer portion of Haavara in December 1941! On this note, don't you find it odd how Zionists and Nazis wanted to continue Haavara even after the invasion of Poland! Keep in mind that Jewish Agency offices in Germany were only closed as late as May 1941! (Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 276). On top of that, Zionists never waste a moment to remind us how Chamberlain appeased Hitler, although it was Zionists who did far worse FIRST and for 7 years with no interruptions! This warped sense of reality can only exist, justified and promoted in the Zionist mind! No logic whatsoever; no sense of humanity; only wining it all costs. Always risk it all even when it is not a life or death situation!

Right arrow free icon What's truly tragically criminal that many Zionist Jews look back in the rear back mirror with little regrets, even when they know in advance that enabling the devil resulted in a genocide to millions of Jews and other Europeans! (The Transfer Agreement, p. 250) All this risk taking was done to building an apartheid state (which borrowed much of its racial laws from National Socialists) to "save" 53k lives much of whom would have left Germany any how. In return: A) tens of millions perished, B) the "Jewish state" ended up dispossessing and ethnically cleansing millions, C) and most importantly ended up locking Jews and Arabs into an eternal struggle! How this enterprise wasn't a high stacks poker game at its worst! Is it hard to admit it: Haavara was done to serve Zionists' goals irrespective of the risks?

Kastner train passengers on their way to Switzerland, 1944
How justifying Haavara after the fact doesn't resemble Rudolf Kastner's defense for what happened on his famous train but at a much larger scale? Kastner train passengers on their way to Switzerland, 1944Right arrow free icon How justifying Haavara after the fact doesn't resemble Rudolf Kastner's defense (for what happened on his famous train) but at a much larger scale? How Kastner's deceptions and lies (to hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews about their fate) justifies "saving" the selected few (himself, his closest family members, friends, and other wealthy 1,600 Jews)! Similarly, Zionist leaders "foresaw" the calamity, who spoke of the Holocaust in the past tense before the it happened, so called "they felt helpless, defenseless, wanted to make the best out of a bad situation", of course they stayed quite about the calamity during the war by suppressing & down playing it in the Zionist and American presses, and to save face they made mediocre contribution to fight Nazis at war's end, and YES Zionists "saved" 53k out of 6 million! What a heroic accomplishment! Both (Kastner and Zionists) were two sides of the same coin. Both abused the concept of "saving lives" to not only deflect away from the treasonous charges laid against them, but also to show off their "heroism"! Is it too hard to say both wanted to serve their interests and to save their skins! Are you surprised how Ben-Gurion went on a limp to defend Kastner! Why not! To accept treasonous charges against him implies Zionists' complicity! If the charges stood against Kastner, then that implied David's complicity too!

Right arrow free icon It is stunning how Zionists Jews argue both sides of the argument: Zionists can deal and enable the devil to "save Jews", but the same twisted logic can't be applied for Mufti's collaboration with Nazis when he wanted to save Palestinians from Nakba! Of course Palestine (the most important land-bridge in human history) was empty and romantically waiting for 2000 years until Zionist Jews populated it, bloomed its Negev desert (first time since the ice-age), and above all Palestinians never existed any how who willing abandoned their homes and lands! Once you drug yourself with such fantastic big lies, it becomes much easier to justify genocides and Nakbas. Do you understand from where this ideology was borrowed from? Do you understand why Zionists didn't condemn Nuremberg Race Laws? Do you understand why Zionists replied to being forced to wear the Yellow Star of David with the slogan of: Wear it with Pride! What pride were they talking about! Only in the Zionist mind: shame is equated with pride; dishonor is equated with honor! Anyhow in return for their Uncle Tom loyalty, Hitler showered Zionists with privileges Aryans dreamed of!

Kastner train passengers on their way to Switzerland, 1944
How justifying Haavara after the fact doesn't resemble Rudolf Kastner's defense for what happened on his famous train but at a much larger scale? Kastner train passengers on their way to Switzerland, 1944Right arrow free icon If "saving German Jews" was paramount to Zionists; you would think they will speak openly about Haavara; you would think they be proud of their deeds! On the country, they attempted to hide its details from the start and Zionist leadership rarely spoke of it; that is why it is a taboo subject. Actually labor Zionists (Ben-Gurion's party) denied they had anything to do with the deal during the 18th Zionist Congress (despite of Nazi leaks to German press), and only the 19th congress adopted Haavara 2 years after it was signed. Ben-Gurion made sure his name doesn't appear with Haavara although he approved it from the start. (The Transfer Agreement, p. xxi-xxii, p. 300-306). On the other hand, Zionists never waste a moment without reminding us that Palestinians (not Europeans who ganged upon them) are blood libel for the Holocaust because of Mufti Haj Amin's actions, which he did 9 years after Haavara was signed! Such twisted arguments could only exists in the Zionist mind!

Right arrow free icon Does this explain why the Zionists press downplayed the Holocaust as it was in progress in 1942? (Abraham Burg, p. 74). Zionist leadership knew of the mass killing as early as mid-1942 (Rabbi Wise knew way before FDR informed him). Why they went the extra mile to keep it out of the press? What more harm could've be done by warning Jews of the calamity heading towards them? Does this explain why Ben-Gurion & Co. kept the so called Yishuv out of the war? Does this explain why few Yishuvs saw action at war's end? Just imagine if the public opinion forced them to deploy their precious so called Yishuv in defense of Jewish honor at the meat grinder on the Italian, Tunisian and Libyan fronts! How many would have left to fight the real enemy: That Indigenous Arab who doesn't exist! Here are the boring details if you are interested!

Right arrow free icon Do you think Ben-Gurion would've saved 53k Jews via Haavara if there was ZERO incentives? Does that explain why Jabotinsky was against Haavara! Revisionists got ZERO incentives. It should be noted that the Jewish Agency was on the verge of going bankrupt in 1931 & 1933! All Zionist enterprises were on the ropes! The noose was around their necks!

Right arrow free icon Do you think Ben-Gurion would've saved 53k Jews via Haavara if the financial, political and military foundations of the "Jewish state" was already in place? All these were absent before Haavara; actually the Jewish Agency was on the verge of bankruptcy as we have pointed out earlier!

Right arrow free icon Can you honestly name one rescue scheme that was actually engineered to save Jews to any safe heaven other than Palestine that Zionists didn't attempt to either destroy, torpedo, annihilate or frustrate! You cannot. To rob salt into the wound Zionists portray themselves as the heros who fought Nazis & saved Jews' honor at Warsaw's Ghetto Uprising. Of course, the train of big lies continues, and passed on from one generation to another!

Anti-Nazi demonstration in NY City demanding boycott, 1933 Anti-Nazi demonstration in NY City demanding boycott, 1933Right arrow free icon If prior arguments and facts haven't dismantled this big lie yet, please contemplate how Zionist Edwin Black described Zionists' mind-set before Shoah and during the 1930s as follows:
"In the minds of Zionists, Jewish life in Germany could not be saved, only transferred. Even if Hitler and the German economy were crushed, Jewish wealth in Germany would be crushed with it...[as if Black implies the that crushing Nazi Germany early on doesn't serve the Zionist cause!] ..The wealth had to be saved. Through the speedy liquidation and transfer of that wealth, the Jewish homeland could be built, thus creating the refuge needed for a mass transfer of the people. Zionism had declared from the moment of Herzl that antisemitic regimes were to be opposed. They [antisemitic regimes] were to be cooperated with in the transfer of Jews and their wealth." (p. 226)
Note how Mr. Black contradicted himself on pages 379-380 when he claimed that Zionists in the 1930s had no way of anticipating a genocide for German Jews. However, here he assumed that Zionists thought that German Jews' lives couldn't be saved although the mass majority of them left! Tom Segev (p. 102-104) have found that Zionists used to talk about the Holocaust in the past tense; way ahead of its time in the 1930s. Therefore, very little could be done to save Europe's Jews! In the Zionist mind, the Holocaust already happened; and as if one thing left for them to do: which is how to exploit the calamity to be in the service of building the "Jewish state"! This analysis jives 100% with Aviva Halamish's finding too (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants, p. 128-9); as if they wanted Shoah to happen; therefore convert Jewish suffering into a political lever that will enable them to achieve their goals! If Jews were already as dead in their minds, then fomenting antisemitism would do little difference; they were dead anyhow! Here is another instance where Ben-Gurion spoke forcefully in defense of Haavara on December 11th, 1935. Note how he spoke of the destruction of German Jewry 6 years before the fact, despite this assertion David & other Jewish Agency executives allocated under 20% of the immigration certificates to German Jews:
Only Eretz-Israel can serve as a cure for German Jewry, even if not for all of them; any other "cure" is a false hope. We cannot topple Hitler, perhaps he will be toppled some other way. We must be concerned with the fate of the children and women, who are choking in this destructive hell. There is one way to rescue them-- to bring them to Eretz-Israel, with their capital. Their capital -- that is, merchandise, and by this I do not mean French or English merchandise. The only question is whether the money will return to Germany. This is not German merchandise; this is Jewish capital, belonging to Jews who are going to their destruction ... we have no other honor except by rescuing Jews and bringing them to Eretz-Israel.'" (The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 104) In a nutshell, those Jews who didn't immigrate to Palestine and chose to be saved somewhere else, they were as good as dead to him!
That's why this ridiculous argument was concocted as a gaslight (Hasbarah) way after the fact, especially when it doesn't correlate with the actual events!

If all prior evidence & logic haven't convinced you that Haavara had little to do with saving lives, we urge you to contemplate Baruch Vladeck's (editor of Forward) rebuttal to this deal which he wrote in January of 1936.

We hate to reiterate it again and again: the vast majority of German Jews were assimilationst, liberal & socialist BUND who were anti-Zionist and considered Zionists to be the enemy from within. You won't believe it until you read the details.

Only in the Zionist mind reality could be warped to such a degree where murder, cowardliness & treachery are equated with heroism!
Only in the Zionist mind the meaning of saving & murder could become synonymous!

Zionism: What a terrible disease of mind!

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  Passengers on the St Louis anchored off Havana June 2 1939May 1939, MS St. Louis in Havana was denied the right to unload its Jewish passengers in Cuba & US, and it Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 was forced to go back to Antwerp. Jewish Agency refused to give any of its passengers immigration visas to Palestine. Over 250 of the passengers perished during the Holocaust..When Caribbean countries, and the US refused to grant entry visas to MS St. Louis Ship’s Voyage of the Damned (May 1939) and forced it to go back to Antwerp, you would think the Jewish Agency allocated few of its immigration certificates for some of St. Louis' passengers!

Actually, the exact apposite happened; the Jewish Agency refused even to save one of those damned passengers! (The Seventh Million, p. 44) It should be noted that 254 of MS St. Louis’ passengers ended up being murdered during the Holocaust!

What was stunning that Zionists NEVER pleaded with any government to rescue even one of those damned passengers! Not even a thank you cable was sent to any of those countries who accepted some of those damned Jews!

If you are curious to why Zionists behaved as such; we urge you to ask yourself:
Right arrow free icon How Zionist leaders responded when England accepted 10,000 German Jewish children (a.k.a. Kindertransport) 7 months earlier soon after Kristallnacht pogrom?
Right arrow free icon Did Zionists send a cable to thank the British people for their generosities?

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Ben-Gurion on boycotting Nazis goods: To concentrate now on a boycott, he concluded, would be a "moral failure" of unprecedented proportions. Nov. 23, 1935 The Seventh Million, p. 26-7You would think Zionists acted in solidarity with Jews and non-Jews worldwide who protested Hitler’s rise & attacks on German Jews early 1933?

You would not think Zionists banned protests against Nazis' fascist policies?
You would think Zionists tapered their dealings with Nazis after Nuremberg Race Laws was enacted? or after Kristallnacht pogrom?

Well, you can't be further from the truth. As Hitler rose to power early 1933, Zionists exploited the
A) increase in German unemployment (despite that the numbers were watered down by not including Jews & Marxists),
B) Hitler's desires to ethnically cleanse and to dispossess German Jews (who had considerable wealth), and
C) the effects of the spontaneous crippling worldwide boycott against Nazi regime,

NYTimes, Aug 25th 1933: Zionists Rejected Boycott of Reich
NYTimes, Aug 25th 1933: Zionists Rejected Boycott of Reichnot to pressure Nazis to change their fascists policies, but to extract a better deal from Hitler; which they did. For example, German vital trade surplus for the first four months of 1933 were down by 50%, and other trades (like fur, wine, textile & diamonds) were almost completely devastated, and most importantly Germany's foreign exchange reserve dwindled from RM 3.3 billion to 450 million. (The Transfer Agreement, p. 129-131, 181, 111, 223, 227, ch. 29 264-271).

The fact is Hitler got unfavorable terms early on not only because of the effectiveness of worldwide anti-Nazi boycott, but also Nazis in general were consumed with their own propaganda: "Jewish Hegemony" over world trade. It should be noted that exporting hard currency out of Germany was forbidden to all Germans (to Jews & Aryans alike). However, Hitler made an exception to Jews only to satisfy British Mandate entry Capitalist visa requirements of P£1,000 (The Transfer Agreement, p. 82-4), a kindness that wasn't even extended to Aryans. Also keep in mind that as the Reich Flight Tax (progressively increased: the tax started at 23% in 1931, then it was raised to 70% in 1936, 85% in 1937 & to 95% in 1939 on assets above RM 50,000) which Haavara had limited exposure to. This pushed many German Jews to deposit their assets into Haavara's blocked account II (although they didn't immigrate to Palestine), which later funded Zionists communal enterprises. (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants By Aviva Halamish, p. 135-8) One other hidden major advantage of Haavara from Nazis' points of view (besides stimulating their exports based industries, reducing unemployment & dismantling boycott) was how this deal helped to re-capitalize German banking system; which was on its knees in the early 1930s. What was shocking how Zionists were terrified of destabilizing German currency Reichsmark (RM); and they were frantic how to stabilize it (The Transfer Agreement, p. 253-4)! In return, Hitler showered Zionists with privileges majority of Aryans didn't get! What good friends are for!

Edwin Black wrote a the following assessment of the Zionist mind-sent when Hitler rose to power. Honestly, it is second to none:
During the first days after Hitler boycott against Germany's Jews [early 1933], the Zionist movement's hierarchy in Europe and America was busy trying to plot a course of action. Their objective was not to mobilize Jewish and non-Jewish resources for the preservation of Jewish rights in Germany. Rather, they sought a means of turning the miseries of German Jewry into a new impetus for a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.

Zionist leadership had, in fact, refused to oppose the Nazi expulsion ideology from the outset. (The Transfer Agreement, p. 78-9)
NY City, anti-Nazi Boycott poster, 1933 NY City, anti-Nazi Boycott poster, 1933The question every Jew must ask:
Right arrow free icon What if Zionist leaders weren't the first to break-up the crippling boycott on Nazis? It should be noted the Ben-Gurion's Mapai banned all anti-Nazi protests as early as Sept. 2nd 1933 (The Transfer Agreement, p. 339)

Right arrow free icon When Zionists Jews eagerly normalized trade with Nazis for advantage AND were ahead of any nation, corporation & individuals (8 years ahead of Mufti Haj Amin & Vichy); how such a behavior didn't set the stage to breaking-up the worldwide boycott! If Jews normalized trade first with Hitler as early as 1933; who to blame the Austrians, Henry Ford, IBM, Stalin, Chamberlain, Mufti Haj Amin or the Poles!

Right arrow free icon What would've happened, if the crippling unorganized worldwide boycott of the Nazi regime persisted and strengthened with more organization at trade unions & associations level, and Zionists didn't position themselves for advantage by nixing it?

The Nazi led regime coalition government in 1933 would've most likely collapsed as it happened to other earlier German coalitions! To recognize how effective the boycott was & the fear it generates within Nazi ranks especially early 1933, you've to read chapters 18,19, & 29 in The Transfer Agreement p. 177-194, 264-271. To deflect, often Zionists claim that German exports to Palestine were tiny compared to total exports, here is our detailed reply.

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Why Zionist leaders were frantic to stabilize Germany currency and economy early 1933?

You would think the Zionist leaders worked hand over fist to undermine Nazis' banking system and economy?

On the contrary, Zionists were in a panic mode when they heard that the German currency Reichsmark was heading south and anti-Nazi boycott was jeopardizing their investment! Keep in mind that German Jews' assets were valued at RM 10-12 billion at the time (The Transfer Agreement, p. 187). Don't take our words for it, here it's from Zionist Edwin Black:
"It was one thing for the Zionists to subvert the anti-Nazi boycott. Zionism needed to transfer out the capital of German Jews and merchandise was the only available medium. But soon Zionist leaders understood that the success of the future Jewish Palestinian economy would be inextricably bound up with the survival of the Nazi economy. So the Zionist leadership was compelled to go further. The German economy would have to be safe-guarded, stabilized, and if necessary reinforced. Hence, the Nazi party and the Zionist Organization shared a common stake in the recovery of Germany. If the Hitler economy fell, both sides would be ruined." (The Transfer Agreement, p. 253)
Note how Mr. Black had to insert his Hasbarah (gaslight) into the facts: Zionists were not compelled into stabilizing the devil Mr. Black: Nazis had no gun pointed to Zionists' heads. On the other hand, Zionist Jews made Palestinians antisemites and blood libel for Shoah because Mufti Haj Amin collaborated with Nazis (who was chased out of the Middle East by GB & Zionists mid-1941) late in the game; not as Zionists who were FIRST to normalize trade and relations with Nazis 9 years earlier! It is simple & stupid: saving Nazis economy and shoring up their currency was contemplated so Zionists can save themselves! As you shall see soon, Mr. Black himself pointed out that Zionists enterprises were on the ropes and they were on the verge of being liquidated just before Hitler became the chancellor! Is it too hard to say the obvious: Zionists were motivated with their narrow self-interest! It should be noted that Ze'ev Jabotinsky and many other Jewish leaders & organizations were against Haavara. Therefore, this argument (that Zionists were forced or compelled) has no facts to back it up whatsoever!.

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 NYTimes, as late as 1943 Zionist leaders were lobbying US congress to block Jewish refugees' safe heavens unless GB opens immigration into PalestineYou would think Zionist leaders & organizations lobbied to open safe heavens other than Palestine to persecuted European Jews?

Nowhere in Zionists communications (either private or public) they advocated for any safe heavens EXCEPT to Palestine. On the contrary, Zionists exploited & weaponized Jewish suffering to force Great Britain to open unfettered Jewish immigration into Palestine. All Zionists communication shows they didn’t relent for a moment on this demand even at the height of Nazi repression inclusive of the Holocaust. This fixation on Palestine --as a solution to Europe’s Jews-- was pushed and advocated by all Zionist organizations and lobbying arms (in GB & US) especially between 1933-1945. Here are samples of Zionists communications during this period: BBC Fact File: Bermuda Conference, The Detroit Jewish Chronicle: April 23, 1943, Ariel Lekaditis in this Times of Israel blog, NYTimes, Jan. 4th, 1983 & The Jewish Trail of Tears p. 147-150, Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants By Aviva Halamish p. 131-2, 135)

What is chilling that when you examine Zionists communications, you will find no reassessment of their policies even when it became clear that appeasing Hitler, only ended up emboldening him and Jewish suffering only increased! As if the plan is working; why change it! Here are couple quotes that will give you an idea about that Zionists mind-set at the time. David Ben-Gurion, expressed in December 1935 to Jewish Agency executives,
that "we must give a Zionist response to the catastrophe faced by German Jewry -- to turn this disaster into an opportunity to develop our country, to save the lives and property of the Jews of Germany for the building the land. This salvation comes before anything else" (NYTimes, April 18th 1993, Abraham Burg, p. 72 )
A month after the Nazi pogrom against Germany's Jews (famously known as Kristallnacht) Ben-Gurion provided an interesting mathematical formula for saving German Jewish kids who immigrated to England instead of Palestine. He stated in December 1938 (a month after the pogrom):

"If I knew it was possible to save all [Jewish] children of Germany by their transfer to England and only half of them by transferring them to Eretz-Yisrael, I would choose the latter----because we are faced not only with the accounting of these [Jewish] children but also with the historical accounting of the Jewish People." (Righteous Victims p. 162, The Complete Translated Letter translated by IPS and here is the original in Hebrew) Ben-Gurion was so concerned that the "human conscience" might bring various countries to open their doors to those persecuted German Jews [of course, God forbid]. He saw this as a threat and warned: Zionist is in danger. (The Seventh Million p. 28) Only in the Zionist mind murder and honer are equated!
Not even a thank you cable was sent to thank the British people for their quick response! Anyhow, you may think this was slip of tongue, it was spoken in the heat of the moment, and it didn't reflect how Zionist leaders thought at the time? No that wasn't case at all; here the boring details. Does this explain why investigating Jewish organizations' passivity was nixed & de-funded early 1983? (NYTimes, Jan. 4th, 1983)

It should be noted that Jewish Agency personal were the only Jews to be granted entry visas into Germany after 1938, whose German offices continued to function as late as May of 1941 (Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 276). Click here if you wish to read our exhaustive research on this fixation & its ramifications.

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You would think German Jews welcomed the Zionist movement in opened arms?

This can't be further from the truth. German Jewry:

German Jewry vehemently rejected Zionism as an enemy from within. Assimilated cosmopolitan Jews feared any assertion that they did not belong to Germany, any implication that Jewish loyalties were not to the Fatherland, The religious sector reacted with equal condemnation. Clinging to their communal existence, and unwilling to return to the Promised Land until beckoned by the Messiah, religious German Jews saw Zionism as sacrilege. Edwin Black, p. 168A) were assimilationst, liberal & socialist BUND who were non-Zionist,

B) who were against the nation state concept (Albert Einstein was a great example),

C) most importantly, since Zionist Jews were anti-assimilationst Jewish nationalists who refused to integrate, German Jews looked upon them as the enemy from within (The Transfer Agreement, p. 168) who provided antisemites with ammunition. For example,. the Jewish Agency was one of the first to congratulate Hitler on becoming the German chancellor & to assure him that they are against anti-Nazi boycott, even they sent him a condolences cable when the President Hindenburg died (The Seventh Million, p. 29 ),

D) the mass majority of them were also well-integrated, wealthy (actually they were the wealthiest Jews in Europe & their assets were valued at RM 10 to 12 billion) and very proud of their German culture & heritage (The Transfer Agreement, p. 35, 168, 175-157, 255-6, Jewish Emigration from Germany 1933-1938 By Mark Wischnitzer),

E) if not for Hitler those who immigrated out would have never left, and

F) those who immigrated to Palestine mostly refused to integrate & seldomly used Hebrew for decades in contrast to those who immigrated to the Americas (The Seventh Million, ch. 2, p. 35-64).

These feeling towards Zionism were eloquently antiquate by Edwin Black below, it jives with all of our research on this topic:
"German Jewry vehemently rejected Zionism as an enemy from within. Assimilated cosmopolitan Jews feared any assertion that they did not belong to Germany, any implication that Jewish loyalties were not to the Fatherland, The religious sector reacted with equal condemnation. Clinging to their communal existence, and unwilling to return to the Promised Land until beckoned by the Messiah, religious German Jews saw Zionism as sacrilege, So in 1897, when Herzl selected Munich as the site of the First Zionist Congress, Jewish leaders throughout Germany publicly protested until the convention was relocated to Basel. Anti-Zionism was one of the few Jewish topics Reform, Orthodox, cosmopolitan, and ghetto Jews could agree on. In the years after Basel, the movement earnestly tried to find acceptance among Germany's Jews. From 1905 to 1911, Zionism's world headquarters was seated in Cologne. But the overwhelming majority continued to revile it." (The Transfer Agreement, p. 168)
Ben-Gurion’s nightmare was to build the Jewish state, and Europe Jews won’t immigrate. That’s exactly what happened after Nakba. That is why he airlifted Arabs Jews directly from their countries.
Ben-Gurion’s nightmare was to build the Jewish state, and Europe Jews won’t immigrate. That’s exactly what happened after Nakba. That is why he airlifted Arabs Jews directly from their countries.Actually, only 3,000 of the 550,000 German Jews were halutzim (dedicated Zionists) who recently mostly immigrated to Germany from Eastern Europe for work or to escape persecution. (The Transfer Agreement, p. 311-2, 177) Sadly in Palestine, often German Jews were looked down upon and derogatory words were concocted to describe them (i.e. Yekke), and their businesses often were boycotted & vandalized. It should be noted that most of Europe's Jews before WWII were similar to German Jews; therefore, German Jews were no aberration. On the other hand after WWII, BUND were completely decimated; that is how Zionists dominate Jewish politics ever since. (Abraham Burg, p. 37) For all the above reasons, Theodore Herzl (the founder of Zionism) was forced to relocate the first World Zionist Conference from Hamburg to Basle (Vienna); Herzl faced a very stiff resistance. For example, a report by the Keren Hayesod (a.k.a. JNF) submitted to the twenty-fourth session of the ZVfD (Zionist Federation of Germany) in July, 1932, said:
"In the course of evaluating the Keren Hayesod work in Germany, it should never be forgotten that we in Germany have to reckon not only with the indifference of extensive Jewish circles but also with their hostility."(The Secret Contacts: Zionism & Nazi Germany 1933-41 By Klaus Polkehn, p. 56)
It should be noted that even at the height of Nazi persecution before WWII, the mass majority of Europe’s Jews still chose to immigrate to Great Britain & to the Americas, but not to British Mandated Palestine, and almost a half of them left in 18 months between 1938-39 (over 250k left the mass majority weren't saved via Haavara -- Jews For Sale?, p. 17, 35). What is stunning that this phenomenon persisted even after Nakba although most European Jews now identify with "Zionism"! That was the primary reason why Ben-Gurion airlifted Arab Jews to populate the emptied country soon after war of Nakba; which was David's nightmare: Zionists built it, but Europe's Jews didn't come! (The Seventh Million, p. 113) What was tragically funny that the last big wave of immigration to Israel happened for "Jews" from the former Soviet Republics who were forced to go to Israel first. Soon after their arrival to Israel, it was "discovered" that over 70% of them weren’t actually Jews and they immigrated for economic reasons whose plan was to eventually immigrate to Europe or the Americas! Pre-1990s, Jews from USSR who emigrated were given the choice to immigrate to either the US or Canada besides Israel; and of course they rarely chose Israel (historically that was the case even for those impoverished in the DP camps after WWII ended). On the other hand, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the immigration route to the West was intentionally blocked (between 1992-94, afterwards it was blocked -- thanks to Zionist lobby), and later on if they wished to emigrate out of Israel, they had to apply like everyone else! Guess what, many do it although Israel has the highest income per capita in the whole Middle East!

It should be emphasized that although German Jews who immigrated to Palestine were a fraction of the overall number (in Palestine & Germany); they founded the economic, entrepreneurial & artistic backbone of the "Jewish state" 15 years before its time. German Jews' contributions reached all sectors of the economy, i.e, banking, construction, industrial, textile, power generation, agricultural development, ...etc. (The Secret Contacts: Zionism & Nazi Germany 1933-41 By Klaus Polkehn, p. 67)
To get an idea how German Jews were assimilated, we urge you to listen to this BBC podcast (in two parts) to recognize how they resisted leaving their ancestral homeland to the bitter end; really heart wrenching.

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Daily Express: -Jews Boycott Nazis, March-1938London's Daily Express: Jews Boycott Nazis, March-1938You would think when Zionists became distribution agents for Nazi products all over Middle East & North Africa; they bothered themselves to secure safe heavens to Jewish refugees when Zionists exceeded their immigration quota in Palestine? (The Transfer Agreement, p. 373-4 and NYTimes, Jan. 4, 1983)

What is stunning, the Jewish Agency suggested a similar scheme during the Evian Conference in July 1938, but with worldwide marketing of Nazi goods; of course Jewish Agency resisted opening any safe heavens other than Palestine! (The Transfer Agreement, p. 377, NYTimes, Aug 25th 1933, The Jewish Trail of Tears, p. 147-150 & German Zionism and the German Jews)
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You would think the actual text of the agreement would not restrict funds' availability in certain destination? Actually the exact opposite was enshrined the agreement's text:
"Consent for the utilization of the credit cannot be given for any other purposes than for use in Palestine" (51 Documents, p. 49, The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 98)
How German Jews' assets were divided. Note that shares in communal collectives aren't redeemable as if they are shares in a normal corporation! Even cash isn't available all at once! Click to enlarge: How German Jews' assets were divided. Note that shares in communal collectives aren't redeemable as if they are shares in a normal corporation! Even cash isn't available all at once!How German Jews' assets were divvied up between Nazis & Zionists? How much cash left?

Zionists taxed German Jews to the bare-bones at a rate of 61+% of their assets. On the other hand, this doesn't imply that 39% of the assets were available in cash; of course no. What is tragically funny that 80% of these funds were invested as bonds into Zionists communal (communist like) enterprises such as JNF (40% of the 80%), Histadrut, Kupat Holim, Mekoroth, Lodzia, Haganah, Rassco, Tnuva, & other Zionist communal (gesellschaft) enterprises. And the 20% (of the 39% which is about 11% of the overall original assets' value) can't be accessed for 2 years (see Baruch Vladeck editor of Forward, Jan. 1936 cited in 51 Documents, p. 92-3). What is stunning that Edwin Black seems to imply that access to cash was even much more limited than what Vladeck described! (The Transfer Agreement, p. 379)

Right arrow free icon It is strongly suspected that Haavara may have included funds from those who didn't even immigrate to Palestine, Edwin Black alluded to something like that on page 249. Later we shall prove, how most of Haavara funds were sourced from this type of funds (blocked account II)
Right arrow free icon Also Edwin Black stated that 71,000 donations to help Jews in Germany from around the world (almost a million dollars worth) were diverted to Haavara accounts! (p. 377)
Right arrow free icon Abraham Edelheit provided an interesting statistic. Since Germany normally subsidized its export by 25-40% (which wasn't available to Haavara based trades), the prices were reduced by Haavara to make German goods competitive. However, the difference was paid by the poor German Jew and not from Zionist profits. Anyhow, here is Abraham's finding: "According to undated report of either 1936 or 1937, Haavara transferred a total of RM33,800,000 (P£2,704,000) out of RM48,000,000 (P£3,840,000) invested in Germany" (The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 110). This implies that German Flight Tax + export subsidize totaled 29%. This was a deal few Aryans got!
Right arrow free icon How Jaffa's Orange was utilized part of this deal, this is still a mystery!
Right arrow free icon Was Jaffa Orange used as the seed money which got the ball rolling? (The Transfer Agreement, p. 319-20, NYTimes, Aug 29, 1933)

As you'll examine Haavara in greater details, it will become evident how Zionists looked upon German Jews as the cash cow to be milked!
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Zionists Manufacturing output almost tripled during 1st 5 years of Haavara's life Divided Economy of Mandatory Palestine, p. 213: Zionists Manufacturing output almost tripled during 1st 5 years of Haavara's lifeWhat was the financial situation of the Jewish Agency just before Haavara was signed?

It can't be emphasized more how acute the financial situation was for the Jewish Agency and its communal enterprises even before the Great Depression; please contemplate Edwin Black's chilling assessment of JA's situation in the early 1930s:
[Great] Depression agonies had already halted most international Zionist contributions. Many regular fund-raising drives were suspended indefinitely awaiting some improvement in the world economy. Jewish Agency treasurer Eliezer Kaplan summarized the situation: "In 1933, contributions to the Palestine Foundation Fund [the funding arm of the Jewish Agency) have reached an all-time low of P£160,000 [about $800,000]. Its [recent) deficit was over P£500,000 [$2.5 million]. Settlement projects of the Agency Executive were discontinued in 1928. The sole task of the Executive Committee in recent years has been: how to maintain the status quo and prevent bankruptcy." If the Jewish Agency's financial picture did not improve, the question was not if the Zionist Organization would go bankrupt, but when.(The Transfer Agreement, p. 90)
Here is Tom Segev’s take on the conditions in Palestine pre-Haavara, pay attention to the ending:
Chaim Shalom Halevi had discerned signs of an incipient economic crisis within a few days of his arrival, which was why he had urged his parents to hurry while they could still obtain immigration permits. From another point of view, he saw the crisis as an advantage: the rent rooms was going down. Like the intoxicating illusion of plenty, the despairing shock of the economic depression belongs largely to the history of Tel-Aviv: at its peak, one out of two unemployed people in the country lived in the city; the Jewish unemployment rate rose to over 17 percent. Halevi explained to his parents how this had happened: “The fourth aliya put up buildings on the sand and it is known that sand is a shaky foundation. Not long after this letter, the Casino went bankrupt. It was demolished and disappeared among the dunes.

In 1925 64 percent of all investment was in construction. Investors put up rent housing on the assumption that immigrants would continue to come. Apart from direct employment, the building industry also supported a large circle of factories and businesses. The construction boom depended on an inflow of overseas capital; foreign investors transferred: their money to the local office of the Zionist Organization or to their local bank, which was then transferred to banks in Palestine. Contractors often worked on credit, using capital that was on the way as collateral.

NYTimes: Aug 29, 1933: Germans Tell of Agreement for Barter of Their Products not only Palestinian oranges, but with Syria's oranges too!
NYTimes: Aug 29, 1933: Germans Tell of Agreement for Barter of Their Products not only Palestinian oranges, but with Syria's oranges too!In 1926 the Polish economy went into recession and Polish currency was devalued. Many people in Palestine were saddled with debts they could not pay and were forced to stop building. As construction companies and associated industries collapsed one after another, jobs disappeared. The British administration expanded public works unwillingly and to a limited extent; its inclination was not to intervene. Neither the Histadrut labor union nor the Zionist movement was prepared to handle such a profound crisis.

A sense of despair spread throughout the country. Many left. In 1926, the number of emigrants was close to half the total of immigrants; in 1927 emigration exceeded immigration, and in 1928 the two figures were equal. Overall, during these three years, fifteen thousand Jews left Palestine.

But the crisis didn’t last long and left no permanent scars. The citrus industry soon began to take off.(One Palestine Complete, p. 261)

[Note how Mr. Segev doesn’t tell us when the economy recovered & why citrus exports boomed? Is it possible that the recovery occurred because of Haavara, and it was Nazis who imported Palestinian & Syrian citrus? Again, 2/3 of the JA's budget was in retreat as of 1933 just before Haavara was signed!]
Please also note the Palestinian resistance to Zionists colonization in the 1920s and early 1930s, heavily impacted Jewish Agency's financing. Palestinians not only boycotted but also burned many Zionist colonial enterprises which automatically increased cost of security and repairs. All this once combined with the start of the great depression, Jewish immigration to Palestine was only a net gain of 15k immigrants in the 5 years between 1926-30; half as much were leaving. For example, at minimum 15,000 emigrated in 3 years (1926-1928) while 30,300 immigrated in 5 years (1926-30), see One Palestine Complete, p. 261 & JA's submission to Evian Conference.

All these reasons combined with shortage of man power (Zionists were around 174,000 in the early 1932; see The Transfer Agreement, p. 90, JA's memorandum at Evian), explains why Zionist leadership were eager to risk it all with Hitler & other dictators; as if Zionist leadership felt that the noose was hanging around their necks! Based on the stated facts, it seems that was the case: Zionists felt an existential threat to Zionism was lurking just around the corner and something had to be done!

Finally, we like to convey to you how Zionist leadership felt during this period so you can get a better picture. In 1938, and during the height of the Great Revolt between 1936-39, Ben-Gurion summarized the situation yishuv was facing as a life or death situation. Honestly, it seems David was spot on this analysis; he stated in 1938:
"Almost every [Palestinian] Arab" opposed Zionism, "because he is an Arab, because he is a Muslim, because he dislikes foreigners, and because we are hateful to him in every way." The conflict had lasted thirty years, and was liable "to continue for perhaps hundreds more." This was a "real war, a war of life or death."(Shabtai Teveth, p. 184)

Now do you understand why Palestinians and Arabs in general HATE Zionists!
Is it possible that is case because of Zionists hate for Arabs as Ben-Gurion professed it to be!
If that is what Palestinians and Arabs felt during the pre-Nakba period, how do you think they feel now! Assuming that Palestinians exists of course!
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What was the size of this financial instrument? How critical it was for the creation of the "Jewish state" to be?

Most historians who researched Haavara reported a number of 140 million Reichsmarks (or P£8.1 million, average of RM 17.28 per each P£ between 1933-39) were transacted in 8-9 years of operation. However, we strongly suspect this was only a fraction of the total size, and here are the major discrepancies we have found:

A) Although Edwin Black reported RM105 million instead of the normal RM140 million, he alluded that there were another $70 million (about RM210 Million) which "flowed into Palestine via corollary German commercial agreements and especial international banking transactions".(The Transfer Agreement, p. 379) What that means, we have no idea! This was the first major red flag; that is more than double (RM315 million = P£18.2 million) the official number of RM140 million .

Table showing the influx of capital into the Anglo-Palestine Bank between 1932-1937 JA's memorandum at Evian Table showing the influx of capital into the Anglo-Palestine Bank between 1932-1937B) As we were reviewing Jewish Agency's memorandum (submitted at Evian Conference in July of 1938), JA cited that P£38 million were deposited into Anglo-Palestine Bank's private accounts within 5 years (1933-37). Since we know that most Eastern European Jewish immigrants were mostly penniless (who relied on Zionist institutions for support), we can safely conclude these were transacted via Haavara based on German Jewish transferred assets. This is already more than twice the upper bound that was reported by Mr. Black earlier. Note that these P£38 million: i) were deposited into a single bank; there could have been multiple banks too! ii) this number pertains to years between 1933-37 (all inclusive), but we don't know how much was transacted between 1938-41 iii) most importantly, this doesn't account for institutional monies! P£38 million pertains to private funds only! As if the official number that we know is only the tip of the iceberg!

C) As of March 1938, RM83 million were transferred (Halamish, p. 136), this implies RM57 million were transferred within 18 to 19 months! It is fishy that 40% (57/140) of the total fund was transacted in very short time window!

D) We were stunned to read in Avraham Barkai's From Boycott To Annihilation (on page 103) citing a Central Zionist Archives document (CZA p. 25/9810) that reported RM250 million were in blocked accounts (I & II) waiting to be cleared, and in August of 1938 that RM84 Million! These are massive numbers reflecting only the tip of the iceberg! Of course, we are aware of the taxes & subsidies that had to be paid to German exporters, but still these two number alone gives us a snapshot of what has been cleared already that dwarfs the official numbers.

E) Abraham Edelheit reported that P£500,000 were transferred with no flight tax via a similar Haavara agreement with Latvia; a similar number was reported for Czech too (The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 110) These numbers are huge to be coming from couple of small countries within two years of operation. In total, both countries transferred 1/8th of what officially we know that Haavara cumulatively transferred out of Germany within 7 years (P£8.1 Million)! These transfers raises similar red flags that Haavara's total number are suspect; as if what we know only a fraction of the total size! Other implementations of Haavara are still in information black hole, we hope others will shed more more light on them.

F) Most sources claimed that 60k German Jews were "saved", but each required P£1,000 to be granted a Capitalist Visa, which entails P£60 million. This major discrepancy, made us dig harder for facts and we found that those who immigrated using their transferred assets were closer to 20k (Tom Segev, p. 22, Edwin Black p. 379, Jews For Sale?, p. 17, 35 and Avraham Barkai) which must have included dependents as well. We suspect that what Aviva Halamish reported (2,500) to be wrong (or either we misinterpreted it or it was meant for a single year--2,500 is a very low number), therefore as the worst case situation we shall assume 16,529 (as reported by Areih Tartakower & Kurt Grossmann on page 184) German Jews immigrated to Palestine via the Capitalist Visa program, and with dependents the total becomes closer to 20k. To simplify the math, let us assume a number of 16k without dependents, then that implies they brought in P£16 million at minimum (vs. P£2.5 million as was officially reported) and this figure doesn't included what was transferred via block accounts II that included sizable institutional transfers! This was another major red flag.

All these major discrepancies drove us to conclude that the official number is only a fraction of the actually figure, and at minimum what Mr. Black reported (RM315 million = P£18.2 million about $105 million) is the least we should accepted until a more exhaustive research is done. Therefore, the official number that was reported (RM140 million) must be called into question. Anyhow, let's now put things into prospective: $105 million (RM315 million) was 35 times 1929 or 1933 Jewish Agency's budget of $3 million! Here's another prospective, Haavara funneled into JA's drained coffers in 7-8 years as much as 150% of the German-Soviet treaty (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) of 1939 (RM 200 million), and 75% of the expanded 1940 (RM420 million) version! Click here to see how massive this amount in comparison to Palestine's budget, revenues, and expenditure between 1922-1945. Note also that at the time every P£ was worth about 5 US dollars, and the Palestinian Pound (P£) was at parity with the British Pound (the Sterling).

Also keep in mind that this massive amount was injected into an economy A) that had much lower standard of living compared with Germany, B) suffered from deflation (note how Palestine's price index was down by 40% by the mid-1930s), and C) most importantly this amount was used to finance a small non-state actor (Jews in Palestine were under 174k as of 1931-2) that was on the verge of going bankrupt!

It should be noted that much of the details are still hidden about Haavara's transactions; we are told much of the data is locked and the mass majority are in Hebrew & German languages. Therefore, we suspect that we have barely scratched the surface. For example, institutional transfers, how much of those were handled via Haavara? Which Zionists communal enterprise benefited and how? Same goes for the money transfer functionality in Haavara, how much of the overall transactions went through Haavara? How Haavara funds where traded as securities? What was the size of the trades? Who cleared the trades & where (were London & NY City included)? What was the size of Haavara related trade in the Middle East and North Africa? How much on average did Haavara pay to subsidize German exports? (i.e. making German exports competitive) Where were they traded? Did Nazis ever use Haavara's money transfer utility as a payment system? What was imported via Haavara and to whom? How much Arabs have used it? Did Haavara ever pay taxes on its transactions? or Did British gave Haavara an exemption from paying taxes? Breakdown of what was imported by sectors? Did the British Mandate regulate Haavara? What trades were executed during WWII? Was Haavara ever used to pay ransom money during the war? As of March 1938, RM83 million were transferred (Halamish, p. 136), this implies RM57 million were transferred within 18 months, what accounted for that? So much we don't know. Finally, it will be nice to have access to Jewish Agency's & other Jewish Group's annual budgets, income and expenditure per year between 1920-48? Same goes to Zionists enterprises inclusive of JNF and Histadrut.
 Survey of Palestine: Capital & industrial imports 1922-1944To give the reader another idea about the influx of funds and equipment that entered Palestine because of Haavara, here's a table from Survey of Palestine showing how industrial equipment & investment jumped by 400% between 1933-39, much of which was because Haavara! It should be noted that Haavara funds were used to finance building over 60% of the Jewish colonies in Palestine in the 1930s & early 1940s (The Transfer Agreement, p. 379).

On the same point, it is should be noted that Leumi Bank (formerly Anglo-Palestine bank) was very very small bank before Haavara. However, after it got exclusive rights to handle Haavara transactions, it was transformed overnight to one of the top hundred banks worldwide.(The Transfer Agreement, p. 226) Note also that this Bank's British license operated with fractional reserve banking systems that allows credit creation multiple times of total deposits; which was re-invested into Zionists communal enterprises (JNF, Histadrut, Kupat Holim, Mekoroth, Lodzia, Haganah, Rassco, Tnuva, ...etc). When this scheme is coupled with locking the capital within Zionists enterprises, plus restricting cash withdrawals & restricting shared stock redemption (in Zionists enterprises), that resulted in an ingenious financial system that is resilient & self re-enforcing which leaks out as little capital as possible.

For greater detailed how this instrument was setup, we urge you to pay attention to chapter 27 in The Transfer Agreement (p. 253 - 260), especially how the German Jews' blocked accounts were used as a collateral to issue & trade "development bonds" at a trading house that later evolved to become Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange!
Nesher cement factory-Haifa may have been a recipient of Haavara related funds Nesher cement factory-Haifa may have been a recipient of Haavara related funds since it had a monopoly on cementAs soon as Haavara was signed in 1933, Zionists immediately started to import from Nazi Germany: cement factories, steelworks, breweries, bakeries, printing presses & medical facilities plus the technical know how to operate them. (The Transfer Agreement, p. 353) According to this research, over 4,000 buildings in the White City (Tel-Aviv) were built from materials imported from Nazi German! We suspect something similar happened in Haifa since it was and still is a "Yekkes" city, and we suspect in Jaffa too.

-Is it possible that Haavara may have included also receiving Nazi weapons & military training? It should be noted that Nazis allowed Zionists to setup tens of vocational training camps which persisted to the early 1940s!
-Is it possible that Haavara may have included also intelligence gathering on anti-fascist & pro-boycott Jews (i.e. BUND), USSR, Poland, oil resources in the Middle East & North Africa, & Great Britain? (Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 123-126)

Why are those far fetched of ideas! Already Zionists were dealing & enabling the devil. Therefore, why not go all the way for advantage! After all, they could Hasbarah (gaslight) their actions with: we had to do all we can to "save" lives!

Back To Haavara FAQs
Haavara Pro poster.
Exhibited here is a dramatic printed proclamation in support of the Haavara Agreement: Pro-Haavara Proclamation, DO NOT TOUCH THE TRANSFER! The Transfer opens the gates of the land [of Israel] to the Jews of Germany, who see aliyah to the land as the only and final hope for rescue. Jew! Do you wish to abandon German Jewry and leave it to its bitter fate and with no chance for escape?How did Zionist leaders respond to Jewish anti-Nazi boycott & protests?

You would not think Zionist banned protesting against fascists policies in Europe?
You wouldn’t think Zionists actually accused them of aiding Hitler?
God forbid, you wouldn’t think David Ben-Gurion actually accused them of treason?

Not only Zionist leaders banned protesting Nazi policies beside normalizing trade and relation with Hitler during early 1933 (The Transfer Agreement, p. 339), but actually they weaponized Hitler against them & portrayed them as fools who were working against Jews! To prove our point, we are compelled to directly quote Tom Segev just to give you an idea how Ben-Gurion debated those who dared to challenge Haavara after Nuremberg Race Laws were enacted in 1935:
In Palestine too, the debate continued. "What's happened to you?" Ben-Gurion exploded when the Haavara was challenged at a meeting of the Vaad Leumi (National Council) in 1935: "Have you lost your minds?" What had happened to Judaism, he wondered, always so pragmatic and commonsensical? Did the members want to assist Hitler? Years later, this same style, sometimes the very same words, shaped the debate over the reparations agreement between West Germany and Israel [after Nakba]. In his impassioned speech, Ben-Gurion called for the rescue of German "a tribe of Israel," and their transfer to Palestine, rather than action against Hitler. "l do not believe that we can oust him and I am not interested in anything other than saving these 500,000 Jews," he said. Ben-Gurion saw the debate between rescue and boycott as a debate between Zionism and assimilation, between the nationalist interests of Jewish settlement in Palestine and the international war against anti-Semitism.
[ .... ]
According to Ben-Gurion, there was within every Jew both a Zionist and an assimilationist. The struggle between the two, he said, was the "most urgent moral national issue" facing Jewry at that particular moment. “The assimilationists have always declared war on anti-Semitism," he said, Now this is expressed in a "boycott" against Hitler. Zionism has always [advocated] the Jewish people's Independence in its homeland. Now some Zionists have joined the chorus of the assimilationists: a "war" against anti-Semitism. But we must give a Zionist response to the catastrophe faced by German Jewry--to turn this disaster into an opportunity to develop out country, to save the lives and property of the Jews of Germany for the sake of Zion. This rescue takes priority over all else.

To concentrate now on a boycott, he concluded, would be a "moral failure" of unprecedented proportions (The Seventh Million, p. 26-7)
Anti-Nazi-Demonstration in Detroit March 13 1938 Anti-Nazi Demonstration in Detroit, March_13, 1938. If this happened in Palestine, D. Ben-Gurion would have arrested them! Are you surprised!In a similar fashion, the Jewish Agency actually dared to accuse its critics of exactly what it was doing for 7-8 years! The following was released in response to Revisionists who were promoting anti-Nazi boycott:
The Jewish Agency responded with large, unsigned placards [dated Dec. 6th 1935] calling for "political maturity" and charging that the Revisionists were exploiting the tragedy of German Jewry: "Jews" cried the Jewish Agency broadside: Do you want to help them sacrifice German Jewry? Do you want to aid the extermination of German Jewry? This was the first time in the nation's history, the placard stated, that the yishuv was being given chance "the entire persecuted tribe" (The Seventh Million, p. 33-34)
It should be noted that these were no aberrations or slip of a tongue, these were policies that were executed during the whole 1930s period.
Finally, we like the read to ponder this question: How did you think Zionist leaders react when other Jewish groups attempted to replicate Haavara?

Back To Haavara FAQs
When Haavara was stopped and by whom?

It seems that the trading portion of Haavara was stopped late 1939 by the British soon after the Nazi occupation of Poland (Francis Nicosia reported December of 1939). On the other hand, the money-transfer portion of Haavara kept functioning after the war was declared (Adam Hofri, p. 104-5), and both Tom Segev and Avraham Barkai reported an end date of December 1941. It seems Haavara transactions continued during the war to clear assistance payments from the US to Germany Jews via London and Tel-Aviv Haavara offices (The Seventh Million, p. 22, From Boycott To Annihilation, p. 104). Anyhow, since the Jewish Agency continued to function in Germany until May 1941 (Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 276), then it is reasonable to assume what Segev wrote was correct, and Haavara was halted in December 1941. If that is true, then it is safe also to assume that Haavara was stopped due to American pressure (Hitler declared war on the US also in December 1941). What is strange that Haavara Ltd. was making payments to its "investors" as late as 1951 (The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 94). Anyhow, we would love to know the size of the transactions?, Why the British and the Americans allowed Haavara to continue after Nazis invaded Poland? Was it used for other purposes other than clearing assistance payments?, When was the last transaction was executed? and who stopped it and why? It seems that the more we dig, the more questions we unearth. Give us your feedback in the comments section.

Back To Haavara FAQs
Haavara had limited impact on Nazi economy; it made 0.5% of total German exports; therefore, what is the big deal?

During the first days after Hitler boycott against Germany's Jews [early 1933], the Zionist movement's hierarchy in Europe and America was busy trying to plot a course of action. Their objective was not to mobilize Jewish and non-Jewish resources for the preservation of Jewish rights in Germany. Rather, they sought a means of turning the miseries of German Jewry into a new impetus for a Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Zionist leadership had, in fact, refused to oppose the Nazi expulsion ideology from the outset. (The Transfer Agreement, p. 78-9)A) Lots of historians who we examined Nazis' communications (in private & public) noted how frantic Nazis were about boycott especially when they were at their weakest early 1933. Nothing more terrified Nazis like a unified, a well organized, and Jewish led worldwide boycott especially in major export markets in GB & US. Not only we have proven the effectiveness of the boycott early on, but factually Nazis' plan worked: Zionist quickly delivered who divided Jewish communities around the world, no longer Jews function as a solid block, and the back of the boycott was broken although sporadically it went up & down based on events (even Hermann Goering praised them, The Transfer Agreement, p. 52, 79, Avraham Barkai, p. 248-9). It is worth noting that Nazis were blinded with of their own propaganda too when they exaggerated "Jewish hegemony" over world trade & finance. These points cannot be underestimated since they impacted Nazis’ decision making process irrespective of the size of the total transaction. From Nazis' points of view, delivering on this point was priceless which put Zionists in favorable light. Hitler appreciated their devotion and in return he showered them with favors few Aryans got!

"For Zionist leadership the rescue of Jews was not an aim in itself, but only the means" Eliezar Livneh, Haganah's emissary to Nazi Germany 1933-35B) Although the total size of Haavara was small, its absence would've negatively impacted German exports and employment; and Nazis were willing to sacrifice neither. This point weighed heavily on Nazis. (Avraham Barkai, p. 252) To further prove this point, the German exports were reduced by 12.5% in Jan. of 1939 soon after Kristallnacht pogrom in November of 1938; that by itself accounted for over RM65 million just in one single month! That is why Hitler blessed Schacht-Rublee Plan which was way more favorable than Haavara but it went nowhere!

C) Haavara was used as a Nazi propaganda tool to "prove" how Nazis were not antisemitic, and what others hear and see in the media was fake "Jewish propaganda"! In nutshell, Hitler used Zionists to deflect away from Nazi antisemitism, and above all Zionists were not alarmed by this whatsoever. On the contrary, they even praised Nuremberg Race Laws!

D) Haavara was used also as the tool to divide Jewish communities around the world. This was extremely important; especially once Zionists have proved their influence over major US Jewish organizations as we have shown earlier.

E) Since Haavara was used as a money transfer tool (or cross-border payment system), we "speculate" Nazis may have used it to circumvent boycott, sanctions, payment system, or even for money laundering. Honestly, we admit that we are speculating here; and proof is needed! More research should be done to rule it in or out!

F) Let's ignore all earlier point, it is a fact that Zionist Jews were the FIRST to normalize trade and relations with Hitler, then who to blame others for doing the same things? Why boycott Nazis when Jewish Nationalists cynically did it first and more often than anyone else? Especially when no guns were pointed to their heads! Sweet lord, Zionists normalized trade with Hitler 3 years ahead of Mussolini and 9 years ahead of Mufti & Vichy! Note that Zionists relations with Hitler wasn't impeded for a second even after Nuremberg Laws or Kristallnacht pogrom.

G) It should be noted that much of what we know about Haavara is still hidden and a lot of it still in Hebrew & German!SS men and police take away the Jewish men they have arrested Baden, Baden. November 10, 1938 SS men and police take away the Jewish men they have arrested Baden, Baden. November 10, 1938
All we know, that from German point of view, by 1936 Haavara lost its appeal especially when the German economy fully recovered; but all facts shows that it was Hitler personally who intervened and doubled down on Haavara as late as 1938; Hitler even overruled stiff Nazi bureaucrats' objections! (Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 133, Avraham Barkai, p. 264-266, Jews For Sale? p. 26) This is still a big mystery! Why did Hitler allow Haavara to continue when it was no longer benefiting Germany? For example: A) The back of Nazi boycott was broken, B) MOST IMPORTANTLY, German Jewish immigration to Palestine was already tiny (under 10% of German Jews immigrated to Palestine in total & within 7 years) much of whom would've immigrated anyhow (to Palestine or somewhere else) with or without Haavara. Actually, almost half left in 18 months in 1938-39 (over 250k left) without being saved by Haavara! (Jews For Sale?, p. 17, 35), C) the size of German exports to Palestine was only 0.5% of total German exports, D) the German economy was recovering, and E) easily Haavara could have been replicated with other countries to expedite the removal of as much Jews as possible from the Reich. (Avraham Barkai, p. 264-266) Why Hitler had a soft spot in his heart for Zionists is still a big mystery! Let’s know what you think in the comments section.

Back To Haavara FAQs

 Revisionists Boycott PosterDid Zionists foresee the Holocaust before WWII, they've felt helpless & since it was fait accompli they decided to make the best out of it?

What is truly chilling is how Zionists Edwin Black (p. 226) & Tom Segev (p. 102-104) both have found that Zionists used to talk about the calamity as if it already happened during the 1930s. Therefore in the Zionists mind, very little could be done to save Europe's Jews! In the Zionist mind, the Holocaust already happened; it is in the past; and one thing left for them to do: which is how to exploit the calamity to be in the service of building their "Jewish state"! Please contemplated how Edwin Black described Zionists' mind-set before Shoah:
"In the minds of Zionists, Jewish life in Germany could not be saved, only transferred. Even if Hitler and the German economy were crushed, Jewish wealth in Germany would be crushed with it...[as if Black implies the that crushing Nazi Germany early on doesn't serve the Zionist cause!] ..The wealth had to be saved. Through the speedy liquidation and transfer of that wealth, the Jewish homeland could be built, thus creating the refuge needed for a mass transfer of the people. Zionism had declared from the moment of Herzl that antisemitic regimes were to be opposed. They [antisemitic regimes] were to be cooperated with in the transfer of Jews and their wealth." (p. 226)
Here is a sample of Ben-Gurion speaking forcefully in defense of Haavara on December 11th, 1935. Note how David spoke of the destruction of German Jewry 6 years before the fact, despite this assertion he & other JA executives allocated under 20% of the immigration certificates to German Jews: Revisionists Boycott Poster
Only Eretz-Israel can serve as a cure for German Jewry, even if not for all of them; any other "cure" is a false hope. We cannot topple Hitler, perhaps he will be toppled some other way. We must be concerned with the fate of the children and women, who are choking in this destructive hell. There is one way to rescue them-- to bring them to Eretz-Israel, with their capital. Their capital -- that is, merchandise, and by this I do not mean French or English merchandise. The only question is whether the money will return to Germany. This is not German merchandise; this is Jewish capital, belonging to Jews who are going to their destruction ... we have no other honor except by rescuing Jews and bringing them to Eretz-Israel.'" (The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 104)
When Chaim Weizmann addressed to the 20th Zionist congress in August 1937,  he recalled being asked whether he was saying that Palestine could accommodate all six million of Europe’s Jews. Please contemplate his reply:
"I told the Royal Commission that the hopes of 6,000,000 Jews are centered on emigration", he reported to the Zionist Congress in 1937. “Then I was asked: But can you bring 6,000,000 Jews to Palestine?" I replied, "No. I am acquainted with the laws of physics and chemistry, and T knew the force of material factors. In our generation I divide the figure by three, and you can see in that the depth of the Jewish tragedy -two millions of youth, with their lives before them, who have lost the most elementary of rights, the right to work." He finished off with a stark grim forecast, which even now, nearly forty years later, one shudders to read: "The old ones will pass, they wall bear their fate or they will net. They are dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world, And again I thought of our tradition, What ts tradition? It is telescoped memory. We remember. Thousands of years ago we heard the words of Isaiah and Jeremiah, and my words are but a weak echo of what was said by our judges, our singers and prophets. Two millions, and perhaps less: She'erit Hapletah- only a branch shall survive. We have lo accept it."(Prof. Chimen Abramsky, p. 144)
Despite these chilling assertions by David, Black & Segev, we believe that Zionists may have envisioned multiple Nakbas (combinations of pogrom, dispossession & ethnic cleansing) upon the Jews of Europe which was common before WWII and was strongly anticipated in antisemitic Poland, and Zionists didn't foresee a genocide. Despite all of that it is strongly suspected that Zionists should've anticipated the calamity since they knew it was a possibility. Based on our research, we've found that the concept of Catastrophic Zionism (discusses below) was more widely spread between Zionists than previously thought; as if it consumed them to the bones. Therefore, it was a fact that Zionists were the only ones who knew it could happen even if they discounted it; and this explains why they used such a language. (Post Uganda: Zionism on Trial, p. 167, The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 109) This feeling of an impending calamity intensified Zionists' fixation on Palestine as the ONLY solution to the so called "Jewish problem", and those Jews who immigrated to other safe heavens than Palestine meant nothing to them (meaning they were as good as dead). This analysis explains why Ben-Gurion wished death upon those German Jewish children who immigrated to England soon after Kristallnacht pogrom. For him, they are alive only in "Eretz-Israel"; they will be dead no matter where they go except Palestine; as if David looked upon their rescue as a betrayal too! On the other hand, we agree with Black's & Segev's assessment: Zionists foresaw multiple Nakbas upon the Jews of Europe, positioned themselves for advantage and they all heeded Herzl's advise by turning it into a weapon & piggy bank to build their "Jewish state". Actually Herzl warned Zionists not to resist or oppose European anti-Semites; and he predicted they will become Zionists best allies.

Catastrophic Zionism at its worst

Abraham Burg (the former speaker of the Israeli Knesset) described the following jaw dropping encounter with the former Israeli president (Ezer Weizman):
What we Israelis know of the lives, dreams and fears of American Jews? What do we learn of the North African Jews who immigrated to France, or Latin American Jews? Not a clue, and worse --we simply do not care. "They should either come and live here," the late President Ezer Weizman once told me angrily, "or they should go to hell." This was the thinking when he grew up in the British mandate Palestine. Land of Israel, thus they were ignored during the Shoah, and this is still the sentiment today. If they are well, they do not interest us at all: if their condition worsens, it only justifies our choices.

This is catastrophic Zionism at its worst. What is bad for the Jews is better for Zionism.(p. 99-100)
Right arrow free icon It seems Zionist leaders from all shades embraced catastrophic Zionism theorem which was promoted by Herzl, Max Nordau & Jabotinsky in the early 20th centrury as a response to the massacres of hundreds of thousands of Eastern European Jews by Ukrainian & Polish nationalists! It seems that the whole Zionist leadership (not limited to few) convinced themselves that THE catastrophe is coming; and there is no point of confronting it. Therefore, they concluded they should to be pragmatic, embrace it since "they cannot stop it", go along, even fomented antisemitism since the catastrophe is "coming anyhow", pretended doing something "meaningful in defense of Jewish honor", and made the "best out of a bad situation!" That is very plausible; lots of evidence points towards such a conclusion; which explains a lot of Zionists' passivity.

Right arrow free icon Are you surprised how and why European anti-Semites eagerly voted for UN partition of 1947?
Right arrow free icon Are you surprised how Zionists quickly normalized with the same people who murdered millions of their family members? For God's sake, Jewish graves were still fresh!
Right arrow free icon Well, you might also ask: Zionist leaders thought Shoah will happen anyhow, then why it is far fetched that they fomented antisemitism too to achieve their political and economic gains? How a slight nudge or encouragement will make difference? They are dead anyhow! That was done to "save lives"!
Right arrow free icon Is it possible that Arab Jews were also nudged to force them into immigrating to Israel after Nakba?
Right arrow free icon Does this explain nudging Iraqi Jews (just little bit) to expedite their departure in the early 1950s? Here is an interview with a Mossad agent who was caught red handed.

Back To Haavara FAQs
Jewish children from Germany have arrived in Harwich (Essex), coming from the Netherlands, December 1938 Jewish children from Germany have arrived in Harwich (Essex), coming from the Netherlands, December 1938How did Zionist leaders respond when Great Britain saved 10,000 German Jewish children after Kristallnacht pogrom?

You would think David Ben-Gurion was the first to thank the British people for their generosity?
You would not think he wished anyone to drop dead, do you?

Well, be careful of what you wish for! Actually, a month after the pogrom, Ben-Gurion & other Zionist leaders were so consumed with how to politically exploit the tragedy, not only they didn't thank the British people, but David wrote the following fateful paragraph as well:
"If I knew it was possible to save all [Jewish] children of Germany by their transfer to England and only half of them by transferring them to Eretz-Yisrael, I would choose the latter--because we are faced not only with the accounting of these [Jewish] children but also with the historical accounting of the Jewish People." (Righteous Victims, p. 162, The Seventh Million, p. 28, The Complete Translated Letter translated by IPS and here is the original in Hebrew) Ben-Gurion was so concerned that the "human conscience" might bring various countries to open their doors to those persecuted German Jews [of course, God forbid]. He saw this as a threat and warned: Zionist is in danger. (The Seventh Million p. 28) Only in the Zionist mind murder and honer are equated!
Lining up in front of the Palestine and Orient Lloyd travel agency Meinekestra?e, January 22 1939 Lining up in front of the Palestine and Orient Lloyd travel agency Meinekestra?e, January 22 1939Many misinterpret what Ben-Gurion wrote, and describe it as unfortunate, regretful, or even they concoct excuses as he couldn’t have foreseen the Holocaust. In the Zionists’ mind, those Jews (no matter how disparate they were) when they immigrated to places other than Palestine (especially in the 1930s when the Jewish Agency was at its weakest); they were actually voting with their feet against the "Jewish state" to be; that was looked at the time as a betrayal, and what Ben-Gurion wrote was no aberration; it reflected the dominant Zionists' view point at the time. Therefore, from Zionists’ points of view, this was a matter of life and death situation, and they cared-less about those Jews (even those unfortunate German Jewish children) if their actions weakens or endangers them. For Zionists, all they cared about is establishing their state; and Jewish or Palestinian persecution was only a mean to an end. Here is another sample, this is how Ben-Gurion spoke forcefully in defense of Haavara on December 11th, 1935. Note how he spoke of the destruction of German Jewry 6 years before the fact, despite this assertion David & other JA executives allocated under 20% of the immigration certificates to German Jews:
Only Eretz-Israel can serve as a cure for German Jewry, even if not for all of them; any other "cure" is a false hope. We cannot topple Hitler, perhaps he will be toppled some other way. We must be concerned with the fate of the children and women, who are choking in this destructive hell. There is one way to rescue them-- to bring them to Eretz-Israel, with their capital. Their capital -- that is, merchandise, and by this I do not mean French or English merchandise. The only question is whether the money will return to Germany. This is not German merchandise; this is Jewish capital, belonging to Jews who are going to their destruction ... we have no other honor except by rescuing Jews and bringing them to Eretz-Israel.'" (The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 104) In a nutshell, those Jews who didn't immigrate to Palestine and chose to be saved somewhere else, they were as good as dead to him!
Solomon Schonfeld British Hero of the Holocaust Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld: British Hero of the Holocaust. Was he ever honored by Zionists! Was he thanked!Just to prove what Ben-Gurion said was actually a Zionist policy (that was implemented in practice by all branches of the Zionist movement) and it was not a slip of tongue (as if that was not criminal to begin with), we are compelled to quote Wikipedia (by far a pro-Zionist platform) about Kindertransport's main coordinator Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld (a true hero- not an impostering one):
When the scale of rescue work needed became apparent in the 1930s, he became the executive director of the Chief Rabbi's Religious Emergency Council, formed under the auspices of his future father-in-law, Chief Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz, in 1938. He personally rescued many thousands of Jews from Nazi forces in Central and Eastern Europe during the years 1938?1948. He felt Zionism had aided the Nazi regime's persecution of Jews. (A Jewish Kapo in Auschwitz By Tuvia Friling, p. 255)[Image grab] [Sweet lord, why the hero Rabbi felt that Zionists at the time were Hitler's allies! He must be "an antisemite and self hating Jew"! Whatever that means! ]
[ . . . . ]
In January 1943 Schonfeld worked with Eleanor Rathbone to devise a practical rescue plan, but they then encountered Zionist opposition. The Parliamentary motion had omitted Palestine as a haven, and was therefore vocally opposed as was the case with the Mauritius initiatives. [Image grab] [Note how the Impostering Heroes' policies continued during the war even at the height of the calamity in 1943. Zionists were determined to close off any safe heavens except to Palestine! Here is why if you care!]
Also pay attention that the Nazi pogrom coincided with Great Britain's rejection of the Peel Partition Plan. Aviva Halamish’s assessment of Zionist leaders’ mind-set at the time is second to none:Arrival of a Kindertransport at Waterloo Station, Feb. 2nd, 1939 Arrival of a Kindertransport at Waterloo Station, Feb. 2nd, 1939
The combination in Kristallnacht of aggressive anti-Semitic policy initiated by the authorities, which had been the fate of Germany’s Jews in various degrees of intensity since 1933, with the physical attack on their lives and property by violent crowds acting in accordance with instructions by the authority, in a mode typical of East European countries, led the Zionist leadership to realise that the Jews of the Reich were doomed and that they had to get out of Germany and Austria, and the sooner the better. Kristallnacht had a decisive impact on the transformation of the Zionist approach to the German crisis from conceiving it as being an immigration issue to constituting a refugee problem requiring emergency action. The Woodhead Report [in response to Peel Partition Plan] was also influential in forging a line of political action linking the refugee crisis with the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, and ruling out other ideas that would only divert attention from Palestine as a destination for the refugees without offering other feasible alternatives.

The idea of erecting temporary camps for young people from Germany financed by the Jewish people that had been raised prior to the Evian conference by junior members of the Zionist establishment was now expressed by the chairperson of the Zionist Executive himself:"We will put up camps for hundreds of thousands. They will be better off here than in detention camps in Germany, and the Jewish people will take care of them after they get to Palestine”[D. Ben-Gurion Meeting Nov. 12, 1938 Central Zionist Archives S/100]. The feeling of emergency brought to the fore other, non-Zionist ideas. Werner (David) Senator, a representative of the non-Zionist wing of the Jewish Agency, put it bluntly: "Since I do not see the likelihood of rescuing the Jewish people in Palestine alone, I cannot reject proposals aimed at rescuing some of the people in other countries"[ibid]. But the unequivocal stand of the two prominent Zionist leaders -- Ben-Gurion and Weizmann -- was to focus exclusively on solutions connected to Palestine. (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants, p. 135)
 Arrival of Jewish refugees in France, Metz-1936The more we research Zionists' conducts in the 1930s & 40s, the more we find that we need stretch our imagination. For example, it was brought to our attention how Zionists leaders actually attempted to starve funds that were allotted to Jewish refugees resettlement, and to redirect the funds to their communal enterprises in Palestine, here are the stunning details. Why not! It is a reasonable conclusion once you convince yourself that any Jewish refugee not coming to Palestine is as good as dead! Why they need the funds if they are dead!

Just to put things in prospective, here is a telegram (sent on April 2nd, 1938) from Albert Einstein & his friends at Princeton, thanking the FDR administration for their efforts on behalf of the persecuted in Germany and Austria! Now compare that with Zionists' leadership on this subject!

Finally, when such a comment by Ben-Gurion became known, David didn't retract it. On the other hand, his surrogates came out to "explain" (i.e. Hasbarah) that is not what actually Ben-Gurion meant! For example, David's official biographer (Shabtai Teveth) attempted to put Ben-Gurion's statement (about the German Jewish children) in a good light to imply: "That Ben-Gurion meant that the only deliverance for the Jewish people was in Palestine" although Teveth knew David couldn't save them either! (The Seventh Million, p. 28) Sweet lord, which is worse: what Ben-Gurion said? or the spin, the gaslight, or the Hasbarah that was written to excuse it! It is obviously, Zionists didn't care, and that wasn't limited to Ben-Gurion only.

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Arrival of a Kindertransport, Feb. 2nd, 1939
Arrival of a Kindertransport, Feb.-Jan., 1939How did Zionists respond to Alaska Jewish refugees resettlement scheme?

Honestly, if we got the facts just from Beit Zvi, we would not publish it. It was stunning to read how Rabbi Stephen S. Wise attempted to frustrate this scheme that could have saved thousands of lives, you would not believe until you read a confirmation at the Wyman Institute (a VERY pro-Zionist institute). That said, this is how Beit Zvi described how Zionist leaders responded to those who dared to push for such a plan:
When the idea of bringing Jews to Alaska was raised in the United States, a group of Poalei Zion activists there organized themselves to help further the plan. A committee was formed with the participation of Haim Greenberg. Arye Tartakower, David Wertheim. and others. Editorials appeared in the Poalei Zion press advocating the Alaska settlement project. "And then." our interlocutor related, “we were reprimanded by the World Zionist Organization leadership--severely reprimanded." Letters from the Yishuy demanded that they desist from their harmful activity. Berl Locker in London wrote a blistering article (which, unfortunately, we have not been able to locate). The case against them went like this: “How can you, Poalei Zion members, be propagandizing for Jewish settlement in Alaska? As Zionists, you must surely know that this is simply not done!” Of no avail was the argument that they did not intend to send to Alaska people who could be settled in Eretz-Israel, but only those who could not otherwise be saved. The annulment of the plan in the depths of Congressional bureaucracy spared the committee members from having to proclaim their surrender. But their behavior in the Dominican affair indicates that they learned well the lesson of their clash with the Zionist establishment. (Post Uganda: Zionism on Trial, p. 234-5)
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NYTimes July 3 1938 Evian Conf CartoonIf Jews were endangered & saving them was paramount and 32 countries convened to help them at Evian France, you would not think Zionist leaders stuck their sticks into their wheels, do you?

On the contrary, the evidence shows that Zionists did the exact opposite by discouraging any German Jewish emigration except to Palestine! (The Transfer Agreement, p. 377 & The Jewish Trail of Tears, p. 147-150) To make our case, we are compelled to directly quote Wikipedia (a pro-Zionist platform) in the following paragraph showing an assessment of the memorandums that were submitted at the Conference by the five leading Jewish Organizations plus the Jewish Agency. Honestly, Wikipedia's articulation is second to none:
According to the JTA, during the discussions, five leading Jewish organisations sent a joint memorandum discouraging mass Jewish emigration from central Europe. Reacting to the conferences' failure, the AJC declined to directly criticise American policy, while Jonah Wise blamed the British government and praised "American generosity". Zionist leaders Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion of the Jewish Agency were both firmly opposed to Jews being allowed entry into Western countries, hoping that the pressure of hundreds of thousands of refugees having nowhere to go would force Britain to open Palestine to Jewish immigration. In a similar vein, Abba Hillel Silver of the United Jewish Appeal refused to assist the resettlement of Jews in the United States saying he saw "no particular good" in what the conference was trying to achieve. The guiding principle of Zionist leaders was to press only for immigration to Palestine. Yoav Gelber [a renowned Nakba denier & a big Zionist] concluded that "if the conference were to lead to a mass emigration to places other than Palestine, the Zionist leaders were not particularly interested in its work." Years later, while noting that American and British Jewish leaders were "very helpful to our work behind the scenes, [but] were not notably enthusiastic about it in public", Edward Turnour who led the British delegation recalled the "stubbornly unrealistic approach" of some leading Zionists who insisted on Palestine as the only option for the refugees. [Image grab]
St Louis Statue of LibertyIn the preparation for Evian Conference, few Zionists at the Jewish Agency dared to suggest a non-Zionist solution to save German Jews; however, the proposal was nixed immediately by the leadership; here are the details from the Israeli historian Aviva Halamish:
The discussion reveals a clear awareness of the limited potential of Palestine as a destination for German Jews. Having admitted that Palestine was unable to solve the problem of the Third Reich’s Jews, some members of the Executive were willing to have the Jewish Agency be involved in non-Zionist solutions, and proposed to ask the conference to work out an agreement with Germany on the orderly exit of the Jews with some of their property over a period of ten years. One third of these would emigrate to Palestine, one third to the U.S. and the rest to other countries. Most of the members, however, insisted on limiting Jewish Agency involvement to Palestine, leaving other agencies to deal with other destinations.

The discussion also exposes the concerns about the irrelevancy of Palestine as a solution to the crisis of German Jews, not only because of the political restrictions imposed by the British and the severe economic situation, but also because of the Arab Revolt, which had then reached its peak. The chairperson of the Zionist Executive, David Ben-Gurion, phrased it thus: "In the eyes of the world the situation in Palestine seems similar to that of Spain [afflicted by civil war]. A country experiencing riots, where bombs are thrown every day, people are killed and unemployment and economic stagnation prevail --a country like that is no place for solving the refugee question." Knowing that Palestine could not provide a meaningful answer to the plight of the Jews of the Reich, members of the Executive worried lest the conference might totally eliminate Palestine from the list of immigration destinations, with the result that Jewish organisations would divert the contributions for aiding their refugee brethren to other countries. (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants By Aviva Halamish, p. 131-2)
Edwin Black wrote a similar assessment of Zionist leaders thought from the get go, frankly it is can not be clearer:
During the first days after Hitler boycott against Germany's Jews [early 1933], the Zionist movement's hierarchy in Europe and America was busy trying to plot a course of action. Their objective was not to mobilize Jewish and non-Jewish resources for the preservation of Jewish rights in Germany. Rather, they sought a means of turning the miseries of German Jewry into a new impetus for a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.

Zionist leadership had, in fact, refused to oppose the Nazi expulsion ideology from the outset. (The Transfer Agreement, p. 78-9)
Arrival of a Kindertransport at the Nijmegen train station 1938 Arrival of a Kindertransport at the Nijmegen train station 1938What is odd how MR. Black at the end of his book didn't even allude to Peru & Dominican Republic offers to receive German and Austrian Jews, and portrayed Palestine as the ONLY available & viable destination! (The Transfer Agreement, p. 377) To dig further into Zionists' mind-set at the time, you've to contemplate Ben-Gurion's reaction when he heard that Great Britain will accept 10,000 German Jewish children refugees in 1938. It was chilling to read what he wrote a month after Kristallnacht pogrom in December 1938. He didn't even thank the British people:
"If I knew it was possible to save all [Jewish] children of Germany by their transfer to England and only half of them by transferring them to Eretz-Yisrael, I would choose the latter----because we are faced not only with the accounting of these [Jewish] children but also with the historical accounting of the Jewish People." (Righteous Victims, p. 162, The Complete Translated Letter translated by IPS and here is the original in Hebrew) Ben-Gurion was so concerned that the "human conscience" might bring various countries to open their doors to those persecuted German Jews [of course, God forbid]. He saw this as a threat and warned: Zionist is in danger. (The Seventh Million p. 28) Only in the Zionist mind murder and honer are equated!
Aviva's & Black's earlier assessments jives 100% with a letter (written in preparation for the Conference on June 13, 1938) addressed to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of the World Jewish Congress (and distributed to all Jewish Agency decision makers) from Dr. Weizmann (although written Dr. Georg Landauer the head of ZVfd). Honestly, it was jaw dropping to read; it is amazing how Zionists leadership were so fixated on Palestine. Note how Zionist leadership's top priorities were: A) how relief donations to refugees could impede Zionist plans, and B) how to turn Jewish suffrage into a a political and media lever to force Great Britain to open Palestine for unfettered immigration. No emphasis whatsoever about Jewish suffrage:
Dear Dr. Wise,

which it is proposed to hold at Evian at the beginning of July in connection with the Jewish refugee problem. Dr. Weizrnann knows that you are associated with the preparations that are being made in America for this Conference, and I presume that you yourself are informed of the preparations that are going on in Gt. Russell Street [the office of the Zionist Executive in London], as well as by the Council for German Jewry. Dr. Ruppin is taking a deep interest in the forthcoming Conference and is preparing a memorandum on the role of Palestine vis-a-vis the refugee problem. I am writing this letter to you at the request of Dr. Weizmann as we are very much concerned in case the issue is presented at the Conference in a manner which may harm the work for Palestine.

Anti-Semetic German Cartoon: No One Wants Jews By Philipp Rupprecht: Der Stürmer 20 1938Anti-Semitic German Cartoon: No One Wants Jews By Philipp Rupprecht: Der Stürmer 20 1938

Even if the Conference will not place countries other than Palestine in the front for Jewish immigration, there will certainly be public appeals which will tend to overshadow the importance of Palestine. Since our aim is to turn the Conference into a force which would influence the Jews as well as the British Government to do something real for the Jewish people, we must do our utmost to bring Palestine to the fore and stress its importance and its capacity to absorb large numbers of Jewish refugees.

We feel all the more concern as it may bind Jewish organizations to collect large sums of money for assisting Jewish refugees, and these collections are likely to interfere with our own campaigns. It may be that the British delegation to the Conference will receive instructions not to give specific assurances as regards Palestine. Such an eventuality makes it all the more imperative for us to stress the importance of Palestine both during the period of preparation and at the Conference itself. We are convinced that Palestine offers possibilities for the immigration of tens of thousands of Jewish refugees who can be absorbed in agriculture, in new industrial enterprises, and in various public works, provided the necessary number of certificates [entry permits] will be obtained and funds are placed at our disposal. We know that you are watching the situation and would be much obliged to you if you could inform us of the attitude of our American friends towards the Conference, and whether you and any other of our friends from America will be there.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Georg Landauer (Post Uganda: Zionism on Trial, p. 153-154)

Evian Conference Davar Zionists Newspaper Cartoon, 1938Zionist Newspaper Cartoon: Davar, 1938It should be noted that this letter was no aberration; it wasn't a one off letter. it reflected Zionists' policies and mind-set for decades prior to Nakba! And YES, this fixation on Palestine persisted even during WWII. As a further proof, we urge the reader to contemplate Jewish Agency's nine page Memorandum that was submitted at the conference. Although it was written in French, it contains valuable statistics, it will prove our main point: Zionists were not interested in any solution except for Palestine as the destination for Europe's Jews! Is this the reaction of an organization that cares about Jewish lives? As if further proof is needed; we were stunned to find how Zionists in the US were weaponizing antisemitism as a tool to frustrate receiving Jewish refugees to America by claiming that any further immigration shall increase American antisemitism (Alabama Holocaust Education Center: America and the Holocaust, p. 5 )! Same argument was made once Alaska was suggested as a possible safe heaven to persecuted European Jews! This is a classic example that shows how Zionists weaponized antisemitism not only to persecute Palestinians (who were made blood libel for Mufti's actions); but also antisemitism was used to increase Jewish suffering as well. Why not! All could be justified in the name of "saving" Europe's Jews!

John Quigley (who was quoted earlier at Wikipedia in the earlier quote) wrote the following paragraphs exposing many details we were not aware of, here are the relevant portions. We highly recommend read the whole book, it will prove how much Zionists cared about Jews, and how recklessly they have endangered Jews to save their skin. Please pay attention to our comments in brackets and in italic:
Representing Britain, Lord Winterton (Edward Tournour) noted, “It has been represented in some quarters that the whole question, at least of the Jewish refugees, could be solved if only the gates of Palestine were thrown open to Jewish immigrants without restriction of any kind.” That was an obvious reference to the Zionist view. But Lord Winterton explained that “Palestine is not a large country,” and “there are special considerations arising out of the terms of the mandate.” That was a reference to the need to protect the existing population of Palestine. Lord Winterton told the delegates that “the question of Palestine stands upon a footing of its own and cannot usefully be taken into account at the present stage in connection with the general problems that are under consideration at this meeting.”3

Weizmann’s approach was precisely the opposite of Britain’s. Addressing the Zionist-oriented World Conference for Palestine a few weeks after the Evian conference, Weizmann said that Palestine must be the destination for emigrants leaving Europe. “Our position today has become so acutely critical,” said Weizmann with reference to the Jews of Europe, “we must demand a permanent solution to our problem. That solution can be found only in Palestine the national home of a homeless people.” For Weizmann, the immigration of displaced Jews into Western countries was no solution.

Ben-Gurion feared that resettling Jews outside Palestine would erode support for Zionism among world Jewry. In a December 17, 1938 letter to the Zionist Executive, Ben Gurion wrote, “If Jews will have to choose between the refugees, saving Jews from concentration camps, and assisting a national museum in Palestine, mercy will have the upper hand and the whole energy of the people will be channeled into saving Jews from various countries.” In that eventuality, Ben Gurion wrote, “Zionism will be struck off the agenda.”[Note how Zionists ONLY cared about their survivor, MOST IMPORTANTLY how Jewish suffering was only the LEVER to save their skins]

In the letter, Ben-Gurion castigated Britain for seeking to deal with the issue of Jewish refugees separately from the issue of Palestine. “Britain is trying,” he wrote, “to separate the issue of the refugees from that of Palestine.” Ben-Gurion feared, “If we allow a separation between the refugee problem and the Palestine problem, we are risking the existence of Zionism.”

A leading Zionist who after the Second World War would chair the American Section of the Jewish Agency, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, was of the same mind. Shortly after the Evian conference, Rabbi Silver was approached by James McDonald, whom President Roosevelt had appointed to advise him on refugee issues. McDonald asked Rabbi Silver, who then headed the United Jewish Appeal, for help in resettling European Jews in the United States. Rabbi Silver turned him down flat. “I was shocked,” McDonald recounted, by his attitude “toward the Evian effort.” Rabbi Silver told McDonald that he saw “no particular good” in what Roosevelt was trying to do at Evian.

The refusal to encourage the West to take in Jews at risk in Europe continued even as wartime atrocities unfolded. At the Extraordinary Zionist Conference held at the Biltmore Hotel in New York in 1942, Nahum Goldmann expressed alarm at what the Nazi government might do to the Jews if it were to find itself on the edge of defeat. Goldmann spelled out a doomsday scenario. “Who can foretell what the Nazi regime, once brought into the position of the surrounded killer, will do in the last moment before it goes down to shame?” Like Ben Gurion in 1938, Goldmann focused exclusively on Palestine as a venue for Jews seeking to leave Europe. Historian Aaron Berman, recounting Goldmann’s Biltmore speech, commented, “Surprisingly, Goldmann didn’t propose any program to come to the immediate aid of those threatened with annihilation. Instead, he called for the establishment of a Jewish Commonwealth that could absorb two million Jewish refugees in the decade following the war.”[Therefore, although Zionists knew the calamity is near (the Holocaust started just after the Baltimore conference) and actually could happen any moment, still they didn't waver from their fixation on Palestine!]

There was logic to the Zionist Organization’s position if one accepts the premise that Jews would be safe only if they had their own state. [This was the biggest lie Zionists sold to others and to themselves: The mass majority of Jews were saved outside of Palestine even after Palestine was ethnically cleansed out of its people to make room for persecuted European Jews. Despite of Zionists assertion (that "Jews could be only saved in Palestine"), Europe's Jews STILL refused to immigrate in mass to Palestine who mostly voted with their feet and immigrated to the Americas, not Palestine. More often than not, Jews only chose Palestine when no other option was available; which is a fact that still persists to this date. That is why Ben-Gurion airlifted Arab Jews after Nakba in early 1950s and 1960s to populate the emptied country] At the Biltmore Hotel conference, a coalition of Zionist groups came out publicly to declare their aim as being a “commonwealth” to encompass the territory of Palestine. This became the position of the Zionist Organization. But Palestine was clearly not large enough to handle more than a small percentage of the world’s Jews, even if they all felt the need to settle there. Even so, the Zionists could argue, a safe haven should be available for Jews.

At the same time, the position of the Zionist leadership opened them to the criticism that they were leaving Jews to die in Germany, for lack of an immediately available destination for their resettlement. The Zionists purported to be champion of world Jewry, yet their policy arguably left Jews in unnecessary jeopardy. To be sure, the Western governments were not anxious to take in large numbers of Jews, even as the clouds of genocide were gathering in Germany. But the Zionist movement contributed to the reluctance of the Western governments. In upholding strict immigration quotas, those governments could take comfort in the fact that their policy was approved by the Zionists. (The International Diplomacy of Israel's Founders by John Quigley, p. 50-51, 51-52 & 52-53) [Even in the law of the jungle and in the best case situation, Zionists conduct could only be characterized as intentional reckless endangerment. How Jews (especially American Jews) slurp their garbage is truly mind boggling! How Jews are not anti-Zionists hundreds of times more than Palestinians is really surprising. It should be noted that when Trump was the US President, Zionist leaders replicated this dangerous pattern not only with Trump but also with other fascists and known antisemites around the world! Honestly we wonder: which fascist, which antisemites Zionists hasn't slept with! Love it or hate, Jews at large are complicit in enabling antisemitism's fomenters!]
How honing on Palestine as the ONLY destination:
Right arrow free icon Didn't communicate to Hitler that no one cared about what would happen to Europe's Jews! Even nationalist Jews (a.k.a. Zionists) didn't care!
Right arrow free icon Didn't make the "final solution" inevitable and the ONLY solution!
Right arrow free icon Didn't push Hitler over the edge! After all, no one cared; therefore why would anyone care if Europe's Jews disappeared all of a sudden! Ironically, during the war; that was so true which was clear when you inspect how American & Zionist pressed downplayed the calamity during this period! (Abraham Burg, p. 74). Or that was done on purpose to keep the so called Yishuvs out of the war to save them for the upcoming battles with their real enemy: The Evil Arabs. Well, here are the boring details if you are interested!
Right arrow free icon What is maddening that when American Jews attempted to investigated these events, the investigation was nixed & defunded midstream (NYTimes, Jan. 4, 1983).

It is worth noting two very important facts about this conference which is often diluted. Often the media paints Evian as a failure, however, we found that does not jive with facts:

A) Soon after Kristallnacht pogrom, Schacht & Rublee Plan was ironed out early 1939 but sadly it didn't materialize although Hitler presented a viable offer that was much more favorable than Haavara! Sometime the truth is much stranger than fiction! In this regards, it should be emphasized that until August of 1940, Hitler contemplated relocating German Jews to Madagascar. Of course, the simpleton will say: well, that was before the Holocaust. True, but as we have shown earlier, Zionist leaders NEVER wavered from this policy even at the height of the calamity during WWII!
NYTimes, July 10th, 1938: Palestinian Arabs are against the Zionist state because they feel it endangers their aspiration to have Palestine for their own!
NYTimes, July 10th, 1938: Palestinian Arabs are against the Zionist state because they feel it endangers their aspiration to have Palestine for their own! The same ones who don't exist now!B) We found many countries (not just the Dominican Republic, but Mandano-Philippines, Rodisia and Peru just to name a few) who were willing to accept Jewish refugees as long they were self-supporting (similar Palestine's Capitalist visas program during pre-Nakba period). It seems they felt it was unfair for them to take in German Jews especially when Nazis just dispossessed them. From their point of view this was like giving Nazis a helping hand, which is of course understandable. Therefore, the policy of not taking in Jews wasn't based on antisemitism as the media often portrays it to be; and that plays into the Zionist narrative!
Finally, we like to share with you this finding that we stumbled upon by accident. As we were researching NYTimes about Evian Conference, we were stunned to read the ending of this article that was written by Edwin L. James on July 10th, 1938 that summarized much of the Palestinian struggle for the past century:

Although the Arabs are fighting the British. rather than the Jews, that is simply because the British exercise authority in Palestine. The real Arab resentment is against the Zionist State. Which the industry of the Jews has been building well. In the increased of Jews moving to Palestine. The Arabs see further danger to their aspiration to have Palestine for their own. Whether or not they are being stirred up by Italian or other influence, the fact that not only the Arabs in Palestine itself are making trouble, but Arabs from Trans-Jordan and Syria are trying to get into Palestine with obviously hostile intention. indicates a general movement with general direction. There is small doubt that the British will put down the present uprisings. But the serious question arises as to what will be the situation after that has been done. The chances are that the friction between the Arabs and Jews will not end there. (NYTimes, July 10th, 1938, in PDF)
Sadly, 85 years after Evian still we hear the mass majority of Jews, reminding us how Palestinians don't exists, and when they "do exist", Palestinians must be anti-Semitic since they are anti-Zionists! To rub salt into the wound, they made Palestinians blood libel for Mufti's actions during WWII, and expect them be the first in human history who should love (rather than hate) those who dispossessed them and threw them out! Of course, Nakba "never" happened, and Palestinians abandoned their homes willingly during war of Nakba, and Palestine (the most important land-bridge) was empty that was romantically waiting for 2000 year for Zionist Jews to populate and to bloom its Negev desert. Only in the Zionists mind such twisted sense of reality could be tolerated! Don't even dare to expose Zionists' contradiction! They will skin you!

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NYTimes: Aug 29, 1933: Germans Tell of Agreement for Barter of Their Products not only Palestinian oranges, but with Syria's oranges too!
NYTimes: Aug 29, 1933: Germans Tell of Agreement for Barter of Their Products not only Palestinian oranges, but with Syria's oranges too!Zionists laboriously lobbied US Congress to hinder the reception of any Jewish refugees unless Great Britain re-opens Palestine for Jewish immigration! (NYTimes, Jan. 4, 1983) What is truly chilling that this was their position all along from the start and continued until WWII ended! It was really chilling to read the following from Edwin Black:
"All of the non-Zionist schemes for relieving the plight of German Jews required vast amounts of donations, which Jews and non-Jews alike willing to give. But the Zionist movement saw these relief efforts as a threat because the solutions excluded Palestine. More important, the donations would divert funds from the Zionist movement. In other words, here was a Jewish crisis, and not only would the answer lie in lands other than Palestine, but the Zionist movement would suffer economic ruin in the process" (p. 90)
As you closely examine Zionists' communications (in private & in public), you can easily see how they were laser focused onto serving their interests, and the above quote is not an aberration & Edwin Black's plus Tom Segev's books are riddled with similar quotes. As you have seen earlier, the Jewish Agency (the "Jewish state" body before 1948) in the early 1930s was on the verge of bankruptcy which might explain this coldness & risk taking towards Jews' lives. Click here to learn more about Zionists' fixation on Palestine being the only safe heaven!
Hitler used German Jews as hostages, Zionists can't be blamed for negotiating with a hostage takers?

To deflect, Zionists and their apologists often justify Haavara as if you are negotiating with someone who kidnapped your family members, and you can't be blamed for paying a ransom; therefore Zionist Jews were helpless & defenseless who were compelled to deal with the devil to "save" Jews' lives (as Mr. Black implied in this interview, same goes for Tom Segev & Yehuda Baur) . Baruch Vladec (editor of Forward) destroyed this lie as early 1936 as follows:
"This analogy would be a very good one if the premises were the same. But, unfortunately, an altogether different analogy fits the case: a whole family has been kidnapped. The ransom money is paid for one member of the family, thus enabling the kidnapper to torture the rest of the family. If there were only one Jew in Germany or only 1,000 Jews, then Friend Zuckerman's example would be correct. But there are still nearly half a million Jews in Germany, all of whom it is impossible to move in a short time. By giving the money we strengthen and enable them to persecute the remaining Jews all the more effectively. The moral harm of the Transfer Agreement is so apparent that only the most dull-witted can try to ignore it. The whole organized labor movement and the progressive world are waging a fight against Hitler through the boycott. The Transfer Agreement scabs on that tight."
It should be noted that Zionists not only didn't pay any ransom; on the contrary. The kidnapped paid it from his or her own assets. Most importantly, Zionists shared with Nazis the proceeds as we have shown earlier; where at most 11% of the total assets value was made available 2 years after the kidnapee immigrated to Palestine.

The unvarnished truth: There was no gun pointed to Zionists' heads; they were not compelled to normalize trade and relations with Hitler. Actually, their internal chatters are filled with indifference to Jewish suffering as we pointed out on many occasions, and all they cared about how to turn such suffering as THE LEVER to achieve their political goals (which explains why they were engaged in fomenting antisemitism). Ironically, it was Mr. Black who has proven how the Jewish Agency was on the verge of going bankrupt just before Haavara was signed, and how it had a deficit worth of 2/3 of its annual budget for 2 years in a row! If that is what Edwin Black & others implied (when he stated that Zionists were compelled to deal with Hitler nonstop of 7 years); then he had a point. On the other hand. such decisions weren't motivated by saving Jewish lives. On the contrary; such decisions was motivated by saving Zionists' enterprise in Palestine. Aviva Halamish (an Israeli historian on this subject) seems to be alluding that she may have reached a similar conclusion too:
From the very beginning of the crisis [Kristallnacht pogrom] the Zionist Executive aspired to turn the plight of Germany’s Jews into a lever for increasing Jewish immigration into Palestine. [therefore, the "Jewish state" will be created! . . . .]
Another measure that turned the plight of Germany’s Jews into a lever for increasing Jewish immigration into Palestine was the establishment of numerous funds and institutions dedicated to aiding them to leave Germany and to be resettled in Palestine. (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants , p. 128)
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"It turns out that before the Nazis started to slaughter Europe’s Jew, they enabled us to build the foundations of our state-to-be" Speaker of Knesset: Abraham Burg, p. 73How did Zionist leaders respond to Hitler's rise?

You would think Zionist leaders condemned Hitler's rise to power? On the contrary, from the get go the Jewish Agency was one of the first to congratulate Hitler on becoming the German chancellor and to assure him that they are against all anti-Nazi boycott, even they sent him a condolences cable when the President Hindenburg died (The Seventh Million, p. 29).

You would not think the Zionist movement would sink low and compare themselves to National Socialism to impress Hitler? God forbid, they can sink that low, could they?

Zionists were the only non-Nazi parties allowed to opperate in Nazi Germany! Zionists were the only non-Nazi parties allowed to opperate in Nazi Germany!Here is Zionist Edwin Black quoting Jüdische Rundschau (Jewish Review, ZVfD's official Zionist newspaper) letters to Hitler when he became the chancellor. Pay attention how Zionists attempted to convey to Nazis the similarities we outlined earlier between Zionism and Nation Socialism. Don't miss Black's last sentence in defense of Zionists, he had to inject Hasbarahto make us digest treason as if it is saving lives:
Jüdische Rundschau was free to preach Zionism as a wholly separate political philosophy-- indeed, the only separate political philosophy sanctioned by the Third Reich.

In 1933, Hebrew became an encouraged course in all Jewish schools. By 1935, uniforms for Zionist youth corps were permitted--the ONLY non-Nazi uniform allowed in Germany. When the Nuremberg Laws in late 1935 stripped German Jewry of their citizenship, it became illegal for Jews to raise the German flag; the same law, however, stipulated Jewry could raise the Star of David-emblazoned Zionist flag.

The ZVfD quick success in lobbying the Zionist option to the Reich advanced the priority of their second imperative: convincing German Jewry to relinquish ten centuries of German national existence. But the bulk of German Jewry wanted another solution to their predicament.
They wanted to stay, even as second-class citizens--even reviled and persecuted. The hot springs and baths, the outdoor Konzerten of Bach and Mozart, the readings of Goethe, Oriental carpets on the floor, exotic fruits from Africa, a noble tradition they had fought for, died for, profited by. These people were integrated. They were Germans. They wanted to stay, even helots.

Zionism said no. While mainstream Jewish organizations were frantically assembling theories and position papers suggesting a tapered-down but still (German national existence, the Zionists were doing the opposite. On June 21, 1933, long ZvfD memorandum was sent directly to Hitler outlining those Zionist tenets that were consistent with National Socialist ideology. For example: "Zionism believes that a rebirth . . . such as that in German tradition resulting from a combination of Christian and national values and national values, must also come about within the Jewish community. Racial background, religion, a common fate and tribal consciousness must be of decisive importance in developing a lifestyle for Jews too. ... Zionism's objective is to organize Jewish emigration to Palestine in such a way that it improves the Jewish situation in Germany. ... Jewish settlement is based on agriculture. All productive work, be it of an agricultural, craftsmanship, or industrial nature, is performed by Jewish workers who are inspired by a new idealistic work ethics".

The German Zionist memo to Hitler contained the obligatory appeal Nazi prejudices about Jewish laziness and calculated comparisons between the two movements. This was the only way to converse with the Nazi regime. (The Transfer Agreement, p. 175) [Do you think Mr. Black & Co. would find similar excuses to water down Mufti's action 9 years later when he met Hitler in November 1941 (not 1933)!! For God's sake, Zionists were even ahead of Mussolini kissing Nazis behind!]

Edwin Black wrote a the following assessment of the Zionist mind-sent when Hitler rose to power, this is so accurate:
During the first days after Hitler boycott against Germany's Jews [early 1933], the Zionist movement's hierarchy in Europe and America was busy trying to plot a course of action. Their objective was not to mobilize Jewish and non-Jewish resources for the preservation of Jewish rights in Germany. Rather, they sought a means of turning the miseries of German Jewry into a new impetus for a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.

Zionist leadership had, in fact, refused to oppose the Nazi expulsion ideology from the outset. (The Transfer Agreement, p. 78-9)

Back To Haavara FAQs
Haavara Nazi Zionist Gold Mendelian 1934-1936Adolf Eichmann & company coined a special Gold Medallion in the honor of Nazis' relationship with Zionists!How did Zionists respond to Nuremberg Race Laws? How comparable Nazis & Zionists views were on mix-marriage, Aryan (Jewish) labor & land, pretending to be Aryan (Jewish) & segregated living?

On the contrary, the exact opposite happened. Zionists even praised Nazi prohibition against mixed-marriages between Germans & Jews! (Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 106-7, The Transfer Agreement, p. 175)! Even in 1935, the German Zionist branch was the only political force that supported the Nazi Nuremberg Race Laws in the country, and was the only party allowed to publish its own newspaper (Jüdische Rundschau) and to march with their own uniforms & flags (The Transfer Agreement, p. 175). What was really chilling how Zionists promoted and praised a Nazi policy that identified Jews by wearing the Yellow Star of David; you won't believe it until you read, here it is at JVL: wear it with pride, the yellow badge (The Transfer Agreement, p. 175-157) It should be noted that these were not only empty rhetoric meant to appease Nazis; Zionists implemented much of these racial laws then and now! Zionists communications (in private & public) are riddled with similar policies and actions; those were not a slip of the tongue or just meant to appease Nazis at the time! Zionists believed in them; they've been implementing them for over a century!

Zionists have been implementing similar racial, apartheid & segregation like laws (inclusive of prohibition on mixed-marriage and mixed cities) in occupied Palestine not only after Nakba, but most importantly from inception in the early 1900s. Humor us:

Nuremberg Race Laws: no more mixed-marriages. Protect Race and Honor.Right arrow free icon Any ideas what was the punishment for pretending to being part of the Aryan race in Nazi controlled territories?
Right arrow free icon Do you think breaking such a law carried less or more punishment as pretending to being part of the "Jewish race" in "Jewish state" controlled territories?
Right arrow free icon Why do you think both political systems outlawed pretending being Aryan (in case of Nazis) or Jewish (in case of Zionists)?
Right arrow free icon How about Aryanized labor? Anything similar in Zionists' land! YES, Zionists did it way before Nuremberg Race Laws! They outlawed Arab labor on Jewish lands since 1929! What the heck Zionist leaders even put it into Jewish Agency's constitution:
"the Agency shall promote agricultural colonization based on Jewish labour, and in all works and undertaking carried out or furthered by the Agency, it shall be a matter of principle that Jewish labour shall be employed"! (The International Diplomacy of Israel's Founders by John Quigley, p. 38-9)
-How about Aryanizing the land? Well, Zionists were ahead of Nazis in this regards. Not only Palestinians still own 94% of the land (don't take our words for it, here it is at UN's website), in Israel proper Palestinians (those who are "citizens" of the "Jewish state" but with 1/5th of the rights) are restricted to under 3% of the land, here it is from Human Rights Watch.

Just to give the readers an idea how much Zionist leaders cared (or even paid attention) when Nuremberg Race Laws were enacted, please contemplate what David Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency executives in December 1935
that "we must give a Zionist response to the catastrophe faced by German Jewry -- to turn this disaster into an opportunity to develop our country, to save the lives and property of the Jews of Germany for the building the land. This salvation comes before anything else" (NYTimes, April 18th 1993, Abraham Burg, p. 72)

To concentrate now on a boycott, he [Ben-Gurion] concluded, would be a "moral failure" of unprecedented proportions (The Seventh Million, p. 26-7)
Nuremberg Laws are explained during an ideological training program in the Hitler Youth camp at Hohenelse in Brandenburg 1937 Nuremberg Laws are explained during an ideological training program in the Hitler Youth camp at Hohenelse in Brandenburg 1937A few days after Nuremberg Race Laws were enacted, the Jüdische Rundschau (Jewish Review, ZVfD's official Zionist newspaper) editorially welcomed the new measures:
"Germany ... is meeting the demands of the World Zionist Congress when it declares the Jews now living in Germany to be a national minority. Once the Jews have been stamped a national minority it is again possible to establish normal relations between the German nation and Jewry. The new laws give the Jewish minority in Germany its own cultural life, its own national life. In future it will be able to shape its own schools, its own theater, and its own sports associations. In short, it can create its own future in all aspects of national life ...

Germany has given the Jewish minority the opportunity to live for itself, and is offering state protection for this separate life of the Jewish minority: Jewry’s process of growth into a nation will thereby be encouraged and a contribution will be made to the establishment of more tolerable relations between the two nations." Here is the full quote at JVL: Jüdische Rundschau, Vol. 75, Sept. 17, 1935
What is chilling that Zionists sent Hitler a letter in June 1933 emphasizing their fondness with National Socialism how Zionism is the Jewish version of National Socialism! You won't believe it until you read it. It is OK guys, that was done in good faith. Zionists meant well, they wanted to "save lives" by fomenting Nazi against their brothers and sisters!

The Nazis were as thorough in their philo-Zionism as in other matters. Now that the Jews were established as a separate people with a separate soil, should they not also have a separate language? In 1936 they added a new "nach Palastina" ingredient to their repressive measures. Jewish Frontier had to inform its readers distressfully that: Picketing Jewish-Owned Businesses in Nazi Germany: A Boycott
The attempts to seclude the Jews in the cultural ghetto have reached a new height by the prohibition to rabbis to use the German language in their Chanukah [6 December] sermons. This is in line with the effort made by the Nazis to force the German Jews to use the Hebrew language as their cultural medium. Thus another "proof" of Nazi-Zionist cooperation is seized eagerly by the Communist opponents of Zionism. Abraham Duker, Diaspora, Jewish Frontier (January 1937), p.28
Here's Aviva Halamish's assessment of Zionist leaders' stance (which is in sink with assessments made by many other historians) after she examined their private and public communications during this period, it is really sobering:
"The reaction of the Zionist Organisation to the Nuremberg Laws of September 1935 was shaped by two concurrent developments. One was deterioration of the situation of the Jews in Poland after the death of Polish President Pilsudsky in May, and the other was the drastic reduction in the number of [immigration] labour certificates (the schedule for the autumn 1935 season was 3,250 compared to 8,000 in the spring of that year)". (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants, p. 132)
After examining multiple sources, we cannot help it but to conclude that Nazi leaders of all shades (from Eichmann, to Goering, to Himmler, to Heydrich, to Mildenstein, to Germany's Ambassadors in Jerusalem in the 1930s, ..etc.) were fond of Zionism. As if they saw in Zionism the German version of National socialism! What the heck, even Adolf Eichmann & company coined a special Gold Medallion in the honor of this stunning mutually beneficial relationship! (The Seventh Million, p. 30) We don't profess we have the answers we just cited what we know. If you are interested in this subject, we urge you to contemplate L. Brenner's take on this subject. We ask: Is it possible that Zionist leaders fomented antisemitism for political and economic gains? Anyhow, let us know what you think in the comments section.

Back To Haavara FAQs
NYTimes Feb 19th 1939 REICH EXPORTS CUT 12.5 % IN ONE MONTH
NYTimes, Feb 19th 1939How did Zionist leaders respond to Kristallnacht pogrom on Nov. 9-10, 1938?

-You would think Zionist leadership moved heaven & earth to save Germany’s Jews after Kristallnacht pogrom on Nov. 9-10, 1938?
-You would think Zionist leaders stopped Haavara for few days?
-You would think Zionist leaders contemplated other safe heavens besides Palestine to save as many German Jews as possible?
-You would think Zionist leaders tapered their usual fixation on Palestine as the ONLY destination?
-You would think Zionist leaders finally stopped their usual shenanigans?

You are onto a big surprise! On the contrary, not only Zionists doubled down on their existing polices, but also they’ve weaponized Jewish suffering to force the England to make concession in Palestine (i.e. opening Palestine to unfettered Jewish immigration). Pay attention that the Nazi pogrom coincided with Great Britain's rejecting of the Peel Partition Plan. Aviva Halamish’s assessment of Zionist leaders’ mind-set at the time is second to none:
The combination in Kristallnacht of aggressive anti-Semitic policy initiated by the authorities, which had been the fate of Germany’s Jews in various degrees of intensity since 1933, with the physical attack on their lives and property by violent crowds acting in accordance with instructions by the authority, in a mode typical of East European countries, led the Zionist leadership to realise that the Jews of the Reich were doomed and that they had to get out of Germany and Austria, and the sooner the better. Kristallnacht had a decisive impact on the transformation of the Zionist approach to the German crisis from conceiving it as being an immigration issue to constituting a refugee problem requiring emergency action. The Woodhead Report [in response to Peel Partition Plan] was also influential in forging a line of political action linking the refugee crisis with the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, and ruling out other ideas that would only divert attention from Palestine as a destination for the refugees without offering other feasible alternatives.

The idea of erecting temporary camps for young people from Germany financed by the Jewish people that had been raised prior to the Evian conference by junior members of the Zionist establishment was now expressed by the chairperson of the Zionist Executive himself:"We will put up camps for hundreds of thousands. They will be better off here than in detention camps in Germany, and the Jewish people will take care of them after they get to Palestine”[D. Ben-Gurion Meeting Nov. 12, 1938 Central Zionist Archives S/100]. The feeling of emergency brought to the fore other, non-Zionist ideas. Werner (David) Senator, a representative of the non-Zionist wing of the Jewish Agency, put it bluntly: "Since I do not see the likelihood of rescuing the Jewish people in Palestine alone, I cannot reject proposals aimed at rescuing some of the people in other countries"[ibid]. But the unequivocal stand of the two prominent Zionist leaders -- Ben-Gurion and Weizmann -- was to focus exclusively on solutions connected to Palestine. (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants, p. 135)
The naive and simpleton might find excuses for those Zionists by saying: well--the scale of the calamity wasn't yet known! What was shocking that the British moved decisively and organized a quick lift to save 10,000 German Jewish children, how do you think David Ben-Gurion responded to such British generosity? You would think David sent them a thank you cable on behave of the "Jewish people"? Well, here is what he wrote over a month after the pogrom:
"If I knew it was possible to save all [Jewish] children of Germany by their transfer to England and only half of them by transferring them to Eretz-Yisrael, I would choose the latter----because we are faced not only with the accounting of these [Jewish] children but also with the historical accounting of the Jewish People." (Righteous Victims, p. 162, The Complete Translated Letter translated by IPS and here is the original in Hebrew) Ben-Gurion was so concerned that the "human conscience" might bring various countries to open their doors to those persecuted German Jews [of course, God forbid]. He saw this as a threat and warned: Zionist is in danger. (The Seventh Million p. 28) Only in the Zionist mind murder and honer are equated!
Boycott Nazi Goods Haavara LabelsPhoto Credit: Saul Jay Singer, "Boycott Nazi Goods" labels.Many misinterpret what Ben-Gurion wrote, and describe it as unfortunate, regretful, or even they concoct excuses as he couldn’t have foreseen the Holocaust. In the Zionists’ mind, those Jews (no matter how disparate they were) when they immigrated to places other than Palestine (especially in the 1930s when the Jewish Agency was at its weakest); they were actually voting with their feet against the "Jewish state" to be; that was looked upon at the time as a betrayal, and what Ben-Gurion wrote was no aberration; it reflected the dominant Zionists' view point at the time. Therefore, from Zionists’ points of view, this was a matter of life and death situation, and they cared-less about those Jews (even those unfortunate German Jewish children) if their actions weakens or endangers them. For Zionists, all they cared about is establishing their state; and Jewish persecution was only a mean to an end.

In contrast, here is a telegram (sent on April 2nd, 1938) from Albert Einstein and his friends at Princeton, thanking the FDR administration for all their efforts on behalf of the persecuted in Germany and Austria! Now compare that with Zionists' leadership!

This should be a surprise to no one; this Zionist leaders' stance was no aberration; this stance not only continued at the height of calamity; but most importantly spread to all major American Jewish organizations during the WWII. We ask: Is it possible that Zionist leaders fomented antisemitism for political & economic gains? Anyhow, let us know what you think in the comments section.

Back To Haavara FAQs
How did Zionists respond when the Holocaust became known to them?
What was their response to Bermuda Conference in April 1944?

-You would think Zionist leaders and US based Jewish organizations stopped their normal shenanigans!
-You would think they had second thoughts about their fixation on Palestine as the only destination to Jewish refugees!
-You would not think Jewish leaders would weaponize Jewish suffering to force Great Britain to rescind its commitment Palestinians in the White Paper of 1939? Therefore, torpedoing the future Palestinian state that England promised to Palestinians!

Not only we found ZERO evidence that Zionist leaders advocated for any safe heaven other than Palestine, but also they used their influence on US based Jewish organizations to lobby US Congress against such a thing unless Great Britain opens Palestine for unfettered Jewish immigration! This policy not only persisted after Nuremberg Race Laws & Kristallnacht pogrom, but it continued also at the peak of the calamity during WWII. (BBC Fact File: Bermuda Conference & The Detroit Jewish Chronicle: April 23, 1943)

NYTimes 1982 Barmoda Conf 1944 Click To Enlarge: NYTimes Magazine, April 18, 1982, American Jews & the HolocaustIt seems American Jewish organizations were agonized between two conflicting strategies: Do they prioritized fighting the British White Paper of 1939, or Hitler? Both can't be fought at the same time. Based on what we know of Rabbi Wise statements in March of 1943, it seems they gave a priority to fighting the White Paper! As if they were so fixated on defeating the White Paper to a point that they deprioritized saving Jews' lives! It should be noted the British promised Palestinians a state in 1949 based on the same white paper. (NYTimes, April 18th, 1982: AMERICAN JEWS AND THE HOLOCAUST By Lucy S. Dawidowicz) We asked ourselves: from where these conflicting priorities came from? What was their origin? Is it possible these David Ben-Gurion's marching orders:
"We will fight with the British against Hitler as if there were no White Paper; we will fight the White Paper as if there were no war" Cited at JVL, Sept. 1939
On the other hand, Houston: We have a problem! These are conflicting marching orders which were articulated by Rabbi Stephen Wise during the war few years after:
We cannot press the Hitler button and the British and Palestine button at one and the same time! (NYTimes, April 18th, 1982: AMERICAN JEWS AND THE HOLOCAUST By Lucy S. Dawidowicz) Nahum Goldman said something similar.
Ben-Gurion & Co. gave conflicting priorities and when they came to head; and a choice had to be made; Zionists didn't choose fighting Hitler! They chose fighting the White Paper even at the cost of millions of Jewish lives! Again, this policy persisted during WWII. This policy explains downplaying Holocaust stories in American and Zionist presses! (Abraham Burg, p. 74) This explains how and why Ben-Gurion and his cohorts were not interested in fighting Hitler even at the height of the calamity, Nazis weren't THE enemy; and Rabbi Wise was 100% correct: Hitler and the White Paper cannot be fought at once. To put it simply there was not enough bandwidth to fight both. Therefore, Zionists' action spoke loud: They decided to fight the White Paper; and fighting Hitler was left for others!

Just to give the reader an idea how wide spread this Zionists' mind-set was in the 1930s & 40s, we like to quote Ariel Lekaditis (a Yad Vashem historian & Holocaust educator) who described Zionist Leaders behaviors during WWII as follows:
Feature of this policy was the attitude of the Zionist movement in 1938 towards the possible change of U.S immigration laws which would allow the Jews to find refugee. The movement opposed to this possibility, as it was stated by Rabbi Stephen Wise, leader of the American Jewish Congress: “It was decided that no Jewish organization would, at this time, sponsor a bill which would in any way alter the immigration laws.” The very same politics applied when the U.S. Congress started some initiatives in 1943 regarding the extermination of the Jews that had already began. Once again the Rabbi Wise, who at that time was the principal spokesperson for Zionism, traveled to Washington in order to testify against the rescue bill that the U.S. Congress intended to vote, because it would cause problems to the colonization of Palestine. German Zionism and the German Jews
Finally, just in case if you still have your doubts about our presentation, we like to quote Wikipedia's Baltimore conference page (extremely pro-Zionists platform) as another nail in Zionists' Hasbarah coffin:
The estimates for the destruction of European Jewry grew throughout 1942 and 1943. Chaim Weizmann urged a re-evaluation of the Biltmore program in June 1943. Chaim Weizmann’s earlier estimate of 25% destruction declared at the Biltmore conference now seemed wildly optimistic. Rabbi Meyer Berlin leader of the Mizrahi Zionist party disagreed arguing that no one could know how many Jews would survive and how many would die.
American Jewish conference

At the American Jewish Conference of 29 August 1943 [64 American Jewish groups, by far the largest Jewish voices at the time] the adoption of the Biltmore program was challenged by Joseph Proskauer and Robert Goldman, they argued that the immediate problem was the rescue effort, not the establishment of a Jewish commonwealth. Goldman felt the Biltmore program was unduly weighted in favour of the establishment of a Jewish commonwealth [in Palestine was implied] and that the focus on this as a priority would hamper the efforts to rescue the European Jewry.
While Abba Silver and Emanuel Neumann put forward that the establishment of a Jewish commonwealth [in Palestine] should be the primary aim. [Image grab]

We were able to track this resolution at NYTimes which confirms much of what was cited at Wikipedia inclusive of Joseph Proskaur's full statement. Remember, this was adopted at the height of the calamity and almost all American Jewish organizations and groups adopted it. Now if you don't see how this isn't intentional criminal negligent (at best case situation) by focusing their attention on Palestine as the calamity was happening, then you should have your head examined. Since all had Jewish blood on their hands, then nixing the investigation (that was supposed to report on American Jewish groups conduct and passivity during WWII) made perfect sense. Why continue an investigation that could risk making American Jews and the Zionist movement at least partially blood libel for the Holocaust? Just nix it and keep it quite, that is why few spoke about it since 1983.

Back To Haavara FAQs
Map of over 40 Zionist occupational retraining camps in Germany Map of over 40 Zionist occupational retraining camps in GermanyHow did Hitler favorite Zionists over other Jewish political groups (domestic or foreign)? Why?

What is mind boggling how Hitler bent backwards to give Zionists sweeter deals. Not only Hitler’s policies ended up strengthening Zionists in Germany on the expense of other dominant German Jewish parties, he also favourited them over Germany’s interests! Frankly, this favoritism could be justified early on when Nazis’ grip on power was at its weakest in the early 1933. On the other hand by 1936, the German economy fully recovered and unemployment rate was at its lowest. This is one of the most stunning enigmas: Why did Hitler allow Haavara to continue (even when it was no longer benefiting Germany) is baffled scholars for decades? For example: A) The back of Nazi boycott was broken, B) German Jewish immigration to Palestine was already tiny (under 10% of German Jews immigrated to Palestine in 7 years) much of whom would've immigrated to Palestine with or without Haavara (Jews For Sale?, p. 17, 35) , C) the size of German trade with Palestine was only 0.5% of total German exports, D) the German economy was recovering, and E) easily Haavara could have been replicated with other countries to expedite removing as many German Jews as possible. (Avraham Barkai, p. 264-266) All this was evident by 1936-37 at the most and it was clear when you examine Nazi bureaucrats' chatter! To rub salt into the wound, despite of all earlier stated facts, Hitler personally intervened and overruled all bureaucratic objections, and doubled down on Haavara as late as 1938. It was his personal intervention that saved Haavara and gave it extra few years of life (Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 133, Avraham Barkai, p. 264-266, Jews For Sale? p. 26). By far, this was one of Hitler's biggest favor to Zionists. Anyhow, here is our short list of Nazi polices that ended up favoring Zionists over other foreign or domestic actors:

Right arrow free icon Nazis exempted Jews who immigrated to Palestine (to satisfy British Mandate entry Capitalist visa requirements of P£1,000) from currency export control rules, and on top of that Nazis gave Jews a favorable exchange rate of RM12.5 per P£ (which was way below market rate); a privilege that wasn’t even awarded to Aryans! In this regards, it is worth nothing that Hitler often weaponized this fact (when he negotiated with Great Britain) to imply that a lot more Jews would have left not for this exemption and how such a British policy depleted Germany's foreign currency reserves. (The Transfer Agreement, p. 86, Avraham Barkai, p. 251)

Right arrow free icon Haavara transactions were exempted from Reich Flight Tax, which progressively increased for Jews leaving German (but not via Haavara); the tax started at 23% in 1931, then it was raised to 70% in 1936, 85% in 1937 & to 95% in 1939 on assets above RM50,000.

Right arrow free icon Nazis gave Zionists monopoly power on all German imports to Palestine irrespective of race, nationality or religion! Therefore, if you were either an Arab, an Aryan (yes Palestinians had many Aryan German Tramplers living in Palestine for over 70 years), or a Jew living in Palestine in the 1930s, and you wanted to import German products, then your transactions had to go through Haavara! (Avraham Barkai, p. 252)Poster in Hebrew Condemning The Haavara Agreement
Poster in Hebrew Condemning The Haavara Agreement

Right arrow free icon When it came to Hitler’s attention that Haavara actually could end up creating a "Jewish state" therefore losing Arabs’ support (especially after the Peel commission was about to release its report), and most importantly it was proved to him that Haavara's advantages were no longer valid (i.e. German economy was full-employment by 1936) as it was the case early 1933. Hitler doubled down on Haavara and overruled stiff German bureaucrats' objections early 1938! (Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 133, Avraham Barkai, p. 264-266)

Right arrow free icon Until March of 1936, Haavara financed German exports were paid from Reichsmarks that were already reserved in German Jews' Blocked accounts (in Germany) instead of being paid in foreign currency as normally. Afterwards, a portion of each transaction had to be conducted in foreign currency (i.e. Sterling or Palestinian Pound), see Avraham Barkai, p. 261)

Right arrow free icon Zionists newspapers were the only ones allowed to operate beside Nazi press; all other press was banned. Zionists major newspaper were only censored twice although in General they were allowed to be critical of some Nazi policies. Once that was spotted, Zionists papers were sold to Jews only.(Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 119-122)

Right arrow free icon Haavara allowed all social security and pension payments could be transferred without deductions.

Right arrow free icon Haavara was allowed to evolve as a worldwide money transfer (similar to Western Union or SWIFT) as early as 1935, and money could be sent to German Jews from donations abroad which continued during WWII (Adam Hofri, p. 104-5). From Nazis point of view, this may have become the most important part of Haavara since it could have been used to circumvent boycott, money laundering & sanctions! Honestly, we admit that we are speculating here; and proof is needed! More research should be done to rule it in or out!

Right arrow free icon When Jews were prohibited from entering Germany in 1938, Jewish Agency continued to function until May 1941! (Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 276) Actually, Haavara offices weren't touched during Kristallnacht pogrom and Haavara itself wasn't Aryanized as other Jewish banks and enterprises. For example, the Warburgs (famous banking Jewish family from Humbug) who administrated Haavara, liquidated all their assets at a loss of 94% and departed to London by late 1938.

Right arrow free icon Zionists were the only political party to be allowed to march with their own uniforms and to raise their own flags! (The Transfer Agreement, p. 175)

Right arrow free icon To increase Zionists' labor immigration certificates (a.k.a. Category C which was granted to Jewish Agency by the British Mandate), Nazis allowed Zionists to set up over 40 occupational retraining camps! Ironically, these retraining camps continued to function until late 1941! (Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, ch. 7)

After examining several sources, we cannot help it but to conclude that Nazi leaders of all shades (from Eichmann, to Goering, to Himmler, to Heydrich, to Mildenstein, to Germany's Ambassadors in Jerusalem in the 1930s, ..etc.) were fond of Zionism. What the heck, even Adolf Eichmann & company coined a special Gold Medallion in the honor of this stunning mutually beneficial relationship! (The Seventh Million, p. 30) As if they saw in Zionism the German version of National Socialism! We don't profess we have the answers we just cited what we know. If you are interested in this subject, we urge you to contemplate L. Brenner's take on this subject. Anyhow, let us know what you think in the comments section.

Back To Haavara FAQs
 Revisionists Boycott PosterHow did Ze'ev Jabotinsky's Revisionists party react to Haavara?

Often Jabotinsky's Revisionists use Haavara to score political points against Ben-Gurion's Mapai

Right arrow free icon Was Jabotinsky against Haavara because Revisionists was cut out of its proceeds? or
Right arrow free icon Because Haavara empowered Ben-Gurion further, therefore weakening Revisionist?

In this regards, it is worth noting that when Jabotinsky (Mussolini's lover boy) was questioned about his alliances with Ukrainian antisemitic nationalists (who massacred hundreds of thousands of Jews during the early 1920s) said: "In working for [the Jewish state in] Palestine, I would even ally myself with the devil" (The Transfer Agreement, p. 77). Literally, Jabotinsky's nemesis Ben-Gurion implemented this strategy but at a much larger scale with father of all devils: Hitler! It should be noted, that Jabotinsky himself was trying to sign a similar deal but with Hitler's counterpart in Poland, who instituted racists laws against Polish Jews that were far worse than what was enacted by Nuremberg Race Laws!

To put it bluntly, Revisionists are cynical; not only they continue to cooperate with Nazis in Germany, but also they continued to receive support from Mussolini, who gave them a naval academy in Italy! And if Ben-Gurion wasn't quick to cease the moment early 1933, Jabotinsky would've signed Haavara with Nazis if he thought of it first! Dealing with Fascists & Nazis wasn't the issue. For both sides, simply it was all about power!

 Revisionists Boycott PosterWhat is really amusing, how Ben-Gurion used to describe to Jabotinsky as a Nazi or Hitler, although he himself was negotiating and implementing Haavara with Hitler for 7 years! Zionists rivalry was so fierce that Ben-Gurion attempted to remove Revisionists from the Zionists movement on several occasions, he even handed Yitzhak Shamir over to the British in early 1940s, he attempted to kill Manachem Begin during Nakba, and tried to silence his opposition on many occasions (The Transfer Agreement, p. 288-9). Just to give the reader an idea of what we are talking about, here is how the Revisionist press castigated the Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency in 1935:
"Hitler's allies", people "who have trampled roughshod on Jewish honor, on Jewish conscience, and on the Jewish ethics, . . . dark characters who have come to trade on the troubles of the Jews and the land of Israel, . . . low types who accepted the role of Hitler’s agents in Palestine and in the entire Near East, . . . traitors, deceivers who lust after Hitler’s government” (The Seventh Million, p. 24)
In response, Ben-Gurion suggested writing a pamphlet linking Revisionists to Haavara 1.0 (which Sam Cohen negotiated with Nazis first and before JA stole it) to expose Jabotinsky's hypocrisy. (The Seventh Million, p. 25)

And all of a sudden, Zionists Jews wonder how and why Haim Arlosoroff (JA 2nd in command who lead the negotiations with Nazis about Haavara's details) was murdered! To deflected, of course they framed The Arab patsy! This type of language, was normal at the time between Zionists. Political power wasn't consolidated in Jewish politics until Shoah was over.

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Zionists were the FIRST to normalize trade & relations with Hitler (8 years ahead of Mufti) when he was at his weakest point early 1933, especially when Zionists didn’t foresee the calamity & no guns were pointed to their heads. After Haavara was in signed, the flood gates were opened & the worldwide boycott against Nazis was nixed.Zionists Edwin Black & Abraham Burg (former speaker of the Israeli Knesset), both described Haavara as the critical piece that financed the foundation of the Jewish state which was impossible to do without! (The Transfer Agreement, p. 379-380)
"These men were the creators of Israel. And in order to do so, each had to touch his hand to the most controversial undertaking in Jewish history-- the Transfer Agreement. It made a state: Was it madness, or was it a genius?" (The Transfer Agreement, p. 380)
Honestly, it has been chilling to read Mr. Burg (p. 73-4) in the following sentences:
It turns out that before the Nazis started to slaughter Europe’s Jews, they enabled us to build the foundations of our state-to-be. [. . . . .] After Israel was born in 1948, the German reparation & compensation agreement of 1952 itself. [. . . . .] Thus, the Nazis, in their cruel way, were involved in promoting the idea of the Zionist state and fulfilling in three ways: before the war with the transfer agreement, during the war and its aftermath with the tidal wave of refugee migration, and after the war with the great sums of money that the “new” Germany paid on behalf of the “old” Germany.

I wonder if we could have a state at all if not for Germans and their savagery!
[ pay attention how Mr. Burg usage of double quotes seems to imply that the "old" and the "new" Germany are different in name only! I hope the readers will understand now why & how Zionist Jews gave a free pass to antisemites few years after Shoah ended! For God's sake, the graves were still fresh. Does that explain why antisemitic Europeans eagerly voted for UN partition plan in late 1947? how this vote wasn't an implementation of another versions of Haavara! Quid Pro Quo ]

It should be noted that as Zionists were building their state ahead of its time by 15 years; they were also helping the British occupation to dismantle Palestinian society and economy during the Great Revolt between 1936-39.

Back To Haavara FAQs
Adolf Eichmann & company coined a special gold Mendelian in the honor of Nazis' Haavara relationship with Zionists!Adolf Eichmann & company coined a special Gold Medallion in the honor of Nazis' relationship with Zionists!When Eichmann visited Palestine in 1937, did he come to coordinate with Mufti Haj Amin, or with Zionists' Haganah?

When Adolf Eichmann's visit to Palestine became widely known soon after Nakba:
-You would not think Zionist propagandist wasted any time linking Eichmann's visit to Mufti? Therefore, making Palestinians blood libel for Mufti's actions during WWII.
-God forbid, you would not think Zionists were deflecting away from their deeds?

Well, you are on to a big surprise. Not only Eichmann didn't meet any Palestinian (inclusive of Mufti who was chased out of the Middle East late 1941 by the Haganah & England), but actually he was on a tour with his assistant checking on their investments, and of course to coordinate with Ben-Gurion's Haganah about their common causes (i.e. intelligence sharing)! These facts were kept secret for decades until they were discovered in Gestapo archives in East Germany, and when they became known Zionists explained that the meetings weren't sanctioned by the leadership; of course end of story! Not only the culprit(s) went on Israeli TV confirming the meetings with the Gestapo (in Palestine & Berlin), but also they contradicted the official Israeli story! We urge you not to take our words for it, and examine what Francis Nicosia words (who is a known Zionist apologist) in Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 123-126. For more boring details on this visit, we urge you to read what Klaus Polkehn in The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941 p. 71-72, 73-74, & 75-76. It is worth noting that this lie is still being propagated in Zionists circles as you will see here in this interesting discussion. Finally, there will be a handsome prize for the first person to provide us with pictures documenting such a visit in Palestine and Egypt! Much more will be made available if the pictures documents Eichmann with his Haganah handlers.

Back To Haavara FAQs
If all kinds of people (including Mufti Haj Amin) dealt with Hitler, why are Zionists being demonized?

If Zionist leaders collaboration with Hitler was last, or after the occupation of Poland & France (as Mufti Haj Amin did in November of 1941); frankly all should understand (but not justify) their actions since almost every European nation did something similar (inclusive of Stalin & Great Britain). On the other hand, Zionists were the first to normalize trade & relations with Hitler when he was the vulnerable early 1933. If guns were pointed to their heads (as it was the case for Mufti who was chased out from Palestine, Lebanon & Iraq; same thing for Vichy Government & Stern Gang), we all should understand. However, the facts points to the exact opposite. Zionists actions & motivations points to one single goal: gaining power.

The questions are:
Right arrow free icon Why Ben-Gurion was willing to risk it all?
Right arrow free icon Was he motivated by pure gain & political self-interest? or because he felt existential threat?
Right arrow free icon Was he naive? or Was he blinded by power? Did he care?
Right arrow free icon Since the mass majority of Jews supported boycott; why Jewish communities & organizations (especially in the US) heeded Ben-Gurion's call to break the boycott? (The Transfer Agreement, p. 289)
Right arrow free icon Did Jews in mass behave like Germans who heeded their leaders' call? (The Transfer Agreement, p. 289)
Right arrow free icon Why investigating these event were repeatedly torpedoed & defunded? Who was behind such a campaign? What were their motives?

We attempted to provide an explanation in the Analysis section.

Back To Haavara FAQs
NYTimes 1982 Barmoda Conf 1944 Click To Enlarge: NYTimes Magazine, April 18, 1982, American Jews & the HolocaustWhy did all major Jewish organizations failed to investigate their actions & passivity between 1933 & 1945?

A commission was setup to investigate these events, however, it was dissolved & de-funded in 1983 mid-way after concluding that:
Rabbi Wise told a Congressional panel that he opposed a resolution designed to set up a commission ''to effectuate the rescue of the Jewish people of Europe.'' He opposed the resolution, the draft said, because it failed to include any provision that the British change their policy and open up Palestine to Jews. (NYTimes, Jan. 4th, 1983)
Right arrow free icon Is it possible that Jewish organizations' devotion to Zionism & ideological rivalries had blinded them of the big picture? and inadvertently they've enabled Shoah & who did it?

Right arrow free icon It seems American Jewish organizations were agonized between two conflicting strategies: Do they prioritized fighting the British White Paper of 1939, or Hitler? Both can't be fought at the same time. Based on what we know of Rabbi Wise statements in March of 1943, it seems they gave a priority to fighting the White Paper! As if they were so fixated on defeating the White Paper to a point that they deprioritized saving Jews' lives! It should be noted the British promised Palestinians a state in 1949 based on the same white paper. (NYTimes, April 18th, 1982: AMERICAN JEWS AND THE HOLOCAUST By Lucy S. Dawidowicz) We asked ourselves: from where these conflicting priorities came from? What was their origin? Is it possible these David Ben-Gurion's marching orders:
"We will fight with the British against Hitler as if there were no White Paper; we will fight the White Paper as if there were no war" Cited at JVL, Sept. 1939
On the other hand, Houston: We have a problem! These are conflicting marching orders which were articulated by Rabbi Stephen Wise during the war few years after:
We cannot press the Hitler button and the British and Palestine button at one and the same time! (NYTimes, April 18th, 1982: AMERICAN JEWS AND THE HOLOCAUST By Lucy S. Dawidowicz) Nahum Goldman said something similar.
Ben-Gurion & Co. gave conflicting priorities and when they came to head; and a choice had to be made; Zionists didn't choose fighting Hitler! They chose fighting the White Paper even at the cost of millions of Jewish lives! Again, this policy persisted during WWII. This policy explains downplaying Holocaust stories in American and Zionist presses! (Abraham Burg, p. 74) This explains how and why Ben-Gurion and his cohorts were not interested in fighting Hitler even at the height of the calamity, Nazis weren't THE enemy; and Rabbi Wise was 100% correct: Hitler and the White Paper cannot be fought at once. To put it simply there was not enough bandwidth to fight both. Therefore, Zionists' action spoke loud: They decided to fight the White Paper; and fighting Hitler was left for others!

Right arrow free icon Is it possible that Zionist leaders were ambivalent & didn't care as Ariel Lekaditis (a Yad Vashem staff historian & a Holocaust educator) seems to imply at this Times of Israel blog!

Right arrow free icon Is it possible that this investigation was nixed because it would've opened Pandora's box?

Right arrow free icon Is it possible that breaking up an effective & crippling worldwide boycott of Nazis economy has enabled the devil?

Right arrow free icon If our account here is partially Kosher, how Haavara didn't enable Hitler!

Right arrow free icon Is it possible that Haavara ended up enabling several Nakbas?

Right arrow free icon What's mind boggling that not only Zionists continued Haavara for 7 yrs as Nazis ratcheted up persecuting German Jews; but most importantly all Jewish organizations did the same thing too, especially the powerful ones in the US (American Jewish committee, B'nai B'rith /ADL, American Jewish Congress, ..etc)? You would think they reassessed their appeasement policies after Nuremberg Race Laws & Kristallnacht; on the contrary. All Jewish organizations doubled down on Haavara as if they saw it their savior & no need to change course; although continuing to appease Hitler (by all including of of Zionists) had emboldened Hitler by the day!

Right arrow free icon All prior facts & arguments points towards one conclusion: Zionist leaders & major Jewish organizations around the world were terrified of any possible alternative other than Palestine; that is a fact. Here is our analysis on why that was the case. Please let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

Back To Haavara FAQs
 German Jewish immigration to Palestine Per YearClick To Enlarge: German Jewish immigration to Palestine Per YearHow many German Jews were actually "saved" when Haavara was honored by both Nazis & Zionists?

To describe Jews who left Germany via Haavara as "saved" when no one foresaw the calamity: is a fallacy; abuse of language; a gaslight; or a Hasbarah! YES, Zionist Leaders could be accused of fomenting antisemitism; YES they even spoke of the Holocaust in the past tense even before it happened; YES Zionist leaders positioned themselves to exploit Jewish suffering; YES they used German Jews’ wealth as their piggy bank to build their state 15 years ahead of its time; YES, they cared very little about those who chose to immigrate to areas other than Palestine; YES, they looked upon such immigration as betrayal. Although, we found no proof they implied Shoah as we know it; we believe they simply they foresaw several Nakbas (combinations of pogroms, dispossession & ethnic cleansing) upon Europe’s Jews (which was a common event against minorities in Europe for centuries) and positioned themselves to take advantage of the situation. Despite all of that it is strongly suspected that Zionists should've anticipated the calamity since they knew it was a possibility. Based on our research, we've found that the concept of Catastrophic Zionism (discusses earlier) was more widely spread between Zionists than previously thought; as if it consumed them to the bones. Therefore, it was a fact that Zionists were the only ones who knew it could happen even if they discounted it; and this explains why they used such a language. (Post Uganda: Zionism on Trial, p. 167, The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 109) This feeling of an impending calamity intensified Zionists' fixation on Palestine as the ONLY solution to the so called "Jewish problem", and those Jews who immigrated to other safe heavens than Palestine meant nothing to them (meaning they were as good as dead).

 Jewish immigration to Palestine By YearClick To Enlarge: Total Jewish immigration to Palestine per Year - 1922-1946That said, the official number reported by all Zionists sources was 60k German Jews were saved at maximum (10% of Germany’s Jews as of 1932). However, after little digging we quickly found that this number has been inflated by at least 300%. Simply, Zionists lumped those who immigrated via Haavara asset transfer (i.e. via Capitalist Visa) with those who immigrated based on the Labor Certificates program plus their dependents (who were granted entry by the occupying power England)! Zionists justify this manipulation as: Haavara investments increased Palestine’s economic absorption capacity, therefore all who immigrated from Germany should be counted as "saved because of Haavara". If we allow this gaslight to stand, then according to the same logic why not add the other 400k who immigrated from Eastern Europe too? Most of them would have been perished otherwise during WWII! Anyhow, this farce of an argument was first brought to our attention when we read what the editor of the Forward (Baruch Vladeck) wrote in January 1936:
"But," say the defenders of the Transfer Agreement, we can't stop to discuss moral effects, We must save the Jews in Germany, and the Transfer is a way out." Let's look into the practical value of the Agreement. We are told that over 30,000 Jews were rescued by the Transfer Agreement. That, to put it bluntly, is a lie. Not 30,000 but between 4 and 5 thousand were settled in Palestine by means of the Transfer, and these were not "saved." NO! Retorts by B. C. Vladeck
German Jews Emigrating to Palestine at Anhalter Train Station, Septembe 1936German Jews Emigrating to Palestine at Anhalter Train Station, September 1936.What shocked us that five times as many German Jews left within the last two years (1938 & 1939) who were saved without Haavara's help! YES, 250k German Jews left in less than two years; and over 90% of them didn't go to Palestine via Haavara! (Jews For Sale?, p. 17, 35, 24, 35, 39)! We ask: who should take credit for saving five times as many within 18 months and not 7 years? The Gestapo who terrorized them into leaving before murdering them? Keep in mind that it was the Jewish Agency who refused to grant any of their immigration certificates to MS St. Louis' passengers June 1939! Anyhow, here are the boring details which few might find interesting:

Right arrow free icon To this date, there is no definitive number of those who were saved: the official Zionist sources cited is 60k, but JVL cites 55k, Francis Nicosia cites 53k, both Adam Hofri & Avraham Barkai cited 52k, Areih Tartakower / Kurt Grossmann cited 45k, and Abraham J Edelheit reported between 20k to 50k.
Right arrow free icon Tom Segev reported 20k (The Seventh Million, p. 22); it seems he followed a similar logic as the one we articulated earlier. Similarly, Yehuda Baur reported that a third of those who immigrated arrived because of the Capitalist Visa program. He even argued that those who financed their immigration would have done it anyhow; with or without Haavara! Thanks to British Mandate generosities! The following was chilling to read especially when it was written by an ardent Zionist:
"The question arose then and must arise today whether without Ha’avarah there would have been a massive German Jewish immigration into Palestine. After all, only one third of these immigrants were capitalists, and some, or perhaps many of them, would have come without Ha'avarah. On balance, however, the influx of capitalists was apparently a factor in encouraging immigration of other German Jews as well.

The arguments with which the proponents of Ha'avarah supported the project were often a mixture of the logical and the disingenuous. Thus, leading [Jewish] Agency politicians explained that the expansion of Ha'avarah to countries other than Palestine, which the Nazis had agreed to in part, was not controlled by them at all but by another organization, Intria. In fact, Intria was chaired by Siegfried Moses, one of the heads of the Ha'avarah organization. Also, while the leaders of Ha'avarah played down the damage done to the boycott movement by the agreement with Germany, they simultaneously played up their sabotage of the boycott in their negotiations with the Germans. Their campaign started with efforts in 1933 to persuade Consul Wolff in Jerusalem to give up his support of Sam Cohen and side with the Jewish Agency instead; if wanted to fight the boycott, they argued, Sam Cohen was not the right person to facilitate that fight. The campaign continued in the repeated interviews that agency leaders had in Germany with German officials."(Jews For Sale?, p. 17)
Jewish refugees waiting to receive_an official permit to leave on a steamship to Palestine, ca. 1935Jewish refugees waiting to receive_an official permit to leave on a steamship to Palestine, ca. 1935Right arrow free icon Aviva Halamish reported 2,500 and with dependents she arrived at 5,000 maximum. We suspect this to be either wrong, or it reflected the data of a single year.

Right arrow free icon The most credible & detailed source was reported in The Jewish Refugee By Areih Tartakower & Kurt Grossmann, which was written in 1944 during WWII and released by the World Jewish Congress (a Zionist organization). On page 184 both reported a total of 44,509 for German Jewish immigration to Palestine during the 1930s broken down as follows: 16,526 gained entry via the Capitalist Visa program (37.1%), 15,885 via Labor Certificates Visa program (35.6%), 12,095 gained entry because they were dependents (27.9%). Therefore, with dependents, the number could reach 20k as Mr. Segev reported. That said, Mr. Baur's argument is valid: many of those who immigrated to Palestine from Germany via the Capitalist Visa program, could've easily done it via Labor Certificate Visa program. What is odd that Abraham J Edelheit reported 2,700 used the Capitalist Visa program by mid 1935, which is almost one third of what Tartakower & Grossmann reported, the jury still out! As we see it, 20k is the upper limit on those who immigrated via Capitalist Visa program, and that is considered a safe bet until we find better data.

Right arrow free icon Survey of Palestine data is fuzzy and in complete. First it doesn't report on the number of German Jews who immigrated in between 1933-1936, and and it doesn't give us a break down of those who gained entry (i.e. based on what type of Visas they entered Palestine). Anyhow, we assumed the worst case situation, here is our findings.

Right arrow free icon Here is the Jewish Agency's memorandum that was submitted at Evian Conference. It may filling in the gap that wasn't reported in Survey of Palestine.

Back To Haavara FAQs
Why did Hitler work non-stop with Zionists if they were a small fringe group with limited resources during the 1930s?

This is one of the most baffling conundrums we have encountered while researching Haavara. How could a very small fringe group of Jewish Nationalist & Socialist (who had little resources & numbered around 174,000 in Palestine as of 1932, see JA's memorandum at Evian) managed to pull off one of the biggest heist in the 20th century; especially when most of Europe’s Jews not only didn’t identify with Zionism, but most importantly they considered Zionists to be the enemy from within. On top all of that Zionists institutions were on the verge going bankrupt in the early 1930s!

Haavara embodied Herzl's strategy: the governments of all countries scourged by antisemitism will be keenly interested in assisting us to obtain the sovereignty we want (Der Judenstaat)To Judge the Zionist movement that requires you to judge it away from post WWII events; and to absorb the following facts carefully: for many reason we've identified earlier, Zionists of all shades were on the ropes in the early 1930s and all hands were on deck as Hitler became the chancellor. On the other hand, they were "blessed" with one of the most aggressive, cold, calculating, organized, unsentimental, resourceful, focused and politically astute leadership ever, but most importantly they've also recognized the importance of the current moment and aggressively exploited it to the teeth irrespective of the costs and risks to world Jewry. Sadly; we agree with Edwin Black who wrote the following:
"Focusing on Palestine as the ONLY legitimate destination for large-scale emigration, the Zionist Organization rejected opportunities to resettle German Jews in heavens or homes other than Eretz Yisrael. The Zionist stance make it clear: Palestine or nothing. Now or Never." (The Transfer Agreement, p. 260)
Evian Conference Cartoon Refugees Oct 1938Evian Conference Cartoon Refugees Oct 1938Although Zionists were a small fringe group, they had two powerful tools at their disposal which they exploited to the teeth:
The 1st Tool: Zionist leadership recognized from start that antisemitism is a powerful weapon, and they've learned they should never confront it head-on (The Transfer Agreement, p. 226); and when antisemitism is exploited (or fomented), it could be easily converted from an “enemy” to an ally. This strategy was articulated by Zionism’s founder Theodore Herzl as follows:
"The antisemites will become our most dependable friends, the antisemitic countries our allies" at Wikipedia
"the governments of all countries scourged by antisemitism will be keenly interested in assisting us to obtain the sovereignty we want" at JVL
Herzl attempted to implement this strategy with Russia’s Tsar, Ottoman Sultans, Great Britain and Germany’s Kaiser but he failed at it and his efforts went nowhere. On the other hand, his disciples (especially Weizmann, Ben-Gurion & Jabotinsky) embraced it to the fullest and implemented it with ZERO hesitations within 4 decades after Herzl's death. (The Transfer Agreement, p. 73-5)

That is why Zionists of all shades (Labor and Revisionists) were the FIRST to ally themselves with fascists, Nazis, antisemitic regimes and dictators (i.e. Nazi regime, Mussolini, Symon Petliura, Polish & Ukrainian Nationalists post WWI, South Africa, Donald Trump, ...etc) 9 years ahead of Mufti Haj Amin and Vichy. Therefore, when Jabotinsky was questioned about his alliances with Ukrainian antisemitic nationalists (who massacred hundreds of thousands of Jews in the early 1920s) said: "In working for [the Jewish state in] Palestine, I would even ally myself with the devil" (The Transfer Agreement, p. 77). Literally, Jabotinsky's nemesis Ben-Gurion implemented this strategy but at a much larger scale with father of all devils: Hitler! That is why we named this strategy as: "Pimping Antisemitism"!

From practical experience, trial and error, Zionists quickly recognized that cooperating with antisemitic regimes had many financial and political rewards (Haavara is the best example which continued for 8 years even after Nuremberg Laws & Kristallnacht), and increasing Jewish suffering could be monetized and converted to political & economical advantages (i.e. increasing Jewish immigration to Palestine before Nakba, increase in political recognition, increase in contributions, favorable media coverage, ...etc.). That’s EXACTLY why the mass majority of Europe’s Jews looked upon Zionists as the enemy from within. (The Transfer Agreement, p. 168) German Jews were the first to know how dangerous Zionists could be; that is why Herzl’s first World Zionists Congress was forced to relocate from Hamburg (Germany) to Basel (Vienna). This powerful Zionist tool can't and shouldn’t be underestimated. Pimping Antisemitism: it is THE golden goose that keeps on giving.

NYTimes, Aug 25th 1933: Zionists Rejected Boycott of Reich
NYTimes, Aug 25th 1933: Zionists Rejected Boycott of Reich
The 2nd Tool: Zionists had big influence over Jewish Organizations and leadership (who were supposed to be non-Zionist in their advocacy), especially Zionists’ hegemony over the big four US Jewish organizations: American Jewish Congress, B’nai Bi’rth & its infant ADL, American Jewish appeal, and American Jewish committee; which persists to this date (note how we've excluded JDC--The Joint--from this group). Although American Jews were neither Zionists nor anti-Zionists before Nakba, that completely changed after the Holocaust, the destruction of BUND (who dominate European Jewish politics until WWII ended) and the creation of the "Jewish state". On the other hand, we found lots of evidence showing American Jewish leaders (especially Abba Hillel Silver & Rabbi Stephen S. Wise) not only were in lockstep with Zionist leadership at every step, but also they advocated policies which were extremely unpopular within the American Jewish community; chief among them dismantling anti-Nazi protests and boycott which were major Nazi demands when Hitler was at his weakest early 1933 -for more details, see Zionists meetings with Hermann Goering in March & April of 1933, The Transfer Agreement, p. 33-40, 52, 81, 357, 362). And when Zionists delivered (on Hitler's demands (against anti-Nazi boycotts & protests in US & GB), the Nazi regime not only signed Haavara but also strengthened it overtime and granted Zionists preferential treatments that few Aryans received. Edwin Black (and many others too) has proven Zionists hegemony (over Jewish Organizations leadership) repeatedly in his book, for details pay attention to ch. 4 p. 33-40, 52, 357, 362, ch. 22, ch. 39 to 42 in The Transfer Agreement. Also we highly recommend reading the introduction in The World Jewish Congress during the Holocaust, on pages between 1-23, which is available for free at Google Read. To give the readers a different prospective on Zionists' hegemony over Jewish organizations, we are compelled to directly quote Wikipedia (a pro-Zionist platform) in the following paragraph showing an assessment of the memorandums that were submitted at the Conference by the five leading Jewish Organizations plus the Jewish Agency. Honestly, Wikipedia's articulation is second to none:

According to the JTA, during the discussions, five leading Jewish organisations sent a joint memorandum discouraging mass Jewish emigration from central Europe. Reacting to the conferences' failure, the AJC declined to directly criticise American policy, while Jonah Wise blamed the British government and praised "American generosity". Zionist leaders Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion of the Jewish Agency were both firmly opposed to Jews being allowed entry into Western countries, hoping that the pressure of hundreds of thousands of refugees having nowhere to go would force Britain to open Palestine to Jewish immigration. In a similar vein, Abba Hillel Silver of the United Jewish Appeal refused to assist the resettlement of Jews in the United States saying he saw "no particular good" in what the conference was trying to achieve. The guiding principle of Zionist leaders was to press only for immigration to Palestine. Yoav Gelber [a renowned Nakba denier & a big Zionist] concluded that "if the conference were to lead to a mass emigration to places other than Palestine, the Zionist leaders were not particularly interested in its work." Years later, while noting that American and British Jewish leaders were "very helpful to our work behind the scenes, [but] were not notably enthusiastic about it in public", Edward Turnour who led the British delegation recalled the "stubbornly unrealistic approach" of some leading Zionists who insisted on Palestine as the only option for the refugees.
What is stunning that this unity (between Zionists & Jewish Organizations) continued even when morons knew that:
Right arrow free icon appeasing Hitler implied not only strengthening and empowering the Nazi regime, but also implied more Jewish suffering!
Right arrow free icon their fixation on Palestine as the only destination for persecuted European Jews resulted in increased Jewish suffering. It should be noted that this madness continued even at the height of the calamity! Was this their strategy! Fomenting antisemitism which will increase Jewish suffering, and that could be translated in serving Zionists' goals! Well, you be the judge, here are the boring details from Zionist & Israeli sources.

Keep in mind, that after WWII and after the destruction of BUND (who dominated Jewish politics before WWII ended), Zionists hegemony over Jewish politics has become complete; and sadly Judaism was hijacked & turned into a cult to this date; YES Judaism now is nothing but a Zionist cult. It should be emphasized that almost all Jewish religious establishments petitioned the UN against partitioning Palestine in 1947, don’t take our words for it, here it is at JVL.

Back To Haavara FAQs

NYTimes, Feb 19th 1939How did Zionist leaders react when other Jewish organizations attempted to replicate Haavara by resettling Jews to safe heavens other than Palestine?

You would think Zionists closed ranks with other Jewish groups and philanthropists who attempted to replicate Haavara's functionality to save Jewish lives?
You would not think they attempted to torpedo their initiatives?

Well, continue reading; you are onto a big surprise. Although the data about this subject is very murky, we've discovered several serious attempts to replicate Haavara's functionality but why they did not materialize is still a matter of debate and research. Why Haavara succeeded and other attempts failed is still a mystery. Here is what we found:

1) Warburgs Plan: Max Warburg --from the German Jewish banking family from Hamburg whose Bank cleared much of Haavara’s transactions-- attempted to replicate Haavara deal in late 1935, but to other safe heavens than Palestine. We have no idea why it failed and the little we know about it is fuzzy! That said; it seems that the Warburgs were neither Zionists nor anti-Zionists; their primary concern was relief and resettlement of many Eastern Jews around the world especially in the USSR (i.e. their resettlement of hundreds of thousands of Eastern European Jews in Poland, Ukraine, Crimea, which Belarus made Zionist leaders furious), Argentina, and Brazil. The Warburgs also were one of the major backers of the Jewish Joint-Distribution Committee (a.k.a. Joint or JDC), and one of them (Felix) headed the JDC in the US. It seems this Plan went nowhere and got nixed by Jewish organizations since it entailed rewarding Nazis with buying their goods (From Boycott To Annihilation, p. 103 & Jews For Sale?, p. 24). Based on our research, Zionist leaders looked upon the Warburgs as a threat. To put it simply: if you were non-Zionist Jew before Nakba, from Zionists' point of view that implied you were a threat. That could be still the case to this date!
2) Altreu-Fund Plan: There was another similar scheme that was implemented known as the Altreu-Fund (Allgemeine Treuhandstelle fur judische Auswanderung), which was initiated by the Warburgs too in May 1937 but on terms much less favorable as Haavara. We’ve found references to Altreu in few places but we don’t have much data about it. It seems that their offices were bombed during the blitz on London and their records were destroyed. All we know, it operated at terms that were much less favorable than Haavara, and it had little success according to Mr. Baur, however, he provided no data to back it up. So much we don’t know: Like how many German & Polish Jews were saved using this Plan in the 1930s & during WWII? Who funded it? What was their budget? What were the destinations for those saved Jews? How Zionist leaders reacted to Altreu’s operations? (Jews For Sale?, p. 24, From Boycott To Annihilation, p. 103) Also we've found this version of the German version of Wikipedia; we hope it will help.

3) Berthold Storfer Plan: Early 1939 and after Kristallnacht pogrom, Nazis intensified Jewish persecution to drive as many of the German and Austrian Jews out as possible. Adolf Eichmann was put in charge to execute such a plan, and he worked with Zionists (like the Mossad & Haganah) and non-Zionist groups alike to ship as many Jews as possible out of German controlled territories. To implement this plan, Eichmann coordinated with Berthold Storfer (an Austrian Jewish leader who was funded by the non-Zionist JDC) to coordinate and manage the evacuation process (legally & illegally). It seems that Berthold actions infuriated Zionists since his plan was to save as many Jews as possible irrespective of the destination (i.e. not exclusively to Palestine)! Of course that is an anathema to Zionists; how dare he! What was really tragic that the same Zionists (who worked hand over fist with the devil for 7 years, especially with Eichmann) called him: The traitor collaborating with the devil (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants By Aviva Halamish, p. 141, see at Wikipedia too).

4) Schacht-Rublee Plan: It seems that Kristallnacht pogrom not only rattled Jews into action around the world, but Nazis were as terrified of the International back lash too! It seems that soon after the pogrom, Nazis felt heat of the boycott against them from around the world (i.e. German exports in Jan. 1939 were down by 12.5%); which pushed Hitler personally to find a way out to German Jews on terms much more favorable than Haavara. What is stunning that this proposal was initiated by Hitler himself who communicated it to both Hjalmar Schacht (head of Reichsbank) and Hermann Goering! Actually, Schacht himself flew to London several times to iron out the detail just before he was booted out (for other reasons related to Hitler's insistence on more deficit spending and rearmament) by Hitler on Jan 20th, 1939. All this was documented in a letter Schacht wrote in April 1959 detailing the earlier details, however, he added couple of extra important facts: i) It seems George Rublee was also representing non-Zionists Jewish organizations (JDC is assumed to be included) who according to him [Schacht] accepted his proposal, but ii) he singled out "..the Zionist Jewish group came out against it"! Jesus, why would Zionists ever be against saving Jews' lives at the last hour! Schacht didn't elaborate! (From Boycott To Annihilation, p. 144-5) That said, we don't know if a plan was ever implemented, and if so how many German Jews were saved because of this or other previous plans? All we know that Germans were dead serious and a viable plan was on the table as early as January 1939; but there was no takers for close to a year. Honestly, there are little data available what happened between Dec. 1938 to Oct. 1939. It is very murky and above all very little field research was done about it; it is a kind of a historical black hole! Anyhow, we will share what we found up to this point, and if you have anything to add please add it in the comments section:

Boycott Nazi Good GB Just before WWII 1939 Boycott Nazi Good in England
A) Almost all sources we've examined and the media at large still portray Evian as a failure. We don’t agree with that assessment whatsoever. We found many countries (not just the Dominican Republic, but Mandano-Philippines, Rodisia and Peru just to name a few) who were willing to accept Jewish refugees as long they were self-supporting (similar to Capitalist visas in Palestine). It seems they felt it was unfair for them to take in German Jews especially when Nazis just dispossessed them. From their point of view this was like giving Nazis a helping hand, which is of course understandable. Therefore, the policy of not taking in Jews wasn't based on antisemitism as the media often portrays it to be; and that plays into the Zionist narrative!

B) Here are the details: Schacht suggested creating two funds: one in Germany and its counter part in London (a.k.a. counterfund). The one in Germany would’ve been funded with up to a RM1.5 billion from the liquidated German Jewish assets, and the rest (up to RM4.5 billion) will be released when other countries buy German exports (as Haavara did for 7 years). The fund in London (counterfund) would’ve been funded by Jewish organizations and other NGOs. It should be noted this proposal later was confirmed by Schacht's successor Walther Funk & Hermann Goering too. (Jews For Sale?: p. 33-34, NYTimes, Feb. 19th, 1939: Reich’s Export down by 12.5%, Rublee-Schacht Plan: Part One & Part Two, Mitchell Gehman: p. 42 - 44)

C) Most importantly, Reich Flight Tax will be suspended, emigration will be executed in an orderly fashion, repression of Jews will stop, and those who remain will be allowed to resume their lives normally until they can emigrate within a period between 4 to 5 years. (Jews For Sale?, p. 34-39, NYTimes, Feb 19th, 1939: Rublee-Schacht Plan: Part One & Part Two, Mitchell Gehman: p. 42 - 44)

D) Of course Zionist leaders rejected this Plan (Mr. Baur, p. 39, From Boycott To Annihilation, p. 144-5), but what was surprising that many non-Zionist Jewish leaders rejected it too, although Schacht confirmed their acceptance in his 1959 letter (From Boycott To Annihilation, p. 144-5)! This is very puzzling! At the time, non-Zionist Jewish leaders may have been consumed with boycotting Nazis (which was intensified after Kristallnacht pogrom) and were concerned with aiding Nazis by buying German goods (although many of them didn’t reject Haavara which did the same thing for 7 years). On the other hand, why Schacht wrote in April 1959 that American Jewish aid Committee reported to Rublee that they accepted his plan! Anyhow, this poor leadership and constant dithering, drove the US president (FDR) to pressure Jewish groups (inclusive of the JDC) to support this Plan, and asked them to raise funds in support of the counterfund in London. (Jews For Sale?, p. 33-43) Is this what Schacht was alluding to in his 1959 letter?

E) All non-Zionist Jewish groups kept flip-flopping and dithering whether to support Schacht-Rublee Plan, or not for up to 10+ months, but at the end all recognized they that even if they agreed to the Plan, still they didn’t have the money (which was estimated at $600 million) to support the counterfund. Continue reading; there was a viable and cheap solution to fund this counterfund; which Zionists implemented years earlier with Haavara.

F) At the end, all kept wasting precious time (up to ten months) until Hitler invaded Poland and WWII was underway.

If you are interested in the boring details showing how Zionists worked hand over fist to frustrate this scheme, we urge you to read what Beit Zvi wrote in Chapter 8 (Post Uganda: Zionism On Trial, p. 164-209).


 Antisemitic stickers that were put on Jewish owned stores in Portland, Oregon on June 26, 1938
What is sad; all this dithering and indecisiveness drove Hitler to think that in practice no one actually cared; even Jews didn’t care and the gentile FDR had to step in! As if even non-Zionist Jewish groups didn’t comprehend the seriousness of the current moment. Therefore, in practice, Hitler was correct: All voted with their actions and proven they didn't care. It should be noted that the second fund in London (counterfund) could have been easily funded by selling securities on Wall Street & London using the German fund as a collateral; which Zionists exactly implemented at Tel-Aviv clearing houses. The Warburgs could have easily solved this problem by creating a special type of securities to fund the counterfund. All this made the "final solution" inevitable; which Hitler attempted to avoid for 9 years. It seems that Hitler orchestrated Kristallnacht as a last effort on his part to push as many Jews out of the Reich as possible. Despite all of that Hitler apparently didn't give up. That is why he contemplated relocating German Jews to Madagascar as late as August of 1940! Not in Hitler's defense, but it really seems he was really trying to avoid being pushed into the extermination options. Irrespective if you agree or disagree, it was a fact that few actually took Hitler's rants seriously, few actually cared, and the majority thought he was just bluffing (for more details, read Hitler's famous rant that lasted for 2 hours on Jan. 30th, 1939)! This honest debate is a taboo to discuss, and of course the deflection game continues!

Despite all of these facts, German Jews were actually fleeing German at a record pass just before the war: For example, in 1938 102k left, and in 1939 144k emigrated. (Jews For Sale?, p. 17, 35) It is not known if any of these schemes contributed in saving any, or Jews left the Reich and as normally got taxed at rate of 96% of their assets' value as outlined in Reich Flight Tax! Irrespective how they left, all we know that 250k Jews were saved within less than 2 years, which Haavara saved 53k in 7 years, 2/3 of whom were actually saved by the British Mandate's labor Category C visas, and the other 1/3 could have easily immigrated to Palestine or to another place using their cash!

That said, let's contemplate this what if scenario: What if Jewish leaders with rest of the world communicated to Hitler in action that they cared soon after Evian Conference? What if they didn't waste over a year? In that different world both Poland, Hungary and Romania would’ve immediately demanded a similar deals to rid themselves of another 3.5 million Jews too; which Zionists have already exploited just before the outbreak of WWII! The honest truth is that Hitler’s obsession with antisemitism was no aberration; few European nations wanted their Jews to remain. Do you understand now why all European eagerly voted for Partitioning Palestine in 1947? They all exported their "problems" and Palestinians paid for it with their hopes & dreams; that is what Nakba was to Palestinians. Ironically, now Jews and those who ganged upon them are on "good" terms, and bygones became bygones although the graves were fresh!


Jews For Sale?, p. 17, 24, 33-43
Schacht-Rublee Plan
NYTimes, Jan. 27, 1939
NYTimes, Feb 19th, 1939, Reich’s Export down by 12.5%, Rublee-Schacht Plan: Part One & Part Two
The Jewish Refugee By Areih Tartakower & Kurt Grossmann p., 415-416, 417-418
Plaughing Of The Sands: The Refugee System of the World War II and the Man That Tried To Hold it Together By Mitchell Gehman (PDF), pay attention to p. 40-60

Back To Haavara FAQs

"What Jews were unwilling to do when they had the opportunity, we can get them to do under [conditions of] duress" Levi Eshkol in the 1930sDid Zionist leaders position themselves to profit from antisemitism? Did Zionists foment antisemitism?

From our research, we have concluded that in the Zionists’ mind-set, those Jews (no matter how disparate they were) when they immigrated to places other than Palestine (especially in the 1930s when the Jewish Agency was at its weakest); they were actually voting with their feet against the "Jewish state" to be; that was looked upon at the time as a betrayal, and what Ben-Gurion wrote (when he wished harm to 10,000 German Jewish children who immigrated to England soon after Kristallnacht pogrom) was no aberration; it reflected the dominant Zionists view point at the time. Therefore, from Zionists’ points of view, this was a matter of life and death situation, and they cared-less about those Jews (even those unfortunate German Jewish children) if their actions weakens them. For Zionists, all they cared about was their state; and Jewish persecution was only a mean to an end. In this regards, we like to quote Ariel Lekaditis (who is a Yad Vashem historian & Holocaust educator) who describe Zionist Leaders behaviors in the 1930s & 40s as follows. Honestly, it is second to none: 1930’s Three Jewish businessmen are paraded down Bruehl Strasse by uniformed Nazi NSDAP Brown Shirts in central Leipzig, carrying signs that read: "Don't buy from Jews; Shop at German stores!" Leipzig Germany
As is seen, one basic axis on which the politics of the Zionist movement was shaped was the absence of any attempt of opposition with any form with the antisemitism . Can this axis from the moment it was enshrined with the above descriptions have contributed to the promotion of anti-Semitism in Europe? A second basic axis was the idea of the transfer of Jews from the German territories and their transportation to the land of Israel. These two elements of Zionist ideology and politics lead to the equation of the “values of Jew--hatred” with the values of anti-Semitism. It further resulted in the recognition of the anti-Semites by the Zionists, as allies, and as “their most reliable protectors and sponsors.”

The politics of the Zionist movement and their ideology towards the rest of the German Jews was very explicit. There was no doubt that they separated themselves by the German Jews who were placed in a separate category: they didn’t speak Hebrew; they didn’t belong to the Zionist movement; were too old to have children, or didn’t have the financial resources to support the settlement of Palestine, a purpose which was of course offered the criteria for this separation. Therefore the Zionist movement not only didn’t do anything for the confrontation of the Holocaust but also fought strongly any immigration policy which was orientated to the transportation of the German Jews in order to save them. German Zionism and the German Jews
 JWV: Boycott German IndustryAriel earlier seemed to imply that when antisemitism doesn't exists, Zionists fomented (at minimum they wished it to be) it to serve their interests! Honestly, we cannot agree more; love it or hate it: Zionists always sided with their interests irrespective of consequences and risks. From trial and error, Zionists figured out that antisemitism is a weapon and could be weaponized to further their political, propaganda and financial interests. Therefore, fomenting antisemitism served them well and still it does (the golden goose that keeps on giving). Many American Jews witnessed it lately how Zionists fomented Trump's fascism & antisemitism, and who (meaning Trump) used their support to deflect always from antisemitism charges; which Hitler did too almost 80 years ago! Isn't it a blast from the past, isn't that what happened during the 1930s when Zionists were the first to welcome Nuremberg Race Laws with Wear It With Pride slogan! Ariel presented an explanation, and he used Jabotinsky to describe how the Zionist mind thought, at least prior to Nakba:
Ze’ev Jabotinsky, a leading figure of Revisionist Zionism, wrote under the same notion that “The Jewish people is a very bad people; its neighbors hate it and rightly so...its only salvation lies in a general immigration to the land of Israel”. The substance of Jabotinsky’s thought around nationalism was the idea that physical and racial basic differences existed among nations. This does not mean that he supported the idea of “superiority” of a nation towards another. He rejected any notion related to racism. His [Jabotinsky's] nationalism was based to the notion that the nation is above the person, therefore the nation had primacy. More or less this idea around the nature and the role of nationalism affected and applied to all Zionist schools of thought. The need of the nation to save and to restore its existence from the danger of persecution is crucial and it can be achieved by returning to the territorial homeland. German Zionism and the German Jews
Arrival of a Kindertransport, Feb. 2nd, 1939 Arrival of a Kindertransport, Feb.-Jan., 1939
Catastrophic Zionism at its worst

Abraham Burg (the former speaker of the Israeli Knesset) described the following jaw dropping encounter with the former Israeli president (Ezer Weizman):
What we Israelis know of the lives, dreams and fears of American Jews? What do we learn of the North African Jews who immigrated to France, or Latin American Jews? Not a clue, and worse --we simply do not care. "They should either come and live here," the late President Ezer Weizman once told me angrily, "or they should go to hell." This was the thinking when he grew up in the British mandate Palestine. Land of Israel, thus they were ignored during the Shoah, and this is still the sentiment today. If they are well, they do not interest us at all: if their condition worsens, it only justifies our choices.
This is catastrophic Zionism [Jabotinsky once promoted] at its worst. What is bad for the Jews is better for Zionism.(p. 99-100)
Now contemplate how the future Israeli PM (Levi Eshkol) actually looked upon antisemitism as the tool in creating the "Jewish state". By now that shouldn't be a surprise to you. Below we are quoting a Hasbarah "expert" (Abraham J Edelheit) just to show you how fomenting antisemitism could be watered down; could be white washed, therefore you learn how de-Hasbara Hasbarah:Arrival of a Kindertransport, Feb. 2nd, 1939 8-year-old Josepha Salmon, arriving from Germany destined for the Dovercourt Bay camp near Harwich in December 1938
An explicit call for the JAE to act in response to the suffering of Jews in eastern Europe was made by Levi Skolnik (Eshkol). "What Jews were unwilling to do when they had the opportunity," he said, "we can now get them to do under [conditions of] duress." In a sense, Skolnik appeared to be welcoming antisemitism, at least insofar as pressure to emigrate became an impetus for Jews to turn to Zionism, Such, however, was not his purpose. Even if the Zionists did not properly assess the Nazi threat, none of them looked forward to the prospect of Jewish suffering. Again, a Zionist leader was caught in the same rhetorical trap analyzed by the “Catastrophic Zionism” school: for forty years, Zionists had predicted an impending assault on European Jewry. When the predicted catastrophe arrived, however, they were unable to rise above the “business as usual” attitude that permeated the Yishuv’s daily politics. (The Yishuv In The Shadow Of The Holocaust, p. 109) Now imagine if the same sentence was written by Mufti Haj Amin not Mr. Eshkol, would Mr. Edelheit write in a similar fashion to water down his antisemitism! That will be a death wish! We wish him no harm!
Aviva Halamish seems to be alluding that she may have reached a similar conclusion too:
From the very beginning of the crisis the Zionist Executive aspired to turn the plight of Germany’s Jews into a lever for increasing Jewish immigration into Palestine. [therefore, the "Jewish state" will be created! . . . .]
Another measure that turned the plight of Germany’s Jews into a lever for increasing Jewish immigration into Palestine was the establishment of numerous funds and institutions dedicated to aiding them to leave Germany and to be resettled in Palestine. (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants , p. 128)
Arrival of a Kindertransport, Feb. 2nd, 1939 Arrival of a Kindertransport, Feb.-Jan., 1939John Quigley (whom we quoted at length at the Evian Conference section) have an excellent description of Zionists' intentional reckless endangerment of Europe's Jews, our comments are in between brackets and in italic:
The refusal to encourage the West to take in Jews at risk in Europe continued even as wartime atrocities unfolded. At the Extraordinary Zionist Conference held at the Biltmore Hotel in New York in 1942, Nahum Goldmann expressed alarm at what the Nazi government might do to the Jews if it were to find itself on the edge of defeat. Goldmann spelled out a doomsday scenario. “Who can foretell what the Nazi regime, once brought into the position of the surrounded killer, will do in the last moment before it goes down to shame?” Like Ben Gurion in 1938, Goldmann focused exclusively on Palestine as a venue for Jews seeking to leave Europe. Historian Aaron Berman, recounting Goldmann’s Biltmore speech, commented, “Surprisingly, Goldmann didn’t propose any program to come to the immediate aid of those threatened with annihilation. Instead, he called for the establishment of a Jewish Commonwealth that could absorb two million Jewish refugees in the decade following the war.”[Therefore, although Zionists knew the calamity is near (the Holocaust started just after the Baltmore conference) and actually could happen any moment, still they didn't waver from their fixation on Palestine!]

There was logic to the Zionist Organization’s position if one accepts the premise that Jews would be safe only if they had their own state. [This was the biggest lie Zionists sold to others and to themselves: The mass majority of Jews were saved outside of Palestine even after Palestine was ethnically cleansed out of its people to make room for persecuted European Jews. Despite of Zionists assertion (that "Jews could be only saved in Palestine"), Europe's Jews STILL refused to immigrate in mass to Palestine who mostly voted with their feet and immigrated to the Americas, not Palestine. More often than not, Jews only chose Palestine when no other option was available; which is a fact that still persists to this date. That is why Ben-Gurion airlifted Arab Jews after Nakba in early 1950s and 1960s to populate the emptied country] At the Biltmore Hotel conference, a coalition of Zionist groups came out publicly to declare their aim as being a “commonwealth” to encompass the territory of Palestine. This became the position of the Zionist Organization. But Palestine was clearly not large enough to handle more than a small percentage of the world’s Jews, even if they all felt the need to settle there. Even so, the Zionists could argue, a safe haven should be available for Jews.

Arrival of a Kindertransport, Feb. 2nd, 1939 Arrival of a Kindertransport, Feb.-Jan., 1939At the same time, the position of the Zionist leadership opened them to the criticism that they were leaving Jews to die in Germany, for lack of an immediately available destination for their resettlement. The Zionists purported to be champion of world Jewry, yet their policy arguably left Jews in unnecessary jeopardy. To be sure, the Western governments were not anxious to take in large numbers of Jews, even as the clouds of genocide were gathering in Germany. But the Zionist movement contributed to the reluctance of the Western governments. In upholding strict immigration quotas, those governments could take comfort in the fact that their policy was approved by the Zionists. (The International Diplomacy of Israel's Founders by John Quigley, p. 51-52 & 52-53) [Even in the law of the jungle and in the best case situation, Zionists conduct could only be characterized as intentional reckless endangerment. How Jews (especially American Jews) slurp their garbage is truly mind boggling! How Jews are not anti-Zionists hundreds of times more than Palestinians is really surprising. It should be noted that when Trump was the US President, Zionist leaders replicated this dangerous pattern not only with Trump but also with other fascists and known antisemites around the world! Honestly we wonder: which fascist, which antisemites Zionists hasn't slept with! Love it or hate, Jews at large are complicit in enabling antisemitism's fomenters!]
Kindertransport childrens' ID Cards. Kindertransport children's ID CardsTo rub salt into the wound, Ben-Gurion between all Zionists dared to act surprised how & why Jews came as the war of Nakba being concluded. David wrote in November 1948:
"There was this guy named Hitler in Germany, Hitler appeared and the Jews began to come" (The Seventh Million, p. 34) What is tragically funny that whenever Europe's Jews were given a choice, often they preferred other places, especially after Nakba when danger abated!
Right arrow free icon Is it possible that Areil's prior assessment explains how and why Zionist leaders spoke about Shoah in the past tense before it happened? see Edwin Black (p. 226) and Tom Segev (p. 102-104) Yes, Zionists spoke of the calamity as if they were expecting it during the 1930s, and in the 1940s they did their best to play it down! (Abraham Burg p. 74)
Right arrow free icon You would not think the Zionist movement would sink low and compare themselves to National Socialism to impress Hitler? You would not think they would praise Nuremberg Race Laws?
Right arrow free icon Is it possible when antisemitism didn't exists; Zionists wished to be the case? As Levi Eshkol implied to be the case during the 1930s! Even Eichmann confessed to Israeli police in 1961 that his Haganah handlers (Feibl Folkes and several others) told him that his Zionist leaders were pleased with German Jews' persecuting since that will nudge them into making aliya! (The Seventh Million, p. 30, The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941 p. 71-72, 73-74, & 75-76) How harmful a little nudge will be! Hello Mr. Eichmann!
Right arrow free icon Does this explain nudging Iraqi Jews (just little bit) to expedite their departure in the early 1950s? Here is an interview with a Mossad agent who was caught red handed.
Right arrow free icon How else the emptied country after Nakba could be populated once European Jews voted with their feet, and chose to immigrate to the Americas over "Eritz Israel"! Come on guys, a little nudge does no one harm, would it! Did it! Did Zionists care!

Finally, if you still give Zionists the benefit of the doubt, and you feel that we have not made the case against Zionism; we urge you to read how Zionist leaders responded to Evian Conference?

Back To Haavara FAQs
 Twelve Thousand Palestinians were recruited to fight with the British army during WWII. Not like some imposters, many of those actually saw action in North Africa!How could Zionists execute pro-Hitler policies when it was them who sent tens of thousands to fight Nazis in Europe?

This Hasbarah (gaslight) is a typical Zionist lie which exhibits the following pattern: Zionists repeat ONLY what puts them in a good light combined with exaggerations & lies of course, but what makes them look bad they either suppress, give partial truth, accusing others of being anti-Semitic, or by deflect onto others (i.e. that evil Mufti). YES, thirty thousands of Yishuv (so called Zionist "pioneers" who lived in pre-Nakba Palestine) troops enlisted (although 5,000 were deployed and only few of them saw action at war's end) into the British Army during WWII. On the other hand, when you examine the facts from Zionist & Israeli sources, you will quickly find how Zionist leaders had ZERO motives & willingness to fight Nazis! Simply, their motivation was to enlist into the war effort as many as possible so they gain military experience which will prepare them for the real fight against the Arabs. Again; as we have proven earlier; the so called “saving Jews” slogan was to Zionists only means to an end in the service of their goal (creating their “Jewish state”). That is why Yishuv troops saw little to no action! We wonder why Zionists troops saw little to no action! Is it possible that was the case based on Ben-Gurion’s and Sharett's instructions! But we wonder why? Well, here is the real beef from Tom Segev directly quoting Zionists’ Big Kahunas: Browse thousands of pre-Nakba pictures
Ben-Gurion’s response to the new policy was his famous statement that “We shall fight with Great Britain in this war as if there were no White Paper, and we shall fight the White Paper as if there were no war.” He --assumed correctly-- that the British would allow the Jews of Palestine to serve in the British military, experience that would eventually help the Zionist movement found its own fighting force, the nucleus of the future Israeli army.

One of the participants in that closed debate advocated sending units of this "Jewish army" to reinforce the French front. Ben-Gurion hastened to caution him not to repeat his proposal in public. The Jewish people wished to see the victory of England and the defeat of Hitler, he agreed, and every Jew was obligated to do whatever he could to bring down the Nazi regime. But the yishuv would not benefit from having battalions on the French front. The task of the "Jewish army" was to strengthen the yishuv, a necessary step toward national independence. "Every [Jewish] soldier is a future member of the Jewish army," Moshe Sharett said. Enlistment in the British army was thus presented from the start as a service to the nation, similar to membership in the Haganah, the Palmach, and the other military organizations that preceded the establishment of the Israeli army. The newspapers were full of notices calling for people to volunteer for war duty. By the end of the war some thirty thousand had done so.

The Jewish Legion, which fought as part fine British army in the last stages of the First World War, had won the Zionist Movement some standing in the peace talks after the war. So in the second World War the leaders of the yishuv made a great effort to convince the British to establish a Jewish Brigade. The goal was to win the yishuv a recognition as a belligerent, thus ensuring the Zionist movement a role in the shaping of postwar Europe. The British, understanding the political motives behind the proposal, rejected it. Only during that last months of the war was the Jewish Brigade set up. It consisted of five thousand men with their own banner and insignia: a yellow Star of David, a symbol fight against the yellow star that the Nazis forced the Jews to wear [although years earlier same Zionists welcomed being forced to wear the yellow star of David with a slogan: Wear it With Pride!]. The brigade had time only to hear the war's last shots. During the weeks preceding the surrender it saw some action in northern Italy. Some of these soldiers remained in Europe after the war as Zionists representatives among the Jewish refugees. Many later served in the Israeli Forces, some in senior command positions. (The Seventh Million, p. 83-4, 86-89)
NYTimes 1982 Barmoda Conf 1944 Click To Enlarge: NYTimes Magazine, April 18, 1982, American Jews & the HolocaustLet us put another nail in this concoct myth. Soon after the White Paper of 1939 was released and after the Nazi invasion of Poland, Ben-Gurion and company declared the following slogan:
"We will fight with the British against Hitler as if there were no White Paper; we will fight the White Paper as if there were no war" Cited at JVL, Sept. 1939
On the other hand, Houston: We have a problem! These are conflicting marching orders which were articulated by Rabbi Stephen Wise during the war few years after:
We cannot press the Hitler button and the British and Palestine button at one and the same time! (NYTimes, April 18th, 1982: AMERICAN JEWS AND THE HOLOCAUST By Lucy S. Dawidowicz) Nahum Goldman said something similar.
Ben-Gurion & Co. gave conflicting priorities and when they came to head; and a choice had to be made; Zionists didn't choose fighting Hitler! They chose fighting the White Paper even at the cost of millions of Jewish lives! Again, this policy persisted during WWII. This policy explains downplaying Holocaust stories in American and Zionist presses! (Abraham Burg, p. 74) Why make a "big fuss" of the calamity which would inflame public opinion to a point that might force Zionist leaders to deploy their precious resources in the meat grinders in Europe and North Africa? This policy explains how and why Ben-Gurion and his cohorts were not interested in fighting Hitler; Nazis weren't THE enemy. In a nutshell, to put it bluntly Rabbi Wise was 100% correct: Hitler and the White Paper cannot be fought at once. Simply there wasn't enough bandwidth and resources to fight both. Therefore, Zionists' action spoke loud: They decided to fight the White Paper; and fighting Hitler was left to others!

When Zionists are reminded that their contributions and actions against Hitler was mediocre at best; they deflect by remind us how small and weak the Yishuvs were during WWII. On the other hand, those same Yishuvs deployed more than twenty times as much (90k, plus 35k reservists) just 2 to 3 years after WWII ended! (JPost Dec. 1997) Just imagine if those Yishuvs actually witnessed real action (in defense of Jewish honors) at the meat grinders on the Italian, Tunisian and Libyan fronts! Would Israel exists by now! Does that explain why the news of the calamity were downplayed!

You would not think Zionists stole the heroism at the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising?

God forbid, they can not sink that low, can they?

What is sickening how those who promoted non-confrontational and accommodative policies towards European antisemites (which was architected first by Herzl early on and continues to this date, last of which was saw during Trump residency), all of a sudden have become Warsaw Ghetto Uprising heroes! YES, the same impostering heroes not only hijacked somebody else's sacrifices and heroism during WWII (as we've shown earlier), but most importantly the memories of those heroes were not translated to Hebrew and couldn't find a publisher in Israel until 2001! We wonder why! That can't be a Zionist conspiracy! Please don't take our words for it, here it is from the former speaker of the Israeli Knesset Abraham Burg, pay attention to what he was taught in the Israeli school system. Just if you are curious, YES, Zionists still teach their kids that it was them who reversed global warming and bloomed the Negev desert. YES, the same Negev that hasn't bloomed since the ice-age:Jewish-Brigade, April-1945: Impostering Heroes, see me while I bomb Nazis in Italy. Any taken at al Alamein! Jewish-Brigade, Italy April - 1945: The Impostering Hero, see me while I bomb Nazis. We wonder: any similar selfies were taken at al-Alamein meat grinder!
The heroism is ours, of the Israelis and the Shoah is their, of the Diasporic Jews. They are from Auschwitz, and we are from Warsaw.

Following the Shoah, Zionism became the movement of the wining majority. All the other Jewish ideological movements were destroyed by Nazis or silenced forever behind the walls of the Soviet bloc. Only the Zionist movement remained free, outside in the West. By then it had the tools of a state-in-waiting [of course, thanks to Haavara]. All its resources and skills were harnessed to erect and build the foundations of the state. And not least of all: it invented and aggrandized myths and legends and misrepresented them. Shamelessly. The end was holy and the means justified [ . . . ]

Thus the rebels who did not fit the Zionist stereotype were deleted from the private and collectives memory. We were not taught, for example, that the [Warsaw] uprising was in overseen by an umbrella organization that included everyone who was in the ghetto, all the Jewish political parties, many of whom were socialist Bundist and anti-Zionist Communists. They hid from us that the uprising would have been possible without the support of the community’s institutions, leaders, the non-Zionist Jewish Joint Relief organization [JDC better know as The Joint] and even the non-Jewish Polish underground. The role of these organizations were concealed and silenced. Literature by the non-Zionist Jewish partners in the rebellion was not translated into Hebrew. (Abraham Burg, p. 100-101, 102-103 )
Just in case if you think this shenanigans was limited to Zionists in Ben-Gurion's party (MAPAI), and the Revisionists in the opposition were any better, well then you are onto a big surprise. Actually during the war, not only some of them reached out to Hitler for alliance as late as 1941, but they sabotaged allies' war efforts during the war, here is the complete list! They were such a threat to all Zionists to a point that forced Ben-Gurion to hand off Yitzhak Shamir to the British, and during war of Nakba the same Ben-Gurion almost killed Menachem Begin!

Here is the unvarnished truth: Ben-Gurion & Co. played it safe and didn't want to risk it all: Why win the battle and then lose the war! Zionist leaders were keen that their troops won't be "wasted" on any side battles (i.e. defeating Hitler that actually saved lives). That is exactly why they played down the calamity in Zionist and American presses. (Abraham Burg, p. 74) Why inflame public opinion who would force them to endanger the Yishuv in side battles that are not theirs? That is exactly why they deployed few thousands at war's end who saw little to no action. On the other hand, they managed to snap few selfies for propaganda's sake. Fighting Nazis and defeating fascist forces weren't their real fight; that was for Russian, American, Indian, Muslim and even ARAB boys to do. Zionist leaders wanted their troops to be fresh and fully prepared to fight THE real enemy: That Indigenous Arab. YES, that "evil" Arab who was cursed by populating the most important land-bridge in human history for centuries. YES; we are referring to the same plot of land that was empty for 2,000 years which was romantically waiting for Zionist Jews to bloom its deserts. Of course; let's not forget that Ben-Gurion was referring to the same "evil" Arab who NEVER existed too. That same evil Arab who took Hitler's vacant place, and those antisemitic Europeans (who murdered millions of Jews whose graves were still fresh during Nakba) quickly got a free pass few years after Shoah. No wonder every European nation eagerly voted for partition, and of course bygones became the bygones.

Only in the Zionist mind such fantastic gaslights could be concocted!
Only in the Zionist mind reality could be twisted upside-down like this!
Only in the Zionist mind reality could be warped to such a degree were murder, cowardness, and treachery are equated with heroism!
Only in the Zionist mind lies could be packaged as facts!
Only in the Zionist mind the coward becomes a hero!

And if you dare to question Zionists' obvious lies, you quickly become: THE Hater; THE anti-Semite!

Zionism: what a terrible disease of mind!

Back To Haavara FAQs
How did the British mandate regulate immigration before WWII?

Immigration regulations in the Mandate divided immigrants into four groups:
Right arrow free icon Category A: Persons of independent means (Category A, 'Capitalists'). This category required the immigrant to have P£1,000 when he/she relocates to Palestine for good.
Right arrow free icon Category B: Students and persons of religious occupations whose maintenance is assured (Category B).
Right arrow free icon Category C: Persons who have a definite prospect of employment (Category C, 'Labour').
Right arrow free icon Category D: Dependents of permanent residents of Palestine or of immigrants in other categories (Category D).

Only category C immigrants were subject to the economic absorptive capacity principle, as the immigrants of categories A, B and D were not expected to join the labor market. Therefore, until 1937, there was no limit on the number of immigrants in these categories, and most importantly on that of persons of independent means. A special quota for 'refugees' was established only as late as May 1939. Britain alone regulated the immigration of categories A, B and D, granting the Zionist Organization partial authority over the issue of category C certificates in return for its undertaking to guarantee the maintenance of the immigrants during their first year in Palestine. (Palestine as a Destination for Jewish Immigrants By Aviva Halamish, p. 124)

Back To Haavara FAQs
Zionists were very selective with who will immigrate out of Germany, and always young and strong (The Transfer Agreement, p. 378)
How concocting excuses to justify Haavara isn't the green light for Zionist leaders to make any deals (with similar devils as Nazis & Mussolini) under the pretext of saving lives? Factually, this happened many times since Nakba. Zionists worked hand over fist for advantage with all autocratic & fascist regimes, inclusive of South Africa during apartheid period!
Could such reasoning be used in justifying torture, using nerve gas, implement an apartheid system against subjected gentiles, or even dropping a tactical nuclear weapon on an enemy territory? Why not! All will save Jews' lives.
Assume Haavara was all about saving lives; in this regards Haavara caused Nakba & the lose of Palestinian lives; of course that is if you believe Palestinians to exist who have the same rights Jews have!
Haavara embodied Herzl's strategy: The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, anti-semetic countries are our allies (Der Judenstaat)You would think Zionists had contemplated Adolf Eichmann's offer to save a million Jews few years after Haavara ended in late 1939 (see Joel Brand & The Seventh Million). Eichmann's offer wasn't even considered! Is it possible it wasn't considered: A) since Eichmann's offer contained zero financial incentives? or B) since the offer required a payment of 10,000 winterized trucks & other provisions? or C) because "the would be saved Jews" were penniless who weren't guaranteed to immigrate to Palestine?

To get an idea how Zionists reacted to Adolf Eichmann’s offer you have to read Joel Brand's account how Jewish Agency's (the "Jewish state" body before Nakba) heads treated him with contempt & indifference (zero urgency); it was chilling to read on Wikipedia (pay attention to section May to October, 1944). Actually, they leaked the Eichmann's offer to the media to torpedo Joel's mission!
x June 17, 1967. Note the Israeli officer to the left directing Palestinians out of their village 'ImwasHow Haavara Agreement isn't an implementation of Herzl's strategy to turn antisemites as the tool to finance, defend & create the Jewish state? Actually that is what he did when he met with officials from Great Britain & Tsarists Russia; which was replicated by every Israeli leader since Nakba:
"The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies" Theodore Herzl in "Der Judenstaat"
Here's Edwin Black stating how this way of thinking was wide spread among early Zionists:
"In the minds of Zionists, Jewish life in Germany could not be saved, only transferred. Even if Hitler and the German economy were crushed, Jewish wealth in Germany would be crushed with it...[as if Black implies the that crushing Nazi Germany early on doesn't serve the Zionist cause!] ..The wealth had to be saved. Through the speedy liquidation and transfer of that wealth, the Jewish homeland could be built, thus creating the refuge needed for a mass transfer of the people. Zionism had declared from the moment of Herzl that antisemitic regimes were to be opposed. They [antisemitic regimes] were to be cooperated with in the transfer of Jews and their wealth. " (p. 226)
Note how Mr. Black contradicted himself on pages 379-380 when he claimed that Zionists in the 1930s had no way of anticipating a genocide for German Jews. Also note how he describes Zionists at the time as if they looked upon German Jews as if they were cattle! That is truly chilling especially when it was written by a Zionist.
Haavara NYTimes NYTimes, as late as 1943 Zionist leaders were lobbying US congress to block Jewish refugees' safe heavens unless GB opens immigration into PalestineIs it possible that Zionists have implemented similar Haavara agreements with Arab regimes & USSR to facilitate airlifting Jews after Nakba to populate the emptied country! Especially when European Jews voted with their feet and immigrated to the Americas in mass even after Nakba!
Is it possible that European Jews knew about this drug deal in the 1930s & 1940s?
Is it possible that many Jews know the truth & say nothing to spare the Jewish community a deadly implosion?
would not that explains why they've voted in mass with their feet, and immigrated to the Americas even after Palestine was emptied of its people after Nakba!

Which explains why Ben-Gurion airlifted Arab Jews to populate emptied Palestine after Nakba! Click here for details.
Therefore, Haavara was a win-win deal to both Nazis & Zionists. The question is: What if Zionists didn't break the worldwide boycott against Nazis; and the German economy didn't recover. How that would not have saved millions of Jewish lives

Before reading our analysis, again we like to reiterate that it is common mistake to think that Zionists & Zionism used to represent majority of European Jews prior to WWII; that is completely false. BUND dominated Jewish politics in Europe who were mostly against the nation state concept, liberal socialist, anti-Zionists and pro-assimilation (Albert Einstein was a great example). Zionists were a minority who had little resources & little support despite of British help (Great Britain at the time hoped they'll become a counter weight to Jews who supported Bolsheviks especially in the 1920s, see Churchill's article for more details). However, the turning point happened after the BUND were completely destroyed during WWII; then & only then the political stage became dominated by Zionists ever since. Sadly to this date, most Jews identify with Zionism. It can't be emphasized more how the animosity between both groups (BUND vs Zionists) was very intense & it shouldn't be underestimates; Abraham Burg (p. 101-104) did a great job describing their feelings, and Haavara can't be fully understood unless you comprehend Zionists' hatred towards them.

 NYTimes, as late as 1943 Zionist leaders were lobbying US congress to block Jewish refugees' safe heavens unless GB opens immigration into Palestine
Finally, we like the reader to contemplate few of things before they leave:

After reading all these facts, the simpletons shall ask: Are you saying that Jews caused the Holocaust! Of course antisemitism will be weaponized soon after! The facts (which we've shown earlier) that Zionist enterprises were in real pain early 1930s (caused by the Great Depression, Palestinian resistance & shortage of man power) which put the Jewish Agency under severe financial stress; and if nothing changed, it would've been be a matter of time until Jewish Agency will be liquidated (The Transfer Agreement, p. 90). Therefore, all Zionists hands were on deck, and the Zionist movement was in panic mode. This explains why they were willing to work hand over fist with Hitler even if Zionists ended up enabling the devil.

Frankly, normalizing trade, relations or even alliances with Hitler could be understood after the Nazi occupation of Poland & France by mid-1940 (as Mufti, Vichy Government & Stern Gang did). However, Zionist leadership were FIRST to be in bed with Hitler even when appeasement policies ended up ratcheting repression against German Jews, and Haavara continued unabated even after Nuremberg Race Laws & Kristallnacht pogrom. Therefore, Zionist leadership was the first to know that appeasing Hitler not only would've enabled him, but most importantly appeasements made him confident, emboldened & way more intransigent; and instead of re-evaluating Zionists' policies, actually they doubled down on Haavara! What is mind boggling that Zionists continue to defend Haavara 8 or 9 decades after the fact!

No question about it that Zionists were not the only ones to appease and enable Hitler; a long series of appeasement events continued non-stop between 1933 until mid-1940. And most importantly, any of these events would have hindered or curtailed Hitler’s powers. On the other hand; Zionists were FIRST to gave a helping hand to Hitler when Nazis were at their weakest points early 1933 and above all they worked nonstop with him for 7+ years. Not for Zionists and other appeasers; that could have triggered Nazi led government coalition to collapse (which was common at the time). When Zionists broke the effective boycott against Nazis; why others should abstain from dealing with Hitler when Jews did it first!

At minimum, the Zionist movement was guilty of intentional reckless endangerment; literally Zionists didn't care what would happen to European Jews if and when they saved themselves by immigrating to places other than Palestine. And when fomenting antisemitism could or might serve them; they often jumped on it with little hesitation & cheered. That is why Europe' Jews looked at them as the enemy from within; especially before their destruction during WWII. What is sad that this reckless pattern continued at the height of the calamity and all were fixated on Palestine to force England to open Palestine for unrestricted Jewish immigration.

To rub salt into the wound, not only Zionists position themselves to exploit Shoah before it happened (with Haavara) and afterwards (with reparations), but also they stole the heroic sacrifices of others and painted themselves as protectors of Jewish honor when it was them who employed Jewish suffering to achieve their political goals. That is why we called them: The Impostering Heroes!
Just imagine how Zionist Jews would have done if Palestinians profited the same way they did from killing (or as "saving" as Zionists say) millions of Jews. Already they made Palestinians (not the West who ganged upon them) blood libel for the Holocaust because of Mufti's actions!
If Zionists acted this way towards the German & Polish Jews in the 1930s, why would anyone be surprised at how they've treated Palestinians since Nakba!
How enabling Nazi economy didn't aid in exterminating European Jews?
How enabling Nazis (& using German Jews as a mean to an end) doesn't explain how Zionist Jews quickly gave European anti-Semites a free pass soon after Nakba? As Abraham Burg (p. 72-74) described Zionists profiteering well from antisemitism before & after Shoah! To deflect, Zionists paint current Europeans as "reformed" from antisemitism, and in this regard we like to quote how Martin Gilbert (big Zionist historian) describing the environment in Europe 3 years after WWII ended:

Speaking of the fate of European Jewry to the UN Special Committee On Palestine (UNSCO) in 1947, Ben-Gurion noted that in recent Gallup Poll taken in the American Zone of Germany, 14% of the Germans questioned had condemned Hitler's massacre of the Jews, 26% had been "neutral", and 60% had approved the killings. Ben-Gurion exploited German anti-Semitism and said:
"The Jews do not want to stay where they are. They want to regain their human dignity, their homeland, they want reunion with their kin in Palestine after having lost their dearest relations. To them the countries of their birth are a graveyard of their people. They do not wish to return there and they cannot." (Israel: A History, p. 146-7)
Do you understand why European nations eagerly voted for UN Partition in 1947?
May 1939, MS St. Louis in Havana was refused to unload its Jewish passengers in Cuba & US, and it was forced to go back to Antwerp. Jewish Agency refused to give any of its passengers immigration visas to Palestine. Over 250 of the passengers perished during the Holocaust..No wonder, some Zionists reached out to Hitler for alliance as late as 1941? Imagine, how news of the Holocaust didn't deter them!
How do you think Zionist leaders reacted to Evian Conference in 1938 that was to trying to relocate European Jews to safer areas! That is another Pandora's box which we shall address shortly
Contrary to the conventional wisdom, it seem that it was Haavara & Nazis financing that laid down the foundation for the Jewish state; not the British or donations from Jews around the world. It seems that the British provided the legal frame work plus protection; but the financing & the know how that built the foundation of the states was imported from Nazi Germany.
Ariel Lekaditis, Abraham Burg (p. 101-104) & Joseph Massad described the hostility of Zionists towards German Jews who weren't Zionists. Is it possible that Zionists weaponized & exploited their hatred towards BUND (who were Zionists' European political rivals & who were destroyed by Nazis) during the implementation of Haavara? This comes out as a "viable & possible" conclusion once you contemplate what Ariel wrote:
The politics of the Zionist movement and their ideology towards the rest of the German Jews was very explicit. There was no doubt that they separated themselves by the German Jews who were placed in a separate category: they didn’t speak Hebrew; they didn’t belong to the Zionist movement; were too old to have children, or didn’t have the financial resources to support the settlement of Palestine, a purpose which was of course offered the criteria for this separation. Therefore the Zionist movement not only didn't do anything for the confrontation of the Holocaust but also fought strongly any immigration policy which was orientated to the transportation of the German Jews in order to save them.

Abraham Burg wrote on p. 99-100

Who among us really knows about the Jews outside Israel, who are the majority of our people? What did we Israelis know of the lives, dreams, and fears of American Jews? What did we learn of the North African Jews who emigrated to France, or to Latin American Jews? Not a clue, and worse--we simply don't care. "They should either come and live here," the late President Ezra Weizmann once told me angrily,"or they should go to hell." This was the thinking when he grew up in the British Mandate Palestine. Land of Israel, thus they were ignored during the Shoah, and this is still the sentiment today. If they were well, they don't interest us at all; if their condition worsens, it only justifies our choices.

Similarly, the NYTimes alluded to something similar:

''Jewish organizations and their respective leaders were emotionally as well as ideologically so absorbed with their internecine struggles, rivalries and efforts to achieve hegemony in the Jewish community, that the perception of the urgency of rescue was, if not ignored, at least greatly diminished,''

Is it possible that political rivalry was so fierce that Zionist leaders didn't care if none Zionist Jews (pro-assimilation) live or die! As if anything that happens to Jews outside of Palestine doesn't concern them!

Sources & Related Links
Palestine as a Destination For Jewish Immigrants By Aviva Halamish, excellent resource (PDF)
The Legal Structure of The Haavara (Transfer) Agreement: Desgin and Operation (PDF) by Adam Hofri
German Interests in the Haavara-Transfer Agreement 1933-1939 By Avraham Barkai
The Times of Israel: German Zionism and the German Jews By Ariel Lekaditis
Journal of Palestine Studies: The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941 By Klaus Polkehn. Spring - Summer, 1976 (A Must Read)
Mondoweiss: The "Zionist Betrayal of Jews" from Herzl to Netanyahu, by Stanley Heller
Why Zionists were fixated on Palestine as the ONLY destination for persecuted Europeans Jews? What are the ramifications of such a decision?
Debating the Issues of the Transfer: Is the Agreement Between the Zionists and Germany Justified? Call of Youth, Jan. 1936
Modoweiss: Britain says releasing a 1941 document about Palestine might "undermine security"
Zionism, anti-Semitism and colonialism? Joseph Massad
Yad Vashem: The Transfer Agreement and the Boycott Movement: A Jewish Dilemma on the Eve of the Holocaust (PDF)
Jewish Social Studies: Zionism and Its Jewish "Assimilationist" Critics (1897-1948) By Robert S. Wistrich (A Must Read)
Wikipedia: Haavara Agreement
Closed Borders: The international Conference On Refugees At Evian 1938
Post Uganda: Zionism On Trial (Vol. 1) By S. B. Beit Zvi, PDF (excellent resource on Zionism)
The Jewish Refugee By Areih Tartakower & Kurt Grossmann (PDF), what a great resource however, you need to double check its information since it was published during WWII
C-SPAN interviewing Edwin Black: Hitler founded Israel 1933 The Transfer Agreement Part 1 & Part 2 (over an hour long)
Must Watch Videos On Both World Wars: Stephen Kotkin on Stalin: WWI & WWII
The German-Jewish Economic Elite (1900 ? 1930) By Paul Windolf (PDF)
Chart: Various estimates of Jewish net wealth in Nazi Germany at various points in the 1930s
Industrial Investment in Nazi Germany: The Forgotten Wartime Boom By Jonas Scherner, a must read (PDF)
Plaughing Of The Sands: The Refugee System of the World War II and the Man That Tried To Hold it Together By Mitchell Gehman (PDF)
Excellent brief summary: The Road To War: Germany: 1919-1939
Beyond Flight and Rescue: The Migration Setting of German Jewry before 1938 By David Jünger (PDF)
The Nazis and the German Economy
Video: Economic policies of Hjalmar Schacht's, the non-Nazi who led the German economy for Hitler in the early years (12 minutes)
Video: TIKhistory on MEFO Bills, How did Schacht's MEFO Bills work? Were they inflationary or not? (34 minutes)
Video: TIKhistory on Schacht, Why did Hitler hire and fire Schacht? (22 minutes)
Video: Professor Richard Overy, Why War? September 1939 revisited (54 minutes)
Jewish Agency Memorandum that was submitted at Evian Conference, 1938 (French)
The Nazi Fiscal Cliff: Unsustainable Financial Practices before World War II (PDF)
Nazi Germany famously used MEFO bills in order to rearm in the 1930s. How exactly did they work?
An old view about Haavara prepared in the mid-1980s, worth watching (10 minute)
Foreign Trade of German economy: Nazi Emphasis on Promotion of Exports
Ha'aretz: Livingstone’s Nonsense on Hitler Nonetheless Touches Raw Zionist Nerve by Chemi Shalev
Hitler & Zionists and the transfer agreement
NYTimes: REFUGEE TASK LOOMING AS ENORMOUS PROBLEM: Evian Conference Finds Plethora of Good Intentions but Scarcity of Material Collaboration, July 10th, 1938
Jewish Press: The Anti-Nazi Boycott vs. The Haavara Agreement: Still A Provocative Question (Fair Article) By Saul Jay Singer
Washington Post: How Benjamin Netanyahu enables anti-Semitism (A MUST READ) By Joshua Shanes
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the Banality of Evil by Hanna Arendt (PDF)
BBC Fact File: Bermuda Conference
Jewish Emigration from Germany 1933-1938 By Mark Wischnitzer
Currency Exchange Rate vs. 1 USD, 1930-1939, note how the Reichsmark (RM) lost 50% of its value starting from 1933-4
Expulsion -- Plunder -- Flight: Businessmen and Emigration from Nazi Germany
Zionist FAQ: Aren't Palestinians as responsible as their leader al-Hajj Amin who collaborated with the Nazis?
A meme of this research.
Zionist Quotes: Bible & Holocaust Weaponization
"PHILO-Atlas," Handbuch für die judische Auswanderung (Manual for Jewish Emigration), Judischer Buchverlag Philo, Berlin, 1938
The Jewish Trail of Tears The Evian Conference of July 1938, PDF
The Zionist Dream by Braha Bender
The Rabbis Speak Out: The 130 Year Record of Religious Jewish Opposition to Zionism
A scanned copy of the document sent by the Stern Gang asking Nazi Germany for alliance

How Jewish is Azov


  • Is National Socialism (Nazism) a political force in Ukraine?
  • The Azov Regiment displays flags, patches and other regalia featuring a symbol associated with the National Socialist German military from World War II.
  • Facebook (and most other MSM) denigrated AR until the day after the Russian offensive, February 24, 2022, Facebook abruptly changed the policy, allowing praise and support for Azov.
  • A Jewish AR soldier became trapped in Mariupol and sent a video message to Israeli leadership pleading for help
  •  Azov is now a propaganda creation serving a dual schizophrenic purpose. It can be depicted as a gang of evil “Nazis” committing atrocities and war crimes to perpetuate the evil “Nazi” mythology and absorb all accusations of Ukrainian atrocities. It can also be depicted as a band of brave multi-cultural freedom fighters resisting Russian imperialism. Whichever suits the purposes of the Western media.

In the essay “Why ‘Nazis’ in Ukraine?,” I looked at the historical basis for significant remnants of interest in National Socialism as a political ideology in Ukraine. That essay was not the place to evaluate whether the famous—or infamous—Azov Regiment (formerly Battalion) is National Socialist in any sense. We will evaluate that here.

The Azov Regiment displays flags, patches and other regalia featuring a symbol associated with the National Socialist German military from World War II. Something called Reporting Radicalism gives a good description of the main Azov symbol, as well as a good example of how it can be mischaracterized:

Idea of the Nation

A modern symbol created as an emblem for the Social-National Party of Ukraine (now known as the Svoboda Party). It is a combination of Ukrainian letters “I” and “N” allegedly written in an “ancient script,” though there is no evidence that these letters were ever written in such a way. The symbol is a variation of the Wolfsangel; a mirror image of the emblem of the SS Panzer Division “Das Reich” (a division of the Nazi security services). The leader of Patriot of Ukraine rejects the notion that the symbol has any connection to the Wolfsangel. However, the organizations that use the Idea of ​​the Nation symbol are far-right and use other hate symbols.

Before the beginning of the Russian war with Ukraine in late February 2022, media attention had been invested in presenting Azov as “Neo-Nazis,” Fascists and “far right extremists.” This is especially true of Russian media, such as this RT depiction titled “Not worth your sympathy: The story of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov battalion” released in July of last year, equating Azov with the original racist, mass murdering, evil “Nazis.” Only six days after the Russian “special military operation” began, in early March Aljazeera did a fine job demonizing Azov in its piece “Profile: Who are Ukraine’s far-right Azov regiment?,” assigning it all the same atrocities attributed to “Nazis” such as “pogroms” against Roma and homosexuals (but not Jews), “white supremacist” and “far-right ultra-nationalism” ideology, and raping and torturing civilians in the Donbas region. Aljazeera mentions “Igor Kolomoisky, an energy magnate billionaire and then-governor of the Dnipropetrovska region” as an oligarch who funded Azov, but omits that Kolomoisky is Jewish. This will prove significant.

Not to be left out, Western media such as The Nation was depicting Azov in a similar vein in 2019 even before the Russian incursion, using every label imaginable just in its title and subtitle: “Neo-Nazi,” “far right,” “anti-Semitic,” “fascist” and “ultranationalist.” As far back as June 2015, the US Congress was passing an amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act which stated: “None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to provide arms, training, or other assistance to the Azov Battalion.” The reasons were provided by a Mr. Conyers, sponsor of the amendment:

Foreign Policy magazine has characterized the 1,000-man Azov Battalion as “openly neo-Nazi” and “fascist.” Numerous other news organizations, including The New York Times, The Guardian, and the Associated Press have corroborated the dominance of White supremacist and anti-Semitic views within the group; yet Ukraine’s Interior Minister recently announced the Azov Battalion will be among the units to receive training and arms from Western allies, including the United States.

Azov’s founder, Andriy Biletsky, organized the neo-Nazi group the Social-National Assembly in 2008. Azov men use neo-Nazi symbolism on their banner.

Facebook took a similar view of Azov, then moderated it. In 2016 Facebook declared Azov a “dangerous organization,” and by 2019 Azov was banned from Facebook entirely. “Users engaging in praise, support or representation” of Azov were also banned. The day after the Russian offensive, February 24, 2022, Facebook abruptly changed the policy, allowing praise and support for Azov. In a vain and desperate attempt to find some non-existent middle ground, Facebook will “allow praise of the Azov Battalion when explicitly and exclusively praising their role in defending Ukraine OR their role as part of the Ukraine’s National Guard,” but that “Azov still can’t use Facebook platforms for recruiting purposes or for publishing its own statements and that the regiment’s uniforms and banners will remain as banned hate symbol imagery…”

This moderation by Facebook is typical of Western media generally after the Russian intervention in early 2022. Azov had already been the focus of intensive propaganda warfare prior, which escalated when Putin declared “de-nazification” as a main objective of Russia’s direct entry into the conflict. Russian propaganda depicts Azov as “Neo-Nazis” and even “White supremacists” as one justification for crossing the border into Ukraine.

Azov has its own highly polished and professional propaganda, which labeled the Russians “the real fascists.” The UK Telegraph said Azov was “playing a PR game” as a “well-oiled publicity machine.” International news outlet France 24 reported in late March 2022 that Azov maintains a professional presence on Telegram social media, posting drone videos of Azov’s military successes against Russian tanks. The article states, “The Azov now function like other regiments ‘but with better PR,’” according to a human rights expert.

More typical “de-nazification” of Azov that Western media itself engaged in at this point declares: “'(Azov) doesn’t have the connotation of being a sort of fascist symbol anymore,’… Overall, ultra-nationalist political forces have been on the decline in Ukraine since 2014…”

These apologetics and white-washing of Azov should perplex us, given the absolute hysteria with which the Jewish-owned and -operated Western media and governments depict anything even remotely considered “Nazi.” One example was the frenzy that ensued when it appeared the stage at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) was shaped in the form of a Nordic rune (the Odal), also displayed by some National Socialist military units. Obviously the Russian invasion in 2022 changed something fundamental and now it is acceptable to exonerate Azov from “Nazi” affiliations and even praise it.

At the time of the dramatic confrontation in Mariupol between Azov barricaded in a steel plant, and Russian forces besieging them in May 2022, some surprising (to those who remain perplexed) developments occurred. Some media attention was devoted to showing Azov as definitely not “Nazis,” but devoted Ukrainian fighters trying to resist the Russian invasion of their lands. These accounts seek to further sever the association between Azov and “Nazis,” and even re-associate Azov with Jews!

To counteract Russian accusations, Ukrainian news outlet Gordonua quoted an Azov deputy commander: “I want to emphasize that these (Azov people) are not militants. These are military personnel of Ukraine, these are citizens of Ukraine of different nationalities. These are Jews, these are Ukrainians, these are Greeks, these are Belarusians, these are Gagauz.” Jews in the ranks of “Nazi” Azov?

Apparently so. A Jew trapped inside the steel plant with Azov sent a video message out, directed to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennet, the people of Israel, its journalists, Rabbis, and others, as reported by Ukrainian news Focus. Vitaly Barabash published his video on the Ilgam Hasanov Facebook page “on behalf of all Jews who are in the blocked ruins of Azovstal” (name of the steel plant). How many Jews are there with—in—Azov? Enough to make this appeal to Israel.

The next day on May 12, Haaretz quoted the same Azov deputy commander in its article titled “Azov Battalion’s Second-in-command: ‘Like in Israel, There Is Also Terror Against Us. We Are Not Nazis‘” The relevant passage states:

…a video appeared on social media of a coast guard fighter who identified himself as Jewish from another unit inside the Azovstal plant, in which he appealed to Israeli lawmakers. He addressed Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian-speaking Knesset members Yuli Edelstein of Likud and Evgeny Sova, Yulia Malinovsky and Alex Kushnir of Yisrael Beiteinu and asked that Israel help evacuate the Ukrainian forces from Mariupol.

“He addressed your politicians and the nation of Israel,” says (Azov deputy commander) Palamar. “He thinks, and so do I, that Israel is a strong country that has been fighting for a long time and that protects its soldiers. We know that Israel takes the members of its military seriously, who defend your country from both territorial attacks and from terrorists who carry out attacks. The same thing is happening here. I think this is terror.”

Yes, an appeal by a Jew closely associated with Azov, for help from Israel, “a strong country that has been fighting for a long time,” to intervene and rescue all the Jews in the steel plant. The article is framed as a question and answer session with the deputy commander.

Haaretz:The Azovstal plant is already being compared to Masada, where Jewish fighters who rebelled against the Roman Empire barricaded themselves in, and in the end all of them were killed. Do you understand that this could be your fate, too?

Azov: “Every minute. Any minute, we are expecting to be killed.”

In fact, the Jews within Masada committed mass suicide rather than be captured or slaughtered by the Romans. This was considered a brave act of faith, and is the essential meaning of the story. For Haaretz to get this wrong cannot be a mistake. Haaretz certainly cannot suggest suicide for Azov and the Jews in Mariupol, and so the story is distorted for propaganda purposes. The meaning of the Mariupol story is for Israel to rescue brave fighters against imperialism (this time Russian instead of Roman), to avoid the tragedy of a modern Masada.

Finally the interview devolves into Azov “Nazi” denial. This is astounding in a Jewish Israeli outlet such as Haaretz, so we will examine it in full.

Haaretz: The Russian propaganda is claiming that you are Nazis. But in addition to the propaganda, there have been testimonies for years in independent media outlets and in international reports that Azov fighters hold extreme rightist positions.

Azov: What is Nazism? When someone thinks that one nation is superior to another nation, when someone thinks he has a right to invade another country and destroy its inhabitants — this is terror, this is violence, these are crematoria and filtration [sic; concentration?] camps. This is clinging to one religion or one idea. What is happening here? We believe in our country’s territorial integrity. We have never attacked anyone, and we have not wanted to do that.

Our unit came together when our country was attacked [in 2014], and our highest priority is defending our country. We do not think, and we have never thought, that we are better than anyone else. People from different nationalities are serving with us – Greeks, Jews, Muslims, Crimean Tatars — and even if at one time there were soccer hooligans among us who shouted things in stadiums, those are the positions of young people who have changed because we are a military unit. We have no political ambitions or stances. Only citizens of Ukraine are serving with us. There are no foreign citizens with us because that is prohibited by law.

Haaretz: A few days ago, I spoke with a former resident of Mariupol, She claimed that Azov fighters walk around with Nazi symbols, with swastikas. Is that a lie?

Azov: They’re talking about our symbol, ‘the idea of the nation.’ Its meaning is that the main idea of what was once a regiment and is now our battalion is the defense of our national ideals. I think that every civilian and soldier in every nation — that’s his idea, because it’s incumbent on everyone to defend their national interests, especially if the country gives them weapons.

Haaretz: Nevertheless, I want to be precise here. Can you say that the fighters of the battalion do not have actual swastikas tattooed on their bodies?

Azov: There are no swastikas. It could be that there are inscriptions in ancient Slavic letters, or a pagan runic inscription. Every individual among us can believe whatever he wants here in the unit. We all live in peace.

No swastikas in Azov, just Jews and peace. A few young soccer hooligans, a couple pagan rune tattoos. No “Nazis” here! Is Azov “denazifying” itself to remove one of Putin’s reasons to invade? To recruit support from the West? To Jews, “Nazi” denial must be almost as heinous as holocaust denial, yet Jews themselves are supporting and propagating it in regard to Azov.

The antagonism between National Socialist German leadership and Jewish Communists and bankers could not have been more acute. Anything National Socialist, then or today, is by definition “anti-Semitic.” To see Azov, which had been so thoroughly demonized as “Nazi” now harboring Jews in its ranks and associated forces, funded by a Jewish oligarch, white-washed by Jewish media, and sanctioned and approved by the Jewish President of the nation of Ukraine, is so incongruous that it can have only one explanation: Azov is now a propaganda creation serving a dual schizophrenic purpose. It can be depicted as a gang of evil “Nazis” committing atrocities and war crimes to perpetuate the evil “Nazi” mythology and absorb all accusations of Ukrainian atrocities. It can also be depicted as a band of brave multi-cultural freedom fighters resisting Russian imperialism. Whichever suits the purposes of the Western media. The second depiction sounds oddly similar to the Waffen SS, the first ethnically diverse all-European army which fought on the side of National Socialism against Communism. The Azov propagandists do not want us to see that, though.

Then again, plenty of Jews—up to 150,000—fought for Germany in World War II, and 77 of Germany’s officers, some of high rank, were Jews. Could this explain why Jews serve in Azov today? We should not believe it. Azov changes its colors with the circumstances of war and the needs of Western propaganda. Russian propaganda remains constant: Azov is a bunch of “Nazis.” Today however, Azov has Jews. That should be irreconcilable.


The British Created Nazism

There is one man who can properly be regarded as the father of Zionism and Nazism: Benjamin Disraeli. To omit Disraeli from a central place in the 19th century development of Zionism, agent historian Barbara Tuchman once said, "would be as absurd as to leave the ghost out of Hamlet." As prime minister under Victoria in the 1870s, Disraeli was the overseer of Britain's imperial design to secure a "homeland" for Jews as a British outpost in the Middle East, and a secret document authored by Disraeli became the manifesto for early Zionism in Europe. That much is admitted on the public record.

What's hidden are Disraeli's motivations. In the 40 novels he also authored, Disraeli called for an Aryan-Semitic alliance to form an organized superior "Caucasian race" that was destined to rule the world with British power and the Hebrew-centered "sacred mysteries of the East." This was the counter-cult to the rising demand for industrialization and progress throughout Europe, the United States, and the Arab world. As we shall show, Nazism and Zionism were the hideous twin offspring of the same Anglican racist mother.

Disraeli himself was the son of an early British cultist, Isaac D'Israeli, a dilettantish figure and literary critic associated with circles around the Edinburgh Review and Sir Walter Scott. Nominally a Jew by name, Isaac D'Israeli was involved in the Isis cult worship of these circles and encouraged his son to study Jesuit teachings and explore other pagan anti-Christian teachings. The Walter Scott clique was the originator of numerous myths and cults conduited into Europe, including the Odin cult in Germany that supplied a mythical history for Nazism.

Early in his political literary career, Disraeli made two important connections. The first was to the up-and-coming Rothschild family. The most notable Hofjuden ("Court Jew") family of Britain patronized Disraeli's activities and Disraeli wrote in a letter, "I have always been of the opinion that there cannot be too many Rothschilds."

Secondly, he was introduced to Edward Bulwer- Lytton, an arch-priest of the Isis cult in Britain. Bulwer- Lytton was the author of the Last Days of Pompeii which promulgated the Isis cult and the novel Rienzi. The latter supplied the story for one of Wagner's first operas which became another manifesto of Nazism. Bulwer- Lytton and his son were both to serve as Colonial and India Office secretaries during the mid-nineteenth century. Bulwer-Lytton's novels became the seminal tracts for a whole variety of cults devoted to spreading the cult of Isis directly or in other guises. Those included the 1848 creation of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, the 1860s Metaphysical Society and Masonic Rosicrucian Lodge, the 1880s creation of the Isis-Uranus Temple of the Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn, the Theosophy Society founded by Madame Blavatsky, who published Isis Unveiled and The Cabala Unveiled, and end-of-the-century grotesqueries like the Cannibal Club and the Suicide Society. There was one aim behind all these cults: the formation of ritual worship cults for the creation of terrorists, environmentalists, anarchists, and other zombified enemies of progress that could be deployed against whatever obstacle stood in the way of Britain's imperial designs.

Disraeli's own initiation into the Isis cult came with an early 1830s trip to the countries of the Mediterranean, a trip that took him to Malta, the home base of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine, the latter two for extended stays. In Greece, the future prime minister expounded on the theme of the "Oriental background of Hellenistic civilization. ' According to Disraeli, "in art the Greeks were the children of the Egyptians, ' the originators of Isis. The trip provided Disraeli with his hallucinatory raw material for his "cabalistic" 1830s-1840s novels, which according to one of their Rothschild-modeled characters, Sindonia, were aimed at "penetrating the great Asian mystery." Upon his return from the Near East, Disraeli set to work on writing Alroy, his first call for a return to Palestine.


The first British cries for a return to Palestine were sounded when Napoleon conquered Egypt. In entering Egypt with the idea of creating a modern nation in this country that had fallen to the rule of the homosexual Mamluks, Napoleon was carrying out the Grand Design of the great 17th century humanist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. That Grand Design, the design of humanist republicans in the United States, France and elsewhere, called for industrializing Asia, the Near East, and Africa — the Third World — as a means of advancing the process of industrialization of Europe and America. Leibniz's special project for conquering Egypt to open the Mediterranean as a trade route for a France-centered European trade drive was coopted in full by Napoleon in the 1790s. When Napoleon's troops landed in Egypt, the British press shrieked in. loud headlines: "Napoleon: Plagiarist of Leibniz."

Upon arriving in the Near East, Bible in one hand, Koran in the other, Napoleon made an appeal for an ecumenical alliance of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism to bring the Near East under the hegemony of republican forces in Europe. Within this ecumenical framework, Napoleon called for the return of Jews to Palestine as a crucial input for the development of the entire region.

Upon routing Napoleon from Egypt, the British moved quickly to subvert the potential the project had represented. First, through agents like explorer and profiler Richard Burton, the British Foreign Office set about infiltrating Islam with overlays of Isis cult mythology through Sufism and other cults. Secondly, Zionism emerged as a fundamental tool to secure British imperial designs.

In the first decade of the 19th century, a few ideologues pushed for the Palestine return perspective as an anti-French weapon; not until the 1830's did leading British policy makers, however, turn Zionism into a live operation, and the search began for Jews who could be duped, coerced, or threatened into allying with the scheme. Except for a few Hassidic elements in Eastern Europe, Zionism had little attraction for Jews. Western European and American Jews were celebrating the recently won achievements of emancipations brought with the Napoleonic Code to Europe and republicanism. Eastern European Jews in Poland, Russia, and elsewhere eagerly awaited the process of industrialization and de-ghettoization of their countries. And for every one or two who trekked off to Palestine to worship the land of Mother Zion, tens of thousands of Jews migrated to the "Promised Land" — the United States.


The first important impetus for Zionism from Britain came with the formation of an "Evangelical Revival." Its best-known preacher came from the highest ranks of the British aristocracy: Anthony Ashley Cooper, the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury. The revival was the promotion of an anti-Vatican, anti-French "Anglican Israel" movement which called for the restoration of British-sponsored Jews to a "homeland" in Palestine.

Shaftesbury sounded the trumpet for a "Second Advent" of the Messiah. Calling for a "return to Hebraism," the Anglican Earl molded the Old Testament doctrines into a weapon against the humanist hopes of Europe's Jews and against "continental rationalism and revolution." In one telling outburst on this theme, Shaftesbury attacked science as follows: "Revelation is addressed to the heart and not to the intellect. God cares little comparatively for man's intellect. He cares greatly for man's heart. Two mites of faith and love are of infinitely higher value to Him than a whole treasury of thought and knowledge. Satan reigns in the intellect; God in the heart of man."

By the 1820s, Shaftesbury's irrationalists were compiling a monthly periodical entitled "Jewish Intelligence," under whose auspices missionaries were sent to Eastern Europe to proselytize for the Anglican "return to Israel" doctrine to Jews.

As a result of this mission, Shaftesbury was to write in late 1838 of a "resurgence of feeling" among Jews in Russia and Poland that the moment "for the turning of their captivity was nigh at hand." He described images of Jews "once they felt the soil of Palestine beneath their feet ... again becoming agriculturists“; and of Jews' willingness, by nature, to "implicitly obey...the existing form of government." (emphasis added)

For this racist claptrap, Shaftesbury has been called a "Zionist-before-the-fact," and during the 19th century membership in his Jews' Society (or the London Society for Promoting Christianity Among the Jews) was occasionally cited as proof of insanity before a Lunacy Commission established in London.

But exactly such insanity became a centerpiece of British Near East strategy during the 1838-40 period, under the aegis of Shaftesbury in-law, British Foreign Secretary Lord Palmerston, the same Lord Palmerston who was overseeing the establishment of Scottish Rite freemasonry cults across the globe.

Palmerston's turn toward Zionism as a useful tool was again the result of a renewed threat of an Egyptian-French alliance. Egyptian leader Mohammed Ali had conquered much of Syria and Palestine beginning in 1832, and he had established allies in both these areas. Mohammed Ali was a strong believer in development and had secured the first major imports into the Arab East of the technologies, skills, and trained manpower that had transformed the European nations into modern, industrial societies. The Egyptian ruler was threatening to catalyze a "bonapartist" momentum throughout the Islamic world which would reverse centuries of stagnation and would jeopardize two centuries of British East India Company-Levant Company control of the region. To "check any...evil designs of Mohammed Ali or his successor," Palmerston was by 1838 quite ready to set in motion the proposals of Shaftesbury and several other Church of England and Church of Scotland officials for a Jewish Palestine. In 1839, a Foreign Office outlet, the London Globe, ran a series of articles envisaging the mass settlement of Jews in the context of the establishment of an independent state in Syria and Palestine — without, of course, there being any Jews to enlist in such a mission.

This fact did not stop Palmerston from exclaiming in an August 1840 memorandum, "There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe, a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine." Palmerston "strongly recommended" that the Turkish Sultan be persuaded "to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine."

During the same month, the Times of London reported on a scheme to "plant the Jewish people in the land of their fathers." The Times praised Lord Shaftesbury's "practical and statesmanlike" efforts to this end. According to the article, Shaftesbury was in the process of "canvassing ... Jewish opinion" to see how both masses of Jews and rich Jews "felt about a return to the Holy Land," and to see "how soon they would be ready to go back."

In preparation for this new exodus, Shaftesbury appointed an "Anglican bishopric" in Jerusalem to be overseen by a converted Jew, "an Israelite belonging to the Church of England." This Reverend Alexander was also a professor of Hebrew and Arabic at the King's College.

Zionists for the Queen

The Zionist project, however, would have remained a harebrained scheme of Shaftesbury and his brother-in-law had it not been for the "in field" operations of Charles Henry Churchill, the progenitor of the British warmongering tradition of Lawrence of Arabia and Henry Kissinger.

Churchill was in the British army that defeated Mohammed Ali in 1840 and was one of the intelligence officers assigned in the late 1830s to foment anti-French tribal uprisings against the French and pro-French Maronite Christians in Mount Lebanon. Working primarily among the Druze tribes, Churchill was responsible for instigating bloodbaths in the regions matched only by the Lebanese civil war set off by Kissinger in 1975.

A deliberate consequence of Churchill's tribal provocations was an environment of terror and tension throughout the Levant area. In an incident that gained international publicity, a Jew was accused of committing ritual murder involving the death of a friar in Damascus. The facts surrounding the case have never come to light, but it was the British that gained by playing both sides in the international uproar. First, the prosecution of the Jew in question gave a new impetus to Shaftesbury propaganda about the "protestant duty toward Jews," and the call to bring in Jews to the region for an anti-French, anti-Vatican crusade. Secondly, the incident gave a sudden shot in the arm to "Jewish nationalism" as press coverage induced a wave of paranoia throughout the world's Jewish communities. Hofjuden Moses Montefiore, the first Jew to become a member of Queen Victoria's Most Venerable Order of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, made a much-publicized investigatory trip to the Levant accompanied by several continental European Jewish leaders.

Within Damascus, Churchill pleaded with the city's Jews to remember first, that "England was the most constant and loyal friend of the Jews"; second, that Palestine was still "echoing with the songs of the Daughters of Zion"; and third, that hopes were growing that "the hour of liberation of Israel was approaching." Churchill's speech was called the "first public Zionist manifestation." Then, on June 14, 1841, Churchill wrote the following astounding letter to Montefiore:

I cannot conceal from you my most anxious desire to see your countrymen endeavor once more to resume their existence as a people. I consider the object to be perfectly obtainable. But two things are indispensably necessary. Firstly, that the Jews will themselves take up the matter universally and unanimously. Secondly, that the European Powers will aid them in their views. It is for the Jews to make a commencement. Let the principal persons of their community place themselves at the head of the movement. Let them meet, concert, and petition. In fact, the agitation must be simultaneous throughout Europe The result would be that you would conjure up a new element in Eastern diplomacy—an element which under such auspices as those of the wealthy and influential members of the Jewish community could not fail only of attracting great attention and of exciting extraordinary interest, but also of producing great events.

Continuing that "these countries must be rescued from the grasp of ignorant and fanatical rulers," Churchill "predicted" the imminent collapse of the Ottoman Empire and swore that "progress" could never be achieved "under the blundering and decrepit despotism of the Tucks of the Egyptians."

Churchill went on:

What a great advantage it would be, how indispensably necessary, when at length the Eastern Question comes to be argued and debated with this new ray of light thrown around it, for the Jews to be ready and prepared to say, 'Behold us here all waiting, burning to return to that land which you seek to remold and regenerate. Already we feel ourselves a people. The sentiment has gone forth amongst us and has been agitated and has become to us a second nature; that Palestine demands back again her sons— I say it is for the Jews to be ready against such a crisis in diplomacy.

Emphasizing that "the hour is nigh at hand when the Jewish people may justly and with every reasonable prospect put their hands to the glorious work of National Regeneration," Churchill concluded with a personal appeal to Montefiore as the "most likely to take the head in such a glorious struggle for national existence."

With the exception of Montefiore, who was already running colonization projects into Palestine, and a handful of others, however, Churchill's words met with no response. Forced to tone down his insistence on the creation of a "Jewish Kingdom,'' Churchill undauntedly wrote in 1842, "I trust every effort will be made by the Jews to accomplish the means of living amidst those scenes rendered sacred by ancient recollection and which they regard with filial affection." Only the "dread of insecurity of life and property,'' he claimed, "has hitherto been a bar to the accomplishment of their natural desire."

To encourage this "natural desire," Churchill appealed for a mission of high-level Jewish personalities to go to Eastern Europe to "endeavor to ascertain the feelings and wishes of the Jews in the rest of Europe on a question so interesting and important" as the "prospective regeneration" of "their country."

Several years later, in his 1853 book Mount Lebanon, Churchill echoed Disraeli's excitement over a prospective "British-Eastern" quasi-mystical alliance: 'This East, which may yet become the seat and centre of the Universal Reign! — it also has claims on England's watchful vigilance and sympathising care and already invokes her guardian Aegis.... It must be clear to every English mind, that if England's Oriental supremacy is to be upheld, Syria and Egypt must be made to fall more or less under her sway of influence."

Churchill's scenario was put "on hold" until the Balfour Declaration of 1917, following the dismantlement of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Nevertheless, pseudo-mystical and imperial propaganda for "Jewish restoration" kept coming forth from London throughout the 1840s and 1850s under such noteworthy titles as "An Appeal in Behalf of the Jewish Nation, in Connection with British Policy in the Levant"; "India and Palestine: Or the Restoration of the Jews Viewed in Relation to the Nearest Route to India"; and "A Statement to the Queen, the Parliament and the People of England, in Favor of the Restoration of the Jews." Most of these documents were produced by the British and Foreign Society for Promoting the Restoration of the Jewish Nation to Palestine. Such pressure continued through the 1850s, including periodic interventions by Shaftesbury and one appeal by a British consul in Jerusalem to "persuade Jews in a large body to settle here as agriculturists." However, little concretely was done until the mid-1870s.

At that point, the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War afforded the British some maneuvering room. In that decade, the British sent South African Lawrence Oliphant to conduct a feasibility study for settlement in Palestine. His report back stated that a Jewish state in Palestine would ensure the "political and economic penetration of Palestine by Britain." Oliphant's efforts won an official endorsement by the British government of a Jewish state-settlement scheme in Jordan. The British government intervened in European continental affairs to obtain a "charter of rights for the Jews of southeastern Europe," particularly Romania.

The head of that British government was Benjamin Disraeli. In 1877, the British Prime Minister wrote a blueprint for a Zionist state in Palestine under British rule; the document was published anonymously and put into circulation in Vienna.

"Race Is All"

With his 1877 blueprint for a Zionist state in Palestine, Disraeli was putting into practice the fantasies of his early literary career. In 1832, the future prime minister had written a novel entitled Alroy , the story of a Jewish return to Palestine based on a 12th century rebel against the Baghdad caliphate named Alroy who portrayed himself as the Messiah. In a later letter, Disraeli described Alroy as his "ideal ambition."

To the ordinary layman, Disraeli's some 40 novels of the 1832-47 period must appear as a rambling stream of inchoate fantasy. They are in fact political documents in coded form for communication to the set of cultists around high priest Edward Bulwer-Lytton. They are as important as the 1877 blueprint in defining the Universal Reign of which the return to Palestine was but a part.

In the novel Alroy, in which Disraeli constructed his "supernatural machinery," Alroy's mentor declares: "You ask me what I wish. My answer is, a national existence, which we have not. You ask me what I wish: my answer is Jerusalem. You ask me what I wish: my answer is, the Temple, all we have forfeited, all we have yearned after, all we have fought for, our beauteous country, our holy creed, our simple manners, and our ancient customs."

This and like passages have been interpreted by several Disraeli biographers as an autobiographical expression of his "pride of race." Later Disraeli made clear the geopolitical direction of his pride: England, unlike France, "despite her deficient and meagre theology, has always remembered Zion."

England, is not, however, deficient in cultism. In a later "eastern" novel, Tancred, Disraeli writes about a malcontent duke's son whose affection for "the East" is given shape by Sidonia, the fictional Lionel Rothschild. Sidonia tells the hero: "It appears to me that what you want is to penetrate the great Asian mystery."

What follows is an elaboration of the cult of Isis in Zionist garb. Tancred goes through a series of dreamlike hallucinations with the suggestively named Eva while he is in Jerusalem. The daughter of a Jewish banker, Eva is the Jewish mother-cult figure. She repeats a single theme to Tancred: the centricity for world-religion of the Jewish mother of Christ. "I am of the same blood of Mary whom you venerate, but do not adore.... The Mother of God."

Once the Mary-Eva figure is made central (as expressed in a later Disraeli work, "a Jewess is the Queen of Heaven"), Disraeli proceeds to explain the literal Hebraic origins of Christianity. In this, he denigrates the New Testament supersession of the Old Testament with the New Dispensation or the Judaic recognition of a New Dispensation. He denies the Christ's divine-in-human nature, the basis upon which Neoplatonic Christianity celebrates man's process of self-perfection.

But opposition to perfectibility — to human progress — is exactly what Disraeli attempts to promulgate through his Eva-Mary mother-cult. Tancred pleads with Eva for "her race" to "send forth a great thought" that would "breathe a new spirit into the whole scope" of "unhappy Europe." But she moans in response: "No, no, it is impossible. Europe is too proud, with its new command over nature, to listen even to prophets. Levelling mountains, riding without horses, sailing without winds, how can these men believe that there is any power, human or divine, superior to themselves?" Tancred humbly answers, "Europe is not happy. Amid its false excitement, its bustling invention, and its endless toil, a profound melancholy broods over its spirit and gnaws at its heart. In vain they baptise their tumult by the name of progress; the whisper of a demon is ever asking them, 'Progress, from whence to what? ... Europe, that quarter of the globe to which God has never spoken, Europe is without consolation."

Some flat-nosed Frank, full of bustle and puffed up with self-conceit (a race spawned perhaps in the morasses of some northern forest hardly yet cleared) talks of Progress! Progress to what, and from where? Amid empires shrivelled into deserts, and the wrecks of great cities, a single column or obelisk of which import for the prime ornament of their mud-built capitals, amid arts forgotten, commerce annihilated, fragmentary literatures, and populations destroyed, the European talks of progress, because by an ingenious application of some scientific requirements, he has established a society which has mistaken comfort and civilization.

To destroy Europe, Britain needs control over the Near East-Asian land mass, and the spawning of cults of backwardness throughout the Islamic-Arab world. In Tancred, a Lebanese ruler invites "the Queen" to take over India and Egypt — exactly the two vital strategic areas that Disraeli consolidated during his premiership: "Let the Queen of the English collect a fleet ... transfer the seat of her empire from London to Delhi.... We will acknowledge the Empress of India as our Sovereign and secure for her the Levantine coast She shall have Alexandria as she now has Malta."

Simultaneously, "a great religious truth on the Persian and Mesopotamian plane" could be used to "revivify Asia. It must spread. Asia revivified would act upon Europe The greater part of Europe is as dead as Asia."

In succeeding novels, Disraeli divulges the secret of his Universal Reign. Race — not progress — is the basis of human civilization, and the "Semitic" and "Aryan" components of the Caucasian race are superior over other and "mixed" breeds.

In one novel, Disraeli states: 'Progress and reaction are but words to mystify the millions. They mean nothing, they are nothing, they are phrases and not facts. All is race. In the structure, the decay, and the development of the various families of man, the vicissitudes of history find their main solution.'' Says Sidonia (Rothschild): "All is race, there is no other truth."

In the late novel Endymion, Sidonia appears again, and identifies five racial "varieties": Caucasian, Mongolian, American, Ethiopian, and Malayan. The Caucasian is subdivided into Aryans (in turn subdivided into English and Greeks) and the Semites, comprising the Arabs, of which the Jews are the "finest embodiment." "The Hebrew," Sidonia exclaims, "is an unmixed race.... The Mosaic Arabs are the most ancient, if not the only, unmixed blood that dwells in cities. An unmixed race of a first-rate organization are the aristocracy of nature. Such excellence is a positive fact ... perceptible in its physical advantages, and in the vigor of its unsullied idiosyncrasy."

That is, the "superiority" of the "Jewish race." Speaking of the Jews in one nonfiction work, Disraeli claims, "It is in vain to attempt to baffle the inexorable laws of nature which have decreed that a superior race shall never be destroyed or absorbed by an inferior." Again, Sidonia says in the 1844 novel Coningsby: "The fact is that you cannot destroy a pure race of the Caucasian organization. It is a physiological fact; a simple law of nature No penal laws, no physical tortures, can effect that a superior race should be absorbed in an inferior, or be destroyed by it. The mixed persecuting races disappear; the pure persecuted race remains." Sidonia's attitude is elaborated in Endymion: "To the unpolluted current of their Caucasian structure, and to the segregating genius of their great Lawgiver, Sidonia ascribed the fact that they had not been long ago absorbed among those mixed races, who presume to persecute them, but who periodically wear away and disappear, while their victims still flourish in all the primeval vigor of the pure Asian breed."

Disraeli conjures up the myth of "Jewish world power" — in a manner hardly matched by the most acute anti-Semites on the Anti-Defamation League's payroll. The nature of actual British-Hofjuden influence over finance and diplomacy is obscured by identifying the power base as "the Jews," or "the Semites."

In Endymion, Disraeli writes:

The Semites now exercise a vast influence over affairs by their smallest though most peculiar family, the Jews. There is no race gifted with so much tenacity, such skill in organization. These skills have given them an unprecedented hold over property and illimitable credit. As you advance in life and get experience in affairs, the Jews will cross you everywhere. They have been stealing into our secret diplomacy, which they have almost appropriated; in another quarter of a century, they will claim the share of open government.

Sidonia lectures Coningsby on the "vast influence on the affairs of Europe" exercised by "the Jewish mind." Making such statements as "the first Jesuits were Jews," Sidonia proceeds to describe this "vast influence,'' weaving a web of his "Jewish contacts" in positions of power all across Europe, and concluding: "So you see ... the world is governed by very different personages to what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.'' These "personages," Sidonia affirms, all come from the "pure races of Caucasus," who will prevail over "some mongrel breed.''

The next, inevitable step is to formalize the Semitic race — Anglo-Saxon alliance as the superior "pure Caucasian race" to dominate the globe. "Vast as the obligations of the whole human family are to the Hebrew race,'' Disraeli is quoted by one of his biographers, "there is no portion of the modern population so much indebted to them as the British people."

In a public speech, Disraeli stated:

The Jews represent the Semitic principle; all that is spiritual in our nature They are a living and the most striking evidence of the falsity of that pernicious doctrine of modern times, the natural equality of man The natural equality of man now in vogue, and taking the form of cosmopolitan fraternity, is a principle which, were it possible to act on it, would deteriorate the great races and destroy all the genius of the world. What would be the consequence on the great Anglo-Saxon republic, for example, were it citizens to secede from their negro and coloured populations?... The native tendency of the Jewish race, who are justly proud of their blood, is against the doctrine of the equality of man.

Finally, in his 1870 novel Lothair, the first Zionist comes full circle to Nazism, speaking through an Aryan race anti-Semitic ideologue. Named after the Greek sun god Phoebus, the character exclaims, "Welcome to an Aryan clime, an Aryan landscape, and an Aryan race. It will do you good after your Semitic hallucinations.... Nothing can be done until the Aryan races are extricated from Semitism."

Citing these and like passages, Disraeli biographer Cecil Roth, a leading British Zionist himself, was forced to conclude: "Disraeli's concept of 'race' was as unsound scientifically and historically as that of the Nazis Moreover, the support of his reputation helped to give respectability to the preposterous racial principle and to establish it as a serious doctrine on the Continent. Disraeli was among the spiritual ancestors of the Nazi brand of anti-Semitism in our own day." (emphasis added)

Oxford and Palestine

In 1862, the future British King Edward VII, then the Prince of Wales, made a well-publicized tour of the Holy Land, the first English crown claimant to do so in nearly 600 years. The impetus for the trip was the establishment that year of protectorate by France over Lebanon-Syria's Christian population after a bloody massacre of pro-French Maronites in 1860. Expressing the mood in London at this proposition, British Foreign Secretary Lord John Russell blustered: "We do not want to create a new Papal state in the East and to give France a new pretext for indefinite occupation," and to this end, the Prince of Wales had been dispatched to the Holy Land.

But the prince's trip had a broader significance: for the first time the British crown itself openly adopted Zionism as its policy. No longer simply the obsession of the inner cult elites like Shaftesbury, Disraeli, and Bulwer-Lytton, Zionism, beginning with the trip by Edward, became an open option for which the British oligarchy collectively began to organize.

1862 also marked the year that renegade socialist Moses Hess in Germany authored his book Rome and Jerusalem, becoming the first continental Jew of prominence to declare that "the hour had struck" for the return of "the Jewish race" to Palestine. Hess proposed the founding of a Zionist state in Palestine along with the founding of an Italian state in southern Italy to be run by Mazzini's "Young Italy" organization.

On his trip Prince Edward was surrounded by an entourage of Zionist propagandists gleaned from the dens of Oxford and Cambridge. His guide was Oxford church historian Dean Stanley, the author of Sinai and Palestine and The History of the Jewish Church, both emphasizing the "Jewish roots of Christianity." Stanley was only one of a gaggle of "scholars" whose intended purpose was to turn Disraeli's mad utterings about the foundations of Christianity in his novels into the hegemonic doctrines of Britain's most prestigious scholarly institutions. At Oxford, Stanley worked with Benjamin Jowett, the fraudulent translator of Plato, who during the 1850s and 1860s used his post at Oxford to spread the idea that the Jewish prophets — many of whom were known by Jowett to be agents of the Babylonian oligarchy — were the "schoolmasters of the ages'' and those to whom "our age owed its moral feelings."

Others of the early 1860s elite at Oxford included Edward Pusey, the leader of the so-called Oxford Movement, which also included the Jesuit heretic Cardinal John Henry Newman. Pusey was Oxford's Regius Professor of Hebrew, from which chair he "gave nine lectures a week to teach divinity students a full idiomatic knowledge of the language of the Old Testament for the better understanding of God's word." Then there was Matthew Arnold, a Professor of Poetry, who lent his name to the doctrine that Christianity was only "modified Hebraism."

The intent of such studies was not to spread God's word, but to collapse both Christianity and Judaism into the paganism of the religion of the British oligarchs, the cult of Isis, and then resell the product as Zionism.


Three years after Prince Edward's trip to the Holy Land, the British Foreign Office began preparing Palestine for "resettlement." In 1865 the Palestine Exploration Fund was founded with funding mainly from Oxford and Cambridge Universities and the Grand Lodge of Freemasons. The Fund's task was to "recover the real past and the real people of the Book" and carry out a comprehensive study of all relevant aspects of the historical territory of Palestine.

The Fund emerged in large part from a pilot project called the Jerusalem Literary Society, which had been set up in the 1850s by the circle congregated around the British Consul in Jerusalem, James Finn. In 1857, Finn had sent a dispatch to the British Foreign Office detailing a scheme "to persuade Jews in a large body to settle here as agriculturists on the soil.'' To this end, he threw strong support behind a wholly "Christian" organization entitled the Society for the Promotion of Jewish Agricultural Labor in the Holy Land.

The Literary Society focused on the exploration of all sorts of "antiquities'' and ran various archaeological digs. It attracted scores of potential cult recruits and was patronized by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

From 1865-76, the Palestine Exploration Fund was the clearinghouse for Anglican Restoration-to-Palestine propaganda:

•The Fund worked with the British War Office to organize studies that would document the "inhabitability" of Palestine by demonstrating its "inhabitability" in the past and its current available resources. The head of these expeditions was Sir Charles Warren, who concluded in a work published in 1875 that Palestine "could again be the productive land it had been of old.'' Warren proposed that Palestine be developed by the East India Company with "the avowed intention of gradually introducing the Jews pure and simple (!) who would eventually occupy and govern the country" — a country which would achieve "a population of fifteen million."

•A parallel study was conducted by Lieutenants Claude Conder and (the future Lord) Kitchener. The later author of such works as Judas Maccabeus and the Jewish War of Independence and The Hebrew Tragedy, Conder and the Palestine Exploration Fund laid out a comprehensive plan to make Palestine "habitable again" as it was before the Arab conquest had driven out the Byzantines. In 1882, Conder was chosen to guide another crown tour of the Holy Land, this time by the future George V, then Prince George.

•The now-decrepit Lord Shaftesbury, one of the Fund's founders, became its president in 1875. As he was preparing to die with dignity, Shaftesbury pleaded for the Fund "to send out the best agents" to "prepare" Palestine "for the return of its ancient possessors ... for the time cannot be far off before that great event will come to pass." Then, right before doddering to his grave, Shaftesbury wrote in the Quarterly Review:

Syria and Palestine will ere long become most important. The old time will come back ... the country wants capital and population. The Jew can give it both. And has not England a special interest in promoting such a restoration? ... She must preserve Syria to herself. Does not policy then ... exhort England to foster the nationality of the Jews and aid them, as opportunity may offer, to return as a leavening power to their old country? England is the great trading and maritime power of the world. To England, then, naturally belongs the role of favouring the settlement of the Jews in Palestine.... The nationality of the Jew exists, the spirit is there and has been for three thousand years, but the external form, the crowning bond of union, is still wanting. A nation must have a country. The old land, the old people.

At the same time, a "Hebrew language" revival was beginning among demoralized Jews, centered around the literary publication Dawn (Ha-Shahar). Based in Vienna, this circle, which issued all sorts of literary calls for "the rebirth of the Jewish People in the land of its ancestors,'' spawned Hebrew-language revivalist sects in eastern Europe and various Hebrew-language national circles that intermeshed various other sect-language groups in Vienna around the turn of the 1880s. According to high level Austrian officials from that period, the leader of the Ha-Shahar group, Peretz Smolenskin, was commissioned by the British embassy in Vienna to translate the Disraeli-authored Jewish State blueprint in 1877.

The various 1860s-1870s Palestine and Jewish Restoration cult operations were in fact predicates of two wider, intersecting British oligarchical strategies. First, the 1870s saw the emergence of several high-level coordinating agencies for international cult manufacture, in particular the Vril Society (founded in 1871) and the Theosophy Society (founded in 1875 and headquartered in Britain from the 1880s onward). The former was headed by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the high priest of the Isis cult in Britain, and was the mother-cult for the later Thule Society and related groups which created Hitler and the Nazis. The Theosophy group was a key mystic movement which utilized the swastika as its organization symbol. In combination, these two agencies provided leading personnel for the 1880s Isis-Urania Temple of the Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn group, organized around Theosophy guru Madame Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled and its call for British aristocrats to organize themselves into a new Isis priesthood. The Golden Dawn specialized in studies of Isis, the Cabala, and other "mystical arts," including witchcraft, under the aegis of head warlock Aleister Crowley. Crowley in turn was the mentor of LSD advocate Aldous Huxley, indicating how the Isis-Urania cult is the direct forebear of the creators of Jim Jones and other drug cults of today.

These cult-coordinating agencies were the darker side of British imperial strategy and its concern with the "Eastern Question." Through the 1860-80 period, the British Foreign Office was determined to undermine the rise of French power in the Middle East, epitomized by France's construction of the Suez Canal. At the same time, the British were preparing to pounce on the cadaver of the Ottoman Empire, with various ethnic-cult groups under their control to divide and conquer the entire Balkan-Near East-India region. The urgency of accomplishing these aims grew with the defeat of the British-run Confederacy in the U.S. Civil War and the continuing potential of a U.S.-Russia-France-Germany alliance opposed to the British Empire and its policies.

The focal point of Britain's Near East designs was Egypt, not Palestine per se. When the French had begun construction of the Canal, then-Prime Minister Palmerston announced, "I must tell you frankly that what we are afraid of" is that "this Canal will put other nations on an equal footing with us." When Disraeli became Prime Minister in 1874, he maneuvered to have the London Rothschilds buy the Egyptian ruler's shares in the Canal for the British government. Soon after, Disraeli and his Foreign Secretary Lord Salisbury (Robert Cecil) acquired Cyprus for Britain with the aim, according to a British historian, of "bringing Palestine and Syria within the orbit of British control" — an aim which Salisbury-Cecil referred to quite candidly in his private writings.

Disraeli and Salisbury reverted to the policy approaches of Palmerston in the 1840s, and took several initiatives toward activating the Oxford Movement Anglican "restoration of the Jews to Palestine" cult. But they were hampered by other international strategic considerations from launching their own "Balfour Declaration" forty years early.

Among Disraeli and Salisbury's Zionist-style initiatives were:

•The 1877 authorship of the Jewish State blueprint published anonymously by Smolenskin at British request in Vienna and withheld from the 1878 Berlin Congress for immediate political reasons;

•Support for a scheme of a South African mystic, Lawrence Oliphant, for a large-scale Jewish settlement project in the Palestine territory;

•Development of a "charter of rights" for Jews in southeastern Europe, which gave the British Foreign Office free rein to intervene at will in the affairs of principalities in that region.

In this way, the Disraeli-Salisbury Near East strategy smoothed the way for the Round Table group that ran British policy from the early 1880s onward to promulgate the Balfour Declaration. The extent of their preparations made the 1890s emergence of an actual organized political-Zionist movement around Theodore Herzl almost anticlimactic.

"Spiritual Father" of the Cult

The man who is officially known as the "spiritual father of the country" in Israel today is Theodore Herzl. Herzl, the prophet of political Zionism, went by the code-name "Tancred"; he ably personified the race-cult ideas of Disraeli and the Anglican "Jewish restorationists" of 19th century England.

Herzl was bred in Vienna, the intellectual swamp of the decomposing Hapsburg Empire. There the British intelligence service and allied House of Austria also recruited Adolf Hitler, for the Nazi variety of anti-Semitism. Like Hitler, Herzl was an extreme neurotic, a Bohemian playwright, who hated Jews. Laughed at, derided, denounced, and assured that he was insane by almost all Jews he came in contact with, Theodore Herzl was embraced by the racialist myth-makers of the British Empire, becoming a principal agent for their policy: a drive to "purify" the Aryan and Semitic "races" alike by ridding Europe of "the Jew."


No single fact reveals more of Herzl's character than his morbid idolization of Richard Wagner. Wagner was a racist and a cultist, who differed on few points from his Nazi-linked son-in-law, Houston Stewart Chamberlain of the Chamberlain family. Wagner's operatic themes, with their "love-death" obsessions and race-cult mythologies, were often directly provided to him by the high priests residing in Great Britain. His 1830s opera Rienzi, based on the story of a medieval Knight of the Maltese Order, was lifted from the novel Rienzi by Edward Bulwer Lord Lytton.

According to one account of late 19th century Vienna, it was at a performance of Wagner's Tannhauser in 1895 that "the truth of irrational Volkisch politics became clear to (Herzl) as in a flash of intuition." The same "flash of intuition" blinded Adolf Hitler, by his own account, upon hearing Wagner's Rienzi.

"Only on those nights when no Wagner was performed did I have any doubts about the correctness of my idea," Herzl wrote in his diaries. His biographer, Amos Elon, reveals that, "for inspiration and to dispel occasional doubts, Herzl turned to Wagnerian music, especially Tannhauser. He was enraptured by the music of the great anti-Semite... Herzl faithfully attended every performance of Wagner at the Paris opera."

The first Zionist Congress opened with the playing of parts of Tannhauser. Tannhauser was also a favorite of the decadent occultists in Great Britain; the son of Lord Lytton wrote an adaptation of it as a companion-piece to Madame Blavatsky's volume, Isis Unveiled.

It was hardly difficult for the British to recruit Herzl. First, he was an Anglophile. He was also a believer in all sorts of Germanic-Teutonic myths. "An immensely rich Anglicized Prussian nobleman was Herzl's hero-ideal," writes Elon. His earliest writings were about knights, lords, and noble barons. In his diaries, he wrote, "If there is one thing I should like to be, it is a member of the old Prussian nobility."

This expression of abject political servility was inevitably accompanied by a savage tendency to sexual fantasizing of a sodomist stamp. In one diary entry, Herzl dubs his penis the "ideal candidate for Knighthood," an image that merges with obsessive sado-masochistic thoughts of death, suicide, melancholy, and "the Apocalypse."

"Blond, clever-eyed little girl... " reads another diary entry in which Herzl reveled in his passion for an eight-year old. 'Today I realized for the first time that is is possible to fall in love with a little girl."

Herzl's death at age 44 is in part attributed by his biographers to his having contracted gonorrhea at age 20.

One biographer hints at the relevant personal background when he muses that, were it not for Herzl's passionate devotion to a domineering mother, which broke up his marriage and forced him to think of other things, there would have been no Zionism.

It is a relevant fact that Herzl would later write articles in sympathetic understanding of French anarchoterrorists during the 1890s, like the Zionist lobby's kept journalists today who excuse British terrorist deployments as a spontaneous "sociological phenomenon." Herzl was a near-lunatic, who might have been made into a terrorist as easily as an apologist for terrorism, a Nazi as easily as a Zionist. Herzl and Zionism did not emerge from any tradition of actual Judaism. Zionism is a rejection of Judaism, as all Jews at that time knew. Undoubtedly, it was while searching the back alleys of Vienna for a streetwalker that Herzl stumbled into one of the "salons" operated by British intelligence and friends, emerging from the place with Zionism tucked in his vest pocket.

High Viennese society was completely under the sway of the network of salons set up by Julie Rothschild, daughter of the head of the Vienna branch of the family, and by Empress Elizabeth of the pro-British Wittelsbach royal family of Bavaria that was later to finance Adolf Hitler's political career. As with the salons of British agent Madame de Stael in Paris earlier in the century, the Vienna salons' raison d'etre was to recruit susceptible persons into the supportive environment for agents. Throughout the 1880s and into the 1890s, Theodore Herzl was a known frequenter and "dandy" in these Viennese salon circles.

•The Rothschild-Hapsburg-Wittelsbach salon network included philosophers, journalists, editors, writers, artists and scientists, so to speak. Among them:

•Science quack Ernst Mach, assigned to wipe out the influence of the great Neoplatonist Riemann;

•Karl Menger, "British free trade" ideologue and father of the "Austrian School" of economics, created to destroy Alexander Hamilton and Friedrich List's influence for industrial progress on the continent -- Menger was Herzl's law professor at the University of Vienna;

•Arnold Schonberg, the music fraud who is spiritual guru of "modern" music.

This Hapsburg-Wittelsbach mafia strangled intellectual life in the capital, and combined with the Rothschild family's grip over Austrian credit to give London firm political control of the city. Vienna was the seedbed for all sorts of synthetic "nationalist" ideologies, pseudoartistic movements, and cults. Among these was a Hebrew-language revival movement formed in 1867, which was sprouting Zionist propaganda by 1875. By 1883, this operation had evolved into a network of Zionist literary cells throughout Europe.

In 1880, anti-Semitic "theory" began to make its contribution to Vienna's intellectual delicatessen. This paralleled France during the 1840s and 1850s, when aristocratic writers authored books with titles like Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races by Count de Gobineau; The Jews, Kings of the Epoch, and so on. Jesuit "orientalists," meanwhile, began to develop theories of the relation of the "Aryan" race to the "Semitic" race.

Given that Benjamin Disraeli's novels like Coningsby (1844) and Tancred (1847) were proclaiming the superiority of the Aryan-Semitic "race," it is obvious where such "ideas" originated. Oligarchist Count de Gobineau's Essay (1853), for example, had the following to say about the correlation between Great Britain's "political stability" and "ethnic purity": "In England, where modification of the stock has been slower and up to now less varied than in any other European country, we still see the institutions of the 14th and 15th centuries forming the base of the social structure." England, de Gobineau paeaned, had best preserved "true Germanic usage," and was the "last centre of Germanic influence."

Starting around 1879, the German-speaking countries began to be flooded with titles like The Jewish Question as a Racial, Ethical, and Cultural Question and The Victory of Judaism over Germanism. Mass followings began to develop for demagogic anti-Semitic politicians like Karl Lueger, whom Hitler later admired. Lueger was elected Lord Mayor of Vienna in 1895, virtually coinciding with Herzl's first organizing for Zionism.

For the Disraeli-Palmerston circles in London, anti-Semitism was a means to "persuade" Jews that their only hope lay in going to Palestine — in becoming Zionists. More immediately, however, British anti-Semitic operations added tremendously to British capabilities for destabilizing the domestic politics of Russia, France, and other countries, and breaking up threatening European or European-USA coalitions.

Paradigmatic was the 1890s Dreyfus Affair in France, during which the French nation was not only dragged through a "Jewish problem" destabilization, but an important government faction around Prime Minister Gabriel Hanotaux, which was committed to a French-German alliance for development, was crushed; the Jewish Captain Dreyfus had been accused of not only treason, but reason on behalf of German agents in France.

It was also the Dreyfus Affair that launched Herzl into his Zionist organizing drive. Herzl covered the case in Paris for a liberal Viennese weekly; for months previously, he had been toying with wild-eyed schemes to release the pressure of the anti-Semitic flood. One characteristic such scheme was to have the Papacy sponsor the mass baptism and conversion of Jews! But these "living theater" fantasies dissolved quickly.

The record shows that Herzl's own conversion to Zionism was not spontaneous.

In 1893, Herzl had held meetings with an Austrian parliamentarian, Baron Chlumecki. The same Chlumecki, when informed three years later that Herzl had authored a book entitled The Jewish State, declared the idea "lacking in originality." Chlumecki insisted that Herzl had to have read Benjamin Disraeli's 1877 document, The Jewish Question as an Oriental Question, which, the Austrian claimed, had been authored by Disraeli for the 1878 Berlin Congress. At the British ambassador's further request, Chlumecki revealed, the Baron had personally translated it into German and had quietly circulated it.

The Disraeli document, other Austrian circles close to Chlumecki asserted later, was suppressed because it would have been a "powderkeg that would wreck the Berlin Congress" (in the words of the journalist brother of Heinrich Heine). Jews were universally opposed to any nation of Judaism as racism or nationalism, a "godless" creed, in the words of some. Disraeli was forced by European pressure to back away from his scheme, and to limit his activity at the Congress to intervention "on behalf of the Jews of southeastern Europe."

Herzl never admitted, in his diaries or other writings, the British origin of his scheme. But once he came out with his Jewish State, his entourage became a nest of weirdos and kooks who gave him aid and comfort, at a time when other Jewish leaders advised him to seek help in an accredited asylum. "My dear friend, there is something wrong with your nerves. This book is a product of sickness. You must see a doctor,'' one associate advised.

Not even the Court Jews in London would openly support Herzl in the 1895-96 period. Instead, they sent in the kooks to preserve and control him:

• The Reverend William Hechler, chaplain of the British embassy in Vienna and author of The Restoration of the Jews to Palestine According to the Prophecy, rushed to see Herzl upon publication of the latter's tracts. Hechler revealed himself to be a former private tutor for the family of the Grand Duke of Baden, and an intimate of the Hapsburg German Emperor Wilhelm. He served as intermediary for Herzl to the Grand Duke, to help plead the Zionist cause.

•Count Philip Michael de Nevlinski, member of a Polish aristocratic family booted out of Eastern Europe in 1863 for his role in a Polish uprising against the Czar. The uprising had been sponsored by the British in revenge against Russia's alliance with Lincoln during the U.S. Civil War. De Nevlinski had extensive diplomatic contacts in the Ottoman Empire and elsewhere, which he used to open up high-level contacts for Herzl.

• Holman Hunt, a London "Pre-Raphaelite" painter of some notoriety who publicly advised Herzl to treat the Arab inhabitants of Palestine as "nothing more than hewers of wood and drawers of water" who would "render the Jews very useful services."

•Richard Beer-Hoffman, a leader of the "young Vienna" movement — one of many so-named youth cults spawned by Lord Palmerston throughout Europe. Beer-Hoffman authored much poetry on the "neoromantic revival of Jewish myths and biblical heroes."

•Arminius Vambery, a former British spy and Turkish double agent who had earlier been a consultant on anthropological-linguistic affairs to Disraeli and Lord Palmerston.

•EM. Lilien, a British artist and disciple of Aubrey Beardsley, the celebrator of Wagner's Tannhauser and Venus myths in drawings. For the first Zionist Congress, which opened to the sounds of Tannhauser, Lilien drew a souvenir card depicting a "Siegfried" knight figure clad in medieval armor against an Oriental background. Lilien also drew Herzl in the nude, as a bearded angel presiding in heaven over the birth of man!

• Colonel Albert Edward Williamson Goldschmid, who pounced upon Herzl soon after the publication of The Jewish State, declaring, "I am Daniel Deronda!", the hero of George Eliot's romantic conjuring of the Zionist mythos in her 1876 novel of the same name. A son of converted Jews, Goldschmid came upon this revelation "in India" where he "decided to return to the ancestral fold."

In the U.S., a Columbia University Professor of Semitic Languages who worked out of the Russian Studies Department, Richard Gottheil, was helping to set up Zionist groups in the U.S. Gottheil later authored a history of Zionism describing it as having emerged from the ashes of a universal Jewish humanism which burned out during the nineteenth century.

British policy was not only to put Judaism's humanist traditions to the torch. Zionism was also built up through the deaths of thousands and thousands of Jews. During the 1880-1900 period, spurts of support for Zionism, including several Zionist tracts, emerged in Russia and Eastern Europe thanks to the terror caused by the periodic pogroms and anti-Jewish extermination campaigns of that period. Aside from "spontaneous" local outrages, all the major pogroms are traceable to the hard core of "liberal" aristocrats centered around the Anglophile Tolstoy and other families allied with the London-Hapsburg-Wittelsbach factions. The pogroms provided the early "volunteers" for the Anglican-Jesuit Zionist experiment in Palestine.

Nurtured during this period were several Hebrew language-revival cells having as their center Vienna but fanning throughout Eastern Europe. Also, a number of "Jewish rights" organizations formed, bringing a number of humanist-inclined individuals, but fundamentally under the control of the London "Jewish rights" networks that were congealed at the 1878 Berlin Congress by Disraeli and company.


Universally, Herzl met with opposition and derision from 99 percent of the Jews he contacted, especially from continental circles assuming him to be a lunatic or British agent or both.

When Herzl's tracts were first circulated, leaders of 500 Jewish communities petitioned the Emperor to have Zionism outlawed as a "godless movement."

One Berlin paper described Herzl as an "English agent." A German archaeologist accused Herzl of "conspiring" with London, charging that Herzl was a "British agent who was luring the Jewish people into a nefarious adventure designed to serve the strategic interests of his employers in London." (Herzl challenged the author to a duel!)

In 1897 a publisher of Viennese weekly, asked what he could do for Herzl's cause, responded, "If Herzl should be taken to the lunatic asylum, I shall be glad to put my carriage at his disposal." Prominent American Jews accused the early organizers of Zionism of trying to "brainwash" immigrants coming from Eastern Europe. A faction of American Reform Jews who labeled Zionism "that crazy messianic movement over the ocean" stated forthrightly that "our Zion is humanity religionized, not Judaism nationalized.''

The vast majority of Jews perceived Zionism, correctly, to be an assault, with genocidal implications, directed mainly against Jews and Judaism.

Earlier in the nineteenth century, a faction of German Jewish humanists had labeled the "return to Zion" idea a dangerous distraction from God's intent to have Jews serve as "chosen people" for all humanity, that is, God's "moral mission" for Jews. This faction regarded the "dispersion" after the destruction of the Second Temple as a "blessing rather than a punishment" since it was "designed to spread the worship of the True God everywhere." From this standpoint, "the Jewish loss of Palestine signified progress." This belief produced an important 1845 Frankfurt Rabbinical Conference resolution: "All petitions for the return to the land of our fathers, and for the restoration of the Jewish state, should be eliminated from the prayers."

One prominent rabbi told Herzl that the Jews had a "historic mission to propagate the idea of humanism among all nations" and were for that reason "more than a territorial people." One Jewish editorialist called Zionism "madness born of despair"; a second "rejected Herzl's Judenstaat with greater distaste than the meanest anti-Semitic pamphlet."

Several prominent Jews likened Herzl to the Reverend Jim Jones of the seventeenth century, Sabbatai Zevi, a self-styled Messiah who led a group to lemming-like self-destruction in Palestine. Rabbi Joseph Bloch, who editorialized against anti-Semitism in the press and as a member of the Austrian Parliament, warned Herzl that he was espousing the "need for a blood sacrifice," the "intention of reviving a sacrificial cult in a rebuilt Temple."

Another prominent Austrian, Leon Ritter von Bilinski — the man whose memoirs were to expose the Disraeli origins of Herzl's ideas — told Herzl bluntly that the Zionist's ideas and assumptions were exactly those of the worst anti-Semitic racists.

Bilinski especially took Herzl to task for trying to build up support for Zionism by the tactic of exploiting the "Jewish bogeyman" myth in meetings with diplomats, rulers, and financiers: "It the malicious propaganda that the Jews are a danger to the world and that they are revolutionaries continues, the Zionists will, instead of establishing a Jewish State, cause the destruction of European Jewry."


Bilinski's implicit allusion to the development of a Nazi-Zionist lobby went right to the heart of the matter. It would later be the same British Zionist backers of Herzl (Rothschilds et al.) who would put Hitler in power and endorse "the holocaust." Herzl's ideas supported in every aspect the anti-Semites' conjuring up of the impossibility of Jews coexisting with other groups and of the evils caused by Jews living in Europe.

At other times, Herzl and his followers went so far as to publicly attack "the kikes" and to insist that Judaism was Zionism's greatest enemy.

The belief by Herzl and other early Zionists like Chaim Weizmann and Louis Brandeis that anti-Semitism was a biological inevitability matched to a tee the anti-Semites' racist attacks on the Jews as literally "bacilli" and so on.

Herzl and his Zionist coleader, social psychologist Max Nordau, stated, "Only anti-Semitism has made Jews out of us." "As anti-Semitism grows, so do I," Herzl wrote in his diaries. "The anti-Semites will be only too happy to give Zionism publicity," Herzl wrote. And Herzl was only too happy to promote anti-Semitism and pogroms.

The anti-Semites more than returned the compliment:

•Anti-Semitic tracts in the 1890s frequently commented that "Palestine might make a good mousetrap for the Jews."

•Edouard-Adolphe Drumont, editor of the notorious Oppenheimer family-funded La Libre Parole newspaper, praised Herzl's Judenstaat — which he reviewed at Herzl's prodding! — in an article entitled "Solution to the Jewish Question." The article praised Herzl for agreeing with the anti-Semites' charges, "for not seeing in us fanatics, maniacs, savage and heartless beings, but citizens who exercise the right of self-defence." Herzl, in his diaries, happily noted Drumont's "highly flattering editorial about me." At another time Nordau emphasized that "there is no one with whom I am in greater agreement" on the point that Zionism is "a question ... exclusively of race... than M. Drumont."

• Ivan von Simonyi, the publisher of an anti-Jewish rag that insisted that Jews murdered Christian babies for ritual purposes, was the first editor to write editorials on Der Judenstaat — all immensely favorable, of course. He met Herzl, who wrote in his diaries that von Simonyi had “an astonishing amount of sympathy for the Jews.... Loves me!" 41

The examples of Herzl's wooing and collaborating with anti-Semitic officials in various governments — collaboration which included plotting anti-Semitic activity to win support for the Zionist cause — are legion. In one early case of a man close to the pogrom coordinators in Russia, Interior Minister Plehve, Herzl was told, "You are preaching to a convert.... We would very much like to see the creation of an independent Jewish state capable of absorbing several million Jews.''

Herzl's diaries are filled with references to the strategies and ideas behind this relationship. "The anti-Semites will be our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries, our allies." "Selling" Zionism would "cost nothing, for the anti-Semites will rejoice." Anti-Semitism is at bottom understandable, since "they could not have let themselves be subjugated by us in the army, in government, in all of commerce." And, in meetings with various reactionary European potentates, as Bilinski charged, Herzl freely conjured up massive world Jewish financial power and extensive Jewish control over revolutionary movements, playing off the "benefits" for collaborating with the Zionists against the "risks" of not doing so.

This collaboration presaged the close collaboration between Zionists and Nazis during the 1933-45 period, including Zionist agreement to let nearly a million Jews die in return for letting the select, racially "pure" few escape from Hungary and Rumania. In this relationship, the cult of Thule and Odin of the elite Nazis, and the cult of Zion, both created in London's oligarchic cult laboratories, were to help each other "purify their races."

This was more than a marriage of convenience. At the root of both movements were shared cult-race brainwashing, and shared hatred for the attempt by individual Jews and groups of Jews to leave ghetto life behind according to the laws established by Moses, Philo, Spinoza, and the great Spanish Jewish thinkers of the medieval period.

Beginning with the influence of Disraeli, race-cult theory and Zionist theory were interchangeable. Moses Hess, the renegade nineteenth century socialist called "the donkey" by Karl Marx, got the ball rolling in his 1862 Rome and Jerusalem, an attempt to link the fate of "the Jewish race" to the British-created Italian "nationalist" movement of Mazzini. Spitting in the face of humanism and science, Hess yelped that "the race struggle is the primal one," and utilized the Aryan and Semitic race ideas freely. He claimed that Germans were anti-Jewish "racially," called those Jews who denied that Jews were a "separate race" "traitors to their people, tribe, race."

Hess's kind of race thinking was commonplace among Zionists. It appears in Herzl's writings and fantasies interspersed with various medieval-knight metaphors. With certain Zionist thinkers race thinking became particularly chilling. Typically, author Arthur Ruppin, in The Jews of Today, stated that a "highly cultivated race deteriorates rapidly when its members mate with a less cultivated race, and the Jew naturally finds his equal and match most easily within the Jewish people...."

This Darwinesque bestiality was more than matched in a speech by Herzl's colleague Nordau, to the 1897 Zionist Congress. "Microbiology tells us," Nordau mused, "that there exist tiny organisms which are perfectly harmless, so long as they live in the open air, but become the cause of frightful disease when deprived of oxygen. Governments and nations may well beware lest the Jews in like case become a source of danger." (Compare the anti-Semitic "bacilli" epithet.)

The racism often spilled over into overt agreement with the Nazi-type ideologues on the "evilness" of the Jew, or the incompatibility of Zionism and Judaism. An Austrian psychologist of the late 19th century, Otto Weininger, "influenced certain trends in both Zionist and Nazi thinking," according to one Israeli author, with his argument that "Zionism is the negation of Judaism Before Zionism is possible, the Jew must first conquer Judaism."

Weininger's theories have recently been echoed in a widely circulated Israeli short story with the theme that "Zionism begins with the wreckage of Judaism." Zionist novels and propaganda have from early times been filled with characterizations of Diaspora Jews as "living in filth," "one big hunchback," "filthy dogs," "parasites," "harlots," and "worms." One Zionist propagandist of the earlier part of this century, Jacob Klatzkin, described Jews as "living a false and perverted existence" and contrasted this with the "pure national type" that would emerge out of Zionism. Not surprisingly, Klatzkin insisted that "if we do not admit the rightfulness of anti-Semitism, we deny the rightfulness of our own nationalism" and advised that "instead of establishing societies for defense against the anti-Semites, who want to reduce our rights, we should establish defense against our friends who desire to defend our rights ' — i.e., let the mere "Jews" die, so Zionism can emerge with a "pure Semitic race."

But none of his successors has outdone Herzl's venomous hatred of Jews. In a pique of rage against the widespread anti-Zionism he was meeting among Jews, he authored a piece called Kike (Mauschel in the original German) which raved that anti-Zionist Jews were "disgusting," "dirty," and "mean." "Kike is anti-Zionist," Herzl railed, and concluded that the Zionists would act toward "kikes" like William Tell and his arrows: "Kike, take care! Friends, Zionism's arrow is aimed at Kike's breast."

Zionism and Nazism's Common Mother

During the 1896-1902 period, Theodore Herzl made several trips to England. In his diaries, he would note that, by aiding creation of a Zionist state, the British would "get at one stroke ... ten million secret but loyal subjects active in all walks of life all over the world.... As at a signal, all of them will place themselves at the service of the magnanimous nation that brings long-desired help.... England will get ten million agents for her greatness and influence."

The Anglican oligarchy, however, did not come forth publicly with their decision to create a Zionist state until the peak days of World War I, and only then as a matter of destabilizing Russia and creating a Zionist lobby in the U.S. to use as a tool in bringing North America into the service of the threatened British Empire. A Zionist state then became an immediate, "live" objective, not accidentally at the same time that Nazism became an immediate, live objective.

The obvious similarities between Nazism and Zionism are, as it were, genetic. After World War I, Zionism was massively promoted by the British elite as the flip-side of Nazism. Their creation of Nazism signified an attempted unification of the "superior English stock" with the "Germanic" branch of the Anglo-Saxon "race," with the objective of conquering Russia and securing control in the Middle East for which Russia (and later the USSR) was their main competitor. Their creation of Zionism was the establishment of a "land"-obsessed cult of "Jews who are not Jews," spoon-fed on Semitic racial ideas and Old Testament stories regarding Jewish superiority (to neighboring Arabs) as an ideological excuse for being, in Herzl's words, "England's ten million agents" in the region.

Any B'nai B'rith official yelping "anti-Semitism" at that assertion is simply denying the facts. Herzl and other leading Zionists provide as much damaging prima facie evidence as any honest observer would require. Herzl's diaries and speeches are filled with sickening paeans to the symbiosis between British and Zionist strategy: "The Zionist idea, which is a colonial idea, must be understood in England easily and quickly." To the same point, Herzl conducted extensive research into racist Cecil Rhodes's method of cajoling, tricking, and bludgeoning the rulers of what is now Rhodesia into agreeing to have that territory turned into a British "Charter" area. Herzl was eager to apply the same techniques to the Arab inhabitants of Palestine.

There are three fundamental facts about the elite which ran Britain in the latter part of the nineteenth century, through the Balfour Declaration commitment to a "homeland for the Jews in Palestine," through the 1920s-1940s development of Nazism and then the Israeli state.

First: The total number of British policy-makers actually responsible for Zionism and for the Balfour Declaration is tiny — perhaps ten, at the most twenty.

Second: This handful was by and large the same core group of forces guiding all imperialist strategy, i.e., the group that established the Round Table in the 1890s on a mandate contained in Cecil Rhodes's will. This same core group ran British policy from the 1880s through the World War Two period.

Third: There is a heavy overlap between this Balfour Declaration "Zionist" crowd and the group that pushed Adolf Hitler and the Drang nach Osten strategy for Germany in the 1920s and 1930s — the so-called Cliveden Set. This includes a handful of "first circle" and "second circle" Jewish-name financiers and policymakers who were backing Hitler right up to the 1939-1940 conjuncture — Rothschild, Warburg, et al.

The fact is there was one single Nazi-Zionist lobby, and this lobby is more or less interchangeable with the Round Table inner elite. We now turn to an example.


The highly influential modern-day Cecils (e.g. Lord Harlech) are the linear, blood descendants of the family in sixteenth century England (e.g. Lord Burghley, William Cecil) which conspired fitfully against the humanists in Elizabeth Tudor's court, bringing the Maltese Order to power in England, and with it, the whole range of cabalistic-mystical arts of Ashmole, the Scottish Rite, the Oxford Movement, the Round Table and Cliveden Set.

For purposes of historical truth, the Balfour Declaration, which put Britain on record in favor of a Jewish state in Palestine, should be renamed the Cecil Declaration.

The key in the chain of modern-day Cecils is Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, the Third Marquis of Salisbury, the same Lord Salisbury who was Disraeli's Foreign Secretary in the 1870s. Through the period 1885-1902, this Lord Salisbury was to be Great Britain's Prime Minister for all but three years, and was to double as Foreign Secretary for five of those years.

To British insiders, it is generally known that Salisbury, more than Disraeli, controlled the impulses of British policy during these years, including the period 1875-80. An 1878 Salisbury-architected secret treaty established the strategic preconditions for the later British mandate over Palestine — that is, British acquisition of Egypt and Cyprus. At this time, he wrote in a letter to a British archaeologist: "We shall have to choose between allowing Russia to dominate over Syria or Mesopotamia or taking the country for ourselves."

By the beginning of the twentieth century, "the inner clique of the Conservative Party was made up almost completely of the Cecil family and their relatives ... as a result of the tremendous influence of Lord Salisbury," according to Tragedy and Hope author Carroll Quigley. The Conservative Party was "little more than a tool of the Cecil family," with Cecil family members and Cecil family protégés running ministries during the 1895-1905 decade ranging from the Foreign Office to the Treasury, the Irish affairs office, the Admiralty and the South African army.

Stepping down from the premiership in 1902, Salisbury handed over the office to another Cecil, "his nephew, protégé, and hand-picked successor," Arthur James Balfour, the very same who in 1917 was to convey to "Dear Lord Rothschild ... on behalf of his Majesty's Government" a "declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations" for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" — the Balfour Declaration.

Calling Balfour a "scion of the Cecil family," author Barbara Tuchman stresses that this family "had waited four hundred and fifty years since the two Cecils, father and son, ruled England under Elizabeth, to produce again two successive Prime Ministers." Balfour had been one of the real "insiders" since the early 1880s. In 1882, he was on the Board of Directors of the Aristotle Society; in 1885, he helped found the Fabian Society; during the 1880s he helped establish the Psychic Research Bureau with William James and others, out of which came in the 1890s the Order of the Golden Dawn; and in 1891, he was one of the few chosen to join the special "circle of initiates" of the Round Table secret society by Cecil Rhodes, Lord Esher, Lord Milner, and London Times editor William T. Stead.

As late as 1926, Balfour was a central figure in the creation of the British Commonwealth, an act which former Prime Minister Harold Macmillan has credited as "one of the most important" in saving the British Empire.

Like Lord Salisbury, Balfour was a public exponent of Zionism — in Balfour's case starting no later than 1906, when doing so was still a relatively rare public thing for a top-level oligarch. In the 1920s, the aging Balfour was still issuing public appeals for the Zionist cause and helping to motivate various international Zionist pressure groups.

Simultaneously, his dislike for the Jews was quite unabashed. In 1905, as pogroms mounted in Russia, he proclaimed that "the persecutors have a case." In 1917, during the peak of Balfour Declaration manipulations, he responded, "Of course, these are the reasons which make you and me such ardent Zionists" when American Zionist Louis Brandeis confided that "every Jew is potentially an intellectual and an idealist and the problem is one of the direction of those qualities” — i.e., into Zionism and not "revolutionary movements."

Balfour's Zionist pontifications were legion: on one occasion, he asserted that the "reconstruction of a Jewish kingdom in Palestine" would be an "interesting experiment" and an "even more interesting end of the world." On another occasion he intoned, "I am a great believer in separate nationalities" and moaned that the Romans' destruction of the Second Temple in the first century A.D. was "one of the great wrongs" of history that had to be redressed by "giving the Jews back their ancient home."

Balfour preached the Zionist restoration-to-Palestine cause more fervently than any other Round Tablers involved in concocting the Balfour Declaration — with one noteworthy exception: Lord Robert Cecil, Balfour's cousin, whom Balfour appointed to be his special Foreign Office Undersecretary.

Cousin Robert Cecil proclaimed himself "Zionist by passionate conviction." He ostensibly reached the verdict in 1906 that Zionism was "of vital importance to the world." So much ardor did Lord Robert Cecil feel for Zionism that he started shrieking "Judea for the Jews!" at a 1918 public gathering, having to be restrained by his fellows. The Balfour Declaration had promised no more than a "national home in Palestine." Calling the Balfour Declaration the "rebirth of a nation,'' Cecil, through the British Foreign Office, put out an official statement denouncing as "palpably false" the argument that Jews were primarily a religious group, and not a nation.

During 1917-1918, Cecil issued documents containing three basic tenets of British Zionist policy: 1) the British must recognize and use the "international power of the Jews"; (2) the British must use support for Zionism to manipulate internal politics in Russia; and (3) the British must convince the Americans to accept the mandate for Palestine to bring the U.S. into the British-dominated geopolitical fold.


The Cecils, in a sense, were a High Priesthood superimposed on the most important single institution set up in Britain in the late 19th century to oversee the enormous expansion of British imperialism at that time — the Round Tables.

On the eve of the 1891 formation of the Round Tables, the Anglo-Saxon race-mystics were in a state of near-elation over the fact that what Round Table Executive Committee member Alfred Milner called "God's Englishman" was on the brink of having the entire world under his dominion. The "English-speaking race" was the "greatest of governing races the world has ever seen,'' said Joseph Chamberlain (of the family that produced Houston Stewart and Neville). The English were "one of God's chief chosen instruments for executing coming improvements in the lot of mankind,'' said Round Table Executive Committee member and London Times editor W. T. Stead.

A core group of Cambridge and Oxford University mystics, Aristotelians, and pederasts were determined to create a Coordinating institution, controlled by an elite handful but with tentacles around the globe. This would act as the strategic controller of all the lower-level but extremely important cult-spawning sects such as the Fabian Society, the Psychic Research Bureau, the Aristotle Society, and the more guttersnipe "artiste"-oriented Theosophists, Vril Society, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, and so on.

The Round Table began as a secret society bringing together such Cambridge University luminaries as Lord Esher (for decades to be the private national security coordinator for the Queen) and Oxford University's Lord Milner, with Cecil Rhodes, through the agency of Stead. Around this group were Balfour, Lord Rothschild, and the keepers of the Rhodes Trust, an "educational fund" with the explicit aim of bringing elites around the world into an Anglo-Saxon "race union.''

Milner and Rhodes were both impassioned disciples of John Ruskin, whose speeches on "social reform" beginning circa 1870 launched the British counterinsurgency networks of the Fabian Society, "settlement house" movement and others.

In the 1909-13 period, a special group of Round Table operatives known as Milner's Kindergarten (having been "schooled" under Milner in South Africa) organized semisecret Round Table groups throughout British dependencies and in the United States. In 1910 the Round Table magazine was formed. In the 1919-27 period, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and several offshoots, such as the New York Council on Foreign Relations, were created.

From 1891 until World War I, Zionism figured as a special operation to be deployed when necessary, but not necessarily requiring public support. Exemplary of the coy public strategy was Rhodes's reaction to Herzl. Rhodes personally would not support Herzl's schemes, he declared, since he was more intent on having Germany get Syria and Palestine as a buffer against Russia, and organizing the German-speaking peoples into an international union with the "English-speaking race."

But powerful circles in Germany were inclined to seek a continental alliance with France — most threatening for the British in connection with the famous Baghdad Railway project. Negotiations and treaties between the French and the Germans, potentially bringing in the Russians and even the Americans, forced the British to play their Zionist option more openly.

When World War I busted up Franco-German entente approaches, the first thing the British elite did was to declare open season on the Ottoman Empire. In 1914, proposals for a British-sponsored "Jewish home in Palestine" began to be espoused by a handful of influential people, including the Fabian Society's New Statesman and Lord Herbert Samuel of the financier Samuel family. Periodically until the end of 1916, such proposals were authored by Foreign Office people and others, but not with any major immediate result.

All this changed when the Round Table publicly assumed the government in December 1916, in a coup against the Asquith regime. Lord Esher's puppet Lloyd George was installed as Prime Minister, presiding over an Imperial War Cabinet and advisory group set up by Milner and Esher. This included Balfour as Foreign Secretary, Milner as a cabinet member (Minister of War in 1918), and Jan-Christian Smuts as representative from the Union of South Africa. (Smuts, a Cambridge graduate who had been one of Rhodes's agents in southern Africa, was one of the inner circle in the Round Table.)

These four men were the official cabinet "Zionist lobby,'' the motivating group in cabinet decision-making that pushed the Balfour Declaration through. In November 1917, the declaration came forth as a personal statement from the Queen's government to Lord Rothschild.

Advising the cabinet on a day-to-day basis was a Cabinet Secretariat, or brains trust, appointed by Milner and Esher, known as the "garden suburb," which included Leopold Amery (known as "the shadow of Milner"); William Ormsby-Gore (Lord Harlech, father of the 1960s British ambassador to the U.S., David Ormsby-Gore); Phillip Kerr Lord Lothian (editor of the Round Table magazine, who ran a special unit that ran Lloyd George); and Mark Sykes, a protege of "Arab Bureau" coordinator Lord Kitchener and a trained Jesuit with strong mystical leanings.

Together with Lord Robert Cecil of the Foreign Office, these four provided the day-to-day coordination of the international Zionist movement. They deployed such leading Zionists as Chaim Weizmann — who otherwise couldn't have organized his way out of a paper bag — for crucial liaison work with Zionist groups and diplomats in primarily the U.S. and Russia. And they worked feverishly to win a strong orientation toward Palestine-Zionist policy by the U.S., through the agency of Brandeis and the British Embassy in Washington.

Sykes, Amery and Ormsby-Gore (a Cecil) developed the following "strategic concept" for the Zionist project, involving three points:

One: "From the purely British point of view, a prosperous Jewish population in Palestine, owing its inception and its opportunity of development to British policy, might be an invaluable asset as a defence of the Suez Canal against attack from the North and as a station on the future air-routes to the East."

Two: The Jews were "a people who yet regarded the East as their true home."

Three: "The whole influence of Judaism outside Germany will be directed in accordance with the attitude of respective powers regarding the Palestine question."

As mentioned earlier, the same circle was intent on using Zionism to manipulate politics in Russia. "It is even possible," the War Office moaned in 1918, that "had the (Balfour) declaration come sooner, the course of the Revolution might have been changed."

As usual, this core group of nine was rife with anti-Jewish sentiment. Lloyd George, for all his pious meanderings about the Old Testament and his "deep concern for the Jews," "didn't care a damn for the Jews," in the view of ex-Premier Asquith, and was only interested in a "Jewish buffer state." Sykes saw Zionism as necessary to combat Marxism, "which works toward the destruction of the present nationalistic basis of the world and the setting up of a World State" and which has made some Jews "regard Karl Marx as the only prophet of Israel."

Ormsby-Gore, in a May 8, 1917 letter to Sykes, wrote, "I think we ought to use pogroms in Palestine as propaganda. Any spicy tales of atrocity would be eagerly welcomed by the propaganda people here — and Aaron Aaronsohn (a Zionist in British intelligence employ — ed.) could create some lurid stories for the Jewish papers."

Perhaps the frankest expression of this viewpoint was that of Evelyn Baring Lord Cromer, a Round Table-converted "Zionist" by 1916-17, in an article in The Spectator titled "Zionism and the Jewish Future": "The most passionately ardent Jews prefer persecution, which keeps alive the flames of nationalism, to emancipation, which tends to quench it."


Aside from the nine-member Cabinet and Cabinet Secretariat, a few other individuals can be included in the topmost circles of coordination of Zionism in this period:

•James de Rothschild, Edmond de Rothschild, and Lionel Lord Rothschild: James was a scion of the French branch of the family who worked in England during this period to coordinate British Zionist activities. James made several important interventions into the U.S. situation, including crucial work with Brandeis's circle in manipulating President Woodrow Wilson. Edmond, already controller of much of the Palestine colonization, extensively manipulated French internal politics toward the emergence of a pro-Zionist government faction which supported the Balfour Declaration. Lord Rothschild was the Rothschild to whom the Balfour Declaration was addressed. He was the son of Lord Nathaniel "Natty" Rothschild, who had died in 1915. "Natty" was one of the original "circle of initiates" of the Round Table, who managed the Rhodes Trust until management passed to his son-in-law Lord Roseberry in the early 1900s.

•Winston Churchill: Churchill popped in and out of cabinets throughout the 1914-1921 period. He was a scion of the Marlborough family which had been allied with the Cecils ever since the seventeenth century, when they helped dump the Stuarts to bring England under the House of Orange. Churchill was also a descendant of "Zionist pioneer" Charles Henry Churchill of the 1840- 53 period. In 1908 Winston authored a statement insisting that "Jerusalem must be the only ultimate goal... The establishment of a Jewish State astride the bridge between Europe and Africa, flanking the land roads to the East, would not only be an immense advantage to the British Empire but a notable step towards a harmonious disposition of the world among its peoples." In 1920 Churchill called for "the creation in our lifetime by the banks of the Jordan of a Jewish State under the protection of the British Crown which might comprise three to four millions of Jews." In 1920, Churchill was attacking "international and for the most part atheistical Jews" for the Bolshevik Revolution, "the struggle which is now beginning between Zionism and Bolshevik Jews is little less than the struggle for the soul of the Jewish people."

•Geoffrey Dawson: Editor of the London Times during World War I, and a Round Tabler. In mid-1917, the notoriously anti-Semitic Times started writing news articles on the Zionist issue, including a May 1917 endorsement of the Zionists.

•C.P. Scott: Editor of the Manchester Guardian, personal confidant of Lloyd George, contact man between the Round Table elite and Chaim Weizmann during an earlier period, and the man largely responsible for the launching of the British Palestine Committee. Scott was intensely concerned about using Zionism to win the U.S. to the British war cause, and published a Guardian piece calling for Palestine to become a "buffer state between Egypt and the North, inhabitated ... by an intensely patriotic race.... On the realization of that condition depends the whole future of the British Sea Empire."

•Sir Herbert Samuel: As Minister of Health and Home Secretary in the previous Asquith government, Samuel was the author and circulator of in-cabinet policy statements in the 1914-16 period calling for official British support of Zionism. Samuel was to serve in the 1920s as British High Commissioner of Palestine and was to be a coordinator of the Israeli Red Cross in the 1940s and 1950s — an intelligence operation he was trained for during his earlier work with the Fabian Society's "settlement house" operations.

•Lord Brand: One of the Milner Kindergarten in the 1900-1910 period, who took over the Lazard Bank's international interests several years later; he became the key controller of Lazard-New York head Eugene Meyer. Meyer was at the 1914 founding conference of the Zionist Organization of America with Brandeis and a handful of others. Around these 17 or so individuals, second, third, and fourth circles carried out British-Zionist policy internationally:

•A second circle of top-level civil servants, newspaper writers, British and American Zionists, and British intelligence agents provided credibility through propaganda for Zionist support-institutions and the "Jewish home" in Palestine.

•A third circle of Zionists epitomized by Chaim Weizmann acted as the transmission belt between the elite and the Zionist troops. For all the ink that has been expended on Weizmann's catalytic role in getting the Balfour Declaration, he was in fact proselytizing among an elite that had been convinced of Zionism decades before Weizmann was born.

•The Zionist mass organizations, which grew exponentially after the Balfour Declaration.


In 1929, Amery, Samuel, Ormsby-Gore, and James de Rothschild established themselves as a parliamentary "watchdog for Zionist interests." At the same time, Smuts, Balfour, Churchill, Cecil, and Lloyd George were writing pro-Zionist petitions published by the Dawson's London Times.

At a 1930s private meeting at which Churchill was the principal guest, and to which Amery, Lloyd George, James de Rothschild and Weizmann were invited, Churchill pointed to Weizmann and screeched, "You are our master and what you say goes. If you ask us to fight we shall fight like tigers." Churchill insisted that the Zionists must "persevere, persevere, persevere.... By all means let us have a Jewish majority in Palestine."

As for Philip Kerr Lord Lothian, keeper of the Rhodes Trust from 1925-40: While serving as British ambassador to the U.S. in the 1939-40 period, Lothian helped organize support rallies in New York for Zionist Anglophile extremist Vladimir Jabotinsky.

At the same time, the same group was creating Nazism.

Nazism grew out of a special project of Round Table-Oxford circles in the last quarter of the nineteenth century to create a Teutonic or Germanic race cult around the myths of the Norse god, Odin. For many of the inner elite groups congregated around the Scottish Rite Freemasons, back to the earlier days of Palmerston and Bulwer-Lytton, the swastika was a universally used symbol, since it was a favorite symbol of scores of ancient bestial mystic cults. The swastika appears on John Ruskin's gravestone. It was also Rudyard Kipling's personal hex.

With Cecil Rhodes and others pushing "Germanic race" integration into Anglo-Saxon geopolitics, preparations were ongoing at various points, but especially in the 1920s, to transform Germany into a Marcher Lord East against Russia and as a partner in an "Anglo-Saxon"-run world. The London-connected Wittelsbach's family agent, Professor Karl Haushofer, ghost-wrote Mein Kampf for Adolf Hitler, which explicitly included Germany linking up with Britain in a global alliance. This Nazi policy was set in motion by the Lloyd George government, which at Versailles pushed for the harshest reparations policies, and then suddenly started "softening" — to allow for German rearmament.

In a nutshell, the policy of the Round Table for Germany throughout the 1918-1939 period was to support a combination of extreme debt collection and rearmament for which Warburg agent Hjalmar Schacht's policy — leading to the Jewish extermination camps — was the necessary expression.

The following individuals were among those building Nazism to serve Anglo-Saxon geopolitical mysticism: Lord Milner, Leopold Amery, Jan Christaan Smuts, Lord Brand, Winston Churchill, and the scions of the Rothschild family. With a small handful of others, these members of the "Cliveden Set" (Cliveden was the name of the Astor family estate where the Round Table coordinators met) utilized their enormous influence in the international press to build up “critical support" for the Nazi atrocity.

Thus in the mid-1930s Lothian traveled to Germany to try to keep Hitler on the track of maintaining Germany in the fold of Anglo-Saxon world politics.

Amery, Lothian, et al. only broke with the Hitler policy in the 1939-40 period, when their Frankenstein got out of control. Policy then shifted toward involving the U.S. in saving the British Empire.

Obviously, Churchill's "anti-Nazi" image is bluff and myth. Throughout the war Sir Winston specifically forbade operations inside Germany that would have brought in an anti-Hitler leadership. As he said before parliament, he preferred Hitler.

The role of the Jewish-name members of the Round Table elite in all this is particularly damning. Not until the late 1930s, and in some cases right through to 1940, did important elements in the Rothschild clique break with the Germanic-race-cult geopolitics. Max Warburg of the Warburg families, whose members were almost in all cases trained in finance by the Rothschilds, was, according to a recent biography of the Warburgs, one of the foremost advisers to Hjalmar Schacht, throughout the 1920s and 1930s. All coverups aside, it was Schacht, in collaboration with the Warburg interests, the Schroeder Bank, and the Bank of England, who made the 1932 decision to put Hitler in power. After making that decision, Schacht successfully sold the Hitler option to the Rothschild-run New York-based "Our Crowd" families during a visit to the U.S. in 1932. The manipulations of the Rothschild-linked Goldman Sachs investment house in New York, and of the American and German branches of the Warburg families, were in large part instrumental in putting the Krupp and I.G. Farben interests respectively on an irreversible course of support for Nazi economics, against the Rapallo course of East-West cooperation for the industrialization for Germany.

A concluding note on the Chamberlains. It is of more than passing interest that Nazi-fawning, anti-communist Neville Chamberlain was sent out to marshal support for Zionism among English Jews in 1917 after the announcement of the Balfour Declaration. Said this backer of Hitler, "The existence of this new Jewish State would only add to the dignity and influence of Jews in other countries."

The Chamberlain family, of course, had earlier been blessed with one of the great race-cult mystics of the past hundred years, Richard Wagner's in-law Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Yet more interesting is Joseph Chamberlain, father of Neville, and author of the following words: "I have been called the apostle of the Anglo-Saxon race, and I am proud of the title. I think the Anglo-Saxon race is as fine as any on earth. Not that I despise other races. They have their several virtues and aptitudes, though I admit the aptitudes of my own race appeal to me most strongly. There is, in fact, only one race that I despise — the Jews. They are physical cowards."

Not surprisingly, Joseph Chamberlain became strongly pro-Zionist as a result of meetings with Herzl. In the words of his biographer, Julian Amery (of the same foul Amery clan), "Hitherto his interest in Zionism had been chiefly humanitarian. He now saw in it more positive opportunities for British policy.... He was the first among British statesmen to see in Zionism both an end to the ancient Jewish problem and a means of advancing the interests of the British Empire."


Isis and Mother Zion

The cult of Isis which Britain's oligarchists espouse is the fount from which thousands of variants of the Isis mother-worship theme have flowed over the last two millennia. That the oligarchs' Zionist bastard was just another creation in the same mold is made gruesomely clear by confessionary analyses of the psychoanalytic roots of the Zionist mythos recently published in Israel.

According to the author of the book The Israeli Women, Lesley Hazleton — whose analysis overlaps significantly with that of Jay Gonen, the Israeli-born author of A Psychohistory of Zionism — Zionism's predominant impulse is an acting out of son-mother incest.

Hazleton documents this by quoting first from the prophet Isaiah's words addressed to the city of Jerusalem: "Thy land shall be espoused/For as a young man espouseth a virgin/So shall thy sons espouse thee." She continues:

The longing for Zion was one of the mainsprings of Jewish solidarity throughout the long centuries of dispersion; to act on that longing, however, was tantamount to an act of incest. As a mystical idea, the return to Zion afforded the bond of a future but "never to be achieved in our lifetime" redemption. It was imagined, as Isaiah indicates, in terms of the return of son to mother in sexual union.

Then, citing the prophet Ezekiel's characterization of "non-Jewish" sovereignty over Jerusalem to acts of "multiple harlotries," Hazleton writes:

The sons were to mount Mount Zion in the role of rescuer and sexual claimant, the young groom returning to claim his bride, the son his mother. The result of the intercourse between son and mother would be the rebirth of the son himself, who would give new life to his mother by saving her from the iniquities of suffering under foreign rule and restore her innocence and light as mother and life giver. It is thus little wonder that the fiercest enemies of Zionism in the early years of this century were the religious leaders of East European Jewry.

Describing the attitudes of the first Zionist "pioneers," Hazleton notes that their "coming to the land to rebuild it and be rebuilt" was

far more than a personal endeavor, this rebuilding signified both a personal and a group homecoming, a return to the womb of history in the form of the "espoused" — Zion. The charismatic socialist Zionist leader Meir Yaari, guru of the commune of Bittania near the Sea of Galilee, was unafraid to express the sexuality of their zeal. The land they tilled, he said, was their bride, and they themselves "the bridegroom who abandons himself in his bride's bosom ... thus we abandon ourselves to the motherly womb of the sanctifying earth."

Hazleton then quotes Gonen's "interpretation" of this psychopathology: "Mother Zion, after being made love to by her ‘homecoming’ sons, gave birth to new life. Thus, the children replaced their father, husbanded their mother, and fathered themselves. They therefore experienced a Zionist 'rebirth' in which they played the new and masterful role of the potent life giver."

In his book, Gonen adds this flourish: the Zionist "frame of mind ... implies that once again mother Zion was being fertilized and impregnated by the ascending sons who came to her rescue. Since they found her desolate, they husbanded her and made her bloom again Through the mediation of mother earth of the 'desolate' land of Israel, they were able to fuse the role of the Lord and master with that of newborn babes. In this fusion they tapped the energy source of an early infantile omnipotence which can do magic."

Theodore Herzl, "the father of Zionism," Gonen notes, "captured this timeless actuality" in his novels.

The Zionist enterprise, Gonen claims, could be summed up in the slogan, "We came to the land to build and be rebuilt." Or: "The Zionist endeavor was a magnificent obsession containing the idea that the sons of Israel ought to return and rescue their mother Zion.


Hazleton extends the point to an analysis of the Hebrew language:

In itself a rebirth, having lain dormant for thousands of years except in strictly religious use, Hebrew gives expression to the national symbolism of sex roles. For example the word for motherland, "modelet," is a feminine noun derived from the verb "to give birth.'' Yigal Yadin, Israel's soldier-archaeologist-politician (and founder of the Masada death-cult expedition in the 1950s — ed.), uses the word in exactly this sense when he described archaeology as "digging into the motherland, back to the womb"

"Gever" is the Hebrew for man, pronounced with the main accent on the first syllable, giving it an aggressive swing. The word also means a cock, or rooster. But if heroism is purely masculine in Hebrew, weapons and fighting are even more explicitly so. While the sexual connotations of "gever" derive from the cock of the roost, those of weaponry derive directly from the penis. The Hebrew for penis is "zayin," which is also the word for a weapon. The phrase for Israel's armed forces can thus translate as "an army equipped with penises,'' and the verb meaning "to take up arms" also means "to have sexual intercourse. '

The Hebrew language, of course, has all along been key in reinforcing the ultra-hermetic qualities of Zionism. To this day, Hebrew code words from the cabalistic writings of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries are used by Israel's Mossad intelligence service for internal communications. Israeli army men are called to war exercises and mobilizations by such phrases as "the elders council,'' "study of the Torah," and "product of the soil." Many Israelis have adopted Hebrew names, to sever the historical connections to "the Diaspora': among the English translations of commonly adopted names are antagonist, strength, towering, lightning, bear, and lion.

Amos Elon, author of The Israelis: Founders and Sons, gives the following account of the founder of modern Hebrew, Eliezer Ben Yehuda (who had changed his name from Eliezer Perlmann). While reading "pan-Slavic tracts" in 1878, he

suddenly ... realized the lesson implied for a small people like his own, and the imperative need to immediately "recreate Israel and its language upon the home soil. . ." When he first broached this idea to an acquaintance, Ben Yehuda ... was warned that he was sick and must consult a doctor.

Ben Yehuda's wife knew no Hebrew; while still on shipboard he told her that in Palestine they would speak nothing but Hebrew. He ruthlessly kept his vow. When his first son, Itamar, was born ... he became the first child in centuries to hear only Hebrew from both his parents and almost nothing from anyone else, for he was kept isolated from all human contact lest the purity of his Hebrew be spoiled by alien sounds. His mother, though weak and ailing, agreed to her husband's demand not to hire a servant in order that the child might hear nothing but the holy tongue. "We feared the walls of our home, the spaces of our room, lest they echo the sounds of a foreign language ... and reach the child's ear ... we wished to keep all foreign sounds distant...."

It was a risky undertaking. The language was still archaic. Many words indispensable in modern intercourse were missing. The child had no playmates; until his third year he remained almost mute and often refused to utter a word.

Ben Yehuda's wife died in 1891 of tuberculosis that she had contracted from her husband. Ben Yehuda, undeterred by the tremendous opposition from almost everyone he knew, remained firm, and by his fanaticism proved that Hebrew could become a language fit for ordinary daily usage.

Perfidy: The Story The Zionists Had to Suppress

The book Perfidy, written by playwright Ben Hecht in 1961, is the single most damning statement to date on the interchangeability of the British-Zionist cabal that ran Israel during its early years and the leadership of the Nazis.

In the book, Hecht presented extended excerpts from the famous 1953 Kastner trial, in which the pro-Nazi activities of Rudolf Kastner, head of a Hungarian branch of the so-called Jewish Agency Rescue Committee during World War II and later a spokesman for the Ministry of Trade and Industry in the new Israeli state, were brought to light in excruciating detail. In a trial that rocked Israel to its foundations, Kastner, one of the inner circle of the Zionist elite around Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion during the 1943-53 decade, was revealed to have been the main Zionist agent of the Nazi exterminators of Hungary's Jews. Kastner, an Israeli court was shown, systematically deluded the leadership of Hungary's 800,000 Jews into believing that the Nazis were interested merely in mass relocation of the Jews, not mass murder. In return for this genocidal deception, Kastner was allowed to handpick a small Zionist elite of 388 Jews, mostly from his own family, to flee to Palestine.

Hecht's book detailed Kastner's collaboration with Heinrich Himmler, Adolf Eichmann, and others with such precision that his book was suppressed, censored, and removed from libraries. Hecht's wife, who after his death tried to get the book republished, has been subjected to pressure and threats from the Zionist lobby in the U.S. Today, copies of Hecht's book are distributed virtually on a blackmarket basis.

Excerpts from Perfidy are printed below. We begin with Adolf Eichmann's testimonial to Kastner's activities, which Hecht quoted from " Eichmann’s Confessions" published in the November 28 and December 5, 1960 editions of Life magazine.

In Hungary my basic orders were to ship all the Jews out of Hungary in as short a time as possible. Now, after years of working behind a desk, I had come out into the raw reality of the field. As Muller put it, they had sent me, the "master" himself, to make sure the Jews did not revolt as they had in the Warsaw Ghetto. I use the word "master" in quotation marks because people used it to describe me. Since they had sent the "master," however, I wanted to act like a master. I resolved to show how well a job could be done when the commander stands 100 percent behind it. By shipping the Jews off in a lightning operation, I wanted to set an example for future campaigns elsewhere.... In obedience to Himmler's directive, I now concentrated on negotiations with the Jewish political officials in Budapest ... among them Dr. Rudolf Kastner, authorized representative of the Zionist Movement. This Dr. Kastner was a young man about my age, an ice-cold lawyer and a fanatical Zionist. He agreed to help keep the Jews from resisting deportation — and even keep order in the collection camps — if I would close my eyes and let a few hundred or a few thousand young Jews emigrate illegally to Palestine. It was a good bargain. For keeping order in the camps, the price ... was not too high for me....

We trusted each other perfectly. When he was with me, Kastner smoked cigarets as though he were in a coffeehouse. While we talked he would smoke one aromatic cigaret after another, taking them from a silver case and lighting them with a silver lighter. With his great polish and reserve he would have made an ideal Gestapo officer himself.

Dr. Kastner's main concern was to make it possible for a select group of Hungarian Jews to emigrate to Israel....

As a matter of fact, there was a very strong similarity between our attitudes in the S.S. and the viewpoint of these immensely idealistic Zionist leaders.... I believe that Kastner would have sacrificed a thousand or a hundred thousand of his blood to achieve his political goal.... "You can have the others," he would say, "but let me have this group here." And because Kastner rendered us a great service by helping to keep the deportation camps peaceful, I would let his group escape. After all, I was not concerned with small groups of a thousand or so Jews.... That was the "gentleman's agreement" I had with Kastner. (pp. 260-261)

A coexterminator of Eichmann's, S.S. Colonel von Wisliczeny, expanded on the nature of this Zionist-Nazi relationship.

Our system is to exterminate the Jews through the Jews. We concentrate the Jews in the ghettos — through the Jews; we deport the Jews — by the Jews; and we gas the Jews — by the Jews. (p261)

Hecht develops these points more fully in the body of the text.

The Final Solution was decided on in Berlin in 1941 — total extermination of all Jews before the German military defeat put an end to the opportunity.

The S.S. Colonels in Budapest had a knotty problem to solve in carrying out their end of the work speed-up. How to capture and deport eight hundred thousand Jews for killing in Auschwitz with only 130 S.S. as foremen? And only five thousand Hungarian gendarmes....

The only possible way of getting Hungary's Jews to Auschwitz on schedule was to keep them ignorant of their fate. Even more, to do everything possible to spread the delusion among them that the Germans in Horthy's Hungary were human folk with no murder in their eye.... (A quote from Eichmann years later): "With Hungary we were particularly concerned. The Hungarian Jews had lived through the war relatively untouched by severe restrictions. We wanted Hungary combed with a tremendous thoroughness before the Jews could really wake up to our plan and organize partisan resistance." The S.S. launched their delusion offensive at a first get together with Hungary's leaders of Jewry.... With the Jewish leaders properly drugged, the Germans started the Jew round-up cautiously.... But the Germans smelled trouble ahead. Reports were coming in that Jewish groups were meeting in secret, trying to organize armed resistance. Other Doubting Thomases were escaping across the border to areas that offered haven for Jews. The exodus might grow..... Enter here, an answer to the German problem — Rudolf Kastner.... The Kastner personality is definitely a plus in Nazi eyes. It can be utilized. But more important than who Kastner is, is what he is. He is the representative of the Jewish Agency of Palestine, and a member of Ben-Gurion's Mapai Party.... He will continue the "Elite policy" of Weizmann (the policy enunciated by Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann in 1937 that Europe's Jews were "dust ... in a cruel world.... They must meet their fate.... Only a branch will survive. They must accept it." — ed.) and, after some modest protests, will be satisfied with the rescue of a selected group of six hundred.... With Eichmann's approval, Dr. Kastner alters the original deal somewhat. Instead of picking Jews from any "outlying towns," he picks three hundred and eighty-eight Jews from Kluj (Kastner's home village — ed.) alone. They are the "best," the most important members of Kluj Jewry — mainly Zionists. He includes also his own family.... Kastner knows the truth about the Final Solution, about the S.S. plan to deport all the eight hundred thousand Jews of Hungary to Auschwitz for cremation.... If Kastner breathes a word of this truth to a single condemned Jew in Kluj, the entire Final Solution will be wrecked. The twenty thousand Jews of Kluj will knock over their handful of guards and escape to Rumania, three miles away.... Kastner walks among the twenty thousand Jews in the town ... helps cool the trouble-makers down. He has the Zionist organization to help him. In Kluj, the Zionists are the leaders of Jewry.... Authority speaks. The wise tongues wag. The respected ones dazzle their twenty thousand listeners with their respectability. And the day is saved — for authority. They will ride off to life, their twenty thousand listeners to death.... (pp. 95-109) A Jewish escapee from Auschwitz elaborated further on the Kastner- Jewish Agency-Nazi working relationship. I am a Jew. In spite of that — indeed because of that — I accuse certain Jewish leaders of one of the most ghastly deeds of the war. This small group of quislings knew what was happening to their brethren in Hitler's gas chambers and bought their own lives with the price of silence. Among them was Dr. Kastner, leader of the council which spoke for all Jews in Hungary.... I was able to give Hungarian Zionist leaders three weeks notice that Eichmann planned to send a million of their Jews to his gas chambers.... Kastner went to Eichmann and told him, I know of your plans; spare some Jews of my choice and I shall keep quiet.' Eichmann not only agreed but dressed Kastner up in S.S. uniform and took him to Belsen to trace some of his friends. Nor did the sordid bargaining end there. Kastner paid Eichmann several thousand dollars. With this little fortune, Eichmann was able to buy his way to freedom when Germany collapsed, to set himself up in the Argentine.... (pp. 261-262) Hecht also presented cogent evidence that the Jewish Agency (the Israeli-state official governing body for Israel) and the Joint Distribution Committee systematically and willfully withheld information from the world's press and governments about the mass extermination of Jews by Hitler; that affidavits written by Kastner immediately after the war were solely responsible for the acquittal by the Nuremberg Trials of such genocidal murderers as Kurt Becher; and that Kastner's activities were only a somewhat extreme variant of the hegemonic attitude of the Zionist leadership of David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Sharett, and others, whom Hecht frequently identifies as nothing more than British stooges. After noting that the judge who was presiding over a libel case that Kastner had brought against a journalist who accused him of collaborating with the Nazis stressed that Kastner's wartime duties were "part and parcel of the general duties of the S.S.," Hecht documented the extreme political discomfort felt by the British-loving Ben-Gurion elite as a result of the Kastner expose and the failure of the libel trial. As the possibility mounted in 1950s Israel that Kastner would be put on trial himself for Nazi collaboration and that the whole Mapai group would be tarred with the same charge, Rudolf Kastner was suddenly assassinated — by a young man who, Hecht noted, had been in the employ of Israeli intelligence just months before the assassination occurred. Two additional anecdotes from Ben Hecht's Perfidy. One witness at the libel suit which Kastner brought against his accuser provided documents which proved that during the war the Allied powers refused to bomb the crematoria at Auschwitz even though nearby industrial and related installations were hit by bombing raids. Tens of thousands of Jews, it could be surmised, would have escaped death if this operation had been carried out. Hecht concludes his book with an account of the Joel Brand case. Brand, a member of a Jewish Rescue Committee in Hungary, had arranged an exchange deal with Adolf Eichmann whereby Eichmann would deactivate plans for extermination of Hungary's Jews in return for several thousand trucks for, Germany. In full collaboration with British intelligence, Hecht points out, the Jewish Agency executive — including David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Sharett, and Ehud Avriel — had Brand arrested by the British in Syria when he came to the Middle East to plead his case for the deal. Brand was detained for four and a half months. Needless to say, the deal with Eichmann was sabotaged by this British-Zionist operation. Nearly a million Jews perished as a result.


Secret CIA Documents On Truman & Zionist Terrorism
Excerpt from the secret CIA assessment submitted to President Truman
November 28, 1947 on the eve of the UN "vote" and titled "The Consequences of the Partition of Palestine" (Now Declassified document):
"Armed hostilities between Jews and Arabs will break out if the UN  General Assembly accepts the plan to partition Palestine into Jewish and  Arab states....The Jews are expected to be able to mobilize some 200,000  fighters in Palestine.. The Jewish armed groups in Palestine are well  equipped and well trained in commando tactics. Initially they will  achieve marked success over the Arabs because of superior organization  and equipment....The US by supporting partition has already lost much of  its prestige in the Near East In the event that partition is imposed on  Palestine, the resulting conflict will seriously disturb the social,  economic, and political stability of the Arab world, and US commercial  and strategic interests will be dangerously jeopardized. ..The poverty,  unrest, and hopelessness upon which Communist propaganda thrives will  increase throughout the Arab world. (and later in the document, p. 6) US  prestige on the other hand has steadily decreased with each new  indication that the US supports the Zionists. The good will enjoyed by  the US at the time of the Roosevelt-Ibn Saud Conference and following  backing of Lebanese and Syrian claims for independence was short lived  as a result of President Truman's support of Jewish immigration to  Palestine and of the Anglo-American Committee report. Because of the  long standing cultural ties between the US and the Arab world, the  friendly role that the US played in the achievement of Syrian and  Lebanese independence, the partial dependence of certain Arab states on  oil royalties from US companies, and the promise of increased royalties  in the future, the Arab states would like to maintain friendly relations  with the US. ... Little of this (positive) development will be possible, if the US supports a Jewish state in Palestine."
Truman helped establish Israel (actually was the critical element in  arm-twisting countries to vote for partition which was contrary to the  UN Charter of self determination for native people). Zionist propaganda  claimed that this support was because of deeply held beliefs in that  cause (Jews were persecuted so need a country of their own). But facts  are otherwise.
Truman himself admitted in a private cabinet meeting that he is doing it  for money and votes. And here is a relevant quote from a senior member  of the State Department during the Truman era:
"when the election was coming up in 1946 in New York, the group of New  York Jews called upon Mr. Truman. [Alan Taylor, op. cit. p.93] Emmanuel  Cellar was the head of this committee. Rabbi Steven Wise and several  others were in it. They called upon Mr. Truman and said, "We have just  been talking with Mr. Thomas Dewey. He is willing to come out and  declare for a Jewish state, and we are going to turn our money and urge  the Jews to vote for him unless you beat him to it." Then Emmanuel  Cellar pounded upon Mr. Truman's desk and said, "And if you don't come  out for a Jewish state we'll run you out of town." This, I'm sure, is  the threat that Mr. Truman refers to in his book, saying, "The extreme  Zionists threatened me." They were Emmanuel Cellar, Rabbi Steven Wise,  etc. These are not the extreme Zionists, these are just the run of the mill Zionists. What Mr. Truman did was to cave in to these threats that  they would support Mr. Dewey. In that way he got the Jewish money and  the Jewish vote. His decision was not made from the point of view of what was going to result in the Middle East, but what was going on in the United States."
Selections from the official chronology of terrorist activities in Palestine, compiled by the United Nations, under date of October 1, 1948
July 22, 1946 , Jerusalem. The west wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem which housed British Military Headquarters and other governmental offices was destroyed at 12:57 PM by explosives planted in the cellar by members of the Irgun terrorist gang. By the 26 of July, the casualties were 76 persons killed, 46 injured and 29 still missing in the rubble. The dead included many British, Arabs and Jews.
July 31, 1946, Tel Aviv. A large cache of weapons, exten-sive counterfeiting equipment and $1,000,000 in counterfeit Government bonds were discovered in Tel Aviv's largest synagogue.
November 9 through November 13, 1946, Palestine. Nineteen persons, eleven British soldiers and policemen and eight Arab constables, were killed in Palestine during this period as Jewish terrorists, using land mines and suit-case bombs, increased their attacks on railroad stations, trains and even streetcars.
March 31, 1947, Haifa. Jewish terrorists dynamited the British-owned Shell-Mex oil tanks in Haifa, starting a fire that destroyed a quarter-mile of the waterfront The damage was set at more than $1,000,000, and the British government in Palestine has stated that the Jewish community will have to pay for it
April 25, 1947, Tel Aviv. A Stern gang squad drove a stolen post office truck loaded with explosives into the Sarona police compound and detonated it, killing five British policemen.
May 19, 1947, London. The British government protested to the United States government against American fund-raising drives for Palestine terrorist groups. The complaint referred to a "Letter to the Terrorists of Palestine" by playwright Ben Hecht, American League for a Free Palestine co-chairman, first published in the New York 'Post" on May 15. The ad said, "We are out to raise millions for you."
July 23, 1947, Haifa. Haganah sank the British transport "Empire Lifeguard" in Haifa harbor as it was discharging 300 Jewish immigrants who had officially been admitted to Palestine under quota. Sixty-five immigrants were killed and 40 were wounded. The British were able to refloat the ship.
July 26, 1947, Palestine. Menachem Begin, leader of the Irgun, announced from his secret headquarters that Haganah had planned the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946 in which 91 persons were killed.
August 5, 1947, England. Anti-Semitic outbreaks slackened after five days of rock throwing, window-smashing and other incidents including daubing Jewish businesses with swastikas and numerous assaults on British Jews. These incidents occurred in Liverpool, Manchester, Cardiff (Wales), Leeds, London and Birmingham as retaliation for the murder of two British sergeants in Palestine. Thirty-eight persons were arrested in Liverpool but in the main, the British police ignored the rioters and permitted them to run their course.
August 14, 1947, Geneva. The UN Special Subcom-mittee on Palestine returned to Geneva after a seven-day tour of DP camps in Austria and Germany. The tour took the group to Munich, Vienna, Berlin and Hamburg. In Berlin it heard reports August 13 from General Lucius D. Clay, US. Military Governor. Clay testified that anti-Semitism is growing very sharply among the ranks of the US. military units in the US. Zones of Austria and Germany because of the violent, asocial and criminal behavior of the Eastern European DPs, all of whom are Jewish. He recommended that these DPs be allowed to enter Palestine before some incident with American sol-diers, who have been beaten, robbed and killed by Jewish DPs, leads to severe spontaneous reactions on the part of other soldiers. His views were seconded very strongly by Sir Brian Robertson, Deputy British Military Governor.
September 9, 1947 . Hamburg, Germany. In a bitter three-hour fight aboard the "Runnymede Park," 350 British troops completed a two-day forced debarkation of 4,300 "Exodus 1947" illegal Jewish refugees from three ships in Hamburg, Germany. First ashore yesterday were the "Ocean Vigour's"1,406; a few put up token resistance and five passengers sustained minor injuries. Early today, the "Empire Rival's" 1,420 passengers debarked peaceably after a home made bomb was found in the ship's hold. Many of the "Runnymede Park's" 1,485 passengers fiercely resisted the debarkation process and British military units had to use fire hoses and truncheons to rout resisters below decks. The Jews were taken ashore screaming "Nazis" to the British. "Runnymede Park" casualties, officially, were 24 Jews and three Britons injured, with 50 leaders of the resis-tance on that ship taken to jail. German police broke up a Hamburg demonstration by 1,300 Jewish DPs from the Bergen-Belsen camp, where British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin was hanged in effigy on September 7. The debarked "Exodus" passengers were interned in Poppendorf camp near Luebeck for screening by nationalities and at first all of them refused to cooperate with British authorities until the passengers were threatened with a diet of bread and water.
September 10, 1947 , Washington D.C. Secretary of State George C. Marshall disclosed that the US. had urged Britain to reconsider sending the "Exodus" group to Germany, but Britain replied that there were no facilities for housing them elsewhere because the French did not want them and there were a number of vacant detention camps in Germany.
October 13, 1947. Jerusalem. A terrorist bomb damaged the US. consulate general in Jerusalem, injuring two employees slightly. Similar bombings occurred at the Polish consulate general last night and at the Swedish con-sulate on September 27.In Baghdad, the Iraq foreign office advised an American House Foreign Affairs Committee group not to make a projected visit there because of "high feeling" over US. endorsement of partitioning of Palestine. The State Department in Washington announced it will issue no passports to American citizens who want to take part in terrorism in Palestine; Americans so involved will forfeit protection normally due US. citizens abroad.
December 30, 1947 , London. The Dollis Hill Synagogue in London was set on fire and 12 sacred scrolls were destroyed by angry British citizens who scrawled on the burned edifice "You whip-we burn."
January 3-10, 1948 , Palestine. Extensive Jewish Agency purchases of US. war surplus high explosives with which to fight Arabs were disclosed in the New York City area. While 191 tons of TNT and the more powerful M-3 were seized before shipment, 73 tons cleared New York for Palestine. The TNT shipment was accidentally discovered when longshore men loading the American Export Lines freighter "Executor" in Jersey City on January 3, dropped a box marked "industrial machinery" and while attempting to repair the box, found cans of TNT bearing US. Army markings. The "machinery" proved to be 32 1/2 tons of TNT, which the US. Customs impounded as contraband because of the ban on American arms shipments to the Middle East On January 10, the FBI was attempting to trace the source of the contraband. The Jewish Agency for Palestine acknowledged on January 10 that it had purchased 199 tons of M-3 from the War Assets Administration at the Army's Seneca Ordnance Depot near Romulous, New York Federal and state agents recovered 126 tons from a farmhouse and trucks near Asbury Park, New Jersey, and Barclay Heights and Saugerties, New York on January 8-9 but 73 tons were believed to be en route to Palestine. The Jewish Agency called its transaction with the WAA legal, admitted having set up "Foundry Associates, Inc." in New York with a Haganah agent in charge, to buy explo-sives for their war on the Arabs. The FBI said Leonard Weisman, president of three New York firms (Pratt Steamship Line, Material Redistribution Corporation and Paragon Design and Development Co.) gave the Haganah agent office space but did nothing illegal. WAA stopped all deliveries on unfulfilled orders on January 9 in the New York area. It said Foundry Associates, Inc., had sworn that it was a normal trader in explosives, thereby qualifying to buy the M-3, and that the export question was a US. Department of State matter.
January 5, 1948, Jerusalem. 15 Arabs were killed after Haganah bombed the Semiramis Hotel.
January 13, 1948 . Washington. The US. War Assets Administration received orders from Army Secretary Kenneth Royal to cancel its sale of 199 tons of M-3 explosive to a purchasing agent of the Jewish Agency, which got 73 tons out of the country before the rest was seized.
January 14-15, 1948 , New York The FBI arrested six Newark men on charges of trying to ship Haganah 60,000 pounds of TNT, which was seized in Jersey City after having been bought from the Letterkenny Arsenal Ordnance Depot in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
February 10, 1948 , Palestine. Jewish terrorist groups murdered ten Arabs near an RAF camp in central Palestine A further 23 Arabs were murdered by Jewish groups throughout Palestine
March 5, 1948 , Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency stated that large-scale Jewish arms shipments were ready in various Mediterranean ports destined for the arming of Jewish partisans in Palestine to "fight and drive out" the Arab popu-lation of what the Agency stated "was eternal Jewish land" that could not be occupied by either the British or the Arabs.
March 12, 1948 , New York Columnist Drew Pearson said in his "Washington Merry-Go-Round" column that President Harry Truman had given Democratic party leaders the following reason for holding back on enforcement of Palestine partition after having championed this in the UN last year: Russia was after a US. Army-built railroad north from the Persian Gulf, plus all Arab oil regions and the Eastern Mediterranean. On March, Pearson had stated in the same forum that President Truman had told a New York publisher that New York Jews were "disloyal" to the United States.
April 9, 1948 , Washington The US. Department of State refused to lift its embargo on arms shipments to the Middle East
April 9, 1948 , Jerusalem. Irgun and Stern gang terrorists stormed an Arab suburb of Jerusalem, Dir Yashin, killing 250 Arabs, half of them women and children.
September 17, 1948 , Jerusalem. Angered by his order to readmit 8,000 Arab refugees driven from three villages near Haifa by attacks of Jewish terrorists, the Stern gang assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte, UN mediator for Palestine. Also killed in the attack was French Col. Andre Serot, chief of France's 100-man contingent in the unarmed UN truce-observer team.


Zionism – a racist and anti-semitic ideology
Part 2: Zionism – a Jewish invention or an imperialist construct?

Genesis of Zionism

zionismThe Zionist state of Israel, and its imperialist backers, make three assertions: first, that Jews invented Zionism; second, that Jews are a Semitic people; and third, that the state of Israel ought to be, and will remain, an exclusively Jewish state. This article deals with the first of these assertions alone, leaving the other two for subsequent treatment.

Far from being a “national liberation movement” for the “re-establishment of the Jewish people” in “their homeland and the assumption of Jewish sovereignty in the land of Israel”, as is claimed by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zionism is much more the product of European geopolitics than the legitimate child of European Jewry.

Far from being an answer to Jewish “yearning” for Zion (Jerusalem) and a response to anti-Semitism, the Zionist construct dates back to the Reformation and its struggle against the authority of the Catholic Church. Rather than the Jews, it is the British who, more than anyone else, pursued the policy of Zionisation of the Jews and Judaisation of Zionism.

According to the Zionist historiography, the founding fathers of Zionism include the German Moses Hess, the Russian Leon Pinsker, and the Hungarian Theodor Herzl.

The principal claim of the Zionists is that Jews alone invented Zionism.

Bernard Lewis, lionised as the doyen of Middle Eastern Studies, locates Vienna as the birthplace of Zionism, Theodor Herzl as its founding father, and the publication of Herzl’s book The Jewish State as the beginning of the history of Zionism (see Lewis, Semites and anti-Semites: an inquiry into conflict and prejudice, WW Norton & Company, New York, 1986, pp.68-69).

Nahum Goldman, founder President of the World Jewish Congress, made the same claim in his 1978 article: ‘Zionist ideology and the reality of Israel’, Foreign Affairs (1) 70-82.

And this claim continues to be repeated by the Zionists and their imperialist backers and has acquired the force of a public prejudice. Anyone who challenges this narrative faces the charge of anti-Semitism from the camp of Zionism and its powerful supporters. The fear of being characterised as anti-Semitic accounts for a great number of people, who know better, maintaining silence on this question. Yet somehow the truth must be asserted. And the truth is that, beginning with the Reformation various schemes of colonial ‘Restoration’ – Zionist colonisation of Palestine – were the brainchild of, and developed by, non-Jewish Europeans (religious as well as atheist) long before the time of Theodor Herzl (1860-1904). Herzl’s appearance on the scene merely marked the beginning – a small beginning at that – of the Zionisation of the Jews themselves and their participation in what initially and essentially was a non-Jewish idea of Zionism.

The Reformation

The Reformation gave the call for the Bible to replace the Pope as the ultimate spiritual authority. Prior to that the notion of ‘Jewish return’ to Palestine and the concept of a ‘Jewish nation’ was alien to conventional Catholic thought. The Reformation invented these ideas and formulated a theological construct which included Jewish conversion to Christianity as a prelude the Second Coming of Christ. Stressing the Palestinian origins of Christianity, partly as a means of knocking down the pretensions of Roman Catholicism, the Protestants laid greater emphasis on the Old Testament, Biblical Israelites, and Jerusalem, in contradistinction to the New Testament, the Pope and Rome (see L J Epstein, Zion’s call: Christian contribution to the origins and development of Israel, University Press of America, New York, 1984).

At the same time, principal European powers were in competition for the use of Jews and Judaism to provide a religious cover for schemes of colonising the Holy Land, which lay at the heart of the rotting Ottoman Empire and the emerging Arab world.

The founder of the Reformation, Martin Luther (1483-1546), was the first to show political and theological interest in the Jews. In his pamphlet ‘That Jesus Christ was born a Jew’ (1523), he characterised the Jews as the true-blood heirs of the Biblical Israelites and the blood relatives of Jesus. In another act of defiance towards the Pope and the Catholic Church, he caused the removal from the Old Testament of the books (Protestant Apocrypha) which were not accepted by the Jewish canon as part of the Hebrew Scriptures.


Protestant Judeophile tendencies, begun with Luther in Germany in 1523, continued to take root in Anglican England; these tendencies registered a new peak with the emergence of the Puritans. Cromwell’s Republic in 1655 readmitted Jews to England (Edward I had expelled them in 1290 after cancelling all debts owed to them). In inviting the Jews, Cromwell was mainly motivated by his determination to move the Amsterdam Jewish merchants to London to bolster England in her trade war with Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands, whose Jewish community was famed for its wealth, commercial know-how, and business contacts.

French revolution and Napoleon

With the French Revolution of 1789 and the subsequent rise of Napoleon, his invasion of Egypt and Palestine, and his Jewish Proclamation, English and French Zionism entered a new phase of fierce competition over European Jewry. Before Napoleon’s rise, the French Revolution had already emancipated French Jews, with the French National Assembly decreeing on 24 December 1789 that non-Catholics were as eligible for all civil and military positions as were Catholic citizens. This decree forced many European Conservative governments to admit Jews to civil rights – rights which were taken back again after the fall of Napoleon.

Napoleon was determined to use the Jews throughout Europe as a fifth column. During his invasion of Egypt and Palestine (1798-99), and anticipating the capture of Jerusalem (something that did not happen), Napoleon prepared a Proclamation promising the Holy Land to the Jews, whom he characterised as “the rightful heirs of Palestine”. Anglo-French competition for the allegiance of European Jews was clearly at the bottom of this Proclamation. In 1806, Napoleon convoked an Assembly of 111 Jewish notables from the countries of the French Empire and Italy. He then invited all Jewish communities to dispatch representatives to the Great Sanhedron which eventually met in 1807. The clear purpose for gathering these notables was to use European Jews in his war with Russia and his economic battle with Britain. While welcoming his emancipation, the Jews rejected Napoleon’s Zionism. The Great Sanhedrin declared that the Jews did not form a nation and the Jews bluntly told Napoleon: “Paris is our Jerusalem”.

All the same, Napoleon’s endeavours in regard to the Jews were to become blueprints and forerunners of the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews (1809), Leo Pinsker’s ideas of a Jewish National Congress, and Herzl’s schemes for a Society of Jews.

From the time of the Reformation to the rise to power of Napoleon III in France, there were no Jewish leaders in the Zionist movement – all British and French attempts to recruit them were complete failures. The non-Jewish origin of Zionism is further clear from the stark fact that the ideas of the Restoration developed first in Britain (which had hardly any Jewish population) rather than in Germany, Poland or Russia (home to most of European Jewry). Even 100 years after Cromwell, there were only 12,000 Jews in Britain, and it took another 100 years for their number to reach 25,000, whereas the census of 1897 revealed 5,189,401 Jews in the Russian Empire.

British Zionism

In her book Bible and sword, Barbara Tuchman presents a coherent analysis of the interplay between imperial and religious considerations within British Zionism from the time of Cromwell and the Puritans through that of Palmerston and Lord Shaftesbury to that of Balfour and Weizmann. Palmerston worked closely with Lord Shaftesbury (President of the Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews) on British Zionist plans at a time when there was no Jewish movement prepared to ‘return’ to Palestine. There being no Protestants in Palestine or any other corner of the Ottoman Empire, Britain was hard at work to bring Ottoman Jews under its ‘protection’ to counter similar Russian and French attempts to place Orthodox and Catholic Ottomans under their respective ‘protections’. In March 1838, Britain appointed a vice-consul to Jerusalem, with jurisdiction over “the whole country within the ancient limits of the Holy Land”. This was the first step of a meticulously worked-out plan by Britain to use Jews for imperial domination.

British Zionism faced a serious problem, namely, the voice of anti-Zionist Jews, represented in the Cabinet by Edwin Montague, the Secretary of State for India, and expressed in the press by Alexander and Montefiore, respectively the President and Secretary of the Jewish Board of Deputies. British Jewish leaders persisted in considering “Zionism as a mad delusion of an army of beggars and cranks that could only serve to undermine their hard-won rights of citizenship in western countries” (Tuchman, p.333).

“With the difficulty of politically persuading the Jews, the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews began to Judaize Zionism and Zionize the Jews, with more focus on Russian and Eastern European Jews” (Mohameden Ould-Mey, ‘The non-Jewish origins of Zionism’, International Journal of Humanities, Vol 1, 2003, p.603).

The Society aimed to teach “the Jews their own holy books: it had an eye on the world’s entire Jewry, estimated to be around 6 million in 1871.”

George Gawler

Following earlier failures to involve the Jews in the Zionist project, Britain enlisted the services of Lt-Colonel George Gawler (1796-1869), a committed Christian, who had served as Governor of South Australia from 1838 to 1841. During his term, he had settled British convicts to the tune of 180 a month. With his experience in colonial settlement, he was expected to facilitate the establishment of Jewish colonies in Palestine. He visited the Holy Land in 1849, retired from the army in 1850, and founded the Association for Promoting Jewish Settlement in Palestine, which evolved into the Palestine Fund in 1852. Gawler was the first Zionist to articulate the Zionist myth that “Palestine is a land without a people” waiting for “the Jews, a people without a land” (see Mohameden Ould-Mey, op.cit., p.605). Great Britain, he said, ought to gain “protection for, and give protection to, all Israelites who desire to establish themselves in depopulated Palestine” and should “prepare the Jews for their future station by political elevation in England” (G Gawler, Organised special constables, T&W Boone, London, 1848, p.25).

“With the advent of steam navigation, dependent on frequent ports of call for recoaling and the completion of the Suez Canal, Zionism and the interests of world commerce began to link the establishment of depots and settlements along the route to India and China with the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine” (Ould Mey, p.606).

Suez Canal and the security of India

This trend was strengthened still further with the purchase of shares by Britain in the Suez Canal, thanks to deft footwork by the British prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli. British Zionist arguments and Gawler’s idea regarding the “political elevation” of the Jews received a boost with the publication by George Eliot of the novel Daniel Deronda (1876) which presented the Jews as good and moral nationalist heroes, in contrast with their previous image as “Christ killers, apostates, moneylenders, exotic foreigners and poor immigrants” (Epstein, op.cit., p.47). Just like Luther’s pamphlet ‘That Jesus Christ was born a Jew’, Daniel Deronda stressed that the Jews were descendants of the Biblical Israelites and that “a whole Christian is three-fourths a Jew”. Some even went as far as to claim that Deronda created a Jewish nationalist spirit for Zionism and a model of inspiration for Herzl (Nahum Sokolow, History of Zionism 1600-1918 Vol. 1, Longmans Green & Co., London, 1919, pp.xxvi-xxvii).

Non-Jewish Zionism came into existence in England long before the appearance of Jewish political Zionism. Some of the most ardent supporters of Zionism were Englishmen who visualised the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine as an instrument for serving British geopolitical interests.

Self interest was combined, at least at the beginning, with religious obscurantism. In this scheme, although religious dogma and commercial profit nestled cheek by jowl, commercial profit took precedence. For instance, in allowing the readmission of Jews, who had been expelled by Edward I, Cromwell was primarily motivated by self-interest. The English Civil War had adversely affected England’s position as a trading and maritime power. The British business and commercial class – almost exclusively Puritan and thus doctrinally very close to Judaism – was especially jealous of the Dutch who had grabbed the opportunity offered by the English Civil War to gain control over the Near and Far Eastern trade routes. And, the Dutch Jews were particularly active in the expansion of Dutch trade during the period of the Civil War. Cromwell agreed to the readmission of the Jews precisely at the time he was busy in a series of trade wars with Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands – a country which had a considerable Jewish community known for its wealth, commercial acumen and international contacts, not to mention considerable amounts of capital that Jews would bring with them.

With British overseas expansion during the following century, the question of Jewish restoration in Palestine became increasingly entwined with imperial considerations, with the religious dogma serving as a screen for British imperial interests in Palestine.

Shaftesbury and Palmerston

At the start of the nineteenth century, Britain underwent an evangelical revival. The British ruling class, shaken to its foundations by the French revolution which it regarded as the result of rationalism, returned to the Bible and its prophecies and acceptance of the Bible as God’s word. The chief propagator of this dogma was Lord Shaftesbury who regarded himself as the “Evangelical of the Evangelicals”. He was the one who had the vision of a Jewish state in Palestine and occupies a pivotal place in the tradition of non-Jewish Zionism. Although based on alleged Biblical prophecies and their fulfilment, Shaftesbury preached his dogma at a politically convenient time. Jewish settlement in Palestine had become a desirable goal for Britain. The strategic location of Palestine on the route to India via Syria invested it with the importance that it deservedly received at British hands. Sensing the threat to the security of India from France and Russia, the British ruling class pursued the policy of settling Palestine with people who would look favourably upon British imperial interests. Thus began “the curious union of empire policy with a sort of paternalistic Christian Zionism which is evident in British policy in succeeding generations” (William R. Polk, David M. Stamler, and Edmund Asfour, Backdrop to tragedy, Beacon, Boston, 1957).

Lord Palmerston (British Foreign Secretary from 1830 to 1841 and again from 1846 to 1851, and Prime Minister from 1855 to 1865) was an enthusiastic advocate of Shaftesbury’s ideas, but purely in terms of British imperial interests. The Eastern question being his principal concern, Palmerston was partial to Shaftesbury’s idea to use Jews as a British lever within the Ottoman Empire.

With the advent of steam navigation in 1840, the Near East became very important along the route to India as steam ships required frequent reloading and the British ships used the Mediterranean-Red Sea route with transhipment at Suez rather than the long Cape route. In view of all this, British involvement in the Jewish question was no longer a matter of political option but of political necessity. This is how Colonel George Gawler, the former governor of South Australia, justified the proposal for a Jewish state in Palestine:

“Divine providence has placed Syria and Egypt in the very gap between England and the most important regions of her colonial and foreign trade, India, China … a foreign power … would soon endanger British trade … and it is now for England to set her hand to the renovation of Syria, through the only people whose energies will be extensively and permanently in the work – the real children of the soil, the sons of Israel” (Albert Hyamson, British projects for the restoration of Jews to Palestine, American Jewish Historical Society, Philadelphia, 1918, p.37).

Another prominent gentile Zionist was Charles Henry Churchill, a grandson of the Duke of Marlborough and an antecedent of Winston Churchill. It was he, a non-Jew, who called upon the Jews to assert themselves as a nation, four decades before Leo Pinkser, in his Auto-emancipation, announced to his Jewish co-religionists: “we must establish ourselves as a living nation”.

In 1875, Disraeli facilitated Britain’s purchase of the Khedive of Egypt’s shares in the Suez Canal Company, followed by Britain’s occupation of Egypt in 1882. Its proximity to Egypt gave Palestine added importance, both as a means of strengthening the British position in Egypt and as an overland link with the East. The new political realities brought forth a new generation of non-Jewish Zionists, who were empire builders, fully cognisant of the benefits to be derived from a British sphere of influence in the Middle East.

Pro-Zionist literature from non-Jewish Zionist writers managed to create a wave of public sympathy for a British-sponsored Jewish state in Palestine. As for Jews, it was only in the 1890s that Zionism began to appear as a very small minority movement among European Jews. Jewish Zionists actively lobbied among non-Jews. Joseph Chamberlain, the Colonial Secretary, and Arthur Balfour, the Prime Minister (1902-05) and later Foreign Secretary (1916-1919), were typical of the new non-Jewish Zionist. Chamberlain’s chief concern was the British Empire. Neither Biblical prophecy nor humanitarianism was of any concern to him. Lloyd George, in whose Cabinet Balfour served as Foreign Secretary, was another prominent non-Jewish Zionist, whose part in the Balfour Declaration [2 November 1917] was far greater than that of Balfour. The Zionist Review, a semi-official organ of the Zionist movement, assigned to him “the foremost place inside the Cabinet among the architects of this great decision” (Dec. 1917, p. 214). After Lloyd George became prime minister in December 1916, Zionism had nothing to fear. Other Zionists, such as Mark Sykes, Leopold Amery, Lord Milner, Robert Cecil, Col. R Meinertzhagen, Harold Nicolson, General Smuts and C P Scott also held important positions from which to promote the Zionist cause.

First World War and the Balfour Declaration

As the First World War progressed, British and Zionist interests became increasingly complementary. The Jewish Zionists, Weizmann in particular, identified their own interests with those of Britain. For Britain, the acquisition of Palestine had become a non-negotiable strategic requirement. But this acquisition could not be had through open military conquest. The only choice was for Britain to align its war aims with the principle of self-determination. The Jewish Zionists came in very handy for executing such a plan. For the British, the Zionists were “the guardians in a continuity of religious and racial traditions” and a conservative force in world politics, and thus reliable. British non-Jewish Zionism found it convenient to make its entry into Palestine as a ‘trustee’ for its alleged Old Testament proprietors. Mark Sykes once wrote to Lord Robert Cecil in the following terms: “We should so order our policy that without in any way showing any desire to annex Palestine or to establish a protectorate over it, when the time comes to choose a mandatory power for its control, by consensus of opinion and desire of its inhabitants, we shall be the most likely candidates.” (Shane Leslie, Mark Sykes. His life and letters, Cassell, London, 1923).

With the Balfour Declaration providing the ideological basis, when the Peace Conference following the war, the defeat of Turkey and the disintegration of the Turkish Empire, turned to the question of Mandates, the granting of the Palestine to Britain was a mere formality and a recognition of a fait accompli.

While propagating Zionism, most of the non-Jewish Zionists entertained the same prejudices as their anti-Semitic contemporaries. Both Chamberlain and Balfour opposed the entry into Britain of east European Jews fleeing persecution – as indeed did their Jewish-Zionist protégés. Balfour introduced and pushed through parliament the Aliens Bill that restricted Jewish immigration from eastern Europe to Britain, for reasons of “undoubted evils that had fallen upon the country from an immigration that was largely Jewish” (House of Commons, July 10, 1905, Official Records). Earlier still, when Jews in England were fighting for their civil emancipation, Lord Shaftesbury spoke against the 1858 Emancipation Act. It can thus clearly be seen that Zionism and anti-Semitism are complementary and reinforce each other. The most glaring example of this cohabitation doubtless remains the Nazi-Zionist collaboration as outlined in a previous LALKAR article.

Official Zionist historiography disseminated by the state of Israel ignores the critical role played by Britain in the rise of Herzlian Zionism. In so doing, Zionist narrative has attempted to get everyone to focus on the state of Israel as a given and to present Herzlian Zionism as a national liberation movement of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jews. This is clearly not the case.

The British Empire sponsored the political project of Zionism from the early 1800s, if no earlier.

Historic homeland of Jews

The Jewish question (Jews living among non-Jews) arose in Russia at the end of the 18th century consequent upon many geographic, historical and geopolitical factors. The area between the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea has been a meeting place for ancient and medieval Asian and European migrations. It has been the historic homeland for most of the world Jewry for over a thousand years since the centre of gravity of Jews moved from the medieval Khazar Empire to the modern Pale of Settlement following the Mongol invasion of Russia and eastern Europe. The concentration of world Jewry in this area, and successive partitions of Poland at the end of the 18th century, proved to be significant landmarks in the birth of the Jewish question in Russia and the rest of Europe.

Several medieval geographers and modern historians have studied the rise and fall of the Jewish Khazar Empire (following the mass conversion of Turkic Khazars to Judaism) in southern Russia between the 8th and 10th centuries. The Khazar power went into decline after the defeat of the Khazar army by Sviatoslav, Duke of Kiev, in 960. Whatever remained of the Khazar empire was put an end to by Genghis Khan’s invasion of Russia in 1218, which led to the dispersal of Khazar Jews between the Caspian and Baltic Seas – the actual historical homeland of contemporary Jews. As the Khazar Jews moved out of their shtetls in the Russian and central Asian steppes to the towns and cities of eastern Europe in the process they lost their cohesive identity as Khazar, retaining merely their religion and other traditions.

It must be this historical fact that led Arthur Koestler (a Hungarian Ashkenazi Jew) to argue in his book The thirteenth tribe: the Khazar Empire and its heritage that Ashkenazic Jews are the descendants of the Khazars. Equally, it must have led Paul Wexler, Tel Aviv University professor, to write three books namely, The Ashkenazic Jews: a Slavo-Turkic people in search of a Jewish identity; The non-Jewish origins of the Sephardic Jews; and Two-tiered relexification in Yiddish: Jews, Sorbs, Khazars and the Kiev-Polessian dialect. In these he argues that the Ashkenzic Jews are predominantly of Slavo-Turkic stock rather than Palestinian Jewish emigrants, while Sephardic Jews are mainly of Berber and Arab descent.

Be that as it may, the Zionists consider such research as taboo – even anti-Semitic. In this context, the Zionists were instrumental in the establishment in 1980 of the International Association of Jewish Geneological Societies (AIJGS) to elevate Jewish genealogy among Jewish people and in the academic community, with the aim of containing the increasing global awareness of the non-Semitic origins of contemporary Jews and emerging evidence about their Khazar ancestry.

The Jewish question arose in Russia after many partitions of Poland (in 1772, 1793 and 1795) between the Russian, Prussian and Austrian empires. Having destroyed Poland, the partition resulted in the transfer of the largest Jewish communities to Russian rule – the geographic areas of what came to be known later as the Jewish Pale of Settlement.

According to the 1857 Russian census, 95% of the 5,189,401 Jews of the Russian empire were concentrated in the 25 provinces of the Jewish Pale of Settlement and Russian Poland. Russia’s policy of Russification, which put restrictions on non-Russian languages and cultures, inflicted the worst suffering upon Muslim Tatars and Jewish Khazars. Many of the restrictions – residential and occupational – on the Jews were inspired by prejudice. As a result, leaving aside the wealthy, the highly skilled, and some long-term soldiers, the Russian Jews were confined to the Jewish Pale of Settlement. They were habitually accused of not taking to agriculture, exploiting the peasantry through the practice of moneylending, purveying liquor to drunken peasants, evading military service, and engaging in disaffection.

The Jewish question came to the forefront of Russian politics and geopolitics following the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, for which Jews were blamed. The discriminatory nature of the May 1882 laws provided Britain with a kind of moral and political leverage to directly interfere in Russian affairs on behalf of Russian Jews through the organisation of a number of public meetings in London focusing on the Jewish question in Russia. Throughout the 1880s, the British maintained pressure on the Russians in relation to the Jewish question. In due course, having come into a position to take the debate on the Jewish question into Russia, they shifted the thrust of their diplomatic discourse from simply expressing their views on the May 1882 laws to a direct official representation for the annulment of those laws against the Jews, whom they started calling ‘Israelites’, in tune with an increasingly aggressive policy of Zionisation of the Jews and Judaisation of Zionism.

British Zionisation of Russian Jews and Judaisation of Zionism

The assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881 and the rumoured ‘Russian solution’ (one third of the Jews to be converted to Christianity, one third to emigrate, and one third to perish) to the ‘Jewish problem’, provided the British with a pretext and opportunity to establish closer organisational, missionary, and more significantly political contacts with eastern European and Russian Jewry so as to Zionise the latter’s aspirations and redirect their migratory movement away from the Americas to Palestine. (All the same, between 1870 and 1914 about two million east European Jews migrated westward to the Americas).

While the question of using Jews in the interests of the British Empire had been discussed by Lord Palmerston and Queen Victoria as early as 1839, a concrete proposal for a settler colonial movement aimed at making Palestine a British sponsored state for world Jewry only came about with Colonel Gawler’s plan. Gawler had experience in settling British convicts in Australia, and his plan called for the Zionisation of Judaism and Judaisation of Zionism. The person chosen by the British establishment to take this mission to the Jews of eastern Europe and Russia was Wilhelm Henry Hechler (1845-1931).

Following the 1881 events in Russia and the 1882 London public meetings in support of Russian Jews, Lord Temple and Lord Shaftesbury sent William Hechler to meet the leaders of eastern European and Russian Jewry in Odessa and propagate Zionism as the only solution to the carefully-engineered problem of ‘anti-Semitism’ as opposed to the more familiar one of ‘Judeophobia’ at the time. Hechler met Leo Pinsker and told him that he had forgotten to mention in his pamphlet, The auto-emancipation, “God’s promise to Abraham and his children”. This is how the British establishment began to inject its Zionism into an otherwise local and natural emancipation movement of eastern European Jewry in its own ancestral homeland.

The Hechler-Pinsler encounter was instrumental in the founding of the Society for the Promotion of the Love of Zion and the Lovers of Zion movement. Initially Pinsker’s auto-emancipation movement was a non-Zionist movement seeking a solution for the Jewish question in Russia through independence of the Jewish Pale of Settlement or mass migration to the Americas – not Palestine. He considered Judeophobia, rather than anti-Semitism, as the problem presented by the Jewish question (Pinsker concluded his pamphlet by emphasising that a Jewish settler state would require a propelling force for migration, a territory to be conquered, and the backing of imperial powers, notably the British to sponsor it).

Pinsker rejected Hechler’s Zionism, saying: “The goal of our present endeavours must not be the Holy Land, but a land of our own”.

Hechler’s visit to Odessa appears to have influenced many Jewish lenders in Russia and eastern Europe to rethink their auto-emancipation as well as their plans for emigration to north America. To carry on his unceasing attempt at impregnating Russian and eastern European Jews with ideas of Zionism, Hechler moved to Vienna, teaching at the University of Vienna and working in the British Embassy there in 1882. After meeting Hechler in Odessa, Pinsker began to entertain some sympathy for Zionism and became the president of the Lovers of Zion.

Hechler had close connections with Theodor Herzl from 1896, the year Herzl published Der Judenstaat, until the latter’s death in 1904. Having read Herzl’s book, Hechler was ecstatic and hurried to tell the British Ambassador Monson that “the fore-ordained movement is here!” Hechler took an active part in the First Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, in August 1897. He cannot have failed to be disappointed when in 1903 the Sixth World Zionist Congress, under the leadership of Israel Zangwill, backed by Herzl, voted (295-178) against Palestine and in favour of Uganda as a homeland for the Jews. Hechler was one of the last to see Herzl as he was dying at the Sanatorium in Edlach in early July 1904.

Beyond tutoring Herzl on Zionism, Hechler, a British agent motivated by imperial and religious considerations, was indispensable to Herzl politically, for he introduced Herzl and Zionism to the German Emperor, the Russian Tsar, the Ottoman Sultan, the Pope and two Russian ministers (Plehve and Witte), and many other important people.

To secure their support, both Hechler and Herzl were offering the German Kaiser and the Russian tsar the prospect that Zionism would help solve the Jewish question by simultaneously weakening the Jewish-led revolutionary and democratic movements in Europe and Russia as well as the power of international Jewish capital. Herzl wrote thus with regard to the socio-economic position of the Jews in Europe:

“We have attained pre-eminence in finance, because medieval conditions drove us to it. The process is now being repeated. We are again being forced into finance, now it is the stock exchange, by being kept out of other branches of economic activity. Being on the stock exchange, we are consequently exposed afresh to contempt. At the same time we continue to produce an abundance of mediocre intellects who find no outlet, and this endangers our social position as much as does our increasing wealth. Educated Jews without means are now rapidly becoming Socialists. Hence we are certain to suffer very severely in the struggle between classes, because we stand in the most exposed position in the camps of both Socialists and capitalists” (Herzl, The Jewish State).

A mere two decades later, the ideas expressed by Herzl in the above paragraph appear to have been borrowed by the vile Nazis when they portrayed and stereotyped the Jews as being the dominant force among the ‘red’ communists and the ‘gold’ capitalists.

In addition to offering to his would-be sponsors the tantalising prospect of ridding them of the revolutionary menace and competition from Jewish capitalists, Herzl, with barely concealed racism and European chauvinism, stated that the Jewish state would “form a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilisation as opposed to barbarism”.

Herzl was never a religious person and once said that religion “is a fantasy that holds people in its grip” (Yoram Hazoni, The Jewish states: the struggle for Israel’s soul, Basic Books, New York, 2000). He had no preference for a particular territory for the Jews, merely desiring Jewish ‘sovereignty’ over a portion of the globe, as strip of territory. As to the choice between Palestine and Argentina, Herzl wrote: “We shall take what is given to us”.

In the light of the foregoing, we cannot but agree with the following conclusion of Mohameden Ould Mey: “Jews did not invent Zionism. Rather Zionism invented the Jews, though not all Jews are Zionist and not all Zionists are Jews. During the Reformation and mercantilist era, Protestants were interested in Jews as ammunition against the Catholics and leaders of the interest-based rising capitalist sector. Martin Luther’s Jewish-friendly writings in 1523, Oliver Cromwell’s readmission of the Jews to England in 1655, and the quasi-Judaization of the Puritans are graphic examples. With the Industrial Revolution and the European Enlightenment, Napoleon boosted the emancipation of the Jews in an attempt to estrange them from their European and Ottoman rulers as part of his unsuccessful plans to destroy the power of England and Russia and dominate Europe. After Napoleon, the British articulated a complex set of imperialist and religious motives designed to make the Eastern Question fit the Jewish Question. Obviously all of this took place before the alleged founder of Zionism (Herzl) was born in 1860, as well as before anti-Semitism was encouraged as a propelling machine for Zionism. With the change of Zionism’s guardianship and custody from Britain to the United States in the aftermath of the Second World War, Zionism continues to be a geopolitical configuration (rather than a national reality), which facilitates western multilateral hegemony over the Arab world’s strategic location (straits and waterways), cultural heritage (antique and Biblical history), economic resources (oil reserves and business contracts), and possible unification schemes …” (Ibid. p.607).

The continuing imperialist obsession with disarming every Middle Eastern country while preserving Israel’s weapons of mass destruction is an illustration of such continuity.

From its inception, Zionism has been a geopolitical construct. Today it presents the ‘Nazi Holocaust’ against the Jews in Europe as the historical explanation and the moral justification for the ‘Zionist Holocaust’ against the Palestinians.

If Zionism were a genuine national liberation movement, as is claimed by the Zionists and their imperialist backers, it is pertinent to ask: why did it not seek to liberate the Jewish Pale of Settlement (home to most Jews) in Russia? Likewise the question arises as to why, when contemporary Zionism claims to be exclusively Jewish, are its origins traceable to non-Jewish debates and writings of late nineteenth century England? What claim can Zionism make to Palestine that the Palestinians can’t make with much greater force? In the name of what can Zionism justify the expulsion, dispossession, dispersal, and oppression of millions of Palestinians on the basis of ancient, medieval and modern atrocities inflicted in Europe by some Europeans against their Jewish populations? What are the prospects of Zionism in view of Israel’s rejection of the UN-backed Right of Return for the Palestinians while simultaneously justifying its own existence on the arbitrary law of ‘Return’?

As things stand, the Zionist state of Israel, through its occupation of territories it captured in the 1967 war, its continued colonisation and settlement building, has to all intents and purposes scuppered the 2-state solution. That being the case, it will either have to impose its rule over the Palestinians through a system of brutal apartheid or grant them rights as equal citizens in a bi-national state. Either way, it puts paid to the Zionist dream of an exclusively Jewish – not to say theocratic and racist – state. Of these two options, the Zionists are likely to choose the former. History provides sufficient proof that such a state of affairs cannot be maintained indefinitely. It must break down in the face of Palestinian resistance and the fatigue of never-ending war between the oppressors and the oppressed.



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