- ............ British Zionism Timeline ....Intro ...
- Right-wing Zionism, Jewish supremacism and globalism are synonamous concepts. The Russiagate (Trump coup attempt) exposed the real workings of deep state politics and treachery. It was just one event in a long history of similar efforts as an exercise of British Zionists and their ulitmate effort to subjegate the world's population under Jewish control. This timeline attempts to cover the historical underpinning of this treachery. One of the current methods of the globalists is to actualize massive immigration to dillute the US Christian culture. The present Liberal deep-state driven multiculturalism is a power grab meant to stoke Democrat voter lists with migrants to win elections. Multiculturalism was forced on US (and EU) citizens by Jews applying their overwhelming power and influence over Congress in 1965 to pass the Open Immigration Law of 1965. It was designed to dillute white Christian culture and specifically white Christian men who are nationalistic and tend to hate Jews because they have become aware of the Jews war on Christianity (Custural Marxism). Once the immigrants become assimilated into US society and become brave enough to challenge Jewish power from their own perspective, the whole plot will then backfire on the Jews and they will be far worse off.
- 1600 BC Mosiask The Jewish Timeline ... and TheControversyofZion Introduction to the German translation of Douglas Reed’s book “The Controversy of Zion” By Jürgen Graf ...
- Biblical times LordMolyneax...Jewish expulsions (1,030) since Biblical times...expelled for disloyalty and subversive behavior, ritual murder, non-assimilation, Jewing the economy, Jewish merchants expelled, expelled from all educational institutions in Russia and Italy, pogromed, confined to ghettos, immigration limited, Napolean expelled the Jews, killed in agrarian revolts, expelled for aiding Muslims during Italo-Turkish war, stripped of citizenship,
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- It is important to consider the history of the Jews during Biblical times, int the context of this timeline because modern Jewish discourse refers to this age in their justification for occupying Palestinian land. This is inextricably tied to British Zionists who were highly responsible for the creation of Israel through the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the creation of the the British Mandate and eventual creation of the State of Israel. There is a continuity of British political agenda that carries forward through World War I and II, the Cold War, America and 9/11, that was a transistional event between the contrived Cold War and War on Terror.
- The Communist system in the Soviet Union was a British 'experiment' designed ultimately to become the Fabian Socialist model for the British takeover of the world through the UN and EU. But it has failed and Cultural Marxism has taken its place. A careful study of all these subjects will inform on the modern political situation.
- Russiagate is as much about the Trump coup as it is about the coverup of Clintons crimes and collusion with Russia, ... Uranium One...funding the of the dirty dossier....etc. The anti-Trump Republicans led by John McCain had strong connections to Rothschilds...banksters, Jews...Trump is antiglobalist...no real friend of the Jews.
- continued below
- 70CE..Shamrak.(deep state)..After the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in 70CE, spiritual and physical separation of Christianity from Judaism had already started: millions of Jews were dispersed throughout the Roman empire; some non-Jews, initially slaves, started joining early Christians, actually more of a Jewish sect, which propagated the message of hope and salvation. Cynically, the Romans imposed the Temple tax on Jews and, in spite of the danger of persecution, in order to avoid paying tax to Romans, many Christians denounced their Jewishness! Wikipedia: After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, sectarianism largely came to an end. The Zealots, Sadducees, and Essenes disappeared, while the Early Christians and the Pharisees survived, the latter transforming into Rabbinic Judaism, today known simply as "Judaism"
- 313..Shamrak...(deep state) when Rome was in the state of political disarray, in order to control the population of the empire, emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, legalizing Christian worship. After that, Constantine kept the pagans fearful and cowed as he confiscated from their priests much of the wealth the pagan religions had accumulated. This strategy Christianity used quite often later against Jews as a new anti-Jewish trend emerged: Jewish synagogues were destroyed by Christian mobs in 387-388 and in 493-526. Thus, violent anti-Semitism is rooted in the beginnings of Christianity!
- 1100..Shamrak. (deep state) At the time of the Crusaders, expeditions of European Christians in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to conquer Eretz-Israel from the Muslims, many Christian knights and rulers in Europe became ‘misguided’ and declared that they could not tolerate that even one man calling himself a Jew should continue to live. Many Jewish communities sustained deadly sufferings and material loses at the hands of Crusaders and many atrocities were committed against Jews at the time in Europe and the Holy Land!
- 1227 RealNews247 Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe, but took his stepfather's name as a teenager. Clinton's ancestry can be traced back, on his mother's side, to King Henry III who ruled England from 1227 to 1272. He is descended from King Robert I of France. Furthermore, he is related to every Scottish monarch to the current British royal family. Clinton's royal roots include several medieval monarchs and Simon de Montfort, a statesman and soldier under King Henry III. Through de Montfort, Clinton is related to every ancient aristocratic family in Britain today. ... Bill Clinton's family goes back to William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison, making him related to Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. His kinship to Ford makes him 'near kin' to Richard Nixon and George Bush. Small world, isn't it?
- 1500..WideAwakeGentile...Brothers Max Warburg who aided the Nazis and Paul Warburg who founded the US Fed They originated as the Venetian Jewish del Banco family, one of the wealthiest Venetian families in the early 1500s. Following restrictions imposed on banking and the Jewish community, they fled to Bologna, and thence to Warburg, in Germany, in the 16th century, after which they took their name. ...Felix and Paul Warburg emigrated to the United States.Both naturally worked as Bankers Brother Max stayed on in Germany and in 1933 he served on the board of the German Reichsbank under governor Hjalmar Schacht...Paul Warburg served on the board of directors of I.G. Farben’s wholly owned American subsidiary...Eric M. Warburg (1900–1990), founder of Warburg Pincus, James Warburg (1897–1969), economist, banker, advisor to Franklin D. Roosevelt ... Felix M. Warburg (1871–1937), New York banker with Kuhn, Loeb & Co., philanthropist, married Frieda Schiff (1876–1958), daughter of Jacob H. Schiff, in 1895.Warburg was an important leader of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, established to help the Jews in Europe during, the Great Depression....Otto Warburg (1859–1938), botanist and president of the Zionist Organisation ...intermarriage: Warburg Pincus, Paul Schiff, Kuhn Loeb, Fould, Soloman Oppenheim, Ernest Dupont, Joseph Gunzberg, Samuel Bleichroder, Harry Edward Arnhold close assc of Victor Sassoon (opium), First Eagle Investments (Bleichroeder), Rafael Bischoffsheim (Belgian Jews), Hayum Salamon Goldschmidt (Frankfurt), Ludwig Bamberger, Landsberg, Maurice de Hirsch (founder of Jewish Colonization Association), Cahen d'Anvers, James Goldsmith,
- 1688..EyesWideOpen...Dutch Origins. Ronald Bernard said the financial hierarchy he worked for originated in Holland. The Dope Inc. (1978) authors agree. The British Crown employed the Hofjuden (‘Court Jews’) to financially manage their drug operation. These Royal bankers migrated from Amsterdam to Britain after the 1688 Revolution during which Holland’s leader conquered England and was crowned King William III. Previously, the bankers participated in the Dutch East India Company's first opium trade expeditions, collaborated for centuries with the British Jesuits, and participated in the Jesuit Inquisition. The Royal bankers were rewarded with Royal bloodline wives. These bankers, including the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Oppenheimers and Schroeders became Hitler’s main financial backers. The British Royal family are of German descent and changed their family name from German-sounding House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to English-sounding House of Windsor in 1917. Their Nazi sympathies were demonstrated in the 1933 film footage of future King Edward VIII teaching the ‘heil Hitler’ arm salute to young Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, and their mother. In October 1937, abdicated Edward visited Nazi Germany where he met Hitler, dined with Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess, and toured a concentration camp
- 1740 NewsFollowUp Rothschild page..FirstLightForum the leading Jews’ duplicity dates back further, to the eighteenth century, when Judaized British Freemasons conspired to create the Wahhabi sect in Saudi Arabia, to divide Islam, and provide a geopolitical advantage for a new state of Israel, and by that further foster the elite Jews’ global takeover agenda. “That a British spy by the name of Hempher was responsible for shaping of the extreme tenets of Wahhabism was mentioned in a Turkish work, Mir’at al-Haramain, by Ayyub Sabri Pasha between 1933-1938. British policy in its colonies often involved the creation of deviant sects, in order to Divide and Conquer, as was the case with the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam in India in the nineteenth century. The details of this conspiracy are outlined in a little known document by the name of The Memoirs of Mr. Hempher (Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy To The Middle East) published in series (episodes) in the German paper Spiegel, and later in a prominent French paper. A Lebanese doctor translated the document to the Arabic language and from there on it was translated to English and other languages. The document is a first-hand account by Hempher of his mission for his government, which sent him to the Middle East to discover ways to undermine the Ottoman Empire. Among the vices the British were to promote were racism and nationalism, alcohol, gambling, fornication and tempting Muslim women to uncover themselves. and Wikipedia Hempher Memoirs .. In the West it is considered a forgery and has been described as "an Anglophobic variation on `The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. and Hizmet Books Confessions of a British Spy. Hempher. and The Book "Khulasat-ul Kalam" Written by great Islamic scholar Yusuf an-Nabhani, briefly describes times and affairs related to prophets Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad. (Peace be upon them.) FirstLightForum House of Saud house-of-saud-used-by-the-rothschilds-to-divide-muslims-and-secure-the-state-of-israel
- 1760 Wikipedia Lord Rothschild was President (1925-26) of the Board of Deputies of British Jews ... (historically London Board of Deputies and London Committee of Deputies of British Jews) is the main representative body of British Jews. Established in London in 1760, when seven Deputies were appointed by the elders of the Sephardi congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews to form a standing committee and pay homage to George III on his accession to the throne; shortly thereafter the Ashkenazi Jewish congregation from Central and Eastern Europe similarly appointed their own "Secret Committee for Public Affairs" to deal with any urgent political matters that might arise, and safeguard the interests of British Jews as a religious community, both in the British Isles, and in the colonies.
- 1800s Independent ...The Rothschild family and politics have been intertwined for generations, ever since Nathan Rothschild, who founded the English branch of the family business, financed Britain's war against Napoleon two centuries ago. Nathan was the son of Mayer Rothschild, who founded the family business in the Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt during the 18th century....fast forward to 21st century...when Lord Mandelson, Mr Osborne, and Mr Rothschild were guests of the Russian aluminium tycoon Oleg Deripaska.... Nat Rothschild is thought to have made much more than the money he stood to inherit as Jacob Rothschild's youngest child and only son. Father and son are now a team, who co-founded JNR, an investment vehicle with offices in London and New York and extensive interest in Russia. It was Jacob who introduced Nat to Peter Mandelson.
- 1800s Lalkar Official Zionist historiography disseminated by the state of Israel ignores the critical role played by Britain in the rise of Herzlian Zionism. In so doing, Zionist narrative has attempted to get everyone to focus on the state of Israel as a given and to present Herzlian Zionism as a national liberation movement of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jews. This is clearly not the case. The British Empire sponsored the political project of Zionism from the early 1800s, if no earlier.
- 1812 Jewish Virtual Library Montefiore married Judith Cohen, which made him Nathan Mayer Rothschild's brother-in-law and stockbroker.... was president of the British Board of Deputies from 1835-1874 ... Montefiore deeply loved Eretz Yisrael and believed in its messianic restoration as opposed to the large-scale, planned development of the country as the solution to the Jewish problem
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- 1830s EIR...Palestine had been a necessary imperial target of acquisition for consolidation of the British Empire for more than half a century before the Sykes-Picot agreements, dating back to the 1830s and the efforts of Lord Shaftsbury, a leading Tory politician, and Lord Palmerston, his stepfather-in-law. Palmerston served as Foreign Minister from 1830-51 and was destined to become prime minister and master of cultural and political warfare.
- Urquhar, Palmerston, Marx??? study this
- 1840 ZionismontheWeb British Zionism - The idea of a Jewish restoration also took the fancy of British intellectuals for religious and practical reasons. The restoration was championed in the 1840s by Lords Shaftesbury and Palmerston, who in addition to religious motivations thought that a Jewish colony in Palestine would help to stabilize and revive the country, Jewish national stirrings were also voiced by novelists and writers such as Lord Byron, Benjamin Disraeli, George Eliot and Walter Scott. see MidEastWeb
- 1841 Wikipedia In the early 1840s, as British consul in Damascus responsible for Ottoman Syria (including today's Palestine) under Lord Palmerston's Foreign Office, he proposed the first political plan to create a Jewish State (Israel) in Palestine. The proposal correspondence with Sir Moses Montefiore, the President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, in which Churchill proposed a strategy for the creating of a Jewish state, pre-dating formal Zionism by approximately half a century.
- 1942 Zionism_Israel Biltmore Program - Zionist leaders, headed by Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion, convene at the Biltmore Hotel in New York and declare their postwar program (known as the Biltmore Program). The program recommended an end to the British Mandate and demand Jewish control over immigration to Palestine with the aim of founding a Jewish "Commonwealth." wish history, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Timeline, Zionist movement, Israel history, Middle East history
- 1843 Christopher Bollyn To spread the ideology among the Jews of Eastern Europe they employed the secret Masonic organization of Jewish Zionists, the International Order of B'nai B'rith , which they had founded with fellow German Jews in New York in 1843. Michael Chertoff, Lewis Eisenberg, Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, Rupert Murdoch, and every other Rothschild-funded criminal involved in the 9-11 terror atrocity and cover-up. and ... Chaim Weizmann (the Zionist leader). Dr. J. R. Hertz, (Chief Rabbi of England), Mrs. Neville Laski (President of the Jewish Board of Deputies), and Israel Moses Sietff (well known Zionist and communal worker.) ... and on Hilliary Clinton Della Murray Rosenberg, spoke Yiddish around the Rodham house when she was a girl. Texemarrs
- notes: It is important to consider the history of the Jews during Biblical times, int the context of this timeline because modern Jewish discourse refers to this age in their justification for occupying Palestinian land and their agenda to destroy Christianity, the family and the state. Pedophilia and aberrant sexual behavior is a mainstay topic in the consideration of these drives. This is inextricably tied to British Zionists who were highly responsible for the creation of Israel through the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the creation of the the British Mandate and eventual creation of the State of Israel. There is a continuity of British political agenda that carries forward through World War I and II, the Cold War, America and 9/11, that was a transistional event between the contrived Cold War and War on Terror. The Communist system in the Soviet Union was a British 'experiment' designed ultimately to become the Fabian Socialist model for the British takeover of the world through the UN and EU. But it has failed and Cultural Marxism has taken its place. A careful study of all these subjects will inform on the modern political situation. Russiagate is as much about the Trump coup as it is about the coverup of Clintons crimes and collusion with Russia, ... Uranium One...funding the of the dirty dossier....etc. The anti-Trump Republicans led by John McCain had strong connections to Rothschilds...banksters, Jews...Trump is antiglobalist...no real friend of the Jews. The Epstein affair is just one more iteration and consequence of the Jewish agenda.
- 1848 Institute for Historical Review German anti-Semitism was marked by the participation of prominent intellectuals and artists, such as Richard Wagner. In Germany, Jews came to be viewed in a new light following the failure of the revolutions of 1848. The creation of the German Empire corresponded with a growing suspicion that Jews were "dual loyalists." The 1892 Tivoli Conference of the Conservative Party issued a platform that openly called for curbing "the ruinous Jewish influence."
- 1860 Wikipedia Sir Moses Haim Montefiore, ... was a British financier and banker, activist, philanthropist and Sheriff of London. Born to an Italian Jewish family, he donated large sums of money to promote industry, business, economic development, education and health amongst the Jewish community in the Levant (modern day Israel),.financed first settlements..v. As President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, his correspondence with the British consul in Damascus Charles Henry Churchill in 1841-42 is seen as pivotal to the development of Proto-Zionism.
- 1861 MichaelJournal During the Civil War (1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance the War from the North. The Bankers were going to charge him 24% to 36% interest. Lincoln was horrified ...
- 1865 Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Anthony Sutton History of Citi ... First National City Bank of New York ... SmokersHistory of Citi
- 1868 AlphaHistory The push for German unification was another fertile ground for anti-Semitism. During the mid-1800s there was no single German nation but a cluster of two dozen German-speaking kingdoms. Many nationalists wanted these kingdoms to unite to form a greater Germany, a nation that would rival the economic and military power of Britain, France and Russia. But the road to German unification was a difficult one, blocked by political obstacles and regional self-interest. Many who supported unification became frustrated by the lack of progress – and of course they blamed this on the region’s Jews. Anti-Semitic writers claimed the Jews feared a united Germany; they much preferred the status quo, with small, bickering kingdoms.
- This phenomena is still occurring in the 21st century...it's called Balkanization..the breakup of Yugoslavia is just one of many examples... Kurdistan is another.
- 1869 EIR...The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 massively increased the efficiency and shortened the time of travel, putting an even higher premium on Britain's securing a base of operations in Palestine, as a northern defense of the canal. One of Britain's motives in starting World War I was to finally secure Palestine, and they did that with Sykes-Picot and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire. No longer would the British have to entreat the Turks to accept the Jewish immigrants, which in British eyes were only surrogates for their empire.
- 1870 Wikipedia Zionism (history of) as an organized movement is generally considered to have been founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897. However, the history of Zionism began earlier and is related to Judaism and Jewish history. The Hovevei Zion, or the Lovers of Zion, were responsible for the creation of 20 new Jewish settlements in Palestine between 1870 and 1897. Before the Holocaust, the movement's central aims were the creation of a Jewish National Home and cultural centre in Palestine by facilitating Jewish migration. ... Sir Moses Montefiore, a proto-Zionist, In 1862 Moses Hess, a former associate of Karl Marx and Frederich Engels, wrote Rome and Jerusalem. The Last National Question calling for the Jews to create a socialist state in Palestine as a means of settling the Jewish question. ... Ideas of the restoration of the Jews in the Land of Israel entered British public discourse in the early 19th century, at about the same time as the British Protestant Revival ...
- 1871 ForbiddenKnowledge Astor Bloodline, see Committee of 300, John Jacob Astor, of top13 family, the Russell's, got a slice of the China opium trade. ... Just like the Rothschild's, DuPont's, and Rockefellers, the Astor's always set one of their Astor males as the head of the entire family ... at least five Astor's are now members of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrims had recently included David Astor, John Jacob Astor 8th, and William Waldorf Astor 3rd. And during the 1970s, Baron Astor of Hever was the President of the London branch of the Pilgrims. This implies that Astor of Hever was at least the next level up in the chain of command. The Astor's also have been very prominent in the Group’ which is Britain's equivalent to the Skull & Bones Society. In 1919, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) was created. And the Astor's were the major financial backers of the RIIA which functions as the 4° cover of the Illuminati. For those who are new to this, the RIIA (Chatham House) is the British equivalent to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which takes a major role in the policy making process in the U.S. Waldorf Astoria was appointed to the RIIA.... Sir Andrew Wood
- 1871 ThreeWorldWars and Dean Henderson On August 15, 1871 Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry General Albert Pike, who later founded the Ku Klux Klan and prosecuted the Indian Wars, wrote a letter to Italian P-1 33rd Degree Grand Commander and Mafia founder Guiseppe Mazzini. In the letter Pike talked of a Brotherhood plan for three World Wars. The first, he said, would destroy czarist Russia and create a Communist “bogeyman” which the bankers could employ to justify their foreign interventions around the world. The second, Pike said, would be used to create Israel, which would become a mercenary force for the international bankers, protecting Middle Eastern oil interests for Rothschild and Rockefeller combines. see Wikipedia
- 1872 ForbiddenKnowledge Baker & Botts, the Houston family firm and power base of Secretary of State James A. Baker III. Wikipedia (& see Bush stolen election 2000)This law firm was formed after the Civil War by die-hard Confederate and Masonic officials in Albert Pike's Scottish Rite and military clique
- 1875 Lalkar Disraeli facilitated Britain’s purchase of the Khedive of Egypt’s shares in the Suez Canal Company, followed by Britain’s occupation of Egypt in 1882. Its proximity to Egypt gave Palestine added importance, both as a means of strengthening the British position in Egypt and as an overland link with the East
- 1879 Aljazeera anti-Semites", a new label chosen by European anti-Jewish racists after its invention in 1879 by a minor Viennese journalist by the name of Wilhelm Marr, who issued a political programme titled The Victory of Judaism over Germanism. Marr was careful to decouple anti-Semitism from the history of Christian hatred of Jews on the basis of religion, emphasising, in line with Semitic philology and racial theories of the 19th century, that the distinction to be made between Jews and Aryans was strictly racial.
- 1881 Institute for Historical Review It was the murder of Tsar Alexander II in 1881 that sparked off anti-Jewish riots in Russia. Thereafter, government authorities began to re-examine the role played by Jews and their relationship to the majority population. A memorandum prepared for the newly-crowned Tsar Alexander III by the future Interior Minister Nikolai Ignatyev (1832-1908) is excerpted by Almog: In Petersburg there exists a powerful group of Poles and Yids which holds in its hands direct control of banks, the stock exchange, the bar, a great part of the press, and other areas of public life. Through many legal and illegal ways it exerts and enormous influence over the bureaucracy and the general course of affairs. Parts of their group are implicated in the growing plunder of the exchange and in seditious activity ...
- 1881 WingTV In the middle of the 1890s Rhodes had a personal income of a least a million pounds a year which he spent so freely for his mysterious purposes that he was usually overdrawn on his account. These purposes centered on his desire to federate the English-speaking peoples and to bring all habitable portions of the world under their control.' To this end, Rhodes, along with other disciples of Ruskin, formed a secret society in association with a group of Cambridge men who shared the same ideals. This society, which was later to become the original Round Table Group (better known in the 1920s as the 'Cliveden Set') was formed on February 5, 1881. see also Business Round Table Wikipedia and (Whale.to) The Round Table Group was extended after W.W. I by organizing a front organization the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The Council of Foreign Relations was the American part of this front. The inner circle continues to direct the outer circle and its two front organizations RIIA (Chatham House) and CFR. The CFR in turn set up a number of fronts including the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR).Bloodlines of the Illuminati 11. Rothschild ... , who worked for J.P. Morgan & Co., and was an important part of MI5 (British Intelligence). Victor Rothschild was also a communist and member of the Cambridge Apostles (Wikipedia).45 Lord Rothschild was one of the original members of Rhode’s Round Table group which developed into the CFR. It was the Rothschilds who had financed Cecil Rhodes, beginning in Africa. The Rothschilds’ have several agents which their money got started and who still serve them well, the Morgans and the Rockefellers. The Rockefellers were Marrano Jews. The original Rockefeller made his money selling narcotics, (they weren’t illegal then). After acquiring a little capital he branched out in oil. But it was the Rothschild capital that made the Rockefeller’s so powerful. "They also financed the activities of Edward Harriman (railroads) and Andrew Carnegie Steel."(46)Bloodlines of the Illuminati 11. Rothschild
- 1882 The Ruling Elite: Zionist Seizure of World Power May of 1882 the government of Russia enacted the May Laws, caused many Jews to emigrate, especially to America, Baron Edmond de Rothschild financed the first settlements ... Rishon LeZion ... by Hibbat Zion volunteers
- 1883 ModernHistoryProject On October 24, 1883, in London, a group of 17 wealthy Socialists gathered to discuss a 'Fellowship of the New Life,' which was based on the writings of scholar Thomas Davidson, who hoped to start some sort of monastic order. The group included: George Bernard Shaw Graham Wallas, a classical scholar Sidney James Webb, a civil servant and influential socialist Edward Pease ...Society for Psychichal Research, an organization dedicated to spiritualism research, which was founded in 1882. ... of which some members broke off and formed the Fabian Society ... see discussion on Fascism in Forbes as seen from the 1% point of view... very educational.
- 1884 Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild ... became the first Jew elevated to the House of Lords, (Wikipedia) funded Cecil Rhodes in the development of the British South Africa Company, and the DeBeers diamond conglomerate, adminstered Rhode's estate after his death, helped set up the Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford. Rhodes left his entire estate to Lord Nathaniel Rothschild ... see Lord Milner, Round Table, David Lloyd George... major decision makers in WWI and WWII
- 1885 GlobalResearch By the mid-1880s, “the Rothschilds were poised to become the chief oil supplier, not only to Europe but to the Far East,” however, “the Baku-Batum railroad was already proving inadequate to transport the volume of oil being produced. Another route was needed, and came in the form of the recently opened Suez Canal, which shortened the journey to the Far East by four thousand miles. Palestine was suddenly of interest to the Rothschilds as it provided access to the Suez.”When the Egyptian government was bankrupt in 1874, British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli turned to his close friends, the Rothschilds, “for the colossal cash advance necessary” to buy shares in the Suez Canal Company
- 1886 EuroCanadian By 1886 there were four leading figures of the Fabian Society, dubbed the "Big Four": G. B. Shaw, Graham Wallas, Sidney Webb, and Sidney Oliver.
By 1889, 6500 tracts ( Social Conditions in England with a View to Social Reconstruction or Development) had been distributed and 721 lectures had been given by 31 speakers. Between 1891 and 1892 one hundred and seventeen Fabians delivered 3,339 lectures and membership had grown to 400. At this time, the Fabian Society became associated with the Second Socialist International (est. 1889) and helped set up a Democratic Socialist State in Great Britain.
- 1887 .TavistockAgenda.. Lewis Carroll becomes member of the occult Society for Psychical Research (SPR). The SPR also helped creating the Fabian Society, which was also closely tied to the Rothschild political machine. Fabian leader, Dennis Healey, became Britain's Minister of Defense and also joined the Bilderberger movement. Apostate and co-founder Henry Sidgwick furthermore joined the elite and secretive Apostles Club (by invitation only).
- 1890s Lalkar ... it was only in the 1890s that Zionism began to appear as a very small minority movement among European Jews. Jewish Zionists actively lobbied among non-Jews. Joseph Chamberlain, the Colonial Secretary, and Arthur Balfour, the Prime Minister (1902-05) and later Foreign Secretary (1916-1919), were typical of the new non-Jewish Zionist. Chamberlain’s chief concern was the British Empire. Neither Biblical prophecy nor humanitarianism was of any concern to him. Lloyd George, in whose Cabinet Balfour served as Foreign Secretary, was another prominent non-Jewish Zionist, whose part in the Balfour Declaration [2 November 1917] was far greater than that of Balfour.
- 1890 Merahaza LSE One of the primary institutions that received
patronage from some of the largest financial interests
was – and is – the London School of Economics (LSE). It
should be recalled that the LSE was founded by Socialists Wikipedia, with
Sidney Webb playing a particularly significant role.
Among the original patrons of the LSE was Sir Ernest
Cassel, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb and Co., and in the
armaments firm of Basil Zaharof, Vickers. Cassel, whose
humanitarianism might be open to suspicion, nonetheless
backed the LSE as a means of training a “socialist
bureaucracy.” ... Other funding came from
the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, the quintessential
international capitalists. The relationship can be
readily determined by Sir Ernest Cassel’s having
established the chair of “economic geography”; and of
Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild having been a Governor
of the LSE. In 1923 the first contribution from the Rockefeller Foundation
(via the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Fund) of $1,000,000
was made to the LSE. From 1929-1952 the Rockefeller
Foundation donated $4,105,592 to the LSE. and Wikipedia In the early 1900s Fabian Society members
advocated the ideal of a scientifically planned society
and supported eugenics by way of sterilization. This is
credited to the passage of the Half-Caste Act, and
see Young Fabians Wikipedia Peter Mandelson and Jack Straw were
members .... and one of the most important groups
within the Labour Party
- 1890's Israel-Politics In the 1890s, Baron Edmond de Rothschild purchased 20,000 acres of Syrian land owned by the Ottoman empire.
- 1891 Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment Rhodes drew up his fourth will and made Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild a trustee of his fortune.
- 1891 Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment In 1891 Cecil Rhodes, William Stead and Reginald Baliol Brett (Lord Esher, adviser to King Edward VII and King George V, Queen Victoria) created the Society of the Elect. Rhodes was the leader ... also known as Milner's Kindergarten and the Round Table Group... Rhodes Secret Society, The Chatham Group ... in the 1920s dominated by Viscount Astor. It caused the Boer War of 1899-1902... to control diamond trade), created the Union of South Africa, created the periodical The Round Table, created and controlled The Times, was a chief influence on Lloyd George's war administration in 1917-1919, dominated the British delegation to the Peace Conference of 1919, instrumental in forming the League of Nations, founded the RIIA, was an important influence on the policy of appeasement of Germany during the years 1920-1940, still controls the writing of the history of the British Imperial, is highly secretive, Viscount Astor rapidly moved to the center after 1916, was badly split on the policy of appeasement in 1939
- 1892 .Modern History Project..University of Chicago / Fabian Society / Rothschilds... Mont Pelerin Society... Milton Friedman's (came to Hoover Institute in 1978) monetarist theories, is the same old bankers' swindle of endless creation of more interest bearing debt money, requiring ever increasing taxes merely to meet the interest payments. Friedman a consort of Murray Rothbard ... Heritage Foundation, Mont Pelerin Society, Cato Institute, Ludwig von Mises Institute, and American Enterprise Institute... Their mentor is the late Ludwig von Mises, born in Austria, and founder of "the Austrian School of Economics", who taught at New York University from 1946 until his death. ... At the age of 16, Milton Friedman became the protege of Arthur Burns at Rutgers and Columbia. Their economic principles stemmed from the "Viennese School" founded by Karl Menger and Eugen von Bauwerk. Merger taught von Hayek, Eric Voegelin and Fritz Machluys. At that time. Vienna was dominated by the House of Rothschild, which had controlled the national debt of Austria since the Congress of Vienna in 1815. Austria's Tyrol silver mines were owned by the Rothschilds, as were her railways. Empress Elizabeth's closest friend was Julie de Rothschild, sister of Baron Albert, head of the Austrian House...Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, who founded the Pan European Union, was named after Richard Wagner, one of whose students was Gustav Mahler. Mahler's studies with Wagner were funded by Baron Albert de Rothschild. Coudenhove-Kalergi's father was a close friend of Theordor Herzl, founder of Zionism. Coudenhove-Kalergi writes in his "Memoirs" ... In Chicago, Jane Adams of Hull House had been for five years a protege of Beatrice Webb, founder of the Fabian Society. In 1892, the University of Chicago was organized as the center of the Fabian Socialist program in America, with J. Laurence Laughlin, spokesman for the Cobden Club's "free trade" program in England. Laughlin later became Paul Warburg's chief propagandist to stump for the passing of the Federal Reserve Act.... John Dewey became head of the Sociology Dept. at the Univ. of Chicago; Wesley Clair Mitchell was head of the economics dept. In 1913, they moved to Columbia University. They were later hired by Baruch at the War Industries Board, and prepared all the statistics for American representatives at the Versailles Peace Conference.... In Feb. 1920, Mitchell met with the rest of the staff of Baruch's War Industries Board in New York with a Round Table group financed by Kuhn Loeb & Co. and Lazard Freres, to found the Natl Bureau of Economic Research, of which Mitchell became director. His protege was Arthur Burns, later chmn of the Natl Bureau, chmn Federal Reserve Governors, partner of Lazard Freres, and U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. Burns then brought in his protege, Milton Friedman, who has proposed that we legalize the sale of dope to raise $100 billion a year for the GNP.
- 1894 MediaChecker... Many of the British Freemasons that were intimately involved in setting up the Fabian Society in 1884 were also involved in setting up the Rhodes Trust, principally the British Rothschilds....Nathaniel (Natty) de Rothschild (1814-1915) did in setting up the Rhodes Trust with Milner. Before he became British Prime Minister in 1997, Tony Blair was chairman of the Fabian Society. He is now also a secret leading member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) – Members of the Fabian Society created, (and still do control) the world’s Labor Parties, Soviet Communism, German, Italian, and American fascism. Rhodes and Fulbright scholars now dominate virtually all of the world’s largest business corporations, governments, ...One of the co-founders of the Fabian Society in 1884 was Sydney Webb. His wife was Beatrice Potter, whose father, Richard Potter, wrote a number of occult children’s books which were later resurrected by the Tavistock Institute (Britain’s global mind-control center) and given to J. K. Rowling to write their Fabian socialist propaganda books called Harry Potter....J. K. Rowling is not the person the media would have us believe. Rowling is a long-time close personal friend of Fabian British PM Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah with whom she collaborated on a book of children’s stories...J. K. Rowling has quite openly and publicly stated that since age 14 her greatest heroine and most influential writer has been the Communist, British-born American writer, Jessica Mitford...Mitford and Treuhaft became active members of the Communist Party during the ‘Red Scare’ and, in 1953, they were both summoned to testify in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee..Another co-founder of the Fabian Society was George Bernard Shaw. He created the coat of arms of the society – a wolf in sheep’s clothing! The major Fabian Socialist training school in the world is the London School of Economics(LSE). Its major policy think-tank unit is the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), founded in 1920, now called Chatham House,...the City of London Corporation, as the apostate Protestant British Sovereign cunningly takes over the world, or you don’t believe that Hillary and Bill have not “already been chosen” to lead Amerika into a New World Order dictatorial Fabian Socialist, fascist police state of tyranny and terror, then why not take a small peek at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), List of 2007 Members? – Membership is by invitation only and until relatively recently the membership list was kept largely secret and confidential – but not now! Scibd ...There are well over a thousand leading individuals on the list that are secretly funding and supporting the Clintons. On the list are people like Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, former recent chairman of N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London, and his American-born wife, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who are secretly funding Bill and Hillary Clinton, including Senator Hillary Clinton’s campaign for President.
- 1894 Marxist There are about eight million Jews scattered over the face of the earth, nearly seven-eighths of which inhabit Europe. Among these Jews figure the Bedouin Jews living on the confines of Sahara, the Daggatouns of the desert, the Fellahs of Abyssinia, the black Jews of India, the Mongoloid Jews of China, the Kalmuk and Tartar Jews of the Caucasus, the blond Jews of Bohemia and Germany, the brown Jews of Portugal, Southern France, Italy and the Orient, the dolichocephalous Jews, the brachycephalous and sub-brachycephalous Jews, all Jews, who, according to the section of their hair, the shape of their skull, the colour of their skin, could be classified, on the strength of the best principles of ethnology, into four or five different races, as we have just shown. ... Among the Jews who receive a Talmudic education, and this means the majority of the Jews in Russia, Poland, Galicia, Hungary, Bohemia and the Orient, the idea of nationality is still as alive at present as it had been during the Middle Ages. They still form a people apart, fixed, rigid, congealed by the scrupulously observed rites, by the unvarying customs and the manners; hostile to every innovation, to every change, rebelling against all attempted efforts to detalmudize him.
- ISGP Master List of NGOs Supranational Societies global power structures history
- 1897 LaRouche ... British banker Otto Kahn joined Kuhn Loeb. Ernst Cassell arranged, in London, to finance the purchase of the bankrupt Union Pacific railroad, which was given to Wall Street broker E.H. Harriman; Otto Kahn handled the details for Cassell. Thus Harriman became a power as the prince's nominee, with the Harriman, Kuhn Loeb, and Warburg interests completely interlocked. Kuhn Loeb functioned also in a triangular team with the British house of Baring, and Canadian banking and political boss Lord Strathcona.
- 1897: IAmTheWitness The Rothschilds found the Zionist Congress to promote Zionism (a political movement with the sole aim of moving all Jews into a singularly Jewish nation state) and arrange its first meeting in Munich. However due to extreme opposition from local Jews, who are quite happy where they are, this meeting has to be moved to Basle, Switzerland and takes place on 29 August. The meeting is chaired by Ashkenazi Jew, Theodor Herzl, who would state in his diaries, "It is essential that the sufferings of Jews….become worse….this will assist in realization of our plans….I have an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth….The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends." Herzl is subsequently elected President of the Zionist Organisation which adopts the, "Rothschild Red Hexagram or Sign," as the Zionist flag which 51 years later will end up as the flag of Israel. Edward Henry Harriman becomes a director of the Union Pacific Railroad and goes on to take control of the Southern Pacific Railroad. This is all financed by the Rothschilds. see also JewishVirtualLibrary A leading personality in late 19th and early 20th century American financing was Jacob H. *Schiff. In 1875 he became a member of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company (a firm long engaged in railroad financing) which he eventually dominated.
- 1897 Judeo Masonic blog Curse of the Protocols page
- 1898 DissentMagazine (pro Zionist) While in Italy, Jabotinsky studied under Antonio Labriola, the pre-eminent Italian intellectual and Marxist, and the liberal economist Benedetto Croce. But perhaps the greatest influence was exerted by the anti-materialist syndicalist and founder of modern criminology, Enrico Ferri. ... Jabotinsky that emerges in the book is an intellectual, not a pragmatic politician – a student of history and a cultural critic committed to the lofty goals of cultural rebirth and resistance ... ‘The unique qualities of Revisionist thought in the interwar period’ according to Kaplan, ‘lay in how its leaders saw themselves: primarily as intellectuals and visionaries, not as political activists. And from this unusual position they created a unique brand of Jewish radical nationalism, an all-encompassing ideology that attempted to reinvent the Hebrew nation by cultural means’ ... on a Jewish state .... without a Jewish majority, the goals of Zionism would never be realized. In ‘The Idea of Betar’ (1934), Jabotinsky writes, ‘When will we be able to say that “Palestine” has become “Eretz Yisrael”? Only when more Jews than nonJews live in the land
- 1899 Watch.Pair "It is usually assumed that Rhodes owned De Beers Consolidated Mines], but this was not the case. Nathaniel de Rothschild was a bigger shareholder than Rhodes himself; indeed, by 1899 the Rothschilds' stake was twice that of Rhodes. secret societies....These were Rhodes, Lord Rothschild, Johnston, Stead, Brett and Milner... advocated the forced removal or ‘transfer’ of Arab populations from historic Palestine. This is a marked contrast to the opinions of left-Zionists at the time. Perhaps naively, but undoubtedly with great faith, Jabotinsky believed that once the state was established Jews throughout the Diaspora would return home and the ‘Jewish Question’ would be solved.
- 1900 ... top timeline
- 1900 Wikipedia Sidney James Webb, 1st Baron Passfield OM PC (13 July 1859 – 13 October 1947) was a British socialist, economist, reformer and a co-founder of the London School of Economics (LSE). He was one of the early members of the Fabian Society in 1884, along with George Bernard Shaw (they joined three months after its inception). Along with his wife Beatrice Webb, Annie Besant, Graham Wallas, Edward R. Pease, Hubert Bland, and Sydney Olivier, Shaw and Webb turned the Fabian Society into the pre-eminent political-intellectual society of England
- 1900 Jewish Virtual Library...Fourth Congress - London, England (1900) The Congress was held in London in order to affect public opinion in that country in sympathy with the Zionist idea. The Congress met in an atmosphere of growing concern over the situation facing Rumanian Jewry where many thousands had been forced to leave and the remainder were subject to persecution.
- 1900s...Judasim.is...Theodor Herzl and Samuel Untermeyer adopted Zionism and they, in turn, adopted and financed the ex-convict Cyrus Scofield who wrote his Scofield Reference Bible, a farce that has seduced a century of evangelicals and other maniacal “Christian” Zionists...
Following his Illuminati connections to New York, he settled in at the Lotus Club, which he listed as his residence for the next twenty years.”Sweetliberty ...The goal of the Holocaust promoters is to replace Jesus’ Sacrifice on Calvary with “the Holocaust” as the pivot point of all history.
- 1900 Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review It is no stretch at all, however, to show that Jews have achieved a preeminent position in Europe and America, and Slezkine provides us with statistics of Jewish domination only dimly hinted at in the following examples from Europe in the late nineteenth century to the rise of National Socialism. Austria: All but one bank in fin de siècle Vienna was administered by Jews, and Jews constituted 70% of the stock exchange council; Hungary: between 50 and 90 percent of all industry was controlled by Jewish banking families, and 71% of the most wealthy taxpayers were Jews; Germany: Jews were overrepresented among the economic elite by a factor of 33. Similar massive overrepresentation was also to be found in educational attainment and among professionals (e.g., Jews constituted 62% of the lawyers in Vienna in 1900, 25% in Prussia in 1925, 34% in Poland, and 51% in Hungary). Indeed, “the universities, ‘free’ professions, salons, coffeehouses, concert halls, and art galleries in Berlin, Vienna, and Budapest became so heavily Jewish that liberalism and Jewishness became almost indistinguishable”
- 1900 EIR abridged: Leo Stennet Amery ...agrandizing Jabotinsky and the creation of a Jewish Legion (and securing Palestine) became Amery's number one project, close of World War I.. as he attempted to carry out Cecil Rhodes' visions...(Rhodes goals: establish a Secret Sociey for the purposes of extending British rule... Rhodes' Trust, in which Alfred Milner was key; and Lazard Frères; and the British royal family... American and German interests were obstacles to system of exploiting cheap raw materials from colonized backward countries... Following the stipulations of Rhodes' Will, his collaborators sparked World War I to dismantle a hated and threatening Germany, and to carve up Europe. They sought to secure and expand their colonial holdings by acquiring much of the Ottoman Empire, which would give them its oil holdings, as well as secure Palestine as a military buffer to the Suez Canal. In order to accomplish these goals, they also worked non-stop to trap the United States into collaborating with their warring schemes, and sought to diminish America's industrial economy from within. ... (Rhodes was an agent of the Rothschilds/NFU timeline) Alfred Milner (Kindergarten) ran the Rhodes Trust, won the Boer War, secured South African resources, played a major role in WWI, created Royal Institute of International Affairs, (Rothschild, Chatham House), bought the London Times for propaganda purposes, Milner's personal protege was Leo Stennet Amery... Milner and Avery utilized Zionists to shape the British empire, secure Middle East oil fields, ...The father of current Likud leader and candidate for prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was Jabotinsky's personal secretary.
- 1900 FreeBritainNow The British Labour Party was organised in 1900 as the Labour Representation Committee (LRC) by Fabian Society leaders Bernard Shaw and Edward Pease, and had Fabian Socialist Ramsay MacDonald as General Secretary (Pugh, p. 67). The LRC was renamed “The Labour Party” in 1906 and, under Fabian guidance and direction, it became the organisation it is today (Ratiu, 2012). By 1918, Labour had become Britain’s second-largest political organisation – replacing the Liberals – and in Pease’s own words, was “virtually, if not formally,” Fabian in its political policy (Pease, p. 73).
- 1901 PalestineRemembered Jewish National Fund (JNF) set up by fifth Zionist Congress in Basle to acquire land for WZO; land acquired by JNF to be inalienably Jewish, and exclusively Jewish labor to be employed on it, click here to read to Zionist apartheid & racist quotes...
- 1901 Wikipedia The WZO's initial strategy was to obtain permission from the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II to allow systematic Jewish settlement in Palestine. The support of the German Emperor, Wilhelm II, was sought, but unsuccessfully. Instead, the WZO pursued a strategy of building a homeland through persistent small-scale immigration and the founding of such bodies as the Jewish National Fund (1901—a charity that bought land for Jewish settlement) and the Anglo-Palestine Bank (1903—provided loans for Jewish businesses and farmers). Moses Monefiore was the President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews
- 1901 Wikipedia The American millionaire businessman J. P. Morgan had decided to invest in transatlantic shipping by creating a new company International Mercantile Marine (IMM), and in 1901 purchased the British freight shipper Frederick Leyland & Co. and a controlling interest in the British passenger White Star Line and folded them into IMM.
- 1901 Wikipedia Chaim Weizmann missed the first Zionist conference, held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland, because of travel problems, but he attended each one thereafter. Beginning in 1901, he lobbied for the founding of a Jewish institution of higher learning in Palestine. ...Weizmann was credited later with persuading Balfour, then the Foreign Minister, for British support to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, During World War I, at around the same time he was head of the British Admiralty's laboratories, Weizmann, in a conversation with British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, suggested the strategy of the British campaign against the Ottoman Empire. ... Weizmann stated at the conference that "the Zionist objective was gradually to make Palestine as Jewish as England was English"
- 1901 OmegaTimes The 13 Bloodline Families of the Illuminati: Rockefeller, Astor, Russel Li Ka-Shing, Bundy, Onassis, Dupont, Rothschild, Kennedy, Freeman, Collins, Reynolds, Krupp, Van Duyn. and see TheForbiddenKnowledge
- 1902 Wikipedia Rhodes Scholar (has very little to do with intelligence ... is a 1% elite finishing school for purveyors of globalist domination tactics/strategies) Known as the "world's oldest and most prestigious international graduate scholarship", 11] the Rhodes Scholarships are administered and awarded by the Rhodes Trust, which was established in 1902 under the terms and conditions of the will of Cecil John Rhodes, and funded by his estate under the administration of Nathan Rothschild.
- 1903 AlphaHistory The Protocols of the Elders of Zion first appeared in print in 1903 and their content contributed to another wave of violent pogroms against Russian Jews. In the end, Nicholas’ poor judgement and irrational anti-Semitism cost him both the throne and his life.
- 1903 OpEdNews "The City" Of London - Citadel of the Bankster Mafia "England is in fact a financial oligarchy run by the "Crown" which refers to the "City of London" not the Queen. The City of London is run by the Bank of England, a private corporation. The square-mile-large City is a sovereign state located in the heart of greater London. As the 'Vatican of the financial world,' the City is not subject to British law. On the contrary, the bankers dictate to the British Parliament."
- 1903 DissentMagazine (pro Cultural Marxism) Jabotinsky’s early life in Russia, the marginalization and exploitation of living in the Pale of Settlement, and the pogrom against the Jews of Kishinev in 1903, had an undeniable impact on his views regarding the necessity of Jewish self-defence. He took the lead in organizing self-defence units that year and was elected as a delegate to the 6th Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland where he met Theodore Herzl. During World War I Jabotinsky worked for the establishment of a Jewish combat unit in the British Army, the Jewish Legion, which experienced combat in Palestine fighting to free the land from the yoke of the Ottoman Empire.
- 1903 Bibliotecaplayedes Litman Rosenthal explained in the newspaper American Jews' News on the 19th of September 1919 that the First World War was brought about through the intrigues of the Jews and that all this was planned in Basel as early as 1903.
- 1903 Eustace Mullins The Secret Holocaust In August 1903, Max Nordau, in his address to the 6th Zionist Congress in Balse, Switzerland, revealed the plan for even greater conflagrations, the coming world wars: "Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward ... The Zionist Congress; the English Uganda proposition; the future World War; the Peace Conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created." Max Nordau, the man who dreamt of the deaths of 50 000 000 Christians. Onward and upward, over the bodies of fifty million more dead Christians this was Max Nordau's ecstatic vision of the coming World War, and so it came to pass
- 1903 Zionism_Israel Kishinev Pogrom and Russian Pogroms of 1905 catalyze Second Aliya
- The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion ...Protocol Title 19] Themes 18] 1 The Basic Doctrine: "Right Lies in Might" Freedom and Liberty; Authority and power; Gold = money 2 Economic War and Disorganization Lead to International Government International Political economic conspiracy; Press/Media as tools 3 Methods of Conquest Jewish people, arrogant and corrupt; Chosenness/Election; Public Service 4 The Destruction of Religion by Materialism Business as Cold and Heartless; Gentiles as slaves 5 Despotism and Modern Progress Jewish Ethics; Jewish People's Relationship to Larger Society 6 The Acquisition of Land, The Encouragement of Speculation Ownership of land 7 A Prophecy of Worldwide War Internal unrest and discord (vs. Court system) leading to war vs Shalom/Peace 8 The transitional Government Criminal element 9 The All-Embracing Propaganda Law; education; Masonry/Freemasonry 10 Abolition of the Constitution; Rise of the Autocracy Politics; Majority rule; Liberalism; Family 11 The Constitution of Autocracy and Universal Rule Gentiles; Jewish political involvement; Masonry 12 The Kingdom of the Press and Control Liberty; Press censorship; Publishing 13 Turning Public Thought from Essentials to Non-essentials Gentiles; Business; Chosenness/Election; Press and censorship; Liberalism 14 The Destruction of Religion as a Prelude to the Rise of the Jewish God Judaism; God; Gentiles; Liberty; Pornography 15 Utilization of Masonry: Heartless Suppression of Enemies Gentiles; Masonry; Sages of Israel; Political power and authority; King of Israel 16 The Nullification of Education 17 The Fate of Lawyers and the Clergy Lawyers; Clergy; Christianity and non-Jewish Authorship 18 The Organization of Disorder Evil; Speech; 19 Mutual Understanding Between Ruler and People Gossip; Martyrdom 20 The Financial Program and Construction Taxes and Taxation; Loans; Bonds; Usury; Moneylending 21 Domestic Loans and Government Credit Stock Markets and Stock Exchanges 22 The Beneficence of Jewish Rule Gold = Money; Chosenness/Election 23 The Inculcation of Obedience Obedience to Authority; Slavery; Chosenness/Election 24 The Jewish Ruler Kingship; Document as Fiction and see Wikipedia Priory of Sion ...and McDonald / Chechar Coincidentally, most of the 12 aims and objectives mentioned above were set out prominently in the pages of that alleged “forgery”, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Jewish philosophers of the Frankfurt School, it seems, had been heavily influenced by the Protocols. They were clearly impressed by what they read there and decided to implement its recommendations in their own sinister agenda.
- 1904-1914 PalestineRemembered Second wave of about 40,000 Zionist immigrants increases Jewish population in Palestine to about 6% of total. Since the inception of Zionism it has been claiming that Palestinian was an empty country, click here to read our rebuttal to this argument..
- 1904 TeachMiddleEast "The second wave of Jewish immigration, which began in 1904, was made up of many young Russian pioneers who were committed to a return to the land. The new pioneers were strongly influenced by socialist ideas, and many belonged to the Poalei-Zion (Socialist or Labor Zionist) party that was formed between 1903 and 1906. Among the leaders of this group were David Ben-Gurion and Izhak Ben-Zvi."
- 1904 ..TavistockAgenda. At the start of the 20th century, industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller saw a justification for competitive capitalism in Darwin's 'survival of the fittest'. Eugenics would surely be the logical step forward, enabling man to command his own evolution in a way that was efficient and progressive. In 1904, the Carnegie Institution founded a centre for genetic research at Cold Spring Harbour, with Charles Davenport as director. 1910 With the financial support of the Harriman and Rockefeller families, Charles Davenport established the Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbour and appointed Harry Laughlin as its superintendent.
Ian J. Bickerton & Carla L. Klausner, A Concise History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict p. 26, fourth edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
- 1905 Benjamin Freedman Speech in 1961 Well, that's how the Germans felt towards these Jews (after the Treaty of Versailles). They'd been so nice to them: from 1905 on, when the first Communist revolution in Russia failed, and the Jews had to scramble out of Russia, they all went to Germany. And Germany gave them refuge. And they were treated very nicely. And here they had sold Germany down the river for no reason at all other than the fact that they wanted Palestine as a so-called "Jewish commonwealth."
- 1905 The Makers of War, Francis Neilson ... For a long period Great Britain had enjoyed the maritime carrying service of the world. She was act only Mistress of the Seas so far as the navy was concerned; she was also mistress of them in trade and commerce. She had nothing to fear from France or Italy as competitors. But when Germany began to build her own ships and challenge England's supremacy in the passenger and cargo tradge of the world, she realized that her position was endangered and something had to be done about it. ... Great Britain had been caught napping. The smug, complacent British manufacturers, depending largely upon the export trade, woke up a bit too late ... When the South African War began in 1899, the or- dinary expenditure of the British Government amounted to {343,687,000 and the national debt stood at £638,- 920,000 ... Nevertheless, Britain had to fight a war in South Africa for the gold and diamond merchants. The excuse given to the electors for destroying the Boer Republic was quite different. Joseph Chamberlain and his sup- porters said the reason or the conflict was that the Kruger Government would not give a vote to the Uitlanders. These were "the greatest gang of circus- followers, pop merchants, and other ne'er-do-wells ever collected in a single area." ... t makes our blood boil to think that the pick of the British army is engaged in mortal combat to make things easy for the sharpers and swindlers who fatten on the illicit profits of the gold industry. The mass of the British people never knew the truth of this disgraceful business until long after the war was over.
- 1905 ... A group of Rothschild backed Zionist Jews led by Georgi Apollonovich Gapon attempt to overthrow the Tsar in Russia in a Communist Coup. They fail and are forced to flee Russia only to be given refuge in Germany.
- 1905 Energy.net Moritz had five sons that were later dubbed the Hamburger 5. Two of them, Felix and Paul moved to the U.S. and intermarried with the leadership of Kuhn and Loeb. Paul married the daughter of Mr. Soloman Loeb and Felix married the daughter of Jacob Schiff. Jacob had come to the U.S. in the 1870's and with his family connections to the Rothschilds of Vienna gave the financial connections necessary to make Kuhn and Loeb the 2nd largest investment bank in the U.S., just behind J.P. Morgan. In 1905 government hearings, Kuhn and Loeb acknowledged making $1.5 billion in investments between 1900-5.
- 1905 Reformation... Rapid growth in Baku Russian oil production had been achieved despite political upheaval that had enveloped the country since the turn of the century, much of which had been centered in the country’s oil capital, BAKU. Strikes by oil workers had been a regular feature of the protests against the Tsar in 1903 and 1904, and were a major factor in the 1905 revolution, in which the former Josef Dzhugashvili played a significant, anti-Tsarist role. As a result of his revolutionary activity he fostered in BAKU at that time, Dzhugashvili was exiled to Siberia. Later, he would become better known as Josef Stalin.
- 1905 Mullins, Murder by Injection The involvement of the Rockefellers in promoting the world Communist Revolution also developed from their business interests. There was never any commitment to the Marxist ideology; like anything else, it was there to be used. At the turn of the century Standard Oil was competing fiercely with Rothschild's Royal Dutch Shell for control of the lucrative European market. Congressional testimony revealed that Rockefeller had sent large sums to Lenin and Trotsky to instigate the Communist Revolution of 1905. His banker, Jacob Schiff, had previously financed the Japanese in their war against Russia and had sent a personal emissary, George Kennan to Russia to spend some twenty years in promoting revolutionary activity against the Czar. When the Czar abdicated, Trotsky was placed on a ship with three hundred Communist revolutionaries from the Lower East Side of New York. Rockefeller obtained a special passport for Trotsky from Woodrow Wilson and sent Lincoln Steffens with him to make sure he was returned safely to Russia. For traveling expenses, Rockefeller placed a purse containing $10,000 in Trotsky's pocket..
- 1905 Falsification of History... most of the Jews in Germany fled the to escape Russian pogroms, They were not mistreated by the Germans until the 'Stab in the Back.
- 1905 Rense Zakheim's hell-raiser lineage, Judicial Inc points out that Grandpa Zakheim was born in 1870, Julius Zakheim (Zhabinka), in the Ukraine, a Russian rabbi who married a relative of Karl Marx. He was a Menshevik/Bolshevik and played a leading role in the 1905 turmoil that paved the way for the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. see Jacob I. and Dov Zakheim...
- 1905 Bibliotecapleyades One of their greatest triumphs was the successful outcome of the Rothschilds' protracted war against the Russian Imperial Family ... Of equal importance were the enormous cash reserves which the Czar had invested abroad in European and American banks. ... After the fall of Napoleon, the Rothschilds turned all their hatred against the Romanovs. In 1825, they poisoned Alexander I; in 1855, they poisoned Nicholas I. Other assassinations followed, culminating on the night of Nov. 6, 1917, when a dozen Red Guards drove a truck up to the Imperial Bank Building in Moscow. ... The New York Times stated that the Czar had $5 million in Guaranty Trust, and $1 million in the National City Bank; other authorities stated it was $5 million in each bank. Between 1905 and 1910 the Czar had sent more than $900 million to be deposited in six leading New York banks: Chase, National City Bank, Guaranty Trust, J.P. Morgan, Hanover, and Manufacturers Trust. These were the principal banks controlled by the House of Rothschild through their American agents: J.P. Morgan and Kuhn, Loeb Co. These were also the six New York banks which bought the controlling stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. They have held control of the stock ever since.
- 1905: IAmTheWitness A group of Rothschild backed Zionist Jews led by Georgi Apollonovich Gapon attempt to overthrow the Tsar in Russia in a Communist Coup. They fail and are forced to flee Russia only to be given refuge in Germany. ... The Jewish Encyclopaedia (Vol. 2, p.497) states, "It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure."
- 1905 ModernHistoryProject ... the 1905 revolution ...while Russia was engaged in the Russo-Japanese War, the Communists tried to get the farmers to revolt against the Czar, but they refused. [Many of the leaders, including Lenin and Trotsky were exiled --ed]. After this aborted attempt, the Czar deposited $400,000,000 in the Chase Bank, National City Bank, Guaranty Trust Bank, the Hanover Trust Bank, and Manufacturers Trust Bank, and $80,000,000 in the Rothschild Bank in Paris, because he knew who was behind the growing revolutionary movement, and hoped to end it. The Rothschilds, through Milner, planned the Russian Revolution, and along with Schiff (who gave $20 million), Sir George Buchanan, the Warburgs, the Rockefellers, the partners of J.P. Morgan (who gave at least $1 million), Olaf Aschberg (of the Nye Bank of Stockholm, Sweden), the Rhine Westphalian Syndicate, a financier named Jovotovsky (whose daughter later married Leon Trotsky), William Boyce Thompson (a director of Chase National Bank who contributed $1 million), and Albert H. Wiggin (President of Chase National Bank), helped finance it.
- 1905 OccindentalObserver...Out of the eleven million Jews in the world in the early twentieth century, Russia held more than five million, and of these, four and a half million resided in the cities and towns of the Pale of the Settlement ...This large number of poorer Jews was the direct result of the Jewish population explosion in Eastern Europe in the nineteenth century when their numbers grew from about 1.5 million at the beginning of the century to almost eight million by 1913. This Jewish “proletariat,” a hotbed of radicalism characterized by “powerful organization,” played a “decisive part” in the “strikes and insurrections that broke out right across the Pale in the course of the 1905 Revolution.
- 1905 AmericanThinker Harvard was considered the "transmission belt" for socialism -- and specifically its Department of Economics. The most influential theory within the Department of Economics was that of Keynes. Keynes' socialism advocates strict control of the means of production through the supply of credit and money rather than ownership advocated by Marx. This way the Fabian goal could change everything while maintaining the outward appearance of the sheepskin. See Austrian Economics Econlib also LSE
- 1906 Zion's Trojan Horse, Senator Jack TenneyThe American Jewish Committee (AJC) was organized in New York City in 1906. Some Jewish authorities contend that this group grew out of the National Committee for the Relief of Sufferers by Russian Massacres established in 1903 by Oscar S. Straus, Jacob H. Schiff and Cyrus L. Sulzberger, but there is much evidence to indicate that its creation was prompted by other considerations. Jewish authorities have referred to the “Fabian policy” adopted by the American Jewish Committee, a term which denotes a cautious, gradualistic approach to an objective. “backstair secret diplomacy.”
- 1906 Tarpley.net The Triple Entente is the name given to the alliance among Great Britain, France, and Russia which was formed during the first decade of this century, and which led to the outbreak of the First World War. This Triple Entente was the personal creation of King Edward VII of Britain. The Triple Entente was King Edward’s own idea. It was King Edward who set up the British alliance with Japan, the Russo-Japanese War, and the 1905 Russian Revolution. It was King Edward VII, acting as the autocrat of British foreign policy, who engineered the Entente Cordiale between Britain and France in 1903-04, and who then went on to seal the fateful British-Russian Entente of 1907. It was King Edward who massaged Theodore Roosevelt and other American leaders to help bring about the U.S.-U.K. “special relationship,” which dates from the time of his reign. This diplomatic work was masterminded and carried out by King Edward VII personally,
- 1906: IAmTheWitness The Rothschilds claim that due to growing instability in the region and increasing competition from Rockefeller (the Rockefeller family are Rothschild descendants through a female bloodline) owned Standard Oil, this is why they sell their Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company to Royal Dutch and Shell. This is another example of the Rothschilds trying to hide their true wealth.
- 1907 History of the Money Changers During the early 1900's, the money changers were anxious to advance their business of setting up another private Central Bank for America. Rothschild, Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., in a speech to the New York Chamber of Commerce, stated, or rather threatened, “Unless we have a Central Bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history.” ... They put Rothschild agent, J. P. Morgan at the forefront of their charge. Interestingly J. P. Morgan's father, Julius Morgan, had been America's financial agent to the British, and after Julius' death, J. P. Morgan took on a British partner, Edward Grenville, who was a long time director of the Bank Of England. ... This year was the year of the money changers attack. J. P. Morgan and his cohorts secretly crashed the stock market. They were aware that thousands of small banks were so vastly over extended, some only had reserves of 1% under the fraudulent fractional reserve principle. Within only a few days, bank runs became commonplace across the nation. ... Morgan then stepped up and publicly announced that he would support these failing banks. What he failed to mention is that he would do this by manufacturing money out of nothing. And then what happened, surprise, surprise, Congress let him do it! So, Morgan manufactured $200,000,000 of this completely reserveless private money, purchased goods and services with it, and sent some of it to his branch banks to lend out at interest. ... As a result, the general public regained confidence in money, but most importantly it meant the banking power was now further consolidated into the hands of a few large banks.
- 1907 - StocksSimplified The panic of 1907 threatens to destroy the .
- 1907: IAmTheWitness Rothschild, Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., in a speech to the New York Chamber of Commerce, warns that, "Unless we have a Central Bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history." Suddenly America finds itself in the middle of another typical run of the mill Rothschild engineered financial crisis, which ruins as usual ruins the lives of millions of innocent people throughout America and makes billions for the Rothschilds.
- 1908...FirstWorldWarHiddenHistory The fact is that while British politicians talked of going to war over "Belgian neutrality," their financial and industrial backers (and likely instigators) were motivated by their mining and other interests in the Belgian Congo, German South-West Africa (where diamonds had been discovered in 1908), South Africa (where the Rothschilds and associates held extensive diamond and gold interests), etc. The more we look at the evidence ignored by mainstream, establishment-backed historians the more difficult it becomes to believe that Britain went to war over "Belgian neutrality" and not over world supremacy (including Belgian colonial possessions controlled by the same tiny Anglo-American clique that supported, financed and supplied the war)....Hanslope, secret depository for British war docs... The Deeper Causes of the War...WWI and pdf Hidden History
- 1909-1913 - GripesOnline Lord Alfred Milner organizes the "Association of Helpers" into various Round Table Groups in the British dependencies and the United States.
- 1909 PalestineRemembered Establishment of the first kibbutz, based exclusively on Jewish labor. Tel Aviv founded north of Jaffa.
- 1910 top timeline
- 1910 ModernHistoryProject The Round Table Society (1910- ) The Outer Circle was known as the 'Association of Helpers,' but was not implemented until 1909-1913, when Milner established it as the Round Table organization. Their goal was to eventually establish a one-world government, which would be controlled by the international banking community, under the cloak of Socialism. more
- 1910 the British made a client out of Ibn Saud, who was also told to encourage Arab tribesman to repel the Ottoman Turks from the Gulf Region at the onset of WWI. That same year the British House of Rothschild pushed through the Balfour Declaration, lending Crown support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Rothschild was less concerned about the Jewish people than he was about establishing a Middle East outpost from where he and his lackeys could keep watch over the center of their global oil monopoly. A year later the Ottomans were defeated.
- 1910 Russia Insider..."You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured ans slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
- 1910 OccidentalObserver...the unending bitter political squabbles following the Bolshevik revolution were evidence that the Civil War waged between the White and Red Russians (1918–1922), between the former rulers and the usurpers, was simply followed by an internal civil war between communist internationalist intellectuals who viewed the whole world as their oyster (Trotsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, and the rest) and the more conservative, nationalistic Stalinists who favored stability
- 1910 Wikipedia...Perkins Coie is an international law firm headquartered in Seattle, Washington, and founded in 1912. It is the oldest and largest law firm headquartered in the Pacific Northwest and has a total of 19 offices across the United States and Asia. In addition to corporate representation, the firm often represents political clients.
- 1910 Mar 25 Wikipedia Benzion Netanyahu ... father of Benjamin ... Benzion Netanyahu, born Benzion Mileikowsky; March 25, 1910 – April 30, 2012) was an Israeli historian. He served as Professor of History at Cornell University. A scholar of Judaic history, he was also an activist in the Revisionist Zionism movement, who lobbied in the United States to support the creation of the Jewish state. His field of expertise was the history of the Jews in Spain, and he served as an editor of the Hebrew Encyclopedia. He spent a significant portion of his life in the United States. Though he became Ze'ev Jabotinsky's personal secretary, he never got involved directly in Israeli politics. He was the father of current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Yonatan Netanyahu, ex-commander of Sayeret Matkal.
- 1910 ModernHistoryProject The Round Table Society (1910- ) The Outer Circle was known as the 'Association of Helpers,' but was not implemented until 1909-1913, when Milner established it as the Round Table organization. Their goal was to eventually establish a one-world government, which would be controlled by the international banking community, under the cloak of Socialism. more
- 1910 History Place 1910 - Germany surpasses Britain as the leading manufacturing nation in Europe. The United States remains the world leader, surpassing all of the European manufacturing nations combined.
- 1910 TheForbiddenKnowledge Creation of Federal Reserve ... Vanderlip was one of the insiders invited to the Jekyl Island Club on the coast of Georgia in the autumn of 1910 by the Senator Nelson Aldrich, the father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller Jr. Aldrich also invited Henry Davison of J.P. Morgan & Co., and Benjamin Strong, the future Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Also on hand was Paul Warburg of the notorious international banking family (Zionists), descended from the Del Banco family of Venice. The Creature from Jekyll Island
- 1910Alt.Freemasonry.Narkive A Masonic conference was held in 1910 in Copenhagen where the agenda was to discuss how to turn Europe into a communist state (Franz Weissin, Der Weg zum Sozialismus / The Way to Socialism, Munich, 1930, p. 9.). Lenin and Trotsky were both in attendance. Lenin was a freemason of the 31st degree (Grand Inspecteur Inquisiteur Commandeur) and a member of the lodge Art et Travail in Switzerland and France. (Oleg Platonov, Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry, Moscow, 2000, part II, p. 417.) Leiba Bronstein (Trotsky) became a freemason in 1897 and later a high-ranking Illuminatus through his friend Alexander Parvus. He also maintained contacts with B'nai B'rith. Jacob Schiff, chairman of the banking house Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and a minion of the Rothschilds, took care of the contacts between the "revolutionary movement in Russia" and B'nai B'rith. (Gerald B. Winrod, Adam Weishaupt - A Human Devil, p. 47.) Trotsky became a member of B'Nai Brith in New York in 1917. (Yuri Begunov, Secret Forces in the History of Russia, St. Petersburg, 1995, pp. 138-139)
- 1910 Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment Of the twenty -three members of All Souls, nine were in the group which founded, edited, and wrote The Round Table in the period after 1910, five were in close personal contact with Lloyd George and seven were in the group which controlled and edited The Times after 1912 ... including Lord Halifax.
- 1911 TavistockAgenda ... William Rockefeller employed, in a private capacity through his elite social club, a high-ranking British secret intelligence service officer named Claude Dansey. As the United States prepared to ally itself in World War I with its old enemy Britain, Dansey personally reorganized the U.S. Army intelligence service into an adjunct of the British secret service. Dansey's loyal U.S. follower, {{Gen. Marlborough Churchill}} (a distant relative of Britain's Winston Churchill) soon became director of U.S. military intelligence. After World War I, General Churchill headed up the “Black Chamber,” a New York-based espionage group serving the State Department, the U.S. Army, and private New York financiers loyal to Great Britain. This same General Churchill would soon launch a medical research organization, the Macy Foundation, for the Rockefellers and British intelligence.
- 1911 Derhonigmannsagt One of the forces behind globalization and one of real rulers of the World: Multinational Exxon came into existence after the splitting of Rockefeller´s StandardOil in 1911.The Rothschild partners Goldman Sachs, State Street Corp. are big shareholders. Not everybody wants chairman Mao and his “The East is Red” or his “Little Red Book” into our company. Mao was illuminist (like all communists) and the greatest mass murderer this world has ever seen. Todays China is still based on illuminism – as is the CFR and the products it boasts of having produced, e.g.the EU. The Little Red Book had a tremendous impact on the West in the 1970´es. And this lore has not been forgotten.
- 1912: IAmTheWitness In the December issue of, "Truth," magazine, George R. Conroy states of banker Jacob Schiff, "Mr Schiff is head of the great private banking house of Kuhn, Loeb, and co, which represents the Rothschilds interests on this side of the Atlantic. He has been described as financial strategist and has been for years the financial minister of the great impersonal power known as Standard Oil. ... He was hand in glove with the Harrimans, the Goulds, and the Rockefellers in all their railroad enterprises and has become the dominant power in the railroad and financial power of America." 1913: On March 4, Woodrow Wilson is elected the 28th President of the United States. Shortly after he is inaugurated, he is visited in the White House by Ashkenazi Jew, Samuel Untermyer, of law firm, Guggenheim, Untermyer, and Marshall, who tries to blackmail him for the sum of $40,000 in relation to an affair Wilson had whilst he was a professor at Princeton University, with a fellow professor's wife. President Wilson does not have the money, so Untermyer volunteers to pay the $40,000 out of his own pocket to the woman Wilson had had the affair with, on the condition that Wilson promise to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court a nominee to be recommended to President Wilson by Untermyer. Wilson agrees to this. ... Jacob Schiff sets up the Anti Defamation League (ADL) in the United States. This organisation is formed to slander anyone who questions or challenges the Rothschild global conspiracy as, "anti-semitic." ...
- 1912 Benjamin Freedman / Sweet Liberty... Woodrow Wilson was blackmailed into nominating Louis Brandeis (Zionist Jew) for Justice of the Supreme Court by Samuel Untermeyer, a Jewish attorney for a Princeton professor whose wife Wilson was having an affair. Wilson paid the $40,000 and an attendant lawsuit was never heard of again. This story comes from Benjamin Freedman's book The Hidden Tyranny. Shortly after the U.S. entered WWI
- 1912 Antony Sutton OLOF ASCHBERG IN NEW YORK, 1916 Olof Aschberg, the "Bolshevik Banker" (or "Bankier der Weltrevolution," as he has been called in the German press), was owner of the Nya Banken, founded 1912 in Stockholm. His codirectors included prominent members of Swedish cooperatives and Swedish socialists, including G. W. Dahl, K. G. Rosling, and C. Gerhard Magnusson.18 In 1918 Nya Banken was placed on the Allied black-list for its financial operations in behalf of Germany. In response to the blacklisting, Nya Banken changed its name to Svensk Ekonomiebolaget. The bank remained under the control of Aschberg, and was mainly owned by him. The bank's London agent was the British Bank of North Commerce, whose chairman was Earl Grey, former associate of Cecil Rhodes. Others in Aschberg's interesting circle of business associates included Krassin, who was until the Bolshevik Revolution (when he changed color to emerge as a leading Bolshevik) Russian manager of Siemens-Schukert in Petrograd; Carl Furstenberg, minister of finance in the first Bolshevik government; and Max May, vice president in charge of foreign operations for Guaranty Trust of New York. Olof Aschberg thought so highly of Max May that a photograph of May is included in Aschberg's book.
- 1913 ThriveMovement Elite banking families – including the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Morgans – have gained control of the global economy through the central banking system. They set up the Federal Reserve in the US in 1913 and have been manipulating the market to benefit themselves ever since. This timeline shows the pattern of American Presidents being assassinated after challenging central bankers and their monopoly on money, and the Federal Reserve’s artificial creation of booms and busts that causes people to lose their jobs, homes, and retirements, while the bankers further consolidate wealth and control.
- 1913 YouTube Edward Mandel House hand-picked the first seven governors of the Fed ... Charles Seymour's had access to House's papers ... House wrote the book: Philip Drew Administrator, a fictionalized autobiography ... how depressions are caused, deliberately weaken a country to the point of civil war (hegelian)...designed to establish case for a dictatorship ... House selected Wilson as presidential candidate and became his principle advisor. House was Wilson's alter-ego, controlled Wilson, ...
- 1913 GlobalResearch Before the First World War, British strategists believed that Germany was making important inroads towards becoming a global superpower. All that was required to elevate Germany was industrial control over Russia and the Ottoman Empire, which was well underway. Germany was already taking over British markets and threatening the U.S. and Britain economically. ... The key to stopping the emergence of a single powerful player in the Heartland was to play the Germans against the Russians ... The British and the U.S. were clearly trying to weaken both Germany and Czarist Russia. This is evident from British and American support for the Japanese “when it [meaning Britain] kept the [naval] ring round the Russo-Japanese War,” in 1904 to 1905. [6] ... The strategy of playing the main players in Eurasia against one another continued into the Second World War. Germany, France, and the Soviet Union were played against one another just as Germany, Czarist Russia, and the Ottoman Empire were before the First World War. ... This is evident from the fact that Britain and France only declared war on Germany when both Germany and the U.S.S.R. invaded Poland in 1939. The Locarno Pacts and Hoare-Laval Plan were used by the British government to push the Germans eastward to confront the Soviets by neutralizing France and allowing Germany to militarize, while appeasement under Neville Chamberlain was a calculated move aimed at liquidating any states between Germany and the Soviet Union and establishing a common German-Soviet border. ... After the First World War, Anglo-American planners projected the replacement of Germany by the Soviet Union, the player that emerged from the ashes of Czarist Russia, as the most powerful player in Eurasia. Creating a shatter-belt zone around the western portion of the Soviet Union from the Baltic to the Balkans and the Persian Gulf became a strategic objective for the British. This is one of the reasons why so many new nations were created in Eastern Europe and the Middle East after the First World War and again in Eastern Europe and Central Asia after the Cold War.
- 1913 FirstWorldWarHiddenHistory...Paul Warburg in New York was the leading agent who fronted the drive to establish the Federal Reserve System for the Secret Elite. Paul was senior partner with Jacob Schiff in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Bank which was effectively a Rothschild front. The Schiff and Rothschild forebears had actually lived in houses in the same building they shared in the Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt am Main, and Jacob Schiff was yet another Rothschild agent.
- 1913 Antony Sutton American financiers associated with these groups were involved in financing revolution even before 1917. Intervention by the Wall Street law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell into the Panama Canal controversy is recorded in 1913 congressional hearings. The episode is summarized by Congressman Rainey: It is my contention that the representatives of this Government United States] made possible the revolution on the isthmus of Panama. That had it not been for the interference of this Government a successful revolution could not possibly have occurred, and I contend that this Government violated the treaty of 1846. I will be able to produce evidence to show that the declaration of independence which was promulgated in Panama on the 3rd day of November, 1903, was prepared right here in New York City and carried down there — prepared in the office of Wilson (sic) Nelson Cromwell ....3
- 1913 IamtheWitness / Benjamin Freedman The French Connection page: index: Seven Masters of Deception Talmudist Jews Control News and editorial Policies of Mass Media President Wilson Blackmailed Justice Brandeis—The Pay Off Prime Minister Lloyd George—A Zionist Tool Colonel Edward M. House—A Conspiring Enigma Talmudist Jews Select America's Ally for First World War Talmudist Jews Promote Germans Victory, Then Stab them in the Back Zionist Worldwide Boycott Against German Merchandise Creates Domestic Crisis Franklin D. Roosevelt Manipulated by Talmudic Jews Henry L. Stimson—Secretary of Defense During World War II—Makes Startling Revelation Zionist Conspirators Provoke Pearl Harbor Incident H.J. 117 a Talmudic Creation—Eisenhower Steps in Line President Eisenhower Performs Fulfillment of Zionist Demands in Middle East President John Kennedy Pledges Zionists He Will Act in Their Favor Even at the Risk of War The Senior Kennedy Liquidated Politically by Franklin Roosevelt for Reporting Talmudic Conspiracy Lyndon Johnson Master-Minded Six Day War Talmudic Hidden Hand Controls the U.S. Vote in the United Nations Rothschild Conspiracy Fulfilled Rothschild Fortune Risked Collapse Without Middle East Controls Under Zionist Supervision
- 1914 Zachor Foundation Timeline ... official Holocaust Industry orthodox site...
- 1914 SlideShare Causes of WWI
- 1914 Secret Origins of the First World War Concerning the financing of the Russian revolution ... 80% of direct Russian government debt was held in Paris ... consequently controlling how the debt was spent (arms, railroads etc) ... Despite its name, the centre point of Frence banking was not the Bank of France (but Rothschilds and their relatives were consistently on the Board of Regents of the Bank of France) .... it was controlled by mainly two private banks ... the 'Haute Banks' ... which were Rothschild Banque de Paris et de Pay Bas (Paribas) and the Banque de L'Union Parisienne (which shared directors with the Rothschild bank ... Paribas Bank controlled the all-powerful news agency Havas, which in turn owned the most important advertising agency in France
- 1914 Voltaire / Sutton Who was Trotsky? According to MacLean, Trotsky was not Russian, but German. Odd as this assertion may appear it does coincide with other scraps of intelligence information: to wit, that Trotsky spoke better German than Russian, and that he was the Russian executive of the German "Black Bond." According to MacLean, Trotsky in August 1914 had been "ostentatiously" expelled from Berlin;20 he finally arrived in the United States where he organized Russian revolutionaries, as well as revolutionaries in Western Canada, who "were largely Germans and Austrians traveling as Russians. ... Trotsky ... worked for, the German General Staff. ... Lenin was subsidized and his return to Russia facilitated by the Germans —
- 1914 EIR Following the Balkan wars of 1912-13, general war broke out, pitting the Entente of France, Russia, and Britain against Germany, the Ottoman Empire (then under the rule of the Young Turkey party), and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. ... Britain planned to break up the Ottoman Empire, which had moved into the German orbit, and set up puppet regimes under Arab monarchs, in the context of an overall reorganization of Southwest Asia into colonial spheres of influence. France was to be a partner to this scheme, although, as often is the case in agreements among rival imperial forces, each tried to cheat the other.
- 1914 Aug 1 EducateYourself British elites, again working with the Rothschilds, set up World War I by arranging for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir apparent of Austria, to occur in Serbia. Naturally, Austria declared war on Serbia. Russia was allied with France and Great Britain at the time and Germany with Austria & Prussia. Franz's uncle, German Emperor Wilhelm II, threatened hostilities if Russia did not stand down its orders to mobilbize the Russian Army and Navy. They didn't, so Germany declared war on Russia and France. When German troops crossed the neutral Belgian border on August 4, 1914, Great Britain declared war on Germany-all dominos falling in place, as planned.
- 1914 Eustace Mullins ... The Secret Holocaust Jewish Revolutionary Gavrilo Princip shown being seized by police moments after mortally wounding Archduke Ferdinand and his wife. The assassination of Catholic Monarch ~ Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand ~ heir to the Austrian throne, was carried out by the Jewish assassin Gavrilo Princip using a Browning pistol on Jun. 28, 1914. The Zionist newspaper PEIEWISCHE VORDLE wrote on Jan. 13, 1919, "The international Jewry... believed it *necessary to force Europe into the war so that a new Jewish era could begin throughout the world. Arch-duke Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavril Princeps at Sarajevo; Austria demanded an apology from Serbia, Serbia apologized but Austria inexplicably declared war anyway.
- 1914 PalestineRemembered World War I starts.
- 1914 JohnMcCarthy blog .. WWI myths
- 1914: The start of World War I. In this war, the German Rothschilds loan money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds loan money to the British, and the French Rothschilds loan money to the French. Futhermore, the Rothschilds have control of the three European news agencies, Wolff (est. 1849) in Germany, Reuters (est. 1851) in England, and Havas (est. 1835) in France. The Rothschilds use Wolff to manipulate the German people into a fervour for war. From around this time, the Rothschilds are rarely reported in the media, because they own the media.
- 1914 History on the Net Germany declared war on France. German troops poured into Belgium as directed under the Schleiffen Plan, drawn up in 1905. The British foreign secretary, Sir Edward Grey, sent an ultimatum to Germany demanding their withdrawal from the neutral Belgium.
- 1914 Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment ... There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the Radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records.
- 1914 Kautsky Documents ...the real cause of WWI ... not the myth that the evil German 'gorilla' had to be stopped. In the decade before the war, Germany had made vigorous efforts to arrive at an understanding with Russia, France, and England, but had failed. This was partially because of France's determination to recover Alsace-Lorraine, Britain's jealousy of German naval, mercantile, and colonial power, and Russia's desire for the Straits leading out of the Black Sea.
- 1914 History of the Money Changers The start of World War I. In this war, the German Rothschilds loaned money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds loaned money to the British, and the French Rothschilds loaned money to the French. One year after the passage of the Federal Reserve Bill, Representative Charles A Lindbergh Sr., outlined how The Federal Reserve created the, "business cycle," and how they manipulated that to their own advantage. He stated, "To cause high prices, all the Federal Reserve Board will do will be to lower the rediscount rate..., producing an expansion of credit and a rising stock market, then when ...business men are adjusted to these conditions, it can check... prosperity in mid-career by arbitrarily raising the rate of interest. ... It can cause the pendulum of a rising and falling market to swing gently back and forth by slight changes in the discount rate, or cause violent fluctuations by a greater rate variation, and in either case it will possess inside information as to financial conditions and advance knowledge of the coming change, either up or down. This is the strongest, most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privilege class by any Government that ever existed. The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money. They know in advance when to create panics to their advantage. They also know when to stop panic. Inflation and deflation work equally well for them when they control finance."
- Rense: Edward Stettinius Jr. was the son of a J.P. Morgan partner who had been the world's largest munitions dealer in the First World War. He had been named by J.P. Morgan to oversee all purchases of munitions by both France and England in the United States throughout the war. John Foster Dulles was also an accomplished warmonger. In 1933, he and his brother Allen had rushed to Cologne to meet with Adolf Hitler and guaranteed him the funds to maintain the Nazi regime. The Dulles brothers were representing their clients, Kuhn Loeb Co., and the Rothschilds. Alger Hiss was the golden prince of the communist elite in the United States. When he was chosen as head of the prestigious Carnegie Endowment for International Peace after World War II, his nomination was seconded by John Foster Dulles. Hiss was later sent to prison for perjury for lying about his exploits as a Soviet espionage agent.
- 1914, IAmTheWitness Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise." Other Ashkenazi Jew co-founders included Julius Rosenthal, Lillian Wald and Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch. It was not until 1920 that the NAACP appointed its first black president, James Weldon Johnson. Maurice de Rothschild marries Ashkenazi Jew, Noémie Halphen.
- 1914 Procon Israel Palestine "By 1914, there were about forty Jewish settlements in Palestine, owning about 100,000 acres. According to Justin McCarthy, in his study of the population of Palestine, the total population at that time was approximately 722,000, of whom approximately 60,000 were Jews." "The Ottoman Empire entered WWI in November 1914 on the side of Germany and Austria, and against England, France and Russia."
- 1914 Wikipedia In August 1914, Henry P. Davison, a Morgan partner, traveled to the United Kingdom and made a deal with the Bank of England to make J.P. Morgan & Co. the sole underwriter of war bonds for the UK and France. The Bank of England became a fiscal agent of J.P. Morgan & Co., and vice versa. The company also invested in the suppliers of war equipment to Britain and France, thus profiting from the financing and purchasing activities of the two European governments. W. Averell Harriman, a director of Guaranty Trust)
- 1914 Judeo Masonic Conspiracy The incident in Sarajevo (Ferdinand assassination) divided the world into two camps: as it was expected, the apologists for the NWO (mainly France, Great Britain and the United States) against the apologists for the OWO (mainly the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire). The only exception to this rule from the great powers was the Russian Empire, which even though –as we saw before- was trying to defend itself from the attacks of the bankers, took sides against Germany due to its pledge to protect Serbia and the Franco-Russian Alliance; by which Russia was benefiting from cheap loans from France to rebuild its deficient military technology.
- 1914 History on the Net Germany declared war on Russia.
- 1914 August 12 HistoryPlace Great Britain and France declare war on Austria-Hungary. Serbia is invaded by Austria-Hungary. August 17, 1914 - Russia invades Germany, attacking into East Prussia, forcing the outnumbered Germans there to fall back.
- 1914 Aug HenryMakow Tarpley goes into some detail about how King Edward and his Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey, the son of Edward's horse master, engineered World War One. Essentially, they deceived Germany into believing that England would remain neutral. To prevent the war, all they had to do was clarify this point. Germany would have backed down and reined in Austria. In August 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm realized he had been fooled: "England, Russia and France have agreed among themselves ... to take the Austro-Serbian conflict as an excuse for waging a war of extermination against us.. -
- 1914 TavistockAgenda ... 1918 WWI. 1914 - Wellington House Propaganda Bureau, Tavistock precursor. After discovering that Germany had a Propaganda Agency, a British War Propaganda Bureau was set up at Wellington House, the London headquarters of the National Insurance Commission, with Masterman as chairman
British Zionism, Fabianism & Cultural Marxism |
- 1740 FirstLightForum the leading Jews’ duplicity dates back further, to the
eighteenth century, when Judaized British Freemasons
conspired to create the Wahhabi sect in Saudi Arabia, to
divide Islam, and provide a geopolitical advantage for a
new state of Israel, and by that further foster the
elite Jews’ global takeover agenda. “That a
British spy by the name of Hempher was responsible for
shaping of the extreme tenets of Wahhabism was mentioned
in a Turkish work, Mir’at
al-Haramain, by Ayyub Sabri Pasha between 1933-1938. British policy
in its colonies often involved the creation of deviant
sects, in order to Divide and Conquer, as was the case
with the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam in India in the
nineteenth century. The details of this conspiracy are
outlined in a little known document by the name of The Memoirs of Mr. Hempher (Memoirs
Of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy To The Middle East)
- 1800s Lalkar Official Zionist historiography disseminated by the state of Israel ignores the critical role played by Britain in the rise of Herzlian Zionism. In so doing, Zionist narrative has attempted to get everyone to focus on the state of Israel as a given and to present Herzlian Zionism as a national liberation movement of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jews. This is clearly not the case. The British Empire sponsored the political project of Zionism from the early 1800s, if no earlier.
- 1845 Wikipedia In 1845, Gawler wrote a book in which he suggested that Jews be allowed to establish Jewish agricultural settlements in Palestine as compensation for their suffering in Europe and under Turkish rule. In 1849 he toured Palestine with Moses Montefiore.[4] Two years later (in 1852), he established an association for the colonization of Palestine. Lieutenant-Colonel George Gawler, KH, (21 July 1795 – 7 May 1869) was the second governor of South Australia; from 17 October 1838 until 15 May 1841.
- 1857 Lalkar ... According to the 1857 Russian census, 95% of the 5,189,401 Jews of the Russian empire were concentrated in the 25 provinces of the Jewish Pale of Settlement and Russian Poland. Russia’s policy of Russification, which put restrictions on non-Russian languages and cultures, inflicted the worst suffering upon Muslim Tatars and Jewish Khazars. Many of the restrictions – residential and occupational – on the Jews were inspired by prejudice. As a result, leaving aside the wealthy, the highly skilled, and some long-term soldiers, the Russian Jews were confined to the Jewish Pale of Settlement. They were habitually accused of not taking to agriculture, exploiting the peasantry through the practice of moneylending, purveying liquor to drunken peasants, evading military service, and engaging in disaffection. The Jewish question came to the forefront of Russian politics and geopolitics following the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, for which Jews were blamed. The discriminatory nature of the May 1882 laws provided Britain with a kind of moral and political leverage to directly interfere in Russian affairs on behalf of Russian Jews through the organisation of a number of public meetings in London focusing on the Jewish question in Russia.
- 1875 Lalkar Disraeli facilitated Britain’s purchase of the Khedive of Egypt’s shares in the Suez Canal Company, followed by Britain’s occupation of Egypt in 1882. Its proximity to Egypt gave Palestine added importance, both as a means of strengthening the British position in Egypt and as an overland link with the East ... (Nathan Birbaum actually coined the terms Zionist and political Zionism but abandoned the effort because of philosophical disagreements and became a vehement anti-Zionist.)
- 1883ModernHistoryProject On October 24, 1883, in London, a group of 17 wealthy Socialists gathered to discuss a 'Fellowship of the New Life,' which was based on the writings of scholar Thomas Davidson, who hoped to start some sort of monastic order. The group included: George Bernard Shaw Graham Wallas, a classical scholar Sidney James Webb, a civil servant and influential socialist Edward Pease Havelock Ellis Frank Podmore Annie Besant, a member of the Theosophical Society John Galsworthy R.H. Tawney G.D.H. Cole Harold Laski Israel Cohen, a Jewish writer [E1] Israel Zangwill (1864-1926)
- Cultural Marxism and Cultural Studies, Kellner
- 1886 EuroCanadian By 1886 there were four leading figures of the Fabian Society, dubbed the "Big Four": G. B. Shaw, Graham Wallas, Sidney Webb, and Sidney Oliver.
By 1889, 6500 tracts ( Social Conditions in England with a View to Social Reconstruction or Development) had been distributed and 721 lectures had been given by 31 speakers. Between 1891 and 1892 one hundred and seventeen Fabians delivered 3,339 lectures and membership had grown to 400. At this time, the Fabian Society became associated with the Second Socialist International (est. 1889) and helped set up a Democratic Socialist State in Great Britain.
- 1887 .TavistockAgenda.. Lewis Carroll becomes member of the occult Society for Psychical Research (SPR). The SPR also helped creating the Fabian Society, which was also closely tied to the Rothschild political machine. Fabian leader, Dennis Healey, became Britain's Minister of Defense and also joined the Bilderberger movement. Apostate and co-founder Henry Sidgwick furthermore joined the elite and secretive Apostles Club (by invitation only).
- 1890s Lalkar ... it was only in the 1890s that Zionism began to appear as a very small minority movement among European Jews. Jewish Zionists actively lobbied among non-Jews. Joseph Chamberlain, the Colonial Secretary, and Arthur Balfour, the Prime Minister (1902-05) and later Foreign Secretary (1916-1919), were typical of the new non-Jewish Zionist. Chamberlain’s chief concern was the British Empire. Neither Biblical prophecy nor humanitarianism was of any concern to him. Lloyd George, in whose Cabinet Balfour served as Foreign Secretary, was another prominent non-Jewish Zionist, whose part in the Balfour Declaration [2 November 1917] was far greater than that of Balfour.
- 1890 Wikipedia Sir Ernest Cassel ...Paton of London School of Economics...(3 March 1852 – 21 September 1921) was a British merchant banker and capitalist. Born and raised in Prussia, he moved to Britain at the age of 17... Cassel was born in Cologne, in what is now Germany, his family were Ashkenazi Jews ... One of the wealthiest men of his day, Cassel was a good friend of King Edward VII, prime minister H. H. Asquith and Winston Churchill. In 1878, he married Annette Mary Maud Maxwell at Westminster. Their only child, Amalia Mary Maud Cassel (1879–1911), married Wilfrid Ashley, 1st Baron Mount Temple.
- 1891 Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment In 1891 Cecil Rhodes, William Stead and Reginald Baliol Brett (Lord Esher, adviser to King Edward VII and King George V, Queen Victoria) created the Society of the Elect. Rhodes was the leader ... also known as Milner's Kindergarten and the Round Table Group... Rhodes Secret Society, The Chatham Group ... in the 1920s dominated by Viscount Astor. It caused the Boer War of 1899-1902... to control diamond trade), created the Union of South Africa, created the periodical The Round Table, created and controlled The Times, was a chief influence on Lloyd George's war administration in 1917-1919, dominated the British delegation to the Peace Conference of 1919, instrumental in forming the League of Nations, founded the RIIA, was an important influence on the policy of appeasement of Germany during the years 1920-1940, still controls the writing of the history of the British Imperial, is highly secretive, Viscount Astor rapidly moved to the center after 1916, was badly split on the policy of appeasement in 1939.
- 1892 .Modern History Project..University of Chicago / Fabian Society / Rothschilds... Mont Pelerin Society... Milton Friedman's (came to Hoover Institute in 1978) monetarist theories, is the same old bankers' swindle of endless creation of more interest bearing debt money, requiring ever increasing taxes merely to meet the interest payments. Friedman a consort of Murray Rothbard ... Heritage Foundation, Mont Pelerin Society, Cato Institute, Ludwig von Mises Institute, and American Enterprise Institute... Their mentor is the late Ludwig von Mises, born in Austria, and founder of "the Austrian School of Economics", who taught at New York University from 1946 until his death. ... At the age of 16, Milton Friedman became the protege of Arthur Burns at Rutgers and Columbia. Their economic principles stemmed from the "Viennese School" founded by Karl Menger and Eugen von Bauwerk. Merger taught von Hayek, Eric Voegelin and Fritz Machluys. At that time. Vienna was dominated by the House of Rothschild, which had controlled the national debt of Austria since the Congress of Vienna in 1815. Austria's Tyrol silver mines were owned by the Rothschilds, as were her railways. Empress Elizabeth's closest friend was Julie de Rothschild, sister of Baron Albert, head of the Austrian House...Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, who founded the Pan European Union, was named after Richard Wagner, one of whose students was Gustav Mahler. Mahler's studies with Wagner were funded by Baron Albert de Rothschild. Coudenhove-Kalergi's father was a close friend of Theordor Herzl, founder of Zionism. Coudenhove-Kalergi writes in his "Memoirs" ... In Chicago, Jane Adams of Hull House had been for five years a protege of Beatrice Webb, founder of the Fabian Society. In 1892, the University of Chicago was organized as the center of the Fabian Socialist program in America, with J. Laurence Laughlin, spokesman for the Cobden Club's "free trade" program in England. Laughlin later became Paul Warburg's chief propagandist to stump for the passing of the Federal Reserve Act.... John Dewey became head of the Sociology Dept. at the Univ. of Chicago; Wesley Clair Mitchell was head of the economics dept. In 1913, they moved to Columbia University. They were later hired by Baruch at the War Industries Board, and prepared all the statistics for American representatives at the Versailles Peace Conference.... In Feb. 1920, Mitchell met with the rest of the staff of Baruch's War Industries Board in New York with a Round Table group financed by Kuhn Loeb & Co. and Lazard Freres, to found the Natl Bureau of Economic Research, of which Mitchell became director. His protege was Arthur Burns, later chmn of the Natl Bureau, chmn Federal Reserve Governors, partner of Lazard Freres, and U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. Burns then brought in his protege, Milton Friedman, who has proposed that we legalize the sale of dope to raise $100 billion a year for the GNP.
- 1895 American Thinker The Webbs and George Bernard Shaw founded the London School of Economics in 1895. Faculty and students have included Bertrand Russell, John F Kennedy, Pierre Trudeau, George Soros, Peter Orszag, Robert Rubin, Harold Laski (a later head of the British Fabian Society), George Papandreou, David Rockefeller and John Maynard Keynes.
- 1886 EuroCanadian By 1886 there were four leading figures of the Fabian Society, dubbed the "Big Four": G. B. Shaw, Graham Wallas, Sidney Webb, and Sidney Oliver. Long before the proletariat revolution (prescribed by Marx) failed, as signified by the failure of the working classes to unite in the face of World War I (the Frankfurt School raison d'être), the Fabians had already rejected the method of violent revolution by means of proletarian force and instead advocated gradual, stealthy, non-violent and reformist means, such as state intervention and control over the conditions of labour, to create a new world based on socialism. ... Fabians stressed evolution not revolution. Their strategy can be understood by their "doctrine of inevitability of gradualism," which is clarified by G.B. Shaw, who wrote that the methods of the Society were "stealth, intrigue, subversion, and the deception of never calling socialism by its right name"
- SpartacusEducational George Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb,
- 1890 Merahaza LSE One of the primary institutions that received
patronage from some of the largest financial interests
was – and is – the London School of Economics (LSE). It
should be recalled that the LSE was founded bySocialists Wikipedia, with
Sidney Webb playing a particularly significant role.
Among the original patrons of the LSE was Sir Ernest
Cassel, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb and Co., and in the
armaments firm of Basil Zaharof, Vickers. Cassel, whose
humanitarianism might be open to suspicion, nonetheless
backed the LSE as a means of training a “socialist
bureaucracy.” ... Other funding came from
the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, the quintessential
international capitalists. The relationship can be
readily determined by Sir Ernest Cassel’s having
established the chair of “economic geography”; and of
Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild having been a Governor
of the LSE. In 1923 the first contribution from theFoundation
(via the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Fund) of $1,000,000
was made to the LSE. From 1929-1952 the Rockefeller
Foundation donated $4,105,592 to the LSE. and Wikipedia In the early 1900s Fabian Society members
advocated the ideal of a scientifically planned society
and supported eugenics by way of sterilization. This is
credited to the passage of the Half-Caste Act, and
see Young Fabians Wikipedia Peter Mandelson and Jack Straw were
members .... and one of the most important groups
within the Labour Party
- 1895 American Thinker The Webbs and George Bernard Shaw founded the London School of Economics in 1895. Faculty and students have included Bertrand Russell, John F Kennedy, Pierre Trudeau, George Soros, Peter Orszag, Robert Rubin, Harold Laski (a later head of the British Fabian Society), George Papandreou, David Rockefeller and John Maynard Keynes.
- 1896 New.Euro-med.dk Theodor Herzl´s Zionist Diaries: The Cause of World Wars I and II and Many False Flag Operations Posted on January 18, 2015 by Anders Theodor_Herzl2In relation to my latest post, a reader has asked for the source of Theodor Herzl´s diary comment from 1897 at the First Zionist Congress. I have taken the quotation from the recognized Timeline of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and Daryl Bradford Smith. But apart from that the quotation is widely propagated in the internet, The following excerpts are from The Diaries of Theodor Herzl The papers were released by a Jewish publisher Theodor Herzl is speaking to an assembly of Zionists. On page 163 it is clear that there is a/are Rothschild(s) among the audience ... Pgutleage 163 I don’t know whether all governments already realize what an international menace your World House constitutes. Without you no wars can be waged, and if peace is to be concluded, people are all the more dependent on you.
- 1897 Wikipedia Reverend William Henry Hechler (10 January 1845 – 31 January 1931) was a Restorationist Anglican clergyman, eschatological writer, crusader against anti-Semitism, promoter of Zionism, aide, counselor, friend and legitimizer of Theodor Herzl the founder of the modern Zionism
- 1897 LaRouche ... British banker Otto Kahn joined Kuhn Loeb. Ernst Cassell arranged, in London, to finance the purchase of the bankrupt Union Pacific railroad, which was given to Wall Street broker E.H. Harriman; Otto Kahn handled the details for Cassell. Thus Harriman became a power as the prince's nominee, with the Harriman, Kuhn Loeb, and Warburg interests completely interlocked. Kuhn Loeb functioned also in a triangular team with the British house of Baring, and Canadian banking and political boss Lord Strathcona.
- 1900 Wikipedia Sidney James Webb, 1st Baron Passfield OM PC (13 July 1859 – 13 October 1947) was a British socialist, economist, reformer and a co-founder of the London School of Economics. He was one of the early members of the Fabian Society in 1884, along with George Bernard Shaw (they joined three months after its inception). Along with his wife Beatrice Webb, Annie Besant, Graham Wallas, Edward R. Pease, Hubert Bland, and Sydney Olivier, Shaw and Webb turned the Fabian Society into the pre-eminent political-intellectual society of England
- 1900EIR abridged: Leo Stennet Amery ...agrandizing Jabotinsky and the creation of a Jewish Legion (and securing Palestine) became Amery's number one project, close of World War I.. as he attempted to carry out Cecil Rhodes' visions...(Rhodes goals: establish a Secret Sociey for the purposes of extending British rule of the entire continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific, Seaboard of China and Japan, and the US. ... (details in Carroll Quigley's The Anglo-American Establishment)...; the political and financial trustees... Venetian Cecil family... Rhodes' Trust, in which Alfred Milner was key; and Lazard Frères; and the British royal family... American and German interests were obstacles to system of exploiting cheap raw materials from colonized backward countries... Following the stipulations of Rhodes' Will, his collaborators sparked World War I to dismantle a hated and threatening Germany, and to carve up Europe. They sought to secure and expand their colonial holdings by acquiring much of the Ottoman Empire, which would give them its oil holdings, as well as secure Palestine as a military buffer to the Suez Canal. In order to accomplish these goals, they also worked non-stop to trap the United States into collaborating with their warring schemes, and sought to diminish America's industrial economy from within. ... (Rhodes was an agent of the Rothschilds/NFU timeline) Alfred Milner (Kindergarten) ran the Rhodes Trust, won the Boer War, secured South African resources, played a major role in WWI, created Royal Institute of International Affairs, (Rothschild, Chatham House), bought the London Times for propaganda purposes, Milner's personal protege was Leo Stennet Amery... Milner and Avery utilized Zionists to shape the British empire, secure Middle East oil fields,
- 1900 FreeBritainNow The British Labour Party was organised in 1900 as the Labour Representation Committee (LRC) by Fabian Society leaders Bernard Shaw and Edward Pease, and had Fabian Socialist Ramsay MacDonald as General Secretary (Pugh, p. 67). The LRC was renamed “The Labour Party” in 1906 and, under Fabian guidance and direction, it became the organisation it is today (Ratiu, 2012). By 1918, Labour had become Britain’s second-largest political organisation – replacing the Liberals – and in Pease’s own words, was “virtually, if not formally,” Fabian in its political policy (Pease, p. 73).
- 1905 HenryMakow "In order to effect the destruction of all collective forces except ours we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism, the universities, by re-educating them in a new direction." Protocols of Zion, 16 - and NFU Protocols page ... long march throught the education system...
- 1905 AmericanThinker Harvard was considered the "transmission belt" for socialism -- and specifically its Department of Economics. The most influential theory within the Department of Economics was that of Keynes. Keynes' socialism advocates strict control of the means of production through the supply of credit and money rather than ownership advocated by Marx. This way the Fabian goal could change everything while maintaining the outward appearance of the sheepskin. See Austrian Economics Econlib also LSE
- 1906 Zion's Trojan Horse, Senator Jack TenneyThe American Jewish Committee was organized in New York City in 1906. Some Jewish authorities contend that this group grew out of the National Committee for the Relief of Sufferers by Russian Massacres established in 1903 by Oscar S. Straus, Jacob H. Schiff and Cyrus L. Sulzberger, but there is much evidence to indicate that its creation was prompted by other considerations. Jewish authorities have referred to the “Fabian policy” adopted by the American Jewish Committee, a term which denotes a cautious, gradualistic approach to an objective. “backstair secret diplomacy.”
- 1910 Marxist.org ... Building the Fabian Church of the Future ... Early English Debates in Marxist Value Theory ... The Fabian Stained-Glass Window with the wolf in sheep's clothing ... at the London School of Economics was designed by Shaw in 1910... Vulgar Socialism under construction: Sidney Webb and Bernard Shaw hammer Africa and Asia. London School of Economics. In his Preface to Volume III of Capital, Engels publically remarked that "Mr. George Bernard Shaw" was building "the Fabian Church of the Future" on "the foundation of Jevons’s and Menger’s theory of use-value and marginal utility". Indeed, the Fabians saw themselves, quite consciously, as building a socialism not just different from Marxism but in opposition to it: ''there are at the present moment four people in London, calling themselves 'Socialists', who claim to have refuted our author [i.e. Marx] completely by opposing to his theory that of - Stanley Jevons! ...'', Engels told Danielson in 1888. He was almost certainly referring to the participants in the Fabian sponsored value debate....
- 1914 Tribwatch A.I. Kook spent the better part of World War I in London attempting to convince the Jews there to support Zionism. He played a role in the events rolling out from the Balfour Declaration of 1917, a Declaration (sponsored by Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild) that made the British government herself the official overseer of Zionism. After the War, Kook returned to Israel to become the chief Ashkenazi rabbi of the Jewish settlers...who had been settled predominantly by Edmond James de Rothschild. Kook was known for making alliances with secular Jews, the latter known as the "Maskilim" ("Enlightened Ones").
- 1914 Clifford Shack /NFU Of the two politicians of the post-Disraeli era to whom the Rothschilds were probably closest, one was a relative through marriage, Rosebery. The other was Randolph Churchill- the father of Winston Churchill. To say that Randolph had a close relationship to Nathaniel Rothschild, the head of the London house, is really somewhat of an understatement. So too would the word intimate. It was said that Randolph Churchill had an "excessive intimacy" with the Rothschilds, specifically with "Natty". Lady Salisbury, the wife of the Tory Prime Minister, Lord Robert Cecil , "launched out against Randolph who communicated everything to Natty Rothschild". "[Randolph] Churchill and Natty Rothschild seem[ed] to conduct the business of the empire in great measure together..."
- 1915 Wikipedia National Bolshevism is said to have roots in World War I Germany, where nationalist writers such as Ernst Niekisch and Ernst Jünger were prepared to tolerate the spread of communism as long as it took on the clothes of nationalism and abandoned its internationalist mission.[4] This tendency, although minor, continued into the 1930s when it became associated with the National Socialist Combat Movement, a dissident breakaway movement from the Nazi Party which espoused left-wing economics and which was led by Hermann Ehrhardt, Otto Strasser and Walther Stennes
- 1916 LaRouchePub Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940), the patron-saint of Israel's Likud party who also created Revisionist Zionism, and Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952), the decades-long chairman of the World Zionist Organization who was seen as the prime minister-in-exile of a Jewish Palestine, were both witting champions of the British Empire. They were instruments of Lord Alfred Milner and Leo Stennet Amery, the final authors of the Balfour Declaration, who craftily used them to secure British rule over Palestine as part of the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreements.
- 1917 Antony Sutton The secret British War Cabinet papers are now available and record the argument used by Thompson to sell the British government on a pro-Bolshevik policy. The prime minister of Great Britain was David Lloyd George. Lloyd George's private and political machinations rivaled those of a Tammany Hall politician — yet in his lifetime and for decades after, biographers were unable, or unwilling, to come to grips with them. In 1970 Donald McCormick's The Mask of Merlin lifted the veil of secrecy. McCormick shows that by 1917 David Lloyd George had bogged "too deeply in the mesh of international armaments intrigues to be a free agent" and was beholden to Sir Basil Zaharoff, an international armaments dealer, whose considerable fortune was made by selling arms to both sides in several wars.5 Zaharoff wielded enormous behind-the-scenes power and, according to McCormick, was consulted on war policies by the Allied leaders. On more than one occasion, reports McCormick, Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, and Georges Clemenceau met in Zaharoff's Paris home. McCormick notes that "Allied statesmen and leaders were obliged to consult him before planning any great attack." British intelligence, according to McCormick, "discovered documents which incriminated servants of the Crown as secret agents of Sir Basil Zaharoff with the knowledge of Lloyd George."6 In 1917 Zaharoff was linked to the Bolsheviks; he sought to divert munitions away from anti-Bolsheviks and had already intervened in behalf of the Bolshevik regime in both London and Paris. In late 1917, then — at the time Lamont and Thompson arrived in London — Prime Minister Lloyd George was indebted to powerful international armaments interests that were allied to the Bolsheviks and providing assistance to extend Bolshevik power in Russia. The British prime minister who met with William Thompson in 1917 was not then a free agent; Lord Milner was the power behind the scenes and, as the epigraph to this chapter suggests, favorably inclined towards socialism and Karl Marx. ... By way of summary, we find that Federal Reserve Bank director William Thompson was active in promoting Bolshevik interests in several ways — production of a pamphlet in Russian, financing Bolshevik operations, speeches, organizing (with Robins) a Bolshevik revolutionary mission to Germany (and perhaps France), and with Morgan partner Lamont influencing Lloyd George and the British War Cabinet to effect a change in British policy. Further, Raymond Robins was cited by the French government for organizing Russian Bolsheviks for the German revolution. We know that Robins was undisguisedly working for Soviet interests in Russia and the United States. Finally, we find that Robert Minor, one of the revolutionary propagandists used in Thompson's program, was released under circumstances suggesting intervention from the highest levels of the U.S. government.
- 1918 Sunray22b The first Meeting of the Fabian Society was held at the home of Mr E R Pease, a Member of the London Stock Exchange. Two of the leading Members were, George Bernard Shaw and Sidney Webb (husband of Beatrix [ sic ] Potter, the writer). Other early Members were Eleanor Marx; theosophist and occultist, Annie Besant; and the author, H. G. Wells. ... Fabian Socialism is a mixture of Fascism, Nazism, Marxism and Communism, all bundled together. However, it is much more deadly because it is much more clever and subtle. The only difference between Fabian Socialism and Communism is, that Communists take your house by directly sending in the ‘secret police’ to knock down your front door and Fabian Socialists do it much more subtly and cleverly ... British PM Tony Blair and President George Bush Jr’s globalist ‘war on terror’ is a classic Fabian Socialist strategy. ... The philosophy of the Fabian Society was written in 1887 and included the statement: The Fabian Society acknowledges the principal tenet of Marxism and the abolition of private property etc. (Of course, this does not apply to the elect oligarchy at the top, who end up owning the lot.) ... Sidney and Beatrice Webb published a book of 1143 pages in defence of Bolshevism. It was entitled, Soviet Communism: A New Civilisation [ See Webb Of Evil - Sidney and Beatrice Webb, London School of Economics ... today it is the intellectual wing of the Labour Party in the UK ... Since the 1997 British General Election, there have been around 200 Fabian MP’s in the House of Commons, some of whom have formed almost entire Labour Cabinets including Gordon Brown, Robin Cook, Jack Straw, David Blunkett, Peter Hain, Patricia Hewitt, John Reid, Ruth Kelly, Alan Milburn and Clare Short. Headed by Tony Blair, Fabians now dominate entire British Governments. They are resident in all Parties and sit on all important select Committees, Commissions and organisations allied to the Government. see LindsayJenkins.com Fabians control the European Union ... crafted its constitution ... the Labour Parties in both New Zealand and Australia, are closely affiliated to the Fabian Society in London. ... During the last century, members of the British Fabian Society, dynastic banking families in the City of London, financed the Communist takeover of Russia [ Antony Sutton, a very perceptive historian of Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution would not agree. He fingers Americans - Editor ] Trotsky, in his biography [ on line at My Life There is no reference to Brits financing Trotters - Ed. ], refers to some of the loans from these British financiers from as early as 1907. By 1917, the major subsidies and funding for the Bolshevik Revolution, were co-ordinated and arranged by Sir George Buchanan [ A good man it seems - Ed. ] and Lord Alfred Milner [ A cunning rogue - Ed. ]. The Communist system in Russia was a “British experiment” designed ultimately to become the Fabian Socialist Model for the British takeover of the world through the UN and the EU.
- 1919 - GripesOnline Prominent British and American personalities establish the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England and the Institute of International Affairs in the U.S. at a meeting arranged by Col. House; attended by various Fabian socialists Wikipedia, including noted economist John Maynard Keynes.
- 1919 ANationBeguiled In 1919 Rothschild’s Business Roundtable spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in London. The RIIA soon sponsored sister organizations around the globe, including the US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
- 1920 EIR How British Imperialists Created the Fascist Jabotinsky by Steven P. Meyer
- 1920 EIR How British Imperialists Created the Fascist Jabotinsky by Steven P. Meyer
- 1919-1920, Nicholas Kollerstrom ... the British developed the technique of bombing towns and villages, bombing Kabul, Afghanistan, and rebellious tribal groups along the border areas of India. And in the 1920s, the British intentionally bombed rebel villages in Somalia and Yemen and undertook an extended bombardment campaign against civilian populations in rebel areas in British-controlled Iraq for several years. The death toll from Germans bombing Guernica in 1937 was, according to David Irving, around ninety-eight.[55]
- 1920 Wikipedia Chatham House established ... The Royal Institute of International Affairs, commonly known as Chatham House ...finds its origins in a meeting, convened by Lionel Curtis, of the American and British delegates to the Paris Peace Conference on 30 May 1919. ... it's the British counterpart to the CFR ... ranked the second most influential think tank in the world after the Brookings Institution, and the world's most influential non-U.S. think tank
- 1920 McDonald ... All twentieth century Jewish intellectual and political movements stem from the deep involvement of Jews with the left. However, beginning in the late 1920s, when the followers of Leon Trotsky broke off from the mainstream communist movement, the Jewish left has not been unified. By all accounts the major figure linking Trotsky and the neoconservative movement is Max Shachtman, a Jew born in Poland in 1904
- 1921 EIR The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, formerly known as the Tavistock clinic, was founded in London in 1921. It quickly became known as the "Freud Hilton," due to the fact that Dr. Sigmund Freud's daughter, Dr. Anna Freud, became a leading figure there. In 1932, the clinic was taken over by Dr. John Rawlings Rees, a key figure in British Army intelligence. During World War II, then-Brigadier-General Rees was the top psychiatric warfare specialist of the British military command; Tavistock became the psychological warfare arm of the British military and intelligence services generally.
- 1922 SpiritualWiki ... Committee of 300, Only three hundred men, each of whom knows all others, govern the fate of Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of State, which they find unreasonable. Walter Rathenau (1867-1922) German industrialist, assassinated politician, Foreign Minister of Germany during the Weimar Republic, writer, Neue Freie Presse, Vienna, Christmas issue 24. December 1921 ... Original founders and funders of Tavistock included the (Illuminati) Committee of 300, the British Royal Family, the Milner Group, and the Rockefeller and Rothschild families. Another early influence on Tavistock was the (German Jewish) neo-Marxist Frankfurt School.
- 1922 ... 1922 on command of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA). Major John Rawlings Reese, a British Army technician, was instructed to set up the largest brainwashing facility in the world at the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations as a part of Sussex University.
- 1923 Internet Encylopedia of Philosophy ... in the 1960s the University of Frankfurt, (Institute of Social Research) to which the institute was attached, would receive the epithet “Karl Marx University”. The initial idea of an independently founded institute was conceived to provide for studies on the labor movement and the origins of anti-Semitism, which at the time were being ignored in German intellectual and academic life Not long after its inception, the Institute for Social Research was formally recognized by the Ministry of Education as an entity attached to Frankfurt University.
- 1923 Wikipedia Felix Weil, ... was a Jewish German-Argentine Marxist, who provided the funds to found the Institute for Social Research (Frankfurt School) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- 1923EuroCanadian In relation to Big Business, the Fabian (London School of Economics established in 1895) LSE has been funded by members associated with the financial assets accrued from BEIC as stated above. The major financial contributors include the Indian millionaire Ratan Tata, the Rockefeller Foundation (in 1923 it contributed $1 million and between 1929-1952 it contributed $4,105,592), the Rothschilds, Sir Julius Wernher, Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, Mrs. Ernest Elmhurst, widow of Willard Straight who was partner of J.P. Morgan, and Sir Ernest Cassel (and just recently, £1.5 million from Saif al-Islam Gaddafi).
- 1923 Merahaza LSE One of the primary institutions that received
patronage from some of the largest financial interests
was – and is – the London School of Economics (LSE). It
should be recalled that the LSE was founded by Fabian Socialists Wikipedia, with
Sidney Webb playing a particularly significant role.
Among the original patrons of the LSE was Sir Ernest
Cassel, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb and Co., and in the
armaments firm of Basil Zaharof, Vickers. Cassel, whose
humanitarianism might be open to suspicion, nonetheless
backed the LSE as a means of training a “socialist
bureaucracy.” ... Other funding came from
the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, the quintessential
international capitalists. The relationship can be
readily determined by Sir Ernest Cassel’s having
established the chair of “economic geography”; and of
Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild having been a Governor
of the LSE. In 1923 the first contribution from the Rockefeller Foundation
(via the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Fund) of $1,000,000
was made to the LSE. From 1929-1952 the Rockefeller
Foundation donated $4,105,592 to the LSE. and Wikipedia In the early 1900s Fabian Society members
advocated the ideal of a scientifically planned society
and supported eugenics by way of sterilization. This is
credited to the passage of the Half-Caste Act, and
see Young Fabians Wikipedia Peter Mandelson and Jack Straw were
members .... and one of the most important groups
within the Labour Party
- 1923 Falsification of History Franklin School and Tavistock
- 1926 KeynesatHarvard Keynes’ book, End of Laissez-Faire, was his most pronounced and clearcut advocacy of socialism. This Keynes work was not only enthusiastically embraced by Fascism but was listed as required reading by the League for Industrial Democracy and the Rand School of Social Science in the United States (both Fabian socialist). Harvard economic and sociological courses have repeatedly used the End of Laissez-Faire as required reading for undergraduates.
- 1926 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
- 1930 Terror-Illuminati Aquaian Conspiracy.... goes back to the 1930s, when the British sent Aldous Huxley to the United States as the case officer for an operation to prepare the United States for the mass dissemination of drugs. We will take this conspiracy apart step-by-step from its small beginnings with Huxley in California to the victimization of 15 million Americans today. With 'The Aquarian Conspiracy', the British Opium War against the United States has come out into the open. ... The high priest for Britain's Opium War was Aldous Huxley, the grandson of Thomas H. Huxley, a founder of the Rhodes Roundtable group and a lifelong collaborator of Arnold Toynbee. Toynbee himself sat on the RIIA council for nearly fifty years, headed the Research Division of British intelligence throughout World War II, and served as wartime briefing officer of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. (It must have backfired, for the 'hippies' were instrumental in ending the Vietnam War?) ... 'Doors of Perception,' described by Tavistock pioneer, Aldous Huxley. Tavistock wrote the blueprint for global domination, a triumph of image over substance. They wrote the book on propaganda, prognostication and profiling -- the staples of the full-spectrum surveillance society. They have contrived history.
- 1931 The Fighting Family (pro Zionist) In 1931, at the 17th Zionist Congress, Ze’ev Jabotinsky launched a frontal attack on Chaim Weizmann and forced him to tender his resignation as president of the World Zionist Organization. Weizmann typified the Zionist establishment’s piecemeal approach of acquiring land, building settlements and working in cooperation with the British mandatory authorities towards the final goal of statehood. For Jabotinsky Zionism’s was primarily a political movement, not an agency for economic development and settlement on the land. He denounced Weizmann’s `Fabian tactics’ and insisted on a forthright statement that the aim of the movement was a Jewish state on both sides of the river Jordan.
- pease "frankfurt school" "alfred milner"
- 1936 SchillerInstitute Kitty Kelly, The Hitler Project
- 1937 Heretical Eichmann himself admitted to being a staunch Zionist, ever since he had studied Herzl’s classic, The Jewish State (original title An Address to the Rothschilds) as part of his S.S. training. Eichmann attended, in civilian clothes, the commemoration ceremony of the thirty-fifth anniversary of Herzl’s death. And in 1939 he protested against the desecration of Herzl’s grave in Vienna. In 1937 Eichmann had visited Palestine on the formal invitation of a Zionist official. But he had scarcely arrived in the territory whereupon he was deported to Egypt by the British authorities. In Cairo, he was visited by a representative of one of the Jewish terrorist organizations Hagannah.
- 1938 Heretical probably the most bizarre liaison between Hitlerism and Zionism was in Austria and Hungary, where prominent Jewish leaders actively cooperated with the Nazis in registering the Jewish population and keeping order in the ghettoes, in return for allowing the emigration to Palestine of thousands of young Jewish pioneers. The Nazis even agreed to set up agricultural schools for the would-be emigrants in Austria. This entire affair is described in rhapsodical terms in The Secret Roads by Jon and David Kimche, two prominent British Zionists
- 1939 Resistance2010 MK-Ultra, the CIA's infamous "mind control" program, was an extension of the behavior control research conducted by the Tavistock Institute. Formed at Oxford University, London, in 1920 by the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), a sister organization to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) created by the Round Table, the Tavistock Clinic became the Psychiatric Division of the British Army during World War II. The clinic took its name from its benefactor Herbrand Russell, Marquees of Tavistock, 11th Duke of Bedford. The Dukes of Bedford was the title inherited by the influential Russell family, one of the most prominent aristocratic families in Britain who came to power and the peerage with the rise of the Tudor dynasty. Herbrand Russell and arch-conspirator Bertrand Russell shared the same great grandfather, John Russell, 6th Duke of Bedford. Bertrand Russell was descended from John Russell’s third son, Bertrand’s grandfather, John Russell, 1st Earl Russell, who served twice as Prime Minister of the England in the 1840s and 1860s. Herbrand Russell’s son, Hastings Russell, Lord Tavistock, the 12th Duke of Bedford, went on to become patron of the British Peoples Party, a far-right political party founded in 1939 and led by ex-members of Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists. It was he whom Rudolf Hess flew to England to contact about ending World War II.
- 1940 Aug 10 Rense Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had given an assurance that: 'The British Government would never resort to the deliberate attack on women and children and other civilians for the purpose of mere terrorism.' However, his successor Winston Churchill appointed as his personal adviser the Jewish Professor Lindemann. Lindemann, later Lord Cherwell, suggested the bombing of German cities and that working class civilian areas were legitimate targets, and from then onwards the last vestiges of civilised decency in warfare were abandoned. These bombings began on 10 August 1940 with the bombing of the small open town of Freiburg on the Swiss frontier. Fifty-three civilians were killed, including twenty children playing in the park. It was reported by Mr. Taylor of the American Red Cross in the New York Times of 3 May 1940. This was before the Germans began bombing British cities. ... Wikipedia has a completely different portrayal of the incident saying that the German Luftwaft bombed Frieburg by accident.
- 1943 BibleBelievers (Aquarian) Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, was developed in 1943 by Albert Hoffman, a chemist at Sandoz A.B.—a Swiss pharmaceutical house owned by S.G. Warburg. While precise documentation is unavailable as to the auspices under which the LSD research was commissioned, it can be safely assumed that British intelligence and its subsidiary U.S. Office of Strategic Services were directly involved. Allen Dulles, the director of the CIA when that agency began MK-Ultra, was the OSS station chief in Berne, Switzerland throughout the early Sandoz research. One of his OSS assistants was James Warburg, of the same Warburg family, who was instrumental in the 1963 founding of the Institute for Policy Studies, and worked with both Huxley and Robert Hutchins."10 CharlestonVoice Wikipedia LSD was first synthesized on November 16, 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann at the Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland (conveniently left out mention of Warburg) as part of a large research program searching for medically useful ergot alkaloid derivatives ... Beginning in the 1950s the US Central Intelligence Agency began a research program code named Project MKULTRA Google books
- 1943 Tavistock Agenda ... 1943: The Rockefeller Foundation helped fund the Allen Memorial Institute at McGill University in Montreal. Working with the Canadian military and the Office of Strategic Services (The OSS became the CIA in 1947), Dr. Cameron conducted torturous experiments on human guinea pigs in order to perfect the various mind control techniques.
- 1943: IAmTheWitness February 18th, Zionist, Izaak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, in a speech to the Zionist Executive Council states, “If I am asked, could you give from the UJA (United Jewish Appeal) monies to rescue Jews, I say, no and I say again no!” He would go onto state, “One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland!” This is not a surprise, the whole idea of Zionist support for the slaughter of innocent Jews was to scare the survivors into believing that their only place of safety was Israel. How else do you think the Zionists could ensure Jews leave the beautiful European cities in which they live, in order to settle in a desert!
- 1944 Nicholas Kollerstrom.. In the year 1940, British bombers ‘only’ unloaded five thousand tons of bombs onto German cities, whereas by 1944 they were sometimes exceeding that total in a single day. In the spring of ’44 German cities were being pounded with over one hundred thousand tons a month. German civilian deaths from British and American bombing of German cities have been estimated to have been around 600,000, and some 61 cities were turned to virtual rubble, while some 60,000 civilians were killed in the UK. Those cities had an estimated population of 25 million
- 1947 Educate Yourself Britain's Plot (Coefficients Club) to Destroy Civilization: The New Dark Ages Conspiracy ... on the members of the elite British group knows as the 'Coefficients' who eventually became the British Round Table. Other articles to be posted at this web site, will help explain how British oligarchs, working in cahoots with the Rothschilds, planned the creation of the state of Israel at the end of the 19th century in order to bring about the chaos we see today in the Middle East.
- 1951 ConspiracySchool / The Impact of Science on Society ... Russell offered a revealing glimpse into Frankfurt School’s mass social engineering efforts, in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society: I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called "education." Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part.... It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment. …Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.[2]
- 1960sLochman-Verlag ... From an italian book, “Massoni” by Gioele Magaldi. Via google translate. “…One of the closest associates of Tavistock from that time was Max Horkheimer, one of the fathers of the Frankfurt School, founded by the Fabian Society, and that dealt with Marxist sociology and psychology. From this school came Herbert Marcuse, who acquitted a primary task in preparing the cultural revolution of ’68 and the “paradigm shift” that ensued. During the Second World War, the school moved to the United States, where he continued to operate under the auspices of the American Jewish Committee (AJC). After the war, Max Horkheimer contributed, along with Ignatz Bubis, to reintroduce in Germany B’nai B’rith, high masonry reserved for Jews only. In the sixties it was the same Tavistock, in collaboration with the British secret services, to pilot the experiment the dissemination and use of drugs, especially that produced artificially, LSD, as part of that socially destabilizing phenomenon that was called ‘ counterculture “, thanks to large grants from the Ford Foundation, the British Centre for environmental studies, the British Ministry of Defense, of Harvard University and the social science research Council of Great Britain. A leading figure of the counterculture of drugs was Gregory Bateson, father degil hippie Californians, one of the five leading scientists of Tavistock who were responsible for the “social engineering experiments” drug-mediated. The RIAA, at the time, was led by former editor of the “Observer” – owned by the family Astor Andrew Shonfield (Bilderberg, Trilateral), board member of the Tavistock Institute and President of the aforementioned Research Council social Sciences. We point out that in 1967, under the direction of Shonfield, who headed the group of psychologists of Tavistock, Ronald David Laing published a book entitled The Politics of Experience, apologetic towards schizophrenia and drugs, in which it was argued that “dementia it is the only form of health.
- 1993 EIR The ADL's power derives from the fact that it is the dirty tricks arm of the B'nai B'rith, a nominally Jewish, masonic organization established by British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston in the 1840s. The B'nai B'rith and the ADL are still run out of Britain today-as are most Israeli and Arab terrorist organizations. One of the ADL's primary coordinators is the United Grand Lodge of England' s Quatuor Coronati research lodge, which manufactured the murderous Zionist settlers movement which the ADL helps deploy. The Hollinger Corporation, the British intelligence publishing front which owns the Jerusalem Post, is another ADL coordinator. ADL and Hollinger helped created the climate for the Rabin murder. Evelyn Robert de Rothschild
served for a time as a Director of Lord Black's Daily
Telegraph newspaper.
- 2000 Pravda The prominent senior Fabian Sidney Webb married the daughter Beactrice of the rich financier Richard Potter, who had connections to Prime Minister Arthur Balfour and the Bank dynasties. The Great Western Railways railroad pumped capitalist money in Sidney Webb's «London School of Economics» ( non-governmental organization: NGO actually a NoGo? ). George Bernard Shaw did not marry into the working class, but married the daughter of rich investor Horace Payne-Townshend, who again provided the Fabian Society with additional funds. Later Shaw worked for the multimillionaire William Waldorf Astor. Lord Rothschild worked with Sidney Webb to integrate the London School of Economics of the Fabians into the University of London. The institution is now regarded as a leader in the social sciences ( the visible leaders of the "City of London" are marionettes by Rothschild & Co. (videos).
- 2001 IAmTheWitness Kroll Associates (Jules Kroll, Zionist Ashkenazi Jew)...was notorious during the 1980s as the "CIA of Wall Street" due to the prevalence of former CIA, FBI, Scotland Yard, British secret service and British Special Air Service men Kroll employed for corporate espionage in takeover bids, as well as for destabilization of foreign nations. Greenberg (Maurice, Hank, AIG) has used his connections to covert intelligence, supranational institutions, private bankers and speculators, and his huge global cash inflow, to shape a unique personal empire. Since 1997, Frank G. Wisner, Jr., has been a board member of Kroll , and is currently Greenberg's Deputy Chairman for External Affairs. Wisner's father was a founder of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, who killed himself over the scandal from his being duped by British-Soviet master spy Kim Philby. Frank Wisner, Jr., is a director of the George Bush-linked energy giant Enron
- 1914 Aug Wikipedia ... Henry P. Davison, a Morgan partner, traveled to the United Kingdom and made a deal with the Bank of England to make J.P. Morgan & Co. (Rothschild agent) the sole underwriter of war bonds for the UK and France. The Bank of England became a fiscal agent of J.P. Morgan & Co., and vice versa. The company also invested in the suppliers of war equipment to Britain and France, thus profiting from the financing and purchasing activities of the two European governments.
- 1915 EIR... one of the most crucial steps in the buildup of the Jabotinskyites occurred, when Col. John Henry Patterson was selected to command Britain's Zionist Mule Corps. Like Dugdale, he was a rabid Christian Zionist, and he chose Jabotinsky as his military collaborator. For the next 31 years Patterson remained an ardent supporter of the Jabotinskyites, including the terrorist Irgun, and maintained an intimate relationship with Ben Zion Netanyahu, father of Benjamin Netanyahu. The Mule Corps was composed of all-Russian Jewish exiles living in Alexandria, Egypt. Organized by Jabotinsky, who did not serve, this military support group saw themselves as having the opportunity to help the British take over Palestine and themselves gain a foothold in establishing a Jewish state. It was Britain's first hint at using the Jews to secure Palestine as part of the broader Sykes-Picot arrangement.
- 1915 MayGlobal Research sinking of the Lusitania
- 1915 Aug The Ruling Elite: Zionist Seizure of World Power ... Colonel House warned Americans about German agents blowing up hydroelectric plants, gas & electric stations ...(Condoleeza Rice's and Bush 43 .... 'mushroom cloud' comes to mind...)
- 1915 Mises, Francis Neilson How Diplomats Make War article ... Francis Neilson (1867–1961) was a member of the British Parliament, one of the last truly educated British aristocrats, a colleague and friend of Albert Jay Nock's, and an amazing historian and stylist. He is also the author of this historic book, the first truly revisionist account of the origins of World War I to appear in English. It was published only six weeks after he resigned from Parliament. It blasted onto the scene in 1915, at a time when such talk would soon be against the law in the United States (yes, people went to jail for opposing the war). Neilson's thesis was that Germany didn't bear some unique guilt for the war; there was plenty of blame to go around, but ultimately its rests with the arms buildup and secret diplomacy of Britain
- 1915 JWFacts The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC (Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis) is an occult organization that uses the Winged-Disk as their logo. Rosicrucians are said to have existed for millennium and the AMORC organization started in 1915. As stated on their website http://www.rosicrucian.org/home.html (as at 30 March 2005)
- 1915 Wolzek ... Jews start the first true Marxist/Communist party in the U.S., called "The National Workmen's Committee" in New York City, which is made up of several radical Jews from various Jewish groups.
- 1915 History of the Money Changers J. P. Morgan became the sales agent for the, "War Materials Board," to both the British and the French engaged in World War I, and becomes the biggest consumer on the planet, spending 10 million dollars a day. Furthermore, President Woodrow Wilson appointed banker, Bernard Baruch, to head the, "War Industries Board." According to historian, James Perloff, both Bernard Baruch and the Rockefellers profited by approximately 200 million dollars during World War I.
- 1915 WarOnYou During World War I, Dillon served as Bernard Baruch's righthand man at the War Industries Board. In 1915, Dillon had set up American & Foreign Securities Corp. to finance the French Government's purchases of munitions in the U.S. His righthand man at Dillon Read was James A. Forrestal, who later died under mysterious circumstances --ed] while serving as Secretary of Defense. Dillon Read played a crucial role in rearming Hitler during the preparation for World War II. and Wikipedia Douglas Dillon (Laposky) Although Dillon grew up as a patrician, his paternal grandfather, Samuel Lapowski, was a poor Jewish immigrant from Poland. After leaving Poland, his grandfather settled in Texas after the American Civil War. Dillon's father Clarence later changed his family name to Dillon, after his grandmother's maiden name. 2] Dillon's mother, Anne Douglass, is descended from Grahams Lairds of Tamrawer Castle at Kilsyth, Stirling, Scotland. and A close friend of John D. Rockefeller III, he was chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1972 to 1975. He also served alongside John Rockefeller on the 1973 Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs, and under Nelson Rockefeller in the Rockefeller Commission to investigate CIA activities (along with Ronald Reagan). He had abeen president of Harvard Board of Overseers, chairman of the Brookings Institution, and vice chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. 2]
- 1915 - 1917 Procon Israel Palestine "In 1916 Husayn, the sharif of Mecca of the Hashimite family, came out in revolt against the Ottoman sultan, and an Arab force, recruited partly from beduin of western Arabia and partly from prisoners or deserters from the Ottoman army, fought alongside the allied forces in the occupation of Palestine and Syria. This movement had followed correspondence between the British and Hysayn, acting in contact with Arab nationalist groups, in which the British had encouraged Arab hopes of independence "An Anglo-French agreement of 1916, while accepting the principle of Arab independence laid down in the correspondence with the sharif Husayn, divided the area into zones of permanent influence (the Sykes-Picot Agreement,
- 1915 Winter The Ruling Elite: Zionist Seizure of World Power The British blockaded all food supplies to Germany ... against international law and human decency. Dodge of Kuhn Loeb & Co, who controlled National City Bank, profited hansomely from munitions shipments from America to Europe.
- 1915 ModernHistoryProject During World War I, J. Henry Schroder Banking Company played an important role behind the scenes. No historian has a reasonable explanation of how World War I started. Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated at Sarajevo by Gavril Princeps, Austria demanded an apology from Serbia, and Serbia sent the note of apology. Despite this, Austria declared war, and soon the other nations of Europe joined the fray. Once the war had gotten started, it was found that it wasn't easy to keep it going. The principal problem was that Germany was desperately short of food and coal, and without Germany, the war could not go on. John Hamill in "The Strange Career of Mr. Hoover" [63] explains how the problem was solved. He quotes from Nordeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, March 4, 1915,
- 1916 May Procon Israel Palestine ...the British document of 1917, the Balfour Declaration, stated that the government viewed with favor the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine, provided this did not prejudice the civil and religious rights of the other inhabitants of the country."
- 1916 Feb RealJewNews Anthony Sutton, it was Wall Street Jewish Banker, Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb Bank, who brought Leon Trotsky – born “Lev Bronstein” – to New York in February of 1916. Trotsky recruited Russian Jews from the immigrant population of the Lower East Side of Manhattan and trained them as armed revolutionaries. On March 27th 1917, Schiff sent Trotsky and his group of Jewish communists off to Russia to lead a Marxist Revolution with no less than $20 million dollars in gold, today worth billions. That same month, the Tsar was forced to abdicate…and along with his family was placed under house arrest in St Petersburg.
- 1916 Bibliotecapledes , Alexander Parvus suggested that the German government should finance Lenin and his Party still more intensively. They would be able to make a separate peace with Germany if they reached power in Petrograd. It was also clear to the Germans that the Bolsheviks would be able to efficiently weaken Russia. The Kaiser's Zionist adviser Walter Rathenau (1867-1922), who was a rich industrialist, also recommended financing the Bolsheviks
- 1916 PalestineRemembered 30 January Husayn-McMahon correspondence between Sharif Husayn of Mecca (leader of the Arab Revolt against the Ottomans) and Sir Henry McMahon (British High Commissioner of Egypt) ends in agreement for postwar independence and unity of Arab provinces of Ottoman Empire. 16 May Sykes-Picot Agreement secretly signed, dividing Arab provinces of Ottoman Empire between Britain and France. Agreement revealed by Bolsheviks in December
1916 ReformedTheology Evidence already published by George Katkov, Stefan Possony, and Michael Futrell has established that the return to Russia of Lenin and his party of exiled Bolsheviks, followed a few weeks later by a party of Mensheviks, was financed and organized by the German government.1 The necessary funds were transferred in part through the Nya Banken in Stockholm, owned by Olof Aschberg, and the dual German objectives were: (a) removal of Russia from the war, and (b) control of the postwar Russian market.2 We have now gone beyond this evidence to establish a continuing working relationship between Bolshevik banker Olof Aschberg and the Morgan-controlled Guaranty Trust Company in New York before, during, and after the Russian Revolution. In tsarist times Aschberg was the Morgan agent in Russia and negotiator for Russian loans in the United States; during 1917 Aschberg was financial intermediary for the revolutionaries; and after the revolution Aschberg became head of Ruskombank, the first Soviet international bank, while Max May, a vice president of the Morgan-controlled Guaranty Trust, became director and chief of the Ruskom-bank foreign department. We have presented documentary evidence of a continuing working relationship between the Guaranty Trust Company and the Bolsheviks. The directors of Guaranty Trust in 1917 are listed in Appendix 1.
- 1916 Heddesheimer ... The First Holocaust and Exposing Communism the Six Million Lie .... 1916 and the late 1920s, mainly American Jewish organizations were claiming that up to six million Jews(!) would suffer terribly in poverty stricken Eastern Europe and ... would face a Holocaust if they did not receive massive aid. With such claims, millions of dollars were raised in the United States, which at the end were partly used to finance the Soviet revolution in Russia.
- 1916 NFU...Jabotinsky, the patron-saint of Israel's Likud party who also created Revisionist Zionism, and Chaim Weizmann, chairman of the World Zionist Org..., were both witting champions of the British Empire. They were instruments of Lord Alfred Milner... authors of the Balfour Declaration, who craftily used them to secure British rule over Palestine as part of the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreements.
- 1916 David Duke - Jewish Supremacism ... a book entitled Trotsky and the Jews, written by Joseph Nedava and published by the Jewish Publication Society (Philadelphia, 1971). The book points out that before the Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky (born Lev Bronstein) used to play chess with Baron Rothschild of the famous Rothschild banking family.
- 1916 YouTube / Texas Liberty...The Bloody History of Communism and Cultural Marxism
- 1916 Wikipedia...BakerHostetler is an American law firm founded in 1916. One of the firm's founders, Newton D. Baker, was U.S. Secretary of War during World War I and former Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. clients: ABC, Inc. Airbus S.A.S. Bayer Boeing Cardinal Health, Inc. CNL Financial Group Colgate-Palmolive Co. Corning Electronic Data Systems The E.W. Scripps Co. ExxonMobil Thermo Fisher Scientific Ford Gruner + Jahr Hospital Corporation of America Hyatt IBM KeyCorp KLM Microsoft Corp. Schlumberger Sprint Nextel State Farm Prevezon Progressive Corp. Trammell Crow Co. Verizon and Vioz Wachovia
- 1916 EIR...Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940), the patron-saint of Israel's Likud party who also created Revisionist Zionism, and Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952), the decades-long chairman of the World Zionist Organization who was seen as the prime minister-in-exile of a Jewish Palestine, were both witting champions of the British Empire. They were instruments of Lord Alfred Milner and Leo Stennet Amery, the final authors of the Balfour Declaration, who craftily used them to secure British rule over Palestine as part of the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreements.
- 1917 Antony Sutton The secret British War Cabinet papers are now available and record the argument used by Thompson to sell the British government on a pro-Bolshevik policy. The prime minister of Great Britain was David Lloyd George. Lloyd George's private and political machinations rivaled those of a Tammany Hall politician — yet in his lifetime and for decades after, biographers were unable, or unwilling, to come to grips with them. In 1970 Donald McCormick's The Mask of Merlin lifted the veil of secrecy. McCormick shows that by 1917 David Lloyd George had bogged "too deeply in the mesh of international armaments intrigues to be a free agent" and was beholden to Sir Basil Zaharoff, an international armaments dealer, whose considerable fortune was made by selling arms to both sides in several wars.5 Zaharoff wielded enormous behind-the-scenes power and, according to McCormick, was consulted on war policies by the Allied leaders. On more than one occasion, reports McCormick, Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, and Georges Clemenceau met in Zaharoff's Paris home. McCormick notes that "Allied statesmen and leaders were obliged to consult him before planning any great attack." British intelligence, according to McCormick, "discovered documents which incriminated servants of the Crown as secret agents of Sir Basil Zaharoff with the knowledge of Lloyd George."6 In 1917 Zaharoff was linked to the Bolsheviks; he sought to divert munitions away from anti-Bolsheviks and had already intervened in behalf of the Bolshevik regime in both London and Paris. In late 1917, then — at the time Lamont and Thompson arrived in London — Prime Minister Lloyd George was indebted to powerful international armaments interests that were allied to the Bolsheviks and providing assistance to extend Bolshevik power in Russia. The British prime minister who met with William Thompson in 1917 was not then a free agent; Lord Milner was the power behind the scenes and, as the epigraph to this chapter suggests, favorably inclined towards socialism and Karl Marx. ... By way of summary, we find that Federal Reserve Bank director William Thompson was active in promoting Bolshevik interests in several ways — production of a pamphlet in Russian, financing Bolshevik operations, speeches, organizing (with Robins) a Bolshevik revolutionary mission to Germany (and perhaps France), and with Morgan partner Lamont influencing Lloyd George and the British War Cabinet to effect a change in British policy. Further, Raymond Robins was cited by the French government for organizing Russian Bolsheviks for the German revolution. We know that Robins was undisguisedly working for Soviet interests in Russia and the United States. Finally, we find that Robert Minor, one of the revolutionary propagandists used in Thompson's program, was released under circumstances suggesting intervention from the highest levels of the U.S. government.
- 1917 Communism-Explained Blog The funding of the Russian Revolution by US bankers had nothing to do with their desire to spread communism or with sympathising with the communist cause. They funded the Bolsheviks for three main reasons: The Russian Oil fields, the establishment of a Central Bank, and getting rid of the last Tsar: Both America’s Standard Oil, which belonged to the Rockefeller family, and the Royal Dutch Shell, of which the Rothschild family were the major stock holders, had interests in the rich Russian oil fields. But these oil fields belonged to the Tsar Nicholas II. The last three Tsars of Russia (Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II) had always opposed the creation of a Central Bank in Russia own by the international bankers.
- 1917 Darkmoon Jewish Bolshevik Revolution
- 1917 History of the Money Changers The money changers never forgave the Tsars of Russia for both continually opposing their request to set up a central bank in Russia, as well as their support of President Lincoln during the Civil War. Therefore, Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild, spent 20 million dollars through his firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., in financing the Russian Revolution. It is commonly believed that Communism is the opposite of Capitalism, so why would these capitalists support it? Respected researcher, Gary Allen, explains it as follows, "If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but it is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite." Wikipedia Jacob Schiff Jacob Henry Schiff, born Jakob Heinrich Schiff (January 10, 1847 – September 25, 1920) was a German-born Jewish American banker and philanthropist, who helped finance, among many other things, the Japanese military efforts against Tsarist Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. ... From his base on Wall Street, he was the foremost Jewish leader from 1880 to 1920 in what later became known as the "Schiff era", grappling with all major Jewish issues and problems of the day, including the plight of Russian Jews under the Tsar, American and international anti-semitism, care of needy Jewish immigrants, and the rise of Zionism. 1] He also became the director of many important corporations, including the National City Bank of New York, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Wells Fargo & Company, and the Union Pacific Railroad. In many of his interests he was associated with E.H. Harriman. ... The Jewish Communal Register of New York City noted that "Mr. Schiff has always used his wealth and his influence in the best interests of his people. He financed the enemies of autocratic Russia and used his financial influence to keep Russia from the money markets of the United States." 17] Henry Wickham Steed, the chief editor of The Times during the period, argued that this aid went beyond the Kerensky regime, stating that "the prime movers of the Bolshevik revolution] were Jacob Schiff, Warburg, and other international financiers, who wished above all to bolster up the Jewish Bolshevists in order to secure a field for German and Jewish exploitation of Russia." 18] Historian Juri Lina in his book, Under the Sign of the Scorpion, claims that it was Schiff who gave the order to kill the Tsar and his family. The Hoover Institution scholar, Antony Sutton, who specialized in the role of Western Technological and financial transfers in building up the Soviet State, noted that the role of Schiff's firm of Kuhn, Loeb, & Co. in supporting the bolsheviks continued beyond the revolution, writing that "there is a report in the State Department files that names Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Metapedia Jacob Schiff, a Zionist, was ultra-ethnocentric in worldview and worked tirelessly to destroy Tsar Nicholas II and the Russian Empire. During the Russo-Japanese War he loaned the Japanese, $200 million through Kuhn, Loeb & Co. He also funded the Judeo-Bolshevist usurpation of Russia, through co-tribalists Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin to the amount of $20 million. 1] JewsofNewYork Jacob Schiff A German Jew, Schiff was an ardent supporter of Russian Jewry; he lobbied Congress and President Grover Cleveland (Wikipedia) to prevent the passage of legislation which would have prevented the massive wave of Russian Jewish immigrants from whom most current New York Jews descend. His son Mortimer Schiff, also an investment banker, was an early leader of the Boy Scouts of America, and his granddaughter Dorothy Schiff spent 40 years as publisher of “The New York Post.”
- 1917 YouTube Russian Bolshevik Revolution was a Rothschild/Morgan Masonic Coup
- 1917 JTA Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish... referencing the library of Rabbi Joseph I. Schneerson, the late leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement... Widely seen as the first Soviet government, the Council of People’s Commissars was formed in 1917 and comprised 16 leaders, including chairman Vladimir Lenin, foreign affairs chief Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin, who was in charge of the People’s Commissariat of Nationalities.
- 1917. PalestineRemembered June Sharif Husayn proclaims Arab independence from Ottomans. Arab Revolt against Istanbul begins.
- 1917 DeanHenderson The Saudi throne has long served as anti-democratic bulwark in the region for the London/Wall Street bankers and their inbred royal European shareholder brethren. It was all part of a plan hatched by the Rothschild-controlled Business Roundtable a century ago to seize control of Middle East oil. .. The Rothschilds are majority owners of BP and Royal Dutch/Shell, as well as the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and the Saudi central bank – Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA). In 1917 the British made a client of Ibn Saud, who was told to encourage Arab tribesman to repel the Ottoman Turks from the Persian Gulf Region. That same year the British House of Rothschild pushed through the Balfour Declaration, lending Crown support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. A year later the Ottomans were defeated.
- 1917 Oct OccidentalObserver... “the Bolsheviks equated anti-Semitism with counterrevolution” and applied the rigors of martial law to “pogromists.” This attracted huge numbers of Jews into the ranks of the new Bolshevik regime, who “provided very many cadres to both the provincial administrations of the new regime and the army.” The prevalence of Jews in the new administration was such that the “Soviet government [effectively] made anti-Semitism a proxy for anti-Bolshevism.”[xiv]
- 1917 EIR World War I was Britain's geopolitical war, orchestrated by the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII), to break up the cooperation between the economic powerhouse Germany, and Russia. It was the threat to British imperial control represented by Bismarck's Germany, Russia under Alexander II, and other nations which were beginning to adopt the American System of economic development, that led the British to war, in an attempt to preserve the hegemony of their oligarchical financial system, and the empire which rested on it. Emblematic of the threat as perceived by Britain, was the Berlin-Baghdad railway project.
- 1917 the British made a client
out of Ibn Saud, who was also told to
encourage Arab tribesman to repel the
Ottoman Turks from the Gulf Region at the
onset of WWI. That same year the British
House of Rothschild pushed through the
Balfour Declaration, lending Crown support
for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
Rothschild was less concerned about the
Jewish people than he was about establishing
a Middle East outpost from where he and his
lackeys could keep watch over the center of
their global oil monopoly. A year later the
Ottomans were defeated.
- 1917 April SweetLiberty Justice Brandeis (Jew) volunteered his opinion to president Wilson that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English Channel with the loss of lives of United States citizens justified the declaration of war against Germany by the United States. Relying to a great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis, President Wilson addressed both houses of Congress on April 2, 1917. He appealed to Congress to declare war against Germany and they did on April 7, 1917. (This action was the result of blackmail on the part of Lois Brandeis and Samuel Untermeyer who had in their possession love letters from a former mistress of Wilson's who was the wife of a Princeton professor whose son needed $40,000 to settle debts,... of which Wilson obliged by granting Untermeyers recommendation of Brandeis as Supreme Court Justice) ... After the October 1916 agreement was concluded between the British War Cabinet and the World Zionist Organization, the Talmudists throughout the world were hopeful that an international incident would soon occur to justify a declaration of war against Germany by the United States. The declaration of war against Germany by the United States guaranteed the Talmudists throughout the world that Palestine was to be turned over to them upon the defeat of Germany. The defeat of Germany was certain if the United States could be railroaded into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally.
- 1917 - GripesOnline With aid from financiers in New York City and London, V. I. Lenin is able to overthrow the government of Russia. Lenin later comments on the apparent contradiction of the links between prominent capitalists and Communism: "There also exists another alliance - at first glance a strange one, a surprising one - but if you think about it, in fact, one which is well grounded and easy to understand. This is the alliance between our Communist leaders and your capitalists." Remember the Hegelian dialectic?] ThirdWorldTravelor Gary Allen Most of us believe socialism is what the socialists want us to believe it is-a share-the-wealth program. That is the theory. But is that how it works? Let us examine the only Socialist countries-according to the Socialist definition of the word-extant in the world today. These are the Communist countries. The Communists themselves refer to these as Socialist countries, as in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Here in the reality of socialism you have a tiny oligarchial clique at the top, usually numbering no more than three percent of the total population, controlling the total wealth, total production and the very lives of the other ninety-seven percent cent...
- 1917 Dec ControversyofZion In the fall of 1917 the British government ... transfered a considerable part of the forces fighting in France to the Near East in order to drive the Turks, a German ally, out of Palestine, ... which succeeded ... Jerusalem was conquered in Dec 1917 ... but had catastrophic consequences for the British army ... after Russia's dropping out of the war, the Germans were able to throw most of their units, until then tied up on the Russian front, to the West. The British suffered terrible losses, and only arrivals of huge numbers of American troops in the spring of 1918 prevented a total catastrophe. Only many years later he understood the reason: “The Invisible Pressure” of the Zionists on the government in London, which approved the establishment of a Jewish state, had been successful. On the 2nd of November 1917, while the fighting in the Near East was in full swing, the minister of foreign affairs, Lord Arthur Balfour, had promised the Zionist Lionel Rothschild, in writing, that his government would support the efforts to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. In order to be able to hand over this area to the Zionists, the English would have to conquer it first, of course.
- 1917: Mahalo Thief in Law, or skilled thieves, begin to occupy an important place in society wikipedia
- 1917 Zionism_Israel British issued the Balfour Declaration, promising a “National Home” for the Jews in Palestine.
- 1917 IAmTheWitness Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild was the addressee of the Balfour Declaration, which committed the British government to the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. The Rothschilds were supporters of the State of Israel, and Baron Edmond James de Rothschild was a patron of the first settlement in Palestine at Rishon-LeZion.
- 1917 Wikipedia Leon Trotsky ... was a Marxist revolutionary and theorist, a Soviet politician who engineered the transfer of all political power to the Soviets with the October Revolution of 1917, and the founding leader of the Red Army. Trotsky initially supported the Menshevik Internationalists faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. He joined the Bolsheviks just before the 1917 October Revolution, and eventually became a leader within the Communist Party. He was, alongside Lenin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Stalin, Sokolnikov and Bubnov, one of the seven members of the first Politburo, founded in 1917 to manage the Bolshevik Revolution ... He was a major figure in the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War (1918–1923). ... After leading a failed struggle of the Left Opposition against the policies and rise of Joseph Stalin in the 1920s and against the increasing role of bureaucracy in the Soviet Union, Trotsky was removed from power (October 1927), expelled from the Communist Party (November 1927), exiled to Alma–Ata (January 1928), and exiled from the Soviet Union (February 1929). As the head of the Fourth International, Trotsky continued to oppose the Stalinist bureaucracy in the Soviet Union from exile. On Stalin's orders, he was assassinated in Mexico in August 1940 by Ramón Mercader, a Spanish-born Soviet agent
1917 PalestineRemembered 2 November Balfour Declaration. British Secretary of State Balfour pledges British support for NewsFollowup.com "a Jewish national home in Palestine."
- 1917 Antony Sutton On December 17, 1917, there appeared in a Moscow newspaper an attack on Red Cross colonel Raymond Robins and Thompson, alleging a link between the Russian Revolution and American bankers: Why are they so interested in enlightenment? Why was the money given the socialist revolutionaries and not to the constitutional democrats? One would suppose the latter nearer and dearer to hearts of bankers. The article goes on to argue that this was because American capital viewed Russia as a future market and thus wanted to get a firm foothold. The money was given to the revolutionaries because the backward working men and peasants trust the social revolutionaries. At the time when the money was passed the social revolutionaries were in power and it was supposed they would remain in control in Russia for some time. Another report, dated December 12, 1917, and relating to Raymond Robins, details "negotiation with a group of American bankers of the American Red Cross Mission"; the "negotiation" related to a payment of two million dollars. On January 22, 1918, Robert L Owen, chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking and Currency and linked to Wall Street interests, sent a letter to Woodrow Wilson recommending de facto recognition of Russia, permission for a shipload of goods urgently needed in Russia, the appointment of representatives to Russia to offset German influence, and the establishment of a career-service group in Russia. This approach was consistently aided by Raymond Robins in Russia. For example, on February 15, 1918, a cable from Robins in Petrograd to Davison in the Red Cross in Washington (and to be forwarded to William Boyce Thompson) argued that support be given to the Bolshevik authority for as long as possible, and that the new revolutionary Russia will turn to the United States as it has "broken with the German imperialism." According to Robins, the Bolsheviks wanted United States assistance and cooperation together with railroad reorganization, because "by generous assistance and technical advice in reorganizing commerce and industry America may entirely exclude German commerce during balance of war." In brief, the tug-of-war in Washington reflected a struggle between, on one side, old-line diplomats (such as Ambassador Francis) and lower-level departmental officials, and, on the other, financiers like Robins, Thompson, and Sands with allies such as Lansing and Miles in the State Department and Senator Owen in the Congress.
- 1917: IAmTheWitness As a result of Germany's offer of peace the Rothschild war machine goes into overdrive in America, spreading propaganda which leads to President Wilson under the instructions of American Zionist leader and Supreme Court Justice, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, reneging on his promise to the electorate and taking America into the first world war on April 6.
- 1917 AntiZionistLeague Early in the 19th centuryJewish Zionists Karl Marx and Moses Hess developed a formula for white man’s demise. Communism (Marxism) synonymous with Bolshevism was designed to destroy a race, the white race. Transformed into cultural Marxism (Political Correctness) the Zionists have used the weapon of communism to bring the European peoples to their Vladimir Lenin (Genocide)knees. The Jew Vladimir Lenin adopted communism under the 16.5 Million Europeans murdered in all 3 Holodomorsname ‘Bolshevism’ for his regime to murder way in excess of 66 million ethnic Europeans, the Holodomor Genocides alone taking 16.5 million. Communism proposes an unnatural equality as an excuse for the mass immigration into Europe and the promotion of miscegenation (race mixing: White Genocide). A parallel is easily made between communisms past (displacement of Asian ethnicities into Europe) and the current importation of coloured nations. Its destructive results can be seen all across Europe.
- 1917: IAmTheWitness The Rothschilds order the execution by the Bolsheviks they control, of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family in Russia, even though the Tsar had already abdicated on March 2. This is both to get control of the country and an act of revenge for Tsar Alexander I blocking their world government plan in 1815 at the Congress Of Vienna, and Tsar Alexander II siding with President Abraham Lincoln in 1864. It is extremely important for them to slaughter the entire family including women and children in order to make good on the promise to do so made by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. It is designed to show the world what happens if you ever attempt to cross the Rothschilds. ... U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway informs Congress that J. P. Morgan is a Rothschild front and has taken control of the American media industry. He states, "In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press... ...They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers...An agreement was reached. The policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month, an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers."
- 1917 Bibleoteca Pleyades Baron Lionel de Rothschild was another close friend of Disraeli. One of Cecil Rhodes' sisters was the mother of Arthur J. Balfour (An occultist who wrote a letter to Lionel de Rothschild in November 1917 declaring that the British government stood behind Zionist plans to build a Jewish national home in Palestine) and Gerald W. Balfour. Even today, the Hatfield House is the Hertfordshire home of the family, built between 1609 and 1611 by the1st Earl of Salisbury; a Privy Councillor and Knight of the Garter who was the Chief Minister to James I.
- 1917 Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review .there were 23 Jews among the 62 Bolsheviks in the All-Russian Central Executive Committee elected at the Second Congress of Soviets in October, 1917. Jews were the leaders of the movement, and to a great extent they were its public face. Slezkine quotes historian Mikhail Beizer who notes, commenting on the situation in Leningrad, that “Jewish names were constantly popping up in newspapers. Jews spoke relatively more often than others at rallies, conferences, and meetings of all kinds.”54 In general, Jews
- 1917 Wikipedia On the eve of the February Revolution, in 1917, the Bolshevik party had about 10,000 members, of whom 364 were ethnic Jews.[13][19] Between 1917 and 1919, Jewish Bolshevik party leaders included Grigory Zinoviev, Moisei Uritsky, Lev Kamenev, Yakov Sverdlov, Grigory Sokolnikov, and Leon Trotsky. Lev Kamenev was of mixed ethnic Russian and Jewish parentage. Trotsky was also a member (or "Narkom") of the ruling Council of People's Commissars. Among the 23 Narkoms between 1923 and 1930, five were Jewish.
- 1917 Reformed Theology In 1917 W. Averell Harriman was a director of Guaranty Trust Company ... was involved in the Bolshevik Revolution through shipping operations... Harriman formed the Merchant Shipbuilding Corporation in 1917, which soon became the largest merchant fleet under American flag. This fleet was disposed of in 1925 and Harriman entered the lucrative Russian market.
- 1917 Eustace Mullins The Secret Holocaust Rev. Denis Fahey, in his book, "The Rulers of Russia", exposed the real names of many of the Jewish terrorists who operated the Soviet murder machine in Russia. Trotsky was Bronstein, Martov was Zederbaum, Zinoviev was Apfelbaum, Kamenev was Rosenfeld, Parvus was Helphand, Bohrin was Nathanson, and so on.
- 2000 WRMEA ... In recent years there has been a dramatic growth of Jewish fundamentalism in Israel which has manifested itself in vigorous opposition to the peace process and has played a key role, as well, in the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the murder of 29 Muslims at prayer by the American-born fundamentalist, Baruch Goldstein. Few outside of Israel have been properly informed about the extent of the fundamentalist movement or the theology upon which it is based. American Jews, in particular, seem unaware of the narrow ethnocentrism which is promoted by the movement’s leading rabbis, or of the traditional Jewish sources they are able to call upon in drawing clear distinctions between the moral obligations owed to Jews and non-Jews. ... Rabbi Kook the Elder, the revered father of the messianic tendency of Jewish fundamentalism, said, “The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews—all of them in all different levels—is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.” ... Rabbi Kook’s entire teaching, which is followed devoutly by, among others, those who have led the settler movement on the occupied West Bank, is based upon the Lurianic Cabbala, the school of Jewish mysticism that dominated Judaism from the late16th to the early 19th century. “One of the basic tenets of the Lurianic Cabbala,” the authors write, “is the absolute superiority of the Jewish soul and body over the non-Jewish soul and body. ... Common to both the Talmud and Halacha, Orthodox religious law, is a differentiation between Jews and non-Jews. ... ”˜And the strangers shall guard and feed your flocks’ (Isaiah 61:5). The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews...” ... Schneerson ... followers played an important role in the election victory of Binyamin Netanyahu. ... Rabbi Ginsburgh speaks freely of Jews’ genetic-based, spiritual superiority over non-Jews. “If you saw two people drowning, a Jew and a non-Jew, the Torah says you save the Jewish life first,” ... Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, another spokesman, said, “We must live in this land even at the price of war. Moreover, even if there is peace, we must instigate wars of liberation in order to conquer it [the land].” (Eretz JIsrael) ... The murder of Yitzhak Rabin, the authors show, is one in a long line of murders of Jews who followed a path different from that ordained by rabbinic authorities. ... Talmudic Law: “law of the pursuer” (din rodef) and the “Law of the informer” (din moser). The first law commands every Jew to kill or to wound severely any Jew who is perceived as intending to kill another Jew. ...
- 2016 David Duke / Amazon... His book "Jewish Supremacism" has sold over 500,000 copies. The Zionist effort to get the book banned has only served to fuel its popularity ...In the first few pages of Jewish Supremacism, Duke quotes Dr. Richard Steinlight, a former head of National Affairs for the largest Jewish organisation in the United States. Here is the quotation taken from a 2001 magazine article written by Dr. Steinlight:- 'I'll confess it at least, like thousands of other typical kids of my generation I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months of ten formative years... I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colours, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language... and was taught the superiority of my people to the 'Gentiles' who oppressed us. 'We were taught to view non-Jews as... people less sensitive, intelligent and moral than ourselves.' This method of quoting major Jewish figures and sources is used hundreds of times in Duke's book to advance his thesis that there is a powerful Jewish supremacist element in Judaism and Zionism that threatens not only the freedom of the Palestinian people but all nations, including the United States. Duke also uses direct quotes from the Talmud and other major Jewish sources, such as the Jewish Encyclopedia to expose a long-standing cadre of hateful, anti-Gentile Jewish supremacists. Shocking quotes are displayed from major Jewish magazines that boast of a Jewish supremacy over the media and politics of the United States. He finds disturbing and hateful words from Jewish leaders, such as Ariel Sharon, which openly support genocide, and he reveals quotations from Israeli leaders who equate Zionism and Nazism. Of course, he also cites many prominent Gentiles of historical and contemporary times, but the Jewish quotations and sources have the greatest power. Frankly, they are so convincing that Jewish leaders have sought to get the book banned in many nations.
- 1917 Wikipedia translation: Olof Aschberg parents were Herman Asch and Rosa Schlossberg and belonged to the Judaism to. He received a business education in several European cities such as Hamburg, London and Paris. His business career began in Aschberg Swedish textile business. But soon he moved to the financial sector. He was 1912 founder and majority owner of the Swedish Cooperative Bank AB Nya banks and their bank director until 1918. With its excellent contacts to the Russian Finance Minister Pyotr Bark (1869-1937) he was successful as its representative in the United States a Russian loan in an amount place of $ 50 million. But his sympathies were with the Bolsheviks . [2] In addition to Jacob Schiff and others, he financed the Revolution and the early years of the new Russian government. For this purpose he founded the Guarantee and Credit Bank for the East in Berlin. He was also a consultant of Aaron Schejnmann (1886-1944), President of the Central Bank of the Soviet Union worked. [3] In support of their work with financial investors abroad was the Russian commercial bank founded with Aschberg as CEO.
- 1917 Wikipedia Natalia Ivanovna Sedova (Russian: Ната́лья Ива́новна Седо́ва; April 5, 1882, Romny – January 23, 1962, Corbeil) is best known as the second wife of Leon Trotsky, the Russian revolutionary. She was, however, also an active revolutionary in her own right and wrote on cultural matters pertaining to Marxism. Her father was wealthy merchant. Her life was marked by the same tragedy as that of her lover, as she accompanied him into his final exile from Russia. Her son, Lev Sedov, was an active and leading member of the Bolshevik-Leninist movement that his father led and was almost certainly assassinated as a result of that. Her other son, Sergei Sedov, who was not politically active and remained in Russia, was almost certainly murdered by agents of Joseph Stalin. After her husband's assassination in 1940, Natalia Sedova remained in Mexico and maintained contact with many exiled revolutionaries. Her best known work in these last years was a biography of Trotsky, which she co-authored with fellow Russian revolutionary Victor Serge. She was also close to theSpanish revolutionary Grandizo Munis who had led the tiny Spanish Sección Bolchevique-Leninista during the revolutionary events in the 1930s. Under his influence, she came to adopt the position that the USSR was a state capitalist society and that the Fourth International founded by Trotsky no longer held to the revolutionary programme of Communism. Therefore, she broke from the FI in 1951.
- 1917 Fall WSWS Hollywood pro war propaganda films ... Immediately after President Wilson declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, Universal announced Universal Preparedness Productions, whose offerings included serials, shorts and features with such titles as Uncle Sam at Work, The War Waif, The Birth of Patriotism and Uncle Sam’s Gun Shops. The studio scored additional propaganda points by releasing Rupert Julian’s The Kaiser, The Beast of Berlin (1918) and a satire, The Geezer of Berlin (1918). The anti-Kaiser propaganda apparently did its job well. In Davenport, Iowa, a public screening of The Beast of Berlin was interrupted when a man yelled and rushed down the aisle of the theater with a gun, firing two shots at the screen. [5] In the fall of 1917, Universal signed its first government contract to produce official state films, starting with the US Department of Agriculture. During the summer of 1918, Laemmle’s studio produced a series of one-reelers on The Wonders of Our War Work, each of which bore “the official sanction and authority of the Committee on Public Information.” Universal lobbied newspaper support for the motion picture industry’s war activities to counteract “misguided zealots” singling out the film business as being expendable during wartime. ... and In Maryland, the governor arranged with the state censor board to recall previously approved films containing any mildly anti-war sentiments or grim scenes of battlefield carnage.
- 1917 Wikipedia Leopold Amery was born in Gorakhpur, India, to an English father and a Hungarian Jewish mother.... He was a member of the Coefficients dining club of social reformers, set up in 1902 by the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb.... Leo Stennet Amery's knowledge of Hungarian led to his employment as an Intelligence Officer in the Balkans campaign. Later, as a parliamentary under-secretary in Lloyd George's national government, he helped draft the Balfour Declaration, 1917. He also encouraged Ze'ev Jabotinsky in the formation of the Jewish Legion for the British Army in Palestine... Amery was one of the few to oppose both appeasement of Germany and co-operation with the Soviet Union against Germany. He was a lifelong anticommunist...
- 1917 Oct Whale.to Mullins $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax ... Jacob Schiff, known as "A Prince in Israel", who was born in the Rothschild house in Frankfurt, and who, according to his grandson, John Schiff, had spent twenty-two-million dollars of his, personal funds to bring about the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Most of this money was spent on revolutionary propaganda, which Kennan, with journalistic credentials, distributed throughout Russia. Some historians credit George Kennan as the pivotal force in the Bolshevik Revolution, pointing out that it was his distributing of thousands of revolutionary leaflets to officers in the Czar's Army which turned them against the regime and led to the downfall of the Czar.
- 1918 EIR...Weizmann was made chairman of the British-run Zionist Commission after the Balfour Declaration, and in 1918, it made its first official tour of Palestine. On the day of departure, Mark Sykes (of Sykes-Picot) arranged for Weizmann to be received by the King at Buckingham Palace. The reception made Weizmann the most heralded man in Zionism: It was a knighting of sorts. Weizmann was accompanied on the trip by Maj. William Ormsby-Gore (Lord Harlech, the political liaison officer of the Zionist Commission. Ormsby-Gore had been Milner's private secretary and was an old hand at the Arab Bureau.
- 1918 Sunray22b The first Meeting of the Fabian Society was held at the home of Mr E R Pease, a Member of the London Stock Exchange. Two of the leading Members were, George Bernard Shaw and Sidney Webb (husband of Beatrix [ sic ] Potter, the writer). Other early Members were Eleanor Marx; theosophist and occultist, Annie Besant; and the author, H. G. Wells. ... Fabian Socialism is a mixture of Fascism, Nazism, Marxism and Communism, all bundled together. However, it is much more deadly because it is much more clever and subtle. The only difference between Fabian Socialism and Communism is, that Communists take your house by directly sending in the ‘secret police’ to knock down your front door and Fabian Socialists do it much more subtly and cleverly ... British PM Tony Blair and President George Bush Jr’s globalist ‘war on terror’ is a classic Fabian Socialist strategy. ... The philosophy of the Fabian Society was written in 1887 and included the statement: The Fabian Society acknowledges the principal tenet of Marxism and the abolition of private property etc. (Of course, this does not apply to the elect oligarchy at the top, who end up owning the lot.) ... Sidney and Beatrice Webb published a book of 1143 pages in defence of Bolshevism. It was entitled, Soviet Communism: A New Civilisation [ See Webb Of Evil - Sidney and Beatrice Webb, London School of Economics ... today it is the intellectual wing of the Labour Party in the UK ... Since the 1997 British General Election, there have been around 200 Fabian MP’s in the House of Commons, some of whom have formed almost entire Labour Cabinets including Gordon Brown, Robin Cook, Jack Straw, David Blunkett, Peter Hain, Patricia Hewitt, John Reid, Ruth Kelly, Alan Milburn and Clare Short. Headed by Tony Blair, Fabians now dominate entire British Governments. They are resident in all Parties and sit on all important select Committees, Commissions and organisations allied to the Government. see LindsayJenkins.com Fabians control the European Union ... crafted its constitution ... the Labour Parties in both New Zealand and Australia, are closely affiliated to the Fabian Society in London. ... During the last century, members of the British Fabian Society, dynastic banking families in the City of London, financed the Communist takeover of Russia [ Antony Sutton, a very perceptive historian of Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution would not agree. He fingers Americans - Editor ] Trotsky, in his biography [ on line at My Life There is no reference to Brits financing Trotters - Ed. ], refers to some of the loans from these British financiers from as early as 1907. By 1917, the major subsidies and funding for the Bolshevik Revolution, were co-ordinated and arranged by Sir George Buchanan [ A good man it seems - Ed. ] and Lord Alfred Milner [ A cunning rogue - Ed. ]. The Communist system in Russia was a “British experiment” designed ultimately to become the Fabian Socialist Model for the British takeover of the world through the UN and the EU.
- 1918 Eustace Mullins ... The Secret Holocaust ... the overthrow of the Christian Orthodox Church in Russia and its replacement by a hateful gang of homicidal maniacs, whose unimaginable success was accomplished by the astute financial aid of Jacob Schiff to the Jewish revolutionaries, and by Max Warburg in Germany, who, at the crucial moment of the revolution in Russia, arranged for Lenin to be transported through Germany to Russia in a sealed train to lead the conspirators to their Bolshevik triumph. ... The Overman Report explains why Woodrow Wilson was so happy that the "non-Russian" Romanovs, intruders who had only lived in Russia for one thousand years, had been replaced by violent overthrow of their government by Yiddish speaking Jews from the lower East Side of New York, but who, being Wilson's own kind, were now to be hailed by the government of the United States as mass murderers who were "a fit partner for a League of Honor." and Wikipedia Overman Committee One Methodist preacher stated that nineteen out of twenty communists were Jews;[40] others said the Red Army was composed mainly of former East Side New York Jews. ... The United States Brewers Association, the National German-American Alliance, and the Hamburg-American steamship line were investigated. The final report concluded that these organizations, through financial support, bribes, boycotts, and coercion, sought to control the press, elections, and public opinion.[5] ... This Time Our World, George Lincoln Rockwell on the Overman report: "... out of 388 members of the first Soviet Government, sitting in the Old Smolny Institute in Petrograd, 371 were Jews and 267 of these Jews were from the Lower East Side of New York City"
- 1918Heretical extensive list of Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution
- 1918 ControversyOfZion In 1918 Robert Wilton, a correspondent for The Times in Russia made a list of 384 Soviet top commissars, of which more than 300 were Jews.37 (Wilton did not know at the time that Lenin himself had Jewish roots.38) With a few exceptions such as the Pole, Felix Dzerzhinsky (the first chief of the Cheka secret service) and the Russian Nikolai Yezhov (organizer of the great purge 1937/38) the most bloodthirsty of the red terrorists were Jews. and ... In the USA, the FBI was catching hordes of Jew spies: Rosenberg, Greenglas, Soble, Coplin, Moskowitz, Weinbaum, Fuchs, Golos -- the names -- alone were unmistakable, although some were changed, as in the case of John Gates, editor of The Daily Worker, whose real name turned out to be Israel Regenstrief.
- 1918 Voltaire The Sisson Documents "prove" exclusive German involvement with the Bolsheviks. They also have been used to "prove" a Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy theory along the lines of that of the Protocols of Zion. In 1918 the U.S. government wanted to unite American opinion behind an unpopular war with Germany, and the Sisson Documents dramatically "proved" the exclusive complicity of Germany (Jewish) with the Bolshevists.
- 1918 Treaty of Versailles, drafted by Rothschild agents, cripples German economy and prepares the way for Hitler. Wikipedia Treaty of Versailles
- 1918 Benjamin Freedman 1961 speech transcript ... " Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government. For many reasons, too many and too complex to go into here at this time, the Zionists and their co-religionists rule these United States as though they were the absolute monarchs of this country ... 1919 ... The Germans for the first time realized that they were defeated, they suffered the terrific reparations that were slapped onto them, because the Zionists wanted Palestine and were determined to get it at any cost.
- 1918 Mar Wikipedia ...The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a peace treaty signed on March 3, 1918, between the new Bolshevik government of Russia (the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey), that ended Russia's participation in World War I. The treaty was signed at Brest-Litovsk (now Brest, Belarus), after two months of negotiations. The treaty was forced on the Bolshevik government by the threat of further advances by German and Austrian forces.
- 1918 Mar Counter-Currents The Allies were concerned about the Bolsheviks for two reasons: first, because they sapped Russia’s ability to continue fighting Germany (the Bolsheviks, in fact, made a separate peace with Germany in March 1918 and put up no effective resistance to the continued German presence in Russia thereafter); and second, because they were afraid that Bolshevism might spread to their own countries if it were permitted to succeed in Russia. These concerns had led to a limited amount of Allied military help for the White (i.e., anti-Bolshevik) Russian forces. Wilson, who had welcomed the revolution in Russia from the start,[5] strenuously opposed this help, and, despite the pleas of the Allies, refused to send more than a token U.S. military force to Russia, where its role was limited to observation. ... he sabotaged the Allied move to aid the White Russians against the Bolsheviks, because the same people told him to do that too. ... The message that came back to Washington from every American source in Russia was the same: most of the Bolsheviks were not members of the “great, generous Russian people” but were Jews; they were opposed by most Russians; they were ruining Russia ... On March 19, 1917, U.S. Ambassador David Rowland Francis sent a telegram from Moscow to Secretary of State Robert Lansing. In it he said: “Immeasurably important to the Jews that revolution succeed. If Jews make such advances, however, great discretion should be exercised lest revolution assume a phase which would arouse opposition… [of] anti-Semitics [sic] who are numerous here.” ... Every major foreign-policy move Wilson made — taking America into the war, blocking Allied intervention against the Bolsheviks, backing a British mandate over Palestine — forced him to repudiate some lofty principle or other he had proclaimed earlier, but every move also served the purposes of his Jewish advisers and boosters. see letter
- 1918 Spring RealJewNews In the spring of 1918, the Tsar and his family were taken to Ekaterinburg in the Urals where the Jew Jacob Yurovsky (Jew), head of the local Cheka, was given the assignment to imprison, plan, and assassinate the Imperial Family... Lenin and Sverdlov had together made the decision to put the Tsar and his family to death ...
- 1918 IHR In the night of July 16-17, 1918, a squad of Bolshevik secret police murdered Russia's last emperor, Tsar Nicholas II, along with his wife, Tsaritsa Alexandra, their 14-year-old son, Tsarevich Alexis, and their four daughters. ... In 1990, Moscow playwright and historian Edvard Radzinsky announced the result of his detailed investigation into the murders. He unearthed the reminiscences of Lenin's bodyguard, Alexei Akimov, who recounted how he personally delivered Lenin's execution order to the telegraph office. The telegram was also signed by Soviet government chief Yakov Sverdlov (Jewish)...
- 1918 Whale.to / IHR / Weber... David R. Francis, United States ambassador in Russia, warned in a January 1918 dispatch to Washington: "The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution." ... Russia from the American Embassy (New York: 1921), p. 214.
- 1918 JewWatch The U.S. Foreign Relations Committee of 1918 released a report on the international Jewish banks which were financing Communism. In each case they were banks owned by Jews. The Jew Olof Aschberg of Sweden's "Nya Banken" is referred to as "The Bolshevik Bank". Note that this bank "is financed in America by the Guarantee Trust Co." This bank was controlled by Jacob Schiff.
- 1918 Wikipedia ... members of Thule Society list: Dietrich Eckart, Gottfried Feder, Hans Frank, Karl Harrer, Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, Julius Streicher, Karl Fiehler, Wilhelm Frick, Michel Frank, Heinrich Jost, Wolfgang Pongratz, Wilhelm Laforce, Johann Ott, Hans Riemann, Max Seselmann, Hans-Arnold Stadler ... and see Walter Nauhaus, Sebottendorf,...Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw ... The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), which was later reorganized by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... The followers were very interested in racial theory and in particular combating Jews and Communists. ... A primary focus of the Thule Society was a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan race.
- 1918 Wikipedia ...Ian Kershaw... Kershaw agrees with the thesis that Hitler did formulate a programme for foreign policy centring around an alliance with Britain to achieve the destruction of the Soviet Union, but has argued that a British lack of interest doomed the project, thus leading to the situation in 1939, where Hitler went to war with Britain, the country he wanted as an ally, not as an enemy, and the country he wanted as an enemy, the Soviet Union, as his ally
- 1918 ThreeWorldWars
- 1918 Sep PalestineRemembered Palestine occupied by Allied forces under British General Allenby. 30 October World War I ends.
- 1918 Oct 14 The Ruling Elite On Oct 14, 1918 WWI ended.
- 1918 Nov WWI Armistace signed, which ended the actual fighting, but Treaty of Versailles not signed ending the state of war (blockades continued until July of 1919) between Germany and the Allied Powers on June 28, 1919 ... and not until Oct of 1919 was it printed in the League of Nations Treaty Series.
- 1918 Nov Wikipedia Bavarian Council Republic ... between Nov 1918 and May 1919 a socialist state was created ...also called the Munich Soviet Republic, sought independence from the also recently created Weimar Republic ... in April 1919 the Communist Party seized power ... in May 1919 the German army and the Freikorps entered Munich and defeated newly formed communist government...Wikipedia
- 1918 Wikipedia Stab in the Back ... The stab-in-the-back myth is the notion, widely believed in right-wing circles in Germany after 1918, that the German Army did not lose World War I but was instead betrayed by the civilians on the home front, especially the republicans who overthrew the monarchy. Advocates denounced the German government leaders who signed the Armistice on November 11, 1918, as the "November Criminals" and CODOH version ... When did the First World War end? Yes, that is a "catch-question." Virtually everybody will reply "November 1918;" but, in so doing, they will be wrong. That was the date on which hostilities on land ceased. On sea, however, although there was no more combat, the Allied (chiefly English) blockade of foodstuffs and other materials continued until July 11, 1919, eight months after the Armistice was signed at Compiègne. The purpose of the blockade? – to force the new government of Germany, the "Weimar Republic," to ratify the Versailles "peace" treaty without delay. and see 'The Myth of German Villany'... by Brenton Bradberry
- 1918 Nov Wikipedia The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was effectively terminated in November 1918, when Germany surrendered to the Allies. However, it did provide some relief to the Bolsheviks, already fighting the Russian Civil War, by renouncing Russia's claims on Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania.
- 1918 Opium Lords, Israel & the Kennedy assassination In 1902 my late father, Harry Bloomfield, and his brothers made a pilgrimage from Canada to Palestine. As small boys my brother and I never tired of hearing his stories of the Holy Land, and when he died of influenza during the epidemic in 1918, we resolved, young as we were, to keep alive his devotion to the ancient homeland of the Jews
- 1918 CureZone The US Naval Secret Service Report of December 2nd 1918 said: "Paul Warburg. German, nationalised US citizen 1911, decorated by Kaiser, handled large sums furnished by German bankers for Lenin and Trotsky. His brother Max who is director of espionage system of Germany".
- 1919 - OccidentalObserver...As leader of the Red Army during the Civil War, Trotsky “had to deal with the anti-Semitic attitudes among the population,” and “successfully recruited Jews for the Red Army because they were eager to avenge pogrom attacks.”[xv] At the same time, he “voiced his concern over the high number of Jews in the Cheka, knowing that their presence could only provoke hatred towards Jews as a group.” Trotsky was feted by Jews worldwide as “an avenger of Jewish humiliations under Tsarism, bringing fire and slaughter to their worst enemies.
- 1919 - EIR...Amery's civil career in Britain's Imperial Command was illustrious, varied, and colored throughout by sympathy for fascism. He joined Milner as an undersecretary at the War Cabinet, where he first met both Jabotinsky and Weizmann. When Milner became Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1919, Amery was posted as his Under-Secretary. In 1922, he joined the Privy Council and was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. He became Colonial Secretary in 1924, and in 1925, he was concurrently given the post of Dominions Secretary which put him in charge of the Palestine Mandate, a post he held until 1929.
- 1919 - Judaism.is...alert Germans had already seen the bloody Jewish revolution of 1918-1919 that installed the secessionist Judeo-Communist Bavarian Soviet Republic. While Germany was trying to fight World War 1, subversive Jewish revolutionaries like Kurt Eisner, Gustav Landauer, Ernst Toller, Eugen Leviné, Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, and other Jews led the murder of innocent Germans at home in the 1918-1919 deadly revolutions of the Bavarian Soviet Republic and also the Spartacist Uprising in Berlin. By the time the Jews formally declared war on Germany in 1933, Germans had already seen millions die in the Jewish-led-and-funded Communist revolutions of the early twentieth century in Russia, Hungary, Bavaria, Berlin, and elsewhere in Europe. There was a holocaust of over 60 million at the hands of Judeo-Bolshevism.
- 1919 - GripesOnline Prominent British and American personalities establish the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England and the Institute of International Affairs in the U.S. at a meeting arranged by Col. House; attended by various Fabian socialists Wikipedia, including noted economist John Maynard Keynes.
- 1919 ANationBeguiled In 1919 Rothschild’s Business Roundtable spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs () in London. The RIIA soon sponsored sister organizations around the globe, including the US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Asian Institute of Pacific Relations, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, the Brussels-based Institute des Relations Internationales, the Danish Foreign Policy Society, the Indian Council of World Affairs and the Australian Institute of International Affairs. Other affiliates popped up in France, Turkey, Italy, Yugoslavia and Greece. 4] Wikipedia
- IAmTheWitness In January, Ashkenazi Jews, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, are killed as they attempt to lead another Rothschild funded Communist coup, this time in Berlin, Germany. The Versailles peace conference is held to decide reparations that the Germans need to pay to the victors following the end of the first world war. A delegation of 117 Zionists headed up by Ashkenazi Jew, Bernard Baruch, bring up the subject of the promise of Palestine for them. At this point the Germans realised why America had turned on them and under whose influence, the Rothschilds. The Germans, naturally, felt they had been betrayed by the Zionists. This is because, at the time the Rothschilds made their deal with Britain for Palestine, in exchange for bringing America into the war,
- 1919 Wikipedia...Lionel George Curtis CH (1872–1955) was a British official and author. He advocated British Empire Federalism[1] and, late in life, a world state (new world order, nwo). His ideas concerning dyarchy were important in the development of the Government of India Act 1919 and more generally, his writings influenced the evolution of the Commonwealth of Nations (the 53 former territories of the British Empire...Following Milner's death in 1925, he became the second leader of Milner's Kindergarten until his own death in 1955. His experience led him to conceptualize his version of a Federal World Government, which became his life work. In pursuit of this goal, he founded (1910) the quarterly Round Table. He was appointed (1912) Beit lecturer in colonial history at the University of Oxford, and a Fellow of All Souls College.
- 1919 Rense ... 1919: In January, Ashkenazi Jews, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, are killed as they attempt to lead another Rothschild funded Communist coup, this time in Berlin, Germany. ... Germany was the only country in Europe which did not place restrictions on Jews, even giving them refuge when they had to flee from Russia after their first attempted Communist coup failed there in 1905.
- 1919 Rense ... The Versailles peace conference is held to decide reparations that the Germans need to pay to the victors following the end of the first world war. A delegation of 117 Zionists headed up by Ashkenazi Jew, Bernard Baruch, bring up the subject of the promise of Palestine for them. At this point the Germans realised why America had turned on them and under whose influence, the Rothschilds. ... The Versailles peace conference is also used as an attempt by the Rothschilds to set up a world government under the pretext of ending all wars (which they create). This was called the, "League of Nations."
- 1919 Council of Conservative Citizens ... The Marxist revolutionary forces in Europe could not restrain themselves. They leaped at this opportunity to lead the proletarian workers into the promised new world. There was a Communist Spartacist uprising in Berlin, Germany, led by Rosa Luxemburg; the creation of a Bavarian Soviet in Germany led by Kurt Eisner, and a Hungarian Soviet established by Bella Kun in 1919. At the time, there was great concern that all of Europe might soon fall under the banner of Bolshevism. ... Trotsky's Red Army invasion of Poland in 1919 that was expected to begin the triumphant conquest of all of Western Europe by Soviet Armed Forces allied with local communists in accordance with Lenin's plan. ... Red Army's invasion was defeated by Polish forces at the baffle of the Vistula in 1920, the Spartacist, Bavarian Soviet and Hungarian Soviet all failed to gain widespread support of the workers and after a brief time they were all deposed by opposition forces
- 1919 Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review Jews were deployed in supervisory positions rather than positions that placed them in physical danger. In a Politburo meeting of April 18, 1919, Trotsky urged that Jews be redeployed because there were relatively few Jews in frontline combat units, while Jews constituted a “vast percentage” of the Cheka at the front and in the Executive Committees at the front and at the rear. This pattern had caused “chauvinist agitation” in the Red Army (p. 187). Jewish representation at the top levels of the Cheka and OGPU (the acronyms by which the secret police was known in different periods) has often been the focus of those stressing Jewish involvement in the revolution and its aftermath. Slezkine provides statistics on Jewish overrepresentation in these organizations, especially in supervisory roles, and agrees with Leonard Schapiro’s comment that “anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with and possibly shot by a Jewish investigator”
- 1919 Wolchek ... For the first time, a European Nation comes to be led by a full-blooded Jew. Jew Bela Kun (Aaron Cohen) founds the world's second communist government in Hungary after returning from a visit with his ethnic cousins in Russia. For one hundred and thirty-three days, from March 21st to August 1st, Bela Kun and his associates hold the Hungarian people in a state of abject terror that has rarely been surpassed for cruelty and horror.
- 1919 Voltaire ... Paris Peace Conference ... Jewish Involvement ...e Thursday, 12 July 2007 Few people are aware of just how pervasive was the Jewish influence at the Paris Peace Conference following the First World War. But it was enormous. The Jews flocked there from all over the globe-Russia, Eastern Europe, France-but particularly from the United States and England. They were intimately involved with many of the decisions taken at the conference-particularly those pertaining to their interests. It may seem strange to the reader of today that there could have been "Jewish interests" involved in a great war in which Jews were nowhere involved as formal belligerents, but they were. These Jewish interests involved essentially three things: (1) A great League of Nations as the first step toward world government; (2) the recognition of Jewish "minority rights" in Eastern Europe and; (3) the creation of a British Mandate in Arab Palestine as the necessary prelude to an eventual Jewish state there. The Jews were thoroughly prepared for the Peace Conference. From the British isles came the Committee of Jewish Delegations with Lucien Wolfe and Moses Montefiore. But from the United States came the most glittering contingent. Rabbi Stephen Wise, Felix Frankfurter, Oscar Strauss, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, Walter Lippman, the historian Simon Dubnow,Judge Julian Mack of Philadelphia, the delegation of ten Jews from the American Jewish Congress, formed in 1918 specifically for the occasion of peace in Paris, they were all there-to meet and congregate with their brethren from the Bolshevik east of Russia, Poland and Ukraine. The western Jews did not care for the concept of Jewish "minority rights" in western Europe, England and America. Jews were already emancipated there-and the British Empire's recent declaration favoring a Jewish "national homeland" in Arab Palestine was reviving the ancient charge of Jewish "dual loyalty". Indeed, the English Jews had recently been defeated on this very point by the Weizmann faction in England. However, they were willing to go along with "minority rights" in Eastern Europe where Jews were hated by the native populations because of their communist activities, their financial gouging of the peasantry and their sex slave trading. The Eastern Jews also wanted a Jewish State in a Palestine occupied by the Arabs for centuries. This could not be accomplished by Jews alone-unlike the communist upheaval in Russia-and required the assistance of the British Empire and some rather clever legalisms ratified by the forthcoming League of Nations. The Balfour Declaration-the declaration promising British imperial support for a Jewish "national homeland" in Palestine under the British Mandate-or the English eggshell government to protect the embryonic Zionist State in the making-were the solution to the problem. The English, having prostituted themselves into issuing the famous declaration in exchange for Zionist assistance in maneuvering the United States into the war on England's side, now took up the job of governing Palestine for the Jews. The legal grant of authority, the Mandate, was drafted at Paris by U.S. Zionist and law professor Felix Frankfurter. Woodrow Wilson, as obedient puppy dog of his Zionist backers. rubber stamped the whole process. He had a momentary lapse when two of his investigators, Henry King and Charles Crane, reported from Palestine that the Arabs were opposed to the creation of a Jewish State in their land and that the scheme should be dropped, but the inconvenient report was pigeon holed about the same time the dying president collapsed into terminal delirium. The final step in the edifice of the Paris Peace Conference was the creation of the League of Nations and its famous Covenant. The Covenant included, of course, the Mandate for Palestine. The League very piously spoke of "uplifting" the backward peoples of the world and preparing them for membership in the League. That was the whole purpose of the "mandate" system. In the case of the Arabs of Palestine it was conveniently forgotten that they, as well as the rest of the Arabs, had already been promised their independence by the British Empire. It made no difference. The Zionist Jews pouring into Palestine under the League of Nations issued Mandate to Great Britain were already deemed qualified by the mysteries of international diplomacy to take over somebody else's land. Nahum Sokolov, Chaim Weizmann's chief lieutenant, claimed in the pages of the New York Times that the League of Nations was an "old Jewish idea". Even without Sokolow's testimony it is obvious from the facts themselves that the League acted as an adjunct of Jewish ambitions in the Holy Land. As stated in the beginning of this essay it may seem remarkable that Jewish interests could so have predominated at a conclusion of a war in which Jews, as a corporate collective entity, had not participated as a belligerent. And yet at war's conclusion, Jews as a corporate, collective entity were participating in the Peace Conference and securing a major share of the spoils. Since it is obvious that this Jewish power could not have emerged from nowhere, conjured on the spot as it were, it therefore follows that David Lloyd George's famous quotation that the British Empire had made a deal with Zionist Jews to bring the United States into the war on Britain's side may have a basis in fact. No one at the time of the Paris Peace Conference doubted that Jewish power was real. Indeed, it was phenomenal. All the delegates could see the murderous Jewish power then raging in Bolshevik Russia. The ethnic identity of the commissars was known to all. The same Jewish terror raged in Poland, Germany and Hungary even as the Peace Conference was sitting. Bela Kun, Kurt Eisner and Rosa Luxemburg were front page news of the time. The great League of Nations which was to establish justice on earth failed to destroy the Jewish terror in Russia. The embryonic communist state in Russia survived, just like the embryonic Zionist State. A half-hearted Allied Expeditionary Force was sent to Siberia but it proved just as ineffectual as later United Nations resolutions on Palestine. The great Jewish scheme launched at Paris in 1919 had succeeded. The British, French and Germans lay exhausted, drained of their blood by the war. The Jewish schemes of world government, communism and Zionism camouflaged as a peace treaty sat on the ruins of Europe, waiting only for the inevitable second war to advance their scheme.
- 1919 David Duke The Marxist revolutionary forces in Europe leaped at this opportunity. Following the end of World War I, there was a Communist “Spartacist uprising in Berlin, Germany lead by Rosa Luxemburg; the creation of a “Soviet” in Bavaria led by Kurt Eisner; and a Hungarian communist republic established by Bela Kun in 1919. At the time, there was great concern that all of Europe might fall under the banner of Bolshevism. This sense of impeding doom was given vivid life by Trotsky’s Red Army invasion of Poland in 1919.
- 1919 Tarpley.net The entire international public order of the post-1919 era, including the League of Nations and, by extension, the United Nations, has been based on the absurd lie that Germany was solely responsible for the outbreak of World War I. This finding was officially reported to the Paris Peace Conference at the close of the war by a “Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War,” which was chaired by the American Secretary of State, Robert Lansing. Lansing refused to allow any Germans to take part in his deliberations, and the commission ignored a new “German White Book” compiled in 1919 by Hans Delbrueck, Professor Mendelssohn- Bartholdy, Count Montgelas, and Max Weber, which contained enough evidence to show that the thesis of exclusive German war guilt was untenable. Tarpley never mentions Zionist's complicity in WWI ... HenryMakow
- 1919 Tarpley King Edward accordingly allowed a series of Jewish bankers to buy their way to presentability at court by their benevolent management of his personal finances, with the proviso that Edward would always make a handsome profit. The first of Edward’s financial advisers was Baron von Hirsch of Vienna. Then came Sir Ernest Cassel, knighted by Edward. Edward also cultivated the Rothschild and Sassoon families.
- 1919 JanWikipedia ,Detrich Eckart, Feder, Anton Drexler and Karl Harrer founded the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers' Party - DAP), which to increase its appeal to larger segments of the population, in February 1920 changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers Party – NSDAP); more commonly known as the Nazi Party. He was the original publisher of the party newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter, and also wrote the lyrics of Deutschland erwache ("Germany awake"), which became an anthem of the Nazi Party.
- 1919 ANationBeguiled In 1919 Rothschild’s Business Roundtable spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs () in London. The RIIA soon sponsored sister organizations around the globe, including the US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Asian Institute of Pacific Relations, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, the Brussels-based Institute des Relations Internationales, the Danish Foreign Policy Society, the Indian Council of World Affairs and the Australian Institute of International Affairs. Other affiliates popped up in France, Turkey, Italy, Yugoslavia and Greece. 4] Wikipedia
- 1919 PalestineRememberedFirst Palestinian National Congress in Jerusalem sends memoranda to Paris Peace Conference rejecting Balfour Declaration and demanding independence. 28 August Paris Peace Conference sends Commission of Inquiry to Near East, led by U.S. commission members Henry C. King and Charles Crane. England and France decline to participate. Commission recommends "serious modification" of idea of "making Palestine distinctly a Jewish Commonwealth."
- 1919-1923 PalestineRemembered Third wave of over 35,000 Zionist immigrants increases Jewish population in Palestine to 12% of total. Registered Jewish landownership (1923) totals 3% of area of country.
- 1919 Jun Rense ... the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919 and the Treaty of St. Germain on 20 September of the same year, the German people were thoroughly humiliated. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, wrote: 'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.' The old Austrian Empire was balkanised without respect to its various cultures and nationalities. East Prussia was separated from Germany by a large area ceded to Poland. The Sudeten Germans were placed under Czech control. The coal mining area of the Saar Valley was to be administered for fifteen years by the League of Nations and then a plebiscite held. The corrupt Weimar Republic was forced upon the German nation and the middle classes were robbed of their savings by corrupt finance. There were millions of unemployed and the Sparticist Jewish revolutionary leaders Karl Leibknecht and Rosa Luxembourg were stirring up red revolution.
- 1919 Wikipedia Ze'ev Jabotinsky (right-wing revisionist Zionist who succeded Herzl as leader of the Ukrainian Zionist movement, founded Beitar, Irgun, Hatzohar, Jewish Self Defense Organization) became a member of the Order of the British Empire Wikipedia
- 1919: IAmTheWitness In January, Ashkenazi Jews, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, are killed as they attempt to lead another Rothschild funded Communist coup, this time in Berlin, Germany. The Versailles peace conference is held to decide reparations that the Germans need to pay to the victors following the end of the first world war. A delegation of 117 Zionists headed up by Ashkenazi Jew, Bernard Baruch, bring up the subject of the promise of Palestine for them. At this point the Germans realised why America had turned on them and under whose influence, the Rothschilds. The Germans, naturally, felt they had been betrayed by the Zionists. This is because, at the time the Rothschilds made their deal with Britain for Palestine, in exchange for bringing America into the war, Germany was the most friendly country in the world towards the Jews, indeed the German Emancipation Edict of 1822 guaranteed Jews in Germany all civil rights enjoyed by Germans. ... Also, Germany was the only country in Europe which did not place restrictions on Jews, even giving them refuge when they had to flee from Russia after their first attempted Communist coup failed there in 1905. ... Nevertheless, the Rothschilds had held up their side of the bargain to spill the blood of millions of innocents and as a result, Palestine is confirmed as a Jewish homeland, and whilst its handover to the Rothschilds takes place it is to remain under the control of Britain as the Rothschilds control Britain. At that time less than one percent of the population of Palestine was Jewish. Interestingly, the host of the Versailles peace conference is its boss, Baron Edmond de Rothschild. The Versailles peace conference is also used as an attempt by the Rothschilds to set up a world government under the pretext of ending all wars (which they create). This was called the, "" Fortunately not enough countries accepted it and so it soon died. On March 29th The Times of London reports on the Bolsheviks in Russia, ... "One of the curious features of the Bolshevist movement is the high percentage of non Russian elements among its leaders. Of the twenty or thirty commissaries, or leaders, who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not less than 75% were Jews." It is reported that the Rothschilds were angry with the Russians because they were not prepared to allow them to form a central bank within their nation. They therefore gathered groups of Jewish spies and sent them into Russia to drum up a revolution for the benefit of the common man, which was actually a takeover of Russia by a Rothschild controlled satanic elite. These Jewish spies were, in age old deceptive Ashkenazi tradition, given Russian names, for example Trotsky was a member of the first group and his original name was Bronstein. These groups were sent to areas throughout Russia to incite riots and rebellion. ... The Jewish Post International Edition, week ending January 24th 1991, confirms Vladimir Lenin was Jewish. Lenin is also on record as having stated, “The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communizing a nation.” These Jewish, Rothschild funded Bolsheviks would go on in the course of history to slaughter 60 million Christians and Non-Jews in Soviet controlled territory. Indeed the author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his work, “Gulag Archipelago, Vol 2,” affirms that Zionist Jews created and administered the organized in which these tens of millions of Christians and Non-Jews died. On page 79 of this book he even names the administrators of this the greatest killing machine in the history of the world. They are Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, and Naftaly Frenkel. All six are Zionist Jews. In 1970 Solzhenitsyn would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for literature. ... N. M. Rothschild & Sons’ are given a permanent role to fix the world’s daily gold price. This takes place in the City of London offices, daily at 1100 hours, in the same room until 2004. ... Alexander Solzhenitsyn relates that some sixty-six million "real Russians" have been murdered since the Bolshevik Revolution at the hands of the Yiddish revolutionaries
- 1919 Rense In 1919, Lenin put Christian Rakovsky in charge of the Soviet Ukraine government. He successfully kept the area for the Bolsheviks during the Civil War. Stalin appointed him Russian ambassador to Paris in 1925,
- 1919 Reformed-Theology Who financed Hitler ... By 1919 Krupp was already giving financial aid to one of the reactionary political groups which sowed the seed of the present Nazi ideology. Hugo Stinnes was an early contributor to the Nazi Party (National Socialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei). By 1924 other prominent industrialists and financiers, among them Fritz Thyssen, Albert Voegler, Adolph [sic] Kirdorf, and Kurt von Schroder, were secretly giving substantial sums to the Nazis.
- 1919 JewWatch What is clear is that the other Bolsheviks who brought Lenin to power was at least 85%-90% Jewish, and Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler were both in agreement that the USSR was the product of Jewish intrigue, power, and wealth, and that Bolshevism represented a world catastrophe engineered by International Jews who were engaged in the deconstruction of Christendom -- i.e., they wanted to destroy Western Civilization and culture. WikipediaLenin Lenin came from a diverse ancestry. He was of Christian Russian, Tatar, German, andSwedish descent, while his maternal grandfather may have descended from the JewishBlank family. 4] Lenin is also believed to have had Kalmyk ancestry on his father's side. Metapedia better known as Vladimir Lenin, was a communist Jew terrorist, mass murderer, propagandist and dictator of the RSFSR, as well as from 1922, the first de facto dictator of the Soviet Empire, established after the Jews took control of Russia during the October Revolution. Lenin himself was moved into place by the German Empire. Despite positioning himself as "leader of the proletariat", he lived a parasitic life and was not himself a worker. ... He was the creator of Leninism, an extension of Marxist theory. Lenin set up the Gulag slave system and during his reign, along with co-tribesman Leon Trotsky✡ carried out the murder of some 13 million 1] Russian Christians in the Trotsky—Lenin Holocaust. Despite this, the legion of crimes committed by Bolshevist Jewry under Lenin are hidden, shifted under the propaganda phrase of "Stalinism".
- 1919 Stalin Jewish? docs Metapedia Because of his later involvement with Marxian communism; which is a largely Jewish crime based political movement; some have speculated on Stalin having Jewish ancestry. In the 1930s, some in the Ukrainian diaspora 1] claimed that Jughashvili was Georgian for "son of a Jew". However, the name means roughly "son of steel", which makes sense that he chose Stalin (Russian for "steel") as a nickname. The Georgian word for Jew is not Jugha but Ebraeli or Uriya; making it doubtful that he was not an ethnic Georgian. Metapedia Communism Marxian communism (also referred to as Bolshevism) is a political system and movement, formulated for the most part by Jewish ideologues such as Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky. It began in the late 19th century and continues on to this day. The core nature of the movement—along with Zionism—forms part of a group evolutionary strategy for attaining Jewish hegemony over their nearest gentile competitors. Fanatical nation-wrecking and internationalism is a prominent part of its disposition, in that it hopes to achieve a One World Government under the iron hard, global dictatorship of the Jew.
- 1919 Judeo Masonic blog the first American edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was published in 1919 by Carl W. Ackerman in the Philadelphia Public Ledger, but this edition had all references to Jews substituted with Bolsheviks. The Public Ledger did not suffer the same faith as the other publishers; at the contrary, Ackerman was later appointed to act first as the director, and later as the first dean of the Columbia University's School of Journalism.
- 1919 History of the Money Changers In January the Paris Peace Conference takes place following the end of World War I. The bankers put World Government at the top of their agenda, and Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch attend this conference with President Wilson. To the bankers dismay, the world was not yet ready to dissolve national boundaries and accept World Government, so that part of their plan had failed. The plan for World Government was called the, "League Of Nations," and although many nations accepted this proposal, the United States Congress would not support it, and thus without the support of money from the United States Treasury, the bankers had failed and the League Of Nations died.
- 1919 Amazon Heddesheimer The First Holocaust fund raising campaigns ...Six million Jews in Poland and Russia threatened with imminent holocaust: this allegation was appearing in such sources as "The New York Times" -- but the year was 1919! Don Heddesheimer's compact but substantive "First Holocaust" documents post-WWI propaganda that claimed East European Jewry was on the brink of annihilation, regularly invoking the talismanic six million figure. It gives details how that propaganda was used to agitate for minority rights for Jews in Poland, and for Zionism and Bolshevism in Poland and Russia; and demonstrates how Jewish fundraising operations in America raised vast sums in the name of feeding Polish and Russian Jews, then funneled much of the money to Zionist and Communist "constructive undertakings" -- including banks, unions, and kibbutzes -- rather than to starving Jews. "The First Holocaust," which includes eye-opening testimony from American diplomats and military attachés stationed in Poland and Russia that contradicted Jewish persecution claims, is a valuable study of American Jewish institutional operations at a fateful juncture in Jewish and European history, an incisive examination of a cunningly contrived campaign of atrocity and extermination propaganda, two decades before the alleged WWII Holocaust.
- 1919 Treaty of Versailles and Rense The Reasons Historians Call WWII A 'Jewish Creation' ... At the end of the First World War, Germany was essentially tricked [see Paul Johnson A History of the Modern World (1983) p24 and H Nicholson Peacemaking 1919 (1933) pp13-16] into paying massive reparations to France and other economic competitors and former belligerent countries in terms of the so-called Treaty of Versailles, thanks to the liberal American President Woodrow Wilson. Germany was declared to be solely responsible for the war, in spite of the fact that 'Germany did not plot a European war, did not want one, and made genuine efforts, though too belated, to avert one.' (Professor Sydney B Fay The Origins of the World War (vol. 2 p 552)).
- 1920 top timeline
- 1920 EIR How British Imperialists Created the Fascist Jabotinsky by Steven P. Meyer...Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940), the patron-saint of Israel's Likud party who also created Revisionist Zionism, and Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952), the decades-long chairman of the World Zionist Organization who was seen as the prime minister-in-exile of a Jewish Palestine, were both witting champions of the British Empire. They were instruments of Lord Alfred Milner and Leo Stennet Amery, the final authors of the Balfour Declaration, who craftily used them to secure British rule over Palestine as part of the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreements. ...The British also controlled the leaders of the Arab nationalist movements, which they created and funded. They owned Haj Amin al-Husseini, a young radical, whom they chose as Mufti of Jerusalem. They funded his religious network and social organizations, and to give him status among all of the Islamic faith, they created the post of Grand Mufti for him
- 1920 MiddleEastEye ... As the mandatory power in Palestine from 1920 to 1948, Britain enabled the gradual takeover of Palestine by the Zionist movement ...Britain has a long history of supporting Israeli aggression ... Britain has approved arms sales to Israel worth $445m since the 2014 Gaza war and there is little doubt that some of this equipment has been used against people in the occupied territories. UK drone components are exported while Israel uses drones for surveillance and armed attacks.... As the mandatory power in Palestine from 1920 to 1948, Britain enabled the gradual takeover of Palestine by the Zionist movement. When the Arab revolt against Britain and its Zionist proteges broke out in the late 1930s, the British army brutally crushed it. The UK supported Israel's brutal takeover of Palestine in 1948 and also aided Israel’s 1967 war, having furnished Israel with hundreds of British tanks.
- 1920 Wikipedia Chatham House established ... The Royal Institute of International Affairs, commonly known as Chatham House ...finds its origins in a meeting, convened by Lionel Curtis, of the American and British delegates to the Paris Peace Conference on 30 May 1919. ... it's the British counterpart to the CFR ... ranked the second most influential think tank in the world after the Brookings Institution,
- 1920 McDonald ... All twentieth century Jewish intellectual and political movements stem from the deep involvement of Jews with the left. However, beginning in the late 1920s, when the followers of Leon Trotsky broke off from the mainstream communist movement, the Jewish left has not been unified. By all accounts the major figure linking Trotsky and the neoconservative movement is Max Shachtman, a Jew born in Poland in 1904
- 1920s The Creature from Jekyll Island Thomas Lamont (1870-1948) was the father of Corliss Lamont, a well-known Communist, but was also equally at home among the Fascists and served as an unofficial business consultant for Mussolini in the 1920s. ...After the war, the treaty negotiations were held at Versailles Rense, hosted by Baron Edmund de Rothschild. Accompanying Lloyd George was Alfred Milner and the US delegation with Wilson included Colonel House, Max and Paul Warburg, the Dulles brothers and Thomas Lamont of J.P. Morgan. The Treaty of Versailles served three main purposes: it spawned the League of Nations which was the first attempt at world government drafted by House with its Genevan headquarters built with Rockefeller money; it confirmed the State of Israel creating instability in the Middle East; and it created the financial situation to lead inevitably to a second war through which the New World Order could consolidate its position. This was achieved through setting German reparations at a level to cripple the new German republic and by returning all economies to a gold standard which affected all the European countries who were already in serious debt to the American banks, especially to J.P. Morgan.
- 1920s LaRouche During the 1920s, Kuhn Loeb and the Warburgs brokered the purchase of German assets by E.H. Harriman's son Averell Harriman. Under the policy leadership of the pro-fascist Bank of England Governor Montagu Norman, the German firms associated with Harriman and Warburg became the headquarters for Nazi Party fundraising and campaigning in the 1926-32 period. 1930: Kuhn Loeb
- 1920s Wikipedia Jewish Bolshevism ... During the 1920s, Hitler declared that the mission of the Nazi movement was to destroy "Jewish Bolshevism". Hitler asserted that the "three vices" of "Jewish Marxism" were democracy, pacifism and internationalism, and that the Jews were behind Bolshevism, communism and Marxism.
- 1920 EIR The armed conflict in Israel today, which threatens to become World War III, is the continuation of almost a century of British-staged armed conflict between Arab and Jew that dates back to the Nebi Musa riots of 1920, just months after the close of World War I, as the British settled in to occupy Palestine. Eyewitness intelligence reports proved that British military operatives encouraged and facilitated the Arab rioting, lead by Haj Amin al-Husseini, against the Jews. ... The Jewish armed response was led by Jabotinsky, and a British-trained Zionist military force that had been placed in Palestine at the end of the war ... But it was a major propaganda tool created by Milner and Amery to back up Sykes-Picot. When the war ended and the Legion demobilized in Palestine, it became a deadly weapon to be used for violent bloody confrontations with the Arabs.
- 1920 Wikipedia Netanyahu Hebrew name change ... Benzion Mileikowsky (later Netanyahu) was born in Warsaw in partitioned Poland which was under Russian control, to Sarah (Lurie) and the writer and Zionist activist Nathan Mileikowsky. Nathan was a rabbi who toured Europe and the United States, making speeches supporting Zionism. After Nathan took the family to Mandate Palestine (aliyah) in 1920, the family name eventually was changed to Netanyahu. After living in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, and Safed, the family settled in Jerusalem. Benzion Netanyahu studied in the David Yellin teachers' seminary and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Although his father was a rabbi, Benzion was devoutly secular. His younger brother, mathematician Elisha Netanyahu, became Dean of Sciences at the Technion. It was a common practice for Zionist immigrants at the time to adopt a Hebrew name. Nathan Mileikowsky began signing some of the articles he wrote "Netanyahu," the Hebrew version of his first name, and his son adopted this as his family name. He also used the pen name "Nitay."
- 1920s One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate Close to 2.5 million Jews left Europe prior to WWI; most wetn to the US, In the 1920s three-quarters of a million Jews emigrated; more than half went to the US. Even at the Height of Jewish immigration, only 4 out of every 1,000 of the world's Jews came to Palestine
- 1920s Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review ... The relative submergence of Jewish identity within the Jewish milieu in elite circles of the Soviet Union during the 1920s and 1930s is a poor indicator of whether or not these people identified as Jews or would do so when in later years Jewish and Soviet identities began to diverge, when National Socialism reemphasized Jewish identity, or when Israel emerged as a beacon for Jewish identity and loyalty. ... if Jews dominated radical and revolutionary organizations, they were immeasurably aided by philosemites like Gorky who, in Albert Lindemann’s term, were “jewified non-Jews”—“a term, freed of its ugly connotations, [that] might be used to underline an often overlooked point: Even in Russia there were some non-Jews, whether Bolsheviks or not, who respected Jews, praised them abundantly, imitated them, cared about their welfare, and established intimate friendships or romantic liaisons with them
- 1920s Solzhenitsyn 200 Years Together, McDonald The English translation of Chapter 18 of 200 Years Together, “The 1920s” is now available. (See here, and notice the link requesting donations.) It has a very different feel from Chapter 20, on the Gulag. Whereas Solzhenitsyn’s account of the Gulag stresses his own experiences, this chapter relies on a wide range of academic historical writing to paint his picture of the USSR during the critical decade of the 1920s. His account is therefore based on mainstream scholarship and overall is similar to other accounts, such as Yuri Slezkine’s The Jewish Century. However, it goes beyond other accounts in several important ways and provides a great deal of new information for Western audiences. It is a very long chapter (26000 words). Here I summarize some of the main points and draw analogies to the current situation in the West.
- 1920s What-When-How Around 1920, three members of the innermost circle of Freud’s students, Paul Federn (1871-1950), Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), and Erich Fromm (1900-1980), extended their teacher’s critique of religious indoctrination methods to conservative politics and national-socialism. For these authors, belief in a totalitarian worldview is the product of a combination of three factors: authoritarian childhood education, the influence of popular culture and religion, and a cunning ideological indoctrination process that relies on this influence to manipulate followers for its own purposes. The debate on how the working classes could be indoctrinated into fascism was crucial for the formation of the Frankfurt School, a fusion of psychoanalysis and Marxism. The Nazi regime persecuted the leaders of the Frankfurt School both because they were political antagonists and because they were Jews; most of them migrated to the United States and continued their research there.
- 1920 Inconvenienthistory NSDAP What exactly did the NSDAP (National Socialist German Worker's Party) represent and who were its founding members? Why and how did Adolf Hitler transform the party from an unimpressive proletariat workers’ party to a full-fledged political machine that obtained absolute power in Germany? Perhaps more important, how was it funded? We answer these questions in this introduction. But first, we begin with an examination of the early stages of the NSDAP and its recruiting process. One must understand how this process unfolded if one is to understand the NSDAP’s position on Judaism and Freemasonry as well as the prevailing social and political order of the day. and
- 1920Our Crowd, The Great Jewish Families of New York ... Loeb, Sachs, Guggenheims, Schiff, Seligman, Speyer, Straus, Warburg, Lewisohn, Lehman, Goodhart, Bach, Altschul, Bernheimer, Hallgarten, Heidelbach, Ickelheimer, Kahn, Kuhn, Thalmann, Ladenburg, Wertheim, Cahn, Bernhard, Sheftel, Mainzer, Stralem, Neustadt, Buttenweiser, Josephthal, Walter, and Wolff ... and Advanced Demolition League, the (ADL) in Action see Prohibition, organized crime, Arnold Rothstein, prominent member of New York's "Our Crowd" were transplanted Confederates taking advantage of Rothschild power through August Belmont, and infiltrate Wall St. ... the failed Civil War, ....would take a leading role in the British attempt to start an Opium War similar to the one in China,
- 1920 Platypus: Trotsky and the Frankfurt School The main thesis of State and Revolution is the necessity to demolish the repressive bourgeois state apparatus and to transform it into a dying state, whose main task during a limited transformational period is the defence of the new, developing socialist system against inner and outer enemies). Maximilien Rubel was right when he characterized Karl Marx himself, the defender of the Paris Commune, as a “theoretician of Anarchism."
- 1920 VeteransToday Bolshevism and Zionism Are Ideologically Indistinguishable .... In his 1920 essay “Zionism vs. Bolshevism: The Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,” Winston Churchill made the statement that Bolshevism both ideologically and politically “gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads”[2] and slowly led them to the slaughter house, where more than ten million innocent peasants eventually lost their precious lives in less than five years ... Zionism ideologically and politically seeks to complete the work that Bolshevism had started. ... Solzhenitzyn: “There are many Jewish authors who to this very day either deny the support of Jews for Bolshevism, ... The matter is well-attested, however: these Jewish renegades were for several years leaders at the center of the Bolshevik Party, at the head of the Red Army (Trotsky), of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (Sverdlov), of the two capitals (Zinoviev and Kamenev), of the Comintern (Zinoviev), of the Profintern (Dridzo-Lozovsky), and of the Komsomol (Oskar Ryvkin, then Lazar Shatskin)."
- 1920 HistoryCommons The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' - In the 1920s, William J. Cameron, editor of the Dearborn Independent, popularized the manuscript called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which purported to detail the “secret teachings” of Judaism, including the planned takeover of the world’s governments, the subjugation of non-Semitic races, cannibalistic rituals practiced by Jews.
- 1920 Wikipedia Nesta Helen Webster (Mrs. Arthur Webster), (24 August 1876 – 16 May 1960) was a controversial author who revived conspiracy theories about the Illuminati. She argued that the secret society's members were occultists, plotting communist world domination, using the idea of a Jewish cabal, the Masons and Jesuits as a smokescreen. According to her, their international subversion included the French Revolution, 1848 Revolution, the First World War, the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. In 1920, Webster was one of the contributing authors who wrote The Jewish Peril, a series of articles in the London Morning Post, centered on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These articles were subsequently compiled and published in the same year, in book form under the title ofThe Cause of World Unrest.
- 1920 Wikipedia Jacob Schiff was director of the National City Bank of New York (Citi, CitiCorp, CitiGroup)... Schiff was born in 1847 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, to Moses and Clara (née Niederhofheim) Schiff, members of a distinguished Ashkenazi Jewish rabbinical family that traced its lineage in Frankfurt back to 1370. His father, Moses Schiff, was a broker for the Rothschilds. ... After the U.S. Civil War had ended in April, 1865, Schiff came to the United States, arriving in New York City on August 6. He was licensed as a broker on November 21, 1866, and joined the firm of Budge, Schiff & Company in 1867. ... returned to NY to head Kuhn Loeb ... extended loans to the Empire of Japan in the amount of $200 million, through Kuhn, Loeb & Co ... to answer 'antisemitism' (jew hatred by jew haters) by Russian Empire ... Schiff financed loans to many other nations, including those that would come to comprise the Central Powers ... A practitioner of Reform Judaism,[18] Schiff supported political, secular Zionism. Despite not agreeing fully with the ideas of Theodore Herzl, and in fact believing that Zionism would cause Americans to question his loyalty ... He financed the enemies of autocratic Russia ...
- 1920s Wikipedia Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.... The worldwide spread of the concept in the 1920s is associated with the publication and circulation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The expression made an issue out of the Jewishness of some leading Bolsheviks (most notably Leon Trotsky) during and after the October Revolution. and see CODOH The Occult Roots of Nazism ... Cohn, the British Holocaustorian who has made a career of microscopically analyzing the sensational Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as a literary impetus for the later Holocaust. ... Although marred by annoying knee-jerks and tics of minor residual bias, this remains a thorough and levelheaded inquiry into a topic severely mauled by hacks ... see Guido von List (1848-1919) and Nordic paganism ... List worked out what was essentially a clairvoyant reconstruction of the distant past, elaborating a vast mythology of an ancient Wotanist priesthood, the Armanenschaft. ... Eventually, List built up a fairly wide readership and a Guido von List Society, sponsored by prestigious people, was established. With the coming of the First World War, the appeal of such a philosophy grew greatly, especially in Germany, and List also found a wider field for analysis of the destructive elements arrayed against the Central Powers. He dubbed these the Great International Party, in a fair anticipation of the World Zionist Organizations and Trilateral Commissions of our own day. ... Ariosophy played only a very incidental role in the rise of National Socialism. ... The government's channel was the Thule Society, which in turn was the creature of the two evil geniuses, the playwright and early Hitler friend, Dietrich Eckart, and a professor of geopolitics at the University of Munich, Dr. Karl Haushofer. They used the Thule Society to control the state through Hitler, who is invariably described in the canon as a semi-hysterical "mediumistic" personality. ... The Thule Society was disbanded around 1925 because of declining membership and was never reorganized.
- 1920s... NFU / Jonas Alexis the neoconservative persuasion is a subversive movement which started out in the 1920s and 30s. Legal scholar Michael Lind pointed out some years ago that, “Most neoconservative defense intellectuals have their roots on the left, not the right. They are products of the influential Jewish-American sector of the Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s, which morphed into anti-communist liberalism between the 1950s and 1970s and finally into a kind of militaristic and imperial right with no precedents in American culture or political history.” This was the case for Kristol, who bragged about how his Jewish intellectual comrades such as Nathan Glazer of Harvard, Philip Selznick of Berkley, Peter Rossi of Johns Hopkins, Merroe Berger of Princeton, I. Milton Sacks of Brandeis, and Seymour Melman of Columbia were not only Trotskyists but were “unquestionably the most feverishly articulate” in indoctrinating students into their Weltanschauung.
- 1920 Feb ControversyofZion If assimilation (19th, 20th century European Jews) did not succeed, it was more than anything due to the majority of the Eastern Jews and their Talmudic leaders opposing it with tooth and claw. The strongest weapon in their counterattack became the reactionary and anachronistic Zionist ideology which aimed at isolating of the Jews and locking them into an invisible ghetto for all time. A large part of Douglas Reed's book is dedicated to the triumph of this ideology which met with unveiled sympathy of many Western politicians.The Illustrated Herald brought an article by Winston Churchill titled “Zionism versus Bolshevism. A Battle for the Soul of the Jewish people.” Having demonstrated that the international communist movement was largely under Jewish control and that the October Revolution in Russia was largely the work of Jews, he expressed the hope that the Jewish masses would turn to Zionism as an alternative to Communism. ... Winston Churchill (whose mother, Jenny (Jacobson) Jerome, was Jewish meaning he is Jewish under Ashkenazi law as he was born of a Jewish mother) writes in an article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, dated February 8th, ...Rense
Rockefeller & Ford Foundations funding Fabianism, Tavistock, Cultural Marxism ...
- 1492 research ... Rockefellers Jewish? ... Rockefellers are Jews of Sephardic descent (meaning Spanish and Portuguese Jews). source: The book is entitled "The Grandees - America's Sephardic Elite." ... Publisher (Jewish owned) Harper & Row ..author: Stephen Birmingham ... .recognized by the Jewish community as an expert on Jewish history. ... The publisher of Mr. Birmingham also wrote the book "Our Crowd" about the family background of America's wealthiest and most successful Jews. Both books have been hailed by Jewish publications as first class works in the documentation of Jewish history. . The work was compiled by the Jewish historian Malcolm H. Stern and entitled "Americans of Jewish Decent." ... the book weighed 10 pounds and gave the history of 25,000 Jewish individuals in America. It is extremely interesting to note that only 550 copies of the book were printed and each copy was consecutively numbered. ... in 1492 that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain expelled the Jews from their country and confiscated their ill-gotten wealth. It was during this period that the Rockefeller family moved to the Turkish Empire... It is opined that Rothschilds funded the original fortue...
- 1875: Rense Jacob Schiff (shared residence with Rothschilds), now Solomon Loeb's son- in-law after marrying his daughter, Teresa, takes control of the banking house, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. He goes on to finance John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company, Edward R. Harriman's Railroad Empire, and Andrew Carnegie's Steel Empire. This is all with Rothschild money. Schiff would go on to help finance the Bolshevik Revolution..
- 1895 American Thinker The Webbs and George Bernard Shaw founded the London School of Economics in 1895. Faculty and students have included Bertrand Russell, John F Kennedy, Pierre Trudeau, George Soros, Peter Orszag, Robert Rubin, Harold Laski (a later head of the British Fabian Society), George Papandreou, David Rockefeller and John Maynard Keynes.
- 1902 .. JFK/Hood. Rockefeller Foundation / General Education Board ... the massive endowment drives between 1902 and 1924 were inspired by the necessity of raising $140 million in order to receive $60 million from the Rockefeller's General Education Board. By 1931-32, it was estimated that the foundations had directly stimulated the giving of $660 million, or fully two-thirds of the total endowment of all American institutions of higher learning— colleges, universities and professional schools.
- 1902 ..Tavistock -Mind Control World Control / NFU. Interlocking syndicate of corporations... Daniel Coit Gilman, who incorporated the Peabody Fund and the John Slater Fund, and became an incorporator of the General Education Board (now the Rockefeller Foundation). Gilman, who also incorporated the Russell Trust in 1856, later became an incorporator of the Carnegie Institution with Andrew Dickson White (Russell Trust) and Frederic A. Delano. Delano also was an original incorporator of the Brookings Institution and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Daniel Coit Gilman incorporated the Russell Sage Foundation with Cleveland FI. Dodge of the National City Bank. ... These foundations incorporators have been closely linked with the Federal Reserve System, the War Industries Board of World War I (Bernard Baruch), the OSS of World War II and the CIA. They have also been closely linked with the American International Corporation, which was formed to instigate the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Delano, an uncle of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was on the original Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in 1914. His brother-in-law founded the influential Washington law firm of Covington and Burling.
- 1904 Wikipedia Rockefeller Foundation ... abridged, paraphrased: Rockefeller Foundation, founded in 1913, NYC, helped The New School for Social Research provide a haven for Frankfurt School (ISR) scholars threatened by the Nazis... Funding various German eugenics programs, including the laboratory of Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, for whom Josef Mengele worked before he went to Auschwitz, Construction of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute's Institute for Brain Research ... founded to whitewash Standard Oil crimes described by Ida Tarbell 1904, see Nelson Aldrich 1906, ... Through the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial (LSRM), established by John D. Rockefeller in 1918 and named after his wife, the Rockefeller fortune was for the first time directed to supporting research by social scientists... creating the Social Science Research Council.
- 1905 Mullins, Murder by Injection The involvement of the Rockefellers in promoting the world Communist Revolution also developed from their business interests. There was never any commitment to the Marxist ideology; like anything else, it was there to be used.
- 1905, 24 MuckRaker ...Was Stalin's rise to power aided by Rockefeller?. Stalin emerged from the Baku oil fields to wreak havoc on the Russian oil industry. He became the devious mastermind behind the strikes and demonstrations that beset Standard Oil’s competition. ... Baku was the center of revolutionary activity. The socialist ideas of men like Germany’s Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin spread from there to the rest of tsarist Russia. The oil industry’s own distribution system was used to spread propaganda and stir unrest throughout the country. Standard Oil flourished as the Russian economy fell into tatters. ... When the Bolsheviks came to power, Standard Oil was the first in with the Communists... they (Rockefellers) saw Stalin as a dictator they could work with. They applauded when Lenin, Bucharin, and Trotsky were eliminated as political threats, but they turned on Stalin with a vengeance when he nationalized the oil industry. It's a fascinating question to ponder; was Joseph Stalin a product of the Standard Oil empire?
- 1905 ModernHistoryProject ... the 1905 revolution ...while Russia was engaged in the Russo-Japanese War, the Communists tried to get the farmers to revolt against the Czar, but they refused. [Many of the leaders, including Lenin and Trotsky were exiled --ed]. After this aborted attempt, the Czar deposited $400,000,000 in the Chase Bank, National City Bank, Guaranty Trust Bank, the Hanover Trust Bank, and Manufacturers Trust Bank, and $80,000,000 in the Rothschild Bank in Paris, because he knew who was behind the growing revolutionary movement, and hoped to end it. The Rothschilds, through Milner, planned the Russian Revolution, and along with Schiff (who gave $20 million), Sir George Buchanan, the Warburgs, the Rockefellers, the partners of J.P. Morgan (who gave at least $1 million), Olaf Aschberg (of the Nye Bank of Stockholm, Sweden), the Rhine Westphalian Syndicate, a financier named Jovotovsky (whose daughter later married Leon Trotsky), William Boyce Thompson (a director of Chase National Bank who contributed $1 million), and Albert H. Wiggin (President of Chase National Bank), helped finance it.
- 1906 Wikipedia on Henry Ford anti-Semitism ... American Jewish Committee (AJC) ...is a Jewish ethnic advocacy group established in 1906...regarded as the dean of American Jewish organizations"... led by Louis Marshall (founder), banker Jacob H. Schiff, Judge Mayer Sulzberger, Jacob Blaustein, ... Lousis Marshall succeded in stopping Henry Ford from publishing anti-Semitic literature and distributing it through his car dealerships, forcing Ford to apologize publicly to Marshall.
- 1917 Antony Sutton Cartoon depicted popularity of Karl Marx to Wall Street ... Chapter I THE ACTORS ON THE REVOLUTIONARY STAGE The cheering crowd and the airborne hats suggest that Karl Marx must have been a fairly popular sort of fellow in the New York financial district. Was Robert Minor dreaming? On the contrary, we shall see that Minor was on firm ground in depicting an enthusiastic alliance of Wall Street and Marxist socialism. The characters in Minor's cartoon — Karl Marx (symbolizing the future revolutionaries Lenin and Trotsky), J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller — and indeed Robert Minor himself, are also prominent characters in this book ... see Marx/Wall Street cartoon Capitalist / Marxist collusion.
- 1917 TavistockAgenda ... official minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ... upon analyzing their efforts to instigate Russian Revolution ... "The concern became, as expressed by the trustees, seeing to it that there was no reversion to life in this country as it existed prior to 1914. And they came to the conclusion that, to prevent a reversion, they must control education. and then they approached the Rockefeller Foundation and they said, 'Will you take on the acquisition of control of education as it involves subjects that re domestic in their significance? We'll take on the basis of subjects that have an international significance..' And it was agreed.... They decided the key to is the teaching of American history, and they must change that." [The Tax-Exempt Foundations, p. 60-61]
- 1922 SpiritualWiki ... Committee of 300, Only three hundred men, each of whom knows all others, govern the fate of Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of State, which they find unreasonable. Walter Rathenau (1867-1922) German industrialist, assassinated politician, Foreign Minister of Germany during the Weimar Republic, writer, Neue Freie Presse, Vienna, Christmas issue 24. December 1921 ... Original founders and funders of Tavistock included the (Illuminati) Committee of 300, the British Royal Family, the Milner Group, and the Rockefeller and Rothschild families. Another early influence on Tavistock was the (German Jewish) neo-Marxist Frankfurt School.
- 1924 ... RichardBoyden on C. Douglas Dillon of Dillon Reed, trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and funding of Nazi Germany .... The Dawes Plan restructures German reparations and stabilizes the German currency. American banker Charles Dawes arranges a series of foreign loans totalling $800 million to consolidate gigantic German chemical and steel combinations into cartels, one of which is I.G. Farben. "Without the capital supplied by Wall Street" it is said, "there would have been no I.G. Farben in the first place, and almost certainly no Adolf Hitler and World War II." Three Wall Street houses, Dillon, Reed & Co., Harris, Forbes & Co., and National City handled three-quarters of the loans used to create these cartels. (Sutton)
- 1928 The Role of Evil in Human Evolution The Chase National Bank was involved in selling Bolshevik bonds to the US. Louis McFadden said: "You would be staggered ... to find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Russia by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York..." (Congressional Record, June 15, 1933) and see State Dept files on Kuhn Loeb & Co. as the financier of the First Five Year Plan (Stalin). The Rockefellers were deeply involved in the transfer of Russia's gold supply. It was no coincidence that Milner, the diamond tycoon of South Africa... As in the Morgans and Rockefellers, behind Rhodes we find the vast power of the Rothschild family.
- 1929 JFK/Hood ... In 1929, the chancellor of the University of Chicago, Robert Hutchins, summed up the achievements of this agency in the following terms: "The Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial in its brief but brilliant career [it was later merged with the Rockefeller Foundation] did more than any other agency to promote the social sciences in the United States." The practice of concentrating funds in major university centers during this strategic period when the birth of institutions of research in the university complex took place has remained a permanent pattern of foundation financing. Thus the Ford Foundation distributed $105 milliOn worth of grants in economics and business from 1951 through the first quarter of 1965, but 77.5 per cent of this went to only ten universities and five business-controlled research and policy organizations (Resources for the Future, the Brookings Institution, the Population Council, the National Bureau of Economic Research and the Committee for Economic Development). This has had an absolutely decisive effect in perpetuating the concentration of institutionalized knowledge which the direct endowment of individual wealth had instigated
- 1933 ConspiracySchool It was Montagu Norman, as Chairman of the Bank of England, who, from 1933 through 1939, met repeatedly with Hjalmar Schacht, Reich Minister of Economics, and a member of the Rhodes Round Table, to plan the overall budget of the Nazi regime with British credit, and guided the strategies of Hitler’s primary supporters, the Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Harrimans.
- 1936 see Ford Foundation, established, Edsel,
- 1937 Terrorism-Illuminati The main intellectual influence on the neoconservatives was Leo Strauss, who, according to Barry Chamish, is today to leading proponent of the Frankist agenda. 1] Strauss, a student of Heidegger, arrived in the US in 1937 as a refugee from Nazi Germany, and taught at the Rockefeller funded University of Chicago. Strauss was brought to the university by its Chancellor, Robert Maynard Hutchins, one of the original sponsors of the Aspen Institute, an Aquarian conspirator, and a member of the CFR.
- 1941 ConspiracyArchive William Casey directed OSS operations through Alan Dulles in Europe during World War II. Prior to his OSS affiliation, Casey worked for the Board of Economic Warfare which allegedly targeted “Hitler’s economic jugular.”3 Allen Dulles, brother of John Foster Dulles, was the Director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961. He was a senior partner at the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Rockefeller Empire and other mammoth trusts, corporations and cartels.
- 1945 Tavistock Agenda ..., Rockefeller Foundation medical director Alan Gregg was touring various institutions that had been involved in war medicine to see if any group would commit to undertake the kind of social psychiatry that had been developed by the Army during wartime (e.g., cultural psychiatry for the analysis of the enemy mentality), and see if it could be relevant for the civilian society (on April 11, 1933, Rockefeller Foundation president Max Mason assured trustees that in their program, "the Social Sciences will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control,... the control of human behavior"). This led to a Rockefeller grant that resulted in the birth of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London in 1947. Tavistock would join with Kurt Lewin's Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD) at the University of Michigan the next year to begin publication of the international journal, HUMAN RELATIONS, relating theory to pracice. The first volume contained articles such as "Overcoming Resistance to Change," and "A Comparison of the Aims of the Hitler Youth and the Boy Scouts of America." The Tavistock Institute would use Lewin's techniques to arrange "therapeutic communities."
- 1946 to 1949: CliffordShack John McCloy (on the Warren Commission and a principle decision maker in German reparations to Israel) named a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.... McCloy worked for the owners of the Federal Reserve. McCloy served in the capacity of legal counsel for both the Rockefeller and the Warburg families. (Both families have close ties to the Rothschild banking family) Barack Obama’s maternal grandmother, Madelyn Payne, was an illegitimate daughter of the Rockefeller family. She was raised by an accountant for Standard Oil. Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's biological father? Obama’s secret biological father ... McCloy lived in Cos Cob,a suburb of Stamford. He was next door neighbors with Frederick Warburg, the head of the Warburg family who shared ownership of a bank with the Rockefellers.
- 1947 ..RichardBoyden. Planned Parenthood fundraising letter of January 8, 1947, lists Prescott S. Bush as treasurer of Margaret Sanger's first national fundraising drive... Bush lost an election because of this letter... WashingtonsBlog The San Francisco Chronicle also documents that leading financiers Rockefeller, Carnegie and Harriman funded Nazi eugenics programs. ... all while ... Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s ... By the late 1930s, Brown Brothers Harriman, which claimed to be the world’s largest private investment bank, and ... UBC had bought and shipped millions of dollars of gold, fuel, steel, coal and US treasury bonds to Germany, both feeding and financing Hitler’s build-up to war.
- 1950s Xiamitips... ..After decades of battling actual conspiracies dedicated to overturning his Revolution, the 84-year-old Castro is, I suppose, as entitled as anyone to paranoid fantasies. But what makes his embrace of Estulin’s book especially risible is the subordinate argument — and this is the part that most concerns me here — that the inspiration for the subversion of domestic unrest came from Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Leo Lowenthal and their colleagues at the Institute for Social Research in the 1950s. To cite the Associated Press condensed version: “The excerpt published by Castro suggested that the esoteric Frankfurt School of socialist academics worked with members of the Rockefeller family in the 1950s to pave the way for rock music to ‘control the masses’ by diverting attention from civil rights and social injustice.”3 The Radio Research Project under the direction of Paul Lazarsfeld, which had hired Adorno when he came to America in 1938, had, after all, been funded the Rockefeller Foundation. It was here that the techniques for mind control via pop music had been developed. And then according to Estulin, the task of realizing their sinister potential was given to no less a luminary than Walter Lippmann (!), who was somehow able to engineer the Beatles’ conquest of the American media in the 1960s.
- 1948 Wikedia In 1948 Franz Leopold Neumann (1900 – 1954) was a German-Jewish left-wing political activist, Marxist theorist and labor lawyer, who became a political scientist in exile and is best known for his theoretical analyses of National Socialism. ... Together with Ernst Fraenkel and Arnold Bergstraesser, Neumann is considered to be among the founders of modern political science in the Federal Republic of Germany.Neumann became a professor of Political Science at Columbia University and helped establish the Free University of Berlin. Neumann was highly regarded at Columbia and played a prominent part in attempts by the Rockefeller Foundation to strengthen political theory as a component of political science in American universities.
- EuroCanadian In relation to Big Business, the Fabian (London School of Economics established in 1895) see Rockfeller funding of LSE and Ford Foundation funding of Tavistock
- 1960s see Horkheimer (Frankfurt School) collaboration Tavistock... financed by Ford Foundation
- 1963 JTA The Ford Foundation today informed the American Jewish Committee here that it has granted $50,000 for the project of bringing German educators to the United States to study American methods of civic and social education. The program of education for democracy for West German youth was initiated by the American Jewish Committee in 1959 following extensive conferences with Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and other West German Government and educational leaders. Cooperating in the program has been the Institute of Social Research in Frankfurt and the Institute of International Education in the United States. Dr. Max Horkheimer, eminent social scientist and educator, is director of the Institute in Germany, and represents the American Jewish Committee. ... This is part of a stepped up program under the initiative of the American Jewish Committee, of extending civic and social education throughout the West German school system.
- 1970 Russell - Impact of Science on Society Bertrand Russell on mass psychology... "Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called "education." Religion plays a part, though a diminshing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part... It may be hoped that in time anbody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the Sate with money and equipment... this will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen".
- 1995 NFU/Rothschild page The Manufacturing of the first Jewish President, ...Obama ... is a Chicago B'nai Brith / CIA / Thomas G. Ayers creation ... including David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Lester Crown (General Dynamics), Bettylu Saltzman, Goldman Sachs, Philip Klutznick (B'nai Brith), Ford Foundation, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Trilateral Commission), Valerie Jarrett, Vernon Jordan, CIA, B'nai B'rith / JINSA / Obama and Bettylu Satlzman (daughter of Philip Klutznick (B'nai Brith), B’nai Moshe, then the B’nai Zion and see Clark Clifford, 2004 Lester Crown has been the chairman of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, a group whose longstanding board members include Michelle Obama and Michelle Obama’s cousin is Rabbi Capers C. Funnye, spiritual leader of a mostly black synagogue on Chicago's South Side. Michelle Obama was a member of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
- 2009 NewSchool.edu ... The Rockefeller Foundation has awarded The New School a prestigious New York City Cultural Innovation Fund award to support the work of its newly founded Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability ... In partnership with design labs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University, the DESIS lab will establish the U.S. branch of the DESIS Network. Founded by Ezio Manzini, DESIS Network is a global consortium of design schools, private companies and nonprofit organizations that support the use of design to generate social change. ... Campaigns to challenge Jewish supremacists begin with bans on ritual slaughter, circumcision and teaching of the Torah
- 2016 TavistockAgenda ... The Waldorf Ideology (Steiner) is a popular variation of the burgeoning Nazi Aryanism. Holding to a form of creationism, the Aryan race theory claimed a seven step process of human evolution in which successive races evolve from a lower to a higher form of life. One of the current most prominent scholars of the Waldorf Education system is Jens Stoltenberg leader of the Norwegian Labour Party and the Prime Minister of Norway. With funding from the Commonwealth Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation... Wikipedia The first Waldorf school opened in 1919 in Stuttgart, Germany. At present there are over a thousand independent Waldorf schools,[1] about 2,000 kindergartens[2] and 646 centers for special education,[3] located in 60 countries, constituting one of the largest independent school movements internationally.
- 2017 Stanford.edu The Humanities Center’s fellowships are made possible by gifts and grants from the following individuals, foundations and divisions within Stanford: The Esther Hayfer Bloom Estate, Theodore H. and Frances K. Geballe, Marta Sutton Weeks, The Mericos Foundation, The National Endowment for the Humanities, The Rockefeller Foundation, as well as from Stanford’s School of Humanities and Sciences, and the Office of the Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Education.
- 1920 Lyceum Freemason site the American publication (Protocols of the Elders of Zion) in 1920 of 500,000 copies was financed by a Freemason, one Henry Ford, who was a rabid anti-semite and a strong supporter of Nazi ideals. I was told that when this became public, the film studios, many of which were owned by Jews, got together and arranged that in every film where there was a car crash or breakdown it was clearly shown as a Ford !
- 1920 .Tablet Mag.. Admiral Miklós Horthy, the authoritarian regent under whose reign Hungary passed the first anti-Semitic law of 20th-century Europe in 1920
- 1920 TrueTorahJews In 1920 there were statements hostile to Jews expressed at Heidelberg University. These statements, arguing that Jews of Germany had caused the turmoil that followed the war; that the Jews of Germany had nothing in common with Germans, and that Germans had the right to prevent the Jews of Germany from intruding into the affairs of their volk were not made by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, but by Nahum Goldmann, who went in to become the President of the World Zionist Organization and head of the World Jewish Congress, and, indisputably, the most influential political Zionist in the world, second only to the Prime Minister of the State of Israel.
- 1920 Dean Henderson Henry Ford was a great admirer of Hitler, who also held Ford in high regard after the 1920 publication of Ford’s treatise, The International Jew. Hitler’s Mein Kampf incorporated entire sections of Ford’s book. In 1938 Ford received the highest Nazi honor possible for a non-German- the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle.
- 1920 International Historical Review There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate, Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek -- all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combatting Counter-Revolution [the Cheka] has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. ... Vladir Putin said that 80-85% of the leaders of the Bolshevik revolution were Jewish.
- 1920 British Mandate "The League of Nations divided the territory formerly under Ottoman rule] into new entities, called mandates. The mandates would be administered like trusts by the British and French, under supervision of the League, until such time as the inhabitants were believed by League members to be ready for independence and self-government... The mandate territories were Syria and Lebanon, awarded to France; Iraq, awarded to Britian; and a new entity called Palestine, which was also placed under British control. Palestine, as defined for the first time in modern history...included the land on both sides of the Jordan River and encompassed the present-day countries of Israel and Jordan."
- 1920 April PalestineRemembered Disturbances in Palestine; 5 Jews killed, 200 wounded. British appoint Palin Commission of Inquiry .Commission report attributes troubles to none fulfillment of promises of Arab independence and fear of political and economic consequences of Zionism.
- 1920 History of the Money Changers Warren G. Harding is elected President of the United States, and succeeds Woodrow Wilson in 1921. This will be the start of a period which became known as the, "roaring twenties." Despite the fact that World War I had saddled America with a debt that was ten times larger than its civil war debt, the United States economy grew in abundance. Also, gold had poured into America during the war and continued during the 1920's. The reason for this growth is that President Harding reduced taxes domestically, and increased tariffs on imports to record levels.
- 1920 - GripesOnline Winston Churchill recognizes the connection between the Illuminati and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. He observes: "From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution."
- 1920: IAmTheWitness Winston Churchill (whose mother, Jenny (Jacobson) Jerome, was Jewish ... writes in an article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, dated February 8th, "From the days of Illuminati leader Weishaupt, to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, this worldwide conspiracy has been steadily growing. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America, have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."
- 1920 -- AriesComputer GWP becomes the National Socialist German Worker's Party.
- 1921 EIR The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, formerly known as the Tavistock clinic, was founded in London in 1921. It quickly became known as the "Freud Hilton," due to the fact that Dr. Sigmund Freud's daughter, Dr. Anna Freud, became a leading figure there. In 1932, the clinic was taken over by Dr. John Rawlings Rees, a key figure in British Army intelligence. During World War II, then-Brigadier-General Rees was the top psychiatric warfare specialist of the British military command; Tavistock became the psychological warfare arm of the British military and intelligence services generally.
- 1921 WMR ... British GCHQ uses Tavistock mass mind control techniques in cyberspace It was only a matter of time. The National Security Agency's British FIVE EYES partner, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), has now made common cause with another creation of British intelligence, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. From the time of its creation in 1921 under the aegis of the British Army's Bureau of Psychological Warfare to the present time, the Tavistock Institute has been at the forefront of research into and application of targeted and mass mind control techniques. The institute has cooperated with research entities, including the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and Esalen Institute in the United States, that carry out psychological operations on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense. The latest tranche of PowerPoint slides revealed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden shows the similarities between the GCHQ's Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG)'s Human Science Operations Cell (HSOC). The very name "Human Science Operations" appears yanked right from the operational charter of the Tavistock Institute, which includes the ability to engage in "full spectrum domination" by U.S. and U.K. intelligence services, in other words, the two core members of the FIVE EYES alliance.
- 1921 JVL...With the end of the war, the defeat of Germany and the success of the London branch of the Zionist movement, it was clear that the leadership there would be rewarded. Weizmann became President of the WZO and Sokolow President of the executive. The Congress discussed the activities and organization of Keren HaYesod, which had been established a year earlier at the London Conference and whose purpose it was to raise funds for the upbuilding of Palestine from among the Jewish communities of the Diaspora.
- 1921 Wikipedia ...Revisionist Zionism (see Benzion Netanyahu activities in) is a faction within the Zionist movement. It is the founding ideology of the non-religious right in Israel, and was the chief ideological competitor to the dominant socialist Labor Zionism. Revisionism led to the development of the Likud Party.[1] The ideology was developed originally by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, who advocated a "revision" of the "practical Zionism" of David Ben-Gurion and Chaim Weizmann, which was focused on independent individuals settling of Eretz Yisrael. In 1935, after the Zionist Executive rejected Jabotinsky's political program and refused to state that "the aim of Zionism was the establishment of a Jewish state", Jabotinsky resigned from the World Zionist Organization. He founded the New Zionist Organization (NZO) to conduct independent political activity for free immigration and the establishment of a Jewish State.[2] Revisionist Zionism was based on a vision of "political Zionism", which Jabotinsky regarded as following the legacy of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern political Zionism.
- 1921 LaRouchePub 1921: Leo Strauss chonology ...Strauss received his PhD. His dissertation, which praised the irrationalism of F.H. Jacobi,... Strauss has also studied at the Universities of Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, and Hamburg. Later, Strauss said that Nietzsche so dominated and bewitched him between his 22nd and 30th years, that he literally believed everything that he understood of him.
- Illuminati Explained
- 1921 -- AriesComputer Council on Foreign Relations incorporated; founded by Wilsonians House, Dulles and company upon their return from Paris, with the help of the Round Table Group.
- 1921 - GripesOnline Col. House reorganizes the American branch of the Institute of International Affairs into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). For the past 60 years, 80% of the top positions in every administration - whether Democrat or Republican - have been occupied by members of this organization. During that time, only two Presidents have not been directly affiliated with the CFR - John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. Kennedy was assassinated and an attempt was made on Reagan's life!]
- 1921 March PalestineRemembered Founding of the Haganah, the Zionists' illegal underground military organization. 1 May Disturbances in Jaffa protesting large-scale Zionist immigration; 46 Jews killed, 146 wounded. British Haycraft Commission of Inquiry (October) attributes disturbances to fears of Zionist mass immigration. 8 May Haj Amin al-Husayni appointed Multi of Jerusalem. May-June Fourth Palestinian National Congress, convening in Jerusalem, decides to send a Palestinian delegation to London to explain the Palestinian case against the Balfour Declaration.
- 1921 Bolshevik revolution search terms: Tsar, Red Terror, White Army, pogroms, Cheka, thousands of peasant strikes because of food requisition, Comintern, New Economic Policy, Bukharin, Kamenov, Permanent revolution, Siberia, starvation, famine, forced labor, Five Year Plan, collectivization failed, purge of specialists, proletariat, bourgeius, fascism
- 1921: IAmTheWitness Under the orders of Jacob Schiff the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is founded by Ashkenazi Jews, Bernard Baruch and Colonel Edward Mandell House. Schiff gave his orders prior to his death in 1920, as he knew an organisation in America needed to be set up to select politicians to carry on the Rothschild conspiracy,and the formation of the CFR was actually agreed in a meeting on May 30, 1919 at the Hotel Majestic in Paris, France. The CFR membership at the start was approximately 1000 people in the United States. This membership included the heads of virtually every industrial empire in America, all the American based international bankers, and the heads of all their tax free foundations. In essence all those people who would provide the capital required for anyone who wished to run for Congress, the Senate or the Presidency. ... The first job of the CFR was to gain control of the press. This task was given to John D. Rockefeller who set up a number of national news magazines such as Life, and Time. He financed Samuel Newhouse to buy up and establish a chain of newspapers all across the country, and Eugene Meyer also who would go on to buy up many publications such as the Washington Post, Newsweek, ant The Weekly Magazine. ... The CFR also needed to gate control of radio, television and the motion picture industry. This task was split amongst the international bankers from, Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, the Warburgs, and the Lehmanns.
- 1921 Wikipedia In late 1921, Lenin's health deteriorated, he was absent from Moscow for longer periods of time. He had three strokes between 26 May 1922 and 10 March 1923, which caused paralysis, loss of speech and finally death on 21 January 1924. With Lenin increasingly sidelined throughout 1922, Stalin was elevated to the newly created position of the Central Committee general secretary.[c] Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev[d] became part of the troika (triumvirate) formed by Stalin to ensure that Trotsky, publicly the number-two man in the country and Lenin's heir presumptive, would not succeed Lenin.
- 1921 comment: Council on Foreign Relations ... When it was founded in 1921, the CFR was dominated by J.P. Morgan. Morgan is a Rothschild tentacle. This simply reinforces the obvious, that the CFR is a Rothschild instrument operated by the Rockefellers. The CFR is the immediate progeny of Rhodes' Round Table, which was underwritten by the Rothschilds. David Rockefeller is the chairman emeritus of the CFR. Rockefeller also founded in 1973, and is honorary chairman of, the Trilateral Commission. member list
- 1921 History of the Money ChangersThe Inventor of the electric light, Thomas Edison, said in an article published in the New York Times, on December 6, "If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good, makes the bill good, also...It is absurd to say that our country can issue 30 million dollars in bonds and not 30 million dollars in currency. Both are promises to pay, but one promise fattens the usurers and the other helps the people."
- 1921 The ForbiddenKnowledge Montagu Norman could hardly have aspired to play the role of currency dictator of Europe. Norman's trump card was his ability to manipulate the policies of the United States Federal Reserve System through a series of Morgan-linked puppets. Morgan's key puppet was Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank between 1914-29, which then as now represented the flagship of the entire Fed system. ... Strong was an operative of the House of Morgan (Rothschild) who had worked at Bankers Trust. In addition to what he could do himself, Strong had great influence over Andrew Mellon, who served as Secretary of the Treasury between 1921 and 1929 under Presidents Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover.
- 1921 Wikipedia Cheka , Yagoda From its founding, the Cheka was an important military and security arm of the Bolshevik communist government. In 1921 the Troops for the Internal Defense of the Republic (a branch of the Cheka) numbered 200,000. These troops policed labor camps; ran the Gulag system; conducted requisitions of food; subjected political opponents to torture and summary execution; and put down rebellions and riots by workers and peasants, and mutinies in the desertion-plagued Red Army. 3] Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda (Russian: Генрих Григорьевич Ягода;7 November 1891–15 March 1938), bornEnokh Gershevich Ieguda (Russian: Енох Гершевич Иегуда), was a Soviet state security official who served as director of the NKVD, the Soviet Union's Stalin-era security and intelligence agency, from 1934 to 1936. Appointed byJoseph Stalin, Yagoda supervised the arrest, show trial, and execution of the Old Bolsheviks Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev, events that manifested the beginnings of the Great Purge. Yagoda was born in Rybinsk into a Jewish family. He joined the Bolsheviks in 1907 YnetNews Stalin's Jews
- 1921 The Creature from Jekyll Island - The Best Enemy Money Can Buy After the October Revolution, all the banks in Russia were nationalized except the Petrograd branch of Rockefeller's National City Bank. Heavy industry was also nationalized except the Westinghouse plant, established by Charles Crane (Trotsky colleague), The Soviets formed their first international bank, was not owned and run by the state, but by a syndicate of German, Sweedish and American private bankers (like the Fed), most of its foreign capital came from England including the government, all run by Max May, VP of Morgan's Guarantee Trust Company of New York. The Round Table oversaw the issue of non-competitive food and machinery contracts issued by Jacob Schiff's Kuhn Loeb & Com, Averall Harriman acquired a twenty year monopoly over all Soviet manganese production, Armand Hammer (close personal friend of Lenin) made one of the world's greatest fortunes by mining Russian asbestos. ... Three million slave laborers perished in Siberia digging ore for Britain's Lena Goldfields.
- 1921 Feb DDickerson ... Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York World, February 17, 1921, put the case for Nilus tersely and convincingly thus: The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW. Indeed they do!
- 1922 -- AriesComputer Mussolini, alleged British Intelligence agent, comes to power in Italy, begins attempt to eliminate Mafia in Sicily. Cheka reorganized as GPU, Russian secret police.
- 1922 McDonald / Chechar ... in the days following the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it was believed that a Workers’ Revolution would sweep into Europe and, eventually, into the United States. It failed to do so. Towards the end of 1922, the Communist International (Comintern) began to consider the reasons for this failure. On Lenin’s initiative, a meeting was organized at the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow. The aim of the meeting was to throw light on the meaning of Marx’s Cultural Revolution
- 1922 - GripesOnline The CFR endorses World Government in its magazine "Foreign Affairs." Author Philip Kerr states: "Obviously there is going to be no peace or prosperity for mankind as long as the earth remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states, until some kind of international system is created. The real problem today is that of world government."
- 1922 Webster Tarpley The Hitler Project
- 1922 The Creature from Jekyll Island - The Best Enemy Money Can Buy
- 1922 Antony Sutton Max May, Olof Aschberg, Ruskombank, Guaranty Trust Company .... Count Jacques Minotto is a most unlikely but verifiable and persistent thread that links the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia with German banks, German World War I espionage in the United States, the Guaranty Trust Company in New York, the abortive French Bolshevik revolution, and the related Caillaux-Malvy espionage trials in France. ... in 1922, Max May became a director of the Soviet Ruskom-bank and represented the interests of Guaranty Trust in that bank. The French interrogatory establishes that Count Minotto, a German espionage agent, was in the employ of Guaranty Trust Company; that Max May was his superior officer; and that Max May was also closely associated with Bolshevik banker Olof Aschberg. In brief: Max May of Guaranty Trust was linked to illegal fund raising and German espionage in the United States during World War I; he was linked indirectly to the Bolshevik Revolution and directly to the establishment of Ruskombank, the first international bank in the Soviet Union. It is too early to attempt an explanation for this seemingly inconsistent, illegal, and sometimes immoral international activity. In general, there are two plausible explanations: the first, a relentless search for profits; the second — which agrees with the words of Otto Kahn of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and of American International Corporation in the epigraph to this chapter — the realization of socialist aims, aims which "should, and can, be brought about" by nonsocialist means.
- 1922 Solzhenitsyn 200 Years Together, McDonald The Parisian Zionist journal Sunrise wrote in 1922 that Gorky essentially said that “the growth of anti-Semitism is aided by the tactless behavior of the Jewish Bolsheviks themselves in many situations. That is the blessed truth!” And Gorky wasn’t speaking of Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev — he was speaking of the typical Jewish communist who occupies positions in the collegiums, presidiums and petty and mid-level Soviet institutions where they come into contact with large swaths of the population. They occupy leading front-line positions which naturally multiplies their number in the mind of the public.
- 1922 Wolzek World History ... Lenin suffers one stroke in May, and another in December. Leadership of the party is handed over to a triumvirate consisting of Josef "Stalin" and two Jews, Zinoviev and Kamenev. Stalin will later outmaneuver the other two, as well as the Jew Trotsky, and become the sole leader of the party. His daughter Svetlana marries the Jew Mihail Kaganovich, son of Lazar Kaganovich, a member of the politburo. His son Vassili marries the half-Jewish Svetlanda Molotov, daughter of Gentile minister of foreign affairs Vyacheslav Molotov and his Jewish wife. Stalin's wife is the Jewess Rosa Kaganovich. Thus Stalin, while a Gentile, clearly demonstrates his willingness to cooperate with the Jews; only very late in life will he show signs of wanting to rid the Party of Jewish influence, but he dies before his plans can come to their full fruition.
- The Heritage Foundation founded by Paul Weyrich with funding from Joseph Coors, who also founded and financed respectively the Moral Majority and Council for National Policy.]
- 1922 PalestineRemembered British colonial secretary Winston Churchill issues White Paper excluding Transjordan from scope of Balfour Declaration. Ignoring political criteria, White Paper authorizes Jewish immigration according to "economic absorptive capacity" of the country. 24 July League of Nations Council approves Mandate for Palestine. August Fifth Palestinian National Congress, meeting in Nablus, agrees to economic boycott of Zionists (see 1901 entry on JNF). October First British census of Palestine shows population of 757,182 -78% Muslim Arab, 11% Jewish, 9.6% Christian Arab. It is often claimed that Palestine was empty until Zionist Jews made the Palestinian desert bloom, click here to read our response to this argument.
- 1922 Wolzek ... Lenin suffers one stroke in May, and another in December. Leadership of the party is handed over to a triumvirate consisting of Josef "Stalin" and two Jews, Zinoviev and Kamenev. Stalin will later outmaneuver the other two, as well as the Jew Trotsky, and become the sole leader of the party. His daughter Svetlana marries the Jew Mihail Kaganovich, son of Lazar Kaganovich, a member of the politburo. His son Vassili marries the half-Jewish Svetlanda Molotov, daughter of Gentile minister of foreign affairs Vyacheslav Molotov and his Jewish wife. Stalin's wife is the Jewess Rosa Kaganovich. Thus Stalin, while a Gentile, clearly demonstrates his willingness to cooperate with the Jews; only very late in life will he show signs of wanting to rid the Party of Jewish influence, but he dies before his plans can come to their full fruition.
- 1922 DeanHenderson In 1922 the Treaty of Jeddah gave Saudi Arabia independence from Britain, though the Crown still exerted considerable influence. To this day British mercenaries serve as bodyguards for the House of Saud.
- 1923 Falsification of History Franklin School and Tavistock
- 1923 Internet Encylopedia of Philosophy ... in the 1960s the University of Frankfurt, (Institute of Social Research) to which the institute was attached, would receive the epithet “Karl Marx University”. The initial idea of an independently founded institute was conceived to provide for studies on the labor movement and the origins of anti-Semitism, which at the time were being ignored in German intellectual and academic life Not long after its inception, the Institute for Social Research was formally recognized by the Ministry of Education as an entity attached to Frankfurt University. ... psychoanalysis in the Frankfurt School was conceived in terms of a reinterpretation of Freud and Marx ... Fromm: “the missing link between ideological superstructure and socio-economic base” ... The School’s interest in psychoanalysis was characterized by the total abandonment of Marxism as well as by a progressive interest into the relation of psychoanalysis with social change and the maintenance of Fromm’s insight into the psychic (or even psychotic) role of the family. ... the authoritarian personality ... found to have specific traits, such as, among others: compliance with conventional values, non-critical thinking, an absence of introspectiveness. ... within a totalitarian regime ... Horkheimer’s dialectics functioned as the battleground for overcoming categorical fixities and oppositions. (deconstructionism) ... Marxists.org Frankfurt School
- 1923 One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate. Ze'ev Jabotinsky withdrew from the Zionist establishment to organize his opposition Revisionist movement. Jabotinsky, an Anglophile and a liberal, broke with Chaim Weizmann, also an Anglophile and a liberal, over his cautious and moderate approach the the British...demanded that a Jewish army established
- 1923 Rense Dov's Father, Rabbi Jacob I. Zakheim was born in 1910 and reared in Poland's swarm of Zionist hard guys, read assassins and bombers. His Polish town, near Bilaystok, also brought us Yitzhak Shir, and family friends included Menachem Begin and Moshe Arens. Dov's father was an active member of Betar, formed in 1923 in Riga, Latvia. Its goal was to control the Middle East (and its oil). It was known that the Jewish people needed their own country and they chose Palestine and claimed it a Jewish state "on both sides of the Jordan." Eretz
- 1923 Wikipedia ... France occupied the Ruhr industrial region as a result of Germany's failure to meet its reparations payments. This led to economic chaos, the resignation of Wilhelm Cuno's government, and an attempt by the German Communist Party (KPD) to stage a revolution. The reaction to these events was an upsurge of nationalist sentiment. Nazi Party membership grew sharply, to about 20,000
- 1923 Nicholas Kollerstrom The Hague Convention of 1923 (Articles 22, 23) proposed to outlaw indiscriminate urban bombing (‘aerial bombardment for the purpose of terrorising the civilian population’) but alas, the five organising powers (Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the US) never signed it. Britain’s Prime Minister affirmed to the House of Commons in 1938 that any such bombing would be an "undoubted violation of international law," then a resolution passed by the League of nations in September 1938, ‘The intentional bombing of civilian populations is illegal’ had been proposed by the British government and passed without dissent - who could object to such a self-evident truth? ‘…we have no intention of attacking the civil population as such’ said the British representative during an Anglo-French staff conversation on August 14, 1939, just before war broke out.
- 1923 Bibleoteca Pleyades Bohemian Grove ... complete member list ... "One of my most energetic American friends and patrons was the president of the Columbia University, Nicholas Murray Butler, the president of the Carnegie Endowment at the same time. He wrote the foreword to the American edition of Paneuropa." Kalergi's Paneuropa movement was set up and funded by Max Warburg and Louis Rothschild in 1923. Paul and Felix Warburg were promoting the movement in the United States and Rothschild-ally Leopold S. Amery was a major supporter from the United Kingdom. Stephen P. Duggan, the CFR director and co-founder of the Institute for International Education, became the president of the American Cooperative Committee of the Pan-European Union In 1927 Butler assisted the U.S. State Department in developing the Kellogg-Briand Pact. President of the Pilgrims Society 1928-1946. Visitor of the Bohemian Grove and an honorary member by 1929. .... These people were supporters of Georg Hegel, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, and Max Weber. Among these people was Herbert Marcuse, a Jewish Marxist Hegelian, who became the 'father of the New Left' in the 1960s.
- 1923 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler Owen D. Young of General Electric was one of the three U.S. delegates to the 1923 Dawes Plan meeting which established the German reparations program. And in the Dawes and Young Plans we can see how some private firms were able to benefit from the power of the State. The largest single loans from Wall Street to Germany during the 1920s were reparations loans; it was ultimately the U.S. investor who paid for German reparations. The cartelization of the German electrical industry under A.E.G. (as well as the steel and chemical industries was made possible with these Wall Street loans ...search on McCloy
- 1923 Wikipedia Felix Weil, ... was a Jewish German-Argentine Marxist, who provided the funds to found the Institute for Social Research (Frankfurt School) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.... In 1923 he financed the Erste Marxistische Arbeitswoche ("First Marxist Work Week"), a conference in the German town of Ilmenau. The event was attended by various leftist figures such as Georg Lukács, Karl Korsch, Richard Sorge, Friedrich Pollock, and Karl August Wittfogel. The success of this event led him and his friend Friedrich Pollock to, with the help of an endowment from his father, founded the Institute for Social Research in 1924. ... investigate Weil / Rothschild relationship
- 1923 McDonald - Culture of Critique Chap 6 The wider Jewish community provided economic support for psychoanalysis as the preferred form of psychotherapy among Jews (Glazer & Moynihan 1963); it also provided philanthropic support for institutes of psychoanalysis. Jews also provided the great majority of the financial support of the University of Frankfurt as a haven for German-Jewish intellectuals beginning in the Wilhelmine period (see W. E. Mosse 1989, 318ff), and the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt was established by a Jewish millionaire, Felix Weil, with a specific intellectual-political mission that eventually developed into Critical Theory (Wiggershaus 1994). In the United States, foundations such as the Stern Family Fund, the Rabinowitz Fund, and the Rubin Foundation provided money for radical underground publications during the 1960s (Sachar 1992, 804). Much earlier, American Jewish capitalists like Jacob Schiff financed Russian radical movements directed at overthrowing the Czar and may well have had considerable impact (Goldstein 1990, 26–27; Szajkowski 1967).
- 1923 InfoUnderground ... In 1923, 150 of the 161 privately-owned banks in Berlin were Jewish; [GORDON, p. 11] "In Berlin alone," notes Jewish author Edwin Black, "about 75% of the attorneys, and nearly as many doctors, were Jewish." [BLACK, p. 58] "All the major Berlin department stores -- Wertheim, Herman Tietz, N. Israel, KaDeWe," says Jewish author Peter Wyden, "were the properties of Jews. All the principal newspaper publishers and thirteen of the drama critics were Jews. Garment manufacturing, a major industry, was generally known to be in Jewish hands." [WYDEN, p. 21] "In Germany," says Nachum Gidal, "Jews above all developed the setting up of department stores, the manufacture and ready-made ladies and gentlemen's clothing, the tobacco, leather, and fur industries and the new film industry." [GIDAL, p. 17]
- 1923 Wikipedia Dietrich Eckart (23 March 1868 – 26 December 1923) was a German journalist and politician who, with Adolf Hitler, was one of the early key members of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) and a participant in the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. ... After World War I, Eckart edited the antisemitic periodical Auf gut Deutsch ("In plain German"), working with Alfred Rosenberg and Gottfried Feder. A fierce critic of the German Revolution and the Weimar Republic, he vehemently opposed the Treaty of Versailles, which he viewed as treason, and was a proponent of the so-called stab-in-the-back legend (Dolchstoßlegende), according to which the Social Democrats and Jews were to blame for Germany's defeat in the war.
- 1923 Jim Marrs Nazis & the Occult Selected Quotes from Jim Marrs' Book Rule By Secrecy ... One of the early German Workers party members was [publisher Dietrich] Eckart, often referred to as the spiritual founder of National Socialism. Eckart saw in Hitler the malleable leader he had been seeking and was soon introducing the new member to the right social circles in Munich and his intellectual friends in the Thule [pronounced too-lee] Society. ... To counter this communist threat and the spreading chaos, more than two dozen right-wing nationalist organizations sprang up in Munich alone. Among them was the Thule Society ... The 'Secret Doctrine' imparted to Hitler by Eckart and University of Munich Professor Haushofer was an amalgamation of concepts and philosophies largely stemming from the work of Madam Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society. ... (the research on this page does not focus on the occult, but rather the economic-financial-hegemony of Zionists (Rothschild)... this occult stuff is just blather.)
- 1923 MasterMason On 13th Feb, the Grand Fascist Council issues its first resolution against Freemasonry.
- 1923 Fall Why Hitler Came to Power German banks were paying four billion marks for a dollar when Hitler staged his first stroke agains the government in the Fall of 1923 ... The French were in the Ruhr ...rebellion was rife ... ruinous inflation ... Hitler reversing his position of no compromise, joined a coalition ... the National Socialist party became a military party ... but the great "nationalist uprising" never came off.
- 1923 Solzhenitsyn 200 Years Together, McDonald Russians commonly perceived Jews as dominating the Soviet government, a situation that resulted in anti-Jewish attitudes. A Jewish observer is quoted about the situation in 1923: "The Jew is in all corners and on all levels of power.” “The Russian sees him as a ruler of Moscow, at the head of the capital on Neva [Leningrad], and at the head of the Red Army, a perfected death machine. He sees that St. Vladimir Prospect has been renamed Naumson Prospect… The Russian sees the Jew as judge and hangman; he sees Jews at every turn, not only among the communists, but among people like himself, everywhere doing the bidding of Soviet power… . Not surprisingly, the Russian, comparing present with past, is confirmed in his idea that power is Jewish power, that it exists for Jews and does the bidding of Jews.
- 1923 some Jewish related Nazi Party admission requirements ... The application (for admission) must be refused in all cases where: (a) The marriage partner of the applicant is not free from Jewish or colored racial admixture; . . . (b) The applicant has belonged to a Freemason's lodge or similar organization (Odd Fellows, Druid Order, etc.) or to any secret society . . . (f) The applicant suffers from a hereditary illness, as defined by the law of July 14, 1933 for the prevention of the procreation of congenitally unhealthy elements . . . The ideal proportion of the number of party members and the number of racial comrades in the Greater German Reich . . is set at 10 percent. The National Socialist commandments: The Fuehrer is always right! Never go against discipline! Don't buy from Jews!
- 1923 Wikipedia Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch,[1] and, in German, as the Hitlerputsch or Hitler-Ludendorff-Putsch, was a failed coup attempt by the Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler — along with Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff and other Kampfbund leaders — to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, during 8–9 November 1923. About two thousand men marched to the centre of Munich, where they confronted the police, which resulted in the death of 16 Nazis and four policemen.[1] After two days, Hitler was arrested and charged with treason. From Hitler's perspective, there were three positive benefits from this attempt to seize power unlawfully. First, the putsch brought Hitler to the attention of the nation. His arrest was followed by a 24-day trial, which gave him a platform to publicize his nationalist sentiment to the nation. Hitler was found guilty of treason and sentenced to five years in Landsberg Prison. The second benefit to Hitler resulted in the production of his book Mein Kampf, which was dictated to his fellow prisoner, Rudolf Hess. On 20 December 1924, having served only nine months, Hitler was released. The final benefit that accrued to Hitler was the insight that the path to power was through legitimate means. Revolution and anarchy was not the answer to the pursuit of power. Accordingly, the most significant outcome of the putsch was a decision by Hitler to change NSDAP tactics, which would demand an increasing reliance on the development and furthering of Nazi propaganda
- 1924 EIR...The armed conflict in Israel today, which threatens to become World War III, is the continuation of almost a century of British-staged armed conflict between Arab and Jew that dates back to the Nebi Musa riots of 1920, just months after the close of World War I, as the British settled in to occupy Palestine. Eyewitness intelligence reports proved that British military operatives encouraged and facilitated the Arab rioting, lead by Haj Amin al-Husseini, against the Jews. The Jewish armed response was led by Jabotinsky, and a British-trained Zionist military force that had been placed in Palestine at the end of the war. The Jewish Legion, as it was called, had no military significance. Its creation was opposed by the world's Jewish community, including the small Zionist movement that then existed. But it was a major propaganda tool created by Milner and Amery to back up Sykes-Picot. When the war ended and the Legion demobilized in Palestine, it became a deadly weapon to be used for violent bloody confrontations with the Arabs.
- 1924 Kevin MacDonald Culture of Critique...In this fourth excerpt from The Culture of Critique, Kevin MacDonald wonders how 20th century history might have been different had the Russian Revolution not been started by the large Jewish faction in the Bolshevik Party. Four out of seven of the members of the first Politburo were Jewish, including Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Sokolnikov and Lenin was at least part Jewish. Furthermore, many of the leading members amongst the rank and file of the Bolshevik Party were Jewish and occupied positions of power and the revolution was perceived by the Russian people to be a Jewish affair at least until Stalin came to power in 1922 and even then key positions were often occupied by Jews.
- 1924 OccidentalObserver...The image of the Jew as Communist played an often overlooked role in the history not only of Jews in America, but of the millions of Jews in Eastern Europe who would have liked to emigrate to the United States after World War I, but who were prevented from doing so by the immigration restrictions enacted in the early 1920s, culminating in the Reed-Johnson Act of 1924. For those restrictions were motivated in part by the identification of Jews with political radicalism...From the 1860s the effects of the Enlightenment and the rise of capitalism throughout the Pale overturned the traditional structures of Jewish life. ...mainly between traditionalist parents and their children who abandoned traditional Judaism to embrace Marxism....The progression of young Jews from religious fanaticism to political fanaticism was often a psychologically seamless process, with the Messianic creed of Marxism being grafted, without much difficulty, onto traditional Jewish paradigms... The European left was in large measure a Jewish creation. In Germany in the mid-nineteenth century Marx, Hess, and Lassalle, all three of Jewish origin, founded and shaped the socialist movement.
- 1924 McDonald / Chechar ... Lenin died in 1924, but by that time Stalin had risen to power and was beginning to look on Willi Munzenberg, George Lukács and other Jewish revolutionaries (like Trotsky) as dangerous Marxist “revisionists”, introducing concepts into Marxism that were alien to Marxism and which served only a Jewish agenda. ... Lukács, a Jewish Hungarian aristocrat and son of a banker. He had become a Communist during World War I. A good Marxist theoretician, he had developed the idea of “Revolution and Eros” — sexual instinct used as an instrument of destruction. and Whale Lenin died in 1924. By this time, however, Stalin was beginning to look on Munzenberg, Lukacs and like-thinkers as ‘revisionists’. In June 1940, Münzenberg fled to the south of France where, on Stalin’s orders, a NKVD assassination squad caught up with him and hanged him from a tree. In the summer of 1924, after being attacked for his writings by the 5th Comintern Congress, Lukacs moved to Germany, where he chaired the first meeting of a group of Communist-oriented sociologists, a gathering that was to lead to the foundation of the Frankfurt School.
- 1924 Infowars ... After taking power in Russia, Lenin formed the Cheka. It assumed the right to conduct quick non-judicial trials and executions. The Cheka was later transformed into the NKVD. It engaged in mass executions, political assassination, torture, engineered famine and rounding up millions of “enemies of the state” who were interned in gulags, or forced labor camps. Stalin liquidated the Bolshevik Party “Old Guard” and institutionalized terror. Author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn put the number of people killed by Stalin and his version of the communist revolution at 60 million.
- 1924 Reformed Theology Hitler's 1924 Munich trial yielded evidence that the Nazi Party received $20,000 from Nuremburg industrialists. The most interesting name from this period is that of Emil Kirdorf, who had earlier acted as conduit for financing German involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution.4 Kirdorfs role in financing Hitler was, in his own words:
- 1924 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler The Treaty of Versailles after World War I imposed a heavy reparations burden on defeated Germany. This financial burden — a real cause of the German discontent that led to acceptance of Hitlerism — was utilized by the international bankers for their own benefit. The opportunity to float profitable loans for German cartels in the United States was presented by the Dawes Plan and later the Young Plan. Both plans were engineered by these central bankers, who manned the committees for their own pecuniary advantages, and although technically the committees were not appointed by the U.S. Government, the plans were in fact approved and sponsored by the Government.
- 1924 Lovkap.blog People behind Treaty of Versailles; Treaty of Versailles signed on 28th June 1919 was the work of International Bankers. They took all the measures necessary to ensure the next WW2. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, wrote: 'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs. Upon returning from the unsuccessful Peace Conference at Versailles, President Wilson stated, "There is a secret force at work in Europe which we were unable to trace." The secret force was Rothschild clan, which dominated the conferenceThe American President, Woodrow Wilson, was "advised" at Versailles Conference by Bernard Baruch, The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, was "advised" by Alfred Milner, Rothschild employee, and Sir Phillip Sassoon, a direct descendent of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, The French leader, Georges Clemenceau, was "advised" by his Minister for the Interior, Georges Mandel, whose real name was Jeroboam Rothschild. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines). The interpreter was Mantoux; and the Military Adviser was Mr. Kish. Interestingly all the advisers were Jews mostly representing International Bankers. These Jews met at 6 p.m. in the evenings to plan next World War and as bankers nothing can be more profitable than a great War; and accordingly, mapped out the decisions for the following day's conference of the "Big Four". To create new boundaries is to create new wars.
- 1924 more below with the Versailles Treaty concluding the First World War. Key figures in the machinations of the U.S. delegation to the Versailles negotiations figure prominently in the development of U.S. intelligence and national security policy for decades to follow. They also played a primary role in assisting the development of international fascism, before, during and after World War II. After Versailles, John Foster Dulles (a key member of the American delegation), acting as Special Counsel to the Dawes Committee, helped arrange the loans that re-capitalized Germany under the Dawes Plan. Foster's prominent Wall Street law firm, the above-mentioned Sullivan & Cromwell, profited handsomely from those loans, as well. Dulles' brother Allen also practiced for Sullivan & Cromwell.
- 1924 Rense In 1924, Averell Harriman (Skull & Bones, 1913) and Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist who began funding Hitler in 1923, set up the Union Banking Corp in New York to handle funds supplied to it through Thyssen's Dutch bank for American investment. Prescott Bush, who had been an officer of the W.A. Harriman bank since 1926, was a director of the Union Banking Corp from 1934 through 1943. According to government documents, "all of the shares of the Union Banking Corp., were held for the benefit of members of the Thyssen family." The federal government did not crack down on the Bush-Harriman/Nazi operation until 1942. After the war, Congressional investigation revealed that Fritz Thyssen's German Steel Trust, Germany's largest industrial corporation, which interlocked with Union Banking Corporation, produced a high percentage of Germany's national output of metal products and explosives.
- 1924-1928 PalestineRemembered Fourth wave of 67,000 Zionist immigrants, over 50% from Poland, increases Jewish population of Palestine to 16% of total. Registered Jewish landownership (1928) totals 4.2% of area of country. Click here to view a map illustrating a breakdown of Palestinian-Zionist landownership per district as of 1945.
- 1924-5 Wikipedia Barmat Scandal ... The Barmat Scandal in 1924 and 1925 in Weimar Republic implicated the Social Democratic Party of Germany in Germany in charges of corruption, war profiteering, fraud, bribery, and financial misdeeds. The scandal provided right-wing political forces within Germany (including the young Nazi Party) with a basis with which to attack the Social Democrats and the republic itself. Antisemitism in connection with the scandal also featured prominently in Nazi propaganda, since the Barmat brothers were Jewish.[1] The scandal was used by the German right to foster the belief that wealthy Jewish families, in quasi-criminal operations found fertile ground in the Republic and easily exploited the Social Democrats to do their bidding..[2] The right-wing press was eager to use Barmat Scandal as a vehicle for antisemitism.
- 1925 Judeo Masonic Conspiracy The “Main Kampf (eng.: My Struggle)” is one of the most significant political works of all times. in it Hitler exposes what he believes is a plot to take over the world; a plot that is corrupting all aspects of German life in front of his own eyes; a plot for a New World Order, that he associated to Judaism, and against which he warned: “If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity...”.
- 1925 YouTube YouTube
Jim Condit Jr. and Christopher
Jon Bjerknes (whose maternal grandfather was Jewish) discuss their
intensive research and their many Jewish and non-Jewish sources
(like Dietrich Bronder, Hennecke Kardel, Eustace Mullins, Antony
Sutton, Samuel Untermayer, Donn de Grand Pré, James Pool, Bryan Mark
Rigg, Alan Abrams, Edwin Black, Lenni Brenner, Norman Finkelstein,
Ignatius Trebitsch-Lincoln, Moses Pinkeles, Hans Frank, Douglas
Reed, David Gardner, Greg Hallett, Erik Jan Hanussen, Moses Hess,
Theodor Herzl, Louis L. Snyder, Ian Kershaw and many others)
concerning the Jewish roots of Adolf Hitler, the involvement of
Jewish bankers in the rise of Hitler and the NSDAP, the Jewish
soldiers in Hitler's army, the Holocaust, why Zionist Theodor Herzl
promoted anti-Semitism, the Jewish financiers behind the Soviet
Union, Netanyahu's wish to attack Iran, and the prediction of Moses
Hess (creator of National Socialism in 1860) that there would be a
race war and that Jews would have to suffer in order to be
reestablished in Palestine... Recorded on Wednesday May 23 2007.
- 1925 Darkmoon Hitler quote: "Now begins the last great revolution. By wresting political power for himself, the Jew casts off the few remaining shreds of disguise he still wears. The democratic plebeian Jew turns into the blood Jew and the tyrant of peoples. In a few years he will try to exterminate the national pillars of intelligence and, by robbing the peoples of their natural spiritual leadership, will make them ripe for the slavish lot of a permanent subjugation. The most terrible example of this is Russia.
- 1925 Infowars British Empire Conquers the Middle East F. William Engdahl and other historians have shown how the British Empire ruthlessly conquered the Arab Middle East, an effort spurred on when it realized oil would eclipse coal as the dominant energy source in the 20th century. As World War I raged in Europe, the British worked with France, Italy and Russia to wrestle the region away from the Ottoman Turks, who had enjoyed uncontested control for centuries. The borders imposed after the war created the artificial states of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Kuwait. The British had fomented and directed a revolt against the Ottomans during the war. One of the leaders selected by the British was Ibn Saud, the leader of a tribal Wahhabi sect in central Arabia who bought the support of the Bedouins with British money. In 1925, with British blessing and money, Saud overthrew the ruling monarch Prince Hijaz and by 1932 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established. Following the Second World War and a massive influx of money from Western oil corporations, the House of Saud began to proselytize and export Wahhabism, an austere and puritanical version of Sunni Islam founded by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. By 2013 governments around the world, including the European Parliament, considered Wahhabism the primary source of Islamic terrorism. The British and the global elite understood Islam could be effectively exploited to control Muslims. “All political leadership of the time depended on Islam for legitimacy and all political leaders were pro-British. Islam was a tool to legitimize the rule, tyranny and corruption of Arab leaders. To the West, Islam was acceptable; it could be and was used,” writes Said K. Aburish, the author of A Brutal Friendship: The West and the Arab Elite.
- 1925 Rense"The documents also show that Bush and his colleagues, according to reports from the U.S. Department of the Treasury and FBI, tried to conceal their financial alliance with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, a steel and coal baron who, beginning in the mid-1920s, personally funded Adolf Hitler's rise to power by the subversion of democratic principle and German law. "Furthermore, the declassified records demonstrate that Bush and his associates, who included E. Roland Harriman, younger brother of American icon W. Averell Harriman, and George Herbert Walker, President Bush's maternal great-grandfather, continued their dealings with the German industrial baron for nearly eight months after the U.S. entered the war... "
- 1925 The ForbiddenKnowledge The New York stock exchange speculation of the Coolidge-Hoover era was not a spontaneous phenomenon, but was rather deliberately encouraged by Norman and Strong under the pretext of relieving pressure on the overvalued British pound sterling after its gold convertibility had been restored in 1925. In practice, the pro-speculation policies of the US Federal Reserve were promoted by Montagu Norman and his satellites for the express purpose of fomenting a Bubble Economy in the United States, just as later central bankers fostered a Bubble Economy in Japan after 1986.
- 1925 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler The Young Plan was assertedly a device to occupy Germany with American capital and pledge German real assets for a gigantic mortgage held in the United States. It is noteworthy that German firms with U.S. affiliations evaded the Plan by the device of temporary foreign ownership. For instance, A.E.G. (German General Electric), affiliated with General Electric in the U.S., was sold to a Franco-Belgian holding company and evaded the conditions of the Young Plan. It should be noted in passing that Owen Young was the major financial backer for Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United European venture when FDR, as a budding Wall Street financier, endeavoured to take advantage of Germany's 1925 hyperinflation. The United European venture was a vehicle to speculate and to profit upon the imposition of the Dawes Plan, and is clear evidence of private financiers (including Franklin D. Roosevelt) using the power of the state to advance their own interests by manipulating foreign policy.
- 1925 Mein Kamp Murphy translation ... only one approved by the Third Reich ... and pdf from Radio Islam by the end of WWII ten million copies had been sold.
- 1925 Zuku An important step on the road to world monopoly was the most far-reaching corporation invented by the Rothschilds. This was the international drug and chemical cartel, I.G. Farben. Called "a state within a state," it was created in 1925 as Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktien gesellschaft, usually known as I.G. Farben, which simply meant "The Cartel". It had originated in 1904, when the six major chemical companies in Germany began negotiations to form the ultimate cartel, merging Badische Anilin, Bayer, Agfa, Hoechst, Weiler-ter-Meer, and Greisheim-Electron. The guiding spirit, as well as the financing, came from the Rothschilds, who were represented by their German banker, Max Warburg, of M.M. Warburg Company, Hamburg. He later headed the German Secret Service during World War I and was personal financial adviser to the Kaiser. When the Kaiser was overthrown, after losing the war, Max Warburg was not exiled with him to Holland, instead he became the financial adviser to the new government. Monarchs may come and go, but the real power remains with the bankers. While representing Germany at the Paris Peace Conference, Max Warburg spent pleasant hours renewing family ties with his brother, Paul Warburg, who, after drafting the Federal Reserve Act at Jekyl Island The Creature from Jekyll Island , had headed the U.S. banking system during the war. He was in Paris as Woodwow Wilson's financial advisor.
- 1925 ThisIsZionism The value of the minerals of the is estimated at five trillion dollars. This estimate appears to be optimistic but it is supported in part by the report of the Crown Agents of the British Colonies entitled "Production of Minerals From the Waters of the Dead Sea" (page 2). It is alleged that all copies of this booklet containing this report have been destroyed except those in the British Museum, Colonial office, and House of Commons. This official report estimates the minerals, except oil, in 1925 as follows: Magnesium Chloride, 22,000 tons, value 600 billion dollars; Potassium Chloride, 20,000 tons, value 75 billion dollars; other minerals valued at 1,200 billion dollars; or a total of about three trillion dollars, exclusive of oil (The Palestine Mystery, pages 12 and 13).enlarge
- 1925 MatterofPrinciple This huge concession was first granted by the British Colonial Secretary to the Russian Zionist Moise Novemeysky in 1923 and finally granted on January 1, 1930, by the British House of Lords to "Palestine Potash Limited", a joint stock company. This company, so far as known, is composed wholly of American, British, and Russian Zionist Jews. Mr. H.H. Klein, a patriotic Jew, states that there are 1500 American stockholders and that they organized themselves into a corporation known as "Palestine Associates Inc.," with a capital of $400,000,000 and that this group owns 581,000 shares of the parent company. He states that Moise Novemeysky owns 30,000 shares; that Casenove Nominees Ltd., owns 221,075 shares; that Palestine Economic Corporation, dominated by the Warburgs, owns 45,111 shares, and that the Anglo Palestine Bank Nominees owns 42,935 shares. He says also that Palestine Potash Ltd. has three American directors, viz: Benjamin Brodie, Julius Simons, and Robert Szold, whose brother is a member of the banking firm of Lehman Bros. and in 1933 from JTA Archives... It was learned today that the Brodie-Szold interests in Palestine Potash, Ltd., the company which owns and operates the Dead Sea mineral salts concession in Palestine, cabled Palestine and England last week authorizing the increase of their investment in the Dead Sea company by £35,000. The increase represents new subscriptions secured by the Brodie-Szold group from several New York Jews not hitherto affiliated with Palestine development work. The work of the American Economic Committee for Palestine was in very large measure responsible for the new subscriptions, it was explained. Almost all the Brodie-Szold group investments in the Dead Sea company have been placed in an American holding company known as Palestine Associates, Inc., of which Israel B. Brodie is president and Robert Szold is treasurer.
- 1925 PalestineRemembered Revisionist Party, founded in Paris by Polish Zionist Vladimir Jabotinsky, demands establishment of Jewish state in Palestine and Transjordan and stresses military aspects of Zionism. October Sixth Palestinian National Congress convenes in Jaffa.
- 1925 YouTube YouTube sss Jim Condit Jr. and Christopher Jon Bjerknes (whose maternal grandfather was Jewish) discuss their intensive research and their many Jewish and non-Jewish sources (like Dietrich Bronder, Hennecke Kardel, Eustace Mullins, Antony Sutton, Samuel Untermayer, Donn de Grand Pré, James Pool, Bryan Mark Rigg, Alan Abrams, Edwin Black, Lenni Brenner, Norman Finkelstein, Ignatius Trebitsch-Lincoln, Moses Pinkeles, Hans Frank, Douglas Reed, David Gardner, Greg Hallett, Erik Jan Hanussen, Moses Hess, Theodor Herzl, Louis L. Snyder, Ian Kershaw and many others) concerning the Jewish roots of Adolf Hitler, the involvement of Jewish bankers in the rise of Hitler and the NSDAP, the Jewish soldiers in Hitler's army, the Holocaust, why Zionist Theodor Herzl promoted anti-Semitism, the Jewish financiers behind the Soviet Union, Netanyahu wish to attack Iran, and the prediction of Moses Hess (creator of National Socialism in 1860) that there would be a race war and that Jews would have to suffer in order to be reestablished in Palestine... Recorded on Wednesday May 23 2007.
- 1925 Heretical Stalin had three wives, all of them Jewesses. The first was Ekaterina Svanidze who bore him one son, Jacob. His second wife was Kadya Allevijah. She bore him a son Vassili and a daughter Svetlana. His second wife died in mysterious circumstances, either by committing suicide or murdered by Stalin. His third wife was Rosa Kaganovich, the sister of Lazar Kaganovich, the head of Soviet industry. Stalin’s daughter (who in 1967 fled to the USA) then married Lazar’s son Mihail i.e. her step-mother’s nephew. Svetlana Stalin had a total of four husbands, three of them Jewish.
- 1925 PalestineRemembered Revisionist Party, founded in Paris by Polish
Zionist Vladimir Jabotinsky, demands establishment of Jewish state in Palestine
and Transjordan and stresses military aspects of Zionism. October
Sixth Palestinian National Congress convenes in Jaffa.
- 1925 -- AriesComputer Lionel Curtis organizes the Institutes of Pacific Relations in at least ten countries for the Round Table Group.
- 1925: IAmTheWitness This year's Jewish Encyclopaedia, states of the existence of Ashkenazi Jews (who represent approximately 90% of so-called world Jewry), with the startling admission that the so called enemy of the Jews, Esau (also known as Edom, see Genesis 36:1), now actually represents the Jewish race, when on page 42 of Volume V it is stated, "Edom is in modern Jewry." So what they're basically saying is that these Ashkenazi Jews, who represent 90% of the so-called Jewish population, are actually gentiles or goyim themselves. 1926: N. M. Rothschild & Sons refinance the Underground Electric Railways Company of London Ltd which has a controlling interest in the entire London Underground transport system. Maurice de Rothschild has a son, Edmond de Rothschild.
- 1926 RadioIslam on Jewish control of Germany .... The following is NOT neoNazi propaganda but a quote from Nahum Goldmann's (Founder President of the World Zionist Organization and head of the World Jewish Congress) book 'My Life as a German Jew': "German Jewry, which found its temporary end during the Nazi period, was one of the most interesting and for modern Jewish history most influential centers of European Jewry. During the era of emancipation, i.e. in the second half of the nineteenth and in the early twentieth century, it had experienced a meteoric rise.... It had fully participated in the rapid industrial rise of Imperial Germany, made a substantial contribution to it and acquired a renowned position in German economic life. Seen from the economic point of view, no Jewish minority in any other country, not even that in America could possibly compete with the German Jews. They were involved in large scale banking, a situation unparallelled elsewhere, and, by way of high finance, they had also penetrated German industry. A considerable portion of the wholesale trade was Jewish. They controlled even such branches of industry which is in general not in Jewish hands. Examples are shipping or the electrical industry, and names such as Ballin and Rathenau do confirm this statement. I hardly know of any other branch of emancipated Jewry in Europe or the American continent that was as deeply rooted in the general economy as was German Jewry. ... Their position in the intellectual life of the country was equally unique. In literature, they were represented by illustrious names. The theatre was largely in their hands. The daily press, above all its internationally influential sector, was essentually owned by Jews or controlled by them.
- 1926 Tarpley.net Prescott Bush became vice president of W.A. Harriman & Co. in 1926. That same year, a friend of Harriman and Bush set up a giant new organization for their client Fritz Thyssen, prime sponsor of politician Adolf Hitler. The new German Steel Trust, Germany’s largest industrial corporation, was organized in 1926 by Wall Street banker Clarence Dillon. Dillon was the old comrade of Prescott Bush’s father Sam Bush from the “ Merchants of Death ” bureau in World War I. ... In return for putting up $70 million to create his organization, majority owner Thyssen gave the Dillon Read company two or more representatives on the board of the new Steel Trust.@s9 Thus there is a division of labor: Thyssen’s own confidential accounts, for political and related purposes, were run through the Walker-Bush organization; the German Steel Trust did its corporate banking through Dillon Read. The Walker-Bush firm’s banking activities were not just politically neutral money-making ventures which happened to coincide with the aims of German Nazis. All of the firm’s European business in those days was organized around anti-democratic political forces.
- 1926 Platypus: Trotsky and the Frankfurt School Horkheimer also mentioned Trotsky (together with Lenin) in conversations with Adorno and other members of his circle concerning the Bolshevik Revolution, remarking that it had changed its character by answering white terror with red terror during the civil war. Horkheimer quoted Rosa Luxemburg’s early criticism of the Bolshevik rule, praising Luxemburg as “one of the most important political figures of the 20th century.”Walter Benjamin is the only member of Horkheimer’s circle of social philosophers of whom we know that he not only read (in 1926) Trotskyʼs essay W here is Britain Going? but later, in 1932-33, Trotsky’s most important books, My Life and The History of the Russian Revolution ... additional names associated: Siegfried Kracauer Alfred Sohn-Rethel, Walter Benjamin, Jürgen Habermas, Claus Offe, Axel Honneth, Oskar Negt, Alfred Schmidt, Albrecht Wellmer.
- 1926 Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review ... most of the Soviet elite were not Jews, but Jews were far overrepresented among the elite (and Russians far underrepresented as a percentage of the population). Moreover, the Jews formed a far more cohesive core than the rest of the elite because of their common social and cultural background (p. 236). The common understanding that the new elite had a very large Jewish representation resulted in pervasive anti-Jewish attitudes. In 1926, an Agitprop report noted “The sense that the Soviet regime patronizes the Jews, that it is ‘the Jewish government,’ that the Jews cause unemployment, housing shortages, college admissions problems, price rises, and commercial speculation— this sense is instilled in the workers by all the hostile elements.… If it does not encounter resistance, the wave of anti-Semitism threatens to become, in the very near future, a serious political question” ... Such widespread public perceptions about the role of Jews in the new government led to aggressive surveillance and repression of anti-Jewish attitudes and behavior, including the execution of Russian nationalists who expressed anti-Jewish attitudes. These public perceptions also motivated Jews to adopt a lower profile in the regime, as with Trotsky, who refused the post of commissar of internal affairs because it might lend further ammunition to the anti-Jewish arguments.
- 1926 MasterMason The Salvation Army issues a "confidential" communication to its officers expressing opposition to secret societies. The Fascists confiscate property of the Craft in Italy.
- 1927 -- AriesComputer Rise of the CFR due to Rockefeller and other foundation funding.
- 1927-32 Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review From 1927 to 1932 Stalin established an ambitious public campaign to combat anti-Semitism that included fifty-six books published by the government and an onslaught of speeches, mass rallies, newspaper articles, and show trials “aimed at eradicating the evil” (p. 249). Jews were able to maintain themselves as an elite until the end of the Soviet regime in 1991
American Jewish Committee, B'nai B'rith & Cultural Marxism |
- 1843 Wikipedia B'nai B'rith ... was founded in Aaron Sinsheimer's café in New York City's Lower East Side on October 13, 1843, by 12 recent German Jewish immigrants led by Henry Jones. and the Anti Defamation League was founded in 1913..same year as the creation of the Federal Reserve...Wikipedia American Jewish Congress ... was founded in 1918, and represented a "populist counterbalance to the American Jewish Committee, which was dominated by the wealthy and conservative German-Jewish establishment." Leaders within the American Jewish community, consisting of Jewish, Zionist, and immigrant community organizations, convened the first American Jewish Congress (AJCongress) in Philadelphia's ... Independence Hall. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis,
- LaRouche Contrary to all of the Anti-Defamation League's own selfpromotional literature, the ADL is not, and never has been a Jewish civil rights, or Jewish self-defense organization. Its very existence is an anathema to Judaism, and, more recently, to the survival of the State of Israel. As the following chronology will make clear, the ADL was founded as a special operations unit of the B'nai B'rith, a branch of British Freemasonry, established in the United States during the nineteenth century to promote British efforts to reconquer the United States. This has been at the heart of the ADL mission ever since..The B'nai B'rith was formed in the United States, as a spin-off of Britain's Scottish Rite masonry.
- 1906 Wikipedia American Jewish Committee (AJC) ... (no mention of Frankfurt School or The New School) ... is a Jewish ethnic advocacy group established on November 11, 1906...regarded as the dean of American Jewish organizations"... filing a friend-of-the-court brief in the May 1954 case of Brown v. Board of Education ... key areas of focus is to promote religious and civil rights for Jews internationally...programs and departments include the Africa Institute, the Asia Pacific Institute, the Belfer Center for American Pluralism, ... 1906 ...concerned about pogroms against Jews in the Russian Empire (Jabotinsky) ... led by Louis Marshall (founder), banker Jacob H. Schiff, Judge Mayer Sulzberger, Jacob Blaustein, ... Lousis Marshall did succeed in stopping Henry Ford from publishing anti-Semitic literature and distributing it through his car dealerships, forcing Ford to apologize publicly to Marshall. In 1914 ... 1914 AJC helped create the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, established to aid Jewish victims of World War I, and would later play an instrumental role in aiding Jewish victims of World War II and the Holocaust. After World War I, Before the Six-Day War in 1967, AJC was officially "non-Zionist". It had long been ambivalent about Zionism as possibly opening up Jews to the charge of dual loyalty, but it supported the creation of Israel in 1947-48, after the United States backed the partition of Palestine. It was the first American Jewish organization to open a permanent office in Israel.[14]... From 1945 to 2007 the organization published Commentary magazine... originally leftist now voice of Neoconservatism, ... In 2004 AJC opened in Brussels the AJC Transatlantic Institute, Project Interchange
- Jacob Schiff supported the Frankfurt School and the New School through the American Jewish Committee.
- 1906 LaRouche ... King Edward VII's agents formed the American Jewish Committee (AJC) in the Kuhn Loeb bank. The committee was led by Jacob Schiff, personnel of Kuhn Loeb, B'nai B'rith leader Mayer Sulzberger, and Cyrus Sulzberger, whose son soon after married Adolf Ochs' s daughter and comanaged the New York Times. The AJC and Kuhn Loeb were organizationally congruent... AJC and Frankfurt School at Columbia congruent....
- 1906 Zion's Trojan Horse, Senator Jack TenneyThe American Jewish Committee was organized in New York City in 1906. Some Jewish authorities contend that this group grew out of the National Committee for the Relief of Sufferers by Russian Massacres established in 1903 by Oscar S. Straus, Jacob H. Schiff and Cyrus L. Sulzberger, but there is much evidence to indicate that its creation was prompted by other considerations. Jewish authorities have referred to the “Fabian policy” adopted by the American Jewish Committee, a term which denotes a cautious, gradualistic approach to an objective. “backstair secret diplomacy.”
- 1923 JTA Archives A sum in excess of 50 millions has been expended by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee for relief work in European countries. Of this amount 13 millions have gone to Russia. Altogether, the amount collected by the Joint Distribution Committee has aggregated 58 millions. These figures were made public by James N. Rosenberg, Vice-Chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee in an appeal for more funds to carry on the work. The total expended in European relief by the Joint Distribution Committee, the American Relief Administration, the U. S. Government and other American agencies makes a grand total of 850 millions.
- 1930s Wolzek World History ... Neoconservatism s key founders trace their intellectual ancestry to the New York Intellectuals, a group that originated as followers of Trotskyite theoretician Max Schactman in the 1930s and centered around influential journals like Partisan Review and Commentary (which is in fact published by the American Jewish Committee). In the case of neoconservatives, their early identity as radical leftist disciples shifted as there began to be evidence of anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union. Key figures in leading them out of the political left were philosopher Sydney Hook and Elliot Cohen, editor of Commentary. Such men as Hook, Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Nathan Glazer and Seymour Martin Lipset, were deeply concerned about anti-Semitism and other Jewish issues. Many of them worked closely with Jewish activist organizations. After the 1950s, they became increasingly disenchanted with leftism. Their overriding concern was the welfare of Israel... Current key leaders include an astonishing number of individuals well placed to influence the Bush Administration: (Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, I. Lewis Libby, Elliott Abrams, John Bolton, David Wurmser, Abram Shulsky), interlocking media and thinktankdom (Bill Kristol, Michael Ledeen, Stephen Bryen, John Podhoretz, Daniel Pipes), and the academic world (Richard Pipes, Donald Kagan).
- 1930s LaRouchePub The American Jewish Committee and the B’nai B’rith (mother of the “Anti-Defamation League”) continued with this hardline, no-attack-on-Hitler stance all through the 1930s, blunting the fight mounted by many Jews and other anti-fascists. ...(all tied to profits from reaming Germany) Thus the decisive interchane reproduced above, taking place entirely within the orbit of the Harriman/Bush firm, may explain something of the relationship of George Bush to American Jewish and Zionist leaders. some of them, inclose cooperation with his family, played an ugly part in the drama of Nazism. Nazi hunters have never discovered how the Bush family made its money?
- 1944 .InternalCombustion.. The Reich report concluded, among other things, that Ford-Werke, the company's German subsidiary, used slave labor from the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1944 and 1945, and functioned as an integral part of the German war machine. Ford officials in Detroit have publicly commented on their Nazi past, remained available for comment, apologized and have generally helped all those seeking answers about its involvement with the Hitler regime. There's an AJC link to this.
- John J. McCloy Wikipedia
was a lawyer and banker who served as Assistant Secretary of War during
World War II, president of the World Bank and U.S. High Commissioner for
Germany. He later became a prominent United States presidential advisor,
served on the Warren Commission, and was a member of the foreign policy
establishment group of elders called "The Wise Men." He was a
legal counselor to the major German chemical combine I. G. Farben, and
was the Assistant Secretary of War from 1941 to 1945, during which he
was noted for opposing the nuclear bombing of Japan. From March 1947 to
June 1949, McCloy was president of the World Bank. In 1949 he replaced
Lucius D. Clay (see Wolheim Memorial IG Farben Building, Rothschild) who was the Military Governor for the U.S. Zone
in Germany as the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany and held this
position until 1952, during which time he oversaw the creation of the
Federal Republic of Germany. At his direction, a campaign of wholesale
pardoning and commutation of sentences of Nazi criminals took place,
including those (Flick, Krupp, Sandberger, Weizsacker) Following
this, he served as chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank from 1953 to
1960, and as chairman of the Ford Foundation from 1958 to 1965; he was
also a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1946 to 1949, and then
again from 1953 to 1958, before he took up the position at Ford.
and .... From 1954 to 1970, he was chairman
of the prestigious Council
on Foreign Relations in New
York, to be succeeded by David
Rockefeller, who had worked closely with him at the Chase Bank.
McCloy had a long association with the Rockefeller
family, going back to his early Harvard days when he taught the
young Rockefeller brothers how to sail. He was also a member of the Draper
Committee, formed in 1958 by Eisenhower. He later served as advisor to John
F. Kennedy, Lyndon
Johnson, Richard
Nixon, Jimmy
Carter and Ronald
Reagan, and was the primary negotiator on the Presidential
Disarmament Committee. In 1963, he was awarded the prestigious Sylvanus
Thayer Award by the United
States Military Academy at West
Point for his service to the country. ... Wikipedia omits that McCloy met with Nahum Goldmann on reparations to be paid to Israel ... The Reparations Controversy: The Jewish State and German Money in the Shadow ...p.134
- 1960s Lochman-Verlag ... From an italian book, “Massoni” by Gioele Magaldi. Via google translate. “…One of the closest associates of Tavistock from that time was Max Horkheimer, one of the fathers of the Frankfurt School, founded by the Fabian Society, and that dealt with Marxist sociology and psychology. From this school came Herbert Marcuse, who acquitted a primary task in preparing the cultural revolution of ’68 and the “paradigm shift” that ensued. During the Second World War, the school moved to the United States, where he continued to operate under the auspices of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) ... more
- 1963 JTA The Ford Foundation today informed the American Jewish Committee here that it has granted $50,000 for the project of bringing German educators to the United States to study American methods of civic and social education. The program of education for democracy for West German youth was initiated by the American Jewish Committee in 1959 following extensive conferences with Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and other West German Government and educational leaders. Cooperating in the program has been the Institute of Social Research in Frankfurt and the Institute of International Education in the United States. Dr. Max Horkheimer, eminent social scientist and educator, is director of the Institute in Germany, and represents the American Jewish Committee. ... This is part of a stepped up program under the initiative of the American Jewish Committee, of extending civic and social education throughout the West German school system.
- 2001 .Prof77.. Time Warner is the sixth-largest media conglomerate and is led by adamant Zionist Jeffrey Bewkes, who was given a Human Relations Award in 2001 from the American Jewish Committee
- 2006 ... Let us not forget that neoconservatism is an intellectual movement born in the late 1960s in the pages of Commentary, the monthly magazine of the American Jewish Committee. “If there is an intellectual movement in America to whose invention Jews can lay sole claim, neoconservatism is it,” writes Gal Beckerman of The Jewish Daily Forward (January 6, 2006).
- 2016 WMR The Clinton Foundation accepted money from the American Jewish Committee.
- 1927 History of the Money Changers In July, in Europe, Bank of England Governor Montagu Norman, Benjamin Strong of the Federal Reserve Bank, and Dr. Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, met in conference. No public reports were ever made of these conferences, which happened on numerous occasions and were wholly informal, but which covered many important questions of gold movements, the stability of world trade, and world economy. Montagu Norman was obsessed with getting back the gold that England had lost to America during World War I and returning the Bank of England to its former position of dominance in world finance. Republican Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee, from 1920 to 1931, would comment on this Bank of England plan in the midst of the Great Depression in February 1931 when he stated, "I think it can hardly be disputed that the statesmen and financiers of Europe are ready to take almost any means to reacquire rapidly the gold stock which Europe lost to America as a result of World War I."
- 1927 JTA The establishment in Jerusalem of an archaeological museum by John D. Rockefeller, who provided the amount of $2,000,000 for this purpose, is lauded by the Jewish and non-Jewish press.
- 1927 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler Qualified observers have argued that Germany could not have gone to war in 1939 without I. G. Farben. Between 1927 and the beginning of World War II, I.G. Farben doubled in size, an expansion made possible in great part by American technical assistance and by American bond issues, such as the one for $30 million offered by National City Bank. By 1939 I. G. acquired a participation and managerial influence in some 380 other German firms and over 500 foreign firms. The Farben empire owned its own coal mines, its own electric power plants, iron and steel units, banks, research units, and numerous commercial enterprises. There were over 2,000 cartel agreements between I. G. and foreign firms — including Standard Oil of New Jersey, DuPont, Alcoa, Dow Chemical, and others in the United States.
- 1927 Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review The prominence of Jews in the Revolution and its aftermath was not lost on participants on both sides, including influential figures such as Winston Churchill, who wrote that the role of Jews in the revolution “is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others.”55 Slezkine highlights similar comments in a book published in 1927 by V. V. Shulgin, a Russian nationalist, who experienced firsthand the murderous acts of the Bolsheviks in his native Kiev in 1919: “We do not like the fact that this whole terrible thing was done on the Russian back and that it has cost us unutterable losses. We do not like the fact that you, Jews, a relatively small group within the Russian population, Fall 2005 / MacDonald 85 participated in this vile deed out of all proportion to your numbers” ... Alexander Solzhenitsyn calls on Jews to accept moral responsibility for the Jews who “took part in the iron Bolshevik leadership and, even more so, in the ideological guidance of a huge country down a false path.…[and for the Jewish role in the] Cheka executions, the drowning of the barges with the condemned in the White and Caspian Seas, collectivization, the Ukrainian famine—in all the vile acts of the Soviet regime”
- 1928 Eustace Mullins Karl Marx quote Letter from Baruch Levy to Marx: "The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this "new world order" the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands" (from `La Revue de Paris', p. 574, June 1, 1928,
- 1928 The Role of Evil in Human Evolution The Chase National Bank was involved in selling Bolshevik bonds to the US. Louis McFadden said: "You would be staggered ... to find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Russia by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York..." (Congressional Record, June 15, 1933) and see State Dept files on Kuhn Loeb & Co. as the financier of the First Five Year Plan (Stalin). The Rockefellers were deeply involved in the transfer of Russia's gold supply. It was no coincidence that Milner, the diamond tycoon of South Africa... As in the Morgans and Rockefellers, behind Rhodes we find the vast power of the Rothschild family.
- 1928 Cry of the Phoenix The First Five year plan of eleven ... Cry of the Phoenix ... Lenin's successor, Joseph Stalin, deliberately starved to death nine million Ukraniun peasants and condemned tens of millions of political prisoners to confinement and torture in death camps. Meantine, American firms including DuPont, Ingersoll Rand, IBM, Westinghouse, U.S. Steel Corp, U.S. Rubber, GE, Guaranty Trust, New York Life, International Harvester and Vacuum Oil--provided provided the industrial foundations for Stalin's power. Stalin's genocidal regime was merely a FRONT for a megalithic Wall Street syndicate which included Jacob Schiff's Kuhn Loeb
- 1928 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler In 1928, at the Young Plan reparations meetings, we find General Electric president Owen D. Young in the chair as the chief U.S. delegate, appointed by the U.S. government to use U.S. government power and prestige to decide international financial matters enhancing Wall Street and General Electric profits. In 1930 Owen D. Young, after whom the Young Plan for German reparations was named, became chairman of the Board of General Electric Company in New York City. Young was also chairman of the Executive Committee of Radio Corporation of America and a director of both German General Electric (A.E.G.) and Osram in Germany
- 1928 IHR Brüning wrote a letter to Churchill after he had been forced to resign (replaced by Hitler) and go into exile in England in August 1937, setting out the names and identities of the people who backed Hitler. And after the war, Churchill requested Brüning for permission to publish this letter in his great world history, The six-volume world history. And Brüning said no. In his letter, Brüning wrote, 'I didn't, and do not even today for understandable reasons, wish to reveal from October 1928, the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of two of the largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany."
- 1928 Baruch Levy "The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the "children of Israel" will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." --Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, 'La Revue de Paris', p.574, June 1, 1928
- 1928...Authentic Zionist Mein Kampf "The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the "children of Israel" will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." --Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, 'La Revue de Paris', p.574, June 1, 1928
- 1929 OccidentalObserver...In 1929, after Lenin’s death, Stalin finally succeeded in exiling Trotsky, but the shadow of his competitor for leadership lingered on in the persons and policies of the government. Thus, the Communist Party and state in the late 1930s still remained, as most objective observers noted, essentially Jewish.
- 1929-1939 PalestineRemembered Fifth wave of over 250,000 Zionist immigrants increases Jewish population in Palestine to 30% of total. Registered Jewish landownership (1939) totals 5.7% of area of country.
- 1929 MasterMason The Lateran Treaty is me between the Pope and Mussolini. Bro Eugen Lennhoff publishes The Freemasons which was translated into English in 1934.
- 1929: IAmTheWitness The Rothschilds crash the United States economy by contracting the money supply.
- 1929 StocksSimplified “Black Monday” was the largest single day loss up to that point. The stock market fell 22.6%.
- 1929 Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review Traditional Jewish shtetl culture also had a very negative attitude toward Christianity, not only as the central cultural icon of the outgroup but as associated in their minds with a long history of anti-Jewish persecution. The same situation doubtless occurred in Poland, where the efforts of even the most “de-ethnicized” Jewish Communists to recruit Poles were inhibited by traditional Jewish attitudes of superiority toward and estrangement from traditional Polish culture.63 In other words, the war against “rural backwardness and religion” was exactly the sort of war that a traditional Jew would have supported wholeheartedly, because it was a war against everything they hated and thought of as oppressing them. Of course traditional shtetl Jews also hated the tsar and his government due to restrictions on Jews and because they did not think that the government did enough to rein in anti-Jewish violence. There can be little doubt that Lenin’s Fall 2005 / MacDonald 93 contempt for “the thick-skulled, boorish, inert, and bearishly savage Russian or Ukrainian peasant” was shared by the vast majority of shtetl Jews prior to the Revolution and after it. Those Jews who defiled the holy places of traditional Russian culture and published anti-Christian periodicals doubtless reveled in their tasks for entirely Jewish reasons, and, as Gorky worried, their activities not unreasonably stoked the anti-Semitism of the period. Given the anti-Christian attitudes of traditional shtetl Jews, it is very difficult to believe that the Jews engaged in campaigns against Christianity did not have a sense of revenge against the old culture that they held in such contempt.
- 1929 History of the Money Changers In April, Paul Warburg sent out a secret warning to his friends that a collapse and nationwide depression had been planned for later that year. It is certainly no coincidence that the biographies of all the Wall Street giants of that era: John D. Rockefeller; J. P. Morgan; Joseph Kennedy; Bernard Baruch; et al, all marveled at the fact these people got out of the stock market completely just before the crash and put their assets into cash or gold. So, as all the bankers and their friends already knew, in August the Federal Reserve began to tighten the money supply. Then on 24th October the big New York bankers called in their 24 hour broker call loans. This meant that both the stockbrokers and their customers had to dump their stocks on the stock market to cover their loans, irrespective of what price they had to sell them for. As a result of this the stock market crashed on a day that would go down in history as, "Black Thursday." Despite the claims of how the Federal Reserve would protect the country against depressions and inflation, they continued to further contract the money supply. Between 1929 and 1933, they reduced the money supply by an additional 33%. Even, Milton Friedman, the Nobel Peace Prize winning economist stated the following in a radio interview in January 1996, "The Federal Reserve definitely caused the Great Depression by contracting the amount of currency in circulation by one-third from 1929 to 1933." In only a few weeks from the day of the crash, 3 billion dollars of wealth vanished. Within a year, 40 billion dollars of wealth vanished. However, it did not simply disappear, it just ended up consolidated in fewer and fewer hands, as was planned. An example of this is Joseph P. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy's father. In 1929 he was worth 4 million dollars, in 1935 that had increased to over 100 million dollars. ... This is why depressions are caused. As stated previously the top bankers and their friends got out of the stock market and purchased gold just before the crash, which they shipped over to London. This meant that the money lost by most Americans during the crash didn't just vanish, it just ended up in these people's hands. ... It also was spent overseas, as whilst the Great Depression was occurring, millions of American dollars was being spent on rebuilding Germany from damage sustained during World War I, in preparation for the bankers World War II. Republican Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee from 1920 to 1931, stated the following in relation to this, "After World War I, Germany fell into the hands of the German International Bankers. Those bankers bought her and now they own her, lock, stock, and barrel. They have purchased her industries, they have mortgages on her soil, they control her production, they control all her public utilities. ... The international German bankers have subsidized the present Government of Germany and they have also supplied every dollar of the money Adolph Hitler has used in his lavish campaign to build up a threat to the government of Bruening. When Bruening fails to obey the orders of the German International Bankers, Hitler is brought forth to scare the Germans into submission... Through the Federal Reserve Board over 30 billion of dollars of American money...has been pumped into Germany...You have all heard of the spending that has taken place in Germany ...modernistic dwellings, her great planetariums, her gymnasiums, her swimming pools, her fine public highways, her perfect factories. ... All this was done on our money. All this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board...has pumped so many billions of dollars into Germany that they dare not name the total." ... The money pumped in to Germany to build her up in preparation for World War II, was into the German Thyssen banks which were affiliated with the Harriman interest in New York.
- 1929 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler In July 1929 great interest was shown in rumors circulating in German financial circles that General Electric was also buying into A.E.G. and that talks to this end were in progress between A.E.G. and G.E.8 In August it was confirmed that 14 million marks of common A.E.G. stock were to be issued to General Electric. These shares, added to shares bought on the open market, gave General Electric a 25-percent interest in A.E.G. A closer working agreement was signed between the two companies, providing the German company U.S. technology and patents.
- 1929 McDonald / Chechar ...ISR was indistinguishable from Frankfurt School ... Carl Grünberg, the Institute’s Jewish director from 1923-1929, was an avowed Marxist, although the Institute did not have any official party affiliations. But in 1930 Max Horkheimer (also Jewish) assumed control. He believed that Marx’s theory should be the basis of the Institute’s research. When Hitler came to power, the Institute was closed and its members, by various routes, fled to the United States and ended up as academics at major US universities: Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis, and California at Berkeley.
- 1929 Leo Strauss, The Early Writings 1921-1932: "I (Leo Strauss) was myself... a politcal Zionist in my youth, and was a member of a Zionist student organization. I this capaciy, I occasionally met Jabotinsky, the leader of the Revisionists" ... see SmashCulturalMarxism The Neoconservative movement (Leo Strauss) ...present themselves as the pursuers of ‘freedom and democracy’ but are nothing more than warmongers and puppeteers. They are predominantly Jewish, heavily pro Israel Zionists, and rather than pursuing the supposed foreign policy of the US, they are pursuing the foreign policy of Israel, Jewish international finance and Jewish globalism ... The Neoconservative movement is entirely misnamed and are utterly not "conservatives" but rather Jewish Trotskyites... as evidenced by the Neoconservative "godfather" Irving Kristol in the Weekly Standard in 2003 ... own words: “The historical task and political purpose of neo-conservatism would seem to be this: to convert the Republican party, and American conservatism in general, against their respective wills, into a new kind of conservative politics suitable to governing a modern democracy.” and supported a ideological rather than nationalistic support for Israel and see The Jews in Weimar Germany
- 1930 top timeline go to
- 1930s Darkmoon.me Even after the Stalinist purges, organized Jewry remained entrenched in power in the Soviet Union. Jews continued to occupy all the most important posts in the Soviet government. And Stalin who was head honcho, though not a Jew nominally, was the ultimate Shabbat goy, a Jew in all but name or what some might wish to call a “spiritual Jew”. He married into a Jewish family, had Jewish mistresses and friends, and at every point in his career was surrounded by Jewish commissars. Lenin, who was partly Jewish, had always been his role model and chief ideological influence.
- 1930 Jan Darkmoon... Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on Jan. 30, 1933, as a result of the direct support of George W. Bush’s grandfather, the Morgan interests, and certain British financiers.1 The last chance for avoiding this result collapsed with the failure of sufficient forces to support Gen. Kurt von Schleicher’s efforts to implement an economic recovery. On Feb. 27, 1933, the Nazis, under Hermann Go¨ ring’s sponsorship, staged the Reichstag Fire, and on Feb. 28, Hitler suspended basic constitutional rights, and accusing the Communists of sabotage, imprisoned at least 4,000 alleged Communists and banned the party from Parliament.
- 1930 OccidentalObserver...Ethnic revenge was also a motivation for Lazar Kaganovich, the Jewish member of the Politburo who presided over the forced famine that took the lives of millions of Ukrainian peasants and the mass deportation of “anti-Semitic” Cossacks to Siberia in the 1930s ...became known as the “butcher of the Ukrainians... Kaganovich played a “highly visible” role in suppressing this “nationalist deviation” in 1925–28, and later oversaw the forced collectivization of 1932–33, conceived as part of an “assault on the Ukrainian nationalist intelligentsia.” The country was sealed off and all food supplies and livestock were confiscated with Kaganovich leading “expeditions into the countryside with brigades of OGPU troopers” who used “the gun, the lynch mob and the Gulag system to break the villages
- 1920-30s OccidentalObserver...During the 1920s and throughout the 1930s, the Soviet Union accepted aid for Soviet Jews from foreign Jewish organizations, especially the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee which was funded by wealthy American Jews like Warburg, Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb, Lehman, and Marshall.[xliii] During the 1930s, when millions of Soviet citizens were being murdered by the Soviet government, the Communist Party USA took great pains to appeal to specific Jewish interests, and glorified the development of Jewish life in the Soviet Union which was seen as “living proof that under socialism the Jewish question could be solved. Communism was perceived as good for Jews.”
- 1930 Terror-Illuminati Aquarian Conspiracy.... goes back to the 1930s, when the British sent Aldous Huxley to the United States as the case officer for an operation to prepare the United States for the mass dissemination of drugs. We will take this conspiracy apart step-by-step from its small beginnings with Huxley in California to the victimization of 15 million Americans today. With 'The Aquarian Conspiracy', the British Opium War against the United States has come out into the open. ... The high priest for Britain's Opium War was Aldous Huxley, the grandson of Thomas H. Huxley, a founder of the Rhodes Roundtable group and a lifelong collaborator of Arnold Toynbee. Toynbee himself sat on the RIIA (Chatham House) council for nearly fifty years, headed the Research Division of British intelligence throughout World War II, and served as wartime briefing officer of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. (It must have backfired, for the 'hippies' were instrumental in ending the Vietnam War?)
- 1930 Occidental Observer Kevin McDonald ... A major part of the intellectual ammunition for this assault on the people and culture of the West derived originally from Erich Fromm whose association with the Frankfurt School dates from 1930. Fromm pioneered the idea of combining Marx with Freud and was responsible for the early development of the authoritarian personality concept. Fromm’s ideas are an excellent illustration of the ludicrous but deadly theories that resulted from this marriage of these two influential Jewish philosophers.
- 1930 EIR...Philip himself maintained the family tradition, first having been educated under a Nazi curriculum centered on eugenics in the 1930s, and then going on to found the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) with fellow one-time Nazi Party member Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a lifelong eugenicist and Bilderberg Group founder, in 1961. Philip and Bernhard were joined by Julian Huxley (then president of the Eugenics Society of Britain) as WWF cofounder. Philip is quoted for having stated his desire to return in the next life as a deadly virus to help "solve overpopulation." Under the controlling ideology of the WWF and the Club of Rome, the true intention of the Green movement has not been to preserve nature, as the credulous have been led to believe, but rather nothing less than global depopulation... The current epicenter of power is the Anglo-Dutch monarchies (otherwise known as the Fount of All Honours). It is this power that controls the Bilderberg Group, and steers American policy through the New York Council on Foreign Relations (the American version of Chatham House), and other institutions.
- 1930 Yadveshem...“The goal is achieved! No more Jews at German Universities,” read the headline of the main Nazi student paper, Die Bewegung, in late 1938. The author hailed the students as the vanguard of Nazism at the institutions of higher learning. The student journalist argued that students, rather than professors and academic administrators, had pioneered antisemitism at German universities before 1933. By putting pressure on the authorities to expedite the expulsion of Jews, the journalist concluded, students made an important contribution to the creation of the Nazi university in the Third Reich.
- 1930s JewishResponse In the 1930s President Roosevelt planned to open the gates of America to 150,000 refugees, and Great Britain agreed to follow suit. But the Zionist leaders told Roosevelts emissary Morris L. Ernst: This is treason. You are undermining the Zionist movement. As a result, Roosevelt informed Great Britain that the project must be abandoned: We cannot put it over because the dominant vocal Jewish leadership wont stand for it. (Zionists needed Jewish emigrants in Palestine in order to create Israel)
- 1930s Heretical By the late 1930’s, the German Jews were riding on a new peak of Zionist fervour, courtesy of the Nazi regime. Zionist organizations received three times as much in contributions in 1935-6 as they did in 1931-2, and the circulation of the Zionist weekly Judische Rundschau rose from 5,000 to 40,000. The Editor of the paper was the first to coin and make popular the slogan about the yellow star which Jews were later forced to wear: “Wear it with pride, the Yellow Star!” This was more than six years before Jews were forced to wear the star by law.
- 1930s GeoStratagieBlog... The origins of neoconservativism go back to Max Schatman, a Trostkyist theorist active in the 1930s. Its development can be traced through the following institutions and movements: the anthropology of Franz Boas, Freudian psychoanalysis, the “New York Intellectuals”, the Frankfurt School (8) and the radical left, which aims to change the ethnic composition of the US by advocating mass immigration. Its ideas are disseminated in the magazines Partisan Review and Commentary, published by the American Jewish Committee. Kevin MacDonald identifies the leading figures of the neocon movement: Sydney Hook, Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Clement Greenberg, Nathan Glazer, Saul Bellow, Seymour Martin Lipset, Daniel Bell and Edwards Shils.
- 1930s. JFK/Hood... the eastern Ivy League establishment (where the connections are well known) is Stanford University, down the peninsula from San Francisco. While by no means unique, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI)-Stanford Industrial Park complex built around Stanford University provides, in fact, the most up-to-date example of the new levels of intimacy which Wealth and Intellect (and latterly the federal Defense establishment) have attained in the postwar period. (Only one Stanford trustee is not a corporate director: John W. Gardner, former president of the Carnegie Foutidation, former secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, and presently head of the foundation/corporation-sponsored Urban Coalition.) William Hewlett and David Packard — two Stanford undergraduates who set up an electronics shop in their garage before World War II, got on the war production gravy train and eventually wound up with a billion-dollar militaryindustrial giant, the Hewlett-Packard Company—perhaps best exemplify the seamless web of vested interests which envelops this house of intellect.
- 1930s ZeroHedge The Birth of Cultural Marxism
- 1930s Wikipedia Critical Theory (academic gobbledegook)... in sociology and political psychology ... describes the neo-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School ... drew on the critical methods of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud ... maintains that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation ... progressed closer to American pragmatism. Concern for social "base and superstructure" ... is best understood as not promoting a specific philosophical agenda or a specific ideology, but as "a gadfly of other systems ... a form of hermeneutics; i.e., knowledge via interpretation to understand the meaning of human texts and symbolic expressions ... is a social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as a whole, in contrast to traditional theory oriented only to understanding or explaining it. ... a covert positivism and authoritarianism of orthodox Marxism and Communism ... should be directed at the totality of societies through all of the major scientific disciplines ... in the context of social revolution ... (consider that rational science overtook irrational religion and that critical theory suberts rationalism?) ... knowledge can be obtained only from within a society of interdependent individuals.... the necessity of establishing open systems of analysis based on an immanent form of social criticism ... Crucial in this sense is the understanding and the criticism of the notion of “ideology”...the cultural or socio-cultural features of the group ... is not scientific but serves the purpose of human emancipation through consciousness and self-reflection.... has the function of unmasking wrong rationalizations of present or past injustices – that is, ideology in the factual and negative sense - such as in the case of the belief that “women are inferior to men, or blacks to whites…
- 1930s Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review in the 1930s and to blunt the anti-Jewish feelings simmering at the lower levels of Soviet society. Jewish elite status persisted despite the Great Terror of the late 1930s, which disproportionately affected the political elite. On the whole, Jews were underrepresented as victims of the Great Terror. And although the Jewish percentage of the political elite did decline after the purges of the late 1930s and the promotion of former peasants and working class Russians, this did not affect Jewish predominance as a professional, cultural, and managerial elite. Jews also retained their elite status despite Stalin’s campaign in the late 1940s against Jewish ethnic and cultural institutions and their spokesmen.
- 1930s Sutton: Secrets of the Federal Reserve ... "Mr. Meyer is a brother-in-law of George Blumenthal, a member of the firm of J. P. Morgan Company, which represents Rothschild interests. He also is a liason officer between the French Government and J. P. Morgan. Edmund Platt, who had eight years to go on a term of ten years as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board, resigned to make room for Mr. Meyer. Platt was given a Vice-Presidency of Marine Midland Corporation by Meyer's brother-in-law Alfred A. Cook. Eugene Meyer, Jr. as head of the War Finance Corporation, engaged in the placing of two billion dollars in Government securities, placed many of those orders first with the banking house now located at 14 Wall Street in the name of Eugene Meyer, Jr. . ." - U.S. Representative Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee. Eugene Meyer helped get Woodrow Wilson elected and the Federal Reserve Act passed. He also was a Federal Reserve Governor and later the head of the World Bank. He owned the Washington Post and later his daughter Katharine "Meyer" Graham ran the newspaper. Katharine Graham and Warren Buffett were long time intimate associates.
- 1930 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler By 1930, unknown to the German financial press, General Electric had similarly gained an effective technical monopoly of the Soviet electrical industry and was soon to penetrate even the remaining bastions in Germany, particularly the Siemens group. In January 1930 three G.E. men were elected to the board of A.E.G. — Clark H. Minor, Gerard Swope, and E. H. Baldwin — and International General Electric (I.G.E.) continued its moves to merge the world electrical industry into a giant cartel under Wall Street control.
- 1930s Wikipedia Labor Zionism or Socialist Zionism ... can be described as the major stream of the left wing of the Zionist movement. It was, for many years, the most significant tendency among Zionists and Zionist organizational structure. It saw itself as the Zionist sector of the historic Jewish labor movements of Eastern and Central Europe, ... Unlike the "political Zionist" tendency founded by Theodor Herzl and advocated by Chaim Weizmann, Labor Zionists did not believe that a Jewish state would be created simply by appealing to the international community or to a powerful nation such as Britain, Germany or the Ottoman Empire. Rather, Labor Zionists believed that a Jewish state could only be created through the efforts of the Jewish working class settling in Palestine and constructing a state through the creation of a progressive Jewish society with rural kibbutzim and moshavim and an urban Jewish proletariat. ... Major theoreticians of the Labor Zionist movement included Moses Hess, Nachman Syrkin, Ber Borochov and Aaron David Gordon and leading figures in the movement included David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir and Berl Katznelson.
- 1930 Zionism is Racism is Rothschild is NWO In 1930, Standard Oil announced that it had purchased an alcohol monopoly in Germany, a deal which had been set up by I.G. Farben. After Hitler came to power, John D. Rockefeller assigned his personal press agent, Ivy Lee, to Hitler to serve as a full-time adviser on the rearmament of Germany, a necessary step for setting up World War II. Standard Oil then built large refineries in Germany for the Nazis and continued to supply them with oil during World War II. In the 1930s Standard Oil was receiving in payment from Germany large shipments of musical instruments and ships which had been built in German yards.
- 1930 Prohibition comment: ... huge liquor ring run by New York's Lewis Rothschild during prohibition. ... washing the money via the Rothschild's Chelsea New York Exchange bank ... Lewis H. Rothschild. At the age of 24 became the youngest Vice-President in the history of the Chelsea Exchange Bank. The liquor ring he headed was the largest in the United States specializing in imported liquor from Europe. ... Bronfman often received financial assistance from Lehman Brothers not to mention the direct connection between Arnold Rothschild-Rothstein and Bronfman during prohibition. ... The Rockefeller and Ford Foundations are major funders in 2017 of major university Sociology departments that push Critical Theory and all aspects of Cultural Marxism.
- 1930s Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review During the 1930s the secret police, then known as the NKVD, “was one of the most Jewish of all Soviet institutions” (p. 254), with 42 of its 111 top officials being Jewish. At this time 12 of the 20 NKVD directorates were headed by ethnic Jews, including those in charge of state security, police, labor camps, and resettlement (i.e., deportation). The Gulag was headed by ethnic Jews from its beginning in 1930 until the end of 1938, a period that encompasses the worst excesses of the Great Terror. They were, in Slezkine’s words, “Stalin’s willing executioners”
- 1930 Wikipedia Benjamin Freedman .. was an American antisemitic and anti-Zionist activist. In 1988, the Institute for Historical Review published Robert John's Behind the Balfour Declaration, including a single acknowledgment, to Freedman. John wrote that Freedman "gave me copies of materials on the Balfour Declaration which I might never have found on my own and (he) encouraged my own research and JewWatch He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States. Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over our nation. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy
- 1930 History of the Money Changers The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was established by Charles G. Dawes (Rothschild agent and Vice President under President Calvin Coolidge from 1925-1929), Owen D. Young (Rothschild agent, founder of RCA and Chairman of General Electric from 1922 until 1939), and Hjalmar Schacht of Germany (President of the Reichsbank). The BIS is referred to the bankers as the, "Central bank for the central banks." Whereas the IMF and the World Bank deal with governments, the BIS deals only with other central banks. All its meetings are held in secret and involve the top central bankers from around the world. For example the former head of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, would go to the BIS headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, ten times a year for these private meetings. ... The BIS also has the status of a sovereign power and is immune from governmental control. A summary of this immunity is listed below: ... Diplomatic immunity for persons and what they carry with them (i.e., diplomatic pouches). No taxation on any transactions, including salaries paid to employees. Embassy-type immunity for all buildings and/or offices operated by the BIS worldwide including China and Mexico. No oversight or knowledge of operations by any government authority, they are not audited. Freedom from immigration restrictions. Freedom to encrypt any and all communications of any sort. Freedom from any legal jurisdiction, they even have their own police force. BIS' current board of directors, only five of which are elected and the rest of which are permanent, are: Nout H E M Wellink, Amsterdam (Chairman of the Board of Directors) Hans Tietmeyer, Frankfurt am Main (Vice-Chairman) Axel Weber, Frankfurt am Main Vincenzo Desario, Rome Antonio Fazio, Rome David Dodge, Ottawa Toshihiko Fukui, Tokyo Timothy F Geithner, New York Alan Greenspan, Washington Lord George, London Hervé Hannoun, Paris Christian Noyer, Paris Lars Heikensten, Stockholm Mervyn King, London Guy Quaden, Brussels Jean-Pierre Roth, Zürich Alfons Vicomte Verplaetse, Brussels Georgetown Professor and historian, Carroll Quigley, commented on the creation of this central bank in his 1975 book, Tragedy And Hope, as follows, "The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far reaching (plan), nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. ... The apex of the system was to be the Bank For International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland (*), a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. ... Each central bank ...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the Country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world." * Home of first World Zionist Congress, chaired by Theodor Herzl in 1897 ... A handful of United States Senators led by Henry Cabot Lodge, fought to keep the United States out of the Bank for International Settlements. However, even thought the United States rejected this World Central Bank, the Federal Reserve still sent members to participate in its meetings in Switzerland, right up until 1994 when the United States was, "officially," dragged into it.
- 1930: IAmTheWitness The first Rothschild world bank, the, "Bank for International Settlements (BIS)," is established in Basle, Switzerland. The same place as where 33 years earlier the first ever World Zionist Congress was held.
- 1930 Wikipedia ... The Young Plan was a program for settlement of German reparations debts after World War I written in 1929 and formally adopted in 1930. It was presented by the committee headed (1929–30) by American Owen D. Young. The reparations, set in January 1921 by an Inter-Allied Reparations Commission at 269 billion gold marks (the equivalent of around 100,000 tonnes of pure gold) were deliberately crushed. This 100,000 tonnes of gold is equivalent to more than 50% of all the gold ever mined in history (est. 165000 tonnes), which many economists at the time including John Maynard Keynes deemed to be irrational and excessive.... Hoover made the obligatory public statement about the lack of any connection between reparations and war debts, however in December 1932, the U.S. Congress rejected the Allied war debt reduction plan, which technically meant that the war reparations and debt reverted to the debt reduction previously granted Germany by the 1929 Young Plan. However, the system had collapsed, and Germany did not resume payments. Once the National Socialist government consolidated power, the debt was repudiated and Germany made no further payments. By 1933, Germany had made World War I reparations of only one eighth of the sum required under the Treaty of Versailles. The plan ultimately failed, not because of the U.S. Congress' refusal to go along, but because it became irrelevant upon Hitler's rise to power. YouTube Antony Sutton Bolshevik Revolution, Vietnam, Fiat, Russia Marxist.de YouTube Antony Sutton The Best Enemies Money Can Buy -- Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany National Suicide Russia Military
- 1930s Eustace Mullins During the 1930s and the 1940s, the ADL was generally filed by intelligence groups under "KGB operation". Its activities in the United States were largely confined to harassing, intimidating and defeating for public office anyone who publicly criticized Communism. himself was described by Communist defectors as a longtime KGB agent whose code name was "BOR", recruited by the Soviets while serving in the U.S. Occupation Government in Germany after World War II.
- 1930s TheForbiddenKnowledge The managing partner of Brown Brothers, Harriman during the 1930's was Prescott Bush, father of President George Herbert Walker Bush, and a financial backer of Hitler. The dominant figure at Brown Brothers, Harriman was W. Averell Harriman, Roosevelt's special envoy to Churchill and Stalin, head of the Marshall Plan, and the adviser to President Truman who was most responsible for starting the Cold War with Russia and for prolonging the Korean War.
- 1930s Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review Jews were not simply lovers of Pushkin and Goethe. A major theme of anti-Jewish attitudes was that Jews were deeply involved in creating a “culture of critique”—that Jewish cultural influence was entirely negative and shattered the social bonds of the peoples they lived among.
- 1931 ZionistReport Elizabeth ‘Dilling’ Kirkpatrick was a great woman who had the courage to expose the Talmud to the American people. She was born in Chicago in 1894. In 1931 she visited the Soviet Union with her children and later recalled: “Our family trip to Red Russia in 1931 started my dedication to anti-Communism. We were taken behind the scenes by friends working for the Soviet Government and saw deplorable conditions, first hand. We were appalled, not only at the forced labor, the squalid crowded living quarters, the breadline ration card workers’ stores the mothers pushing wheelbarrows and the begging children of the State nurseries besieging us.” “The open virulent anti-Christ campaign, everywhere, was a shock. In public places were the tirades by loud speaker, in Russian (our friends translated). Atheist cartoons representing Christ as a villain, a drunk, the object of a cannibalistic orgy (Holy Communion); as an oppressor of labor; again as trash being dumped from a wheelbarrow by the Soviet Five-Year-Plan – these lurid cartoons filled the big bulletin boards in the churches our Soviet guides took us to visit.”
- 1931 EIR ... Russell had been working on the concept of the scientific dictatorship for decades. In his 1931 book, The Scientific Outlook, he had devoted a chapter to "Education in a Scientific Society." Here, he was equally blunt about his oligarchical totalitarian vision. Drawing the parallel to the two levels of education provided by the Jesuits, Russell asserted: "In like manner, the scientific rulers will provide one kind of education for ordinary men and women, and another for those who are to become holders of scientific power. Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented. Of these qualities probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the researches of psycho-analysis, behaviourism, and biochemistry will be brought into play.
- 1931 MasterMason The Portugal Police order that all Masonic meetings are prohibited.
- 1931 TheEndofZion In his reply to an inquiry of the Jewish News Agency in the United States in 1931, Joseph Stalin informed the Jewish community that anti-Semitism in Russia, where Communism had triumphed in 1917, was a crime punishable by death. ... and Hitler's Nightmare Come True
- 1931 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler By 1919 Krupp was already giving financial aid to one of the reactionary political groups which sowed the seed of the present Nazi ideology. Hugo Stinnes was an early contributor to the Nazi Party (National Socialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei). By 1924 other prominent industrialists and financiers, among them Fritz Thyssen, Albert Voegler, Adolph [sic] Kirdorf, and Kurt von Schroder, were secretly giving substantial sums to the Nazis. In 1931 members of the coalowners' association which Kirdorf headed pledged themselves to pay 50 pfennigs for each ton of' coal sold, the money to go to the organization which Hitler was building.
- 1931 The ForbiddenKnowledge In 1931, Norman engineered a disintegration ... making the depression worse ... by detonating the gold backing of the pound sterling. British actions amounted to the deliberate destruction of the pound sterling system, which was the only world monetary system in existence at that time. ... blocs like the German Reichsmark and the Japanese yen would soon have to go to war to obtain the oil and other natural resources that orderly world trade could no longer provide.
- 1931 ControversyofZion / Solzhenitsyn ... In Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Solzhenitsyn presents portraits of the six leading architects of the Soviet system of concentration camps. Their names were Aron Solts, Nathaly Frenkel, Yakov Rappaport, Matvei Berman, Lazar Kagan and Genrich Yagoda.39 All six were Jews. The average citizen, who is constantly spoon fed Auschwitz-propaganda, have no idea about it.
- 1931 Summer EIR "The BIS, nominally set up after the breakdown of 'normal' international financial relations in order to prevent a downward spiraling of international payments, in fact finished off the hapless Weimar Republic by its stern refusal to come to the help of a virtually bankrupt Germany in the crucial summer of 1931 ... In September, he was off to London and the United States, to 'sell' the Nazi option to the Anglo-American leadership, notably Bank of England governor and BIS director Montagu Norman, and the already influential Dulles brothers of Sullivan & Cromwell law firm, one of America's most influential—and the attorneys for IG Farben, and many other large German companies and provincial governments. Schacht's Hamburg friend and colleague, patrician Nazi Gerhard Westrick, ran the correspondent law firm to Dulles's in Germany."
- 1931 JTA “international Jewish Capital” Cry in Austria: Socialist and Democratic Press Join Antisemitic in Ab December 25, 1931 Vienna (Dec. 24) The Social Democratic papers and the papers of the Left Democratic Parties here have joined the antisemitic Hitlerist papers to-day in violent denunciations of “international Jewish finance” and the Rothschilds? over the Government bill carried in Parliament to-day for regulating the affairs of the Credit-Anstalt, of which Baron Louis de Rothschild is head. The Vienna Rothschilds are nothing more than the resident representatives of international Jewish finance in the Austrian colony of Jewish world capital, the papers write, and the people of Austria are nothing more than the slaves of Jewish world capital. Even the Austrian Parliament has surrendered its sovereignty to the Jewish capitalists, they say, because our Prime Minister actually held up the sitting of Parliament which was dealing with the Government bill while he telephoned to Mr. Lionel de Rothschild, in London, to ask him whether the Government measure meets with his approval. The “Arbeiter Zeitung”, the chief organ of the Austrian Socialist Party (which was founded and for many years edited by a Jew, the late Dr. Victor Adler, whose son, Dr. Friedrich Adler, is now the Secretary of the Second Socialist International is beside itself at what it describes as “the adaptation of the affairs of the Austrian State to the wishes of the Rothschilds.
- 1932 FirstLightForum After WWI, the former regions of the Ottoman Empire were divided into varying puppets’ regimes. For aiding to undermine the Ottoman authority in the region, Ibn Saud was duly rewarded with the creation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932. One year later, in 1933, the Saudis granted oil concessions to California Arabian Standard Oil Company (Casoc) (Wikipedia Saudi Aramco), affiliate of Standard Oil of California (Socal, today’s Chevron), headed by Rothschild agent, and chief among US so-called] Illuminati families, John D. Rockefeller. Since that time, Saudi Arabia has been the most important ally to the West in the Middle East.
- 1932 Chechar ...It is no stretch at all, however, to show that Jews have achieved a preeminent position in Europe and America, and Slezkine provides us with statistics of Jewish domination only dimly hinted at in the following examples from Europe in the late nineteenth century to the rise of National Socialism. Austria: All but one bank in fin de siècle Vienna was administered by Jews, and Jews constituted 70% of the stock exchange council; Hungary: between 50 and 90 percent of all industry was controlled by Jewish banking families, and 71% of the most wealthy taxpayers were Jews; Germany: Jews were overrepresented among the economic elite by a factor of 33. Similar massive overrepresentation was also to be found in educational attainment and among professionals (e.g., Jews constituted 62% of the lawyers in Vienna in 1900, 25% in Prussia in 1925, 34% in Poland, and 51% in Hungary). Indeed,
- 1932-34 Bolton / Revolution from Above ... James P. Warburg served as financial advisor to FDR, in 1941 became special assistant to William Donovan (COI/OSS/CIA)...Donovan was superior to Cord Meyer responsible for recruiting Leftists into Congress of Cultural Freedom and back Timothy Leary, Gloria Steinem... James Warburg, son of Paul Warburg (FED) and brother to Max Warburg (IG Farben) co-founded the United World Federalists (NWO)... Paul and Felix Warburg founded Kuhn Loeb with Jacob Schiff... Max Warburg helped fund the Bolshevik Revolution (1916),
- 1932 - GripesOnline "Plan for Peace" by American Birth Control League founder Margaret Sanger is published. She calls for coercive sterilization, mandatory segregation, and rehabilitative concentration camps for all "dysgenic stocks," including Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics. The American Birth Control League eventually becomes Planned Parenthood - the nation's foremost promoter and provider of abortion services. Many today are not aware of the racist origins of Planned Parenthood.]
- 1932 Der Spiegel ...paraphrased... The German philosopher (Strauss) who has suddenly become surprisingly popular in the United States was never a leftist, but rather a conservative to the core. We are not talking about Theodor W. Adorno, ..., but a contemporary of these two founders of the Frankfurt School who has received relatively little attention from German intellectuals: Leo Strauss. Like his contemporaries, Strauss was also a German Jew. He also emigrated to the United States and spent the rest of his life there. ... He was also the only German emigrant to establish a philosophy movement that became widespread in the United States, a movement whose influence extends to within today's inner circles of power in Washington. ... Wolfowitz, Shulsky, Fukuyama, Kristol were important followers... Strauss, small, eccentric professor from Weimar Germany, one who despised the Enlightenment and viewed democratic liberalism as a sinful political movement.... his relationship with Catholic constitutional scholar Carl Schmitt important in analyzing the intellectual basis of Bush administration... His strength lay in the interpretation of... Plato, through Socrates, Spinoza, Machiavelli and Hobbes, to Martin Heidegger ... Perle and Wolfowitz more influenced by Wohlstetter than Strauss
- 1932 - StocksSimplified was down 89% from its peak, the worst decline ever.
- 1932 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler in France (on January 11, 1932), Paul Faure, a member of the Chambre des Députés, accused the French industrial firm of Schneider-Creuzot of financing Hitler — and incidentally implicated Wall Street in other financing channels.10 The Schneider group is a famous firm of French armaments manufacturers. After recalling the Schneider influence in establishment of Fascism in Hungary and its extensive international armaments operations, Paul Fauré turns to Hitler, and quotes from the French paper LeJournal, "that Hitler had received 300,000 Swiss gold francs" from subscriptions opened in Holland under the case of a university professor named von Bissing
- 1932 Bibliotecpleyades ... at the end of July 1932, the Nazis became Germany’s largest political party, winning 230 of the 608 seats in the Reichstag. In August 1932 Hitler demanded the chancellorship in a coalition government. Hindenburg refused, and the Nazi Reichstag deputies then joined with the Communists to overthrow the Papen government. Hindenburg dissolved the Reichstag, and new elections were scheduled for November 6.
- 1932 Rense ...Jewish terrorists from the Irgun gang, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and the Stern gang, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, brutally massacre 200 men, women and children as they are sleeping peacefully in the Arab village of Deir Yassin.
- 1932 Dec-Spring 1933 GnosticLiberationFront ... (Holodomor) without any consideration whatever of the consequences in human suffering," Malcolm Muggeridge said. He was talking about the genocidal famine that swept Ukraine and the adjacent North Caucasus, two of the most abundant lands in all of Europe, in the winter of 1932 and the spring and summer of 1933.
- 1933 Jan 30 Tablet Mag ... (attempting to equate Donald Trump with Weimar Germany) “What a memorable day!” wrote a middle-class Hamburg housewife in her diary on Jan. 30, 1933. She had just watched the parade of torch-bearing storm troopers celebrate Adolf Hitler’s assumption of power in Germany. ... search terms: Franz von Papen, Catholic Center Party, humiliation from the Treaty of Versailles, it was time to Make Germany Great Again, ... Paul von Hindenburg called Nazis uncouth, low class and undisciplined, but made a bargain with the Nazis, based on utter disdain for the Republic, contempt for Jews, opposition to the Versailles Treaty, ... right wing populism, Poland, the conservative elite helped Hitler overcome his mere 37% edge in a Germany that wallowed in depression and parallysis, ... the conservative elite roots were in the Catholic and Protestant churches and a productive industrial economy, the accomodation between traditional and radical conservatives began before the end of WWI, the stab-in-the-back was deemed a betrayal of Germany by socialists and Jews, and the only reason Germany had to sue for peace. ... Hitler used the stab in the back effectively with Hiddenburg, Weimar Germany hated the sexual deviancy, birth control, degenerative art, of the Jews, conservatives were genteel anti-Semites and thought Jews (flood of foreigners) were overbearing, distasteful, a threat to national character, embodied finance capital rather than productive capital, associated Jews with communism and the Soviet Union... , Versailles Treaty handed ammunition to Hitler,
- 1933 History of the Frankfurt School ... Marcuse, like most of the early Frankfurt School scholars, was born into an affluent family of assimilated Jews. After serving in the German army in World War I he was briefly involved in politics with the Social Democratic Party, but he quit in protest when the party renounced revolutionary politics and began cooperating with the moderate Weimar government. Marcuse studied philosophy at the universities of Berlin and Freiburg, and received a Ph.D. in literature in 1923. He later studied under Martin Heidegger, and although the two differed politically, Marcuse always acknowledged Heidegger as the greatest thinker and teacher he ever encountered. In 1933 he joined the faculty of the Frankfurt School’s Institute of Social Research, and the following year he fled Nazi Germany and worked along with Horkheimer and others at the Institute of Social Research at Columbia University. During the Second World War Marcuse worked for the Office of Secret Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA, and he later served in the State Department as the head of the Central European Office for Intelligence Research in the immediate post-war period. In 1950 he returned to academia as a lecturer in sociology at Columbia University and a senior fellow at the Russian Institute, and four years later he joined the faculty of Brandeis University. Brandeis was a hotbed of left-wing politics, and Marcuse became a popular and influential professor. But he was also a lightning rod for controversy, and when Brandeis refused to renew his contract in 1962 he accepted a position at the University of California at La Jolla.
- 1933 Yale Papers Money lending, of course, later developed into banking, and the great wealth amassed by a few, such as the Rothschilds, has long fostered financial conspiracy theories about the Jews.The Nazi’s later antisemitism featured continued resentment of the Jews’ economic role, combined with a backlash against perceptions of their growing cultural influence in Germany. In the propaganda film The Eternal Jew, the Nazis bitterly complained about Jews’ prominence in German industry, high status professions, themedia, art, and culture.While perceived as ultimately inferior to Aryans, Nazis viewed the Jews as diabolically ... fervently believed in an “international Jewish conspiracy.
- 1933 Dialectical Imagination Martin Jay ... Horkheimer secretary quote: ""We were all possessed, so to speak, of the idea we must beat Hitler and fascism, and this brought us all together. We all felt we had a mission ... gave us a feeling of loyaly and belonging togeter."
- 1933 DissentMagazine (pro CM) The Jewish Radical Right: Revisionist Zionism and It’s Ideological Legacy ... Tel Aviv, 1933: Members of Betar, the Revisionist Zionist youth movement, march through the streets of Tel Aviv in clean, pressed, brown uniforms, performing militaristic drills to the jeers of socialists. In the minds of the Labour Zionists the uniforms, the emphasis on combat, and, above all, an ideology emphasizing force and strength pointed in one direction – fascism. Yet, when members of Betar travelled to Jewish communities throughout Europe at the end of 1935, they prompted a very different reaction. Riding across Europe on motorcycles and wearing leather jackets, these tough Jews, rather than the socialists, were the true avant garde....and ... specifically the politics of Menachem Begin and Benjamin Netanyahu, is innovative in his interpretation of the ascendancy of the right
- 1933 TheRealistReport Hitler and the NSDAP were not funded by Jewish or even pro-Zionist sources. They were not “Rothschild agents” or “puppets of the bankers” or “stooges for the Zionists”. ... They were diametrically opposed to the Jewish supremacist goal of a “New World Order”, which is essentially Jewish domination and subjugation of the entire globe - politically, economically, and culturally ... National Socialism is the anti-thesis to Jewish Communism and Jewish plutocratic capitalism see Google Books Why Hitler Came to Power
- 1933 YouTube Grand Mufti, Pan Europa, Bush Crime Family, And Dulles' Real CIA Job ... more Otto Skorzany ... orthodox view on Holocaust, pro 9/11 Truth, anti-Fetzer, yes-planes, good info on Rudolf Hess, Thule, Alistair Crowley, Churchill ... at 48:00 min...
- 1933 CommentaryMagazine on Leo Strauss ... In being as Jewish as he was, and as conservative, Strauss was wholly distinct from those we think of when we think of Weimar culture or the intellectual migration: no chapter is devoted to him in the books about these. Of high degree in the culture and the migration was the Institut für Sozialforschung, the so-called Frankfurt School, which included such luminaries as Franz Neumann, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer. Martin Jay, the author of the Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research, tells us (“Anti-Semitism and the Weimar Left,” Midstream, January 1974) that the members of this brilliant and admired school, and especially the inner circle, mostly “came from Jewish backgrounds.” Even after the war these brilliant men continued to deny the intensity, and almost the existence, of pre-war German anti-Semitism! Anyway, they knew that anti-Semitism was not especially important, a symptom of something about capitalism; or else that it was a capitalistic device. Always they insisted that their Jewish backgrounds had nothing to do with their politics, or their school, or their dialectical imagination. Reading the tea leaves ... The Frankfurt School packep up and left Germany in 1933.
- 1933 - GripesOnline "The Shape of Things to Come" by H. G. Wells is published. Wells predicts a second world war around.
- 1933 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler In winding up these Russian deals in 1929, Averell Harriman received a windfall profit of $1 million from the usually hard-headed Soviets, who have a reputation of giving nothing away without some present or later quid pro quo. Concurrently with these successful moves in international finance, Averell Harriman has always been attracted by so-called "public" service. In 1913 Harriman's "public" service began with an appointment to the Palisades Park Commission. In 1933 Harriman was appointed chairman of the New York State Committee of Employment, and in 1934 became Administrative Officer of Roosevelt's NRA
- 1933 Scribd Franklyn Roosevelt (32nd degree of the Scottish Rite) sworn on 4th March in as President of the United States. His vice-president is Harry Truman (33rd degree mason). He encourages the creation of the State of Israel.
- 1933 Heretical There is even a certain amount of evidence to show that Hitler was financed by Jewish interests. In his book, I Paid Hitler, Thyssen admitted that the Nazis themselves had been obliged to recognize the services rendered by the Jewish Simon Hirschland Bank in Essen, which had arranged Wall Street loans for Hitler through another Jewish bank in New York, Goldman Sachs & Co
Hegelian Dialectics |
- 1753 Darkmoon Let’s begin by considering the corrosive work of the Frankfurt School: a group of German-American scholars, mostly Jewish, who developed highly provocative and original perspectives on contemporary society and culture, drawing on Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, and Weber. Their idea of a “cultural revolution” was not particularly new. Joseph, Comte de Maistre (1753-1821), who for fifteen years had been a Freemason, had this to say: “Until now, nations were killed by conquest, that is by invasion. But here an important question arises: can a nation not die on its own soil, without resettlement or invasion, by allowing the flies of decomposition to corrupt to the very core those original and constituent principles which make it what it is?”
- 1831 Wikipedia Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ... August 27, 1770 – November 14, 1831) was a German philosopher and an important figure of German idealism. Hegelianism Wikipdedia "the rational alone is real", which means that all reality is capable of being expressed in rational categories. His goal was to reduce reality to a more synthetic unity within the system of absolute idealism. ... Hess originally advocated Jewish integration into the universalist socialist movement, a friend/collaborator of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Hess converted Engels to Communism, and introduced Marx to social and economic problems. ... helped transform Hegelian dialectical idealism theory of history to the dialectical materialism of Marxism,
- 1870 RigorousInstitution Andrew Carnegie, our little Hegelian Social Darwinist (literally), once born in a poor family of handloom weavers, had a very different background than most of his later associates. Around 1870 he already was a wealthy self-made man, but only after some crucial help from the London banker Junius S. Morgan (father J.P. Morgan; worked for George Peabody, who supposedly was a Rothschild agent; after Carnegie's joint venture in the steel industry went awry due to financial problems of his partners, Peabody finally sold his bonds to "London investors") in 1874, he rose to became the most powerful industrialist of the US, next to J.P. Morgan. His primary associates, who inspired and guided him in the founding of the different Carnegie Institutions, were Daniel Coit Gilman (incorporated Skull & Bones into the Russell Trust 50 years earlier), Nicholas Murray Butler (head of Columbia University; major totalitarian Hegelian US educator; President of the Pilgrims Society; Bohemian Grove; associate of J.P. Morgan and Robert Cecil - 1st Viscount of Chelwood; co-founder League of Nations), and Elihu Root (Pilgrims Society; official founder CFR; close friend of Butler).
- 1899 American Bhudda ... The first two Hegelian wars (Spanish-American war and the Ango-Boer of 1899 set the 'new world order' and then WWI and II, secretly formulated by Averal Harriman: Hitler, by the Guarantee Trust Co. and Brown Brothers Harriman vs Marxist Russia funded by Guarantee Trust, Union Banking Corp and RuskomBank
- 1913 YouTube Edward Mandel House hand-picked the first seven governors of the Fed ... Charles Seymour's had access to House's papers ... House wrote the book: Philip Drew Administrator, a fictionalized autobiography ... how depressions are caused, deliberately weaken a country to the point of civil war (Hegelian)...designed to establish case for a dictatorship ... House selected Wilson as presidential candidate and became his principle advisor. House was Wilson's alter-ego, controlled Wilson.
- 1923 Platypus ... The Marxists of Horkheimer's circle were (like Freud) critics of the Hegelian idealism in succession of Ludwig Feuerbach. But they knew—like Marx himself—that the concepts of their sociological theory originally had been developed by Hegel. So we can say that they were Hegelian (or “Western”) Marxists like Antonio Labriola, the Italian philosopher whose “nonorthodox” interpretation was decisive for Trotsky’s understanding of Marxʼs critical theory. They were convinced that, in order to understand and to criticize the actual form and functioning of society, it was not only necessary to analyze the economic development but to understand and to criticize the philosophical and artistic productions that were typical for the actual stage of societal evolution and that determined the consciousness of their contemporaries. In order to change society it was necessary to understand it in its totality. This orientation enabled the social philosophers around Horkheimer as well as Trotsky (and in contrast to the majority of the Marxists, who didn’t understand that Marx had developed a criticism of society, not a “weltanschauung”) to welcome Freud’s new (therapeutic) psychology of the unconscious. They realized that the Viennese physician had developed a new criticism of psychological and cultural institutions, one that complemented their own sociological criticism. Horkheimer and Benjamin were Marxist historians (of philosophy or literature). Adorno updated and radicalized the criticism of idealistic philosophy (not only that of Hegel but also that of Edmund Husserl) and became classic and modern music and literature’s most important Marxist interpreter
- 1917 - GripesOnline With aid from financiers in New York City and London, V. I. Lenin is able to overthrow the government of Russia. Lenin later comments on the apparent contradiction of the links between prominent capitalists and Communism: "There also exists another alliance - at first glance a strange one, a surprising one - but if you think about it, in fact, one which is well grounded and easy to understand. This is the alliance between our Communist leaders and your capitalists." Remember the Hegelian dialectic?
- comment: Under fascism the state took greater control than under capitalism through fear mongering, industrial monopolies, price controls through corporate collusion, sexism, corporate or state controlled media, sources of opposition are removed or marginalized... Hegelian enemies created, for Hitler it was communism and its assault on a Christian nation.
- 1949 Crossroad.to ...1949, George Orwell, ... book: 1984... Verbal Engineering ...showed how perceptions are manipulated when the definitions of fundamental words are changed, i.e., peace becomes defense which then becomes war – a classic illustration of Hegel’s dialectic. Here, the thesis – or status quo – refers to the current usage of the word. When it undergoes a slight change in meaning towards its antithesis, a new synthesis is born. If enough incremental changes occur, eventually the antithesis is established... the term “Hegel’s dialectic” is missing from our common vocabulary, many of us have no awareness of this process in continual motion. Instead, we think every change occurs naturally... our most important traditions and institutions ...By definition, a change towards the antithesis is adverse to that element of society who would “conserve” the status quo – the conservatives who revere their traditions and institutions... have been so dramatically engineered towards the antithesis that conservatives no longer support the status quo.
- 1968 WayneMadsenReport ... The goal of the CIA's infiltration of leftist movements through Obama's post-Columbia "leftist outreach" employer, Business International Corporation (BIC) was to carry out the tactics championed by former Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and CIA officer Herbert Marcuse, a German-born Jew and self-proclaimed "Hegelian" and "Marxist." Marcuse's agenda included what Yuri Zhukov wrote in Pravda on May 30, 1968: "radical and global negation of all the elements constituting [the industrial socialist society], including Communist Parties." Marcuse, as Zhukov wrote, sought to "cast doubt on the chief role of the working class in the struggle for progress, democracy, and socialism."
- 1933 BushStole04 Marx, Ritter, and Nietzsche were all funded and under the instruction of the Rothschilds. The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger factions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions. The same plan put forward by Weishaupt in 1776.
- 2001 WMR ... As far as the "owl" part of Clinton's overriding rule, it could be a reference to "owls" versus "doves" and "hawks" involved in developing foreign policy. "Owls" are considered to embrace wiser policies over the peaceful ideas of "doves" and war-oriented aims of "hawks." It could also refer to the "Owl of Minerva," the journal of the Hegel Society of America. The Hegelian dialectic of "shock" and "reaction," which is naturally followed by draconian state rule, serves as the basis for the shock doctrine efforts of George Soros. Recent shock events that resulted in increased state control over the population include the 9/11 attacks on the United States and Muslim migrant mass influx into Europe.
- 1933 BushStole04 Marx, Ritter, and Nietzsche were all funded and under the instruction of the Rothschilds. The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger factions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions. The same plan put forward by Weishaupt in 1776.
- 1933 SmashCulturalMarxism ...Judeo-Boasian Anthropology is Subversive and Psychological Racial Warfare ... The preponderance of Jewish intellectuals in the early years of Boasian Anthropology and the Jewish identities of anthropologists in subsequent generations have been downplayed in standard histories of the discipline. ... Boasian Anthropology is a pseudo-scientific Jewish assault on White European racial consciousness and identity. To put it simply, the Jewish Boasian school of Anthropology suggested wrongly, that ‘race was a social construct’ not rooted in biology or scientific determinism. This falsehood served many purposes for the ethnically driven Jewish subversives behind it who were operating in the best interests of Jews, against what they viewed as a potentially hostile racial group ie White Europeans. ... Israel is considered to be the “Jewish state” exclusively for the “Jewish people,” yet we can’t have European states for European people because that is somehow ‘wrong and racist.’ and here for evidence of close ties of Boas and Aby Warburg... philantropist
- 1933 ThirdWorldTraveler Trading with the Enemy ... What would have happened if millions of American and British people, struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey managers shipped the enemy's fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars' worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head office in Manhattan? Or that Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the international American telephone conglomerate ITT, flew from New York to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler's communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London? Or that ITT built the Focke-Wulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were shipped to Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the collusion of the vice-chairman of the U. S. War Production Board in partnership with Goring's cousin in Philadelphia when American forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were known about in Washington and either sanctioned or deliberately ignored?
- 1933 ScottManning The Churchill Legend by Francis Neilson.... unnecessary war...
- 1933 Jan: IAmTheWitness On January 30, Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. He drives Jews, many of which were Communist out of Governmental positions within Germany. As a result of this, in July, the Jews hold a World Conference in Amsterdam during which they demand that Hitler re-instate every Jew back to his former position. ... Hitler refuses and as a result of this, Samuel Untermyer, the Ashkenazi Jew who blackmailed President Wilson, and is now the head of the American delegation and the president of the whole conference, returns to the United States, and makes a speech on radio which was transcribed in the From the New York Times, Monday, August 7, 1933. In the speech he made the following statements, "...the Jews are the aristocrats of the world...Our campaign is...the economic boycott against all German goods, shipping and services...
- 1933 Rense In 1933, shortly after Hitler's appointment as Chancellor of Germany, the German Parliament was set on fire by the Nazis and the Communists were blamed for this act of terrorism against the German people. Following the Nazi-inspired arson, Hitler exploited the outrage of the German citizens to arrogate to himself dictatorial powers, which he promised would be used to rid Germany of Communists. The next day, Chancellor Hitler demanded from the German cabinet an emergency decree which would enable him to deal decisively with the domestic crisis. Reichstag ...
- 1933 Mar 24 Wintersonnenwende On March 12, 1933 the American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest at Madison Square Gardens for March 27. At that time the commander in chief of the Jewish War Veterans called for an American boycott of German goods. In the meantime, on March 23, 20,000 Jews protested at New York's City Hall as rallies were staged outside the North German Lloyd and Hamburg-American shipping lines and boycotts were mounted against German goods throughout shops and businesses in New York City. ... According to The Daily Express of London of March 24, 1933, the Jews had already launched their boycott against Germany and her elected government. The headline read "Judea Declares War on Germany - Jews of All the World Unite - Boycott of German Goods - Mass Demonstrations." The article described a forthcoming "holy war" and went on to implore Jews everywhere to boycott German goods and engage in mass demonstrations against German economic interests. ... However, note well that the Zionist Association of Germany put out a telegram on the 26th of March rejecting many of the allegations made against the National Socialists as "propaganda," "mendacious" and "sensational." In fact, the Zionist faction had every reason to ensure the permanence of National Socialist ideology in Germany. Klaus Polkehn, writing in the Journal of Palestine Studies ("The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941"; JPS v. 3/4, spring/summer 1976), claims that the moderate attitude of the Zionists was due to their vested interest in seeing the financial victory of National Socialism to force immigration to Palestine. German ... Despite all this, the leaders of the Jewish community refused to relent. On March 27 there were simultaneous protest rallies at Madison Square Garden, in Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland and 70 other locations.
- 1933 Mar Rense The National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler gained 17,300,000 votes in the election and gained 288 seats in the Reichstag. On 30 January 1933 Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor of the German Reich by President Von Hindenberg. On 24 March 1933 the Reichstag elected by 441 votes to 94 to give full emergency powers to the new Reich Chancellor and the corrupt Weimar Republic ceased to exist.
- 1933McDonald The Franklin School-Chapter 5... The Nazis perceived the Institute of Social Research as a communist organization and closed it within six weeks of Hitler’s ascent to power because it had “encouraged activities hostile to the state” (in Wiggershaus 1994, 128). Even after the emigration of the Institute to the United States, it was widely perceived as a communist front organization with a dogmatic and biased Marxist perspective, and there was a constant balancing act to attempt not to betray the left “while simultaneously defending themselves against corresponding suspicions” (Wiggershaus 1994, 251; see also p. 255).1
- 1933 ConspiracySchool It was Montagu Norman, as Chairman of the Bank of England, who, from 1933 through 1939, met repeatedly with Hjalmar Schacht, Reich Minister of Economics, and a member of the Rhodes Round Table, to plan the overall budget of the Nazi regime with British credit, and guided the strategies of Hitler’s primary supporters, the Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Harrimans.
- 1933 Apr LewRockwell ... Roosevelt's gold confiscation... stated reason was to keep people from hoarding money which would prolong the depression... actual purpose was to allow for the unlimited expansion of credit. ... Wikipedia The main rationale behind the order was actually to remove the constraint on the Federal Reserve which prevented it from increasing the money supply during the depression; the Federal Reserve Act required 40% gold backing of Federal Reserve Notes issued. By the late 1920s, the Federal Reserve had almost hit the limit of allowable credit (in the form of Federal Reserve demand notes) that could be backed by the gold in its possession ... FDR confiscated American’s gold for the same reason Lenin confiscated it in Russia and Hitler confiscated it in Germany, namely, to get it out of the hands of the people. see Howard Buffet Human Freedom Rests on Gold Redeemable Money ... but this may be outdated because the elite have mastered the art of manipulating the price of gold through derivatives to hide inflation from 'quantitative easing' and such schemes.
- 1933 Aug Wikipedia Haarvar Agreement .. "transfer agreement") was signed on 25 August 1933 after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. While it helped Jews emigrate, it forced them to temporarily give up possessions to Germany before departing. Those possessions could later be re-obtained by transferring them to Palestine as German export goods. ... After the invasion of Poland and the onset of World War II in 1939, the practical continuation of the Haavara agreement became impossible. In 1940, representatives of the underground Zionist group Lehi met with von Hentig to propose direct military cooperation with the Nazis for the continuation of the transfer of European Jews to Palestine. This proposal, however, did not produce results.
- 1933 Aug IamtheWitness / Benjamin Freedman Stab in the Back ... World Boycott ... Talmudists throughout the world made bad matters worse on August 7, 1933, when they declared their "holy war" to destroy the German nation "by destroying their export trade upon which their very existence depends." Under the leadership of Mr. Samuel Untermeyer, Talmudists of the world declared a world boycott on all German goods and services.
- 1933 November, IAmTheWitness President Roosevelt recognizes the Zionist regime of Stalin in Russia without consultation with Congress even as 8,000 Ukrainians march in protest in New York. ... Also this year, President Roosevelt, born of a Jewish mother, therefore satisfying Ashkenazi rules of being Jewish, orders the all-seeing eye to be placed upon all new dollar bills along with the motto, "Novus Ordo Seclorum." This is latin for, "A New Order of the Ages."
- 1933 IEP Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ... In 1933, due to the Nazi takeover, the Institute for Social Research (Horkheimer) temporarily transferred first to Geneva and then in 1935 to New York and Columbia University. Two years later Horkheimer published the ideological manifesto of the School in his “Traditional and Critical Theory” ([1937] 1976), where some of the already anticipated topics were addressed, such as the practical and critical turn of theory.
- 1933 Archive The Secret Contacts - Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933 - 1941
- 1933 Aug Wikipedia The Haavara Agreement "transfer agreement") was signed on 25 August 1933 after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. While it helped Jews emigrate, it forced them to temporarily give up possessions to Germany before departing. Those possessions could later be re-obtained by transferring them to Palestine as German export goods.
- 1934... “We Jews are going to bring a war on Germany”- D.A. Brown, The National Chairman of the United Jewish Campaign 1934. “Hitler will have no war (does not want war), but we will force it on him, not this year, but soon”- Emil Ludwig Cohn in Les Annales June 1934. “We will trigger a spiritual and material war of all the world against Germany’s ambition to become once again a great nation, to recover lost territories and colonies. But our Jewish interests demand the complete destruction of Germany”- Vladimir Jabotinsky. “The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany- holy war against Hitler’s people”- Chaim Weizmann in the Jewish Chronicle 8 September 1939
- 1934 Wikipedia Benzion Netanyahu ... Benzion Netanyahu was co-editor of Betar, a Hebrew monthly (1933–1934), then editor of the Revisionist Zionist daily newspaper Ha-Yarden in Jerusalem (1934–1935).[2] until the British Mandate authorities ordered the paper to cease publication. He was editor at the Zionist Political Library, Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, 1935–1940.
- 1934 Jan 1 Indiana.edu The Portuguese government suppressed a revolutionary movement led by the Communists and the General Confederation of Labor with great vigor. The state imprisoned the leaders of the revolution. ... and ... Great Strike in Barcelona The Socialists led a major strike in Barcelona which greatly increased tensions with the government in Madrid. The government had a difficult time suppressing the strike.
- 1934 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler a book suppressed in 1934 and the "myth of 'Sidney Warburg.'" The suppressed book accused the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, and the major oil companies of financing Hitler. While the name "Sidney Warburg" was no doubt an invention, the extraordinary fact remains that the argument in the suppressed "Sidney Warburg" book is remarkably close to the evidence presented now. It also remains a puzzle why James Paul Warburg, fifteen years later, would want to attempt, in a rather transparently slipshod manner, to refute the contents of the "Warburg" book, a book he claims not to have seen. It is perhaps even more of a puzzle why Warburg would choose Nazi von Papen's Memoirs as the vehicle to present his refutation.
- 1934 ZeroHedge ... In 1934, the Frankfurt School was reborn at Columbia University. Its members began to exert their ideas on American culture. It was at Columbia University that the school honed the tool it would use to destroy Western culture: the printed word. The school published a lot of popular material. The first of these was Critical Theory. Critical Theory is a play on semantics. The theory was simple: criticize every pillar of Western culture—family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech, and others. The hope was that these pillars would crumble under the pressure. Next was a book Theodor Adorno co-authored, The Authoritarian Personality. It redefined traditional American views on gender roles and sexual mores as “prejudice.” Adorno compared them to the traditions that led to the rise of fascism in Europe. Is it just a coincidence that the go-to slur for the politically correct today is “fascist”? The school pushed its shift away from economics and toward Freud by publishing works on psychological repression. Their works split society into two main groups: the oppressors and the victims. They argued that history and reality were shaped by those groups who controlled traditional institutions. At the time, that was code for males of European descent. From there, they argued that the social roles of men and women were due to gender differences defined by the “oppressors.” In other words, gender did not exist in reality but was merely a “social construct.”
- 1934 Jan 26 Indiana.edu Following a period of great tension, the German and Polish governments signed a non-aggression pact which respected the two countries' borders for ten years. The pact provided the Polish government with some assurance that the Germans would not attempt to recover the Polish corridor by military force.
- 1934 Feb Indiana.edu The Saudi and British governments concluded a treaty of friendship for 40 years between the two countries. and ... Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement The British and Soviet governments, in an attempt to improve relations, signed an agreement to promote trade between the two countries. and in Apr 1934 Soviet-Polish Non-Aggression Pact Renewal The Soviet and Polish governments renewed their non-aggression pact of July 1932 for another ten years. This agreement reflected the Soviet fear of a resurgent Germany and the Russians embarked on a massive land, sea, and air armament program. ... and ... The National Assembly of Austria adopted an extremely complicated constitution which set up a dictatorship under Englebert Dollfuss. By July, Chancellor Dollfuss set up a new cabinet on Fascist lines.
- 1934: IAmTheWitness Swiss banking secrecy laws are reformed and it becomes an offence resulting in imprisonment for any bank employee to violate bank secrecy. This is all in preparation for the Rothschild engineered Second World War in which as usual they will fund both sides.
- 1934 IamtheWitness / Benjamin Freedman The sentiments of prominent German leaders were expressed in the Jewish Daily Bulletin of New York City on October 30, 1934, in an article reprinted on page three from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency dispatch from Berlin which stated: "The New Germany persists toward the complete extermination of the Jew because it was Jews who instigated the United States to enter the World War, accomplishing the defeat of Germany, and who later caused the inflation in Germany, Herr Richard Kunze, a leading Nazi Parliament figure, declared at a mass meeting in Magdeburg yesterday."
- 1934 Dean Henderson ... In the spring of 1934 Bank of England Chairman Montagu Norman convened a meeting of London bankers who decided to covertly fund Hitler. Royal Dutch/Shell Chairman Sir Henri Deterding helped in this effort. He hoped Hitler would march on the Soviet Union and return RD/Shell assets seized by revolutionaries at Baku, Grozny and Maikop.
- 1934 History of the Money Changers In its 20th June issue, New Britain magazine of London published a statement made by former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George that, "Britain is the slave of an international financial bloc." Also in the article was the following words written by Lord Bryce, "Democracy has no more persistent and insidious foe than money power ...questions regarding Bank of England, its conduct and its objects, are not allowed by the Speaker (of the House of Commons)." Louis T. McFadden, Republican Congressman and Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee from 1920 to 1931 stated, "Through the Fed the people are losing their rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution ...common decency requires us to examine the public accounts of the government and see what kind of crimes against the public welfare have been committed...the people of these United States are being greatly wronged... ... Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers-but truth is-the Fed has usurped the Government...the sack of these United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history...what King ever robbed his subject to such an extent as the Fed has robbed us...it is a monstrous thing for this great nation of people to have its destinies presided over by a traitorous government board acting in secret concert with international usurer. When the Fed was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here ...a super state controlled by international bankers, and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure."
- 1934 History of the Underground The House of Rothschild (1934) is an American film written by Nunnally Johnson from the play by George Hembert Westley, and directed by Alfred L. Werker. The movie stars George Arliss, Loretta Young, and Boris Karloff, in the biographical story of the rise of the Rothschild family of European bankers.
- 1934 BibliotecaPleyades Amory Howe Bradford, class of 1934, married Carol Warburg Rothschild and was General Manager for the New York Times.
- 1934 Nov Coat InfadelKaferWatch: Smedley Butler .... The cover-up of McCormack-Dickstein attempted "Bankers' Coup" 1933 by American fascists reported by Smedley Butler, Prescott Walker Bush was involved along with (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression. ... 9/11 was a successful coup Wikipedia
- 1935 WMR Hillary attends Fellowship events annually ... The roots of the Fellowship go back to the 1930s and a Norwegian immigrant and Methodist minister named Abraham Vereide. According to Fellowship archives maintained at the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College in Illinois, Vereide, who immigrated from Norway in 1905, began an outreach ministry in Seattle in April 1935. But his religious outreach involved nothing more than pushing for an anti-Communist, anti-union, anti-Socialist, and pro-Nazi German political agenda. A loose organization and secrecy were paramount for Vereide. Fellowship archives state that Vereide wanted his movement to "carry out its objective through personal, trusting, informal, unpublicized contact between people." Vereide’s establishment of his Prayer Breakfast Movement for anti-Socialist and anti-International Workers of the World (IWW or "Wobblies") Seattle businessmen in 1935 coincided with the establishment of another pro-Nazi German organization in the United States, the German-American Bund. Vereide saw his prayer movement replacing labor unions.
- 1935 Ratical War is a Racket - Smedley Butler pdf
- 1935 Jan Rense Hitler now put into operation the plan of getting all German areas into one state and all Germans under one German Government. The Germans in the Rhineland, the Germans in Austria and the Sudeten Germans responded willingly. In January 1935 the Saar Valley voted to return to Germany with a 90 per-cent poll in favour. There were also Germans in East Prussia and in Danzig now divided by land ceded to Poland by the Treaty of Versailles. It is interesting to note that between 1933 and 1937 10,000 Jews migrated to Hitler's Germany, 97 of them from Palestine.
- 1935 History of the Money Changers All the gold held by American citizens had finally been turned in under President Roosevelt's
- 1935 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler The business press [in the United States] was aware, from 1935 on, that German prosperity was based on war preparations. More important, it was conscious of the fact that German industry was under the control of the Nazis and was being directed to serve Germany's rearmament, and the firm mentioned most frequently in this context was the giant chemical empire, I. G. Farben
- 1935 The Makers of War, Francis Neilson In 'My New Order' by Roussy Sales gives ... most of Hitler's speech in May 21 1935 ... excerpt: "Whoever lights the torch of war in Europe can wish for nothing but chaos". WWI had to be forced into being through extraordinary means...
- 1935 Wikipedia Heinrich Muller As Gestapo chief of operations and later (after 1939) its chief, Müller played a leading role in the detection and suppression of all forms of resistance to the Nazi regime. Under his leadership, the Gestapo succeeded in infiltrating and to a large extent destroying the underground networks of the Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party by the end of 1935.
- NFU Nazi era timeline ...who funded Hitler
- 1935 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
- 1935 October PalestineRemembered Revisionists quit World Zionist Organization (WZO) to form New Zionist Organization with aim of "liberating" Palestine and Transjordan. November Shaykh 'Izz al-Din al-Qassam, Muslim cleric from Haifa, leader of first Palestinian guerrilla group fighting British policy in Palestine, killed in action against British security forces. Edmond de Rothschild dies.
- 1936 Wikipedia Henri Wilhelm August Deterding KBE (Hon), was one of the first executives of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and for 36 years (1900–1936) its chairman and the chairman of the combined Royal Dutch/Shell oil company.... He was made an honorary KBE in 1920, ostensibly for service to Anglo-Dutch relations, but mainly for his work supplying Allies with petroleum during World War I. ....... He led Royal Dutch to several major mergers and acquisitions, including a merger with Samuel's "Shell" Transport and Trading Company in 1907 and the purchase of Azerbaijan oil fields from the Rothschild family in 1911. In the last years of his life, Deterding became controversial when he became an admirer of the German Nazi party. In 1936, he discussed with them the sale of a year's oil reserves on credit; the next year, he was forced to resign from the company's board.
- 1936-38 Wikipedia ... The Great Purge or the Great Terror was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union which occurred from 1936 to 1938 It involved a large-scale purge of the Communist Party (Jewish Bolsheviks) and government officials, repression of peasants and the Red Army leadership, and widespread police surveillance, suspicion of "saboteurs", "counter-revolutionaries", imprisonment, and arbitrary executions In Russian historiography, the period of the most intense purge, 1937–1938, is called Yezhovshchina, "Yezhov phenomenon", commonly translated as "times of Yezhov" or "doings of Yezhov"), after Nikolai Yezhov, the head of the Soviet secret police, NKVD. It has been estimated between 600,000 and 3 million people died at the hands of the Soviet government during the Purge.
- 1936 IHR...Almog goes on to point out that during the years 1936 through 1938, the Polish government repeatedly asked Great Britain and France to assist them in resettling Jews out of Europe to African colonies or Palestine.
- 1936: IAmTheWitness With regard to the increase in anti-semitism in Germany, Samuel Landman (at the time, secretary to the World Zionist Organisation), in his 1936 book, Great Britain, The Jews, and Palestine states the following of the United States entry into World War 1, "The fact that it was Jewish help that brought USA into the War on the side of the Allies has rankled ever since in German – especially Nazi – minds, and has contributed in no small measure to the prominence which anti-Semitism occupies in the Nazi programme." 1938: On 7th November, a Jew, Herschel Grynszpan, assassinated Ernst vom Rath, a minor official at the German Embassy in Paris. As a result of this German hostility towards Jews in Germany started to turn violent. The Rothschilds Austrian banking house in Vienna, S. M. von Rothschild und Söhne, closes following the Nazi occupation of Austria.
- comment “Many Jewish families in Palestine changed their names to make themselves sound like they actually came from Palestine. And you wondered where all those Jews disappeared during World War II? Sheinerman became Sharon, Yezernitzky became Shamir, and Auerbach became Emanuel, and so on. And then multiply by a few hundred thousand. Voila! Millions of European Jews vanish from the face of the Earth – and build new lives in Palestine, etc.”
- 1936 Francis Neilson .. The Makers of War 1935, no one can say, but this is the way that history generally has been put together by the journalists. De Sales makes no reference to the French march into the Ruhr, for which Poincaré was censured by the majority of the British and American people. That was one of the most unpopular aets of the period. p93 Moreover, it is not for de Sales to talk about faith- lessness on the part of Hitler. When an author sets out to publish the speeches of a politician, he ought to draw the reader's attention to those from which he deletes large sections. Take a flagrant example of omit- ting a most important Statement given by Hitler to the Reichstag, in March, 1936. The subject was the military alliances made by France before the conclusion of the Locarno Treaty. A lengthy summary of this speech appeared in the Evening Standard. Hitler pointed out that, before the Locarno Treaty, France had signed military alliances with Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. Germany accepted them without challenge, for she believed they were of a purely defensive character. Then France con- structed great fortifications along her frontier and con- centrated enormous numbers of troops there. Germany had no aggressive intentions and raised no objections. Meanwhile, France made another military treaty with the Soviet Union, and before this was consummated, Germany was hemmed in by France, Great Britain, Belgium, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.
- 1936 WebofDebt "We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced. . . .we laugh at the time our national financiers held the view that the value of a currency is regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a state bank." - Adolf Hitler, quoted in "Hitler's Monetary System," www.rense.com, citing C. C. Veith, Citadels of Chaos (Meador, 1949)
- 1936 NewsOfInterest In 1936, with his son Edsel, Henry Ford Sr. established the as an inheritance tax dodge, ... Edsel, died before the Foundation’s leadership could be placed in safe hands, and control passed to Edsel’s widow, and grandson Henry Ford II (who later married into the Rothschild family), who brought in such 'insiders’ as William Benton, Dr. Robert M. Hutchins (who became Associate Director), and Paul G. Hoffman (who became the Chief Administrator). Executives in 2000 included Susan V. Berresford President, Barry D. Gaberman Senior VP, Henry B. Schacht cob, Paul A. Allaire (Xerox) FundingUniverse Ford Foundation history and SourceWatch McGeorge Bundy, 1966-1979, Franklin Thomas, 1979-1996, Susan V. Berresford, 1996-2007, Luis A. Ubinas, 2008-present ... The Ford Foundation is an important contributor to the success of Cultural Marxist's infiltration into American universities.
- 1936 Nicholas Kollerstrom ‘Bomber Command’ comes into existence, and long-range bomber planes start to be constructed. Its purpose was candidly described by J.M.Spaight of the Air Ministry: ‘The whole raison d’etre of Bomber Command was to bomb Germany should she be our enemy.’ So, those who wanted war started planning for it. Germany and France had nothing resembling these bomber-planes. In 1918, the highly punitive Treaty of Versailles had forbidden war-shattered Germany from ever developing an ‘active defence,’ alluding to such things as searchlights, flak guns etc. Hitler repeatedly sought to secure a truce in city bombing, and that in any future conflicts bombing should be confined to the narrow zone of military operation. Existing conventions and laws of war did not specifically allude to air bombardment, and therefore he repeatedly made offers to restrict the conduct of war by ‘confining the action of war to the battle zones.’
- 1936 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler American assistance to Nazi war efforts extended into other areas.17 The two largest tank producers in Hitler's Germany were Opel, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors (controlled by the J.P. Morgan firm), and the Ford A. G. subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company of Detroit. The Nazis granted tax-exempt status to Opel in 1936, to enable General Motors to expand its production facilities. General Motors obligingly reinvested the resulting profits into German industry. Henry Ford was decorated by the Nazis for his services to Naziism.
- 1936 -- AriesComputer Beginning of Moscow Purge trials in which numerous communist leaders were brainwashed into false confessions and then executed.
- 1936 comment March 29,1936, Zionists praised Il Duce, and his regime, at the opening of a maritime school, funded by the Fascist government, at Civitavecchia. This is where a Zionist youth group, the "Betar," trained its sailors for the future Revisionist state. (needs verification)
- 1936 IHR The Focus was financed by a slush fund set up by some of London's wealthiest businessmen -- principally, businessmen organized by the Board of Jewish Deputies in England, whose chairman was a man called Sir Bernard Waley Cohen. Sir Bernard Waley Cohen held a private dinner party at his apartment on July 29, 1936. This is in Waley Cohen's memoirs ... The 29th of July, 1936, Waley Cohen set up a slush fund of 50,000 pounds for The Focus, the Churchill pressure group. Now, 50,000 pounds in 1936, multiply that by ten, at least, to get today's figures. By another three or four to multiply that into Canadian dollars. So, 40 times 50,000 pounds -- about $2 million in Canadian terms -- was given by Bernard Waley Cohen to this secret pressure group of Churchill in July 1936. The purpose was -- the tune that Churchill had to play was -- fight Germany. Start warning the world about Germany, about Nazi Germany. Churchill, of course, one of our most brilliant orators, a magnificent writer, did precisely that. ... my sources of information for my Churchill biography is, in fact, the Chaim Weizmann Papers in the State of Israel. Israel has made available to me all Churchill's secret correspondence with Chain Weizmann, all his secret conferences. ... Irving pointed out that Churchill rejected Hitler's peace offers in 1939, 1940, and 1941. (Irving supports the thesis that Rudolf Hess's flight to Scotland was ordered by the Führer).. Churchill's War, Irving pdf
- 1936 SchillerInstitute Kitty Kelly, The Hitler Project
- 1936 Oct History of the Money Changers On October 3, Republican Congressman, Louis T McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee, from 1920 to 1931, is poisoned to death. This was the third assassination attempt on his life, he had suffered an earlier poisoning and had had shots fired at him. He had been trying for years to get the Federal Reserve, and as you will have read thus far, had made very revealing statements about the Federal Reserve. He had been warned to back off, but this great American Patriot, put the people he represented before himself, as all elected officials are supposed to do, and was killed by the bankers as a result.
- 1936-1939 Zionism_Israel Arab Revolt led by Haj Amin Al-Husseini (Wikipedia). Over 5,000 Arabs were killed according to some sources, mostly by British. Several hundred Jews were killed by Arabs. Husseini fled to Iraq and then to Nazi Germany. British White Paper (1939) severely restricts Jewish immigration.
- 1937 Dr. Herman Greife...The Real Holocaust ...An anti-Communist book from 1937 which revealed that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Stalinist-era Gulags, or concentration camps, including the camp system directors Matvei Berman and Hershel Jehuda. Ultimately, some 14 million people would be detained in the 53 camps which operated from 1934 to 1953. According to official Soviet data, some 1,053,829 people died in the camps from various causes. The modern-day Russian industrial cities of the Arctic, such as Norilsk, Vorkuta, and Magadan, were originally Gulags ... Kolyma
- 1937 EIR...Amery was also an intimate of Reichsbank president and later Hitler's Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht, whom he met numbers of times. It was Schacht who told Lord Lothian that Amery said the British were not interested in allowing Germany to have her colonies back, but there was no reason Germany couldn't go east to build up her economy. Amery's friend and collaborator, Lord Lothian, a member of the pro-Hitler Cliveden set, naturally also admired Hitler. As late as May 1937, he met with Hitler. Amery's diary reported: "... RIIA Garden Party in St. James Square.... Amery admired and advised Benito Mussolini, with whom he was in frequent communication.
- 1937 -- AriesComputer Spanish Civil War begins.
- 1937 PalestineRemembered April IZL/Irgun, linked to Revisionist
movement under Ze'ev Jabotinsky, reorganizes
and advocates armed attacks on Palestinians. 7 July Royal (Peel) Commission report
recommends partitioning Palestine into Jewish state comprising 33%
of country including Haifa, Galilee, and coastal plain north of
Isdud; Arab state in rest of country (to become part of
Transjordan); and British mandatory enclaves including Jerusalem.
Part of Palestinian population to
be forcibly transferred, if necessary, from Jewish state, click
here to learn how
deeply the concept of "transfer" (Ethnic Cleansing) is entrenched in
the Zionist theology. 23 July Arab Higher Committee
rejects Royal Commission proposal and demands independent unitary
Palestine with protection of "legitimate Jewish and other minority
rights" and the safeguarding of British interests. Rebellion
intensifies. September Arab National Congress at Bludan,
Syria, attended by 450 delegates from Arab countries, rejects
partition proposal, demands end to Mandate, a stop to Zionist
immigration, and prohibition of transfer of Palestinian lands to
1 October British dissolve Arab Higher
Committee and all Palestinian political organizations. Five
Palestinian leaders deported. Haj Amin al-Husayni escapes to
Lebanon. 11 November British establish military courts
to counter Palestinian rebellion. (see The Ethnic Cleansing of
Palestine, by the courageous Jewish historian, Ilan Pappé)
- 1937 Partition of Palestine Decision Crossroads in the Zionist Movement
- 1937 Dark Age Frankfurt School ...the Rockefeller Foundation began funding research into the social effects of new forms of mass by 1957 ... 32 million American families in 1937, 27.5 million The Rockefeller Foundation enlisted several universities, and headquartered this network at the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. Named the Office of Radio Research,...” The director of the Project was Paul Lazersfeld, the foster-son of Austrian Marxist economist Rudolph Hilferding, and a long-time collaborator of the I.S.R. from the early 1930’s. Under Lazersfeld was Frank Stanton, a recent Ph.D. in industrial psychology from Ohio State, who had just been made research director of Columbia Broadcasting System — a grand title but a lowly position. After World War II, Stanton became president of the CBS News Division
- 1937 June Rense Wikipedia After his abdication, he was created Duke of Windsor. He married Wallace Simpson in France on 3 June 1937, after her second divorce became final. Later that year, the couple toured Germany.
- 1937 Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review the NKVD as “one of the most Jewish of all Soviet institutions” and recounts the Jewish leadership of the Great Terror of the 1930s (pp. 254 and 255). On p. 256, he writes that in 1937 the prototypical Jew who moved from the Pale of Settlement to Moscow to man elite positions in the Soviet state “probably would have been living in elite housing in downtown Moscow…with access to special stores, a house in the country (dacha), and a live-in peasant nanny or maid.
- 1937 PalestineRemembered April IZL/Irgun, linked to Revisionist movement under Ze'ev Jabotinsky, reorganizes and advocates armed attacks on Palestinians. 7 July Royal (Peel) Commission report recommends partitioning Palestine into Jewish state comprising 33% of country including Haifa, Galilee, and coastal plain north of Isdud; Arab state in rest of country (to become part of Transjordan); and British mandatory enclaves including Jerusalem. Part of Palestinian population to be forcibly transferred, if necessary, from Jewish state, click here to learn how deeply the concept of "transfer" (Ethnic Cleansing) is entrenched in the Zionist theology. 23 July Arab Higher Committee rejects Royal Commission proposal and demands independent unitary Palestine with protection of "legitimate Jewish and other minority rights" and the safeguarding of British interests. Rebellion intensifies. September Arab National Congress at Bludan, Syria, attended by 450 delegates from Arab countries, rejects partition proposal, demands end to Mandate, a stop to Zionist immigration, and prohibition of transfer of Palestinian lands to Zionist ownership.
1 October British dissolve Arab Higher Committee and all Palestinian political organizations. Five Palestinian leaders deported. Haj Amin al-Husayni escapes to Lebanon. 11 November British establish military courts to counter Palestinian rebellion. (see The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by the courageous Jewish historian, Ilan Pappé)
- 1937 Terrorism-Illuminati The main intellectual influence on the neoconservatives was Leo Strauss, who, according to Barry Chamish, is today to leading proponent of the Frankist agenda. 1] Strauss, a student of Heidegger, arrived in the US in 1937 as a refugee from Nazi Germany, and taught at the Rockefeller funded University of Chicago. Strauss was brought to the university by its Chancellor, , one of the original sponsors of the Aspen Institute, an Aquarian conspirator, and a member of the CFR.
- 1937 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler General Electric and its subsidiary Carboloy emerged in 1936 or 1937 with virtually a complete monopoly of tungsten carbide in the United States. In brief, General Electric — with the cooperation of another Hitler supporter, Krupp — jointly obtained for G,E. a monopoly in the U.S. for tungsten carbide. So when World War II began, General Electric had a monopoly at an established price of $450 a pound — almost ten times more than the 1928 price — and use in the U.S. had been correspondingly restricted,
- 1938 Institute for Historical Review ... Nationalism and Anti-Semitism highlights Polish attitudes toward their own Jewish "problem." Here, readers learn, quite likely for the first time, that anti-Jewish feelings perhaps ran stronger in Poland than in Nazi Germany. The author cites a 1938 British Foreign Office report on a meeting between the Director of the Central European Desk and the Polish Ambassador: Poland's Jewish problem was much more serious than Germany's. The Jewish population was proportionately much greater. The Germans were persecuting the Jews largely for reasons of doctrine; in Poland the problem was a very pressing economic one ... The [Polish Jews] would make good colonists in such a place as Northern Rhodesia, and would be anxious to emigrate at the rate of some 100,000 per year.
- 1938 Quemado Institute ... The Rothschilds, in relation with the Rockefeller Foundation, were behind the “fiat money and inflationist policy of the early New Deal.” (In 2012, the Rothschilds again attempted to merge British and French banking operations in order to gain more control. David de Rothschild declared that the new system would “better meet the requirements of globalization in general and in our competitive environment in particular, while ensuring my family’s control over the long term.”) ... Heine saw this as dangerous to the Jews. Marx saw it too. But the only people who are still wondering whether there is any problem at all are puppets like John McCain, who can never get tired of slaughtering and torturing men, women and children in the Middle East for the Rothschilds and Israel. No wonder John McCain cannot make sense whatsoever.
- 1938 Guardian...They would do well to recall the Jewish terrorist bombings of Arab marketplaces in 1938, the bombing of the King David hotel in 1946, the massacres of Deir Yassin, Illut, Kafr Manda, Saliha, Jish, Safsaf, Hula and other places in 1948, the ethnic cleansing of Lyd and Ramla in 1948, the mass killings in Gaza in 1957, the massacre of Egyptian prisoners in 1956 and 1967, the bombing of an Egyptian children’s school at Bahr el-Baqar in 1970, the shooting down of a Libyan civilian aircraft in 1973, the bombing of Beirut in 1981, the complicity in the Sabra and Shatila massacres of 1982, the killings at Qana in 1996, and the repeated assaults on Gaza since 2005.
- 1938 Dilling, The Red Network COMMITTEES FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AGAINST NAZIISM National movement for boycotting Ger- many, supposedly because of its anti- Jewish activities, organized by Samuel Untermyer of N.Y. City. No one who treasures American freedom wants fascism or Hitlerism for America, but it is only fair to note that Germany had 6,000,000 Communists bent on Red terrorist revo- lution and that Russian Jews had made themselves prominent in the Red move- ment, and that Naziism has directed its attacks more against conspiring, revo- lutionary Communist Jews, than against nationalist German Jews who aided Ger- many during the war; if it has discrim- inated against the innocent also, it has been with no such ferocity and loss of life as the planned and imminent Communist revolution would have wreaked upon the German population, had it been successful.
- 1938 Exposing the Holocaust Hoax Archive - Nicholas Kollerstrom ... British rule in Palestine disintegrated in 1938, which meant that its strict immigration quotas ceased to apply. A very careful estimate of East Europe’s Jewish population ascertained that there were 2.6 million in Poland at the outbreak of the war - less than the total Polish ‘deaths’ given by Wikipedia. It put total worldwide mortality of Jews through WWII at 1 ¼ million, of which most was due to ‘Soviet barbarism’ rather than German labour-camps. That seems quite comparable to the figure given above. Within the Nazi labour-camps, around four hundred and fifty thousand Jews died.
- 1938 Heretical probably the most bizarre liaison between Hitlerism and Zionism was in Austria and Hungary, where prominent Jewish leaders actively cooperated with the Nazis in registering the Jewish population and keeping order in the ghettoes, in return for allowing the emigration to Palestine of thousands of young Jewish pioneers. The Nazis even agreed to set up agricultural schools for the would-be emigrants in Austria. This entire affair is described in rhapsodical terms in The Secret Roads by Jon and David Kimche, two prominent British Zionists
- 1938 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Report of British Woodhead technical commission of inquiry (January-April 1938) declares impracticability of Royal Commission's partition proposal. British call for general conference on Palestine in London attended by Arabs, Palestinians, and Zionists.
- 1938 Sep Wikipedia On September 29, 1938 Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Benito Mussolini and Édouard Daladier signed the Munich Agreement. The Czechoslovak government capitulated on September 30 and reluctantly agreed to abide by the agreement. The settlement gave Germany the Sudetenland starting October 10, and de facto control over the rest of Czechoslovakia as long as Hitler promised to go no further.
- 1938 BarnesReview Inside the USSR, an intensive armaments production program was under way. During 1938, it had increased by 39 percent, compared to 13 percent in civil industry. Emphasis was placed on armor, development of artillery and aeronautics. In September 1939 the USSR defense committee contracted the construction of nine aircraft production plants, and seven more to manufacture aircraft engines.
- 1938 5TownJewishTimes Historians have revealed that Johnson, while serving as a young congressman in 1938 and 1939, arranged for visas to be supplied to Jews in Warsaw, and oversaw the apparently illegal immigration of hundreds of Jews through the port of Galveston, Texas….
A key resource for uncovering LBJ’s pro-Jewish activity is the unpublished 1989 doctoral thesis by University of Texas student Louis Gomolak, “Prologue: LBJ’s Foreign Affairs Background, 1908-1948.” Johnson’s activities were confirmed by other historians in interviews with his wife, family members and political associates.
- 1938 Nov Rense Munich Agreement and Kristallnacht ... An agreement was signed between Germany (Hitler) and Great Britain (Neville Chamberlain) which suggested a peaceful revision of the wrongs committed by the Treaty of Versailles. A four-power conference was suggested which would preserve the peace. The four powers were Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy. ... Hitler initially was in favor of moderating his policies against the Jews if it meant averting war... or limiting it to just Germany and Russia. However the Jews put and end to it on Nov 7, 1938 by ... from DavidIcke commenter: Herschel Feibel Grynszpan who was a Polish Jew and political assassin murdered the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath on November 7, 1938, sparked the Kristallnacht, the anti-semitic pogrom of November 9–10, 1938.
- Rense Truman had only had one job in his career, as a Masonic organizer for the State of Missouri, and that the lodges he built up later sent him to the United States Senate and then to the presidency. Sachs, a Russian Jew, listed his profession as "economist" but was actually a bagman for the Rothschilds, who regularly delivered large sums of cash to Roosevelt in the White House. Sachs was an advisor to Eugene Meyer of the Lazard Freres International Banking House, and also with Lehman Brothers, another well known banker. Sachs' delivery of the Einstein letter to the White House let Roosevelt know that the Rothschilds approved of the project and wished him to go full speed ahead.
- For Communism (Jewish world control) to be successful, it must destroy nationalistic tendencies of the population...Stalin exercised the first iterations of this policy in taking on Hitler. This battle against nationalism continues to this day....against Trump and his followers. Open borders and multicultrualism are promoted by all major Jewish organizations and Critical Theory is a mainstay on college campuses. Mind control and subversion of religious, moral and ethical values are necessary tools to carry out their plans. Thus porn and media control are targets of Jewish control efforts.
- 1939 TakeOverWorld There is also vast evidence of collaboration between leading Zionists and Nazis --- NOT to rescue Jews --- 800,000 Hungarian Jews and others were abandoned by the Zionists over the pleas of a Rabbi. NOT out of fear --- collaboration came from Zionists who had already relocated to Palestine, but who received Nazi leaders and broke a global boycott of Nazi goods. Zionists were EAGER to exterminate "undesireable" Jews and cleanse Jewry of the poor, the old and feeble, the religious and moral, old-fashioned Euro-Jews who were not "on program" with Zionism and founding the State of Israel. They organized to prevent Jews from escaping Nazi-held territory to neutral territory. They organized to prevent rescue funds from reaching Euro-Jews and to divert it to Zio-Jews and their new "ethnically pure" State. This was based on a similar nationalist/racist/separatist ideology coupled with the recognition of Nazi power and the desire to personally and politically benefit from such power.
- 1939 OccidentalObserver...The destruction of Christian civilization was high on Lenin and Trotsky’s hit list. All displays of Christian belief were outlawed. Churches were first looted of their art treasures and then converted into warehouses, theaters, recreation centers, and worse. Priests, nuns, and all other officers of the Church were either murdered or sent to the GULAG. Celebrations of Christmas, Easter, and Holy Days were forbidden...Stalin purged the organs of State security (Cheka, NKVD), notoriously Jewish strongholds, with a particularly heavy and rough brush...
- 1939 Anthony Sutton ... the huge contributions of Western technology to the USSR in the 20s and 30s, which Sutton details better than anyone else, had the deliberate purpose ... of allowing Stalin to make war on the West for the purpose of a total communist conquest of Europe, and only Hitler's pre-emptive strike prevented this from happening and forced Stalin, in the end, to get only half of Europe, which is what caused the Cold War. and Von Mises Institute ... The Soviets had the help of the capitalist market in setting their prices; they did not abolish free enterprise altogether; and they received vast sums in aid from the West. Indeed, Anthony Sutton has made a strong case that much "Soviet" industry was directly imported from abroad.
- 1939 Mullins, Eustace ... The Secret History of the Atomic Bomb: "Leo Szilard, together with his long time friends and fellow Hungarian physicists, Eugene Wigner and Edward Teller, agreed that the President Truman must be warned; fission bomb techhnology was not so farfetched. The Jewish emigres, now living in America, had personal experience of fascism in Europe. In 1939, the three physicists enlisted the support of Albert Einstein, letter dated August 2 signed by Einstein wasdelivered by Alexander Sachs to Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House on October 11, 39."
- 1939 PalestineRemembered British House of Commons votes 268 to 179 in favor of White Paper issued by Colonial Secretary of State Malcolm MacDonald. White Paper calls for conditional independence for unitary Palestinian state after ten years; admission of 15,000 Jewish immigrants annually into Palestine for five years, with immigration after that subject to "Arab acquiescence" ; protection of Palestinian land rights against Zionist acquisition. British official estimates of Palestinians killed or executed by British military and police during Arab Rebellion is over 2,000 for 1936 and 1938 alone. Total for all years is estimated at 3,500-4,000. About 500 Jews killed in same period. October Stern Gang or Lochemay Herut Yisra'el (LEHI; "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel") formed by dissident IZL members led by Avraham Stern.
- 1939 Mar 31 ... As we all know, the British government under Chamberlain gave Poland the guarantee that England would come to its aid if Poland should be attacked. This was on March 31st, 1939. Its purpose was to incite Poland to escalate its endeavors for war against Germany. It happened as planned: England declared war on Germany on September 3rd, 1939, but not on the Soviet Union who also attacked Poland, and this is proof enough that it was England's (and Chamberlain's) intention in the first place to make war on Germany. Thus WW2 was arranged by a complicity between Britain and Poland. It was not Hitler's war, it was England's and Poland's war.
- Nazi Germany under Hitler certainly did not want a world war. Hitler ran on the plank of returning German nationalists who had been split off from Germany (thanks to the woefully ill conceived national boundaries set forth in the Versailles Treaty) back to Germany proper. Once he was able to do this, after the defeat of Poland and reincorporating Germans living there back into the Reich, Hitler was content to bring a halt to the war. This is why Hitler and the Nazis waited, after conquering Poland, for three-quarters of a year before invading France.
- 1939 Rense The founder of modern Zionism, Theodor Herzl, already tried to enlist the support of notorious Russian anti-Semites, promising them to take the Jews off their hands. Before World War II, the Zionist underground organization IZL established military training camps in Poland under the auspices of the anti-Semitic generals, who also wanted to get rid of the Jews. Nowadays, the Zionist extreme Right receives and welcomes massive support from the American fundamentalist evangelists, whom the majority of American Jews, according to a poll published this week, consider profoundly anti-Semitic. Their theology prophesies that on the eve of the second coming of Christ, all Jews must convert to Christianity or be exterminated. Wikipedia Irgun, IZL Etzel ... The Irgun "The National Military Organization in the Land of Israel"), was a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in Mandate Palestine between 1931 and 1948. It was an offshoot of the older and larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah (Hebrew: "Defense", הגנה). When the group broke from the Haganah it became known as the Haganah Bet (Hebrew: literally "Defense 'B' " or "Second Defense", or alternatively as Haganah haLeumit or Hama'amad ().[1] Irgun members were absorbed into the Israel Defense Forces at the start of the 1948 Arab–Israeli war. The Irgun is also referred to as Etzel (אצ"ל), an acronym of the Hebrew initials, or by the abbreviation IZL. The Irgun policy was based on what was then called Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. According to Howard Sachar, "The policy of the new organization was based squarely on Jabotinsky's teachings: every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state". Two of the operations for which the Irgun is best known are the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre, carried out together with Lehi on 9 April 1948. The Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts. In particular the Irgun was described as a terrorist organization by Britain,[5] the 1946 Zionist Congress[6] and the Jewish Agency. Irgun's tactics appealed to a certain segment of the Jewish community that believed that any action taken in the cause of the creation of a Jewish state was justified, including terrorism. The Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut (or "Freedom") party, which led to today's Likud party.[9] Likud has led or been part of most Israeli governments since 1977.
- 1939 Sept 1 History Germans invade Poland
- 1939 Platypus: Trotsky and the Frankfurt School Erich Fromm, who belonged to Horkheimer’s Institute of Social Research until 1939, wrote a sympathetic, but unpublished review in 1958, when Trotsky’s Diary in Exile (1935) was translated and published. Horkheimer also mentioned Trotsky (together with Lenin) in conversations with Adorno and other members of his circle concerning the Bolshevik Revolution, remarking that it had changed its character by answering white terror with red terror during the civil war.
- 1939 Platypus: Trotsky and the Frankfurt School We don’t know if Horkheimer and his friends took note of Trotsky’s Bulletin, whose main articles were published simultaneously in German, French and English, but in July 1939 a review of Horkheimer’s journal and its programme was published in Unser Wort, the journal of the German Trotskyist group (IKD) written by Trotskyʼs brilliant secretary Walter Held (“Critical Theory without Political Practice?”). ... They were convinced that, in order to understand and to criticize the actual form and functioning of society, it was not only necessary to analyze the economic development but to understand and to criticize the philosophical and artistic productions that were typical for the actual stage of societal evolution and that determined the consciousness of their contemporaries
- 1939 Sept 3 ...Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939, and Neville Chamberlain led Britain through the first eight months of World War II.
- 1939 TheAtlantian
- 1939 - GripesOnline "New World Order" by H. G. Wells proposes a "collectivist one-world state" or "new world order" comprised of "socialist democracies." He advocates "universal conscription for service" and declares that "nationalist individualism is the world's disease." He continues: "The manifest necessity for some collective world control to eliminate warfare and the less generally admitted necessity for a collective control of the economic and biological life of mankind, are aspects of one and the same process." He proposes that this be accomplished through "universal law" and "propaganda" (or education).
- 1939: IAmTheWitness I.G. Farben the leading producer of chemicals in the world and largest German producer of steel dramatically increases its production. This increased production is almost exclusively used to arm Germany for the Second World War. This company was controlled by the Rothschilds and would go on to use Jews and other disaffected peoples as slave labour in the concentration camps. I.G. ... On 1 September, the Second world war starts when Germany invades Poland. This was because the German leadership were a Christian leadership, who understood that Soviet Russia was led by Rothschild funded Communists, and they feared that as the Soviet Union grew in strength, these Jewish Communists would invade and wipe all the Christians off the map.
- 1939 Eustace Mullins... The Secret Holocaust, In Madrid, 1939, it was estimated that one tenth of the population of Spain was murdered by the Communist Jews by 1939. De Fonteriz in "Red Terror in Madrid" (Google Books, orthodox view of the 'Holocaust') tells how Cheka crews organized by Dimitrov and Rosenberg carried out a program of torture and murder so obscene that it cannot be repeated or described.
- 1939 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
- 1939 Energy-net The next generation of Warburgs included Siegmund G Warburg, of Hamburg. He received his initial training at the Rothschild bank in England. When the Nazi's started their takeover, he migrated to England. He started S.G. Warburg of London in 1939. It merged with the Seligman Brothers firm in 1957. The finacial power of the Warburgs and Rothschild clans is worshipped by capitalists the world over. Yet, this empire continues to hide its true patriotic allegiance to the former rulers of Europe. With the Senator Gram's removal of the 1933 Steagal act, the U.S. insiders have been given the powers to reunite the old empire of the past.
- 1939 PalestineRemembered British House of Commons votes 268 to 179 in favor of White Paper issued by Colonial Secretary of State Malcolm MacDonald. White Paper calls for conditional independence for unitary Palestinian state after ten years; admission of 15,000 Jewish immigrants annually into Palestine for five years, with immigration after that subject to "Arab acquiescence" ; protection of Palestinian land rights against Zionist acquisition. British official estimates of Palestinians killed or executed by British military and police during Arab Rebellion is over 2,000 for 1936 and 1938 alone. Total for all years is estimated at 3,500-4,000. About 500 Jews killed in same period. October Stern Gang or Lochemay Herut Yisra'el (LEHI; "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel") formed by dissident IZL members led by Avraham Stern.
- 1939 Dean Henderson In 1939 Hitler’s Nazis invaded Yugoslavia. He called the Serbs untermenschen, which means “less than human”. Meanwhile the aristocratic families of Yugoslavia, largely Muslims who gained power during the reign of the Ottoman Empire, banded together with the largely Croat business class, to form the pro-Hitler Utashe, which committed horrific acts of genocide against the working class Serb (Eastern Orthodox) majority. Yugoslavia’s 4.7 million Croatians are mostly Roman Catholic. Croatians are mostly Roman Catholic.
- 1939 Anthony Sutton ... the huge contributions of Western technology to the USSR in the 20s and 30s, which Sutton details better than anyone else, had the deliberate purpose ... of allowing Stalin to make war on the West for the purpose of a total communist conquest of Europe, and only Hitler's pre-emptive strike prevented this from happening and forced Stalin, in the end, to get only half of Europe, which is what caused the Cold War. and Von Mises Institute ... The Soviets had the help of the capitalist market in setting their prices; they did not abolish free enterprise altogether; and they received vast sums in aid from the West. Indeed, Anthony Sutton has made a strong case that much "Soviet" industry was directly imported from abroad.
- 1939 Tablet Mag ... ...Hungary, PM Victor Orban ..Jews pissed at ....Freedom Square, Memorial to the Victims of the German Occupation... the memorial absolves Hungarians of complicity in the Holocaust. Depicting the Archangel Gabriel under attack from a sharp-clawed German imperial eagle, it portrays the Hungarian nation as a collective victim of Nazi predation ... According to Hungarian historian Eva Balogh, Germany’s “occupation” of Hungary is better understood as “a troop movement within the territories of military allies” because Germany initially allowed Horthy to remain as head of state and left nearly all government functions in the control of Hungarian authorities. With no notable acts of official resistance and scarcely any German officers to oversee them, Hungarian police and gendarmerie rounded up hundreds of thousands of their fellow Jewish citizens and deported them to Auschwitz. Denying that the Hungarian state bears responsibility for this crime, Orbán admits only that individual officials—and not the Hungarian government—“collaborated,” a word choice implying that Hungary was an enemy, not an ally, of Nazi Germany.
- 1939 TakeOverWorld There is also vast evidence of collaboration between leading Zionists and Nazis --- NOT to rescue Jews --- 800,000 Hungarian Jews and others were abandoned by the Zionists over the pleas of a Rabbi. NOT out of fear --- collaboration came from Zionists who had already relocated to Palestine, but who received Nazi leaders and broke a global boycott of Nazi goods. Zionists were EAGER to exterminate "undesireable" Jews and cleanse Jewry of the poor, the old and feeble, the religious and moral, old-fashioned Euro-Jews who were not "on program" with Zionism and founding the State of Israel. They organized to prevent Jews from escaping Nazi-held territory to neutral territory. They organized to prevent rescue funds from reaching Euro-Jews and to divert it to Zio-Jews and their new "ethnically pure" State. This was based on a similar nationalist/racist/separatist ideology coupled with the recognition of Nazi power and the desire to personally and politically benefit from such power.
- 1939 Mullins, Eustace ... The Secret History of the Atomic Bomb: "Leo Szilard, together with his long time friends and fellow Hungarian physicists, Eugene Wigner and Edward Teller, agreed that the President Truman must be warned; fission bomb techhnology was not so farfetched. The Jewish emigres, now living in America, had personal experience of fascism in Europe. In 1939, the three physicists enlisted the support of Albert Einstein, letter dated August 2 signed by Einstein wasdelivered by Alexander Sachs to Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House on October 11, 39."
- 1939 Rense Eustace Mullins In Madrid, it was estimated that one tenth of the population of Spain was murdered by the Communist Jews by 1939. De Fonteriz in "Red Terror in Madrid" tells how Cheka crews organized by Dimitrov and Rosenberg carried out a program of torture and murder so obscene that it cannot be repeated or described
- 1940 top timeline go to
- 1940s .OccidentalObserver.. Zionism began in the 1880s and spread throughout Judaism/Palestine in 1940s, Jewish radicalism (Zionism) tends to result in conflicts with non-Jews, with the result that Jews feel threatened, become more group-oriented, and close ranks against the enemy—an enemy seen as irrationally and incomprehensibly anti-Jewish. Jews who fail to go along with what is now a mainstream position are pushed out of the community, labeled “self-hating Jews” or worse, and relegated to impotence. ,
- 1940 WMR Another pro-Nazi Christian fundamentalist group (similar to The Fellowship) that arose in the pre-Second World War years was the Moral Rearmament Movement. Its leader was Frank Buchman, a Lutheran minister from Philadelphia. Buchman was a pacifist, but not just any pacifist. He and his colleagues in the United States, Britain, Norway, and South Africa reasoned that war could be avoided if the world would just accept the rise of Hitler and National Socialism and concentrate on stamping out Communism and Socialism. Buchman coordinated his activities with Vereide and his Prayer Breakfast Movement, which, by 1940, had spread its anti-left manifesto and agenda throughout the Pacific Northwest.
- 1940 Wikipedia Walter Benjamin (1894-1940) Walter Bendix Schönflies Benjamin (Scribd, 'A Critical Life') was a German Jewish philosopher and cultural critic. An eclectic thinker, combining elements of German idealism, Romanticism, Western Marxism, and Jewish mysticism, ... Wikipedia Born: July 15, 1892, Berlin, Germany Died: September 26, 1940, Portbou, Spain Influenced: Jacques Derrida, Susan Buck-Morss, Hannah Arendt, More Influenced by: Theodor W. Adorno, Charles Baudelaire, Karl Marx, (Horkheimer)... An eclectic thinker, combining elements of German idealism, Romanticism, Western Marxism, and Jewish mysticism, Benjamin made enduring and influential contributions to aesthetic theory, literary criticism, and historical materialism. He was associated with the Frankfurt School, and also maintained formative friendships with thinkers such as playwright Bertolt Brecht and Kabbalah scholar Gershom Scholem. He was also related by law to German political theorist Hannah Arendt through her first marriage to his cousin, Günther Anders.
- 1940 - GripesOnline "The New World Order" is published by the Carnegie Endowment for Peace and contains a select list of references on regional and world federation, together with some special plans for world order after the war.
- 1940s Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review Slezkine shows the very high percentages of Jews in various institutions in the late 1940s, including the universities, the media, the foreign service, and the secret police. For example, the deans of philosophers, historians, and legal scholars were ethnic Jews, and, as already noted, Jews constituted 80% of the Soviet Academy of Science Institute of Literature. As for the Jewish role as “vanguard of the working class,” Jews still made up 23% of the staff at the Trade Union Council’s publication Trud even after a purge that cut their numbers in half.
- 1940 HenryMakow ... Walter Benjamin ... Keeping with the semi-Gnostic kabbalist narrative of the "broken God" that inflicts His suffering onto Mankind, Benjamin claimed all human history was a history of suffering and all human culture was barbaric. To him, the only way to obtain mankind's liberation is to identify with the Marxist "class struggle"... The "oppressed" classes need to fill their hearts with hate, thus provoking them to destroy capitalism and Western Civilization.... This spontaneous act will bring about communist revolution, which will bring about a mass redemption of humanity. This is exactly analogous to the Sabbatean idea that the Messianic Era will only arrive once everyone is evil. Mankind will no longer be divided according to class, gender, race, nation or any other identity marker. -
- 1940 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
- 1940 JewWatch Benjamin Freedman ...Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government
- 1940 Guardian In a symbolic admission of guilt, Russia's parliament has declared that Joseph Stalin ordered his secret police to execute 22,000 Polish army officers and civilians in 1940, in one of the greatest mass murders of the 20th century.... Mikhail Gorbachev admitted in 1990 that the NKVD was to blame for the massacre, after a half-century of the Soviets blaming it on Nazi troops. However, there has never been a formal statement which implicates the Soviet leadership in such explicit terms.
- 1940s Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review American Jewish media figures who were blacklisted because of Communist affiliations in the 1940s are now heroes, honored by the film industry, praised in newspapers, their work exhibited in museums.62 At the same time, the cause of Soviet Jews and their ability to emigrate became a critical rallying point for American Jewish activist organizations and a defining feature of neoconservatism as a Jewish intellectual and political movement. (For example, Richard Perle, a key neoconservative, was Senator Henry Jackson’s most important security advisor from 1969 to 1979 and organized Congressional support for the Jackson- Vanik Amendment linking U.S.-Soviet trade to the ability of Jews to emigrate from the Soviet Union. The bill was passed over strenuous opposition from the Nixon administration.) Jewish activist organizations and many Jewish historians portray the Soviet Jewish experience as a sojourn in the land of the “Red Pharaohs” (p. 360). The historical legacy is that Jews were the passive, uncomprehending victims of the White armies, the Nazis, the Ukrainian nationalists, and the postwar Soviet state, nothing more.
- 1940's Wikipedia "" Dean Acheson, Charles E. Bohlen, W. Averell Harriman, George F. Kennan, Robert A. Lovett, John J. McCloy The Wise Men were a group of United States government officials and members of the East Coast foreign policy establishment who, beginning in the 1940s, developed the containment policy of dealing with the Communist bloc and crafted institutions and initiatives such as NATO, the World Bank, and the Marshall Plan 1967,President Johnson brought together: Dean Acheson, George Ball, General Omar Bradley, McGeorge Bundy, Clark Clifford,Arthur Dean, Douglas Dillon, Justice Abe Fortas, Averell Harriman, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., Robert Murphy and General Maxwell Taylor. They were briefed by General Wheeler and George Carver on Vietnam. Carver and Wheeler reported that great progress was being made in Vietnam. Rothschild? see also Alex Constantine In October 1978, the German-Marshall Foundation sponsored a luncheon chaired by Wall Street's John J. McCloy (Nazi recruitment, Pentagon design, J.F. Kennedy murder cover-up). Hermann J. Abs (1901-94 – Hitler's banker, "architect" of the postwar German "economic miracle," honorary president of Deutsche Bank A.G., to be cherry-picked by the Pope after the P-2 Masonic money-laundering scandal to reorganize the Vatican Bank) addressed this conclave of "businessmen and bankers and members of the Foreign Policy Association in New York City on the ‘Problems and Prospects of American-German Economic Cooperation.’" Rubbing elbows with McCloy and the Reich's ranking banker at the dais were "Henry H. Fowler, Wall Street investment banker and former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury; Henry Cabot Lodge, former U.S. ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany; George C. McGhee
- 1940 -- AriesComputer Assassination of Leon Trotsky in Mexico. British secret police renamed MI-5 and MI-6 for duration of war. Interpol moved to near Berlin., with Reinhard Heydrich in charge.
- 1940 May 10 Wikipedia Hitler invaded France ... the Fall of France, was the successful German invasion of France, beginning on 10 May 1940, defeating primarily French forces
- 1940 May 25 Rense Hitler's Halt Order ... Battle of Dunkirk ... Hitler came to power with two main aims, the rectification of the unjust provisions of the Versailles Treaty, and the destruction of the Soviet/ Communist threat to Germany. He had no plans or desire for a larger war of conquest, as Professor AJP Taylor showed in his book The Origins of the Second World War to the disappointment of the professional western political establishment. What occurred in Europe in 1939-41 was the result of unforeseen weaknesses and a tipping of the balance of power, and Hitler was an opportunist 'who took advantages whenever they offered themselves' (Taylor). Britain and France declared war on Germany, not the other way around. Hitler wanted peace with Britain, as the German generals admitted (Basil Liddell Hart, The Other Side of the Hill 1948, Pan Books 1983) with regard to the so-called Halt Order at Dunkirk, where Hitler had the opportunity to capture the entire British Army, but chose not to.
- 1940 May Rense In May 1940, 'Miracle at Dunkirk" .... the British were on the verge of defeat. The English army was trapped at Dunkirk. Rather than take them prisoner, Hitler halted his generals for three days allowing 330,000 men to escape. "The blood of every single Englishman is too valuable to shed," Hitler said. "Our two people belong together racially and traditionally. That is and always has been my aim, even if our generals can't grasp it." (Kilzer, p.213) ... Hitler was created, manipulated and destroyed by the same Illuminist clique that runs the world today.
- 1940 MasterMason Knoop & Jones publish A Short History of Freemasonry to 1730.
- 1940 Nicholas Kollerstrom Churchill ousts Chamberlain as Prime Minister on May 10th, and on May 11th city-bombing begins[12]. On that night, the day after Churchill’s election, Bomber Command was first permitted to fulfil the purpose for which it was built. Newspapers merely reported that, that night, ‘eighteen Whitley bombers attacked railway installations in Western Germany.’ Winston Churchill and his advisors extended the definition of ‘military objectives’, which had been accepted for two and a half centuries to include factories, oil plants and public buildings - as, would include any town or village. They rendered the definition meaningless. ‘This raid on the night of May 11th, 1940, although in itself trivial, was an epoch-marking event since it was the first deliberate breach of the fundamental rule of civilised warfare that hostilities must only be waged against enemy combatant forces.’[13] ... Hitler would have been willing at any time to have stopped the slaughter should the Brits agree: ‘Hitler assuredly did not want the mutual bombing to go on. …Again and again the German official reports applauded the reprisal element in the actions of the Luftwaffe… ‘If you stop bombing us, we’ll stop bombing you.’
- 1940 H-Net British and Zionism, Palestine, Balfour Agreement, Mandate ... the British elites literally invented a demand that was not there before (or only in virtual form, among the isolated Zionists)--attributing to the vast majority of Jews aspirations that only existed in their own romantic imagination
- 1940 Metapedia Walter Benjamin ... considered the father of Cultural Marxism ... committed suicide in September of 1950 attempting to elude capture by the Nazis.
- 1941 Bibliotec Pleyades One year before Hitler seized power, IG Farben donated 400,000 marks to Hitler and his Nazi party. Accordingly, after Hitler's seizure of power, IG Farben was the single largest profiteer of the German conquest of the world, the Second World War. ... We have to come to grips with the fact that it was not a psychopath, Adolph Hitler, or bad genes of the German people that brought about the Second World War. Economic greed by companies like Bayer, BASF and Hoechst
- 1941 InconvenientHistory Charles Callan Tansill, ... is primarily remembered for writings on the causes of both World Wars. For ten years he was technical adviser on diplomatic history to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. For them he prepared a large work on the causes of World War One, which was never published. Harry Elmer Barnes commented on this work that had it been published, “it would have been ranked with the masterly book of Sidney B. Fay, The Origins of the World War.”7 Of his published works, his two most impressive are America Goes to War and Back Door to War: The Roosevelt Foreign Policy, 1933-41. America Goes to War remains the most exhaustive and substantial single volume written from a revisionist perspective on the responsibility for World War One. ... Following Back Door to War, Tansill collaborated with several of the best-known World War Two revisionists on Harry Elmer Barnes’s anthology, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (1953). Tansill contributed two articles, “The United States and the Road to War in Europe” and “Japanese-American Relations: 1921-1941; The Pacific Back Road to War” that continued his argument from Back Door to War. His work was bolstered by Barnes, Frederic Sanborn, George Morgenstern, Percy Greaves, Jr., William Henry Chamberlin and others.
- 1941Wikipedia Victor Rothschild Wikipedia...Cambridge Five, in 1993 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, six retired KGB colonels in Moscow including Yuri Modin, the spy ring's handler, alleged that Rothschild was the "Fifth Man" in the Cambridge Spy ring. Perry writes: "According to ... Modin, Rothschild was the key to most of the Cambridge ring's penetration of British intelligence. 'He had the contacts,' Modin noted. 'He was able to introduce Burgess, Blunt and others to important figures in Intelligence such as Stewart Menzies, Dick White andRobert Vansittart in the Foreign Office...who controlled Mi-6."[17] Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin's in the book The Mitrokhin Archives makes no mention made of Rothschild as a Soviet agent and instead identifies John Cairncross as the Fifth Man.
- 1941 Jun 22 BarnesReview Germany invaded Russia in Operation Barbarossa .. When the German armed forces invaded the USSR on June 22, 1941, Berlin described the offensive as preemptive in the face of imminent Soviet aggression. The claim was generally dismissed as Nazi propaganda. Recently disclosed evidence from Soviet sources, however, suggests that Moscow's foreign policy was not governed by neutrality when Europe went to war in 1939.
- 1941 Jun 22 Lebensramyth.blog The official story of "WWII history" told us the tale about how Germany broke a "Peace Pact" with Soviet Union, by launching Operation Barbarossa invading Soviet without warning. But was it really what had happened? ... 24 September 1939, Moscow gave Estonian Foreign Ministry an ultimatum, the Soviets demanded to establish military bases in Estonia. Then on 5 October 1939, Soviets made similar demand to Latvia, and to Lithuania on 10 Oct 1939. These demands resulted in Soviet establishing military bases in these Baltic states. From October 1939, Red Army stationed 25,000 soldiers in Estonia, 30,000 in Latvia, and 20,000 in Lithuania. ... 26 June 1940, the Soviet Union issued an ultimatum demanding Bessarabia, and unexpectedly also Northern Bukovina from Romania. On 28 June 1940, the Romanians caved to the Soviet demands, and the Soviets occupied the territory. The Hertza region was initially not requested by the USSR, but was later occupied by force after the Romanians agreed to the initial soviet demands. ... The Soviet occupation of Northern Bukovina to south Dardanella and Danube delta, not only clashed with German economic interests, but also posed a significant threat to Germany's vital Oil Access from the region"
- 1941 NWObserver COI created — In preparation for World War II, President Roosevelt creates the Office of Coordinator of Information (COI). General William “Wild Bill” Donovan heads the new intelligence service. 1942 Roosevelt restructures COI into something more suitable for covert action, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Donovan recruits so many of the nation’s rich and powerful that eventually people joke that “OSS” stands for “Oh, so social!” or “Oh, such snobs!” 1943 Donovan recruits the Catholic Church in Rome to be the center of Anglo-American spy operations in Fascist Italy. This would prove to be one of America’s most enduring intelligence alliances in the Cold War.
- 1941 ConspiracyArchive William Casey directed OSS operations through Alan Dulles in Europe during World War II. Prior to his OSS affiliation, Casey worked for the Board of Economic Warfare which allegedly targeted “Hitler’s economic jugular.”3 Allen Dulles, brother of John Foster Dulles, was the Director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961. He was a senior partner at the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Rockefeller Empire and other mammoth trusts, corporations and cartels.
- 1941 American-Bhudda Jean Marquès Rivière, a French Sankritist, specialized in police persecution of secret societies, Masons and Jews in the semi-Fascist France of 1941-1944.
- 1941 Dec 7 Pearl Harbor attack ... it is becoming widely known that it was NOT a surprise attack.
- 1941 Dec 11 IHR Karl Otto Braun ... Hitler's historic speech to the Reichstag on the afternoon of 11 December 1941, four days after Pearl Harbor. Sitting next to Rudolf von Ribbentrop, the son of the Reich Foreign Minister, he watched as Hitler recounted the reasons for the outbreak of war and the decision to strike against the Soviet Union,
- 1942 PalestineRemembered Avraham Stern killed by British police. It should be noted that the Stern gang received extensive financial and military support from the Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy to terrorize the British Mandate in Palestine. Click here to learn more about the subject. May Biltmore Conference in New York attended by Zionist leaders from U.S. and Palestine, urges that "Palestine be established as a Jewish commonwealth."
- 1942 Feb FDR authorized the deportation and incarceration (of Japanese-Americans) with Executive Order 9066, issued February 19, 1942
- 1942: IAmTheWitness Prescott Bush, father of future American Presidents’ George Herbert Walker and George W, has his company seized under the, “Trading With The Enemy,” Act. He was funding Hitler from America, whilst American soldiers were being killed by German soldiers. Jews are also being slaughtered by these same soldiers. Interestingly the ADL never criticizes any of the Bushes for this.
- 1942 Jun Wikipedia ... The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was a wartime intelligence agency of the United States during World War II, and a predecessor of the modern Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The OSS was formed as an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines for all branches of the United States Armed Forces. Other OSS functions included the use of propaganda, subversion, and post-war planning.
- 1942 Nicholas Kollerstrom Churchill’s War Cabinet adopted the ‘Lindemann plan[22]’, whereby civilian targeting became official. Working-class homes were preferred to upper-class because they were closer together, and so a greater flesh-incineration-per-bomb could be achieved[23]. The Jewish German émigré Professor Frederick Lindemann[24], Churchill's friend and scientific advisor had by then become Lord Cherwell. He submitted a plan to the War Cabinet on March 30th urging that German working-class houses be targeted in preference to military objectives, the latter being harder to hit. Middle-class homes had too much space around them, he explained. He was not prosecuted for a ghastly new war-crime, hitherto undreamt-of. Thereby all cities and town over 50,000 inhabitants could be destroyed, or at least brought to ruin. The War Cabinet realised that no inkling of this must reach the public. [25]
- 1942 IHR Karl Otto Braun ... Although he played no role in Germany's wartime Jewish policy, Dr Braun told what he knew about the so-called "final solution" policy, based on his conversations with Dr. Georg Leibbrandt, a friend who has represented the Reich East Ministry at the Wannsee conference of January 1942, where the "final solution" policy was coordinated. The two men had known each other since 1934. After the war, Leibbrandt emphatically told Braun in private that the "final solution" had been a policy, not of extermination, but rather of deportation to the occupied eastern territories. (This assessment is also abundantly confirmed by other evidence, including detailed German records found after the war.)
- 1942 Dec VHO Authur Butz Wise led a delegation to the White House and presented to President Roosevelt a twenty-page document entitled Blue Print for Extermination ... December 17, 1942, the Allies, led by Washington, issued a statement condemning the exterminations. and in January the New York Times printed a story ... but The State Department, especially J. Breckenridge Long and associates, considered all the talk about “exterminations” to be just wartime propaganda, in the same spirit as the stories invented during World War I. ... but the US press / gov would eventually embrace the story full tilt. ... I (Butz) have not noted Auschwitz in the 1942-1943 extermination propaganda; Treblinka, Belzec and Chelmno appeared in the newspaper extermination stories, but not Auschwitz
- 1942 Exposing the Holocaust Hoax Archive - Nicholas Kollerstrom ... The Wannsee conference of 1942, to signify deliberate extermination. If that practice ever happened, it was not a centrally-directed policy and did not involve gas chambers: many tons of documentation of ‘third Reich’ policies remains, and no-one has been able to find therein any hint of such a meaning – of intentional genocide. The historical record fails to show any central decision to exterminate Jews by Nazi Germany. ... Wikipedia Wannsee ... was to ensure the cooperation of administrative leaders of various government departments in the implementation of the final solution to the Jewish question, whereby most of the Jews of German-occupied Europe would be deported to Poland and murdered.
- 1942 AllAcademic ... abstract from O.S.S. & the Frankfurt School: Recycling 'the damaged lives of cultural outsiders'American intelligence agencies during World War II recycled European sociologists and psychologists to analyze German radio propaganda, study American radio music and programming to boost morale at home and to psychoanalyze Hitler. Frankfurt School sociologists Teodor Adorno, Paul Lazarsfeld, Herta Herzog, who along with Erich Fromm, originally worked on Adorno's classic The Authoritarian Personality were involved in the Princeton Radio Project, which later morphed into Columbia University's Bureau of Applied Research. Lazarsfeld, Adorno and Herzog did research on American radio for OWI/ONI. Sociologists Herbert Marcuse and Hans Speier, as well as psychologist Ernst Kris worked for OSS. The work of Erik Erikson was also utilized by American intelligence. How the theories of these radical refugee scholars was used by military intelligence will be discussed.
- 1942 .Peake.. The Research and Analysis Branch (R&A) was the first element formed by William Donovan when he became the President Roosevelt’s Coordinator of Information in 1942. His staffing policy was to recruit firstclass minds “without any special concern for particular political commitments,” (ix) expert in subjects that would be needed to inform the president during the upcoming war. By 1943, R&A had grown to some “1,200 employees.” (2) Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and Otto Kirchheimer were leading members of the Central European Section (CES). They were also Marxists—or communists, as some would later have it—and advocates of the Frankfurt School of thought formulated during their prewar association with the Institute of Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany. Each had written widely on the evils of Nazi Germany, and in the OSS they applied their knowledge to explaining that political movement and later to discussing social alternatives in the postwar era. Secret Reports On Nazi Germany contains 31 of the studies they produced during and after the war.
- 1942 Zionism_Israel Biltmore Program - Zionist leaders, headed by Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion, convene at the Biltmore Hotel in New York and declare their postwar program (known as the Biltmore Program). The program recommended an end to the British Mandate and demand Jewish control over immigration to Palestine with the aim of founding a Jewish "Commonwealth." wish history, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Timeline, Zionist movement, Israel history, Middle East history
- 1942 Autumn Authur Butz ... autumn of 1942, the apex of Hitler’s power
- 1942 INL The relationship between Chase Bank and the Nazis apparently was so cozy that Carlos Niedermann, the Chase branch chief in Paris, wrote his supervisor in Manhattan that the bank enjoyed "very special esteem" with top German officials and "a rapid expansion of deposits," according to Newsweek. Niedermann's letter was written in May 1942-five months after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the US also went to war with Germany.
- Auchi also has links with British intelligence, through the former senior MI6 officer Anthony Cavendish (Le Cercle), who acts as a consultant to Auchi's business empire. During the Gulf War II, Auchi was reported to have full run of the palace in the Green Zone and met with "everyone important," including CPA top leader Paul Bremer. Attempts by a French investigating magistrate to have Auchi arrested during corruption inquiries had been blocked by Britain since July 2001. In November 2003, Auchi was honoured by the catholic Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and the Royal Order of Francis I. In April 2004 he was briefly arrested. In November Auchi , 66, was given a 15-month suspended sentence and fined £1.4m by a French court for receiving illegal commissions to help Elf build an oil refinery in Spain. Despite this setback, Auchi , a British citizen who lives in London, is forging ahead with the rebuilding of Iraq, his birthplace. Lamont is a director of one of Auchi's biggest companies, Compagnie Internationale de Participations Bancaires et Financieres, the financial arm of General Mediterranean Holdings, which holds a stake in BNP Paribas and Jordan's Union Bank for Savings and Investment.
- Le Cercle members: Turki bin Faisal Al Saud; Adenauer, Konrad (Paneuropa, Military Order of Malta, Opus Dei?); Aitken, Jonathan (MI6, Arms dealer, CIA?); Albertini, Georges (The 61); Amery, Lord Julian (Privy Council, MI6, Other Club); Andreotti, Giulio (head of p-2 lodge? Opus Dei); Auchi, Nadhmi (, arms dealer saddam, financial corruption); Bach, Dr. Franz Josef; Bennett, Sir Erik (Bilderberg); Botta, Colonel; Brzezinski, Zbigniew; Brunello, Monsignor; Burnside, David Wilson Boyd; Casey, William (, Knight of Malta, Opus Dei, CIA); Cavendish, Anthony (MI6 ,mason); Cavendish, Andrew; Cecil, Robert Gascoyne (mason); Channon, Paul; Clark, Alan; Colby, William E. (, CIA Director, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei); Cradock, Sir Percy; Crozier, Brian Rossiter (The 61); Duncan, Alan; Elliot, Nicholas (MI6, The 61, Le Cerlce); Feulner, Edwin J., Jr. (Knights of Malta); Fraser, Charles Alan; Gallois, General Pierre Marie (Bilderberg); Turki bin Faisal Al Saud ( member); Adenauer, Konrad (Paneuropa, , Military Order of Malta, Opus Dei?); Aitken, Jonathan (MI6, Arms dealer, CIA?); Albertini, Georges (The 61); Amery, Lord Julian (Privy Council, MI6, Other Club); Andreotti, Giulio (head of p-2 lodge? Opus Dei); Auchi, Nadhmi (, arms dealer saddam, financial corruption); Bach, Dr. Franz Josef; Bennett, Sir Erik (Bilderberg); Botta, Colonel; Brzezinski, Zbigniew; Brunello, Monsignor; Burnside, David Wilson Boyd; Casey, William (, Knight of Malta, Opus Dei, CIA); Cavendish, Anthony (MI6 ,mason); Cavendish, Andrew; Cecil, Robert Gascoyne (mason); Channon, Paul; Clark, Alan; Colby, William E. (, CIA Director, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei); Cradock, Sir Percy; Crozier, Brian Rossiter (The 61); Duncan, Alan; Elliot, Nicholas (MI6, The 61, Le Cerlce); Feulner, Edwin J., Jr. (Knights of Malta); Fraser, Charles Alan; Gallois, General Pierre Marie (Bilderberg); Gehlen, General Reinhard (Nazi General, ?, Knights of Malta); Gerber, Conrad; Giovanetti, Monsignor Alberto (Opus Dei); Grossouvre, Francois de Habsburg, Otto von (Opus Dei); Hague, William J. (bilderberg);Howard, Michael; Howell, Lord David; Huyn, Count Hans The (61); Iliescu, Ion (KGB); Jameson, Donald "Jamie" F.B. (CIA); Karageorgevitch, Crown Prince Alexander II; Kelly, Crosby M.; Kissinger, Henry Alfred (Shreiner, Bilderberg); Lamont, Lord Norman (Rothschild employee, Privy Council, chair Oil Club); Lowenthal, Gerhard; Luchsinger, Fred; McLean, Neil "Billy" L.D.; Mertes, Dr Alois (Opus Dei); Monnet, Jean Moss, Robert; Munoz, Federico Silva (Opus Dei); Narjes, Karl-Heinz; Nixon, Richard; Pandolfi, Filippo Maria; Pesenti, Carlo II; Pinay, Antoine (Opus Dei); Poher, Alain (Knights of Malta); Qaboos, Sultan; Rockefeller, David; Schuman, Robert; Schwarzkopf, H. Norman; Spinola, Gen. Antonio de Stilwell; Gen. Richard Giles (The 61); Strauss, Franz Josef (Opus dei), Talal, Hussein bin; Tantum, Geoffrey (MI6); Tennant, Sir Peter (SOE (WWII rival of MI6); Twetten, Thomas A. (CIA); Violet, Jean (Opus dei); Violet, Paul; Volcker, Paul A; Wilson, William A. (Knights of Malta)
- 1943 New Observer...Jewish Black Market Trading Causes Anti-Semitism,’ said UK Government in 1943: “The chief enemy of the Jew appears to be in most areas the small trader who suffers peculiarly from the operations of Jews, whether they are in fact ‘black market’ operations or not. “There was general belief that Jews somehow or other get supplies and advantages which are not available to other people. “Reflective people might agree that this was due to nothing but a conspicuous cohesion and adaptability in the Jewish trading community: but obviously most people go by the results. “It is worthy of note that Humphey of the London Region said that . . . [here follows two redacted lines, obviously still to “controversial” to release, even in 2018, but which evidently refer to the large number of convictions in courts of Jews for black market activities] . . . quite convinced that Jews formed an inordinately large part of the ‘black market’ offenders brought before them. Other figures were given from other parts of the country which seemed to support this.”
- 1943 Archive.li...The South African connection is also reminiscent of the large but now largely ignored Jewish role in British Empire politics. Neither Rhodes nor Milner were Jewish, but their allies such as Beit often were. (Current Fed Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer, who was born in the British colony of Northern Rhodesia in 1943, is a late example of the Jewish role in southern Africa.) ... Alfred Beit (15 February 1853 – 16 July 1906) was a British South African, gold and diamond magnate and a major donor and profiteer of infrastructure development in central and Southern Africa ...Beit became life-governor of De Beers and also a director of numerous other companies such as Rand Mines, Rhodesia Railways and the Beira Railway Company.
- 1943 Nov PalestineRemembered Five-year limit on Jewish immigration (expiring April 1944) extended so all 75,000 visas permitted in 1939 White Paper can be filled.
- 1943 Feb WRMEA book review ... 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis From a Zionist Executive Meeting speech by Yitzhak Gruenbaum on Feb. 18, 1943: And when some asked me: “Can’t you give money from Keren Ha Yesod (Palestine Foundation Fund) to save Jews in the Diaspora?” I said: “No!” And again I say no....And, because of these things, people called me an anti-Semite, and concluded that I’m guilty, for the fact that we don’t give ourselves completely to rescue actions. (p. 211) and Google OneDemocraticStateSite ... “Proposal of the National Military Organization (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the side of Germany” was found in the German Embassy in Turkey
- 1943 Controversies of Zion At first glance the policies of the USA and Great Britain from the spring of 1943 were ... inexplicable. After the battle of Stalingrad and the withdrawal of German troops from North Africa it was clear that the German Reich no longer had any chance of a military victory ... it was already at that time predictable that, as a consequence of the inevitable German defeat, one part of Europe would come under Anglo-American influence, and another - under Soviet control. ... Instead of conquering the Balkans, Yugoslavia... and denying the Red Army those territories in the Summer of 1943, they landed in Italy, staged an invasion of southern France letting the Red Army take Romania and from there advancing south and west. Eisenhower could have reached Berlin, Vienna and Prague before the Soviets. Douglas Reed, author of Controversies of Zion concluded that Roosevelt had become a puppet of his predominantly Jewish and thoroughly pro-Soviet “advisers”, had decided to serve half of Europe to communism on a silver platter and thus pave the way for a future partition of the European Continent
- 1943 CODOH In 1943 it was established as an internment camp (Aufenthaltslager) for European Jews who were to be exchanged for German citizens held by the Allies. In 1943 it was established as an internment camp (Aufenthaltslager) for European Jews who were to be exchanged for German citizens held by the Allies. ... In an article published on April 3, 1995, U.S.News & World Report described Dachau as a "Nazi death factory" although the Museum at the Dachau Memorial Site claims that the gas chamber there was only used a few times. the report is no longer listed on usnews.com
- 1943 WMR The Albanians were the most loyal people of the Balkans in providing support for Adolf Hitler's Third Reich.
- 1943: IAmTheWitness February 18th, Zionist, Izaak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, in a speech to the Zionist Executive Council states, “If I am asked, could you give from the UJA (United Jewish Appeal) monies to rescue Jews, I say, no and I say again no!” He would go onto state, “One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland!” This is not a surprise, the whole idea of Zionist support for the slaughter of innocent Jews was to scare the survivors into believing that their only place of safety was Israel. How else do you think the Zionists could ensure Jews leave the beautiful European cities in which they live, in order to settle in a desert! 1944: On 6 November Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East was assassinated in Cairo by two members of the Jewish terrorist group, the Stern Gang, led by future Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Shamir. He is also responsible for an assassination attempt against Harold MacMichael, the High Commissioner of the British Mandate of Palestine, this same year. ... Interestingly he also masterminds another successful assassination this year against the United Nations representative in the Middle East, Count Folke Bernadotte who, although he had secured the release of 21,000 prisoners from German camps during World War II, was seen by Yitzak Shamir and his terrorist collaborators as an anti-Zionist. In Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, two further Rothschild world banks are created. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank.
- 1943 Aug Authur Butz The New Republic for August 30, 1943, was a special issue devoted to the plight of the Jews in Europe, and made no reference to Auschwitz. A two page advertisement, placed by the Jewish Labor Committee (New York), mentions only Treblinka, Belzec and “hermetically sealed cars where Jews are being poisoned.”
- 1943 Sep IHR ... an internal German telex message dated Sept. 4, 1943, from the chief of the Labor Allocation department of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office (WVHA), reported that of 25,000 Jews held in Auschwitz, only 3,581 were able to work, and that all of the remaining Jewish inmates — some 21,500, or about 86 percent — were unable to work. [11] ... This is also confirmed in a secret report dated April 5, 1944, on "security measures in Auschwitz" by Oswald Pohl, head of the SS concentration camp system, to SS chief Heinrich Himmler.
- 1943 Tavistock Agenda ... 1943: The Rockefeller Foundation helped fund the Allen Memorial Institute at McGill University in Montreal. Working with the Canadian military and the Office of Strategic Services (The OSS became the CIA in 1947), Dr. Cameron conducted torturous experiments on human guinea pigs in order to perfect the various mind control techniques. These brainwashing tactics included coercive interrogation, psychosurgery, drugs, hypnosis and "between 30 to 60 electroshocks over a short period" along with powerful tranquilizers to control anxiety. Cameron's justification: his patients, "like prisoners of Communists, tended to resist and had to be broken down." This is described in the 1989 book, Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse
- 1944 OccidentalObserver...What had once been radical and viewed as dangerous had become not only accepted, but seen as central to Jewish identity.
- 1944 JStor ...The Frankfurt School at War, William E. Scheuerman... Secret reports on Nazi Germany: the Frankfurt School Contribution to the War Effort ... OSS William Donovan tapped Franz Neumann to help US understand the Nazi's. Neumann wrote: Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, which depicted Nazism as a combo of pathological, monopolistic capitalism and brutal totalitarianism...placed him in charge of the Research and Analysis branch of the OSS, joined my Kirchheimer and Marcuse to study Central Europe Nazism...they produced reports on anti Semitism and Nazi political economy ... and the impact of air raids on civilian morale and the best way to prosecute war criminals ... they weighed aspects of capitalism and socialism effects... criticized Henry Morgenthau's plan to dismantle German industry... noted the fiasco of denazification... compared their actions to 1918 ... Versailles... argued that the Nazi Party should be banned and leaders put on trial... concluded that modern capitalism constituted a root cause of Nazism...wanted to nationalize heavy industry... wanted a Democratic Socialist German government... it was discovered that Neumann passed US secrets to the Soviets. ...
- 1944 January PalestineRemembered Stern Gang and IZL join to conduct terror campaign against British. 6 November Stern Gang murders Lord Moyne, British resident minister of state, in Cairo.
- 1944 Wikipedia Harry Dexter White (Weit) Harry Dexter White (October 9, 1892 – August 16, 1948) was an American economist, and a senior U.S. Treasury department official. He was the senior American official at the 1944 Bretton Woods conference, and reportedly dominated the conference and imposed his vision of post-war financial institutions over the objections of John Maynard Keynes, the British representative. After the war, White was a major architect of the International Monetary Fund andWorld Bank Harry Dexter White was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the seventh and youngest child of Jewish Lithuanian immigrants, Joseph Weit and Sarah Magilewski,
- 1944 Heretical in 1944, Eichmann still liaised with his Zionist friends. He made a deal with Dr. Rudolf Kastner (Wikipedia), a leader of the Budapest Jewish community, that several thousand prominent Zionists would be allowed to emigrate to Palestine in return for Kastner keeping order amongst those who were being shipped to concentration camps.
- 1944 History of the Money Changers The United States income is running at 183 billion dollars, yet 103 billion dollars is being spent on World War II. This was thirty times the spending rate during World War I. Actually, it was the American taxpayer that picked up 55% of the total allied cost of the war. In Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank (initially called the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or IBRD - the name, "World Bank," was not actually adopted until 1975), were approved with full United States participation. ... the principal architects of the Bretton Woods system, and hence the IMF, were Harry Dexter White and John Maynard Keynes. Interestingly Harry Dexter White who died in 1946, was identified as a Soviet spy whose code name was, "Jurist," on October 16, 1950, in an FBI memo. Also, John Maynard Keynes was a British citizen. ... What these two bodies essentially did, was repeat on a world scale what the National Banking Act of 1864, and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 had established in the United States. They created a banking cartel comprising the world's privately owned central banks, which gradually assumed the power to dictate credit policies to the banks of all nations. In the same way the Federal Reserve Act authorized the creation of a new national fiat currency called, Federal Reserve Notes, the IMF has been given the authority to issue a world fiat money called, "Special Drawing Rights," or 's. Member nations were subsequently pressured into making their currencies fully exchangeable for SDR's. The IMF is controlled by its board of governors, which are either the heads of different central banks, or the heads of the various national treasury departments who are dominated by their central banks. Also, the voting power in the IMF gives the United States and the United Kingdom (the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England), effective control of it.
- 1944 Sep Zundel Morgenthau Proposal: ‘Crudest Scheme Malevolent Planning Could Devise’ The most far-reaching proposal for the elimination of the war potential of German industry was developed by Henry Morgenthau, Jr., the wartime Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. In the view of one observer, it was the “crudest reparation scheme malevolent planning could devise.” Morgenthau felt that so long as Germany had heavy industries there would never be peace in the world. To eliminate Germany as a potential aggressor, the Morgenthau proposal called for the complete destruction of the country’s metallurgical, chemical, and electrical industries within six months after the end of World War II. All factories were either to be blown up or dismantled and sent to the victorious countries as reparations; all coal mines were to be flooded and the entire Ruhr Valley turned into a “ghost territory.” The Ruhr was, in effect, to be “put out of business,” wiped out as an industrial area, regardless of what happened to millions of Germans. Subsequently this proposal was officially accepted in a somewhat modified form by Roosevelt and Churchill at the Second Quebec Conference in September 1944. Shortly thereafter, however, both Churchill and Roosevelt repudiated the plan. Nevertheless, its basic principles dominated official thinking in Washington for almost six years after the defeat of Hitler’s Thousand-Year Reich. Government officials in both America and Great Britain continued to treat Germany in “moralizing categories” and the public-opinion makers remained fixed in the stereotypes established in the “hate the Germans” milieu of the two world wars.
- 1944 LiveLeak a prominent petroleum geologist named Everette DeGolyer reported to the U.S. government that he was certain the Middle East nations were sitting atop at least 25 billion barrels of crude oil, at least 5 billion of which were in Saudi Arabia. Not reported at that time were his unofficial estimates of up to 300 billion barrels of oil�a third of which he thought underlay Saudi Arabia. In a report to the State Department, DeGolyer's team commented that "The oil in this region is the greatest single prize in all history." ... SpartacusEducational: In 1952 Jack Crichton joined a syndicate that included Everette DeGolyer and Clint Murchison to use connections in the government of General Francisco Franco to acquire rare drilling rights in Spain. The operation was handled by Delta Drilling, which was owned by Joe Zeppa. ... Critchton was appointed head of the intelligence component of the Dallas Civil Defence.
- 1944 Nicholas Kollerstrom.. In the year 1940, British bombers ‘only’ unloaded five thousand tons of bombs onto German cities, whereas by 1944 they were sometimes exceeding that total in a single day. In the spring of ’44 German cities were being pounded with over one hundred thousand tons a month. German civilian deaths from British and American bombing of German cities have been estimated to have been around 600,000, and some 61 cities were turned to virtual rubble, while some 60,000 civilians were killed in the UK. Those cities had an estimated population of 25 million’[30] Germany was thereby reduced to a worse state than that produced by the 30 years’ war. In return the centres of London, Coventry and Portsmouth were attacked by German planes.
- 1944 Nov... Authur Butz The War Refugee Board Report: Birth of the Auschwitz Legend ... The high level Washington commitment to the claim that Auschwitz was an extermination camp came in November 1944, after the claimed termination of the killing program, in the form of the WRB report (the claim had appeared many times in the propaganda earlier in 1944 ... The authors are completely anonymous ... the report included an abundance of detail about the structures, number of prisoners, Crematories I, II, III and IV were in use in Spring 1944 at Birkenau ... ovens, gas chambers ... Three bodies are put in one oven at a time and the burning took an hour and a half. Thus one could dispose of 6,000 bodies per day (impossible) ... Butz: It (report) is a mixture of truth, guess-work, and invention, the factual part of which could have been, and obviously was, put together on the basis of inside information available in 1944. ... The point to be made in this discussion of the WRB report is certainly not that it was invented in the OSS or the WRB. I do not know the identity of the authors and do not believe that the question is of great significance. The main point is that two “internationals,” the Communist and the Zionist, played important roles in the intelligence, propaganda and refugee assistance programs of the US. The WRB, effectively taking its orders from Harry Dexter White, Henry Morgenthau Jr., the World Jewish Congress and other Zionists, and the OSS, with its staff of Communists and its Jewish Agency allies, show that the situation was perfectly suitable for the manufacture of a Jewish extermination 152 R. H.Smith, 2, 12, 23, 62, 125, 239; Kimche & Kimche, 108. Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century 136 propaganda lie, built about Auschwitz, which, as a precaution, contained enough real facts to suggest to the unreflective that the allegations were true.
- 1945 TavistockAgenda Standard Oil and German President Emil Heilfeck testified after the war at the Nuremberg Trial that Standard Oil funds [Rockefeller]helped pay for the SS guards at Auschwitz. The Rockefeller Foundation defends its record by claiming that its funding of Nazi Germany programs during World War II was limited to psychiatric research."
- 1945 Worchek World History ... Horkheimer and Adorno -- both Frankfurt School Marxist Jews (cf. 1950) -- publish Dialectic of Enlightenment in which they dedicate a chapter to a refined theory of anti-semitism. (The Jews at this time are falling all over themselves to construct theories that ensure anti-semitism is ALWAYS caused by a defect, illness, or pathology of the gentile, NEVER an appropriate response to the behavior of the Jew
- 1945 Jan Nicholas Kollerstrom's Breaking the Spell - The Holocaust: Myth & Reality In Janurary 1945 the Soviet army arrived and occupied Auschwitz. They captured and took all the death records of the camp ... a few months later Pravda reported that four million were Jews were exterminated, the world believed it... was fed directly into the Nuremberg trials and engraved in metal outside the Birkenau site. ... Gorbachev released them in 1989, ... they contained some data for 1941, had complete detail for 1942-3 but was missing for 1944-5, listed the death certificates for 69,000 persons of which 29,000 were Jews.
- 1945 Holohoax101 The holohoax brainwashing got into full swing immediately at the end of WW II. Within a week of the capture the famous Hollywood director Billy Wilder was in the camp making a film of propaganda lies that still circulate to this day. An inadvertent picture of Wilder on the set at Buchenwald is shown to the left. The film, complete with props, claimed that the Nazis made soap from the fat of (Jewish only of course) prisoners, made lampshades from the skin of prisoners, and shrunk the heads of prisoners like in the Amazon. Even the holohoax establishment now admits these were all lies.
- 1945 Reformation in 1945, Vietnam was still a colony of the French.
Laurence Rockefeller, it appears, had given the extensive store of
weapons to Ho Chi Minh with the hope that Vietnam would drive out
the French so that Standard Oil would be able to take over the as
yet undeveloped offshore fields. But in 1954, Vietnamese General
Giap finally defeated and drove out the French at Dien Bien Phu with
weaponry provided by the U.S. Ho Chi Minh reneged on the deal since
he could read too, and he was well aware of the Hoover resource
report and knew there was a vast supply of oil off the Vietnamese
coast. ... In the 1950's a method of undersea oil
exploration was perfected which used small explosions deep in the
water and then recorded the sound echoes bouncing off the various
layers of rock below. The surveyor could then determine the exact
location of the arched salt domes which hold the accumulated oil
beneath them. But if this method were used off the Vietnam coast on
property Standard didn't own or have the rights to, the Vietnamese,
the Chinese, the Japanese and probably even the French would quickly
run to the United Nations and complain that America was stealing the
oil, and that would shut down the operation. .
- 1945 Eustace Mullins ... The Secret Holocaust ... “The document, a 10-page British Army report, is believed to be part of voluminous Anglo-American files on the forcible repatriation to the Soviet Union of an estimated 2 to 5 million unwilling anti-Communists between 1944 and 1948. The files, codenamed Operation Keelhaul, are still kept under tight security in London and Washington as virtually the last major secret of World War II. ... David Irving page on NKVD, Jewish ... Out of every 10 senior members of the Cheka-GPU-NKVD in Ukraine: 6 were Jewish, 2 were Russian, 1 was Ukrainian, and 1 was other. ... Wikipedia NKVD ... does not mention anything about Jews.
- 1945 InconvenientHistory The John Birch Society is a political advocacy group that was established in 1958. It was led by Robert Welch Jr. and espoused a staunchly anti-communist position. It was named after John Birch, a US intelligence officer who was killed by communists in China in August 1945. He was considered the first victim of the Cold War.
- 1945 Rense The atomic bomb was developed at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico. The top secret project was called the Manhattan Project, because its secret director, Bernard Baruch, lived in Manhattan, as did many of the other principals. Baruch had chosen Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves to head the operation. He had previously built the Pentagon, and had a good reputation among the Washington politicians, who usually came when Baruch beckoned.
- 1945 Mar 1 FPP David Irving website ...Video ... Starvation and epidemic conditions in Bergen-Belsen camp, early 1945 ... Josef Kramer was the commandant at Belsen, and captured documents show that he did everything he could to prevent the catastrophe that engulfed the camp. He was tried and hanged at the end of the war. The letter he wrote to the camp administration requesting more food, medicine, supplies, etc., can be seen here ... Holohoax101
- 1945 Apr Exposing-the-Holocaust-Hoax-Archive.blogspot, Nicholas Kollerstrom As surprising as it may sound, the only intentional mass extermination program in the concentration camps of WW2 was targeted at Germans. From April, 1945 five million Germans were rounded up after surrendering, and deliberately starved until well over one million had died, in French and American-run concentration camps - an event soon erased from the history books.
- 1945 May TomatoBubble The original claim of the gas chambers of Auschwitz was made in May of 1945 by Joseph Stalin's Jewish dominated "Extraordinary State Commission", AFTER Germany's unconditional surrender. AGAIN, with neither investigation nor confirmation, Stalin's 'gas chambers' claim was publicized in the Jewish owned New York Times; the most "prestigious" newspaper in the world.
- 1945 Whale.to Winston Churchill ... [Freemason, Druid. Here is the man who, with Lindemann, invented Terror bombing, i.e. carpet bombing civilians (Kissinger killed 600,000 civilians by carpet bombing Cambodia). The height of his madness was bombing Dresden, the Florence of the north, and deliberately killing over 500,000 German civilians and refugees, mostly women and children, with Phosphorus bombs, in one night (world record for deaths in one day). And he did that to dozens of German cities, such as Hamburg with 70,000 deaths, while Coventry lost 300 people. That was the real Holocaust of World War II. No wonder he acquiesced in the fake holocaust, it was great cover for his crimes. Then he condoned the Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950, Operation Keelhaul, and the Red Army rape.]
- 1945 May TomatoBubble May NY Times (Page 12, Column 5) article on 4,000,000 Jews: "OSWIECIM KILLINGS PLACED AT 4,000,000 Soviet Commission Reports Death Camp in Poland Was Founded by Himmler By C. L. Sulzberger By Wireless to The New York Times .(EXCERPT) Moscow, May 7 - More than 4,000,000 persons were systematically slaughtered in a single German concentration camp - that at Oswiecim in Poland, near Cracow from 1939 - 1944. The Germans thus accomplished with scientific efficiency the greatest incidence of mass murder in recorded history."
- 1945 NWObserver Operation PAPERCLIP – While other American agencies are hunting down Nazi war criminals for arrest, the U.S. intelligence community is smuggling them into America, unpunished, for their use against the Soviets. The most important of these is Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s master spy who had built up an intelligence network in the Soviet Union. With full U.S. blessing, he creates the “Gehlen Organization,” a band of refugee Nazi spies who reactivate their networks in Russia. These include SS intelligence officers Alfred Six and Emil Augsburg (who massacred Jews in the Holocaust), Klaus Barbie (the “Butcher of Lyon”), Otto von Bolschwing (the Holocaust mastermind who worked with Eichmann) and SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny (a personal friend of Hitler’s). The Gehlen Organization supplies the U.S. with its only intelligence on the Soviet Union for the next ten years, serving as a bridge between the abolishment of the OSS and the creation of the CIA. However, much of the “intelligence” the former Nazis provide is bogus. Gehlen inflates Soviet military capabilities at a time when Russia is still rebuilding its devastated society, in order to inflate his own importance to the Americans (who might otherwise punish him). In 1948, Gehlen almost convinces the Americans that war is imminent, and the West should make a preemptive strike. In the 50s he produces a fictitious “missile gap.” To make matters worse, the Russians have thoroughly penetrated the Gehlen Organization with double agents, undermining the very American security that Gehlen was supposed to protect.
- 1945 Texxmars General George Patton objected to the monstrous and satanic Morgenthau Plan (Wikipedia) and vowed to tell Americans the truth about it. Patton was assassinated. VeteransToday
- 1945 Wikipedia Operation Paperclip was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment by the United States in the aftermath of World War II (1939–45). It was conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), and in the context of the burgeoning Soviet–American Cold War (1945–91); one purpose of Operation Paperclip was to deny German scientific knowledge and expertise to the USSR 1] and the UK 2] and to (divided) Germany itself.
- 1945 VanguardNewsNetwork FDR Jews 1. Bernard M. Baruch -- a financier and adviser to FDR. 2. Felix Frankfurter -- Supreme Court Justice; a key player in FDR's New Deal system. 3. David E. Lilienthal -- director of Tennessee Valley Authority, adviser. The TVA changed the relationship of government-to-business in America. 4. David Niles -- presidential aide. 5. Louis Brandeis -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice; confidante of FDR; "Father" of New Deal. 6. Samuel I. Rosenman -- official speechwriter for FDR. 7. Henry Morgenthau Jr. -- Secretary of the Treasury, "unofficial" presidential adviser. Father of the Morgenthau Plan to re-structure Germany/Europe after WWII. 8. Benjamin V. Cohen -- State Department official, adviser to FDR. 9. Rabbi Stephen Wise -- close pal of FDR, spokesman for the American Zionist movement, head of The American Jewish Congress. 10. Frances Perkins -- Secretary of Labor; allegedly Jewish/adopted at birth; unconfirmed. 11. Sidney Hillman -- presidential adviser. 12. Anna Rosenberg -- longtime labor adviser to FDR, and manpower adviser with the Manpower Consulting Committee of the Army and Navy Munitions Board and the War Manpower Commission. 13. Herbert H. Lehman -- Governor of New York, 1933-1942, Director of U.S. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations, Department of State, 1942-1943; Director-General of UNRRA, 1944 - 1946, pal of FDR. 14. Herbert Feis -- U.S. State Department official, economist, and an adviser on international economic affairs. 15. R. S. Hecht -- financial adviser to FDR. 16. Nathan Margold -- Department of the Interior Solicitor, legal adviser. 17. Jesse I. Straus -- adviser to FDR. 18. H. J. Laski -- "unofficial foreign adviser" to FDR. 19. E. W. Goldenweiser -- Federal Reserve Director. Lincoln Rothschild New Deal Art Director
- 1945 - GripesOnline The United Nations Charter becomes effective.
- 1945 Apr CODOH Ghastly images recorded by Allied photographers at Belsen in mid-April 1945 and widely reproduced ever since have greatly contributed to the camp’s reputation as a notorious extermination center. In fact, the dead of Bergen-Belsen were, above all, unfortunate victims of war and its turmoil, not deliberate policy. It can even be argued that they were as much victims of Allied as of German measures.
- 1945 Scribd Truman (33rd degree Mason) becomes the 33rd president of the United States. His regime offially 'recognises' the state-of-Israel in 1948
- 1945 History of the Money Changers The second, "League Of Nations," now renamed the, "United Nations," was approved. The bankers, World War II, had been a success this time as a result of the physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion the world had felt after yet another World War. This blueprint for world government would soon have its own international court system as well.
- 1945 Inconvenient History U.S. and Britain did not win the Second World War due to non-white conscription, but because they supported and funded the Soviet war machine and were willing to bomb Germany indiscriminately.
1945: IAmTheWitness Carlos Alberto Bulgheroni was born in Rufino, Argentina. History of the Jews, Argentina
- 1945 INLNews The very heart of Hitler's war machine was the chemical giant, I.G. Farben, which had an American arm that was controlled by the Rothschilds, the Warburgs. Paul Warburg, who manipulated into existence the privately-owned "central bank" of America, the Federal Reserve, in 1913, was on the board of American I.G. Indeed Hitler's I.G. Farben, which ran the slave labour camp at Auchwitz, was, in reality, a division of Standard Oil, officially owned by the Rockefellers, but in truth the Rockefeller empire was funded into existence by the Rothschilds. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were created and funded by the Rothschilds. It was they who arranged for Hitler to come to power through the Illuminati secret societies in Germany like the Thule Society and the Vril Society which they created through their German networks; it was the Rothschilds who funded Hitler through the Bank of England and other British and American sources like the Rothschild's Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution. WikipediaThe Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum ("Study Group for Germanic Antiquity"), was a German occultist and völkisch group in Munich, named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend. The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), which was later reorganized by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party). According to Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw, the organization's "membership list...reads like a Who's Who of early Nazi sympathizers and leading figures in Munich", including Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Julius Lehmann, Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer Karl Haushofer ... A primary focus of Thule-Gesellschaft was a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan race. In 1917 people who wanted to join the "Germanic Order", out of which the Thule Society developed in 1918, had to sign a special "blood declaration of faith" concerning the lineage ...many closed down by anti-Masonic legislation in 1935 and Global Research
- 1945: IAmTheWitness "League of Nations," called the, "United Nations," was approved this year.
- 1945 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler In 1945 Dr. Oskar Loehr, deputy head of the I.G. "Tea Buro," confirmed that I. G. Farben and Standard Oil of New Jersey operated a "preconceived plan" to suppress development of the synthetic rubber industry in the United States, to the advantage of the German Wehrmacht and to the disadvantage of the United States in World War II.
- 1946 EIR...Ukrainian President Yanukovych was forced to flee Kiev on Feb. 22, 2014, following a coup d’etat by followers of Ukrainian World War II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. According to Stephen Dorril, author of MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service, Bandera’s organization, OUN-B, was re-formed in 1946 under the sponsorship of MI6. The organization had been receiving some support from MI6 since the 1930s. Bandera was recruited by MI6 to work in London in 1948. Bandera’s second in command, Mykola Lebed, was brought to New York City in the same year by the CIA’s Allen Dulles.
- 1946 EIR...The British Empire's plan to destroy Russia, as a necessary preliminary to imposing its global Nazi-feudal state, is longstanding. One could trace it back to Bertrand Russell, the evil "academic" of the early 20th Century, who in 1946 outlined the option of a nuclear first strike against the Soviet Union, if it did not agree to his scheme for world government.
- 1946 to 1949: CliffordShack John McCloy (on the Warren Commission and a principle decision maker in German reparations to Israel) named a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.
- 1946 Rense ... On July 22 the future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, David Ben-Gurion, orders another future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, Menachem Begin, to carry out a terrorist attack on the King David Hotel in Palestine, to try and drive out the British. As a result of this 91 people were killed, most of them civilians: 28 British, 41 Arabs, 17 Jews, and 5 others. Around 45 people are injured.
- 1946 Mullins ... Churchill, FDR and Stalin launch the Cold War, the pinnacle of Hegelian conflict, Capitalism vs. Communism, final triumph of dialectical materialism, Mar 5, 1946 Churchill made his "Iron Curtin" speech... Yalta delivered Eastern Europe to Stalin, Alger Hiss was originator of the plan
- 1946 Wikipedia Major General (ret.) (Aluf) Daniel Rothschild (born 1946) is the head of The Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), an Israeli Think Tank in the Lauder school of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC) and is the chairman of the annual Herzliya Conference series. Gen. Rothschild also heads the Council for Peace and Security, an Israeli association of national security experts, He is a member of the advisory board of the Central Bank of Israel
- 1946 History of the Money Changers The Bank of England was nationalized, which might seem at first sight to be a far reaching measure, but actually made little difference in practice. Yes, the state did acquire all the shares in the Bank of England, they now belong to the Treasury and are held in trust by the Treasury Solicitor. However, the government had no money to pay for the shares, so instead of receiving money for their shares, the shareholders were issued with government stocks. Although the state now received the operating profits of the bank, this was offset by the fact that the government now had to pay interest on the new stocks it had issued to pay for the shares. ...
- 1946 Apr 11 Avalon Project Nuremberg Trial Proceedings, Vol 11 and David Irvings website
- 1946 Metapedia Indicative of the largely political nature of the Nuremberg process was the important Jewish role in organizing these trials. Nahum Goldmann, one-time president of both the World Jewish Congress and the World Zionist Organization, reported in his memoir that the Nuremberg Tribunal was the brain-child of World Jewish Congress officials. Only after persistent effort were WJC officials able to persuade Allied leaders to accept the idea, he added. /8 The World Jewish Congress also played an important but less obvious role in the day to day proceedings. Above all, the powerful but secretive organization made sure that Germany's persecution of the Jews was a primary focus of the trials, and that the defendants were punished for their involvement in that process. /9 Two Jewish officers in the US Army: Lieutenant Colonel Murray Bernays and Colonel David "Mickey" Marcus, played key roles in the Nuremberg enterprise. In the words of historian Robert Conot, Bernays was "the guiding spirit leading the way to Nuremberg." Bernays, a successful New York attorney, persuaded US War Secretary Henry Stimson and others to accept the idea of putting the defeated German leaders on trial. /10 Marcus, a fervent Zionist, became the "number three man in making American policy" in occupied Germany. As chief of the US government's War Crimes Branch in 1946 and 1947, he selected almost all of the judges, prosecutors and lawyers for the Nuremberg NMT Trials. (He later became a commander of Zionist "Haganah" military forces in Palestine.) /11
- 1946 NFU/Mark Weber ... Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop pointed out some of the defense obstacles ... The defense had no fair chance to defend German foreign policy. Our prepared application for the submission of evidence was not allowed ... Without good cause being shown, half of the 300 documents which the defense prepared were not admitted. Witnesses and affidavits were only admitted after the prosecution had been heard; most of them were rejected... Correspondence between Hitler and Chamberlain, reports by ambassadors and diplomatic minutes, etc., were rejected. Only the prosecution, not the defense, had access to German and foreign archives. The prosecution only searched for incriminating documents and their use was biased. It knowingly concealed exonerating documents and withheld them from the defense.
- 1946 Jul: IAmTheWitness On July 22 the future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, David Ben-Gurion, orders another future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, Menachem Begin, to carry out a terrorist attack on the King David Hotel in Palestine, to try and drive out the British. As a result of this 91 people were killed, most of them civilians: 28 British, 41 Arabs, 17 Jews, and 5 others.
- 1946 Tavistock Agenda ... Lewin had received his Ph.D. from Berlin University in 1914, and in 1932 came to the U.S. in the area of child psychology. During the Second World War, he worked for the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (which would become the CIA) in psychological warfare. He founded the RCGD in 1946. The next year his research center along with a division of the National Education Association (NEA) began the National Training Laboratories (NTL) which furthered Lewin's social engineering via "T-groups" (training groups), where group consensus is facilitated by trained individuals.
- 1946 IHR/Mark Weber Robert Jackson, the chief US prosecutor and a former US Attorney General, declared that the Nuremberg Tribunal "is a continuation of the war effort of the Allied nations" against Germany. He added that the Tribunal "is not bound by the procedural and substantive refinements of our respective judicial or constitutional system ..." /5
- 1946: CliffordShack John J. McCloy, creator of the CIA, becomes a name partner in the Rockefeller-associated prominent New York law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy. In this capacity he acted for the "Seven Sisters", the leading multinational oil companies, including Exxon, in their initial confrontations with the nationalisation movement in Libya—as well as negotiations with Saudi Arabia and OPEC. Because of his stature in the legal world and his long association with the Rockefellers, and as a presidential adviser, he was sometimes referred to as the "Chairman of the American Establishment".
- 1947-1949: CliffordShack McCloy was president of the World Bank
- 1947 Biblioteca Pleyades The EU has its origins in the Pan European Movement (1947), which was founded by Knight of Malta Joseph Retinger, who also founded the Bilderberg Group (1954).
- 1947 Educate Yourself Britain's Plot (Coefficients Club) to Destroy Civilization: The New Dark Ages Conspiracy ... on the members of the elite British group knows as the 'Coefficients' who eventually became the British Round Table. Other articles to be posted at this web site, will help explain how British oligarchs, working in cahoots with the Rothschilds, planned the creation of the state of Israel at the end of the 19th century in order to bring about the chaos we see today in the Middle East.
- 1947 Anthony Sutton... Ambassador Harriman reported back to the State Department at the end of World War II: {p. 255} "Stalin paid tribute to the assistance rendered by the United States to Soviet industry before and during the War. Stalin* {* He, in original} said that about two-thirds of all the large industrial enterprises in the Soviet Union has been built with the United States' help or technical assistance." (In the 1930s, the buildup of Soviet industry and the rearmament of Nazi Germany were highly connected events initiated by Zionist/Western/Neocon bankers to create boogeymen to rationalize great expansions of armament sales and profit. The JFK assassination was just this military industrial complex brushing aside an impediment to their progress, and 9/11 was a pivotal point in shifting the direction of the complex from the Cold War to the War on Islam.)
- 1947 Internet Encylopedia of Philosophy In 1938 Adorno joined the Institute after spending time at Merton College, Oxford as an “advanced student.” He was invited by Horkheimer to join the Princeton Radio Research Project together with Lazarsfeld. Gradually, Adorno assumed a preponderant intellectual role in the School, culminating in the co-publication, with Horkheimer, of one of the milestones of Critical Theory: Dialectic of Enlightenment in 1947. ... Horkheimer, focused on psychological irrationalism as a source of obedience and domination ... (Jewish NWO control) ... Pollock led studies on anti-Semitism from the east coast, (the obfuscation of bundling anti-Semitism with hate speech and bigotry)
- 1948 BushStole04 President Truman, a highest level Freemason, was forced to accept the dictates of a gang of Zionist Jewish Freemasons on crafting U.S. policy in the Middle East. What does this say about the real hierarchy of power among Freemasons? Truman, a Freemason since 1909, had established the Grandview Lodge No. 618 in Missouri and served as its first "Worshipful Master". In 1940, Brother Truman was elected the ninety-seventh Grand Master of Masons of Missouri. In 1945, President Truman was made a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, and Honorary Member at the Supreme Council of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite (A.A.S.R.) Southern Jurisdiction Headquarters in Washington D.C. The fact that Jewish Freemasons of the B'nai B'rith were able to meet secretly with the president in the Oval Office whenever they wanted and were able to direct the U.S. president, a highest level Mason, to follow their orders in shaping U.S. policy in the Middle East, shows the immense power this secret society of Zionist Jews has long had over the U.S. government and other Masonic orders. Barack Hussein Obama was cultivated as a politician in Chicago and made President of the United States by the power of the B'nai B'rith. It's high time for these secret societies to be removed from the corridors of power where U.S. policy is crafted.
- 1948 B'nai B'rith enlarge more Secretive creation of Israel, Harry Truman. See Rothschild connection to Goldman Sachs / B'nai B'rith / JINSA / Obama and Bettylu Satlzman (daughter of Philip Klutznick (B'nai Brith), shopping center mogul / connection to Obama JewishVirtualLibrary B’nai Moshe, then the B’nai Zion and Christian Trumpets Sounding 3 men Clark Clifford, Benjamin Disraeli, Chaim Weizmann
- 1948 TheHypertexts Menchem Begin founded Herut in 1948. It was the political twin of the Irgun, a violent terrorist group headed by Begin. Both were ultra-right-wing organizations that opposed any ceasefires or negotiations with Arabs, preferring to expand Israel's territory in defiance of international law and the U.N. mandate that partitioned Palestine, defining Israel's borders. Before entering politics, Begin had been the preeminent terrorist in the Middle East, wantonly murdering British, Jewish and Arab civilians. His most notorious act was blowing up the King David Hotel in 1946.
- 1948 Wikipedia Labor Zionists ... abridged ...the Left wing of Zionist movement, dominant by the 1930s, from Eastern/Central Europe, not supported by Herzl / Weizmann, only working class could create Israeli state by settling in Palestine thru a kibbutzem, moshavim, urban Jewish proletariat, rather than garnering the help of the British, Germany or Ottoman Empire, played a leading role in 1948 Arab-Israeli War, and dominate military leadership, leading figures: Golda Meir, David Ben-Gurion, Moses Hess
- 1948 Wikipedia Stern Gang, Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: Hebrew: Lohamei Herut Israel, "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel"), commonly referred to in English as the Stern Group or Stern Gang, was a militant Zionist group founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in the British Mandate of Palestine. Its avowed aim was forcibly evicting the British authorities from Palestine, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state. ... Initially called the National Military Organization in Israel, it was the smallest and most radical of Mandatory Palestine's three Zionist paramilitary groups (Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi), and never had more than a few hundred members. Lehi split from the Irgun in 1940 and by 1948 was identified with both religious Zionism (although most members were not Orthodox Jews) and left-wing nationalism (despite most members wanting to remain politically unaligned).
- 1948 Wikipedia and EndrTimes also EndrTimes John McCloy Obama advisors
- 1949 Bollyn was instrumental in gaining U.S. support for the nascent Zionist state of Israel in the late 1940s. The Jewish secret society of Freemasons used President Harry Truman's friend - and their agent - Eddie Jacobson of Kansas City (standing behind Truman) in off-the-record meetings in the Oval Office to persuade the president to approve the Zionist land grab known as the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan of Palestine and then to recognize the state of Israel the next year following the Zionist ethnic cleansing of nearly 400 Palestinian villages and towns. By applying pressure directly on Truman, B'nai B'rith dictated U.S. policy in spite of strong resistance from the U.S. Department of State. When Truman extended de jure recognition of the Zionist state on January 31, 1949, the only guests invited to the signing ceremony in the Oval Office were members of B'nai B'rith: Eddie Jacobson, the B'nai B'rith executive vice president Maurice Bisgyer, and the secret society's president, Frank Goldman .
- enlarge
- 1948 Wikipedia Brock Chisholm While .. Director General of the WHO from 1948 to 1953, he was quoted as saying, "To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." Chisholm was an Honorary President of the World Federalists of Canada, President of the World Federation of Mental Health (1957–58) and an Honorary Fellow of a number of prestigious medical associations. In 1959, the American Humanist Association
- 1948 Israel Shahak Sometime in the late 1950s, that world-class gossip and occasional historian, John F. Kennedy, told me how, in 1948, Harry S. Truman had been pretty much abandoned by everyone when he came to run for president. Then an American Zionist brought him two million dollars in cash, in a suitcase, aboard his whistle-stop campaign train. 'That's why our recognition of Israel was rushed through so fast.' As neither Jack nor I was an antisemite (unlike his father and my grandfather) we took this to be just another funny story about Truman and the serene corruption of American politics.
- 1949 April Zionism_Israel Armistice - Israel and Arab states agree to armistice. Israel gained about 50% more territory than was originally allotted to it by the UN Partition Plan.
- 1949 Texmarrs In the Truman White House also was Harry Hopkins (Wikipedia), a secret Soviet agent who arranged for Stalin and Russia to be given America’s nuclear blueprints and materials. The fledgling nation of Israel was also given atomic bomb materials and plans. see GoldSeek
- 1950 top timeline go to
- 1950sHenryMakow The Satanic Theology Behind Cultural Marxism January 30, 2016 benjamin.jpg (left, influential critic Walter Benjamin, 1892-1940) When I studied English Literature, I was mystified that it was stripped of its social and biographical context as if naked words had some occult meaning by themselves. "Critical Theory" (Jewish Satanism, Cabalism) has subverted ("deconstructed") modern Western culture and undermined language as a means of communication. Our education system quite literally inducts naive young people into a Masonic Jewish satanic cult. "In order to effect the destruction of all collective forces except ours we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism, the universities, by re-educating them in a new direction." Protocols of Zion, 16 CABALISM=JUDAISM=COMMUNISM=SATANISM Jews (and Freemasons) have a choice: Disown their organizations, or be blamed for what they are doing. The Demonic Theology behind Cultural Marxism, our education system ... in the early 1950s the Frankfurt School retured to Germany ...
- 1950s Unz...The Authoritarian Personality(1950), an anthology of polemics warning against “prejudice” in American life, was sponsored by an emphatically liberal but also anti-Soviet sponsor, the American Jewish Committee. The same patrons also sponsored Commentary magazine. Among many others, distinguished sociologist Seymour Morton Lipset hailed TAP (and the series to which it belonged, Studies in Prejudice) as a blueprint for rebuilding American society. Contrary to what some may believe, Lipset was only slightly left of center politically. Even more interestingly, as cultural historian Christopher Lasch points out, Lipset praised the work spearheaded by Adorno in the U.S. as a means of fortifying the U.S. internally to fight Communism as well as the ideological vestiges of Nazism.
- 1950s Wikipedia Frankfurt School Theorists of the Frankfurt School Major works: Reason and Revolution,The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Eclipse of Reason, Escape from Freedom Minima Moralia Eros and Civilization One-Dimensional Man Negative Dialectics The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere The Theory of Communicative Action Notable theorists: Herbert Marcuse · Theodor Adorno Max Horkheimer · Walter Benjamin Erich Fromm · Friedrich Pollock Leo Löwenthal · Jürgen Habermas Alfred Schmidt · Axel Honneth Siegfried Kracauer Important concepts Critical theory · Dialectic · Praxis Psychoanalysis · Antipositivism Popular culture · Culture industry Advanced capitalism Privatism · Non-identity Communicative rationality Legitimation crisis ...Marxism schools of thought: Theoretical works, Concepts, Economics, Sociology, History, Practice, Schools of thought, Analytical Budapest School, Classical De Leonist, Frankfurt School, Freudian Instrumental, Left communist, Leninist, Libertarian, Feminist, Humanist, Neo-Marxism, Neue Marx-Lektüre, Open Orthodox, Post-Marxism, Praxis School Structural Western ... Socialism Portal: ... Communism Portal ... Philosophy Portal all pro-Jewish propaganda whitewashing the horrific criminal machinations against non-Jewish people ... Walter Benjamin A Critical Life Scribd
- 1950 Wikipedia The Golden Gimmick refers to a foreign tax credit deal enacted in November 1950 by the US Government under president Harry Truman between King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia and the Arabian-American Oil Company (ARAMCO), a consortium comprising Standard Oil of California (Socal), Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon), Standard Oil of New York (Mobil) and Texaco. King Ibn Saud was being influenced by Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo of Venezuela who cut a similar 50/50 deal with Jersey Standard Oil (Rockefeller) and Royal Dutch Shell. (Rothschilds own controlling interest) This 50/50 deal accorded the American oil companies a tax break equivalent to 50% of their profits on oil sales, the other 50% was diverted to King Ibn Saud via the US Treasury. The King agreed to this 50/50 splitting of Aramco's oil profits instead of nationalizing Aramco's oil facilities on Saudi soil. Venezuela eventually led the effort in forming OPEC and Saudi Arabia gained full control of Aramco by 1980.
- 1950s RobertsCourt The Mental Hygiene Society of which Prescott Bush was a director was a project of the Order of Skull and Bones. The society "would evolve into the CIA's cultural engineering effort of the 1950s, the drugs and brainwashing adventure known as 'MK-Ultra'...an anti-American project which poured drugs into the country and worked to fabricate the drug-sex youth culture." It would build powerful hysteria centered on destroying the parent-child bond, advance the idea of broad child abuse requiring strong government sex and drug inquisitions, secretly promoting broad acceptance of divorce and family dysfunction. The Bushes would then champion "family values" as public officials.
- 1950s Schiller Institute ... In pursuing a separate peace with the Nazis, Allen Dulles, John J. McCloy, and William Draper conducted what is perhaps history’s ultimate cover-up. Under their operation, leading Nazis were never prosecuted, but were assimilated, instead, into the post-War “Gladio” networks of NATO, into Anglo-American intelligence, and into their controlled intelligentsia. Carl Schmitt, the author and philosopher of the Nazis’ legal system, and Martin Heidegger, one of its most influential philosophers, became protected intellectual assets. Schmitt arranged with the Rockefeller Foundation for the emigration of his admirer, Leo Strauss, to London and the United States. Strauss was a devotee of Schmitt, Heidegger, and Alexandre Kojève, who preached the doctrine of “purgative violence” as a necessary state in the evolution of individuals. Using a perverse methodology, Strauss created a neoconservative cult consisting of selected students of his at the University of Chicago, a cult largely responsible for the Iraq War
- 1950s Schiller Institute ... Max Horkheimer ... as part of the denazification of Germany suggested by the R&A Branch, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany John J. McCloy, using personal discretionary funds, brought Horkheimer back to Germany to reform the German university system. ... McCloy asked President Truman and Congress to pass a bill granting Horkheimer, who had become a naturalized American, dual citizenship; thus, for a brief period, Horkheimer was the only person in the world to hold both German and U.S. citizenship
- 1950s -60s ... History Commons ...The BBC airs (in 2004) a three-part documentary entitled “The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear.” It is directed by Adam Curtis, who the Guardian calls “perhaps the most acclaimed maker of serious television programs in Britain.” The documentary argues that much of what we have been told about the threat of international terrorism “is a fantasy that has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians. It is a dark illusion that has spread unquestioned through governments around the world, the security services, and the international media.” The documentary begins by focusing on Sayyid Qutb in Egypt and Leo Strauss in the US. Both developed theories in the 1950’s and 1960’s that liberalism and individualism was weakening the moral certainties of their societies. ...Strauss meanwhile has a strong effect on neoconservatives such as Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Paul Wolfowitz, who all eventually gain prominent positions in George W. Bush’s administration. The documentary follows the rise of Islamic radicals and compares and contrasts this with the rise of the neoconservatives. Curtis argues that both groups have greatly benefited from 9/11, because both have been able to use fear of terrorism to gain widespread popular support. Curtis claims that al-Qaeda is not the highly centralized, widespread, and powerful organization that it is frequently depicted to be. Rather, it is more of a concept and loose alliance of groups with coinciding interests. He says, “Almost no one questions this myth about al-Qaeda because so many people have got an interest in keeping it alive.”
- 1950 EIR In Germany, under McCloy and "General" William Draper, the wartime chairman of the investment house Dillon Reed, the power of the German military-industrial cartels was fully restored, a scandal recounted in the 1950 book All Honorable Men, by postwar occupation decartelization chief James Stewart Martin. Martin catalogued that Americans like Allen and John Foster Dulles, Draper, Harriman, and the J.P. Morgan interests, in league with British, French, and Belgian bankers and heavy industrialists, had been the secret wartime partners of the Nazi banking and business barons, and had helped fuel the Nazi war machine, even after Pearl Harbor brought the United State directly into the war. The Dulles brothers had been longtime collaborators of Schacht, and the notorious Kurt von Schroeder, whose Stein Bank in Cologne, Germany handled all of the funding of Himmler's SS, through business groups like the "Keppler Circle."
- 1950 EIR Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer were two of the earliest leaders of the Frankfurt School, and were co-directors of that Authoritarian Personality project of the late 1940s, that willfully engineered the Baby Boomer drug/rock/sex counterculture two decades later. These two were brought back to Germany in 1950, to reorganize and "de-Nazify" the postwar German educational system and cultural institutions, under the auspices of Occupation High Commissioner, and leading American Synarchist banker, John J. McCloy. In that assigned capacity, Adorno and Horkheimer were pivotal players in the overall project to wreck European and American culture. This project was known, hypocritically, as the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF).
- 1950 - GripesOnline International financier and CFR member James Warburg tells a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee: "We shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent."
- 1950SpiritualWiki Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present, controls the past. George Orwell [Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) English journalist, essayist, writer, source unknown
- 1950s Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review Unlike the purges of the 1930s that sometimes targeted Jews as member of the elite (albeit at far less than their percentage of the elite), the anti-Jewish actions of the late 1940s and early 1950s were targeted at Jews because of their ethnicity. Similar purges were performed throughout Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe (pp. 313–314). “All three regimes [Poland, Romania, Hungary] resembled the Soviet Union of the 1920s insofar as they combined the ruling core of the old Communist underground, which was heavily Jewish, with a large pool of upwardly mobile Jewish professionals, who were, on average, the most trustworthy among the educated and the most educated among the trustworthy” (p. 314). Speaking of the situation in Poland, Khrushchev supported the anti-Jewish purge with his remark that “you have already too many Abramoviches.”60
- 1950-60s Yale Papers In the1950s and 1960s, many prominent Jewish scholars who had found refuge in the United States began to study the Holocaust, antisemitism, and related matters for the first time.Scholars such as Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Hannah Arendt analyzed antisemitism and its cultural and ideological roots and manifesta tions from an interdisciplinary perspective. These intellectual pioneers received funding and support from Jewish communal organizations and philanthropists, and their efforts succeeded in placing these crucial issues on the “academicmap.”
- 1950 Tavistock Agenda ... RAND thinktank develops from Air Force Project RAND. The Prisoner's Dilemma of game theory (originally framed at RAND in 1950 as a Cold War strategy) frames paradoxes in self-interest. There is a higher payoff in betrayal than cooperation. The iterated prisoner's dilemma has also been referred to as the "Peace-War Game." Without a doubt, RAND is THE think tank most beholden to Tavistock Institute and certainly the RIIA's most prestigious vehicle for control of United States policies at every level. Specific RAND policies that became operative include our ICBM program, prime analyses for U.S. foreign policy making, instigator of space programs, U.S. nuclear policies, corporate analyses, hundreds of projects for the military, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in relation to the use of mind altering drugs like peyote, LSD (the covert MK-ULTRA operation which lasted for 20 years). BRAINWASHING remains the primary function of RAND.
- 1950 pdf Francis Neilson, The Makers of War
- 1950 Resistance2010 The basis of the project of the Tavistock Institute was explained by Round Tabler, Lord Bertrand Russell, is considered one of the founders of analytic philosophy along with his predecessor Gottlob Frege and his protégé Ludwig Wittgenstein, and is widely held to be one of the twentieth century's premier logicians. Russell offered a revealing glimpse into Frankfurt School’s mass social engineering efforts, in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society:
- 1951 GlobalWebPost (pro-Zionist) Nahum Goldmann is Founder President of the World Jewish Congress and served as President from 1951 to 1977. He is former President of the World Zionist Organization and of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. He was one of the pivotal figures in the Zionist Movement leading to the creation of the state of Israel and, who continued to remain influential in the global politics, involving Israel.
- 1951 EIR The presence of Lord Bertrand Russell as one of five honorary chairmen of the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) was emblematic of this mission at the CCF's inception. ( Horkheimer and Adorno integral part ...to reorganize and "de-Nazify" the postwar German educational system and cultural institutions, under the auspices of Occupation High Commissioner, and leading American Synarchist banker, John J. McCloy) Russell, the author of the post-Roosevelt, pre-Eisenhower, Truman Doctrine of "world government through terror of nuclear weapons," had written a 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society, which spelled out his vision of the future. It was a far more precise, more revealing "mission statement" for the CCF than anything that the CCF would ever publish in its own name: "I think," Russell wrote, "the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology.... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called 'education.' Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part.... It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment."
- 1951 NFU / CCF page ... The American branch of CCF was founded in 1951. The principal force behind the American Committee for Cultural Freedom (ACCF) was Sidney Hook, its first chairman. Hook was then a contract consultant to the CIA, and he liaisoned with CIA director Walter Bedell Smith and PSB director Gordon Gray. ... The Fairfield Foundation and several other foundations were created by the CIA as fronts to pass funds. Once programs were established, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations took over major aspects of the funding, with the help of other leading U.S. family foundations. Former German High Commissioner McCloy had personally written to mid-1960s Ford Foundation president McGeorge Bundy, to secure funding for the Congress, at the moment that the CIA was exposing its former ties to CCF, via the Tom Braden Saturday Evening Post story.
- 1951 NFU / CCF page... In early 1951, Frank Wisner travelled to London to meet with his counterparts in Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). Over a series of meetings it was decided to create a flagship intellectual journal for CCF. It was agreed that the Americans and British would have joint oversight over the London-based Encounter magazine, and there would be joint funding. American CCF executive director Irving Kristol was chosen by Sidney Hook to become co-editor with British Fabian Stephen Spender.
- 1952 Wikipedia John Dewey, 1859-1952, a major voice of progressive education and liberalism, joined University of Chicago 1894... pres of American Psychological Association, from 1904-1930 prof of philosophy at Columbia, longtime member of the American Federation of Teachers, Along with the historians Charles A. Beard and James Harvey Robinson, and the economist Thorstein Veblen, Dewey is one of the founders of The New School. first two books expressed Dewey's early commitment to British neo-Hegelianism. ... began to reformulate psychology, emphasizing the social environment on the activity of mind and behavior rather than the physiological psychology of Wundt and his followers... would later write Ethics (1908), at the recently founded University of Chicago and invited Mead and Angell to follow him, the four men forming the basis of the so-called "Chicago group" of psychology.... education and schooling are instrumental in creating social change and reform. ... education to be most effective, content must be presented in a way that allows the student to relate the information to prior experiences, ...As an atheist[41] and a secular humanist in his later life, Dewey participated with a variety of humanistic activities from the 1930s into the 1950s, which included sitting on the advisory board of Charles Francis Potter's First Humanist Society of New York (1929); being one of the original 34 signatories of the first Humanist Manifesto (1933) and being elected an honorary member of the Humanist Press Association ... As well as being active in defending the independence of teachers, and opposing a communist takeover of the New York Teachers' Union,[citation needed] Dewey was involved in the organization that eventually became the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) ... He directed the famous Dewey Commission held in Mexico in 1937, which cleared Leon Trotsky of the charges made against him by Joseph Stalin,[47] and marched for women's rights, among many other causes. ... In 1939, John Dewey was elected President of the League for Industrial Democracy, an organization with the goal of educating college students about the labor movement. The Student Branch of the L.I.D. would later become Students for a Democratic Society. ... In 1950, Dewey, Bertrand Russell, Benedetto Croce, Karl Jaspers, and Jacques Maritain agreed to act as honorary chairmen of the Congress for Cultural Freedom,[49] a false-front anti-communist advocacy group founded that year and funded by the CIA. ... Dewey is considered the epitome of liberalism by historians,[52][53] and sometimes was portrayed as "dangerously radical."[54] Meanwhile, Dewey was critiqued strongly by American communists because he argued against Stalinism and had philosophical differences with Marx, identifying himself as a democratic socialist.[55] On the other hand, some conservatives have called Dewey a Soviet apologist. ...
- 1954 George Brock Chisholm, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California ... “To achieve world government, (NWO) it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” ~, 11 September 1954. ... was a Canadian First World War veteran, medical practitioner, the first Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), and the 13th Canadian Surgeon General. He was a strong advocate of religious tolerance ... was an Honorary President of the World Federalists of Canada, President of the World Federation of Mental Health (1957–58) and an Honorary Fellow of a number of prestigious medical associations. In 1959, the American Humanist Association ... expounded that children should not believe in religion or Santa Claus
- 1954 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser is sworn in as the Premier in Egypt. He Declares Egypt independent of Western powers and looks to open relations with the Soviets. Britain withdraws an offer to build the Aswan Dam (which would later create 50% of Egypt's electrical production). Nasser allowed the Soviets to build it and stated his plan to nationalize Egypt's Suez Canal. He pressed for the British to remove their troops. That same year Israel attempted a false flag operation to prevent the British from leaving the Suez and to paint Nasser's party as terrorists. It was known as Operation Susannah better known today as the Lavon Affair since Israel's Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon (a fall guy) was forced to resign.
- 1954 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline the Lavon affair. Israeli IDF agents bomb American and British targets in Egypt and try to blame it on the Egyptians. On July 23 one of the bombers Philip Nathanson has his bomb go off prematurely in his pocket lighting him on fire. By searching his house it was discovered that the bombings were a false flag operation. Israel's Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon is forced to resign in 1963 six years after the event, however his signature had been forged on a document by Zionist Colonel Benyamin Givli and his spy ring. (Shmuel Azar, Yosef Carmon, Victor Levy, Dr. Moshe Marzouk, Meir Meyuhas, Robert Dassa, Phillip Nathanson, Marcelle Ninio, Avraham Dar and Meir Za'afran)
- 1954 comment: "In 1954 the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company changed its name to British Petroleum and became an international consortium that shared profits with Iran at a 50-50 split. The company was 40% owned by Iran, 40% owned by 5 American companies and 20% owned by Royal Dutch Shell and the French Petroleum Company. No Iranians were allowed on the Board of Directors or to audit the company. The 5 American companies include Exxon (Rockefeller), Gulf Oil (Mellon), Mobil (Rockefeller), Standard Oil (Rockefeller) and Texaco (George Bush); all of which were controlled, merged or or owned by parent companies affiliated with the Rockefeller family over time."
- 1955 IEP Frankfurt School ... Cultural Marxism ... in 1955, Theodor Adorno took over Horkheimer’s position as director of the Institute for Social Research, and on 1 July 1957 he was appointed full professor in philosophy and sociology. Adorno’s most innovative contribution was thought to be in the field of music theory and aesthetics, where some of his significant works included Philosophy of Modern Music (1949) and later “Vers une Musique Informelle” and established "Critical Theory" ... (It is widely speculated that Adorno wrote much of the Beatle's tunes and fed them to Paul McCartney.)
- 1955 Tavistock Agenda ...1955 MK ULTRA launched by CIA and RAND for mind control, drug, brainwashing research. Mental Health Study Act mandates mental health practices. Further projects included: the British Society for Projective Psychology, the Phillipson’s Object Relations Technique, Interpersonal Perception ... the study of the Russian national character, sensitivity training, psychobehavioral chemical incapacitation, experiential mass-learning, inter-group experience, responses to meta-problems emerging in society, social analysis, Project Bluebird-Artichoke-MKULTRA (the investigation of this project was stage-managed by Nelson Rockefeller, brainwashing, the Unabomber, LSD-promotion, false personality overlaying, the New Age movement, acceptance of occult practices, promotion of abortion, the development of inclusive language, social engagement, multi-culturalism, open borders, and the questioning of “normal” social structures, the acceptance of deviancy
- 1957 GWB meeting. It will be recalled that the Bilderberg Conference is a creation of M16 under the direction of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The idea came from Alastair Buchan, son of Lord Tweedsmuir. Buchan was chairman at the time, and a board member of the RIIA and a member of the Round Table reportedly very close to the British royal family This was the same conference that welcomed Labour Party leader Dennis Healey to its ranks. Others in attendance were Francois Duchene, whose mentor, Jean Monet Duchenes, ran the Trilateral Commission member list under the tutelage of H. V. Dicks from Tavistock's Columbus Center. Among the governing council of this gigantic propaganda opinion-making apparat is included the following: Frank Kitson, a one time controller of The IRA PROVISIONALS, the man who started the Mau- Mau insurg ency in Kenya. Lazard Freres, represented by Robert Ellsworth. N. M. Rothschild, represented by John Loudon. Paul Nitze, representative of Schroeder Bank. Nitze has played a very prominent and substantial role in mat- ters of Arms Control agreements, which have AL- WAYS been under the direction of the RIIA. C. L. Sulzberger of the New York Times. Stansfield Turner, a former director of the CIA. Peter Calvocoressi, representing Penguin Books. Royal Institute for International Affairs, represented by Andrew Schoenberg. Columnists and Reporters, represented by Flora Lewis, Drew Middleton, Anthony Lewis, Max Frankel. Daniel Ellsberg.
- 1957 The Frankfurt School, Jewish Lives, and Antisemitism"...Cambridge University Press, ...There is no doubt about the existence of communications between the leaders of the Franklin School and Israel. (Eric) "Fromm described his position on Israel in a long letter to Norman Thomas, the most prominent leader of the Socialist Party of America. After describing his interactions with Goldmann and others, Fromm notes, "I think the whole position of a state, whose only moral justification is to find a home for homeless people, and who does so by depriving just as many other people of their homes is untenable, morally, and truly stupid politically..."In the introduction to the book 'The Frankfurt School, Jewish Lives, and Antisemitism' states: "It is the intent of this book to demonstarte that the Jewish origins of key members of the Franfurt School, and the differing ways in which the Critical Theorists related to their origins, shed light on the development of the School ... the preponderonce of men of Jewish origin became particularly noticeable after 1930 ... Horkheimer, Pollock, Grossmann, Fromm and Lowenthal - were Jews. The Lefttist Jewish intellectuals attracted to teh Institute had and elective affinity for others like themselves. ...
- 1958 Heretical At the 1958 World Jewish Conference in Geneva, Dr. Nahum Goldman, President of the World Zionist Organization, warned Jews that “a current decline of overt anti-Semitism might constitute a new danger to Jewish survival... The disappearance of anti-Semitism has had a very negative effect on our internal life.” ... Goldman was not the first Jew to recognize the common ground between Zionists and anti-Semites. In fact, ever since Zionism was invented by a Jewish journalist in the late nineteenth century, Zionist-inclined Jewish leaders have actually cooperated with anti-Semites, including Hitler’s Nazis, in the prevention of Jewish assimilation. The founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, himself entered into negotiations with the anti-Semitic Tsarist Minister of the Interior Plehve, who promised the Tsarist Government’s “moral and material assistance” to the Zionist movement.
- 1958 Yale Papers About a decade after the establishment of the State of Israel, the fourth volume of the Hebrew Encyclopedia was published. Itc ontained a comprehensive entry on anti semitism, the first part ofwhich was written by the famous historian BenZion Netanyahu.
- 1959 Wikipedia ... William J. Donovan ... (too fair, nice, not a globalist) ... father of the Central Intelligence..., 1883-1959, head of the OSS, Irish Catholic, decorated war vet, spent two years at Columbia, classmate of FDR, worked in behalf of Rockefeller Foundation, he did business on behalf of J. P. Morgan and gathered intelligence about international Communism, 1930s, married into Protestant wealth, close to FDR in run-up to WWII, confidant of Churchill, WWII war hawk, worked with Allen Dulles to form OSS, lobbied FDR for Nuremberg prosecutions, became chairman of the newly founded American Committee on United Europe (ACUE), which worked to counter the new Communist threat to Europe by promoting European political unity. The vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, and Walter Bedell Smith sat on the board as well... hated John Foster Dulles, was deeply involved in setting up C.I.A. operations in Vietnam and throughout Southeast Asia ... died of dementia at 76.
- 1960 top timeline go to
- 1933 BushStole04 Marx, Ritter, and Nietzsche were all funded and under the instruction of the Rothschilds. The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger factions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions. The same plan put forward by Weishaupt in 1776.
- 1933 SmashCulturalMarxism ...Judeo-Boasian Anthropology is Subversive and Psychological Racial Warfare ... The preponderance of Jewish intellectuals in the early years of Boasian Anthropology and the Jewish identities of anthropologists in subsequent generations have been downplayed in standard histories of the discipline. ... Boasian Anthropology is a pseudo-scientific Jewish assault on White European racial consciousness and identity. To put it simply, the Jewish Boasian school of Anthropology suggested wrongly, that ‘race was a social construct’ not rooted in biology or scientific determinism. This falsehood served many purposes for the ethnically driven Jewish subversives behind it who were operating in the best interests of Jews, against what they viewed as a potentially hostile racial group ie White Europeans. ... Israel is considered to be the “Jewish state” exclusively for the “Jewish people,” yet we can’t have European states for European people because that is somehow ‘wrong and racist.’ and here for evidence of close ties of Boas and Aby Warburg... philantropist
- 1933 ThirdWorldTraveler Trading with the Enemy ... What would have happened if millions of American and British people, struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey managers shipped the enemy's fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars' worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head office in Manhattan? Or that Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the international American telephone conglomerate ITT, flew from New York to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler's communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London? Or that ITT built the Focke-Wulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were shipped to Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the collusion of the vice-chairman of the U. S. War Production Board in partnership with Goring's cousin in Philadelphia when American forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were known about in Washington and either sanctioned or deliberately ignored?
- 1933 ScottManning The Churchill Legend by Francis Neilson.... unnecessary war...
- 1933 Jan: IAmTheWitness On January 30, Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. He drives Jews, many of which were Communist out of Governmental positions within Germany. As a result of this, in July, the Jews hold a World Conference in Amsterdam during which they demand that Hitler re-instate every Jew back to his former position. ... Hitler refuses and as a result of this, Samuel Untermyer, the Ashkenazi Jew who blackmailed President Wilson, and is now the head of the American delegation and the president of the whole conference, returns to the United States, and makes a speech on radio which was transcribed in the From the New York Times, Monday, August 7, 1933. In the speech he made the following statements, "...the Jews are the aristocrats of the world...Our campaign is...the economic boycott against all German goods, shipping and services...
- 1933 Rense In 1933, shortly after Hitler's appointment as Chancellor of Germany, the German Parliament was set on fire by the Nazis and the Communists were blamed for this act of terrorism against the German people. Following the Nazi-inspired arson, Hitler exploited the outrage of the German citizens to arrogate to himself dictatorial powers, which he promised would be used to rid Germany of Communists. The next day, Chancellor Hitler demanded from the German cabinet an emergency decree which would enable him to deal decisively with the domestic crisis. Reichstag ...
- 1933 Mar 24 Wintersonnenwende On March 12, 1933 the American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest at Madison Square Gardens for March 27. At that time the commander in chief of the Jewish War Veterans called for an American boycott of German goods. In the meantime, on March 23, 20,000 Jews protested at New York's City Hall as rallies were staged outside the North German Lloyd and Hamburg-American shipping lines and boycotts were mounted against German goods throughout shops and businesses in New York City. ... According to The Daily Express of London of March 24, 1933, the Jews had already launched their boycott against Germany and her elected government. The headline read "Judea Declares War on Germany - Jews of All the World Unite - Boycott of German Goods - Mass Demonstrations." The article described a forthcoming "holy war" and went on to implore Jews everywhere to boycott German goods and engage in mass demonstrations against German economic interests. ... However, note well that the Zionist Association of Germany put out a telegram on the 26th of March rejecting many of the allegations made against the National Socialists as "propaganda," "mendacious" and "sensational." In fact, the Zionist faction had every reason to ensure the permanence of National Socialist ideology in Germany. Klaus Polkehn, writing in the Journal of Palestine Studies ("The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941"; JPS v. 3/4, spring/summer 1976), claims that the moderate attitude of the Zionists was due to their vested interest in seeing the financial victory of National Socialism to force immigration to Palestine. German ... Despite all this, the leaders of the Jewish community refused to relent. On March 27 there were simultaneous protest rallies at Madison Square Garden, in Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland and 70 other locations.
- 1933 Mar Rense The National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler gained 17,300,000 votes in the election and gained 288 seats in the Reichstag. On 30 January 1933 Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor of the German Reich by President Von Hindenberg. On 24 March 1933 the Reichstag elected by 441 votes to 94 to give full emergency powers to the new Reich Chancellor and the corrupt Weimar Republic ceased to exist.
- 1933McDonald The Franklin School-Chapter 5... The Nazis perceived the Institute of Social Research as a communist organization and closed it within six weeks of Hitler’s ascent to power because it had “encouraged activities hostile to the state” (in Wiggershaus 1994, 128). Even after the emigration of the Institute to the United States, it was widely perceived as a communist front organization with a dogmatic and biased Marxist perspective, and there was a constant balancing act to attempt not to betray the left “while simultaneously defending themselves against corresponding suspicions” (Wiggershaus 1994, 251; see also p. 255).1
- 1933 ConspiracySchool It was Montagu Norman, as Chairman of the Bank of England, who, from 1933 through 1939, met repeatedly with Hjalmar Schacht, Reich Minister of Economics, and a member of the Rhodes Round Table, to plan the overall budget of the Nazi regime with British credit, and guided the strategies of Hitler’s primary supporters, the Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Harrimans.
- 1933 Apr LewRockwell ... Roosevelt's gold confiscation... stated reason was to keep people from hoarding money which would prolong the depression... actual purpose was to allow for the unlimited expansion of credit. ... Wikipedia The main rationale behind the order was actually to remove the constraint on the Federal Reserve which prevented it from increasing the money supply during the depression; the Federal Reserve Act required 40% gold backing of Federal Reserve Notes issued. By the late 1920s, the Federal Reserve had almost hit the limit of allowable credit (in the form of Federal Reserve demand notes) that could be backed by the gold in its possession ... FDR confiscated American’s gold for the same reason Lenin confiscated it in Russia and Hitler confiscated it in Germany, namely, to get it out of the hands of the people. see Howard Buffet Human Freedom Rests on Gold Redeemable Money ... but this may be outdated because the elite have mastered the art of manipulating the price of gold through derivatives to hide inflation from 'quantitative easing' and such schemes.
- 1933 Aug Wikipedia Haarvar Agreement .. "transfer agreement") was signed on 25 August 1933 after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. While it helped Jews emigrate, it forced them to temporarily give up possessions to Germany before departing. Those possessions could later be re-obtained by transferring them to Palestine as German export goods. ... After the invasion of Poland and the onset of World War II in 1939, the practical continuation of the Haavara agreement became impossible. In 1940, representatives of the underground Zionist group Lehi met with von Hentig to propose direct military cooperation with the Nazis for the continuation of the transfer of European Jews to Palestine. This proposal, however, did not produce results.
- 1933 Aug IamtheWitness / Benjamin Freedman Stab in the Back ... World Boycott ... Talmudists throughout the world made bad matters worse on August 7, 1933, when they declared their "holy war" to destroy the German nation "by destroying their export trade upon which their very existence depends." Under the leadership of Mr. Samuel Untermeyer, Talmudists of the world declared a world boycott on all German goods and services.
- 1933 November, IAmTheWitness President Roosevelt recognizes the Zionist regime of Stalin in Russia without consultation with Congress even as 8,000 Ukrainians march in protest in New York. ... Also this year, President Roosevelt, born of a Jewish mother, therefore satisfying Ashkenazi rules of being Jewish, orders the all-seeing eye to be placed upon all new dollar bills along with the motto, "Novus Ordo Seclorum." This is latin for, "A New Order of the Ages."
- 1933 IEP Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ... In 1933, due to the Nazi takeover, the Institute for Social Research (Horkheimer) temporarily transferred first to Geneva and then in 1935 to New York and Columbia University. Two years later Horkheimer published the ideological manifesto of the School in his “Traditional and Critical Theory” ([1937] 1976), where some of the already anticipated topics were addressed, such as the practical and critical turn of theory.
- 1933 Archive The Secret Contacts - Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933 - 1941
- 1933 Aug Wikipedia The Haavara Agreement "transfer agreement") was signed on 25 August 1933 after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. While it helped Jews emigrate, it forced them to temporarily give up possessions to Germany before departing. Those possessions could later be re-obtained by transferring them to Palestine as German export goods.
- 1934... “We Jews are going to bring a war on Germany”- D.A. Brown, The National Chairman of the United Jewish Campaign 1934. “Hitler will have no war (does not want war), but we will force it on him, not this year, but soon”- Emil Ludwig Cohn in Les Annales June 1934. “We will trigger a spiritual and material war of all the world against Germany’s ambition to become once again a great nation, to recover lost territories and colonies. But our Jewish interests demand the complete destruction of Germany”- Vladimir Jabotinsky. “The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany- holy war against Hitler’s people”- Chaim Weizmann in the Jewish Chronicle 8 September 1939
- 1934 Wikipedia Benzion Netanyahu ... Benzion Netanyahu was co-editor of Betar, a Hebrew monthly (1933–1934), then editor of the Revisionist Zionist daily newspaper Ha-Yarden in Jerusalem (1934–1935).[2] until the British Mandate authorities ordered the paper to cease publication. He was editor at the Zionist Political Library, Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, 1935–1940.
- 1934 Jan 1 Indiana.edu The Portuguese government suppressed a revolutionary movement led by the Communists and the General Confederation of Labor with great vigor. The state imprisoned the leaders of the revolution. ... and ... Great Strike in Barcelona The Socialists led a major strike in Barcelona which greatly increased tensions with the government in Madrid. The government had a difficult time suppressing the strike.
- 1934 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler a book suppressed in 1934 and the "myth of 'Sidney Warburg.'" The suppressed book accused the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, and the major oil companies of financing Hitler. While the name "Sidney Warburg" was no doubt an invention, the extraordinary fact remains that the argument in the suppressed "Sidney Warburg" book is remarkably close to the evidence presented now. It also remains a puzzle why James Paul Warburg, fifteen years later, would want to attempt, in a rather transparently slipshod manner, to refute the contents of the "Warburg" book, a book he claims not to have seen. It is perhaps even more of a puzzle why Warburg would choose Nazi von Papen's Memoirs as the vehicle to present his refutation.
- 1934 ZeroHedge ... In 1934, the Frankfurt School was reborn at Columbia University. Its members began to exert their ideas on American culture. It was at Columbia University that the school honed the tool it would use to destroy Western culture: the printed word. The school published a lot of popular material. The first of these was Critical Theory. Critical Theory is a play on semantics. The theory was simple: criticize every pillar of Western culture—family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech, and others. The hope was that these pillars would crumble under the pressure. Next was a book Theodor Adorno co-authored, The Authoritarian Personality. It redefined traditional American views on gender roles and sexual mores as “prejudice.” Adorno compared them to the traditions that led to the rise of fascism in Europe. Is it just a coincidence that the go-to slur for the politically correct today is “fascist”? The school pushed its shift away from economics and toward Freud by publishing works on psychological repression. Their works split society into two main groups: the oppressors and the victims. They argued that history and reality were shaped by those groups who controlled traditional institutions. At the time, that was code for males of European descent. From there, they argued that the social roles of men and women were due to gender differences defined by the “oppressors.” In other words, gender did not exist in reality but was merely a “social construct.”
- 1934 Jan 26 Indiana.edu Following a period of great tension, the German and Polish governments signed a non-aggression pact which respected the two countries' borders for ten years. The pact provided the Polish government with some assurance that the Germans would not attempt to recover the Polish corridor by military force.
- 1934 Feb Indiana.edu The Saudi and British governments concluded a treaty of friendship for 40 years between the two countries. and ... Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement The British and Soviet governments, in an attempt to improve relations, signed an agreement to promote trade between the two countries. and in Apr 1934 Soviet-Polish Non-Aggression Pact Renewal The Soviet and Polish governments renewed their non-aggression pact of July 1932 for another ten years. This agreement reflected the Soviet fear of a resurgent Germany and the Russians embarked on a massive land, sea, and air armament program. ... and ... The National Assembly of Austria adopted an extremely complicated constitution which set up a dictatorship under Englebert Dollfuss. By July, Chancellor Dollfuss set up a new cabinet on Fascist lines.
- 1934: IAmTheWitness Swiss banking secrecy laws are reformed and it becomes an offence resulting in imprisonment for any bank employee to violate bank secrecy. This is all in preparation for the Rothschild engineered Second World War in which as usual they will fund both sides.
- 1934 IamtheWitness / Benjamin Freedman The sentiments of prominent German leaders were expressed in the Jewish Daily Bulletin of New York City on October 30, 1934, in an article reprinted on page three from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency dispatch from Berlin which stated: "The New Germany persists toward the complete extermination of the Jew because it was Jews who instigated the United States to enter the World War, accomplishing the defeat of Germany, and who later caused the inflation in Germany, Herr Richard Kunze, a leading Nazi Parliament figure, declared at a mass meeting in Magdeburg yesterday."
- 1934 Dean Henderson ... In the spring of 1934 Bank of England Chairman Montagu Norman convened a meeting of London bankers who decided to covertly fund Hitler. Royal Dutch/Shell Chairman Sir Henri Deterding helped in this effort. He hoped Hitler would march on the Soviet Union and return RD/Shell assets seized by revolutionaries at Baku, Grozny and Maikop.
- 1934 History of the Money Changers In its 20th June issue, New Britain magazine of London published a statement made by former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George that, "Britain is the slave of an international financial bloc." Also in the article was the following words written by Lord Bryce, "Democracy has no more persistent and insidious foe than money power ...questions regarding Bank of England, its conduct and its objects, are not allowed by the Speaker (of the House of Commons)." Louis T. McFadden, Republican Congressman and Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee from 1920 to 1931 stated, "Through the Fed the people are losing their rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution ...common decency requires us to examine the public accounts of the government and see what kind of crimes against the public welfare have been committed...the people of these United States are being greatly wronged... ... Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers-but truth is-the Fed has usurped the Government...the sack of these United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history...what King ever robbed his subject to such an extent as the Fed has robbed us...it is a monstrous thing for this great nation of people to have its destinies presided over by a traitorous government board acting in secret concert with international usurer. When the Fed was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here ...a super state controlled by international bankers, and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure."
- 1934 History of the Underground The House of Rothschild (1934) is an American film written by Nunnally Johnson from the play by George Hembert Westley, and directed by Alfred L. Werker. The movie stars George Arliss, Loretta Young, and Boris Karloff, in the biographical story of the rise of the Rothschild family of European bankers.
- 1934 BibliotecaPleyades Amory Howe Bradford, class of 1934, married Carol Warburg Rothschild and was General Manager for the New York Times.
- 1934 Nov Coat InfadelKaferWatch: Smedley Butler .... The cover-up of McCormack-Dickstein attempted "Bankers' Coup" 1933 by American fascists reported by Smedley Butler, Prescott Walker Bush was involved along with (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression. ... 9/11 was a successful coup Wikipedia
- 1935 WMR Hillary attends Fellowship events annually ... The roots of the Fellowship go back to the 1930s and a Norwegian immigrant and Methodist minister named Abraham Vereide. According to Fellowship archives maintained at the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College in Illinois, Vereide, who immigrated from Norway in 1905, began an outreach ministry in Seattle in April 1935. But his religious outreach involved nothing more than pushing for an anti-Communist, anti-union, anti-Socialist, and pro-Nazi German political agenda. A loose organization and secrecy were paramount for Vereide. Fellowship archives state that Vereide wanted his movement to "carry out its objective through personal, trusting, informal, unpublicized contact between people." Vereide’s establishment of his Prayer Breakfast Movement for anti-Socialist and anti-International Workers of the World (IWW or "Wobblies") Seattle businessmen in 1935 coincided with the establishment of another pro-Nazi German organization in the United States, the German-American Bund. Vereide saw his prayer movement replacing labor unions.
- 1935 Ratical War is a Racket - Smedley Butler pdf
- 1935 Jan Rense Hitler now put into operation the plan of getting all German areas into one state and all Germans under one German Government. The Germans in the Rhineland, the Germans in Austria and the Sudeten Germans responded willingly. In January 1935 the Saar Valley voted to return to Germany with a 90 per-cent poll in favour. There were also Germans in East Prussia and in Danzig now divided by land ceded to Poland by the Treaty of Versailles. It is interesting to note that between 1933 and 1937 10,000 Jews migrated to Hitler's Germany, 97 of them from Palestine.
- 1935 History of the Money Changers All the gold held by American citizens had finally been turned in under President Roosevelt's
- 1935 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler The business press [in the United States] was aware, from 1935 on, that German prosperity was based on war preparations. More important, it was conscious of the fact that German industry was under the control of the Nazis and was being directed to serve Germany's rearmament, and the firm mentioned most frequently in this context was the giant chemical empire, I. G. Farben
- 1935 The Makers of War, Francis Neilson In 'My New Order' by Roussy Sales gives ... most of Hitler's speech in May 21 1935 ... excerpt: "Whoever lights the torch of war in Europe can wish for nothing but chaos". WWI had to be forced into being through extraordinary means...
- 1935 Wikipedia Heinrich Muller As Gestapo chief of operations and later (after 1939) its chief, Müller played a leading role in the detection and suppression of all forms of resistance to the Nazi regime. Under his leadership, the Gestapo succeeded in infiltrating and to a large extent destroying the underground networks of the Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party by the end of 1935.
- NFU Nazi era timeline ...who funded Hitler
- 1935 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
- 1935 October PalestineRemembered Revisionists quit World Zionist Organization (WZO) to form New Zionist Organization with aim of "liberating" Palestine and Transjordan. November Shaykh 'Izz al-Din al-Qassam, Muslim cleric from Haifa, leader of first Palestinian guerrilla group fighting British policy in Palestine, killed in action against British security forces. Edmond de Rothschild dies.
- 1936 Wikipedia Henri Wilhelm August Deterding KBE (Hon), was one of the first executives of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and for 36 years (1900–1936) its chairman and the chairman of the combined Royal Dutch/Shell oil company.... He was made an honorary KBE in 1920, ostensibly for service to Anglo-Dutch relations, but mainly for his work supplying Allies with petroleum during World War I. ....... He led Royal Dutch to several major mergers and acquisitions, including a merger with Samuel's "Shell" Transport and Trading Company in 1907 and the purchase of Azerbaijan oil fields from the Rothschild family in 1911. In the last years of his life, Deterding became controversial when he became an admirer of the German Nazi party. In 1936, he discussed with them the sale of a year's oil reserves on credit; the next year, he was forced to resign from the company's board.
- 1936-38 Wikipedia ... The Great Purge or the Great Terror was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union which occurred from 1936 to 1938 It involved a large-scale purge of the Communist Party (Jewish Bolsheviks) and government officials, repression of peasants and the Red Army leadership, and widespread police surveillance, suspicion of "saboteurs", "counter-revolutionaries", imprisonment, and arbitrary executions In Russian historiography, the period of the most intense purge, 1937–1938, is called Yezhovshchina, "Yezhov phenomenon", commonly translated as "times of Yezhov" or "doings of Yezhov"), after Nikolai Yezhov, the head of the Soviet secret police, NKVD. It has been estimated between 600,000 and 3 million people died at the hands of the Soviet government during the Purge.
- 1936 IHR...Almog goes on to point out that during the years 1936 through 1938, the Polish government repeatedly asked Great Britain and France to assist them in resettling Jews out of Europe to African colonies or Palestine.
- 1936: IAmTheWitness With regard to the increase in anti-semitism in Germany, Samuel Landman (at the time, secretary to the World Zionist Organisation), in his 1936 book, Great Britain, The Jews, and Palestine states the following of the United States entry into World War 1, "The fact that it was Jewish help that brought USA into the War on the side of the Allies has rankled ever since in German – especially Nazi – minds, and has contributed in no small measure to the prominence which anti-Semitism occupies in the Nazi programme." 1938: On 7th November, a Jew, Herschel Grynszpan, assassinated Ernst vom Rath, a minor official at the German Embassy in Paris. As a result of this German hostility towards Jews in Germany started to turn violent. The Rothschilds Austrian banking house in Vienna, S. M. von Rothschild und Söhne, closes following the Nazi occupation of Austria.
- comment “Many Jewish families in Palestine changed their names to make themselves sound like they actually came from Palestine. And you wondered where all those Jews disappeared during World War II? Sheinerman became Sharon, Yezernitzky became Shamir, and Auerbach became Emanuel, and so on. And then multiply by a few hundred thousand. Voila! Millions of European Jews vanish from the face of the Earth – and build new lives in Palestine, etc.”
- 1936 Francis Neilson .. The Makers of War 1935, no one can say, but this is the way that history generally has been put together by the journalists. De Sales makes no reference to the French march into the Ruhr, for which Poincaré was censured by the majority of the British and American people. That was one of the most unpopular aets of the period. p93 Moreover, it is not for de Sales to talk about faith- lessness on the part of Hitler. When an author sets out to publish the speeches of a politician, he ought to draw the reader's attention to those from which he deletes large sections. Take a flagrant example of omit- ting a most important Statement given by Hitler to the Reichstag, in March, 1936. The subject was the military alliances made by France before the conclusion of the Locarno Treaty. A lengthy summary of this speech appeared in the Evening Standard. Hitler pointed out that, before the Locarno Treaty, France had signed military alliances with Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. Germany accepted them without challenge, for she believed they were of a purely defensive character. Then France con- structed great fortifications along her frontier and con- centrated enormous numbers of troops there. Germany had no aggressive intentions and raised no objections. Meanwhile, France made another military treaty with the Soviet Union, and before this was consummated, Germany was hemmed in by France, Great Britain, Belgium, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.
- 1936 WebofDebt "We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced. . . .we laugh at the time our national financiers held the view that the value of a currency is regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a state bank." - Adolf Hitler, quoted in "Hitler's Monetary System," www.rense.com, citing C. C. Veith, Citadels of Chaos (Meador, 1949)
- 1936 NewsOfInterest In 1936, with his son Edsel, Henry Ford Sr. established the as an inheritance tax dodge, ... Edsel, died before the Foundation’s leadership could be placed in safe hands, and control passed to Edsel’s widow, and grandson Henry Ford II (who later married into the Rothschild family), who brought in such 'insiders’ as William Benton, Dr. Robert M. Hutchins (who became Associate Director), and Paul G. Hoffman (who became the Chief Administrator). Executives in 2000 included Susan V. Berresford President, Barry D. Gaberman Senior VP, Henry B. Schacht cob, Paul A. Allaire (Xerox) FundingUniverse Ford Foundation history and SourceWatch McGeorge Bundy, 1966-1979, Franklin Thomas, 1979-1996, Susan V. Berresford, 1996-2007, Luis A. Ubinas, 2008-present ... The Ford Foundation is an important contributor to the success of Cultural Marxist's infiltration into American universities.
- 1936 Nicholas Kollerstrom ‘Bomber Command’ comes into existence, and long-range bomber planes start to be constructed. Its purpose was candidly described by J.M.Spaight of the Air Ministry: ‘The whole raison d’etre of Bomber Command was to bomb Germany should she be our enemy.’ So, those who wanted war started planning for it. Germany and France had nothing resembling these bomber-planes. In 1918, the highly punitive Treaty of Versailles had forbidden war-shattered Germany from ever developing an ‘active defence,’ alluding to such things as searchlights, flak guns etc. Hitler repeatedly sought to secure a truce in city bombing, and that in any future conflicts bombing should be confined to the narrow zone of military operation. Existing conventions and laws of war did not specifically allude to air bombardment, and therefore he repeatedly made offers to restrict the conduct of war by ‘confining the action of war to the battle zones.’
- 1936 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler American assistance to Nazi war efforts extended into other areas.17 The two largest tank producers in Hitler's Germany were Opel, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors (controlled by the J.P. Morgan firm), and the Ford A. G. subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company of Detroit. The Nazis granted tax-exempt status to Opel in 1936, to enable General Motors to expand its production facilities. General Motors obligingly reinvested the resulting profits into German industry. Henry Ford was decorated by the Nazis for his services to Naziism.
- 1936 -- AriesComputer Beginning of Moscow Purge trials in which numerous communist leaders were brainwashed into false confessions and then executed.
- 1936 comment March 29,1936, Zionists praised Il Duce, and his regime, at the opening of a maritime school, funded by the Fascist government, at Civitavecchia. This is where a Zionist youth group, the "Betar," trained its sailors for the future Revisionist state. (needs verification)
- 1936 IHR The Focus was financed by a slush fund set up by some of London's wealthiest businessmen -- principally, businessmen organized by the Board of Jewish Deputies in England, whose chairman was a man called Sir Bernard Waley Cohen. Sir Bernard Waley Cohen held a private dinner party at his apartment on July 29, 1936. This is in Waley Cohen's memoirs ... The 29th of July, 1936, Waley Cohen set up a slush fund of 50,000 pounds for The Focus, the Churchill pressure group. Now, 50,000 pounds in 1936, multiply that by ten, at least, to get today's figures. By another three or four to multiply that into Canadian dollars. So, 40 times 50,000 pounds -- about $2 million in Canadian terms -- was given by Bernard Waley Cohen to this secret pressure group of Churchill in July 1936. The purpose was -- the tune that Churchill had to play was -- fight Germany. Start warning the world about Germany, about Nazi Germany. Churchill, of course, one of our most brilliant orators, a magnificent writer, did precisely that. ... my sources of information for my Churchill biography is, in fact, the Chaim Weizmann Papers in the State of Israel. Israel has made available to me all Churchill's secret correspondence with Chain Weizmann, all his secret conferences. ... Irving pointed out that Churchill rejected Hitler's peace offers in 1939, 1940, and 1941. (Irving supports the thesis that Rudolf Hess's flight to Scotland was ordered by the Führer).. Churchill's War, Irving pdf
- 1936 SchillerInstitute Kitty Kelly, The Hitler Project
- 1936 Oct History of the Money Changers On October 3, Republican Congressman, Louis T McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee, from 1920 to 1931, is poisoned to death. This was the third assassination attempt on his life, he had suffered an earlier poisoning and had had shots fired at him. He had been trying for years to get the Federal Reserve, and as you will have read thus far, had made very revealing statements about the Federal Reserve. He had been warned to back off, but this great American Patriot, put the people he represented before himself, as all elected officials are supposed to do, and was killed by the bankers as a result.
- 1936-1939 Zionism_Israel Arab Revolt led by Haj Amin Al-Husseini (Wikipedia). Over 5,000 Arabs were killed according to some sources, mostly by British. Several hundred Jews were killed by Arabs. Husseini fled to Iraq and then to Nazi Germany. British White Paper (1939) severely restricts Jewish immigration.
- 1937 Dr. Herman Greife...The Real Holocaust ...An anti-Communist book from 1937 which revealed that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Stalinist-era Gulags, or concentration camps, including the camp system directors Matvei Berman and Hershel Jehuda. Ultimately, some 14 million people would be detained in the 53 camps which operated from 1934 to 1953. According to official Soviet data, some 1,053,829 people died in the camps from various causes. The modern-day Russian industrial cities of the Arctic, such as Norilsk, Vorkuta, and Magadan, were originally Gulags ... Kolyma
- 1937 EIR...Amery was also an intimate of Reichsbank president and later Hitler's Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht, whom he met numbers of times. It was Schacht who told Lord Lothian that Amery said the British were not interested in allowing Germany to have her colonies back, but there was no reason Germany couldn't go east to build up her economy. Amery's friend and collaborator, Lord Lothian, a member of the pro-Hitler Cliveden set, naturally also admired Hitler. As late as May 1937, he met with Hitler. Amery's diary reported: "... RIIA Garden Party in St. James Square.... Amery admired and advised Benito Mussolini, with whom he was in frequent communication.
- 1937 -- AriesComputer Spanish Civil War begins.
- 1937 PalestineRemembered April IZL/Irgun, linked to Revisionist
movement under Ze'ev Jabotinsky, reorganizes
and advocates armed attacks on Palestinians. 7 July Royal (Peel) Commission report
recommends partitioning Palestine into Jewish state comprising 33%
of country including Haifa, Galilee, and coastal plain north of
Isdud; Arab state in rest of country (to become part of
Transjordan); and British mandatory enclaves including Jerusalem.
Part of Palestinian population to
be forcibly transferred, if necessary, from Jewish state, click
here to learn how
deeply the concept of "transfer" (Ethnic Cleansing) is entrenched in
the Zionist theology. 23 July Arab Higher Committee
rejects Royal Commission proposal and demands independent unitary
Palestine with protection of "legitimate Jewish and other minority
rights" and the safeguarding of British interests. Rebellion
intensifies. September Arab National Congress at Bludan,
Syria, attended by 450 delegates from Arab countries, rejects
partition proposal, demands end to Mandate, a stop to Zionist
immigration, and prohibition of transfer of Palestinian lands to
1 October British dissolve Arab Higher
Committee and all Palestinian political organizations. Five
Palestinian leaders deported. Haj Amin al-Husayni escapes to
Lebanon. 11 November British establish military courts
to counter Palestinian rebellion. (see The Ethnic Cleansing of
Palestine, by the courageous Jewish historian, Ilan Pappé)
- 1937 Partition of Palestine Decision Crossroads in the Zionist Movement
- 1937 Dark Age Frankfurt School ...the Rockefeller Foundation began funding research into the social effects of new forms of mass by 1957 ... 32 million American families in 1937, 27.5 million The Rockefeller Foundation enlisted several universities, and headquartered this network at the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. Named the Office of Radio Research,...” The director of the Project was Paul Lazersfeld, the foster-son of Austrian Marxist economist Rudolph Hilferding, and a long-time collaborator of the I.S.R. from the early 1930’s. Under Lazersfeld was Frank Stanton, a recent Ph.D. in industrial psychology from Ohio State, who had just been made research director of Columbia Broadcasting System — a grand title but a lowly position. After World War II, Stanton became president of the CBS News Division
- 1937 June Rense Wikipedia After his abdication, he was created Duke of Windsor. He married Wallace Simpson in France on 3 June 1937, after her second divorce became final. Later that year, the couple toured Germany.
- 1937 Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review the NKVD as “one of the most Jewish of all Soviet institutions” and recounts the Jewish leadership of the Great Terror of the 1930s (pp. 254 and 255). On p. 256, he writes that in 1937 the prototypical Jew who moved from the Pale of Settlement to Moscow to man elite positions in the Soviet state “probably would have been living in elite housing in downtown Moscow…with access to special stores, a house in the country (dacha), and a live-in peasant nanny or maid.
- 1937 PalestineRemembered April IZL/Irgun, linked to Revisionist movement under Ze'ev Jabotinsky, reorganizes and advocates armed attacks on Palestinians. 7 July Royal (Peel) Commission report recommends partitioning Palestine into Jewish state comprising 33% of country including Haifa, Galilee, and coastal plain north of Isdud; Arab state in rest of country (to become part of Transjordan); and British mandatory enclaves including Jerusalem. Part of Palestinian population to be forcibly transferred, if necessary, from Jewish state, click here to learn how deeply the concept of "transfer" (Ethnic Cleansing) is entrenched in the Zionist theology. 23 July Arab Higher Committee rejects Royal Commission proposal and demands independent unitary Palestine with protection of "legitimate Jewish and other minority rights" and the safeguarding of British interests. Rebellion intensifies. September Arab National Congress at Bludan, Syria, attended by 450 delegates from Arab countries, rejects partition proposal, demands end to Mandate, a stop to Zionist immigration, and prohibition of transfer of Palestinian lands to Zionist ownership.
1 October British dissolve Arab Higher Committee and all Palestinian political organizations. Five Palestinian leaders deported. Haj Amin al-Husayni escapes to Lebanon. 11 November British establish military courts to counter Palestinian rebellion. (see The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by the courageous Jewish historian, Ilan Pappé)
- 1937 Terrorism-Illuminati The main intellectual influence on the neoconservatives was Leo Strauss, who, according to Barry Chamish, is today to leading proponent of the Frankist agenda. 1] Strauss, a student of Heidegger, arrived in the US in 1937 as a refugee from Nazi Germany, and taught at the Rockefeller funded University of Chicago. Strauss was brought to the university by its Chancellor, , one of the original sponsors of the Aspen Institute, an Aquarian conspirator, and a member of the CFR.
- 1937 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler General Electric and its subsidiary Carboloy emerged in 1936 or 1937 with virtually a complete monopoly of tungsten carbide in the United States. In brief, General Electric — with the cooperation of another Hitler supporter, Krupp — jointly obtained for G,E. a monopoly in the U.S. for tungsten carbide. So when World War II began, General Electric had a monopoly at an established price of $450 a pound — almost ten times more than the 1928 price — and use in the U.S. had been correspondingly restricted,
- 1938 Institute for Historical Review ... Nationalism and Anti-Semitism highlights Polish attitudes toward their own Jewish "problem." Here, readers learn, quite likely for the first time, that anti-Jewish feelings perhaps ran stronger in Poland than in Nazi Germany. The author cites a 1938 British Foreign Office report on a meeting between the Director of the Central European Desk and the Polish Ambassador: Poland's Jewish problem was much more serious than Germany's. The Jewish population was proportionately much greater. The Germans were persecuting the Jews largely for reasons of doctrine; in Poland the problem was a very pressing economic one ... The [Polish Jews] would make good colonists in such a place as Northern Rhodesia, and would be anxious to emigrate at the rate of some 100,000 per year.
- 1938 Quemado Institute ... The Rothschilds, in relation with the Rockefeller Foundation, were behind the “fiat money and inflationist policy of the early New Deal.” (In 2012, the Rothschilds again attempted to merge British and French banking operations in order to gain more control. David de Rothschild declared that the new system would “better meet the requirements of globalization in general and in our competitive environment in particular, while ensuring my family’s control over the long term.”) ... Heine saw this as dangerous to the Jews. Marx saw it too. But the only people who are still wondering whether there is any problem at all are puppets like John McCain, who can never get tired of slaughtering and torturing men, women and children in the Middle East for the Rothschilds and Israel. No wonder John McCain cannot make sense whatsoever.
- 1938 Guardian...They would do well to recall the Jewish terrorist bombings of Arab marketplaces in 1938, the bombing of the King David hotel in 1946, the massacres of Deir Yassin, Illut, Kafr Manda, Saliha, Jish, Safsaf, Hula and other places in 1948, the ethnic cleansing of Lyd and Ramla in 1948, the mass killings in Gaza in 1957, the massacre of Egyptian prisoners in 1956 and 1967, the bombing of an Egyptian children’s school at Bahr el-Baqar in 1970, the shooting down of a Libyan civilian aircraft in 1973, the bombing of Beirut in 1981, the complicity in the Sabra and Shatila massacres of 1982, the killings at Qana in 1996, and the repeated assaults on Gaza since 2005.
- 1938 Dilling, The Red Network COMMITTEES FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AGAINST NAZIISM National movement for boycotting Ger- many, supposedly because of its anti- Jewish activities, organized by Samuel Untermyer of N.Y. City. No one who treasures American freedom wants fascism or Hitlerism for America, but it is only fair to note that Germany had 6,000,000 Communists bent on Red terrorist revo- lution and that Russian Jews had made themselves prominent in the Red move- ment, and that Naziism has directed its attacks more against conspiring, revo- lutionary Communist Jews, than against nationalist German Jews who aided Ger- many during the war; if it has discrim- inated against the innocent also, it has been with no such ferocity and loss of life as the planned and imminent Communist revolution would have wreaked upon the German population, had it been successful.
- 1938 Exposing the Holocaust Hoax Archive - Nicholas Kollerstrom ... British rule in Palestine disintegrated in 1938, which meant that its strict immigration quotas ceased to apply. A very careful estimate of East Europe’s Jewish population ascertained that there were 2.6 million in Poland at the outbreak of the war - less than the total Polish ‘deaths’ given by Wikipedia. It put total worldwide mortality of Jews through WWII at 1 ¼ million, of which most was due to ‘Soviet barbarism’ rather than German labour-camps. That seems quite comparable to the figure given above. Within the Nazi labour-camps, around four hundred and fifty thousand Jews died.
- 1938 Heretical probably the most bizarre liaison between Hitlerism and Zionism was in Austria and Hungary, where prominent Jewish leaders actively cooperated with the Nazis in registering the Jewish population and keeping order in the ghettoes, in return for allowing the emigration to Palestine of thousands of young Jewish pioneers. The Nazis even agreed to set up agricultural schools for the would-be emigrants in Austria. This entire affair is described in rhapsodical terms in The Secret Roads by Jon and David Kimche, two prominent British Zionists
- 1938 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Report of British Woodhead technical commission of inquiry (January-April 1938) declares impracticability of Royal Commission's partition proposal. British call for general conference on Palestine in London attended by Arabs, Palestinians, and Zionists.
- 1938 Sep Wikipedia On September 29, 1938 Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Benito Mussolini and Édouard Daladier signed the Munich Agreement. The Czechoslovak government capitulated on September 30 and reluctantly agreed to abide by the agreement. The settlement gave Germany the Sudetenland starting October 10, and de facto control over the rest of Czechoslovakia as long as Hitler promised to go no further.
- 1938 BarnesReview Inside the USSR, an intensive armaments production program was under way. During 1938, it had increased by 39 percent, compared to 13 percent in civil industry. Emphasis was placed on armor, development of artillery and aeronautics. In September 1939 the USSR defense committee contracted the construction of nine aircraft production plants, and seven more to manufacture aircraft engines.
- 1938 5TownJewishTimes Historians have revealed that Johnson, while serving as a young congressman in 1938 and 1939, arranged for visas to be supplied to Jews in Warsaw, and oversaw the apparently illegal immigration of hundreds of Jews through the port of Galveston, Texas….
A key resource for uncovering LBJ’s pro-Jewish activity is the unpublished 1989 doctoral thesis by University of Texas student Louis Gomolak, “Prologue: LBJ’s Foreign Affairs Background, 1908-1948.” Johnson’s activities were confirmed by other historians in interviews with his wife, family members and political associates.
- 1938 Nov Rense Munich Agreement and Kristallnacht ... An agreement was signed between Germany (Hitler) and Great Britain (Neville Chamberlain) which suggested a peaceful revision of the wrongs committed by the Treaty of Versailles. A four-power conference was suggested which would preserve the peace. The four powers were Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy. ... Hitler initially was in favor of moderating his policies against the Jews if it meant averting war... or limiting it to just Germany and Russia. However the Jews put and end to it on Nov 7, 1938 by ... from DavidIcke commenter: Herschel Feibel Grynszpan who was a Polish Jew and political assassin murdered the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath on November 7, 1938, sparked the Kristallnacht, the anti-semitic pogrom of November 9–10, 1938.
- Rense Truman had only had one job in his career, as a Masonic organizer for the State of Missouri, and that the lodges he built up later sent him to the United States Senate and then to the presidency. Sachs, a Russian Jew, listed his profession as "economist" but was actually a bagman for the Rothschilds, who regularly delivered large sums of cash to Roosevelt in the White House. Sachs was an advisor to Eugene Meyer of the Lazard Freres International Banking House, and also with Lehman Brothers, another well known banker. Sachs' delivery of the Einstein letter to the White House let Roosevelt know that the Rothschilds approved of the project and wished him to go full speed ahead.
- For Communism (Jewish world control) to be successful, it must destroy nationalistic tendencies of the population...Stalin exercised the first iterations of this policy in taking on Hitler. This battle against nationalism continues to this day....against Trump and his followers. Open borders and multicultrualism are promoted by all major Jewish organizations and Critical Theory is a mainstay on college campuses. Mind control and subversion of religious, moral and ethical values are necessary tools to carry out their plans. Thus porn and media control are targets of Jewish control efforts.
- 1939 TakeOverWorld There is also vast evidence of collaboration between leading Zionists and Nazis --- NOT to rescue Jews --- 800,000 Hungarian Jews and others were abandoned by the Zionists over the pleas of a Rabbi. NOT out of fear --- collaboration came from Zionists who had already relocated to Palestine, but who received Nazi leaders and broke a global boycott of Nazi goods. Zionists were EAGER to exterminate "undesireable" Jews and cleanse Jewry of the poor, the old and feeble, the religious and moral, old-fashioned Euro-Jews who were not "on program" with Zionism and founding the State of Israel. They organized to prevent Jews from escaping Nazi-held territory to neutral territory. They organized to prevent rescue funds from reaching Euro-Jews and to divert it to Zio-Jews and their new "ethnically pure" State. This was based on a similar nationalist/racist/separatist ideology coupled with the recognition of Nazi power and the desire to personally and politically benefit from such power.
- 1939 OccidentalObserver...The destruction of Christian civilization was high on Lenin and Trotsky’s hit list. All displays of Christian belief were outlawed. Churches were first looted of their art treasures and then converted into warehouses, theaters, recreation centers, and worse. Priests, nuns, and all other officers of the Church were either murdered or sent to the GULAG. Celebrations of Christmas, Easter, and Holy Days were forbidden...Stalin purged the organs of State security (Cheka, NKVD), notoriously Jewish strongholds, with a particularly heavy and rough brush...
- 1939 Anthony Sutton ... the huge contributions of Western technology to the USSR in the 20s and 30s, which Sutton details better than anyone else, had the deliberate purpose ... of allowing Stalin to make war on the West for the purpose of a total communist conquest of Europe, and only Hitler's pre-emptive strike prevented this from happening and forced Stalin, in the end, to get only half of Europe, which is what caused the Cold War. and Von Mises Institute ... The Soviets had the help of the capitalist market in setting their prices; they did not abolish free enterprise altogether; and they received vast sums in aid from the West. Indeed, Anthony Sutton has made a strong case that much "Soviet" industry was directly imported from abroad.
- 1939 Mullins, Eustace ... The Secret History of the Atomic Bomb: "Leo Szilard, together with his long time friends and fellow Hungarian physicists, Eugene Wigner and Edward Teller, agreed that the President Truman must be warned; fission bomb techhnology was not so farfetched. The Jewish emigres, now living in America, had personal experience of fascism in Europe. In 1939, the three physicists enlisted the support of Albert Einstein, letter dated August 2 signed by Einstein wasdelivered by Alexander Sachs to Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House on October 11, 39."
- 1939 PalestineRemembered British House of Commons votes 268 to 179 in favor of White Paper issued by Colonial Secretary of State Malcolm MacDonald. White Paper calls for conditional independence for unitary Palestinian state after ten years; admission of 15,000 Jewish immigrants annually into Palestine for five years, with immigration after that subject to "Arab acquiescence" ; protection of Palestinian land rights against Zionist acquisition. British official estimates of Palestinians killed or executed by British military and police during Arab Rebellion is over 2,000 for 1936 and 1938 alone. Total for all years is estimated at 3,500-4,000. About 500 Jews killed in same period. October Stern Gang or Lochemay Herut Yisra'el (LEHI; "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel") formed by dissident IZL members led by Avraham Stern.
- 1939 Mar 31 ... As we all know, the British government under Chamberlain gave Poland the guarantee that England would come to its aid if Poland should be attacked. This was on March 31st, 1939. Its purpose was to incite Poland to escalate its endeavors for war against Germany. It happened as planned: England declared war on Germany on September 3rd, 1939, but not on the Soviet Union who also attacked Poland, and this is proof enough that it was England's (and Chamberlain's) intention in the first place to make war on Germany. Thus WW2 was arranged by a complicity between Britain and Poland. It was not Hitler's war, it was England's and Poland's war.
- Nazi Germany under Hitler certainly did not want a world war. Hitler ran on the plank of returning German nationalists who had been split off from Germany (thanks to the woefully ill conceived national boundaries set forth in the Versailles Treaty) back to Germany proper. Once he was able to do this, after the defeat of Poland and reincorporating Germans living there back into the Reich, Hitler was content to bring a halt to the war. This is why Hitler and the Nazis waited, after conquering Poland, for three-quarters of a year before invading France.
- 1939 Rense The founder of modern Zionism, Theodor Herzl, already tried to enlist the support of notorious Russian anti-Semites, promising them to take the Jews off their hands. Before World War II, the Zionist underground organization IZL established military training camps in Poland under the auspices of the anti-Semitic generals, who also wanted to get rid of the Jews. Nowadays, the Zionist extreme Right receives and welcomes massive support from the American fundamentalist evangelists, whom the majority of American Jews, according to a poll published this week, consider profoundly anti-Semitic. Their theology prophesies that on the eve of the second coming of Christ, all Jews must convert to Christianity or be exterminated. Wikipedia Irgun, IZL Etzel ... The Irgun "The National Military Organization in the Land of Israel"), was a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in Mandate Palestine between 1931 and 1948. It was an offshoot of the older and larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah (Hebrew: "Defense", הגנה). When the group broke from the Haganah it became known as the Haganah Bet (Hebrew: literally "Defense 'B' " or "Second Defense", or alternatively as Haganah haLeumit or Hama'amad ().[1] Irgun members were absorbed into the Israel Defense Forces at the start of the 1948 Arab–Israeli war. The Irgun is also referred to as Etzel (אצ"ל), an acronym of the Hebrew initials, or by the abbreviation IZL. The Irgun policy was based on what was then called Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. According to Howard Sachar, "The policy of the new organization was based squarely on Jabotinsky's teachings: every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state". Two of the operations for which the Irgun is best known are the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre, carried out together with Lehi on 9 April 1948. The Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts. In particular the Irgun was described as a terrorist organization by Britain,[5] the 1946 Zionist Congress[6] and the Jewish Agency. Irgun's tactics appealed to a certain segment of the Jewish community that believed that any action taken in the cause of the creation of a Jewish state was justified, including terrorism. The Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut (or "Freedom") party, which led to today's Likud party.[9] Likud has led or been part of most Israeli governments since 1977.
- 1939 Sept 1 History Germans invade Poland
- 1939 Platypus: Trotsky and the Frankfurt School Erich Fromm, who belonged to Horkheimer’s Institute of Social Research until 1939, wrote a sympathetic, but unpublished review in 1958, when Trotsky’s Diary in Exile (1935) was translated and published. Horkheimer also mentioned Trotsky (together with Lenin) in conversations with Adorno and other members of his circle concerning the Bolshevik Revolution, remarking that it had changed its character by answering white terror with red terror during the civil war.
- 1939 Platypus: Trotsky and the Frankfurt School We don’t know if Horkheimer and his friends took note of Trotsky’s Bulletin, whose main articles were published simultaneously in German, French and English, but in July 1939 a review of Horkheimer’s journal and its programme was published in Unser Wort, the journal of the German Trotskyist group (IKD) written by Trotskyʼs brilliant secretary Walter Held (“Critical Theory without Political Practice?”). ... They were convinced that, in order to understand and to criticize the actual form and functioning of society, it was not only necessary to analyze the economic development but to understand and to criticize the philosophical and artistic productions that were typical for the actual stage of societal evolution and that determined the consciousness of their contemporaries
- 1939 Sept 3 ...Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939, and Neville Chamberlain led Britain through the first eight months of World War II.
- 1939 TheAtlantian
- 1939 - GripesOnline "New World Order" by H. G. Wells proposes a "collectivist one-world state" or "new world order" comprised of "socialist democracies." He advocates "universal conscription for service" and declares that "nationalist individualism is the world's disease." He continues: "The manifest necessity for some collective world control to eliminate warfare and the less generally admitted necessity for a collective control of the economic and biological life of mankind, are aspects of one and the same process." He proposes that this be accomplished through "universal law" and "propaganda" (or education).
- 1939: IAmTheWitness I.G. Farben the leading producer of chemicals in the world and largest German producer of steel dramatically increases its production. This increased production is almost exclusively used to arm Germany for the Second World War. This company was controlled by the Rothschilds and would go on to use Jews and other disaffected peoples as slave labour in the concentration camps. I.G. ... On 1 September, the Second world war starts when Germany invades Poland. This was because the German leadership were a Christian leadership, who understood that Soviet Russia was led by Rothschild funded Communists, and they feared that as the Soviet Union grew in strength, these Jewish Communists would invade and wipe all the Christians off the map.
- 1939 Eustace Mullins... The Secret Holocaust, In Madrid, 1939, it was estimated that one tenth of the population of Spain was murdered by the Communist Jews by 1939. De Fonteriz in "Red Terror in Madrid" (Google Books, orthodox view of the 'Holocaust') tells how Cheka crews organized by Dimitrov and Rosenberg carried out a program of torture and murder so obscene that it cannot be repeated or described.
- 1939 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
- 1939 Energy-net The next generation of Warburgs included Siegmund G Warburg, of Hamburg. He received his initial training at the Rothschild bank in England. When the Nazi's started their takeover, he migrated to England. He started S.G. Warburg of London in 1939. It merged with the Seligman Brothers firm in 1957. The finacial power of the Warburgs and Rothschild clans is worshipped by capitalists the world over. Yet, this empire continues to hide its true patriotic allegiance to the former rulers of Europe. With the Senator Gram's removal of the 1933 Steagal act, the U.S. insiders have been given the powers to reunite the old empire of the past.
- 1939 PalestineRemembered British House of Commons votes 268 to 179 in favor of White Paper issued by Colonial Secretary of State Malcolm MacDonald. White Paper calls for conditional independence for unitary Palestinian state after ten years; admission of 15,000 Jewish immigrants annually into Palestine for five years, with immigration after that subject to "Arab acquiescence" ; protection of Palestinian land rights against Zionist acquisition. British official estimates of Palestinians killed or executed by British military and police during Arab Rebellion is over 2,000 for 1936 and 1938 alone. Total for all years is estimated at 3,500-4,000. About 500 Jews killed in same period. October Stern Gang or Lochemay Herut Yisra'el (LEHI; "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel") formed by dissident IZL members led by Avraham Stern.
- 1939 Dean Henderson In 1939 Hitler’s Nazis invaded Yugoslavia. He called the Serbs untermenschen, which means “less than human”. Meanwhile the aristocratic families of Yugoslavia, largely Muslims who gained power during the reign of the Ottoman Empire, banded together with the largely Croat business class, to form the pro-Hitler Utashe, which committed horrific acts of genocide against the working class Serb (Eastern Orthodox) majority. Yugoslavia’s 4.7 million Croatians are mostly Roman Catholic. Croatians are mostly Roman Catholic.
- 1939 Anthony Sutton ... the huge contributions of Western technology to the USSR in the 20s and 30s, which Sutton details better than anyone else, had the deliberate purpose ... of allowing Stalin to make war on the West for the purpose of a total communist conquest of Europe, and only Hitler's pre-emptive strike prevented this from happening and forced Stalin, in the end, to get only half of Europe, which is what caused the Cold War. and Von Mises Institute ... The Soviets had the help of the capitalist market in setting their prices; they did not abolish free enterprise altogether; and they received vast sums in aid from the West. Indeed, Anthony Sutton has made a strong case that much "Soviet" industry was directly imported from abroad.
- 1939 Tablet Mag ... ...Hungary, PM Victor Orban ..Jews pissed at ....Freedom Square, Memorial to the Victims of the German Occupation... the memorial absolves Hungarians of complicity in the Holocaust. Depicting the Archangel Gabriel under attack from a sharp-clawed German imperial eagle, it portrays the Hungarian nation as a collective victim of Nazi predation ... According to Hungarian historian Eva Balogh, Germany’s “occupation” of Hungary is better understood as “a troop movement within the territories of military allies” because Germany initially allowed Horthy to remain as head of state and left nearly all government functions in the control of Hungarian authorities. With no notable acts of official resistance and scarcely any German officers to oversee them, Hungarian police and gendarmerie rounded up hundreds of thousands of their fellow Jewish citizens and deported them to Auschwitz. Denying that the Hungarian state bears responsibility for this crime, Orbán admits only that individual officials—and not the Hungarian government—“collaborated,” a word choice implying that Hungary was an enemy, not an ally, of Nazi Germany.
- 1939 TakeOverWorld There is also vast evidence of collaboration between leading Zionists and Nazis --- NOT to rescue Jews --- 800,000 Hungarian Jews and others were abandoned by the Zionists over the pleas of a Rabbi. NOT out of fear --- collaboration came from Zionists who had already relocated to Palestine, but who received Nazi leaders and broke a global boycott of Nazi goods. Zionists were EAGER to exterminate "undesireable" Jews and cleanse Jewry of the poor, the old and feeble, the religious and moral, old-fashioned Euro-Jews who were not "on program" with Zionism and founding the State of Israel. They organized to prevent Jews from escaping Nazi-held territory to neutral territory. They organized to prevent rescue funds from reaching Euro-Jews and to divert it to Zio-Jews and their new "ethnically pure" State. This was based on a similar nationalist/racist/separatist ideology coupled with the recognition of Nazi power and the desire to personally and politically benefit from such power.
- 1939 Mullins, Eustace ... The Secret History of the Atomic Bomb: "Leo Szilard, together with his long time friends and fellow Hungarian physicists, Eugene Wigner and Edward Teller, agreed that the President Truman must be warned; fission bomb techhnology was not so farfetched. The Jewish emigres, now living in America, had personal experience of fascism in Europe. In 1939, the three physicists enlisted the support of Albert Einstein, letter dated August 2 signed by Einstein wasdelivered by Alexander Sachs to Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House on October 11, 39."
- 1939 Rense Eustace Mullins In Madrid, it was estimated that one tenth of the population of Spain was murdered by the Communist Jews by 1939. De Fonteriz in "Red Terror in Madrid" tells how Cheka crews organized by Dimitrov and Rosenberg carried out a program of torture and murder so obscene that it cannot be repeated or described
- 1940 top timeline go to
- 1940s .OccidentalObserver.. Zionism began in the 1880s and spread throughout Judaism/Palestine in 1940s, Jewish radicalism (Zionism) tends to result in conflicts with non-Jews, with the result that Jews feel threatened, become more group-oriented, and close ranks against the enemy—an enemy seen as irrationally and incomprehensibly anti-Jewish. Jews who fail to go along with what is now a mainstream position are pushed out of the community, labeled “self-hating Jews” or worse, and relegated to impotence. ,
- 1940 WMR Another pro-Nazi Christian fundamentalist group (similar to The Fellowship) that arose in the pre-Second World War years was the Moral Rearmament Movement. Its leader was Frank Buchman, a Lutheran minister from Philadelphia. Buchman was a pacifist, but not just any pacifist. He and his colleagues in the United States, Britain, Norway, and South Africa reasoned that war could be avoided if the world would just accept the rise of Hitler and National Socialism and concentrate on stamping out Communism and Socialism. Buchman coordinated his activities with Vereide and his Prayer Breakfast Movement, which, by 1940, had spread its anti-left manifesto and agenda throughout the Pacific Northwest.
- 1940 Wikipedia Walter Benjamin (1894-1940) Walter Bendix Schönflies Benjamin (Scribd, 'A Critical Life') was a German Jewish philosopher and cultural critic. An eclectic thinker, combining elements of German idealism, Romanticism, Western Marxism, and Jewish mysticism, ... Wikipedia Born: July 15, 1892, Berlin, Germany Died: September 26, 1940, Portbou, Spain Influenced: Jacques Derrida, Susan Buck-Morss, Hannah Arendt, More Influenced by: Theodor W. Adorno, Charles Baudelaire, Karl Marx, (Horkheimer)... An eclectic thinker, combining elements of German idealism, Romanticism, Western Marxism, and Jewish mysticism, Benjamin made enduring and influential contributions to aesthetic theory, literary criticism, and historical materialism. He was associated with the Frankfurt School, and also maintained formative friendships with thinkers such as playwright Bertolt Brecht and Kabbalah scholar Gershom Scholem. He was also related by law to German political theorist Hannah Arendt through her first marriage to his cousin, Günther Anders.
- 1940 - GripesOnline "The New World Order" is published by the Carnegie Endowment for Peace and contains a select list of references on regional and world federation, together with some special plans for world order after the war.
- 1940s Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review Slezkine shows the very high percentages of Jews in various institutions in the late 1940s, including the universities, the media, the foreign service, and the secret police. For example, the deans of philosophers, historians, and legal scholars were ethnic Jews, and, as already noted, Jews constituted 80% of the Soviet Academy of Science Institute of Literature. As for the Jewish role as “vanguard of the working class,” Jews still made up 23% of the staff at the Trade Union Council’s publication Trud even after a purge that cut their numbers in half.
- 1940 HenryMakow ... Walter Benjamin ... Keeping with the semi-Gnostic kabbalist narrative of the "broken God" that inflicts His suffering onto Mankind, Benjamin claimed all human history was a history of suffering and all human culture was barbaric. To him, the only way to obtain mankind's liberation is to identify with the Marxist "class struggle"... The "oppressed" classes need to fill their hearts with hate, thus provoking them to destroy capitalism and Western Civilization.... This spontaneous act will bring about communist revolution, which will bring about a mass redemption of humanity. This is exactly analogous to the Sabbatean idea that the Messianic Era will only arrive once everyone is evil. Mankind will no longer be divided according to class, gender, race, nation or any other identity marker. -
- 1940 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
- 1940 JewWatch Benjamin Freedman ...Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government
- 1940 Guardian In a symbolic admission of guilt, Russia's parliament has declared that Joseph Stalin ordered his secret police to execute 22,000 Polish army officers and civilians in 1940, in one of the greatest mass murders of the 20th century.... Mikhail Gorbachev admitted in 1990 that the NKVD was to blame for the massacre, after a half-century of the Soviets blaming it on Nazi troops. However, there has never been a formal statement which implicates the Soviet leadership in such explicit terms.
- 1940s Stalin's Willing Executioners, Kevin McDonald review American Jewish media figures who were blacklisted because of Communist affiliations in the 1940s are now heroes, honored by the film industry, praised in newspapers, their work exhibited in museums.62 At the same time, the cause of Soviet Jews and their ability to emigrate became a critical rallying point for American Jewish activist organizations and a defining feature of neoconservatism as a Jewish intellectual and political movement. (For example, Richard Perle, a key neoconservative, was Senator Henry Jackson’s most important security advisor from 1969 to 1979 and organized Congressional support for the Jackson- Vanik Amendment linking U.S.-Soviet trade to the ability of Jews to emigrate from the Soviet Union. The bill was passed over strenuous opposition from the Nixon administration.) Jewish activist organizations and many Jewish historians portray the Soviet Jewish experience as a sojourn in the land of the “Red Pharaohs” (p. 360). The historical legacy is that Jews were the passive, uncomprehending victims of the White armies, the Nazis, the Ukrainian nationalists, and the postwar Soviet state, nothing more.
- 1940's Wikipedia "" Dean Acheson, Charles E. Bohlen, W. Averell Harriman, George F. Kennan, Robert A. Lovett, John J. McCloy The Wise Men were a group of United States government officials and members of the East Coast foreign policy establishment who, beginning in the 1940s, developed the containment policy of dealing with the Communist bloc and crafted institutions and initiatives such as NATO, the World Bank, and the Marshall Plan 1967,President Johnson brought together: Dean Acheson, George Ball, General Omar Bradley, McGeorge Bundy, Clark Clifford,Arthur Dean, Douglas Dillon, Justice Abe Fortas, Averell Harriman, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., Robert Murphy and General Maxwell Taylor. They were briefed by General Wheeler and George Carver on Vietnam. Carver and Wheeler reported that great progress was being made in Vietnam. Rothschild? see also Alex Constantine In October 1978, the German-Marshall Foundation sponsored a luncheon chaired by Wall Street's John J. McCloy (Nazi recruitment, Pentagon design, J.F. Kennedy murder cover-up). Hermann J. Abs (1901-94 – Hitler's banker, "architect" of the postwar German "economic miracle," honorary president of Deutsche Bank A.G., to be cherry-picked by the Pope after the P-2 Masonic money-laundering scandal to reorganize the Vatican Bank) addressed this conclave of "businessmen and bankers and members of the Foreign Policy Association in New York City on the ‘Problems and Prospects of American-German Economic Cooperation.’" Rubbing elbows with McCloy and the Reich's ranking banker at the dais were "Henry H. Fowler, Wall Street investment banker and former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury; Henry Cabot Lodge, former U.S. ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany; George C. McGhee
- 1940 -- AriesComputer Assassination of Leon Trotsky in Mexico. British secret police renamed MI-5 and MI-6 for duration of war. Interpol moved to near Berlin., with Reinhard Heydrich in charge.
- 1940 May 10 Wikipedia Hitler invaded France ... the Fall of France, was the successful German invasion of France, beginning on 10 May 1940, defeating primarily French forces
- 1940 May 25 Rense Hitler's Halt Order ... Battle of Dunkirk ... Hitler came to power with two main aims, the rectification of the unjust provisions of the Versailles Treaty, and the destruction of the Soviet/ Communist threat to Germany. He had no plans or desire for a larger war of conquest, as Professor AJP Taylor showed in his book The Origins of the Second World War to the disappointment of the professional western political establishment. What occurred in Europe in 1939-41 was the result of unforeseen weaknesses and a tipping of the balance of power, and Hitler was an opportunist 'who took advantages whenever they offered themselves' (Taylor). Britain and France declared war on Germany, not the other way around. Hitler wanted peace with Britain, as the German generals admitted (Basil Liddell Hart, The Other Side of the Hill 1948, Pan Books 1983) with regard to the so-called Halt Order at Dunkirk, where Hitler had the opportunity to capture the entire British Army, but chose not to.
- 1940 May Rense In May 1940, 'Miracle at Dunkirk" .... the British were on the verge of defeat. The English army was trapped at Dunkirk. Rather than take them prisoner, Hitler halted his generals for three days allowing 330,000 men to escape. "The blood of every single Englishman is too valuable to shed," Hitler said. "Our two people belong together racially and traditionally. That is and always has been my aim, even if our generals can't grasp it." (Kilzer, p.213) ... Hitler was created, manipulated and destroyed by the same Illuminist clique that runs the world today.
- 1940 MasterMason Knoop & Jones publish A Short History of Freemasonry to 1730.
- 1940 Nicholas Kollerstrom Churchill ousts Chamberlain as Prime Minister on May 10th, and on May 11th city-bombing begins[12]. On that night, the day after Churchill’s election, Bomber Command was first permitted to fulfil the purpose for which it was built. Newspapers merely reported that, that night, ‘eighteen Whitley bombers attacked railway installations in Western Germany.’ Winston Churchill and his advisors extended the definition of ‘military objectives’, which had been accepted for two and a half centuries to include factories, oil plants and public buildings - as, would include any town or village. They rendered the definition meaningless. ‘This raid on the night of May 11th, 1940, although in itself trivial, was an epoch-marking event since it was the first deliberate breach of the fundamental rule of civilised warfare that hostilities must only be waged against enemy combatant forces.’[13] ... Hitler would have been willing at any time to have stopped the slaughter should the Brits agree: ‘Hitler assuredly did not want the mutual bombing to go on. …Again and again the German official reports applauded the reprisal element in the actions of the Luftwaffe… ‘If you stop bombing us, we’ll stop bombing you.’
- 1940 H-Net British and Zionism, Palestine, Balfour Agreement, Mandate ... the British elites literally invented a demand that was not there before (or only in virtual form, among the isolated Zionists)--attributing to the vast majority of Jews aspirations that only existed in their own romantic imagination
- 1940 Metapedia Walter Benjamin ... considered the father of Cultural Marxism ... committed suicide in September of 1950 attempting to elude capture by the Nazis.
- 1941 Bibliotec Pleyades One year before Hitler seized power, IG Farben donated 400,000 marks to Hitler and his Nazi party. Accordingly, after Hitler's seizure of power, IG Farben was the single largest profiteer of the German conquest of the world, the Second World War. ... We have to come to grips with the fact that it was not a psychopath, Adolph Hitler, or bad genes of the German people that brought about the Second World War. Economic greed by companies like Bayer, BASF and Hoechst
- 1941 InconvenientHistory Charles Callan Tansill, ... is primarily remembered for writings on the causes of both World Wars. For ten years he was technical adviser on diplomatic history to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. For them he prepared a large work on the causes of World War One, which was never published. Harry Elmer Barnes commented on this work that had it been published, “it would have been ranked with the masterly book of Sidney B. Fay, The Origins of the World War.”7 Of his published works, his two most impressive are America Goes to War and Back Door to War: The Roosevelt Foreign Policy, 1933-41. America Goes to War remains the most exhaustive and substantial single volume written from a revisionist perspective on the responsibility for World War One. ... Following Back Door to War, Tansill collaborated with several of the best-known World War Two revisionists on Harry Elmer Barnes’s anthology, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (1953). Tansill contributed two articles, “The United States and the Road to War in Europe” and “Japanese-American Relations: 1921-1941; The Pacific Back Road to War” that continued his argument from Back Door to War. His work was bolstered by Barnes, Frederic Sanborn, George Morgenstern, Percy Greaves, Jr., William Henry Chamberlin and others.
- 1941Wikipedia Victor Rothschild Wikipedia...Cambridge Five, in 1993 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, six retired KGB colonels in Moscow including Yuri Modin, the spy ring's handler, alleged that Rothschild was the "Fifth Man" in the Cambridge Spy ring. Perry writes: "According to ... Modin, Rothschild was the key to most of the Cambridge ring's penetration of British intelligence. 'He had the contacts,' Modin noted. 'He was able to introduce Burgess, Blunt and others to important figures in Intelligence such as Stewart Menzies, Dick White andRobert Vansittart in the Foreign Office...who controlled Mi-6."[17] Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin's in the book The Mitrokhin Archives makes no mention made of Rothschild as a Soviet agent and instead identifies John Cairncross as the Fifth Man.
- 1941 Jun 22 BarnesReview Germany invaded Russia in Operation Barbarossa .. When the German armed forces invaded the USSR on June 22, 1941, Berlin described the offensive as preemptive in the face of imminent Soviet aggression. The claim was generally dismissed as Nazi propaganda. Recently disclosed evidence from Soviet sources, however, suggests that Moscow's foreign policy was not governed by neutrality when Europe went to war in 1939.
- 1941 Jun 22 Lebensramyth.blog The official story of "WWII history" told us the tale about how Germany broke a "Peace Pact" with Soviet Union, by launching Operation Barbarossa invading Soviet without warning. But was it really what had happened? ... 24 September 1939, Moscow gave Estonian Foreign Ministry an ultimatum, the Soviets demanded to establish military bases in Estonia. Then on 5 October 1939, Soviets made similar demand to Latvia, and to Lithuania on 10 Oct 1939. These demands resulted in Soviet establishing military bases in these Baltic states. From October 1939, Red Army stationed 25,000 soldiers in Estonia, 30,000 in Latvia, and 20,000 in Lithuania. ... 26 June 1940, the Soviet Union issued an ultimatum demanding Bessarabia, and unexpectedly also Northern Bukovina from Romania. On 28 June 1940, the Romanians caved to the Soviet demands, and the Soviets occupied the territory. The Hertza region was initially not requested by the USSR, but was later occupied by force after the Romanians agreed to the initial soviet demands. ... The Soviet occupation of Northern Bukovina to south Dardanella and Danube delta, not only clashed with German economic interests, but also posed a significant threat to Germany's vital Oil Access from the region"
- 1941 NWObserver COI created — In preparation for World War II, President Roosevelt creates the Office of Coordinator of Information (COI). General William “Wild Bill” Donovan heads the new intelligence service. 1942 Roosevelt restructures COI into something more suitable for covert action, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Donovan recruits so many of the nation’s rich and powerful that eventually people joke that “OSS” stands for “Oh, so social!” or “Oh, such snobs!” 1943 Donovan recruits the Catholic Church in Rome to be the center of Anglo-American spy operations in Fascist Italy. This would prove to be one of America’s most enduring intelligence alliances in the Cold War.
- 1941 ConspiracyArchive William Casey directed OSS operations through Alan Dulles in Europe during World War II. Prior to his OSS affiliation, Casey worked for the Board of Economic Warfare which allegedly targeted “Hitler’s economic jugular.”3 Allen Dulles, brother of John Foster Dulles, was the Director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961. He was a senior partner at the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Rockefeller Empire and other mammoth trusts, corporations and cartels.
- 1941 American-Bhudda Jean Marquès Rivière, a French Sankritist, specialized in police persecution of secret societies, Masons and Jews in the semi-Fascist France of 1941-1944.
- 1941 Dec 7 Pearl Harbor attack ... it is becoming widely known that it was NOT a surprise attack.
- 1941 Dec 11 IHR Karl Otto Braun ... Hitler's historic speech to the Reichstag on the afternoon of 11 December 1941, four days after Pearl Harbor. Sitting next to Rudolf von Ribbentrop, the son of the Reich Foreign Minister, he watched as Hitler recounted the reasons for the outbreak of war and the decision to strike against the Soviet Union,
- 1942 PalestineRemembered Avraham Stern killed by British police. It should be noted that the Stern gang received extensive financial and military support from the Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy to terrorize the British Mandate in Palestine. Click here to learn more about the subject. May Biltmore Conference in New York attended by Zionist leaders from U.S. and Palestine, urges that "Palestine be established as a Jewish commonwealth."
- 1942 Feb FDR authorized the deportation and incarceration (of Japanese-Americans) with Executive Order 9066, issued February 19, 1942
- 1942: IAmTheWitness Prescott Bush, father of future American Presidents’ George Herbert Walker and George W, has his company seized under the, “Trading With The Enemy,” Act. He was funding Hitler from America, whilst American soldiers were being killed by German soldiers. Jews are also being slaughtered by these same soldiers. Interestingly the ADL never criticizes any of the Bushes for this.
- 1942 Jun Wikipedia ... The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was a wartime intelligence agency of the United States during World War II, and a predecessor of the modern Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The OSS was formed as an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines for all branches of the United States Armed Forces. Other OSS functions included the use of propaganda, subversion, and post-war planning.
- 1942 Nicholas Kollerstrom Churchill’s War Cabinet adopted the ‘Lindemann plan[22]’, whereby civilian targeting became official. Working-class homes were preferred to upper-class because they were closer together, and so a greater flesh-incineration-per-bomb could be achieved[23]. The Jewish German émigré Professor Frederick Lindemann[24], Churchill's friend and scientific advisor had by then become Lord Cherwell. He submitted a plan to the War Cabinet on March 30th urging that German working-class houses be targeted in preference to military objectives, the latter being harder to hit. Middle-class homes had too much space around them, he explained. He was not prosecuted for a ghastly new war-crime, hitherto undreamt-of. Thereby all cities and town over 50,000 inhabitants could be destroyed, or at least brought to ruin. The War Cabinet realised that no inkling of this must reach the public. [25]
- 1942 IHR Karl Otto Braun ... Although he played no role in Germany's wartime Jewish policy, Dr Braun told what he knew about the so-called "final solution" policy, based on his conversations with Dr. Georg Leibbrandt, a friend who has represented the Reich East Ministry at the Wannsee conference of January 1942, where the "final solution" policy was coordinated. The two men had known each other since 1934. After the war, Leibbrandt emphatically told Braun in private that the "final solution" had been a policy, not of extermination, but rather of deportation to the occupied eastern territories. (This assessment is also abundantly confirmed by other evidence, including detailed German records found after the war.)
- 1942 Dec VHO Authur Butz Wise led a delegation to the White House and presented to President Roosevelt a twenty-page document entitled Blue Print for Extermination ... December 17, 1942, the Allies, led by Washington, issued a statement condemning the exterminations. and in January the New York Times printed a story ... but The State Department, especially J. Breckenridge Long and associates, considered all the talk about “exterminations” to be just wartime propaganda, in the same spirit as the stories invented during World War I. ... but the US press / gov would eventually embrace the story full tilt. ... I (Butz) have not noted Auschwitz in the 1942-1943 extermination propaganda; Treblinka, Belzec and Chelmno appeared in the newspaper extermination stories, but not Auschwitz
- 1942 Exposing the Holocaust Hoax Archive - Nicholas Kollerstrom ... The Wannsee conference of 1942, to signify deliberate extermination. If that practice ever happened, it was not a centrally-directed policy and did not involve gas chambers: many tons of documentation of ‘third Reich’ policies remains, and no-one has been able to find therein any hint of such a meaning – of intentional genocide. The historical record fails to show any central decision to exterminate Jews by Nazi Germany. ... Wikipedia Wannsee ... was to ensure the cooperation of administrative leaders of various government departments in the implementation of the final solution to the Jewish question, whereby most of the Jews of German-occupied Europe would be deported to Poland and murdered.
- 1942 AllAcademic ... abstract from O.S.S. & the Frankfurt School: Recycling 'the damaged lives of cultural outsiders'American intelligence agencies during World War II recycled European sociologists and psychologists to analyze German radio propaganda, study American radio music and programming to boost morale at home and to psychoanalyze Hitler. Frankfurt School sociologists Teodor Adorno, Paul Lazarsfeld, Herta Herzog, who along with Erich Fromm, originally worked on Adorno's classic The Authoritarian Personality were involved in the Princeton Radio Project, which later morphed into Columbia University's Bureau of Applied Research. Lazarsfeld, Adorno and Herzog did research on American radio for OWI/ONI. Sociologists Herbert Marcuse and Hans Speier, as well as psychologist Ernst Kris worked for OSS. The work of Erik Erikson was also utilized by American intelligence. How the theories of these radical refugee scholars was used by military intelligence will be discussed.
- 1942 .Peake.. The Research and Analysis Branch (R&A) was the first element formed by William Donovan when he became the President Roosevelt’s Coordinator of Information in 1942. His staffing policy was to recruit firstclass minds “without any special concern for particular political commitments,” (ix) expert in subjects that would be needed to inform the president during the upcoming war. By 1943, R&A had grown to some “1,200 employees.” (2) Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and Otto Kirchheimer were leading members of the Central European Section (CES). They were also Marxists—or communists, as some would later have it—and advocates of the Frankfurt School of thought formulated during their prewar association with the Institute of Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany. Each had written widely on the evils of Nazi Germany, and in the OSS they applied their knowledge to explaining that political movement and later to discussing social alternatives in the postwar era. Secret Reports On Nazi Germany contains 31 of the studies they produced during and after the war.
- 1942 Zionism_Israel Biltmore Program - Zionist leaders, headed by Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion, convene at the Biltmore Hotel in New York and declare their postwar program (known as the Biltmore Program). The program recommended an end to the British Mandate and demand Jewish control over immigration to Palestine with the aim of founding a Jewish "Commonwealth." wish history, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Timeline, Zionist movement, Israel history, Middle East history
- 1942 Autumn Authur Butz ... autumn of 1942, the apex of Hitler’s power
- 1942 INL The relationship between Chase Bank and the Nazis apparently was so cozy that Carlos Niedermann, the Chase branch chief in Paris, wrote his supervisor in Manhattan that the bank enjoyed "very special esteem" with top German officials and "a rapid expansion of deposits," according to Newsweek. Niedermann's letter was written in May 1942-five months after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the US also went to war with Germany.
- Auchi also has links with British intelligence, through the former senior MI6 officer Anthony Cavendish (Le Cercle), who acts as a consultant to Auchi's business empire. During the Gulf War II, Auchi was reported to have full run of the palace in the Green Zone and met with "everyone important," including CPA top leader Paul Bremer. Attempts by a French investigating magistrate to have Auchi arrested during corruption inquiries had been blocked by Britain since July 2001. In November 2003, Auchi was honoured by the catholic Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and the Royal Order of Francis I. In April 2004 he was briefly arrested. In November Auchi , 66, was given a 15-month suspended sentence and fined £1.4m by a French court for receiving illegal commissions to help Elf build an oil refinery in Spain. Despite this setback, Auchi , a British citizen who lives in London, is forging ahead with the rebuilding of Iraq, his birthplace. Lamont is a director of one of Auchi's biggest companies, Compagnie Internationale de Participations Bancaires et Financieres, the financial arm of General Mediterranean Holdings, which holds a stake in BNP Paribas and Jordan's Union Bank for Savings and Investment.
- Le Cercle members: Turki bin Faisal Al Saud; Adenauer, Konrad (Paneuropa, Military Order of Malta, Opus Dei?); Aitken, Jonathan (MI6, Arms dealer, CIA?); Albertini, Georges (The 61); Amery, Lord Julian (Privy Council, MI6, Other Club); Andreotti, Giulio (head of p-2 lodge? Opus Dei); Auchi, Nadhmi (, arms dealer saddam, financial corruption); Bach, Dr. Franz Josef; Bennett, Sir Erik (Bilderberg); Botta, Colonel; Brzezinski, Zbigniew; Brunello, Monsignor; Burnside, David Wilson Boyd; Casey, William (, Knight of Malta, Opus Dei, CIA); Cavendish, Anthony (MI6 ,mason); Cavendish, Andrew; Cecil, Robert Gascoyne (mason); Channon, Paul; Clark, Alan; Colby, William E. (, CIA Director, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei); Cradock, Sir Percy; Crozier, Brian Rossiter (The 61); Duncan, Alan; Elliot, Nicholas (MI6, The 61, Le Cerlce); Feulner, Edwin J., Jr. (Knights of Malta); Fraser, Charles Alan; Gallois, General Pierre Marie (Bilderberg); Turki bin Faisal Al Saud ( member); Adenauer, Konrad (Paneuropa, , Military Order of Malta, Opus Dei?); Aitken, Jonathan (MI6, Arms dealer, CIA?); Albertini, Georges (The 61); Amery, Lord Julian (Privy Council, MI6, Other Club); Andreotti, Giulio (head of p-2 lodge? Opus Dei); Auchi, Nadhmi (, arms dealer saddam, financial corruption); Bach, Dr. Franz Josef; Bennett, Sir Erik (Bilderberg); Botta, Colonel; Brzezinski, Zbigniew; Brunello, Monsignor; Burnside, David Wilson Boyd; Casey, William (, Knight of Malta, Opus Dei, CIA); Cavendish, Anthony (MI6 ,mason); Cavendish, Andrew; Cecil, Robert Gascoyne (mason); Channon, Paul; Clark, Alan; Colby, William E. (, CIA Director, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei); Cradock, Sir Percy; Crozier, Brian Rossiter (The 61); Duncan, Alan; Elliot, Nicholas (MI6, The 61, Le Cerlce); Feulner, Edwin J., Jr. (Knights of Malta); Fraser, Charles Alan; Gallois, General Pierre Marie (Bilderberg); Gehlen, General Reinhard (Nazi General, ?, Knights of Malta); Gerber, Conrad; Giovanetti, Monsignor Alberto (Opus Dei); Grossouvre, Francois de Habsburg, Otto von (Opus Dei); Hague, William J. (bilderberg);Howard, Michael; Howell, Lord David; Huyn, Count Hans The (61); Iliescu, Ion (KGB); Jameson, Donald "Jamie" F.B. (CIA); Karageorgevitch, Crown Prince Alexander II; Kelly, Crosby M.; Kissinger, Henry Alfred (Shreiner, Bilderberg); Lamont, Lord Norman (Rothschild employee, Privy Council, chair Oil Club); Lowenthal, Gerhard; Luchsinger, Fred; McLean, Neil "Billy" L.D.; Mertes, Dr Alois (Opus Dei); Monnet, Jean Moss, Robert; Munoz, Federico Silva (Opus Dei); Narjes, Karl-Heinz; Nixon, Richard; Pandolfi, Filippo Maria; Pesenti, Carlo II; Pinay, Antoine (Opus Dei); Poher, Alain (Knights of Malta); Qaboos, Sultan; Rockefeller, David; Schuman, Robert; Schwarzkopf, H. Norman; Spinola, Gen. Antonio de Stilwell; Gen. Richard Giles (The 61); Strauss, Franz Josef (Opus dei), Talal, Hussein bin; Tantum, Geoffrey (MI6); Tennant, Sir Peter (SOE (WWII rival of MI6); Twetten, Thomas A. (CIA); Violet, Jean (Opus dei); Violet, Paul; Volcker, Paul A; Wilson, William A. (Knights of Malta)
- 1943 New Observer...Jewish Black Market Trading Causes Anti-Semitism,’ said UK Government in 1943: “The chief enemy of the Jew appears to be in most areas the small trader who suffers peculiarly from the operations of Jews, whether they are in fact ‘black market’ operations or not. “There was general belief that Jews somehow or other get supplies and advantages which are not available to other people. “Reflective people might agree that this was due to nothing but a conspicuous cohesion and adaptability in the Jewish trading community: but obviously most people go by the results. “It is worthy of note that Humphey of the London Region said that . . . [here follows two redacted lines, obviously still to “controversial” to release, even in 2018, but which evidently refer to the large number of convictions in courts of Jews for black market activities] . . . quite convinced that Jews formed an inordinately large part of the ‘black market’ offenders brought before them. Other figures were given from other parts of the country which seemed to support this.”
- 1943 Archive.li...The South African connection is also reminiscent of the large but now largely ignored Jewish role in British Empire politics. Neither Rhodes nor Milner were Jewish, but their allies such as Beit often were. (Current Fed Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer, who was born in the British colony of Northern Rhodesia in 1943, is a late example of the Jewish role in southern Africa.) ... Alfred Beit (15 February 1853 – 16 July 1906) was a British South African, gold and diamond magnate and a major donor and profiteer of infrastructure development in central and Southern Africa ...Beit became life-governor of De Beers and also a director of numerous other companies such as Rand Mines, Rhodesia Railways and the Beira Railway Company.
- 1943 Nov PalestineRemembered Five-year limit on Jewish immigration (expiring April 1944) extended so all 75,000 visas permitted in 1939 White Paper can be filled.
- 1943 Feb WRMEA book review ... 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis From a Zionist Executive Meeting speech by Yitzhak Gruenbaum on Feb. 18, 1943: And when some asked me: “Can’t you give money from Keren Ha Yesod (Palestine Foundation Fund) to save Jews in the Diaspora?” I said: “No!” And again I say no....And, because of these things, people called me an anti-Semite, and concluded that I’m guilty, for the fact that we don’t give ourselves completely to rescue actions. (p. 211) and Google OneDemocraticStateSite ... “Proposal of the National Military Organization (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the side of Germany” was found in the German Embassy in Turkey
- 1943 Controversies of Zion At first glance the policies of the USA and Great Britain from the spring of 1943 were ... inexplicable. After the battle of Stalingrad and the withdrawal of German troops from North Africa it was clear that the German Reich no longer had any chance of a military victory ... it was already at that time predictable that, as a consequence of the inevitable German defeat, one part of Europe would come under Anglo-American influence, and another - under Soviet control. ... Instead of conquering the Balkans, Yugoslavia... and denying the Red Army those territories in the Summer of 1943, they landed in Italy, staged an invasion of southern France letting the Red Army take Romania and from there advancing south and west. Eisenhower could have reached Berlin, Vienna and Prague before the Soviets. Douglas Reed, author of Controversies of Zion concluded that Roosevelt had become a puppet of his predominantly Jewish and thoroughly pro-Soviet “advisers”, had decided to serve half of Europe to communism on a silver platter and thus pave the way for a future partition of the European Continent
- 1943 CODOH In 1943 it was established as an internment camp (Aufenthaltslager) for European Jews who were to be exchanged for German citizens held by the Allies. In 1943 it was established as an internment camp (Aufenthaltslager) for European Jews who were to be exchanged for German citizens held by the Allies. ... In an article published on April 3, 1995, U.S.News & World Report described Dachau as a "Nazi death factory" although the Museum at the Dachau Memorial Site claims that the gas chamber there was only used a few times. the report is no longer listed on usnews.com
- 1943 WMR The Albanians were the most loyal people of the Balkans in providing support for Adolf Hitler's Third Reich.
- 1943: IAmTheWitness February 18th, Zionist, Izaak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, in a speech to the Zionist Executive Council states, “If I am asked, could you give from the UJA (United Jewish Appeal) monies to rescue Jews, I say, no and I say again no!” He would go onto state, “One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland!” This is not a surprise, the whole idea of Zionist support for the slaughter of innocent Jews was to scare the survivors into believing that their only place of safety was Israel. How else do you think the Zionists could ensure Jews leave the beautiful European cities in which they live, in order to settle in a desert! 1944: On 6 November Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East was assassinated in Cairo by two members of the Jewish terrorist group, the Stern Gang, led by future Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Shamir. He is also responsible for an assassination attempt against Harold MacMichael, the High Commissioner of the British Mandate of Palestine, this same year. ... Interestingly he also masterminds another successful assassination this year against the United Nations representative in the Middle East, Count Folke Bernadotte who, although he had secured the release of 21,000 prisoners from German camps during World War II, was seen by Yitzak Shamir and his terrorist collaborators as an anti-Zionist. In Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, two further Rothschild world banks are created. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank.
- 1943 Aug Authur Butz The New Republic for August 30, 1943, was a special issue devoted to the plight of the Jews in Europe, and made no reference to Auschwitz. A two page advertisement, placed by the Jewish Labor Committee (New York), mentions only Treblinka, Belzec and “hermetically sealed cars where Jews are being poisoned.”
- 1943 Sep IHR ... an internal German telex message dated Sept. 4, 1943, from the chief of the Labor Allocation department of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office (WVHA), reported that of 25,000 Jews held in Auschwitz, only 3,581 were able to work, and that all of the remaining Jewish inmates — some 21,500, or about 86 percent — were unable to work. [11] ... This is also confirmed in a secret report dated April 5, 1944, on "security measures in Auschwitz" by Oswald Pohl, head of the SS concentration camp system, to SS chief Heinrich Himmler.
- 1943 Tavistock Agenda ... 1943: The Rockefeller Foundation helped fund the Allen Memorial Institute at McGill University in Montreal. Working with the Canadian military and the Office of Strategic Services (The OSS became the CIA in 1947), Dr. Cameron conducted torturous experiments on human guinea pigs in order to perfect the various mind control techniques. These brainwashing tactics included coercive interrogation, psychosurgery, drugs, hypnosis and "between 30 to 60 electroshocks over a short period" along with powerful tranquilizers to control anxiety. Cameron's justification: his patients, "like prisoners of Communists, tended to resist and had to be broken down." This is described in the 1989 book, Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse
- 1944 OccidentalObserver...What had once been radical and viewed as dangerous had become not only accepted, but seen as central to Jewish identity.
- 1944 JStor ...The Frankfurt School at War, William E. Scheuerman... Secret reports on Nazi Germany: the Frankfurt School Contribution to the War Effort ... OSS William Donovan tapped Franz Neumann to help US understand the Nazi's. Neumann wrote: Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, which depicted Nazism as a combo of pathological, monopolistic capitalism and brutal totalitarianism...placed him in charge of the Research and Analysis branch of the OSS, joined my Kirchheimer and Marcuse to study Central Europe Nazism...they produced reports on anti Semitism and Nazi political economy ... and the impact of air raids on civilian morale and the best way to prosecute war criminals ... they weighed aspects of capitalism and socialism effects... criticized Henry Morgenthau's plan to dismantle German industry... noted the fiasco of denazification... compared their actions to 1918 ... Versailles... argued that the Nazi Party should be banned and leaders put on trial... concluded that modern capitalism constituted a root cause of Nazism...wanted to nationalize heavy industry... wanted a Democratic Socialist German government... it was discovered that Neumann passed US secrets to the Soviets. ...
- 1944 January PalestineRemembered Stern Gang and IZL join to conduct terror campaign against British. 6 November Stern Gang murders Lord Moyne, British resident minister of state, in Cairo.
- 1944 Wikipedia Harry Dexter White (Weit) Harry Dexter White (October 9, 1892 – August 16, 1948) was an American economist, and a senior U.S. Treasury department official. He was the senior American official at the 1944 Bretton Woods conference, and reportedly dominated the conference and imposed his vision of post-war financial institutions over the objections of John Maynard Keynes, the British representative. After the war, White was a major architect of the International Monetary Fund andWorld Bank Harry Dexter White was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the seventh and youngest child of Jewish Lithuanian immigrants, Joseph Weit and Sarah Magilewski,
- 1944 Heretical in 1944, Eichmann still liaised with his Zionist friends. He made a deal with Dr. Rudolf Kastner (Wikipedia), a leader of the Budapest Jewish community, that several thousand prominent Zionists would be allowed to emigrate to Palestine in return for Kastner keeping order amongst those who were being shipped to concentration camps.
- 1944 History of the Money Changers The United States income is running at 183 billion dollars, yet 103 billion dollars is being spent on World War II. This was thirty times the spending rate during World War I. Actually, it was the American taxpayer that picked up 55% of the total allied cost of the war. In Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank (initially called the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or IBRD - the name, "World Bank," was not actually adopted until 1975), were approved with full United States participation. ... the principal architects of the Bretton Woods system, and hence the IMF, were Harry Dexter White and John Maynard Keynes. Interestingly Harry Dexter White who died in 1946, was identified as a Soviet spy whose code name was, "Jurist," on October 16, 1950, in an FBI memo. Also, John Maynard Keynes was a British citizen. ... What these two bodies essentially did, was repeat on a world scale what the National Banking Act of 1864, and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 had established in the United States. They created a banking cartel comprising the world's privately owned central banks, which gradually assumed the power to dictate credit policies to the banks of all nations. In the same way the Federal Reserve Act authorized the creation of a new national fiat currency called, Federal Reserve Notes, the IMF has been given the authority to issue a world fiat money called, "Special Drawing Rights," or 's. Member nations were subsequently pressured into making their currencies fully exchangeable for SDR's. The IMF is controlled by its board of governors, which are either the heads of different central banks, or the heads of the various national treasury departments who are dominated by their central banks. Also, the voting power in the IMF gives the United States and the United Kingdom (the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England), effective control of it.
- 1944 Sep Zundel Morgenthau Proposal: ‘Crudest Scheme Malevolent Planning Could Devise’ The most far-reaching proposal for the elimination of the war potential of German industry was developed by Henry Morgenthau, Jr., the wartime Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. In the view of one observer, it was the “crudest reparation scheme malevolent planning could devise.” Morgenthau felt that so long as Germany had heavy industries there would never be peace in the world. To eliminate Germany as a potential aggressor, the Morgenthau proposal called for the complete destruction of the country’s metallurgical, chemical, and electrical industries within six months after the end of World War II. All factories were either to be blown up or dismantled and sent to the victorious countries as reparations; all coal mines were to be flooded and the entire Ruhr Valley turned into a “ghost territory.” The Ruhr was, in effect, to be “put out of business,” wiped out as an industrial area, regardless of what happened to millions of Germans. Subsequently this proposal was officially accepted in a somewhat modified form by Roosevelt and Churchill at the Second Quebec Conference in September 1944. Shortly thereafter, however, both Churchill and Roosevelt repudiated the plan. Nevertheless, its basic principles dominated official thinking in Washington for almost six years after the defeat of Hitler’s Thousand-Year Reich. Government officials in both America and Great Britain continued to treat Germany in “moralizing categories” and the public-opinion makers remained fixed in the stereotypes established in the “hate the Germans” milieu of the two world wars.
- 1944 LiveLeak a prominent petroleum geologist named Everette DeGolyer reported to the U.S. government that he was certain the Middle East nations were sitting atop at least 25 billion barrels of crude oil, at least 5 billion of which were in Saudi Arabia. Not reported at that time were his unofficial estimates of up to 300 billion barrels of oil�a third of which he thought underlay Saudi Arabia. In a report to the State Department, DeGolyer's team commented that "The oil in this region is the greatest single prize in all history." ... SpartacusEducational: In 1952 Jack Crichton joined a syndicate that included Everette DeGolyer and Clint Murchison to use connections in the government of General Francisco Franco to acquire rare drilling rights in Spain. The operation was handled by Delta Drilling, which was owned by Joe Zeppa. ... Critchton was appointed head of the intelligence component of the Dallas Civil Defence.
- 1944 Nicholas Kollerstrom.. In the year 1940, British bombers ‘only’ unloaded five thousand tons of bombs onto German cities, whereas by 1944 they were sometimes exceeding that total in a single day. In the spring of ’44 German cities were being pounded with over one hundred thousand tons a month. German civilian deaths from British and American bombing of German cities have been estimated to have been around 600,000, and some 61 cities were turned to virtual rubble, while some 60,000 civilians were killed in the UK. Those cities had an estimated population of 25 million’[30] Germany was thereby reduced to a worse state than that produced by the 30 years’ war. In return the centres of London, Coventry and Portsmouth were attacked by German planes.
- 1944 Nov... Authur Butz The War Refugee Board Report: Birth of the Auschwitz Legend ... The high level Washington commitment to the claim that Auschwitz was an extermination camp came in November 1944, after the claimed termination of the killing program, in the form of the WRB report (the claim had appeared many times in the propaganda earlier in 1944 ... The authors are completely anonymous ... the report included an abundance of detail about the structures, number of prisoners, Crematories I, II, III and IV were in use in Spring 1944 at Birkenau ... ovens, gas chambers ... Three bodies are put in one oven at a time and the burning took an hour and a half. Thus one could dispose of 6,000 bodies per day (impossible) ... Butz: It (report) is a mixture of truth, guess-work, and invention, the factual part of which could have been, and obviously was, put together on the basis of inside information available in 1944. ... The point to be made in this discussion of the WRB report is certainly not that it was invented in the OSS or the WRB. I do not know the identity of the authors and do not believe that the question is of great significance. The main point is that two “internationals,” the Communist and the Zionist, played important roles in the intelligence, propaganda and refugee assistance programs of the US. The WRB, effectively taking its orders from Harry Dexter White, Henry Morgenthau Jr., the World Jewish Congress and other Zionists, and the OSS, with its staff of Communists and its Jewish Agency allies, show that the situation was perfectly suitable for the manufacture of a Jewish extermination 152 R. H.Smith, 2, 12, 23, 62, 125, 239; Kimche & Kimche, 108. Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century 136 propaganda lie, built about Auschwitz, which, as a precaution, contained enough real facts to suggest to the unreflective that the allegations were true.
- 1945 TavistockAgenda Standard Oil and German President Emil Heilfeck testified after the war at the Nuremberg Trial that Standard Oil funds [Rockefeller]helped pay for the SS guards at Auschwitz. The Rockefeller Foundation defends its record by claiming that its funding of Nazi Germany programs during World War II was limited to psychiatric research."
- 1945 Worchek World History ... Horkheimer and Adorno -- both Frankfurt School Marxist Jews (cf. 1950) -- publish Dialectic of Enlightenment in which they dedicate a chapter to a refined theory of anti-semitism. (The Jews at this time are falling all over themselves to construct theories that ensure anti-semitism is ALWAYS caused by a defect, illness, or pathology of the gentile, NEVER an appropriate response to the behavior of the Jew
- 1945 Jan Nicholas Kollerstrom's Breaking the Spell - The Holocaust: Myth & Reality In Janurary 1945 the Soviet army arrived and occupied Auschwitz. They captured and took all the death records of the camp ... a few months later Pravda reported that four million were Jews were exterminated, the world believed it... was fed directly into the Nuremberg trials and engraved in metal outside the Birkenau site. ... Gorbachev released them in 1989, ... they contained some data for 1941, had complete detail for 1942-3 but was missing for 1944-5, listed the death certificates for 69,000 persons of which 29,000 were Jews.
- 1945 Holohoax101 The holohoax brainwashing got into full swing immediately at the end of WW II. Within a week of the capture the famous Hollywood director Billy Wilder was in the camp making a film of propaganda lies that still circulate to this day. An inadvertent picture of Wilder on the set at Buchenwald is shown to the left. The film, complete with props, claimed that the Nazis made soap from the fat of (Jewish only of course) prisoners, made lampshades from the skin of prisoners, and shrunk the heads of prisoners like in the Amazon. Even the holohoax establishment now admits these were all lies.
- 1945 Reformation in 1945, Vietnam was still a colony of the French.
Laurence Rockefeller, it appears, had given the extensive store of
weapons to Ho Chi Minh with the hope that Vietnam would drive out
the French so that Standard Oil would be able to take over the as
yet undeveloped offshore fields. But in 1954, Vietnamese General
Giap finally defeated and drove out the French at Dien Bien Phu with
weaponry provided by the U.S. Ho Chi Minh reneged on the deal since
he could read too, and he was well aware of the Hoover resource
report and knew there was a vast supply of oil off the Vietnamese
coast. ... In the 1950's a method of undersea oil
exploration was perfected which used small explosions deep in the
water and then recorded the sound echoes bouncing off the various
layers of rock below. The surveyor could then determine the exact
location of the arched salt domes which hold the accumulated oil
beneath them. But if this method were used off the Vietnam coast on
property Standard didn't own or have the rights to, the Vietnamese,
the Chinese, the Japanese and probably even the French would quickly
run to the United Nations and complain that America was stealing the
oil, and that would shut down the operation. .
- 1945 Eustace Mullins ... The Secret Holocaust ... “The document, a 10-page British Army report, is believed to be part of voluminous Anglo-American files on the forcible repatriation to the Soviet Union of an estimated 2 to 5 million unwilling anti-Communists between 1944 and 1948. The files, codenamed Operation Keelhaul, are still kept under tight security in London and Washington as virtually the last major secret of World War II. ... David Irving page on NKVD, Jewish ... Out of every 10 senior members of the Cheka-GPU-NKVD in Ukraine: 6 were Jewish, 2 were Russian, 1 was Ukrainian, and 1 was other. ... Wikipedia NKVD ... does not mention anything about Jews.
- 1945 InconvenientHistory The John Birch Society is a political advocacy group that was established in 1958. It was led by Robert Welch Jr. and espoused a staunchly anti-communist position. It was named after John Birch, a US intelligence officer who was killed by communists in China in August 1945. He was considered the first victim of the Cold War.
- 1945 Rense The atomic bomb was developed at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico. The top secret project was called the Manhattan Project, because its secret director, Bernard Baruch, lived in Manhattan, as did many of the other principals. Baruch had chosen Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves to head the operation. He had previously built the Pentagon, and had a good reputation among the Washington politicians, who usually came when Baruch beckoned.
- 1945 Mar 1 FPP David Irving website ...Video ... Starvation and epidemic conditions in Bergen-Belsen camp, early 1945 ... Josef Kramer was the commandant at Belsen, and captured documents show that he did everything he could to prevent the catastrophe that engulfed the camp. He was tried and hanged at the end of the war. The letter he wrote to the camp administration requesting more food, medicine, supplies, etc., can be seen here ... Holohoax101
- 1945 Apr Exposing-the-Holocaust-Hoax-Archive.blogspot, Nicholas Kollerstrom As surprising as it may sound, the only intentional mass extermination program in the concentration camps of WW2 was targeted at Germans. From April, 1945 five million Germans were rounded up after surrendering, and deliberately starved until well over one million had died, in French and American-run concentration camps - an event soon erased from the history books.
- 1945 May TomatoBubble The original claim of the gas chambers of Auschwitz was made in May of 1945 by Joseph Stalin's Jewish dominated "Extraordinary State Commission", AFTER Germany's unconditional surrender. AGAIN, with neither investigation nor confirmation, Stalin's 'gas chambers' claim was publicized in the Jewish owned New York Times; the most "prestigious" newspaper in the world.
- 1945 Whale.to Winston Churchill ... [Freemason, Druid. Here is the man who, with Lindemann, invented Terror bombing, i.e. carpet bombing civilians (Kissinger killed 600,000 civilians by carpet bombing Cambodia). The height of his madness was bombing Dresden, the Florence of the north, and deliberately killing over 500,000 German civilians and refugees, mostly women and children, with Phosphorus bombs, in one night (world record for deaths in one day). And he did that to dozens of German cities, such as Hamburg with 70,000 deaths, while Coventry lost 300 people. That was the real Holocaust of World War II. No wonder he acquiesced in the fake holocaust, it was great cover for his crimes. Then he condoned the Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950, Operation Keelhaul, and the Red Army rape.]
- 1945 May TomatoBubble May NY Times (Page 12, Column 5) article on 4,000,000 Jews: "OSWIECIM KILLINGS PLACED AT 4,000,000 Soviet Commission Reports Death Camp in Poland Was Founded by Himmler By C. L. Sulzberger By Wireless to The New York Times .(EXCERPT) Moscow, May 7 - More than 4,000,000 persons were systematically slaughtered in a single German concentration camp - that at Oswiecim in Poland, near Cracow from 1939 - 1944. The Germans thus accomplished with scientific efficiency the greatest incidence of mass murder in recorded history."
- 1945 NWObserver Operation PAPERCLIP – While other American agencies are hunting down Nazi war criminals for arrest, the U.S. intelligence community is smuggling them into America, unpunished, for their use against the Soviets. The most important of these is Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s master spy who had built up an intelligence network in the Soviet Union. With full U.S. blessing, he creates the “Gehlen Organization,” a band of refugee Nazi spies who reactivate their networks in Russia. These include SS intelligence officers Alfred Six and Emil Augsburg (who massacred Jews in the Holocaust), Klaus Barbie (the “Butcher of Lyon”), Otto von Bolschwing (the Holocaust mastermind who worked with Eichmann) and SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny (a personal friend of Hitler’s). The Gehlen Organization supplies the U.S. with its only intelligence on the Soviet Union for the next ten years, serving as a bridge between the abolishment of the OSS and the creation of the CIA. However, much of the “intelligence” the former Nazis provide is bogus. Gehlen inflates Soviet military capabilities at a time when Russia is still rebuilding its devastated society, in order to inflate his own importance to the Americans (who might otherwise punish him). In 1948, Gehlen almost convinces the Americans that war is imminent, and the West should make a preemptive strike. In the 50s he produces a fictitious “missile gap.” To make matters worse, the Russians have thoroughly penetrated the Gehlen Organization with double agents, undermining the very American security that Gehlen was supposed to protect.
- 1945 Texxmars General George Patton objected to the monstrous and satanic Morgenthau Plan (Wikipedia) and vowed to tell Americans the truth about it. Patton was assassinated. VeteransToday
- 1945 Wikipedia Operation Paperclip was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment by the United States in the aftermath of World War II (1939–45). It was conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), and in the context of the burgeoning Soviet–American Cold War (1945–91); one purpose of Operation Paperclip was to deny German scientific knowledge and expertise to the USSR 1] and the UK 2] and to (divided) Germany itself.
- 1945 VanguardNewsNetwork FDR Jews 1. Bernard M. Baruch -- a financier and adviser to FDR. 2. Felix Frankfurter -- Supreme Court Justice; a key player in FDR's New Deal system. 3. David E. Lilienthal -- director of Tennessee Valley Authority, adviser. The TVA changed the relationship of government-to-business in America. 4. David Niles -- presidential aide. 5. Louis Brandeis -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice; confidante of FDR; "Father" of New Deal. 6. Samuel I. Rosenman -- official speechwriter for FDR. 7. Henry Morgenthau Jr. -- Secretary of the Treasury, "unofficial" presidential adviser. Father of the Morgenthau Plan to re-structure Germany/Europe after WWII. 8. Benjamin V. Cohen -- State Department official, adviser to FDR. 9. Rabbi Stephen Wise -- close pal of FDR, spokesman for the American Zionist movement, head of The American Jewish Congress. 10. Frances Perkins -- Secretary of Labor; allegedly Jewish/adopted at birth; unconfirmed. 11. Sidney Hillman -- presidential adviser. 12. Anna Rosenberg -- longtime labor adviser to FDR, and manpower adviser with the Manpower Consulting Committee of the Army and Navy Munitions Board and the War Manpower Commission. 13. Herbert H. Lehman -- Governor of New York, 1933-1942, Director of U.S. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations, Department of State, 1942-1943; Director-General of UNRRA, 1944 - 1946, pal of FDR. 14. Herbert Feis -- U.S. State Department official, economist, and an adviser on international economic affairs. 15. R. S. Hecht -- financial adviser to FDR. 16. Nathan Margold -- Department of the Interior Solicitor, legal adviser. 17. Jesse I. Straus -- adviser to FDR. 18. H. J. Laski -- "unofficial foreign adviser" to FDR. 19. E. W. Goldenweiser -- Federal Reserve Director. Lincoln Rothschild New Deal Art Director
- 1945 - GripesOnline The United Nations Charter becomes effective.
- 1945 Apr CODOH Ghastly images recorded by Allied photographers at Belsen in mid-April 1945 and widely reproduced ever since have greatly contributed to the camp’s reputation as a notorious extermination center. In fact, the dead of Bergen-Belsen were, above all, unfortunate victims of war and its turmoil, not deliberate policy. It can even be argued that they were as much victims of Allied as of German measures.
- 1945 Scribd Truman (33rd degree Mason) becomes the 33rd president of the United States. His regime offially 'recognises' the state-of-Israel in 1948
- 1945 History of the Money Changers The second, "League Of Nations," now renamed the, "United Nations," was approved. The bankers, World War II, had been a success this time as a result of the physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion the world had felt after yet another World War. This blueprint for world government would soon have its own international court system as well.
- 1945 Inconvenient History U.S. and Britain did not win the Second World War due to non-white conscription, but because they supported and funded the Soviet war machine and were willing to bomb Germany indiscriminately.
1945: IAmTheWitness Carlos Alberto Bulgheroni was born in Rufino, Argentina. History of the Jews, Argentina
- 1945 INLNews The very heart of Hitler's war machine was the chemical giant, I.G. Farben, which had an American arm that was controlled by the Rothschilds, the Warburgs. Paul Warburg, who manipulated into existence the privately-owned "central bank" of America, the Federal Reserve, in 1913, was on the board of American I.G. Indeed Hitler's I.G. Farben, which ran the slave labour camp at Auchwitz, was, in reality, a division of Standard Oil, officially owned by the Rockefellers, but in truth the Rockefeller empire was funded into existence by the Rothschilds. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were created and funded by the Rothschilds. It was they who arranged for Hitler to come to power through the Illuminati secret societies in Germany like the Thule Society and the Vril Society which they created through their German networks; it was the Rothschilds who funded Hitler through the Bank of England and other British and American sources like the Rothschild's Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution. WikipediaThe Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum ("Study Group for Germanic Antiquity"), was a German occultist and völkisch group in Munich, named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend. The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), which was later reorganized by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party). According to Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw, the organization's "membership list...reads like a Who's Who of early Nazi sympathizers and leading figures in Munich", including Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Julius Lehmann, Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer Karl Haushofer ... A primary focus of Thule-Gesellschaft was a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan race. In 1917 people who wanted to join the "Germanic Order", out of which the Thule Society developed in 1918, had to sign a special "blood declaration of faith" concerning the lineage ...many closed down by anti-Masonic legislation in 1935 and Global Research
- 1945: IAmTheWitness "League of Nations," called the, "United Nations," was approved this year.
- 1945 Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler In 1945 Dr. Oskar Loehr, deputy head of the I.G. "Tea Buro," confirmed that I. G. Farben and Standard Oil of New Jersey operated a "preconceived plan" to suppress development of the synthetic rubber industry in the United States, to the advantage of the German Wehrmacht and to the disadvantage of the United States in World War II.
- 1946 EIR...Ukrainian President Yanukovych was forced to flee Kiev on Feb. 22, 2014, following a coup d’etat by followers of Ukrainian World War II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. According to Stephen Dorril, author of MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service, Bandera’s organization, OUN-B, was re-formed in 1946 under the sponsorship of MI6. The organization had been receiving some support from MI6 since the 1930s. Bandera was recruited by MI6 to work in London in 1948. Bandera’s second in command, Mykola Lebed, was brought to New York City in the same year by the CIA’s Allen Dulles.
- 1946 EIR...The British Empire's plan to destroy Russia, as a necessary preliminary to imposing its global Nazi-feudal state, is longstanding. One could trace it back to Bertrand Russell, the evil "academic" of the early 20th Century, who in 1946 outlined the option of a nuclear first strike against the Soviet Union, if it did not agree to his scheme for world government.
- 1946 to 1949: CliffordShack John McCloy (on the Warren Commission and a principle decision maker in German reparations to Israel) named a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.
- 1946 Rense ... On July 22 the future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, David Ben-Gurion, orders another future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, Menachem Begin, to carry out a terrorist attack on the King David Hotel in Palestine, to try and drive out the British. As a result of this 91 people were killed, most of them civilians: 28 British, 41 Arabs, 17 Jews, and 5 others. Around 45 people are injured.
- 1946 Mullins ... Churchill, FDR and Stalin launch the Cold War, the pinnacle of Hegelian conflict, Capitalism vs. Communism, final triumph of dialectical materialism, Mar 5, 1946 Churchill made his "Iron Curtin" speech... Yalta delivered Eastern Europe to Stalin, Alger Hiss was originator of the plan
- 1946 Wikipedia Major General (ret.) (Aluf) Daniel Rothschild (born 1946) is the head of The Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), an Israeli Think Tank in the Lauder school of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC) and is the chairman of the annual Herzliya Conference series. Gen. Rothschild also heads the Council for Peace and Security, an Israeli association of national security experts, He is a member of the advisory board of the Central Bank of Israel
- 1946 History of the Money Changers The Bank of England was nationalized, which might seem at first sight to be a far reaching measure, but actually made little difference in practice. Yes, the state did acquire all the shares in the Bank of England, they now belong to the Treasury and are held in trust by the Treasury Solicitor. However, the government had no money to pay for the shares, so instead of receiving money for their shares, the shareholders were issued with government stocks. Although the state now received the operating profits of the bank, this was offset by the fact that the government now had to pay interest on the new stocks it had issued to pay for the shares. ...
- 1946 Apr 11 Avalon Project Nuremberg Trial Proceedings, Vol 11 and David Irvings website
- 1946 Metapedia Indicative of the largely political nature of the Nuremberg process was the important Jewish role in organizing these trials. Nahum Goldmann, one-time president of both the World Jewish Congress and the World Zionist Organization, reported in his memoir that the Nuremberg Tribunal was the brain-child of World Jewish Congress officials. Only after persistent effort were WJC officials able to persuade Allied leaders to accept the idea, he added. /8 The World Jewish Congress also played an important but less obvious role in the day to day proceedings. Above all, the powerful but secretive organization made sure that Germany's persecution of the Jews was a primary focus of the trials, and that the defendants were punished for their involvement in that process. /9 Two Jewish officers in the US Army: Lieutenant Colonel Murray Bernays and Colonel David "Mickey" Marcus, played key roles in the Nuremberg enterprise. In the words of historian Robert Conot, Bernays was "the guiding spirit leading the way to Nuremberg." Bernays, a successful New York attorney, persuaded US War Secretary Henry Stimson and others to accept the idea of putting the defeated German leaders on trial. /10 Marcus, a fervent Zionist, became the "number three man in making American policy" in occupied Germany. As chief of the US government's War Crimes Branch in 1946 and 1947, he selected almost all of the judges, prosecutors and lawyers for the Nuremberg NMT Trials. (He later became a commander of Zionist "Haganah" military forces in Palestine.) /11
- 1946 NFU/Mark Weber ... Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop pointed out some of the defense obstacles ... The defense had no fair chance to defend German foreign policy. Our prepared application for the submission of evidence was not allowed ... Without good cause being shown, half of the 300 documents which the defense prepared were not admitted. Witnesses and affidavits were only admitted after the prosecution had been heard; most of them were rejected... Correspondence between Hitler and Chamberlain, reports by ambassadors and diplomatic minutes, etc., were rejected. Only the prosecution, not the defense, had access to German and foreign archives. The prosecution only searched for incriminating documents and their use was biased. It knowingly concealed exonerating documents and withheld them from the defense.
- 1946 Jul: IAmTheWitness On July 22 the future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, David Ben-Gurion, orders another future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, Menachem Begin, to carry out a terrorist attack on the King David Hotel in Palestine, to try and drive out the British. As a result of this 91 people were killed, most of them civilians: 28 British, 41 Arabs, 17 Jews, and 5 others.
- 1946 Tavistock Agenda ... Lewin had received his Ph.D. from Berlin University in 1914, and in 1932 came to the U.S. in the area of child psychology. During the Second World War, he worked for the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (which would become the CIA) in psychological warfare. He founded the RCGD in 1946. The next year his research center along with a division of the National Education Association (NEA) began the National Training Laboratories (NTL) which furthered Lewin's social engineering via "T-groups" (training groups), where group consensus is facilitated by trained individuals.
- 1946 IHR/Mark Weber Robert Jackson, the chief US prosecutor and a former US Attorney General, declared that the Nuremberg Tribunal "is a continuation of the war effort of the Allied nations" against Germany. He added that the Tribunal "is not bound by the procedural and substantive refinements of our respective judicial or constitutional system ..." /5
- 1946: CliffordShack John J. McCloy, creator of the CIA, becomes a name partner in the Rockefeller-associated prominent New York law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy. In this capacity he acted for the "Seven Sisters", the leading multinational oil companies, including Exxon, in their initial confrontations with the nationalisation movement in Libya—as well as negotiations with Saudi Arabia and OPEC. Because of his stature in the legal world and his long association with the Rockefellers, and as a presidential adviser, he was sometimes referred to as the "Chairman of the American Establishment".
- 1947-1949: CliffordShack McCloy was president of the World Bank
- 1947 Biblioteca Pleyades The EU has its origins in the Pan European Movement (1947), which was founded by Knight of Malta Joseph Retinger, who also founded the Bilderberg Group (1954).
- 1947 Educate Yourself Britain's Plot (Coefficients Club) to Destroy Civilization: The New Dark Ages Conspiracy ... on the members of the elite British group knows as the 'Coefficients' who eventually became the British Round Table. Other articles to be posted at this web site, will help explain how British oligarchs, working in cahoots with the Rothschilds, planned the creation of the state of Israel at the end of the 19th century in order to bring about the chaos we see today in the Middle East.
- 1947 Anthony Sutton... Ambassador Harriman reported back to the State Department at the end of World War II: {p. 255} "Stalin paid tribute to the assistance rendered by the United States to Soviet industry before and during the War. Stalin* {* He, in original} said that about two-thirds of all the large industrial enterprises in the Soviet Union has been built with the United States' help or technical assistance." (In the 1930s, the buildup of Soviet industry and the rearmament of Nazi Germany were highly connected events initiated by Zionist/Western/Neocon bankers to create boogeymen to rationalize great expansions of armament sales and profit. The JFK assassination was just this military industrial complex brushing aside an impediment to their progress, and 9/11 was a pivotal point in shifting the direction of the complex from the Cold War to the War on Islam.)
- 1947 Internet Encylopedia of Philosophy In 1938 Adorno joined the Institute after spending time at Merton College, Oxford as an “advanced student.” He was invited by Horkheimer to join the Princeton Radio Research Project together with Lazarsfeld. Gradually, Adorno assumed a preponderant intellectual role in the School, culminating in the co-publication, with Horkheimer, of one of the milestones of Critical Theory: Dialectic of Enlightenment in 1947. ... Horkheimer, focused on psychological irrationalism as a source of obedience and domination ... (Jewish NWO control) ... Pollock led studies on anti-Semitism from the east coast, (the obfuscation of bundling anti-Semitism with hate speech and bigotry)
- 1948 BushStole04 President Truman, a highest level Freemason, was forced to accept the dictates of a gang of Zionist Jewish Freemasons on crafting U.S. policy in the Middle East. What does this say about the real hierarchy of power among Freemasons? Truman, a Freemason since 1909, had established the Grandview Lodge No. 618 in Missouri and served as its first "Worshipful Master". In 1940, Brother Truman was elected the ninety-seventh Grand Master of Masons of Missouri. In 1945, President Truman was made a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, and Honorary Member at the Supreme Council of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite (A.A.S.R.) Southern Jurisdiction Headquarters in Washington D.C. The fact that Jewish Freemasons of the B'nai B'rith were able to meet secretly with the president in the Oval Office whenever they wanted and were able to direct the U.S. president, a highest level Mason, to follow their orders in shaping U.S. policy in the Middle East, shows the immense power this secret society of Zionist Jews has long had over the U.S. government and other Masonic orders. Barack Hussein Obama was cultivated as a politician in Chicago and made President of the United States by the power of the B'nai B'rith. It's high time for these secret societies to be removed from the corridors of power where U.S. policy is crafted.
- 1948 B'nai B'rith enlarge more Secretive creation of Israel, Harry Truman. See Rothschild connection to Goldman Sachs / B'nai B'rith / JINSA / Obama and Bettylu Satlzman (daughter of Philip Klutznick (B'nai Brith), shopping center mogul / connection to Obama JewishVirtualLibrary B’nai Moshe, then the B’nai Zion and Christian Trumpets Sounding 3 men Clark Clifford, Benjamin Disraeli, Chaim Weizmann
- 1948 TheHypertexts Menchem Begin founded Herut in 1948. It was the political twin of the Irgun, a violent terrorist group headed by Begin. Both were ultra-right-wing organizations that opposed any ceasefires or negotiations with Arabs, preferring to expand Israel's territory in defiance of international law and the U.N. mandate that partitioned Palestine, defining Israel's borders. Before entering politics, Begin had been the preeminent terrorist in the Middle East, wantonly murdering British, Jewish and Arab civilians. His most notorious act was blowing up the King David Hotel in 1946.
- 1948 Wikipedia Labor Zionists ... abridged ...the Left wing of Zionist movement, dominant by the 1930s, from Eastern/Central Europe, not supported by Herzl / Weizmann, only working class could create Israeli state by settling in Palestine thru a kibbutzem, moshavim, urban Jewish proletariat, rather than garnering the help of the British, Germany or Ottoman Empire, played a leading role in 1948 Arab-Israeli War, and dominate military leadership, leading figures: Golda Meir, David Ben-Gurion, Moses Hess
- 1948 Wikipedia Stern Gang, Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: Hebrew: Lohamei Herut Israel, "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel"), commonly referred to in English as the Stern Group or Stern Gang, was a militant Zionist group founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in the British Mandate of Palestine. Its avowed aim was forcibly evicting the British authorities from Palestine, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state. ... Initially called the National Military Organization in Israel, it was the smallest and most radical of Mandatory Palestine's three Zionist paramilitary groups (Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi), and never had more than a few hundred members. Lehi split from the Irgun in 1940 and by 1948 was identified with both religious Zionism (although most members were not Orthodox Jews) and left-wing nationalism (despite most members wanting to remain politically unaligned).
- 1948 Wikipedia and EndrTimes also EndrTimes John McCloy Obama advisors
- 1949 Bollyn was instrumental in gaining U.S. support for the nascent Zionist state of Israel in the late 1940s. The Jewish secret society of Freemasons used President Harry Truman's friend - and their agent - Eddie Jacobson of Kansas City (standing behind Truman) in off-the-record meetings in the Oval Office to persuade the president to approve the Zionist land grab known as the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan of Palestine and then to recognize the state of Israel the next year following the Zionist ethnic cleansing of nearly 400 Palestinian villages and towns. By applying pressure directly on Truman, B'nai B'rith dictated U.S. policy in spite of strong resistance from the U.S. Department of State. When Truman extended de jure recognition of the Zionist state on January 31, 1949, the only guests invited to the signing ceremony in the Oval Office were members of B'nai B'rith: Eddie Jacobson, the B'nai B'rith executive vice president Maurice Bisgyer, and the secret society's president, Frank Goldman .
- enlarge
- 1948 Wikipedia Brock Chisholm While .. Director General of the WHO from 1948 to 1953, he was quoted as saying, "To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." Chisholm was an Honorary President of the World Federalists of Canada, President of the World Federation of Mental Health (1957–58) and an Honorary Fellow of a number of prestigious medical associations. In 1959, the American Humanist Association
- 1948 Israel Shahak Sometime in the late 1950s, that world-class gossip and occasional historian, John F. Kennedy, told me how, in 1948, Harry S. Truman had been pretty much abandoned by everyone when he came to run for president. Then an American Zionist brought him two million dollars in cash, in a suitcase, aboard his whistle-stop campaign train. 'That's why our recognition of Israel was rushed through so fast.' As neither Jack nor I was an antisemite (unlike his father and my grandfather) we took this to be just another funny story about Truman and the serene corruption of American politics.
- 1949 April Zionism_Israel Armistice - Israel and Arab states agree to armistice. Israel gained about 50% more territory than was originally allotted to it by the UN Partition Plan.
- 1949 Texmarrs In the Truman White House also was Harry Hopkins (Wikipedia), a secret Soviet agent who arranged for Stalin and Russia to be given America’s nuclear blueprints and materials. The fledgling nation of Israel was also given atomic bomb materials and plans. see GoldSeek
- 1950 top timeline go to
- 1950sHenryMakow The Satanic Theology Behind Cultural Marxism January 30, 2016 benjamin.jpg (left, influential critic Walter Benjamin, 1892-1940) When I studied English Literature, I was mystified that it was stripped of its social and biographical context as if naked words had some occult meaning by themselves. "Critical Theory" (Jewish Satanism, Cabalism) has subverted ("deconstructed") modern Western culture and undermined language as a means of communication. Our education system quite literally inducts naive young people into a Masonic Jewish satanic cult. "In order to effect the destruction of all collective forces except ours we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism, the universities, by re-educating them in a new direction." Protocols of Zion, 16 CABALISM=JUDAISM=COMMUNISM=SATANISM Jews (and Freemasons) have a choice: Disown their organizations, or be blamed for what they are doing. The Demonic Theology behind Cultural Marxism, our education system ... in the early 1950s the Frankfurt School retured to Germany ...
- 1950s Unz...The Authoritarian Personality(1950), an anthology of polemics warning against “prejudice” in American life, was sponsored by an emphatically liberal but also anti-Soviet sponsor, the American Jewish Committee. The same patrons also sponsored Commentary magazine. Among many others, distinguished sociologist Seymour Morton Lipset hailed TAP (and the series to which it belonged, Studies in Prejudice) as a blueprint for rebuilding American society. Contrary to what some may believe, Lipset was only slightly left of center politically. Even more interestingly, as cultural historian Christopher Lasch points out, Lipset praised the work spearheaded by Adorno in the U.S. as a means of fortifying the U.S. internally to fight Communism as well as the ideological vestiges of Nazism.
- 1950s Wikipedia Frankfurt School Theorists of the Frankfurt School Major works: Reason and Revolution,The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Eclipse of Reason, Escape from Freedom Minima Moralia Eros and Civilization One-Dimensional Man Negative Dialectics The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere The Theory of Communicative Action Notable theorists: Herbert Marcuse · Theodor Adorno Max Horkheimer · Walter Benjamin Erich Fromm · Friedrich Pollock Leo Löwenthal · Jürgen Habermas Alfred Schmidt · Axel Honneth Siegfried Kracauer Important concepts Critical theory · Dialectic · Praxis Psychoanalysis · Antipositivism Popular culture · Culture industry Advanced capitalism Privatism · Non-identity Communicative rationality Legitimation crisis ...Marxism schools of thought: Theoretical works, Concepts, Economics, Sociology, History, Practice, Schools of thought, Analytical Budapest School, Classical De Leonist, Frankfurt School, Freudian Instrumental, Left communist, Leninist, Libertarian, Feminist, Humanist, Neo-Marxism, Neue Marx-Lektüre, Open Orthodox, Post-Marxism, Praxis School Structural Western ...