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  • VeteransToday Last February, Madonna, a former porn star who used to work for pornographic magazines such as Penthouse and Playboy at the age of 18, declared that France and indeed much of Europe felt “like Nazi Germany” because “anti-Semitism is at an all-time high…”[2] Madonna, who also “has long practiced Kabbalah” and has recently celebrated the Jewish holiday Purim ...
  • Call boy scandal franklin YouTube
  • sdfg

     Italian artist Gabriele Di Matteo's painting of the Kennedy

  • Holocaust movie Denial is a box office flop, originally cast Hillary Swank for the leading role, she bowed out and was reaplaced by Rachel Weiz... was supposed to have impact of Schindler's List, but failed. Anti-Semitism is dramatically increasing and the efforts to combat this are failing via movies like this... the internet Truth machine is unstoppable. MORE BELOW
  • VeteransToday Jonas Alexis Vagina tatoo, ... Madonna charmed (f_cked)her way to the top ....search terms: worked for penthouse playboy magazines, Europe felt like Nazi Germany, anti-semitism at all-time high, sex industry, holocaust religion, in the name of Jewish (fake) suffering it says has license, kills, flatten, nuke, annihilate, loot, ethncially cleanse, Steven Pinker and Sam Harris are Jewish,
  • madonna
  • DaiktKos Trump / Lind and Salon Paleoconservatism...
  • Republican Jewish Coalition released the following statement from Executive Director Matt Brooks: "The selection of General Mattis to serve as Secretary of Defense is a smart and important decision by President-elect Trump. Throughout his career, General Mattis has made the protection of the United States, our assets, and our allies around the world, his top priority. General Mattis believes in a strong U.S. military posture and understands of the threats we face, like a newly aggressive Iran. He has the type of worldview the leader our Defense Department needs. "For decades, bipartisan national security and foreign policy experts, representatives of our allied nations, respected foreign policy think tanks, and pro-Israel organizations have praised General Mattis' work. We are happy to stand with them and fully support this appointment."
  • VeteransToday Jonas Alexis Vagina tatoo,
  • sdfg

  • New clue, Camp Caribou, sack, Catholic child sexual abuse, Maciel


  • Breitbart Madonna will give you a blow job if you vote for Hillary Clinton
  • madonna
  • Madonna: Madonna declared in 2012 that she was “in love with Israel.” She continued, “’I’ve studied Kabbalah… for many years, so there are a lot of things I do that one would associate with practising Judaism… “So this appears like I’m Jewish, but these rituals are connected to what I describe as the Tree of Life consciousness and have more to do with the idea of being an Israelite, not Jewish.” VeteransToday Jonas Alexis

Elite Pedophile Rings / Israel      

  • 50 Shades of Abuse blog ... “Pizzagate”: How #Anonymous Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite Pedo Ring ... These are the people behind Hillary Clinton. There is no doubt they are child sex traffickers anymore. ...
  • AnonNews Clinton Unerground Child Sex Scandal, Steve Peiczenik, involves Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew ... sex scandal exposed by Conchita and Cristina Sarnoff, FBI, Weiner singing, http://bit.ly/2eH3ELq
  • CounterPunch The Rosenbaum Kidney Trafficking Gang ...
  • ElectronicIntifada Jeffrey Epstein
  • click tocall boy ring bush whplay ... call boy ring, 1989 Bush 41 White House
  • Hotline Over the years, the patterns of human trafficking in Israel have changed: in the 1990s, most of the trafficking was of women brought over from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) for sex work. Following activism of human rights organizations, Knesset members and eventually the Israeli Police, this phenomenon has been eliminated almost entirely. These days, most human trafficking victims are migrant workers who’ve been held and employed in slavery-line conditions and survivors of the torture camps in Sinai.
  • Independent Israel becoming 'safe haven for paedophiles' with laws that allow any Jews to legally return ... Jewish Community Watch says 32 paedophiles moved from countries around the world to Israel over past decade ... a sanctuary, way to evade justice,
  • Independent Journal Review ... Bill Clinton Wasn't Only One to Go to 'Sex Slave Island,' Hillary Went with Him--'Six Times'
  • Inquisitr November 2016, WikiLeaks exposed and published a large number of emails from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman. One of the contacts of these emails was none other than James Alefantis, the owner of the Comet Ping Pong restaurant in Washington D.C. Coincidentally or not, Alefantis also just happens to be a huge supporter of the Democratic Party. Upon investigation, it was discovered that James had raised money for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and had also been previously involved in a relationship with David Brock, the man who founded the liberal media watchdog group known as Media Matters for America..
  • MilleniumReport 70,000 Pedophile Ring
  • MondoWeis It is Israel’s darkest secret – or so argues one Israeli journalist – in a country whose short history is replete with dark episodes. Last month Tzachi Hanegbi, minister for national security, became the first government official to admit that hundreds of babies had been stolen from their mothers in the years immediately following Israel’s creation in 1948. In truth, the number is more likely to be in the thousands. dark secret of Israel’s stolen babies ..
  • Political Insider Sources within the New York Police Department are confirming that the NYPD is currently investigating allegations that Bill Clinton performed sexual acts on underage girls ranging from 5 to 14 years old in recent years. These reports have been confirmed my multiple others, and it appears that the NYPD is closing in on the former President
  • RealJewNews
  • RickWells David Seaman was fired from the liberal Huffington Post for writing the truth, having dared to question the anointed one, Hillary Clinton’s health. He has a few noteworthy observations on PIzzaGate, the possible pedophile ring exposed by WikiLeaks in Podesta emails and elsewhere. He observes that Dan Pfeiffer, a VP of Communications and Policy for GoFundMe and a former Senior Adviser to Hussein Obama who is also a current CNN contributor, sent out a tweet promoting a crowd funding campaign for Comet Pizza. Seaman recognizes an odd public relations campaign when he sees one.
  • Rosenbaum Isaac indictment pdf
  • State of the Nation Pizzagate.Benghazigate Broke Open Emailgate, Emailgate Broke Open Servergate, Servergate and Emailgate Broke Open Weinergate, Weinergate Broke Open Pizzagate
  • besta
  • TruePundit NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury ... if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.
  • Seaman, David YouTube on fake news / real Pizzagate ... Maybe Donald Trump needs to be silent on PizzaGate to maintain national stability and prevent societal breakdown, but as a reporter and researcher, I won't remain silent as pathetic DC elites close to Obama attempt a SYMPATHY campaign for the disgusting pizza shop owner. Enough mindfucking us. Enough is enough. This is the silent majority pushing back on your nonsensical 1984 bullshit and lies, DC. You're sick lobbyist lawyer pedophile freaks. Investigate that pizza shop, immediately. Investigate the John Podesta emails in Wikileaks, immediately. And stop fucking with the rest of us: we push back. To look through that pizza shop's public Instagram and not be disturbed is to be without a soul.
  • SmashCulturalMarxism ... Alfred Kinsey (professor of zoology at Indiana University (I.U.). ... what has served and is serving as the basis for public school sex education (and is even being used in many Catholic schools) has its roots in scientific fraud. Most of this could be credited to one individual: Alfred C. Kinsey, with the help of his colleagues Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin, and Paul Gebhard. ... sexual release, which are the following from the male perspective: masturbation, nocturnal emissions, heterosexual petting, heterosexual intercourse, homosexual relations, and intercourse with animals of other species.... Kinsey believed that children were predisposed to sexual activity from the moment of birth and that adult-child sex was included under the notion of a sexual outlet. Our social conditioning made it taboo, although it is actually a “normal” sexual behavior that should be practiced as well as pursued
  • codes
  • TeknoPolitik
  • TruthFeed Clinton Tied to Convicted Child Trafficker Laura Silsby ... Silsby is the former director of “The New Life Children’s Refuge.” She was caught trying to kidnap 33 Haitian children, most of whom had families. By following the trail of declassified Wikileaks emails the social media blogger discovered that Huma Abedin was “constantly forwarding emails to Hillary Clinton” about Laura Silsby’s organization. The blogger also linked Clinton emails to an attempt to protect Laura Silsby from prosecution. ... Wikileaks emails from Hillary Clinton, the content of which reveal Clinton contacting a lawyer regarding ten people arrested involved in the child trafficking ring. It was also revealed that the lawyer who represented Silsby was a convicted child sex trafficker..
  • VeteransToday Blitzer Website Accuses Israel and ISIS of Organ Trafficking ... Israel-Islamic State Trafficking In Human Body Parts? ... Israel has, in the past, been a center for dubious human organ trafficking operations. It is also the case that Palestinian prisoners in Israel have sought to sell their kidneys to feed their children. The Israel Medical Association is opposing a bill that would allow the donors of certain organs to be reimbursed by the state. ... Given Israel’s tacit support for Syrian rebels, including ISIL and groups like the Al Nusra Front that are allied with it, Israel is the likely customer for the Iraqi body parts in a quid pro quo that only a Dr. Frankenstein could admire.
  • VeteransToday An Israeli man (Levy-Izhak Rosenbaum) who lives in Brooklyn pleaded guilty on Thursday to charges of brokering a kidney transplant as part of a black market organ business. This is the first human organ trafficking conviction in the United States. For many years, Israel has been at the top of organ trafficking. Rosenbaum received at least $450,000 for trafficked organs. ... 4,540 people dying the U.S. last year while wating for a transplant, ...not enough willing donors ... creating the black market
  • VicturusLibertas .
  • YouTube/ MLGod PIZZAGATE: Scandal of Century Will Take Down Clintons, Democratic Party and US Gov.
  • ccidentalObserver from Darkmoon ... By the 1860s a French visitor to Odessa wrote that Jews there were responsible for a white slavery market in Russian women to Turkey. This is feasible, especially since we know that Jewish brothel-keepers were already in place at the other end in Constantinople. The 1889 census shows that Jewish women ran 30 of 36 licensed brothels in Kherson province, where Odessa was located. In 1908 the American consul there claimed that the whole business of prostitution is almost exclusively in the hands of Jews. Jewesses were prominent in the practice of prostitution. Thus, of 5127 licensed prostitutes in 1889, 1122 or 22 per cent were Jewish. (See here; Note: 22% is significantly high, given that Jews constituted only 4% of the Ukrainian population..
  • Summary
  • Dec 30 2016 ... CNSNews ... A federal appeals court judge ruled ... that under the Federal Records Act (FRA), Secretary of State John Kerry was required by law to ask Attorney General Loretta Lynch to “initiate enforcement proceedings” to help him and U.S. Archivist David Ferriero recover emails that his predecessor, Hillary Clinton, kept on her private accounts.
  • Pizzagate is reflection of widespread mistrust in US government and establishment... the evidence uncovered will lead to a conclusion as to its reality.
  • Elite Pedophile Rings video
  • Cultural Marxism and the very real movement to nomalize pedophilia TheOtherMcCain
  • Longevity is a component driver of organ trafficking industry, young organs, untainted blood for transfusions.... linked to pedo nets. NoDisInfo
  • Sexual deviancy and elite power absolutely are correlated and date back at least to Sparta Greece.
  • Possible link of Pizzagate to 9/11 Truth thru Dennis Hastert, American Turkish Council, Valerie Plame, Brewster Jennings, Cheney, Libby, Sybil Edmonds and nuclear smuggling ... MORE and here
  • NYPD has evidence to charge Clintons and close associates with money laundering, child exploitation, sex crimes with minors, perjury, pay-to-play, obstruction of justice and other felony crimes ... State of the Nation, TruePundit
  • Huma Abedin YouTube video and YouTube
  • SOTT Hillary Clinton held fundraisers at Comet Ping Pong
  • As documented below, Israel has a long sordid history in child / human trafficking / and organ trafficking
  • Israel tops the list of organ trafficking countries.
  • See Connection between the Norway Pedophile Network and the Clinton Foundation via HEAL AFRICA MORE developed from Wikileaks emails
  • Clinton Foundation money laundering front evidence Enniskillen, Ira Magaziner, Scholars Program of the American University in Dubai, American India Foundation, Earthquake Relief in Gujarat, International Aids Trust, Ron Burkle and Yucaipa Companies, HIV/AIDS Initiative, Inc. (“Old CHAI”), Presidential Library and for a Donation to the National Archives and Records Administration, Fund Construction of the Little Rock, Arkansas Complex, American Heart Association, Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund (“BCKF), Clinton Global Initiative (“Old CGI”)
  • WMR believes Pizzagate is fake news run amok
  • The average cost of an trafficked human organ is about $80k, lung, heart, pancreas, cornea... etc.
  • MilleniumReport strong source of info on Pizzagate ... Benghazigate Broke Open Emailgate, Emailgate Broke Open Servergate, Servergate and Emailgate Broke Open Weinergate, Weinergate Broke Open Pizzagate
  • TheNewNationalist on Pizzagate
  • WikiLeaks emails specifically surrounded Abramović inviting both the Podesta brothers to attend an event known as “Spirit Cooking.”
  • 1948 Israel ... child trafficking a long-time affair .... Tzachi Hanegbi, minister for national security, became the first government official to admit that hundreds of babies had been stolen from their mothers in the years immediately following Israel’s creation in 1948
  • Israel's organ trafficking activities are well-known and dovetail into its child trafficking industry.
  • Occidental Observer According to a CNN report in 1998, Israel now has the highest per capita consumption of prostitute services in the world. One million visits are paid to prostitutes each month, making brothel hopping one of the nation’s most popular pastimes. Thousands of women are abducted annually — mostly from Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Uzbekistan and China — and sold into sex slavery in Israel
  • Wikileaks published a large number of emails from John Podesta (HRC's campaign chairman) to Comet Pizza owner James Alefantis who was a substantial financial supporter of Obama / Clinton / Dems... and was a domestic parter of David Brock of Media Matters for America... Rick Wells Brock is a Soros tool responsible for Media Matters and Correct the Record, and a close Clinton insider. Brock paid another of his homosexual partners $850,000 in what many believe to have been hush money ...
  • Wikileaks Obama spent $65,000 "flying in
    pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House" ... 2009-05-14
  • VOAT Alefantis visited the White House five times and met with Obama at least once RickWells see Larry Sinclair tryst with Obama below
  • hastertSOTT Podesta and Dennis Hastert (convicted child molester) were long-time friends ... see Wikileaks 48488 2015-06-01 13:26 MORE
  • NFU Hastert page
  • SOTT pedophilia code words:"hot dog" = boy; "pizza" = girl; "cheeze" = little girl; "pasta" = little boy; "ice cream" = male prostitute; "walnut" = person of colour; "map" = semen; "sauce" = orgy
  • SOTT "... I have a square cloth handerchief (white w/ black)..."
  • Top 100 most damaging Wikileaks
  • Espstein / Trump complaints lawsuits page Virginia Roberts, underage sex
  • Watch David Seamens videos
  • Weiner's involvement in disappearance of Madeline McCann on May 3, 2007, wiped Wikileaks emails to destroy evidence of his links to Portugal, passports, and McCann's screenshot 2016-11-11 at 10.14.35 AM, 50 Shades of Abuse
  • HRC went to Epstein's orgy island 6 times, Bill 20+, Erik Prince (Xe) source, NYPD, Abedins flipped on money laundering, pay to play, underage sex, classified data on illegal server/laptops
  • Spirit Cooking, Podesta, Abramovic ... evidence of satanic cult activity connected to child pedophilia.
  • New Life Children's Refuge, Haiti earthquake, trafficking in children who had parents, Clinton invovlement in fraud defense.
  • Silsby, Laura ... long string of emails dating back to 2001, Haiti orphanage, http://bit.ly/2eH3ELq has ties to Clintons through Cheryl Mills, Clinton contacted lawyer for 10 people connected to child trafficking ... TruthFeed and CharismaNews
  • Jorge Puello Torres, convicted sex trafficker, the attorney who represented Laura Silsby
  • Fetzer: Dem whistleblowers leaked Podesta emails.
  • Huma Abedin ties to al Queda, Muslim Brotherhood, secret lover of Hillary Clinton... spouse of Anthony Weiner.
  • Anthony Weiner sexting scandal tip of iceberg of pedophile ring. http://bit.ly/2f4u9xv
  • Comet Ping Pong pizzzeria in Chevy Chase, DC center of Clinton child sex ring, emails between owner James Alefantis and John Podesta, see David Brock... tied to Bear Stearns billionaire Jeffrey Epstein ...
  • White House, Obama, affair with Larry Sinclair while Illinois Senator... more evidence of power/elite/ sexual deviancy... DNC / GOP alike...Franklin Scandal Omaha
  • Dennis Hastert, serial child molester had relationship with John Podesta
  • Alan Dershowitz, alledgedly had multiple sexual encounters with underage sex slave Virginia Roberts (page) is staunch Israel defender and denigrates 9/11 Truth movement.
  • Tony Podesta
  • VigilantCitizen ... Marina Abramovic ... chairman-clintons-campaign-john-podesta-attended-occult-spirit-cooking-dinner-hosted-marina-abramovic
  • Jeffrey Epstein
  • James Alefantis.Podesta's use of "pizza" is in "weird cryptic language." ... The conspiracies were fueled by the fact that Alefantis is the former romantic partner of David Brock, the longtime Democratic operative behind Media Matters and Correct the Record, a rapid-response outfit created to counter anti-Clinton theories on the internet..
  • Wikileaks email links below
  • Virginia Roberts, sex slave
  • Any accusation of Israeli human trafficking to harvest blood is met with counter charges of anti-Semitism and reference to the Blood Libel controversy much as the Holocaust hoax is used to shield Israelis from their crimes against Palestinians. The Jewish practise of Rabbis sucking the blood from the circumcised newborn's penis has links in this context. It's called Brit milah, metzitzah b'peh, mohel, bris, MBP, religious fascination with blood.
  • SOTT a painting in Podesta's office depicting cannablism
  • StewWebb site... reference to mounds of circumstantial evidence.
  • Eric Braverman, (outed as a mole by Podesta in this email) the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation, MIA
  • Nazi / Zionist collaboration ... Jim Condit YouTube in the context of accusation that the alt-right movement is a Neo-Nazi organization... attempts to conflate these groups is disengenuous intellectual treachery.
  • New York Post NEWS New Clinton emails found during Anthony Weiner sexting probe
  • Your News Wire NYPD: Hillary Clinton ‘Child Sex Scandal’ About To Break NYPD sources, files found on Weiner’s newly found laptop which he shared with his wife Huma Abedin, show evidence of a political pedophile ring operating within Washington, involving members of Congress as well as numerous top Clinton aides and insiders, high ranking Democratic Senator, seach terms: NYPD will go public ... Abedin and Weiner were cooperating with fed agents, seeking immunity, looking at cell phone activity, Jeffrey Epstein, his Boeing 727, Lolita Express, Orgy Island, Sex Slave Island, various pimps, Bill Clinton visited over 20 times... ..
  • HRC letter to Podesta ... Cooking with Fratelli Podesta fundraiser hosted by Tony and John Podesta... below


  • Reddit Podesta invited to late-night dinner for pizza
  • Occidental Observer CNN report in 1998, Israel now has the highest per capita consumption of prostitute services in the world. According to a CNN report in 1998, Israel now has the highest per capita consumption of prostitute services in the world. One million visits are paid to prostitutes each month, making brothel hopping one of the nation’s most popular pastimes. Thousands of women are abducted annually — mostly from Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Uzbekistan and China — and sold into sex slavery in Israel
  • ABCNews (Fake News MSM propaganda): ... Dec 2016 ... On blogs, YouTube channels and internet radio shows devoted to conspiracy theories, the arrest of Edgar Maddison Welch on Sunday was just the latest "false flag," a term for a cover-up or distraction orchestrated by the government or other powerful figures. The persistent belief in the false-flag theory shows just how stubborn fabricated conspiracies can be, according to experts. ... James Fetzer, a longtime conspiracy theorist who also believes the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax, told The Associated Press that Welch's visit to the pizzeria was staged to distract the public from the truth of the "pizzagate" allegations.
  • Chelsea Clinton is rumored to be considering running for New York Congressional seat.
  • CNSNews ... A federal appeals court judge ruled ... that under the Federal Records Act (FRA), Secretary of State John Kerry was required by law to ask Attorney General Loretta Lynch to “initiate enforcement proceedings” to help him and U.S. Archivist David Ferriero recover emails that his predecessor, Hillary Clinton, kept on her private accounts.
  • ConservativeDaily A source from the FBI has indicated that a third development has been launched from the Clinton investigation that a massive child trafficking and pedophile sex ring operates in Washington, D.C. According to these reports, there are at least 6 members of Congress and several leaders from federal agencies that partake in the pedophile ring, which they say was run directly with the Clinton Foundation as a front
  • podesta
  • Eater.com debunks Weinergate, Pizzagate
  • FoxNews ... Media Matters boss paid former partner $850G 'blackmail' settlement ... after being threatened with damaging information involving the organization’s donors and the IRS – a deal that Brock later characterized as a blackmail payment, according to legal documents obtained by FoxNews.com.
  • Haaretz Three Israelis Arrested on Suspicion of Organ Trafficking Surgeon among suspects; traffickers would approach poor people and offer to buy a kidney for transplant in Turkey... The three were arrested on Tuesday at the end of a month-long undercover investigation. On Wednesday, the Rishon Letzion Magistrate’s Court ordered Dr. Michael Ziss and Shlomi Biton held without bail, and released the third suspect to house arrest. Ziss, a surgeon, was extradited from Ukraine to Israel in 2009 on similar suspicions. He and Biton were eventually charged with organ trafficking and conspiracy to commit a crime in that case, which is still being heard by the Be’er Sheva District Court. But in October 2014, the court rejected the prosecution’s request to keep Ziss in jail until the end of his trial.
  • Haaretz NY Yeshiva U. Hires Convicted Sex Offender (Akiva Roth) as Teacher Decision calls into question the university's hiring practices ...New York's Yeshiva University, still reeling from allegations that for decades its leaders dealt improperly with allegations of sexual abuse, has hired a new faculty member who was previously convicted of inappropriate sexual behavior with boys, the Forward newspaper reports. see Rabbi Norman Lamm, who was its president from 1976 until 2003. ... $380 million lawsuit pending ... Roth worked at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as its northeast region synagogue initiative director, and for the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York as an Israel engagement coordinator. read more: http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/news/1.551297
  • Haaretz NYT Finds 'Disproportionate Role' of Israelis in World Organ Trafficking ... Costa Rican authorities announced last year that they had uncovered an international organ trafficking ring that specialized in selling kidneys to Israeli and eastern European patients. The Times said it was able to identify 11 patients – six of them Israelis – who underwent kidney transplants in San Jose, as well as two other Israelis who arrived to the Costa Rican capital with donors for procedures they said would not have been approved back home. The report puts Dr. Francisco Mora Palma, head of nephrology at the large Calderon Guardia Hospital in San Jose, at the center of the operation in Costa Rica.
  • asdf WMR has learned that the Purple Hotel (Obama trysts)...weekday afternoon parties were attended by Rezko, Levine, and Obama.  More
  • NYTimes Alfred Kinsey ... MORE than half a century after the publication of his landmark study, "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male," Alfred C. Kinsey remains one of the most influential figures in American intellectual history.... Thanks to him, it's now common knowledge that almost all men masturbate, that women peak sexually in their mid-30's and that homosexuality is not some one-in-a-million anomaly. ..Though some hail him for liberating the nation from sexual puritanism, others revile him as a fraud whose "junk science" legitimized degeneracy.... Kinsey's detractors, who are eager to take on the man they blame, in part, for the gay movement, Roe v. Wade, sex education, the glamorization of pornography and the loosening of sex-offender laws.
  • Wall Stree Journal ...
  • Washington City Paper...Alt Right Conspiracy Theorists Obsess Over Comet Ping Pong..Unlikely theory pulls in Chevy Chase pizzeria..Comet owner James Alefantis..In Chevy Chase, Comet Ping Pong is known for its pizzas, concerts, and ping pong tables. On the grimiest corners of the rightwing internet, though, the restaurant has earned another reputation this election cycle: as the potential home base of a global Democratic sex ring..did Podesta have a handkerchief with a "pizza-related" map on it?..and the sliding doors in front of the restaurant's bathrooms, dubbed "hidden rooms." ... To the alt right, though, "pizza" became a suspected code word for illegal sex trafficking. Pizza Party Ben, an associate of Breitbart provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, writes in a Twitter message to WCP that Podesta's use of "pizza" is in "weird cryptic language." ... The conspiracies were fueled by the fact that Alefantis is the former romantic partner of David Brock, the longtime Democratic operative behind Media Matters and Correct the Record, a rapid-response outfit created to counter anti-Clinton theories on the internet. Given the nature of its operation, Correct the Record takes up an outsized space in the minds of righty conspiracy theorists.
  • pingpong
  • Wikipedia Pizzagate (conspiracy theory, a large # of details omitted including any references to Spirit Cooking, Spirit Cooking, Podesta, Abramovic, Haiti, Clinton Foundation, Weiner.. etc) ... Podesta's emails contain coded messages referring to human trafficking, ... BuzzFeed News tracing its origin to a tweet written by a "reputed white supremacist" on October 30, 2016 which claimed that emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop revealed the existence of a pedophilia ring linked to members of the Democratic Party ... The theory also proposed that the ring was a meeting ground for satanic ritual abuse ... use of handerchief codes sited (cheese pizza, hot dogs, nuts are pedo net terms) ... Madeleine McCann link probably a diversion? ... see Voat ... Reddit and other sites have banned Pizzagate ...( Wikipedia focuses on Edgar Maddison Welch shooting incident while ignoring far more important facts... this is significant)
  • WND FBI has evidence that Hillary Clinton visited Orgy Island ... Citing a “well-placed source” in the New York Police Department, Blackwater USA founder and retired Navy SEAL Erik Prince claims that among the 650,000 Huma Abedin emails on her estranged husband’s laptop is evidence Hillary Clinton, as well as former President Bill Clinton, was a visitor to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Caribbean hideaway, known as “Orgy Island.”
  • Wikipedia Jeffrey Epstein Jeffrey Edward Epstein (born January 20, 1953) is an American financier and sex offender. He worked at Bear Stearns early in his career and then formed his own firm, J. Epstein & Co. In 2008, Epstein was convicted of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution, for which he served 13 months in prison ... Solicitation of prostitution[edit] In March 2005, a woman contacted Palm Beach police and alleged her 14-year-old daughter had been taken to Jeffrey Epstein's mansion by an older girl and paid $300 after stripping and massaging him.[ She had undressed, but left the encounter wearing her underwear. Police started an 11-month undercover investigation of Epstein, followed by a search of his home. Subsequently, they alleged that Epstein had paid several escorts to perform sexual acts on him. Interviews with five alleged victims and seventeen witnesses under oath, a high-school transcript and other items they found in Epstein's trash and home allegedly showed that some girls were under 18. A search of Epstein's home found large numbers of photos of girls throughout the house, some of whom had been interviewed earlier by the police. Papers filed in 2006 alleged that Epstein installed concealed cameras in numerous places on his property to record sexual activity with underage girls by prominent people for criminal purposes such as blackmail. Epstein had set up a system of young women recruiting other women for his massage services. Two housekeepers stated to the police that Epstein would receive "massages" every day whenever he stayed in Palm Beach. In May 2006, Palm Beach police filed a probable cause affidavit saying that Epstein should be charged with four counts of unlawful sex with minors and one molestation count. His team of lawyers included Gerald Lefcourt, Alan Dershowitz and later Ken Starr.[10] Epstein passed a lie detector test in which he was asked whether he knew of the underage status of the girls—although lie detector tests are generally not admissible in a court of law.
  • sdfg


  • CNSNews ... A federal appeals court judge ruled ... that under the Federal Records Act (FRA), Secretary of State John Kerry was required by law to ask Attorney General Loretta Lynch to “initiate enforcement proceedings” to help him and U.S. Archivist David Ferriero recover emails that his predecessor, Hillary Clinton, kept on her private accounts. The ruling by Senior Circuit Judge Stephen Williams for the D.C. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia pointed out that not only does the FRA “strictly limit the circumstances under which records can be removed from federal custody or destroyed,” the statute also gives agency heads “no discretion to determine which cases to pursue.” The decision was the result of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch in May 2015 that sought to compel Kerry’s compliance with the FRA after he refused to ask Lynch to help him retrieve tens of thousands of emails sent by Clinton and her top aides while she was secretary of state that had not been turned over to the State Department. search terms: Clinton handed over 55,000 pages of emails, deleted 30,000 supposed personal emails, Chelsea wedding, yoga, vacations, Williams overturned a lower court decision in January by U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg that dismissed Judicial Watch’s lawsuit, which was consolidated with a similar one filed by the Cause of Action (CoA) Institute... dereliction of duty ... CoA Institute vice president John Vecchione ...
  • MilleniumReport The pedophilia scandals that have rocked the USA are actually just a cover-up for something much more serious and sinister. As follows: Much of the child trafficking is actually being conducted in the interest of (i) organ trafficking from young, healthy yet involuntary child donors, (ii) tissue harvesting from extremely young and/or euthanized infants and (iii) blood harvesting from the same. This is the real goal of the massive pedophilia network that has taken over American government and the Motion Picture Industry (Jewish-run Hollywood). The conspirators who control the pedo-networks from the very top are seeking to use the children in far more nefarious ways than ever talked or written about.
  • WMR's previous reports that House Speaker Dennis Hastert was involved in a homosexual circle involving congressional staffers also appears to be mentioned in the deposition, along with the fact that Hastert's activities were known to foreign intelligence agents and that the foreign agents sometimes participated in trysts at Hastert's townhouse. On October 7, 2006, WMR reported on Hastert's homosexual trysts: "The rumors about another top GOP member of the House being involved in sexual encounters with young "men for hire" are confirmed to WMR by well-placed sources in Washington's gay community. The member in question is House Speaker Dennis Hastert, whose 'alternate' life style is the primary reason for him and his staff covering up the scandal involving ex-Florida GOP Rep. Mark Foley and his lewd messages sent to underage male congressional pages. Hastert's penchant to receive anal sex is well-known to our sources in DC's gay community. Additionally, Hastert's reported extremely small penis is the subject of many jokes among Washington's gay circles." After leaving Congress, Hastert became a lobbyist for the Turkish government MORE BELOW
  • VeteransToday ... Israel has, in the past, been a center for dubious human organ trafficking operations. It is also the case that Palestinian prisoners in Israel have sought to sell their kidneys to feed their children. ..., the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reported that Palestinian prisoners who died at the hands of Israeli troops had their organs harvested. ... Now comes the charges from Iraq’s ambassador that ISIL is removing human organs from its victims. But who are the buyers? Given Israel’s tacit support for Syrian rebels, including ISIL and groups like the Al Nusra Front that are allied with it, Israel is the likely customer for the Iraqi body parts in a quid pro quo that only a Dr. Frankenstein could admire. For a nation like Israel that is full of anti-Arab zealots and racists, that sort of animosity does not seem to extend, even under bizarrely antiquated Jewish religious laws, to placing Arab kidneys, livers, and pancreas into the bodies of Israeli Jews in need of organ transplants. MORE
  • VOAT Connection between the Norway Pedophile Network and the Clinton Foundation via HEAL AFRICA ... Clinton replaced the local HEAL Africa Christian group who had a clinic in Africa for women and babies, with a Norwegian team back in 2009 or so. The team was upset with being replaced as you can see in the email link below, and even though it sounds like they were doing a good job, Clinton replaced them with a Norwegians team. Wikileaks And now this... RT, ...and ... ... ... Hegnar ... Zerhedge ... After the Norway Pedo network got busted, Norway pulled its funding from the Clinton Foundation! Norway’s ministry of foreign affairs said that it has not renewed pledges it had with the Clinton Foundation which ended in 2015.“Norway has signed several agreements which aimed to help reduce maternal and child mortality in countries with high mortality burden to ensure progress on the [Millennium Development Goals],” Guri Solberg, the communications adviser for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Finansavisen. They don't specifically mention HEAL AFRICA, but you can surmise by the context that they are referring to the HEAL AFRICA program... WayneMadsenReport January 30-February 1, 2009 -- SPECIAL REPORT. New information surfaces on Israeli, Soviet blackmailing of U.S. politicians in early 1980s NY Probe Breaks the Story, WaPo Whitewashes It Feds Spin Wheels in Probes DC’s “Chicken Hawk” Scene The New York Connection Foreign Agents Buy “Call Boy” Customer Names Famous Names Named Coming Next: Who’s Still On the Case WMR has obtained copies of the reporter's notes of Lou Chibbaro of Washington's Blade newspaper on his in-depth and pioneering investigation of the blackmailing of clients, many of whom were members of Congress, in the early 1980s by intelligence agents of Israel and the then-Soviet Union. Of the top intelligence agencies identified in the blackmail of U.S. clients of underage call boy services, only the Israeli Mossad still exists as a major intelligence force in the nation's capital. The KGB disappeared along with the Soviet Union in 1991. The revelations about foreign intelligence use of the client lists of various call boy services in Washington, DC and its suburbs in the late 1970s and early 1980s were first brought forth by a special investigator for the New York State Select Committee on Crime, Its Causes, Control and Effect on Society named Dale Smith at a hearing in New York City on July 27, 1982. Smith named Soviet, Israeli, and British intelligence agents as involved in buying client lists from the call boy companies. The Washington Post reported on the testimony by Smith in a July 28, 1982 article, with a highly-misleading headline,"Sale of Male Sex Client Lists Unconfirmed, Ex-Investigator Says." No mention is made that the males involved were juveniles nor was there any mention in the entire article of Israeli intelligence. The article led off with "A former investigator for a New York state crime committee has testified that Washington area out-call male prostitution representatives have told him that lists of clients have been sold to Soviet and other foreign intelligence agents." The lack of a reference to Israel was not the first time that the Post waved its "blue and white" colors in corrupting news stories. MORE
  • Mondoweis It is Israel’s darkest secret – or so argues one Israeli journalist – in a country whose short history is replete with dark episodes. Last month Tzachi Hanegbi, minister for national security, became the first government official to admit that hundreds of babies had been stolen from their mothers in the years immediately following Israel’s creation in 1948. In truth, the number is more likely to be in the thousands. For nearly seven decades, successive governments – and three public inquiries – denied there had been any wrongdoing. They concluded that almost all the missing babies had died, victims of a chaotic time when Israel was absorbing tens of thousands of new Jewish immigrants. But as more and more families came forward – lately aided by social media – to reveal their suffering, the official story sounded increasingly implausible. Although many mothers were told their babies had died during or shortly after delivery, they were never shown a body or grave, and no death certificate was ever issued. Others had their babies snatched from their arms by nurses who berated them for having more children than they could properly care for. According to campaigners, as many as 8,000 babies were seized from their families in the state’s first years and either sold or handed over to childless Jewish couples in Israel and abroad. To many, it sounds suspiciously like child trafficking. -MORE
  • Hotline Over the years, the patterns of human trafficking in Israel have changed: in the 1990s, most of the trafficking was of women brought over from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) for sex work. Following activism of human rights organizations, Knesset members and eventually the Israeli Police, this phenomenon has been eliminated almost entirely. These days, most human trafficking victims are migrant workers who’ve been held and employed in slavery-line conditions and survivors of the torture camps in Sinai. Non-governmental organizations first recognized the phenomenon of human trafficking in Israel in 1997, with the publishing of a first report on the subject by the Women’s Lobby in Israel. Public advocacy and media campaigns of the Hotline for Refugees and Migrants in 1999 and 2000 along with an Amnesty International report published in 2000 were unsuccessful is getting authorities to recognize the problem, although the same year the Knesset passed a law against the trafficking of women for the purpose of prostitution. Israeli authorities began recognizing that there is a problem only after the U.S. State Department placed Israel alongside Pakistan and Bahrain in Tier 3 of the annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report in 2001 – the lowest possible level, indicating that Israel is doing nothing to combat human trafficking within its borders. That year and the coming years, most of the trafficking victims were women from FSU who were trafficked into Israel for the sex trade.
  • WayneMadsenReport April 14, 2010 -- Israeli general at center of Israeli organ trafficking. Echoing the famous line from the movie "Casablanca," Israeli police say they are "shocked" to find organ trafficking in their country. Last week, Israeli police arrested six people, including reserve Israeli Defense Force (IDF) General Meir Zamir, for organ trafficking. A Palestinian woman from Nazareth was flown to Azerbaijan to have her kidney removed on a promise of $100,000 from the Israeli organ trafficking ring. However, the woman never received the money after her kidney was removed. An 18-year old male was flown to the Philippines by the Israeli ring in order to have his kidney removed with a promise of $80,000. Reprising the role of Inspector Louis Reynaud in "Casablnca," Israeli Police Superintendent Ahron Galor was quoted by BBC, "We ran an undercover investigation and we were shocked by the proportions of this." However, there was evidence for the past several years that Israel was engaged in illegal organ trafficking and even organ theft from Palestinians killed by Israeli troops. On February 22, 2008, WMR reported: "Francis Delmonico, MD, in a paper presented at a February 21 seminar at the Cato Institute in Washington in opposition to organ trafficking and marketing for organ sales . . . decried the fact that Israel is outsourcing kidney and liver transplants to Colombia and the Philippines. Israel has, in the past, been a center for dubious human organ trafficking operations. It is also the case that Palestinian prisoners in Israel have sought to sell their kidneys to feed their children. MORE and see RealJewNews A KIDNEY BY ANY OTHER NAME WOULD SMELL AS SOUR,” can be said of the organ-trafficking and money-laundering FBI sting operation which implicated five Talmudic rabbis from New York and neighboring New Jersey. This international rabbinical operation spanned from Jewish-entrenched New York to the Jewish state of Israel. The FBI used an informant, a Talmudic Jew named Solomon Dwek, to approach the rabbis — who were from the Syrian Jewish community in Brooklyn NY and Deal NJ — to help hide his assets. Deal is a wealthy oceanfront borough of New Jersey where the rabbis and their Jewish accomplices have posh summer homes.
  • WMR  "Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, who former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds revealed had accepted bribes from Turkish principals close to the American Turkish Council, joined Dickstein Shapiro after resigning his House seat. FBI wiretaps also revealed that Turkey, along with Israel, were major players in the nuclear smuggling ring involving Pakistani nuclear scientist A Q Khan. It was this ring that was also being targeted by Brewster Jennings and Plame before they were outed by Libby and other senior White House officials." full story
  • WayneMadsenReport October 29, 2007 -- Child trafficking scandal linked to Elysee Palace He is short, tempestuous, mercurial, has called "scum" the faithful of a Middle East religion, and he possesses nuclear weapons. He is not Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He is French President Nicolas Sarkozy and American viewers of CBS 60 Minutes last night got a view of the bizarre behavior of Sarkozy, one of the newest neocons to occupy a seat of power in the world. On October 24, Chadian police arrested nine French citizens who were trying to fly 103 children from Darfur, Sudan and Chad to France. The children, who were between ages 1 and 9, were being flown by a three-year old non-profit group called l'Arche de Zoe, or "Zoe's Ark" and another affiliated group called Children Rescue. French families, according to the October 27 New York Times, had paid some $3500 per child to obtain custody. There were no records of any legal agreements made for French families to take custody of the children. Many of the children are not orphans and have families. Moreover, the BBC reported that the organizers of the mass kidnapping offered the children candy, biscuits, and money to entice them into going to France. The argument by the French charity that the care for the African children was only to be "temporary," was countered by a BBC report that some children were told that if they went to France, they would be given cars to drive when they were 19 years of age. After Chadian and French authorities accused Zoe's Ark of criminal activity, the group said it had the support of President Sarkozy, his now-estranged wife Cecilia, and the Elysee Palace. Sarkozy's spokesman quickly denied any association with the group. On April 9, 2007, WMR reported: "With the French presidential election on April 22 and neo-cons everywhere anxious to see one of their own, Nicolas Sarkozy, garner a majority of the vote in the first of two elections, Sarkozy has, in a major blow to his fortunes, tipped his hand on a theme common to neo-con politicians in France, the United States, Canada, Australia, Britain, and other countries -- their fascination with, defense of, and participation in pedophilia and pedophilic rituals. In an interview with a French magazine, Sarkozy said he is 'inclined to think that people are born pedophiles, and that it is also a problem that we do not know how to manage.'" The French handled the "problem" by electing Sarkozy President of France. Wherever neocons go, degenerate behavior is not far behind.
  • MilleniumReport The pedophilia scandals that have rocked the USA are actually just a cover-up for something much more serious and sinister. As follows: Much of the child trafficking is actually being conducted in the interest of (i) organ trafficking from young, healthy yet involuntary child donors, (ii) tissue harvesting from extremely young and/or euthanized infants and (iii) blood harvesting from the same. This is the real goal of the massive pedophilia network that has taken over American government and the Motion Picture Industry (Jewish-run Hollywood). The conspirators who control the pedo-networks from the very top are seeking to use the children in far more nefarious ways than ever talked or written about.
  • https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/10BUENOSAIRES166_a.html
  • Podesta invited to a late night "dinner" at Comet pizza in October 2008. Featuring "big or small. You decide" the same month as Eric McFadden was arranging sex with a minor.
  • Re: Comet Ping Pong and OBAMA...and Podesta?. From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2008-09-28 00:48 Subject: Re: Comet Ping Pong and OBAMA...and Podesta?.
  • Washington City Paper...Alt Right Conspiracy Theorists Obsess Over Comet Ping Pong..Unlikely theory pulls in Chevy Chase pizzeria..Comet owner James Alefantis..In Chevy Chase, Comet Ping Pong is known for its pizzas, concerts, and ping pong tables. On the grimiest corners of the rightwing internet, though, the restaurant has earned another reputation this election cycle: as the potential home base of a global Democratic sex ring..did Podesta have a handkerchief with a "pizza-related" map on it?..and the sliding doors in front of the restaurant's bathrooms, dubbed "hidden rooms." ... To the alt right, though, "pizza" became a suspected code word for illegal sex trafficking. Pizza Party Ben, an associate of Breitbart provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, writes in a Twitter message to WCP that Podesta's use of "pizza" is in "weird cryptic language." ... The conspiracies were fueled by the fact that Alefantis is the former romantic partner of David Brock, the longtime Democratic operative behind Media Matters and Correct the Record, a rapid-response outfit created to counter anti-Clinton theories on the internet. Given the nature of its operation, Correct the Record takes up an outsized space in the minds of righty conspiracy theorists.
  • InvestmentWatchBlog
  • TruePundit
  • Abedin forwarded classified and top secret State Department emails to Weiner’s email
  • Abedin stored emails, containing government secrets, in a special folder shared with Weiner warehousing over 500,000 archived State Department emails.
  • Weiner had access to these classified and top secret documents without proper security clearance to view the records
  • Abedin also used a personal yahoo address and her Clintonemail.com address to send/receive/store classified and top secret documents
  • A private consultant managed Weiner’s site for the last six years, including three years when Clinton was secretary of state, and therefore, had full access to all emails as the domain’s listed registrant and administrator via Whois email contacts.
  • ...................................
  • HarvardHRJ Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame: How the Haitian Child Trafficking Scheme Embodies the Western Disregard for the Integrity of Poor Families Shani M. King* ... In January 2010, an earthquake in Haiti left hundreds of thousands of people dead, injured, and displaced, and over a million homeless.1 Three weeks after the earthquake, Haitian authorities arrested a group of Idaho missionaries for attempting to cross the border into the Dominican Republic with 33 children, without papers or proper authorization.2 The missionaries claimed they had the good intentions to set up an orphanage,3 but investigations showed that none of the children were orphans and that the missionaries may have been attempting to smuggle the children out of Haiti to be adopted internationally
  • Wikipedia In April 2015, U.S. District Court Judge Kenneth A. Marra struck all allegations from the pleadings which referred to or related to Dershowitz. The Court struck the allegations under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(f), which empowers the Court to strike "immaterial, impertinent or scandalous matter" and considered the striking of the allegations a "sanction" against the petitioners.



Antiwar Nude Protest

more on Obama, Passport gate ... James A. Baker III, 1992, implicated in Clinton passport file scandal? 

and above: Houston Baring Witness Natural Expression Against Naked Aggression

WorldNakedBikeRide    videos on YouTube and Flickr 


  • Just Seeds  Justseeds/Visual Resistance Artists' Cooperative is a decentralized community of artists who have banded together to both sell their work online in a central location and to collaborate with and support each other and social movements. Our website is not just a place to shop, but also a destination to find out about current events in radical art and culture. Our blog covers political printmaking, socially engaged street art, and culture related to social movements. We believe in the power of personal expression in concert with collective action to transform society.

Wikipedia Nude  Nudity is the state of wearing no clothing.[1] It is sometimes used to refer to wearing significantly less clothing than expected by the conventions of a particular culture and situation, and in particular exposing the bare skin of intimate parts and has analogous uses. more terms: stripped, plain, bare, unadorned, from Latin Nudus, unsupported by truth,  later: to be uncovered, could be artistic and tasteful, or a strip search, unclad, undressed and embarrassed,  and see denuded, peeled, continued below

Go to:  Creation Museum, Patrick Marsh, creator of Jaws and King Kong exhibits, recruited by Ken Ham.  

Go to Creation Museum Jokes page ... Jesus didn't need a marketing machine.  What would Jesus think?

NudeFest2007 British Naturism, sunbathing terraces, children and toddlers play areas, Eden Project, naturist places, naturist exhibition center, body and face painting, 





and see the Argentine Lake Duck, 'Proof of Intelligent Design' 




go to Nude Protest 

page 2  

page 3

GOP Hypocrisy

virtual nude protesting, virtual naked protesting, virtual naked protester.

Stop Bush Fascism





  • lots of Larry Craig GOP hypocrisy stuff

  • Just Seeds

  • Mujeres Creando, Bolivia, feminist organization, 
  • Peaceline Panorama, The Brecht Forum
  • Plain Human, San Francisco
  • Queerty
  • Gran Fury,  creative/ graphic collective, AIDS, including Silence=Death, 
  • The Billboard Liberation Front
  • Theodore A. Harris, political collage,
  • with Amiri Baraka,  M. K. Asante, Jr. and Gene Ray, Philidelphia



World Wide Nudism & Naturism Nude War Protest

Point Reyes Light nude protest

page 2  Nude Protest

page 3  Nude Protest




















Which one is the child molester?

There's a big difference between nude protest and Catholic priests sexually abusing little boys.

go to NewsFollowUp antiwar page

see clinton suspicious deaths list

  and Clinton / Bush suspicious deaths list


Go to NewsFollowUp.com protest page



see the NFU Boycott page



The Pentagon, 9/11, the surveillance camera could not have missed the attack aircraft.



Cheney/ Neocon Iran Attack stopped by U. S. Military


Nude students from the Santiago de Compostela University stage a protest in city's streets on Tuesday, 11 December 2001, against the Spanish University Reform Law. Picture: AFP PHOTO EPA-EFE/LAVANDEIRA

Lucy was Liberal?   Early Humans

Ways to protest: Naked in the snow, on  a roof top or bicycle, naked bike ride, World Naked Bike Ride the craziest, wildest, most insane event of the year, 70 cities, 20 countries, WNBR, and affiliated events, 






Naked Protest

disrobed, exposed, to show skin, as in stark naked, makes one blush, and how about 'full nudity' buck naked, full Monte, birthday suit, can't forget Adam and Eve, pubic hair visible, private parts are showing, a no-no in Christian cultures, its shame, shameful, bad, but mostly necessary for sex, sexual parts.  And then there's genitals no-nos, ok at nudist colonies but not in the movies, well except pornos, see ratings system, which brings up the idea of partial nudity, half-naked, near-naked, naked beach, bare-ass, bare-balls, buttocks, breasts, balls, all that sort of stuff, and topless, topfree, bare-chested, cleavage, crack, vagina, labia, thongs, camel-toe,  Wikipedia Nude






Gannongate, White House sleepovers, military porn site,  prostitute ...how is this connected to Congress, Clergy sex scandals


White House, pedophilia scandal and cover-up

   watch YouTube video







Bush / Texas / Omaha, pedophile sex scandals





photo credit: Jonah and Kari Winters, Artists Against War
 Cleveland, March 2004

Some words to attach to the naked protest movement: Public Nudity in the Public Interest, PETA Tiger-girls-in-cages, Lady Godiva, the patroness of all nude protesters,  Florida's Seventh Judicial Circuit Court  of Appeals  ruled that women may demonstrate topless as part of a legitimate political event, striking down the arrest of women who repeatedly flout laws banning women from publicly being bare breasted.  Naked bikers many times violate local bans  on public nudity, but there shear numbers and cost of police action limits what local officials will do.  A pretty girl wearing nothing but clear plastic is an effective attention getter.  Berkeley against Bush protesters reveal love and march in the nude and express their distaste for the current administration policies.


Spencer Tunick, mass nude activism             

page 2  Nude Protest

page 3  Nude Protest

Byron Bay Protests? search terms antiwar sentiment, protest, body image, self-aware, in a public space, place, at the start of the 21st century, 

Dicks not Draft ZombieTime

Missle Attack?

Alphabetic Subject Index

911 Pentagon Memorial


below: A Somerset band who were denied a prestigious Radio 3 World Music Award because of their anti-war views, stormed the stage to launch a naked protest at The Ocean in London last night.

for XinhauNet Two female members of "PETA" posed nude in front of a KFC restaurant in Seoul capital of South Korea, Oct. 24, 2005, to protest against the way KFC raises and slaughters chicks. go to page 3


GOP Dirty Tricks



go to Nude Protest 

page 2  

page 3

  • from Bare Witness

    No GM crops nude protest, Forest Row, East Sussex, UK,

  • Buck Fush
  • Salaam
  • naked protest against GM crops, a vital issue affecting our future,  organizing a debate, demonstrate strong feelings,  Thalidomide and BSE were proven dangerous , but only after being claimed safe,  then tragic circumstances, long term consequences not understood, vast majority of Europeans don't want GM crops, and labeling for those that are.  If taking our clothes off is what it takes to draw attention, then go for it. GM is technology too far and too soon.  The common worker doesn't have the resources of large corporations, and must resort to whatever works, and is legal, and non-violent.  Non-violence is the only way.


Naked Bike Ride 


Holocaust Uses Swank (replaced with Rachel Weiz) to push Holocaust Hoax


Holocaust Inc. Uses Swank to Push HOLOHoax Film

Any neoNazi content on this page will only reference neoNazi / Zionist collaboration.


Emory NewsCenter: Hilary Swank will play Emory historian Deborah Lipstadt in upcoming movie.. more below.

Holocaust Inc. Uses Swank to Push Holohoax Film ... Article by Stephen Francis, NewsFollowUp.com May 11, 2015.

Being a Holocaust revisionist, the news of a new Holocaust themed movie featuring a hot successful Hollywood actress playing the part of a wet, butchy, Holohoax major general could not pass by my attention. Occasionally we are handed little gems that we should be graciously thankful for. There's just something really weird here.
We are now talking about Tinseltown, where looks are everything and are fair game for discussion. It would be an unsurmountable obstacle to find a popular actress (or actor) that could play the part of Deborah Lipstadt and also resemble her and in doing so would contribute to the success of the movie. I'm wondering if the director's drooling will cause a scene? Do the Holocaust and sexual fantasies mix well on screen? Do two myths (Holocaust and Hollywood) make a reality?
And also, being a revisionist, I have no restrictions on the content in the article unlike all those toeing the official line that the Holocaust was the most heinous act of (non) genocide in the history of civilization by heinously rascist Germans who knew only how to do heinous things to completely innocent Jewish victims... as, of course, the victors get to write the history that suits there will. We contend that a few hundred thousand Jews died from typhus and the chaos of war...a very small percentage of the 60 million deaths in WWII. The extortion racket continues to this day.
Most of the articles (except TheRealistReport) I've read so far about the movie keep to the facts about producers, directors ...etc. and predictably don't raise the slightest hair of political ire. Decades of initmidation tactics continue to keep things under control...but..???
There has been an uptick in the number of 'anti-Semitic' incidences over the past year that also has not escaped the attention of journalists around the world. There has been a steady stream of these acts for decades, but now just reporting on this fact is apparently not a sufficient response to stem there tide, so a new Shindler's List movie with its attendant pre-ordained Oscar nomination is not far off the horizon.
No mention in these articles the fact that the internet is changing the face of the media and that 'they'...Zionists don't have the control they used to have and now don't seem to know quite what to do about it other than revive their thrashing of David Irving. His website fpp.co.uk has some impressive traffic statistics which must be a threat. The truth has that effect sometimes.



Irving's Daily Newswatch: Lipstadt ... who used her right to smirk and remain silent, did not risk going into the witness box in the trial: how will the movie script get round that? and Irving's final address in the London libel trial. (IHR)

Emory University article on Lipstadt / Irving movie

Emory University historian Deborah Lipstadt's acclaimed 2005 book, "History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier," which chronicles her exoneration by a British court in a sensational libel trial, is being made into a feature film.

Two-time Academy Award winner Hilary Swank titsis attached to play Lipstadt, and two-time Academy Award nominee Tom Wilkinson is attached to play Lipstadt's barrister in "Denial," a film based on Lipstadt's book.

"I am delighted that this is coming to fruition," says Lipstadt, Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory. "It's been in the works for a while, but I never quite imagined it would come to be."  

Adapted for the screen by Academy Award nominated writer David Hare ("The Reader," "The Hours"), the book recounts Lipstadt's legal battle for historical truth against Irving, who sued her for libel when she declared him a Holocaust denier. In the English legal system, the burden of proof is on the accused; therefore it was up to Lipstadt and her legal team to prove the essential truth that the Holocaust actually happened and Irving had manipulated data to make history vanish.

The film will be directed by Emmy Award winner Mick Jackson ("Temple Grandin," "The Bodyguard") and produced by Gary Foster ("My Old Lady," "The Soloist," "Sleepless in Seattle") and Russ Krasnoff ("Community," "The Soloist") under their Krasnoff/Foster Entertainment banner alongside Shoebox Films.

"To have a script by David Hare, one of the great playwrights and screenwriters of our time, and to be played by Hilary Swank, who is not only winner of two Oscars but who has an uncanny ability to 'become' the character she is playing, is all a bit more than I ever imagined possible," Lipstadt says.  

Participant Media developed the project with BBC Films, and they are in discussions to co-finance. Alison Thompson is handling international sales and will introduce "Denial" to buyers at the Cannes Film Festival. A fall 2015 start is planned for the project.

"This is a powerful story about the legal and personal battle Deborah Lipstadt fought to defend the veracity of historical facts. No one has the right to erase history by distorting the truth and David Hare's brilliant script weaves a relevant and thrilling journey," say producers Foster and Krasnoff. "We are very excited to be working with such a lauded cast, led by the incredible Hilary Swank and Tom Wilkinson. Coupled with director Mick Jackson — it truly is an award winning combination."

Krasnoff says he first became aware of Lipstadt when he visited the Emory website and saw a story about efforts to increase access to Lipstadt's Holocaust on Trial website, which educates the public on Holocaust denial and presents the legal and historical documents from the trial.
Wikipedia: Hilary Ann Swank (born July 30, 1974) is an American actress and producer. She has won two Academy Awards for Best Actress and has received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2007. Swank made her film debut in a minor role for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, before she made her breakout lead role in the fourth installment of the The Karate Kid franchise, The Next Karate Kid in 1994. On television, she was cast as part of the main cast in the eighth season of the drama series Beverly Hills 90210 as single mother Carly Reynolds from 1997 to 1998. Swank garnered critical acclaim for her portrayal of Brandon Teena in the 1999 biographical independent film Boys Don't Cry, which earned her the Academy Award for Best Actress and the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama. She starred in Clint Eastwood's 2004 sports drama film Million Dollar Baby as struggling-waitress-turned-boxer Maggie Fitzgerald, which won her a second Oscar and Golden Globe for Best Actress. She starred in other films, such as The Gift (2000), Insomnia (2002), Iron Jawed Angels (2004), The Reaping (2007), P.S. I Love You (2007), Freedom Writers (2007), Amelia (2009), New Year's Eve (2011), The Homesman (2014) and "You're Not You" (2014) Contents [hide] 1 Early life 2 Career 2.1 1990–1998 2.2 1999–2006 2.3 2007–present 3 Personal life 3.1 Human rights controversy 4 Filmography 5 Awards and nominations 6 References 7 External links Early life[edit] Swank was born in Lincoln, Nebraska.[1] Her mother, Judy Kay (née Clough),[2] was a secretary and dancer, and her father, Stephen Michael Swank, was a Chief Master Sergeant in the Oregon Air National Guard and later a traveling salesman.[3] She has a brother Daniel, who is eight years her senior.[4] Many of Swank's family members are from Ringgold County, Iowa.[1] Her maternal grandmother, Frances Martha Dominguez, was of Mexican (Spanish and Native American) descent, while Hilary's paternal grandmother was born in England; Hilary's roots also include German, other English, Swiss-German, Scottish, Scots-Irish, Welsh, and Dutch ancestry.[5][6] The surname "Swank", originally "Schwenk", is of German origin.[7] After living in Spokane, Washington, Swank's family moved to a trailer park near Lake Samish in Bellingham, Washington, when Swank was six.[8] She attended Happy Valley Elementary, Fairhaven Middle, then Sehome High School in Bellingham until she was sixteen.[6][9] She also competed in the Junior Olympics and the Washington state championships in swimming, and she ranked fifth in the state in all-around gymnastics. Swank made her first appearance on stage when she was nine years old, starring in The Jungle Book.[9] She became involved in school and community theater programs, including those of the Bellingham Theatre Guild and The Seattle Children's Theater. When she was fifteen, her parents separated, and she and her mother, supportive of her daughter's desire to act, moved to Los Angeles, where they lived out of their car until Swank's mother saved enough money to rent an apartment.[8] Swank has called her mother the inspiration for her acting career and her life.[10] In California, Swank enrolled in South Pasadena High School, dropping out later. She described her time at South Pasadena High School: “I felt like such an outsider. I didn't feel like I fit in. I didn't belong in any way. I didn't even feel like the teachers wanted me there. I just felt like I wasn't seen or understood.”[8] She explained her becoming an actor out of feeling as an outsider: “As a kid I felt that I belonged only when I read a book or saw a movie, and could get involved with a character. It was natural that I became an actor because I longed so much to be those other people, or at least to play them”.[11] Career[edit] 1990–1998[edit] Swank made her film debut, Buffy the Vampire Slayer in a small role, after which she acted in the direct-to-video drama Quiet Days in Hollywood, where she co-starred with her future husband at the time Chad Lowe.[4] Her first leading film role was in the fourth installment of the Karate Kid series, The Next Karate Kid (1994), which utilized her gymnastics background and paired her with Pat Morita. In 1995, she appeared with British actor Bruce Payne in Kounterfeit. In 1994, she also starred in the drama Cries Unheard: The Donna Yaklich Story as the abused step-daughter who was protected by Donna (Jaclyn Smith). In September 1997, Swank played single mother Carly Reynolds in Beverly Hills, 90210 and was initially promised it would be a two-year role, but saw her character written out after 16 episodes in January 1998.[6] Swank later stated that she was devastated at being cut from the show, thinking, "If I'm not good enough for 90210, I'm not good enough for anything."[12] 1999–2006[edit] The firing freed her to audition for the role of Brandon Teena in Boys Don't Cry. To prepare for the role, Swank lived as a man for a month and reduced her body fat to seven percent. Many critics hailed her as the best female performance of 1999 and her work ultimately won her the Golden Globe and Oscar for Best Actress.[6] Swank had earned only $75 per day for her work on the film, culminating in a total of $3,000.[13] Her earnings were so low that she had not even earned enough to qualify for health insurance.[14] Swank again won the Best Actress Oscar and another Golden Globe, for playing a female boxer in Clint Eastwood's 2004 film Million Dollar Baby, a role for which she underwent extensive training in the ring and weight room gaining 19 pounds of muscle, aided by professional trainer Grant L Roberts.[14] With her second Oscar, she had joined the ranks of Vivien Leigh and Luise Rainer as the only actresses to have been nominated for Academy Awards twice and win both times.[15] After winning her second Oscar, she said, "I don't know what I did in this life to deserve this. I'm just a girl from a trailer park who had a dream."[14] Swank at the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival In 2006, Swank signed a three-year contract with Guerlain for the women's fragrance Insolence.[16] She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on January 8, 2007 and was the 2,325th star presented.[17][18] 2007–present[edit] In 2007, Swank starred in Freedom Writers, about how a real-life teacher, Erin Gruwell, inspired a California high school class. Many reviews of her performance were positive, with one critic noting that she "brings credibility" to the role,[19] and another stating that her performance reaches a "singular lack of artifice, stripping herself back to the bare essentials".[20] Swank next starred in the horror film The Reaping, as a debunker of religious phenomena it was released on April 5, 2007. Swank convinced the producers to move the film's setting from New England to the Deep South, and the film was being filmed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana when Hurricane Katrina struck.[21] The same year, she also appeared in the romantic drama P.S. I Love You with Gerard Butler.[21][22] Swank portrayed the pioneering aviator Amelia Earhart in the biopic film Amelia that she also co-executive produced.[23] Filming began in summer 2008 in a number of international locations and Swank met Robert Bresnik, a San Diego artist who supported her role as Earhart by producing several photographic reproductions of the flyer, at Legoland. Bresnik's grandfather Albert Bresnik was Earhart's official photographer, and he owned the original negatives of his grandfather's shoots.[24] In 2012, Swank's audiobook recording of Caroline Knapp's Pack of Two: The Intricate Bond Between People and Dogs was released at Audible.com.[25] In 2013, she has starred in the television film Mary and Martha along with Brenda Blethyn.[26] In 2014 Swank played the lead role in You're Not You, where she starred as Kate, a woman who's life is shattered when she develops the degenerative disease ALS. She starred alongside Emmy Rossum and Josh Duhamel. Swank is attached to star in the Hollywood remake of Intimate Strangers.[27] It was incorrectly reported that she would play a lead role in, and produce a film adaptation of the John Marks novel Fangland.[28][29] Personal life[edit] Swank and First Lady Michelle Obama in 2011 While filming Quiet Days in Hollywood, Swank met and married Chad Lowe on September 28, 1997.[4][30][31] They divorced on November 1, 2007.[32] In 2006, Swank began dating her agent, John Campisi.[33] They ended their relationship in the summer of 2012.[34] Human rights controversy[edit] In October 2011, Swank attracted controversy for attending an event in Chechnya's capital Grozny on the 35th birthday of Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov on October 5.[35] After wishing him "Happy birthday, Mr. President", she reportedly claimed knowledge about Kadyrov saying: "I read. I do my provisory research".[36] Following criticism from human rights groups, who report having informed her about the human rights abuses in Chechnya prior to the event, asking her to reconsider her participation,[37][38] Swank said she was unaware that Kadyrov had been accused of human rights violations and that she "deeply regrets" taking part in the lavish concert, and will donate her personal appearance fees "to various charitable organizations."[39] Filmography[edit] Film Year Title Role Notes 1992 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Kimberly Hannah 1994 The Next Karate Kid Julie Pierce 1997 Quiet Days in Hollywood Lolita 1998 Heartwood Sylvia Orsini 1999 Boys Don't Cry Brandon Teena 2000 The Gift Valerie Barksdale The Audition N/A Short 2001 The Affair of the Necklace Jeanne St. Rémy de Valois 2002 Insomnia Detective Ellie Burr The Space Between N/A Short 2003 11:14 Buzzy The Core Major Rebecca Childs 2004 Red Dust Sarah Barcant Million Dollar Baby Maggie Fitzgerald 2006 Black Dahlia Madeleine Linscott 2007 The Reaping Katherine Winter Freedom Writers Erin Gruwell P. S. I Love You Holly Kennedy 2008 Birds of America Laura 2009 Amelia Amelia Earhart 2010 Conviction Betty Anne Waters 2011 The Resident Dr. Juliet Devereau New Year's Eve Claire Morgan Segment: Times Square 2014 The Homesman Mary Bee Cuddy You're Not You Kate Also producer 2016 Spark The Queen (voice) Filming Television Year Title Role Notes 1990 ABC TGIF Danielle 1991 Evening Shade Aimee No. 1 2 episodes 1991–1992 Growing Pains Sasha Serotsky 2 episodes 1992–1993 Camp Wilder Danielle 19 episodes 1994 Cries Unheard: The Donna Yaklich Story Patty Yaklich Movie 1996 Terror in the Family Deena Martin Movie 1997 Dying to Belong Lisa Connors Movie The Sleepwalker Killing Lauren Schall Movie Leaving L.A. Tiffany Roebuck 6 episodes 1997–1998 Beverly Hills, 90210 Carly Reynolds 16 episodes 2004 Iron Jawed Angels Alice Paul Movie 2013 Mary and Martha Mary Movie 2015 The One Percent Laura Murphy Pre-Production Direct-to-video Year Title Role Notes 1996 Sometimes They Come Back... Again Michelle Porter Kounterfeit Coleen Awards and nominations[edit] Year Nominated Work Award Result 1993 Camp Wilder Young Artist Award for Best Young Actress in a New Television Series Nominated 1999 Boys Don't Cry Academy Award for Best Actress Won Boston Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress Won Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress Won Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress Won Chicago International Film Festival- Silver Hugo Award for Best Actress Won Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress Won Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress Won Gijón International Film Festival Award for Best Actress Won Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama Won Independent Spirit Award for Best Lead Female Won Las Vegas Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress Won Las Vegas Film Critics Society Award for Most Promising Newcomer Won Molodist International Film Festival Award for Outstanding Performance Won Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress Won National Board of Review Awards for Breakthrough Performance Won New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress Won Online Film & Television Association Award for Best Actress Won Santa Fe Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress Won Satellite Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Won Southeastern Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress Won Stockholm Film Festival Award for Best Actress Won ShoWest Female Star of Tomorrow Won Toronto Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress Won Village Voice Film Poll- Best Actress Won National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress 2nd Place BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role Nominated Empire Award for Best Actress Nominated London Film Critics Circle Award for Actress of The Year Nominated MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss Nominated MTV Movie Award for Best Performance Nominated Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress Nominated Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role Nominated Teen Choice Award for Breakthrough Performance Nominated 2000 The Gift Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress Nominated 2002 Insomnia Empire Award for Best Actress Nominated 2003 11:14 DVDX Award for Best Actress (in a DVD Premiere Movie) Nominated 2004 Iron Jawed Angels TV Land Award for Little Screen/Big Star Won Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Miniseries or Television Film Nominated Online Film & Television Association Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture or Miniseries Nominated Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Miniseries or Television Movie Nominated Million Dollar Baby Academy Award for Best Actress Won Boston Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress Won Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress Won Central Ohio Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress Won Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress Won Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress Won Golden Globe Award for Best Actress- Motion Picture Drama Won Jupiter Award for Best International Actress Won Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress Won National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress Won Online Film & Television Association Award for Best Actress Won Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress Won Sant Jordi Award for Best Actress Won Satellite Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Drama Won SESC Film Festival Award for Best International Actress Won Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role Won St. Louis Gateway Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress Won Utah Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress 2nd Place Empire Award for Best Actress Nominated MTV Movie Award for Best Performance Nominated Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress Nominated Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture Nominated Vancouver Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress Nominated Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress Nominated 2007 Freedom Writers Golden Camera Award for Best International Actress Won P.S. I Love You Golden Camera Award for Best International Actress Won Irish Film & Television Award for Best International Actress Won 2009 Amelia Hollywood Film Festival Award for Best Actress Won Women's Image Network Award for Outstanding Actress- Feature Film Nominated 2010 Conviction Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role Nominated N/A Gotham Award- Tribute Award Won 2011 N/A Giffoni Film Festival-François Truffaut Award Won The Resident Fright Meter Award for Best Actress Nominated 2014 The Homesman Women Film Critics Circle Award for Best Ensemble Won Boston Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress 2nd Place Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress Nominated San Diego Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress Nominated Women Film Critics Circle Award for Courage In Acting Nominated Women Film Critics Circle Award for Invisible Woman Award Nominated Phoenix Critics Circle Award for Best Actress
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Naked most commonly describes a person in a state of nudity. It can also refer to: In music: Naked (Talking Heads album), a 1988 album released by Talking Heads Naked, a 1993 album from Zheng Jun Naked (Louise album), a 1996 album from Louise Redknapp Naked (Marques Houston album), a 2005 album by Marques Houston "Naked" (Marques Houston song) "Naked", an album by Amber released in early 2002. "Naked", an album by Blue Pearl released in 1990. "Naked", a song on the Spice Girls' 1996 album Spice "Naked", a song on Tracy Bonham's 2005 album Blink the Brightest "Naked", a song on the 2002 album Let Go (Avril Lavigne album) "Naked", a single on the Goo Goo Dolls album A Boy Named Goo "Naked", a song by Falco "Naked", a single taken from the Reef album Replenish Naked Music, a record label Naked Records, a record label Other: Naked (film), a 1993 film directed by Mike Leigh Naked (book), a book of humorous essays and stories by David Sedaris Naked DSL, digital subscriber line internet access without a PSTN or dial tone. Naked Juice, an organic drink company that produces various fruit and soy milk-based beverages Naked light, non-destructive image editing software Naked Science, a documentary Television series produced by National Geographic Channel Naked bike, a stripped-down style of motorcycle design  source: Wikipedia


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