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Links between Pizzagate / Vatican / Franklin Scandal Omaha / DNC



Franklin Scandal Omaha

Bush White House Pedophilia


Israel is most notorius country in the world for organ and human trafficking

2017 Pope Francis calls Pizzagate Fake News... is sure sign of a cover-up.

Pope Benedict resigned because of failure to properly handle priest pedophilia convictions.

Legionaires of Christ, Maciel coverup Vatican has long history of avoiding control of priest pedophilia.













Pizzagate / Elite Pedophile Rings / Israel      

  • 50 Shades of Abuse blog ... “Pizzagate”: How #Anonymous Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite Pedo Ring ... These are the people behind Hillary Clinton. There is no doubt they are child sex traffickers anymore. ...
  • AnonNews Clinton Unerground Child Sex Scandal, Steve Peiczenik, involves Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew ... sex scandal exposed by Conchita and Cristina Sarnoff, FBI, Weiner singing, http://bit.ly/2eH3ELq
  • click tocall boy ring bush whplay ... call boy ring, 1989 Bush 41 White House ... Connie Chung
  • ChildAbuseRecovery Queen Elizabeth guilty in missing children case, whistle blowers incarcerated, againComments 40- Judy Byington on May 10, 2014 in Child Exploitation Child Holocausts Children Human Trafficking Investigations ITCCS Press Releases Ritual Abuse car-hidden-kevin-annet May 10 2014 This article was based on today’s exclusive interview with Kevin Annett who remained in hiding during the Brussels International Common Law Court of Justice prosecution of global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. Annett once said, “I need not tell you of crimes and tyranny we face. Each day we are bombarded by another wrong dressed like law, while those who slaughtered innocent children absolve themselves and mask their crimes. We know of the land that they rape and steal, of the children they still traffic and kill, of their numerous child mass grave sites. And since we know, we only can keep fighting to expose the truth.” This week British soldier Vivian Cunningham remained drugged and institutionalized against his will. Apparently his “crime” on May 6 was daring to ask superiors about Queen Elizabeth’s outstanding arrest warrant. The order was issued in 2013 by six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. After nearly a year of litigation Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Phillip were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964. Today the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State was asking concerned citizens to demand Cunningham’s immediate release. The ITCCS successfully prosecuted Queen Elizabeth’s kidnapping, along with 50,000 cases of other missing children.
  • CounterPunch The Rosenbaum Kidney Trafficking Gang ...
  • DC Leaks Pizzagate
  • ElectronicIntifada Jeffrey Epstein
  • Hotline Over the years, the patterns of human trafficking in Israel have changed: in the 1990s, most of the trafficking was of women brought over from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) for sex work. Following activism of human rights organizations, Knesset members and eventually the Israeli Police, this phenomenon has been eliminated almost entirely. These days, most human trafficking victims are migrant workers who’ve been held and employed in slavery-line conditions and survivors of the torture camps in Sinai.
  • Independent Israel becoming 'safe haven for paedophiles' with laws that allow any Jews to legally return ... Jewish Community Watch says 32 paedophiles moved from countries around the world to Israel over past decade ... a sanctuary, way to evade justice,
  • Independent Journal Review ... Bill Clinton Wasn't Only One to Go to 'Sex Slave Island,' Hillary Went with Him--'Six Times'
  • Inquisitr November 2016, WikiLeaks exposed and published a large number of emails from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman. One of the contacts of these emails was none other than James Alefantis, the owner of the Comet Ping Pong restaurant in Washington D.C. Coincidentally or not, Alefantis also just happens to be a huge supporter of the Democratic Party. Upon investigation, it was discovered that James had raised money for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and had also been previously involved in a relationship with David Brock, the man who founded the liberal media watchdog group known as Media Matters for America..
  • MilleniumReport 70,000 Pedophile Ring
  • MondoWeis It is Israel’s darkest secret – or so argues one Israeli journalist – in a country whose short history is replete with dark episodes. Last month Tzachi Hanegbi, minister for national security, became the first government official to admit that hundreds of babies had been stolen from their mothers in the years immediately following Israel’s creation in 1948. In truth, the number is more likely to be in the thousands. dark secret of Israel’s stolen babies ..
  • Political Insider Sources within the New York Police Department are confirming that the NYPD is currently investigating allegations that Bill Clinton performed sexual acts on underage girls ranging from 5 to 14 years old in recent years. These reports have been confirmed my multiple others, and it appears that the NYPD is closing in on the former President
  • RealJewNews
  • RickWells David Seaman (Jewish Zionist shill) was fired from the liberal Huffington Post for writing (unpaid blogger) the truth, having dared to question the anointed one, Hillary Clinton’s health. He has a few noteworthy observations on PIzzaGate, the possible pedophile ring exposed by WikiLeaks in Podesta emails and elsewhere. He observes that Dan Pfeiffer, a VP of Communications and Policy for GoFundMe and a former Senior Adviser to Hussein Obama who is also a current CNN contributor, sent out a tweet promoting a crowd funding campaign for Comet Pizza. Seaman recognizes an odd public relations campaign when he sees one.
  • Rosenbaum Isaac indictment pdf
  • State of the Nation Pizzagate.Benghazigate Broke Open Emailgate, Emailgate Broke Open Servergate, Servergate and Emailgate Broke Open Weinergate, Weinergate Broke Open Pizzagate
  • besta
  • TruePundit NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury ... if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.
  • Seaman, David YouTube on fake news / real Pizzagate ... Maybe Donald Trump needs to be silent on PizzaGate to maintain national stability and prevent societal breakdown, but as a reporter and researcher, I won't remain silent as pathetic DC elites close to Obama attempt a SYMPATHY campaign for the disgusting pizza shop owner. Enough mindfucking us. Enough is enough. This is the silent majority pushing back on your nonsensical 1984 bullshit and lies, DC. You're sick lobbyist lawyer pedophile freaks. Investigate that pizza shop, immediately. Investigate the John Podesta emails in Wikileaks, immediately. And stop fucking with the rest of us: we push back. To look through that pizza shop's public Instagram and not be disturbed is to be without a soul.
  • SmashCulturalMarxism ... Alfred Kinsey (professor of zoology at Indiana University (I.U.). ... what has served and is serving as the basis for public school sex education (and is even being used in many Catholic schools) has its roots in scientific fraud. Most of this could be credited to one individual: Alfred C. Kinsey, with the help of his colleagues Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin, and Paul Gebhard. ... sexual release, which are the following from the male perspective: masturbation, nocturnal emissions, heterosexual petting, heterosexual intercourse, homosexual relations, and intercourse with animals of other species.... Kinsey believed that children were predisposed to sexual activity from the moment of birth and that adult-child sex was included under the notion of a sexual outlet. Our social conditioning made it taboo, although it is actually a “normal” sexual behavior that should be practiced as well as pursued
  • codes
  • Steemit ... This is the start of an open source investigation into the Pizza Gate Pedophile Rings being run by Comet Ping Pong Pizza. This ring of Pedophiles is directly exposed by the emails from John Podesta and Tony Podesta. Also directly connected to this is DOJ Andrew Kline.
  • TeknoPolitik
  • TruthFeed Clinton Tied to Convicted Child Trafficker Laura Silsby ... Silsby is the former director of “The New Life Children’s Refuge.” She was caught trying to kidnap 33 Haitian children, most of whom had families. By following the trail of declassified Wikileaks emails the social media blogger discovered that Huma Abedin was “constantly forwarding emails to Hillary Clinton” about Laura Silsby’s organization. The blogger also linked Clinton emails to an attempt to protect Laura Silsby from prosecution. ... Wikileaks emails from Hillary Clinton, the content of which reveal Clinton contacting a lawyer regarding ten people arrested involved in the child trafficking ring. It was also revealed that the lawyer who represented Silsby was a convicted child sex trafficker..
  • VeteransToday Blitzer Website Accuses Israel and ISIS of Organ Trafficking ... Israel-Islamic State Trafficking In Human Body Parts? ... Israel has, in the past, been a center for dubious human organ trafficking operations. It is also the case that Palestinian prisoners in Israel have sought to sell their kidneys to feed their children. The Israel Medical Association is opposing a bill that would allow the donors of certain organs to be reimbursed by the state. ... Given Israel’s tacit support for Syrian rebels, including ISIL and groups like the Al Nusra Front that are allied with it, Israel is the likely customer for the Iraqi body parts in a quid pro quo that only a Dr. Frankenstein could admire.
  • VeteransToday An Israeli man (Levy-Izhak Rosenbaum) who lives in Brooklyn pleaded guilty on Thursday to charges of brokering a kidney transplant as part of a black market organ business. This is the first human organ trafficking conviction in the United States. For many years, Israel has been at the top of organ trafficking. Rosenbaum received at least $450,000 for trafficked organs. ... 4,540 people dying the U.S. last year while wating for a transplant, ...not enough willing donors ... creating the black market
  • VicturusLibertas .
  • YouTube/ MLGod PIZZAGATE: Scandal of Century Will Take Down Clintons, Democratic Party and US Gov.
  • ccidentalObserver from Darkmoon ... By the 1860s a French visitor to Odessa wrote that Jews there were responsible for a white slavery market in Russian women to Turkey. This is feasible, especially since we know that Jewish brothel-keepers were already in place at the other end in Constantinople. The 1889 census shows that Jewish women ran 30 of 36 licensed brothels in Kherson province, where Odessa was located. In 1908 the American consul there claimed that the whole business of prostitution is almost exclusively in the hands of Jews. Jewesses were prominent in the practice of prostitution. Thus, of 5127 licensed prostitutes in 1889, 1122 or 22 per cent were Jewish. (See here; Note: 22% is significantly high, given that Jews constituted only 4% of the Ukrainian population..
  • Wikileaks Pizzagate emails
  • Summary
  • Pizzgate.com comprehensive evidence is piling up... and YouTube CBS Channel 46, Ben Swann
  • Voat .. Pizzagate ... Fully sourced executive summary
  • National Vanguard ... The popular Jewish homosexual activists Karla Jay and Allen Young reported in their ‘Gay Report’ that 73% of homosexuals are active ‘Chicken Hawks’, which means they prey on boys... and want to normalize pedophilia
  • Twitter #Pizzagate, #Pedogate, CBS special 1/17/17
  • Dec 30 2016 ... CNSNews ... A federal appeals court judge ruled ... that under the Federal Records Act (FRA), Secretary of State John Kerry was required by law to ask Attorney General Loretta Lynch to “initiate enforcement proceedings” to help him and U.S. Archivist David Ferriero recover emails that his predecessor, Hillary Clinton, kept on her private accounts... these emails are an integral part of Pizzagate.
  • PhiBetaIota.net
  • ChristianToday "Pope Francis' remarks: ''Sex abuse is like a Satanic Mass'
  • Jimmy Saville Scandal 
  • TheEventChronicle The Vatican has Paid Close to $4 Billion to Settle Child Molestation Lawsuits ... sources: Jack and Diane Ruhl of the National Catholic Reporter, who National Catholic Reporter, since 1950,  including a review of more than 7,800 articles gleaned from LexisNexis Academic and NCR databases, as well as information fromBishopAccountability.org and from reports from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
  • Pizzagate ... What They Won't Tell You ... YouTube channel
  • woods YouTube
  • Pizzagate ... What They Won't Tell You ... YouTube channel
  • Franklin Scandal Omaha, 1989, pedophiles in the White House... YouTube and below
  • Washington Times Nearly half of Republicans believe Pizzagate is real. ... said there’s at least some truth to the so-called “Pizzagate” scandal said to involve Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.
  • On 9/11 George Bush was flown to Offutt Air Force Base which is right outside Omaha Nebraska, the center of the Franklin Scandal
  • Pizzagate ... Connections found! Brian PodestaSenior Analyst at National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, John Podesta, and even Bill Clinton.
  • ChildAbuseRecovery Decapitated, dismembered children in Catholic mass grave site were ritually murdered? MORE BELOW
  • Pizzagate is reflection of widespread mistrust in US government and establishment... the evidence uncovered will lead to a conclusion as to its reality. The MSM media has lost its grip on US citizens.
  • ChildAbuseRecovery Queen Elizabeth guilty in missing children case, whistle blowers incarcerated ... LiveLeak
  • David Zublick Is the Vatican involved in Pizzagate
  • YouTube Putin Knew about Pizzagate in 2012, banned adoption.
  • Steemit Pizzagate persons of interest,
  • YouTube in 2011 Andrew Breitbart believed and stated in a Twitter post that John Podesta was a pedophile ... He was killed in a suspicious auto accident in 2012.
  • YouTube Assange works for Israel
  • James Achilles Alefantis aka jimmycomet at Comet Ping Pong ... Steemit ...compilation of suspicious facts regarding James Achilles Alefantis
  • Elite Pedophile Rings video
  • Cultural Marxism and the very real movement to nomalize pedophilia TheOtherMcCain
  • YouTube Franklin Scandal Omaha, Lavey, Aquino, Larry King, Pizzagate, Bush 41 White House pedophile ring
  • MilleniumReport strong source of info on Pizzagate ... Benghazigate Broke Open Emailgate, Emailgate Broke Open Servergate, Servergate and Emailgate Broke Open Weinergate, Weinergate Broke Open Pizzagate
  • Longevity is a component driver of organ trafficking industry, young organs, untainted blood for transfusions.... linked to pedo nets. NoDisInfo
  • Wikileaks Pizzagate emails
  • YouTube Hollywood pedophilia, Corey Feldman
  • Sexual deviancy and elite power absolutely are correlated and date back at least to Sparta Greece.
  • Possible link of Pizzagate to 9/11 Truth thru Dennis Hastert, American Turkish Council, Valerie Plame, Brewster Jennings, Cheney, Libby, Sybil Edmonds and nuclear smuggling ... MORE and here


YouTube Pizzagate & Wikileaks - Assange ADMITTED He Works For ISRAEL & There Is AN AGENDA Behind Wiki Info .... Trump would not have been elected without US citizens being exposed to Wikileaks revelations.... what is Wikileaks / Zionist Agenda? ... On the surface, Clinton was more sympathetic to Israel/Zionists?

  • Steemit Besta Pizza is connected to Andrew Kline of the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the DOJ more below
  • Abby Martin on the Podesta brothers YouTube
  • NYPD has evidence to charge Clintons and close associates with money laundering, child exploitation, sex crimes with minors, perjury, pay-to-play, obstruction of justice and other felony crimes ... State of the Nation, TruePundit
  • Huma Abedin YouTube video and YouTube
  • SOTT Hillary Clinton held fundraisers at Comet Ping Pong
  • As documented below, Israel has a long sordid history in child / human trafficking / and organ trafficking
  • Israel tops the list of organ trafficking countries.
  • See Connection between the Norway Pedophile Network and the Clinton Foundation via HEAL AFRICA MORE developed from Wikileaks emails
  • Clinton Foundation money laundering front evidence Enniskillen, Ira Magaziner, Scholars Program of the American University in Dubai, American India Foundation, Earthquake Relief in Gujarat, International Aids Trust, Ron Burkle and Yucaipa Companies, HIV/AIDS Initiative, Inc. (“Old CHAI”), Presidential Library and for a Donation to the National Archives and Records Administration, Fund Construction of the Little Rock, Arkansas Complex, American Heart Association, Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund (“BCKF), Clinton Global Initiative (“Old CGI”)
  • WMR believes Pizzagate is fake news run amok
  • The average cost of an trafficked human organ is about $80k, lung, heart, pancreas, cornea... etc.
  • TheNewNationalist on Pizzagate
  • WikiLeaks emails specifically surrounded Abramović inviting both the Podesta brothers to attend an event known as “Spirit Cooking.”
  • Researchers found an image on Jimmy Comet's Instagram of him at a private book party with Lady Lynn Rothschild and David Brock (YouTube) ...???
  • 1948 Israel ... child trafficking a long-time affair .... Tzachi Hanegbi, minister for national security, became the first government official to admit that hundreds of babies had been stolen from their mothers in the years immediately following Israel’s creation in 1948
  • Israel's organ trafficking activities are well-known and dovetail into its child trafficking industry.
  • Occidental Observer According to a CNN report in 1998, Israel now has the highest per capita consumption of prostitute services in the world. One million visits are paid to prostitutes each month, making brothel hopping one of the nation’s most popular pastimes. Thousands of women are abducted annually — mostly from Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Uzbekistan and China — and sold into sex slavery in Israel
  • Wikileaks published a large number of emails from John Podesta (HRC's campaign chairman) to Comet Pizza owner James Alefantis who was a substantial financial supporter of Obama / Clinton / Dems... and was a domestic parter of David Brock of Media Matters for America... Rick Wells Brock is a Soros tool responsible for Media Matters and Correct the Record, and a close Clinton insider. Brock paid another of his homosexual partners $850,000 in what many believe to have been hush money ...
  • Wikileaks Obama spent $65,000 "flying in
    pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House" ... 2009-05-14
  • VOAT Alefantis visited the White House five times and met with Obama at least once RickWells see Larry Sinclair tryst with Obama below
  • hastertSOTT Podesta and Dennis Hastert (convicted child molester) were long-time friends ... see Wikileaks 48488 2015-06-01 13:26 MORE
  • NFU Hastert page
  • SOTT pedophilia code words:"hot dog" = boy; "pizza" = girl; "cheeze" = little girl; "pasta" = little boy; "ice cream" = male prostitute; "walnut" = person of colour; "map" = semen; "sauce" = orgy
  • SOTT "... I have a square cloth handerchief (white w/ black)..."
  • Top 100 most damaging Wikileaks
  • Espstein / Trump complaints lawsuits page Virginia Roberts, underage sex
  • Watch David Seamen's videos ... great work but he seems to defend Israel, totally inconsistent, ill-informed and naive.
  • Weiner's involvement in disappearance of Madeline McCann on May 3, 2007, wiped Wikileaks emails to destroy evidence of his links to Portugal, passports, and McCann's screenshot 2016-11-11 at 10.14.35 AM, 50 Shades of Abuse
  • HRC went to Epstein's orgy island six times RJR, Bill 20+, Erik Prince (Xe) source, NYPD, Abedins flipped on money laundering, pay to play, underage sex, classified data on illegal server/laptops
  • Spirit Cooking, Podesta, Abramovic ... evidence of satanic cult activity connected to child pedophilia.
  • TruthFeed New Life Children's Refuge, Haiti earthquake, trafficking in children who had parents, Clinton invovlement in fraud defense. Clinton Tied to Convicted Child Trafficker Laura Silsby
  • Silsby, Laura ... long string of emails dating back to 2001, Haiti orphanage, http://bit.ly/2eH3ELq has ties to Clintons through Cheryl Mills, Clinton contacted lawyer for 10 people connected to child trafficking ... TruthFeed and CharismaNews
  • Jorge Puello Torres, convicted sex trafficker, the attorney who represented Laura Silsby
  • Fetzer: Dem whistleblowers leaked Podesta emails... not Russians....
  • Huma Abedin ties to al Queda, Muslim Brotherhood, secret lover of Hillary Clinton... spouse of Anthony Weiner.
  • Anthony Weiner sexting scandal tip of iceberg of pedophile ring. http://bit.ly/2f4u9xv
  • Comet Ping Pong pizzzeria in Chevy Chase, DC center of Clinton child sex ring, emails between owner James Alefantis and John Podesta, see David Brock... tied to Bear Stearns billionaire Jeffrey Epstein ...
  • White House, Obama, affair with Larry Sinclair while Illinois Senator... more evidence of power/elite/ sexual deviancy... DNC / GOP alike...Franklin Scandal Omaha
  • Dennis Hastert, serial child molester had relationship with John Podesta
  • Alan Dershowitz, alledgedly had multiple sexual encounters with underage sex slave Virginia Roberts (NFU Epstein indictment page) is staunch Israel defender and denigrates 9/11 Truth movement.
  • Tony Podesta
  • VigilantCitizen ... Marina Abramovic ... chairman-clintons-campaign-john-podesta-attended-occult-spirit-cooking-dinner-hosted-marina-abramovic
  • Jeffrey Epstein
  • James Alefantis.Podesta's use of "pizza" is in "weird cryptic language." ... The conspiracies were fueled by the fact that Alefantis is the former romantic partner of David Brock, the longtime Democratic operative behind Media Matters and Correct the Record, a rapid-response outfit created to counter anti-Clinton theories on the internet..
  • Wikileaks email links below
  • Virginia Roberts, sex slave
  • Any accusation of Israeli human trafficking to harvest blood is met with counter charges of anti-Semitism and reference to the Blood Libel controversy much as the Holocaust hoax is used to shield Israelis from their crimes against Palestinians. The Jewish practise of Rabbis sucking the blood from the circumcised newborn's penis has links in this context. It's called Brit milah, metzitzah b'peh, mohel, bris, MBP, religious fascination with blood.
  • SOTT a painting in Podesta's office depicting cannablism
  • StewWebb site... reference to mounds of circumstantial evidence.
  • Eric Braverman, (outed as a mole by Podesta in this email) the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation, MIA
  • Nazi / Zionist collaboration ... Jim Condit YouTube in the context of accusation that the alt-right movement is a Neo-Nazi organization... attempts to conflate these groups is disengenuous intellectual treachery.
  • New York Post NEWS New Clinton emails found during Anthony Weiner sexting probe
  • Your News Wire NYPD: Hillary Clinton ‘Child Sex Scandal’ About To Break NYPD sources, files found on Weiner’s newly found laptop which he shared with his wife Huma Abedin, show evidence of a political pedophile ring operating within Washington, involving members of Congress as well as numerous top Clinton aides and insiders, high ranking Democratic Senator, seach terms: NYPD will go public ... Abedin and Weiner were cooperating with fed agents, seeking immunity, looking at cell phone activity, Jeffrey Epstein, his Boeing 727, Lolita Express, Orgy Island, Sex Slave Island, various pimps, Bill Clinton visited over 20 times... ..
  • HRC letter to Podesta ... Cooking with Fratelli Podesta fundraiser hosted by Tony and John Podesta... below


  • Reddit Podesta invited to late-night dinner for pizza
  • Occidental Observer CNN report in 1998, Israel now has the highest per capita consumption of prostitute services in the world. According to a CNN report in 1998, Israel now has the highest per capita consumption of prostitute services in the world. One million visits are paid to prostitutes each month, making brothel hopping one of the nation’s most popular pastimes. Thousands of women are abducted annually — mostly from Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Uzbekistan and China — and sold into sex slavery in Israel
  • ABCNews (Fake News MSM propaganda): ... Dec 2016 ... On blogs, YouTube channels and internet radio shows devoted to conspiracy theories, the arrest of Edgar Maddison Welch on Sunday was just the latest "false flag," a term for a cover-up or distraction orchestrated by the government or other powerful figures. The persistent belief in the false-flag theory shows just how stubborn fabricated conspiracies can be, according to experts. ... James Fetzer, a longtime conspiracy theorist who also believes the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax, told The Associated Press that Welch's visit to the pizzeria was staged to distract the public from the truth of the "pizzagate" allegations.
  • Chelsea Clinton is rumored to be considering running for New York Congressional seat.
  • CNSNews ... A federal appeals court judge ruled ... that under the Federal Records Act (FRA), Secretary of State John Kerry was required by law to ask Attorney General Loretta Lynch to “initiate enforcement proceedings” to help him and U.S. Archivist David Ferriero recover emails that his predecessor, Hillary Clinton, kept on her private accounts.
  • ConservativeDaily A source from the FBI has indicated that a third development has been launched from the Clinton investigation that a massive child trafficking and pedophile sex ring operates in Washington, D.C... According to these reports, there are at least 6 members of Congress and several leaders from federal agencies that partake in the pedophile ring, which they say was run directly with the Clinton Foundation as a front
  • podesta
  • Eater.com debunks Weinergate, Pizzagate
  • FoxNews ... Media Matters boss paid former partner $850G 'blackmail' settlement ... after being threatened with damaging information involving the organization’s donors and the IRS – a deal that Brock later characterized as a blackmail payment, according to legal documents obtained by FoxNews.com.
  • Haaretz Three Israelis Arrested on Suspicion of Organ Trafficking Surgeon among suspects; traffickers would approach poor people and offer to buy a kidney for transplant in Turkey... The three were arrested on Tuesday at the end of a month-long undercover investigation. On Wednesday, the Rishon Letzion Magistrate’s Court ordered Dr. Michael Ziss and Shlomi Biton held without bail, and released the third suspect to house arrest. Ziss, a surgeon, was extradited from Ukraine to Israel in 2009 on similar suspicions. He and Biton were eventually charged with organ trafficking and conspiracy to commit a crime in that case, which is still being heard by the Be’er Sheva District Court. But in October 2014, the court rejected the prosecution’s request to keep Ziss in jail until the end of his trial.
  • Haaretz NY Yeshiva U. Hires Convicted Sex Offender (Akiva Roth) as Teacher Decision calls into question the university's hiring practices ...New York's Yeshiva University, still reeling from allegations that for decades its leaders dealt improperly with allegations of sexual abuse, has hired a new faculty member who was previously convicted of inappropriate sexual behavior with boys, the Forward newspaper reports. see Rabbi Norman Lamm, who was its president from 1976 until 2003. ... $380 million lawsuit pending ... Roth worked at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as its northeast region synagogue initiative director, and for the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York as an Israel engagement coordinator. read more: http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/news/1.551297
  • Haaretz NYT Finds 'Disproportionate Role' of Israelis in World Organ Trafficking ... Costa Rican authorities announced last year that they had uncovered an international organ trafficking ring that specialized in selling kidneys to Israeli and eastern European patients. The Times said it was able to identify 11 patients – six of them Israelis – who underwent kidney transplants in San Jose, as well as two other Israelis who arrived to the Costa Rican capital with donors for procedures they said would not have been approved back home. The report puts Dr. Francisco Mora Palma, head of nephrology at the large Calderon Guardia Hospital in San Jose, at the center of the operation in Costa Rica.
  • asdf WMR has learned that the Purple Hotel (Obama trysts)...weekday afternoon parties were attended by Rezko, Levine, and Obama.  More
  • Jewish Voice NY Feb 2017 Federal Investigators and the U.S attorney’s office are now in the process of deciding on whether or not they will press charges against former Congressman Anthony Weiner after a 15-year old girl who will remain anonymous because of her age, sent text messages between herself and Weiner that suggested that the two had an ongoing sexual relationship. The FBI and the U.S. attorney’s office seized all of Weiner’s electronic devices, including a lab top and a cell phone. Weiner’s name has become virtually synonymous with sexting scandals, the first of which was dubbed Weinergate and ultimately lead to his resignation from Congress in 2011. The second scandal came to the fore after three women came forward in 2013 during Weiner’s run for Mayor and presented explicit text messages between themselves and Anthony Weiner. In 2016, a new scandal was confirmed, ultimately leading to a separation between Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin.
  • NYTimes Alfred Kinsey ... MORE than half a century after the publication of his landmark study, "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male," Alfred C. Kinsey remains one of the most influential figures in American intellectual history.... Thanks to him, it's now common knowledge that almost all men masturbate, that women peak sexually in their mid-30's and that homosexuality is not some one-in-a-million anomaly. ..Though some hail him for liberating the nation from sexual puritanism, others revile him as a fraud whose "junk science" legitimized degeneracy.... Kinsey's detractors, who are eager to take on the man they blame, in part, for the gay movement, Roe v. Wade, sex education, the glamorization of pornography and the loosening of sex-offender laws.
  • Snopes Pizzagate/Conspiracy ... Chuck E. Sleaze A detailed conspiracy theory known as "Pizzagate" holds that a pedophile ring is operating out of a Clinton-linked pizzeria called Comet Ping Pong. ... Snopes says these claims are false: The 'Podesta e-mails' revealed the existence of a secret society of pedophiles operating through a pizza place loosely connected to Clinton associate David Brock ... On 4 November 2016, Reddit user u/DumbScribblyUnctious published a thread titled “Comet Ping Pong – Pizzagate Summary” to subreddit r/The_Donald (a community of Donald Trump supporters), which appears to have touched off a complex and detailed conspiracy theory involving WikiLeaks’ release of e-mails from former Hillary Clinton presidential campaign chair John Podesta, child exploitation, and a Washington, D.C., pizzeria called Comet Ping Pong. ... Although the Pizzagate controversy remains a high-interest conspiracy, we are unable to locate any substantive aspect of the claims that could be fact-checked or otherwise held up to the light to determine their veracity. And while rumors about pedophilia and child trafficking remain standard in urban folklore, roughly 90 percent [PDF] of assaults on children in the U.S. are committed by a friend or family member, a number reiterated by the United States Department of Justice. Most [PDF] abuse of the nature alleged is committed by family members, family friends, or other trusted adults — without the use of coded toys or pizzeria sex rings.
  • Wall Stree Journal ...
  • Washington City Paper...Alt Right Conspiracy Theorists Obsess Over Comet Ping Pong..Unlikely theory pulls in Chevy Chase pizzeria..Comet owner James Alefantis..In Chevy Chase, Comet Ping Pong is known for its pizzas, concerts, and ping pong tables. On the grimiest corners of the rightwing internet, though, the restaurant has earned another reputation this election cycle: as the potential home base of a global Democratic sex ring..did Podesta have a handkerchief with a "pizza-related" map on it?..and the sliding doors in front of the restaurant's bathrooms, dubbed "hidden rooms." ... To the alt right, though, "pizza" became a suspected code word for illegal sex trafficking. Pizza Party Ben, an associate of Breitbart provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, writes in a Twitter message to WCP that Podesta's use of "pizza" is in "weird cryptic language." ... The conspiracies were fueled by the fact that Alefantis is the former romantic partner of David Brock, the longtime Democratic operative behind Media Matters and Correct the Record, a rapid-response outfit created to counter anti-Clinton theories on the internet. Given the nature of its operation, Correct the Record takes up an outsized space in the minds of righty conspiracy theorists.
  • pingpong
  • Wikipedia Pizzagate (conspiracy theory, a large # of details omitted including any references to Spirit Cooking, Spirit Cooking, Podesta, Abramovic, Haiti, Clinton Foundation, Weiner.. etc) ... Podesta's emails contain coded messages referring to human trafficking, ... BuzzFeed News tracing its origin to a tweet written by a "reputed white supremacist" on October 30, 2016 which claimed that emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop revealed the existence of a pedophilia ring linked to members of the Democratic Party ... The theory also proposed that the ring was a meeting ground for satanic ritual abuse ... use of handerchief codes sited (cheese pizza, hot dogs, nuts are pedo net terms) ... Madeleine McCann link probably a diversion? ... see Voat ... Reddit and other sites have banned Pizzagate ...( Wikipedia focuses on Edgar Maddison Welch shooting incident while ignoring far more important facts... this is significant)
  • WND FBI has evidence that Hillary Clinton visited Orgy Island ... Citing a “well-placed source” in the New York Police Department, Blackwater USA founder and retired Navy SEAL Erik Prince claims that among the 650,000 Huma Abedin emails on her estranged husband’s laptop is evidence Hillary Clinton, as well as former President Bill Clinton, was a visitor to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Caribbean hideaway, known as “Orgy Island.”
  • Wikipedia Jeffrey Epstein Jeffrey Edward Epstein (born January 20, 1953) is an American financier and sex offender. He worked at Bear Stearns early in his career and then formed his own firm, J. Epstein & Co. In 2008, Epstein was convicted of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution, for which he served 13 months in prison ... Solicitation of prostitution[edit] In March 2005, a woman contacted Palm Beach police and alleged her 14-year-old daughter had been taken to Jeffrey Epstein's mansion by an older girl and paid $300 after stripping and massaging him.[ She had undressed, but left the encounter wearing her underwear. Police started an 11-month undercover investigation of Epstein, followed by a search of his home. Subsequently, they alleged that Epstein had paid several escorts to perform sexual acts on him. Interviews with five alleged victims and seventeen witnesses under oath, a high-school transcript and other items they found in Epstein's trash and home allegedly showed that some girls were under 18. A search of Epstein's home found large numbers of photos of girls throughout the house, some of whom had been interviewed earlier by the police. Papers filed in 2006 alleged that Epstein installed concealed cameras in numerous places on his property to record sexual activity with underage girls by prominent people for criminal purposes such as blackmail. Epstein had set up a system of young women recruiting other women for his massage services. Two housekeepers stated to the police that Epstein would receive "massages" every day whenever he stayed in Palm Beach. In May 2006, Palm Beach police filed a probable cause affidavit saying that Epstein should be charged with four counts of unlawful sex with minors and one molestation count. His team of lawyers included Gerald Lefcourt, Alan Dershowitz and later Ken Starr.[10] Epstein passed a lie detector test in which he was asked whether he knew of the underage status of the girls—although lie detector tests are generally not admissible in a court of law.
  • podesta Podesta painting on his office wall ... "It's better to be the guy with the knife than the guy on the table. SOTT



  • CNSNews ... A federal appeals court judge ruled ... that under the Federal Records Act (FRA), Secretary of State John Kerry was required by law to ask Attorney General Loretta Lynch to “initiate enforcement proceedings” to help him and U.S. Archivist David Ferriero recover emails that his predecessor, Hillary Clinton, kept on her private accounts. The ruling by Senior Circuit Judge Stephen Williams for the D.C. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia pointed out that not only does the FRA “strictly limit the circumstances under which records can be removed from federal custody or destroyed,” the statute also gives agency heads “no discretion to determine which cases to pursue.” The decision was the result of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch in May 2015 that sought to compel Kerry’s compliance with the FRA after he refused to ask Lynch to help him retrieve tens of thousands of emails sent by Clinton and her top aides while she was secretary of state that had not been turned over to the State Department. search terms: Clinton handed over 55,000 pages of emails, deleted 30,000 supposed personal emails, Chelsea wedding, yoga, vacations, Williams overturned a lower court decision in January by U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg that dismissed Judicial Watch’s lawsuit, which was consolidated with a similar one filed by the Cause of Action (CoA) Institute... dereliction of duty ... CoA Institute vice president John Vecchione ...
  • Steemit Besta Pizza is connected to Andrew Kline of the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the DOJ [Pizza Parties Exposed]2 months ago by ausbitbank 68 in wikileaks Another connection has been made on the international child smuggling / pedophile ring being exposed thanks to the wikileaks revelations. The trail is still hot, there are faaar too many leads for a single person to follow and they are clearly aware that the net is closing.
  • MilleniumReport The pedophilia scandals that have rocked the USA are actually just a cover-up for something much more serious and sinister. As follows: Much of the child trafficking is actually being conducted in the interest of (i) organ trafficking from young, healthy yet involuntary child donors, (ii) tissue harvesting from extremely young and/or euthanized infants and (iii) blood harvesting from the same. This is the real goal of the massive pedophilia network that has taken over American government and the Motion Picture Industry (Jewish-run Hollywood). The conspirators who control the pedo-networks from the very top are seeking to use the children in far more nefarious ways than ever talked or written about.
  • ChildAbuseRecovery Decapitated, dismembered children in Catholic mass grave site were ritually murdered? Marks on the bones of nearly 800 children found in a Roman Catholic Nun septic tank indicated they had been ritually killed a source within the Irish Garda police force revealed this week. The informant told five judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels that forensic experts have confirmed the decapitation and dismemberment of babies in the mass grave resembled the usual signs of ritualistic murder. Last week death certificates were released on the 796 Irish children, ages two months to nine years, found in a cistern at the Catholic St. Mary’s Mothers and Babies Home near Taum. The forensic evidence appeared to link the children’s deaths to the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Since last month Roman Catholic and Irish government officials have been named by witnesses at the ICLCJ Court as members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. “These children weren’t just cut up, they were massacred” the policeman from the Irish Garda told the court. Yesterday the Irish government and Roman Catholic Church may have commenced a cover-up by closing off the child mass grave site and announcing their own in-house “investigation.” “That is the standard procedure in any institutional cover-up” stated a June 11 declaration issued by the ICLCJ Court Citizen Prosecutor’s Office in Brussels. Since March the ICLCJ International Court has been prosecuting members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network for child trafficking, pedophilia and murder that possibly linked to 34 child mass grave sites discovered in Ireland, Canada and Spain. The child mass grave sites were on properties mainly owned by the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Church, United Church of Canada and Irish and Canadian governments. The Canadian 32 child mass grave sites have been refused excavation by the Catholic Church, Canadian government and Crown of England even though children’s remains have been uncovered and examined since 2008 by licensed archeologists including one from the Smithsonian Institute. ... over 20 ICLCJ court witnesses have named as their perpetrators at least 24 members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Those targeted by prosecutors were nine top judges including British High Court Judge Fulford, brother of the present King of Holland Prince Friso, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; British, Dutch and Belgian royal family members including Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip and Dutch Queen Wilhemina, her family and consort King Hendrick; Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger, Dutch Catholic Cardinal Alfrink, a Canadian Catholic bishop, plus senior government ministers, politicians and businessmen in Belgium, England and the US.
  • WMR's previous reports that House Speaker Dennis Hastert was involved in a homosexual circle involving congressional staffers also appears to be mentioned in the deposition, along with the fact that Hastert's activities were known to foreign intelligence agents and that the foreign agents sometimes participated in trysts at Hastert's townhouse. On October 7, 2006, WMR reported on Hastert's homosexual trysts: "The rumors about another top GOP member of the House being involved in sexual encounters with young "men for hire" are confirmed to WMR by well-placed sources in Washington's gay community. The member in question is House Speaker Dennis Hastert, whose 'alternate' life style is the primary reason for him and his staff covering up the scandal involving ex-Florida GOP Rep. Mark Foley and his lewd messages sent to underage male congressional pages. Hastert's penchant to receive anal sex is well-known to our sources in DC's gay community. Additionally, Hastert's reported extremely small penis is the subject of many jokes among Washington's gay circles." After leaving Congress, Hastert became a lobbyist for the Turkish government MORE BELOW
  • VeteransToday ... Israel has, in the past, been a center for dubious human organ trafficking operations. It is also the case that Palestinian prisoners in Israel have sought to sell their kidneys to feed their children. ..., the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reported that Palestinian prisoners who died at the hands of Israeli troops had their organs harvested. ... Now comes the charges from Iraq’s ambassador that ISIL is removing human organs from its victims. But who are the buyers? Given Israel’s tacit support for Syrian rebels, including ISIL and groups like the Al Nusra Front that are allied with it, Israel is the likely customer for the Iraqi body parts in a quid pro quo that only a Dr. Frankenstein could admire. For a nation like Israel that is full of anti-Arab zealots and racists, that sort of animosity does not seem to extend, even under bizarrely antiquated Jewish religious laws, to placing Arab kidneys, livers, and pancreas into the bodies of Israeli Jews in need of organ transplants. MORE
  • Washington Times Nearly half of Republicans believe Pizzagate is real. Nearly half of registered Republicans believe Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign is implicated in a satanic child abuse ring operated from beneath a Washington, D.C., pizzeria, according to the results of a new poll released this week. In spite of being debunked and refuted as a baseless conspiracy theory, 49 percent of Republicans questioned during a recent YouGov/Economist survey said there’s at least some truth to the so-called “Pizzagate” scandal said to involve Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.
  • VOAT Connection between the Norway Pedophile Network and the Clinton Foundation via HEAL AFRICA ... Clinton replaced the local HEAL Africa Christian group who had a clinic in Africa for women and babies, with a Norwegian team back in 2009 or so. The team was upset with being replaced as you can see in the email link below, and even though it sounds like they were doing a good job, Clinton replaced them with a Norwegians team. Wikileaks And now this... RT, ...and ... ... ... Hegnar ... Zerhedge ... After the Norway Pedo network got busted, Norway pulled its funding from the Clinton Foundation! Norway’s ministry of foreign affairs said that it has not renewed pledges it had with the Clinton Foundation which ended in 2015.“Norway has signed several agreements which aimed to help reduce maternal and child mortality in countries with high mortality burden to ensure progress on the [Millennium Development Goals],” Guri Solberg, the communications adviser for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Finansavisen. They don't specifically mention HEAL AFRICA, but you can surmise by the context that they are referring to the HEAL AFRICA program... WayneMadsenReport January 30-February 1, 2009 -- SPECIAL REPORT. New information surfaces on Israeli, Soviet blackmailing of U.S. politicians in early 1980s NY Probe Breaks the Story, WaPo Whitewashes It Feds Spin Wheels in Probes DC’s “Chicken Hawk” Scene The New York Connection Foreign Agents Buy “Call Boy” Customer Names Famous Names Named Coming Next: Who’s Still On the Case WMR has obtained copies of the reporter's notes of Lou Chibbaro of Washington's Blade newspaper on his in-depth and pioneering investigation of the blackmailing of clients, many of whom were members of Congress, in the early 1980s by intelligence agents of Israel and the then-Soviet Union. Of the top intelligence agencies identified in the blackmail of U.S. clients of underage call boy services, only the Israeli Mossad still exists as a major intelligence force in the nation's capital. The KGB disappeared along with the Soviet Union in 1991. The revelations about foreign intelligence use of the client lists of various call boy services in Washington, DC and its suburbs in the late 1970s and early 1980s were first brought forth by a special investigator for the New York State Select Committee on Crime, Its Causes, Control and Effect on Society named Dale Smith at a hearing in New York City on July 27, 1982. Smith named Soviet, Israeli, and British intelligence agents as involved in buying client lists from the call boy companies. The Washington Post reported on the testimony by Smith in a July 28, 1982 article, with a highly-misleading headline,"Sale of Male Sex Client Lists Unconfirmed, Ex-Investigator Says." No mention is made that the males involved were juveniles nor was there any mention in the entire article of Israeli intelligence. The article led off with "A former investigator for a New York state crime committee has testified that Washington area out-call male prostitution representatives have told him that lists of clients have been sold to Soviet and other foreign intelligence agents." The lack of a reference to Israel was not the first time that the Post waved its "blue and white" colors in corrupting news stories. MORE
  • Mondoweis It is Israel’s darkest secret – or so argues one Israeli journalist – in a country whose short history is replete with dark episodes. Last month Tzachi Hanegbi, minister for national security, became the first government official to admit that hundreds of babies had been stolen from their mothers in the years immediately following Israel’s creation in 1948. In truth, the number is more likely to be in the thousands. For nearly seven decades, successive governments – and three public inquiries – denied there had been any wrongdoing. They concluded that almost all the missing babies had died, victims of a chaotic time when Israel was absorbing tens of thousands of new Jewish immigrants. But as more and more families came forward – lately aided by social media – to reveal their suffering, the official story sounded increasingly implausible. Although many mothers were told their babies had died during or shortly after delivery, they were never shown a body or grave, and no death certificate was ever issued. Others had their babies snatched from their arms by nurses who berated them for having more children than they could properly care for. According to campaigners, as many as 8,000 babies were seized from their families in the state’s first years and either sold or handed over to childless Jewish couples in Israel and abroad. To many, it sounds suspiciously like child trafficking. -MORE
  • Hotline Over the years, the patterns of human trafficking in Israel have changed: in the 1990s, most of the trafficking was of women brought over from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) for sex work. Following activism of human rights organizations, Knesset members and eventually the Israeli Police, this phenomenon has been eliminated almost entirely. These days, most human trafficking victims are migrant workers who’ve been held and employed in slavery-line conditions and survivors of the torture camps in Sinai. Non-governmental organizations first recognized the phenomenon of human trafficking in Israel in 1997, with the publishing of a first report on the subject by the Women’s Lobby in Israel. Public advocacy and media campaigns of the Hotline for Refugees and Migrants in 1999 and 2000 along with an Amnesty International report published in 2000 were unsuccessful is getting authorities to recognize the problem, although the same year the Knesset passed a law against the trafficking of women for the purpose of prostitution. Israeli authorities began recognizing that there is a problem only after the U.S. State Department placed Israel alongside Pakistan and Bahrain in Tier 3 of the annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report in 2001 – the lowest possible level, indicating that Israel is doing nothing to combat human trafficking within its borders. That year and the coming years, most of the trafficking victims were women from FSU who were trafficked into Israel for the sex trade.
  • WayneMadsenReport April 14, 2010 -- Israeli general at center of Israeli organ trafficking. Echoing the famous line from the movie "Casablanca," Israeli police say they are "shocked" to find organ trafficking in their country. Last week, Israeli police arrested six people, including reserve Israeli Defense Force (IDF) General Meir Zamir, for organ trafficking. A Palestinian woman from Nazareth was flown to Azerbaijan to have her kidney removed on a promise of $100,000 from the Israeli organ trafficking ring. However, the woman never received the money after her kidney was removed. An 18-year old male was flown to the Philippines by the Israeli ring in order to have his kidney removed with a promise of $80,000. Reprising the role of Inspector Louis Reynaud in "Casablnca," Israeli Police Superintendent Ahron Galor was quoted by BBC, "We ran an undercover investigation and we were shocked by the proportions of this." However, there was evidence for the past several years that Israel was engaged in illegal organ trafficking and even organ theft from Palestinians killed by Israeli troops. On February 22, 2008, WMR reported: "Francis Delmonico, MD, in a paper presented at a February 21 seminar at the Cato Institute in Washington in opposition to organ trafficking and marketing for organ sales . . . decried the fact that Israel is outsourcing kidney and liver transplants to Colombia and the Philippines. Israel has, in the past, been a center for dubious human organ trafficking operations. It is also the case that Palestinian prisoners in Israel have sought to sell their kidneys to feed their children. MORE and see RealJewNews A KIDNEY BY ANY OTHER NAME WOULD SMELL AS SOUR,” can be said of the organ-trafficking and money-laundering FBI sting operation which implicated five Talmudic rabbis from New York and neighboring New Jersey. This international rabbinical operation spanned from Jewish-entrenched New York to the Jewish state of Israel. The FBI used an informant, a Talmudic Jew named Solomon Dwek, to approach the rabbis — who were from the Syrian Jewish community in Brooklyn NY and Deal NJ — to help hide his assets. Deal is a wealthy oceanfront borough of New Jersey where the rabbis and their Jewish accomplices have posh summer homes.
  • WMR  "Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, who former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds revealed had accepted bribes from Turkish principals close to the American Turkish Council, joined Dickstein Shapiro after resigning his House seat. FBI wiretaps also revealed that Turkey, along with Israel, were major players in the nuclear smuggling ring involving Pakistani nuclear scientist A Q Khan. It was this ring that was also being targeted by Brewster Jennings and Plame before they were outed by Libby and other senior White House officials." full story
  • WayneMadsenReport October 29, 2007 -- Child trafficking scandal linked to Elysee Palace He is short, tempestuous, mercurial, has called "scum" the faithful of a Middle East religion, and he possesses nuclear weapons. He is not Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He is French President Nicolas Sarkozy and American viewers of CBS 60 Minutes last night got a view of the bizarre behavior of Sarkozy, one of the newest neocons to occupy a seat of power in the world. On October 24, Chadian police arrested nine French citizens who were trying to fly 103 children from Darfur, Sudan and Chad to France. The children, who were between ages 1 and 9, were being flown by a three-year old non-profit group called l'Arche de Zoe, or "Zoe's Ark" and another affiliated group called Children Rescue. French families, according to the October 27 New York Times, had paid some $3500 per child to obtain custody. There were no records of any legal agreements made for French families to take custody of the children. Many of the children are not orphans and have families. Moreover, the BBC reported that the organizers of the mass kidnapping offered the children candy, biscuits, and money to entice them into going to France. The argument by the French charity that the care for the African children was only to be "temporary," was countered by a BBC report that some children were told that if they went to France, they would be given cars to drive when they were 19 years of age. After Chadian and French authorities accused Zoe's Ark of criminal activity, the group said it had the support of President Sarkozy, his now-estranged wife Cecilia, and the Elysee Palace. Sarkozy's spokesman quickly denied any association with the group. On April 9, 2007, WMR reported: "With the French presidential election on April 22 and neo-cons everywhere anxious to see one of their own, Nicolas Sarkozy, garner a majority of the vote in the first of two elections, Sarkozy has, in a major blow to his fortunes, tipped his hand on a theme common to neo-con politicians in France, the United States, Canada, Australia, Britain, and other countries -- their fascination with, defense of, and participation in pedophilia and pedophilic rituals. In an interview with a French magazine, Sarkozy said he is 'inclined to think that people are born pedophiles, and that it is also a problem that we do not know how to manage.'" The French handled the "problem" by electing Sarkozy President of France. Wherever neocons go, degenerate behavior is not far behind.
  • WMR:  September 13-14, 2011 -- Breivik massacre has "Gladio" clues from previous massacres in Belgium ...   The CIA's infamous "stay-behind" networks, originally established by the CIA to commit acts of sabotage against an expected Soviet invasion of Western Europe, was, instead, used in the 1970s and 1980s, amid calls for peace and an end to the Cold War in Europe, to stage "false flag" terrorist attacks that were blamed on Communist cells in Western Europe. In fact the terrorist attacks were carried out by right-wing paramilitaries on the payroll of the CIA.    ...   The terror visited by the Gladio fear-stoking paramilitaries was especially felt in the Belgian province of Brabant where the Brabant Gang, active from 1982 and 1985, the height of Europe's anti-nuclear and anti-U.S. military campaign. Twenty eight people were killed by the Brabant Gang with scores of others injured. Particularly targeted were Delhaize supermarkets, the chain that owns Food Lion in the United States.    ...   Oddly, money stolen from victims was sometimes found dumped by the gang members. Three of the killings stemmed from the robbery of an arms dealer. There were several reports that the Brabant Gang was run by elements of the Belgian Gendarmerie SDRA6 (Service de documentation, de renseignments et d'action VI) -- a secret branch of Belgian security -- and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, acting on behalf of the CIA. The Brabant Gang was also linked to the activities of a neo-Nazi organization in Belgium called the Westland New Post, whose terrorist actions were blamed by authorities on the Communist Combatant Cells, also believed to be a construct of the Belgian and American security services.   ...   Among the victims of the Brabant Gang were Belgian real estate tycoon Jacques Fourez and his secretary, Elise Dewit, killed by the gangsters in 1983. Their deaths as well as others were linked to the evidence they possessed of secret parties, called "pink ballets," at which Belgium's elite, including members of the royal family, NATO officers, and politicians, participated in orgies with underage males and females.    ...   There is another link between the Belgian Gladio operations in the 1980s and the activities of Anders Behring Breivik in Norway. A number of Belgian neo-Nazi paramilitary members were connected to the Order of the Solar Temple, a secret society founded in the 1960s by French Nazis. The Order of the Solar Temple is a cult following of the Knights Templar. Breivik and his closest associates were also affiliated with anti-Islamic Knights Templar groups. Between 1994 and 1997, a number of Solar Temple members were murdered ritualistic-style or committed mass suicide. The deaths occurred in Cheiry and Salvan, in western Switzerland; Vercors, France; and Morin Heights and Saint-Casimir, Quebec.    ...   Japanese television journalists who contacted this editor in 2000 had discovered similar links between the Solar Temple and the CIA as they had previously discovered existed between the CIA and the Japanese murder and suicide religious cult, Aum Shinrikyo. The Order of the Solar Temple was founded in 1984 by Joseph di Mambro, a former Rosicrucian, and Luc Jouret, born in the Belgian Congo and a Marxist-turned-neo-Nazi. In 1984, Shoko Asahara founded Aum Shirinkyo, which means "Supreme Truth." Aum Shirinkyo soon attracted a number of influential adherents, including members of the Japanese royal family. In 1995, Aum attacked the Tokyo subway system with sarin.    ...   In the mid-1990s, Belgian gangster Marc Dutroux was arrested for carrying out a series of kidnappings of young girls, who he proceeded to sexually abuse, torture, and in four cases, murder. Dutroux's parents had emigrated to the Belgian Congo but later returned to Belgium. Dutroux's kidnappings and abuse of young girls occurred during the 1980s, the same time frame that members of the Belgian elite were engaging in orgies with underage girls and boys. Dutroux was constantly let off the hook by the Belgian authorities and the police's failure to take prompt and severe action against the pedophile rapist ultimately led to the reorganization of Belgian law enforcement. One of the first trial judges in the Dutroux case, Jean-Marc Connerotte, testified that he was threatened by shadowy figures in the highest echelons of the government for trying the case against Dutroux. Dutroux was finally convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment in 2004. Dutroux was also convicted of having murdered his one-time accomplice, Bernard Weinstein.    ...   WMR has been informed by reliable sources that the Belgian pedophile scandal also involved top American officials and is linked to the pedophile networks active in Washington, DC, Los Angeles, and Omaha during the same time frame, the 1980s. In some cases, Belgian and other European politicians engaged in Pink Ballet activities were blackmailed by the CIA into backing NATO initiatives in Europe.   
  • MilleniumReport The pedophilia scandals that have rocked the USA are actually just a cover-up for something much more serious and sinister. As follows: Much of the child trafficking is actually being conducted in the interest of (i) organ trafficking from young, healthy yet involuntary child donors, (ii) tissue harvesting from extremely young and/or euthanized infants and (iii) blood harvesting from the same. This is the real goal of the massive pedophilia network that has taken over American government and the Motion Picture Industry (Jewish-run Hollywood). The conspirators who control the pedo-networks from the very top are seeking to use the children in far more nefarious ways than ever talked or written about.
  • https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/10BUENOSAIRES166_a.html
  • Podesta invited to a late night "dinner" at Comet pizza in October 2008. Featuring "big or small. You decide" the same month as Eric McFadden was arranging sex with a minor.
  • Re: Comet Ping Pong and OBAMA...and Podesta?. From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2008-09-28 00:48 Subject: Re: Comet Ping Pong and OBAMA...and Podesta?.
  • Washington City Paper...Alt Right Conspiracy Theorists Obsess Over Comet Ping Pong..Unlikely theory pulls in Chevy Chase pizzeria..Comet owner James Alefantis..In Chevy Chase, Comet Ping Pong is known for its pizzas, concerts, and ping pong tables. On the grimiest corners of the rightwing internet, though, the restaurant has earned another reputation this election cycle: as the potential home base of a global Democratic sex ring..did Podesta have a handkerchief with a "pizza-related" map on it?..and the sliding doors in front of the restaurant's bathrooms, dubbed "hidden rooms." ... To the alt right, though, "pizza" became a suspected code word for illegal sex trafficking. Pizza Party Ben, an associate of Breitbart provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, writes in a Twitter message to WCP that Podesta's use of "pizza" is in "weird cryptic language." ... The conspiracies were fueled by the fact that Alefantis is the former romantic partner of David Brock, the longtime Democratic operative behind Media Matters and Correct the Record, a rapid-response outfit created to counter anti-Clinton theories on the internet. Given the nature of its operation, Correct the Record takes up an outsized space in the minds of righty conspiracy theorists.
  • InvestmentWatchBlog
  • TruePundit
  • Abedin forwarded classified and top secret State Department emails to Weiner’s email
  • Abedin stored emails, containing government secrets, in a special folder shared with Weiner warehousing over 500,000 archived State Department emails.
  • Weiner had access to these classified and top secret documents without proper security clearance to view the records
  • Abedin also used a personal yahoo address and her Clintonemail.com address to send/receive/store classified and top secret documents
  • A private consultant managed Weiner’s site for the last six years, including three years when Clinton was secretary of state, and therefore, had full access to all emails as the domain’s listed registrant and administrator via Whois email contacts.
  • ...................................
  • HarvardHRJ Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame: How the Haitian Child Trafficking Scheme Embodies the Western Disregard for the Integrity of Poor Families Shani M. King* ... In January 2010, an earthquake in Haiti left hundreds of thousands of people dead, injured, and displaced, and over a million homeless.1 Three weeks after the earthquake, Haitian authorities arrested a group of Idaho missionaries for attempting to cross the border into the Dominican Republic with 33 children, without papers or proper authorization.2 The missionaries claimed they had the good intentions to set up an orphanage,3 but investigations showed that none of the children were orphans and that the missionaries may have been attempting to smuggle the children out of Haiti to be adopted internationally
  • Wikipedia In April 2015, U.S. District Court Judge Kenneth A. Marra struck all allegations from the pleadings which referred to or related to Dershowitz. The Court struck the allegations under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(f), which empowers the Court to strike "immaterial, impertinent or scandalous matter" and considered the striking of the allegations a "sanction" against the petitioners.


Franklin Scandal Omaha

ConAgra / Franklin Scandal Omaha, Roskens

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= go to NFU pages





How is ConAgra, Omaha-Nebraska, Ronald Roskens, child sexual abuse and the bee pollination crisis connected?  more below and Conagra, Bees, CCD page

  • Summary: connect the dots: ConAgra, Omaha, Franklin Scandal, Omaha, global warming, gm crops, pesticides, bee pollination crisis, gm pollen, toxic cloud.
  • Ronald Roskens (on Board of ConAgra) quietly fired as Chancellor of University of NebraskaOmaha  Wikipdedia, ConAgra   ref  LC
  • ConAgra, the worst global food company in report on global warming response, CERES report, and GM crops are proven dangerous.
  • Bee pollination  crisis (immune system deficiencies) will have major consequences for the world and ConAgra.
  • Search Google: gay sex parties,  implicated in Franklin Scandal, Omaha 1989, ... Roskens is on the board of directors of ConAgra.
  • Omaha, Nebraska 1989, ... it goes all the way to the Bush White House, ... Jeff Gannon, 2004, ....Ronald Roskens ConAgra ....  etc.   More below  Thundercache  "Get the ones with the beads", Kent State, 1970
  • Banker resignations

    for more on ConAgra, Colony Collapse Disorder, and White House Call Boy Ring, 1989 Franklin Scandal, Omaha




Corrupt and perverted corporations and religious organizations are harming us and the earth.  and see Spokesman Review  "Vatican will discipline noted priest"


Legionaries of Christ below


Its about protecting children, ... world wide traffic in children is still widespread and WayneMadsenReport is at the forefront of investigating this.  It has led him directly to the US Congress, and the Bush Administration.  The photo (right) was compiled from photos on the WayneMadsenReport  ...Camp Caribou may be just diversion or hoax, but this photo and information may help to keep alive the investigation of the Franklin Scandal, Omaha, 1989, ... it goes all the way to the Bush White House, ... Jeff Gannon, 2004, .... etc.   More below

enlarge  source: WayneMadsenReport.  photo possibly taken 2 years after his disappearance.   and see  Franklin Scandal Omaha ... White House Connections

ConAgra, Ronald Roskens, Franklin Scandal, Omaha      top
  • gays are no more likely to abuse children than straights
  • WayneMadsenReport  photo, Johnny Gosch, Franklin Scandal Omaha  more below
  • CoopAmerica Conagra profile "ConAgra is a multinational food giant with products ranging from cooking oil to hot chocolate mix. ConAgra has had significant problems in regards to factory farming, consumer health and safety, and genetic engineering. Health code violations and bacterial contamination at its food processing facilities have endangered consumers and in some cases been linked to deaths. Former CEO Bruce Rohde earned excessive compensation despite mediocre company performance. ConAgra's conduct shows that its innovative spirit stops short when it comes to the safety of its customers."
  • FrancesFarmersRevenge, search Ronald Roskens
  • GodLikeProductions
  • GMWatch
  • JohnnyGosch.com "JOHNNY DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE" song ... 12 yr old paperboy when he disappeared, from affluent West Des Moines, Iowa, Sept 5, 1982, kidnapped, has never been located.  His father, John searched that morning, found his wagon full of newspapers, two blocks from his home. 
  • click to open 450 page pdf file search Ronald Roskens
  • LavenderLiberal Ronald Roskens  "Claims to fame: Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development under George H.W. Bush; president/CEO of Action International think tank; honorary consul general of Japan; president, Global Communications; director, ConAgra Foods; former chancellor, University of Nebraska ... Moral apex: Implicated in the Franklin Credit Union Child-Sex Ring Scandal"
  • Mindfully Biotech, bad investments.
  • Multiline.au protecting children from Catholic priest child molesters
  • Nation  "The People's Church ... " Boston, Cathedral of the Holy Cross, two-decade spree of sexual exploitation, Bernard Cardinal Law, lied about his knowledge of the criminal activity, and readiness to protect the perpetrators, 
  • notes WMR comments file 
  • SeedsofDeception
  • Summary: connect the dots: Culture of Corruption, ConAgra, Omaha,  Franklin Scandal, Omaha , global warming, genetically modified crops, bee pollination crisis.  Colony Collapse Disorder and link to genetically modified crops, ConAgra.
  • Western Farm Press  CCD Bees, focusing on pesticides
  • Ronald Roskens quietly fired as Chancellor of University of Omaha, , Franklin Scandal, Omaha, (Search Google on Roskens Franklin Omaha) today is on the board of directors of ConAgra Wikipdedia.  Franklin Scandal reached all the way the the Bush White House NBCNews
  • gay sex parties
  • ConAgra, the worst global food company in report on global warming response, CERES report.
  • Bee pollination crisis will have major consequences on ConAgra.
  • Culture of corruption.
  • Go to main research page on Franklin Scandal, Omaha,
  • CoopAmerica Conagra profile
  • CultNews
  • Google Finance, ConAgra CAG 
  • RegisteredOffenderList   Steps to Finding Child Molesters in your Neighborhood: Use the free search above to determine if Child Molesters are living in your area. If child molesters are living in your neighborhood you can obtain a full child molester report. Enter your address to view a detailed map highlighting the exact locations of child molesters in your neighborhood. Now that you have a full predator report, study the faces and addresses that our database has identified and work with your children on what to do if they see one of these "bad" people.
  • RumorMillNews Saudi Arabia
  • Sauduction
  • Wikipdedia, ConAgra, Ronald Roskens is on the Board of Directors
  • Voice of the Faithful
  • Wikipedia  Colony Collapse Disorder
  • ConAgra, Search Ronald Roskens, board of directors Wikipdedia
  • more below Legion of Christ, Maciel, child molester.  More concerned about their image than the children they abuse   ABCNews
  • Kennebunkport, Maine, George Herbert Walker Bush compound just a short drive to a Camp  and there's another Camp (Catholic boys) near Summerstown, Ontario, ... this website has no information that these camps are in anyway associated with this story.  The Bush Administration is melting down and we're seeing some of the evidence emerge.
  • see info on White House call boy ring 1989
  • See NewsFollowUp research page on Ronald Roskens
  •   more  Kent State shootings, 1970, and Ronald Roskens
  • Ronald Roskens, Kent State, 1970
  • ConAgra Board of Directors: Mogens C. Bay, Valmont Industries; Stephen G. Butler, KPMG; Gen. John T. Chain Jr., Thomas Group; Steven F. Goldstone, Silver Spring Group, Nabisco Group, RJR Nabisco; Dr. Alice B. Hayes, University of San Diego; W. G. Jurgensen, Nationwide Mutual Insurance; Ruth Ann Marshal, Mastercard International; Mark H. Rauenhorst, Opus Corp; Carl E. Reichardt, Ford Motor Company; Gary M. Rodkin, ConAgra Foods, Inc.; Dr. Ronald W. Roskens, Global Connections; Andrew J. Schindler, Reynolds American, Reynolds Tobacco; Kenneth E. Sinson, Peter Kiewet Sons' Inc.
  • KPMG, Securities fraud, lawsuits, Datapoint settlement, verdict holding KPMG responsible for tens of millions of dollars in liability and damages, District Court, Texas. ... and Xerox audits, gatekeeper case, 
  • University of Omaha Roskens
  • Monsanto, 
  • Offutt Air Force Base, where Bush flew to on 9/11. Why?
  • Go to main research page on Johnny Gosch 
  • WayneMadsenReport "December 21-25, 2007 -- Another disturbing photo emerges in child abduction case ...  It may be Peace on Earth and Goodwill Toward Men, except where it comes to thousands of abducted, sexually-abused, and enslaved children around the world. ...  In 2007, this editor investigated the child prostitution trade in Southeast Asia and visited Thailand and Cambodia to witness how vulnerable children as young as five are kidnapped and pressed into service as prostitutes. Worse, the trade in children is supported and sanctioned by members of the US and other diplomatic corps members in various Southeast and South Asian capitals. ...  The following photograph has been obtained by WMR. It was recently sent anonymously to Noreen Gosch, whose then-12-year old son Johnny was kidnapped from a West Des Moines street in 1982. 1982 was the same year that this editor, working covertly for the FBI and Naval Investigative Service, helped bust a huge pedophile ring that was later determined to have been linked to high White House officials. The network would receive widespread attention during the waning days of the Reagan administration and result in front page coverage by the Washington Times during the Bush 41 administration."

  • OrganicConsumer "Pioneer Hi-Bred's website boasts that their genetically modified (GM) Liberty Link corn survives doses of Liberty herbicide, which would normally kill corn. The reason, they say, is that the herbicide becomes "inactive in the corn plant." They fail to reveal, however, that after you eat the GM corn, some inactive herbicide may become reactivated inside your gut and cause a toxic reaction. In addition, a gene that was inserted into the corn might transfer into the DNA of your gut bacteria, producing long-term effects. These are just a couple of the many potential side-effects of GM crops that critics say put the public at risk." Lerman

  • Wikipdedia Environmental issues ConAgra has been criticized for its lack of response to global warming. A 2006 report by CERES, a non-profit organization that works to address global climate change and other sustainability issues, titled "Corporate Governance and Climate Change: Making the Connection," measures how 100 leading global companies are responding to global warming. Companies in the report were evaluated on a 0 to 100 scale. ConAgra scored a total of 4 points, the lowest of any of the food companies rated.[2] in 2002, ConAgra, together with other major food and beverage companies including PepsiCo, General Mills, Kellogg, Sara Lee, and H.J. Heinz Co., spent heavily to defeat Oregon's measure 27, which would have required food companies to label products that contain genetically modified ingredients.[3] According to the Oregon Secretary of State, ConAgra contributed $71,000 to the campaign to defeat the ballot initiative.[4] establish 1922, 

  • Encyclopedia.com "In 1992 a 107-page congressional report was issued by Rep. John Conyers Jr., urging Bush to fire Roskens, who had "abused the public trust" for private gain until AID's inspector general "forced a change in his patterns of behavior." His "patterns," according to the Washington Post for October 2, 1992, included "taking thousands of dollars from outside organizations, including some that do business with AID."

ConAgra, Bee pollination crisis, CCD   top                    MORE
  • AgoraCosmopolitan Catastrophic Bee de-populations: Genetically Engineered crops causing AIDS-like Immune Deficiencies called Colony Collapse
  • OrganicConsumer  after you eat the GM corn, some inactive herbicide may become reactivated inside your gut and cause a toxic reaction. more HIV AIDS immune system problem ... similar to CCD in bees weak immune system
  • Celsias
  • ENN What's Killing the Bees ... They believe that Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), which has already wiped out tens of thousands of hives of bees across North America again this fall, is caused by a pesticide you can purchase today at Wal-Mart and Home Depot.  The cause is imidacloprid, plain and simple," said David Hackenberg, the beekeeper who was the subject of a 60 Minutes story that aired Oct. 28"
  • Mindfully ... the true cost of GMO
  • NRDC
  • OrganicConsumer News
  • OrganicConsumer  after you eat the GM corn, some inactive herbicide may become reactivated inside your gut and cause a toxic reaction. more HIV AIDS immune system problem ... similar to CCD in bees weak immune system
  • SeedsofDeception
  • Sierra Club Genetic Engineering Committee "We call for acting in accordance with the Precautionary Principle, meaning that when an activity raises the possibility of serious or irreversible harm to the environment or living creatures, precautionary measures that prevent the possibility of harm shall be taken even if the causal line between the activity and the possible harm has not been proven.  In accordance with this Precautionary Principle, we call for a moratorium on the planting of all genetically engineered crops and the release of all GEOs into the environment,
  • AgoraCosmopolitan Catastrophic Bee de-populations: Genetically Engineered crops causing AIDS-like Immune Deficiencies called Colony Collapse Disorder
  • American.edu Dolly, GM
  • BeeCulture
  • Curry Pilot
  • Greenbay Press Gazette  A number of explanations for Colony Collapse Disorder have been suggested by different scientists, including crop pesticides, antibiotics, miticides, the nocema protozoan and the Varroa mites which carry the Israel acute paralysis virus.
  • LiveScience pesticide links to CCD
  • MiteAway
  • PSU Pennsylvania State University
  • Wikipedia, Colony Collapse Disorder, worker bees disappear, first in North America, then in Belgium, France, Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Taiwan, causes not understood: malnutrition, pathogens, Israel acute paralysis virus,  mites, pesticides, genetically modified crops, disappearances not reported by organic beekeepers.
  • ConAgra, pollination, food industry, genetically modified crops, pesticides, insecticides, immune system, parasites ...reduced regulation, reduce taxes, promote war, increase surveillance of citizens, control with fear, 
  • Bayer Crop Science "Euparen® M can be classified as harmless to honey bees. There was a slight contact toxicity at very high doses, but this is of no practical relevance."
  • Baykomm There is the danger that, if existing products are not used correctly, the mites (Varoa) could develop resistance to certain active ingredients.
  • Home Depot.
  • National Academies CCD  US Department of Agriculture, the US Geological Survey, and The National Academy of Sciences itself, the National Research Council’s Board on Life Sciences and Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources jointly convened an ad hoc committee to document the status of pollinating animals in North America.  Protect corporations at all costs, hide information, distort the truth.
  • USDA protect  and nurture corporate farming at all costs
  • Wal-Mart 
  • ENN "Here's the background you need to understand: The primary product used to control grubs on your lawn, or insects on your fruit trees, or termites in your basement, contains a chemical compound known as imidacloprid, a synthetic nicotine, which is most commonly marketed as Merit. No one debates that imidacloprid is toxic to bees, yet Bayer, the exclusive patent holder from 1988 until this year, denies its product causes CCD. Many countries including France and Brazil are employing the "precautionary principle" and pulling products containing imidacloprid from the shelves. But in the U.S., homeowners and farms are using more and more of it — especially since many competing products (which relied on the compound diazinon to kill grubs and other insects) have already been banned due to their proven toxicity."
Jeff Gannon, White House reporter, gay military porn site operator, overnight stays in the White House, Raw Story / NFU  and file

Sen. Larry Craig, center of hypocrisy universe

center of hypocrisy universe
Bush  /  pedophile, sex scandals ... NFU page index


HOME     go to research
Abramoff / corruption  Washington D.C. Dept of Interior, emails, corruption, casinos, Florida MORE  DeLay
The Franklin Scandal,  home  Omaha, Lawrence King, BoysTown, sexual abuse, White House  1989 MORE  
Texas, Rove, youth prisons  Rove, Gonzales, Sutton, implicated in failure to prosecute sodomy MORE 
Secret prisons, sexual torture  Extraordinary Rendition, Bush, sexual torture, prisoner abuse MORE
CIA, Iran-Contra, Franklin  $38 million missing, Franklin Credit Union, CIA, Iran-Contra MORE
8 U.S. Attorneys fired  Carole Lam fired, Abramoff, Cunningham, Foggo, Wilkes, Hookergate MORE
DiBiagio, Palfrey, Luna  Gov. Ehrlich,  DiBiagio fired, Luna murdered, Palfrey investigation MORE
Caging lists, USAttorneys fired   link: Rove assistant: Timothy Griffin, 2004 voter suppression, Goodling MORE
Mark Foley  Senate Page program, email sex scandal / hypocrisy MORE
Ronald Roskens, USAID  Chancellor, U of Nebraska, fired, homosexual orgies, MORE below
Ted Haggard  Gay male prostitute, cover-up, White House conference calls MORE
Jeff Gannon  White House visits, gay porn sites, Gosch, Guckert MORE
Blunt, Boehner, Hastert  Foley cover-up, Abramoff, Dept of the Interior, FBI Investigation MORE
Brian Doyle, DHS,  Arrested, use of a computer to seduce a child, Dept Homeland Sec. MORE
Tony Blair  Pedophile investigations, D-Notices, cover-up MORE
Barney Frank   Franklin Scandal cover-up, Steve Gobie, Boston, Cardinal Law, Creighton U. MORE
Sen. Larry Craig  Long list of anti-gay, anti same sex marriage votes, homophobia MORE
Michael Aquino  Presidio, sexual abuse investigation, day care centers, Reagan ties. MORE
Pope Benedict, Ratzinger  Catholic priest sexual abuse cover-up MORE
KoreaGate  Sun Myung Moon, Congress, bribery MORE

Alphabetic Subject Index, Franklingate

Sarkozy statement:  "I'm inclined personally to think that you are born paedophile .." MORE
Fascism and pedophilia  ... disturbing similarities ..German Christian Church and the Nazi Party .. MORE
Covenant House  Father Bruce Ritter, pedophilia, Iran Contra, Bush family connections MORE
John Mark Karr  Thailand, child sex rings, Bush connections MORE
John Lehman  "Coos Bay" pedophilia cover-up 1982, 9/11 Commission, Franklin cover-up MORE
Deborah Jeane Palfrey   D.C. Madam... threat to identify high-profile clients, Ullman, Cheney MORE
Venezuela  War on drugs? elections funding, pedophile networks MORE
Gen. William Boykin  Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, sexual torture of prisoners, Stephen Cambone MORE
Sagiv, Israeli diplomat  Israeli, Yosef Sagiv, Consulate in Atlanta, charged, exploitation of children MORE
Victor Ashe  Bush's bi-sexual?, Yale roommate, Ambassador to Poland MORE below
Ed McAteer  Knowledge of Bush / Ashe Las Vegas sexual encounter MORE below
Southern Baptist Convention  Failure to deal with clergy sexual abuse info  
Mormons  Unreported sexual abuse, lawsuits abound MORE
  GOP Pedophile list  
Washington Times, Casseday Huffington Post , Soliciting  internet sex with what he believed was 13 yr old. 2006  
GOP Dirty Tricks  GOP Dirty Tricks, 50 years, hundreds of entries MORE

Legionaries of Christ, Regnum Christi   top
  • AMLeft  and file Marciel, pig, child molester.
  • Bibliotecapleyades Trance-Formation, book, text
  • Boff, Leonardo, liberation theologian,  Opus Dei profoundly hostile to him, received reports from CIA William Casey, political causes of poverty never mentioned, 
  • Brokeback Mountain, Morris said it 'glorified homosexuality' .... propaganda, 
  • Buzzle  Child abuse involved 1200 priests, 4000 children 80% of victims were male, almost 2% of all priests ordained in the last 50 years, been going on for centuries, finally got caught, parents unwilling to confront, sexual activities considered confessional rather than criminal, police not notified, sex with boys not a breach of celibacy, just unchaste and sinful,
  • ClericalSexualAbuse.com Rogge
  • Counterpunch Opus Dei and John Paul II, A Profoundly Right Wing Pope, 
  • Domenico del Rio, Italian paper, La Repubblica
  • Daily Mail
  • Dust My Broom, Archdiocese of Atlanta, Legion of Christ  file
  • Exlegionaries What every parent should know about the Legion of Christ file
  • Freedom of Mind Center, Legion of Christ, liberal politicians have more problems with corruption and theft than problems with child sex abuse.
  • gays are no more likely to abuse children than straights
  • Inquiry.ca Cornwall sex abuse scandal cover-up
  • James, Mike, file "Blair's Protection of Elite Paedophile Rings Spells the End For His Career"
  • LavenderLiberal Ronald Roskens  "Claims to fame: Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development under George H.W. Bush; president/CEO of Action International think tank; honorary consul general of Japan; president, Global Communications; director, ConAgra Foods; former chancellor, University of Nebraska ... Moral apex: Implicated in the Franklin Credit Union Child-Sex Ring Scandal"
  • Mexfiles Right Wing Idiots
  • Liberation Theology, Latin America, writings of Jesuit priest Anthony de Mello were the subject of 'notification', CDF authority of church doctrine,  has jurisdiction in clerical sexual misconduct, 
  • Multiline, clergy child molesters
  • Multiline.au protecting children from Catholic priest child molesters
  • MetaFilter
  • NearFantastica, Ratzinger, protect pedophile priests.  Judaeo-Christian faiths condemn sodomy, 
  • OpEdNews, Ratzinger, Benedict, Nazis, Franco
  • P2Pnet, Canada, pedophilia, corporations spin, regulation
  • Pederasty notes: noticed first in Archaic period, 1650 BCE, sexual or chaste bond, in Rome, men taking advantage of dominant social status to exact sexual favors from social inferiors, copulation with boys a more vicious form than the Greek restrained cultured form.  In Sparta only the chaste form was permitted, Plato condemned sexual intercourse with boys one loved, glorified abstinence, Roman emperors quashed pedarasty, harsh penalties, emasculated, solitary confinement, Sacrament of Confession, ... With wine and boys around, monks have no need of the Devil, Wikipedia
  • Planetary Movement, Divine Intervention file Ratzinger, coverup Nazi collaboration, child sexual abuse
  • Pope-Ratz Blog Pope Benedict XVI never had time for the 12,000 poor American victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army! He is obsessed with his image before the Opus Dei mirror
  • PuppsTheories Conspiracy of Silence, John DeCamp, forum, info
  • notes: Fox News, Sean Hannity and Morris piled on Euteneuer, left Maciel alone, 
  • Religious Tolerance Clergy sexual abuse, Boys Town and 1993-2002
  • RickRoss, LC investigation
  • Rick Ross Priestly Sin, Cover-up, file
  • SimplyAppalling file  "Professor Barba added: "Was Cardinal Ratzinger totally and solely responsible [for the failure to investigate]? I think that to a great extent he was because it was his department."
  • SMART  Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Today and file
  • SNAP Survivors Network for Those Abused by Priests
  • SperoNews, Legion of Christ
  • StopBaptistPredators Kenneth Payne, sodomizing a seventeen year old.
  • The Da Vinci Code,  Dan Brown, boycott, Morris: "passing fiction for fact", force Christians to come to terms with their religious beliefs,  
  • This is London Ratzinger pedophile priest cover-up policy documents  MORE below
  • Trance_Formation, Kathy O'Brien  TRANCE Formation of America is the documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of MKUltra ...
  • Village Voice, Cardinal Bernard Law, Catholic priest sexual abuse cover-up
  • Alternet  and search Muslim denunciation of violence.
  • notes: In the U.S., the Legion has led an almost subterranean existence in Connecticut since the mid-1960s. Very little was known about the order until the early 1990s, when a Hartford Courant journalist, Gerald Renner, attempted to interview Fr. Anthony Bannon, the Legion's National Director, for a story on the Legionary seminary. Bannon's unexpected refusal to talk piqued Renner's interest, and he began to look more closely at the order ... The charges against Fr. Maciel involve nine men (one now dead), all former Legionaries. For some, the alleged abuse began when they were barely 12 years of age, and continued until the men were in their mid-20s. Much of the abuse took place in Mexico, Spain, and Italy. Two of the men, Mexican Fr. Juan Vaca and Spanish Fr. Félix Alarcón, served the Legion in America. Fr. Alarcón opened the Legion of Christ center in Connecticut in 1965 and Fr. Vaca served for five years as the U.S. Legion Director before leaving the order. Three of the nine filed a canonical suit against Maciel and have been waiting years for it to be heard. (The Legion, of course, denies all charges against Maciel. See legionaryfacts.org.)
  • notes: "Berry's and Renner's "Vows of Silence" notes that the Legion has several high-profile champions within a certain segment of the Catholic community in the United States: George Weigel, renowned biographer of Pope John Paul II; William Bennett, a popular spokesman for traditional values, notwithstanding his recent involvement in high-stakes gambling; Richard John Neuhaus, editor of First Things magazine; William Donahue, head of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights; Mary Ann Glendon, a professor at Harvard Law School and a Vatican favorite; and Deal Hudson, who recently resigned as editor of Crisis magazine and as an advisor to President Bush on Catholic matters following an unfavorable story about Hudson in The National Catholic Reporter. source: The Tidings  LC: 650 priests, 2500 seminarians, run a dozen universities, 
  • notes: Maciel, search terms: Mexico, Bishop of Cuernavaca, founded Legion of Christ, 1941, abuse started in the 1940s, accused of an addiction to Pethidine, 1956, forcing subjects to go to confession, no members 'reported' sexual abuse, 1970s, more accusations, abuse narcotic and sexual, congregation members and children, apostolic schoolboys, in Spain and Italy, ... Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, led by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, examined Maciel allegations, Macial invited to withdraw to, a reserved life, prayer and penitence, not carry out his ministry in public, lots of words like love, communion, serve Christ, Kingdom on earth, primacy, charism, magisterium, diocesan pastoral programs, 
  • Notes:  IN THE MATTER OF LEGION OF CHRIST, INCORPORATED, Appellant, v. TOWN OF MOUNT PLEASANT, &C., ET AL., Respondents. 14 Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Decided February 19, 2004. John S. Marwell, for appellant. Lino J. Sciarretta, for respondents.  The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, amicus curiae. Chief Judge Kaye and Judges George Smith, Rosenblatt, Graffeo and Read concur. Judge Robert Smith dissents in part in an opinion.
    • Summary: Fr. Marcial Maciel, history of sexual abuse allegations
    • Marcial Maciel Degollado, child molester, Founder of the Legion of Christ, Fr. Jonathan Morris, FoxNews, vice-rector of the Legion of Christ ... What did he know of the allegations? ... What did he do about them ... nothing.  The Pope protected him from prosecution.
    • 2006, Pope Benedict 'asked' Maciel to retire after a sexual abuse investigation was opened.  Maciel denied the claims. Wikipedia, & Boston probe dropped.
    • 1970's narcotic and sexual abuse allegations, nine names appear in the Hartford Courant, 24  (100 testimonies ReGainNetwork) men have come forward with accusations. 
    • Since the 1970's ... accused of repeatedly sexually abusing other congregation members, young children, and including a priest, counselor, professor, engineer, lawyer, and a former priest.   and see 'apostolic schoolboys'.  Wikipedia
    • Ratzinger reopened the probe into the nine cases of sexual child abuse by Maciel just prior to his election then abruptly closed it down as soon as he was elected Pope.
    • Roman Catholic Blog  Daughter of Mary: "I was sexually abused by two different Legionary priests in Dublin, Ireland in 1969 and 1970
    • Maciel and Alvaro Corcuera, court date Evangelical Catholic  ... sexual abuse of a three-year-old boy.
    • Where there's smoke there's fire?  More cases are expected. 
  • Wikipedia  Marcial_Maciel In 2006, after an investigation of sexual abuse was opened, Pope Benedict XVI asked the Rev. Marcial Maciel to retire.
  • Maciel, founder of the Legion of Christ Wikipedia
  • Baha'i faith, "... forbidden ... and be not of those who rove distractedly in the wilderness of their desires."
  • Bill Cork search Deal Hudson, Legion of Christ. Blogroll
  • AngelQueen  Maciel ... he declared his innocence (child molestation) and, following the example of Jesus Christ, decided not to defend himself in any way." I'm not gay.
  • Atlanta Daily World Wayne Williams, framed, race war, Ku Klux Klan, child slayings  Dekalb County Police Chief Louis Graham said he plans to take another look at the slayings of four boys between February and May 1981.  The man who prosecuted Williams at trial, Joseph Drolet, said he welcomed the DeKalb police investigation
  • Bishop-Accountability
  • Boston "In April, a Catholic Church prosecutor, Charles J. Scicluna, traveled to the United States and Mexico to take testimony from dozens of former Legionaries, according to the co-accusers."
  • Boystown "Legion of Christ" search link
  • Canada.com pedophile priests
  • Catholiens Camp Ontario
  • Catholic Citizens of Illinois  "Rev. Thomas Brennan, S.J., revealed publicly to a parish at St. Joseph University in Philadelphia that he was a homosexual"
  • Clerical Sexual Abuse book, Deliver Us from Evil.
  • CNews "Pedophile website promotes Montreal kids event: Cops"
  • Hartford Courant, Jason Berry and Gerald Renner worked for this paper covering Catholic priest pedophilia scandals, 
  • International Cultic Studies
  • IPS News, Mexico, Network to track down pedophile priests
  • Lakehouse, Camp 
  • MaineMemoryNetwork search Camp  1982
  • Macleans Montreal pedophiles file
  • Mount Cashel Orphanage
  • MySpace Camp Ontario
  • National Catholic Reporter, Maciel, child molester.
  • National Catholic Reporter, Deal Hudson, Became the Most Influential Catholic Layman in George W. Bush's Washington., resigned position with Republican National Committee, see Fordham University, 1994, inappropriate relationship with a freshman female, surrendered tenure, $30,000 settlement.
  • National Child Exploitation Coordination Center,
  • Newshound Legionaries, ultra-secret cult, close friend of Pope John Paul II, raised millions, intensive recruitment drive, 
  • Newshound, search foxnews maciel morris,  
  • New Oxford Review, Legion of Christ
  • Regain Network  Sexual Assault in LC Seminary: Fathers William Izquierdo and Salvador Maciel (no relation to Marcial Maciel)
  • Regain Network ReGAIN's mission is to outreach, unite and support those touched or adversely affected by the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi Movement. Past and present members and all those who quest for justice and truth, resolution and healing are invited to join in this endeavor  links LEGION and RC Front Groups Identified ConquestClub Camp Legion of Christ.
  • Roman Catholic Blog
  • Samurai, Japanese, homosexual pederasty beneficial.  ... anal intercourse with a boy,
  • SmartNews
  • Stampmania-Australia, child molesters
  • StCharlesParish ConquestClubs.
  • SurvivorsFirst We have compiled some insights about pedophiles gathered over nine years of experience working with adults who have experienced pedophilic violence.
  • The Age The Pope Shelved Sex Abuse Claims, Maciel, Legion of Christ 
  • The Age, Pope in Hitler Youth
  • The Tidings "With the encouragement of the papal ambassador to Mexico, a canonical case was filed with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1998, accusing Father Maciel of "absolving the sins" of his victims in confession --- an ecclesiastical crime that has no statute of limitation. In late 1999, however, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation, halted the proceeding without explanation.
  • Vows of Silence, Berry, Renner ...  Amazon
  • "Vows of Silence" by award-winning Catholic journalists Jason Berry and Gerald Renner
  • Wikipedia Legion of Christ, Marcial Maciel, child molester
  • Wikipedia Marcial Maciel
  • Wikipedia Jonathan Morris, vice-rector of the Legionaries of Christ seminary in Rome, Italy and FoxNews contributor
  • Wikipedia  Regnum Christi
  • Wikipedia Pederasty, associated with coming-of-age ritual, acquisition of virility and male virtue, educational aspiration or even military skill and engagement, celebrated world wide.  Western model unique and new, assumes homosexuality is innate, medieval Islamic civilizations readily accepted pederasty, 
  • Wikipedia Pope Benedict XVI
  • comments
  • Project Cleanfeed, Canada, Cybertip.ca frequently asked questions, success stories
  • Wilde, Oscar, celebrated Irish playwright, convicted of gross indecency,  deemed homosexual pederasty as beneficial, socialist, libertarian.
  • Legal Entities in dioceses of Hartford, New York, and Detroit that belong to the Legion of Christ Horizon Institute, Inc, Hamden, CT; Horizon Institute, Inc, Orange, CT; Helping Hand Investments, Inc., Orange, CT; Lux et Vita, Orange, CT; Racebrook, Inc, Orange, CT ; Logos, Inc., Cheshire, CT; Rossoto, Inc., Hamden, CT; Catholic Kids Network, Inc. Thornwood, NY; Catholic World Mission, Inc., Thornwood, NY; Familia USA, Inc, Thornwood, NY; Helping Hands Medical Missions, Inc, Thornwood, NY; Legion of Christ College, Inc., Thornwood, NY ; Summertime Activities, Inc , Thornwood, NY ; Youth and Family Encounter, Inc, ;Thornwood, NY; Logos, Inc. ;Bloomfield Hills, MI; Opdyke, Inc; Bloomfield Hills, MI  source US Catholic Directory
  • 700 Club, The
  • Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ Wikipedia  child molester ..."Legionaries take vows never to speak ill of him or their other superiors and to report any member who does."  More concerned about their image than the children they abuse.
  • ABCNews comments "And then they need to sue to keep all this secrecy of their own goodness? This is "De Vinci Code", "Name of the Rose" kind of stuff." flagrante delicto
  • AIPAC  Boycott ABC
  • Maciel should have his d_ck cut off and shoved down his throat.
  • Cardinal Law is rewarded for all the sexual abuse of children. Fu_ck_ing piece of shit.
  • American Center for Law and Justice  
  • Archbishop DiNardo, Victims Assistance Coodinator
  • Archdiocese of Atlanta, Procedures and Materials for Implementation of Compliance Standards for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Individuals ...  Fr. Marcial Maciel, the founder of the Legionaries of Christ, is probably the most prominent priest to be disciplined by the Catholic Church for homosexual predation, that is, pederasty
  • Babtist Press Newsfeed
  • Bella, The Movie, Regnum Christi
  • Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, pedophile priest protection at all costs.
  • Marcial Maciel Degollado, child molester, Founder of the Legion of Christ, Fr. Jonathan Morris, FoxNews, vice-rector of the Legion of Christ ... What did he know of the allegations ... What did he do about them ... nothing.  The Pope protected him from prosecution.
  • Marcial Maciel Degollado, child molester, Founder of the Legion of Christ, Fr. Jonathan Morris, FoxNews, vice-rector of the Legion of Christ ... What did he know of the allegations ... What did he do about them ... nothing.  The Pope protected him from prosecution.
  • Bradley Foundation, funds the publication First Things, who defend Maciel, 
  • Catholic archdiocese of Omaha Paul Bonacci, filed a law suit against Larry King of the Franklin Credit Union in Omaha, also named the Catholic Arch diocese of Omaha as a co-defendant. 
  • Catholicity Mary Foundation  Boycott NBC
  • Catholic World Mission
  • CBC   Cornwall Sexual Abuse Cover-up
  • CDF authority of church doctrine,  has jurisdiction in clerical sexual misconduct, and see letter: details of investigations into accusations made against priests were subject to the 'pontifical secret', could not be revealed, on pain of excommunication, 
  • Center for Integral Formation 
  • Christian News Today 
  • Christian Coalition
  • Christian Monitor latest Christian headlines
  • Circle Press
  • Common Conservative 
  • Concerned Women of America
  • Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, led by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, examined Maciel, Larry Craig, Idaho, I da ho. Mr. Wide Stance.
  • ConquestClub Camp Legion of Christ. commitment to renounce sexual and emotional intimacy with another human being [Celibacy], sodomy, rape of small children for their own sexual gratification. ... elite seminary, 
  • ConquestLemont and Camp
  • Crisis Magazine, Deal Hudson, Baptist minister, 'Crisis' publisher, see Fordham University, 1994, inappropriate relationship with a freshman female, surrendered tenure, $30,000 settlement.  see National Catholic Reporter
  • EqualParenting.ca Pedophiles are very selective in the victims they choose. They tend to avoid kids that have a Dad like the plague. They want to find children alone, unsupervised, and lonely, anal. They are attracted to single moms with sole custody.
  • Faith and Family Magazine, published by LC, 
  • Family Research Council
  • First Things, Journal of Religion, Culture and Public Life First Things, disputes claims by Berry and Renner, defends Maciel, funded by the Bradley Foundation
  • FoxNews Father Jonathan Morris, Legion of Christ  Wikipedia American Roman Catholic priest and vice-rector of the Legionaries of Christ seminary in Rome, Italy.  He is currently a news contributor and analyst for the Fox News Channel.  see also Mel Gibson, Passion of the Christ and COMPASS
  • Human Life International, Fr. Tom Euteneuer, head of, against abortion, sex slave trade, for dignity of women and children.
  • Leadership Training Program
  • LegionaryFacts response to criticism a site dedicated to refuting past sex abuse allegations against the founder of the Legion, Father Marcial Maciel.
  • Michigan News, blog Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church
  • Mission Network, Regnum Christi
  • Moriel, Israel, End-Time, Jews don't rule the media, finance ... etc, file  but doesn't mention AIPAC influence on Bush neo-cons to execute Iraq invasion. "The Concordat effectively legitimized Hitler and the Nazi government to the eyes of Catholicism, Christianity, and the world. ..." holocaust ... Ratzinger's father bitter enemy of Nazism, drafted into German anti-aircraft corp, infantry, deserted, in a POW camp, reentered seminary with brother Georg, 
  • The National Catholic Register and Catholic Twin Circle, owned for more than two decades by wealthy businessman Patrick J. Frawley Jr. of Los Angeles, were sold to Legion of Christ  LA Times
  • National Catholic Reporter, owned by Legion of Christ.  ... Deal Hudson
  • NewWithViews State Senator Jim West, Spokane, Washington, Catholic Morning Star Boys' Ranch, solicit male sexual encounters.
  • New York Times Legionaries of Christ, university, Concerns included the college’s impact on traffic, the environment and public safety (a men’s dormitory is planned close to Columbus Elementary School. ... , pederasty associated with the upper classes or with class difference with the partners.  Remember Judith Miller, neo-con Iraq war propagandist. NYTimes, Cheney, Libby.
  • Opus Dei, founded by Monsignor Escriva, a Spanish priest, private confessor to General Franco, John Paul, anti-communism, Krol, Cody, Villa Tevere, Navarro-Valls, journalist for Abc, ..., Sodano (Ambassador to Chile) during Pinochet dictatorship, 1987, 
  • The O'Reilly Factor,
  • Pederasty, intimate or erotic relationship between an adolescent boy and an adult male outside his immediate family, found throughout human history, Ancient Greece peek,  Jewish and Christian dogma behind condemation, repression and persecution of homosexuals, three models: Greek, Melanesian, Western ... 
  • Pope Benedict XVI, Benedictus PP, Joseph Alois Ratzinger, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, April 2005 elected, German citizen, also the Bishop of Rome, Prefect, CDF, Dean of College of Cardinals, central problem of 21st century is denial of moral truths, 
  • Regnum Christi includes lay Catholics, men and women, highly interested in a good media image, thus FOX news, 
  • Main force behind the protection of clerical child abusers.
  • RenewAmerica, Alan Keyes, LC
  • Renew America Where there's smoke there's fire search Maciel Morris Pope
  • Rita Cohen Realty Services, Ltd
  • TheRealityCheck "Unlike the United States Catholic priests identified as child molesters and abusers, the majority of Irish priests are accused of sexually assaulting girls. Most of the US cases involved priests with pubescent or prepubescent boys. Experts contacted could not offer theories as to why the majority of the Irish sex abuse cases are heterosexual, while the majority of US cases are homosexual."
  • Vatican Nazis, Hitler, Catholics, very sad "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only ev_l and __human, such as the command  to spread by the sw_rd of faith he preached" Ratzinger, ... the human rights of the indigenous people of South America were trampled on by the colonizers and imperialists.
  • Legionaries of Christ and 
  • Regnum Christi Movement
  • Regnum Christi Ontario, summerstown road Catholic Kids Nation  Catholickidsnation
  • Ron Paul was correct
  • ViewZone review of Trance-Formation
  • Vocation.com, founded by Maciel
  • Youth4Missions apostolates 
  • Zenit News Service 
  • Wikipedia Since the 1970s, Marcial Maciel has been accused of having repeatedly sexually abused other congregation members, including young children. Maciel's accusers include a priest, a guidance counselor, a professor, an engineer, a lawyer and a former priest who became a university professor. The men, seven Mexicans and two Spaniards, described themselves as former members of a favored group, known as the "apostolic schoolboys." The abuse allegedly occurred over three decades beginning in the 1940s in Spain and Italy, where boys and young men were taken for schooling. The abuse, they said, involved some 30 boys and young men and extended over at least three decades. Fr Maciel and the organization deny the accusations. According to the ReGain organization, as many as 24 men have come forward with accusations of sexual abuse against Fr. Maciel. Fr Maciel and the organization continue to deny the accusations. The liable Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), lead by-then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, examined the allegations.
  • Regain Network Camp Kodiak, Alaska Jackson Father and Son Camp, Jackson Hole, Wyoming Camp Eagle’s Cliff, Center Harbor, New Hampshire Camp Bocamp, Folsom, Louisiana River Ridge Camp, Milan, Indiana Rocky Heights Leadership Camp, Blackhawk, Colorado ConQuest Experience Soccer Academy, Maria Stein, Ohio Ohio Millennium ConQuest Camp, Columbus, Ohio Millennium ConQuest Camp, Edgerton, Wisconsin Camp St. Croix, Dunrovin, Minnesota Saskatchewan Boys Leadership Camp, Lake Zeden, Saskatchewan, Canada Camp (French and English), Cornwall, Ontario, Canada Wichita Boys Camp, Wichita, Kansas Nebraska Boys Camp, Fairbury, Nebraska South Dakota Boys Camp, Elms Spring, South Dakota Yakima Camp, Easton, Washington Crossroads ConQuest Father and Son Camp, Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania Bemidji, Minnesota
  • Pedophile advocate groups at work to make it legal:    Danish Pedophile Association (or DPA Gruppe 04) International Lesbian and Gay Association Dutch Society for Sexual Reform Krumme 13 North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) Paedophile Information Exchange Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia Partij voor Naastenliefde, Vrijheid & Diversiteit Rene Guyon Society Vereniging MARTIJN Party for Charity, Freedom and Diversity (PNVD) Denmark Americans For A Society Free From Age Restrictions Dutch Society for Sexual Reform
  • Roman Catholic Blog  Daughter of Mary: "I was sexually abused by two different Legionary priests in Dublin, Ireland in 1969 and 1970. The Legion has treated me with contempt for complaining. I know of other similar cases, which have received the same reaction from the Legion when they arose.  The private vows in the Legion of Christ were put there to protect its Founder and the other superiors who abused those in their care.  The number of claims of sexual abuse against the Legion are surprising because of its small size.  The present Legionaries who fight to protect the abusers within its ranks are as guilty as the abusers them selves. They live a lie and demonstrate contempt towards the victims."  and 
  • Roman Catholic Blog "According to Renner's and Berry's earlier reporting, the nine who originally brought accusations claimed that Maciel "first abused them when they were between the ages of 10 and 16, sometimes telling them he had permission from Pope Pius XII to engage in sexual acts with them in order to gain relief from pain related to an unspecified stomach ailment."
  • LA Times: "Maciel's photograph hangs on the walls in Legion schools. Students revere him as a hero from the days of Mexico's anti- clerical persecutions. But Maciel was kicked out of two seminaries as a young man. No others would take him, which the official Legion history chalks up to "misunderstandings." Were it not for an uncle (a bishop who had him privately tutored), Maciel would never have become a priest."
  • Newshound search Maciel, Foxnews, Morris ... Feb 2006, interview First Lady Laura Bush by Father Jonathan Morris, Michigan native, baby-faced, in his thirtys, writes a column for Foxnews.com,  ...  member of Legion of Christ (Vice-Rector), 
  • Wikipedia, Jonathan Morris, born in Cleveland, studied political science at the University of San Jose in Costa Rica, ... and business administration at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, at 21 entered Legion of Christ seminary, acquired separate degrees in classical humanities, philosophy and theology,  ordained 2002 in Rome, in 1999 founded COMPASS, to evangelized college students, fluent in English, Spanish and Italian. 2002-4 advisor for Mel Gibson film Passion of the Christ, gratuitous violence, love, Christ, marketing, Hollywood popular culture, grossed $370 million. Pope John Paul II died March 2005, teaching, blessing, ... attention from Pope's death brought him to Fox News, Larry King Live, BBC, Sky News, Bill Hemmer, Shepard Smith, Anderson Cooper, Christiane Amanpour,
  • Planetary Movement Another huge and dubious question mark hovered over the head of Cardinal Ratzinger. He has long been associated with the extremist and reactionary sect known as Opus Dei. Founded by St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer who notoriously supported the fascist regime of Francisco Franco, Opus Dei has been linked to the doctrine of self-mortification – a medieval practice which includes self-flagellation, self-inflicted wounds and the wearing of the hairshirt, known as a cilice, as a form of penitential sacrifice. Opus Dei received massive unwanted publicity through the work of Dan Brown, whose bestselling novel, The Da Vinci Code, features a penetrating probe of the peculiar and obnoxious practices of the cult. Rumours linking Cardinal Ratzinger to the flagellation cult and its suspicious excesses have been in circulation for more than a decade.
  • NewWithViews "former state Senator Jim West, then mayor of Spokane, Washington, was recalled after allegations surfaced that he used his position to solicit male sexual encounters using office computers. After the allegations went public, West resigned from the board of the Morning Star Boys’ Ranch, a Catholic-run boys home in Spokane; a position he had held since 1993. Subsequently, West would be accused of sexual abuse by two boys not connected with Morning Star Boys’ Ranch but accusations would surface that West, a Spokane county sheriff deputy at the time of the claimed sexual abuse, and his partner, David Hahn, had access to boys at the Morning Star Boys’ Ranch and were allowed to take boys away from the home for outings and overnight trips; accusations West denied. David Hahn committed suicide in August 1981 after accusations surfaced that he had molested two boys.

Pedophilia, Bush, Omaha, Nebraska ... Washington D. C.  top   

  • 4aCloserLook
  • 911CommissionReport  Hunter Thompson, Rusty Nelson, "Nelson was allegedly employed by a former Republican Party activist to take pictures of current or retired U.S. House-Senate members and other prominent government officials engaging in sexual criminality by receiving or committing sodomy and other sex acts on children during the Reagan-Bush 41 administrations."
  •   more on DeCamp's book: Franklin Cover-up Scandal below
  • Akira the Don, Jan Muldoon, said Robert Waldman unjustly fired her husband from the Omaha Police dept. .. "I believe, and always will, that it had something to do with Wadman's involvement in the Franklin cover up ordeal and my husband's knowledge of it (as did many other officers"... baseball, soccer
  • American Buddha Online Library, get "The Franklin Cover-up .. Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska" 
  • Anairhoads Franklin Scandal "The "Washington Post", "New York Times", "Village Voice" and "National Law Journal" covered the full range of accusations after the story broke in November of 1988. King's money machinations were also linked to the Iran-Contra affair, and some say that King provided the CIA with information garnered from his alleged activities as a "pimp" for the high and mighty."
  • Antiwar: Bob Kerry, Vietnam, war criminal, drop out of politics, Thanh Phong, Gregory L. Vistica's piece on Kerry, 1969 massacre, Kerry's Raiders, old man, take out, village.
  • ArmchairSubversive Republican Pedophilia, LONG LIST copy  Foley, Casseday, Beres, Floyd, Pazuhanich, Stumbo, Randall, Tebano, Collins, Seidensticker, Giordano, Adams, Gozek, Swartz, Aldarondo, Curtain, Heldreth, Rader, Morency, Shortridge, Thurmond, Morrency, Hintz, Dibble, Cramer, King, Spence, Lukens, Delgaudio, Grethen, Ankeney, Crane, Russel, Kline, Bauman, Patti, Glickman, Brooks, Hathaway, White, Matthews,  Kimmerling, Ingram, Coan, Buhr, Westmoreland, Burt, Childs, Butler, Gardner, Barter, Smeltzer Jr., Bena, Schwarz, Vanderwall, Harris, Grunseth, Aiken, Elizondo, Dasan Sr., Rumsfeld
  • arrested 1971, legal financial, grand larceny, 
  • BlatantTruth Former Nebraska state senator John W. DeCamp investigated the White House “call boy scandal” with the intention of disproving it.... and ....Margie Schoedinger: innocent victim of George W. Bush.
  • BlueLineRadio, Robert Wadman, ... Robert Wadman was Wilmington's Police Chief back in the early 90's. He was fired in July of 1994 with no public explanation by City Manager Mary Gornto ... Alisha Owen, 
  • GeorgeWalkerBush, death list
  • Coldice video "I came down with Larry King ... but it was set up by Craig Spence".... White House midnight tours.
  • CommonGroundCommonSense "New Leads in Johnny Gosch Case, Gannon Guckert.
  • Cooperative Research, Bush movements, 9/11, Offutt Air Force Base, Franklin Scandal, 
  • DeCamp, John Namebase "William Colby was secretly hired by the legislature's committee to look into the investigator's (Caradori)  death. Colby warned DeCamp to stay away, or he could end up dead as well, because "sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful." CounterPunch, Craig J. Spence, late night White House tours with male prostitutes, found dead in Boston hotel room.  Paul Robert Balach, political personnel liaisson for Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole, aid to Rep. Robert Bauman, resigned.  Charles K. Dutcher, 
  • FireFlyFans, "Alisha’s parents are raising Alisha’s daughter, Amanda Jayne, who according to Alisha was sired by Omaha Chief of Police, Robert Wadman"
  • FrancesFarmerRevenge
  • Franklinfiles, call boys and the White House
  • Franklinfiles Pedophocracy
  • Flocco "According to U.S. intelligence sources, President Bush  espionage–linked prostitution / pedophile sex ring operating at the Washington Ritz-Carlton and other DC hotels,  medical forms.
  • Griggs, Kay "Kay, a self-declared Christian, became privy to the real workings of the United States military, leadership training, drug-running and weapons sales, and the secret worldwide camps that train professional assassins."
  • TedGunderson.com Gunderson report at 7th Fire
  • GodLikeProductions Gosch
  • Indymedia, Los Angeles "During 16 years in office, former state Senator John DeCamp was cited, even by his enemies at the World Herald,
  • Indymedia "Major new bipartisan scandal linking Dennis Hastert and Rahm Immanuel to Jack Abramoff, ABC Mickey Mouse and the Odigo Israeli Cellphone contract which allows the Israeli Mossad to spy on the entire U.S. Congress including collecting sexual blackmail on the in-the-closet, extortion-friendly members.."
  • Infowars "nor did Judge Urbom explain why investigations have never 
  • Insider Magazine, Wayne Madsen article, Expose the Christian Mafia
  • JohnnyGosch "Russell Nelson, central figure in the Franklin Credit Union scandal (1989 to present), has evidence, including photographs, that implicates prominent law enforcement and political figures, including two past U.S. presidents, in crimes of child abuse, pornography, kidnapping (e.g., missing-child Johnny Gosch), drug smuggling, money laundering, illegal campaign financing, and illegal activities by the FBI and CIA. There appear to be ties to Iran-Contra."
  • Konformist, West Point Child Development Center, child abuse, Presidio, Aquino, 
  • TheLawParty  Spence, New York Times, White House midnight tours, Lawrence King
  • LetsRoll911
  • Radio Hall of Fame, 
  • NewsMakingNews, Ritz-Carlton, Spence
  • NewNationalTheater "NOW: Washington Times, August 25 2004, p. A5, Military's sodomy ruling backs airman's conviction, by Cheryl Wetstein. Air Force Sgt. Eric P. Marcum convicted in 2000 for dereliction of duty and sexual misconduct, including sodomy, with men under his supervision at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska"  
  • Alexander, Julie, Sharon Lepore, 
  • NoGW, Bush pedophilia, Blair
  • Notes, search terms: copy of article and print screen  Lobbyist Linked to Sex Case Is Found Dead ...  AP Published: November 12, 1989 LEAD: Craig Spence, a lobbyist linked to a homosexual escort service under Federal investigation, was found dead in a hotel room here, the police said today. Craig Spence, a lobbyist linked to a homosexual escort service under Federal investigation, was found dead in a hotel room here, the police said today.  Mr. Spence, 49 years old, was found in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Friday after firefighters used a saw to cut open his door,  ... The Washington Times reported in August that Mr. Spence disclosed he had AIDS and had threatened to commit suicide. Mr. Spence was identified by the paper as a customer of a homosexual escort service being investigated by the Secret Service, the District of Columbia police and the United States Attorney's office for suspected credit card fraud.  ... He has also been linked to a White House guard who has said he accepted an expensive watch from Mr. Spence and allowed him and friends to take late-night White House tours. Mr. Spence was a former correspondent for ABC News. see Stirring White House Honey Pot
  • New Yorker, review of Apprentice,  Collins, 
  • okimc, Aquino, search terms: Anton LaVey, Softies on Satan, Handbook for Chaplains, Temple of Set military approved, Lucifer, Lt. Col. John Alexander, mindwar, pedophile, ritualistic sexual abuse, 
  • PrisonPlanet, Nixon tapes, Bohemian Grove,

  • RawStory, Guckert / Gannon access to the White House
  • Rense quotes WayneMadsenReport ... Jeb Bush, Florida, Foley, Franklin...
  • RightWeb, Citizens for America, "Citizens for America (CFA) was founded in 1983 at a White House meeting between Lewis Lehrman and Jack Hume to promote the Reagan agenda. (4,16) Tracee Howell of CFA said that CFA's purpose was to sell to the public the president's [Reagan] "pet projects" such as the Strategic Defense Initiative and the contra war in Nicaragua."
  • SIANews "We already know about Charles K. Dutcher, former associate director of presidential personnel, Reagan administration; and of Paul R. Balach, then-Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole's political personnel liaison to the White House. They confessed. We know also about former Republican Congressman Robert Bauman (Maryland, 2 terms),  file
  • StealthLesbian "Nebraska Dept. of Social Services, Mrs. Walter’s report (3-25-86) revealed: "[14 year-old] Nelly said at these trip parties hosted by Larry King, she sat naked ‘looking pretty and innocent’ and guests could engage in any sexual activity they wanted, but penetration was not allowed...Nelly said she first met V. P. George Bush at the Republican Convention where King sang the national anthem ... "
  • StealthLesbian Franklingate
  • Superficiel "he linked pedophilia and genes. A pedophile would thus be determined at his birth. This theory is directly in connection with 19th century discourses of "born-criminals" that would lead to eugenists theories, later justifying concepts such as the "purity of race", notably in national-socialism" MORE
  • TaylorMarsh
  • Tarpley, Unauthorized Autobiography of George Bush. search Julie Walters, Boys Town, homosexual, porn...etc. and internetpirate
  • Tarpley, Chapter 21, Bush "Apparently she [Lisa] was contacted on December 19 [1988] and voluntarily came to the FBI offices on December 30, 1988. She was interviewed by Brady, Tucker and Phillips Tarpley video
  • Tarpley text file
  • Voxfux Franklin Scandal archives, Bush, children, sex ring,
  • WayneMadsenReport in Online Journal website "The recent scandal involving gay male escort and right-wing faux journalist Jeff Gannon (a.k.a. James Dale Guckert and possibly a few other aliases) is not welcome news for the purported sadomasochistic hedonists in the White House administrations of both George W. and George H. W. Bush ... see Gannongate
  • Whale, Temple of Set, Aquino, 
  • WhatReallyHappened, Clinton Body Count
  • On July 11, 1990, Gary Caradori was killed along with his 6-year old son in the crash of his small plane, after a mid-air explosion, the cause of which was never discovered. He had told friends repeatedly in the weeks before his death that he was afraid his plane would be sabotaged. GeorgeWalkerBush, death list
  • Craig Spence, Notes: a number of Reagan White House officials -- including Charles Dutcher, presidential personnel manager of the White House staff; Paul Balach, Sec. of Labor Elizabeth Dole's political liaison to the White House; Todd Blodgett, the presidential press aide who prepared the daily news briefing; Craig Spence, a high-ranking aide in the Office of the International Trade Advisor; Stanley Tapscott, an official in the director's office at the Office of Personnel Management; and Reginald deGueldre, a member of the Uniformed Division of the Special Service -- were found to have hired a number of gay male escorts (including boys as young as 13) from Professional Services, Inc. (well-known D.C. gay escort business). Private midnight tours of the White House were given to a number of the boys, after which homosexual orgies were alleged to have occurred in offices in the New Executive Office Building across the street. Spence later told associates and family members he had many more secrets to reveal. But he committed suicide in a Boston hotel room in 1990 after being indicted on weapons, drug and child rape charges." source: NakedCameI blog  and search Chevy Chase Elementary School
  • RumorMill News notes "Not likely. Instead President Bush has greeted Father Val Peter at the White House to promote his 'faith-based initiative', the idea embodied by the sex pervert, Father Ritter. Val Peter, as head of Boystown and head of its Board of Directors facilitated Larry King's access to its finances and his children. 
  • King & Chung Nightly, Banfield & Ford: Courtside, 
  • more notes on Johnny Gosch, the Gosches immediately contacted the police after they discovered his wagon, Noreen complained about slow reaction time, 45 minutes, ... his disappearance became cautionary tale, ... law enforcement inadequate missing persons procedures. ... 
  • Notes: Iraq pedophile rings, sex trafficking run by Saudi Arabian wealthy men, 'boy havens', Bush administration reluctant to act (oil), evidence compiled by Syrian Ministry of Information, Russian-Ukranian-Israeli mafia heavily engaged in child prosecution in South East Asia and Middle East, 
  • Notes: SeekGod Donald Gregg "The Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies Senator Don Nickles David A. Noebel Grover Norquist Dr. Gary North Lt. Col. Oliver North George D. O'Neill, Jr. J. Stanley Oakes Jr. Phillip Olsen William J. Olson Ted Pantaleo J.A. "Jay" Parker Thomas G. Parker Colleen G. Parro G.N. Parrot Carmen Pate Dr. Paige Patterson Maj. General George S. Patton III ....  
  • notes Libby, Scooter ... connection to the Valerie Plame affair. ....  Libby's sexually explicit writings. In 1996, Libby book:  Apprentice, The book's filled with homoeroticism, bestiality and incestuous themes, with an unspeakably gross passage where a ten-year-old girl is abused.  Caged, and forced to have sex with bears, to become a prostitute, search terms: a scene of incest between two uncles and their niece; fukk a freshly killed deer, prepubescent girl's painted 'mound', lack of vaginal odor, family values political party, abstinence education,  restricted reproductive rights, opposition to same-sex marriage,  source: nerve.com
  • AllExperts Johnny Gosch
  • AllExperts Lawrence King
  • AllExperts Franklin Cover-up Scandal
  • AllExperts Ernie Chambers
  • Answers: Franklin Scandal
  • Answers: Michael Aquino
  •   A chilling exposé of corporate corruption and government cover-ups, this account of a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring in the United States tells a sordid tale of corruption in high places. The scandal originally surfaced during an investigation into Omaha, Nebraska's failed Franklin Federal Credit Union and took the author beyond the Midwest and ultimately to Washington, DC. Implicating businessmen, senators, major media corporations, the CIA, and even the venerable Boys Town organization, this extensively researched report includes firsthand interviews with key witnesses and explores a controversy that has received scant media attention. tennis, ropes, basketball, swimming,
  • Alt F4 ... October 1991, Noreen Gosch met Paul Bonacci, she said he described to her things about Johnny that she had never released to the press ...stutter, yoga, Mexican restaurant, red nail polish, Bueno Vista, Colorado, Jimmy.
  • APFN American Patriot Friends Network
  • APFN King vs Bonacci civil case, U.S. District Court Judge Warren Urbom, senators and congressmen who stayed for the pedophile sex, Bonacci specifically named Congressmen Barney Frank, Bonacci awarded  $1 million for child abuse, 1999, Offutt Air Force Base, Franklin arrested two days before Bush Sr. elected 1988,  canoe, kayak, sailing
  • marge1.luke.af.mil (56 Communications Squadron /scbb NewsFollowUp.com visitor
  • BeyondWeird new Bush, FBI, Webb
  • Buffet, Warren file source: Geocities
  • CannonFire, Gannon / Sun Myung Moon connection and Rick Ross Unification Church
  • & ephebophilia
  • This work is aimed at staring at the 'devil' square in the face.  Maybe martyrdom.
  • subject map
  • Chemtrail, blog threads
  • Child auctions, drugs, cocaine, Hal Daub - mayor of Omaha during scandal, sexual abuse allegations in the early 70's, victim: Trent Stewart, Mitch McConnell, Fort Bragg, Cumberland County, collection attorney, Standard Chemical of Omaha
  • Church of Satan search fascism, pedophilia, 
  • Citizens for America, namebase
  • Conspiracy Archive
  • Corrente blog Franklin Scandal, Gannongate, Foley, Haggard.
  • Craigs List search John Lehman, The CLUB of REPUBLICANISM is PAEDOPHILIA, 
  • Ctrl search Wadman
  • Dallas Morning News, waterskiing, archery, videographer, volleyball
  • Daub, Hal, mayor of Omaha during Franklin Scandal Cover-up.
  • Demoines Register, copy of article
  • Educate Yourself   Rusty Nelson, Kelly Ford Report
  • Encyclopedia.com / conspiracy theories, Franklin, DeCamp, Nebraska Leadership Conference.
  • Fathers.ca political elite sex rings
  • ForwardAmerica, Bush connections to Franklingate, Steve Bowman  Inside Washington, Eunice (Lisa) Washington, Bush, H.W. links
  • FindArticles, Robert Wadman
  • Flocco, Tom search Bob Dole, Elizabeth Dole, Delmart 'Mike' Vreeland, Franklin County, Colorado, Paul R. Balach, and text copy
  • Frances Farmers Revenge 
  • Franklin Case.org
  • Gaiaguys, Franklin Cover-up, John Decamp, Omaha, Nebraska
  • GayOmaha gay lesbian directory, gay-friendly places, bars, clubs, hotels, suanas, Club Joy, Connections, DC's Saloon, Gilligan's Pub, Omaha Mining Co. , The Max.
  • GeorgeWalkerBush death list: Sid Adger, General James Rose, Lt Colonel William Harris Jr., Lt. Colonel Jerry Killian, James Downing Aalund, J. Clifford Baxter, Charles Dana Rice, James Daniel Watkins, Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, Jake Horton, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Hale Boggs, George de Mohrenschildt, Mrs. E. Howard Hunt,  Gary Caradori, Orlando Letelier, Ronni Moffit, Jack Delaney and Ted White, Steve Kangas, Danny Casolaro, Mark Lombardi, James Hatfield, William S. Farish, Lake Patee, James Forrestal, Karla Faye Tucker, David Wayne Spence, Gary Graham, 
  • Notes: Joan Rivers Show, the ugliest, roses, ventriloquist, dummy was prettier, King, difficult personality, The Palm on 50th, belligerent behavior, peppermill.
  • Girls and Boys Town about
  • GnosticLiberationFront Franklin Scandal
  • Inside Edition, TV show, search Gosch.
  • Interpol Winslow, ME
  • Italy, Indymedia Southfork
  • JehovahWitnessRevealed Jehovah Witness Revealed, BBC WatchTower pedophile cover-up.
  • Jesus is Savior, Washington D.C. Child Sex Ring Cover-up, Implicating the Bush White House, Omaha, Nebraska
  • JohnnyGosch.com Noreen Gosch tried to enlist editor James Gannon of the Des Moines Register ... 
  • Kay Griggs
  • Kay Griggs, MySpace
  • Kennedy assassination, Richard Gerstein, Dade County, statute of limitations, no contest, peninsula,, gymnasium.
  • KWWL "23 years later investigators are investigating new developments in Johnny’s case  ... Investigator - James Rothstein, press corp, White House, Gosch visited his mother in 1997, ... Is Jeff Gannon really Johnny Gosch?
  • Larry King, hard wood floors, not the same person as the  Larry King,
  • Leadership Council On Child Abuse & Interpersonal Violence
  • Leadership Council The Leadership Council's Examination of the Rind Meta-analysis The Leadership Council completed its review of a controversial study that purported to show that children are rarely harmed by sex abuse by adults.  Our analysis found that the study by Rind et al. was seriously flawed. In fact, we found the paper was a stacked deck of poor population and study selection, misreported data and misrepresented findings that led to faulty conclusions. Some of these problems are outlined below.  
  • lost interest in school, college, UPS delivery, dream of a job in radio,
  • Louis Wolfson, selling unregistered stock, 1968, John Mitchell, US Attorney General, overturn conviction, Jim Garrison, intermediary, investigating
  • LukeFord Nelson, Gunderson, Franklin conspiracy
  •   Eugene T. Mahoney State Park, Lawrence King, vice squad, sexual abuse accusations? Omaha, 1989.
  • Milkhouse blog
  • Millis, John "Knowledge of the Iran-Contra Affair may also be the true cause of the essentially unpublicized June 3, 2000 alleged "suicide" of John Millis, Staff Director of House Intelligence Committee. In 1996, Millis had investigated and uncovered the Clinton administrations’ role in helping Iran transfer arms to Bosnian Muslims. The suspicious nature of the recent death of Millis and the lack of media coverage is described in more detail below. Gunderson
  • ModernHistoryProject "Franklin Scandal"
  • Mutual Radio Network
  • Nashua Advocate, Gannon
  • Nebraska Forestry Service, Eugene Mahoney, former Omaha vice squad officer, head of NFS, 
  • Nebraska Leadership Conference
  • Nebraska Health and Human Services
  • North American Freedom Foundation "Advocating for U.S. and Canadian victims and survivors of mind control, torture, slavery, and related terror through education and remembrance."
  • Omaha Race Riot of 1919, Sporting District, Ada Everleigh, brothel, 
  • OutInDC safe sex guide in Washington D. C. mutual masturbation safest, then condoms, casual sex related to depression, 
  • Palm Beach Post, Foley emails to Jeb Bush, search terms: 
  • Pedophigate, Pedophilligate, Pedogate, Bushgate, PedoBushgate, 
  • Phoenix Source Distributors Franklin, headline pics
  • Podcast Directory, Hunter Thompson, Johnny Gosch, Jeff Gannon.
  • PoliceCrime forum:  saw George Bush at one of King's parties." /
  • PrisonPotpourri search: Robert Wadman
  • RigorousInstitution "Nelly first brought up (GHW) Bush in 1986, when she told Julie Walters about the sex parties she was flown to in Washington and Chicago. She saw Bush at two of these parties, she said, one in each city." search Craig Spence
  • RigorousInstitution  and Stirring White House Honey Pot
  • disc jockey, name to ethnic, newscasts and sportscast, King's Wholesale Liquor, 
  • RumormillNews, Michael Aquino, Presidio, court record:  more
  • Sanderhicks
  • San Jose Mercury News, article:  Reagan, Aquino, Presidio and copy
  • Sex and My City Wilmington North Carolina
  • SIANews "White House ''call-boy'' scandal Revisited: Wither Paul Rodriguez, Ace Reporter? ..."
  • Signs on San Diego, Foggo, Wilkes
  • Spence, Craig namebase
  • Stanford Prison Experiment Impious
  • Texas Coalition Advocating Justice for Juveniles
  • TheLawParty, Franklin Scandal, Bush, Reagan
  • TN420, state by state GOP corruption scorecard
  • Tripp, Patrick, Washington county prosecutor who claimed Nelly Webb and her sister Kimberly were lying about the abuse Franklinfiles and Gary Randall, attorney for Jarrett and Barbara Webb, the alleged abusive foster / adoptive parents of Nelly and Kimberly.
  • TYL, Scaife, enemies
  • YouTube, Conspiracy of Silence, John DeCamp exposes:  Lawrence E. King, Larry King. Omaha Nebraska, Baer
  • Lawrence E.  King Jr., Conspiracy of Silence, Omaha Nebraska, pedophilia, sex parties, Boystown, leads to highest levels in Washington D.C. FranklinCase.org chronology, YouTube video, more search terms: Republican, Franklin Credit Union, Thomas Harvey accountant, Paul Bonacci, Harold W. Andersen, Peter Citron, Peony Park, satanic ritual abuse, Robert Wadmand Chief of Police Omaha, Alisha Owen indicted for perjury, John DeCamp investigator exposes cover-up and book 'The Franklin Cover-Up, FBI part of cover-up, Nebraska Leadership Conference, Bush Sr. Whitehouse tours,
  • Watchblog Gary Studds, Mel Reynolds, Barney Frank, Democrat pedophilia.
  • Websleuths, Amanda Jayne, Wadman 
  • Wikipedia Michael Aquino
  • Wikipedia Lawrence E. King "The article, by Washington Times journalists Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald, alleged that key officials of the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations were connected to an elaborate Washington, D.C male prostitution ring, and reported that two of these prostitutes even entered the White House late at night. The allegations included, among other things, "abduction and use of minors for sexual perversion."  allexperts
  • Wikipedia, sodomy, sexual acts except for coital sex between males females not closely related by blood, masturbation, paraphilia, human-animal, bestiality, zoophilia, search terms: sodom, buggery, deviant sexual inter course, biblical, sin, Lut, Lot, 
  • Wikipedia Koreagate
  • Yahoo, DEA, 'new cartel', U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration, "that aids drug traffickers', spokesman Brian Penn, US Embassy, narcotraffickers, 
  • Zoominfo Dick Roth, Omaha, Secret Service, Public Safety
  • Zoominfo, Samuel Van Pelt
  • and MORE
  • enlarge above  Spence, Craig namebase
  • Zoominfo Craig Spence,  allexperts
  • notes: Lawrence E.  King Jr., Conspiracy of Silence, Omaha Nebraska, pedophilia, sex parties, Boystown, leads to highest levels in Washington D.C. FranklinCase.org chronology, YouTube video, more search terms: Republican, Franklin Credit Union, Thomas Harvey accountant, Paul Bonacci, Harold W. Andersen, Peter Citron, Peony Park, satanic ritual abuse, Robert Wadmand Chief of Police Omaha, Alisha Owen indicted for perjury, John DeCamp investigator exposes cover-up and book 'The Franklin Cover-Up, FBI part of cover-up, Nebraska Leadership Conference, Bush Sr. Whitehouse tours, 
  •   see more GOP sex scandal
  • Akins, Alene, Mickey Sutphin, 
  • falcon2.region4.ang.af.mil (Air National Guard), Virginia, Arlington .. NFU visitor.
  • Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP) underfunded by Bush, John Miller resigned, replaced by born-again Christian Mark Lagon, wants evangelical and Catholic Church in on fighting trafficking (fox guarding the hen house)
  • Gannon, Guckert, spent many nights in the White House,  White House visits when no news briefings, many with no record of entry or exit.    go to YouTube   How is this connected to the Franklin Scandal? Is Gannon Johnny Gosch?  ... is an often reported question.
  • Abu Ghraib, sexual torture of prisoners, deliberate, systematic policy, MORE
  • AELE Robert Wadman  Namebase
  • Albert Food Brokerage, Michael Albert, Franklin Advisory Board,  Boycott CBS
  • Amoto, Angela M.U.D, Franklin Advisory Board,
  • Dr. Ronald Roskens, Kent State, Franklin Scandal, USAID how is this connected to White House, Congress, Clergy .... sex scandals?
  • notes  Northington evidence disposal file

  • Named in Franklin scandal, Andersen, Harold, editor World Herald, NamebaseZoominfo on board of directors of Williams Energy, sham energy crisis in California  SEC
  • Ak Sar Ben,  Omaha business elite org.
  • igpalmyra.esu6.org (State Of Nebraska / Office Of The Cio) New York -- NFU visitor
  • American Health Care Association, Hal Daub, CEO and President, 
  • Aquino, Michael written articles,  xeper search terms: military intelligence, army, 'the colonel' Bonacci, Nelson, North, Offutt, 
  • Aquino Xeper
  • Baack, Dennis  Legislative Franklin committee,
  • bad checks, Louisiana Downs, Esquire Magazine, Namath, Jets
  • Baird-Holz John Zeilinger, Franklin Advisory Board
  • Behavioral Science Consultation Teams BSCT, Biscuits,  Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, source: PoliticalFriendster.
  • John Stevens Berry, legislative Franklin Committee namebase
  • Bradford, Coenen & Ashford, Dana Bradford, Franklin Advisory Board
  • Brigham Young University, Robert Wadman Robert Wadman (1997) - Assistant Professor Criminal Justice. B.S., M.B.A., Brigham Young University, 1970, 1975.  Weber
  • Bush, Whitehouse search Margie Schoedinger, 
  • Byrne & Randall, Carolyn Rothery, Franklin Advisory Board, Shreveport, World Football League, KWKH, 
  • Hon. Theodore Carlson, State of Nebraska, Court of Appeals, Lincoln, Appointed 1983 by Kerry
  • Chicago Tribune no stories about Franklin Scandal on site.
  • Citron, Peter  Arrested in 1965, child abuse, charges dropped, gossip columnist - Omaha World Herald during the 80's, sentenced 3-8 years 1990 - pleaded no contest to sexual assault, died June 2003.  WH article covering his death
  • Clyde Lewis Fear, "On the morning of June 29, 1989, the elder Bush’s administration was rocked by a scandal when the headlines of the Washington Times splashed "Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan, Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House."  The New York Times also had the story on its front page.  ..." search: Hunter Thompson
  • "the Colonel"
  • Colonia Dignidad  and Wikipedia windsurfing, theatre, 
  • Covenant House deviant child sex rings
  • CNN, Brian Doyle, DHS, arrested.
  • Command and General Staff College, search Temple of Set, Aquino, Presidio, sodomy, oral copulation.
  • ConAgra, Harper, board: Fitzgerald, Lauritzen, Rismiller, Scott, Kiewit, Skutt, Walsh, Yanney. 
  • Crane, Dan Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.  list
  • Commercial Federal Savings and Loan, Franklin Advisory Board, 
  • Copple family, wakeboarding
  • Robert Creager, legislative Franklin committee counsel
  • Daub, Hal, on Franklin Community Credit Union Advisory Board
  • Des Moines Register James Gannon editor, search Johnny Gosch, Jeff Gannon.  Talon News,    and Bobby Eberle, eye witness to Flight 77 Pentagon attack
  • Enron Corporation ... roots in Omaha, search terms: Enron Creditors Recovery Corp, NYSE, ENE, Houston, Texas, bankruptcy, 2001, leading electricity, natural gas, pulp and paper, communications company, accounting fraud, Andersen Consulting, Accenture, Skilling, Ken Lay, Kennyboy, wrinkly bits, leveraged balance sheet, Northern Natural Gas, Internorth, Enteron.  Boycott Fox
  • Des Moines Register Sep 2007 story
  • ExGayWatch, Omaha
  • Favorite First Lady was Nancy Reagan
  • Fellowship Foundation, or International Foundation, terms: prominent members of Congress, National Prayer Breakfast, Douglas Coe, The Family, founded in Seattle, 1935, fear of socialist government, anti-communist, anti-labor union, once named the Christian Leadership, decided to lower public profile, 70's, relationship with Brazilian dictator Marshal Artur da Costa e Silva, Suharto, Carlos Eugenios Vides Casanova, Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, other names include: National Committee for Christian Leadership, National Leadership Council, Fellowship House, National Fellowship Council.  Hillary Rodham Clinton
  • George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs, scholarships, disadvantaged backgrounds, Miss Pennsylvania, emergency medication
  • Gannon, Guckert, hundreds of White House visits when no briefings, many with no record of entry or exit  go to YouTube  Maher
  • Gannon, Guckert, spent many nights in the White House,  ... visits when no news briefings, many with no record of entry or exit YouTube  How does this relate to Congress, Clergy, military sex scandals?  Insider Magazine, Wayne Madsen Gannongate
  • GodHatesFags.com Westboro Baptist Church
  • Jeff Gannon.com "A Voice of the New Media".. search White House visits.  MORE
  • The Fellowship
  • First National Bank of Omaha, longest running talk show, legal and financial troubles, heart attack,
  • FreeRepublic, Conservative forum "King drops appeal of $1 million judgment The Associated Press State & Local Wire January 13, 2000, Thursday, BC cycle.."
  • FreeRepublic: "The disturbing possibility that individuals involved in such sex rings were protected at the highest levels of the U.S. government was raised by another little story I recently discovered from West Virginia.  Shafer's suspicious past also included her apparently being married to a former Mingo coroner, Henry Vinson pled guilty to charges of credit card fraud and conspiring to violate the RICO statute in connection to the operation of a prostitution ring in Washington D.C. One of Vinson's partners was Robert Chambers, a funeral director, who pled guilty to credit card fraud and money laundering in the operation of the ring."  Peabody Award, CableACE, 
  • GayPatriot, The Internet Home  for the Gay Conservative.   
  • Germany, war crimes prosecution, Stephen Cambone, sexual torture, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo
  •   Mark Foley  MORE
  • GOPUSA, Talon News, Pearland Texas, Bobby Eberle, Jeff Gannnon.
  • Hyde, Henry Republican Congressman Henry Hyde denounced President Clinton's extramarital affair, but was later found to be an adulterer himself.  list
  • Fort Calhoun Schools, Mr. Finch, child abuse accusations. 
  • Infowars, Gannon is Gosch disinfo campaign, distraction
  • JeffGannon.com Valerie Plame outing, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson,
  • Johnson, Kent, 
  • JournalStar
  • Lyn Wallin Ziegenbein of Kiewit Foundation , King
  • Robert Kirchner, Commonwealth / Franklin parallels. fed contract to analyze Franklin Credit Union, hire Johnson
  • Liberty Post,  Rusty Nelson, White House photos, sex ring.
  • Lyn Wallin Ziegenbein of Kiewit Foundation,  King
  • Labedz, Bernice, Sen. Legislative Franklin committee,
  • Legislature's Franklin Committee
  • Lincoln Journal, Kathy Rutledge, editor Loretta Smith, DeCamp discredit them. see Wikipedia
  • Trent Lott, Lot, Lut
  • Lowe, Jerry, Lincoln police officer, analyze Commonwealth, no training, 
  • Lynch, Dan Legislative Franklin committee,
  • Mahoney, Eugene, Namebase
  • Massachusetts Mutual Insurance Company, Joseph Barker III, Franklin Advisory Board,
  • Morgan, P.J. drugs
  • Murray State Bank, Dale Wolforth, Franklin Advisory Board,
  • National Center for Assisted Living, Hal Daub served as CEO and President, eagle scout.
  • National Security Agency, controlled by Stephen Cambone,
  • National Security Agency, Stephen Cambone
  • National Imagery and Mapping Agency, controlled by Stephen Cambone
  • National Reconnaisance Organization, controlled by Stephen Cambone,  
  • National Vanguard "a homosexual ring had been operating out of Governor Reagan’s office’ for six months with his full knowledge.. MORE BELOW
  • Nebraska Citizen Don Stenberg
  • Nebraska History search Andersen, Baer
  • Nebraska State Foster Care Review Board
  • New York Times, West Point Child Development Center, child abuse, 
  • Northwest Bell, Leslie McAuley, Franklin Advisory Board,
  • Northern Natural Gas, James Healy, Franklin Advisory Board
  • Offutt Air Force Base, Strategic Air Command, 
  • Omaha National Bank, Donald Miller, FAB
  • Omaha Police Department
  • Omaha World Herald search of Lawrence E. King Jr. -- no matches.
  • Orpheum Tower
  • Van Pelt, Samuel Grand Jury guided by prosecutor Samuel Van Pelt. namebase
  • Presidio search Michael Aquino, satanic cult leader, Ronald Reagan, Maureen Reagan.
  • Pumpernik's Restaurant, interviews, waitress, Bobby Darin, first celebrity, local stardom,  then Miami Undercover, 
  • John Queen, Commonwealth / Franklin parallels.  fed contract to analyze Franklin Credit Union, hire Johnson
  • R-Lynn, Inc Franklin Advisory Board, Samual Marvin,
  • Karen Ormiston, Legislative Franklin committee investigator.  Deward Finch, Superintendent of Schools, friend of Tripp.  Kent Miller, Fort Calhoun High School principal, friend of Tripp, 1986, Walter report alleges Webbs pimped out their adopted and foster children to Larry King for his parties. 
  • Rotary Club of Beverly Hills,  
  • Senator Larry Craig,
  • Sign Post, Weber State University,
  • Rev. Thomas J. Smith 
  • Social Security Advisory Board, member, Hal Daub, mayor of Omaha during Franklin Scandal, 
  • Southfork Ranch
  • Spence, Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.  list
  • Attorney General Robert Spire research
  • Stenberg, Don, website
  •   U.S. Attorney Johnny, Sutton, failure to prosecute sexual abuse, TYC  MORE
  • Temple of Set, official site xeper
  • Tripp Schweer & Wilson, Omaha, Nebraska
  • Twin Towers,
  • Union Pacific Railroad, Franklin Advisory Board, Arnold Nesbitt
  • University of Nebraska, David Hinton, College of Public Affairs, Franklin Advisory Board
  • University of Nebraska, David Ambrose,
  • U. S. District Court, Franklin Community Credit Union, evidence disposal / destruction
  • Van Pelt, Samuel, County District Judge, convened a grand jury, accusations 'deemed carefully crafted hoax'.
  • Warner Jerome, Legislative Franklin committee,
  • Washington Times search Franklin Scandal, Paul Rodriguez and editor-in-chief Wes Pruden
  • Washington Times Randall Casseday, arrested, 
  • Kent Whinnery, legislative Franklin committee counsel link
  • Wadman, Robert 
  • Walters, John,  U.S. director of National Drug Control Policy,
  • Weber State University Albanian National Police, State Department, Department of Justice, Poland, Haiti, Nigeria. Criminal Justice professor. promote democracy
  • Westin Crown Center Hotel, King flew teenagers, 1985, allegations
  • Western and Pacific Association of Criminal Justice Educators search Robert Wadman.
  • World Herald, Omaha
  • World Herald Zorinsky files, text
  • Conquest Clubs, Camp Caribou, Ontario
GM Pollen, toxic cloud, genetically modified corn, soy beans, rape
Food Safety, KSU.edu  Farmers help deliver modified crops to Brazil October 14, 2003 New York Times Tony Smith Brazil's decision in late September to legalize the planting of genetically modified soybeans may have infuriated environmentalists and some in the government, but, according to this story, it has caused much rejoicing and relief in the farming community here in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil's southernmost state, where farmers have been planting transgenic soybeans illegally for years. Rafael Moreno, 30, a resident of this sleepy town close to the Argentine border who for the last four years has been planting and harvesting genetically engineered soybeans on his 1,000-acre farm, was quoted as saying, "Everybody around here was doing it and it made economic sense, so I did it, too." The story says that the realities and the fact that Brazil - already the world's No. 2 soybean producer, after the United States - is working hard to become an agricultural superpower are crucial factors behind President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's changed stance on the planting of genetically modified crops. Before taking office in January, Mr. da Silva opposed such crops. But now that he heads the government, he has to weigh the growing importance of agribusiness, which accounted for a third of the country's gross domestic product and 40 percent of its exports last year. Farmers here expect the president's decision, which legalized transgenic crops for this planting season, to pave the way for more permanent legislation that would put them on an equal footing with farmers in the United States, Argentina and Canada, where gene-altered crops have been planted for years.  

Contamination fears to restrict GM crop trials October 14, 2003 Times Newspapers Ltd./ Telegraph.co.uk Stringent new conditions are, according to these stories, to be imposed on any future genetically modified crop trials in Britain as research shows that GM pollen can spread to crops 16 miles away, eight times further than previously thought. The stories say that a study also found that after growing GM oilseed rape, it could take a farmer up to 16 years to grow a conventional rape crop that would comply with the maximum 1 per cent GM contamination threshold. The stories explain that the findings were released by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs just three days before the results of the official farm trials and as about 1,000 anti-GM campaigners protested against the technology in Central London. Opponents of GM crops immediately hailed the findings as proof that the controversial process would damage the environment and dent farm profits. The researchers were cited as finding that bees could carry GM pollen distances of 16 miles, and unless weeds from GM crops were strictly controlled, conventional crops risked contamination for up to 16 years, they concluded. A Whitehall source was cited as admitting that the results might put extra pressure on senior ministers not to rush into widespread commercial planting of GM crops, suggested that it would increase caution inside the Government and that the most likely outcome was for decisions on GM crops to be made on individual cases. Elliot Morley, the Environment Minister, was cited as signalling a harder line to companies when he insisted that in any future trial the purity of seeds would be closely inspected, adding, "We are determined to have effective systems in place to ensure consumer choice whatever the future of GM in this country. It is a global product and we must have systems of control to ensure seed purity and consumer choice.” A spokesman for the industry group The Supply Chain Initiative for the Modification of Arable Crops was cited as saying that the risk of pollen travelling long distances was very small and the research showed it was possible for GM and non-GM crops to be grown in the same farming regions without any detrimental effects, adding, "The whole case of co-existence between crops in agriculture revolves around the concept of thresholds. Farming takes place in the open air and practical thresholds are achievable." Bob Fiddaman, a spokesman for the National Farmers’ Union, who tested GM oilseed rape on his 1,100-acre farm in Hertfordshire, was quoted as saying, "After the first crop, farmers would always control weeds." The stories note that on Thursday the UK Government will publish results of field-scale trials of GM crops. They are expected to show a deterioration in farmland biodiversity among at least two of the three GM crops. Pete Riley, GM campaigner at Friends of the Earth, was quoted as saying, "If GM contamination cannot be controlled on test sites, what hope is there if GM crops are widely grown?"


Banker resignations SoundofHeart.org
9/01/11 (USA NY) Bank of New York Mellon Chief Robert P. Kelly Resigns in a Shake-UP http://goo.gl/NdW7q 9/06/11 (BELGIUM) Dexia confirmed that its CEO Stefaan Decraene had left the company. Its exposures to sovereign debt in the PIIGS nations are larger than its core Tier 1 capital. http://goo.gl/vuhvd 9/09/11 (GERMANY) European Central Bank (ECB) governing board member Jürgen Stark, who has resigned http://goo.gl/t83S4 9/09/11 (US OR) Chief investment officer for the Oregon State Treasury Ron Schmitz resigns. http://goo.gl/nZ88q 9/12/11 (HONG KONG) HSBC Group Hang Seng Bank Non-Executive Director Mark McCombe resigns http://goo.gl/mCTgi 9/12/11 (US PA) First Commonwealth Financial Corp, Exec. vice president/strategic resources Thaddeus J. Clements resigns goo.gl/6ZMXF 9/14/11 (USA NJ) Columbia Bank CEO Raymond G. Hallock Announces Retirement http://goo.gl/UjUZY 9/14/11 (NEW ZELAND) AMP NZ Office Limited (ANZO), Mark Verbiest has resigned as a director. His resignation arises due to his desire to devote the necessary time and energy to his prospective new role as Chairman of Telecom, assuming the Telecom demerger is sanctioned by Telecom shareholders. http://goo.gl/LjSI0 9/15/11 (USA NY) Morgan Stanley, Chairman John Mack resigns http://goo.gl/jWWv7 9/18/11 (JORDAN) Central Bank governor Faris Sharaf resigns over policy http://goo.gl/8yU5N 9/19/11 (US MS) COO of Parkway Properties (REIT) William Flatt Resigns goo.gl/Y3kr4 9/20/11 (SCOTLAND) SCOTTISH WIDOWS (RETIREMENT INVESTMENT SAVINGS FUND) There could be no Scottish representative on the board of Lloyds Banking Group, owner of Bank of Scotland, in future after it announced the departure of Lord Sandy Leitch, the chairman of Scottish Widows and group deputy chairman. http://goo.gl/Dx8qs 9/20/11 (JAPAN) BLife Investment Corporation (Diawa House Asset Management) Director Masaomi Yamadaira resigns goo.gl/EYOau 9/21/11 (AUSTRALIA & NZ) JP Morgan Australia and New Zealand Worldwide Securities Services CEO Jane Perry resigned http://goo.gl/Qx0Va 9/23/11 (Singapore) Executive board director Rohit Bhagat has tendered his resignation to the board of BlackRock (Singapore) Limited and BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited. http://goo.gl/Nksjb 9/25/11 (SWITZERLAND) UBS CEO Oswald Gruebel quits over £1.5bn rogue trader crisis http://goo.gl/WCeqB 9/25/11 (USA CA) Douglas E. Tow, Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer, will retire from the Company http://goo.gl/24aAU 9/28/11 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Bank Council: Fritz Studer resigns as per end-April 2012 http://goo.gl/7dNiD 9/29/11 (UK) Barclays, Head of UK & European Retail Banking Deanna Oppenheimerresigned. http://goo.gl/o63jO 9/29/11 (USA NM) New Mexico Pension Fund Director Terry Slattery Resigns http://goo.gl/BzLn4 9/30/11 (SINGAPORE) AIMS AMP CAP INDUSTRIAL REIT, Ms Tang Buck Kiauresigned. http://goo.gl/VGxjv 9/30/11 (ICELAND) Alternate board member of Iceland State Financial Investments Thórdís Bjarnadóttir resigns goo.gl/0c2em 10/01/11 (USA MO) Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas M. Hoenigretired on Oct. 1, 2011 http://goo.gl/B8WK7 10/03/11 (INDIA) The of Euram Bank Asia, president Arun Panchariya, has resigned after being implicated in a stock trading scandal in India. http://goo.gl/yh2bF 10/03/11 (GHANA) Intercontinental Bank Ghana Limited, Managing Director and CEOAlbert Mmegwa resigned. http://goo.gl/Vc252 10/03/11 (USA FL) Quantek Opportunity Fund, portfolio manager Javier Guerra. Arbitration awarded $1 million damages to Aris Multi-Strategy Fund. Quantek Asset Management made false statements to Aris. http://goo.gl/udpBA 10/05/11 (UK) UBS co-chief François Gouws of global equities had resigned after last month’s revelation of a $2.3 billion loss from unauthorized trading. http://goo.gl/OuUjr 10/05/11 (UK) UBS co-chief Yassine Bouhara of global equities had resigned after last month’s revelation of a $2.3 billion loss from unauthorized trading. http://goo.gl/OuUjr 10/10/11 (BELGIUM) Dexia (Franco-Belgian bank) its chairman Jean-Luc Dehaene will give up his role on the board of Dexia's Belgian division, which is being sold to the Belgian state as part of a rescue deal, the group said on Monday. http://goo.gl/vyldE 10/11/11 (UK) BlackRock, head of sterling portfolios and manager of the Corporate Bond fund, Paul Shuttleworth, has resigned after 11 years at the firm. http://goo.gl/FMBjw 10/11/11 (UK) Dynamic Funds, portfolio manager David Taylor has resigned. http://goo.gl/GZCt5 10/11/11 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Non-Executive Direct Sue Yang resigns for personal reasons. http://goo.gl/ip8Un 10/13/11 (UK) Cogent Partners co-head research department Katita Palamar resigned. http://goo.gl/TVLWO 10/13/11 (UK) Cogent Partners co-head research department Bill Farrell resigned. http://goo.gl/TVLWO 10/13/11 (US OR) MBank CEO Rex Brittle resigns goo.gl/D48Vh 10/14/11 (USA TX) Deutsche Bank Investment Advisor Griffin Perry resigns, SEC regulations prevented him from campaigning for his father Rick Perry's Presidential campaign. http://goo.gl/R0PgH 10/23/11 (USA) Fairholme Capital Management LLC, Director Charles Fernandezstepped down for personal reasons. Fairholme Fund has lost 26 percent of its net asset value due to bets that have backfired on AIG Inc, Bank of America Corp and Florida-based landowner and developer St Joe Co. http://goo.gl/vzTbY 10/24/11 (ICELAND) Icelandic State Financial Investments board members of Icelandic State Financial Investments have resigned following “outside interference” with their Sept. 30 decision to hire Pall Magnusson, the former political adviser to the island’s industry minister, as chief executive officer. [names and positions have been requested from the reporter on 3/9/12] http://goo.gl/lEpz2 10/24/11 (SINGAPORE) Keppel Corporation Limited, Teo Soon Hoe will resign from his role as group finance director Jan 1. http://goo.gl/l90be 10/26/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank) CEO B S Deshmukh arrested for embezzling Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd payment deposits. http://goo.gl/CXL7Z 10/26/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank) former CEO A N Kulkarni arrested for embezzling Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd payment deposits. http://goo.gl/CXL7Z 10/26/11 (US VA) The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, CEO Charles E. Haldeman will retire in 2012 goo.gl/CF4SF 10/27/11 (USA NY) Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc (KBW) CEO John Duffy stepped aside. Duffy has prostate cancer. http://goo.gl/i1s3E 10/27/11(US WA) Pacific International Bank CEO Woosung "Edward" Park abruptly resigns goo.gl/nJgkI 10/29/11 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Corp Chairman Guo Shuqing resigns http://goo.gl/fdd9v 10/29/11 (CHINA) Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Chairman Xiang Junbo resigns http://goo.gl/yWX9R 10/31/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet, resigns. http://goo.gl/ygG59 11/01/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank More directors resign [research still being conducted on the names] http://goo.gl/HD8BQ 11/02/11 (UK) Lloyds Banking Group chief executive, António Horta-Osório, is to take leave of absence on health grounds for six to eight weeks, the BBC has reported. (STILL OUT AS OF 2/24/12 - DEFACTO RESIGNATION) http://goo.gl/3L9gE 11/03/11 (POLAND) Nordea Bank Poland, Wlodzimierz Kicinski resigned from as President of the Management Board of Nordea Bank Poland as of the 10th of November. http://goo.gl/oKUVZ 11/04/11 (USA NY) MF Global, Jon Corzine, stepped down as chairman and CEO, hired criminal attorney to represent him. http://goo.gl/tUaVY 11/04/11 (SWITZERLAND) Hyposwiss Private Bank Ltd., Director Hans Bodmer resigns from the Board goo.gl/5ydhv 11/07/11 (SINGAPORE) Singapore Mercantile Exchange (SMX), CEO Framroze Pochara quits. http://goo.gl/eum87 11/08/11 (SINGAPORE) The Singapore Fund, Inc, Austin C. Dowling has resigned as Director of the Fund http://goo.gl/bCUhI 11/09/11 (USA NY) HSBC Israeli desk, managing director Issac Doueck resigned. http://goo.gl/zuCJE 11/09/11 (ISRAEL) HSBC Israeli desk, senior representative Simon Hakim resigned. http://goo.gl/zuCJE 11/09/11 (SWITZERLAND) HSBC Israeli desk, head of Israel Dan Sagi resigned. http://goo.gl/zuCJE 11/09/11 (USA NY) HSBC Israeli desk, ????? resigned. http://goo.gl/zuCJE 11/09/11 (USA NY) HSBC Israeli desk, ????? resigned. http://goo.gl/zuCJE 11/10/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) European Central Bank Lorenzo Bini Smaghiresigned from the European Central Bank’s Executive Board. http://goo.gl/Invjc 11/11/11 (HONG KONG) Goldman Sachs' Asia Pacific co-head Yusuf Alireza is retiring from the investment bank after 19 years http://goo.gl/pejs3 11/10/11 (INDIA) UBS The head of India operations at UBS AG , Manisha Girotra, has resigned http://goo.gl/3aTh2 11/15/11 (USA NY) Icahn Enterprises LP, senior managing director of health-care investing, Alex Denner, has resigned. http://goo.gl/X1A4i 11/16/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) International Monetary Fund Europe, director Antonio Borges resigns for personal reasons. http://goo.gl/55CqZ 11/17/11 (NETHERLANDS) Syntrus Achmea (pensions manager), CIO Marjolein Sol is resigning. http://goo.gl/Xqxsr 11/17/11 (INDIA) Nomura India's investment banking head Nipun Goel resigns goo.gl/RaK9X 11/17/11 (INDIA) Nomura India's Capital market division head Indraneil Borkakoty resigns goo.gl/RaK9X 11/17/11 (INDIA) Nomura India's executive director Shubham Majumder resigns goo.gl/RaK9X 11/18/11 (US WA) President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Steven R. Horton retires goo.gl/cjJJD 11/18/11 (US MD) Legendary mutual fund manager Bill Miller CIO of Legg Mason Capital Management and portfolio manager of LM Value Trust resigns goo.gl/YO4CJ 11/18/11 (ICELAND) Horn Invest hf., Director of the Board of Guðrún Ragnarsdóttirresigned goo.gl/k54sv 11/18/11 (ICELAND) CEO of Landsbankinn Steinthór Pálsson resigned from the Board of Horn Invest hf. goo.gl/k54sv 11/18/11 (SCOTLAND) Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited (SWIP) Private Equity Fund, wish to announce the resignation of John Brett from the Board of Directors of the Company, for business reasons. http://goo.gl/MLsp8 11/21/11 (JAPAN) UBS’s Japan Investment Banking Chairman Matsui to Resign http://goo.gl/OiDiq 11/23/11 (GERMANY) CEO of Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt Andreas Wolf resigns and leaves the boards of Clearstream International S.A., Luxembourg and Deutsche Börse Group goo.gl/FE2TB 11/23/12 (USA SC & NC) Bank of the Carolinas, CFO Eric Rhodes resigns for personal reasons. Bank of the Carolinas was delisted from the NASDAQ on 3/9/12 http://goo.gl/oytcD 11/24/12 (IRELAND) AXA Rosenberg Management Ireland Limited, director Simon Vanstone resigns. http://goo.gl/x5Fl6 11/28/11 (LATVIA) Latvia’s chief banking regulator, Irena Krumane, said she resigned today, a week after the state took over Latvijas Krajbanka AS (LKB1R), the Baltic News Service reported. The bank regulator suspended operations at Krajbanka, a subsidiary of Lithuania’s Bankas Snoras AB, on Nov. 21 and said around 100 million lati ($191.8 million) was missing. The Lithuanian government seized Snoras on Nov. 16 saying assets reported on the lender’s balance sheet were missing. http://goo.gl/mUvLF 11/29/11 (USA) R. David Land Submits Resignation from the Boards of Directors of Peoples Bancorp. and Seneca National Bank http://goo.gl/XncOc 11/29/11 (NORWAY) Carnegie ASA’s co-head of investment banking in Norway, Cato Holmsen, has resigned http://goo.gl/utIfy 11/29/11 (FRANCE) AXA Real Estate Investment Managers, Global head of business development, strategy and research for Kiran Patel, has handed in his resignation. Patel was with the firm for 11 years. http://goo.gl/iGjB6 11/30/11 (LITHUANIA) Lithuania Central Bank, Governor Vitas Vasiliauskas firedKazimieras Ramonas, head of the banking supervision department, after seizing Bankas Snoras AB, the country’s third-biggest deposit bank. http://goo.gl/EiqUC 11/31/11 (AUSTRALIA) Commonwealth Bank CEO Sir Ralph Norris Australia's highest-paid banker, quits goo.gl/UBSmh 12/01/11 (SRI LANKA) Sri Lanka's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) headIndrani Sugathadasa resigned. http://goo.gl/6qzny 12/02/11 (PAKISTAN) NIB Bank, Singapore forced resignation of CEO Khawaja Iqbal Hassan, for mismanagement http://goo.gl/ojDcu 12/03/11 (USA SC) South Carolina's $25 billion pension fund chief investor Robert Borden resigned. Borden's resignation comes as the SC Retirement System faces a $13 billion deficit, prompting state lawmakers to call for a massive overhaul of the system. http://goo.gl/ypK2G 12/05/11 (BERMUDA) HSBC Bermuda Ltd, chairman of the board and director John Campbell resigns http://goo.gl/peFGD 12/05/11 (BERMUDA) HSBC Bermuda Ltd, CEO Philip Butterfield retires http://goo.gl/peFGD 12/06/11 (USA ) Western Liberty Bancorp CFO George Rosenbaum has resigned. http://goo.gl/ozuwB 12/08/11 (USA) Fidelity Global Special Situations Fund, manager Jorma Korhonenresigned. http://goo.gl/a7Rhw 12/08/11 (INDIA) Nomura's co-head of equity-linked solutions Neeraj Hora, resigns http://goo.gl/WYcjR 12/09/11 (France) Executive board director of Kléline Abdallah Hitti resigned. Kléline is an electronic banking arm of the Group BNP PARIBAS . http://goo.gl/NpLqc 12/12/11 (Papua New Guinea) Bank South Pacific (BSP) chairman Kostas Constantinou resigned as a director of the Board of Bank of South Pacific Limited and its subsidiaries. http://goo.gl/6NiyY 12/14/11 (MAURITIUS) African Alliance Africa Pioneer Fund I (the "Fund"), Portfolio Manager Paul David Austin Clark resigned http://goo.gl/YiagF 12/14/11 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs global head Milton R. Berlinski retiring at the end of the year http://goo.gl/Xj0l4 12/14/11 (IRELAND) AfricanAlliance I's portfolio manager Paul David Austin Clark resigns goo.gl/xhMkw 12/15/11 (UK) Coutts [private bank] Senior private banker James Fleming resigns http://goo.gl/ANN5B 12/19/11 (CANADA) Holloway Lodging Real Estate Investment Trust (a REIT) CEOGlenn Squires has resigned http://goo.gl/8rAKb 12/19/11 (JAPAN) Citibank Japan CEO, Darren Buckley, resigns after Citibank was punished by regulators for the third time in seven years. http://goo.gl/ScT47 12/19/11 (DENMARK) Danske Bank Peter Straarup, who will retire February 15 http://goo.gl/06c2b 12/19/11 (DENMARK) Danske Bank Eivind Kolding has resigned as Chairman of the Board of Directors and from the three board committees on which he served, He continues as member of Danske Bank’s Board of Directors until he assumes the position of Chairman of the Executive Board on 15 February 2012. On the same day, at the latest, Eivind Kolding will resign from the A.P. Moller-Maersk Group. http://goo.gl/06c2b 12/20/11 (UK) Prudential (UK) Chairman Harvey McGrath has informed the Board of his intention to retire from the Board in 2012 once a successor has been found. http://goo.gl/IPOzf 12/20/11 (USA MA) Century Bancorp, Inc., Director Roger S. Berkowitz resigned. http://goo.gl/bbdeT 12/21/11 (USA MN) Voyager Bank, fired CEO trade accusations, New details have emerged in Voyager Bank's firing of its CEO in a court filing that accuses him of defrauding the bank of $15 million. The former CEO, Timothy Owens, has sued the bank for wrongful termination and accused the bank of defaming him. http://goo.gl/3Q1Vg 12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Chairman Mark Giles quits http://goo.gl/dFDpH 12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Claire Gargalli quits http://goo.gl/kowkW 12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Leslie Disharoon quits http://goo.gl/kstLp 12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Neal Kassell quits http://goo.gl/NrrPZ 12/23/11 (USA) Third Avenue Value Fund, co-manager Marty Whitman is leaving. http://goo.gl/iMe99 12/23/11 (US NV) Chief financial officer of Western Liberty Bancorp George Rosenbaum resigns goo.gl/R9vey 12/31/11 (US CA) Wells Fargo Senior EVP Mark Oman retires goo.gl/T0OFC 1/01/12 (US FL) OptimumBank Larry Willis left the board shortly after he was re-elected at the company shareholder meeting. goo.gl/GDcFX 1/01/12 (SINGAPORE) Keppel's group finance director Teo Soon Hoe resigns goo.gl/nfPWd 1/01/12 (NIGERIA) United Bank for Africa Plc Victor Osadolor resigns http://goo.gl/b6AoA 1/01/12 (ISRAEL) Israel's Bank Leumi CEO Galia Maor steps down after 16 years http://goo.gl/xwlFt 1/03/12 (GREECE) Marfin Popular Bank Public Co Ltd, Mr Eleftherios Hiliadakis has resigned from the Board of Directors. http://goo.gl/MuFa0 1/03/12 (USA VA) Suffolk Bancorp president and CEO J. Gordon Huszagh steps down http://goo.gl/joExI 1/03/12 (USA WI) Michael Falbo, president and CEO of Southport Bank, has resigned just six months after accepting the position. http://goo.gl/DP1uK 1/03/12 (UK) Arbuthnot Banking Group: Neil Kirton resigned from the Board http://goo.gl/SKE7j 1/03/12 (UK) Arbuthnot Banking Group: Atholl Turrell left the Board. http://goo.gl/bzZtQ 1/05/12 (UK) Saunderson House [Private Bank] CEO Nick Fletcher steps down http://goo.gl/zvo1L 1/05/12 (USA NY) Blackstone/GSO Senior Floating Rate Term Fund and Blackstone/GSO Long-Short Credit Income Fund announced that John R. O’Neill has resigned. http://goo.gl/ZiWGL 1/07/12 (UK) Arab Banking Corporation Intl. Bank (ABCIB) Manama, Bahrain: ABCIBannounced retirement of CEO Nofal Barbar from its London office. http://goo.gl/yF0Mm 1/09/12 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Chairman Philipp Hildebrand resigns http://goo.gl/5qsUu 1/09/12 (USA WASHINGTON DC) Whitehouse former banker and Chief of StaffWilliam M. Daley resigned http://goo.gl/34F0B 1/09/12 (USA NY) Morgan Stanley Chief Legal Officer Frank Barron retires. http://goo.gl/XYCwJ 1/09/12 (SWITZERLAND) Temenos Group AG, provider of core banking software announced the resignation of Mark Austen as a member of the Board of Directors. http://goo.gl/l6QzM 1/10/12 (LIECHTENSTIEN) LLB CEO and chairman Josef Fehr resigned . http://goo.gl/a4gTh 1/10/12 (US DC) Fannie Mae (The Federal National Mortgage Association) Chief Executive Michael J. Williams resigns goo.gl/8dver 1/10/12 (USA IN) Security Bank of Springfield, president and CEO Steve Cour has announced plans to retire at the end of June. http://goo.gl/jFbYA 1/11/12 (KAZAKHSTAN) BTA Bank, CEO Marat Zairov resigns for health reasons. http://goo.gl/yAHgr 1/11/12 (SWITZERLAND) La Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild, CEO Claude Messulam resigns, replaced by Christophe de Backer, Claude Messulam to become a director of the bank holding company. http://goo.gl/vWr3i 1/12/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs, Co-Head Securities Trading Edward K. Eisler retires http://goo.gl/i2TVk 1/12/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs, Co-Head Securities Trading David B. Heller retires http://goo.gl/i2TVk 1/13/12 (IRELAND) National Asset Management Agency, head of lending Graham Emmett is resigning http://goo.gl/GN3h3 1/13/12 (USA DC) World Bank, Vice President for Africa, Oby Ezekwesili will retire from her position at the World Bank in May. http://goo.gl/fiUsU 1/16/12 (UAE) Ajman Bank CEO Mubashar Khokhar resigns goo.gl/FJuYd 1/17/12 (CANADA) Cumberland Private Wealth Management CIO John Wilson quit to join another money manager. http://goo.gl/3JuNJ 1/17/12 (HONG KONG) Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (OCBC Bank) CEODavid Conner retires. http://goo.gl/83Z1i 1/17/12 (UK) Morgan Stanley Intl, chairman Walid Chammah is retiring. An inside source speculated that it could mean that the company had suffered exposure to European sovereign debt woes under Chammah's purview. http://goo.gl/e7vS7 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Ali Yousef Al Awwadhy resigned. http://goo.gl/0PoIM 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Miss Anoud Fadhel Al Hathran resigned. http://goo.gl/0PoIM 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Tarek Farid Al Othman resigned. http://goo.gl/0PoIM 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Salem Ali Hassan Al Ali resigned. http://goo.gl/0PoIM 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Majed Ali Oweid Awadh resigned. http://goo.gl/0PoIM 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Badr Suliman Al Ahmed resigned. http://goo.gl/0PoIM 1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-heads of Goldman's securities business David Hellerresigns. http://goo.gl/TMHvx 1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-heads of Goldman's securities business Edward Eislerresigns. http://goo.gl/TMHvx 1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-head of its investment management division Ed Forstresigns. http://goo.gl/TMHvx 1/19/12 (UK) Santander, senior director Americas division Francisco Luzón is retiring with a pension pot of about €56m, a package whose generous size is expected to reignite controversy over bankers’ remuneration. http://goo.gl/XMRvP 1/19/12 (EGYPT) Beltone Financial Holding (BTFH) Alaa' Sabaa resigned from board of directors. http://goo.gl/5Eze1 1/19/12 (EGYPT) Beltone Financial Holding (BTFH) Wael EL Mahgary resigned from board of directors. http://goo.gl/5Eze1 1/20/12 (JAPAN) Normura's head of wholesale banking Jasjit Bhattai quits http://goo.gl/6FuWe 1/20/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) First National Bank's sharia banking division is in a state of flux after it was hit by a corporate governance scandal in which its chief executive, Ebi Patel, was put on "special leave" for almost a month while an internal probe was conducted. Patel has been reinstated, but is facing disciplinary action. Islamic finance forbids the payment and receipt of interest (riba), and investment in some industries. Sharia law states that interest-bearing transactions result in economic ills such as unemployment and high inflation. Trading in derivatives and speculative investment are also forbidden. Sharia law requires all transactions to be backed by tangible assets. http://goo.gl/NmGJP 1/20/12 (USA) TIAA-CREF executive vice president and president of Asset Management,Scott C. Evans resigned http://goo.gl/f6qLs 1/20/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) South African deputy economic development minister Enoch Godongwana quit his post this week in the face of growing outrage in government circles about his involvement in a company that allegedly defrauded clothing factory workers of R100-million of their pension fund money. http://goo.gl/ZADvn 1/21/12 (UK) Butterfield Private Bank head Danny Dixon Steps Down http://goo.gl/sdY1p 1/21/12 (SINGAPORE) ANZ Asia's private banking head Nina Aguas resigns as managing director of Asia-Pacific private banking. http://goo.gl/hlHvG 1/21/12 (USA CA) Nara Bancorp (Now called BBCN) President and CEO Min Kim Resigns http://goo.gl/rcfJ3 1/22/12 (KENYA) National Bank of Kenya's (NBK) managing director, Mr Reuben Marambii, will resign before year end. http://goo.gl/c2n7r 1/23/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) The South Africa Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (SAVCA) CEO JP Fourie resigned http://goo.gl/dmxFI 1/24/12 (IRELAND) Deutsche International Corporate Services Limited fund, Paul Shevlin resigned as a director http://goo.gl/OjZFF 1/24/12 (SWITZERLAND) Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Dr. Michel Kazatchkine, a French clinical immunologist and head of the $22.6 billion fund has abruptly resigned, since revelations about corruption and misspending severely rattled some of its biggest donors. The resignation came on the eve of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, which played a role in its creation a decade ago. A dinner for the public-private fund is planned Thursday with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and major backers Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The shakeup resulted from an internal review to address problems highlighted in Associated Press stories last year about the loss of tens of millions of dollars in grant money because of mismanagement and alleged fraud. Its biggest private donor is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has pledged $1.15 billion and provided it with $650 million so far. http://goo.gl/bqXs8 1/25/12 (Papua New Guinea) Bank South Pacific (BSP) chairman Kostas Constantinou resigned as a director of the Board of Bank of South Pacific Limited and its subsidiaries. http://goo.gl/vh3az 1/25/12 (UK) SOFIA PROPERTY FUND LIMITED, Gerry Williams has resigned as a Director, following his resignation from Ardel Holdings Limited ("Ardel") where he was CEO. Ardel is the holding company of Ardel Fund Services Limited which provides administration services in Guernsey to the Company. http://goo.gl/kDfVv 1/25/12 (USA NY) Fortress Private Equity, CEO Daniel Madrid (aka Daniel Mudd)has resigned. Madrid was forced to leave in order to deal with SEC allegations. Prior to joining Fortress, Madrid served as Fannie Mae CEO and was forced to resign. SEC sued Madrid and former Freddie Mac CEO Richard West Long (aka Richard Syron) for hiding hundreds of billions of dollars in subprime loans. Madrid denied the SEC allegations saying the US govt. and investors were informed of Fannie Mae’s loan data. http://goo.gl/u9IdB and http://goo.gl/v94ik and http://goo.gl/tXQwP 1/27/12 (SINGAPORE) AIMS AMP CAP INDUSTRIAL REIT, Mr Graham Sugdenresigned. http://goo.gl/VZYHY 1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group COO Alfie Naidoo would be leaving to pursue personal interests http://goo.gl/cVWnA 1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group chief marketing and communication officerHappy Ntshingila, will be taking up an "exciting position" outside banking http://goo.gl/cVWnA 1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group CEO Daphne Motsepe retires at the end of April after a 10-year career at the bank. http://goo.gl/cVWnA 1/29/12 (PORTUGAL) Banco Santander Totta SA executive chairman Nuno Manuel da Silva Amado has resigned http://goo.gl/Glvdn 1/29/12 (NEW ZEALAND) New Zealand Reserve Bank Gov Alan Bollard to Step Down http://goo.gl/BwUgv 1/29/12 (UAE) NBD, Emirates 's investment banking division CEO Suresh Kumar is leaving the bank http://goo.gl/S1x0F 1/30/12 (UK) British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA) COOAndrew Graham steps down http://goo.gl/4SDW8 1/31/12 (SCOTLAND) Royal Bank of Scotland former CEO Fred Goodwin Stripped of Knighthood http://goo.gl/CoLVS 2/01/12 (US CT) President and CEO of the First National Bank of Suffield George W. Hermann resigns goo.gl/JLlHz 2/01/12 (SYRIA) Arab Bank Syria Board member Basma Talal Zein resigns. http://goo.gl/WXxzw 2/01/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA [Barclay's Bank] deputy CEO Louis von Zeuner resigns http://goo.gl/IP8nH 2/01/12 (UK) Lloyds Bankging Group head of wholesaleTruett Tate quits http://goo.gl/OqRVo 2/01/12 (UK) Llyods Banking Group Tim Tookey leaving end of February http://goo.gl/vjO5M 2/02/12 (VENEZUELA) Banking Crisis Arne Chacon arrested for Banking Corruption http://goo.gl/bb5sh 2/02/12 (USA) American Perspective Bank, President and CEO Thomas J. Beeneresigned. http://goo.gl/K66eb 2/02/12 (USA) NIR Group hedge funds, Corey Ribotsky was forced out of NIR by Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, the court-appointed liquidator, following allegations of fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In September, the SEC sued Ribotsky and NIR for taking more than $1 million of investors’ money to buy cars and watches. 2/02/12 (IRELAND) AXA Rosenberg Management Ireland Limited, director Nathalie Savey resigned. http://goo.gl/cXB8u 2/03/12 (VIETNAM) VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund Limited's director Horst Geicke resigns goo.gl/vCQJU 2/03/12 (UK) VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund Ltd, Non-Executive Director Horst Geicke has resigned. http://goo.gl/r955T 2/03/12 (UK) UBS London trader, Kweku M. Adoboli, was arrested and charged with fraud and false accounting, forcing UBS to announce a $2.3 billion trading loss. http://goo.gl/ClTaq 2/05/12 (USA - NY) Morgan's investment banking chairman Joseph Perella quit http://goo.gl/pG2jF 2/05/12 (USA - NY) Morgan Stanley investment banking Tarek Abdel-Meguid quit http://goo.gl/bRv9K 2/06/12 (INDIA) Dhanlaxmi Bank CEO Amitabh Chaturvedi quits: http://goo.gl/OhCEb 2/06/12 (USA NY) TD Ameritrade, head of retail distribution John Bunch resigns. Bunch is leaving to take the top job at a small investment advisory firmin Kansas City. http://goo.gl/kgS7M 2/06/12 (CANADA) Director of Sprott Inc. Mark McCain resigns goo.gl/ZUVp8 2/07/12 (USA) Bank Of America's Mortgage Business Chief Barbara Desoer Retires http://goo.gl/i7AUY 2/07/12 (INDIA) Kotak Mahindra Bank Falguni Nayar quits http://goo.gl/fP03J 2/07/12 (IRAN) Iran denies central bank resignation rumor (don't believe until its denied?) http://goo.gl/PiQSy 2/07/12 (UK) Agneash Soft Commodities PLC, an investment company in mineral, announced resignation of its Chief Investment Officer Tom Winnifrith . http://goo.gl/LDgl9 2/07/12 (US NY) BlackRock, General counsel Robert P. Connolly leaves goo.gl/l7c9v 2/08/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Standard Bank Group Ltd - Resignation of Group SecretaryLoren Wulfsohn http://goo.gl/K1pfn 2/08/12 (USA OH) Cleveland International Fund (CIF) private equity fund, A. Eddy Zailaunched and led the Cleveland International Fund, an investment outfit that pairs wealthy foreign investors hoping for U.S. residency with job-creating projects. Zai resigned from his job this week, before being indicted in a bank-fraud scheme that, according to investigators, contributed to the collapse of a credit union in Eastlake. http://goo.gl/tgamf 2/08/12 (UAE) Emirates NBD makes top-level changes Bank's deputy chief executive officer Abdul Wahed Al Fahim has resigned. http://goo.gl/JUdNd 2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka "Vatican Bank"), 62 year oldMonsignor Emilio Messina, the Archdiocese of Camerino-San Severino Marche investigated on money laundering by Italian officials. http://goo.gl/uztVU 2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka "Vatican Bank"), 49 year oldFather Don Salvatore Palumbo of the socially popular parish of San Gaetano http://goo.gl/uztVU 2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka "Vatican Bank"), 37 year oldFather Horace Bonaccorsi of Catania, already tried and acquitted in Sicily for money laundering offenses recycling money through accounts at IOR http://goo.gl/uztVU 2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka "Vatican Bank"), 85 year oldFather Don Evaldo Biasini of Rome. Father Don Evaldo Biasini is known as the "Don of Cash". http://goo.gl/uztVU 2/09/12 (IRELAND) SPL Investment Funds's director John Davey discharged goo.gl/h814P 2/09/12 (UKRAINE) National Bank of Ukraine deputy governor Volodymyr Krotiuk quits http://goo.gl/8BuXy 2/09/12 (UK) JP Morgan Chinese Investment Trust PLC, non-executive Director Madam Yujiang Zhao resigned http://goo.gl/CPO23 2/09/12 (UK) Alliance Trust Savings (ATS), Robert Burgess is stepping down as CEO. http://goo.gl/ohHG3 2/10/12 (NIGERIA) Peace Capital Market Limited Managing Director Sabinus Iroanya Chukwu resigns goo.gl/MlI5N 2/10/12 (KOREA) Korea Exchange Bank chief Larry Klane steps down http://goo.gl/DBKdc 2/10/12 (INDIA) Tamilnad Mercantile Bank CEO A K Jagannathan resigns http://goo.gl/wMl5g 2/13/12 (KUWAIT) Kuwait Central Bank CEO Sheikh Salem Abdulaziz Al Sabbah resigns http://goo.gl/GFvIy 2/13/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs confirmed on Monday that George N. Mattson, one of the firm’s top deal makers in the industrial sector, will retire. He was a senior relationship banker with a client list that included General Motors, General Electric and Caterpillar. http://goo.gl/vgnq2 2/13/12 (HONDURAS) Honduras finance minister William Chong Wong, resigned on Monday after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said the country did not reach its deficit and monetary targets for 2011. http://goo.gl/drgHY 2/13/12 (US PA) AmerisourceBergen CFO Michael DiCandilo Abruptly Leaves. http://goo.gl/ElyIk 2/14/12 (NICARAQUA) Nicaraqua Central Bank President Antenor Rosales resigns http://goo.gl/iQ0n8 2/14/12 (UK) Social finance pioneer Malcolm Hayday quits Charity Bank http://goo.gl/uHp6C 2/14/12 (PAKISTAN) National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) chairman Syed Ali Raza resigned http://goo.gl/scexo 2/14/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs Jeffrey Moslow resigns, an investment banker to companies such as Tyco International Ltd, Nstar, the Boston-based utility, and defense contractor Dyncorp International Inc. http://goo.gl/7h4O7 2/15/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) HPA - Hospitality Property Fund Limited, chairman Frank Berkeley resigned. http://goo.gl/wJmpR 2/15/12 (USA) Boston Properties (REIT), Executive VP and COO E. Mitchell Norvilletoresigned http://goo.gl/AW7X7 2/15/12 (WORLD) World Bank CEO Zoellick resigns http://goo.gl/dHDSm Did the White House tell the World Bank president that he's out? http://goo.gl/wUOgb 2/15/12 (CHINA) Morgan non-executive chairman Stanley Stephen Roach will be retiring. http://goo.gl/MQeGW 2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Nova Kreditna Banka Maribor CEO Andrej Plos resigns http://goo.gl/SNsVI 2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Nova Ljubljanska Banka d.d. CEO Bozo Jasovic resigns http://goo.gl/TyYiJ 2/16/12(CHINA) Goldman Sachs Vice Chairman in Asia Pacific excluding Japan Mark Machin steps down goo.gl/mx4Hw 2/16/12 (USA IL) Deerfield Capital Management LLC, CEO Daniel Hattori and CEO of CIFC Corp resigned. http://goo.gl/LLNnD 2/16/12 (USA IL) Deerfield Capital Management LLC, COO Luke Knecht and CEO of CIFC Corp, resigned both positions. http://goo.gl/LLNnD 2/16/12 (UK) The Financial Services Authority Margaret Cole is to step down http://goo.gl/yT6rS 2/16/12 (GHANA) Databank Group Executive Chair Ken Ofori-Atta steps down http://goo.gl/c7PtU 2/16/12 (SAUDI ARABIA) Saudi Hollandi Banks Managing Director Geoffrey Calvert Quits http://goo.gl/CtmOU 2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) ANZ Bank Australia CFO Peter Marriott resigns http://goo.gl/I7Alo 2/16/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland Sr Equities Trader Jason Edinburgh Arrested http://goo.gl/WczHh 2/16/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland director equities bus. Vincent Walsh director Arrested http://goo.gl/I7Alo 2/16/12 (UK) Marex Spectron senior trader Michael Elsom Arrested http://goo.gl/I7Alo 2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) Royal Bank of Scotland Austraila CEO Stephen Williams resigns http://goo.gl/4r16D 2/17/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Coronation Fund Managers CEO Hugo Nelson is stepping down at age of 40. http://goo.gl/I3NY8 2/17/12 (PAKISTAN) PICIC Asset Management Company Limited CFO Ahmed Razaresigns http://goo.gl/K8A2I 2/17/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein out as by summer http://goo.gl/UjpzD 2/17/12 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Council President Hansueli Raggenbass resigns http://goo.gl/1n1Nr 2/17/12 (UK) Insight Investment, asset manager Mike Pinggera has resigned.. http://goo.gl/uDplK 2/17/12 (USA NY) Harbinger Group Inc. CFO Francis T. McCarron has advised the Company of his resignation effective April 30 http://goo.gl/6il4F 2/17/12 (BULGARIA) Bulgaria National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), The managing director Neli Nesheva, resigned after a two-day row about end-of-year bonuses paid by NHIF to its employees. http://goo.gl/7UQxv 2/18/12 (PAKISTAN) The Bank of Azad Jammu and Kashmir executive Zulfiqar Abbasi resigns http://goo.gl/G0woP 2/19/12 (MALTA) Bank of Valletta, director of the Multi-Manager Fund John C. Ripard, has resigned being reprimanded by the MFSA for disposing of his holdings in the Fund whilst in possession of sensitive information which was not available to the public. http://goo.gl/1li3r 2/20/12 (IRELAND) SPL Investment Funds's director Mike Kirby resigns goo.gl/nDW2T 2/20/12 (RUSSIA) Head of Russian Bank Regulator Gennady Melikyan Steps Down http://goo.gl/Unuez 2/20/12 (SWITZERLAND) Credit Suisse Chief Joseph Tan resigns http://goo.gl/F5twL 2/20/12 (ISRAEL) Bank Leumi le-Israel Ltd: Zvi Itskovitch resigns http://goo.gl/aA0RW 2/20/12 (USA WA) First Financial Northwest Director Spencer Schneider Quits http://goo.gl/6Dj0i 2/21/12 (ARGENTINA) Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) Gen Mgr Benigno Velez, resigns http://goo.gl/DuMrm 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Abdul Matlub resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank http://goo.gl/aEmwB 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Selima Ahmad resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank http://goo.gl/aEmwB 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Abdul Musabbir Ahmad resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank http://goo.gl/aEmwB 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) City General Insurance Co. Ltd director Geasuddin Ahmad resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank http://goo.gl/aEmwB 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Social Islami Bank Limited director Taslima Akter resigns conflict of interest with director seat on Eastland Insurance Company Limited http://goo.gl/aEmwB 2/21/12 (JAPAN) CITIBANK JAPAN: Bakhshi is taking over duties from Brian Mccappin, who the bank said in December would resign after the unit was banned for two weeks from trading tied to the London and Tokyo interbank offered rates. http://goo.gl/Z1rnw 2/22/12 (US CA) PIMCO, Chairman of the board Vernon Wright resigned from the world's biggest bond fund. goo.gl/UeQWm 2/22/12 (US CA) PIMCO board member Gregg Silver resigned from the world's biggest bond fund. goo.gl/UeQWm 2/22/12 (HONG KONG) DZ BANK project finance head Tim Meaney quits http://goo.gl/ppKno 2/22/12 (SINGAPORE) Macquarie International Infrastructure Fund's CEO John Stuartto resign http://goo.gl/ji7Q4 2/22/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund Group Chief Howard Wietschner to Retire http://goo.gl/x4Zsr 2/22/12 (UK) UBS AG’s (UBSN) Doug McCutcheon, head of Healthcare Banking in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific region, has left Switzerland’s biggest bank after 25 years at the firm. http://goo.gl/Dnxqh 2/23/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs Nordic M&A banker Luca Ferrari has decided to retire from the firm, clients included the largest telecommunications operator in Spain the Spanish telecommunications. http://goo.gl/qmCh3 2/23/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Richard Gush resigns from Standard Bank http://goo.gl/DTL5S 2/23/12 (SCOTLAND) Royal Bank of Scotland Group director John McFarlane resigns. http://goo.gl/KoEUI 2/24/12 (GUERNSEY) Spearpoint Limited (SPL) Investment Funds, director Mike Kirbyresigns for business reasons. http://goo.gl/9stPB 2/24/12 (INDIA) Breaking: ICICI Bank GC Pramod Rao resigns http://goo.gl/5eUqU 2/24/12 (HONG KONG) Citigroup Pvt Bank Global Real Estate Kwang Meng Quek Resigns http://goo.gl/JIC9A 2/24/12 (NEW ZEALAND) FSF Executive Director Kirk Hope resigns http://goo.gl/6UJau 2/24/12 (USA NY) Evercore Partners Head Eduardo Mestre steps down http://goo.gl/n5RLY 2/25/12 (AUSTRALIA AND NZ) Goldman Sachs Chairman Stephen Fitzgerald quits http://goo.gl/nMTLW 2/25/12 (DENMARK) European Investment Bank (EIB), Mr Sigmund Lubanski, of the Kingdom of Denmark tendered his resignation. http://goo.gl/y4XXF 2/25/2012 (LUXEMBOURG) European Investment Bank, director of the Board Sigmund Lubanski resigns goo.gl/hA9Vu 2/27/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank Americas chief Seth Waugh steps down http://goo.gl/8lxSw 2/27/12 (BAHRAIN) Khaleeji Commercial Bank CEO Ebrahim Ebrahim quits http://goo.gl/yKjzL 2/27/12 (BAHRAIN) - Mumtalakat Holding [Sovereign Wealth Fund] CEO Al Zain resigns http://goo.gl/hhHSm 2/27/12 (FRANCE) Societe Generale’s Investment Banking Chief Michel Péretié Steps Down http://goo.gl/IJ5Lw 2/27/12 (MALAYSIA) Elaf Bank CEO Dr El Jaroudi resigns http://goo.gl/eVCS5 2/27/12 (GERMANY) Equiduct chairman Artur Fischer steps down http://goo.gl/Q0dWR 2/27/12 (IRAN) Bank Melli CEO Mahmoud Reza Khaavari Resigns - Flees to Canada! http://goo.gl/DDEUk 2/27/12 (IRAN) Bank Saderat CEO Mohammad Jahromi resigns http://goo.gl/ZD0mc 2/27/12 (UK) Lloyds Banking Group Glen Moreno steps down http://goo.gl/dsXcE 2/27/12 (SINGAPORE) Standard Chartered Bank, global head of repo and collateralised financing Tanweer Khan resigned. http://goo.gl/hgbuc 2/28/12 (HONG KONG) Hang Seng Bank CEO Margaret Leung Ko May-yee quits http://goo.gl/Uo800 2/28/12 (CHINA) Bank of China International ECM global head Marshall Nicholson quits http://goo.gl/26MYq 2/28/12 (SINGAPORE) DBS security head Jim Pasqurell quits, cites health reasons http://goo.gl/NDJze 2/28/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America's Asia-Pac. mrkts Brian Canniffe quits http://goo.gl/cRkCP 2/28/12 (BELGIUM) KBC's CEO Jan Vanhevel is to retire after a career spanning 41 years. http://goo.gl/1rCWd 2/28/12 (CANADA) Ontario Securities Commission chairwoman Peggy-Anne Brown quits http://goo.gl/HIYXv 2/28/12 (AUSTRALIA) Bank manager Colin John Carleton jailed nine years for $3m theft http://goo.gl/ggPvq 2/28/12 (SRI LANKA) Sri Lanka Com Bank CEO Amitha Gooneratne retires http://goo.gl/YxvNA 2/28/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) REDEFINE INCOME FUND director Gerald Leissner resigns http://goo.gl/F0UgN 2/28/12 (ITALY) UNICREDIT: Chairman Dieter Rampl not available for a new mandate http://goo.gl/7aLRU 2/28/12 (UK) Bank of England Sir David Lees re-appointed Chair of Bank of England and gives notice of resignation at end of 2013 http://goo.gl/LkJhV 2/28/12 (IRELAND) State Street Global Advisors Cash Funds plc Director Keith Walshresigns http://goo.gl/n6uoM 2/29/12 (AUSTRALIA) Perpetual portfolio manager Matt Williams steps down http://goo.gl/Jh9jd 2/29/12 (UK) Honister Capital CEO Richard Pearson steps down http://goo.gl/014or 2/29/12 (GUYANA) National Investment and Commercial Investments Ltd. (NICIL), Executive Director Winston Brassington resigns, “We feel that (Winston) Brassington knows everything…A to Z about all the transactions,” said Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, as he sounded a warning that controversial figure could be subpoenaed to appear before the Parliamentary Economic Sector Committee. http:// goo.gl/L7I35 3/01/12 (MALAYSIA) RHB Bank Bhd deputy managing director Renzo Viegas quits http://goo.gl/wACrI 3/01/12 (ITALY) Italian Banking Association Chairman Giuseppe Mussari talks to reporters in Rome after he and seven other executives offered to resign in protest over new banking-fee rules included in the government's legislation on boosting competition. http://goo.gl/3llyT 3/01/12 (USA FL) Florida Venture Forum [Venture Capital] Exec Dir Robin Lester quits http://goo.gl/nA8g9 3/01/12 (USA NY) PineBridge Investments said Win Neuger has resigned as chief executive. Neuger helped build AIG's third party asset management business, PineBridge still manages AIG assets http://goo.gl/SI7kT 3/01/12 (SINGAPORE) UBS Singapore - James Tulley is leaving Switzerland’s largest bank, it is not clear where he is going. http://goo.gl/BGugF 3/01/12 (USA NH) Piscataqua Savings Bank CEO Jay Gibson retires http://goo.gl/uEqDV 3/01/12 (ICELAND) Iceland’s Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) fired its directorGunnar Andersen http://goo.gl/VG9q5 3/01/12 (USA OR) Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund (OPERF) senior RE officerBrad Child will retire http://goo.gl/vcERz 3/02/12 (USA NC) North Carolina Retirement Systems, Chief investment officer Shawn Wischmeier resigned. http://goo.gl/zx2tU 3/02/12 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Corp, assistant general manager and head of corporate banking Mickey Mehta quits http://goo.gl/B9dR0 3/02/12 (USA NY) Deutsche Bank Student Loan CEOJohn Hupalo quits to start student loan counseling firm. http://goo.gl/8kZuc 3/02/12 (UK) Bank of England Sir Mervin King resigns in June, Lord Sassoon tipped as replacement. http://goo.gl/ZEUwf 3/02/12 (BOTSWANA) Barclays Bank Botswana managing director Wilfred Mpai forced to resign http://goo.gl/npBe2 3/02/12 (HONG KONG) New Century Group Hong Kong Ltd [investment house and leisure group] Wilson Ng resigns http://goo.gl/wFSV8 3/02/12 (USA NY) Citigroup Richard Parsons to step down as chairman http://goo.gl/BhZ0F 3/03/12 (AUSTRIA) Volksbank AG (VBAG) The contract of CEO Gerald Wenzel will not be extended http://goo.gl/w99tD 3/03/12 (ETHIOPIA) Dashen Bank’s board dismisses president Leulseged Teferi http://goo.gl/Y801M 3/03/12 (RUSSIA) Enza Capital KK, Wealthy British banker Philip Townsend (Baron Townsend of Rathmore) and his wife killed at Estonia holiday home ⑆44541444⑈ http://goo.gl/GSOUN and http://goo.gl/x94ID and http://goo.gl/gGgLP 3/04/12 (KOREA) Hana Financial Group Inc, prominent figure in the history of South Korean finance Kim Seung-yu , resigns http://goo.gl/fmNxY 3/04/12 (USA NY) JP Morgan prop trading chief Mike Stewart quits http://goo.gl/gubPj 3/05/12 (SAUDI ARABIA) Al Rajhi Bank CEO Abdullah bin Sulaiman Al Rajhi has resigned http://goo.gl/pNx0l 3/5/12 (UK) Jupiter fund co-manager Tony Nutt steps down http://goo.gl/RPqOp 3/05/12 (UK) Jupiter fund co-manager John Hamilton steps down http://goo.gl/RPqOp 3/05/12 (NEW ZEALAND) Insured Group Bill Jeffries has resigned as chairman and director http://goo.gl/gX7wu 3/05/12 (USA) Reliance Bancshares chairman Patrick Gideon resigned http://goo.gl/u6BT4 3/05/12 (UK) Charterhouse partner Gordon Bonnyman is stepping down. http://goo.gl/iAEYB 3/05/12 (UK) HgCapital, partner Lindsay Dibden is leaving after 20 years. http://goo.gl/iAEYB 3/06/12 (FRANCE) Blackstone Group's Paris office leader Jean-Michel Steg will step down http://goo.gl/w3Ca5 3/06/12 (JAMAICA) Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited, Patricia Sutherland has resigned as Executive Director http://goo.gl/oMwv6 3/06/12 (JAMAICA) Jamaica’s Financial Services Commission (FSC), Executive directorRohan Barnett, has resigned the position, the Ministry of Finance, Planning and the Public Service announced this afternoon. http://goo.gl/FBwFo 3/06/12 USA CT) Wells Fargo & Co. said that Mackey McDonald, one of the last remaining directors from Wachovia is retiring. http://goo.gl/F1O4v 3/06/12 (USA PA) USA Technologies Inc Bradley M. Tirpak, a nominee of Shareholder Advocates for Value Enhancement,has resigned from its board subsequent to a settlement agreement with the investing group, according to an SEC filing. Provides a network of wireless non-cash transactions, associated financial/network services and energy management. It provides networked credit card and other non-cash systems in the vending, commercial laundry, hospitality and digital imaging industries. http://goo.gl/8oi7C 3/06/12 (UK) Sterling Green Group has announced that Philip Kanas, a non-executive director, has decided to resign Sterling Green Group PLC became a cash shell following the disposal of their subsidiaries Taxdebts Ltd, Sterling Green (Mortgages) Ltd and the back books of the clients of Sterling Green Ltd. during December 2011. http://goo.gl/qc3jB 3/06/12 (UK) Aberdeen Asset Management, non-executive director Gerhard Fusenighas resigned from the board. http://goo.gl/ZIkvQ 3/07/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank AG's (DB) Chief Risk Officer Hugo Baenzigeri to resign http://goo.gl/MWqsH 3/07/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank AG's (DB) Chief Operating Officer Hermann-Josef Lamberti to resign http://goo.gl/MWqsH 3/07/12 (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) Dubai Mercantile Exchange announced Thomas Leaver will step down as CEO http://goo.gl/rfhWN 3/07/12 (SCOTLAND) Macfarlane Group Chairman Archie Hunter to step down after 8 years of service http://goo.gl/RHllr 3/07/12 (USA) BlackRock Emerging Markets Fund co-head Daniel Tubbs, has left the group to pursue other opportunities. http://goo.gl/CpEzZ 3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Christopher French resigns from board http://goo.gl/3yQDS 3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) David Wildermuth resigns from board http://goo.gl/3yQDS 3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Matthew Westerman resigns from board http://goo.gl/3yQDS 3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) co-head of global mergers and acquisitions Yoel Zaoui resigns http://goo.gl/3yQDS 3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Phil Beatty resigned as head of European power and natural-gas trading http://goo.gl/jqbYY 3/07/12 (SINGAPORE) Nikko Asset Management Timothy McCarthy is retiring as chairman and CEO at the end of the month http://goo.gl/v8tcT 3/07/12 (HONG KONG) UBS Senior Asia Economist Jonathan Anderson Departs http://goo.gl/09VqT 3/07/12 (HAITI) FORMER DIRECTOR HAITI CENTRAL BANK SLAIN! ⑆44541444⑈ http://goo.gl/UtVz3 3/07/12 (FRANCE) Société Générale Private Banking, Daniel Truchi is to step down as head of Société Générale Private Banking http://goo.gl/XhgJ9 3/07/12 (AUSTRALIA) Customers Ltd, Tim Wildash has cashed himself out as chief executive of Australia’s largest ATM operator http://goo.gl/eZJMb 3/07/12 (USA CA) CALSTRS, Pascal Villiger, senior private equity portfolio manager at the $145 billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System resigns http://goo.gl/ub0ke 3/07/12 (USA) Astaire quits Bank of America Merrill to dance to Barclays Capital’s tune http://goo.gl/Zv6Ny 3/08/12 (UK) Schroders, Chairman Michael Miles depart as fees, inflows drop. UK's biggest fund management firm. goo.gl/TgURM 3/08/12 (USA NY) Schroders, CIO Alan Brown is steps down http://goo.gl/ZTtYo 3/08/12 (USA IL) CBOE Executive Patrick Fay Put on Leave Amid SEC Probe http://goo.gl/x5snO 3/08/12 (USA NH & RI) Bristol County Savings Bank president E. Dennis Kelly retires after 35 years http://goo.gl/8KVKn 3/08/12 (GERMANY) Clearstream Banking AG– [stockmarket] http://goo.gl/RiVNi 3/08/12 (UK) B&CE CEO Brian Griffiths is to retire later this year http://goo.gl/AV7Sk 3/08/12 (UK)http://goo.gl/MyQ90 3/08/12 (ISRAEL) Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer will hand in his shock resignation in the coming days and take up a new position as head of the Bank of Zambia. Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz is believed to be furious with Fischer's decision. Treasury officials said he even canceled his participation in the office's annual Purim party in order to convince Fischer to reverse his decision. http://goo.gl/0DlSA 3/08/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Standard Bank Group Limited (SBK), board member Sir Paul Judge retires. http://goo.gl/SjSPg 3/08/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Standard Bank Groupl Limited (SBK), board member Sir Sam Jonah retires. http://goo.gl/SjSPg 3/09/12 (MONGOLIA) Mongol Bank President Alag Batsukh submitted his resignation letter to Speaker of Parliament D. Demberel at the end of last month. He described his reason for resigning as a lack of support by Parliament. http://goo.gl/RDmNx 3/09/12 (MONGOLIA) Asia Pacific Securities, General Manager Narantuguldur Saijrakh recently resigned, to focus on his role as Director of Khan Investment Management, investment advisor to the Khan Mongolia Equity Fund - the first open-ended investment vehicle with monthly dealing that invests in Mongolia related equities listed both domestically and internationally. http://goo.gl/2T4R6 3/09/12 (Côte d’Ivoire) Banque Central des Etats d’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO) The Ivorian governor of the multi-billion dollar West Africa Francophone bank, Philippe-Henry Dacoury-Tabley, resigned his post. http://goo.gl/CevLn 3/09/12 (UK) Lazard , co-head of investment banking Alexis de Rosnay quits. De Rosnay specialises in the healthcare sector, he has advised Teva Pharmaceutical and Novartis. http://goo.gl/3gzbi 3/09/12 (UK) Deutsche Bank PWM, UK head of portfolio management Martyn Surguyresigned. http://goo.gl/5Ti2p 3/09/12 (UK) Deutsche Bank PWM, head of discretionary management, Kypros Charalambous, having also stepped down. http://goo.gl/5Ti2p 3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, K.J. Kim, responsible for Southeast Asia, resigned http://goo.gl/sE7xh 3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Jimmy Choi, who was in charge of high-yield debt, resigned. http://goo.gl/sE7xh 3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Leonard Ng, a vice-president in Hong Kong resigned. http://goo.gl/sE7xh 3/09/12 (AUSTRALIA) Bank of Queensland CFO Ram Kangatharan plans to leave the bank. http://goo.gl/ieNea 3/09/12 (USA) Cerberus Capital Management LP, CEO Robert Nardelli resigns. http://goo.gl/9uKVx 3/10/12 (AUSTRALIA) WESTPAC, Rob Chapman opted to quit running its regional subsidiary St George Bank. http://goo.gl/G6MD 3/10/12 (TURKEY) Garanti Bank, The deputy CEO of Turkish lender Tolga Egemen, has decided to quit. http://goo.gl/vAMzV 3/10/12 (CHINA) Korea Development Bank, Shanghai unit senior manager Stella Wenresigned. http://goo.gl/55CqZ 3/10/12 (HONG KONG) Deutsche Bank, Johan Sudiman resigns as director. http://goo.gl/6CYGP 3/12/12 (USA) John Lewis Partnership Pension Trust, head of investments Andrew Chapman, resigns http://goo.gl/hevqh 3/12/12 (USA CA) California’s Department of Financial Institutions, commissionerWilliam Haraf resigned. The DFI did not say why he is leaving. http://goo.gl/zquTc 3/12/12 (KUWAIT) Gulf Bank, Chairman Ali Rashaid Al Bader quits http://goo.gl/LDz9b 3/12/12 (UK and IRELAND) Allfunds Bank, head of UK and Ireland Alan Gadd is stepping down from his role at the end of April. http://goo.gl/4DF6i 3/12/12 (USA) ICAP, CEO of the electronic broking business David Rutter step down following a restructuring of the business. http://goo.gl/SUHqW 3/12/12 (UK) SVG Capital, chairman Nicholas Ferguson resigns. His departure left him well placed to succeed James Murdoch as chairman of BSkyB should the latter bow to investor pressure and step down. Other investors in the satellite broadcaster suggested Ferguson might be seen as too close to Murdoch to win the support of institutional shareholders. http://goo.gl/z19wH 3/12/12 (UK) Park Hill Group - Blackstone Group’s fundraising advisory arm, Managing Partner of private equity and hedge fund distribution Chris Leach resigns http://goo.gl/jnHax 3/12/12 (UK) Park Hill Group - Blackstone Group’s fundraising advisory arm, Managing Partner Justin Bower resigns http://goo.gl/jnHax 3/12/12 (UK) The chief executive David Rutter of the electronic broking business at interdealer broker Icap stepping down. http://goo.gl/sxk4y 3/12/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), CEO Paul Baloyi resigns. http://goo.gl/yX4xo 3/12/12 (USA) Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, CEO Bryan Marsal Resigns Title, Remains on as Adviser http://goo.gl/1K9zV 3/12/12 (USA IL) CME Group Inc, CEO Craig Donohues will step down at year end. http://goo.gl/lvzgC 3/13/12 (USA) Eaton Vance Corp, Treasurer and CFO Robert J. Whelan has stepped down. http://goo.gl/oxmbL 3/12/12 (USA IL) CBOE Holdings Inc. (CBOE), senior compliance executive Patrick Fayhas resigned. The options exchange being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Fay had been placed on leave after the SEC began investigating the options-market operator’s oversight of traders. http://goo.gl/gj4W6 3/13/12 (USA) Mithras Investment Trust, chairman Mike Wooderson will step down http://goo.gl/UjO2e 3/13/12 (USA) PHH Mortgage, President Luke Hayden resigned from to pursue what the company calls "other interests." http://goo.gl/iaqQf 3/13/12 (USA) PHH Mortgage, Treasurer Mark Johnson.resigned http://goo.gl/iaqQf 3/13/12 (AUSTRALIA) WESTPAC, head of corporate affairs after David Bell decided to step down from the role. Bell is the latest top executive to leave the bank. http://goo.gl/FntUz 3/13/12 (UK) Capula’s Systemic Trading Head Qiang Dai to Leave Fund http://goo.gl/zkrN2 3/13/12 (UAE) National Bank of Abu Dhabi, CEO Michael Tomalin, will retire from the post in a few months. http://goo.gl/dzBW8 3/13/12 (ISRAEL) Osem Investments Ltd, CEO Gazi Kaplan has tendered his resignation, effective April 2, citing heath reasons. Nestlé SA owns 58.8% of Osem. http://goo.gl/t032l 3/13/12 (USA) Paulson & Co.'s, partner and head of the global bank team Robert Lacoursiere has quit to form his own hedge fund http://goo.gl/I8UNd 3/13/12 (AUSTRALIA) ASX Ltd, Chairman David Gonski will step down from his role at Australia’s main stock market operator after being appointed to oversee almost A$90 billion ($95 billion) in the nation’s sovereign-wealth funds. http://goo.gl/gJN33 3/13/12 (UK) JP Morgan, Asset Management European chief Jamie Broderick is to step down more than 20 years at the firm. http://goo.gl/MV65V 3/13/12 (UK) SVG Chairman Nicholas Ferguson retires. http://goo.gl/hTDDY 3/13/12 (UK) SVG Director Edgar Koning retires. http://goo.gl/hTDDY 3/13/12 (UK) SVG Director Denis Raeburn retires. http://goo.gl/hTDDY 3/13/12 (UK) SVG Director Francis Finlay retires. http://goo.gl/hTDDY 3/14/12 (UK) Goldmand Sachs, executive director and head of the firm’s United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Greg Smith, is resigning today. http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2012/03/why-i-am-leaving-goldman-sachs.html 3/14/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA chairman Garth Griffin to retire http://goo.gl/Mhjb5 3/14/12 (UK) WorldSpreads, CEO Conor Foley resigns http://goo.gl/GgT4z 3/15/12 (US WA) HomeStreet Bank, EVP and CFO David Hooston resigns goo.gl/UUlc0 3/15/12 (DENMARK) Sparekassen Faaborg board member Steen Grønved Nielsen resigns http://tinyurl.com/6rd3m74 3/15/12 (UK) RBC Capital Markets head of SSA syndicate desk Noel Williams resigns http://tinyurl.com/7zcf4z8 3/15/12 (UK) Novia London sales manager Dave Chassell quits http://tinyurl.com/7gx6sn2 3/15/12 (US CA) Prosper Finance (online venture captial services) CEO Chris Larsen steps down http://tinyurl.com/6lhu8xx 3/15/12 (UK) The Royal British Legion’s (fund) director of corp. communications Stuart Gendall resigns http://tinyurl.com/7bhtysl 3/15/12 (IRELAND) President of Sinn Fein USA (fund) Larry Downes steps down http://tinyurl.com/7uqnwcg 3/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) Investorfirst CFO and company secretary Ariel Sivikofsky resigns http://tinyurl.com/7jdshty 3/16/12 (MALAYSIA) Amanah Raya Bhd (trust) managing director Datuk Ahmad Rodzi Pawanteh steps down http://tinyurl.com/7wbujpm 3/16/12 (UK) Towry (investment & fin. advice) Non-exec chairman Glyn Jones steps down http://tinyurl.com/83g3y8b 3/16/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank Chief risk officer (CRO)of Hugo Bänziger steps down http://tinyurl.com/7pmal9k 3/16/12 (US IL) Henderson Global Investors Inc. head of the International Opportunities Fund Iain Clark steps down http://tinyurl.com/7kfxz3j 3/16/12 (US CA) Executive VP and Chief Compliance Officer of Heritage Bank of Commerce Margaret Incandela resigns http://tinyurl.com/6wcaqaz 3/16/12 (US VA) Genworth Financial board member J. Robert Kerrey resigns to campaign for senate seat http://tinyurl.com/7566f74 3/16/12 (UK) CEO of the FSA (Financial Services Authority) Hector Sants to leave http://tinyurl.com/7av7v5n> 3/19/12 (US IA) ISU Foundation (fund), President and CEO of the Dan Saftig to step down http://tinyurl.com/7jvb24x 3/19/12 (BRAZIL) HSBC Brazil CEO Conrado Engel steps down http://tinyurl.com/89uayoo 3/19/12 (UAE) Finance head at SNR Denton Islamic Sheikh Muddassir Siddiqui resignsto pursue advisory role http://tinyurl.com/84avxch 3/19/12 (SWITZERLAND) Julius Baer bank’s chairman Raymond Baer steps down in a “surprise departure” http://tinyurl.com/84gcl3z 3/19/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank, asset management chief Kevin Parker to leave executive committee http://goo.gl/ahZlJ 3/19/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank, head of private wealth management Pierre de Weck resigns from executive committee http://goo.gl/wRZkU 3/19/12 (HONG KONG) China Development Bank HK branch CEO Di Weiping retires http://tinyurl.com/7xcskmp 3/19/12 (US ID) SunTrust Bank president and CEO Thomas Rueger to retire http://tinyurl.com/7n2l6sr 3/19/12 (SWEDEN) AP6 (private equity) CEO Marianne Dicander Alexandersson steps down http://tinyurl.com/7bnvygp 3/19/12 (SWITZERLAND) FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) Vice-chair Monica Mächler to step down http://tinyurl.com/7r9akho 3/20/12 (KUWAIT) National Investments Co. chairman Yousef Al Majid resigns http://tinyurl.com/7maw3xx 3/20/12 (UK) Bank of America, Co-head of distressed debt at Michael Guy resigns http://tinyurl.com/75eml6v 3/20/12 (US PA) Penseco Financial Services Corp, Former state senator Robert J. Mellow resigns from board http://tinyurl.com/6rxqeo9 3/20/12 (US TX) Acquisition chief Dan Magder quits Lone Star Investments http://tinyurl.com/6qm2rj4 3/20/12 (NIGERIA) Chairman of House Committee on Capital Markets Hon. Herman Hembe resigns due to allegations of bribery http://tinyurl.com/7r6dk54 3/20/12 (Hong Kong) Head of Deutsche Bank Asia-Pac Loh Boon Chye quits http://tinyurl.com/6muckmq 3/20/12 (US NY) Deutsche Bank, head of asset management Kevin Parker steps down from executive committee goo.gl/4NO66 3/20/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank, Chairman and CEO Josef Ackermann exits withpension of €18.7 million http://goo.gl/eiF39 3/20/12 (UK) Coller Capital, CEO Charles Hippsley has left to help lead a Christian organisation in London. http://goo.gl/rVFz0 3/21/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank AG, Co-head Wolfgang Hammes leaves http://tinyurl.com/74ks8jk 3/21/12 (UK) Aviva Investor’s European equity head John Botham exits http://tinyurl.com/7qwlc26 3/21/12 (CANADA) National Bank’s Ontaria, Atlantic region manager Mike Miller leaves http://tinyurl.com/7kq4bdp 3/21/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland Group’s global head of equity prime services Gregory Wagner resigns http://tinyurl.com/6vz8f8k 3/21/12 (US DC) Liquidity Services Inc, Chief information officer Eric Dean resigns http://tinyurl.com/7v2c4ku 3/22/12 (UK) Global equity head Neil Rogan resigns from Henderson Global Investors http://tinyurl.com/7v2c4ku 3/22/12 (NETHERLANDS) CIO at Nedlloyd Pension Fund Bert Tibben step down http://goo.gl/NHE94 3/22/12 (UK) Bank of America Corp, chairman of global banking and markets, Andrea Orcel steps down, goes to UBS http://goo.gl/AVXL2 3/22/12 (UK) Bank of America Corp, Jonathan Moulds steps down, helped build the bank’s over-the-counter derivatives trading business and held positions including global head of rate derivatives trading, head of global derivatives and head of global rates and commodities. http://goo.gl/AVXL2 3/25/12 (EGYPT) National Bank of Egypt, CEO Tarek Amer said that he will step down from his position at the end of 2012. http://goo.gl/tC7Ma
Trump / Clinton 9/11 Truth Timeline
