
Zio-Anglo-American Axis Research ... page 3

Corsi: How Hillary Clinton Began the Ukraine War in 2013
Guest post by Jerome R. Corsi

The NATO and U.S.-backed war against Russia began in 2000 when Clinton courted New York’s large Ukrainian American constituency in her run for the U.S. Senate.  Hillary openly recognized the Holodomor [Stalin’s plan to starve millions of anti-Russian Ukrainian peasants to death in his 1932-33 communist collective farming disaster]. As a senator, she campaigned on admitting Ukraine to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and promised to set the legislative agenda to admit Ukraine to NATO.

In 2010, Secretary of State Clinton was warmly welcomed in Kyiv by Ukraine’s pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych. During that visit, Clinton told Yanukovych that “NATO’s door remains open” despite Yanukovych’s evident retreat from pursuing NATO membership. The battlelines between Hillary and Trump trace back to 2004 when Paul Manafort agreed to become a paid advisor to Yanukovych.  Manafort was a top-level Republican operative who had previously worked with Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.  Yanukovych was a former governor of Donetsk, a Russian-speaking region of Ukraine close to the border with Russia.

The decisions that led Obama/Hillary/Biden to go to war against Russia in today’s proxy Ukraine-Russia war trace back to November 30, 2013, the day Yanukovych announced he was suspending preparations for signing an agreement to join NATO that had been scheduled to occur at an EU summit held that day in Vilnius, Lithuania.  The State Department’s efforts to block Yanukovych from power in Ukraine began with the Soros-funded Orange Revolution in 2004.  In December 2013, 300,00 Ukrainians took to the streets in the largest protests since the Orange Revolution, this time demanding Yanukovych resign.  These protests developed into the State Department and Soros-funded Maidan Revolution, which ultimately led to Yanukovych fleeing to Russia in February 2014.

As Banks Fail and Americans Scramble to Protect Retirement Accounts With Physical Gold and Silver, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How

On September 21, 2019, investigative journalist Lee Stranahan reported in TGP that Soros funded the International Renaissance Foundation that worked closely with Hillary Clinton’s State Department in Ukraine and contributed at least $8 million to Hillary-affiliated super-PACs in her 2016 presidential campaign cycle.  On March 19, 2015, the Wall Street Journalpublished a chart showing Ukrainian donors led the list of nations from which contributions by individuals of more than $50,000 went to the Clinton Foundation.  According to the Wall Street Journal, Ukrainian individual donors contribute $10.0 million to the Clinton Foundation between 1999 and 2014.

In August 2016, the Associated Press (AP) broke the story that while she was secretary of state, Clinton hosted in June 2012, a private dinner for Clinton Foundation donors at her home, including Victor Pinchuk, a Ukrainian businessman whose Ukrainian-based foundation donated at least $8.6 million to the Clinton Foundation.  During the period in which he attended Clinton’s private dinner, Pinchuk had retained Doug Schoen, a New York-based pollster who was a former advisor to President Bill Clinton, to set up meetings with State Department officials.  On February 12, 2014, the New York Times reported that Pinchuk, whose father-in-law is Leonid Kuchma, president of Ukraine from 1994 to 2005, “led a government criticized for corruption, nepotism, and the murder of dissident journalists.”  As president, Kuchma privatized a giant state steel factory and sold it to Pinchuk’s consortium for the low price of approximately $800 million.  The New York Timesarticle also reported that between 2006 and 2014, Pinchuk donated roughly $13.1 million to the Clinton Foundation.  Pinchuk strongly advocated Ukraine joining the EU, a cause he championed with Secretary of State Clinton.

After Hillary left the State Department in 2014, Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, took up the cause of getting Ukraine into NATO.  On December 13, 2013, amid the Maidan Revolution, Nuland gave a speech to the U.S. Ukraine Foundation.  In that speech, she said, “When Ukrainians say they are European, this is what they mean.  And as one very prominent Ukrainian businessman said to me, ‘The Maidan Movement’s greatest achievement is that it has proven that the people of Ukraine will no longer support any president—this one [i.e., Yanukovych] or a future one—who does not take them to Europe.'”  In February 2014, a leaked transcript of a telephone call between Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, then U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Nuland said, “F… the EU!” in apparent frustration the EU was not equally as strong as the State Department in supporting the Maidan Revolution’s push to for Ukraine to join NATO.

In March 2014, following the Maidan Revolution that ousted Yanukovych, Russian troops invaded and annexed Crimea while supporting Russian-backed separatists supported Russia-aligned Donbas and Luhansk republics as independent states in battles with the Ukrainian army.  On February 18, 2023, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stepped in front of microphones for an impromptu press conference following a meeting of the NATO Defense Ministers at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.  Stoltenberg openly admitted to the Western media that NATO has been at war with Russia since 2014.  “Since 2014, NATO allies have provided support to Ukraine with training and equipment. Ukrainian forces were much stronger in 2022 than they were in 2014.”

Investigative reporter Jerome Corsi has agreed to write an exclusive series of stories for TGP to explore the exploits of the Biden crime family in depth.  Since 2004, Corsi has published over 30 books on economics, history, and politics, including two #1 New York Times bestsellers.  In 1972, he received his Ph.D. from the Department of Government at Harvard University. His book, Volume I in his Great Awakening Trilogy, The Truth About Energy, Global Warming, and Climate Change: Exposing Climate Lies in an Age of Disinformation, received highly positive reviews from prominent climate scientists.  Volume II, The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism, and Anarchy: Exposing Woke Insanity in an Age of Disinformation, is scheduled for publication on November 14, 2023. Dr. Corsi has resumed podcasting on his new website, which is now on the Internet in its first development phase.

British Royal family pedo empire, satanic ritual child abuse, cannabilism
HealthImpactNews... and video summary of Nicholas Veniamin, of “We The People.” British royal family, especially Prince Andrew, good friends with Ghislane Maxwell, the royal butler, Paul Kidd, pimped underage kids to royal family members, Kidd was a senior footman to the Queen Mother between 1979 and 1984. Lord Louis Mountbatten is another case, he was a pedophile and serial abuser of children, and the Kinkora scandal linked Mountbatten to a child prostitution ring in Belfast, Ireland that included ritual sexual abuse, all covered up by police until 1981. The kids were pimped out to the elite class. He introduced Jimmy Saville to the royal family. He was the most prolific abuser in British history and was good friends with now King Charles, all were involved in satanism. He was a regular visitor to the royal palace. He was knighted by the Queen. Lady Dianna was bullied by Prince Charles and Ghislane Maxwell, she threatened to expose the pedophilia in the royal family. The Queen was implicated in the disappearance of native children in Canada. In Kamloops, the Queen invited ten children to a picnic and they were never seen again. Prince Phillip made a special request to visit the Bohemian Grove attended by a very limited guest list. In 2012 a body was found on the Queen's estate, Sandringham. Arizona Wilder in interview with David Icke said she witnessed satanic rituals put on by the royal family, where they drank human blood and consumed human flesh, with jeweled goblets and daggers, a symbol of phalus going into a vagina, all wore robs with nothing on underneath, as they participated in sexual orgies during the rituals,

Joachim Hagopian, Ukraine Game Changer: Humanity at the Good vs. Evil Epic War Crossroads
October 4, 2022 James Fetzerblog
Joachim Hagopian
There is the bloodline ruling elites embodied by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, European royal families, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and other lesser visible Illuminati lineages, all Hell bent on gaining absolute dystopian control over the earthly devil’s dominion, and virtually everything on it, especially a subjugated, majorly reduced human population. Because they own the criminal banking cartel for centuries now, over time they’ve subversively acquired ownership and control through bribery and blackmail all major governments, in particular the United Nations and European Union, but also all the largest transnational corporations including Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media and the military industrial complex, and through subversion, infiltration, bribery, blackmail and murder, every major national and international judiciary system also under their lawless power and corrupted control. By anonymous ownership of all the controlling shares within the three largest investment firms – BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, they have a lock on virtually every precious commodity and resource of any value on earth.

This tiny elite group goes by any number of names – the international criminal cabal because that’s what it is, the more generic ruling elite, the Deep State, the Khazarian Mafia, the W.E.F. (World Economic Forum), and are further cloaked by powerful, subversive occult secret society cults, some dating back to the days of Babylon, among them the Freemasons, Jesuits, Malta Knights, Illuminati, Talmudic Zionists, the Pilgrim Society, Skull and Bones, the Fabian Society, Marxism, Order of the Garter, and they control all the world’s largest, most influential think tanks and trust funds as well. From three sovereign entities considered their unholy trinity of power the above bloodlines and organizations operate the City of London (home of the Rothschild private central banking cartel atop the economic predatory food chain), Washington DC (the geopolitical-military bastion of global control) and the Vatican (religious control center). Three other significant power centers include Brussels (NATO, EU), NYC’s Wall Street, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and United Nations, and Hollywood (mind control propaganda machine).

Through various hierarchical organizations and elite “think tanks” like the Bilderberg group, CFR, the Chatham House, the Trilateral Commission and the Committee of 300, the crime cabal cherry picks and sends its movers and shakers to meet regularly behind closed doors in order to do the formal “dirty bidding” of their bloodline masters, planning the next series of engineered crises deploying their trademark M.O.s of “problem, reaction, solution” and “divide and rule” tactics, implemented through 24/7 false narrative propaganda deception to brainwash and mind control the public masses.

Promoting and financing both sides to every conflict, war and divided enemy camp through controlled opposition (i.e., the Cold War, War on Terror, War on Drugs, Civil War, West vs. East, whites versus blacks, illegal aliens versus citizens, democracy versus communism, liberal versus conservative, Democrats versus Republicans, Christian versus Jews, Christians versus Moslems, upper class versus lower classes, men versus women, the state versus family, the young versus old, patriots versus the liberal woke. The ruling elite atop this power pyramid are masters of deception, cunningly pitting one group against others, busily manufacturing all wars, economic depressions, pandemics, even turning natural weather events into intensified, geoengineered, unnatural disasters, all towards power consolidation and absolute megalomaniacal control. We are at the crossroads in the heat of battle between good and evil.

When the Israeli military intelligence entrapment operation led by Jeffrey Epstein and Guislaine Maxwell cast the public spotlight behind the curtain exposing sexual blackmail and child sex trafficking on the heels of the intertwined Clinton-Podesta Pizzagate following UK’s wake-up with the shocking Jimmy Savile-BBC-Jill Dando-royal family-Princess Diana pedophilia connection, the ruling elites as pedo-overlords of the worldwide child raping network were scandalously outed as emperors without clothes (King Charles’ best bud Savile and Prince Andrew’s bud Epstein), fearing full public exposure of their ungodly sins would be their ruinous end. But no matter how hard the Establishment tries to marginalize, deny, whitewash and demonize, the masses are waking up more every single day to recognize the elites’ previous unthinkable sins against both children and humanity.

Due to the elites’ propensity for perversion and debauchery, the pedo-Establishment death cult reformalized its UN Agenda 21 from 1992, deciding its implementation had to be sped up because too many states and world citizens were catching on to the nefarious “vision” of the overambitious, highly centralized control matrix and its VIP bad habits. Hence, Agenda 2030 was spawned in 2015 as a fitting precursor to the rollout of Covid-19 genocide based on the Rockefeller Operation Lockstep playbook. Again, behind benign false banners of sustainability, multiculturalism, green energy and climate change, the elites are targeting and destroying the farmers that grow our food as in America and Europe, especially farmers in Holland as the world’s second largest agricultural exporter and Biden paying US farmers to either not plant or destroy crop yields. The purposefully systematic sabotage depriving farmers their crucial fertilizer, willfully burning down countless food processing plants like there’s no tomorrow, sudden suspicious cattle die-offs, the unprecedented massive culling of almost 100 million birds in North America and Europe alone driving up poultry prices sky high under a questionable avian bird flu no corporate media touches.

All of these alarming developments orchestrated by the elite are intended to make certain that famine and starvation become inevitable within our near future, between the drastic food and fertilizer shortages coupled with the acute diesel fuel shortage essential to food services, vis-à-vis trucks transporting and farm tractors producing the food. Throw in the prospect of hyperinflation and food becomes both unaffordable and increasingly scarce to a growing percentage of our global population. Yet this is precisely the unfolding Luciferian eugenics scheme mapped out decades in advance by globalist forerunners like the Club of Rome, aimed to methodically depopulate an “overpopulated” earth (by Malthusian deception).

Nearly a half century ago, the now 99-year old globalist Zio-master Henry Kissinger promoted the concept of weaponizing food as the go-to method of population control, paving today’s pathway to starving millions as part of the elites’ depopulation agenda. Elites stealthily misused an environmentalist movement as the well-intended, benign hook to convince multiple generations that survival of the human species depends entirely on zero carbon emissions and robust promotion of renewable green energy technologies. Under this banal pretext of green energy to fight climate change, the masters of deception have effectively brainwashed millions if not billions around the globe, having created their Trojan horse, genocidal elites are now busily depopulating our planet according to recently demolished Georgia Guidestones as their once metaphorical human sacrificial altar.

Today Bill Gates’ world is all about the threat of climate change. Yet four years ago Bill Gates was caught on camera accidentally letting it slip that the climate change agenda is one big scam that he laughingly brags has “screwed up people’s minds.” His fleeting honesty exudes the elites’ condescending contempt for how stupid the public is to so easily buy into their false propaganda mind control bullshit intended to condition the populace to embrace elitist buzzwords like “sustainability” and “multiculturalism” as political correctness weaponized to silence free, honest expression and subversively neutralize First Amendment rights. Our gullibility becomes their entertainment.

With Bill Gates in recent years buying up most of America’s farmland with intent not to grow food, instead make meat unavailable to the masses, investing and promoting a daily diet of synthetically fake, genetically modified nonmeat, topped off by the Gates brand of mealworms and insects as our next big food staple for the hungry, food-deprived masses, after getting filthy richer off his eugenics bioweapon patents committing genocide against the lowly human race, making another $7.5 billion during the pandemic. The contrite excuses the elites use in their thinly veiled justification for their murderous crimes only add insult to our injury and death. The criminal evidence of genocide has Bill Gates dodging lawsuits yet still a free man walking as an untouchable cabal overlord still pitching his warped ideas, graphically illustrating the two-tiered justice system where the 1% continue getting away with mass murder while those wanting to hold perps like him accountable are criminalized as domestic terrorists.

The Deep State Khazarian mafia launched their nonexistent Covid-19 fake pandemic with the expressed purpose to cause global panic in order to drive home their premeditated bioweapon genocide. But in response when public pushback learned too much criminal truth and mobilized such strong opposition and resistance to this unprecedented crime of the ages, unmasking Klaus Schwab’s World Economic  Forum’s (WEF) “Great Reset” teamed with the now King Charles III (whose father’s death wish was to be reincarnated as a killer virus) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as prime pandemic architects, working in tandem with UN and its World Health Organization. Live Event 201 in late October 2019 was dress rehearsal for the COVID pandemic sponsored by the Gates Foundation and Schwab’s WEF at the exact same time that Chinese in Wuhan were suddenly dropping dead once 5G was initially turned on. Gates, Schwab and the UN conspired with Big Pharma and all the Schwab groomed puppet presidents, and prime ministers alongside Dr. “Mengele” Fauci, Birx et al, aided and abetted by Big Tech and MSM’s criminal complicity to censor all lifesaving information. Now that all these criminal players are finally publicly exposed, at the present moment they are all trying in vain to dodge their karmic bullets. Thus, elites’ consolidation of power on steroids to one world government control is the endgame not coming soon enough for them.

By mid-2021, the elites realized COVID was not their be-all-to-end-all of the human race as they hoped, clearly their coldblooded depopulation scheme wasn’t working fast enough to prevent the people from catching on as refusing the jab was on the rise. Their one world government brass ring they counted on it leading to was still too far out of reach, so it was time for their Plan B rollout. To fill the strategy of tension void since omicron was no longer feared, another terrifying crisis was urgently needed to engulf the global population with yet more divisive panic and terror. Piggybacking off the fading pandemic that had by design induced the stacking up of a worldwide supply chain bottleneck, enter their next standby crisis –  another recycled round of Cold War 2.0, featuring Ukraine/NATO/US versus Russia with Taiwan/US/NATO versus China on deck, straight out of the elites’ never-ending “never let a good crisis go to waste” playbook.

Building up the tensions in late 2021 with the media focused on Putin’s 100,000 troops at the Ukraine border just as the fading pandemic ran its failed course (though more  variants and Monkeypox were feebly inserted as go-to pandemic fillers), by February 24th, 2022, the next bigtime crisis was launched with Putin’s Special Military Operation into Ukraine, aka his “unprovoked invasion” and the World War III nuclear Armageddon campaign misdirection was on fulltime. This next “wag the dog” episode was meant to drown out truth percolating over the real science extent of vaccine death and injury damage. But it was Ukraine to the rescue, providing the 24/7 false narrative spun retread of the old biblical “David vs. Goliath” fable, starring as David the Ukrainian drama queen professional actor Zelensky and of course as villainous Goliath the demonized Putin reprising his familiar role leading his big bad invading Russian bear. It was seamlessly more of the same “safe and effective” lie in reverse, with little David aka Zelensky fighting to save world democracy on our behalf, so anything you can give to his coffers so the little underdog Ukraine can defend its “democracy” against the devil himself Putin.

Never mind that Z-man outlawed all Ukraine’s opposition parties and shut down all media not under his direct control, is alleged to hire CIA assassination squads and through his notorious Mirotvorets, has a public enemy hit list to harass and endanger perceived anti-Ukrainians holding a different version of events from his own nonstop lies. Oh, and his nation is the European money laundering organized crime capital for trafficking babies and raped children, harvesting and trafficking human organs, the east-west gateway for the most drug trafficking, and Ukraine’s black market and dark web traffic more illegal weapons than anywhere else in Europe. CBS admitted at least 70% of all the West’s heavy arms shipped to Ukraine end up sold on the black market. But keep those guns and money coming in – so far $65 billion and counting, from DC alone.

Speaking of which, over a half year later the scandalous Ukraine saga sadly still continues. Add another $12 billion this week to Zelensky’s coffers, topping off Biden’s “gift” to Kiev again at a $65 billion money drain exhausting both US taxpayers and a depleted US military arsenal, rendering good ol’ USA’s defense totally indefensible from enemies both foreign and domestic storming our borderless, wide open southern gate, while leaving the US defenseless for the upcoming West vs. East World War III endgame, all brought to you by the globalist “Great Reset.” Such is DC’s warmongering insanity choking the life out of America.

But with the Nord Stream pipeline leaks spilling methane gas into the Atlantic Ocean clearly a terrorist act committed by the US at the behest of the Khazarian mafia, the life being choked out of Germany and Europe is even faster. The US rush to clean green energy at the expense of starving and freezing lots of people to death, while committing a criminal war act betraying its “close” Western ally, deliberately causing history’s biggest greenhouse methane gas leak, says everything you need to know about who is really running this world. And if there’s any doubt about who benefits from the mess, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was beaming through his latest press conference, repeating the word “opportunity” three times when referring to the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage:

Ultimately this is also a tremendous opportunity. It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs… [United States is] the leading supplier of LNG [liquefied natural gas] to Europe.

With the US clearly benefiting the most from the two blown up pipelines, air flight patterns over the exact location at the time of the explosions detect US planes, plus US military helicopter and undersea activity in the area earlier in the month are also on record. Additionally, within days prior to Putin’s Ukraine intervention, both Biden and Victoria Nuland are both on record separately assuring that the Nord Stream pipelines would be neutralized. Plus, a former Polish Defense Minister actually wrote thanking the US for destroying them. On top of all this compelling evidence incriminating the United States government as the guilty party that detonated explosives to take out the pipelines last week, idiot Blinken either blatantly doesn’t care that his over-exuberant boast incriminates him as well, or the head of American foreign policy is such a moron, he knows not what he says. Either way, the US is a criminal corporation employed by the Khazarian mafia to commit ecological terrorist acts against Western allies. Again, bloodline controllers owe no allegiance to any country or regional alliance. That US has now been outed as an enemy to Germany makes no difference to the lawless crime cabal running the show, in fact it’s divide and conquer progress.

With last week’s referendums unanimously voting for annexation of the Donbas region (almost 99% in favor), Zaporizhzhia (93%) and Kherson (87%) rejoining Russia, after their fellow ethnic Russian citizens overwhelmingly exercised their democratic right toward self-determination, braving Ukraine shelling in some cases, the long-awaited game changer has arrived. A September 30th update on Ukraine from analyst and former US Marine intelligence officer and UN arms inspector Scott Ritter stated:

By holding referenda in the occupied territories about joining Russia (all of which passed by an overwhelming majority), Russia has changed the very nature of the conflict, transforming it from a fight between Ukraine and Russia on Ukrainian soil, to an existential battle with the ‘collective West’ over Mother Russia itself.

Russia’s new red line for Ukraine is any further attacks on Russia’s new territory is a direct attack on Russian soil, and if Ukraine/NATO/US cross that line, they have already been explicitly warned by Putin, Forein Minister Sergei Lavrov, Security Council Deputy Dmitry Medvedev and Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova that Moscow will deploy its nuclear weapons to defend its homeland. Not to be outdone, with hyperbolic threat, Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on CBS’ September 25th “Meet the Press” warned:

If Russia crosses this [nuclear] line, there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia.

Unlike before, Ukraine/NATO/US attacking this brand-new Russian territory with advanced long-range Western weapons systems now constitutes a direct attack by the West against Russia. On Friday September 30th when Putin made his landmark speech welcoming the new territory, he told Ukraine “to cease-fire and return to the negotiating table.”

Ukraine’s immediate same day response to Putin’s game changing checkmate is to apply for NATO membership. According to a Hal Turner report dated October 1st, “Instead of stopping its attacks, Ukraine attacked worse.” Putin is sending trainloads of the Russian Iskander-M hypersonic missiles to the Kherson region. Russia’s advanced hypersonic nuclear capable stealth missiles are long range, anywhere from 415 km up to 500 km (over 250 to over 300 miles) at a 6-7 Mach speed again. Once the Iskander system is positioned, poised and at the ready, and once Putin retaliates against Ukraine should it continue its artillery shelling on any Russian soil, risking a widening war to open up, possibly spreading beyond Ukraine to NATO Europe, it’s game over for Ukraine and for that matter even NATO. If that’s not enough, the Daily Mail reported on Monday October 3rd that a Russian Belgorod submarine left its Arctic port and NATO is quick to speculate it may be out testing its latest doomsday toy, a Poseidon drone that can unleash a 1,600 foot nuclear tsunami that can wipe out any coastline target. With the stakes now so much higher, if Ukraine/NATO/US is still killing people in the newly annexed Russian territory, they’re playing Russian roulette.

All the while, the elite has meticulously ensured that the exact timing to collapse the global economy will match its entire spectrum of converging manufactured crises intending the most direly destructive world impact. A recent leaked report from the Rand Corporation, another major NWO think tank, a full month ahead of Putin’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine, dated January 25th, 2022 specified that a weakened Germany and Europe would automatically strengthen the US, enabling Washington to manipulate Germany and Europe to go along with its sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine [pre-invasion] conflict, which would automatically cut off Europe’s energy supply from Russia and collapse their economy. Again, this is a full month prior to Putin sending his troops into Ukraine.

Thus, this entire debacle causing the destruction of Europe is the result of calculated planning by the elite. You can’t get any more diabolical than stabbing your closest allies in the back. This also adds to the already incriminating evidence that the US blew up the Russia-to-German pipelines last week, confirming that the US neocon puppets in DC, following their bloodline masters’ orders from City of London and Rome, that owe no allegiance to US or Europe, apparently have plotted the start of the imminent nuclear world war perfectly timed with the global economy collapse as well as Europe’s collapse, ultimately the collapse of Western civilization.

Adding to these never before seen elite created existential mega-crises, the long-planned, growing supply chain shutdown producing acute worldwide shortages of fertilizer, grain, food, fuel and parts, and the Dark Winter Biden promised, millions of the vaccinated with weakened immune systems from Covid-19 death jabs will soon be dying in unprecedented numbers.

Since we already know who the genocidal perpetrators are, arrests and prosecutions need to be made public now. Enough of all the unconfirmed hopium insisting for years now that thousands of sealed indictments are resulting in Gitmo military tribunal convictions and executions, claimed only by fringe websites. Before Europe and America are destroyed completely, we need substantiated proof now, not more wishful thinking fantasy that justice is being served. We need proof that the white hats even exist.

In the meantime, this week’s hurricane Ian’s devastation is one more reminder that all of these catastrophes taking place on earth now have been planned long in advance, including a full gamut of unnatural “climate change” disasters – floods, draughts, potential water wars, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanos, earthquakes, on top of everything else the evil ones are throwing at us. The relative handful of bloodline psychopaths creating all these deadly disasters essentially are bringing us their Great Reset. Unnatural geoengineered killers are designed to drive home the climate change hoax despite the inconvenient truth of fifty years of doomsday predictions that never happened, attempting to desperately justify rigid greenhouse gas mandates carrying absurdly suicidal outcomes, ensuring that the already devastating food and energy shortage crises turn deadlier, causing widespread famine and mass starvation across the planet. Taking all this mind-blowing horror into account, you can’t get any more sinister and demonic.

The latest US hurricane Ian has been blatantly geoengineered from a naturally occurring minor tropical storm, then manipulated, intensified to Category 4 level, and even rerouted by the notorious climate directed energy weapon geoengineers pushing the controllers’ fake climate change agenda to wreak maximizing havoc on millions of Red State Floridians. Meanwhile, as always, the fake scientists are busily reporting to the fake news media that climate change added a 10% more wallop to Ian’s precipitation, and how climate change is rapidly fueling all the hurricanes’ strength into far more powerful and deadly events.

Biden said last Thursday September 29th with precrime smugness that Ian “could be the deadliest hurricane in Florida’s history.” As of Tuesday October 4th, with the rising death toll reaching 103, Ian is the 5th all-time most powerful hurricane in mainland US history with maximum sustained winds of 150 MPH and a second landfall in South Carolina. The weather warfare cabal is milking every unnatural disaster it creates to deliberately push its diabolical climate change hoax and green energy agenda to further depopulate the planet with the genocide of the ages.

The WMD arsenal that the elites are currently deploying to wreck our lives trying to kill us appears limitless, underscoring the urgency to hold the perps to account for their crimes. The cabal’s circular argument of deception that everything horrible happening on earth now is due exclusively to humans interface with fossil fuels or livestock manure, from climate change to humans’ greenhouse gases, all exponentially causing a growing danger, and that we’ll all soon be dead unless climate change is adequately addressed with zero carbon and green energy mandates deliverable only through strictly enforced compliance. Hence come draconian laws put into place causing severe food and energy shortages posing a very real danger of famine, starvation and freezing to death this winter in what amounts to premeditated murder. The false narrative fake news obscures all hardcore facts – like the nearly depleted US military weapons arsenal is due to the majority ending up lost in Ukraine’s deep dark web and booming black market; or that virtually every major catastrophe threatening life on earth right now is due to Luciferian controllers wanting at least 90-95% of us dead, all in the name of their unholy god Lucifer. And the difference determining the outcome of this epic war between good and evil rests almost entirely on whether the truth prevails over deception.

Through this filtered, contextual lens examining each week’s current events, a whole new light as in Lucifer the light-bearer is shined on the inversed darkness. For instance, a week ago the US terrorist pipeline attacks against “close” ally Germany destroyed any chance of Russia’s natural gas supplying and sparing the energy-deprived nation from the disastrous consequence of deindustrialization, collapse of the national economy and fall of EU’s powerhouse nation-state, delivering Dark Winter doom and gloom to Germany and its people. Their deadly fate’s been sealed, compliments of the Judas US puppets following their demonic masters’ orders. If the most affluent, economically stable, most powerful nation within the European Union can be brought to its knees by Luciferian thugs running the international Khazarian mafia, then Third World nations around the globe have little chance of surviving the coming hell-storm. From Germany’s point of view, with “friends” like the US, who needs enemies? Angry Germans may understandably seek revenge against America. And what US ally will ever trust Washington again? But the bigger picture here is, the real criminal operators aren’t so much the puppets doing their masters’ bidding as the globalists atop the predatory food chain pulling their strings, that again hold no loyalty to any nation, only an unquenchable compulsion for more power and control.

Growing worldwide disobedience and pushback are refusing to comply with the overreaching, overexposed,  kleptocratic, WEF-groomed regimes stripping away our sovereign power and rights as both individuals and nations in order to centrally control and enslave us. We have the enormous advantage of outnumbering our identified and known enemy a million to one. The push toward localization, banding together in common unity and faith, practicing increasing self-resourcefulness opposing the elites’ scheme towards over centralization, can bolster our defenses against their over-the-top tyranny and oppression.

As immediate practical, do-able actions strongly recommended by former US Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and government whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts, remove your money from the large central banks to smaller local or state financial institutions, and use cash and far less debit and credit cards as two huge steps to neutralize and disempower the centralist controllers. And with all our collective heart and might, we absolutely must resist the enemy agenda to passively accept implementation of their world bank digital currency (WBDC) system as their ensnared trap to instant social credit score-frozen bank account imprisonment death… a cashless dystopian society under nightmarish centralized control. We owe our children a future worth living and only we together through mindful action and active resistance can deliver it. But we must act now as the window is fast closing.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for over 8 years, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like Global Research, and currently As a published bestselling author on Amazon of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, his A-Z sourcebook series exposes the global pedophilia scourge is available free at Joachim also hosts the Revolution Radio weekly broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed,” every Friday morning at 6AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!

The American Republic is only the latest victim of this Khazarian plot to rule the whole world.
SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé presents critical history about the Khazarian Cabal going back millennia.  It has never been so urgent for the world community of nations to understand who is really behind the never-ending wars and devastating conflicts, incessant chaos and cultural confusion, as well as the engineered financial breakdowns and economic collapses.  Only when humanity truly comprehends the bankster mentality of the Khazarian Clan, before there was even a Khazar Khaganate, can the entire planetary civilization be liberated from such a terrible scourge.  The important research posted below does a great job piecing together the multi-century crime scene puzzle of the utterly ruthless Khazarian Mafia.
N.B. It’s never been so imperative for the whole human race to become aware of the jailers who set up this prison planet.  For planet Earth has been transformed into a financial and economic penitentiary in which each and every human being is incarcerated to serve out their respective life sentence.  Now, meet your prison warden.


Now that we know where to look in history, the solutions can start to flow:

The Rothschilds (ca. 1744-present) did not invent mammon, but they currently lead this pagan Babylonian trek through history to control humanity through debt slavery

The Babylonian Hammarabi Code (ca. 1755–1750 B.C.) permitted usury (item 100), including in the city of Nippur

Five hundred years later in 1186 B.C. (12th century B.C.) the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt into Canaan, under the leadership of Moses occurred

The Canaanite (called Phoenicians by 500 B.C.) worshipped Ba’al and Moloch, practiced child sacrifice, and were charged usury by the Israelites

Fifteen centuries later, the Babylonian Banking Houses of Egibi and Murashu (Nippur) were the actual “Jewish” subjects of admonition by many of the Jewish Prophets against usury (ca. 6th-8th centuries B.C.)

The detailed archives discovered in 1874 of the Egibi and Murashu Banking Houses in Babylon show that these “Babylonian Rothschilds” did not follow the instruction of the Jewish Prophets against usury

These Radhanite* “Jews” controlled the Babylonian banking system, controlled the Silk Road trade with China, intermarried with the Turkic peoples of Persia, Khazaria and Sogdia and ceased to be Judean (truly Jewish) many centuries earlier.

*named after a suburb of Babylon
In short, the “Jewish” controllers of banking in Babylon were fake Jews, and have been to this day

Some 27 centuries later, the Rothschilds and their fellow fake-Jewish bankers—worshipers of Ba’al, Moloch and Mammon (via Sabbatean Frankism)—continue the evil pagan traditions of debt slavery, usury, human trafficking, and child sacrifice. These Babylonians rebranded themselves as “Ashkenazi”—while hiding as Judean Jews and using “anti-semitism!” propaganda epithets to mask their promotion of the usury sin. (They’re not Jewish nor semitic.)

Mammon and the sin of usury is the central demon plaguing our world today; it must be cast out (and we must stop practicing usury as both purveyors and co-dependent victims)

The Year of Jubilee must be declared
Oct. 07, 2022—The practice of usury has been almost universally condemned as unfair, discriminatory, and sinful by moral men and woman of the world since time immemorial—no matter their religion be it Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, or Moslem, or philosophy be it Plato, Aristotle, Cato, Cicero, Seneca, or Aquinas.

Debt Jubilee for Christians and Jews

Fig. 2—Gabriel, McKibben. (Oct. 06, 2022). Debt Jubilee for Christians and Jews. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. YouTube version. (Raw *.mp4 video file). Video: AIM/AFI.Note: The mask shown above is an 8th century A.D. mask of an intoxicated Sogdian King. The foreign origins of this mask from China are here implied by his exaggerated facial features. These include an aquiline nose (hooked), elongated earlobes, prominent cheekbones, and deep-set eyes surmounted by lashed eyebrows. Source: Smithsonian Institution. Source: Smithsonian Institution, Freer Sackler, The Sogdians, Influencers on the Silk Road.
So, why do we accept usury as our way of life today?

Credit cards, house mortgages, loans, bonds, consumer debts, college debts, car debts, business debts, debt, debt, debt.

Who is to blame for this sinful state of affairs?

Well, certainly us as the victims. We have allowed this practice to continue.

We are similar to the enablers in the alcohol addiction of a family member—we enable the addiction by acquiescing to the dysfunction.

More directly, the blame must be laid squarely at our fiat currency and fractional reserve banking system, and the people who control it, and have done so for some three millennia, as we shall prove.

Compared to the arc of history, the Jew Rothschilds and other fake-Jewish families like the Barings and Warburgs, are almost contemporary history as compared to the long line of usurers over the last 27 centuries who have so sinfully influenced human affairs.

We feel compelled to put “Jewish” in quotes because we have discovered that the Rothschild-esque bankers today are not Judean or even Jewish—they are pagans.

Rather, they are from Turkic-Persian-Babylonian-Sogdian-Khazarian stock whose convert progenitors melded into the various kingdoms of the ancient world, notably Persia and Babylon; they were put in charge of their banking, currency, taxation, administration, engineering, industry, shipping, communications, accountancy, trade, commerce, industry, and law along the Silk Road to China.

These fake Jews became the intermediaries between the kings and queens and their subjects. As long as these fake Jews collected the taxes successfully, they were given the keys to the empire.

This fake Jew dominance of Babylonian banking occurred before the 7th century B.C.—at the time of the writings of many Scriptures, including Exodus, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Zephaniah, Nahum, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Hosea, Amos, Micah, Zephaniah, Psalms, Haggai, Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs.

Rome was founded (ca. 753 B.C.); Athens was ascendant (ca. 490 B.C.)

In short, around the 7th century B.C., humanity saw a burst of spiritual energy in both the seen and unseen realms to lead humanity on a higher pathway. God was speaking mightily to the world through the children of Israel during this period.

God was calling the Children of Israel to repentance; to turn from their evil ways and seek righteousness.

God, through his Prophets, repeatedly condemn usury—

For example: Exodus 22:25-27, Deuteronomy 23:19, Ezekiel 18:13, Psalm 15:5, Leviticus 25:36, Proverbs 22:7, Nehemiah 5:10-11, Ecclesiastes 2:26.

Indeed, Deuteronomy 15:1-7 called for a “Year of Jubilee” where all debts would be cancelled every seven years.

The wealthy “Jewish”  Banking Houses of Egibi and Murashu—the Babylonian Kingdom’s bankers (“Babylonian Rothschilds”) — described below, ignored the pleas of the Prophets to forgive debts so as to make the people debt slaves. Nothing in their archives describes forgiveness of debt.

Nehemiah 5:9-13 pleaded with the Houses of Egibi and Murashu (yes, these very Houses):


Here we have indictable proof that the exact evil banking practices of the fake-Jewish Banking Houses of Egibi and Murashu in Babylon—at the height of their power and influence—has continued in an unbroken timeline to the fake-Jewish House of Rothschild today.

In the actual writings of the Egibi and Murashu, we have hard evidence that they ignored the admonition of the Prophets against charging interest on debt.

Worse, they funded human trafficking of all sorts, including branding slaves, castrating males to sell them as eunuchs, selling boys and girls for pedophilia, selling women into prostitution.

Babylonian fake-Jewish banking in Babylon continued along the Silk Road trade with China from 130 B.C. to 1000 A.D.

The breaking point between Babylon, Islam and Europe was the rise of Seljuk Turk Islam. They overran Babylon, redirected Silk Road commerce, blocking it from their enemies, then attacked the Holy Land, triggering the First and Second Crusades (1096-1099 A.D., 1147-1149 A.D. respectively).

Perhaps the ultimate counterpart to the evils of Babylonian bank usury and human slavery system that was disrupted, was the miraculous and well-documented discovery of the Holy Lance of St. Longinus in Antioch by Peter Bartholomew and Raymond of Toulouse. Raymond was the conqueror of Jerusalem and later founder of the Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar created the first Christian no-interest loans not based on usury.

It was the Holy Lance that led the first Crusaders to victory in Jerusalem against Babylon’s fake-Jewish usurers. (That very lance of St. Longinus is believed to exist today and is in the stewardship of a Patriot.)

The Seljuk Turks forced the fake-Jewish (Turkic-Persian-Sogdian-Khazarian) banking houses of Babylon, then well known in Europe as Radhanites, to move north into Turkey.

These fake Jews rebranded themselves as “Ashkenazi,”** and had earlier, as Radhanite (Babylonians), encouraged their brother Khazarians to “convert” to Judaism in order to open a northern route for the Silk Road through the Khazarian empire in the Crimea and over the Caspian Sea.

**Name chosen from the Noahic (Mt. Ararat) cities in Turkey named İşkenaz, Eşkenez, Aşhanas, and Aschuz.
The Radhanite (Babylonian) fake Jews had offices all over Europe. It appears that they rebranded themselves as “Ashkenazi,” introduced their secret Yiddish trading language, and ensconced themselves into the royal houses of Europe as “Court Jews”.

Since we have discovered that these fake Jews ran Babylon, it is inconceivable that they did not take over the royal “Christian” houses of Europe, then engaged their fellow Turkic Radhanite banker brothers as “Court Jews” and as the excuse to continue charging interest in these Christian countries where usury was forbidden.

So in reality, we are concluding that the crowns of Europe were deceiving the public about their blood relationship with their Court Jews. This deception enable their Ashkenazi-Khazarian-Sogdian-Turkic cousins to charge interest in banking so that they would be seen not to be violating the Scriptures against usury.

Even the hardened socialist British historian Sir Arthur Koestler (1977) call this “the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.”

Curiously, at this very time, The Knights Templar (1118-1312 A.D.) were chartering the first banks that DID NOT charge interest on loans.

This Knights Templar plan was wiped out when the Pope stripped the Templars of their assets and gave them to the Knights Hospitallers (1099-present, The Knights of Malta), who would acknowledge the Pope’s ownership of papal lands they had been contributed by crusaders.

* * *

In 1874 on the site of the ancient city of Babylon (Djumdjuma), a secret archive of about three thousand well-preserved terra-cotta jars, packed full of small tablets covered with writing, were unearthed by Arab diggers and archeologists.

The British Museum purchased one of these troves. They were “contract tablets” that described several centuries of immense Egibi & Sons and Murashu & Sons wealth and influence transacting carefully dated money affairs of every kind and size, including tax collection, checks, bank drafts, securitized money-lending with interest and penalties, conduct commercial courts, penal legislation.

Egibi and Sons appear to have reached the zenith of its wealth and power under Nebuchadrezzar. Professor Friedrich Delitzsch tells us, ” All the financial business of the court was entrusted to this firm through several centuries.

The Banking Houses of Egibi and Murashu were wealthy fake-Jewish trade merchant families in Babylon in the 6th and 7th century B.C. who actually controlled the commerce of Babylon.

The Egibi banking family was founded by “Jacob” who most scholars agree was Jewish. (Wikipedia censors make a feeble attempt to distance Jacob from Judaism.)

The Egibi and Murashu families traded in gold, silver, spices, leather, perfume, currency, banking, law, accounting, debt, commodities, branded male and female slaves, boys, girls, castrated eunuchs, cattle, grain, etc.

Fig. 4—Matthew W. Stolper. (Oct. 01, 1976). The Genealogy of the Murašu Family (leading Jewish banker in Babylon ca. 5th century BCE), Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 28, No. 4, 12 pgs., PDF p. 13. The University of Chicago Press. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.Click here for the caption text contained in this graphic.
We are discovering three interlocked demons from ancient Babylon: Mammon, Moloch and Ba’al. Many among The Children of Israel—since before 600 years before Christ—worshipped these demons. They loved money and sacrificed their own, and their children, to this day.

The Bible confirms this multiple times. For example:

Leviticus 18:21: “Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Moloch, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD”);

Jeremiah 32:35: “They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Moloch, though I never commanded—nor did it enter my mind—that they should do such a detestable thing and so make Judah sin.”

Matthew 6:24: JESUS CHRIST: “No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve  God and mammon.”

Babylon means “sown in confusion.” Mammon is old Aramaic for “riches.”

Since nearly a millennia before Christ, these demons have directed fake-Jew dominance in banking, money, trade, gold, silver, law, commerce, debt, tax collection, contracts, civil engineering and government, almost always for foreign kings and princes.

The challenge of reading Jewish history is to understand what “Jewish” even means.

Originally it was the Twelve-Tribe descendants of the biblical patriarch Jacob Deuteronomy 27: 12. The Quran (7th century A.D.) Surah 7 (Al-A’raf) verse 160 even states that the people of Moses were split into twelve tribes who fled Egypt in 1513 B.C. and settled in Canaan.

Reuben (Hebrew רְאוּבֵן‎‎ Rəʼūḇēn)
Simeon (שִׁמְעוֹן‎‎ Šīməʻōn)
Levi (לֵוִי‎‎ Lēwī)
Judah (יְהוּדָה‎‎ Yəhūdā)
Issachar (יִשָּׂשכָר‎‎ Yīssāšḵār)
Zebulun (זְבוּלֻן‎‎ Zəḇūlun)
Dan (דָּן‎‎ Dān)
Naphtali (נַפְתָּלִי‎‎ Nap̄tālī)
Gad (גָּד‎‎ Gāḏ)
Asher (אָשֵׁר‎‎ ’Āšēr)
Benjamin (בִּנְיָמִן‎‎ Bīnyāmīn)
Joseph (יוֹסֵף‎‎ Yōsēp̄), later split into two “half-tribes”:
Ephraim (אֶפְרַיִם‎‎ ’Ep̄rayīm)
Manasseh (מְנַשֶּׁה‎‎ Mənašše)
Within 1000 years after the Exodus, “Jewish” merchants, traders and bankers are to be found living and working all over Europe, Middle East, Eurasia and China.

For example, the Book of Deuteronomy was written in the 7th century (641-609 BC). Indeed, the Bible called on the Children of Israel to declare a “Day of Jubilee” (canceling of debt) every seven years. Deuteronomy 15 called on the Children of Israel to stop occult practices like the sacrifice of sons and daughters in the fire, sorcery, omens, witchcraft, spells, spiritism. Deuteronomy 18:9-13.

The Babylonian (Radhanite) fake-Jewish banks controlled the Chinese Silk Road trade and were only disturbed by the rise of the Seljuk Turks.

With that event ca. 1000, they rebranded themselves as “Ashkenazi,” constructed a new secret trading language, Yiddish, and took over the royal lines of “Christian” Europe, we believe these new facts are telling us.

The Ashkenazi-Persians-Babylonian-Turkic-Khazarian fake-Jewish bankers opened a northern route through Khazaria, and simultaneously bifurcated the royal families of Europe into fake Christians rulers and their fake “Court Jews.”

Historians tell us that Sogdian-Khazarians had large aquiline or hooked noses that set them apart in China.

In fact, the capital of Khazaria, Atil or Khazaran, was a western-most trading hub along the Silk Road (at the mouth of the Volga River in present day Astrakhan, Russian Federation).

The Babylonian (Radhanite) traded spices, dyes, perfume, porcelain, horses, camels, honey, wine, incense, medicines, steel weapons, furs, gold, silver, paper, gunpowder, jewelry, silk, eunuchs, women, girls, boys, eunuchs, camels, wool, brocade, linen, glassware, pearls, precious stones, leather, royal purple, coral, castor, slaves.

Curiously, the Silk Road Turkic brother-merchants of Sogdia and Khazaria just disappeared from history after the 8th century for the Sogdians, then 11th century for the Khazarians. More likely, they were censored out of our collective consciousness.

Genetically, Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazi fake Jews (Radhanite) emerged from four towns in modern-day Turkey, namely İșkenaz, Eskenaz, Așhanaz, and Ashkuz.

Sir Arthur (1905-1983) rose to prominence during the emergence of a new and ruthless British banking corporatism that has now enslaved the world in onerous debt.

The central controller of this agenda is the British Pilgrims Society headquartered in the The City of London financial, press and legal district.

Sir Arthur was born in Budapest, Hungary to a Jewish family, lived on a kibbutz, was a Zionist, communist, Marxist-Leninist, parapsychologist, and a prolific historian and novelist. He was knighted by the Queen in 1972 (New Year’s Honours).

The “hoax” Koestler decries is the largely successful censorship of the true history of the Jews of Europe.

Koestler believed that had this true history of the Jews been told, the six million Jews (really 60,000 who died by disease, starvation and execution) murdered by the Germans in the concentration camps in WWII would not have happened—because they were Khazarian fake Jews who were neither Hebrew or semitic, and in fact,

… they were more Aryan than the Germans!

Koestler shows with thoroughly sourced scholarship that the Ashkenazi fake Jews of Europe are descended from semi-nomadic, Turkic, Sogdian, Khazarian traders from the Caucasus who converted to Judaism ca. 8th century, and are not from semitic Hebrews.

Vigorous attempts are made to discredit this hypothesis, but they ring hollow. They are buried in misdirection and scrambled DNA verbosity. These counters typically start with snarky comments that turn off sincere scientists and overwhelm laymen.

For example, just look at the extensive information on their Silk Road trading partners to their east, the Sogdians. It is extensive.

However, these mercenary historians want us Westerners to believe that the Jewish-convert Khazarians were bereft of a rich cultural history over hundreds of years like their fellow Turkic Sogdian neighbors? This is preposterous. Khazarian history has been censored from our collective consciousness, we believe.

(NOTE: Modern archeology shown at the Smithsonian has discovered Sogdian art and writings in China that describe a people with large, hooked noses as sculpted on Sogdian art displayed at the Smithsonian. Notably, the Sogdians and Khazarians are both of Turkic stock and likely share common facial features. Indeed, Sogdians were alternatively sought out, and at other times persecuted in China, and were identified by their large noses.)


We believe this censorship is designed to protect the British Zionist fiction of the “Great Diaspora” as a centerpiece of their dominance of Israel and the Middle East in the 20th century.

We believe it is also designed to mask the Khazarian convert heritage of its banking and corporate aristocracy led by the Windsors (Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), Rothschilds and other Radhanite (Babylonian) German families.

The British Pilgrims Society’s Jewish hegemony fiction dies when the truth of their fake-Jewish Turkic blood actually being Khazarian-Sogdian since ca. 1000, and not semitic.

The “antisemitic” and “pogrom” propaganda screeds that have worked so well will lose their potency as this becomes widely known.

In short, the argument against Kharzarian origins of fake Jews is the best fake history (“hoax”) that money can buy from mercenary historians, as Koestler—a likely Khazarian-Sogdian fake Jew himself—points out.

These historians jump through hoops to dismiss multiple new haplogroup (DNA) studies that discredit the classical stories of the “diaspora” of Israeli and Sephardic Jews “migrating” into the Rhineland (Germany).

Think about it. There was no need to “migrate” like inchworms. These locations were a month’s journey by land or a single ship ride by sea.

Those haplogroups favor Khazarian/Turkic origins of Jewish converts from the land mass spanning Turkey in the southwest, to the Aral Sea in the east, to Kiev across to Rostov-on-the-Don in the north.

History shows us that the Turkic Khazarians and Sogdians to their east were great traders along the Silk Road from China into Byzantium and Europe.

They traded in spices, silks, furs, women, girls, gold, silver, luxuries and slaves. These facts are undisputed.

Khazaria became the favored “northern route” into China once the Moslem Seljuk Turks captured Babylon.

We believe the answer is because it would reveal that the “Christian” nobility and “Jewish” bankers of Europe were both Khazarian-Babylonian-Radanite-Turkic-Sogdian.

It would also reveal that the Babylonian-Radhanite “Ashkenazi” rebranding at the time of the fall of Babylon was a complete hoax.

The conspiracy is between fake-Jewish bankers and their fake Christian royal blood brothers.

They have protected this usury behind the propaganda of “antisemitism.”

Finally, we have an explanation for the fact that a preponderance of the bankers and corporate leaders in our world today are fake Jews and Christians—they are, in fact, Khazarian-Sogdian from the steppes of Eurasia.

They are the blood beneficiaries of “The most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.” (Koestler).

This also explains why these “Jews” are largely anti-Israel and anti-Russia, we believe. They are not Hebrew nor are they semitic, and they seek revenge because the Rus’ ruler Sviatoslov I driving them out of Khazaria in 965-969 A.D.

Usury is condemned in the Bible.

The exception was that is can be charged to foreigners.

This means that Jews cannot charge interest to fellow Jews, nor Christians to other Christians.

See Deuteronomy 23:19, Deuteronomy 23:20), Leviticus 25:35-38.

Jesus said you cannot serve God and money (mammon) Matthew 6:24).

St. Paul said the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. (1 Timothy 6:9-10).

Proverbs says “The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the Lord will prosper.” Proverbs 28: 25.

The demons who promote usury

The U.S. Treasury reports that the total national debt for 2021 was $1.32 quadrillion. That’s $1,315,070,000,000. That is $3,092 for every citizen in 2021 alone.

The Treasury writes:


This is a boldfaced lie. The City of London (British)  banks associated with the Pilgrims Society, Rothschilds, Warburgs, Barings and the London Assurance Company (John Barker, John Barker Church, Geo. Washington’s aide de camp), who were in league with Alexander Hamilton (also a Geo. Washington aide de camp).

When the historical investigation focuses on usury as human society’s core sin, suddenly, the Babylonian worship of mammon, Ba’al and Moloch (Sabbatean Frankism) can be seen, unwound and destroyed.

The fake Christian and fake Jew banker and royal proponents of usury must be exposed.

A global Year of Jubilee debt reset must be declared

Some Jews Involved in the Great Covid Reset
December 10, 2020/32 Comments/in Featured Articles/by Karl Haemers
Jews have been an integral part of Western elites since the Enlightenment, and they have a very prominent profile as an anti-populist elite in the United States. So it’s not at all surprising that they have a role in statist, top-down, “let the experts handle it” responses to Covid. The following describes some of the more prominent Jews playing a central part in this unfolding story. There is no attempt here to label the Covid response as some sort of Jewish conspiracy—just that Jews are very involved at several levels.

Charles Lieber, Chair  Harvard Chemical Biology Dept., Director Lieber Research Group

As early in the Covid timeline as late January, 2020, the story of Professor Charles Lieber selling nanotech secrets to the Communist Chinese emerged. We were told Lieber was allocated $1.5M by the Chinese to set up a naanoscience lab at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT). He also received $50,000/mo. plus “living expenses” of over $150,000/yr. from at least 2012 through 2015 under China’s Thousand Talents recruitment program. According to the Dept. Of Justice press release, “In return, Lieber was obligated to work for WUT ‘not less than nine months a year’ by ‘declaring international cooperation projects, cultivating young teachers and Ph.D. students, organizing international conference[s], applying for patents and publishing articles in the name of WUT.'”

Since Lieber was also receiving a lavish $15M in US government grants, his crime was in not disclosing this conflict of interest when questioned by federal agents in 2018. He also lied to Harvard, which when questioned, falsely—apparently unknowingly—asserted Lieber’s denials. Further charges of tax offenses were added relating to the money Lieber received from the Chinese. Lieber pled not guilty. In a move of classic chutzpah, Lieber has gone on to sue Harvard  in a civil suit, trying to get his employer to pay his criminal legal costs. Harvard has refused, but a court will decide. Lieber’s criminal case is still pending resolution.

The relevance of Lieber’s case to the Covid pandemic is profound when we assess the extraordinary research and development in nanotechnology applicable to vaccines and medical technology that Lieber has been involved in throughout his career. To summarize portions of Lieber’s biography at Harvard:

.”..pioneered the synthesis of a broad range of nanoscale materials, the characterization of the unique physical properties of these materials and the development of methods of hierarchical assembly of nanoscale wires, together with the demonstration of applications of these materials in… biological and chemical sensing (and) neurobiology…”
 .”..published over 340 papers in peer-reviewed journals “
.”..principal inventor on more than 35 patents.”
.”..Co-Editor of Nano Letters, and serves on the Editorial and Advisory Boards of a large number of science and technology journals.”
“In his spare time, Lieber has been active in commercializing nanotechnology, and has founded the nanotechnology companies: Nanosys… and the new nanosensor company Vista Therapeutics …”
Some awards: NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, Einstein Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wolf Prize in Chemistry, Nanotech Briefs Nano 50 Award, World Technology Award in Materials…
Some memberships: National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Medicine,  Honorary Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science…
Given these references to Lieber’s known and public involvement with China, displayed openly on his biography page at Harvard, we must wonder if all the scandal is more theater to build the view of a false conflict between the US and China, and feed a potential psy-ops myth that the Covid virus was bio-engineered in China with US support. Or perhaps Lieber’s case is being used to divert attention from other US funding of China’s bio-weapons industry. If it’s a bioweapon, engineered by the US, China, both or anyone else, it is another failure if the goal is mass slaughter on a scale like the Black Death, given the absence of increased all-cause mortality compared to the yearly average.

The possibility of nanotechnology applied to medicine and biology, including injection with new vaccines, is very real. One of the companies that Lieber founded “in his spare time,” Nanosys, uses nanotech in its quantum dot displays. While Nanosys does not mention direct biological interface use for its displays, a great deal of news has emerged focused on the intentions of Bill Gates and associates to deploy quantum dot tattoos that accompany subcutaneous vaccine implants in the hand. The bioluminescent tattoo left behind (using Luciferase) can be read by scanners to affirm that this patient has been administered the vaccine. Lieber’s nanotech research and development with Nanosys is at least an indirect contribution to this controlling vaccine-status-tracking technology.

Lieber’s spare time allowed him to also co-found Vista Therapeutics, which is directly engaged with the nanotech-biological interface. Vista’s NanoBioSensor claims “Real-time, continuous flow… detection and measurement of your biomarker in minutes.” It performs “Detection and quantification…of proteins, antibodies, nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) even single viral particles!” Beneath a picture of Lieber attending some lab device, the caption reads: “Vista co-founder Charles Lieber shows detection of a single influenza A virus with the technology at the heart of the NanoBioSensorTM.” Lieber’s involvement with nanotech applicable to the Covid pandemic is made clear by his founding of Vista Therapeutics.

One other link shows how Lieber’s nanotech is directly connected to the pandemic. One of the most central aspects of the current Covid phenomenon is Operation Warp Speed, essentially a US military program to develop new genetic vaccines in record time to be deployed by the US military to almost the entire US population. The vaccine coordinator of OWS is Matthew Hepburn, who formerly was a project director at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). “COL Matthew Hepburn joined DARPA as a Program Manager in 2013. He aims to address the dynamic threats of emerging infectious diseases with potential impact on national security. Prior to joining DARPA, COL Hepburn served as the Director of Medical Preparedness on the White House National Security Staff.” The best information available on OWS and Hepburn comes from an interivew with investigative journalist Whitney Webb, in which she notes: “[Hepburn] oversaw the development of ProfusA,1 an implantable biosensor that allows a person’s physiology to be examined at a distance via smartphone connectivity.”

Now consider that the Lieber Research Group (LRG) at Harvard has DARPA as one of its five major sponsors. Two of the other four are Naval and Air Force research offices. Here are some of the research areas the LRG is engaged in for the US military, with direct Covid opportunities today and in the very near future:

.”..biological nanostructures involved in communication, to blur the distinction between man-made and living systems.”
.”..recording of electrical and/or biochemical signals from individual cells and subcellular structures …  and in-vivo recording from simple organisms through animals.”
.”, engineering and novel technologies at the interface between nanoelectronics and the life sciences… and the development of novel cyborg cells and hybrid nanoelectronics-innervated tissues.”
.”..exploring the creation of cyborg cells and biochemical targeting of nanoelectronic devices to form well-defined cell/device junctions.”
“Cyborg tissue. … biomaterials that seamlessly integrate arrays of nanoelectronic devices with synthetic tissues. … 3D nanodevice arrays interconnected as tissue scaffolds, together with 3D cell culture… including advanced tissue-on-chip diagnostics and powerful new actively monitored/controlled tissue implants.”
.”..integrating electronics within the brain and other areas of the nervous system, which involves the development of neural network-like mesh electronics and a noninvasive delivery method into targeted distinct brain regions via syringe-injection.”
.”..enhancing human performance via brain-machine interface.”
Since Lieber is working for DARPA, this last most likely refers to super-soldiers, but much of the rest is clearly applicable to the kind of medical surveillance technology that is to accompany the Covid vaccines under the Gates’ ID202 and other programs. Even if the new vaccines are not formally legally “mandated,” such bio-integral monitoring and tracking of vaccine status will make acceptance of vaccines so thoroughly coerced that to reject them will amount to ostracism from the new global society, amounting to death by cut-off from the only life-support systems in town.

The Wolf Prize that Lieber received is bestowed by an Israeli Foundation, and many recipients are Jews. Lieber’s criminal case attorney Marc Mukasey may be the highest profile trail lawyer in the nation, and is Jewish.

Mark Suzman, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Chief Executive Officer

On almost the exact same date as Lieber was arrested,  on February 1, Mark Suzman officially became the CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Suzman had already been at the foundation for thirteen years. According to his bio: “Mark joined the foundation in 2007 as director of Global Development Policy, Advocacy, and Special Initiatives. Prior to becoming CEO, Mark served as managing director of Country Offices, president of Global Policy and Advocacy, and chief strategy officer. In these roles, he built and oversaw the development of the foundation’s offices in India, China, Africa, and Europe, and managed the foundation’s relationships with government, private philanthropists, and civil society.”

Suzman appeared on a panel at the World Economic Forum in 2019, focused on Africa’s challenges in meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (14:00). Suzman was formerly an official at the UN, and spoke mainly of funding and financing for Africa’s health and education sectors, and of course deployment of vaccines. He also mentioned “digital financial inclusion” for Africa, a major step toward the One World Currency planned for all humanity. Suzman also touted a “dual insecticide” which can overcome the resistance malaria mosquitoes have developed to the “first generation” of insecticides, that did little more than empower mosquitoes to overcome the natural sickle-cell resistance Africans had developed over millennia, and poison the landscape and water supplies, contributing to other health problems.

It would be surprising if Suzman was not involved in arranging the Gates Foundation’s participation and funding for the infamous Event 201 at Johns Hopkins University on October 18, 2019 — a “global pandemic exercise” shockingly similar to the “real” pandemic that ensued less than three months later. This suggests foreknowledge and planning for the pandemic, although foreknowledge and planning have been denied by JHU. The Foundation’s representative was Chris Elias, President of the Global Development Division, most likely  working closely with Suzman at Global Policy and Advocacy.

Soon after accepting the appointment to CEO, Suzman released a letter, “Reflections to Guide our Next 20 Years.” His statement is full of globalist and radical left phrasing, such as “the world’s willingness to cross borders, [including] those that run between nations,” “dismantle the harmful gender norms,” “reaching out to enemies to build a new culture, one centered on equality for all,” “the massive challenges of climate change and gender inequality” and “the equality of human beings.” Throughout Suzman praises violent Communist revolutionary Nelson Mandela, and repeats the Communist propaganda about apartheid South Africa where Suzman was born and raised.

We will return to this letter and its references to Suzman’s activist great aunt.

A Washington Post article announced that “Gates … did have an early window into the spread of the virus,” although Suzman noted that “‘We got an early heads-up about [it]”  ̶ ostensibly because of the Gates Foundation’s presence in China, which Suzman worked to establish. Most likely it was because Suzman was a central part of advance planning to position the Gates Foundation for the spread of the pandemic to the West.

The article also mentions Gates’ infamous “prediction” in a TED talk (38 M views in 43 languages): “His knowledge of infectious diseases led him to the conclusion in 2015 that a pathogen-based pandemic could sweep over the globe, killing indiscriminately and destroying economies. ‘If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war,’ Gates said in his TED Talk, which seems eerily prescient today.”

Eerie, yes.

Immediately after becoming CEO, the Foundation under Suzman granted $100 Million to, among other projects, speed the development of new vaccines. Two months later, the Foundation granted another $150 Million. Some of this was “financing to quickly spin up manufacturing facilities.”

At that time, Suzman gave an interview in which he repeated the Foundation’s mission, as he so often does: “We’re about making sure every person on the planet in the United States and around the world … has the opportunity to live a healthy and productive life. Every statement we make, every action we take, is toward that end.” This interview appeared on April 15, and focused on the Foundation’s “transparency.”

Six days earlier, Children’s Health Defense posted an essay disclosing that Gates-funded vaccine programs had decimated children’s health with paralysis of 500,000 in India, sterilization of millions of women in Kenya, and other mass manglings and deaths around the world. Suzman did not address this when discussing the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s “transparency,” nor its mission to “make sure every person on the planet has the opportunity to live a healthy and productive life.” This is a hard message for the millions of vaccine-maimed and -mangled people of the world — the same people Suzman and Gates claim they are trying to save. Perhaps they are acceptable collateral damage.

Now we return to Suzman’s letter when he accepted the offer to become the Gates Foundation CEO in February. In most of the mainstream and “independent” media reporting on Suzman, no mention is made of his racial and religious affiliations. And this is continued in his letter, which contains some biographical disclosures: “My great aunt, Helen Suzman, spent her life trying to tear down the regime. She served in South Africa’s parliament for 36 years, many of them as literally the only voice opposing apartheid.”

“There is Helen, of course, and during a moment while I was driving in Cape Town along what’s now named ‘Helen Suzman Boulevard’ in her honor, I reflected on how her influence has shaped me. Her resolve to stand up for what was right and to speak up for those without a voice, combined with her unflinching commitment to a core set of principles around the equality of human beings and the simple, yet powerful approach to ‘go and see.’ As part of my tenure as CEO, I have set a goal, which I hope would make her proud…”

For Mark Suzman himself, strangely no Wikipedia entry exists. For Suzman’s great aunt, we do have a Wikipedia entry that reveals their family racial and religious affiliation. After learning that Helen “represented a succession of liberal and center-left opposition parties.” She also helped found the Progressive Party and worked to improve prison conditions for Communist criminals of the African National Congress including Mandela:

“Suzman was born Helen Gavronsky in 1917 to Frieda and Samuel Gavronsky, Lithuanian Jewish  immigrants.”  Her husband Moses Suzman, a prominent physician in South Africa at that time, and the source of the family name, was also Jewish.

Cass Sunstein, Chairperson, WHO Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health; Professor, Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy at Harvard Law School

A more recent important date on the Covid timeline occurred in mid-October, when World Health Organization Director and Bill Gates creation Tedros Adhanam Ghebreyesus appointed Cass Sunstein to Chair the WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Behavioral Insights and Sciences for Health. Sunstein’s bio there reads:

Cass R. Sunstein is currently the Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard. He is the founder and director of the Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy at Harvard Law School. … From 2009 to 2012, Cass was Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, and after that, he served on the President’s Review Board on Intelligence and Communications Technologies and on the Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Board. He is author of hundreds of articles and dozens of books, including Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

Let us review some of Sunstein’s history to assess whether he should be in charge of convincing the people of the world to have under-tested vaccines injected into their and their children’s bodies.

In 2008 Sunstein co-wrote a scholarly paper titled “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures.” The Abstract states: “the best response consists in cognitive infiltration of extremist groups.” This is not limited to online infiltration, but also In Real Life (IRL) agents joining groups to disrupt their belief in “conspiracy theories.” One example given is belief that the events of 911 “were carried out … by Israel.” Sunstein is advocating beyond-Orwellian thought control by labeling any views that deviate from Establishment narratives as “conspiracy theory,” and recommending direct infiltration and disruption. The KGB was hardly more blunt.

He advocated for discrediting the “false” conspiracy theories, but affirming the “true” ones—essentially the time-worn Jewish anti-populist perspective that politics and opinion should be molded by elites. Only Sunstein and the “experts” can tell the difference, and they’ll tell us. In Sunstein’s new role at WHO, this will surely apply to vaccine “conspiracy theories.”

In 2013, after Edward Snowden was deployed to inform the American people that they were under mass surveillance so they would self-censor through fear, President Obama continued the theater by appointing Sunstein and others to a new expert panel that would assess the National Security Agency’s programs. The Guardian, one primary channel through which this psy-op reached the liberal masses, reported on Sunstein’s notorious 2008 paper, his proposal to reformat the First Amendment to Free Speech, and his high-power wife, Obama-appointee as Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Powers. An ACLU attorney is quoted as including Sunstein among “folks… deeply enmeshed in the intelligence community.” This was partly because Sunstein had already been an official inside the Obama Administration,  Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. The voyeur protecting the spy brothel, indeed.

Given Sunstein’s training and history, it’s reasonable to think that this panel was never meant to sincerely assess privacy issues of government surveillance by agencies like the NSA. Sunstein’s specialty is in rebuilding public confidence—or at least promoting doubt of “conspiracy theories”— in government surveillance and psy-ops programs.

Nudge, Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness was a popular book Sunstein and  a co-author published in 2008. “The book draws on research in psychology and behavioral economics to defend libertarian paternalism [sounds like an oxymoron] and active engineering of choice architecture.” It is challenging to translate this, but basically the book advocates the anti-populist perspective that for economic and behavioral “experts” (libertarian paternalism) restricting and managing peoples choices to get them to behave in ways the “experts” decide is best for them (engineering choice architecture). We can easily see how this could be applied to Sunstein’s new job at WHO, forcing the new genetic vaccines into people against their natural and reasonable “hesitancy.”

Sunstein was appointed to the original founding Pentagon Defense Innovation Board (DIB) of 2016. “The DIB “provides independent recommendations to the Secretary of Defense and other senior DoD leaders on emerging technologies and innovative approaches that DoD should adopt to ensure U.S. technological and military dominance. The Board is comprised of leaders from across the national security innovation base to provide diverse insight on DoD’s biggest challenges. The DIB has previously weighed in on key focus areas for the Department, including AI, software, data, digital modernization, and human capital.” Its mission: “to provide the Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and other senior leaders across the Department with independent advice and recommendations on innovative means to address future challenges through the prism of three focus areas: people and culture, technology and capabilities, and practices and operations.”

Other appointments at the time of Sunstein’s were Neal DeGrasse Tyson, the public astronomy spokesman, and Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s multi-multi-billionaire and media mogul. Others on that board were Chairman of Alphabet Eric Schmidt, co-founder of LinkedIn Reid Hoffman, CEO of CNN Walter Isaacson, CEO of Instagram Marne Levine and VP of Google Capital Milo Medin among other big tech, big academia, big media and only one defense contractor (United Technologies).

The DIB has three sub-committees, and Workforce, Behavior and Culture is Sunstein’s department.

Should we feel settled knowing the Department of Defense is employing high-powered Harvard professors to study “people and culture” and “workforce, behavior and culture”? That’s us! We’ve known for a long time that the government military and intelligence departments treat We the People as a domestic enemy, and Cass Sunstein has been a key contributor to their psychological warfare operations.

Sunstein will need all his expertise as a master mass mind manipulator to convince the people of the world to accept the new covid vaccines. Successive polls have shown Americans are increasingly reluctant to trust these vaccines. It will be Sunstein’s role to reverse that trend, just as Jews Edward Bernays and others reversed American “isolationism” from World Wars I and II. Sunstein will no doubt use all his acumen to subvert these legitimate fears and convince, persuade and coerce his target audience—the people of the world—to dutifully take their vaccines.

Wikipedia profiles, Early Life sections, are often (not always) good for ascertaining racial/religious affiliation. Sunstein’s Wikipedia entry tells us: “Sunstein was born on September 21, 1954, in Waban, Massachusetts, to Marian (née Goodrich), a teacher, and Cass Richard Sunstein, a builder, both Jewish.” Sunstein is listed in Wikipedia’s extensive list of Jewish American Writers.

BTW notes:

Robert Walmsley, who founded the Harvard Professorship that Sunstein now holds, is the father of current pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKlein CEO Emma Walmsley.

On the Pentagon Defense Innovation Board with Sunstein in 2016 was Walter Isaacson , Jewish president and CEO of the Aspen Institute—and much else including CEO of CNN and editor of TIME. The Aspen Institute organized and hosted the now-infamous conference in Rwanda in August 2019 addressing threats to global health, co-sponsored by the Gates Foundation, and attended by Black Illinois  Representative Bobby Rush (D). Rush returned to the US and sponsored the Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act, with the inauspicious bill number HR6666.

Another Jew on the Pentagon’s Innovation Board with Sunstein was the Marne Levine current COO of Instagram and former assistant to Jewish Secretary of  Treasury, Chief World Bank Economist, and Harvard President Larry Summers.

At least two others on the WHO TAG, Dr Varun Gauri and Dr Fadi Makki, formerly worked at the World Economic Forum. The WEF is perhaps the epicenter for implemtation of the global technocratic control grid it calls the Great Reset, in response to the covid crisis.

Tal Zaks­, Chief Medical Officer, Moderna Therapeutics

Still early in the Covid timeline, on March 16, Moderna Therapeutics, one of the top candidtes for developing and selling a vaccine for covid, appointed Tal Zaks its Chief Medical Officer. Zaks started his commercial vaccine career at pharma giant GlaxoSmithKlein in genetic research. Before joining Moderna, “Dr. Zaks was senior vice president and head of Global Oncology at Sanofi, where he was responsible for all aspects of oncology drug discovery, development and commercialization.” Zaks’ work was focused on developing new cancer drugs.

Reports conflict about the effectiveness and safety of Moderna’s previous vaccine attempts. A Times of Israel article in May stated: “Zaks said the battle against COVID-19 marked the firm’s ninth bid to develop vaccines against viruses, ‘and we succeeded with the previous eight.’ Thus, he said, ‘the degree of confidence within the company was always high’ that it would succeed this time, too.” Another report, however, from arguably the best investigative researcher working today, Whitney Webb, states: “RNA vaccine companies, including Moderna…, have been unable to get their products licensed for human use, largely due to the fact that their vaccines have failed to provide sufficient immunity in human trials. Examples of these ineffective vaccines include…Moderna’s efforts to create a vaccine for the Zika virus.” The Times of Israel article focused on Zaks’ over-enthusiasm that “Our Vaccines Work” as the headline blares. His claim was based on only 8 of 45 trial participants who “appeared to produce an immune response.” This does not inspire confidence. Children’s Health Defense assessed Moderna’s Phase I trial as a “catastrophe,” with “20% serious injury rate.”

Moderna released the second of its preliminary phase 3 results on November 30, but on its Investors page and through the Business Wire online publication. Moderna claimed a 94% effectiveness. “Today’s primary analysis was based on 196 cases, of which 185 cases (from 30,000 total) of COVID-19 were observed in the placebo group versus 11 cases observed in the mRNA-1273 group, resulting in a point estimate of vaccine efficacy of 94.1%.” These were in the mild to moderate symptom cases. Understand that Moderna split a total test population of 30,000 people into half placebo and half vaccine, assessed that 196 got covid, claimed that 185 were in the placebo group, and announced a 94% effectiveness rate.

“Moderna plans to request an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and conditional approval from the European Medicines Agency. … Moderna announced that the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) meeting to review the safety and efficacy data package for mRNA-1273 will likely be scheduled for Thursday, December 17. … By the end of 2020, the Company expects to have approximately 20 million doses of mRNA-1273 available in the U.S. The Company remains on track to manufacture 500 million to 1 billion doses globally in 2021.”

Here let us review Moderna’s disclaimer regarding “forward looking statements” in its investor-oriented press release: “The forward-looking statements in this press release are neither promises nor guarantees, and you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond Moderna’s control and which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties, and other factors include, among others: the fact that there has never been a commercial product utilizing mRNA technology approved for use; the fact that the rapid response technology in use by Moderna is still being developed and implemented; the fact that the safety and efficacy of mRNA-1273 has not yet been established; despite having ongoing interactions with the FDA or other regulatory agencies, the FDA or such other regulatory agencies may not agree with the Company’s regulatory approval strategies, components of our filings, such as clinical trial designs, conduct and methodologies, or the sufficiency of data submitted; potential adverse impacts due to the global COVID-19 pandemic such as delays in regulatory review, manufacturing and clinical trials, supply chain interruptions, adverse effects on healthcare systems and disruption of the global economy; and those other risks and uncertainties described under the heading ‘Risk Factors.'”

Moderna’s phase 3 trial was evaluated by “the independent, NIH-appointed Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB).” How “independent” the DSMB is toward Moderna is revealed in this report based on documents which show that the NIH owns up to half the patents for Moderna’s new vaccine.

In evaluating the safety of Moderna’s new mRNA vaccine, ingredients including nanoparticles (linking back to Prof. Lieber) and PEG, a synthetic chemical, have been shown to likely be dangerous to the health of those who allow it to be injected. Moderna did not reiterate the health damage the vaccine did in its second press release, but its first one, on November 16, reveals that “Grade 3 (severe) events…after the second dose included fatigue (9.7%), myalgia (8.9%), arthralgia (5.2%), headache (4.5%), pain (4.1%) and erythema (2.0%).” This totals over one third (34.4%) one presumes the effects on older people are worse. While some severe events are no doubt overlapping, meaning it is not likely a full one third of test victims endured these symptoms, suffering more than one of these symptoms is a far worse horror for those who did.

Despite this vaccine having no approval of any government agency as yet, “the U.S. government has agreed to provide up to $1.525 billion to purchase supply of mRNA-1273 under U.S. Department of Defense Contract No. W911QY-20-C-0100.”

A couple years after joining Moderna, in 2017 Zaks gave a public lecture focused on the medical potential of “gene editing.” He openly used the phrase “hacking the software of life.” Today Tal Zaks is a main spokesman and promoter of Moderna’s under-tested, likely ineffective, quite possibly dangerous mRNA vaccine. It has financial and organizational ties to the US government’s NIH and the US military’s DARPA. Zaks himself has a long career of promoting under-tested dangerous drugs, including other vaccines, and will join the marketing and promotion of Moderna’s vaccine for the unsuspecting masses. Moderna already has a signed contract with the Pentagon for a further $9 billion to buy a half billion doses. We only have about 320 million people in the US. These syringes are not just for the military, they are for everyone.

From his Moderna bio: “Dr. Zaks received his M.D. and Ph.D. from the Ben Gurion University in Israel…” The Times of Israel article calls Zaks “Israeli.”

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

World Economic Forum (WEF) Chairman Klaus Schwab has emerged into infamy as the grim specter of today’s The Great Reset. Among many other horrors, The Great Reset, quoting Schwab, will “lead to fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.” This concept is clearly elaborated in Schwab’s  book (ghost written by Nicholas Davis) The Fourth Industrial Revolution, as well as this year’s book Covid-19: The Great Reset. They discuss implantable microchips to read biometric data, brain scans at borders instead of passports, and other dystopian nightmare techno-realities. This is transhumanist globalism openly championed by a man formerly on the steering committee of the very influential Bilderberg Group.

Schwab’s Wikipedia entry notes that he has received over a dozen honorary doctorates, and then notes that he “is an honorary professor of the Ben-Gurion University of Israel.” Schwab also was … a member of the Peres Centre for Peace.” Simon Peres was a former Prime Minister of Israel.

In a remarkable synchronicity, “Klaus Schwab was having breakfast with Rabbi Arthur Schneier at his Park East Synagogue in New York when the two jets struck the World Trade Center,” according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Schwab decided to move the annual January WEF meeting from its usual Davos Switzerland location to New York City the following year.

Researchers agree that information on the background of Klaus Schwab is difficult to find. Most Wikipedia entries contain a section “Early Life” or “Family History” that reveals useful background, but not so with Schwab. The only reference to his earlier life in his Wikipedia entry is a parenthetical entry after his name: “born 30 March 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany.” Other bios on Schwab also mention he was born in Germany, but not that he is of German ethnicity. Even an essay titled “Getting to Know Klaus Schwab” makes no mention of his birth, ethnicity, religion or childhood.

This entry gives us the most content on Schwab’s childhood available: “Klaus Schwab was born in 1938, in Germany, but on the Swiss border. His father, who was a businessman, was able to cross that border during WWII, while the son and his mother had to stay behind in a country that became progressively more and more war-ridden. It made the young boy acutely aware of the strangeness of borders: destruction and death on one side, peace and prosperity on the other.” A convenient and compelling influence for someone advocating One World Government and listing “Nationalism” among other scourges of humanity such as poverty, war, disease, racism and climate change.

These and other associations Schwab has had with Israel, the vague references to his having been born in Germany but not stating that he is of German ancestry, and other affiliations he has had with Jews around the world are not definitive on their own. Schwab has had associations and affiliations with many peoples, notably the Chinese, as we would expect from an oligarch organizer “doing good” for the world. However, no other mention of Schwab’s racial and religious identity has been found, and similar to what we have seen with these other Jews involved with the Covid agenda, his Jewishness is not just downplayed, it may be excluded altogether. Possibly, Klaus Schwab is a crypto-Jew.

Dishonorable Mention: The Council on Foreign Relations

Brief mention must be made of the top leadership of the Council on Foreign Relations, an influential body right up there in the ranks of the WEF and Bilderberg Group. The CFR has been actively and extensively involved in the Covid agenda since it began, and in June conducted a panel event called “Learning From Past Pandemics.”This featured a number of Jews, pro-Zionists explaining how disease scares in history should inform our response to the deadly Covid today. One presenter even compared Covid to the Black Death.

Of the four members of the CFR leadership—President, Chairman,  and two Vice Chairs—three are Jews. Richard Haas has been President for seventeen years, with the usual past trajectory through Rhodes Scholar, government agencies, advisor to Presidents, etc. CFR Chair David Rubenstein, co-founder of one of the largest investment firms in the world, the Carlysle Group, is also a board member of the World Economic Forum. His ethnicity is obvious. Vice-Chair Blaire Efron is another Jewish billionaire investment manager and worked at UBS Warburg bank earlier in his career. Jami Miscic is the other Vice-Chair, and while not Jewish, is also President of the Kissinger Institute, and formerly worked at Lehman Brothers investment bank (gone bankrupt), both Jewish institutions. A more detailed analysis of the CFR is found here.


We have examined just some of the more prominent Jews involved in and profitting from imposing the Covid agenda. Their Jewish affiliations have been neglected in most reports, but here we expose some covert Covid Jews operating in our crucial year in world history, 2020. Further developments will reveal whether we are shifted into the Great Reset technocratic control system long prepared for us, or arise to reject this grim future and retain and expand our inalienable freedoms and rights.

Covert Covid Jews II
by George Mackenzie

In my first article Some Jews Involved in the Great Covid Reset, we exposed Jews operating at key positions in the greatest influence over our world at this time, and perhaps for much of human history, the Covid-19 phenomenon. While some Jewish media continues to develop the view that “conspiracies” abound that Jews are responsible for covid, other Jewish media celebrates the role of Jews in covid.  Even what claims to be Christian media takes note of the Jewish role in covid promotion and profiteering. As the world-transforming influence of covid continues to intensify, the following is a further investigation into other Jews of prominence and power pushing and profiting from a covid agenda.

Albert Bourla, Chairman & CEO, Pfizer Pharmaceutical, DVM, PhD

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals has emerged as one of only a few top covid vaccines being distributed around the world at this time, along with Moderna (AstraZeneca is another). Already we are seeing vaccine injury, referred to as “health impact events”, compiled by the US Center for Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).  As of December 18th, ACIP reported 112,807 people had received the Pfizer vaccine in the US, with 3150 “health impact events”, defined as “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional”. This comes to a staggering 2.7%, far beyond similar metrics for covid itself. This is also only after the first dose, and two doses of the Pfizer covid vaccine are intended.

More on the damage Pfizer’s vaccine can do is presented in Pfizer’s own document of December 10th on its clinical trial results, chapter 5.2.6, which is surely understated. Children’s Health Defense also did an in-depth analysis of the damage mRNA vaccines can do and are already doing in this question format to the FDA. In summary: auto-immune damage, allergic reactions including anaphylaxis, PEG chemical poisoning, pathogenic priming, and more “adverse health events”.

Chairman and CEO of Pfizer is Albert Bourla. Bourla is a Veterinary doctor, and his PhD in “biotechnology of reproduction” is from a veterinary school, yet he is overseeing the deployment of the new Pfizer mRNA vaccines to as close to all humans in the world as possible. We must wonder if his doctorate in the biotechnology of reproduction has anything to do with the news that mRNA vaccines could inflict sterility on vaccine recipients. A former Pfizer VP Dr. Yeadon and European medical administrator Dr. Wodarg present the science for the possibility of the vaccine preventing the formation of the placenta during pregnancy in their Petition to the European CDC (see section XI)

Bourla’s bio at Pfizer makes no mention of his racial/religious affiliations, except to misleadingly say “He began his Pfizer career in 1993 in the Animal Health Division as Technical Director of Greece.”

We gain some clue to Bourla’s heritage from the Atlanta Jewish Times article, which says his “…parents survived the Nazi devastation of the Jewish community in Thessaloniki, Greece” (While it is true some Jews from Thessaloniki were imprisoned by the National Socialists, their own accounts of the holocaust refute the official narrative). Bourla’s Wikipedia entry, however, is more helpful. It starts off stating Bourla “is a Greek business executive and veterinarian…”, but under Early Life we read: “Born into a Thessalonian Jewish family…”

Perhaps Bourla’s role at Pfizer trying to administer dangerous vaccines to all of humanity leading to possible sterilization, yet as a veterinarian, aligns with the extreme Talmudic view of all non-Jews as Goyim sub-human animals.

Mikael Dolsten, M.D., Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer and President, Worldwide Research, Development and Medical, Pfizer

Also at Pfizer is science officer Mikael Dolsten. The only reference to Dolsten’s potential Jewish heritage on his Wikipedia page states “He pursued scientific studies in immunology and virology 1981 at the Weizman Institute of Science in Rehovot Israel.” He is celebrated by Jewish media outlets such as the Jewish Telegraphic Agency as a “Jewish Immigrant” (who hopes the US stays a melting pot).

Like many covid Jews, Dolsten had close connections with the topmost levels of US government. “Mikael advised the Obama Administration on regulatory and drug development issues as well as Vice President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot Initiative to accelerate cancer research,” according to his Pfizer bio. Dolsten is also on the boards of some of the biggest drug development and promotion organizations in the world, such as PhRMA, and the Accelerating Medicines Partnership, a public-private partnership that includes the National Institute of Health. As most have noticed, it is the NIH sub-agency National Institute for Allergic and Infectious Disease (NIAID) from which covid front man Anthony Fauci, non-Jew, is operating.

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency article of November 16th reports that when Dolsten found out from preliminary trial results the new Pfizer vaccine “was over 90% effective, he and his colleagues literally leapt with joy at a corporate office in Connecticut.” Not surprising, given the immense profits Pfizer is already making as the vaccine deploys in the US and around the world. Dolsten’s joy was presumably not dimmed by analysis showing “no supporting data for the claim” of  90% effectiveness, despite extensive efforts to find such data.

Drew Weissman

University of Pennsylvania Pereleman School of Medicine, Professor, MD, PhD

Similar to Charles Lieber’s nanotech research leading to today’s applications of the technology in medicine from the first essay in this series, Drew Weissman’s RNA research is the “Technology (that) Helped Make the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Possible”, and the “technology the promising (Pfizer) vaccine is based on”. Weissman’s bio at UPenn states: “Dr. Weissman’s laboratory focuses on the study of RNA and innate immune system biology and the application of these findings to vaccine research and gene therapy.” In Penn Medicine News, “Through research conducted in Penn laboratories beginning decades ago, Drew Weissman… discovered in the early 2000s that introducing certain chemical modifications into messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) molecules can greatly increase its therapeutic potential—a discovery that plays a critical role in two of the leading COVID-19 vaccine candidates that rely on the use modified mRNA being separately  developed by Moderna and Pfizer…”

Further, “Dr. Weissman will discuss the science and impact of the groundbreaking research that resulted in this fundamental discovery about mRNA biology that has helped pave a path to these new modified mRNA vaccines soon to be deployed in the global fight against COVID-19.”

Of note, sponsor and patron of Weissman’s department at UPenn Ronald Perelman is a multi-Billionaire Jew with a trail of corruption and dirty dealing—what his Wikipedia entry calls “controversy”.

Susan Ellenberg PhD

Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Another Professor at UPenn , Susan Ellenberg, got her original degree in Social Relation/Mathematics and a PhD in Statistics. She now works in the Perelman School of Medicine at UPenn in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics. Her Clinical Expertise includes clinical trial methodology—such as the recent covid vaccine trials—as well as Bioethics.

Ellenberg co-authored a paper with a Chinese-America CDC researcher back in 1998 titled “The complicated task of monitoring vaccine safety”. The abstracts starts out asserting vaccines are “our most cost-effective medical interventions”. It does admit vaccines “are not without controversy. Vaccines, like all other pharmaceutical products, are not entirely risk-free…” Ellenberg and colleagues must interpret the data for us all “to ensure public confidence in immunization programs”. Hold that thought.

Ellenberg also co-authored a number of papers about Data Monitoring Boards, supposedly independent bodies that oversee clinical trials. The abstract of her paper published in 2015 titled “Data monitoring committees for pragmatic clinical trials” states: “…protocol adherence is often purposefully not addressed in pragmatic trials in order to accurately represent the clinical practice setting and maintain practicability of implementation; there are differing viewpoints as to whether adherence should be assessed and acted upon by DMCs in these trials.” Hold that thought too.

In 2016, she was co-author of the paper “Data Monitoring Committees — Expect the Unexpected”. It asserts trial “monitoring is motivated primarily by an ethical imperative”. Of course it is. “To allow investigators and sponsors to manage the trial without bias, as well as to ensure an objective assessment of the accumulating data, independent committees, known as data monitoring committees (DMCs), (or)  data and safety monitoring boards (DSMB)… are established to perform this monitoring function and to make recommendations regarding trial modifications, including early termination, to investigators and sponsors.”

Ellenberg’s 2018 paper “Rigorous Clinical Trial Design in Public Health Emergencies Is Essential” states: “Improved planning and collaboration among research and humanitarian organizations, and affected communities, in the interepidemic periods are needed to ensure that questions regarding the efficacy of vaccines and treatments can be definitively answered during future public health emergencies.” We will see how well she answers the vaccine question during the current covid emergency.

All this becomes more relevant when we learn that Susan Ellenberg was a member of the Data and Safety Monitoring Board that evaluated the Operation Warp Speed (OWS) Covid vaccine trials, focused primarily on the Moderna mRNA vaccine (the Pfizer vaccine did not participate in Operation Warp Speed). We learn this from the Penn Medicine News announcement of a “virtual press event” scheduled for December 14th, titled Health Policy Experts Join Together to Discuss COVID Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization Plans, “In conjunction with the FDA’s EUA Advisory Committee meetings… for the Pfizer / BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and… for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine”. EUA stands for Emergency Use Authorization, just one of the “warp speed” aspects of this unprecedented rapid development and deployment of vaccines. Ellenberg is described on this panel as “a member of the Data Safety Monitoring Board overseeing Operation Warp Speed’s COVID vaccine trials”.

Also on the panel was her Perelman School colleague Steve Joffe, another member of OWS’s DSMB. A name check reveals Joffe is most likely Jewish, since his name is “a Hebrew-language surname”, in common with a Russian physicist, Marxist revolutionary, Israeli general, reproductive rights advocate, former lawyer to Nelson Mandela and a rabbi, among others.  So add dangerous lucrative vaccine promoter to the list. Another panelist was Jonathan Epstein, MD, Executive Vice Dean and Chief Scientific Officer, Perelman School of Medicine. Relationship to the infamous Jeffrey is unknown and not likely, but Jonathan’s Jewish identity is most certain. Drew Weissman, the mad doctor who invented the mRNA technology, previously reviewed, was also on this panel.

Let us return to another statement from Ellenberg’s publications. “This process (DCMBs) continued to evolve and became the general approach for most federally sponsored randomized trials during the 1970s and eventually for the increasing number of phase 3 industry-sponsored trials, with some modification of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) model.” That NIH model was “modified” by industry. Considering her role at OWS’s DSMB in 2020, we are reminded that Ellenberg reassured us in 2016 “The evolution of (DSMBs) continues as the art and science of clinical trial performance itself evolves.”

As was presented in my first article in this series, the OWS DSMB was anything but “independent”, as biotethicist Susan Ellenberg knows it should be. The National Institute of Health appointed the OWS DSMB, but the NIH itself owns significant patent rights on the Moderna vaccine its Board was assigned to monitor. A more clear conflict of interest could not be imagined. And the NIH at least partially funded some of Ellenberg’s research papers.

So it is shocking to consider just how lax Ellenberg’s DSMB was in releasing the Moderna mRNA vaccine. My previous essay details the fraudulent process for establishing “effectiveness”, as well as some of the declared and known safety hazards of that vaccine the DSMB was supposed to evaluate. Dr. James Lyons-Weiler declared that the Moderna vaccine showed a 21% “adverse health event” incidence, a staggering amount. He also expressed his outrage that animal trials were circumvented, despite Lyons-Weiler’s attempts to urge the trials to include them, since animal trials are most likely to catch  pathogenic priming, a phenomenon where good immunity seems to be conferred by the vaccine, only to see extreme auto-immune response upon encounter with the natural disease. In previous animal trials, all of the test ferrets, the animal with an upper respiratory tract most similar to humans, died. This is most likely why animal tests were skipped in the Moderna trials, and Ellenberg and the DSMB let it slide. This is surely what she meant by “the evolution of DSMBs” as an art and science: the art and science of waiving dangerous, unnecessary and ineffective vaccines rapidly past monitoring, and into people’s bodies at “warp speed”. The real warping was in the monitoring.

Because of the OWS DSMB, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar was emboldened to make the following statement on November 18th: “Because of President Trump’s founding and leadership of Operation Warp Speed, even as we face daunting epidemiological trends around the country, we have reasons for optimism. With Monday’s announcement from the independent data and safety monitoring board for Moderna’s candidate vaccine that it showed about 95 percent efficacy, we now have two safe and highly effective vaccines that could be authorized by the Food and Drug Administration and ready to distribute within weeks.”

They are all in it together against the rest of us. Under-tested, rapidly and insufficiently approved mRNA vaccines are now upon us. And the pharmaceutical companies, the government, and those who manufacture and administer the vaccines have no liability. A recent Israeli news report made that clear. That certainly makes it easier to pass monitoring.

I could not find a single reference to Ellenberg’s racial/religious affiliation, nor any mention of her personal life. Strangely, this is not available from the usual sources or any other I could find. For all we know, this is a married name, but based on name, typical behavior and other affiliations, we should suspect Ellenberg is Jewish.

Even More Jews in the Great Covid Reset

In my next article, we will explore still more of those Jews who operate within the Global Medical Cartel who are imposing and exploiting the Covid phenomenon for profit and control. An examination of the Jewish involvement in the epicenter of the Great Reset itself, the World Economic Forum, should complete the study—though this series could go on almost indefinitely. Jews constitute .2% of the world’s population, but to say they are over-represented in 2020’s Great Reset process is a gross understatement.

Seven Things About Klaus “Great Reset” Schwab That Make Him More Dangerous Than Ever!
Posted on January 18, 2021 by State of the Nation
by Silviu “Silview” Costinescu_
No intro needed for the villain of the season.

He’s a former member of Bilderberg’s Steering Group. Unsurprisingly, I admit, but wait.

Bilderberg is governed by a Steering Committee which designates a Chairman; members are elected for a term of four years and can be re-elected. There are no other members of the Bilderberg conference.The Chair’s main responsibilities are to chair the Steering Committee and to prepare with the Steering Committee the conference program, the selection of participants. He also makes suggestions to the Steering Committee regarding its composition. The Executive Secretary reports to the Chairman. – Source

Last few years, he’s been preparing to step down from the WEF leadership, which will be taken over by a team. We don’t know who’s in this team, but I’ll shave my head if China isn’t well represented.

2015 interview
Klaus Schwab is also very involved with another elite organization that studies how to change The Universal Declaration of Human Rights so they can harmonize it with the globalist agenda that includes a global citizenship, among others.

The Global Citizenship Commission was convened, under the leadership of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and the auspices of NYUs Global Institute for Advanced Study, to re-examine the spirit and stirring words of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The result this volume offers a 21st-century commentary on the original document, furthering the work of human rights and illuminating the ideal of global citizenship. What does it mean for each of us to be members of a global community? Since 1948, the Declaration has stood as a beacon and a standard for a better world. Yet the work of making its ideals real is far from over. Hideous and systemic human rights abuses continue to be perpetrated at an alarming rate around the world. Too many people, particularly those in power, are hostile to human rights or indifferent to their claims. Meanwhile, our global interdependence deepens. Bringing together world leaders and thinkers in the fields of politics, ethics, and philosophy, the Commission set out to develop a common understanding of the meaning of global citizenship one that arises from basic human rights and empowers every individual in the world. This landmark report affirms the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and seeks to renew the 1948 enterprise, and the very ideal of the human family, for our day and generation. Members of the Global Citizenship Commission include: K. Anthony Appiah, Laurel Bellows, Nicolas Berggruen, Paul Boghossian, Gordon Brown (Chair), Craig Calhoun, Wang Chenguang, Mohamed ElBaradei, Fonna Forman, Andrew Forrest, Ronald M. George, Asma Jahangir, John Kufuor, Graça Machel, Catherine ORegan, Ricken Patel, Emma Rothschild, Robert Rubin, Jonathan Sacks, Kailash Satyarthi, Klaus Schwab , Amartya Sen, John Sexton, Robert Shrum, Jeremy Waldron, Joseph Weiler, Rowan Williams, Diane C. Yu (Executive Director).”-Source -Publisher’s press release.

On 9/11, the founder and president of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, was having breakfast with Rabbi Arthur Schneier at his Park East Synagogue in New York when the two jets struck the World Trade Center, Schneier said. Schneier, who heads the Appeal of Conscience Foundation, a coalition of business and religious leaders in New York, had intended to discuss increasing the participation of religious leaders at the economic forum. After the attack, the notion seemed even more urgent. With Schneier´s assistance, Schwab decided to commemorate the world disaster by moving his forum — traditionally held in the Swiss ski resort of Davos — to New York City, Schneier said. And he doubled the number of religious leaders to 40, including eight Jews. While Western nations have distanced religion from public life in recent decades, the forum´s new line is to embrace religion, understand its traditions and glean its wisdom. As international companies expand their markets and governments and corporations see peace as essential to progress, leaders increasingly are giving religion a role in enhancing international stability. – Source
That’s not surprising either if you were aware he’s also a member of the Peres Centre for Peace. Or of the Dan David Prize  he was awarded by Israel in 2004.

Idon’t know when you started counting, but Klaus Schwab was already at “Globalism 4.0” during the World Government Summit of 2019. Did you even know there was a World Government Summit? I admit I’ve missed this one until recently.

And then there’s this:


How Zionism helped create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Middle East Nu'man Abd al-Wahid on January 7, 2016 37 Comments
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Abdel Aziz Ibn Saud with Sir Percy Cox Abdel Aziz Ibn Saud with Sir Percy Cox
The covert alliance between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Zionist entity of Israel should be no surprise to any student of British imperialism. The problem is the study of British imperialism has very few students. Indeed, one can peruse any undergraduate or post-graduate British university prospectus and rarely find a module in a Politics degree on the British Empire let alone a dedicated degree or Masters degree. Of course if the European led imperialist carnage in the four years between 1914 – 1918 tickles your cerebral cells then it’s not too difficult to find an appropriate institution to teach this subject, but if you would like to delve into how and why the British Empire waged war on mankind for almost four hundred years you’re practically on your own in this endeavour. One must admit, that from the British establishment’s perspective, this is a formidable and remarkable achievement.

In late 2014, according to the American journal, “Foreign Affairs”, the Saudi petroleum Minister, Ali al-Naimi is reported to have said “His Majesty King Abdullah has always been a model for good relations between Saudi Arabia and other states and the Jewish state is no exception.” Recently, Abdullah’s successor, King Salman expressed similar concerns to those of Israel’s to the growing agreement between the United States and Iran over the latter’s nuclear programme. This led some to report that Israel and KSA presented a “united front” in their opposition to the nuclear deal. This was not the first time the Zionists and Saudis have found themselves in the same corner in dealing with a perceived common foe. In North Yemen in the 1960’s, the Saudis were financing a British imperialist led mercenary army campaign against revolutionary republicans who had assumed authority after overthrowing the authoritarian, Imam. Gamal Abdul-Nasser’s Egypt militarily backed the republicans, while the British induced the Saudis to finance and arm the remaining remnants of the Imam’s supporters. Furthermore, the British organised the Israelis to drop arms for the British proxies in North Yemen, 14 times. The British, in effect, militarily but covertly, brought the Zionists and Saudis together in 1960’s North Yemen against their common foe.

However, one must go back to the 1920’s to fully appreciate the origins of this informal and indirect alliance between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist entity. The defeat of the Ottoman Empire by British imperialism in World War One, left three distinct authorities in the Arabian peninsula: Sharif of Hijaz: Hussain bin Ali of Hijaz (in the west), Ibn Rashid of Ha’il (in the north) and Emir Ibn Saud of Najd (in the east) and his religiously fanatical followers, the Wahhabis.

Ibn Saud had entered the war early in January 1915 on the side of the British, but was quickly defeated and his British handler, William Shakespear was killed by the Ottoman Empire’s ally Ibn Rashid. This defeat greatly hampered Ibn Saud’s utility to the Empire and left him militarily hamstrung for a year.[1] The Sharif contributed the most to the Ottoman Empire’s defeat by switching allegiances and leading the so-called ‘Arab Revolt’ in June 1916 which removed the Turkish presence from Arabia. He was convinced to totally alter his position because the British had strongly led him to believe, via correspondence with Henry McMahon, the British High Commissioner in Egypt, that a unified Arab country from Gaza to the Persian Gulf will be established with the defeat of the Turks. The letters exchanged between Sharif Hussain and Henry McMahon are known as the McMahon-Hussain Correspondence.

Understandably, the Sharif as soon as the war ended wanted to hold the British to their war time promises, or what he perceived to be their war time promises, as expressed in the aforementioned correspondence. The British, on the other hand, wanted the Sharif to accept the Empire’s new reality which was a division of the Arab world between them and the French (Sykes-Picot agreement) and the implementation of the Balfour Declaration, which guaranteed ‘a national for the Jewish people’ in Palestine by colonisation with European Jews. This new reality was contained in the British written, Anglo-Hijaz Treaty, which the Sharif was profoundly averse to signing.[2] After all, the revolt of 1916 against the Turks was dubbed the ‘Arab Revolt’ not the ‘Hijazi Revolt’.

Actually, the Sharif let it be known that he will never sell out Palestine to the Empire’s Balfour Declaration; he will never acquiescence to the establishment of Zionism in Palestine or accept the new random borders drawn across Arabia by British and French imperialists. For their part the British began referring to him as an ‘obstructionist’, a ‘nuisance’ and of having a ‘recalcitrant’ attitude.

The British let it be known to the Sharif that they were prepared to take drastic measures to bring about his approval of the new reality regardless of the service that he had rendered them during the War. After the Cairo Conference in March 1921, where the new Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill met with all the British operatives in the Middle East, T.E. Lawrence (i.e. of Arabia) was dispatched to meet the Sharif to bribe and bully him to accept Britain’s Zionist colonial project in Palestine. Initially, Lawrence and the Empire offered 80,000 rupees.[3] The Sharif rejected it outright. Lawrence then offered him an annual payment of £100,000.[4] The Sharif refused to compromise and sell Palestine to British Zionism.

When financial bribery failed to persuade the Sharif, Lawrence threatened him with an Ibn Saud takeover. Lawrence claimed that “politically and militarily, the survival of Hijaz as a viable independent Hashemite kingdom was wholly dependent on the political will of Britain, who had the means to protect and maintain his rule in the region.” [5] In between negotiating with the Sharif, Lawrence made the time to visit other leaders in the Arabian peninsula and informed them that they if they don’t tow the British line and avoid entering into an alliance with the Sharif, the Empire will unleash Ibn Saud and his Wahhabis who after all is at Britain’s ‘beck and call’.[6]

Simultaneously, after the Conference, Churchill travelled to Jerusalem and met with the Sharif’s son, Abdullah, who had been made the ruler, “Emir”, of a new territory called “Transjordan.” Churchill informed Abdullah that he should persuade “his father to accept the Palestine mandate and sign a treaty to such effect,” if not “the British would unleash Ibn Saud against Hijaz.”[7] In the meantime the British were planning to unleash Ibn Saud on the ruler of Ha’il, Ibn Rashid.

Ibn Rashid had rejected all overtures from the British Empire made to him via Ibn Saud, to be another of its puppets.[8] More so, Ibn Rashid expanded his territory north to the new mandated Palestinian border as well as to the borders of Iraq in the summer of 1920. The British became concerned that an alliance maybe brewing between Ibn Rashid who controlled the northern part of the peninsula and the Sharif who controlled the western part. More so, the Empire wanted the land routes between the Palestinian ports on the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf under the rule of a friendly party. At the Cairo Conference, Churchill agreed with an imperial officer, Sir Percy Cox that “Ibn Saud should be ‘given the opportunity to occupy Hail.’”[9] By the end of 1920, the British were showering Ibn Saud with “a monthly ‘grant’ of £10,000 in gold, on top of his monthly subsidy. He also received abundant arms supplies, totalling more than 10,000 rifles, in addition to the critical siege and four field guns” with British-Indian instructors.[10] Finally, in September 1921, the British unleashed Ibn Saud on Ha’il which officially surrendered in November 1921. It was after this victory the British bestowed a new title on Ibn Saud. He was no longer to be “Emir of Najd and Chief of its Tribes” but “Sultan of Najd and its Dependencies”. Ha’il had dissolved into a dependency of the Empire’s Sultan of Najd.

If the Empire thought that the Sharif, with Ibn Saud now on his border and armed to the teeth by the British, would finally become more amenable to the division of Arabia and the British Zionist colonial project in Palestine they were short lived. A new round of talks between Abdulla’s son, acting on behalf of his father in Transjordan and the Empire resulted in a draft treaty accepting Zionism. When it was delivered to the Sharif with an accompanying letter from his son requesting that he “accept reality”, he didn’t even bother to read the treaty and instead composed a draft treaty himself rejecting the new divisions of Arabia as well as the Balfour Declaration and sent it to London to be ratified![11]

Ever since 1919 the British had gradually decreased Hussain’s subsidy to the extent that by the early 1920’s they had suspended it, while at the same time continued subsidising Ibn Saud right through the early 1920’s.[12] After a further three rounds of negotiations in Amman and London, it dawned on the Empire that Hussain will never relinquish Palestine to Great Britain’s Zionist project or accept the new divisions in Arab lands.[13]In March 1923, the British informed Ibn Saud that it will cease his subsidy but not without awarding him an advance ‘grant’ of £50,000 upfront, which amounted to a year’s subsidy.[14]

In March 1924, a year after the British awarded the ‘grant’ to Ibn Saud, the Empire announced that it had terminated all discussions with Sharif Hussain to reach an agreement.[15] Within weeks the forces of Ibn Saud and his Wahhabi followers began to administer what the British foreign secretary, Lord Curzon called the “final kick” to Sharif Hussain and attacked Hijazi territory.[16] By September 1924, Ibn Saud had overrun the summer capital of Sharif Hussain, Ta’if. The Empire then wrote to Sharif’s sons, who had been awarded kingdoms in Iraq and Transjordan not to provide any assistance to their besieged father or in diplomatic terms they were informed “to give no countenance to interference in the Hedjaz”.[17] In Ta’if, Ibn Saud’s Wahhabis committed their customary massacres, slaughtering women and children as well as going into mosques and killing traditional Islamic scholars.[18] They captured the holiest place in Islam, Mecca, in mid-October 1924. Sharif Hussain was forced to abdicate and went to exile to the Hijazi port of Akaba. He was replaced as monarch by his son Ali who made Jeddah his governmental base. As Ibn Saud moved to lay siege to the rest of Hijaz, the British found the time to begin incorporating the northern Hijazi port of Akaba into Transjordan. Fearing that Sharif Hussain may use Akaba as a base to rally Arabs against the Empire’s Ibn Saud, the Empire let it be known that in no uncertain terms that he must leave Akaba or Ibn Saud will attack the port. For his part, Sharif Hussain responded that he had,

“never acknowledged the mandates on Arab countries and still protest against the British Government which has made Palestine a national home for the Jews.”[19]

Sharif Hussain was forced out of Akaba, a port he had liberated from the Ottoman Empire during the ‘Arab Revolt’, on the 18th June 1925 on HMS Cornflower.

Ibn Saud had begun his siege of Jeddah in January 1925 and the city finally surrendered in December 1925 bringing to an end over 1000 years of rule by the Prophet Muhammad’s descendants. The British officially recognised Ibn Saud as the new King of Hijaz in February 1926 with other European powers following suit within weeks. The new unified Wahhabi state was rebranded by the Empire in 1932 as the “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” (KSA). A certain George Rendel, an officer working at the Middle East desk at the Foreign Office in London, claimed credit for the new name.

On the propaganda level, the British served the Wahhabi takeover of Hijaz on three fronts. Firstly, they portrayed and argued that Ibn Saud’s invasion of Hijaz was motivated by religious fanaticism rather than by British imperialism’s geo-political considerations.[20] This deception is propounded to this day, most recently in Adam Curtis’s acclaimed BBC “Bitter Lake” documentary, whereby he states that the “fierce intolerant vision of wahhabism” drove the “beduins” to create Saudi Arabia.[21] Secondly, the British portrayed Ibn Saud’s Wahhabi fanatics as a benign and misunderstood force who only wanted to bring Islam back to its purest form.[22] To this day, these Islamist jihadis are portrayed in the most benign manner when their armed insurrections is supported by Britain and the West such as 1980’s Afghanistan or in today’s Syria, where they are referred to in the western media as “moderate rebels.” Thirdly, British historians portray Ibn Saud as an independent force and not as a British instrument used to horn away anyone perceived to be surplus to imperial requirements. For example, Professor Eugene Rogan’s recent study on the history on Arabs claims that “Ibn Saud had no interest in fighting” the Ottoman Empire. This is far from accurate as Ibn Saud joined the war in 1915. He further disingenuously claims that Ibn Saud was only interested in advancing “his own objectives” which fortuitously always dovetailed with those of the British Empire.[23]

In conclusion, one of the most overlooked aspects of the Balfour Declaration is the British Empire’s commitment to “use their best endeavours to facilitate” the creation of “a national home for the Jewish people”. Obviously, many nations in the world today were created by the Empire but what makes Saudi Arabia’s borders distinctive is that its northern and north-eastern borders are the product of the Empire facilitating the creation of Israel. At the very least the dissolution of the two Arab sheikhdoms of Ha’il and Hijaz by Ibn Saud’s Wahhabis is based in their leaders’ rejection to facilitate the British Empire’s Zionist project in Palestine.

Therefore, it is very clear that the British Empire’s drive to impose Zionism in Palestine is embedded in the geographical DNA of contemporary Saudi Arabia. There is further irony in the fact that the two holiest sites in Islam are today governed by the Saudi clan and Wahhabi teachings because the Empire was laying the foundations for Zionism in Palestine in the 1920s. Contemporaneously, it is no surprise that both Israel and Saudi Arabia are keen in militarily intervening on the side of “moderate rebels” i.e. jihadis, in the current war on Syria, a country which covertly and overtly rejects the Zionist colonisation of Palestine.

As the United States, the ‘successor’ to the British Empire in defending western interests in the Middle East, is perceived to be growing more hesitant in engaging militarily in the Middle East, there is an inevitability that the two nations rooted in the Empire’s Balfour Declaration, Israel and Saudi Arabia, would develop a more overt alliance to defend their common interests.


[1] Gary Troeller, “The Birth of Saudi Arabia” (London: Frank Cass, 1976) pg.91.

[2] Askar H. al-Enazy, “ The Creation of Saudi Arabia: Ibn Saud and British Imperial Policy, 1914-1927” (London: Routledge, 2010), pg. 105-106.

[3] ibid., pg. 109.

[4] ibid., pg.111.

[5] ibid.

[6] ibid.

[7] ibid., pg 107.

[8] ibid., pg. 45-46 and pg.101-102.

[9] ibid., pg.104.

[10] ibid.

[11] ibid., pg. 113.

[12] ibid., pg.110 and Troeller, op. cit., pg.166.

[13] al-Enazy op cit., pg.112-125.

[14] al-Enazy, op. cit., pg.120.

[15] ibid., pg.129.

[16] ibid., pg. 106 and Troeller op. cit., 152.

[17] al-Enazy, op. cit., pg. 136 and Troeller op. cit., pg.219.

[18] David Howarth, “The Desert King: The Life of Ibn Saud” (London: Quartet Books, 1980), pg. 133 and Randall Baker, “King Husain and the Kingdom of Hejaz” (Cambridge: The Oleander Press, 1979), pg.201-202.

[19] Quoted in al-Enazy op. cit., pg. 144.

[20] ibid., pg. 138 and Troeller op. cit., pg. 216.

[21]In the original full length BBC iPlayer version this segment begins towards the end at 2 hrs 12 minutes 24 seconds.

[22] al-Enazy op. cit., pg. 153.

[23] Eugene Rogan, “The Arabs: A History”, (London: Penguin Books, 2009), pg.220.

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Introduction to the German translation of Douglas Reed’s book “The Controversy of Zion”
By Jürgen Graf

 Controversy of

1. The Controversy of Zion

Douglas Reeds monumental work has two evident weaknesses which should be pointed out from the outset:

Reeds references are insufficient. For example, the title of Josef Kastein's “History and Destiny of the Jews” (1933), his most frequently quoted source, does not appear anywhere in the original English text; he simply keeps mentioning “Dr. Kastein's book”, and leaves it to the reader to find the title in the (surprisingly meager) bibliography in the appendix. In such cases I, as the translator, could correct that and insert the relevant book titles in the text. I could not find out on which page the quotations in question are to be found, for such information is not to be found in Reed's text, and the purchase of the original texts would have involved unreasonable expenses. Similarly with the newspaper articles: here one must be content when Reed mentions the name of the newspaper in question, and ideally also the date on which the quoted article was published. Often he gives as his source “A South African newspaper” which makes it impossible to trace the quotation.

In the frequent quotations from The Old Testament, especially in the first chapter, Reed typically mentions that it comes from, for example, “The Book of Leviticus” of “from The Book of Ezekiel”.  As a translation back from the English text was out of the question, I spent many days in finding the passages in question, and thus got to know The Old Testament better.

Reed delivers a wealth of information on the methods by which Zionist Jewry gained its overwhelming political influence during the 20th century, so that at some point it could control the top politicians in “the free world” almost at will, but he leaves out completely one central aspect - the economic one. We hear nothing about the sources of the enormous sums at the disposal of the Zionist leaders to further their agenda (including bribing of politicians).  He does not mention at all such important questions as the roots of the Jewish financial power or the fundamental difference between the productive capitalism of, for example, Henry Ford who created workplaces and produced goods that served the common good, and the parasitic financial capitalism of, for example, the Rothschild family which used, and still uses, money as a means of acquiring enormous riches through speculations at the stock exchanges.

These were the weaknesses of Reeds work. What about its strengths which aroused my admiration, and moved me to immediately accept the offer of translating it into German, already after the first cursory reading?

Douglas Reed was born in 1895. Prior to resigning in 1938, he was the European correspondent of the prestigious London newspaper The Times. Shortly after the end of The Second World War he set himself a task from which many better qualified persons, out of fear, would have shrunk away. He decided to document the development of Judaism from the fifth century B.C. until the present, as well as the influence of Jews on society and the policy of their host countries. In spite of a few unavoidable errors, he succeeded so brilliantly that one can certainly count “The Controversy of Zion” among the most important political books of the 20th century.

Reed completed his masterpiece at the end of 1956 aged 61. Although he was to live another 20 years, he never saw his book published as he could find no publisher. "The Controversy of Zion" was first published in South Africa shortly after his death.

As he embarked upon this epoch-making work, he had already become a non-person for having criticized Jewry in his works during and after The Second World War. Had this been done by some other person, he would have been called a “Nazi”, but that wouldn’t have worked with Reed because prior to the war he had been among the most uncompromising opponents of The Third Reich and in his two books “Insanity Fair” and “Disgrace Abounding” he had castigated the policy of collaboration of his government. (To his credit, his rabid anti-Nazism did not prevent him from later castigating the orgies of revenge of the victorious powers in occupied Germany as well as the revolting farce of the Nuremberg trials.) As it was not possible to smear him as a Nazi, he was labeled a “virulent anti-Semite” (as The Times wrote in the obituary of its former correspondent)1. This is totally wrong because, if that word still is to have any meaning, “anti-Semitism” signifies “hostility towards Jews because of their Semitic descent”. There is no trace of such racially motivated hostility towards Jews with Reed. For him the Jewish problem is not to be found in the Jewish genes, but alone in the Jewish religion.

Reeds judgment of this religion is merciless:

The creed which was given force of daily law in Judah in 458 BC was then and still is unique in the world. It rested on the assertion, attributed to the tribal deity (Jehovah), that “the Israelites” (in fact, the Judahites) were his “chosen people” who, if they did all his “statutes and judgments,” would be set over all other peoples and be established in a “promised land.”(Chapter 1).

“In our time, I judge, a barbaric superstition born in antiquity and nurtured through the ages by a semi-secret priesthood, has returned to plague us in the form of a political movement supported by great wealth and power in all great capitals of the world. Through the two methods used, revolution from below and the corruption of governments from above, it has come far towards success in a fantastic ambition of achieving world dominion using these two instruments to incite nations against each other.” (Epilogue)

Reed saw the only solution in ”the Jews merging with the rest of mankind”, that is in their total assimilation which would necessarily mean their mixing with their host populations. For a racially conscious “anti-Semite”, such mixing would of course be an abomination - as it would for Orthodox Jews:

“In those days also saw I Jews that had married wives of Ashdod, of Ammon, and of Moab: And their children spake half in the speech of Ashdod, and could not speak in the Jews language, but according to the language of each people. And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, Ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves. Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? Yet among many nations was there no king like him, who was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel: nevertheless even he did outlandish women cause to sin. Shall we then hearken unto you to do this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives?” (Nehemiah 13; 23-27)

“And Ezra the priest stood up, and said unto them, Ye have transgressed, and have taken strange wives, to increase the trespass of Israel. Now therefore make confession unto the LORD of your fathers, and do his pleasure: and separate yourselves from the people of the land, and from the strange wives. Then all the congregation answered and said with a loud voice, As thou hast said, so must we do.”
(Ezra 10; 10-12)

Please note that the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 were more humane than Ezra’s demands: although they forbade future marriages between Aryans and Jews, they did not touch the already established ones.

2 An incorruptible observer

In 1821 the French astronomer Alexis Bouvard discovered disturbances in the orbit of the planet Uranus which at first he could not explain. He came to the conclusion that there must be an invisible planet on the other side of Uranus which gravitation influenced the orbit of Uranus. In 1846 this planet was discovered by the Frenchman Urbain Le Verrier, as well as by the German Gottfried Galle, and was given the name Neptune. Bouvard's hypothesis had thus been proved correct, but he did not live to see its triumph as he died three years before Le Verrier's discovery.

The way Alexis Bouvard succeeded in the field of astronomy, Douglas Reed did in the field of politics. As a keen and incorruptible observer of events on the stage of world politics, from apparently inexplicable occurrences he discovered the presence of an invisible power which made statesmen dance like marionettes. Two particularly illustrative examples:

In the fall of 1917 the British government decided to transfer a considerable part of the forces fighting on the French battlefields to the Near East in order to drive the Turks, a German ally, out of Palestine. From a military viewpoint this was sheer madness, as it has been proven in innumerable wars that transferring troops from a main battlefield to a secondary one is a big mistake. The decision of the London-government provoked embarrassed head shakes from experienced military leaders. The enormous expedition actually succeeded in beating the Turks in Palestine (Jerusalem was conquered in December 1917), but the weakening of the Western front had catastrophic consequences for the British army. All the more because, after Russia's dropping out of the war, the Germans were able to throw most of their units, until then tied up on the Russian front, to the West. The British suffered terrible losses, and only arrivals of huge numbers of American troops in the spring of 1918 prevented a total catastrophe.

At that time Douglas Reed was fighting in the air force in France and, of course, had no idea what had moved his government to follow this unusual course. Only many years later he understood the reason: “The Invisible Pressure” of the Zionists on the government in London, which approved the establishment of a Jewish state, had been successful. On the 2nd of November 1917, while the fighting in the Near East was in full swing, the minister of foreign affairs, Lord Arthur Balfour, had promised the Zionist Lionel Rothschild, in writing, that his government would support the efforts to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. In order to be able to hand over this area to the Zionists, the English would have to conquer it first, of course. That is why they sent a big expedition of troops to the Near East without any regard for the catastrophic consequences for their own troops on the Western Front. Thus those responsible in London sacrificed tens of thousands of young Englishmen on the altar of the future state of Israel.

At first glance the policies of the USA and Great Britain from the spring of 1943 were no less inexplicable. After the battle of Stalingrad and the withdrawal of German troops from North Africa it was clear that the German Reich no longer had any chance of a military victory. As neither the USSR nor the Western Powers had the slightest intentions of reaching a peaceful compromise with Adolf Hitler, it was already at that time predictable that, as a consequence of the inevitable German defeat, one part of Europe would come under Anglo-American influence, and another - under Soviet control. From the viewpoint of the Western Powers the only sensible policy would have been to conquer as large parts of Eastern Europe as possible before the arrival of the Red Army. Consequently a push towards “the soft underbelly of the Axis”, the Balkans, would have been the best thing to do in the summer of 1943 with the advance towards the north to Greece and Yugoslavia. However, that was exactly what the Anglo-Americans didn't do. Instead they landed in Italy where their progress stagnated for four months south of Rome. Instead of pushing towards the Balkans, while there was still time, they staged an invasion of the south of France by mid August, whereas the Red Army took Romania and from there advanced south and west. Even so it would still have been possible for the Anglo-Americans to reach the three key central European cities, Berlin, Vienna and Prague before the Soviets, but Eisenhower ordered his troops to stop, so that all the three cities could be taken by the Red Army.

After a thorough study of the available material Reed concluded that the ailing US president Roosevelt, who had become a puppet of his predominantly Jewish and thoroughly pro-Soviet “advisers”, had decided to serve half of Europe to communism on a silver platter and thus pave the way for a future partition of the European Continent. Winston Churchill was not happy with these plans, but he no longer had much influence and had been reduced to a supernumerary. All major decisions were now made in Washington, not in London.

Under these circumstances Reed had to conclude that the real victors of The Second World War were the two revolutionary twin brothers, Jewish Communism and Jewish Zionism. Thanks to the cooperation of Western leaders Stalin became the master of half of Europe, while the Zionists could establish their much longed for state in the Near East three years later. With much clear-sightedness Reed realized that this state was a potential powder-keg right from the start, the explosion of which had to lead to a world fire. At present everything points to his being right about that. He was only mistaken as to the timing. Things are developing much slower, and the coming world fire is building up under circumstances quite different from anything, Reed could have imagined.

How did it come about that an insignificant religious and ethnic minority could gain almost total control over the policies of the US – the leading power in the West? In order to answer that question conclusively, one had to follow the development of the Jewish people and their power through the centuries, and so it was obvious to start with the beginning – the Old Testament.

3. The Jewish Religion

I cannot imagine who would have the right to deny The Old Testament his respect. It is one of the most powerful works of all time. Never before or after has the eternal question of the root of evil and injustice been described so strongly and answered as in The Book of Job. The fall of man, the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, the story of Cain and Abel, the Tower of Babel, Noah’s Ark, all of these stories have so enormous symbolic power and are so intense that no sensitive human being, who has once heard them, can ever forget them.

Among the passages in The Old Testament which make the most of an impression on me, is the dialogue between God and Abraham about the fate of the sinful city of Sodom. God promises Abraham to spare the city if fifty righteous persons can be found in it. Then Abraham negotiates the number down to ten:

Genesis chapter 18, verse 32. “And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten’s sake.” verse 33. And the Lord went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.”

God does not find ten righteous persons in Sodom, and the city is destroyed. I thought of this story with shock and sorrow when I heard of an appeal to the German people from Horst Mahler (shortly after he was sentenced to twelve and a half years in prison for his critique of Jewry, as well as of the Jewish version of the history of The Second World War): The Germans should have walked the streets by the thousands to raise their voices against this lie which has been lying as a leaden weight upon them since 1945 which makes it impossible for them to regain their self-respect and which, if not broken, will lead to their destruction. The tens of thousands of demonstrators did not show up, not even ten. Fear is rooted too deeply in the German people.

Next to such awe-inspiring passages, one also encounters things which give less cause for admiration. Again and again Jehovah orders his people to utterly destroy other tribes. Here is an example:

Deuteronomy 7; 1-3, 16:

When the Lord thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou;
2 And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them:
3 Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.

16 And thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them: neither shalt thou serve their gods; for that will be a snare unto thee.

How could the same God, who had given his people The Ten Commandments, including the Sixth, which forbids murder, order the indiscriminate extermination of whole nations? And how could Moses, who had brought the tablets with The Ten Commandments to the children of Israel, end his earthly life with the horrible massacre on the Midianites to which his wife belonged (Numbers, chapter 31)? To these questions Reed gives a logical answer: The genocidal orders of Jehovah were added to the sacred texts later, in the Babylonian exile, by the scribes who created the final version of the holy texts in order to inoculate the desired chauvinism into their people.

Evidently this means that the historical reality described in these passages is an open question. There is no objective proof that these mass murders have ever taken place. A strong indication that it is not so is given in the Book of Esther in the story of the 75.000 Persians whom the Jews slaughtered with the express permission of the Persian king, Ahasveros. (In memory of this joyous event, or non-event, orthodox Jews celebrate their annual Purim to this day!) In Persian history there is not the slightest hint of this amazing event; thus, with a probability approaching certainty, we have to do with a myth.

For religious Jews such myths are important parts of their tradition, because a non-event of which one hears and reads constantly becomes an irrefutable fact in a man’s subjective consciousness. In an opinion poll amongst Jews and brainwashed European and American non-Jews concerning the most important event in the 20th century, most Jews and at least a large minority of non-Jews would undoubtedly mention the Holocaust. Thereby they would not refer to the very real and very brutal persecution of Jews during the Second World War but the imaginary, industrial extermination of millions of Jews in chemical slaughterhouses. This Holocaust propaganda has now for six and a half decades influenced the consciousness of half of mankind, the same way the commands of Jehovah to exterminate other nations have influenced the thinking of orthodox Jews for more than two thousand years, with all their consequences.

In Jewish tradition the enemy who must be destroyed carries the name of Amalek after the Amalekite people who were completely exterminated by the Israelites according to The Old Testament. (First Book of Samuel, 15; chronicle 4; 43). Any ruler or political leader who opposed or opposes the Jews in the past or the present is considered Amalek, be it the Ukrainian Cossack leader Bogdan Khmelnitsky (1595 – 1667) or Adolf Hitler, Gamal Abdul Nasser or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Whole peoples can also be identified with the Amalekites, be it Germans (in 1898 rabbi Yosef Haim Sonnenfeld declined to meet with Wilhelm II during his visit in Palestine, because the Germans were, according to him, descended from the Amalekites), or 2 the Palestinians.

On February 25th 1994 a captain of the Israeli army and physician, Dr. Baruch Goldstein, entered a mosque, shot 29 Arabs and wounded 150 with his machine gun. As he was about to change the magazine, he was killed by a survivor with a fire extinguisher. Through his heroic deed and his “martyrdom”, the amok runner won the status of a saint, whilst his victims were mocked by pious rabbis.

Rabbi Israel Ariel: “The holy martyr Baruch Goldstein from now on is our patron in Heaven.” 3

Rabbi Dov Lior: “What Goldstein did, he did in the name of God. Thereby he has shown himself to be righteous.” 4

Rabbi Moshe Levinger: “I feel for the 29 dead Palestinians just as much compassion as I would feel for 29 dead flies.” 5

Rabbi Yaacov Perrin: “A million Arabs are not worth as much as one Jewish fingernail.” 6

A year after the massacre grateful Israelis erected a monument for the butcher with an inscription as follows:

“Here rests the holy Dr. Baruch Goldstein, blessed be the memory of this righteous and sacred man, may the Lord avenge his blood.” 7

According to the same inscription Baruch was the seventh successor of the founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch Movement, rabbi Schneur Zalman (1745-1812) from whom the following wise statement has been handed down:

“The souls of goyim (non-Jews) are of a quite different, inferior kind. All Jews are good by nature; all goyim are evil by nature. The Jews are the crown of creation, goyim are the scum.” 8

It is comforting to know that none of these pious rabbis recommend that all goyim should be killed; at least some of them must stay alive, so that they can fulfil their purpose. This purpose was explained by rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a spiritual leader, who entered the Israeli government as a representative for the Shas-movement in October 2010:

“Goyim are born to serve us. They have no other purpose in this world. Only to serve us.”

To the question, why the Almighty often gives non-Jews a long life, the learned rabbi also knows the only right answer:

“What are non-Jews needed for? Imagine that someone’s donkey dies. He would loose his money. After all, the donkey is his slave. That is why he is granted a long life, so he can work well for these Jews … They (the non-Jews) will plough, they will bring in the harvest. We will sit as masters and eat.” 9

After these words of wisdom had found their way to the press of “the free world” and had caused a considerable outcry, Jewish organizations such as the ADL  (Anti-Defamation League) tried to minimize the damage by reprimanding Ovadia Yosef for his “bigoted” and “intolerant” remarks. However this was nothing but disgusting hypocrisy, for his remarks were in complete agreement with the Jewish religion. After all, Jehovah has promised his people:

Book of Isaiah, chapter 60

10. And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favor have I had mercy on thee.
11 Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought.
12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.

This prophecy has been fulfilled, for today the wealth of the nations is actually brought to Israel. From the USA come billions of dollars each year as foreign aid; from West Germany, according to official sources,10 up until the year 1992, Israel received 85,4 billion DM “Wiedergutmachung” (reparations) and additional tributes in the form of goods. Nahum Goldmann, a longstanding member of The Jewish World Congress states in his book, The Jewish Paradox”:

Without the German reparations, which were paid during the first ten years after the founding of the state of Israel, this country would hardly have had half of its infrastructure; all trains, all ships, all electricity plants as well as most of the industry came from Germany.” 11

Such generous support was and is given by Germany to a country that was founded on stolen Palestinian territory and which has driven out half of its population with bloody terror. Also this theft of land is justified in The Old Testament:

Deuteronomy, chapter 6

10 And it shall be, when the LORD thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not,
11 And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full;
12 Then beware lest thou forget the LORD, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.

The virulent chauvinism and racism increases to white-hot in Talmud and takes an especially anti-Christian turn. According to the Talmud, Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in seething excrement:

“He (the heathen Onkelos, who dared convert to Judaism) went to awaken Jesus from the dead by means of invocations. Then he asked: Who is esteemed in the other world? He answered: The children of Israel. He asked: Shall I smite them? He said: seek to benefit them. Whosoever attacks them, attacks the apple of his (God’s) eye. He said: What is your punishment? He answered: Seething excrement, for a master has said: He, who scorns the words of the wise men shall be punished with seething excrement.”12

Such is the gloomy world view of this little nation which during several centuries achieved a fantastic economic and political power. For its host nations it could and can only have unpleasant consequences.

Here one may argue that not all Jews think that way. This is, of course, true. There have always been honest and courageous Jews, who raised their voices against the insane ideology of their leaders, from the prophets of The Old Testament such as Amos (“Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD;” Book of Amos, 9,7) over the famous philosopher, Baruch Spinoza, who was expelled by his co-religionists (May God strike him with consumption, with fever, with fire, with infection, with sword, with barrenness, with leprosy and may he persecute him until he has totally destroyed him”) to the anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian Israeli dissidents of today, such as Israel Shahak, Israel Shamir and Gilad Azmon. Even so, these men with new ideas have always been an isolated minority in Jewry; at its head always stood the guardians of the pure teaching supervising with Argus eyes that the Jewish foot soldiers did not fall out of step. Just how the rabbis maintained their reign of terror in the ghettos and how mercilessly they acted against dissidents is described in Israel Shahak’s excellent book, “Jewish History, Jewish Religion. The weight of 3000 years”. 13

4. Self isolation or assimilation?

In spite of their inner strife, the Jews appeared to their Christian host nations to be a compact group. They managed to keep the conflicts between members of the Jewish community from Christian courts, dealing with them in Jewish tribunals instead. They used to live in isolated ghettos.

Under these conditions no co-existence was possible between the Christian majority and the Jewish minority. At best, they lived side by side and at worst - in conflict with each other. The suspicious, even hostile, attitudes of the Christian masses towards the Jews, which periodically resulted in pogroms, are being described by politically correct historians solely as a result of religious intolerance and incitement by Popes. In reality, almost always they had economic causes.

In Deuteronomy 5, chapter 23 it says:

19 Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury:
20 Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
21 When thou shalt vow a vow unto the LORD thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the LORD thy God will surely require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee.

Unscrupulous Jewish usurers used the permission to lend upon usury to its full potential:

During the Middle Ages Jewish usurers charged an interest of between 22 and 43 percent. 14

In the fourteenth century the rulers of Spain allowed the Jews an interest of 33,3 percent. During a famine in Cuenca in 1326 when the peasants desperately needed money for buying seed, the Jews refused to lend them money as long as they were not allowed to charge an interest of 40 percent. 15

Similar examples can be multiplied almost endlessly. It is easy to understand that the Jews did not make themselves very popular by such methods. Where the local authorities had the sense to limit the interest to a reasonable level – as for example in Venice in the sixteenth century,16 where the highest interest permitted was 5 percent – the hostility against Jews also diminished.

The Jews were denied influence on the social order, religion and culture. The secular power and the Church quickly stopped any attempt of that sort. This changed with the French Revolution (in which the Jews had no part worth mentioning, as Reed sees it). As a consequence of the revolution, the former limitations for the Jews disappeared almost everywhere in Western Europe. Overnight, the Jews gained new undreamt-of possibilities for influencing their host populations, promoting destructive ideologies and harmful behavior.

From the viewpoint of the Jewish leaders, however, the equality of the Jews was a two-edged sword; it did not just bring enormous advantage but also very tangible dangers. More and more of Jewish foot soldiers were sick and tired of the guardianship of the rabbis and were attracted by assimilation. So the Jewish generals ran the risk of one day finding themselves without soldiers.

One of the most informative chapters in Douglas Reeds book is the eighth which deals with the emancipation and assimilation of the West European Jews in the 19th and early 20th century. Had this process been successfully completed, it would have brought both Jews and non-Jews endless blessings. The Jews would finally have thrown off the rabbinical yoke and would, before being completely absorbed into their host nations a couple of generations later, have put their indisputable talents and their above average level of education at the disposal of their homelands, as it actually happened in many cases during the period of assimilation (it suffices here to mention great doctors like Ignaz Semmelweis and Paul Ehrlich, important composers like Gustav Mahler and outstanding authors like Stefan Zweig).

If assimilation did not succeed, it was more than anything due to the majority of the Eastern Jews and their Talmudic leaders opposing it with tooth and claw. The strongest weapon in their counterattack became the reactionary and anachronistic Zionist ideology which aimed at isolating of the Jews and locking them into an invisible ghetto for all time. A large part of Reeds book is dedicated to the triumph of this ideology which met with unveiled sympathy of many Western politicians. On the 8th of February 1920 The Illustrated Herald brought an article by Winston Churchill titled “Zionism versus Bolshevism. A Battle for the Soul of the Jewish people.” Having demonstrated that the international communist movement was largely under Jewish control and that the October Revolution in Russia was largely the work of Jews, he expressed the hope that the Jewish masses would turn to Zionism as an alternative to Communism. (As Reed emphasizes in many places of his book, the contrast between the two ideologies was largely pretense; communists and Zionists operated according to the motto: “March separately, strike together.”

In order to prevent or at least delay the life threatening assimilation of the Jewish foot soldiers, the Jewish leaders of today use the psychological weapon of “Holocaust”. The incessant Holocaust-propaganda is meant for Jews as well as for non-Jews. The former are to be put into a state of permanent hysteria and persecution mania, so that they rally around their Zionist leaders who pretend to be their saviors from a new “Holocaust”. The non-Jews are to be filled with guilt complexes and made unable to resist the fate meant for them: to be mercilessly replaced by masses of immigrants from the third world and to disappear in a “multicultural” mixture of peoples, where only one people will remain unmixed – the one chosen by Jehovah.

5 The destructive Mission

“We Jews, the destroyers, will always remain the destroyers.”
Samuel Maurice, Jewish author 17

The catholic theologian, Johannes Rothkrantz, mentioned above, believes that during the nineteenth century a two-headed monster has risen from the depths, the two heads being Marx and Rothschild. Indeed, the Jewish Marxism and Jewish financial capitalism took the people of the Occident in a merciless stranglehold. “Revolution from below, corrupt governments from above”, that is how Reed describes this state of affairs which he mentions again and again. Here we have nothing to add to his description. Today, five and a half decade after the completion of “The Controversy of Zion” we can conclude that the battle against the Occident has certainly not been carried out in only this fashion. The white populations in Europe and North America are already fighting for their naked biological survival – or rather they ought to be fighting for it, but they don’t because their natural resistance to this planned biological extermination has been paralyzed by means of incessant lying propaganda and intensive brainwashing. Douglas Reed, who was a sharp observer but not clairvoyant could not have foreseen that in 1956.

In order to reach the sought-after goal – the supremacy over goyim promised them by Jehovah – the leaders of this subversive activity must destroy the most important pillars of the social order of their host nations: religion, family and ethnic homogeneity. Afterward everything else will follow.

In the struggle against the Christian religion, the main opponent was the Vatican and not the protestant church, even though the originally pro-Semitic Martin Luther, having read the Talmud which filled him with horror, a few years before his death wrote a book titled “The Jews and their Lies” (“Therefore you should know, dear Christ, and do not doubt it, that next to the devil you have not bitterer, more poisonous, more passionate enemy that a genuine Jew who sincerely wishes to be a Jew.”.) Especially the Calvinist varieties of Protestantism, according to which material wealth is a sign of being chosen, were and are so close to Judaism that no real resistance is to be expected from them. In the USA the various protestant churches and sects which still consider the Jews a chosen people, also after the coming of the Christ, are so unreservedly in favor of Israel and Zionism, that they put themselves at their service as the most “useful idiots” the world has ever seen.

The Catholic Church was a much tougher challenge that the protestants, the Baptists etc; all attempts to destroy it from the outside were in vain. The only possibility was to undermine it from within and it had to be done at the very top. If one wants to infiltrate a hierarchical, authoritarian led organization, one must strive to get its head under control, for the subordinates that are used to unconditional obedience will for the most part follow the new line. After the infiltration of the Catholic Church had largely succeeded at the second Vatican council anno 1965, Karol Wojtyla who became Pope thirteen years later, judaized it carefully but purposefully.

Any possible protest against this policy on the part of the catholic rank and file was nipped in the bud by an outright brilliant tactic. On issues such as celibacy, priestly ordination of women, homosexuality or abortion, Wojtyla always represented the traditional catholic stance, and as a consequence he was attacked by the media as well as by the “progressive theologians” as “conservative” or “reactionary” – with the result that the catholic foot soldiers identified with their “slandered pope” and did not or would not see how this “heroic champion of the pure, authentic catholic teaching” gradually subjected his church to Judaism. Wojtyla successor, Josef Ratzinger, continues this policy. To what degree the Vatican had capitulated to Judaism was made clear in 2008: After it became known that the British bishop, Richard Williamson, had questioned the existence of gas chambers in the National Socialist concentration camps, Frederico Lombardi, the spokesman of the Vatican declared to the press: “He who denies the Holocaust knows nothing about the secret of God or the cross of Christ.”18 So the mystery of Auschwitz is now considered equal to the mystery of Golgotha by the Vatican and will probably before long replace it. “Auschwitz is the refutation of Christ” said the Jewish film maker and Holocaust-propagandist, Claude Lanzmann already in 1993.19

With the destruction of the faith, the duty to obey the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” became immaterial. The logic consequence was free abortion with the result that during the last few decades many millions of unborn children have been dismembered in the wombs of their mothers. Only a small fraction of these abortions were done in cases, where it was morally justifiable, as in case of danger for the life of the mother or when the pregnancy was due to rape or incest. In most cases those murdered in the womb would have been born as healthy children had they been given the chance.

It has symbolic value that the Jewess Simone Veil, former inmate in Auschwitz, a so called “Holocaust-survivor”, had abortion legalized during her tenure as France’s “minister of health”, and upon the founding of the European Parliament was elected its “honorary president”. By this choice “Europe” (that is the criminal clique that rules over the old continent) initiated a culture of death which would necessarily lead to its downfall – unless this barbarism is halted in time.

The question of the driving force behind the industrial-scale child murdering is easily answered. From the Jew Lawrence Laden, co-founder of the American “National Abortions Right Action League”, who has “concentrated on supporting the right to abortion with such good results, and whom the feminist author, Betty Friedan called “the father of the movement”,20 to the Jew dr. Etienne Beaulieu (original family name: Blum), inventor of the abortion pill RU-486 – always we see the same deadly pattern. In the USA, where the percentage of Jews in the population is officially 2 percent and their percentage among doctors is 14 percent,21 every other abortion doctor is a Jew.22

In contrast to other doctors, who have engaged in this shameful craft, conscience awoke in Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who had carried out 5.000 of the 75.000 abortions that were performed under his guidance. In his film, “The silent Scream” and in his book “The Hand of God” he shed light on the murders of children in the womb, and later converted to Catholicism. In a paper with the title “Confessions of an ex-abortionist” Nathanson wrote:

“I am personally responsible for 5000 abortions. We convinced the media that legalizing abortion was liberal, enlightened and smart. As we knew, that we would have fallen short in an opinion poll, we simply manufactured fictive results. We let the media believe that we had carried out opinion polls and that 60% of Americans were in favor of free abortion. This is a deceptive tactics, which later comes true …. The real figures (of the illegal abortions carried out in one year) were less than 100.000, but to the media we talked of one million all the time. If a big lie is repeated often enough, the public will believe it. The number of women, who died because of an illegal abortion, was 200 to 250 a year, but in the media we insisted, that it was 10.000. Another myth, which we planted in the public via the media was, that free abortion would only mean, that the abortions that were now done illegally, would be carried out by competent doctors. The fact is that today abortion is the most important means of birth control in the USA and that the number of abortions per year has risen 15 times … We systematically slandered the Catholic Church and its reactionary ideas and portrayed the Catholics who were against abortions as the bad guys…. One of the pro-abortionists’ favorite arguments was that it is impossible to define when life begins, that the question is theological or moral or philosophical, but in no way scientific. But fetology has proven conclusively that life begins at conception … Here one might ask, why so many American doctors, who know the findings of fetology very well, compromise their ethical principles by performing abortions. The answer is a very simple piece of math: 300 dollar per operation multiplied by 1.55 million abortions that makes an industry which pays 500 million dollars; most of that going directly into the pocket of the abortion doctor.” 23

Blatant lies, fabricated statistics, suppression of scientific facts – for someone who has dealt with the official version of the history of the “Holocaust” the pattern seems very familiar. One last word on the subject of abortion: to the best of my knowledge, the only communist state which denounced this practice was Nicolae Ceausescus’ Romania. After the fall and execution of Ceausescu, his democratic successor, Petre Roman, son of the Jewish communist Ernest Neulander, alias Valter Roman,24 immediately abolished the prohibition. Give credit where credit is due.

A no less obvious sign of moral decay in the Western world is the propaganda for homosexuality with the repulsive “Gay Parades” (which Russia, to its honor, still forbids as the only European country). If someone had told Douglas Reed sixty years ago that a perverted mayor in Berlin would have used the expression “I am gay and it’s OK”25 and that the obscene blasphemy, “homosexual marriages” would be legalized in one country after another in the West, then Reed would certainly have declared this “prophet” insane. The pillar saint of the homosexual movement is the German Jew, Magnus Hirschfeld, formerly known from the Berlin transvestite club “Eldorado” as “Auntie Magnesia“, and founder of the “Institute for Sexual Science” which was razed to the ground in May 1933 by national socialist students.26 (Here I hope that the reader will shed some politically correct tears!) and the American Jewish poet, Alan Ginsberg, activist for the pedophile “Man-Boy-Love Association”, who has achieved the well-deserved fame through his grandiose poem “Howl” (“who let themselves be fucked in the ass by saintly motorcyclists, and screamed with joy”). If one makes a list of prominent spokespersons for movements for gays and lesbians in the USA, one finds names like Michael Aronowitz, Mariam Ben-Shalom, Jennifer Einhorn, Leslie Feinberg, Harvie Fierstein, Israel Fishman, David Goldstein, Ronald Gold, Len Hirsch, David Horowitz, Jonathan Katz, Moises Kaufman, Alan Klein, Larry Kramer, Bill Rubinstein, Leon Weinstein.27 We will omit comments.

That the mass immigration from the 3rd world is primarily led by Jews has been proven thoroughly by Professor Kevin MacDonald28 and David Duke29 with so many references and sources that any contradiction would have been futile – not to mention the fact that prominent Jews boldly boast of their leading role in this invasion. We will let the American Jewess, Barbara Lerner-Spectre, who has founded a “European Institute for Jewish Studies” in Stockholm with money from the Swedish state speak for herself:

“I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural and I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation Europe will not survive.” 30

Why Europe cannot survive “without the leading role of the Jews” and “without that transformation” it did not please the lady to reveal, however it is obvious why the Europe Mrs. Lerner-Spectre and her coreligionists have in mind must be multicultural: A shapeless mass of every possible kind of ethnicity is much easier to manipulate and control that an ethnically homogeneous people.

They will not fight for their home, because they have no home – everywhere is Babylon. They will not reflect on their roots, for what roots can a human being have, when one of their grandfathers is European and the other African and one of their grandmothers is Indian and the other Chinese.

So the end-result, which is intended for the non-Jewish mankind, is degradation to a rootless caste of helots, a mixed population of white, brown, black and yellow, ruled over by the only unmixed people - the chosen one. To satisfy their cultural needs rap music, soap operas, porno films, Holocaust-memorials and Malewitsch' black square will have to suffice; They will be able to make themselves understood in primitive English, a kind of pidgin, like the one the various tribes on Papua-New Guinea use as a lingua franca, and with a vocabulary of about 2000 words. That will be sufficient to express any basic thoughts, which may be entertained at that time. It will truly be "The Sunset of Mankind", as Herbert Wells calls a chapter in his frightening utopia, "The Time Machine".

At the moment the controlled migration does not lead to massive mixing of races; most Europeans, but also most emigrants, especially from Muslim countries, prefer to stick to their own kind, just like most white Americans prefer a spouse with their own skin color. Thus the result is, at least in the first phase, not the formation of a mixed race, but an atomizing of society, which is falling apart in more and more separated and ethnically divided groups. This is also very useful for the Zionist and Talmudic Judaism, because it makes it possible to play one group against another according to the well-known principle "Divide and Rule". Furthermore this development has the advantage that the Jews are no longer noticeable as a unique religious and ethnic group. In the Middle Ages there was no doubt, who was a Christian and who was a Jew; in the multicultural and multiracial society the Jews are no longer noticeable and among the immigrants they pass simply for whites.

How is it possible that the indigenous peoples of Europe and the white Americans passively accept the gradual displacement of themselves by coloured and Muslim civilian invaders? Why do they not show the instinct of self-preservation, which is typical of any healthy Indian or Negro tribe? Because it has been hammered and pounded into them since childhood that, second only to "anti-Semitism", "racism" is the most horrific of all sins. Anyone is a "racist", if he wants to defend his home and identity. This shows that by systematic brainwashing one can make people act against their own interests and, as an extreme consequence, agree to their own demise. They behave like the red bird in the Danube Delta of which the Romanian author, Marin Preda, tells the following:

"Romanian ornithologists have discovered a red feathered bird in the Danube Delta, which showed an inexplicable behavior. Every year a fox stole its eggs and instead put stones into the nest, on which it sat all summer without noticing. In order to save the endangered species, the ornithologists chased the fox away. They observed it from a distance with their binoculars, and to their amazement the bird was seized by an inexplicable hysteria; it broke the eggs with its beak, flapped its wings violently and danced around insanely. What was the matter with it? What strange instinct drove it towards extinction? Why did it not want to live anymore? Who could know? Nature had doomed the red bird, and no one had the power to repeal the sentence." 31

In contrast to this red bird, the humanity of the West is not sentenced to death "by nature", but by quite different forces, and it is by no means certain that no one has the power to repeal the sentence. It is not yet the final evening.

During recent years it has begun to dawn on the more intelligent of the Jews that by its demand for mass-immigration Judaism is sawing off the branch, it itself is sitting on, and that Jews themselves risk falling into the abyss together with their host populations. It has been revealed that the Muslims, who are the majority of the migrants in Europe (but not in the USA), are resistant to brainwashing, that the "Holocaust"-propaganda does not impress them, and that they maintain their anti-Jewish worldview influenced by Islam. In order to get a grip on the Frankenstein monster, which Judaism has created, its right wing has recently tried to hijack the anti-immigrant movements in Europe and use them for their own purposes. They have apparently succeeded:  Marine Le Pen in France, Geert Wilders in Holland, Vlaams Blok in Flandern and the Sweden Democrats in Sweden (as well as "the Danish People's Party in Denmark) follow a rigid pro-Zionist line, and praise Israel as an ally in the battle against "the Islamic danger". This “kosher right”, which serves as errand boys for the Zionists, has no objection whatsoever to mass immigration of colored non-Muslims. Among members of the “kosher right” is the mass-murderer, Anders Breivik, who on the 22nd July 2011 contributed considerably to the extermination of his own people and formulated himself as pro-Israel in his manifesto:

"Let us stop foolishly supporting the Palestinians, as we are encouraged to do by the Eurabians and let us start supporting our cultural cousin, Israel!" (p. 388) 32

6. The Henchmen

Douglas Reed has clearly recognized and underlined in "The Controversy of Zion", that the goal of the Zionists is to form a world government, which in the beginning will be led by puppets, before they are replaced with Jews. Subsequent events confirm Reeds evaluation. The Zionist and Talmudic Judaism have been using the USA - a golem with a Jewish head and a non-Jewish body, for attacking one country after the other with the most dubious excuses. The law of the fist has long ago replaced the law of the nations.

Maintaining and strengthening their power over the USA is an indispensable requirement for the realization of their plans. If they lose America, they lose everything. But as long as the political system of the United States is not changed, this danger does not exist.

At the end of his book Reed points out one of the most characteristic features of this system: In America there is an election coming up all the time - already two years after the presidential election is the congressional election - so that any president can be put under pressure at any time. If he deviates in the least from the prescribed line of action, he risks that the Jewish organizations start supporting the opposition party, which will automatically have as a consequence, that the mostly Jewish controlled media33 begin pounding on the president incessantly. So it is therefore understandable, that the president is careful not to irritate the Israel-lobby.

Clearly the most powerful part of this lobby is AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) which, unlike similar organizations, without any hypocrisy defines itself on its web page as "Americas Pro-Israel Lobby".34 Among its most prominent members are the republican George Bush senior, George Bush junior, Condoleezza Rice and John McCain, as well as the democrats Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.35 Is there any need for more proof that democracy is nothing but a puppet show, where innocent children breathlessly follow, when the handsome Kasper chases away the evil crocodile without grasping, that one person is pulling all the strings behind the curtain and makes both puppets move? Whether it is the republican or the democratic candidate, who wins - the real winner is always American Jewry, which under the circumstances can afford the luxury of choosing the best suited of two servants. (The last US-president, which did not submit to Jewry unconditionally, was John F. Kennedy).

Barack Obama, who was previously completely unknown to the public, owes his election in 2008 to Jewish support. In an article with the title, "The Jews who made Obama’s election possible", an insider by the name of Moshe Feiglin wrote:

"Who are the Jews, who made Obama’s election possible? ... The leader of Obama’s campaign - the brain behind the brilliant campaign for the young candidate, who had never before held public office - is of course a Jew, David Pouffe. During every stage of the campaign, Jews played a decisive role."36

Considering his lack of qualifications for the highest public office, as well as the fact, that many white US-citizens did not really want a black president, Obama would under normal circumstances have had no chance whatsoever to move into the White House. But circumstances were not normal at the time; the exhausting, costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had made George Bush junior the most unpopular president in history. For Obama’s rival, the Republicans selected (on whose order, I wonder?) the most dreary candidate imaginable. They selected an even worse version of Bush junior, the hysterical warmonger John McCain, who by advocating a policy of open borders frightened many conservative and right-wing Americans to such a degree, that embittered, they stayed home on the election day. Thanks to this constellation Obama won over McCain as planned; that the latter was acting just as pro-Israel as his opponent, was of no use to him, as he was right from the beginning only meant to play the role of a decoy.

Why the powers in the background chose Barack Obama for president, cannot as yet be determined with certainty, and one can allow oneself some speculation. The planned establishment of One World Government cannot be achieved without great wars and when someone in whom one has placed one's hopes and a "left-pacifist" like Obama starts a war, he will of course meet much less resistance than a reactionary militarist like McCain. During the first two years of his presidency Obama has not started any new wars; not until the beginning of 2011 did he participate in French-British aggression against Libya, because strangely enough they had not attained the desired goal, the downfall of Muammar Gaddafi. It is very unlikely that Gaddafi will be able to endure the constant air terror in the long run, but his downfall and replacing him with a vassal government will not bring the New World Order much closer. On the road to the desired goal there are obstacles of a totally different caliber: Russia, China and Iran.

 7. Three obstacles on the road to The New World Order

At this point, a more than cursory introduction to the recent history of Russia is appropriate. In 1918 Robert Wilton, a correspondent for The Times in Russia made a list of 384 Soviet top commissars, of which more than 300 were Jews.37 (Wilton did not know at the time that Lenin himself had Jewish roots.38) With a few exceptions such as the Pole, Felix Dzerzhinsky (the first chief of the Cheka secret service) and the Russian Nikolai Yezhov (organizer of the great purge 1937/38) the most bloodthirsty of the red terrorists were Jews, from Yakov Swerdlow and Yakov Jurowski, who planned and carried out the ritual murder of the Tsar family in Yekaterinburg (see Chapter 32) over the mass murderer Leo Trotzki, to Lazar Kaganowich, who supervised the hunger genocide of millions the Ukraine and in other areas of USSR in the beginning of the thirties, and had the Moscow Church of Our Savior blown up in 1931. In Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Solzhenitsyn presents portraits of the six leading architects of the Soviet system of concentration camps. Their names were Aron Solts, Nathaly Frenkel, Yakov Rappaport, Matvei Berman, Lazar Kagan and Genrich Yagoda.39 All six were Jews. The average citizen, who is constantly spoon fed Auschwitz-propaganda, have no idea about it.

During the first phase of his rule, the Georgian, Josef Stalin, was a faithful executor of the Talmudic policy of revenge over the Russian and the Ukrainian peoples. Besides religious persecution, his greatest crime was the "dekulakization", which cost millions of farmers their lives. However, later he continually limited the Jewish influence in the USSR; he had most of the old Bolsheviks liquidated during the great purge, and made sure that still more and more ethnic Russians were promoted to leading positions. At the same time he industrialized the Soviet Union at an unheard of speed. Regardless of the human suffering it cost, this was undoubtedly an enormous historic accomplishment. During the war against National Socialist Germany Stalin bet everything on the card of Russian nationalism declaring it "the great war for the fatherland". He put an end to the persecution of the orthodox religion, the destruction of churches and monasteries as well as imprisonment and murder of priests and nuns. After the death of Stalin the Soviet Union slowly but steadily transformed from a totalitarian to an authoritarian state; the oppression gradually decreased.

He who has experienced the Cold War as a Swiss citizen, like this writer, for him was the USSR a quintessential enemy. The Berlin wall, the tanks in Prague, the trials of dissidents, the long queues in front of the food shops – this was all that we did not want. We were right in not wanting it, but it was only one side of the Soviet reality; the other was withheld from us by the media. In fact, the USSR had been transformed into a conservative society in which virtues such as patriotism, discipline and honesty were in some cases held in higher esteem that in the West, and education, science and culture reached a very high level. This state was governed mostly by Slavs. In the Soviet elite the Jews were still overrepresented relative to their numbers in the population, but they had lost their dominant position. (From their viewpoint this loss was already considered "persecution"; hence the endless, wholly unjustified moaning in the Western media over the "persecution of Jews in Russia".)

During the nineteen seventies the Soviet Union appeared to be an invincible colossus, but it was a colossus on clay feet. What caused its ruin was the Marxist ideology, with which its leaders could not bring themselves to part. The Marxist dogma forbade them to dissolve the unproductive kolkhozes and give the land to the farmers. It prevented them from allowing free enterprise, whilst maintaining state control over raw materials and heavy industries. It forced them to invest enormous sums in supporting "socialist brother nations", send troops to Eastern Europe and meet the demands of revolutionary movements all over the world. It caused them to make the insane decision in December 1979 to march into Afghanistan to save a failed communist regime. For the Soviet Union this step was the beginning of the end.

As we have seen in the case of the Vatican, he who wants to infiltrate an authoritarian and hierarchic order from within, must begin at the top. In 1985 the Western agent, Michael Gorbachev, came to power in Moscow and started an unprecedented work of destruction, which was followed at an even increased speed by his successor, Boris Yeltsin - with horrific consequences for dozens of millions of people. The salaries and pensions from the Brezhnev era, which had been modest, but which did secure the bare necessities of life, now belonged to the past; bitter poverty was widespread; the Slav population shrank relentlessly; the health services were dismantled as was the industry; the wealth of Russia was thrown into the jaws of oligarchs like Gusinski and Berezovski; crime reached incredible proportions; Ukraine and White Russia were left as independent countries even though the majority of the population in both republics had voted for the continuation of the USSR; Eastern Europe was not neutralized after the pattern of Austria or Finland, which would have been the sensible thing to do and which would have created a buffer zone between Russia and NATO, but were pushed into NATO, that is the USA, with the result that a ring of hostile strong points was created around Russia. Yeltsin’s successor prevented the country from falling into the abyss, but Russia is still surrounded and its conventional forces are weak. Its only great trump card is an intact arsenal of nuclear weapons. If Russia is cornered, it is to be expected, that these weapons will be used.

An even worse headache to the one-world-gangsters must be the national-socialist China, which will in the foreseeable future overtake the USA as the leading economy of the world. This has been possible, because the Chinese leadership, while allowing free enterprise, has wisely distanced itself from democratizing, and thus prevented the country from slipping into chaos. In a conventional war the USA would not have the faintest chance against China’s enormous and well-equipped army; by means of atomic rockets they could turn China into a nuclear wasteland, but then they would have to calculate with the destruction of most of the larger American cities. That Peking has not put up any active resistance against the imperialism of the USA and of its British and French satraps (like the Russians, the Chinese did not prevent the pirate coup against Libya by means of a veto in the UN Security council) it is probably because they calculate, that a lot of local wars will hasten the decline of the USA.

The third obstacle on the road to world government for the one-world strategists is Iran - a country, which in the case of an attack would defend itself until the very end, and which thanks to its advantageous geographic position can at any time block the Street of Hormuz for tankers, and thus turn off the lights in all of the Western world. Although an attack on Iran would be sheer madness, everything indicates, that it will take place before Teheran succeeds in getting nuclear weapons as well as the carrier rockets. Israel does not intend to co-exist with a Persian atomic power and Washington always does as it is told by Israel. The pretext for such a fatal step will, in all probability, be a staged terror attack à la 11. September, for which Iran will be blamed, by means of manipulated evidence. It is reasonable to believe, that the Zionist puppet masters have selected their jumping jack, Obama, for this task.

8 He, who seeks the truth, finds it

A necessary precondition for such a scenario is that all the media play along, and they will do just that. Censorship in the West works almost as perfectly today as in the USSR under Stalin; all newspapers, TV channels and radio networks in North America and Europe speak in one voice on all issues importance to the string-pullers of the New World Order. (One exception is Russia, where, for example, the country's largest political TV program, Post Scriptum has already several times referred to the absolute impossibility of the official version of the events on 11. September).

Even the most brazen nonsense is faithfully parroted by the Western media, as long as it serves Zionist and American interests. The two most notable examples are the "Holocaust" (which I will not go into here, as I have done that elsewhere) and the collapse of the towers in New York. In one voice "the media professionals of the free world" serve up the mean Osama bin Laden, who in a cave in the mountains of Afghanistan planned the most perfect terror attack of all time. On his orders, amateur pilots, who could hardly fly a two motor propeller-driven aircraft, hijacked passenger planes, which they had entered without passports or boarding passes, flew them into New York’s twin towers with amazing precision with the result, that the towers burst in flames and soon thereafter collapsed, even though burning kerosene can under no circumstances reach temperatures, that can melt steel. It is carefully swept under the carpet, that a third building - "Building Seven" - collapsed in its own footprint, because the official story (that this building should have collapsed because it had been hit by burning debris from the other towers) can really only be believed by people, who have left their brains in the wardrobe. There are hundreds of websites, that describe the total impossibility of the official version. Hosts of architects, engineers and pilots testify that things could not have happened the way it is officially described; physicists point out, that the towers did not collapse because they were hit by the planes, but that they were blown up. But the media lie on shamelessly. After all, that is their real purpose. The height of impudence was the alleged liquidation of Osama bin Laden in the beginning of May 2011, which was followed in real time by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (greetings from Hollywood). The dead body of the most sought after man on Earth was then not even shown on the screen, but was thrown into the sea according to "Islamic tradition"(!). Probably this grotesque lie was calculated not only to improve the popularity of Obama, but also to test how far advanced the idiotizing of the Western, especially the American society, was. Would there be public protests? There were none.

It is a sad fact that most people cannot think independently or rather, they do not want to think independently. They prefer to trust the authorities. Under any political system, be it monarchy, fascism, communism or democracy, the majority of the population supports the powers that be, as long as they sit firmly in the saddle. When the system begins to falter, a fast growing part of the population will switch over to the opposition. Such a situation does not exist today in "the free world", but it can come about almost overnight as a consequence of war or economic collapse.

The peoples of the West cannot live under the Zionist controlled globalist system. It kills their soul and their culture; it strives for their biological extermination. Nothing can be changed through democratic methods and an armed resistance would under the present circumstances be suicidal. The only thing we can do is to expand the circle of those who know, by passing on the suppressed knowledge to the minority of people who are able and willing to think for themselves. Thanks to the internet this is now possible.

"Ce qu'il y a de terrible quand on cherche la verité, c'est qu'on la trouve" (The terrible thing is that, if you look for the truth, you will find it") a French proverb says. To those, who seek the truth about the present condition of the world and want to know, how it has come to that, Douglas Reed's "The Controversy of Zion" can be warmly recommended.

August 8th 2011




3) Dr. William Pierce, "Talmudic Judaism".

4) I. Shahak and N. Mezvinsky, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel. Pluto Press, London 1999, p. 101.

5) Same, p. 100.

6) Washington Report of Middle East Affairs, March 1999, p. 84, 85.


8) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 11. 1994.

9) Ha'aretz, October 20. 2010

10) Der Spiegel, No. 18/1992.

11) Nahum Goldmann, Das jüdische Paradox, Hamburg 1978, p. 171. (The Jewish Paradox Amazon and quotes here)

12) Babylonian Talmud, Gittin 56b-57a (from the Soncino-Edition of 1935), quoted from

13) Israel Shahak. Jüdische Geschichte, Jüdische Religion. Der Einfluss von 3000 Jahren, Melzer Verlag, Neu-Isenburg 2009. (Jewish History, Jewish Religion) Amazon and e-book online)

14) Cecil Roth, A History of the Jews in England, The Clarendon Press, Oxford 1978, zitiert nach David Duke, Jewish Supremacism, Free Speech Press, Mandeville 2003, p. 166.

15) A. A. Neumann, The Jews in Spain, Octagon Books, New York 1969, quoted from David Duke, p. 166.

16) B. Pullan, The Jews of Europe and the Inquisition of Venice, 1550-1670, Basil Blackwell, London 1983, quoted from David Duke, p. 167.

17) Samuel Maurice, You Gentiles, 1924, quoted from Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion, Chapter 3, (e-book online)

18) Die Welt, February 2, 2008.

19) Les temps modernes, Paris, December 1993, p. 133.

20) New York Times, May 10, 2006.



23) (

24) (

25) taz, June 12, 2001.



28) Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique, 1stBooks, Long Beach 2002, Chapter 7, "Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy".

29) David Duke, Jewish Supremacism, Chapter 13, "The Jewish led Alien Invasion".


31) Marin Preda, Delirul, Cartea Româneasc?, Bukarest 1975, p. 311.

32) and

33) On Jewish Media Power in the USA see David Duke, Jewish Supremacism, Chapter 5, "Jewish Media Supremacy". (review:



36) (

37) US National Archives (1919), "Record Group 120, Record of the American Expeditionary Forces, June 9", quoted from David Duke, Jewish Supremacism, p. 44.

38) Jewish Chronicle, July 26, 1991.

39) Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, Harvill Press, London 1974, S. 79.

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